Dr. Shaun Crowell for TN Gov
Republican governor, Bill Haslam, is in the process of submitting a plan to the HHS (formerly controlled by FEMA Death Marshall Kathleen Sebelius) to utilize Obamacare dollars in a manner similar to Arkansas and Iowa’s Private Option plans. Article Click HERE
dems (3)
With the Responses to the "State of Disillusion Address" being given by the Rino/Rep. Catherine McMorris Rogers Smith Jones Dupree Aloysius Legbiter, the Cultist Mike Lee (Cult of Mormon) it was no wonder that Rand Paul had to chime in. At this rate even I am thinking of who I need to side with. Not the Democrats, not the Rino's, NOT the New Liberals that are infiltrating the Tea Party, or switching sides with Extreme Leftist Wackos. Guess I better look into the , the, the I'm Drawing a Blank.
At Least Vlad Putin has it right. America is Godless under Obama.
Issue Trust Dems more Trust GOP more
Economy 39% 48%
Gov’t Ethics 33% 29%
Immigration 32% 47%
National Security 34% 51%
Abortion 36% 46%
Taxes 36% 52%
Social Security 37% 48%
Health Care 40% 51%
Education 41% 43%
Meanwhile, 40% of likely voters call the Obama administration LESS ethical than most past administrations; 31% believe the current administration is MORE ethical than past administrations; and 26% say they’re ABOUT the SAME ethically as past administrations were. This marks a decided loss of trust for the Obama adminstration in the last year when 54% rated the president’s and his people as more ethical.
As far as Obama, personally, 39% say he is LESS ethical than most past presidents; 28% say he is MORE ethical; and 28% are not sure. Since ethics is the only area in which Democrats have earned more trust than Republicans over the last two months of Rasmussen Reports, the broader base of Democratic officials are not being hurt by the President on this issue.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,