flooding (2)

To honor the memory of the Last Great American Statesman, William Proxmire (Wisconsin Senator for 32 years) whose “Golden Fleece Awards” uncovered shameless pork barrel projects and focused media attention on all manner of self-serving, waste, and corruption in the United States government: Rajjpuut has since June, 2009, been awarding the “Platinum Fleecer” to the elected or appointed official or private citizen most deserving of the illustrious title.

The May, 2010 Platinum Fleecer WINNER is:
President Barack Obama
Does the country get its money’s worth from their president? He certainly seems disposed to keeping those dollars in Washington, D.C., doesn’t he? A monstrous “Thousand Year Flood” hit Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi but Obama has not yet even mentioned these people’s plight nor used the words “disaster area.” Oklahoma and surrounding states have been hit three times by savage and deadly tornadoes, but again no mention of their sad situation and no federal assistance mentioned. The Gulf oil leak went on for five weeks before he seemed to realize it was happening . . . now, in fairness British Petroleum has the technology and Obama can do nothing along those lines, but . . . certainly the problems near and onshore created by the mess were easily predictable. Let’s say he had four full weeks to come up with a federal response to prepare a defense for them, to soften the blow for Louisiana and the other Gulf States and he did? Nothing?
Actually worse than nothing, he had the power to eliminate red tape so that Louisiana could have built some artificial barrier island constructs . . . but Obama insisted that the EPA do an environmental-impact study before that could begin (and it hasn't yet!). Let's see, you have some potential, presumably modest or absolutely minor future impact versus a monstrous absolutely certain impact NOW and we need to study that?????? Nice work, Mr. Prez!
Meanwhile he is putting every effort into passing “America’s Power Act” a Democratic euphemism for “cap and trade” legislation. Remember in his own words, “Under my policies, electricity costs would necessarily skyrocket!” Skyrocketing costs based upon a proven** fraudulent lie called global warming? Meanwhile he’s seeking to pass “comprehensive immigration reform” which means making 13-20 million illegal aliens American citizens within ten months (expecting to win 80% of their votes and lock in his re-election and the supremacy of the Democratic Party progressives for the next 50 years). Meanwhile he refuses to protect our borders and rants and raves about Arizona's attempts to protect theirs. Yeah, that’s a statesman for you. Congratulations, to Barack Obama the only four-time winner and May, 2010 Platinum Fleecer of the Month.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
** here's the truth from the ultra-LIBERAL London Times which had been banging the drum for global warming for almost a dozen years . . . they ate crow and released the truth which no American mainstream media source has done (still protecting our president and Al Gore!) . . . . here's the London Times story:

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