hard (6)
The odds of winning the Florida lottery,
1 in 22,957,480
The odds of winning the Powerball lottery,
1 in 175,223,510
The odds of winning Mega Millions lottery,
1 in 258,890,850
The odds of a disk drive failing in any given month, are roughly
1 in 36.
The odds of 2 different drives failing in the same month. are roughly
1 in 36 squared, or 1 in about 1,300.
The odds of 3 different drives failing in the same month. is 36 cubed.
or about1 in 46,656.
The odds of 7 different drives failing in the same month (like what happened at the IRS when they received a letter asking about emails
Targeting Conservative and pro Israeli groups) is (37 to the 7th power)
about 1 in 78,664,164,096. (78 Billion to 1)
In other words, the odds are greater you will Win the Florida Lottery 342
Times than having those seven IRS hard drives crashing in the same month!!!
- Educating/Connecting with new mothers/even grandmothers that need resources or place to turn to when facing the charge of preparing/caring for a special needs blessing child and maybe also sandwiched with the responsibility of primary care giver to a parent.
- Health Literacy %%%%%%There is plenty I can work with here.
I will do it in the way of a newsletter and website. I want to be a success so my date to launch is set for 1/1/2014.
Here is the web page address to the employee directory of Health and Human Services. This includes the CDC, NIH, SAMSA, FDA, Institutes of Health and all the rest. It took me a long time to find this. I cannot reconstruct the path. I am quite sure it was an accident that I stumbled across it.
Directory of Health and Human Services
Here is a trick. When you are trying to track down an employee put only 3 or 4 letters of the first name and last name. You may have to play around with it a little but I promise you can find the email address and more.
Power that is brokered by the agencies through rules and regulations is staggering. Change is never fast because of all the firewalls, roadblocks and hiding that go on. Part of my mission is to break this process down. Call it an informational enzymatic digestive action working on cyberspace at trans-dimensional warp speed and Scottie in heaven is working on the engines to help us in the endeavor. So pass it on and let’s take back what so many, including my father, brothers and more have fought to preserve in the form of freedom; even those that are warped with no sense of duty, respect, courtesy or moral aptitude have a right to it.
Use it when lobbying for healthcare change. I promise the regulations they enact under the power given to them by the government is tremendous. You have no idea how thankful I am to my parents right now and over the last four and a half years.
This will be long but I have already looked these up. I am not going to do anything until after the election with respect to some personal issues I want to work on due to the fact that I am lazy and don’t want to do the same thing twice.
Head of Health Human: email – Kathleen.Sebelius@hhs.gov Sibelius, Kathleen Agency OS Organization HHS/OS/IOS Job title Secretary HHS Room 120F Duty station Washington District of Columbia – Mail stop 200 Independence Ave. SW.
Asst sec HHS Howard K. Koh, M.D., M.P.H. Phone: (202) 690-7694 email Howard.Koh@hhs.gov
E.J. Holland, Jr. Assistant Sec.for Administration (ASA) Ned.Holland@hhs.gov Agency OS Organization HHS/ASA Job title ASA Rm 309F Duty station Washington District of Columbia Mail stop 200 Independence Ave SW Phone(202) 690-7431
Surgeon General - email Regina.Benjamin@hhs.gov Benjamin, Regina M. Agency OS OrganizationHHS/OS/OASH/OSG Job title Surgeon General United States Room 701-H station Washington District of Columbia Mail 200 Independence Ave SW Ph(202)401-8073
EMAIL – Jim.Esquea@hhs.gov Esquea, Jim Agency OS Organization HHS/OS/ASL Rm 416-G station Washington District of Columbia Mail 200 Independence Ave. SW Ph(202) 690-7627
Acting Ast Sec public affairs email Dori.Salcido@hhs.gov Salcido,Dori Agency OSOrganization HHS/OS/ASPA Job Acting Assistant Secretary Public Affairs Rm 647-D Duty Washington District Columbia Mail 200 Independence Avenue SW Phone (202 690-7850
Ass. Sec. planning &evaluation email Sherry.Glied@hhs.gov Glied,Sherry AgencyOS Organization HHS/OS/ASPE Rm 415-F station Washington District of Columbia Mail 200 Independence Ave. SW Phone (202) 690-7858
Lurie, Nicole email – Nicole.Lurie@hhs.gov AgencyOS Organization HHS/ASPR/IO Job Ass Sec Preparedness Response Rm. 6-638G station Washington District of Columbia Mail 200 Independence Ave. S.W Phone (202) 205-2882
Kelley, Alexia AgencyOS Organization OS/CFBNP Job Director Center Faith-Based Neighborhood Partner Rm747D station Washington District Columbia Mail 200 Independence Ave. S.W. Phone (202) 205-5597 Alexia.Kelley@hhs.gov
Tobias, Constance in charge of Departmental Appeals Board (DAB) of Agency OS Organization HHS/OS/IOS/DAB Job Chair Departmental Appeals Board Rm 6001 Duty Washington District Columbia Mail 800 N Capitol St. NW Phone (202)565-0200 email Constance.Tobias@hhs.gov
HHS Employee Details Head of Intergovernmental External Affairs (IEA) ad of Dioguardi, Paul AgencyOS Organization HHS/OS/IEA Job Director IEA Room 610E Duty station Washington District Columbia Mail 200 Independence Ave. SW Phone (202)690-6060 email Paul.Dioguardi@hhs.gov
HHS Employee Details National Coordinator Health Information Technology Mostashari, Farzad AgencyOS Organization HHS/OS/ONC Rm.729HstationWashington District Columbia Mail 200 Independence Ave. SW Ph202) 401-5197 email Farzad.Mostashari@hhs.gov
Head Adm. Children & Families Title is Acting Ass Sec head hhs is sec…so all under may be assistant secretary
Murray, Ellen Assistant Secretary Financial Resources (ASFR) ellen.murray@hhs.gov Phone: (202) 690-6396
Chief Administrative Law Judge for the Office of Medicare Hearings & Appeals (OMHA) Griswold, Nancy J. Nancy.Griswold@hhs.gov AgencyOS Organization HHS/OS/OMHA HQ Job Chief Administrative Law Judge Rm 1800-17 Duty Arlington Virginia Mail 1700 N Moore St Suite 1000 Phone (703) 235-0711
Inspector General, Office of Inspector General (OIG) Levinson, Daniel R. AgencyOIG Organization HHS/OIG/IO Job Inspector General Phone 202-619-3148
Rodriguez, Leon AgencyOS Organization HHS/OCR Job Director Office of Civil Rights Rm 5FL- 15 Duty Washington DC Mail 200 Independence Ave SW Phone(202) 619-0403 Leon.Rodriguez@hhs.gov
William.Schultz@hhs.gov Schultz, William B AgencyOS Organization HHS/OS/OGC Job Principal Deputy General Counsel Rm 7-713F Duty Washington DC Mail 200 Independence Avenue SW Phone(202)690-7741
Daulaire, Nils AgencyOS Organization HHS/OS/OGA Job Director Office of Global Health Affairs Rm 639H Duty Washington District Columbia Mail 200 Independence Ave SW Ph(202)690-6174 Fax(202)690-7127 Nils.Daulaire@hhs.gov
Head Samhsa Pam.Hyde@SAMHSA.hhs.gov Hyde, Pam AgencySAMHSA Orz HHS/SAMHSA/IOA Job Adm Rm 8-1065 Duty Rockville Maryland Mail 1 Choke Cherry Rd Phone(240)276-2000
>>>>>>> >>> I promise some more but thi is hard to top.
List of all my blogs, information about me.
http://www.napw.com/profile/?page=edit_pressrelease National Woman of the year press release to hit soon
I am a Texan and would love to be able to say Rick Perry was a true Patriot, but I can't. There are just too many questions that raise red flags. Let me share some of them with you and briefly. We must have answers to the following:
- Rick Perry was a democrat until 1989. He worked for Al Gore of all people! Why would he do that in the first place and why did he change parties? Can he criticize Gore and all that he stands for? Could it be that he is just infiltrating the Republican Tea Party to divert America yet again?
- Why did Perry wait until the Iowa caucus to declare and why was it in South Carolina instead of his home state of Texas? Could it be that he, like Comrade B.O. was trying to divert attention away from the influence of the Tea Party and the Republican Caucus in Iowa the day that the straw poll was to be announced? Now we know that Bachmann, the Tea Party front runner, was the straw poll favorite. It seems like Perry is either manipulating or a coward since he would not debate in Iowa.
- Why did Perry attend and participate in the pagan Bilderberg Group meeting in 2007? Obama also was invited and attended that secretive society of pagan globalists at one time. What was Perry's paper, which reportedly was about the relationship of state to federal governments really about?
- When Perry declared his candidacy in South Carolina, he did not say he wanted a smaller federal government. He said he wanted more jobs. That is not the role of a constitution republic. Only private individuals create jobs when they need help because their business is either starting up or growing. That rhetoric is no different than Obama's. Obama mistakenly thinks a bigger federal government will create more jobs. Does Perry also think that government creates jobs?
- Word has it that Perry has advocated free, or at least in-state, college tuition for illegal aliens. Is that true? That would suggest he does not believe in national sovereignty any more than Obama.
- Why is Perry in favor of the super highway that would divide the nation and destroy our national sovereignty?
- Is Perry a true Tea Party Republican who will reduce the size of government, reduce taxes, and regulatory burdens or is he just another wolf in sheep's clothing? Be suspicious! Ask the hard questions!