limbaugh (306)

Conservatism 101 For Those Not Paying Attention.

4063416114?profile=originalYou and I are politically well informed. But there are many Americans like my family who do not follow politics as closely as we do. Their political views are shaped by liberal media bias hit pieces, spin and sound bites.


99.9 % of my family are democrats because Marcus family traditional taught us the democrats are “for the little guy”. Republicans are “rich white racists”. Liberal media and the Democratic Party jointly support and promote this silly simple lie which still wins the democrats 95% of the black vote.


Despite me, the eldest of his five children being a black conservative tea party Republican, my 84 year old dad's negative view of Republicans remains steadfast. Dad tolerates my baffling political views because he loves me.


However, I would not be surprised if my family scheduled an intervention. A black van pulls up, a hood is thrown over my head and I'm carted off to an undisclosed location. I am denied food, water, bathroom privileges and subjected to video of Obama speeches 24/7 until I break.


It occurred to me that my family like many Americans are probably clueless regarding the truth of what it means to be a liberal and a conservative. Ironically, the majority of my family lives extremely responsible “conservative” lives. They go to work every day, serve their communities, attend church and raise their kids. And yet, the liberal media has lead them to believe the term “conservative” equals evil white racist.


So, I would like to offer my family and others a little “Conservatism 101”. For fun, let's call it “Conservatism for Dummies”.


Let us begin with a parable.


Tale of Two Dads- School is Difficult and Little Johnny Wishes to Stay Home.


Little Johnny says, “Dad I don't want to go to school. The kids are mean and the work is too hard!”


Liberal Dad replies, “I know just how you feel son. School was no picnic for me either. Stay home today”.


Conservative Dad replies, “Boy, you had better get your butt out of that bed and get ready for school. I'll talk to the principal and your teachers to work out any problems. An education is vital to your future success and happiness. I'm forcing you to go to school because I love you!”


I am not suggesting Liberal Dad does not love his child. But Liberal Dad's attempt to be his child's friend rather than a responsible parent is a spineless choice all about making himself feel good.

Patently liberal. Most liberal thinking and choices are about making themselves feel good as opposed to truly helping the people they claim to feel great compassion towards.


Conservative Dad's reply was that, not of a friend, but a responsible loving parent.


Liberalism is a religion. Despite failing whenever implemented, disciples of Liberalism faithfully believe if they can spend a little more of “other people's money”, they can bring forth their godless utopia where man is the ultimate authority. Atheists tend to embrace Liberalism.


Conservatism equals true/real compassion; rooted in common sense and honoring the human spirit. Conservatism celebrates achievement and a desire to be all one can be.


Liberalism is harmful and idiotic, while shrouded in so-called compassion. For example. Teachers at an LA school wanted Ebonics to be acceptable speech for black students. They argued that speaking Ebonics was cultural and learning English was too difficult. Black kids are not too stupid to learn to speak English correctly. Also, an inability to speak English is economically stifling.

And yet, whenever compassionate conservatives suggest learning English be required, they are branded racist by liberals.


You would think a “Liberal” is someone who is easy going, embracing a live-and-let-live attitude. In reality, liberals tend to be HUGE control freaks; arrogantly thinking themselves compassionately and intellectually superior to us common folks. This makes them best qualified to dictate how we should live our lives. Liberalism birthed Political Correctness which seeks to control what we are permitted to think, say and do.


Unquestionably, America was founded on Godly principles. Liberals want all reference to God banned from government and the public square, while demanding we display great tolerance for every other religion. Am I saying liberals tend to be anti-Christian? Yes!


Liberals are notorious for setting rules for the rest of us while exempting themselves. They want the government to demand we drive little more than lawnmowers covered with an auto body to “save the planet”. Meanwhile, they travel in limos and private jets.


In a nutshell, Liberals believe they know best. They use government to constantly invade our lives with new restrictions and controls. Government control hidden in Obamacare is the epitome of Liberalism.


I hope I have educated my family and others a little to the virtues of Conservatism and why it is best for all people.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.




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4063409083?profile=originalA black website published one of my articles. The black publisher asked his readers to forgive me for being a black member of the GOP and review my article with an open mind.

In response, a subscriber wrote, "You can ask us to look past him being a GOP, but you can't ask us to look past his claim to be a tea party Christian."

Grateful for an opportunity to enlighten indoctrinated blacks, I asked the website publisher to publicly post my reply to the ill-informed subscriber's comment.

Please do not think me rude or mean by stating the following truth. The subscriber's comment reflects an ignorance of the facts and history prevalent in the black community.

Many blacks erroneously believe the GOP consists of rich racist white people. In reality, the GOP was founded to free blacks. Only five years after slavery, there were black congressmen, all Republicans. The KKK, Jim Crow laws, segregation, and denying blacks the right to vote where all birthed by Democrats.

Even today, Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart was whites. For example, Democrats say having to show ID when voting disenfranchises blacks. This is merely a tactic by which the Democrats implement voter fraud. However, in the process, they are saying blacks are too stupid to find their way to the DMV or other places to acquire proper ID. This is just one example of numerous ways Democrats tell blacks they are inferior and need Democrats' help to succeed.

Republicans deal with blacks respectfully, as equals. Democrats thrive on blacks believing themselves to be victims, despite being blessed to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. Foreigners are trying to get to America in cardboard boats held together with duct tape. Democrats punish and hate blacks who compete with whites and succeed without Democrat lowered standards and involvement.

While sold as compassion and "fairness," Democrat programs are always about making as many people as possible dependent on government to secure/buy votes. In the long run, all Democrat policies and programs hurt people!

There are black idiot knucklehead racists who want to believe a lie rather than the truth. Yes, I said black racists. I reject and resent the satanic notion that because of slavery, blacks have a right to be racist. Racism is evil, period, whether it comes from blacks or whites. It you disagree, it is fruitless to continue reading this article. I will keep you in my prayers.

In reality, history confirms that the black community has been sleeping with the enemy for years by monolithically voting Democrat. News flash, black voters: the Democrats "ain't" your friends.

Every program which demeans and stifles blacks has come and continues to come from the Democrats. Republicans continue to be the party extremely supportive of black individuality, the party full of nurturers of black entrepreneurial success.

Democrats still want to keep blacks on their plantation of needing government handouts -- thus keeping blacks dependent on government, thus keeping blacks voting for Democrats, who promise to give them stuff via programs. To make their scam work, Democrats also tell blacks that Republicans are burning the midnight oil planning ways to "keep them down." Thus, you blacks need us Democrats to keep evil rich white Republicans off your backs.

In a nutshell, blacks are being played by the Democrats. So you can imagine my frustration and impatience with ignorant knuckleheads who trash me for being a Republican. I am working to liberate my people -- to ensure that they be treated with dignity and respect, and not as needy, inferior supplicants.

When I became supervisor of my mostly white department at a TV station, rather than celebrating me and my achievement, my liberal and Democrat friends demeaned my achievement by saying I got the job due to affirmative action. Wrong. I got the job because I proved myself most qualified. "That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!"

Now, let's talk about the Tea Party.

Again, all you folks who think the Tea Party is racist are ignorant of the facts and just plain wrong! I am sorry, but that is the gospel truth. You are being "played" by the Democrats and their liberal media buddies, who also "secretly" think we blacks are inferior and need their help to succeed.

As a singer and speaker, I have attended over three hundred Tea Parties nationwide, on five Tea Party Express national bus tours. I have been warmly embraced by the mostly white audiences because we share a love for America and are opposed to socialism. These Tea Party folks are not opposing Obama's skin color. They are opposing his agenda.

A Congressional Black Caucus member actually said the white folks at the Tea Parties want to "see blacks hanging from trees." Knowing what I know from my personal experience, the Caucus member's statement is irresponsible, absurd, shameful, and divisively evil -- all about ginning up racial hate and securing votes for Obama. Despicable!

Now, I know some blacks who are stuck on stupid and hate who want to believe otherwise. So be it. All I ask is that before you write me off as an Uncle Tom traitor, check you facts. And quite frankly, I do not care what anyone thinks of me, because I know I am on the Lord's side. God bless.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for
Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.


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Fearful Intellectual Conservative Syndrome

4063405598?profile=originalI was stunned when conservative author Ann Coulter endorsed Mitt Romney for president. I love Ann. I even named her in my tribute song honoring Conservative women, “Our Girls”.



Why would one of my conservative heroes select a liberal-lite to run against the Mike Tyson of political opponents. No, I am not suggesting Obama would bite off the ear of our presidential candidate, but Obama is a Chicago style no-holds-barred politician. If your opposition brings a political stick, you bring a political gun. That's the Chicago Way.


As Chairman of the, I have taken heat from folks on our side angry because of our ad exposing Romney's liberal choices and tendencies.


Folks, here is the deal. Romney is not a conservative. Yes, Romney has made some conservative choices. But, they seem to have come after he has been drug kicking and screaming to the conservative side of the street.


Obamacare is an Obama-nation in regards to freedom. If implemented, Obamacare will end America as we know it. A Herculean effort will be required to repeal Obama's evil socialistic mega-control monstrosity. Can we trust Romney to go “all in” to repeal Obamacare?


Intimidated, fearful intellectual conservatives say Obama has the bully pulpit of the White House, the majority of the media and a billion dollars on his side for re-election. In essence, they believe we have lost our country. They believe a majority of Americans are infected with entitlement mindsets and class envy disease. Obama's media manipulated ill-informed infected zombies are going to vote for the guy (Obama) who promises freebies and vows to punish the rich.


Driven by fear, the game plan of our smart conservative gurus is to offer a liberal-lite candidate who will also promise freebies, but not so irresponsibly; punish the rich, but not so severely.


I believe these conservative colleagues are suffering with Fearful Intellectual Conservative Syndrome.


Intellectuals in our party such as Coulter and others are rallying around Romney because they fear America will not elect a pedal-to-the-metal true conservative. They believe we need a liberal-lite to defeat Obama.


Meanwhile, we not-so-smart naïve tea party patriots believe a true conservative will win in a landslide.


From national to local elections, solid conservatism was a huge winner in 2010. Since then, the pain, suffering and economic bleeding caused by Obama and his agenda has intensified. Thus, the referendum against him will be far greater in 2012. It is crucial that we exploit this golden opportunity to challenge Obama ideologically by selecting a true conservative presidential candidate.


While the democrats, by far, have been the major offenders, liberalism in both parties has been taking us down the road to destruction for years. In 2012, with a true conservative Republican presidential candidate leading the charge, we can begin taking America back from both parties; pointing her in the right direction on the road to recovery.


We did the “liberal-lite thing” in '08 and lost. Remember a guy named John McCain? So, why on earth would we go there again?


We know the drill. Here is the play by play. The lib media and Republican elite convince all the “smart people” on our side that only a reasonable “moderate” like Romney can possibly beat Obama. So, out of fear, we select Romney as our 2012 presidential nominee.


Upon Romney officially winning the Republican nomination, the lib media turns on him. Suddenly, they declare Romney a Mormon religious nut. They release all kinds of stories about how electing Romney would equal the personification of evil in the White House.


And no left wing/democrat exploitation of having a black candidate would be complete without the lib media, NAACP and the Obama administration finding ways to portray Romney as a stealth KKK card carrying racist. This would be the left's 2012 presidential campaign against our “moderate” Republican candidate.


Since we know the left will attempt to demon-ize and destroy whomever our Republican nominee, why not run a thoroughbred “real deal” conservative?


We tea party patriots have more faith in our fellow Americans than do our fearful intellectual conservative colleagues. We believe entitlement mindset and class envy disease has not yet infected a critical mass of Americans. There is still time to vaccinate the infected with the cure and restore our great country to it's former glory. The vaccine/miracle cure is Conservatism spread boldly and lavishly by our 2012 presidential candidate.


Conservatism won a former actor presidential candidate a 44 state landslide victory in 1980 and a 49 state re-election landslide in 1984. Conservatism can win huge again in 2012.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin

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Tebow Scores One For Christianity.

4063404319?profile=originalI recently learned President Ronald Reagan designated 1983 as the national Year of the Bible. I seriously doubt such a proclamation would pass Congress today.

President Obama has declared, “We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation”.


The liberal media regards expressing one's Christianity publicly as repulsive as showing Dracula the cross.


For those of you who do not follow football, former college football quarterback superstar, Tim Tebow is an outspoken Christian. The liberal media and pro abortion groups were furious when the story of how Tebow's pro-life mom was advised by doctors to abort him, but refused, was featured in a Super Bowl commercial.


Tebow is now a pro football rookie quarterback with the Denver Broncos. Some sports analysts and media say Tebow does not have the skills needed to “make it” in the NFL. While some of the naysayers and criticism may be justified, some desire to see Tebow fail because he is so outspoken regarding his Christian faith.


My doc says exercise helps control my diabetes. That Sunday, I was at the gym on the ellipse machine watching the Denver/Miami NFL football game. It was Tebow's first start as a pro.


An elderly husband and wife couple approached the aerobic section. They visually scanned the bank of TV sets. I suspected they were looking for the Tebow game. I was correct.


I asked, “Are you folks Tebow fans?” They smiled and replied, “Yes” I said, “So am I”. The woman said, “Thank you”. Something in her voice told me their support of Tebow extended beyond football. I suspect millions across America share similar feelings about Tebow.


Rather than giving you a play by play of the game, let's say for 95% of the game, Tebow's performance was unimpressive. Miami was beating Denver 15 to zero. Then, with 2 minutes left in the game, Tebow brought his team back to tie the score. Tebow's team won the game in overtime. Wow!


When interviewed after the game about his amazing comeback and win, Tebow said the last thing I am sure the liberal media wanted to hear, “First, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...”


Folks, I yelled, “Yes!” and felt a little tearful.


Please do not get me wrong. I am not suggesting Tim Tebow walks on water. I am saying that in our culture which celebrates crudeness and the lowest common denominator, it is extremely refreshing to see this young man boldly standing up for traditional wholesome principles and values.


Unquestionably, the American left has launched a war against Christianity. We are lectured and threatened with political correctness to respect every religion under the sun except Christianity.

It is open season on trashing Christians in movies, political interviews and etc. The Christian is portrayed as the nut job, the loser or the nerd.


Rumor has it, Tebow is an extremely hard worker and a born leader; sounds similar to a fire ball from Wasilla Alaska who is also despised in the liberal media for similar reasons.


Be prepared for an all out campaign by the left, throughout his pro football career, to destroy and discredit Tim Tebow.


Thus far, Tebow has done three things to infuriate the left and secure his name permanent residency on their excrement list. First, Tebow dodged being aborted and went public with his story. Second, Tebow won his first game in the NFL and publicly thanked Jesus for it. Dem there is fightin' words to the left! Third, without being intentionally political, Tebow's life promotes Conservatism.


Culturally, we have fallen a long way from President Reagan declaring a national Year of the Bible. Such a proclamation would be impossible today. Tebow publicly thanking Jesus in a secular setting is deemed fanatical by liberal media standards in America today.


And why is the left so angry and threatened by Tebow's mom's decision not to kill him?


Congratulations Tim Tebow on your super NFL debut. Millions are praying for you. And thanks for scoring one for us Christians.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin

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Obama's OWS America vs The Rest Of Us

4063400958?profile=originalThe wealthiest man in the Bible was King Solomon. Along with huge amounts of gold, silver, land, houses, exquisite furnishings and elaborate gifts from numerous foreign leaders, Solomon owned 4,000 chariots, 40,000 horses and 1200 horsemen. Debatable as to whether it was an asset or a liability, Solomon owned 700 wives; just kidding about the “liability” remark ladies.


Clearly, Solomon owned far too much for one man. Obviously, the “fair-minded” citizens of his kingdom surely must have, in protest, organized “Occupy Israel”. I wonder how King Solomon dealt with the angry Occupy Israel protesters and the sympathetic to their cause, Israel Daily Scroll newspaper? We can pretty much guess how King Solomon resolved the matter.


According to the Bible, Solomon's extreme wealth was a gift from God. God gave Solomon an opportunity to ask for whatever he desired. Solomon asked for wisdom to best govern God's people. God was so pleased with Solomon's request, He gave Solomon wisdom, honor and peerless riches.


Occupy Israel protesters must have been outraged and furious by the unfairness of God choosing not to distribute wealth equally.


The biblical concept of God ordained wealth does not jive with the belief of the OWS crowd. OWS signs and interviews confirm they subscribe to the typical liberal belief that man is god; and given proper control can fix everything.


The OWS mob believe all wealth is ill-gotten on the backs of the poor/workers and is therefore evil and MUST be redistributed.


It occurred to me that we have two Americas; a majority which aligns with tea party principles. The second much smaller America is the OWS parasites and Obama administration who embrace a negative view of our great country and a desire to fundamentally transform her.


Obama knows how to fire up his base, but is clueless when it comes to communicating with most Americans; people who do not nor desire to view themselves as victims. Due to his roots as a community organizer, Obama feels most comfortable ginning up hate in entitlement victim minded losers well represented in the OWS crowd.


In essence, the democrats took a Chicago community agitator from the local community center to the Illinois Senate. With slick marketing and liberal media support, they successfully sent Obama to Washington to pretend to be president of all Americans.


When you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out because that is what is inside. In other words, pressure reveals what is truly inside a person. Plummeting poll numbers has forced the real Barack Hussein Obama to surface. To fire up his base, Obama dropped the charade of being a post racial unifying president. Obama has resorted to who he truly is and what he knows best how to do; rabble-rouse.


Whenever Obama feels the need to rally his troops, his speech delivery strongly resembles that of a cliche character seen in old Western movies. In the movies, a loud mouth guy addresses a crowd from the steps of the town's jail-house. His goal is to work the crowd into a frenzy; then, get his hate-filled mob to overrule the sheriff, break the law, drag out the prisoner and hang him without a fair trial before the circuit judge arrives on the train the next morning.


What I find so insidious and evil about Obama is his masterful ability to inspire his minions to act badly without dirtying his hands. For example. During the Obamacare debate, Obama instructed his supporters to get in people's faces. To strengthen democrat senators in their fight to pass Obamacare, the White House said, “...we will hit back twice as hard”.


Around that time, a black conservative was beaten and sent to the emergency room by SEIU thugs.


Then there was the time Obama instructed a Hispanic audience to “punish our enemies". Such language sounds far more like a clarion call by a community agitator rather than the president of the United States.


Obama outrageously said Republicans want, “Dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance”. His agenda is to portray Republicans as heartless SOBs.


This is what I mean when I say Obama reverts back to his rabble-rousing community agitator days; sounding like the loud mouth guy on the jail-house steps in the movies. The underlying unspoken message coming from Obama and his administration is; those low down dirty Republicans are against you! Republicans want you to die and the rich to live! If I were you, I would not allow them to get away with it! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?!!


I do not think it unfair to suggest much of the Occupy Movement is the result of Obama administration rhetoric.


Barack Hussein Obama is incapable of being an inspirational president to non victim minded mainstream traditional Americans who love their country. It is simply not in his DNA. Obama appeals to the lower nature of a minority of Americans; OWS, arrogant, ungodly, lazy and stupid. As I stated, we have two Americas. We have Obama's America and the America of us patriots.


The greatest nation on the planet deserves and requires a president of “all the people” divinely led to inspire the best in us.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin


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4063396503?profile=originalFor years, I have been impressed with this young man I see working at Walmart retrieving shopping carts in the parking lot. He is challenged, I suspect from birth, with physical issues involving an arm and a leg. I saw him leaving work one evening in his car. While I do not know his living situation, I do know he has a job and drives what I assume is his own car.


Looking at this young man hobbling around doing his job, one could think, “Why isn't this poor soul home collecting disability?” He obviously prefers the dignity which accompanies earning his own money. Thus, the reason for my utmost respect for him.


Then, I look at the Occupy Wall Street despicable mobs; spoiled brat college students, America hating Marxists, paid professional protesters and plain old lazy bottom feeders, all demanding freebies while claiming ownership of the fruit of other folk's labor. And the left expects me to respect and sympathize with these parasites.


The liberal media, the left and the Obama administration are trying to convince us these ignorant arrogant Occupy Wall Street knuckleheads represent the thinking of most Americans. If their premise were true, we would be in deep, deep trouble as a nation. Fortunately, these mobs are NOT a majority.


Like parents who are in denial protecting a juvenile delinquent child, the left is doing everything in their power to portray these violent, destructive, anti-Semitic and ungodly Occupy Wall Street thugs in a positive light. Meanwhile, the left remains relentless in their quest to slander the tea party with false undocumented accusations of racism and violence.


The Tea Party movement which is driven by “We The People” is the polar opposite of the George Soros and far left organizations funded Occupy Wall Street assault on Capitalism and America. How dare they compare their low rent “trashy movement” to the dignified Tea Party.


As a Tea Party activist/performer who has traveled on five Tea Party Express national bus tours, I have attended over 300 tea parties. I can assure you the well-informed, hard working and decent people who attend tea parties represent the thinking of a majority of Americans, not the Occupy Wall Street mobs.


While Occupy Wall Street participants trash, vandalize and disrespect public parks and government buildings, we tea party patriots leave our rally sites the way we found them or cleaner. The Tea Party is inspired by love for America and a desire to follow our Constitution. It is also in rebellion of political correctness and about restoring values and principles which have made America great. Tea Party goals are far superior to Occupy Wall Street which proclaims, “You rich guys have too much and we're takin' it!”


Occupy Wall Street is nothing more than a vile orgy of class envy, covetousness and hatred of achievers.


You Occupy losers need to get a clue, a life and a job!


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin

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4063394305?profile=originalThis article is for my black brother, a community leader and little league football coach who gets his news solely from the liberal mainstream media. Hopefully it will help him to understand why I, his big brother, is working with those white tea party people against his beloved black president.


This article is also for my black relatives who gave me a chilly reception at my grandmother's 100th birthday party. I learned through the family grapevine they resent my involvement in the tea party and consider me an embarrassment to the family.


Well, I say to my embarrassed relatives, blame my instincts on the mentoring and leadership of my dad. My dad has been a Christian man of character and honor all of my life. So, when I see a characterless liberal political hack occupying my beloved country's Oval Office, I refuse to join the flock of black sheep worshiping him because we share the same skin color.


To my relatives who have thrown their Christian values, principles and brains out of the window to give their black idol a pass, you guys are the ones who should be ashamed of yourselves. Marcus family tradition has drilled into us that it means something to be a Marcus; an adherence to a higher standard. YOUR SELLOUT TO SKIN COLOR EMBARRASSES ME! If you detect a bit of anger, you are correct.


Watching MSNBC white host Lawrence O'Donnell chastising black presidential candidate Herman Cain for not participating in the 1960s civil rights movement infuriated me. O'Donnell accused Cain of cowardly sitting on the sidelines while blacks and whites marched and protested for black civil rights. How dare this white guy who does not have a clue what it was like to be black in America in the 1960s attack a black person for not responding to racism the way he thinks he should have responded.


In the 60's, most blacks did not march or protest in the streets, but fought for freedom in their own private ways; entrepreneurship, prayer, striving for excellence and etc. A black buddy of mine who went from being incarcerated as a teenager to becoming an art director in a prominent advertising agency attributes his success to a black high school art teacher, Lindy Jordan. Mr. Jordan mentored so many black youths, a scholarship was founded in his honor. Mr. Jordan was never seen in the streets protesting for civil rights. I submit that Mr. Jordan fought for black liberation and equality in the best way he knew how to fight; by mentoring black youths.


But, leave it to this probably former hippie spoiled brat white boy, O'Donnell, to think all blacks who did not march in the streets must have been Uncle Toms. O'Donnell's liberal arrogance is off the chain. In my opinion Lawrence O'Donnell owes Mr. Jordan and other black American civil rights pioneers an apology.


O'Donnell is yet another white racist arrogant liberal attempting to dictate what is and is not acceptable black behavior. White liberal actress Janeane Garofalo displayed the same racist arrogance when she proclaimed black Republicans Michael Steele and Herman Cain to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.


LISTEN UP, O'Donnell, Garofalo and all you other pompous liberal plantation slave massas. By the Grace of God, we black Americans are FREE; free to be successful entrepreneurs such as Herman Cain and countless other blacks rather than government dependent welfare recipients.


We blacks are free to live outside of your liberal stereotypical dictates. I prefer sushi over fried chicken. Does that make me “less” black? Probably yes, in the minds of arrogant liberal racists. How dare white liberals appoint themselves authorized to dictate what is and is not authentic black behavior.


O'Donnell followed up his program in which he spanked Cain for not being black enough with analysis from liberal plantation black overseer, Rev. Al Sharpton. As expected, Sharpton further trashed Cain.


Based on Sharpton's betrayal of black America and his racially divisive and evil Tawana Brawley scandal, Al Sharpton is not even worthy to shine Herman Cain's shoes. And yet, this is the guy the left has appointed “spokesperson” for black America; again confirming their arrogance. Herman Cain's story is one of inspiration, courage and honor which epitomizes the American Dream.


If these paragons of tolerance and compassion on the left such as O'Donnell and Sharpton truly gave a d--- about black America, they would herald Herman Cain as a hero. They would celebrate Cain as a shining example for black youths, illustrating the limitless success which can be achieved via education, hard work and character.


Sadly, inspiring black youths to pursue their dreams is NOT the intention of O'Donnell, Sharpton and the left. Their intention is to create another generation of Americans dependent on big government for survival. With Obama leading the campaign, they seek to create dumbed down Democrat voters who view themselves as victims and hate everything which has made America great; including capitalism and individual freedom.


O'Donnell's question to Cain about his lack of involvement is the 1960's civil rights movement was to portray him as an Uncle Tom. It was despicable. So, every time I hear these creeps on the left pontificate about their compassion for blacks, it turns my stomach.


The left views and values blacks only as pawns in their quest to portray America as the greatest source of evil in the world. The left deems happy America loving blacks who have achieved success via traditional routes such as education and hard work to be “paradigm breakers” and MUST be destroyed.


So, please forgive my lack of respect for my white “would be” liberal slave massas and their traitorous black overseers. These people are evil and must be defeated.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin



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4063390752?profile=originalIt was the 80s at WJZ-TV an ABC affiliate television station in Baltimore, MD. I was a rare black graphic designer in the art dept. Oprah Winfrey was the co-host of the station's local morning talk show, “People Are Talking”.


“People Are Talking” associate producer Debbie DiMaio sent her “reel” to Chicago in response to a job opening. The folks in Chicago, saw Oprah on Debbie's reel, liked her and the rest is television history.


Little did I know my co-worker would eventually “Oprah-rize” America; making everything about feelings and self-esteem. Please do not get me wrong. I am not saying Oprah is solely responsible for feminizing our culture and banning score keeping at school sporting events for fear of injuring the losing team's self-esteem. Unquestionably, Oprah is a superstar on the liberal Socialist/Progressive team committed to furthering their “brain dead” all-about-feelings agenda.


My brother has been coaching little league football for over 25 years. He has noticed a disturbing shift in the attitudes of more and more kids. They think they are entitled; demanding maximum rewards for minimal effort.


Contributing greatly to America's new “gimme” mindset is President Obama, preaching his gospel of “spreading the wealth around”, confirming blacks victims of racial inequality, promoting entitlements and demonizing achievers.


And when did a belief and faith in God become a bad thing in America? God is so banned from the public square, any politician boldly proclaiming their faith is branded a religious zealot nut case by the liberal media. Meanwhile, the liberal media considers anything less than a celebration of sodomy to be ignorant and worthy of attack for bigotry. I preface my comment by saying I have homosexual family and friends whom I love dearly. But, I will not be bullied into proclaiming their behavior normal.


Founding father, John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”. And yet, the left seeks to ban all references to God from government.


Surfing the channels, I stumbled across a TV program titled, “Hip Hop's Most Shocking Moments”. It was unfortunate witnessing so many youths influenced by a culture which celebrates ignorance, crudeness and guys employing a duck waddling walk to keep their pants which are already below their butts from falling all the way down. The liberal media celebrates this behavior as authentic “blackness”. Conservative educated English speaking blacks are trashed for trying-to-act-white.


The liberal media and the left also appear to hate any suggestion of standards, character and honor. In their perverted thinking, unless you can walk-the-walk of Jesus Christ, you have no right to demand a standard of behavior from anyone. Thus, any Conservative Republican misstep is heralded by the left as punishment for daring to raise a standard in the first place.


Democrat sins are celebrated as resume enhancements; portraying them as flawed and “real” like the rest of us.


Brother and sister patriots, I believe it is crucial that we make an immediate u-turn from the direction our country is going; get back to standing up for standards, character and honor.


When selecting our presidential candidate, I believe the “C” word, (character) means everything! Presidents have an abundance of advisors and fact finders to educate/brief them on any issue. Only a president of character with faith in a power greater than him/herself will make decisions based on what is best for the American people rather than what is going to win the most votes. While this is not a formal endorsement, I believe Herman Cain is a man of character worthy of occupying the Oval Office.


Bottom line, we tea party patriots MUST take our country back; back from politicians who demonize achievers; back from politicians who promote entitlement to enslave as many voters to government as possible; back from bottom feeding parasites seeking freebies from Obama's stash; back from those who hate moral standards of any kind; back from those who hate our military; back from those who seek to divide us along racial lines for political gain; back from those who celebrate and sympathize with the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11.


And most of all, back from Obama who upon entering the White House toured the world apologizing for America's greatness and has vowed to “fundamentally transform” her. You sir, are unworthy of our extraordinary legacy. And with God's help, we will take our country back from YOU come November 2012.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin








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Lloyd Marcus Defends Tea Party on Fox & Friends

4063388253?profile=originalTuesday, I flew up to New York from Florida to appear on a Wednesday 7:15am segment on the Fox News channel's Fox & Friends. Typically, CNN & Fox send a car to drive me to a studio in Orlando. This was the first time I had to fly to New York to be “live” on the set.


Mary booked my hotel in Queens so I would be close to the airport. Fox would send a car to take me to their studio in the morning and back to my hotel afterward.


Remember that old Jack Lemmon and Sandy Dennis movie when his wife accompanied him to New York for a job interview and they became horribly lost? I got horribly lost in Queens trying to get to my hotel. I laughed at myself, after all these years, trying to morph into my old streets of Baltimore “don't-mess-with-me” body language.


It was around 7:30pm and the streets were mobbed with people going in all directions. Seeing me lugging my suitcase and computer bag over my shoulder, one of two urban attired black guys chatting stopped and asked, “Cab?”. Totally frustrated, I said, “Yes”. Insanely, I followed this stranger to a dark parking lot. He had an SUV. He delivered me to my hotel for 10 bucks. I gave him twenty. But, our encounter was divinely inspired. I scheduled him to drive me to the airport the next day after my Fox appearance.


This young black man was smart, a good guy and loaded with potential. We chatted about business, unemployment and other things around the fringes of politics. I never felt lead to tell him, “Obama sucks”.


The young black driver gave me a wonderful compliment. He said he had never driven anyone who talked and made him feel good the way I did. Thus, confirming I was exactly where God wanted me to be, doing what He wanted me to do; encouraging this young man and hopefully assisting in pointing him in the right direction.


When he dropped me off at the airport, I gave him a copy of my CD album, “American Tea Party”. Whenever I go to New York, I will give “my driver” a call.


On Fox & Friends, I was part of a three person panel discussion hosted by Gretchen Carlson, a very nice lady. The program producer emailed me the day before with a list of topics on the agenda for discussion; none of which were the continuing charges that the Tea Party is racist.


With the NAACP, CBC and black actor Morgan Freeman calling the Tea Party racist, I felt God's number one purpose for having me on national TV was to be a “black voice” defending the great people of our divinely inspired Tea Party movement.


During the break before our final segment, I asked Gretchen if she would give me an opportunity to address the racism charges against the Tea Party. Remarkably and graciously, Gretchen said, “yes”. It was a “God Thing”, thanks to all of your prayers.


Here is the link to view the segment.



I realize we are facing challenging times ahead. Obama will probably raise a billion dollars for his re-election campaign. Still, I believe we, the Tea Party, will overthrow his evil regime come November 2012. How? “If God be for us, who can be against us”.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin








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Does Romney Truly Embrace Tea Party Principles?

4063386416?profile=originalI preface my following statements regarding Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney with enthusiastically saying, “ABO, Anybody But Obama”. Any Republican is a thousand times better for America than Obama. Obama is an evil divisive man willing to sacrifice national black/white race relations to further his anti-America socialistic, some say communist, agenda. Gee Lloyd, how do you really feel?


Thus, if Romney wins the Republican nomination you will hear me singing his praises, “Mitt Romney he's our man. If Mitt can't do it no one can! GOOOOO ROMNEY!!!”


Now that I have that out of the way, here is what happened at our Tea Party Express V national bus tour rally in Romney country, Concord, NH.


Mitt Romney was the featured presidential candidate at that particular rally. The majority of the audience were Romney supporters evidenced by the sea of t-shirts bearing his name.


Our Tea Party Express team began the rally with our military tribute; an emotional favorite of tea party crowds nationwide. The Romney audience response was uncharacteristically subdued.


Participating on 5 previous tours, this tour marked tea party rally number 301 for me. My signature opening statement always garners a powerful emotional and loud response from audiences, “Hello my fellow PATRIOTS! I am NOT an African-American. I am Lloyd Marcus...AMERICANNNN!”


A few in the Romney audience cheered, but the majority smiled politely. Some even appeared to have a puzzled look on their faces. I was taken back a bit. I thought, “Is my fly down? What is wrong? Why are these folks so unresponsive?” Still, I am a professional and pressed forward singing my “American Tea Party Anthem”.


My “American Tea Party Anthem” speaks to Obama's failed stimulus and his despicable false charges of racism against the Tea Party. The lyrics of the song and my passionate performance is always a crowd-pleaser winning enthusiastic applause. The Romney audience smiled and offered polite applause.


Back on the Tea Party Express bus headed to our next rally in a different state, some on our team were baffled. Why was the response to our presentation at this tea party rally so uniquely lukewarm? Also, after Romney completed his stump speech, the majority of the crowd left in the middle of the tea party rally.


Then, it dawned on me, the majority of the audience were Romney supporters, not particularly tea party supporters.


Our in-your-face-Obama-must-go approach was probably uncomfortable for them.


Mary Kay Ash of Mary Kay Cosmetics fame said, “The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang”. I believe Romney supporter's lukewarm response to our presentation reflects his attitude regarding the tea party and our principles.


It confirms “to me” that Mitt Romney is an establishment moderate Republican; willing to date and even have a live in relationship with the Tea Party, but not committed enough to marry the Tea Party.


A friend said it is unfair to judge Romney by his fans. Keep in mind that I have attended 300 tea parties nationwide. Some audiences in small towns despite being extremely appreciative were subdued because they are not super expressive. But, the Romney audience was unique, as if we were not on the same page.


I thought about how gangsta rap concerts always attract potentially unruly violent audiences. My brother David loves country music. David and his girlfriend attended a huge country music concert at the Baltimore Civic Center. He was struck by the peaceful nature of the crowd. David said people were drinking and having a good time and yet he did not see one confrontation or arrest; quite a contrast from the typical news reports of violence after a major gangsta rap concert in the same venue. Without question, the headliner attracts a certain type of audience.


I have appeared on the program of several rallies with Sarah Palin. Every Palin audience has been upbeat and enthusiastically patriotic.


Please do not think I am picking on Romney. John McCain was a disaster. To select another moderate as our presidential nominee will insure the re-election of Obama; ending America as we know it. Regardless of how moderate/liberal our nominee, the liberal media will portray him/her as a far right nut cause. So, let's select a true conservative.


Still, I would work tirelessly to install Mitt Romney in the White House if it came down to Romney or Obama.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin






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4063380856?profile=originalPatriots, give yourselves a round of applause. You were the true stars and winners of the CNN/Tea Party Express Republican Presidential Debate last night. Opinions vary as to which presidential candidate won. We The People were the biggest winners because for the first time millions who do not watch Foxnews, do not listen to conservative talk radio and do not read conservative blogs got to see who we really are; not a bunch of redneck racists.


As Mary and I sat in the audience, I felt extremely proud of my Tea Party family. You showed the world you are articulate and well-informed regarding the issues. Regardless of the candidate, in response to their answers, you cheered and booed at the correct times. The contrast between tea party patriots and clueless Obama voters is quite glaring.


Brother and sister patriots, we have come a long way in two and a half years. I realized at the debate the days of simply attending “ra-ra” rallies are over. You guys have morphed into a massive army of well-educated well-prepared foot soldiers; boots on the ground doing the work to take back America. Just as Jesus instructed His disciples to fail not to assemble themselves together, tea party rallies are now for inspiration, ministering to each other and fellowship.


Each of you please continue using your gifts and talents and following your passion for our common goal. And still, our extraordinary Tea Party movement does not have a single Commander-in-Chief.


On second thought, I take that back. I believe we DO have a Commander-in-Chief. God!


I was amazed by the number of you who told me about your new conservative radio show, new books, new outreach to minorities, new art project to spread the conservative message, new prayer group for America and etc. You guys blew me away. You are awesome! We are winning! God bless.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Co-Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin






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Obama's Despicable Jobs Speech

4063377040?profile=originalObama's jobs speech was reminiscent of a cliché scene in cowboy movies. A loud mouth guy stands on the steps of the jail-house and enrages the crowd to overrule the sheriff, drag out the prisoner and hang him without a trial.


Obama used his bully pulpit to say, in essence, if those Republican S.O. Bs do not pass my jobs bill immediately without review, they should be politically lynched. Unquestionably, Obama's speech had a bully edge to it. Pass my jobs bill NOW!


Obama lied about all of the freebies in his jobs bill being “paid for” just as he did to pass Obamacare.


In his typical manipulative deceptive fashion, Obama said several “right things” such as government getting out of the way of small business while his administration does the complete opposite.


The center piece of Obama's speech was his despicable signature exploitation of class envy and demoni-zation of the rich. Obama in his speech reduced the American Dream to being a union worker with good wages and benefits. Obviously, Obama considered entrepreneurs with higher aspirations to be part of the problem. How dare they seek to have more than anyone else? To each according to his needs. Scary. Very scary and evil.


As expected, Obama's job speech was written using the left's same old play book. We Tea Party patriots knew what Obama was going to say in his “jobs speech” before he delivered it.


OK class, what will be Obama's minions next move to force Republicans to pass his jobs bill NOW? I hear you yelling the correct answer. You guys are toooo cool, tooo smart and right on target! I give you all an A+. Obama's minions will proclaim everyone questioning Obama's job bill to be racist.


Folks, this president is divisive and evil. We must vote him out in 2012. God bless.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Co-Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin



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9/11 on Tea Party Express V National Bus Tour

4063375800?profile=originalI awoke and became annoyed when I discovered Mary forgot to pay the water bill. That was the extent of my problems September 11, 2001. Meanwhile, many of my fellow Americans in the twin towers were faced with the unimaginable horror of deciding whether to leap to their deaths or be consumed by fire. Dear Lord.

Ten years after 9/11 Mayor Bloomberg banned prayer from the New York 9/11 Memorial Ceremony. And yet, Bloomberg supports the building of a mosque at Ground Zero.


The left supports Sharia Law while President Obama canceled the traditional National Day of Prayer at the White House for fear of offending Muslims.


Remarkably, thanks to the grace of God and the efforts of George W. Bush, America has not suffered another terrorist attack. And yet, the Obama administration is still seeking to prosecute CIA heroes who helped to protect us.


Terrorists caught on the battle field detained at Guantanamo Bay are treated with kid gloves; special concessions made out of respect for their religion, Islam, which includes meal choices from five menus, served at a specific temperature or thrown out and prepared again.


Muslim detainees are given prayer beads, a prayer mat and a Quran which can not be touched by non-Muslims because we are considered infidels. Thus, a Muslim interpretor gives the detainees their sacred items. At Guantanamo, arrows painted on the floor pointing east informs detainees in which direction to pray.


Meanwhile, three U.S. Navy Seals are facing court marital for allegedly giving a terrorist a fat lip.


Clearly, ten years after the horrific 9/11 attacks, America has two enemies seeking her destruction; Al-Qaeda and the American left who reside mostly in the Democratic Party lead by Barack Husein Obama. To save America, BOTH must be defeated.


The Bible documents on numerous occasions how God raised up a remnant. The modern equivalent of God raising up a remnant is the Tea Party movement; no leader, no figure head and no single governing organization. The Tea Party is simple We The People; individuals following their gifts and passions to turn our country around back to the principles and values which have made her GREAT!


The left is in panic mode to counter the Tea Party. Because their philosophy is so flawed, they can not win on it's merit. Thus, the left must resort to lies and ginning up class envy and racial hatred. Totally despicable.


I will spend 9/11 on Tea Party Express V national bus tour at our rally in Deltona, FL.


With forces on both sides of the political aisle fighting to maintain the status quo; crony-ism, bigger government and even increasing out of control spending, the tea party is the last hope for America; God's remnant to save America and restore her to her former glory.


Jeff Bruzzo 9/11 tribute film:

Lloyd Marcus 9/11 tribute music video:



Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Co-Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin


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4063375118?profile=originalThe highlight of every Tea Party Express tour is the extraordinary American patriots I meet. Felix is from Russia and became a proud American 16 years ago.


I shared with Felix that for years I performed my original song, “Celebrate America”, at U.S. Immigration Citizenship Ceremonies. I was struck by the number of seniors tearfully taking the oath of citizenship; some so old they were in wheelchairs and some needing support by family members to stand. Why was it important for these seniors to become official U.S. citizens despite their ages?


Felix, formerly a Russian, replied, “When you have lived under tyranny you understand the precious gift of freedom. Freedom is so wonderful you are always fearful of it being taken away. This is why it means so much to become an American. No one can take away your freedom”.


Tea Party Express rolled into Rochester, NY at 1am. C-SPAN was rebroadcasting Sarah Palin's speech at a tea party rally. The crowd was huge. Palin's speech was interrupted numerous times by the crowd chanting, “Run Sarah run! Run Sarah run!”


With no holds barred, Palin boldly attacked Obama's horrific record and agenda, the hypocrisy of the “lame-stream-media” and she apologetically proclaimed America to be a nation under God. For someone whom everyone says could never win, the common sense all American appeal of her message and patriot's response to it is extraordinary.


Palin is making the media and people on both sides of the aisle crazy and furious at her; will she or will she not run? And yet, everyone is on the edge of their seats in anticipation. The woman is a marketing genius.


In Milford, MI, I had the pleasure of fellowshipping, discussing strategics and praying with three fellow black tea party activists. Please check out and I shared my passion to take the tea party message to the black community; colleges and etc.


4063375158?profile=originalSome blacks are so infected with years of liberal entitlement indoctrination and their own racism, they will never accept the truth. We can only keep them in our prayers. But, there will be blacks who once they hear it articulated that conservatism is best for all people, they will see the light.


I pray for assistance in planning and funding a tea party tour to black America.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Co-Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin





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Tea Party Express V: Black Activist Not Lynched!

4063374482?profile=originalRep. Andre Carson, Congressional Black Caucus member said some in Congress would “love to see us as second-class citizens” and “some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me ... hanging on a tree.”



Despite members of the CBC attempting to rally the black and white guilt votes via despicable false charges of racism against the tea party which includes a ridiculous claim that the tea party wishes to see blacks lynched, the tea party continues to grow.


We are winning!


As a black tea party activist overwhelmingly embraced by my fellow patriots across America who are white, I boldly proclaim the CBC to be a vile bunch of race baiting thugs who have sold their souls and the well being of black America for a seat at their progressive Massa's table of liberalism.


I am on my fifth Tea Party Express national bus tour. Every tour feels like a family reunion teeming with hugs from old and new patriots.


This is why I am so angered by the CBC's sleazy evil efforts to disparage the decent hard working good people who are active in the tea party.


The liberal media are culpable in their support of assisting the CBC to drive a stake into the heart of the relationship between black and white Americans.


When one of us kids supported wrongdoing, my dad use to say, “You may not have participated, but you held the Devil's coat”. The liberal media is without a doubt holding the CBC's coat; offering very little criticism of a CBC member's over-the-top inflammatory claim that the tea party wants blacks lynched.


4063374523?profile=originalAnd, the liberal media has the audacity to wonder why mobs of black youths are attacking whites around the country. In their reporting about the “flash mobs”, the liberal media refuses to mention the elephant-in-the-living room racial component; that the mobs are blacks attacking whites.


The liberal media dignifies the CBC's unfounded allegations of racism by constantly pressuring the tea party to prove them untrue. The burden is not on the tea party to prove we are not guilty. We must not and will not allow racist divisive evil scoundrels to call the shots.


If God be for us, who can be against us.” Romans 8:31


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Co-Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin

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4063372710?profile=originalJim Labriola from the “Home Improvement” TV sitcom has been a wonderful addition to our Tea Party Express V national bus tour team. Jimmy's comedic family friendly monologues are a hit with the patriots at our rallies.


With most of Hollywood being hardcore liberals, conservative actor/comedian Jim Labriola is a breath of fresh air.


One of our two tour buses was under repair causing the twelve member administrative crew to pile on the entertainers bus for the two mile ride to the hotel. It was uncomfortable.


Jimmy spontaneously went into a hilarious monologue worthy of a Jim Labriola TV Special. My stomach contracted so much from laughter, I had a great ab workout. As corny as this might sound, we truly are a family on Tea Party Express. Jimmy masterfully used his gift of humor to bring us a little bit closer together.


Hey Jimmy, you should market an exercise video, “The Jim Labriola Ab Workout: Laugh Your Way to Great Abs”.


We just completed our Tea Party Express rally in Sioux City, IA. This morning I logged on my computer to read, “Obama: The Unemployed Are Being Discriminated Against”.


Obama and company never changes their play book to get-their-way. They always divide Americans into victimized groups saying they are either disenfranchised or discriminated against.


Last night, we arrived early enough in Omaha, NE for me to do laundry. The hotel washing machine was not working. The front desk sent a black tech to fix it. After solving the problem, he asked, “So, are you the driver of that bus?”


I explained my role on the Tea Party Express team. Obviously hostile, the big young black man subtly confronted me, “What are you people doing?” Clearly, he was a victim of the liberal media spin which says we are racist against a black president.


I shared with him what the tea party movement is REALLY about. The young black man was clueless about politics.


Listening intensely, he was like a sponge. Amazingly, he said, “I am beginning to see things differently”. Praise God!


God is tooooo cool. A broken washing machine lead to opening a young man's eyes.


4063372630?profile=originalPatriots, I pray that someone will sponsor and help organize a tea party tour to black colleges and communities. Misinformed blacks need to see and hear black conservatives such as Herman Cain, myself and others.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Labriola / Bachmann photo courtesy Andrea Shea King

Co-Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin


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4063370385?profile=originalLast year when Tea Party Express rolled into Elko, NV, Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Church had 15 children. Yesterday, the Church family showed up at our tea party rally with mom holding number 16. I really like these people folks. Their kids are well behaved, upbeat and bright.

I asked momma Church the secret to having such an obviously happy family. Mrs. Church said, “We teach our kids they are a blessing to each other”.


The Church family is the kind of salt of the earth good people I have met on all of my five Tea Party Express tours around America. They are not the angry white racist mobs reported in the Obama media.


We did a rally in Salt Lake City, UT and spent the night.


This morning at 5:45am, CNN sent a car to bring me to a studio for a 6:30am TV interview. Yesterday, a producer called me for a “pre-interview interview”. I wanted to take this opportunity of being on CNN to defend the tea party against the left's despicable false charges of racism.


The program producer said they would prefer to discuss my thoughts regarding the Republican presidential field; which candidates are not tea party enough for me. I sensed the producer was baiting me to beat up on Republicans and stay away from the topic of race.


On the TV program, the CNN host had an agenda to trash, minimize the effect and demoralize the Tea Party. I refused to allow her to get away with it.


To the CNN host's displeasure, I even defended the tea party against the false accusations of racism. Arrogantly, the left are relentless in their efforts to portray the tea party as racist and get extremely annoyed when we counter their accusations with the truth.


After my CNN interview, I was back on the Tea Party Express bus for a six hour ride to our next rally in Cheyenne, WY.


Our team includes Gold Star Mom, Debbie Lee. Her son, Marc Alan Lee was the first Navy Seal killed in Iraq. In honor of her decorated son, Debbie founded, which benefits the families of fallen soldiers.


As we crossed great plains canopied by spacious skies, Debbie asked if I had ever seen a jac-ca-lope which looks like a cross between a jack rabbit and an antelope. I am a city boy originally from Baltimore. So, I was excited about seeing this animal indigenous to the plains.


I parked myself at the front of the bus along side our bus driver hoping to see a jac-ca-lope. After about an hour, my wife Mary joined me. I told her why I was filled with anticipation visually scanning the massive countryside.


Mary said, “There is no such thing as a jac-ca-lope”.


Then, I heard Debbie Lee laughing. I know the Bible speaks against revenge. But, I am planning my perfect opportunity to pay back Debbie Lee.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Co-Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin


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Opening Day: Tea Party Express V

4063369372?profile=originalMary and I left our home in Central Florida at 5am. We flew/traveled 12 hours to hook up with the Tea Party Express bus in Oakland, CA. After a quick shower and wardrobe change, we arrived in Napa, CA where I performed at the tour launching fund raising VIP gala.


Still on east coast time, I awoke at 5:30am for our 11am Napa Tea Party. Napa is absolutely beautiful. I do not drink. But, my wife Mary throughly enjoyed sampling the local wines.


I was excited to meet a young Christian band called “Remnant” who was the opening act before our Tea Party Express team took the stage. Check out “Remnant” on Youtube.


4063369390?profile=originalThe beauty of our extraordinary Tea Party movement is We The People using our gifts and talents and following our passions; patriots doing their part to take back America.


One such patriot I met today at our Napa rally is author, Robin Bohr. Robin's husband Mike got tired of her yelling at the TV. He suggested Robin write a book.


Robin penned, “Tea Party: American Revolution 2.0”. It is the compelling history of average Americans entering the political arena for the first time.


After Napa, we traveled three hours to do our rally in Sparks, Nevada. Then, we traveled three hours to Winnemucca, NV where we spent the night.


4063369489?profile=originalOur bodies still not totally on west coast time yet, we are on the bus headed to Elko, NV, our first rally of two today. Our second rally is in Salt Lake City, UT, four hours away. The mountains and spacious skies are breathtaking. I think I will sing, “America the Beautiful” at our Elko rally.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Co-Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin


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4063369078?profile=originalPlease, please, please understand, as we said in the 60s, “where I'm coming from”. This article is NOT about bashing homosexuals. I have homosexual family and friends whom I love very much.


However, I found David Gregory's attack on Michele Bachmann for comments she made regarding homosexuality to be extremely disturbing and offensive. Bachmann is a Christian and simply compassionately espoused the biblical point of view.


Just as Muslims live by the Quran, Christians strive to live by the Bible. Here are a few Bible quotes about homosexuality.


Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."


Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act;...”


Rom. 1:26-27, "...for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts...”


Whether you agree with the Bible or not is irrelevant. My point is Bachmann did not “make up” her take on homosexuality. It came from a holy book considered sacred by mega millions worldwide.


So, when Gregory beat up on Bachmann, he was really attacking Christians and the Bible. But, most disturbing was Gregory's arrogant bullying and implicit threat to all who disagree.


In effect, he announced: We, the media, have declared homosexuality normal; period, end of subject. Anyone of you Neanderthals daring to suggest otherwise will suffer the consequences.


Would Gregory have been so aggressive interviewing a Muslim presidential candidate about their beliefs? I suspect not.


Most Americans accept homosexuals and are repulsed by anyone abusing them. However, America's acceptance of homosexuals is not good enough for the left. The left wish to bend our arms behind our backs until we cry “uncle”, proclaiming homosexuality to be normal.


Even home improvement and cooking TV programs feature a high number of homosexual couples disproportionate to the population. Clearly, many TV producers have an agenda to normalize the homosexual lifestyle.


My dad has been in Christian ministry as a pastor for 50 years. Dad said he is being pressured to embrace the Gospel of Homosexuality. He added, “Those of us who disagree are being pushed into the closet.”


Has the left won? Are we afraid to quote the Bible's rebuke of homosexuality?


Think about this folks. According to the left, if you disapprove of men sodomizing each other and women performing cunnilingus on each other, not only are you a “hater”, you are deemed mentally ill; diagnosed as homophobic and in need of treatment.


During his Bachmann interview, Gregory kept referring to homosexuals as “Gay Americans” in an attempt to make disapproval of a “sexual behavior” the same as discriminating against an ethnic group; African, Hispanic and other Americans. The left reinforces the theme, calling opposition to the homosexual agenda “bigotry”.


Black Civil Rights groups are offended by the left comparing their struggle to that of homosexuals.


I state again, “I have homosexual family and friends whom I love very much.” However, loving them does not mean I must submit to dictatorial pressure from the media to embrace the homosexual lifestyle as being normal.


To get their way, the left always distorts the discord, portraying all opposition to equal the extreme evil.


For example. Americans welcome “legal” immigrants with open arms. We oppose “illegal” immigration and all the crime and stress on our welfare system which comes with it. The left brands anyone seeking to protect our borders extremist, anti-immigration and racist.


If you believe elementary kids should not be forced to celebrate Gay Pride Day and not be encouraged to experiment with homosexuality, the left numbers you among the minority of nut cases seeking to harm homosexuals.


Regardless of the issue, the left via their liberal media enforcers, slanders the opposition, painting them to be haters and extremists. Former Obama supporters turned off by his unfolding socialistic agenda are suddenly, “redneck racists against a black president”.


Patriots, I realize all of you are not Christians and my purpose is not to force my faith on anyone. This article is not about whether homosexuality is right or wrong. It is about the liberal media throwing down the gauntlet saying, “Hey, you Christians had better get with the program regarding the normalcy of homosexuality, or else!”


The liberal media usurping ultimate authority to enforce their “ultimate consensus” on an issue, destroying anyone who dares think otherwise, is a serious assault on our freedom.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Co-Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin


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4063342681?profile=originalMy fellow Americans, in regard to the U.S. presidency, please tell me we are over "the black thing." Can we move past race and gender and simply elect the best American for the job?

Due to liberal media manipulation and guilt, America elected an incompetent black guy as leader of the free world to prove that we are not racist. Obama's black skin has made him untouchable, the left's dream tool to further their socialist agenda. Once America gets over "the black thing", will the liberal media demand we elect Hilliary to prove we are not sexist?

How long will it be before the liberal media demands that we elect our first openly gay/lesbian president to prove that we are not homophobic?

I believe that the novelty of a black guy in the White House is over -- been there, done that, got the historic Obama (false) Hope & Change t-shirt.

I hereby proclaim the season of Presidential Affirmative Action

Funny how the liberal media and their far-left buddies deal with blacks and women. You need to understand that the left's progressive/socialist agenda trumps everything. Thus, race and gender are highly effective tools used to further their agenda.

If you are a black liberal, the left gleefully views you as a poor victim of a racist America. Quoting Obama's pastor, Rev. Wright, "Barack knows what it feels like to live in a country controlled by rich white people". The left demands that standards be lowered and government entitlements be gifted.

If you are a black conservative, the left views you as a stupid self hating n***** suffering with Stockholm Syndrome. And yes, the left freely uses the "n" word when referring to black conservatives.

If you are a liberal woman, you are a victim of a sexist America controlled by white male SOBs. If you are a conservative woman, you are a stupid slut.

So, you can understand why my stomach turns when the liberal media and their far-left buddies are lauded for their superior compassion and tolerance for blacks and women.

The left celebrates liberal blacks and women while engaging in the high-tech lynching of conservative blacks and women. It is quite simple, folks. If you are a minority confident enough to be a self-starter and you love your country, you are on the left's excrement list. Leftists embrace only victims. Why? Because it fits their desire to believe that America sucks and is the greatest source of evil in the world.

I realize that what I am about to say will make a lot of folks angry. Well, I am sorry, but it is the truth: black voters behaved like a bunch of racists in the 2008 election. Obama got 96% of the black vote with surveys proving that many blacks were clueless about Obama's intentions and even his running mate. Some black Obama voters thought his VP was Sarah Palin.

Call me crazy, but if it "ain't" right for whites to vote for the white guy because he is white, it "ain't" right for blacks to vote for the black guy because he is black.

Yes, we blacks have suffered greatly in the past due to racism. But, to exploit America's original sin of slavery as a license for black racist behavior is a slap in the face to MLK and all who have sacrificed, suffered, and died to move us forward and together as a nation.

Race-profiteers love to opine about America's racist roots and the eternal debt owed to blacks. They completely ignore the fact that decent, God-fearing Americans corrected those evils. Apparently, these race-profiteers are unaware of the Civil War. Approximately 40,000 blacks died, 320,000 whites died, and 275,200 were wounded fighting to end slavery.

So, America, despite what the liberal media and race-profiteers say, your debt to black Americans is paid in full. You elected the first affirmative action president. Rah-rah,
congratulations! Now, can we please, this time around, elect the best candidate for our country?

The presidency of the United States of America is far too important to the world to be decided by silly surface nonsense such as race or gender. Never again can we allow the liberal media to select our president based on whose "turn" they think it is -- Asian, Muslim, gay, lesbian, or whatever.

I am black. I want the best American leading our great country. I want the horrific assault on our freedom called Obamacare
repealed! I want a conservative presidential candidate who is well aware of the evil confronting us and is boldly and eagerly up for the battle.

Folks, the left/liberal media will never retire the race and gender cards. Both cards have proven extremely powerful and effective.

The liberal media will always "blame America first." Though powerless over changing the liberal media, we have total power in our response to them: no pandering, appeasing, or fearing them. We must simply ignore their propaganda and defeat them.

The year 2012 is not just another presidential election. It is the most important presidential election in the history of our country. Obama is destroying America, plain and simple. Four more years under the lawless reign of this divisive, evil man will land a serious deathblow to the heart of America as we know it.

We need a hero, folks. Regardless of race or gender, we need the
best American in the White House -- someone who is "champing at the bit" to clean up Obama's mess!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Vice Chair,



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