maga (4)
The constant attacks from the satanic devildemocrats and their co-conspirators in the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propaganda machine is blowing up in their faces according to reports from their own strategists as outlined in a report from online site Conservative Underground News ( As have most, if not all, MAGA people I welcome the devildemocommiecrat attacks because they only reinforce the idea that being an "ultra-MAGA" member scares them so much. The satanic left knows that every day that passes with a strong MAGA movement makes their globalist dictatorship hopes fade.
The very corrupt, very mentally deficient joe biden continually derides President Trump as a "danger to American families" and makes totally false claims that supporters of President Trump are raising taxes on working class families. The truth, truth well-known to devildemocommiecrats and anyone with a brain and willing to look at facts, is that the devildemocommiecrats are the party of high taxes, out of control spending, and destruction of the American Dream. For any politician, bureaucrat, or Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandist to blame President Trump and his ULTRA MAGA followers for the current crop of problems is ludicrous at the least and TREASON at the most. I lean more towards it being TREASON because their policies are most definitely designed to destroy the Constitutional Republic our founders established.
Nutty nancy pelosi says that the supreme court is a "threat to democracy" because with a pro-life majority it can reverse Roe vs. Wade and once again elevate the sanctity of life to the level it belongs in our society ( . Their relentless attacks against life and liberty, despite the propaganda and political campaign, is not resonating with the majority of American citizens and that frightens and infuriates them because they know they are in the wrong. The idea that liberty can prosper despite their constant attacks upsets them greatly and they are pulling out all the EVIL tactics they can think of to try to destroy the Christian faith movement in the nation.
Nutty nan also attacked the idea that marriage is between one man and one woman, not the "anything goes" attitude she and her satanic friends demand. Protests at the homes of supreme court justices and threats of violence against them is an attack on the Constitution, the document that the satanic devildemocommiecrats hate, because it limits the "right to rule" concept that they lust for so much. While saying that conservatives are "violent" and "hateful" it is actually and factually true that it is the satanic left that has spewed hatred and called for violence against Constitution supporting people in all phases of society. It was devildemocommiecrats who called for, supported, and made excuses for violent riots throughout the nation, in cities run by devildemocommiecrats, and vilified police for doing their best to uphold law and order. It is the devildemocommiecrats and their allies who are creating hate and violence in America. Their common tactic of projecting their EVIL onto others is not working as they have hoped so they are doubling down on their attacks hoping something they fling against the wall will stick but so far nothing has stuck.
The amount of hatred and unrest being created by the satanic left is both distressing and disgusting but that is all they have to work with because the Constitution is against them. The reason they hate the Constitution so much is that it gives power to We the People, the "great unwashed masses" that the left seeks to rule over. Anyone that opposes a dictatorship comes under attack from the despotic left. They can't succeed by following the Constitution so they denigrate it and anyone that stands up for it. The constant attacks to undermine the Constitution, and to intimidate We the People into submission to tyranny, are the tactics the left is using in their attempt to impose dictatorship on We the People. The left hates Christians because they know it is we who stand in the way of their evil plans. There are people who call themselves Christians but are not because they talk one thing but walk an entirely different thing altogether.
Nutty nan, in the imbedded article, tries to use her catholic denomination to justify her actions against true Christian beliefs. If her contention, and from what I know of the catholic church I believe she states correctly in reference to denominational dogma, that abortion is a "right" and that homosexuals have a "right" to marry is to survive then everything I believe about the Christian faith must be demolished by the left. The catholic church has openly embraced homosexuality as "normal" and acceptable. While not openly accepting abortion it is clear to me that the catholic church has no real opposition to the murder in the womb of an unborn child of God because multiple devildemocrats in congress and joe dementia himself who are catholics are very strong supporters of abortion and homosexuality as a normal, even preferrable, lifestyle the catholic church has done nothing to punish them for using their denominational status to promote abortion on demand, even demanding that We the People finance abortions world-wide through use of tax money confiscated without our consent. If the catholic church was truly following the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth they would vehemently oppose both abortion and homosexuality.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
May 19, 2022
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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
Let me begin with this perfectly valid fact…nobody alive today in America was ever a slave in America, and nobody alive in America today was ever an American slave owner. Those are inescapable facts.
Also inescapable as fact is that nobody alive in America today had parents who were either slaves in America nor were they slave owners in America and it would be hard, if not impossible to find anybody alive in America today whose grandparents were either slaves in America or American slave owners.
Slavery in America was abolished in 1865…better than 150 years ago…another inescapable fact.
If one really wants to look at the facts surrounding slavery in America, or for that matter…racism in America and be both honest and factual about them…there is yet another inescapable fact with which many in America today must come to grips…
For those of us "in-the-know" in regards to what's really happening behind the scenes with Trumps recent executive orders, coinciding with the breadcrumbs being dropped by "Q", you might find the following article pretty interesting. Will 2018 be the end of the Cabal's grip on America?
Only time will the meantime, we all need to pray for Gods protection and get involved in 2018! It's a great opportunity to elect true conservative candidates to give OUR President the back-up he needs to restore our Republic and push the MAGA agenda forward.
I urge all who take the time to read this get involved with local Republican groups in your cities and state next year. It is a great opportunity to first, purge ourselves of these traitorous Rhino Republicans who have done nothing but undermine our President and two, re-shape our party, bringing it back to true conservative patriotism on all levels, not just the grassroots. IT CAN BE DONE!
God bless all of you out there behind the screen, stay strong and fight on!