natural (11)

JB Williams' Endless Natural Born Nonsense

In a recent January 16 Article on News With Views,  writer J.B. Williams has penned yet another article addressing natural born citizen titled, “TRUE FACTS ABOUT THE ENDLESS NATURAL BORN DEBATE.”  Unfortunately nowhere in Williams article is there anything resembling facts, much less truthful ones.

Williams’ article actually misrepresents the #1 terms for natural born citizen, when it is solely his own distorted cherry-picking of Vattel’s writing, in which Williams entirely bypasses Vattel’s  explicit and clear definition of natural born stated in  § 212 of Law of Nations, and instead extracts only the immediately following reference to paternalism, and the father determining the citizenship of the offspring.  It is this reference that Williams represents as the legitimate definition of natural born, despite it being one recognized by only Williams himself.  Talk about “truth”…

As far as the actual definition provided by Vattel, Williams presents this as his #3 recognition of natural born, but dishonestly impugns this as only the “birther” definition. Williams then proceeds to blame those birthers for focusing on McCain, and thereby allowing Obama to remain unchallenged in office.   Notably, by this specious rationale, Williams has revealed the motivation for his extensive abuse of Vattel as being  an underlying prejudice to validate only one individual – John Sydney McCain.

All the evidence, as provided by Williams himself,  clearly indicates Williams’ own prejudicial determination  to recognize John McCain as a natural born citizen, even while still condemning Obama, with the difference between the two being the status of the fathers. Therefore Williams reprehensibly pushed past Vattel’s clear and concise definition of natural born, onto the irrelevant narrative of about paternalism.


JB WIlliams';Endless Natural Born Citizen Nonsense

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INTRO: With "common law" grand juries currently gaining popular attention,and various attempts to "institute" and apply these occurring across the country, these issues are obviously increasing in frequency, and should be examined.   Some current examples are the case in Dixie County Florida, where Terry Trussell is facing 14 felony charges for "Impersonating a Pubic Officer" and "Unlawful Use of Simulated Legal Process", among other charges, now facing the possibility of the remainder of his life behind bars, or the Nevada common law grand jury claiming to have proved the "missing" 13th Titles of Nobility amendment was actually ratified by Virginia and thereby an actual amendment to the Constitution, or  National Liberty Alliance's own "Quo Warranto" (pdf) petition to various federal judges.


Some have claimed that Common Law Grand Juries are supported by the Constitution itself, and even cite  Supreme Court decisions, particularly United States v Williams (1992), as supporting these ad hoc common law grand juries.  However these claims do not appear to have any actual truth to them.

The only place the U.S. Constitution specifically references "common law" is the 7th Amendment, where it is an incidental reference in regard to legal suits, and then is only to affirm the right to trial by jury, not affirming the "common law" as any sort of guiding philosophy of this country, nor referencing "common law" grand juries in any way.

In 1992, Antonin Scalia made citations to the Grand Jury in United States v Williams, and referenced a few Supreme Court cases in doing so:

Hannah v. Larche (1960): "Rooted in long centuries of Anglo-American history.”

United States v. Chanen (1977, citing Nixon v. Sirica, 1973): "the grand jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned, therefore, to any of the branches described in the first three Articles. It is a constitutional fixture in its own right.”

Scalia also stated: “the grand jury is an institution separate from the courts, over whose functioning the courts do not preside…”

Scalia there also indicated:

“In fact, the whole theory of its function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional Government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people. See Stirone v. United States, 361 U.S. 212, 218 (1960); Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43, 61 (1906); G. Edwards, The Grand Jury 28-32 (1906). Although the grand jury normally operates, of course, in the courthouse and under judicial auspices, its institutional relationship with the Judicial Branch has traditionally been, so to speak, at arm’s length. Judges’ direct involvement in the functioning of the grand jury has generally been confined to the constitutive one of calling the grand jurors together and administering their oaths of office. See United States v. Calandra, 414 U.S. 338, 343 (1974); Fed.Rule Crim.Proc. 6(a). [504 U.S. 36, 48] “

Of note, all of the above references are specifically to “Grand Jury” and nowhere particularly indicating “common law grand jury”, thereby not serving to validate those common law grand juries, contrary to claims.   In fact the idea of an ad hoc common law grand jury being formed entirely independently of the the judicial system is undermined by Scalia’s above statement, “in the courthouse and under judicial auspices”.  These Supreme Court references in no way serve to validate “common law grand juries”, as they are currently being envisioned and formed, but rather provide cause to question their validity.

The claim is made that these common law grand juries actually have precedent in American history, which is somewhat true, but overall inaccurate.  During America's early history, when there were municipalities or districts without any established court of their own, circuit judges would indeed travel from district to district and rely on the presentment "charges" of such common law grand juries in order to hold trials.  However these grand juries were not formed from hand-picked jurors, resulting in a stacked jury, nor did they involve claims of absolute authority above any existing courts, as is currently being done.  There is no validation for what is currently being done in America's past, or Britain's common law either. 

Attorney Leo Donofrio, who led two of the earliest court challenges to Obama's qualification to hold the Presidency in New Jersey and Connecticut, has also been an early proponent of using Grand Juries to pursue government wrong-doing. In fact Donofrio wrote an early article titled "The Federal Grand Jury is the 4th Branch of Government", in which citizens use these Grand Juries to counter and correct government wrong-doing and corruption. However Donofrio later removed that article from his blog when a Georgia Grand Jury, allegedly inspired by Donofrio himself, indicated it had authority to confiscate people's property, and even take their homes, which would be criminal acts.

That article is still available on the Internet "Wayback" archive site here:
 The Federal Grand Jury is the 4th Branch of Government

Take note, in that article title Donofrio specifies that it is the "Federal" Grand Jury that is the 4th branch of government, not just any Grand Jury, and notably not "common law".

Donofrio then wrote an article titled, "The Georgia Citizens Grand Jury Must Be Condemned" in which Donofrio made the following clarification of his previous discussion of FEDERAL Grand Juries:

We are governed by our Constitution, not common law.

My grand jury 5th amendment “power of presentment” articles were meant to educate people as to their power ONCE SWORN IN AS A FEDERAL GRAND JUROR in a federal court.

The articles weren’t meant to encourage citizens to form their own grand juries and prosecute at will. There is no such guarantee in the Constitution. And I am a true believer in the Constitution. Are you?

Here Donofrio indicates that there is no such authority for people to independently form their own "common law" Grand Jury, under the belief they might prosecute "at will".

Unfortunately we have very extreme, ill-formed, and even dangerous beliefs held by these common law grand jury proponents, none of which are valid. 

The  National Liberty Alliance indicates (pdf) that the source of authority for these common law grand juries is the common law itself, stating, ""The Common Law is the jurisdiction that our founders set in motion when creating the United States of America" and "Common Law is Natural Law, America was founded on Common Law."  None of these claims are even remotely true.  This country's original foundation in British common law, did not involve any separate jurisdiction, and that common law was not actually relied on by the Constitution, which brought the United States of America into existence, but rather profoundly rejected by that Document.  Furthermore, "common law" is not at all the same thing as Natural Law and, in fact, the two considerations are entirely separate from one another, even by definition!  While the States originally utilized some terms, principles and practices inherited from British common law, that common law was never a founding principle of this country, and the Constitution in no way relied on common law.

" The common law of England is not the common law of these states."
George Mason, "Father of the Bill of Rights"
Debate in Virginia Ratifying Convention, 19 June 1788

"The common law is gone. The federal courts never applied the common law and even in the state courts it's codified now."
Justice Antonin Scalia, Federalist Society address, Nov 22, 2008

Perhaps the biggest irony of NLA's "Quo Warranto" asking "by what authority" those federal judges act, is questioning the very authority by which NLA itself demands those judges fill out their questionnaire, and demands they provide a "surety bond", or else provide their detailed financial statement, with the obvious presumption being that NLA itself will act entirely illegally to confiscate that bond, or those financial assets, when NLA deems they have not adhered to unspecified common law principles that do not exist, and are not a part of this country!

The Nevada "Superior Court Common Law Venue" indicates its own jurisdiction to to be "Original and Exclusive Jurisdiction", and prominently declares ahead of its findings that, "Its decision cannot be reviewed by any other court of the land."  Oh really? It is impossible that a grand jury formed in 2014, without any authority under law, to have any "original" jurisdiction at all, much less "exclusive" jurisdiction.  Furthermore, every single American should be disturbed by any group willing to declare itself entirely UN-contestable, above any law and court, and unable to even be questioned, much less challenged.


There is a gross misunderstanding of what the "common law" is on the National Liberty Alliance site, and by "common law grand jury" proponents generally.  The Common Law is not something sacrosanct in this country, and is NOT at all synonymous with our own understanding of Natural Law unalienable rights. 

British common law is nothing more than the cumulative decisions, practices and general principles of the British courts that were never codified into law.  That's it!

In fact that British common law is founded on Feudal philosophy of noblesse oblige wherein a person is born into a position in society with obligation to those above them. British common law actually also uses the term "Natural Law", in representing this "natural" feudal obligation to those above oneself in society, as discussed at length in Lord Coke's decision in Calvin's Case, 1608.  It is "natural" for persons to be subservient to those above them.   These feudal common law principles result in the doctrine of "Perpetual Allegiance," an indelible obligation to  Crown, country and one's superiors that can never be broken, never severed by one's own choice, unless by death itself.   As Americans, we specifically rejected that feudal common law doctrine of Perpetual Allegiance in the War of 1812.

These  common law foundations are entirely antithetical to our own Natural Law understanding of rights being innate to the individual, unalienable, and coming from "Nature's God", certainly not allowed us by others in a caste society. 

Under British common law, the law of the Creator is conflated with the law of England and being lain down via edict to the common man from that divine Crown through the judiciary. The King is viewed as both head of the Anglican church and state as well.   By this,  under common law,  anyone in disagreement with the state is viewed as a hostile, with Jews being recognized as enemies with no real standing in Court, and having little assurance as to property rights. 

Natural Law is recognized, by definition, as being entirely outside of man-made Positive Law.  That man-made Positive Law consists of "statute", those laws that are codified and written down, and those things that are not codified as any singular law but still recognized as directing principle, "case law", with this generally including what is referenced as "common law." However "common law" is not necessarily recognized as being binding.  Common Law is a part of that man-made Positive Law, and entirely outside of Natural Law.

Natural Law and Common Law really have nothing to do with one another.

Given these facts, the claim that "common law" grand juries have some overriding authority, and are founded in American principles protecting individual rights, is a stunning ignorance demonstrating a failed understanding of both this country, as well as the issues these groups claim authority regarding.


If such a thing were ever recognized, it would eventually result in citizen's grand juries being formed at a whim, and "stacked" with people intending to reach a pre-ordained conclusion, resulting in presentments or indictments for things that really are not all that legitimate.   Someone might even be criminally charged for eating a pastry into the shape of a gun. 

Then there's always the old cliche, "a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich."

Imagine the pure Hell that would be unleashed if the angry mobs in Ferguson could legitimately form their own "common law Grand Jury", and then pronounce a true bill presentment charging Officer Wilson with First Degree Murder, overruling the previous Grand Jury, and  the Missouri State Attorney would then be obligated to follow up on that charge, by arresting and trying Wilson for his very life. This could still happen despite a Grand Jury having already resolved that there was no evidence to charge Wilson.

Why wouldn't a grand jury formed by and from the angry mobs of Ferguson be valid? There is no special process involved in forming or validating those "common law" grand juries, and certainly everything inviting them to be "stacked" with people of whatever belief. That "angry Ferguson mob" could form their own "common law" grand jury, every bit as legitimate as any other common law grand jury.

Seriously, pause and consider if this were true,  any group of people could go off and form their own legitimate "common law" grand jury, and suddenly you yourself might have to answer to that jury's charges in an official court of law.

Or WORSE!  If they can do their own charges (presentments), why not their own convictions too?  We might have to answer to some unknown body of people, formed under unknown terms, acting entirely outside of the legal system, perhaps not even convening inside a courthouse, perhaps with a serious grudge against us for whatever reason, and they would be able to actually put us on trial for  something, anything, perhaps having us fight in their fabricated court for our very lives!

If such things were allowed, none of us, not-a-one, would ever be safe from wild charges coming out of nowhere, or trials for our very life, liberty, and property in "no holds barred" makeshift courts in the middle of nowhere. No one would ever be truly safe.

This is not how we fix things. It is how the justice system and society itself would become forever broken, subject to mob rule, and America lost in absolute Anarchy, never to be a Republic again.

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As recent events continue to show us, one never knows when either a man-made or natural disaster can strike. Normal, routine, everyday life can change in the twinkling of an eye. Part of being a responsible adult (especially if one has a family to protect and care for) is to be mentally and physically prepared to face a wide variety of crisis and scenarios. SHTF scenarios unfold everyday across the world and have claimed the lives of countless millions. It doesn't take a genius to realize that the increasing complexity and fragility of our modern technological society and financial systems, increased concentration of governmental power, and deepening ideological divides are a cause for concern.  While we are blessed to live the relatively comfortable and secure lives that we do, there is no guarantee that cannot change overnight. It is far better to be prepared for a serious crisis that never happens, than be unprepared for the one that does. There are many useful hints, tips, and ideas you can easily implement to not only survive, but perhaps even thrive, in a moment of crisis. Here are just a few ideas for your consideration.

Use solar-powered lawn lights instead of candles


This is a 'trick' I just recently heard about and I can only wonder why I hadn't actually thought of such a simple but effective idea before. Pick up a dozen or so at your local big box store and stick them in the plants in your windowsill and you'll have all the light you'll ever need if you lose your electric power. At that time you can spread them around the house in other potted plants or even in vases giving you lots of long-lasting and comforting light without having to dip into your all important and limited stash of candles. Plus, you are actually a little less likely to burn down your humble abode by following this advice. These are cheap, found nearly everywhere, and can be purchased for as little as 99 cents a piece. There is no reason any home should be without them. Such simple, easy to use, and inexpensive technology is your friend. Take advantage of it.

Use bleach or natural sunlight to purify water


A clean and safe water supply or stockpile is underrated and often not spoken about. Whether it's kept in the back of the guest closet, in the crawl space, or under the bed, you need to be storing water. But if not, you still need to be able to purify any water you may have to collect from local lakes, streams, or rain runoff in an extended emergency situation.

If you are using water from a stream or lake pour the water through two coffee filters and into a clean, airtight container. The coffee filters will remove large particles of impurities. Let the water stand for 15 minutes so it can settle. Fill a liquid dropper with bleach and then add eight drops of bleach to the water. Mix well. Wait 30 minutes, then smell the water. The water should have a very faint bleach odor that is present but barely noticeable. If you cannot smell the bleach, add two more drops and mix it again. Do not exceed 16 drops of bleach per gallon of water. If you purifying water that came from a safe well or municipal water system you can skip the first and last steps.

I believe it is better to add the bleach just prior to drinking versus adding the bleach before storing it. Some sources say that is perfectly acceptable to skip the bleach step if the stored water came from an already chlorinated source. Either way, definitely keep a gallon of new and unopened bleach around 'just in case.' The active ingredients do start to break down over time so rotate your emergency water purification bleach bottle once a year or so. For just a couple of dollars you can reliably purify thousands of gallons of water in a SHTF scenario. And that simple fact may save your life someday.

The SODIS method of water purification, on the other hand, uses the natural UV rays from the sun to purify water stored in clear water or soda bottles. Used effectively around the world, this method does not seem to be as well-known in the U.S. but would be a good trick in a pinch and when other water purification methods may not be available. I do not rotate my water storage (though it is kept in a cool, dry place) and will just line even several year old water up along the roof gutter for a days worth of sunning before deeming them good and safe to drink if I need to. Obviously, the cleaner the water source you are starting out with the better off you'll be. Just remember, it only works with clear bottles.

Keep the extent of your preparations and supplies a secret


This is a hard thing for most people to do, especially in the age of Facebook, blogging, and the Internet. Perhaps it is a bit hypocritical of me to say so in a publicly posted article, but the truth is that Operational Security must be exercised if you store or stockpile extra weapons, ammunition, food, or supplies. Human nature is such that it is in fact very hard to not be tempted to 'show off' your preps and hard work to those around you. But the opposite must be practiced. Do not advertise the fact to random people, your neighbors, and friends who do not share your viewpoint when it comes to preparedness. By doing so you only make yourself a serious target if, God forbid, any serious WROL or SHTF scenario was to unfold. Networking with like-minded individuals is advisable but showing off your "stash" to all the neighbors and everyone who ever stops by the house may be very tempting, but it is extremely unwise.

If you are making the necessary preparations to keep your family and yourself safe, secure, and supplied in a crisis then do not, under any circumstances, let a careless (or purposeful) word, FB post, or YouTube video compromise all the hard work and financial outlay you have already committed to that cause. The veneer of civilization and civil behavior is a thin one at best and it is in your best interest to remember that. A bunch of unexpected mouths showing up at your door expecting you to feed or supply them in a crisis situation because of your past "indiscretions" can only end badly for all involved. Remember to lay low, keep calm, keep quiet, and be smart if you are suddenly thrust into a serious man-made or natural disaster. Advertising your preps before hand is foolish, and advertising them during such a time can potentially have deadly results. Loose lips will indeed sink your ship, endanger your loved ones, and sabotage your own efforts to be prepared in a world of surprises.

Plan on bugging in, not bugging out


There is a huge amount of talk in Prepper circles about the need to 'bug out.' Everyone's secret fantasy seems to be to go play "Wolverines" in the nearest forest or hole up at some secret survival retreat in the wilderness at the first sign of serious trouble. The truth is not one out of a thousand people would survive a month in the wilderness (let alone in the middle of winter) and most do not have the financial resources to purchase the type of Bug Out location that would be of any true benefit in a major emergency. The average modern man doesn't really have the knowledge anymore to survive as Jeremiah Johnson if he were just thrust into the wilderness. And those woods would get crowded pretty darn fast as undoubtedly a great many people share the same half-baked scheme if worse comes to worse.

The reality is that one should plan to hunker down and bug in except in the most dire of extreme emergencies. And there are numerous ways one can strengthen and fortify ones own home to make it less of a target and more defensible if necessary. I was forced from my home and played refugee for four days following a massive tornado that ripped through my hometown a few years ago. I was given fifteen minutes to get out by the local police so I know the value of being prepared to leave if one has too and the importance of having a place in mind to go (in this case to my brothers home a few miles up the road). But I also know that leaving your home base of supplies, comforts, and frankly all 'your stuff' simply sucks and the minute you hit the road without a very well stocked and friendly place to go you are really simply becoming a refugee. And refugees quickly become hungry, desperate, and victimized in a serious crisis and have since the beginning of time. Ask the stinking, desperate hordes that got stuck in the Superdome during Hurricane Katrina about how having to rely on government help during an emergency can work out.

The other thing that no one seems to think about that if you tried to get out of dodge along with the rest of the lemmings you will get hopelessly stuck on some clogged roads with a bunch of increasingly desperate, panicky, and potentially dangerous other people. Unless your life or humble abode is in immediate danger or you were smart enough to perhaps decipher some early warning signs of a disaster and hit the roads before the Golden Horde, you will probably simply not be able to reach your perceived sanctuary at Grandma's house in the country. Think about how bad it is during rush hour if there is even a single accident. Multiply that by a thousand fold during a true SHTF crisis. Now take the time to rethink that bug out plan again. You either have to get out extremely early, or hunker down.

If you can, it is best to hunker down, fortify your home as best you can, lie low, and try to ride out the first wave of panic and violence. Stay inside, wisely use your stockpiled supplies, have your defensive arms at the ready, and avoid drawing any attention to yourself whatsoever from anyone including LEO's (law enforcement officers) who can often get both trigger happy and extremely gun grabby in a SHTF scenarios. If you absolutely must leave your home, then do have a very specific place in mind to go that is safe, dry, stocked, and with reasonable accommodations that is as close as possible to your current location. The closer it is the more reasonable chance of you actually being able to reach it in a serious and scary situation. Generically "heading for the hills" on the other hand is not a plan, but merely an act of desperation and thinking that you can easily flee to Aunt Betty's country farmhouse 300 miles away is probably little more than a pipe dream.

Get to know your neighbors


This is far more important than most people realize. You do not need to fully blab all your secrets and reveal all your preparations to everyone on the block or be an annoying idiot, but it is a very good idea to be on a cordial and first name basis with all your neighbors in case you may ever have to turn to them for help or assistance. In a crisis scenario they will undoubtedly have ideas, skills, resources, and tools that you do not. The ability to quickly band together can be imperative for safety when needed and even possibly save your life or property. You should not live in just a sea of strangers on your block but at minimum have a decent, friendly relationship of some sort if possible with those around you. You do not need to be everyone's best buddy on the block, but you should be able to easily show up on their front door without them seeing you as a stranger or even as potential prey or danger instead of a friendly neighbor if things 'go south' quickly. Friendly relations before a SHTF fan event can quickly turn into an important 'we need to stick together' alliance afterwards.

I live on a cul-de-sac where everyone knows everyone to one degree or another and some of us know each other quite well. I regularly share fresh eggs from my backyard chickens and extra harvest from my garden with all my neighbors. And the casual wave as one drives by or the friendly greeting at the mailbox can pay handsome dividends in the end. Such gestures costs you absolutely nothing more than the most minimal of effort. My neighborhood banded together magnificently when it was hit hard by the tornado that I referenced earlier and the lessons I learned from that experience have stuck with me to this day.

In conclusion, let me state that reasonable "prepping" is not paranoia but merely insurance to help you get through an unexpected, potential crisis in the future. It is wise to prepare for the unexpected and be ready to respond effectively to "disagreeable" future events that may unfold without warning. Planning ahead dramatically decreases your chances of being a frightened refugee or merely another desperate person in a sea of others if disaster strikes. It buys you valuable time to adapt to a fluid and potentially dangerous situation and will help you keep a clear head when possible panic rears its ugly head. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst should be your motto and adapted into your everyday life.

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  My Fellow Countrymen and Women,

       On this Memorial Day, in honor of our servicemen and women, as well as all of the patriots living and those who have passed on, I ask you to reclaim the Tea Party from corporate control,

       I know this post isn't going to be popular, but the truth never is. In an investigative piece by the NY Times in 2010, it was uncovered that a majority of Tea Party funding - especially to Americans for Prosperity and Freedomworks, two front organizations operated by Koch Industries and the Koch brothers, two of the worst environmental criminals on the planet (Koch Industries in located in Kansas). The link to my worldwide blog post is : . 

Read it, then feel free to comment.

I am a Tea Party patriot that wants corporations to stop controlling the United States, to stop meddling in our constitutional rights, and to pay their fair share of taxes. If you truly want America and your constitutional rights back, you will demand that any money contributed to any conservative organization by David and Charles Koch and any of their foundations will be given back.

When corporations pay their fair share of taxes, stop evading taxes, and act responsibly- jobs are created, the deficit of the nation declines, safety regulations are enforced, banks have more money to loan (that is not being loaned to fund government waste and operations, and the economic cycle created benefits not only the wealthy, but every citizen. 

When corporations use political movements like the Tea Party to hide behind, the world laughs at that organization. The Tea Party is being laughed at because they are taking dirty corporate money that is being funneled through political front organizations. 

It is time to get big oil out of our government once and for all- and to EVICT the Koch brothers out of the Tea Party movement and separate ourselves from their records and their tainted money. 

Only then will the Tea Party and conservative organizations  be taken seriously. 

Our Tea Party deserves better than being used as a front organization in an attempt to discard our laws, our constitution, and place a few wealthy individuals in charge of the Tea Party movement. 

Your comments are welcome. 

Mark Winkle, Founder

The Winkle Institute for Worldwide Economic Stability


Currently Resolving the Issues in Ukraine

We take freedom and human rights seriously. 

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DIVIDING A NATION - The Republican Roll Out as Birther Barrage goes Main-Stream

DIVIDING A NATION - The Republican Roll Out as Birther Barrage goes Main-Stream

FEATURED EDITORIAL at Birther Report /and/ The Post & Email 

Defending what Obama is doing by not holding a hearing on Obama's national security breach, or the standard of the natural born citizen qualification in the Constitution for the Office of the President, is essentially exactly whatRepublicans need to keep doing in order to lose. Rand Paul declared the Republican party may not win the Presidency again in his lifetime.

I said one time that the Republican party was going into extinction, not because that is what I hoped for or anything, but because of the abandonment of the principles of the Constitution I saw happening in the Republican party by a lack of defense for it. Jan 26th, 2012 I wrote with this commercial:
[“It is time to jump into the life boats, and begin representing a clear and Constitutional choice in my candidacy, which is clearly a clean message compared to the mainstream Republican Candidates who we see are very willing to sweep the dirt under the carpet, as well as our Constitution, and that’s not the President’s job or oath!”]

Glenn Beck today related he had spoke to a big GOP elected leader who was concerned about the #defundtheGOP verbrato over the air the last four months. What Glenn said made a lot of sense today here.
see post at for video

So many Republican leaders looked at me and scoffed, "How could the qualification of Obama for the Office of the President held in the demands of the Constitution even compare to the importance of "health-care", or "Our National Debt", or "The Arab Springs"?

Tyrannical dictatorial power is unleashed in ways Rush Limbaugh says today he has never seen with Obama stepping and hopping to the tunes of the 2014 and 2016 election in regards to what parts of the law are enforceableand what parts he decides not to enforce. The impeding play is certainly wrecking Republican strategy to let the law play out and let people see what a disaster Obamacare is.

How can people see what a disaster it is unless its allowed to hit them behind the barn?

What could leaving the Constitution behind bring financially? What is the Birther's Barrage?
Birther's Barrage

Essentially the BIRTHER BARRAGE is indeed more and more people going Birther as the Constitution is going 'main-stream' instead of becoming a dead-stream as so many in Washington perceive it to be going.

Is it safe to say now that if Obamacare had indeed been allowed to unfold as it was intended, without all these exclusions, that the United States would be in open revolt right now against Obama and all Washington Insiders?

You better believe if the people with money were made to tow the line of Obamacare in the big corporations, small businesses, and even federal agencies now, without the decrees of exemptions handed down from Obama by personal executive order, that they would be demanding their elected leaders in the House and Senate begin disability impeachment proceedings immediately.

This was the Republican strategy on Obamacare, let it play out and be seen as the disaster it is! However, its backfired on them once again, just as they hoped Obama would look like the paria, he reverses that upon them by executive order which has totally infuriated Sen. Mike Lee admitting on Fox News Sunday, there's no standing on Obamacare's harm, or time to find someone, calling it a 'shameless power grab' and ruling by his own pen. 

Obama then is seen as the savior by these people for not holding them accountable to Obamacare the way he has all the low people on the totem pole known as main-stream Americans. BUT, Senator Lee has also been unwilling to make the case on Obama's eligibility as a way to stop him which indeed it does, and you have to ask yourself why?

Indeed, Obama's savior'esk trend continues extending to all those employees of Federal Contracts a minimum wage of $10.10 an hour. Of course, main street businesses would either have to raise their prices by a percentage equal or lay off workers in order to clear the same profit margin if they were forced to pay that minimum wage.

How would anyone like paying an additional 30% on milk, peanut butter, soy, wheat, barley, corn, and meat?


Of course Obama's decree is intentionally ordered to divide, something that does seem to come quite naturally to him. How do all the employees making minimum wage feel about working that don't get paid $10.10? 

What if about election time 2014 he promises them also a decree of raising their wage if they will vote Democratic Party ticket?

That's one thing that Obama's discrimination provides. If Obama doesn't equally give to everyone equally he creates out of thin air a favorite child who was seen as deserving while the other child was seen as mean, undeserving, and rebellious.

While it would seem common sense to see this as unequal and discrimination, someone gets the reward someone doesn't, the Republican Party is not willing to exploit it as such, mostly because they fear it being turned on them.

The same mentality exist when it comes to the excuses used by elected leaders not to hold a disability impeachment hearing in The House of Representatives on Obama simply because the U.S. Senate is controlled by Democrats and the point seems 'moot', but lets take a closer look at how that might play out.


Assuming the U.S. Senate just because its controlled by the Democratic party would never remove Obama under a Disability Impeachment process or trial certainly demands the thought process that EVERY single Democratic Party U.S. Senator is 
1) Condoning the use of fabricated long form birth certificates
2) Condoning the use and fabrication or theft of social security numbers
3) Condoning the manipulation of past records of identity like draft registration and college records

Are ALL the Democratic Party leaders really advocating directly and recommending these things? Has the integrity of ALL those elected leaders bottomed out into the abyss of the mob?

Well, if the Republican Majority had a hearing on all of these factors publically, wouldn't that be seen as a light upon the darkness of all those elected leaders indeed right in time for the 2014 elections?

So what's the down side for Republicans holding a hearing on it? Oh, maybe you think boldly standing in front of Barbara Walters, Oprah Winfrey, and Diane Sawyer and asking them if they indeed recommend, condone, and represent this deceitful learning tactic for all of our children is a really bad idea because it just wouldn't fly? Come on!

Believe it, one of the very reasons threats of a collective variety have been issued to all media persons is precisely because of FEAR. Fear based on the reality that if someone is recommending fraud, deceit, forgery, intentionally to harm, most generally the American People are opposed to that.

Its not a hard story to sell to the generally good natured people of the United States of America who in general understand the reasons for our criminal code. Sen. Cruz stated in his objection argument in the debt ceiling debate he filibustered which was catalyst for 11 Republicans to turn into Democrats arms, "that the rules are the rules, the laws are the laws, and we need to follow them and not break them for political expediency.”

One wonders if Sen. Ted Cruz really understands Obama's not a natural born citizen according to the constitution, or if he is secretly hoping that no one is watching him under a microscope as he has passed on vocalizing Obama's real achilles heal he may share in his eligibility or qualification for the Office of the President? Sen. Cruz is set to visit Iowa and N.H. in March and April to a hero's welcome, according to The Hill for his stand in the debt ceiling debate?

Indeed as we speak, News Max is taking an urgent poll to see if you support Sen. Ted Cruz for President.

This shows more fodder for the excuse of 'racism' being used by Republicans and Ann Coulter when she said referring to Obama as "the first black president", if he hadn't have been he would have been impeached by now".

Rush Limbaugh says the leaders are just petrified of being accused of 'racism'. The reason I think that this is now the Republicans lame excuse is because when it comes to equality under the law, they are showing an unwillingness to put Obama under the law for the same reason they don't want Sen. Ted Cruz scoured for his dual citizenship with Canada, as the Huffington Post reports, Cruz denies as McCain did in non-binding U.S. Senate Resolution 511 the step is a concerted effort to go around the law.

This 'racist tactic' they lay on Obama is I believe turning into a very calculated strategy to avoid the justice of the Constitution themselves, in perhaps the Presidential run of another unqualified candidate as McCain was in 2008.

Which party has more people with sites on the 2016 White House who are unqualified Republicans or Democrats? I can name 4 or 5 Republicans who have their sites on the White House who are not natural born citizens who would just be wiped out of that prospect if justice is leveled on Obama.

Besides that, I'm not sure there is not a single member of the House of Representatives that doesn't know that I sued McCain in 2008 and Obama for the natural born citizen clause of the Constitution standing up for the principle of the qualification demands of the Constitution, and continued in the standing in 2012 and 2013 in the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276., and still maintain that standing in a 2016 run.

Indeed, Democratic Party tactics would not stay dormant for Obama's qualifications long if Senator Ted Cruz became the nominee for the Republican Party and they would essentially be forced to say, "Well, the Birthers were right, Obama wasn't qualified but he made it, but that was then and this is now and we have to stand for the Constitution, and Sen. Ted Cruz can't be President". Can't you see that coming from the Huffington Post, the WSJ, and The Washington Post?

The fact that I stood up for the principle regardless of party or race for that matter completely shows that the Republican argument of race is indeed a ruse, excuse, or a 'reverse racist tactic'. The need to quiver in fear of being a racist is indeed made 'moot' with a Presidential Candidate with standing and a legal record documenting the stand to hand the media in a frying pan like a nice T-Bone steak.

I think the Republican fabrication or pretense objection on raising the debt ceiling without any concessions on Obamacare or any remotely substantial give-and-take is also a witness to what I'm advocating. They pretty much went willy-nilly along with Obama and the Democrats and we all have seen and witnessed it.


The only remaining conclusion is that the Republicans are also in so deep they can't compete and what I said as far as the Republican Party going into extinction and never winning again is the reality most conservatives are going to have to come to grips with.

Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, as well as Sean Hannity are indeed recognizing the writing on the wall. If our society has indeed slipped into the abyss of the deep, like Robert Redford's outstanding film without dialogue is named, " All Is Lost", perhaps it really is for the Republican Party?
See the rest of the post here:
Dividing A Nation
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Obama eligibility to be heard soon in Congress

For those not familiar with some of the details of this;

1. Mr obama placed a downloadable copy of what he alleged was his "long form" birth certificate on the White House website. Numerous individuals world-wide immediately took the document apart and quickly discovered it was a computer generated fraud.... it contains (if I remember correctly) twenty-three (23) different "layers" in a .pdf format that can only be accomplished by creating a document in Adobe - not scanning an original (which generates only one layer)... it also contains a font called "TrueType" that did not exist in 1961 nor can it be reproduced by any typewriter known to man - it came into being by way of Apple Computer in the 80's, licensed to Microsoft in 1991.

2. The Congressional Research Service (CRS) - as a CYA effort - wrote a document in 2011 that lays out the groundwork for what they called "eligibility" and it claims barack hussein obama meets the requirements of a "natural born citizen" under Article II, section 1, paragraph 5 of the Constitution of the United States.
There is one small problem with this "document"... it fails to cite or even mention the Landmark Supreme Court case 88 U.S. 162, Minor v. Happersett (1875) where Supreme Justice Waite very clearly set legal precedent defining the term "Natural Born Citizen" and how one came to meet the Constitutionally mandated term to become a US President.
Here is the link to the CRS doc;
Here is the link to 88 US 162;

3. On April 10, 2008 Senate Resolution (SR) 511 was signed by the Senate Judiciary Committee allowing that Senator McCain met the Constitutionally mandated requirement of "Natural Born Citizen" because; a. Both of his parents were US Citizens and b. He was born on US soil (Military post, Panama - where his father was stationed).
SR-511 was cosigned by hillary clinton and barack hussein obama....
NOTABLE is the fact that there is NO corresponding Senate Resolution for barack hussein obama.............................................................................................
Here is the link to SR-511;

Many people (including a large number in Congress) falsely believe that if mr obama is removed from office that means joe biden is now president....
Completely untrue and a false statement.

If you research the Law, research the Constitution and Jefferson's papers you will quickly discover that if an issue of ineligibility occurs - everything the person has done, to include appoint a VP or sign a funding document for government - is immediately nullified!
That means that every person he appointed, regardless of position, is no longer in that job and may be required to repay the federal government anything they received as compensation.... (paycheck). It means that Congress will immediately have A LOT of work to do rewriting everything obama signed into law - as those "laws" will no longer exist due to nullification....
It means that the Speaker of the House is interim President until an election can be held - and that would be an immediate action item... not being forced to wait until 2016 to vote again.

It DOES NOT mean that McCain would be granted the position since he lost against obama in 2008 nor does it mean Romney would be for the same reason.....

It constitutes something called a "Constitutional Crisis" and Congress is deathly afraid of it.... My personal opinion is they are afraid of it because it will mean they will be working night and day to fix what five (5) years of their negligence and failure to uphold their Oath of Office has cost this Nation..... and I think they are afraid of it because it will expose their complicity to America and the World as unsuited for the position they hold..... in other words, they are all afraid of getting fired when the word finally gets out.

As a Nation of free men and women - we can work through that and prosper. Those that have not been fighting for freedom and attempting to stop this administration are deserving of what they receive.
If they finally decide to remove him - we the people win.... and I pray they do it soon - as this is the ONLY way many of them can redeem themselves in my viewpoint....

Treason walks not only the halls of our White House - it walks the halls of Congress....

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An open letterChairman, House Judicial CommitteeThe Honorable Bob GoodlatteCongressman Goodlatte,I will grant, I am not one of your constituents - yet you are the Chairman of the House Judicial Committee and to this position do I write.The other day I discovered Senate Resolution 511 dated April 10, 2008. The official document is here: appears (then) Senator's Clinton and Obama signed as submission a resolution to the Senate Judiciary Committee; the resolution Senator McCain was #1. Born on US Soil and #2. Born of two (2) parents who were US Citizens, resolving the controversy of his bid for the Presidency in the 2008 elections...I cannot find a similar resolution determining Barack Hussein Obama meets the same Constitutional requirement of "Natural Born Citizen" and I defer to Supreme Court case 88 U.S. 162, Minor v. Happersett, 1875; for Supreme Justice Waite's definition of the term - which landmark reference is not found in the White Paper the House Judicial Committee wrote on the topic...Sir, I charge you, as the Chairman of the House Judicial Committee, to uphold the Constitution of the United States, the rules of the House of Representatives, the Rule of Law and US Code and remove Barack Hussein Obama and this administration as quickly as possible.I need not cite all of the evidence from Congressional inquiries, Investigations and intelligence Congress has already gathered documenting the lawlessness of this entire administration - the simple fact Mr. Obama does not meet Constitutional eligibility requirements for the office of President is sufficient to remove him and this administration.Yes Sir, it is just as simple as that.I and millions of Americans - Democrats and Republicans - understand the implications of this - the requirement of overturning every law he has signed, the requirement of removing every person he has appointed - and we are good with that.As a Nation, we can work through that. I strongly suspect that you will discover millions of Americans who - like me - will willingly devote their time and skills to this effort at the direction of Congress - without pay.The House and Senate need to uphold the Constitution and Rule of Law - else, what are we as a Nation? This goes far beyond party bounds - this is the freedom of the People of this Nation at stake, our National Security at stake.This is not something that can be neglected nor simply swept under the rug to be forgotten later - this is the Rule of Law and a requirement of the Constitution this Nation was founded upon - the same document our Nation is supposed to be run by.Here, you have a Senate document validating the exact issue of Constitutional eligibility for Senator McCain in his bid for Presidency in 2008 and President Obama, in the long form Birth Certificate presented on the White House website, affirms his Father was a Kenyan - a British subject - not an American Citizen as required under the Constitution of the United States for the position of President.I find no Senate resolution verifying Barack Hussein Obama is a "Natural Born Citizen" of the United States!To wit; Barack Hussein Obama was not eligible for the office of President in 2008 and he and his administration must be immediately removed in its entirety.Congressman Boehner must be appointed interim President until such a time as lawful elections can be arranged and we as a Nation need to return our Federal Government to the grounds this Nation was founded upon. The Constitution of the United States.Our Constitution is quite clear on this topic; there is no elite class in the United States.Respectfully,SFC (retired) Aubrey Mason13306 Gable Village Dr.San Antonio, Texas 78231(210) 602-4291cc: Social media, severalTea Party Command Center
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An open letterChairman, Senate Judiciary CommitteeThe Honorable Patrick LeahySenator Leahy,I will grant, I am not one of your constituents - yet you are the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and to this position do I write.The other day I discovered Senate Resolution 511 dated April 10, 2008. The official document is here: appears (then) Senator's Clinton and Obama signed as submission a resolution to the Senate Judiciary Committee; the resolution Senator McCain was #1. Born on US Soil and #2. Born of two (2) parents who were US Citizens, resolving the controversy of his bid for the Presidency in the 2008 elections...I cannot find a similar resolution determining Barack Hussein Obama meets the same Constitutional requirement of "Natural Born Citizen" and I defer to Supreme Court case 88 U.S. 162, Minor v. Happersett, 1875; for Supreme Justice Waite's definition of the term - which landmark reference is not found in the White Paper the House Judicial Committee wrote on the topic...Sir, I charge you, as the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, to uphold the Constitution of the United States, the rules of the Senate, the Rule of Law and US Code and remove Barack Hussein Obama and this administration as quickly as possible.I need not cite all of the evidence from Congressional inquiries, Investigations and intelligence Congress has already gathered documenting the lawlessness of this entire administration - the simple fact Mr. Obama does not meet Constitutional eligibility requirements for the office of President is sufficient to remove him and this administration.Yes Sir, it is just as simple as that.I and millions of Americans - Democrats and Republicans - understand the implications of this - the requirement of overturning every law he has signed, the requirement of removing every person he has appointed - and we are good with that.As a Nation, we can work through that. I strongly suspect that you will discover millions of Americans who - like me - will willingly devote their time and skills to this effort at the direction of Congress - without pay.The Senate and House need to uphold the Constitution and Rule of Law - else, what are we as a Nation? This goes far beyond party bounds - this is the freedom of the People of this Nation at stake, our National Security at stake.This is not something that can be neglected nor simply swept under the rug to be forgotten later - this is the Rule of Law and a requirement of the Constitution this Nation was founded upon - the same document our Nation is supposed to be run by.Here, you have a Senate document validating the exact issue of Constitutional eligibility for Senator McCain in his bid for Presidency in 2008 and President Obama, in the long form Birth Certificate presented on the White House website, affirms his Father was a Kenyan - a British subject - not an American Citizen as required under the Constitution of the United States for the position of President.I find no Senate resolution verifying Barack Hussein Obama is a "Natural Born Citizen" of the United States!To wit; Barack Hussein Obama was not eligible for the office of President in 2008 and he and his administration must be immediately removed in its entirety.Congressman Boehner must be appointed interim President until such a time as lawful elections can be arranged and we as a Nation need to return our Federal Government to the grounds this Nation was founded upon. The Constitution of the United States.Our Constitution is quite clear on this topic; there is no elite class in the United States.Respectfully,SFC (retired) Aubrey Mason13306 Gable Village Dr.San Antonio, Texas 78231(210) 602-4291cc: Social media, severalTea Party Command Center
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(WND) Another lawsuit has been filed asking state officials to remove Barack Obama’s name from the 2012 election ballot because he has not documented that he is eligible for the office, but this case in Florida has a twist: It was brought by a Democrat.

The case was filed by Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch USA on behalf of Democrat Michael Voeltz, “a registered member of the Democrat Party, voter, and taxpayer in Broward County, who was an eligible elector for the Florida Primary of Jan. 31, 2012.”

As part of his responsibilities, the lawsuit explains, Voeltz took “an oath to ‘protect and defend’ the U.S. Constitution.”

The complaint cites widely reported suspicions that Obama might not have been born in the United States and the fact that his father never was a U.S. citizen. It contends that because of those circumstances, Obama is not a “natural-born citizen” as the Constitution demands of the president.

Named as defendants are Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner and the state Elections Canvassing Commission.

“The requirement for natural-born citizenship, which is found in the U.S. Constitution, was intended to prevent foreign influences from ‘influencing’ an American president,” Klayman said as the action was being filed.“These ‘influences’ have regrettably been witnessed by the American people during President Obama’s term in office. It is clear the Founding Fathers intended to avoid such a situation, where an American president seems to frequently sympathize with and take actions benefitting foreign interests.”


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4063377894?profile=originalOne of the most challenging duties I have as an American citizen is to sit through a Barak Obama speech. But do my duty, I will, and I did so last Thursday evening.  Sort of.  First of all, the conventional wisdom that Obama is eloquent is false. He is not eloquent, he is not a master of communication, he is not as intelligent as we are told to believe. But he is clever, and he has a snake-pit of clever advisors behind him.  Obama’s September 8 speech is simply a political set up for him to run against a “do-nothing” Congress in 2012. Clever, yes.  More clever than the American people? No.

The content of Thursday’s speech was a rehash of former “stimulus” speeches. His “American Jobs Bill” is just another infusion of tax-payer dollars into the ether of his command economy. If he has his way another $400 billion will waft into the netherworld of socialist failure, just like the previous $3.27 trillion from previous stimulus packages.  There is nothing in his AJB that would create a single lasting job.  It is an attempt to pander to large swaths of his supporters, like teachers unions, government sector unions, the Teamsters and the AFL-CIO, who would all benefit directly or indirectly from his plan. 

Obama pandered to small businesses as well with talk about a “payroll tax cut.” But  it is corporate taxes, capital gains taxes, and  personal income taxes on the small business owners who make over $200 K per year and declare their business income on their personal returns, that are killing jobs. Obama did not address those, but instead promised again to raise taxes on “those Americans who can afford to pay more.”  In his mind that includes all of those small businesses and their owners who we know are not “millionaires and billionaires” but are ordinary Americans, struggling, cutting corners, pinching pennies, and fighting the federal government at every turn just to save the jobs they have created for their employees.  As usual, Obama’s plan will kill more private sector jobs in exchange for a small rebate to households that will go to pay down debt and will have no lasting impact on the economy. He will fortify the unions, they will grow in power, and in the end, the government will be bigger, and the individual much smaller. Corporations will continue to outsource to other countries because the costs of production are impossibly large.  And small businesses will continue to shutter their doors as the specter of Obamacare looms ever closer.

One  of the most ironic aspects of Obama’s duplicity is his avoidance of the most obvious and immediate answers to our failing economy.  As a resident of Western Colorado I know that in my region of this vast country, there lies underground enough natural gas and oil resources to fuel our nation and our economy for decades, if not centuries.  Obama’s pet agencies like the EPA and DOE have essentially corked the potential for energy exploration and development in the West.  If he were to ease the regulations, tell Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to take a long vacation to Fiji, and simply open the door for Americans to take advantage of the vast energy resources underneath our feet, the economy would receive the defibrillation it needs to get pumping again.  Thousands of private sector jobs would be created, and dependence on foreign energy would be dramatically decreased.

The American people will not fall for the “run against a do-nothing congress” ploy. The president can’t stay disengaged and ineffective for another 15 months. The economy cannot bear the strain of further taxation, regulation, and statist manipulations of the free market.  If Obama was sincere he would do the following.

  • Open energy-rich regions of the United States to exploration and development
  • Slash corporate and capital gains taxes and close loop holes for his crony corporate buddies like GE
  • Cut taxes on the upper 8% of income earners, most of whom are small business owners
  • Ask congress to immediately repeal Obamacare
  • Offer  American corporations who are outsourcing or have moved overseas tax incentives to stay in country
  • Decrease the collective bargaining power of public sector unions at the federal level
  • Revisit the budget deal and adopt the Paul Ryan plan to address entitlement reform

But we know Obama is not serious about saving our economy or our standing of economic and military superiority.  He will continue to point the finger of blame, play the race card, and toy with the free markets of the greatest country the world has ever known, until he begins the longest vacation of his life in 2013.

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June 19, 2011: Happy Fathers Day! 


When You’re Holding a Hammer (Everything Looks Like a Nail)


Questions about Obama’s citizenship status from before the election in 2008 have come full circle, you might say the most Holy Reverend Jeremiah Wright, was right, chickens do come home to roost. Obama is not a “Natural Born Citizen”, and his alliance by birth is to two countries. Obama’s release of his Long Form Birth Certificate April 27, 2011, is a prima facie admission that the two alleged disqualifiers for the Presidency, is now confirmed as fact.


NOTE: This call to action is not a question of Obama’s qualification (at this step), rather it is a question of Congresses Constitutional understanding of the requirements to run for the President of the United States of America, and their (Congressmen’s) oath to uphold that Constitution, as being questioned by their employer, We the People aka the HAMMER.


As Obama has now confirmed he was not qualified to run for president pursuant to The Constitution of the United States of America. All current members of Congress, Republicans, Democrats and other’s, aka NAIL(S) totaling 100 in the Senate and 435 in the House, have by their silence, confirmed they are either an ACCESSORY BEFORE and/or AFTER THE FACT.


Prior such violations of our Constitution if any, does not set precedence as one crime or intent (action taken or not) cannot be used to validate another like crime or intent.  The old adage applies: two wrongs don’t make a right. Better check Mitt Romney’s “Natural Born Citizen” status while we are at it.  


To determine who has and/or is continuing to PERVERT the Constitution, it is VERY IMPORTANT that we provide the 112th Congress 1st Session, the opportunity this coming July 2011 when they are back in Session, to consider the “ONE QUESTION” being asked by WE THE PEOPLE.


That “ONE QUESTION” being asked of EACH AND EVERY CONGRESSMAN, by EACH AND EVERY RESPECTIVE CONSTITUENT is: Congressman ....(name).... DEFINE by August 1, 2011 what “Natural Born Citizen” means in respect to one being qualified to seek and hold the office of the President of the United States of America according to our Constitution? Please give MY (our) “ONE QUESTION” the attention it deserves in the time frame requested. Sign your name and address.


You are asking THE question, only one question, stick to the question, no redirect and no deflection, tell them to just answer the damn question!


Start asking your representative when you read this, FAX, EMAIL and PHONE any and all of their District and DC offices. Send POST CARDS by USPS to their district office (they arrive sooner) as piles are impressive. Heck for the price, two or three post cards can be sent. Print post cards up and hand them out for a signatures so all they have to do is sign it and drop it in the mail, and by all means plaster the “ONE QUESTION” everywhere possible.


Here is the hard part: put Congresses appearance of complicity aside until after August 1, 2011, until after we have a chance to review their (House, Senate or both) response(s) to our ONE QUESTION, until after they commite one way or the other. Let it go until after August 1, 2011, DON’T ENGAGE IN DEBATE wait until August 1, 2011 – it will drive them nuts. Let it boil within you but only ask “THE” ONE QUESTION a hundred times until August 1, 2011. Give our elected Representatives aka NAILS, our employees a opportunity to respond to their boss WE THE PEOPLE, aka HAMMER.4063329968?profile=original


After August 1, 2001 depending on their response(s) – use your judgment on what to do.


In the mean time as we prepare to celebrate Independence Day, lets also prepare for the day after, Tuesday July 5, 2011, which marks the sixth month anniversary of the swearing in of the 112th Congress. Abraham Lincoln said it best, “We the People are the rightful master of both congress and the courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”


In most states, there is a waiting period of six months after swearing in of the U.S. Congress before recall petitions can be initiated. On July 5 we can send an indirect direct message, start recalls on them all, each and everyone as we don’t know how they are going to answer our “ONE QUESTION.” Why walk around with one petition, when you can walk around with a fist full of them? Check your local laws and get started July 5, 2011. As for States that do not allow recall of their Senators, start a recall on them anyway, as well as initiate petitions to change any said laws prohibiting the recall of those not representing or responding to our best interest.




Just who is allowing this to continue, the U.S. Senate, the House - both, or the courts slow response before the election, after the election, or both? Or WE THE PEOPLE the boss; are we allowing this tyranny to be played against us?


IF I HAD A HAMMER (The Hammer Song)

words and music by Lee Hays and Pete Seeger

(last chorus)

Well I've got a hammer

And I've got a bell

And I've got a song to sing

All over this land

It's the hammer of justice

It's the bell of freedom

It's the song about love between my brothers and my sisters

All over this land


WOW, If I had a hammer, never thought a song written to support the progressive movement would symbolize the struggle to save America from the clutches of those same progressives.


Than again I kind of like


When You’re Holding a Hammer (Everything Looks Like a Nail!)

Words and Music by Kyle Hill and Bryan Glover

(last chorus)

There’ll be a party come this November

Where we’re gonna set things straight

All good people gonna gather ‘round

Gonna show what made this country great

We’ll run off the schemers and back-room dealers

So the Red, White and Blue will prevail

When we’re holding the hammer

When we’re holding the hammer

When we’re holding the hammer

Every one of them looks like a nail





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