protests (7)

Saturday, January 3rd, 2015, is when the newly elected U.S. Congress (House and Senate) are to be sworn into office in Washington, D.C. It is only fitting we send them this message we do not want Obama's executive actions to stand.


For planning purposes: 

1) Assign Coordinator(s)

2) Security (Two Persons taking Pictures / Videos of the Team Protest)

3) Hot Coffee & Doughnuts Coordinator (it'll be COLD that day)

4) Transportation for Team members

5) Vehicle Parking Coordinator (locates safe parking)

6) Special Events Person (the "Runner" for unexpected actions)

7) Communications Coordinator : Press Spokesman & inviting others such as Tea Party groups

8) Team Protection Coordinator : Primarily to keep the "Violent" and "Crazies" away (both Left and Right)

9) Prayer Leader : Your Patriotic Protest Team will absolutely need The LORD's protection ! 

12-06-2014 : Saturday  :  Identify and Contact your Team Members

12-13-2014 : Saturday  :  Team Meeting to decide these Primary and Secondary Locations (City Interstate Overpasess are Best)

12-20-2014 : Saturday  :  Team Assignments (Very Important !)

 12-27-2015 : Saturday  :  "Communications Coordinator" sends reminder invitations to "vetted" Team members

12-27-2014 : Saturday  :  "Hot Coffee-Doughnuts Coordinator" receives Team head count for purchasing items for the next weekend

12-27-2014 : Saturday  :  "Vehicle Parking Coordinator" ensures that planned locations are OK for the next weekend

*   *   *   

Here is where I plan to be on Saturday, 3, 2016*



*Please note; this is an uncoordinated action with any group -- so far. This is just where me and my sign will be spending a few hours on Saturday, January 3, 2015 as things stand. Since Georgia has become, thank God, a part of the Texas lawsuit against Obama's amnesty actions, this will also be an important demonstration of our support for the governor and the state legislature's actions.

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4063787009?profile=original     Are White UCLA Professors racist for correcting minority

students grammar mistakes?  - Photo Credit  Advance the Struggle

If you are a college student in Obama’s America then you are wondering if the protest at UCLA is a throwback to the 1960’s civil rights era or is it  just Affirmative Action 2013.  Whether or not racism is alive and well on the left coast at UCLA, it appears that a white professor who has been targeted by some minority students is certainly not engaged in discrimination.

What is his alleged sin?  He is accused of correcting the grammar of some minority students who did not conform to graduate level standards, reported the Young Conservatives.  Is it a crime?  Maybe it is a crime, but Professor Val Rust of the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies did not commit it.  That most onerous crime was committed by teachers of these minority students in K-12 and perhaps even undergraduate studies.

This is tragic because all too often, minority students who are not working at the graduate level standards which are expected are far too easily drawn to the post-Obama era “Somebody did this to me…and they are probably white,” sloganeering.  In a hot minute you can expect the civil rights Calvary headed to the UCLA campus in the guise of General Incompetent Al Sharpton and Colonel Rhyme-a-Lot Jesse Jackson.

Former President George W. Bush would have labeled the problems these minority students face as the soft discrimination of low expectations. After all, Rust was quite clear about his alleged issues with the student’s performances. Professor Rust explained in a letter to the department that,   ”I have attempted to be rather thorough on the papers and am particularly concerned that they do a good job with their bibliographies and citations, and these students apparently don’t feel that is appropriate.”

So what exactly are these students expecting the result to be by engaging in an endless series of 60’s era sit-ins and protests?  Are standards in graduate schools supposed to be lowered and lesser levels of achievement supposed to be acceptable?

(click to read more)

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Protest of Privilege

Protest  of Privilege

This title is similar to the blog that I will quote from.

I used “of” versus “and”. I want to draw to attention to “Privilege ABUSED”.

Of Protests And Privilege

The blog is a little long with some minor typos, but definitely worth reading.

Here is my takeaway

 = = = =

……. small protests turn into larger ones. Independents like bikers and truckers suddenly organize themselves loosely in protest and the media stomps all over it, attempts to steal or change the message, and the oligarchs in Washington DC plot and plan how to make any protest “hurt”.

Our “betters”, our “rulers” have overplayed their hand. The [ “y”] live lives of ease and seeming entitlement only because we the people have placed at great trust in their hands. They have clearly betrayed that trust and are in need or “correction” and “re-alignment” with the principles of the Constitution (which they currently ignore) and the Rule of Law which if applied correctly would see some of those “rulers” jailed and even hanged for treason.


 = = = = = =

Obama and his ilk/gang/supporters will find, like humpty dumpty, that they cannot be put back together again………





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4063728647?profile=original                       Are Hollywood actors cowards about Obama Syrian military action?

As President Obama prepares the nation to go to war through his apparent ‘go it alone’ strategy where are the screams of alarm from Hollywood? Remember when the left cost Hollywood elite accused former President Bush of “Cowboy Diplomacy?” Now, with Britain on the sidelines with the rest of Obama’s coalition of the unwilling, his charm offensive at the G-20 Summit in Russia is under performing. Hollywood’s liberal millionaires are currently deafeningly silent.

This is in strange contrast to the continued poisonous verbal assaults by Hollywood actors lobbed against then President George Bush. Unlike Obama, Bush worked tirelessly to build an international 46 nation “Coalition of the Willing” to join the United States in war against Iraq.

Obama on the other hand cannot seem to muster a 2 nation Coalition of the Unwilling. Barack Obama has not made his case to America nor to the world and it is totally apparent to Americans to many of the former American Iraq and Afghanistan allies. This is Obama’s War and its launch has more to do with his embarrassment over a red line in the Syrian soil which even now he has attempted to erase.

As U.S. military forces prepare for war through its Mediterranean battleship presence, Hollywood with its liberal Obama yes men and women, seem to be hiding and strangely and uncharacteristically silent about possible military action and war.

Seann Penn, who like Hanoi Jane Fonda has had a penchant for visiting wartime enemies of America has not flung one typically profane word or otherwise toward Obama. Where is the outrage Penn is famous for when he attacked Bush as a war monger? Are 100,000 dead Syrians and 40 thousand of them innocent civilians in this civil war conflict not enough for Penn and his conscience of convenience?

What about Jaime Foxx who has no problem playing a president on the big screen and also attacking Bush with comments over the Iraq war in 200. He then told MSNBC in an interview, "I think George Bush and the guys that are there, just don't have the charisma to pull off the things that they're trying to do.”

Now fast forward to November 2012 when Foxx stood on stage at the Soul Train awards and called President Obama, “Our Lord and Savior.” Where is the charisma that this same “Lord and Savior” was supposed to possess to dazzle and impress the world’s nations with? Foxx, like his fellow actors are cowards whose principles shift with the box office printouts of their latest movies, and took cover when Obama decided to use military action as a run up to a possible war.

( Click - read more )

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Here is what I got from the Obama camp this morning...  as if they were not behind the Wall Street protests.  They will be out in force raising class warfare this summer, you can be sure!!  This was Barry''s only job experience before the idiots in this  country elected him.  Hopefully we can take our country back in November!

Joan --

I'm writing because Barack needs you out there this summer.

Through the Organizing Fellowship program, you can work in a full-time volunteer position, learn the principles of field organizing, and then carry out important grassroots activities on the ground.

This summer, thousands of these organizing fellows are going to help lead our grassroots organization -- recruiting volunteers and running events to help more people make their voices heard.

It's an amazing experience -- one that could change your life while shaping this country for decades to come.

If you take a position as a fellow, you'll help more people to step up at the local level, where there are so many opportunities to make so much change. You'll register voters, recruit and train volunteers, run phone banks, have conversations with people on their front porches, and build the relationships that will bring your community together to fight for progress.

There will be difficult days, and long ones, too. But being an organizer is one of the best experiences you can have working in politics.

The people who take on this challenge will not only help move this country forward -- they'll also become the next generation of leaders.

The strength of this organization comes from the people involved. We never could have come this far without folks like you who have a passion for organizing and a commitment to finishing what we started together.

If you're ready to play a critical role in our grassroots campaign, apply now -- or forward this note to someone you know who may be interested:

Thank you,


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What’s disturbing about this picture?

Posted on The Blaze-By Becket Adams-On January 24, 2012:

George Soros is no stranger to Blaze readers. The billionaire currency speculator and philanthropist has long been in the news, especially since the fateful day in 1992 when he helped crash England’s economy. In fact, since that day, he has been commonly referred to as “the man who broke the bank of England.”

Soros is shrewd, he has a keen eye for investments, and he knows how to play the markets. Therefore, when he makes a prediction, it might be safe to say it’s worth a listen. After all, his predictions (among other things) have made him the multi-billionaire he is today.

So you might want to pay attention to a recent story from The Daily Beast that claims George Soros is nervous about the future of the global economy and that he warns of dark things to come.

“At times like these, survival is the most important thing,” Soros said.

As he sees it, the world faces one of the most dangerous periods of modern history—a period of “evil,” writes the Beasts’ John Arlidge. “Europe is confronting a descent into chaos and conflict. In America [Soros] predicts riots in the streets that will lead to a brutal clampdown that will dramatically curtail civil liberties [emphases added]. The global economic system could even collapse altogether.”

And to add a little color, Aldridge notes Soros says it all while “peering through his owlish glasses and brushing wisps of gray hair off his forehead.”

“I am not here to cheer you up. The situation is about as serious and difficult as I’ve experienced in my career,” Soros told Newsweek. “We are facing an extremely difficult time, comparable in many ways to the 1930s, the Great Depression. We are facing now a general retrenchment in the developed world, which threatens to put us in a decade of more stagnation, or worse. The best-case scenario is a deflationary environment. The worst-case scenario is a collapse of the financial system.”

As mentioned in the above, and as The Daily Beast points out, Soros’ warning is probably based on his natural market instincts as well as personal experience.

“I did survive a personally much more threatening situation, so it is emotional, as well as rational,” Soros said in reference to his personal experiences with both Nazi and Communist occupations.

“The collapse of the Soviet system was a pretty extraordinary event, and we are currently experiencing something similar in the developed world, without fully realizing what’s happening,” Soros said.

“Unrestrained competition can drive people into actions that they would otherwise regret,” Soros said. “The tragedy of our current situation is the unintended consequence of imperfect understanding. A lot of the evil in the world is actually not intentional. A lot of people in the financial system did a lot of damage without intending to.”

Wait a minute. Soros believes that the economic meltdown was the result of not just poor investments but honest-to-God “evil”?

“That’s correct,” Soros affirmed.

Soros continued in this vein, each prediction getting darker and grimmer than the last.

He believes that the EU must be held together because “if you have a disorderly collapse of the euro, you have the danger of a revival of the political conflicts that have torn Europe apart over the centuries—an extreme form of nationalism, which manifests itself in xenophobia, the exclusion of foreigners and ethnic groups.”

“In Hitler’s time, that was focused on the Jews,” Soros said. “Today, you have that with the Gypsies, the Roma, which is a small minority, and also, of course, Muslim immigrants.”

It is “now more likely than not” that Greece will formally default in 2012, Soros said. For this, he blames the EUs’ leadership and believes that eurozone leaders only know how to “do enough to calm the situation, not to solve the problem.”

Soros then went on to talk about how the Occupy Wall Street movement has added to the ever-changing dynamics in the world economy. Debt, Wall Street and capitalism have been put under intense scrutiny and people are becoming increasingly angry.

As this anger intensifies, will the inevitable result be a spontaneous eruption of violence and riots?

“Yes, yes, yes,” Soros says, almost “gleefully.”

However, according to Soros, worse than the riots and violence will be the government reaction.

“It will be an excuse for cracking down and using strong-arm tactics to maintain law and order, which, carried to an extreme, could bring about a repressive political system, a society where individual liberty is much more constrained, which would be a break with the tradition of the United States,” Soros said.

Perhaps because he sees such a dark future for the West, Soros has staked his “hopes” for the global economy in Middle East and the “democracies” that are springing up over there.

“While the developed world is in a deep crisis, the future for the developing world is very positive,” Soros said. “The aspiration of people for an open society is very inspiring. You have people in Africa lining up for many hours when they are given an opportunity to vote. Dictators have been overthrown. It is very encouraging for freedom and growth.”

Soros insists the key to avoiding cataclysm in 2012 is not to let the crises of 2011 go to waste, writes John Arlidge.

“In the crisis period, the impossible becomes possible,” Soros said. “The European Union could regain its luster. I’m hopeful that the United States, as a political entity, will pass a very severe test and actually strengthen the institution.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. SOROS: OCCUPY TO TURN VIOLENT: ‘Billionaire warns U.S. financial system faces collapse!’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On January 23, 2012:

II. Bored with union organizing, SEIU gears up for thuggery!-Posted on The Examiner-By Examiner Editorial-On January 16, 2012:

III. Occupy's 'nerve center' staffed by Soros activists: ‘Professional radicals caught red-handed running so-called 'leaderless' movement!’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On December 9, 2011:

IV. The Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupiers and the MSM!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Chuck Norris-On November 20, 2011:

V. George Soros Funds Occupy Wall Street!-Posted on Human Events-By Matthew Vadum-On October 21, 2011:

VI. The AFL-CIO’s Marxist Revolutionary Activist!-Posted on America’s Survival-By Cliff Kincaid-On October 20, 2011:

VII. Why Aren’t “Occupy Wall Street” Protestors Targeting George Soros Instead of Wall Street?-Posted on Ann Coulter-On October 19, 2011:

VIII. Proof! Wall Street protests no 'spontaneous uprising': ‘Major demonstration directed by leftist shadow organization!’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On October 16, 2011:

IX. Marxist Revolution: How Organized Effort Guides World-Wide ‘Occupy’ Protests!-Posted on Conservative Byte-On October 15, 2011:

X. $3.6 Million from Soros Backs 'Occupy Wall Street', Media Ignore or Downplay Connection!-Posted on News Busters-By Iris Somberg-On October 14, 2011:

XI. Another Soros tie to Occupy Wall Street. Envisions ‘New Economic World Order’ no longer dominated by 1 superpower!-Posted on Klein Online-On October 13, 2011:‘new-economic-world-order’-no-longer-dominated-by-1-superpower/

XII. Video: Hot New Film: ‘Occupy Unmasked!’-Posted on Conservative Byte-On February 10, 2012:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?

Progressive group maps out President Obama’s strategy for next 2 years!’s-strategy-for-next-2-years/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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State Capitol protests

It is very difficult for the grass roots membership to get to washington DC on 4/15/10. Perhaps we should consider a march on the 50 state capitals. The relevance is that the health care bill indeeds burdens the state medcaid programs as well as local businesses. If every state capital saw the level of distain, the state politicans might get the message and attempt a pushback if not outright legal challenge to the bill

steve shoemaker

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