washington post (1)


“The Washington Post Company raked in $573,217 in taxpayer subsidies and CBS Corporation secured $722,388 worth of Americans’ money.”
“It is fine with me if they continue covering the ObamaCare debate,” said Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, in an e-mail to The Daily Caller. “When NBC used to cover energy issues, they identified themselves as a subsidiary of General Electric. CBS and Washington Post will just have to disclose that they are subsidiaries of the Obama Administration.”

Obama Bribes CBS and Washington Post with
$1, 295,000 from Obamacare Slush Fund
            Sometimes it’s hard to figure things out. This “thing” discussed in this blog, however, although it’s a deep and moderately complicated issue, is now becoming quite clear. You do remember** when the much-ballyhooed New York Times and all its sycophants such as MSNBC, the Washington Post and CBS -- awhile back used the assassination attempt on U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords as an opportunity immediately to assert that hate-mongering by right-wing media outlets like talk radio, FoxNews and the “new online media” (more on this later) had driven a crazed right-winger to the attempt and to the resulting six deaths and wounding of thirteen; and then they all quickly dropped that line when it was proved that the would-be assassin was a crazed left-winger who asserted in his private blogs that he’d contributed to Ms. Giffords campaigns and who criticized the left for not moving fast enough (for being too slow in starting “the revolution,” perhaps?). No apologies or retractions were ever aired or printed by the Times, Post, MSNBC, CBS, etc. ad nauseum. Presumably the story they printed is 100% correct and needed no retractions?
Naturally they still continued to decry the nation’s conservatives as racists and haters responsible for all the evil in the world (that is, they continue around-the-clock demagoguery such as is now evident in the ongoing debt; deficit; debt-ceiling and budget stories^^) and in our country and then they called for less sharp “political rhetoric” (by which they meant anything a conservative might say) meanwhile over the past three years having ignored at least 80% of the real stories, with real evidence that have been revealed, they continue to glorify Barack Obama; Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid; big government; big taxes; big spending; huge UNfunded entitlement programs amounting to over $100 TRillion; huge deficits; a monstrously huge national debt; the unabated printing of money by the Federal Reserve Bankers and the inflation it’s causing; not to mention the campaign promises of one Obama to “bankrupt the coal industry” and that his “energy policy of cap and trade would necessarily cause electrical and other energy prices to skyrocket.” Those sound like real news to any intelligent and patriotic American, but not to the mainstream, lamestream media. That’s the background for this interesting story . . . and those caught red-handed in corruption . . . .
As mentioned above, some things are difficult to figure out. Rajjpuut, who was his J-school’s academic excellence award winner in journalism and who had some thirty feature excellent feature stories printed in the local daily while interning, loves journalism, real journalism that is . . . the kind that serves as a watchdog over government corruption and helps keep the voters informed . . . but Rajjpuut is no fan of the crony journalism that passes for news-gathering everywhere you look.  This time, however, it seems that the guilty parties on both sides of the corruption have been caught once again with their hands in the cookie jar.
 Now it turns out that the reason the leftwing media types have been cheering on the smaller government corruptions so prevalent in the Barack Obama administration and ignoring all the larger ones is that they’re not really neutral news-gatherers at all . . . no, no, no:  they’ve had a horse in the race all along . . . here’s another group of related stories they won’t choose to run:
ITEM: The Obamacare bill that passed, the one no one had time to read was NOT the bill promised but one substituted at the last minute just before the voting which illegally funded the program’s start-up $108 Billion beyond merely providing the ways and means . . . that is, it illegally took away the rights of future congresses to decide upon its funding year after year.
ITEM: That same Obamacare has provisions for several unmonitored slush funds most of them under the auspices of Health and Human Services Secretary Sibelius.
ITEM: Reporter Matthew Boyle of the Daily Caller online news website revealed less than two weeks ago that several of these socialized-medicine slush funds were used to dole out several Billion dollars to favored recipients. From one of these slush funds called EERP (Early Retiree Re-insurance Program) almost $2 Billion worth of contributions to specific political allies including several unions; select corporations; and some government pension funds many associated with labor unions all were made within the last year. The Daily Caller is one of the “new media” that the mainstream media has been so unceasingly critical of. Their story unlike the typical mainstream media story on politics had no editorial opinion,  just facts easily verified by anyone actually seeking truth.
 ITEM: Two of Barack Obama’s biggest media cheerleaders: the Washington Post and CBS Television received hundreds of thousands of dollars each from EERP thus bankrolling the health care of these Obama-supporting cash-challenged companies’ retirement fund with government money a.k.a. your taxes and mine. “The Washington Post Company raked in $573,217 in taxpayer subsidies and CBS Corporation secured $722,388 worth of Americans’ money,” according to research presented by the Daily Caller. “It is fine with me if they continue covering the ObamaCare debate,” said Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, in an e-mail to the Daily Caller.  “When NBC used to cover energy issues, they identified themselves as a subsidiary of General Electric. (So now) CBS and Washington Post will just have to disclose that they are subsidiaries of the Obama Administration.” 
ITEM: You will not be surprised to know that neither the Washington Post nor CBS nor the rest of the mainstream left-leaning media have reported on these corrupt practices.
ITEM:   A follow-up story on another “new media” blogsite:  Hot Air revealed that both The Washington Post and CBS have totally ignored problems with the slush fund secretly bankrolling health care for their early retirees.  Hot Air reported that a search for ERRP on the Post website last week revealed ZERO, zilch, nada concerning the corrupt practices.   Indeed,  searching the Post website for the full name of the slush fund revealed only one article from a right-wing source.   In keeping with that trend, a search on the CBS website, for ERRP also produced no entries — while a search for the full name of the slush fund returned only one entry, a link to the Obama administration’s health care reform website.
ITEM: The contrast in style and substance between the new media that the left has been so strongly critical of could not be greater. Real news, real watch-dogging of our government and its corruptions has been the domain of the right-wing media for quite some time. Even when both were criticizing President George W. Bush . . . while the left indulged in mere name-calling . . . evidence and supporting factual connections on subjects like Bush’s failure to protect the border; and the increased pace of shipping jobs overseas during the Bush administration came largely from the news gatherers among the right-wing media.
ITEM: Mr. Boyle’s original column in the Daily Caller was no exception. Research uncovered from Congressional testimony and other public documents was only part of his story he also sought and collected opposing points of view just like they teach you in J-school. And let us repeat:  there was zero editorial comment to be found in Boyle’s story . . . just the facts, Ma'am, just the facts.
ITEM: This latest abuse of public funds highlights the danger of ever-over-growing, ever-more-powerful centralized government and especially it sounds a warning about the abuses to come as the additional controls over the healthcare marketplace begin to unfold.
ITEM: Isn’t it ironic that real journalism severely-criticized by the cheerleaders of the left, uncovered a real story about real corruption between Mr. Obama’s so-called Healthcare Reform programs and between the same left-wing media that unthinkingly and uncritically supports every foolish idea Barack Obama presents them. “Bought and Paid For” is how one old friend of Rajjpuut’s father’s used to put it . . . “Bought and Paid For!”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** You do remember when these “usual subjects” ran stories for a month after the morning in late March, 2009, when Obamacare was passed (with Nancy Pelosi and her crowd marching up the Capitol steps bearing the over-sized gavel) claiming the “racist” TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party guilty of spitting on Black Democratic congressmen and calling them “nig_ers” “23 times. Of course when Andrew Breitbart offered $100,000 reward for conclusive evidence that this happened (he required just one instance of using the “N-word” to validate the charges and collect the $100,000) . . . strangely among all the dozens of reporters and cameras and videotape cassettes in evidence, no one has ever collected the money; indeed, no one has ever attempted to collect Breitbart’s money . . . but, of course, no apologies to the supposedly “racist, hate-mongering, stupid and astroturf” TEA Party was ever made. And, naturally, the amount of evidence showing this supposed racism, hate-mongering, stupidity and that they not a grassroots uprising but are a “Republican Party front organization has also not been forthcoming.
^^ The demagoguery is always the same: there is no debt crisis; there is enough money, especially if we take all that the rich (who create jobs via small business) have. Our children and grandchildren will only be hurt if the Republicans interfere with all the UNfunded entitlement programs the left insists are actually very well-funded. Those evil, insensitive conservatives want to throw grandma and all the poor out in the streets; and their highest desire is to see all welfare recipients eating catfood.
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