DEA, Eric Holder’s DOJ
Laundered Drug Money
For Mexican Criminal Cartels
If you thought Eric Holder deliberately letting Mexican drug cartels buy automatic weapons in this country and then allowing them to take the weapons across the border unimpeded was a terrible idea . . . “you ain’t heard nothin’ yet, Pilgrim!” It’s been a terrible week for Eric Holder’s Department of Justice (DOJ); Janet Napolitano’s Homeland Security Department; and the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Department as well. Their combined inanity is being exposed by Darrell Issa’s Congressional Investigation. Just as Operation Fast and Furious’ “gun-walking” stupidity which killed an American Border Patrol agent and at least 300 (Mexico recently raised these numbers) Mexican citizens was exploding in Obama’s Attorney General’s face and dropping his reputation even lower . . . with CBS News showing us memos indicating that Holder proposed 1) not to ever tell anyone about the Operation Fast and Furious (OF&F) gunwalking fake-sting project and 2) resulting border violence was to be used as an excuse to pass much tighter and onerous gun restrictions on law-abiding Americans. . . things have taken a hard left turn for the worse. Yes, that’s Eric Holder leaving Carlsbad now heading toward Carlsworse as Mexican authorities have discovered that in a pathetic OF&F-like scheme, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has been laundering drug money for those same Mexican criminal cartels and allegedly “facilitated tran$fer of million$ of dollar$” directly to the coffer$ of those monster mobsters.
The biggest surprise of all may be that recently the mainstream media (MSM) has begun to do its job. As mentioned in recent Rajjpuut’s Folly blogs: CBS News upped the ante on OF&F with three recent document revelations from Lois Lane, ace girl reporter (better known as Sharyl Attkinsson, CBS’ Washington Bureau investigative JOURNALIST. That word is written in capital letters because it’s been a long time since Rajjpuut felt admiration for any MSM journalists). Now the “Old Gray Lady,” a.k.a. the New York Times has decided to stop running interference for President Obama and his incompetent and crooked White House crew and also do some actual journalism.
According to the N.Y. Times report, “in operations supervised by the DOJ and orchestrated to get around sovereignty restrictions,” drug enforcement agents “laundered or smuggled millions of dollars in drug proceeds as part of Washington’s expanding role in Mexico’s fight against drug cartels.” Immediately after the Times published their “money-laundering” article, House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa announced he is “expanding his investigation of Operation Fast and Furious and the DOJ to examine reports of DEA-facilitated money laundering.” Holder’s DOJ released a public statement disclaiming the practice as “perfectly ordinary.” The DOJ also said they were seeking to trace the drug money’s path and that they had been “working collaboratively with the Mexican government” on the efforts to fight more widespread money laundering. Mexican officials including President Felipe Calderon denied the report and said that Mexico was not aware of the Times’ article and not aware of the DOJ scheme either.
The similarities to OF&F are unmistakable: it appears that, at best, AG Holder was furnishing narcotics traffickers with American DEA laundered drug proceeds reportedly in an attempt to discern how those funds moved and who did the moving. Rajjpuut says, “at best” because there is also the possibility none of this was merely incompetence and idiocy, there’s also the possibility that we’ll find the DOJ was “100% in cahoots” with some mighty slimy and powerful and dangerous criminals.
The DOJ’s and DEA’s joint statement contradicted the Mexican denials and put those two agencies at odds with the Mexican government, “As our partners in Mexico have stated, the joint investigations to detect and dismantle money laundering networks have led to important advances and detentions in each country. The cooperation between the United States and Mexico is based on principles of shared responsibility, mutual trust and respect for the jurisdiction of each country.”
Obviously, the Mexicans and Calderon are saying NO SUCH THING! Who do we believe? If OF&F is any indication, leaving Mexico in the dark about operations that cross international borders is not a new plan for Eric Holder’s DOJ. On Dec. 8, AG Holder testified before the House Judiciary Committee that he still has not briefed Mexican officials, including Attorney General Marisela Morales, about OF&F. Calderon’s press secretary Sota said, “The Mexican Government did not know. It’s important to stress we have begun an investigation by our Attorney General Morales to establish responsibilities, and in any case to investigate if there was any involvement. But the government did not have any knowledge of an operation of this nature.”
Jorge Ramos, host of the Al Punto TV show, emphasized that according to the N.Y. Times report “Mexican agents participated” alongside DEA agents. Curiouser and curiouser, no? IF the Mexican government was NOT involved, it’s beginning to look like criminal corruption rather than mere incompetence by AG Holder and his folks . . . IF Eric Holder doesn’t resign or get impeached, American justice no longer exists.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,