homeland security (3)


DEA, Eric Holder’s DOJ

Laundered Drug Money

For Mexican Criminal Cartels



            If you thought Eric Holder deliberately letting Mexican drug cartels buy automatic weapons in this country and then allowing them to take the weapons across the border unimpeded was a terrible idea . . . “you ain’t heard nothin’ yet, Pilgrim!”  It’s been a terrible week for Eric Holder’s Department of Justice (DOJ); Janet Napolitano’s Homeland Security Department; and the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Department as well.  Their combined inanity is being exposed by Darrell Issa’s Congressional Investigation.  Just as Operation Fast and Furious’ “gun-walking” stupidity which killed an American Border Patrol agent and at least 300 (Mexico recently raised these numbers) Mexican citizens was exploding in Obama’s Attorney General’s face and dropping his reputation even lower . . .  with CBS News showing us memos indicating that Holder proposed 1) not to ever tell anyone about the Operation Fast and Furious (OF&F) gunwalking fake-sting project and 2) resulting border violence was to be used as an excuse to pass much tighter and onerous gun restrictions on law-abiding Americans. . . things have taken a hard left turn for the worse.  Yes, that’s Eric Holder leaving Carlsbad now heading toward Carlsworse as Mexican authorities have discovered that in a pathetic OF&F-like scheme, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has been laundering drug money for those same Mexican criminal cartels and allegedly “facilitated tran$fer of million$ of dollar$” directly to the coffer$ of those monster mobsters. 

         The biggest surprise of all may be that recently the mainstream media (MSM) has begun to do its job.  As mentioned in recent Rajjpuut’s Folly blogs: CBS News upped the ante on OF&F with three recent document revelations from Lois Lane, ace girl reporter (better known as Sharyl Attkinsson, CBS’ Washington Bureau investigative JOURNALIST.  That word is written in capital letters because it’s been a long time since Rajjpuut felt admiration for any MSM journalists).  Now the “Old Gray Lady,” a.k.a. the New York Times has decided to stop running interference for President Obama and his incompetent and crooked White House crew and also do some actual journalism.

         According to the N.Y. Times report,  “in operations supervised by the DOJ and orchestrated to get around sovereignty restrictions,” drug enforcement agents “laundered or smuggled millions of dollars in drug proceeds as part of Washington’s expanding role in Mexico’s fight against drug cartels.”   Immediately after the Times published their “money-laundering” article, House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa announced he is “expanding his investigation of Operation Fast and Furious and the DOJ to examine reports of DEA-facilitated money laundering.”  Holder’s DOJ released a public statement disclaiming the practice as “perfectly ordinary.”  The DOJ also said they were seeking to trace the drug money’s path and that they had been “working collaboratively with the Mexican government” on the efforts to fight more widespread money laundering.  Mexican officials including President Felipe Calderon denied the report and said that Mexico was not aware of the Times’ article and not aware of the DOJ scheme either.

         The similarities to OF&F are unmistakable:   it appears that, at best, AG Holder was furnishing narcotics traffickers with American DEA laundered drug proceeds reportedly in an attempt to discern how those funds moved and who did the moving.  Rajjpuut says, “at best” because there is also the possibility none of this was merely incompetence and idiocy, there’s also the possibility that we’ll find the DOJ was “100% in cahoots” with some mighty slimy and powerful and dangerous criminals.

         The DOJ’s and DEA’s joint statement contradicted the Mexican denials and put those two agencies at odds with the Mexican government, “As our partners in Mexico have stated, the joint investigations to detect and   dismantle money laundering networks have led to important advances and detentions in each country.  The cooperation between the United States and Mexico is based on principles of shared responsibility, mutual trust and respect for the jurisdiction of each country.” 

         Obviously, the Mexicans and Calderon are saying NO SUCH THING!   Who do we believe?   If OF&F is any indication, leaving Mexico in the dark about operations that cross international borders is not a new plan for Eric Holder’s DOJ.   On Dec. 8, AG Holder testified before the House Judiciary Committee that he still has not briefed Mexican officials, including Attorney General Marisela Morales, about OF&F.  Calderon’s press secretary Sota said, “The Mexican Government did not know.   It’s important to stress we have begun an investigation by our Attorney General Morales to establish responsibilities, and in any case to investigate if there was any involvement. But the government did not have any knowledge of an operation of this nature.”

          Jorge Ramos, host of the Al Punto TV show, emphasized that according to the N.Y. Times report “Mexican agents participated” alongside DEA agents.  Curiouser and curiouser, no?  IF the Mexican government was NOT involved, it’s beginning to look like criminal corruption rather than mere incompetence by AG Holder and his folks . . . IF Eric Holder doesn’t resign or get impeached, American justice no longer exists.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



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The whole of government consists of the art of being honest.”
Thomas Jefferson
Obama Lies 26 Times in Friday’s,
Saturday’s Speeches on Debt-Ceiling Debate
Holder’s Lies May Bring Administration Down
                As the pressure mounts on the economic front and in the debt-ceiling debate with the loyal opposition, President Obama is becoming more and more comfortable unabashedly piling up “Frequent Liar Miles.” Mr. Obama is now well set to fly non-stop around the globe for the next 84 years. Allow us to present some of the low-lights of our mendacious Liar-in-Chief’s recent utterances: the big picture about the Debt-Ceiling argument according to Mr. Obama is that he says he believes “in a balanced approach.” That single lie should, in all honesty, be worth about a three hundred normal, old fashioned cross-my-heart-hope-to-die-lies while crossing all ten fingers behind your back . . . but propriety demands we only count it as one puny lie, alas! 
Of course, Mr. Obama when a senator told us that the attempt by then President Bush to raise the debt-limit indicated an ineptness in government . . . so Mr. Obama talks to the American people out of both sides of his mouth . . . often at the same time . . . but that’s not surprising anyone anymore . . . just par for the course. President Obama most definitely does NOT believe in a balanced approach. Mr. Obama is the most radical occupant ever to sit in the Oval Office. He has displayed tunnel-vision and one-track loyalty toward rapid expansion of government at any cost. Where is Mr. Obama’s ballyhooed “balance” with regard to energy policy?    As you can verify in the links below: he has sworn in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle that his energy policies will “bankrupt the coal industry”; and will “necessarily cause electricity prices to skyrocket” . . . is that balance? 
http://www. youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4
And make no bones about it, energy costs and the cost of DEpendence upon foreign oil is a big part of our economic woes and our debt and spending woes.
            He has taken $787 Billion from the taxpayers to create a stimulus program that produced one job for every $678, 000 in subsidies but refuses to consider leaving the taxpayers holding their own money and allowing the free market to create jobs for, oh say, $180,000. Is that the balance he’s talking about? He has given us the most swollen bureaucracy in the history of the country producing one new government job for every 2.3 jobs lost because of the subsidies’ negative effect on the economy . . . surely he’s not calling that “balance.” Rajjpuut is feeling so UNbalanced by all the president’s lying that in this blog he’s only been able to deal with one among all the recent false Obama output . . . Ouch!   Mr. Obama believes we can spend, borrow, and tax our way to prosperity . . . that is surely the product of an UNbalanced mind, eh? Speaking of UNbalanced minds    . . . .
            By the way as the link above shows, President Obama seems to have no monopoly upon lies within his administration.   According to charges raised by Black freshman Florida Representative Alan West, Obama’s attorney general and incompetent-in-chief, Eric Holder, on April 2, 2009 (was he writing this speech on April Fool’s Day?) in Cuernavava, Mexico, told a Mexican audience about a "major new effort” to deal with the violent Mexican drug cartels.
 I would like to thank the Mexican and U.S. experts who have worked so hard on this issue.  On our side, Secretary Napolitano and I are committed to putting the resources in place to increase our attack on arms trafficking into Mexico.

            Last week, our administration launched a major new effort to break the backs of the cartels.  My department is committing 100 new ATF personnel to the Southwest border in the next 100 days to supplement our ongoing Project Gunrunner, DEA is adding 16 new positions on the border, as well as mobile enforcement teams, and the FBI is creating a new intelligence group focusing on kidnapping and extortion.  DHS is making similar commitments, as Secretary Napolitano will detail.
          Holder, of course, recently lied to House Chairman of the Oversight Committee Dan Issa and said he had no knowledge of the badly bungled “Operation Fast and Furious” which altered the Bush game plan in “Project Gun Runner.”  Holder admitted to only learning about Operation Fast and Furious seven weeks after its role in the deaths of two Americans (one Immigration agent and one Homeland Security officer) was going viral on the internet.
Project Gun Runner, which was in effect when Obama and Holder took office, was an ongoing sting operation which caught Mexican and Americans in the middle of transacting arms deals and arrested them. The ill-conceived and badly botched Operation Fast and Furious (OFF) actually allowed the purchases of tens of thousands of weapons to take place and attempted to follow the guns into Mexico. Of course with almost no variance, once the guns crossed the border, all trace of them was lost unless they wound up at the scene of a crime . . . as they did in the deaths of the two American officers. Mexican officials are enraged, as they suspect that the sharp recent rise in deaths on their side of the border was exacerbated by OFF weapons. They claim that thousands of Mexican citizens may have died from bullets sprayed from OFF weaponry.  If you’ll re-read the Holder quote above from April, 2009, you’ll notice that it appears that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and President Obama were aware and complicit in the creation of OFF as well. 
Besides its obvious stupidity, OFF featured Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Holder’s Justice Department deliberately withholding information from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF or just ATF) which had been conducting Bush’s Project Gun Runner so that the ATF spent huge amounts of time trying to piece together information already in the hands of the other three federal departments (such as the identity of the arms traffic ringleaders in Mexico and the U.S. Was this by design? It appears to be so, because it took ATF a long time to figure out that OFF was dramatically different (and flawed) from Gun Runner. Once ATF discovered this the agents in the field began to howl like stuck pigs about the foolish operation. Of course, right now the ATF is turning tons of documents proving all this to Chairman Issa’s Oversight Committee even while Holder and the Obama administration is trying to push the blame upon the ATF and stonewalling Issa’s committee.  Notice:  not only does it appears that OFF began not later than early April, 2009, notice that in the link above on the second video clip which is President Obama meeting with Mexican President Felipe Caldero`n and answering a reporter’s questions by referring to “gun tracing” initiatives. It appears that President Obama was in on this from the start. Ah, lying, it gets contagious doesn’t it? 
Rep. Allen West has revealed all this and added:
"Eric Holder has to be brought before an investigative committee and if those charges are warranted he needs to be held accountable but at least the President needs to realize that Eric Holder needs to be removed from the Department of Justice or else I believe President Obama is complicit and in approval of the actions of his Attorney General."
 The $64,000 Question is, of course, WHY?  Why was Operation Fast and Furious created?  Why was the temporary head of ATF never replaced by the Obama administration?  Why was temporary ATF Director Ken Melson and the entire ATF deliberately kept in the dark about what exactly OFF was and what was going on in OFF?  Why was Holder referring to "Project Gun Runner" in his speech; why would he publicly alert anyone about a sting project created by the Bush administration?  Why was OFF designed to allow weapons to get all the way into Mexico where we have no jurisdiction?  Is there a logical answer to these questions?
The problem solving principle known as "Occam's Razor" (lex parsimoniae -- "the simplest explanation requiring the least assumptions is most likely the correct one") holds the likely answer to all these questions.  Melson was left in charge of the ATF and he and the ATF were not kept current on exactly what OFF was because they were being set up as scape goats.  Even as late as last week, the ATF whistle-blowers who'd been complaining loud and long about what was going on in OFF and about the change in emphasis and tactics were still referring to OFF by its name under the Bush administration (back in the days when it worked and made logical sense) "Project Gun Runner."  The purpose of all this:  to give Obama data backing up the left's claim that 90% of the guns owned by the Mexican Drug cartels came from American gun sales.  Obama has long been promising the anti-gun fringe of his supporters that he would outlaw automatic weapons . . . apparently thinking that the best way to do this was by helping the Mexican drug cartels get their hands on thousands of automatic weapons -- your tax dollars at work corrupting the world!
Let's see how long it is before the mainstream/lame-stream media begins to cover this boondoggle and the cover-up!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Verdict is in: Obama’s Political Correctness Kills

Does Administration Understand Yet?



     Today in a speech before the U.S. Senate, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano spoke passionately about the terrorist- threat our nation faces.   So passionate was Madam Secretary that during the speech she used the words “terrorism” and “terrorist” more than sixty times. This marks an incredible reversal of form and adoption of reality for Ms. Napolitano because in her initial speech to the Senate after her appointment was confirmed in 2009; Napolitano used the words “terrorism” and “terrorist” exactly . . . ZERO times. 

     You do remember that the Obama administration’s tortured political correctness originally banned the term “War on Terror” and rather than using "terrorism" spoke instead of “Man-Caused Disasters.” You do remember that immediately after the Fort Hood massacre, President Obama called for “patience” and insisted that Americans NOT “jump to any conclusions”^^ about Major Hassan, the man who yelled “Allah Akbar!” before killing thirteen fellow soldiers and wounding 29 others. You do remember that Major Hassan had been sharing his hate-filled inner life with fellow soldiers for seven full years prior to the Ft. Hood shooting . . . and that for his open anti-Americanism Hassan rather than being given a dishonorable discharge had instead been rewarded with three promotions. 

     You also do remember that in the Army’s 84-page report on the Ft. Hood disaster they never once named Hassan and never once used the words “terrorist,” “terrorism,” “Jihad,” Jihadist,” “Islamic radical” or “Islamic terrorist.” Political correctness, in other words is nothing but what in psychology they label “DENIAL.” And since whether in psychology or self-defense, denial leads to disaster: we are pleased to mark Ms. Napolitano’s belated return to reality, but wonder what’s keeping Mr. Obama** himself from similarly embracing reality . . . .


Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,



** The Army report also insists that Major Hassan “acted alone” which is 100% false: Major Hassan was in contact with Al Qaeda and specifically prior to the shootings exchanged numerous messages with Anwar al-Awlaki, Hassan's former imam.   We are not safer thanks to all this self-delusion, but rather much, much more imperiled . . . .
  ^^Mr. Obama made no such request after the Tucson shootings and allowed his supporters in the House and Senate, and the media and internet three days to villify the TEA Party, Republicans, and Conservative talk shows as guilty of driving Jared Loughner to the acts . . . finally the President made a mild request for "civility"  without criticizing his own party. Loughner, of course, was a disturbed Leftist/Liberal nut-case who listed the Communist Manifesto among his favorite books.  Don't be shocked, but no apologies were ever made to conservatives.
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