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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Yes, I saw the debate.  I heard it, and I saw it.  I cannot think of the right thing, the fair thing, or the anything for that matter that would not seem contemptible towards the behavior and mannerisms of our Vice President.  To say that his performance was a total gaffe is an understatement.  But as I said, I cannot do the critique justice.  So, I will let the words from the Bible and George Washington speak instead.

If a wise person takes a fool to court, there will be ranting and ridicule but no satisfaction. ~ Proverbs 29:9

The voice of the LORD twists mighty oaks and strips the forests bare.  In his Temple everyone shouts, "Glory!" ~ Psalm 29:9

Differences in political opinion are as unavoidable as, to a certain point, they may perhaps be necessary; but it is to be regretted, exceedingly, that subjects cannot be discussed with temper on one hand, or decisions submitted to without having motives which led to them, improperly implicated on the other: and this regret borders on chagrin when we find that Men of abilities – zealous patriots – having the same general objects in view, and the same upright intentions to prosecute them, will not exercise more charity in deciding on the opinions and actions of one another. ~ George Washington, Letter to Alexander Hamilton, 1792

Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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500 Coal Miners Blast Obama

500 coal miners in Eastern Ohio blasted President Obama and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) demanding they stop the "absolute lies" and "false ads" they are running that claim to champion the cause of coal.

The Wheeling News and Intelligencer reports:

Coal miners at the American Energy Corp. Century Mine said they want President Barack Obama to stop what they term "the war on coal" - and to stop spreading "mistruths" about them.

Miners gathered Friday afternoon to express their opposition to Obama's energy and environmental policies, which they believe threaten their jobs. Miner Mitch Miracle read aloud a letter the miners mailed to Obama that outlines some of their concerns.

The miners said Obama's campaign team is running ads filled with "blatantly false" statements about the miners regarding their participation in Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's August campaign stop at the Century Mine. These ads assert that the miners were forced to attend the event by the mine's owner, Robert Murray.

"There are numerous false statements and absolute lies concerning our participation in this event, mostly started by a local 'shock jock' radio host," the miners' letter to Obama states. "Why would you (Obama) lie about the 500 working miners who have signed this letter? We, the employees of the Century Mine would request you immediately stop these false ads."

This summer, Murray Energy Corp., parent company of the Beallsville mine, cut or relocated 56 workers with the closure of the Red Bird West mine near Brilliant. Murray also cut 29 mining jobs from The Ohio Valley Coal Co.'s Powhatan No. 6 Mine. All of this was done, Robert Murray said, because of Obama's "war on coal."

Murray then hosted the Romney campaign stop in Beallsville in August, during which many miners appeared behind Romney as the former Massachusetts governor spoke about the need to protect coal mining jobs. In response to the assertion some have made about the miners being forced to appear with Romney, the miners made several points on Friday:

- No employee was forced to attend the event.

- There were no attendance records taken for hourly employees.

- There were absolutely no penalties or reprimands to those who did not attend.

- Due to security concerns for the Romney campaign, there was a list for transportation purposes.

- They were "honored" to host Romney at the mine.

As for anyone who claims the miners were forced to attend, those on-site Friday said these assertions probably came from "discharged or disgruntled former employees."

Much is at stake this November but perhaps no more so than the coal miners across the nation whose jobs and lives are at risk from a president that promised to bankrupt the companies they work for.   

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:project: conserv White bros & sis: Pretend 2b a Black conservative on line 
My tweet above is inviting White conservatives outraged by the Stacey Dash controversy to pose as Black conservatives online to better experience this hate first hand and expose it!
Inspired by the 1961 book, " Black Like Me " where a White Southern journalist disguised himself as Black to better document Jim Crow.

HOOD CONSERVATIVE, MY ONLINE NEWSPAPER Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 

" Be your OWN Superhero!"

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A Brother's Last Request

I heard yesterday the mother of one of our fallen brothers say that the last conversation they had was as follows. She asked him if there was anything he needed, he said no. She asked him if there was anything he wanted and he replied " we need a new president". That was the last contact his mother had with him, he was killed the next day. Guys, this was one of our family, his last request was "get rid of Obama", we all know why. Obama is causing the death of our brothers the same as if he were pulling the trigger or planting the IED. This soldier made a request, we owe it to him to do everything we can to see to it that Obama is removed from the Whitehouse. Even if he is re-elected we must make his life a living hell, remind him of the blood on his hands every day. Call your congressman every week and ask why Obama is not impeached. Tell them you want to block anything and everything Obama tries to do. Make sure the world knows Obama is a traitor and a murderer. I intend to honor this soldiers last request. Who else?
Art Phillips (Elevengun)

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Montgomery County Tea Party will have Carlos Bringuier as our guest speaker Mondy, Oct. 15th, 6:30pm.
Carlos Bringuier will be our guest speaker. Carlos was born in Cuba, June 22, 1934. 

Bringuier was an anti-Castro activist. His shop was visited by Oswald on August 5, 1963, who claimed his interest in joining the anti-Castro struggle.

Four days later, on August 9, 1963, Oswald was arrested for disturbing the peace when, as he was handing out FPCC pro-Castro leaflets, he had an argument with Bringuier.

On August 21, 1963, Carlos Bringuier faced Oswald a third time during a radio debate : "Conversation Carte Blanche". Bringuier defended the anti-Castro point of view whereas Oswald supported the pro-Castro FPCC.


Time: October 15, 2012 from 6:30pm to 8pm
Location: Montgomery County Hospital District
Street: 1400 W Loop 336 S
City/Town: Conroe, Texas
Website or Map:


You can also read more about Carlos here.4063599641?profile=original

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“Biblical Christians Must Not Refuse To Vote.”

“Biblical Christians Must Not Refuse To Vote.”
This week's particular article is specifically “geared” and directed towards the Bible believing Christian. Of course all people-everywhere are very welcome to read the remaining portion of this article but I suppose I should give all of you who are not Bible believing Christians a fair warning here....what you are about to read here and throughout the remaining segment of this blog article will most likely make you feel quite frustrated, angry, anxious, perhaps even a feeling of want of violence towards me. I say this with all earnest and honesty, not that I am writing this article to purposely antagonize anyone---no, not at all but my sole purpose in writing this article as in all past articles, is to declare Biblical truth so that we may keep in following Christ's commandments and help all avoid worldly and demonically demented attitudes and behavior. Once again... a fair warning has now been given to all non-Christians those that are religious, worldly and certainly for those who do not believe nor follow the Christian Bible....please keep in mind, this particular article was/is not being written to you as a target audience.
It is nearly election day 2012 and within this year and next( as also my kababayan in the Philippines-2013) there will be many national elections across the world. Here in the United States, we have an important election coming up this November 6th, 2012 where we will choose or retain our next President. As all should remember as US Citizens, our Founding Fathers were mostly Biblical Christians(not all, but the majority were) and we were given certain freedoms in our US Constitution that were fought for by them in their sacrifice of shed blood during wars over the years so that we could maintain those God given and Natural rights. Among those rights, is the right to vote. Our Fore Fathers sought to it that we could maintain our government “of the people, for the people” for many generations if, that is “if”, we were willing to keep it(Benjamin Franklin quote) through the maintaining of a form of Government that revered God of the Bible.
Over the course of years, especially during the Twentieth Century, many Americans, especially Biblical Christians lost site in regards to what was and is always most important... that being which is the maintaining of our nation as a “Christian nation.” It was declared so in many of our earliest Founding Father's writings. The unfortunate and sad reality is that, many so called “Biblical Christians” over the years however since our American Founding Father's have become quite lazy in regards to maintaining our light in a dark world. We as Biblical Christians have come to lose our voice that is much needed in a very, very sick and perverse world by ignoring the Great Commission and by putting into political offices ungodly and wicked men and women. Unsavory and evil people like Nixon, Carter and the Clinton's and many others just like them(or worse !) have been helped put in place of political office through the vote of Bible believing Christians either by the actual vote for these type of people or by refusing to vote what-so-ever.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, we now suffer greatly and have before us some of the worst disasters in our nation's history and some who have voted for such wicked women and men have blood on their hands. We as a nation are at a great crossroads by God's design as so many Biblical Christians have compromised their faith. We have been put in a place of great discomfort across our land and it is something we cannot escape without first repenting of our past sins including the sin of the voting for evil men and women. This of course means we must take Biblical corrective action---as in James 2:17-20. We must make right the wrongs we have made in the past. If we have taken part in voting for, or even in ignoring the vote of replacing a wicked woman or man, we must repent of that sinful act and vote for the most Godly person we can find on the ballot this coming election day.
I am aware of who the two main political party candidates are this in this year's election cycle. I will tell you if you ask me--- I am not endorsing Obama, Romney nor even Ron Paul. I cannot and I will not endorse any of these men. I will remind you however that we as Bible believing Christians will have to give an account for anything we say of do here on earth when we stand before the Lord on Judgment Day(Matthew 12:36). You will indeed need to be able to justify Biblically whom you vote for on Judgment Day before the LORD, the question arises here... Will you vote for a candidate out of fear ?, out of peer pressure ?, out of “fine sounding words from politicians, or will you do the real Biblical research and vote for the candidate that best describes what is in the Bible and what even one of our many Christian American Founding Fathers, John Jay declared... “ Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”
It certainly is easy for non-believers and fake Christians to vote for evil women and men...since after all, they can justify anything because they have not the mind of Christ, they are carnally minded as the Bible speaks in Romans 8:6-10. Those who belong to the world will undoubtedly endorse and tell you to vote for political candidates just like them. They understand not the matters of the Bible so who can really blame them when they vote for evil at any level, even “the lesser of two evils.” We must remember who we are in Christ and who we represent. The Bible in 2 Corinthians 6:17 states quite clearly; “Therefore come out from among them, and be you separate, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you...” We as Bible believing Christians must make our stand this election cycle. As the world turns darker and darker and more and more are deceived by the devil and leaving the faith(read Galatians 6:7 !), we must be ready irregardless of what the world and believers of doctrines of demons will tell us... we must vote, and we must vote for the most Godly man available. Do your research on the candidates, check their beliefs against the Bible and then act... Vote !
Finally brothers and sisters in Christ, I leave you with this quote from Noah Webster, one of our great American Founding Fathers. Read it carefully and keep it close to your heart this coming Election Day ! ...
"When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, "just men who will rule in the fear of God." The preservation of [our] government depends on the faithful discharge of this Duty; if the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded. If [our] government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the Divine Commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the Laws." -History of United States by Noah Webster.
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What if Thnk about this one

What if Obama wants to quit being the president but his ego is in the wayHe is a Hedonistic skunk you will agree and does not care for anyone but himselfHe is to much an egotist to step down and let another Democrat run but he can blow the debates intentionallyand then move to Hawaii and live in luxury and play golf every day.Here is the betObama looses to Romney by 15% or moreMy hopeShirt tails gives us the Senate and house with Bullet proof majorities
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How they vote in the United Nations:
Below are the actual voting records of various Arabic/Islamic States

which are recorded in both the US State Department and United Nations

Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time
Qatar votes against the United States 67% of the time
Morocco votes against the United States 70% of the time
United Arab Emirates votes against the United States 70% of the time.
Jordan votes against the United States 71% of the time.
Tunisia votes against the United States 71% of the time.
Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 73% of the time.
Yemen votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Algeria votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Oman votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Sudan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
Pakistan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
Libya votes against the United States 76% of the time.
Egypt votes against the United States 79% of the time.
Lebanon votes against the United States 80% of the time.
India votes against the United States 81% of the time.
Syria votes against the United States 84% of the time.
Mauritania votes against the United States 87% of the time.

U S Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

Egypt, for example, after voting 79% of the time against the United States ,

still receives $2,000,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

Jordan votes 71% against the United States
And receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

Pakistan votes 75% against the United States
Receives $6,721,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

India votes 81% against the United States
Receives $143,699,000 annually.



Perhaps it is time to get out of the UN and give the tax savings back to the
American workers who are having to skimp and sacrifice to pay the taxes.

Pass this along to every taxpaying citizen you know, party lines irrelevant!



(If you don't know any taxpayers just delete it!)



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Black folks, we literally stand at a cross roads with oblivion! The Ghetto looms ever larger as the center of  contemporary Black culture, which means disaster for America- starting with us!

Socialists and mainstream enablers say denouncing our out-of-( self ) control inner city is " blaming the victim. " 
They state how wrong Bill Cosby is to pull the Ghetto card and slam it down on American Blacks cultural tables!
They indite Black conservatives for abandoning the less fortunate to chase White Power dollars.
They beat us over the head with captivity; Jim Crow; post-segregation; re-segregation; Angry White Men; Fear of Obama and every other rhetorical quiver in their arsenal.
The cross roads toward oblivion still overshadow their best arguments.
A vision of internal ( as in Black on Black ) separation visits me upon occasion. 
While Black Flight from the high risk Hood is a long established fact this vision of internal separation will be a widely advertised policy. It will be mandated by shaken stakeholders deciding color no longer merits not just concern- but literal proximity.
Imagine the Great Migration of Black Southerners to the North during the mid 20th Century. The projection in my mind is more a " Great Separation " from ghetto Blacks by exhausted stakeholders who no longer champion them.
If we're honest there's already two Black Americas, similar to socio-economic class distinctions in other populations.
The Great Separation takes that divide to a more egalitarian but even broader 
conclusion: poverty is no longer a bar to acceptance!
Under Great Separation terms behavior; ones diction; dress; criminal record and other criteria determine admission to these new ethnic enclaves where silence; order and cultural literacy are absolute requirements.
Ghetto Blacks could no longer rub elbows with better off peers via Section 8 or mixed used housing.
Internal separation means the Hood will be left to its own devices with support coming from government and perhaps residual humanitarians opting not to separate. 
Ghetto Blacks could do little more than complain lyrically via rap and by Twitter or other internet means. 
Entering Great Separation communities will require secure access identical to the norm for current high income neighborhoods. Patrolling these neighborhoods would be well armed private officers ( think Blackwater for Black folks ) and off duty police under strict orders to aggressively preserve quality of life.
if this vision is shocking; " elitist " or  " racist " then re-consider how shocking; elitist and racist it is to allow Ghetto Blacks to be ridiculously vile and violent without demanding better behavior and community sanctions?
Socialists; nationalists; liberals; moderates; conservatives and libertarians who practice civility have the same complaint behind closed doors about Ghetto Blacks.  
Every day of their silence brings my envisioned Great Separation closer to reality!

CAP BLACK on What's Going On With Coach Frank Saturday October 13th, 2012 from 11am-Noon. Topics: community voice ( oversight ) in local school choice & stopping the education-to-incarceration pipeline.  
HOOD CONSERVATIVE, MY ONLINE NEWSPAPER Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
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4063599422?profile=originalThis presidential election is serious business, the most important ever! An Obama victory would mark the end of America as intended by our Founding Fathers. Still, it is necessary to take a moment to laugh a little.

Since TV reality shows such as “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” are the craze, I thought it might be entertaining to share some insider reality on the Rebuild America Defeat Obama national bus tour.

We have two tour buses. Somehow, I ended up on the bus with six women. The only males on our bus are Doug, the bus driver and myself. Speaking of the bus driver, our team spent the night at a hotel in Carlise, PA. In the morning, I noticed two couples excitedly taking pictures beside our tour buses which were parked around back. I approached them, “Are you folks for us or a-gin us?” “WE'RE FOR YOU ALL THE WAY!” they replied.

The couples were parents from Oregon visiting their son and daughter-in-law. They asked several questions including my role on the tour. I shared that I am a speaker and one of two entertainers. The senior father who was deaf in one ear interrupted, “Are you the bus driver?” “No sir, I am an entertainer and a speaker.” After chatting with the family awhile, Grandpa interrupted again, “Are you the bus driver?” “No dad, he is not. He is a speaker and singer”, responded his daughter-in-law. Then, the elderly gentleman began telling me about his vocal skills and love for music. It was a pleasant little encounter, ending with the family telling me to stay safe and that they would keep me in their prayers.

An uptight black buddy of mine would have been extremely offended if he were in my shoes and a senior white man asked him if he was the bus driver. But in reality, given that most blacks do support Obama, is not unreasonable for the kindly elderly white gentleman to assume that I was not a member of the Defeat Obama team.

Before our visit ended, the obviously forgetful senior asked a third time, “Are you the bus driver?” It was hilarious. My wife Mary and I had a real good laugh about it.

As I said, I am on a bus with six women. They have temperature issues. Married for 35 years and wise man that I am, I know to keep my mouth shut regarding them turning the air up and down. I simply peel clothes off when I am too warm and cover up when too cold.

These are strong great Conservative women: Radio talk show host Andrea Shea King, Elizabeth Letchworth who is retired from the Washington DC government scene, LuLu Frances, Field Coordinator, singer Diana Nagy, author Selena Owens and my wife Mary.

A perk of riding with the women is that they take good care of me. I have Diabetes. Selena Owens is really into nutrition and makes sure the bus is stocked with foods I can eat. Mary, my wife has me taking a ga-zillion vitamins.

On Sundays, they leave me alone in back of the bus to watch football on TV.

Today, we have a six hour ride ahead of us. All six of them are in Walmart picking up supplies. Thus, we could be here awhile.

4063589966?profile=originalLloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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Big Bird and the Joker

4063599234?profile=originalWho needs debates between candidates when you can have cartoon character distractions?

First there was Barack Obama, who did so poorly in his first debate with GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney that he and his campaign resorted to focusing on saving Big Bird and Sesame Street from spending cuts.

Next, there was Joe Biden auditioning to play the role of the Joker in a Batman show at Universal City Hollywood.

Biden showed he is a real natural.

His innate ability to bully, muster condescending goofy faces, to laugh, smirk, constantly interrupt, grimace, or chuckle while very serious topics were being discussed showed that when it comes to being a Court Jester, Biden is more than ready to play prime time.

Sorry SNL.

Some believe Biden’s performance in the October 11th VP debate was a win for “progressive” Democrats, because it dominated the post-debate conversation.

That perspective is a clear sign of how panicked “progressives” and their parroting lapdogs within the institutionalized “progressive” left and the ultra-obedient “progressive” Party Pravda are.

If the best they can point to is a sitting Vice President making stupid, animated faces in reaction to nearly everything Congressman Paul Ryan said, they are desperately grasping at straws.

Talk about drawing inappropriate conclusions.

An “expert” named Jerry Shuster, a University of Pittsburgh professor, claimed that Biden’s painfully rude, childish behavior helped him control the agenda.

Would it have helped Biden control the agenda had he worn tights, ridden a unicycle and juggled chainsaws?4063599324?profile=original

Shuster also said Biden’s inexplicably condescending body language was an important strategic move because it kept Ryan off stride.

Of course, having al Qaeda terrorists launch a sophisticated 9/11 terrorist attack complete with rocket propelled grenades and mortars, one that murders four people, would have kept Ryan off stride.  Especially if Biden stuck to the now fully discredited story that it sprang from a spontaneous protest to a video so obscure nobody had heard of it until the White House used it as an excuse to cover up its own incompetence.

Oh wait, Biden did stick to that story during the debate.

Of course, if in the eyes of “progressive” Democrats all it takes to win a debate is cutting off your opponent while speaking, a human clown is not even necessary.

An embarrassingly flatulent gorilla would suffice.

Certainly either launching a terrorist attack or introducing a large primate suffering major digestive discomfort would throw an opponent off stride during a debate.

Serious experts agreed that Ryan was successful in his first outing on the national debate stage.  His performance against a man 27 years his senior showed that his command of foreign and domestic policies will make him a credible, acceptable Vice President.

And if after he loses his job as Vice President Biden loses out in his bid to play the Joker, perhaps his ability to cackle will help him win a job playing the wicked witch of the west in a Wizard of Oz show.

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This case against Obama's is very interesting, it relies on the "voters right to know" as the legal precedent.

4063599278?profile=original"Citing case law in both California and Alaska, Anchorage Resident Thomas A. Lamb has filed suit in the Superior Court of Alaska for access to private records for both President Barack Obama and Republican Nominee Willard “Mitt” Romney. "

For more: click here*

ex animo


*by Mihai Bojin

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Individualism is beautiful to behold!


It's exciting times for Black individualists leaning right of center. Overshadowed by a Black president's economic indifference, those with a strong sense of self have much to debate and are much debated.

I'm a life long individualist. My view of American Black identity is we need to delete the group identity captivity and segregation imposed.
There's room within our culture for various kinds of " Blackness " ( or American-ness while Black if you will ).
We all don't have to be ' Al Sharpton" or " Clarence Thomas ' in order to be legitimate. There's great danger in swallowing legitimacy down loaded from Black Faces In High Places.
Subscribing to distant demagogues definition of acceptable " Blackness " gives them too much power. My read of our ( and over all American ) history is the individual must be free to the fullest moral and legal extent.
As a Republican while Black, former GOP chairman Michael Steele was my party leader- not my personal leader. At no time did he imitate big name community liberals who rule Black folks by Divine (? ) Right. 
Black individualism in the Obama Era means more than internet Ghettocrat attacks, though that's the sad low standard  Black Left shock troops choose. They seem more political Bloods and Crips than partisans.
I can't help but suspect distant Black Faces In High Places applaud behind closed doors. They hate making a scene. They leave that for the " little Negroes " to do.
It's high time we choose to be ourselves, as individuals and new groups of individuals, forever separated from the group identity forced upon diverse ancestors.
They couldn't be free be themselves,
We have no excuse not to!
That's my lesson of Black individualism in the Obama era- to be myself and fight anyone of any persuasion who violates that sacred selection.
*NOTE: Every so often if you tweet out this hash tag, BlkI out there to sow you support individualism for American Blacks too!
HOOD CONSERVATIVE, MY ONLINE NEWSPAPER Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town!  
(504) 214-3082
BE Your OWN Superhero!



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Noel Polanco



WARNING!: One of my favorite patriotic slogans is, " I Support Good Cops! " so please don't presume me a cop-hater- I'm a cop appreciater! LOL 


I'm now ( literally NOW! lol ) a very unlikely supporter of " stop & frisk " policiesMy support downtime of this controversial policy has nothing to do with a love for thugs and everything to do with not wanting good people of certain hues harassed i.e tens of thousands Black and Brown men searched to no avail .

NYPD's policy has drawn much fire from the progressive civil rights lobby and I have agreed up to this point. While I don't support stopping Americans While Black ( or Brown ) I do support stopping Americans While Criminal which in public is disproportionately Black and Brown.

Not every Black or Brown man does so, if police aren't racially profiling, Americans of these colors should have minimal negative law enforcement contact. As a big dark skinned Southern Black male who doesn't congregate with known criminals I can attest that police do not stop me for any reason.

This choice not to hang out on corners nor closely associate with bad actors offers  Black and Brown men younger than I a new civil rights strategy: don't hang with homeboys acting and dressing like bad rap video thugs and watch cops pass you by while on patrol.

Americans who look and act like bad rap video thugs find themselves stopped and frisked far more than Americans who don't. We must govern ourselves better before demanding White folks improve governance. Black and Brown (un) popular culture glamorize drug dealers and bandits which in turn shovels young people into behaviors filling jails and prisons nationwide.  

So long as police can differentiate between chocolate klansmen and chocolate citizens I cannot oppose " stop & frisk " policies so long as men who aren't committing crime aren't targeted. Just being Black or Brown on the White side of town isn't sufficient.

Again I'm big and dark skinned. Any racist with a badge could use those characteristics alone to question me but my lack of suspicious activity thus far keeps them at bay. Should I loiter and change my look to mirror universal thug wear it might be a different story (lol ).

" Stop & Frisk " is an unlikely civil rights policy because, properly used, it will catch Black and Brown men who relentlessly lynch their peers in Hood zip codes. Given our murder rates that amounts to a civil rights victory we should trumpet.

If these guys stop killing could " stopping & frisking " stop as well? 

NOTE: Here's a story about a young brother called " NY Resistance " who documents New York police officers enforcing this policy.

CAP BLACK THE HOOD CONSERVATIVE promotes creative crime prevention                                     


Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 

(504) 214-3082

Nadra Enzi

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It was the 9th of October and the last day for voter registration.  I have been pounding my daughter to register but she is a single mother working two jobs and never seemed to have the time or energy to get it done.   She knows the state of affairs and hates the present administration's way of lying it's way out of everything.  To go on,  I decided I would fill out the voter registration card for her and just have her sign.  She did and is now happy to be ONE MORE VOTER to rectify the mess we have in the White House. TBTG.

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EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of
transportation and control of highways and seaports.
-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the
communication media.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power,
gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work
brigades under government supervision.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education
and welfare functions.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the registration of all persons. Postmaster General to
operate a national registration
-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to
take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate
communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be
abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland
waterways and public storage facilities.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal
departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued
over a fifteen year period.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency
Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in
times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce
the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to
establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate
penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to
develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and
distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money
in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also
provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress
cannot review the action for six months. 

Feel free to verify the "executive orders" at will... and these are just the
major ones ...

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