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The Left is getting more vile & violent as Election Time looms! Big surprise, right? LOL


In the American tradition of heeding our country's call I offer my event security expertise to Black speakers who aren't Democrats, fearing liberal backlash!


Patriots of any color are welcome to avail themselves as well. I know only too well the private hell Black non-Democrats experience. 


I'm an online champion for political freedom ( our right NOT to be Democrats ) and have secured national conservative commentator Lenny McAllister in New Orleans:


I've supported Justice Clarence Thomas;  Congressman Alan West and recently actress Stacey Dash right to practice political freedom without intimidation!


You don't have to back down to thug's threats!





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Constitutional principles or Marxism rife with corruption?-You Decide:

Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 15, 2012:


by Dr. Alan Bates, MD, ©2012, blogging at Gulf1

(Oct. 15, 2012) — There are actually some voters who are still ‘undecided’.   Imagine that!   There are two reasons for  this:  either they have been brainwashed by the Leftwing media networks such as CNN and MSNBC which distort reality and thrive on dishonest reporting, or they have no understanding of world history as it relates to the likes of Hitler (and other murderous dictators) or the freedom-crushing ideologies of Communism and Marxism,  both of which are alive and well today.

To sum it up, you can vote for a ticket which will defend our Constitutional principles and American free enterprise whereby We the People control our government,  OR you can vote for a Marxist ticket rife with corruption which despises American exceptionalism (in the areas of liberty and free enterprise) and believes We the People should be subservient to Fedzilla.  It is that simple, folks!  Reread this til you get it!

Here are some significant events since my last commentary:

*As if the Administration’s Fast and Furious scandal was not enough, they have now unsuccessfully engaged in a coverup of  lax security at the consulate in Benghazi, Libya which resulted in at least four American deaths, despite numerous requests by the diplomatic staff to provide greater protection due to recent Al-Qaeda attacks and known threats to the consulate, even as late as the day before that fateful anniversary of September 11.   The Obama administration’s goal was to bury the facts of this debacle in order to preserve the myth confabulated by his election campaign that Al-Qaeda went away after Obama killed Bin Laden.  But Al-Qaeda is still a huge force to be reckoned with, and that was clearly demonstrated at a most inconvenient time for the Obama campaign.

Upon further dissection, we note that Obama had but two ‘accomplishments’ during his four years as Criminal-in-chief—the salvage of General Motors (by use of taxpayer stimulus funding for  his union cronies and illegally cancelling claims of bondholders) and his killing of Osama bin Laden,  the plan for which was already in the works by the Bush Administration when Obama took office, and which narcissist Obama jealously took credit for as a symbol that Al-Qaeda would no longer be a threat without Bin Laden.  The campaign’s intent was to milk the death of Bin Laden as cover  for lack of any other achievements.  To carry this a bit further, Muslim Barry Soetoro Obama has a cozy relationship with The Muslim Brotherhood whose objective is to infiltrate the Free World with Islamic doctrine and Sharia Law.  They are well on their way to that goal in parts of Europe but have been rebuffed by Australia.  The Obama Administration financially supported them with taxpayer dollars in their quest to become the new ruling party in Egypt as part of the ‘Arab Spring’.  Don’t forget that as an Indonesian  child,  Barry Soetoro  was schooled in  Muslim doctrine,  before his ideology ventured into Lenin’s doctrine of Marxism and Alinsky’s rules for radicals to achieve the Marxist goals  to which he clings today (while labeling American patriots as potential terrorists and accusing us of clinging to our Bibles and our guns!).   So in an attempt to preserve Obama’s claim to fame, the Admininstration at all levels falsely and wilfully blamed the attack and murder of our consultate officials on an irrelevant 13 minute video for more than one week,  until that myth was debunked at Congressional hearings last week by chief military and intelligence officials to whom the Obama Administration is now trying to shift the blame.  Even during his VP debate, Joe ‘Bully’ Biden stated that neither he nor Obama had any idea that Al-Qaeda was responsible for the attack, when in fact they either did and lied about it,  OR did not because they were missing about 40 percent of the daily national security briefings (a known fact).

*What other coverups by this Administration are lurking out there, hidden from the eyes of Americans?

Can you spell FRAUD?  According to The Daily Caller, RNC Chairman Priebus has demanded an immediate investigation into Obama campaign donations in regards to Obama’s massive foreign campaign donations,  the Secret Service concerning apparent overseas money laundering,  and credit card fraud in connection with a third party campaign site,,  a website owned by Obama bundler Robert Roche, a U.S. citizen living in Shanghai, China who also happens to be Chairman of ACORN International (we all know about ACORN’s massive election fraud tactics).  Did I not warn you about the necessity for fraud if Obama is to be reelected?  Obama’s overseas fund-raising scheme appears to violate Patriot Act laws concerning international money laundering. The Government Accountability Institute issued a 108 page report concerning massive Obama campaign fund-raising irregularities.  And don’t forget the number of requests by our military for absentee ballots is only ten percent of that in the last election.  It appears the Obama Administration not only opposes voter ID but is trying to block our military men and women from their right to vote.

*The VP debate has received a lot of press when in fact it was no debate at all,  but simply a perfect display of VP Joe ‘Bully’ Biden’s  liberal mental disorder pathology–and bad teeth.  Paul Ryan and the audience of normal Americans saw his pathology immediately  and Ryan conducted himself  quite well under those circumstances.  Biden engaged in repetitive lies in an attempt to run cover for the Obama Administration’s failures such as the Libyan consulate disaster amongst others.   As expected,  he displayed the classic tactics of  Saul Alinsky  through nonstop interruptions, incessant talking over his opponent,  denial of facts,  changing the subject when put on the spot, outright lying, and emotional displays to bury the reality of the moment.  And the Dems actually think he set a good example for Obama’s style in his next debate!  No one (especially women) likes bullies or dishonest politicians like Biden (except the leftwing media and socialists).

Undecided voters must look past the Leftwing’s misrepresentations of the Romney-Ryan ticket designed to divert attention away from the abysmal failure and willful destruction of this Marxist president.   It is categorically false that Romney does not care about women or the middle class (a label which was invented by Marxists as they created various classes of society).  In contrast,  the DNC  is adverse to Christian and Jewish women by removing any reference to God from their platform, by preventing Christians but NOT Muslims from handing out literature outside the Charlotte Convention center, and by trying to make contraception a tax-payer funded mandate as a ploy to secure the vote of naive younger women.  With regards to the ‘middle class’, Biden stated it best through his gaffe a few weeks ago that the middle class has been buried during the past four years—TRUE!  They have suffered during the longest recession since the Great Depression with high unemployment due to Obama’s policies of rewarding cronies with stimulus money instead of reducing burdensome regulations and taxes on small businesses which are responsible for the majority of jobs in America.   We must make a change before the Left drives all of us off the cliff.  Vote accordingly if not for your children’s sake to save the American dream!


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide: 


The Most Important Election In History!-Posted on Western Journalism-By MATT BARBER-On October 16, 2012:

“Who says Republicans and Democrats can’t agree? Every four years, politicos and pundits, both left and right, come together in a harmonious hymn of hyperbole: “This is the most important election in history!” they sing.

I think hyperbole is responsible for all of the world’s problems. Still, this time nobody’s exaggerating. What happens on Nov. 6 really is of critical importance. America’s future really does hang in the balance.

We’re in uncharted territories. We’re lost. We stand dazed at cliff’s edge – legs wobbling – with big government winds at our back. Under President Obama, the reasons for this election’s unparalleled significance are piling up like pink slips in the private sector, like credit rating downgrades, like zeros on the national debt.

Yet, as I see it, there are nine black-robed reasons in particular that reign supreme.

And those reasons never get a pink slip.

In Federalist No. 78, Alexander Hamilton wrote: “The judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution. … [T]he judiciary is, beyond comparison, the weakest of the three departments of power … [and] the general liberty of the people can never be endangered from that quarter.”

I know. Settle down.

Alas, Alexander Hamilton was obviously no better with a crystal ball than he was with a dueling pistol. For better or for worse (hint: for worse), today’s judiciary – through the constitutionally erosive drip-drop of judicial attrition and congressional submission – has, instead, become the most powerful branch of government.

Today, rather than the properly balanced, decentralized constitutional republic our founders envisaged, we live, to a large degree, under a very much centralized judiciocracy. (That is, when President Obama’s not circumventing the Constitution via executive fiat.)

William Howard Taft, who served as both our 27th president and our 10th Supreme Court chief justice, had unique insight into the dichotomy between the framers’ intent and today’s reality. He summed it up well: “Presidents come and go, but the Supreme Court goes on forever.”

Indeed, due to the creeping misalignment of separation of powers, the function of appointing Supreme Court justices is almost certainly the most significant thing any president can do. Though it defies the High Court’s original construct, these nine unelected, well-meaning, yet very human individuals profoundly steer law, public policy, and our larger culture in perpetuity.

So much for the balance of powers.

Therein lies the problem. Conservative columnist Andrew McCarthy noted in March that four of the nine sitting U.S. Supreme Court justices are in their late 70s and early 80s.

“We wish them all well,” he wrote, “but the brute fact is that whoever we elect as president in November is almost certainly going to choose at least one and maybe more new members of the Supreme Court – in addition to hundreds of other life-tenured federal judges, all of whom will be making momentous decisions about our lives for decades to come.

“If you don’t think it matters whether the guy making those calls is Mitt Romney or Barack Obama,” concluded McCarthy, “I think you’re smokin’ something funky.”

Speaking of “smokin’ something funky,” during Thursday night’s vice presidential debate, Joe Biden touched on the Supreme Court. He agreed with McCarthy: “The next president will get one or two Supreme Court nominees. … For Mr. Romney, who do you think he’s likely to appoint? Do you think he’s likely to appoint someone like Scalia … ? We picked two people. We pick people who are open-minded.”

And, of course, by “open-minded,” Biden means “not bound by those pesky constitutional limitations intended to avert government tyranny.” He means liberal “living constitutionalists.”

To be sure, the next president may well appoint one, two, three, or even four new justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. As voters, this should be our most critical point of focus: ensuring an originalist, strict constructionist majority. If Mr. Obama is re-elected and appoints just one more Ruth Bader Ginsburg, forget it. America, as our founders envisioned her, is gone.

This is why, after the primary, I went from an outspoken Romney critic to a cautiously optimistic Romney supporter. He has pledged: “I will appoint conservative, strict constructionists to the judiciary.”

Still not sold?

President Obama has already shown who he’ll appoint. In Justices Elena Kagan and Sonja Sotomayor – nice though they may be – he has stacked the Court with two radical counter-constitutionalists who share his belief that the Constitution “is not a static, but living document and must be read in the context of an ever changing world.”

Naturally, if the Constitution is “ever changing,” the Constitution is meaningless.

But it gets worse. Obama has also called this – the very founding document upon which our laws, public policy, indeed our very freedoms rest – an “imperfect document,” a “living document … that reflects some deep flaws in American culture.”


Moreover, during the 2008 campaign, Obama lamented that the Supreme Court, under Chief Justice Earl Warren, failed to “break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution.”

Let that sink in a moment. In his own words, this man – a man solemnly sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution – has betrayed utter disdain for it. He has, in essence, admitted that he views our most sacred founding document as a “constraint” against his thinly-veiled efforts to “fundamentally transform” America into Greece.

Thank God our Founding Fathers predicted that men like Barack Obama would come and go. And thank God they had the wisdom to plan accordingly.

Patrick Henry once said, “[L]iberty ought to be the direct end of your government.” Today, we have it exactly backward. Four more years of Barack Obama, and government will be the direct end of your liberty.

Still thinking of sitting this one out?

I hope not.”

Matt Barber (@jmattbarber on Twitter) is an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. He serves as Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action.



Video: In The Words Of Andrew Breitbart, “There Are Two Paths”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 16, 2012:


Debate Audience Selected by Firm Squeezed by Obama Justice Department!-Posted on American Thinker-By William Tate-On October 16, 2012:


Gaming the Presidential Debate!-Posted on PJ Media-By Rick Moran-On October 15, 2012:


Obama Claims ‘We Got Back Every Dime’ of Bailout Money on Same Day CBO Reports $24B Loss!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By October 16, 2012:








WEAPONS HUNTING: The Reason for the 9-11 Murders in Libya!-Posted on Gulag Bound-By Arlen Williams-On September 20, 2012:


The Real Why of Benghazi! (Part 2)-Posted on Stand Up America-By SUAadmin-On October 16, 2012:


It's scary, how much the New York Times is in the tank for Obama over Libya!-Posted on Patrick Caddell-On October 15, 2012:


Hillary Dodges Question on Benghazi Talking Points, Aims Back at Susan Rice!-Posted on PJ Media-By BRYAN PRESTON-On October 16, 2012:


Rice blames intel talking points for faulty Libya story; lawmakers raise new questions!-Posted on October 16, 2012:


Hillary falls on her sword for Obama!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By American Thinker-On October 16, 2012:


No, Hillary. Benghazi Will Not Go Away!-Posted on PJ Media-By Roger L Simon-On October 16, 2012:


Meet The “John Galt” Of Obama’s Secret World!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On October 16, 2012:


Black Bishop: 4 Reasons I Cannot Support Barack Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 16, 2012:


‘KING’ OBAMA AND THE FALL OF AMERICA: ‘Exclusive: John Griffing declares BHO ‘is the consequence of a nation without God’!-Posted on JOHN GRIFFING-On October 14, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following recent blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:


Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!


Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?




My Opinion of How and Who Controls the People! (Part 1)


Just Happened!


“Innocence” Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?


The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; 3) the Islamic infiltration inside our military; 4) the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; 5) the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 6) the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing & Time Sensitive Issue:


Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


The coming chaos from the Obama-Soetoro playbook!




The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style!


President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!


Is President Obama inciting riots across the US and abroad?


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Are We Witnessing Narcissism At Work?


Have the “power elite” and pseudo-experts covertly sold us corruption disguised as freedom?“power-elite”-and...


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 5, 2012:


Letter To My NM U.S. Senator Regarding George Soros’ Anti-American Agendas!-Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On August 9, 2011:


Letter To My NM U.S. Congressman Regarding George Soros’ Anti-American Agendas!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 10, 2011:


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 28, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Breaking Point: 25 Minutes That Will Change America:


We The People:


I Stand For America!


Madison Rising - The Star Spangled Banner!


Hank Williams Jr New Song Dedicated to Obama: "Takin' Back the Country"!


The Fightin Side of Me!


Freedom Isn’t Free:


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…

esq-vice-presidential-debate-photo-2012-xlg.jpgPART THREE, Special Report: Obama, the Green Loser

Obama's Green Jobs Promise: 355 Jobs and Counting

October 15, 2012

Continued from...Special Report Part Two: Obama, the Green Loser; Cronyism Inc. –– Obama Green Energy Investments: Troubled 

And, Special Report Part One: Obama, the Green Loser; Cronyism Inc. –– Obama Green Energy Investments: Bankrupt

In Thursday night’s Vice Presidential debate, the Administration’s green agenda was, once again, part of the verbal sparring. The exchange ended with Congressman Ryan’s unanswered question: “Where are the 5 million green jobs…?” Moderator Martha Raddatz cut him off mid-question, steering the conversation elsewhere: “I want to move on here to Medicare and entitlements. I think we've gone over this quite enough.” 

Ryan didn’t finish his question. Vice President Biden wasn’t pressed into an uncomfortable answer that would have wiped the smile off his face. 

Had Ryan not been interrupted and been allowed to finished the question, he likely would have continued: “…Candidate Obama promised in 2008 when he pledged to jumpstart the economy with an influx of green jobs. Many times, he specifically stated: ‘I will invest $15 billion a year in renewable sources of energy to create 5 million new energy jobs over the next decade—jobs that pay well; jobs that can’t be outsourced; jobs building solar panels and wind turbines and a new electricity grid; jobs building the fuel-efficient cars of tomorrow, not in Japan, not in South Korea but right here in the U.S. of A. Jobs that will help us eliminate the oil we import from the Middle East in 10 years and help save the planet in the bargain. That's how America can lead again.’ Where are those green jobs?”

Had Biden answered, he might have tried the same line Obama used in the 60 Minutes interview clip that didn’t air on national television: “We have tens of thousands of jobs that have been created as a consequence of wind energy alone”—though that hardly adds up to 5 million. Try as he might, Biden couldn’t have smiled his way through a recitation of green jobs created through the proposed $15 billion a year. It is not a happy story. In fact, through the 2009 stimulus, more than $15 billion a year was allocated for green energy projects—which in his four-year term would have added up to $60 billion. Instead, while the numbers quoted vary, $80-90 billion has been made available for green energy projects.

With the assistance of researcher Christine Lakatos, I have been chronicling Obama’s stimulus-funded green energy failures. First we looked at the companies that have gone bankrupt, and then those that are heading that way—or, at least, have financial issues. Within those reports, we frequently addressed specific green jobs failures. For example, regarding Fisker, the electric car made in Finland, we say

ABC reported: ‘Vice President Joseph Biden heralded the Energy Department's $529 million loan to the start-up electric car company called Fisker as a bright, new path to thousands of American manufacturing jobs.’ Those jobs didn’t materialize—at least not in America. … Two years after the loan was awarded, the Washington Post stated that Fisker ‘has missed early manufacturing goals and has gradually pushed back plans for U.S. production and the creation of thousands of jobs’… Now, in 2012, Fisker Automotive is laying off staff in order to qualify for more government loans. So, President Obama’s ‘green’ energy stimulus was supposed to create jobs; now it’s destroying jobs so that companies can get more stimulus?” 

About now-bankrupt, and under-investigation for fraud, Abound Solar, we wrote

“President Obama, in July 2010, praised Abound Solar, which was to make advanced solar panels … He believed these plants would be huge job creators: ‘2000 construction jobs and 1500 permanent jobs.’ In December 2011, CEO Craig Witsoe called Abound Solar the “anti-Solyndra” saying that his company is “doing well and growing.” However, just months after that optimistic report, Abound Solar filed bankruptcy…” 

Due to the various loans, grants, and subsidies, it would take an investigative team made up of dozens of people to ferret out each and every true green-energy job that was created, absent that, we are hitting the high points in attempt to answer Ryan’s question: “Where are the 5 million green jobs?” 

Short answer, even optimistically—and perhaps deceptively, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) news release, only 3.1 million green jobs were created. To reach this number, BLS counts jobs that “were associated with the production of green goods and services,” specifically those which “are found in businesses that produce goods and provide services that benefit the environment or conserve natural resources.” It is important to note that most of these 3.1 million jobs are primarily pre-existing jobs that have been reclassified as “green.” Once those existing jobs were shifted into the green column, through three-quarters of 2011 only 9,245 new “green” jobs were generated when the White House touts generating over 200,000 new jobs by 2010.

The House Oversight Committee wondered, just what are those jobs that are “associated with the production of green goods and services?”

On June 6, 2012, at a House Oversight hearing Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) questioned BLS Director John Galvin on his agency’s green jobs numbers. Through Galvin’s reluctant responses (he didn’t want to be there), we learned that the Obama administration’s labor department counts oil lobbyists, bus drivers, garbage men, etc., as green jobs—shameful, embarrassing, deceptive. According to how BLS rates green jobs, I have a green job. I qualify under several headings. After all, I do education and public awareness on environmental issues. Next time I am at a social event, where I am asked the inescapable: “What do you do?” I’ll respond: “I have a green job.”

Complete details can be found in a report on the “Green Job Myth” from the Institute for Energy Research (IER). It states: “the green-job definition is extremely broad and includes both direct and indirect jobs.”  Each of the following would qualify:

  • A person who sweeps the floor in a solar-panel manufacturing facility
  • A driver of a hybrid bus
  • A school bus driver
  • An employee who fills the bus with fuel
  • An employee involved in waste collection or water and sewer operations
  • A clerk at a bicycle repair shop
  • A manufacturer of rail cars
  • An oil lobbyist whose company is engaged in environmental issues
  • An employee of an environment or science museum

Now that we know what the BLS constitutes as a green job—even recycled ones; those that already existed—we’ll look at the billions of taxpayer money spent on green jobs. We’ll focus specifically on just two programs: the Loan Guarantee Program and the Renewable Energy Grant Program.

On June 19, 2012, Veronique de Rugy, a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, testified at the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearings on the Loan Guarantee program. Within her thorough assessment of the program, she states: “since 2009, Department of Energy has guaranteed $34.7 billion in loans, 46 percent through the 1705 loan program, 30 percent through the 1703 program, and 14 percent through the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) loan program.” And, that “some 2,378 permanent jobs were claimed to be created under the program. This works out to a potential cost per job of $6.7 million.” 

The 1603 Grant Program was implemented as part of the Obama stimulus, and is administered by the Treasury Department, with the goal of reimbursing eligible applicants for a portion of the costs of installing specified energy property used in a trade or business or for the production of income. Basically, 1603 gives billions in favored-businesses, tax-free cash gifts that do not have to be paid back.

The June 19, 2012 Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing on “The Federal Green Jobs Agenda,” highlighted the “gimmick” accounting method used by the BLS. Testimony revealed that a multi-billion dollar stimulus program, the section 1603 grants for renewable energy, does not even include job creation among its primary objectives—which obviously contradicts the purpose of the 2009 trillion-dollar Obama stimulus package.   

Congressional Research Services expert, Dr. Molly Sherlock, deflected direct questions regarding the total jobs created by the 1603 program. “If you’re looking at the direct jobs, this one estimate has direct jobs created at 3,666 in the construction phase, and direct jobs created at 355. Direct jobs would just be the construction jobs and the ongoing operations and maintenance jobs. But if you wanted to look at the supporting jobs in other industries then you’d want to look at the other figures.”

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) pressed on: “I just want to know how many jobs were created.” Sherlock admitted: 355 jobs created a year, for $10 billion—which comes out to about $28 million per job.

These two programs have created a combined total of 2733 jobs (a recent Bloomberg Business Week tally of all green jobs through any program cites a total of 28,854 jobs) and are spending an approximate average of $9.1 million per job. (At this rate, to create the 5 million promised jobs, we’d have to spend $45 trillion—not the $150 billion proposed.) I’ll quote Obama Campaign Official Stephanie Cutter here: “It’s really impossible to do the math.” 

But, at least, as the 2008 campaign promise stated, these are “jobs that can't be outsourced,” right? Wrong.

There are plenty of green jobs going overseas and taking our money with them. According to CNS News, “The Obama administration allowed millions of dollars in federal stimulus funds to go to foreign companies, despite recent statements by President Barack Obama that he opposes ‘shipping jobs overseas.’” 

Billions from the 1603 Grant Program went to foreign wind turbine manufacturers—of the 8,317 turbines installed at major wind projects that received 1603 awards, 4,513 turbines (54.3%) came from foreign manufacturers.

Fisker Automotive received a $529 million ATVM loan that went in part to build their expensive Fisker Karma car in Finland, and according to ABC News, “Fisker may never build electric cars in the US.” Meanwhile, First Solar received over $3 billion from the DOE’s Loan Guarantee Program. During the May 16, 2012 House Oversight Committee hearing, Issa surmised that First Solar is “not an American company.” It turns out that the numbers don't lie because CEO Mike Ahearn admitted: “in sheer numbers, most of our fulltime [employees] are outside the US.” 

Just a few examples of helping our economy by creating green American jobs. So much for “made in the USA.”  

Before his departure, Obama’s routed green jobs czar, Van Jones, approved a $5 billion home weatherization program that supposedly outfitted homes (mainly for the economically disadvantaged) with the latest green technology in order to reduce energy prices. This was another part of the 2009-stimulus, which in February 2009, Obama declared: “We're going to weatherize homes, that immediately puts people back to work and we're going to train people who are out of work, including young people, to do the weatherization.” Three years into the program, all we got was excessive waste, fraud and abuse, plus more cronyism and corruption—no “Americans back to work.” In fact, “evidence gathered by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform suggests that the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program (Weatherization Program) is a stunning example of a management failure which has wasted billions of dollars, done little to achieve energy savings, and may have put people’s lives and homes at risk. While the program may have been a “failure” in terms of the stated goal, Obama’s pals back in Chicago came out winners.

But there are other examples of total inefficiency on the dollars/jobs ratio—interestingly these can be found in another program designed to improve energy efficiency: Retrofit Ramp Up. This program, from the DOE, used “stimulus dollars to have homes insulated and made more energy efficient.” Perhaps Biden remembers inviting Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn to the White House as a part of the Retrofit Ramp Up program. Seattle was one of 25 communities to receive a $20 million dollar slice of the $452 million program.

According to a report in The Blaze, the retrofit program used “Stimulus dollars to have houses insulated and made more energy efficient. The plan was to funnel cash into local economies with the intent to create good-paying green jobs while simultaneously reducing energy consumption. … Seattle’s $20 million dollar allocation was projected to create some 2000 “green jobs” and retrofit at least 2000 homes.” However according to Seattle’s KOMO TV, Seattle’s green jobs program is a bust. One year after McGinn joined Biden at the White House, KOMO reports: “Seattle's numbers are lackluster. As of last week, only three homes had been retrofitted and just 14 new jobs have emerged from the program. Many of the jobs are administrative, and not the entry-level pathways once dreamed of for low-income workers. Some people wonder if the original goals are now achievable.”

You might be surprised to know that $500,000 of the taxpayer-funded stimulus spending went to a PR firm to “run a barrage of ads on White-House friendly cable programs.” The ads promoted the green jobs training program. The cable shows? “According to government records, the Labor Department paid the money in late 2009 to a company that negotiated a media buy on MSNBC's ‘Countdown with Keith Olbermann’ and ‘The Rachel Maddow Show.’ The ad was set to run more than 100 times –– 14 times a week for two months,” yet “the official online entry on the contract listed zero jobs created as a result of the payment.”

There are other stories, such as the one reported by USA Today, in which, according to a government report, $500 million in green job training grants reached just 10% of its job-placement goal. Assistant Secretary of Labor Jane Oates defends the initiative, citing that “it was never designed to provide immediate results.” One grant recipient, Jeffry Lewis of Pathstone Corp., a Rochester, N.Y. non-profit that spent $2.3 million of its $8 million grant and had trained only 25 people, “conceded that job placements have been much slower than anyone would have liked.”

Then, there is the story from Fox News on a whistleblower, who says his college won millions in federal grants to train workers for green jobs that didn't exist.

Seattle’s KOMO may have most aptly summed up the entire 2008 green-jobs campaign promise: “Some people wonder if the original goals are now achievable.”

I don’t think so.

There is one other part of the 2008 campaign promise that I must address. Obama talked about these jobs of the future: “jobs building solar panels and wind turbines and a new electricity grid … Jobs that will help us eliminate the oil we import from the Middle East.” I have to point out that jobs “building solar panels and wind turbines and a new electricity grid” do nothing, absolutely nothing, to “help us eliminate the oil we import from the Middle East.” Wind and solar produce electricity—with which Middle Eastern oil has virtually no connection (unless you tie in the failed electric car efforts). We have enough coal, natural gas, and uranium within our borders to provide for our electrical needs for centuries to come. Connecting electricity generation and Middle Eastern oil is at best a marketing campaign, at worst: a scare tactic. To “help eliminate the oil we import from the Middle East,” we need to develop our abundant domestic oil resources, not subsidize wind and solar. 

While millions of Americans were preparing to watch the debate, I was part of a group gathered in a restaurant to watch the debate between New Mexico’s senatorial candidates: Republican Heather Wilson (my former Congressman) and Democrat Martin Heinrich (my current Congressman). Toward the end of our local debate, Heinrich accused Republicans of turning “their back on the jobs of the future.” With the history of the “jobs of the future,” as Obama called them in the 60 Minutes clip, the Republicans have been wise to turn their backs and run far, far away.

Where are the 5 million green jobs? Just another Obama failed promise, one that costs taxpayer billions of dollars. 

This is another collaboration by Marita Noon and Christine Lakatos –– this three-part series was originally posted at, yet more research is presented here at the Green Corruption Blog, in both Parts One and Two here...

  1. Special Report Part One: Obama, the Green Loser; Cronyism Inc. –– Obama Green Energy Investments: Bankrupt 
  2. Special Report Part Two: Obama, the Green Loser; Cronyism Inc. –– Obama Green Energy Investments: Troubled
  3. Special Report Part Three: Where are the 5 Million Green Jobs Candidate Obama Promised?
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“…I always thought I was a liberal but I came up terribly surprised when I found I was a right wing conservative extremist…I have always listened to every human being I’ve ever met about how I should feel.  But this so-called new liberal group… they never listen to your point of view and they make a decision as to what you think and they’re articulate enough and in control of enough of the press to force that image out for the average person.  For some reason, maybe it’s these pictures, they have not been able to do that with me…it hasn’t affected my career in popularity in spite of the fact that they’ve tried to make them do it.  There isn’t a hell of a lot we can do to change human behavior.  We keep making laws to try to change human behavior but we can’t do it…You’re being conned into Keynesianism and socialism now but it isn’t going to stop the selfishness of human behavior.  It isn’t going to stop the greed.  If you take $20 and give a dollar to every son of a bitch in the room, you come back a year later one of the bastards will have most of the money.  It’s just human nature.  We’re never gonna whip it with a lot of laws. 

As communication gets better and you make people conscious of somebody in trouble, starving or something like that, the average person will help…I think there are people who try to affect a thinking where they know more than some other son of a bitch and try to pull a false impression on what human nature is.  We’ve proven we go back to hope at the first opportunity…and bam they’re out there ready to grab it.  So we are optimistic; we have to be optimistic.  What else would we be if you lose optimism?”
post scriptus;
In late 1965 Time magazine ran a cover article with the title inspired by a possibly tongue-in-cheek comment from Milton Friedman, a comment later echoed by U.S. President Richard Nixon, that "We are all Keynesians now". The article described the exceptionally favourable economic conditions then prevailing, and reported that "Washington's economic managers scaled these heights by their adherence to Keynes's central theme: the modern capitalist economy does not automatically work at top efficiency, but can be raised to that level by the intervention and influence of the government." The article also states that Keynes was one of the three most important economists who ever lived, and that his General Theory was more influential than the magna opera of other famous economists, like Smith's The Wealth of Nations.[49]


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4063600920?profile=originalWhen America as a nation is strong its leaders do not have to resort to distortion, distraction, deception, or vulgarity to convey the strength and integrity of the nation’s principles. Yet, as the election winds down, and Mitt Romney gains political ground, Hollywood and its race baiting actors like Samuel L. Jackson are out pandering to liberals and minorities. Their transparent goal is to convince Obama followers to ignore the reality of President Obama’s economic failures and continuing foreign policy cover up.

The Obama campaign has resorted to using a child in a vulgar Hollywood Romney attack ad to encourage the president’s supporters to vote. It is using a child uttering profanity in a Hollywood ad called "Wake The F**K Up", to defend a failed presidency and incite Obama supporters. Is this the hope and change Obama was referring to in April 2008, when he spoke of a “New America” in his hope and change speech.

It is no secret that Americans are suffering, and have 23 million out of work, underpaid or have given up looking for work. It is no sudden revelation that upwards of 46 million Americans are on food stamps and the nation’s seniors will suffer from $716 billion being ripped from the budget to finance Obamacare.

The Obama White House refuses to explain to America how the administration has managed to leave the nation abysmally worse off than when it came into office. Instead, the Obama campaign has decided to sink to an unimaginable low. It uses a child and an actor to scare voters into accepting this type of low brow presidential incumbent tactics.

Is this how desperate a president will go to depart from the honor and dignity of a President Washington, Lincoln, Eisenhower, or Reagan? Would any one of these presidents ever consider using an actor or a child muttering profanities to defend their record, their work, or their presidency?

Yet, Obama and his campaign seem to feel quite comfortable at allowing Jackson to use his thug-like bulging eyed persona to inflame voters into action. Somehow Jackson seems to feel that his well crafted movie hooligan behavior, which he perfected in movies like, Jungle Fever, Pulp Fiction, and Shaft, will encourage his minority audience and guilt-ridden white liberals to vote for Obama. Jackson’s sham is based upon Obama supporters believing that he’s the real deal when it comes to knowing what’s good for minorities and Americans in general.

Well, if this Hollywood actor, whose own personal worth according to Celebrity Networth is in the neighborhood of $150 million, can feel your economic desperation and daily anguish, why does he hide behind a child? Why does he need to use a young girl as his vehicle for defending Obama?

The answer is clear. Liberals and Hollywood’s information-challenged aristocracy love to wield racism as a mallet against republicans. Obama’s campaign embraces a time perfected Chicago-style smear and fear campaign approach, where using anything and anyone, even a child is permissible.

In fact Obama forecast his own 2012 campaign behavior in 2008, ( Read More )

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Crowley: Biased Bad Joke

4063600767?profile=originalFor the pending second presidential debate, the format agreement says that after each question from the audience and a two-minute response by each candidate, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are expected to have an additional discussion facilitated by the moderator.  This year the Hofstra University town hall debate moderator will be Candy Crowley of CNN.   The language of the debate-format agreement means that Crowley’s participation is to be limited.

As the document states: “In managing the two-minute comment periods, the moderator will not rephrase the question or open a new topic … The moderator will not ask follow-up questions or comment on either the questions asked by the audience or the answers of the candidates during the debate or otherwise intervene in the debate except to acknowledge the questioners from the audience or enforce the time limits, and invite candidate comments during the two-minute response period.”

Yet Crowley’s take on her role is: 'I'm not a fly on the wall'.  It has been suggested that debate questions must be pre-submitted in order to allow Crowley to choose the questions.

Of course, coming from members of today’s openly biased media this is nothing new.

In 2008 Tom Brokaw of NBC News moderated a town-hall debate between Obama and John McCain. Brokaw redirected the topics, changed questions from the audience and asked too many of his own questions.   Brokaw defended his performance by citing that a debate commission official praised that debate as “good television.”

Good television?  Has the bar for debates between two people vying to be President of the United States of America been arbitrarily reduced by news media pundits to being “good television”?

So, when are the hosts of Survivor, American Idol, or Snookie and Kate plus eight going to declare their candidacy?  Should the briefcase brigade from Deal or No Deal be considered among the front runners for 2016?

Members of  today’s news media are so openly biased they would keep protecting and defending Obama while actively working for his re-election even if there was verifiably authentic video showing Obama burying Caylee Anthony’s body in the Florida swamp.

Having people of this ilk unilaterally changing their role in debate proceedings because it is “good television” is most certainly not in America’s best interests.

It is a suicide pact.

America is at an existential decision making point.  The 2012 presidential election will be a watershed moment in history.

All the questions submitted by the Hofstra audience should be shuffled by twelve different people who are 4063600842?profile=originalnot actively involved in the debate proceedings, then read by Crowley in the order she receives them.  She should be a professional, stick to the role assigned her and keep her two cents out of the debate.

As NewsBusters reported immediately after Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan as his running mate:

“…the goal of the Obama-loving media is to rip him to shreds.  Doing her part Saturday was CNN's Candy Crowley who claimed some Republicans (unnamed, of course) think this ‘looks a little bit like some sort of ticket death wish.’”

The reason Romney won the first debate and is experiencing a major surge in popularity is it was the first time a large number of American voters were able to see Romney as he is, rather than the filtered version presented to the public by the “progressive” Party Pravda.

When watching the Hofstra debate proceedings, remember Crowley, like her fellow “progressives” in the media, is openly pulling for Obama.

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Using the internet and creative activism on the street, Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black urges urban males to MAKE PEACE WITH AMERICA and transform their pain; resentment etc into patriotism.

Personal responsibility; police/community unity and break through political freedom ( American Blacks voting Republican ) are his top themes. These are in roads used to break the strangle hold  what he calls " chocolate klansmen " and " sun-tanned socialists " have over Black America.

President Obama's record, not his race, is Cap Black's issue with the incumbent.  

He is offering this talk to motivate who he calls America's " Values Heroes " to vote this November in large numbers for a return to traditional values and free market approaches to this enemic economy.

His work regularly appears on his own blog ( #CapBlackTheHoodConservative ); in his internet newspaper, #HoodConservative and on; Winning Our Great Country Back; Booker Rising; Tea Party Command Center and appears on Ring Side Politics With A Punch with host Jeff Crouere.

Here's his commentary on actress Stacey Dash historic announcement that she was supporting Mitt Romney for president: 

A member of what the media calls the " real life superhero ( RLSH ) " movement, Cap Black combines conservatism with his love for the great American comic book artform with roles as an urban security consultant and citizen on patrol to deliver care to Americans far from social service offices.

(504) 214-3082

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Warning to Black America...or
possible epitaph?
( NEW ORLEANS )Writer and urban safety professional Nadra Enzi, also known as Cap Black, the Anti crime Activist, has launched a speaking tour warning Americans of all colors about how " being soft on what I call chocolate klansmen ( Black thugs! ) makes life hard for the rest of us! "

Hard-hitting talking points include:




" My Chocolate Klansman Alert offers this warning:  these thugs have rolled back racial progress and have created conditions where frightened White policy makers may justify a return to Jim Crow public safety if Black America doesn't end our love affair with them. When we applaud gangster rappers and enable murderers we signal to White America that we can't be trusted to protect society from these super-violent Black boys and men. That places all Black boys and men in peril! "

Contact Capt Black about Chocolate Klansman Alert! appearances in person; on air and on line.  

CHOCOLATE KLANSMAN ARTICLES: Use of my term by blogger Robert Oliver

CAPT BLACK APPEARANCE LINKS: Me & Tim's on air interview Me & Tim Washington, Spokes person 4 Brothers Against Crime were interviewed by local FOX affiliate about Black folks responsibility in stopping our homicide rate- instead of blaming others.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK promotes creative crime prevention & frank racial reconciliation through this tour.  (504) 214-3082
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Black Christians: Shame! Shame! Shame!

4063600577?profile=originalIncreasingly, I am hearing the following mantra/narrative from Black Christians. “I'm voting for Obama because he is the lesser of the two evils.” This is an extremely weak veiled attempt to justify their racism and loyalty to The Black Code (never side with a white against a fellow black).

From a Christian point of view, how can any Bible believer conclude that Mitt Romney is more evil than Barack Obama?

Here are a few of the numerous things on Obama's anti-Christian agenda. Obama supports same-sex marriage and has vowed to be an advocate for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities. Obama supports abortion including infanticide (making it illegal to provide medical aid to a baby that has survived a failed abortion). Despite their strong will to survive, these babies must be left to die.

Massive governmental controls hidden in Obamacare include forcing Christian institutions to fund abortion services against the teachings of their faith. Think about that; the federal government demanding that Christians betray their biblical beliefs. Forty Catholic groups are fighting back by suing the Obama Administration. In typical liberal incremental fashion, our military has gone from a “Don't ask/ Don't tell” policy to being mandated to celebrate Gay Pride Month under Obama.

Indisputable facts are available everywhere exposing Obama to be the most anti-Christian president in U.S. History. I know some of you Black Christians will continue to stick your heads in the sand, refusing to accept the truth. Woe be unto you. Racism is evil, whether it comes from whites or blacks blindly worshiping Obama because of his skin-color.

So Black Christians, tell me Romney's stated ant-Christian agenda. Grasping at straws, some will say Romney is a Mormon and Mormonism does not jive with Christianity. Well, you may have a point. However, Romney has not attacked Christianity or pledged to force Christians to betray their faith. Obama is boldly and dictatorially implementing his anti-Christian agenda. Regrettably, many of you black so-called followers of Christ realize who Obama really is and what he is doing. And yet, you will vote for him anyway because of your sick addiction to racial politics.

I have also heard Christians say, “OK, I admit that Obama is destroying America, but I cannot vote for a Mormon.” Such thinking is illogical. Imagine, your home is on fire and your family is trapped inside. The Hells Angels motorcycle gang arrives at the scene offering to go inside to rescue your loved ones. How absurd would it be to reject their “God-sent” help because you disapprove of the Hells Angels' lifestyle?

Remember this old joke? A guy was trapped on his roof during a flood. He prayed for help. Various volunteers came to his aid in boats. The man rejected them all, waiting for God to save him. The foolish man drowned. In Heaven, the man asked God why he did not answer his prayer. God replied, “I did answer your prayer. You rejected everyone I sent.”

America is on fire folks. Romney/Ryan are the most available firefighters. Thus, I believe they are “God-sent.”

I asked a black minister friend to further explain this “lesser evil” thing. He said the “lesser evil” in his mind is the economy. While not disputing Obama's anti-Christian agenda, Obama still wins his vote because he believes Romney/Ryan's plan will further the decline of America’s economy. In essence, this black minister of the Gospel is saying he values the economy over God's condemnation of homosexuality, over the lives of babies and over freedom of worship.

And by the way, this minister thinking that Obama's economic plan of spending our way to prosperity is superior to Romney/Ryan's plan is idiotic, nonsensical and absurd. I can not believe my friend is that stupid. I believe sighting the economy as his reason for voting for Obama is a weak excuse to mask his racism; pure and simple.

To all you, Obama-is-the-lesser-of-two-evils black Christian voters, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You “ain't” foolin' nobody. You are racists! May God have mercy on your souls.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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These people do not respect America for this. They laugh in our face and do not believe we are the best country in the world.   We are just stupid and selfish.   They know they have it better here, but cannot wait to go back to their home country and tell everyone there how dumb we are.   I think we should let them stay there.

They come here take our tax dollars and we are stupid enough to give immigrants a welfare check to make it all happen. Then THEY become doctors ,lawyers ,pharmacists and professors here and we wonder how that happened.

It is when they shout you are a bigot that gets us to cave in.   I say no more.   I say, I will not pay any more for you.

Read this and tell me what you think..                   

Blame Legal Immigrants Like Me for Taking Your American Jobs

Posted: 06/18/2012 5:05 pm

Careers , Unemployment , Unemployment , American Jobs , American Unemployment , Immigrant Jobs , Immigrant American Jobs , Immigrant Employment , Immigrants , Jobs Immigrants , Politics News

I am probably the only immigrant willing to admit that we are to blame for America's high unemployment. But it is not undocumented immigrants like the ones whose children President Barack Obama said he's not going to deport who are taking your jobs away. Believe me, you don't want the jobs those immigrants do. It's legal immigrants like me you should be blaming for your plight.


Soon after I arrived from Kenya nearly 20 years ago, I began to work in the kind of jobs you'd expect a new immigrant to take. I scrubbed pots and pans, floors, and toilets at various restaurants. I stocked supermarket shelves. I guarded buildings and parking structures. And I scrubbed pots and pans, floors and toilets again.


Unsatisfied, I registered with a temporary staffing agency in California's Silicon Valley. Because I had no experience, the only jobs they could give me lasted between a couple of weeks and three months. But they all added up and gave me the experience I needed, and before long, I had a one-year contract assembling computer hard drives at IBM. My next job was at Applied Materials, one of the largest corporations in Silicon Valley.


Instead of bussing tables and driving hotel shuttles, dealing with irrational customers who thought that just because I spoke with an accent I was an idiot, I was driving forklifts, taking warehouse inventory, using computers, and attending daily meetings. I was getting paid overtime. I was living the American dream. But shortly after, a series of unfortunate things began to happen to make me question my understanding of what the American dream was.


It began with my first layoff from Applied Materials, after one year on the job. Fortunately, the economy picked up fast and they called me within a few months. During my second stint I climbed up the ranks to become a supervisor. Life was good. Seeing no need to go to college, I dropped out.


But then 9/11 happened.


Two months later, I was jobless again. A few months after, they called me back again, this time through the same temporary staffing agency that had opened my door to Silicon Valley. When in 2003 they told me that they'd be letting me go a third time, I knew there had to be a better way.


I could have applied for another warehouse job elsewhere like most of my American coworkers, but I was tired of being kicked around. Instead, I decided to take a hard look at my life. I began by asking myself why I had come to America. If all I ever wanted to be was an unskilled laborer, did I really have to leave Kenya?


I came to America to get something no one in my family had ever had: a college degree. Anything less would have been unacceptable. I returned to college, got my bachelor's degree, and later went to graduate school.


My story is not unique. That is the path many immigrants take. The ultimate goal of many of them -- even those who are undocumented -- is to earn a degree from an American college.


We refuse to accept that a life spent in an unskilled job is a lifetime in the American dream. To us, such jobs are launching pads to greater things -- transit vehicles to the American dream. Even when we come to America in our 30s and 40s, we are not afraid to enroll in college, or to acquire some form of formal training. Tell us that you won't recognize the degrees we acquired in our countries of origin and we'll start college afresh. Because of this spirit, we are lawyers, professors, doctors, scientists, inventors, nurses, teachers, engineers, and entrepreneurs.


You remind us every day that this is the land of opportunity. You wave your flag and tell us that this is the best country in the world.


We agree.


It's about time you started believing in what you tell us about America. Instead of demonizing the defenseless guys breaking their back to get food to your supermarkets, demand that legal immigrants like me give you back your jobs. But to get them, you must work as hard as we have to qualify for these jobs.


It's a shame that many Americans think that what makes America great is the fact that one needs not have a college degree -- that the dream is to sit back and demand that some government bureaucrat create a job for you.


Talk about handouts!


We immigrants are often shocked when we learn that a majority of Americans have never been to a college classroom. That needs to change, if this is country is to remain great.


The choice is yours: You can work as hard as we immigrants have, and take maximum advantage of this country's abundant educational opportunity, or you can take the easy way out and continue to moan about undocumented immigrants. (They aren't going anywhere, so there is plenty of time for you to use them as scapegoats).


You can start by demanding that your government invest more in your children's education, and less in foreign wars -- many of which have created the unbearable conditions that have forced us to flee to America to take your jobs. Until then, we'll continue utilizing the wonderful educational institutions your hard-earned tax dollars have built and continue taking your jobs.


Writer and humorist Edwin Okong'o teaches at the University of California, Berkeley. He invites American children to his classroom so they may one day reclaim their jobs from immigrants.

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These people do not respect America for this. They laugh in our face and do not believe we are the best country in the world.   We are just stupid and selfish.   They know they have it better here, but cannot wait to go back to their home country and tell everyone there how dumb we are.   I think we should let them stay there in their home country.

They come here take our tax dollars and we are stupid enough to give immigrants a welfare check to make it all happen. Then THEY become doctors and lawyers and pharmacists and professors here and we wonder how that happened.

It is when they call us a bigot .  Shout it; that gets us to cave in.   I say no more.   I say, I will not pay any more for you.

Read this and tell me what you think..

He calls himself a:::

Writer and humorist Edwin Okong'o teaches at the University of California, Berkeley. He invites American children to his classroom so they may one day reclaim their jobs from immigrants.

Blame Legal Immigrants Like Me for Taking Your American Jobs

Posted: 06/18/2012 5:05 pm

I deleted some garbage here he put in so as to let you  get through this faster.. this a privileged immigrant and writes..

I am probably the only immigrant willing to admit that we are to blame for America's high unemployment. But it is not undocumented immigrants like the ones whose children President Barack Obama said he's not going to deport who are taking your jobs away. Believe me, you don't want the jobs those immigrants do. It's legal immigrants like me you should be blaming for your plight.


Soon after I arrived from Kenya nearly 20 years ago, I began to work in the kind of jobs you'd expect a new immigrant to take. I scrubbed pots and pans, floors, and toilets at various restaurants. I stocked supermarket shelves. I guarded buildings and parking structures. And I scrubbed pots and pans, floors and toilets again.


Unsatisfied, I registered with a temporary staffing agency in California's Silicon Valley. Because I had no experience, the only jobs they could give me lasted between a couple of weeks and three months. But they all added up and gave me the experience I needed, and before long, I had a one-year contract assembling computer hard drives at IBM. My next job was at Applied Materials, one of the largest corporations in Silicon Valley.


Instead of bussing tables and driving hotel shuttles, dealing with irrational customers who thought that just because I spoke with an accent I was an idiot, I was driving forklifts, taking warehouse inventory, using computers, and attending daily meetings. I was getting paid overtime. I was living the American dream. But shortly after, a series of unfortunate things began to happen to make me question my understanding of what the American dream was.


It began with my first layoff from Applied Materials, after one year on the job. Fortunately, the economy picked up fast and they called me within a few months. During my second stint I climbed up the ranks to become a supervisor. Life was good. Seeing no need to go to college, I dropped out.


But then 9/11 happened.


Two months later, I was jobless again. A few months after, they called me back again, this time through the same temporary staffing agency that had opened my door to Silicon Valley. When in 2003 they told me that they'd be letting me go a third time, I knew there had to be a better way.


I could have applied for another warehouse job elsewhere like most of my American coworkers, but I was tired of being kicked around. Instead, I decided to take a hard look at my life. I began by asking myself why I had come to America. If all I ever wanted to be was an unskilled laborer, did I really have to leave Kenya?


I came to America to get something no one in my family had ever had: a college degree. Anything less would have been unacceptable. I returned to college, got my bachelor's degree, and later went to graduate school.


My story is not unique. That is the path many immigrants take. The ultimate goal of many of them -- even those who are undocumented -- is to earn a degree from an American college.


We refuse to accept that a life spent in an unskilled job is a lifetime in the American dream. To us, such jobs are launching pads to greater things -- transit vehicles to the American dream. Even when we come to America in our 30s and 40s, we are not afraid to enroll in college, or to acquire some form of formal training. Tell us that you won't recognize the degrees we acquired in our countries of origin and we'll start college afresh. Because of this spirit, we are lawyers, professors, doctors, scientists, inventors, nurses, teachers, engineers, and entrepreneurs.


You remind us every day that this is the land of opportunity. You wave your flag and tell us that this is the best country in the world.


We agree.


It's about time you started believing in what you tell us about America. Instead of demonizing the defenseless guys breaking their back to get food to your supermarkets, demand that legal immigrants like me give you back your jobs. But to get them, you must work as hard as we have to qualify for these jobs.


It's a shame that many Americans think that what makes America great is the fact that one needs not have a college degree -- that the dream is to sit back and demand that some government bureaucrat create a job for you.


Talk about handouts!


We immigrants are often shocked when we learn that a majority of Americans have never been to a college classroom. That needs to change, if this is country is to remain great.


The choice is yours: You can work as hard as we immigrants have, and take maximum advantage of this country's abundant educational opportunity, or you can take the easy way out and continue to moan about undocumented immigrants. (They aren't going anywhere, so there is plenty of time for you to use them as scapegoats).


You can start by demanding that your government invest more in your children's education, and less in foreign wars -- many of which have created the unbearable conditions that have forced us to flee to America to take your jobs. Until then, we'll continue utilizing the wonderful educational institutions your hard-earned tax dollars have built and continue taking your jobs.

Read more…

Obama’s War: US Soldiers Are Told They Are Fighting For The Afghan People, Not For The US



An American hero, Colonel Harry Tunnell IV, Commander of the 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, documented the truth about the war in Afghanistan.

What Obama is really doing in Afghanistan is treasonous.

Dated August 20, 2010, a letter was written to John McHugh, Secretary of the Army, signed by Colonel Harry Tunnell IV.  In the letter, four significant factors about military operations in Afghanistan were revealed.

1.  When US soldiers arrive in Afghanistan, they are told that they are fighting for the Afghan people:

“Soldiers join the military today to protect the United States, yet they are told once in Afghanistan that we are fighting for the Afghan people – this is a rather mercenary outlook and ignores the fact that the United States was attacked September 11, 2001.”

2.  Contrary to the lies Joe Biden told the American people during the VP debate on October 11th, Afghan Security Forces are not able to be properly trained:

The idea that Afghan forces can lead operations such as Marjah, as was touted in the media when the operation began, is pure fancy.”

“As part of our formula for success we place a remarkable amount of emphasis on the Afghan Security Forces without understanding the men who make up that force.  It is very unlikely that we will be able to provide Afghans with a level of education and training to make them an independent and reliable force that can deny Afghanistan as a safe haven to terrorists…. The Soviet Union’s attempt to create a professional independent military collapsed as soon as the Soviets withdrew (from Afghanistan), which is what contributed to the ascendency of the Taliban.  This should provide an obviously cautionary tale.”

“An overview of a few cultural behaviors of Pashtu men might help one make an informed assessment about the efficacy of plans requiring independent performance from Afghan Security Forces – to determine if the objective is consistent with the reality.  This cultural information is well known, there are numerous anecdotal reports, and there is a growing body of research from Human Terrain Teams and others.”

“… Afghan security forces… lack of technical skills… Out of a class of ten at our recent academy to train a Fire and Rescue Service for Spin Boldak District, only two of the trainees had ever driven a vehicle – and that is giving credit to the trainee who had driven a tractor once or twice in his life.  Even simple tasks… present challenges.

“Attempts to integrate women into the security forces… Afghan males are among the greatest misogynists in the world. The Burqa is not a Taliban invention; it is a Pashtu cultural norm.”

Health and hygiene will not be maintained at an acceptable level… Afghan military units – particularly small outposts – are bastions of filth.”

Aberrant sexual behavior is acceptable. Considering the misogynistic culture… There is an acceptance of pedophilia that is wide spread and boys are sometimes kidnapped.  Leaders have been known to sexually assault male subordinates…”

“NCOs… are largely illiterate.”

“…the population does not like how the Taliban deliver but the incontrovertible fact is that the Taliban are Pashtu and their cultural norms are the same as any other Pashtu male… In fact, religiously inspired Pashtu movements are a traditional part of life in southern Afghanistan.  The British… had a nickname for them: “Mad Mullah Movements”.  The most frequently ignored fact is that the average farmer in southern Afghanistan will appreciate far more what Mullah Omar is proposing than what we are…”

3.  US military resources are misappropriated, leaving our US soldiers ill-equipped and vulnerable to greater risk of death and injury.

“Formations that are assigned maneuver tasks without the requisite training or equipment will suffer increased and unnecessary casualties.”

“There are two important things to note: (1) this mission, to secure Kandahar City and its environs, was exactly how American forces were arrayed before being dispatched in the ill-conceived freedom of movement mission and (2) all of the maneuver was done by United States Army units – an extravagant use of tens of millions of American taxpayer dollars to placate British units and commanders.”

“In addition to marginalizing American leaders, British forces take advantage of American resources such as Full Motion Video from Unmanned Aerial Systems, Route Clearance Packages, and other capability that should go to American soldiers.  We had instances when these tools were denied to American troops in contact because they were not released from British control (even though they were observing no enemy activity).  A more direct example of disregard for Americans is the manner in which Task Force Helmand addressed the catastrophic IED strike on an American engineer vehicle supporting their operations.  The vehicle was attacked with an IED and one US Soldier was killed.  The killed and wounded were evacuated, but the remaining Soldiers were left for several days on the disabled vehicle before recovery…. American engineers were eventually forced, at great risk, to get the equipment themselves – having another Route Clearance Package battle damaged in the process.  Another instance… when conducting a joint resupply patrol with the British and was abandoned half way through the patrol.  The British took the American Route Clearance Package and simply left.  The engineer task force sent two Route Clearance Packages to recover this BSB patrol – it took two because the first one was blown up.

The denial of American resources to American soldiers that is commonplace is heart-breaking.  The United States and Romania allow military personnel to travel on aircraft that do not have armor or defense capability, but several other partner nations do now.  The result is that foreign military members are frequently prioritized at a higher level to fly on United States military aircraft which takes seats from Americans who are left to fly civilian contracted air.  We expose our own service members to greater danger for the convenience of our partners and the American taxpayer, who has provided this capability for the protection of Americans, is deceived.

4.  Rules of engagement were changed under Obama’s command, thus ensuring greater risk of death and injury to our soldiers.

Our potential for greater coalition casualties does not have to be inevitable, but due to our flawed approach to operations we wind up enabling our enemy.  The population-centric approach which places the population as the center of gravity is applied to the point of absurdity.  The enemy is entrenching himself among the civilian population as we cede to him territory and lines of communication.  Our poor military approach, inadequate tactics, and haphazard operational art are compounded by NATO partnership in general and British leadership specifically.  A gross lack of concern for subordinates manifests in guidance that “zero” civilian casualties are acceptable and coalition soldiers may have to be killed rather than defend themselves against a potential threat and risk being wrong and possibly resulting in injury or death of civilians – a verbal order from MajGen Carter.”

Population-centric approaches to war have resulted in senior officers that are almost pacifistic in their approach to war; while they may have a public persona that seems offensively spirited, that is not the reality when they are issuing guidance to subordinates.”

“It is clear that US Army units are employed in ways that are grossly inconsistent with sound military tactics.”

Related to the emphasis on the population, and ignoring an improved capability against the enemy, is the contempt for technology… We are far behind where we should be and this has contributed to increased American deaths and non-combatant casualties while our enemy retains freedom of movement and maneuver locally, regionally, and internationally.”

These truths in Colonel Tunnell’s letter are corroborated by the dramatic increase in US soldier fatalities, injuries and suicide under the Obama regime.  As recorded by ICasualties, here are the number of fatalities and wounded to date:

  • US Soldiers – Fatalities are now up 410% under Obama. (an average of 401 US soldiers per year under Obama versus 79 per year under Bush).
  • US Soldiers – Wounded are up nearly 1200% under Obama.  (an average of 4,010 US soldiers per year under Obama versus 330 per year under Bush).
  • In addition, US soldier suicide rates have increased to levels never seen before.  This began when Obama took over as Commander-In-Chief in 2009.  Here is a June 2012 article.  Here is a January 2010article which describes the 2009 suicide rate as follows:

    “…the toll of military suicides last year was the worst since records began to be kept in 1980.”

Recall that on the campaign trail in 2008, Obama told the American people that Afghanistan was the war we needed to be fighting.  The media promoted this and the majority of Americans unfortunately believed it, along with all the other lies, and elected this man into the Presidency.

On September 21, 2009, eight months after Obama took office, John McHugh was sworn in as the Secretary of the Army.  Let us be clear that John McHugh was Obama’s pick.

Less than a year later, in August 2010, John McHugh received Colonel Tunnell’s sobering letter and has done absolutely nothing to address the reality of the conditions on the ground in Afghanistan and the unspeakable risk to our beloved soldiers.

How can we be sure John McHugh has done nothing to slow the slaughter of our soldiers?  The skyrocketing rate of US soldier fatalities, injuries and suicide has not subsided; it has remained consistently high throughout Obama’s Presidency.

Who gives John McHugh his marching orders?  As the Secretary of the Army, John McHugh carries out the orders of the Commander-In-Chief of the United States – Barack Hussein Obama.

Despite recent reports that US soldiers are being killed by the Afghan’s Security Forces they are ordered to train, Obama and McHugh have done nothing.  They render our soldiers virtually defenseless among terrorist predators that may be right next to them.

Weakening our military strength is deliberate and occurring on several fronts.

  • We’ve shown evidence of what Obama is doing to our troops in Afghanistan, how he has put them at great risk and how he cedes US military control to the coalition.
  • Obama and Reid pushed for the START Treaty to cede control of US nuclear defenses to Russia.
  • Obama and Panetta are moving forward to radically slash the US Defense budget.
  • Obama has embraced our enemies – the radical Islamist Muslim Brotherhood – and has brought them to unimaginable heights of power in the Middle East (e.g. Egypt), plus he has brought them into our White House and into the highest levels of our government.
  • Obama transferred US wealth and weapons to the radical Islamist Muslim Brotherhood (and their organizations – the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, etc.) who want to destroy the US, Israel and the rest of Western Civilization.
  • Obama waged an illegal war in Libya and his recent actions have cost more American lives.  Obama refused to protect them leading up to 9/11 (this year) and he and his administration persistently lied to the American people every step of the way.  The cover-up they have been manufacturing is breathtaking – and criminal.
  • Obama assaults Tricare coverage, making it far more expensive for our soldiers and their families.
  • Obama and Holder fight to push for the lawless blocking of our soldiers’ right to vote.

Even if Obama loses in November, he will remain at the helm for another three months.  That timeframe may prove to be the most dangerous for our soldiers and our country.

Telling US soldiers that they are fighting for the Afghan people is treasonous and Obama, by his actions as Commander-In-Chief, has created the conditions for the unnecessary slaughter of so many of our soldiers.  This is not a mistake or incompetence; this is deliberate.

Those who want our troops to come home now are on the right side of history.  As long as Obama is President, our soldiers remain in danger.  Colonel Tunnell’s letter, coupled with rate of death, injury and suicide under the Obama regime eliminates any doubt about the danger.

Trevor Loudon, political activist from New Zealand and author of the book “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within,” provides factual information, connections and insight into Obama’s deliberate plan to weaken our military beyond repair.  This video is a must see…

Trevor Loudon @

Colonel Tunnell’s letter ends with the following:

“The willingness to combat an enemy cannot be turned on and off like a light switch.  Leaders are willing to conduct operations at the tactical and operational levels of war to decisively defeat the enemy or they are not.  Soldiers join the military today to protect the United States, yet they are told once in Afghanistan that we are fighting for the Afghan people – this is a rather mercenary outlook and ignores the fact that the United States was attacked September 11, 2001.  If we have an Army led by people unwilling to defeat a disorganized illiterate adversary such as we face today, even after a despicable surprise attack on our nation, there is little hope that we can defeat a modern sophisticated enemy that we may face in the future.”

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My heart aches for each business which closes its doors/Less fiscal liberty lighting/these shores/it's heavy til/ I HAPPILY remember/Free people can change this come NOVEMBER! -

Dedicated To Richard Crosby: Owner of the now-closed Internet Cafe On Toulouse in New Orleans fabled French Quarters- great guy; great place- sign of these sad times.




#HOODCONSERVATIVE, MY ONLINE NEWSPAPER Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
#CAPBLACKTHEHOODCONSERVATIVE, MY BLOG  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion! 


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Is it just me or are these numbers beginning to smell:

 "WASHINGTON, Oct 14 (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are neck and neck in opinion polls, but there is one area in which the incumbent appears to have a big advantage: those who have already cast their ballots. 

Obama leads Romney by 59 percent to 31 percent among early voters, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling data compiled in recent weeks."


For more, click here

ex animo



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America is a Judeo-Christian country. 

Some say, " Duh! ' while others make statements I can't repeat in my family friendly posts ( LOL ),
Here after called its " J-C  baseline " America's religious heritage in in contect as ground zero for what Pat Buchanan famously called the " Culture War. "
Americans come in all faiths. We also have those who profess no faith. Our civic culture is a secular big tent where all who abide by its rules are more than welcome.
Liberals; socialists and worse spend much time and money trying to degrade the the J-C baseline's primacy. The funny part of this ordeal is J-C proponents aren't trying to ram it down other's throats!
A country with a Jewish and Christian religious heritage informing its ethos; laws etc will naturally esteem holy scripture like the Torah and Bible; and major spiritual figures like Abraham; Moses and Jesus.
It also stands to reason that Jewish holidays along with Christian ones like Easter and Christmas would be held in high regard in such a country.
The constitution protects Americans from state-sanctioned religion. This alone should temper efforts to alter America's J-C baseline.
Non-Jewish and non-Christian Americans aren't assigned second class status. Since September 11th a fault line has emerged toward Muslims which will close eventually as our civic culture cools passions on both sides- so long as the J-C baseline and homeland security are preserved.
Otherwise a very blunt and pointed national discussion will ensue the result of which will shape Wetern-Islamic relations for generations.
America's Judeo-Christian baseline undergirds her universal civic culture where all faiths and ideologies exist unmolested so long as they commonly obey the law
Attempted alteration of this base line is unnecessary and frankly vulgar.
Critics should consider America's base line did not bar the election of a president raised Muslim and major party nomination of his Mormon challenger.
Despite passionate views about both, America's Judeo-Christian baseline supports each and for that alone should be commended.
Real acceptance has happened and for that, supporters and critics of the Judeo-Christian baseline should stop bickering long enough to take a well deserved bow.
Good work guys.
HOOD CONSERVATIVE, MY ONLINE NEWSPAPER Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
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Montgomery County Tea Party will have Carlos Bringuier as our guest speaker Mondy, Oct. 15th, 6:30pm.
Carlos Bringuier will be our guest speaker. Carlos was born in Cuba, June 22, 1934. 

Bringuier was an anti-Castro activist. His shop was visited by Oswald on August 5, 1963, who claimed his interest in joining the anti-Castro struggle.

Four days later, on August 9, 1963, Oswald was arrested for disturbing the peace when, as he was handing out FPCC pro-Castro leaflets, he had an argument with Bringuier.

On August 21, 1963, Carlos Bringuier faced Oswald a third time during a radio debate : "Conversation Carte Blanche". Bringuier defended the anti-Castro point of view whereas Oswald supported the pro-Castro FPCC.


Time: October 15, 2012 from 6:30pm to 8pm
Location: Montgomery County Hospital District
Street: 1400 W Loop 336 S
City/Town: Conroe, Texas
Website or Map:


You can also read more about Carlos here.4063599641?profile=original

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