The Cody Robert Judy v. Obama SCOTUS Case No. 12-5276 is mentioned at the end of this very informative and provocative video. Tell your Reps its not to late to hear and stop the fraud and forgery upon our Country, our Constitution and our vote. We would like to thank Tracy from the great state of Maryland for her hard work and production of this press release featured video.
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The Cody Robert Judy v. Obama SCOTUS Case No. 12-5276 is mentioned at the end of this very informative and provocative video. Tell your Reps its not to late to hear and stop the fraud and forgery upon our Country, our Constitution and our vote. We would like to thank Tracy from the great state of Maryland for her hard work and production of this press release featured video.
A States-based system to pay for Federal
expenditures that ends the Federal Government’s
power to tax and borrow money
The States of the USA, and the People, have granted the U.S. Federal Government, through Congress, the power to tax, borrow and
create money. (Article I, Section 8, Paragraphs 1, 2, and 5 of the U.S. Constitution plus the 16th Amendment. The "Big Four.") The Federal Government has monopoly control over its own financing. Has this monopoly control worked out well?
On December 31, 2000, the U.S. National Debt was $5.662 trillion. December 31, 2008, $10.700 trillion. December 31, 2011, $14.025 trillion. And, despite the November 2010 election results, $15.785 trillion on June 19, 2012. A 279% increase in less than eleven years, six months. ((Source: www. Debt to the Penny (Daily History/Search.))
It can arguably be said that these taxation, borrowing and money creation powers, have been seriously and shamefully misused.
Changes need to be made to end this misuse. However, the needed changes go far beyond electing more responsible congressional and Presidential representation, as necessary as these steps may be.
The misuse, and potential for continued future misuse, will not be curtailed until the monopoly financing control created by the Big Four to pay for Federal expenditures is replaced by a States-based system. The CONSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT TAX (the CST, www. should be that States-based system.
In summary the CST will do the following:
- The power to lay and collect Taxes, Imposts and Excises will be repealed from Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution along with the 16th Amendment. The power to lay and collect Duties will remain with Congress.
- Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 2, authorizing Congress’ power to borrow will also be repealed.
- Once Congress sets the Federal Budget each year, the dollar amount of the Budget will be divided among the States by a formula that is fair to all States. This five-part formula is explained in the HOW IT WORKS section of the website.
- It will then be up to the People of each State, and state and local officials, to decide how their State will pay its mandatory share of the Budget. This is similar to Article VIII of the Articles of Confederation.
With the power to raise money through taxation, borrowing in the credit markets and through the Federal Reserve ended, Congress will have a powerful incentive to prepare yearly budgets that are well within the bounds of what the Constitution will allow. The States and People will be very skeptical about paying for anything beyond providing for the "common defence" stated in the Preamble to the Constitution. The Founding Fathers intended such non-defense expenditures be handled and financed at the state or local levels. GSA Las Vegas outings and more should become closed history, never to return. Think about this fully, and you will correctly conclude that the CST is the only way to end the Federal overspending problem.
Please read the website. Give it some time to "mentally digest." If you like the CST, spread the word about it among the people you know. Questions can be submitted through the website or to me at the following contact information.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Cy Mallinson 1311 Manor St. Kalamazoo, MI 49006-2143 269-342-0410 cmallinson
For the last few weeks I have listen to the news. And I can’t figure out just how these people out there can listen to a liar. Obummer would like to rise taxes on the folks who make more than $250,000 a year. That’s funny under this new Healthcare law there are 21 more taxes to be put on the books. Not counting he wants to raise taxes on dividends and on Capital gains. And who know just how many other taxes they stay awake at night trying to think up.
If they wish to get to a fairness tax then make it a “FLAT TAX” so that everybody is paying tax not just 54% of the people paying for 46% of the people.
Also they need to ask the IRS ( internal Rip-off Service) how come they are not doing their job? They must be playing games or watch PORN on their computers and don’t have time to do their job. Look and see just how many billions of taxpayer dollars that was thrown away to illegal tax returns.
Theirs not one office in Corrupt DC can do their job, they all need to be fired and start all over, their all corrupt. Has anybody ever looked at their retirement system, if so you might wan to hang onto your chair so you don’t fall out of it. Can anybody in the real world do what they do and not get Fired?
All these people that listen to Obummer, they are either sick in the head or 2 things getting free handouts or getting paid to listen to his lies, it’s very for me to believe people like that can be so DUMB to listen to those lies. Says the things he’s saying and stabbing them in the back after he get there vote.
He’s out to destroy the United States of America, I’m not sure that Romney can fix all the damage that this nutcase has caused, but I’m willing to let him try than have an incompetent butthead who I know will destroy this country. To me he never got passed 3rd grade.
I could go on about a ton of things but until all these deadheads wake up that Obummer is going to stab them in the back just so he can get there vote.
Howdy all! Can you imagine? Only 89 days, and we get to vote for a new manager. And to think, only 1297 days ago, we thought the nation was going to be at risk of financial ruin. So now, here we are at financial ruin, and in need of a new manager. How times flies when you have a perpetual anxiety attack.
Any hoo,..
Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. ~ Romans 3:24
I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that 'all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.' To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, not longer susceptible of any definition. ~Thomas Jefferson, Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, 1791
So, here we are, 89 days from Election Day; 164 days from inauguration day. We are carrying 132 executive orders around like a gigantic sack of potatoes, wondering how many more will come before January 20. Numbers, all these are nothing more than numbers. They don’t matter. What they represent does not matter. So what does matter?
Honor, dedication, principles, decency, respect, responsibility, you name it. No matter what obstacles are placed in front of us, these traits are ingrained in all of us. Not a single number in that sentence. He gave us His son, whom he sacrificed for us. No greater gift could be given. And this gift of the United States of America; designed, crafted, and developed by gifted men such as Jefferson, is slowly be squandered by selfish people. Jefferson, like so many of his time, tried to pass down warnings to watch out for selfish people. Those who have taken the cause to save the republic, the constitution, the financial strength, and the security of our land have heard the warning and are acting on it. We are only 89 days away from a turning point: but only a point in time. Afterwards, we will need to watch even closer. It doesn’t matter what letter defines their political preference, they can all be wolves in sheep’s clothing.
89 days, 164 days, 1461 days. They represent quantities of time. They don’t mean anything. Honor, dedication, principles, decency, respect, responsibility; they mean everything. They are our tools to serve our nation and our fellow citizens. It is how we use these tools throughout the quantities of time that make us what we are. Exceptional Americans.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley
In the past 3 years of Obama's presidency he has managed to increase our national debt more than all the past presidents combined. He even continues to lie in his campaign ads claiming to be working to pay off our debt and balance the budget. In this time we have heard of the horror stories of the spending binge he has gone on in times that we cannot afford increase spending without cutting other spending first. It is obvious he is not trying to make a sustainable economic system but rather is trying to sink our economy and leave us desperate to buy into some new global economic deal. It is not easy to spend an extra trillions of dollars on top of the tax money the American people have already been forking out.
There has been so many wasteful big spender programs from cash for clunkers and the American Restoration and Recovery Act to the across the board bonus' for all the government employees I heard of a while back. This is a time our leaders need to inspire people to cut back and give more for less to try and save our country. There has been so much spending on unneeded and can't afford programs that we can't even remember them all because another spending ploy comes along that we just have to do or little babies will die. You never hear of our leaders digging up fraud and wasteful uses of our money, just how we need to make more programs.
This blog is to recap all of the wasteful spending that has been instituted in the last 3 years. We want to gather facts and numbers in a complete list here so we can post it up for the people to see. Facts we want, and if someone posts up a rumor that is incorrect, someone can post a reply to shed light on that one.
So, lets hear it. Where has all these trillions gone?
Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney attacked occupy Oval Office, aka Barrack Obama, for waiving portions of the welfare-to-work law. At a Chicago campaign stop, Romney pledged to reverse the July order that disembowels welfare reform. "We will end a culture of dependency and restore a culture of good, hard work," Romney said.
Naturally, White House press secretary Jay Carney called Romney's charges "blatantly dishonest." Carney’s misrepresentative spin continued: "This administration's policy will strengthen the program by giving states the opportunity to employ more effective ways to help people get off welfare and into a job.”
For their part, a new Romney campaign ad accurately asserts that "Obama guts welfare reform" saying "Under Obama's plan, you wouldn't have to work and wouldn't have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check."
Of course, to White House “progressives” it does not matters that The Health and Human Services Department directive permits states to ask for waivers from the work requirement found in the existing welfare law. They are going to attack, smear, invent and misrepresent every fact necessary to convince low information voters to cast their ballots against Romney, no matter what.
Coincidently, the current White House occupant is now blaming state and local governments, as well as Congress for the 14.1 percent black unemployment rate.
"There are a lot more things we could be doing. To get them done, we need cooperation of Congress. We got the payroll tax portion of [my American Jobs Act] done, but what we didn’t get done is the assistance I was proposing to the states to help them hire back teachers, firefighters, and first responders, because one of the weakest parts of this recovery has been state and local government hiring. Given the weaknesses of the construction industry, the American Jobs Act proposed that we rebuild schools, roads, bridges, airport, and ports. That would provide small businesses with opportunities as contractors and vendors in this rebuilding process. Again, Congress needs to act." Obama stated.
Were George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, economic troubles in the Eurozone, the Arab Spring, a Japanese tsunami or ATMs and ticketing kiosks suddenly unavailable for blame?
Obama then took for granted a big part of his core constituency by saying "I’m not the president of black America. I’m the president of the United States of America.”
If one is to believe the pathological wealth redistributor in thief, he and his policies are never to blame for any of the existing malaise. If only all those poor unfortunate souls who are not part of the “progressive” “intellectual elite” were capable of understanding. Then his “progressive” holiness could explain to them how his policies are great…for the hundred thousandth time.
The idea that America is in deep financial trouble and that the current “progressive” administration is intentionally inflicting damage upon America and its economy is supported by the enactment of a seemingly endless string of “progressive” policies that run 180 degrees counter to how America and its economy are designed to work.
But one politician, no matter how radical, fringe, extreme, anti-American, “progressive” they are is solely to blame for the current situation.
Thanks to “go along to get along” “establishment” Republicans who abandoned Conservative principles and co-opted the “progressive” Democratic tactic of bringing home the bacon to buy votes; from January 2007 to January 2011 Republicans were in the legislative minority. After the 2008 election, they were so outnumbered they were powerless to stop a "progressive" agenda bent on advancing an extreme, fringe, radical, anti-American wish list “progressives” spent decades concocting.
Then Americans woke up and elected Republicans of a more Conservative stripe to a majority in the House and reduced the "progressive" majority in the Senate.
But the Tea Party’s work is not done. It is only now beginning.
"progressives" and their policies have been assailing America for over a century. Based on what has happened since the 2010 election, expectations that more than 100 years of damage will be reversed in one election cycle are unrealistic.
For some Tea Party Americans, Mitt Romney might not be their first pick for president. At least Romney is an American who knows first-hand how to achieve success in business. Better still, Romney was not raised overseas by Communists. This is a far cry from the current clueless affirmative action clown who between rounds of golf is working to “fundamentally transform” America into a Socialist democracy. Besides, Romney’s campaign is showing a willingness to fight, something John McCain’s 2008 campaign failed to demonstrate.
Americans need to stay focused, remain diligent and work hard to elect Conservative Americans to every office possible. It could be the White House, the U.S. Senate, Congress, Governor, Mayor or the local dog catcher.
Keep the faith and get out the American vote!
This has all been pieced together from exerpts taken from 'The FreeRepublic'
Perhaps Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe and presidential hopeful Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts should study the Democratic past. It might temper their demonizing attacks on President George W. Bush and inject some decency into their political rhetoric. It also would remind them of the mote in their collective eye.
They are giving their tonsils a workout, accusing Bush of having "lied" to the American people about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction and his economic program. Their research would introduce them to lies of vast proportions. To wit: Franklin D. Roosevelt's pledge, made "again and again and again," that no American boys would be sent overseas to fight in a foreign war a pledge made at a time when he was working secretly with Winston Churchill to involve us 100 percent in Europe's hostilities.
Today's Democratic leaders have far more on their plate than FDR's wartime prevarications. Belaboring Bush for his economic program, they demonstrate what can be described as a vast ignorance of the Democratic past, or deliberate obfuscation, to be charitable about it. Let me remind them.
When Roosevelt ran for president in 1932, he had made a record of a proposed program that the American people believed reflected his honest convictions. Walter Lippman, the great liberal guru, wrote that FDR's "mind is not very clear, his purposes are not simple and his methods are not direct" a polite way of saying he was deceptive.
FDR pleaded for states' rights and warned eloquently against centralization of power in the hands of the federal government. "The doctrine of regulation and legislation by 'masterminds' ... has been too glaringly apparent at Washington during the [Republican administrations]," the sage of Hyde Park opined. "Were it possible to find ... men almost godlike in their ability to hold the scales of justice with an even hand, such a government might be in the interests of the country, but there are none such on our political horizon."
The Democratic Party and FDR ran on a promise of the "immediate and drastic reduction of governmental expenditures" by reducing the bureaucracy "to accomplish a saving of not less than 25 percent in the cost of the federal government." He fulfilled this promise by adding 100,000 bureaucrats to the federal payroll, not counting those on relief, the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Public Works Administration.
FDR and the Democrats promised a balanced budget, and commensurate taxation. But as his program skyrocketed taxes, FDR was warned that there would be a revolt on Tax Day if Americans were called upon to shell out all at once. At this point, the brain trust devised "withholding" directly from paychecks to hide the extent of new taxation. Roosevelt railed against budget deficits which under president Herbert Hoover had amounted to $7 billion in four years. FDR's deficits in the first two years of his administration came to $7.5 billion. His total expenditures for 1934 to 1936 came to $24 billion whereas the cost of the federal government from the time of George Washington up to Woodrow Wilson had been $25.5 billion in sum.
This indicates how FDR cut expenditures. To limit the centralization of government, one of FDR's first acts was the enactment of the National Industrial Recovery Act (patterned on Benito Mussolini's cooperative ideology), which suspended the antitrust laws and favored big corporations over small business. The Supreme Court tossed it out. FDR condemned "the extravagance" of Hoover's agricultural policy "and its unsound restriction of agricultural production" and then made it a permanent part of agricultural policy. The Agricultural Adjustment Act (or "Triple A," as it was called), which directed the destruction of crops at a time when Americans were going hungry, also was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
As president, FDR shot down every one of his campaign promises. Four years later, when he was running for re-election, the unemployment rate, hovering at 11.5 million, remained at the 1932 level. Recovery was so far distant that the 1936-37 Roosevelt recession would have become permanent had not America's impending participation in World War II boosted the economy by putting the unemployed in military uniforms.
Move to the 21st century. As John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan demonstrated, tax-cutting paradoxically increases federal revenues. Measures to encourage business and investment are a sine qua non. And yet the Democrats have been so determined to prevent tax cuts that some unkind souls suggest that they want the economy to slump in order to defeat the Republicans in 2004.
In 1935 James Warburg, who had been one of the drum beaters for FDR, published a small book 92 pages entitled Hellbent for Election. I came across a copy among my collection of political books and gladly would donate mine to the Democratic National Committee if it can be shown that Terry McAuliffe wants to read it or can. ...Roosevelt's recession would have become permanent had not America's impending participation in World War II boosted the economy by putting the unemployed in military uniforms...
As we all remember Pearl Harbor, and the ongoing speculation as to why it happened...
….And lets not forget the millions of hogs that were butchered not for food at a time of great hunger but for price control? At least, this is utter insanity that contradicts most basic common sense at worse, it is deceptive, criminal and has political motivations....but for what reason?
Also I believe if we want to see small Govt Conservatism gain any Momentum, then we absolutely need to bring FDR's true record of deception, lies and socialist/communist policies to light. I see him as the pivot point for the "we don't know where we are going but have a plan" left. Show his true colors and we can make Americans self reliant again....IMO
There have been extensive efforts tried for years to bring to ANY ONE'S attention the largest 'DEFICITE' in history, except in times of war.
In 1936, FDR was running for reelection, the first time, truly learned how to "buy votes on credit".
These figures were taken from the World Almanac: in millions
Receipts -$3,923
Outlays - $8,228
Deficits or Surplus - -$4,304
We had not come out of the depression and they were destroying food. When some of the public found out about it, they continued to buy it and DOLE it out to those who worked on WPA. But I believe there was some food they continued to destroy. A family who had an orchard, were ordered to destroy the dropped apples, because people would come and pick them off the ground, for free.
The owner said she could not destroy food so the Government people would have dropped the apples, then put all of it in a pile and come and pour 'kerosene' on the pile of apples; of course, then a tremendous bond fire
I remember this, as I am 82 and have been interested in politics since I went to a 'Wilke' rally, at 17 years of age and couldn't even vote for four more years!!!
(Be not afraid of tomorrow - God is already there!)
Keep up the Good fight! People are listening and now we have a forum, we can only hope that people will listen and think. FDR's true legacy is a far cry from the hero he is portrayed.
(response from: total Stranger) Absolutely brilliant.
Thanks for posting it. It ought to be made required reading in schools... and before Election Day.
...but after a few selective judicial appointments, the second AAA was approved by the Supremes.
Certainly ties a few issues together does it not. A history of Judicial activism warned against by our Founders and used by the Democrat's going way back. Clearly an insult to American principles. I'm a lot younger than you, but have been saying that I'm an anti-New Deal since I was in my early 20's. When I say it, most people just look at me funny.
Then there's........FDR's right hand man, Dexter White, was a KGB agent. And on orders from good old Joe. Made sure that the USs talks with Japan would not only fail. But forced Japan into attacking us. Keeping them off his back.
My reference thread follows the many links on it.
Secrets, Lies, and Atomic Spies,.....Or... Joe McCarthy was more right than he ever knew
Yes, it has an interesting history. FDR was a hard leftist, and he proved it many times over with all the "gifts" that he generated for the American people. White was a 'pinko maggot'. And not much in our Congress has changed...just look at the Progressive Caucus...they are everywhere. We are at a crossroads for America - a battle between a free republic and hard socialism. We know that socialism will fail, it always does, so our only hope is to save and maintain America as a free republic.
Our communists, socialists and far-left Dem's are working hard to change that.
We are about to close with the final two installments of this Special Seven series––the renewable energy (mainly solar) firms that not only received billions in Department of Energy (DOE) loans and federal grants, but those that received “preferential treatment” from the Department of Interior to lease federal land in a no-bid process, meaning that they were approved without “adequate vetting.” Whereas the review process for establishing an oil and gas lease on federal land can take up to five years, some of these favored green-energy projects were pushed through in less than a year.
Our first five chapters on Solar Reserve, BrightSource Energy, Nevada Geothermal, Ormat Nevada (the two Nevada companies were featured in one report), and First Solar; revealed a convoluted and tangled trail of political ties in each of these green-energy crony-corruption cases.
This chapter looks at the Spanish company Abengoa that received more than $2.8 billion in loans and grants—making them the second largest recipient of the $16 billion doled out through the DOE 1705 loan guarantee program.
From the introduction of this serialized book, the thumbnail says:
Abengoa has two solar projects: Solana and Mojave Solar. Solana’s Fitch rating is BB+. Just before Christmas, 2010, the company received $1.45 billion from the DOE for a solar thermal plant, to use parabolic trough technology in Gila Bend, AZ. Mojave Solar’s rating was BB. Yet the company received $1.2 billion in September 2011 for its solar assembly collection project in San Bernardino County, CA. Abengoa has connections to California’s Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein.
In addition to the two solar projects listed above, Abengoa also has a biofuel project located in Kansas, which Fitch rated CCC, that got a $132.4 million loan in August 2010.
As a report on Abengoa from the Institute for Energy Research says: “It’s true, a loan guarantee is not the same thing as an explicit subsidy. So long as Abengoa Solar doesn’t default on its loans, the US taxpayer hasn’t kicked in anything. Nonetheless, the whole reason Abengoa Solar had to get the guarantee from the government is that no private lender thought the risk was worth it. It is not ‘costless’ for the US taxpayer to be on the hook in this fashion.”
So how did such a poorly rated, non-American company get billions in US taxpayer loan guarantees? Can you say “crony corruption?” In short, Abengoa has a cadre of cronies in high places which includes Al Gore, former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Dianne Feinstein, and, of course, President Obama—plus, many others whose names you’ve probably never heard of.
Friends in high places
In 2007, Gore’s UK-based Generation Investment Management (GIM) bought a stake in Abengoa. He has extolled Abengoa for years, visiting “the largest solar platform in Europe” (operated by Abengoa) in October 2008 and delivering a high-powered speech at the company's Spanish headquarters in October 2010. GIM Advisory Board Member Mario Molino also serves on Abengoa’s Advisory Committee. GIM was started in 2004 by Al Gore and several Goldman Sachs’ big wigs, including David Blood, Mark Ferguson, and Peter Harris. (Note: Goldman Sachs was a top Obama donor in 2008.)
Bill Richardson is who got me chasing this whole green-energy crony-corruption scandal in the first place as my column addressing his crony capitalism is how I got connected with Christine Lakatos—who’s been researching this for years. Here in the middle of the Abengoa story is my former governor! Richardson has long been a supporter of solar energy, giving now-defunct Schott Solar $16 million in New Mexican state funds—so it is appropriate that he be involved here, too. Under President Clinton, Richardson served as the Secretary of Energy—leading the DOE—for three years. President Obama tapped Richardson to be his Secretary of Commerce but personal scandals kept him from passing the vetting—he withdrew his nomination. (Remember, John Bryson—former CEO of BrightSource—did become Secretary of Commerce.) With this vast résumé, Abengoa CEO Manuel Sanchez Ortega, felt that Abengoa was “extremely fortunate” to have Richardson’s “extensive knowledge of the renewable energy sector and his background in public policy” join Abengoa’s Advisory Board in March of 2011—which is reportedly a paid position. Richardson’s policies while Governor benefitted Abengoa. One of Abengoa’s DOE loans came through after Richardson joined the Advisory Board.
My introduction teased California Senator Dianne Feinstein’s involvement in Abengoa. Admittedly, direct connections are minor: she wrote a letter to the DOI on behalf of Abengoa asking the DOI to speed up the permitting process for accessing private land for DOE loan guarantees. One of the projects is in California, so advocating for it would seem reasonable. However, her husband, Richard Blum, is Chairman and President of Blum Capital, an equity investment management firm with investments in bio-fuel companies and Abengoa has a bio-fuel company—though, so far, no Blum investments in Abengoa Bioenergy Biomass of Kansas, LLC have been found. Feinstein has been accused of arranging to have the US Navy buy bio fuels from her husband, so a connection to Abengoa would not be unexpected. Feinstein is no stranger to conflict of interest and PG & E may be the bigger player in this story, as they are one of her largest campaign donors (2010 & 2012), and they have a contract to buy California’s required renewable energy from Abengoa—along with five other projects that got DOE loans. One last Feinstein/Abengoa link: Fred Morse—Senior Advisor of US Operations for Abengoa. Dr. Morse, who interestingly was a member of the New Mexico CSP Task Force, donated $1000 to Feinstein.
The "Green Corruption" Plot Thickens with Pacific Gas & Electric
According to The Washington Free Beacon... Pacific Gas & Cronyism: Politically connected utility plays corporate bully, makes bank on green energy
PG&E maintains a strong political presence in Washington, D.C., having spent $81.4 million on lobbying since 2008. The company’s political action committee has given nearly $380,000 to Democrats since 2008, more than double the amount it gave to Republicans during that same time. PG&E corporate officers and board members have given tens of thousands of dollars to President Obama and other Democrats since 2007.
The company is actively involved in California politics as well, primarily in support of Democrats. In 2010, PG&E gave more than $1 million to Democratic candidates, and more than $645,000 to the California Democratic Party. Gov. Jerry Brown (D) received $31,580.
Former PG&E employees currently hold, or previously held, high-ranking government positions at the state and federal level, furthering the company’s influence.
Further, remember those condemning emails exposed by the House Oversight Committee during their May 2012 hearing when questioning John Woolard, CEO of BrightSource. Whereas, Woolard had emailed Matt Rogers, who was then Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Energy for the Recovery Act and played a significant role in disbursing funds to renewable energy companies. That particular email stated, "Darbee at PG & E talked directly to Obama about the program's challenges and the bad situation it puts him in." Now, "Darbee" refers to Peter Darbee, then-CEO and chairman of Pacific Gas and Electric, and it looks like he had communications with the president, it just remains to be seen how many times and about how many of these energy projects.
After all, "in large part due to statutory requirements under California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard," PG& E has an "invested interested" in getting these renewable sources going. "PG&E is the sole purchaser of power from a number of green energy projects financed with taxpayer dollars. Six solar projects [Abengoa and BrightSource are just two] that will sell power to PG&E have received a combined $5.5 billion in taxpayer-backed DOE loans, nearly one-third of the total funding allocated for the program in the stimulus package."
Back to Abengoa
Fred Morse provides a perfect transition to the lobbyists and their connections, as Morse is a lobbyist for Abengoa with DOE roots. Morse was Executive Director of the White House Assessment of Solar Energy as a National Resource, serving in the Nixon, Carter, and Regan administrations and is thought of as Abengoa’s most credentialed conduit to policymakers. He currently sits on the board of various solar industry groups.
While Morse may be the “most credentialed conduit,” he is not the most interesting story. The "most-interesting" moniker would have to go to either Mark Rokala or Santiago Seage—you decide.
Before joining Abengoa, Seage was a partner with McKinsey & Company (another 2008 Obama donor)—where Jonathan Silver, the former executive director of the Energy Department’s loan guarantee program, started his career and Matt Rogers, a former senior adviser on the Recovery Act, was an executive. When Rogers left the DOE in September 2010, he returned to McKinsey & Company at their San Francisco office. A handful of McKinsey & Company executives sit on Obama’s Jobs Council. Making the connections more provocative, we find that Silver held parties for Gore.
Abengoa’s lobbying efforts are headed up by Mark Rokala, a founding member of Cornerstone Government Affairs—which has received $870,000 from Abengoa in lobbying fees. Rokala came to Cornerstone from the PMA Group, which was shuttered in 2008 following a pay-to-play scandal—in which late Democratic Rep. John Murtha directed $137 million in government contracts to PMA clients, which in turn donated $2.37 million to Murtha and other Democratic congressmen who sat on the appropriations committee. PMA’s president, Paul Magliocchetto, is serving a 27-month federal sentence for illegal campaign contributions. Rokala has been a lobbyist for more than 20 years, the last seven in energy policy, and has served as legislative assistant for a Democrat senator.
Abengoa spent $540,000 on lobbying efforts for just 2011, with $160,000 going to Cornerstone Government Affairs.
More than $80 billion was earmarked for green energy in the 2009 stimulus package—which was sold to the American people as a means to stimulate the economy and create jobs. So, what kind of bang for our buck did we get from the $2.8 billion we gave to Abengoa? The Institute for Energy Research reports “the DOE’s own fact sheet claims that the Solana project has created 1,700 temporary construction jobs, while yielding a permanent 60 jobs ‘created or saved.’ Simple division shows that the $1.45 billion guarantee therefore works out to $824,000 per job (when we include the temporary construction ones), and a whopping $24.2 million per permanent job ‘created or saved.’ The numbers are similar for the more recent Mojave Solar project. For a guarantee of $1.2 billion, the DOE estimates it will create 830 temporary construction jobs, and will ‘create or save’ 70 permanent jobs. This works out to $1.33 million per job (including temporary ones), and $17.1 million per permanent job.”
The report from the March 20, 2012, hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee looking into the green-energy, crony-corruption debacle says this about the loans to Abengoa: “A single Spanish firm, Abengoa…reveals excessive risk. … making this concentration of investment in one company speculative and highly questionable.”
What is truly questionable is why did the DOE take “excessive risk” in giving $2.8 billion to a Spanish firm? The answer is friends in high places. Abengoa got a good return for its investment. They spent hundreds of thousands in lobbying fees, hired some big guns like former Governor Bill Richardson, and made friends with the likes of Al Gore—and what do they get in return? $2.8 billion in American taxpayer dollars.
What have your friends done for you lately?
Author’s note: Thanks to Christine Lakatos, the Green Corruption blogger, for research assistance.
- First published August 4, 2012 by Marita K. Noon
- Also on...
- News New Mexico –– Why did the DOE take “excessive risk” in giving $2.8 billion to a Spanish solar firm?
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This is Part Five of the Special Seven Series, Obama's Green-Energy, Crony, Corruption brought to you by Marita Noon and Christine Lakatos with the final installment to be published this week. However, we are just getting started –– stay tuned because there is much more Green Corruption to be exposed...
Skousen explains how the Tea Party movement was founded by grass roots Ron Paul supporters, but is now in very real danger of being destroyed by the likes of Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, who so often resort to excessive generalities in demonizing their political opposition that they can easily be debunked by the establishment.
Brett L. Baker
The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.
John Quincy Adams
You will not find the phrase, the separation of church and state in the U.S. Constitution. What you will find is the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The phrase ‘the separation of church and state’ which was actually ‘wall of separation between the church and the state’ was written in a letter by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists on January 1, 1802. In 1892, the Supreme Court unanimously declared that America was “legally and organically a Christian nation.” But is that really the truth? What was the U.S. Supreme Court actually talking about regarding the decision in Church of the Holy Trinity vs. United States? Was this really about Christianity or was it about something else? We see in the U.S. Capitol building the words above the Speaker of the House, “In God We Trust” and you will see there are carvings of Moses and the Ten Commandments (which is a reference to Mosaic Law) on the Supreme Court building and in various other locations throughout the nation and government buildings. But as a nation do we actually follow these tenets or is there a totally different meaning behind all of this, such as Catholicism? Let’s take a closer look at the symbolism and the actions here in the United States and see what we uncover; Christianity or something else.
There have been court battles over the Pledge of Allegiance because of the words which were added, due to the perceived threat of Communism, in 1954 after ‘one nation’ which are ‘under God’ and there are municipalities which ban nativity scenes because they depict the birth of the Messiah as well as school prayer. But there are plenty of pagan symbols in the United States on government and/or public property and many people really don’t seem to say anything even care and these symbols do appear to be sanctioned by the U.S. government. Is this because of the beliefs of the so-called ruling elite, the people or both? Ellis Island is a good example of what I am talking about. It is managed by the U.S. National Park Service and owned by the States of New York and New Jersey; it is clearly government and public property. Yes, I am referring to the Statue of Liberty. Is the Statue of Liberty a pagan idol?
Who is Lady Liberty? While we know she was a gift from the French which was completed in July of 1884, she arrived in New York harbor in June of 1885, the dedication ceremony took place October 28, 1886 and the sculptor was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. According to William F. Dankenbring, he originally “was seeking a commission to construct a giant statue of the goddess “Isis,” the Egyptian Queen of Heaven, to overlook the Suez Canal.” He may have got his wish, just not in the location which he originally intended. Many believe, she (Lady Liberty) is the representation of the pagan goddess Queen Semiramis the Goddess of Lust and Sexual Desire, the mother-wife of Nimrod (the reincarnated Sun God) and the mother of Tammuz (the reincarnation of Nimrod as well as the Moon God); she’s also known as Isis (Egyptian), Mother of God, Oaster (Easter-Eastern-Star), Ishtar (Babylonian), Astarte (Syrian), Cybele (Roman), Ashtoreth (Israel), Goddess of Love, Aphrodite (Ephesus), Helena (Greek), Lady of the Towers (Sumerian), Wife and Sister of Kronos, Sammurant (Assyrian), Ish-Tara (the Indian deity), Sami-Rama-isi (Vedic) and Mother Mary (Rome) just to name a few, according to Ms. Lynda Brasier of Mission-Ignition.
The symbolism of the statue is apparent and unmistakable; the turreted crown or crown of towers which symbolize the rays of the sun on her head to show “sun worship.” The torch she is holding is not “of liberty, but of the illuminated ones, the ruling elite.” And the “gown folds around her like a classical Greek toga.” The “helmet of sunray spikes” is an “allusion to the headgear of the Colossus of Rhodes, a monument to the Sun-God Helios standing astride a Greek harbor, which is said to be one of the key influences on the New York statue,” according to Ms. Brasier, and she further states, “She stands on a base patterned after Babylonian Step pyramids (ziggurats)…designed after the ‘Tower of Babel.’”
So it would appear that the Statue of Liberty is a pagan religious symbol which is sanctioned by the U.S. government. Fortunately, it’s not a nativity scene or it wouldn’t be allowed. But the true question is why is it allowed? Perhaps it is because of the Masonic influence within the U.S. government, or maybe the real reason is religious in nature, specifically Catholicism. We should take a look at some of the leaders of the United States and see what unfolds.
While it is not an unusual phenomenon for U.S. leaders to visit the Pope, it is also not unusual for other world leaders to visit with the Pope. President’s George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Hussein Obama, as well as many first ladies visited the Pope. Secretary of State Rice and Representative Pelosi have also been with the Pope. Of course Nancy Pelosi is the only U.S. leader I could find a photo of who is kissing the Pope’s ring, but I’m sure there are others. Perhaps she is a servant of the Pope, I don’t know. But keep in mind the list of visitors is endless, even Adolf Hitler and Yasser Arafat have been photographed with the Pope. Maybe this has something to do with Catholicism, but it does have something to do with worship in general. The UK Telegraph reported on 1 August 2012 that President G.W. Bush “May follow in Tony Blair’s footsteps and convert to Catholicism.” The report further stated, “Jeb Bush, the president’s brother, has already converted to Catholicism.” While this really doesn’t concern me, nor do I (or should I) really care, I do find this to be very interesting. What is Catholicism? And just what is its appeal? According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, catholic is defined, “Of the doctrines of the ancient church,” literally “universally accepted,” from FR. catholique, from L.L. catholicus “universal, general,” from Gk. katholikos, from the phrase kath’ holou “on the whole, in general.” General sense of “of interest to all, universal.” Wikipedia defines the word catholic, “Derived from Late Latin catholicus, from the Greek adjective katholikos, meaning “universal.”” So, Catholicism is Universalism by definition. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines Universalism as, “A theological doctrine that all human beings will eventually be saved.” So it appears that some certainly believe it is good news to know Adolf Hitler, Emperor Nero, Judas Iscariot and Osama bin Laden and their ilk will eventually be saved, at least according to Catholicism.
What is the Trinity? According to Catholic Answers, “The parallelism of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit is not unique to Matthew’s Gospel, but appears elsewhere in the New Testament…that the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are three divine persons who are one divine being (God).” Parallelism is an interesting term which they use for this idea of the Trinity. I have heard it before and not just from the Catholic Church; there was the supposed Babylonian Trinity of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz as well as so-called the Egyptian Trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horace, the Israeli paganist Trinity of Kether, Hokhmah and Binah, the Greek triad of Zeus, Athena and Apollo and the Romans had Jupiter, Mercury and Venus. That’s quite a number of Trinities, Triads and Triunes! So within Catholicism, the Trinity is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three separate individuals, but one single being which rule as one. If we take a look at the King James Version of the Bible, 1611, and go to Exodus 20:1-17 we find the 10 Commandments, “And God spake all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage: Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.” In the book of Deuteronomy 5:1-21, we also find the 10 Commandments, “I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. Thou shalt have none other gods before me.” Just for reference, that is the 1st Commandment. It certainly sounds like God is an individual; His Son Jesus is an individual. As for the Holy Spirit, I have not been able to find anywhere in the Bible where it states the Holy Spirit is a separate (3rd) individual, however it does describe God as the Holy Spirit.
What are the origins of the Catholic Church? According to Sword of the Spirit, Simon Magus was the founder of the Roman Catholic Church. “The great false church system of Rome had its beginning in the day of the Apostles of Christ…mixed into one religious system. This is why there are so many pagan ideas and doctrines in the Roman Catholic Church.” Simon Magus is first heard of in Acts 8:9-25, “But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used Sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one: To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God. And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries.” Again, according to Sword of the Spirit, “The person that is mentioned and that we need to concentrate on is Simon Magus and how he transformed himself into the first leader of the false worldwide religious system, the Catholic Church.” The makeup of this church is further delineated, “The four beasts used to make up the beast are the same four beasts Daniel saw in a vision in Daniel 7…papal Rome inherited from each of these pagan empires…that we see practiced in this modern day false system of religion, the Roman Catholic Church.” Then this is explained even further, “From Babylon, the lion the papacy inherited a pagan priesthood; from Medo-Persia, the bear sun worship; from Greece, the leopard human philosophies; and from the dragon, Pagan Rome, its power, seat and great authority. As stated in Rev. 13:2 the mixing of these pagan ideas of the Roman Catholic Church had its onset from the very beginning… can be traced back to…Simon Magus.” And the Sword of the Spirit makes their position perfectly clear, “Yes, the correct meaning of the Catholic Church is the Universal Church.” If this is correct, Simon Magus, who was a sorcerer and a magician, founded what is known as the Roman Catholic Church and this church is a very old mixture of belief systems which are known today as Catholicism or Universalism. These different belief systems were pagan in origin from the region known as Samaria and this mixture brought about a false religious system, which in turn has become a worldwide system of religious belief. This system is said to be from the Babylonians, Medo-Persia (which is defined as the Achaemenid Empire ca. 550-330 BCE and founded by Cyrus the Great and also known as the First Persian Empire), Greece and Pagan Rome. I must admit, that’s quite a mixture!
All this makes me wonder about Easter Sunday. What is it and what is it about? According to, “The Nicaean Council of 325 A.D. decreed that “Easter” should be celebrated on the first Sunday, after the full moon, on or after the vernal equinox.” So what is Easter? “Easter is a completely man-made “holy-day”…It is the day that Tammuz was immaculately conceived by the rays of the sun-god Nimrod and the day that Tammuz’ mother, the “Queen of Heaven,” was fabled to have returned to earth from heaven as the goddess of fertility, who purportedly transformed a bird into an egg-laying rabbit to prove her divinity.” One ritual according to is, “At Babel…Every year the priest of Easter would impregnate virgins on the altar of Easter. The next year those infants would be 3 months old. They would kill infants and dye eggs in their blood.” Another ritual is people “Stand there with rapt faces adoring the sun as it rises in the east, not realizing they are performing the rituals demanded by the mythical and idolatrous goddess Ishtar (Easter). Deceived into believing this is Christian, millions practice the identical form of the ancient sun-worship of the Sun-god Baal!” As stated by I suppose this is where we actually get the word Sunday, for the sun-worshippers who dislike the Sabbath which is Friday at even (sunset) to Saturday at even (sunset) according to Jewish tradition, and it also seems blatantly obvious that Easter was simply a way to get rid of Passover by the “Church Leaders such as Constantine, Tertullian and Marcion.” This is some very interesting perspective by, and it continues, “The truth is that Easter has nothing whatsoever to do with the resurrection of Messiah Yeshua! God’s commanded Biblical Feasts reveal that Yeshua was born during the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles) which falls on the Gregorian calendar September/ October timeframe. He was nailed to the stake on 14 Nisan and was REMOVED before sunset that same day; and He rose exactly 72 hours later, just before sunset on the following Sabbath-NOT on a “Sunday.” That’s actually very fascinating don’t you think? And it sounds accurate, because from Good Friday to Easter Sunday, which are both based on Canonical gospels which have been recognized by the Catholic Church since the turn of the 5th century, is only two days and not three days and three nights!
So I have to ask, why is Christmas celebrated? It is claimed by multitudes that the day the Messiah was born on the 25th of December, is that correct? If the is correct, then it seems more likely than not that Yeshua (Jesus) was conceived during Hanukkah, the Festival of Light, and born at the Feast of Tabernacles and was murdered and resurrected during Passover. Just what is so important to the Catholic Church with regard to December 25th? If the Messiah wasn’t born on December 25th, then we have to assume something is important to the Catholic Church with regard to that date. As previously stated by many people, the Catholic Church is pagan in its origin and practice. December is the month of the winter solstice; the shortest day of the year and it’s when the days start to get longer and pagans worship the sun. Was the birthday of Tammuz for the second generation of false gods? According to Real Israelites, “The so-called “Christmas tree” has its origin in the ‘Babylonian mysteries;’ it was used as a symbol to personify Tammuz…The Christmas tree or Tammuz tree represents Nimrod redivivus-the slain god revived and worshipped as Tammuz. Semiramis taught the Babylonians that their gods could transform themselves into trees and if gifts were not presented before these trees the spirit of Nimrod would revive and destroy them!” As the story goes, Shem killed Nimrod and dismembered him and spread the parts (or pieces) throughout the Samarian kingdom, as was the custom at the time. Semiramis had all the parts brought back for burial, but the only piece that wasn’t found was Nimrod’s penis and it appears this is a representation of the Christmas tree. So Nimrod’s penis represents the idol of jealousy! And they are all over the world; they are called obelisks.
It certainly would appear Catholicism is closely associated with the worship of sun-gods and they were all born on December 25th; Nimrod, Mithra, Dagon, Osiris, Horace, Baal, Kronos, Zeus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Neptune, Ares, Bacchus, Shamash, Odin, EL-BAR, Molech, Ra and Tammuz, just to name a few as stated by And if you ever wondered why Christmas is sometimes referred to as X-mas, the answer is quite simple according to; “The legendary symbol for Nimrod is “X.” The use of this symbol always denotes witchcraft. When “X” is used as a shortened form meaning Christmas, it actually means “to celebrate the feast of Nimrod.” A double X, which has always meant to double-cross or betray, in its fundamental meaning indicates one’s betrayal into the hands of Satan. When American corporations use the “X” in their logo, such as “Exxon,” the historic Rockefeller firm of Standard Oil of New Jersey, there can be little doubt of this hidden meaning.” This comes as no surprise to me, as the Rockefellers are one of the family bloodlines of the Illuminati, “One of the 13 Satanic bloodlines that rule the world…the Illuminati…the Rockefeller bloodline is involved in the promotion of the occult and Satanism…they are involved in the control of Christian denominations.” Of course, if this is true, then should we wonder about any information we get from After all, the name does use the “X” of Nimrod, or does it?
So what does all of this tell us about our country and our leaders? A majority of the people around the globe have such a low opinion of the United States because of our so-called leadership it isn’t even funny. And why should, We the People, put up with this sort of behavior if any of this is the truth? Of course that just leads to the question, is it even possible to believe what a politician says? Anyone will tell you the obvious answer to that question is no or laugh derisively while they say yes. U.S. currency has pagan symbols, the U.S. Capitol building has pagan symbols, most memorials and buildings like the White House and the Supreme Court buildings appear to be modeled after ancient pagan societies, statues of pagan gods stand at the U.S. Capitol building, Easter egg hunts on the White House lawn, Christmas trees in the White House, as well as pagan obelisks in honor of Nimrod are in our nation’s capitol. On top of that, the U.S. government seems intent on shoving Islam down our throats as well. They allow a Mosque to be built at ground zero, in New York City, with its honeycomb of pentagrams on the façade rising up to the heavens like some sort of devilish tribute which mocks the destruction of the World Trade Center. But if Catholicism is sun-worship, and it appears to be, Islam and sharia law really are just the left hand of the Catholic Church and cannon law. So just exactly what does that give us? Do we now have moon and sun worship together? And is it sanctioned by the U.S. government and their confederates? Pagan idolatry has become so richly engrained within the U.S. government and the States we couldn’t rid ourselves of the symbolism without a concerted effort and that effort would take 1000 years. Even President’s and first ladies give the devil hand salute like it is some sort of badge of honor.
Our very acts as well as our mantra have become so vitriolic in nature; these pagans will drag the country down with them if we don’t change our ways and our leadership. While the U.S. government claims to stay out of religion, they should really stay out of the business of promoting pagan religions. However, man-made religion does seem to fit in with their plan. The Church of the Holy Trinity vs. United States is a perfect example of this. The Catholic Church is well known for its long and inglorious history of child molestation and quite probably child sacrifice. The Plain Truth states, “Cannibal (Cahna Baal) is a word which means “Baal Priest” and…had to do with CONSUMING OF HUMAN FLESH – mostly LITTLE CHILDREN.” And continues, “Nimrod, as the representative of the devouring fire to which human victims, and especially CHILDREN, were offered in SACRIFICE, was regarded as the great CHILD-DEVOURER.” The point of all this is, the U.S. Constitution is the Law of the Land given to us by our forefathers; God fearing men. Mosaic Law; God’s Law, is the only thing higher. Those are the only two things which should be of any concern to our leaders; not sun-worship of Ra, not their so-called pagan gods Nimrod and Semiramis, not their pagan leaders or idols; Ratzinger and his vile objects, and certainly not their pagan holidays. Unfortunately, it would appear as though our leaders as well as the leaders of the world are hell bent on the destruction of the United States and the world. Happiness cannot come to a Satanist unless they are allowed to cull billions of people. We cannot and should not allow this to continue.
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08/08/2012 |
This really isn't new news, but if you missed it, here it is:
Back in 2008 before the election, Colin Powell, a Republican, 4 Star General, and former member of the Bush Cabinet, made some comments on the left-wing Chris Matthew's show on MSNBC. Matthews has conservatives on his show frequently (the clip refers to Michelle Bachman being on the show) so it is not surprising that Powell would be there. What is surprising is Powell's comments about Bachman and his later endorsement of Obama.
What's up with Powell? Is there any explanation as to why he would say things like this? Here's the video:
Does the United States actually exist as the country we once knew, or is this nation really just some sort of transitional nation which is or will be called America? The concept of our founding fathers, obviously, was to create a Constitutional Republic where men could pursue their dreams and live a life free from the twisted whims of tyrants. Of course, as we all know, nothing man-made lasts forever and it appears that dream is either dead or dying and at a rapid pace. I believe what we now have, is exactly what the framers fought to rid themselves of, a dictatorship run by petty demagogues in a so-called foreign nation which is now just called America.
So just exactly what has transpired to foster this atmosphere, which has festered over time into this seamy dictatorship that would make King George proud? One factor is undoubtedly the misguided belief that the U.S. Constitution is a ‘living Constitution’ which evolves over time. According to David A. Strauss, “A living Constitution is one that evolves, changes over time, and adapts to new circumstances, without being formally amended[ii].” Mr. Strauss explains some of the pros with regard to a living Constitution such as, “the cumbersome amendment process, the world has changed in incalculable ways, the nation has grown in territory and population, technology, the international situation, the economy and social mores,” are all different today. But he also touches on the cons, “The Constitution is supposed to be a rock-solid foundation, our basic principals-our constitutional principles-must remain constant, and the term…is hardly ever used, except derisively.” So, although time moves on and the nation and the world changes, should the U.S. Constitution change? I believe the Law of the Land is just that and it shouldn’t be surreptitiously altered, by public opinion, a liberal or conservative agenda, or the whims of anyone, especially politicians. I believe a cumbersome amendment process is a good thing; it keeps politicians and judges from forcing their opinions and their laws down our throats just because they are in office or on the bench. However, that rock-solid foundation appears to be more like quick sand than anything else.
Obama care is actually a good example of why a living constitution is a bad idea. Whether we need some sort of overhaul regarding our health system or not is a matter that should be up to the States. Yet, somehow this immediately went to the Supreme Court to decide. In essence, doesn’t that remove State sovereignty? The University of Alabama Law Review states, “A problem for our time is that we cannot help knowing that our highest courts are not merely enforcing rules…We know too well that they often shape the rules… according to their own preferences to assist one rival interest or another[iii]” (p. 4 of 68). Something tells me if Judges are supposed to be impartial referees, their own preferences should have absolutely nothing to do with enforcing rules. The Alabama Law Review goes on to state, “Justices sitting on the Supreme Court…have by the terms of their certiorari rule almost completely disowned responsibility for assuring that individuals’ legal rights and duties are actually enforced by lower courts in individual cases. They seldom bother to decide a case unless it has impact on some public interest…It decides only those cases which provide a suitable occasion for expressing policies the Justices choose to express” (p. 5 of 68). So it would appear that the Supreme Court has, in effect, become an activist for political cause within the U.S. government. How is it possible to be an activist and impartial at the same time? Rather than allowing the States to decide an issue which is inherently an issue for the people of each sovereign State, the Supreme Court has decided that for us all; the Supreme Courts usurpation of the rights of each and every sovereign individual as well as each and every sovereign State is apparent. If the U.S. government wishes to make a nationwide health care system, shouldn’t they actually be required to go through the extremely cumbersome amendment process in order to make that law? As far as I can tell, a national law, such as Obama care, is much like an amendment to the Constitution as it becomes (part of) the Law of the Land. As sovereign individuals, which is a status guaranteed to each of us in the U.S. Constitution through Republicanism, we cannot simply step away from this edict, because the self-serving type of politician which has decreed a national health care system, is the same type of politician which has decreed we are no longer a Republic, but a democracy where we are governed by force. This is the malevolent effect of a living Constitution.
Lobbyists and PAC’s are another form of decimation to the U.S. Constitution, which gives the extremely wealthy organizations who can simply pay for votes to achieve their goal. I’m certain Machiavelli would be proud of our politicians, after all, to these types of people, the end justifies the means. However, if you stop to consider the Republic of the United States is not supposed to be a Machiavellian society where the Prince rules over the people with an iron fist, then there must be a problem. What we now have, like it or not, is a nation which is sold to the highest bidder. This comes in the form of the special interest group. Among these advocacy groups you will find according to Dr. Kathi Carlisle, “The AFL/CIO, Amnesty International USA, the Arab American Institute, the Business-Industry Political Action Committee, Campaign for United Nations Reform (or Citizens for Global Solutions), Communist Party USA, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Feminist Majority, Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD), the John Birch Society, Muslim Public Affairs Council, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, the Socialist Party USA[iv]” and many more. In essence, these groups attempt to influence the way which elected officials vote, which basically puts the politician in someone’s pocket. These groups also attempt to steer the country in on direction or another with no legal basis for their actions. Governance paid for by pressure groups is governance by force, not freedom.
Another factor which I believe erodes our Constitution and the status of our nation are agreements such as NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), OAS (Organization of American States) and GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), which is now called the WTO (World Trade Organization) and are all undoubtedly beholden to The World Bank. Organizations such as these can only tend to move jobs and money out of the United States to others around the globe and leave us here, in the United States, in a position of poverty and servitude. We no longer have a manufacturing base of well paying jobs, we are stuck buying substandard products which are intended to break and be thrown on the junk heap as well as further the misguided notion that we are the worlds policemen. All of this has been done at the cost of our bank accounts and our sovereignty. While Americans are and have always been a people who are extremely generous, that generosity needs to come directly through the people as we see fit, not as the government sees fit. Organizations such as these, especially when given the blessings of our so-called leaders, can only chip away at our individual, State and National sovereignty.
I believe this is, in part, the New World Order. According to the Council on Foreign Relations, “Many economists agree that NAFTA has had some positive impact on overall U.S. employment. But most also agree that gains have been accompanied by some painful side effects[v].” According to Edward Alden, “Wages haven’t kept pace with labor productivity and that income inequality has risen in recent years.” Opponents of NAFTA such as the Economic Policy Institute state, “The deal’s trade agenda has served to widen U.S. trade deficits and has indirectly pushed some U.S. workers into lower-paying jobs.” I don’t know about you, but I personally don’t like the idea of ‘painful side effects’ or ‘lower-paying jobs’ for Americans. According to RT Question More, “The US government’s official unemployment rate, now at 8.3 percent, only takes into consideration those who have no jobs and are looking for work…this is called a “U-3” rate…The national U-6 rate is 15.3 percent, but some states have a shockingly higher individual rate[vi].” Somehow, I just can-not fathom how these so-called economic blocs are good for either U.S. workers or our economy. But with such a high unemployment rate, the U.S. government still thinks we should allow others to come and take our jobs away from us. I defy anyone to prove to me that politicians in the U.S. aren’t crooks. In a report by Erika Lovley on 6 November 2009, “Two-hundred-and-thirty-seven members of Congress are millionaires. That’s 44 percent of the body – compared to about 1 percent of Americans overall[vii].” Keep in mind that was nearly 3 years ago, so the figure is undoubtedly higher today. Yet these individuals believe they know what is best for the people of the United States.
I believe other factors which further this agenda are a perverted immigration policy, the Department of Homeland Security, FEMA and even TSA. If we look at our immigration policy, the word amnesty is used far too often. The Washington Post reports, “Under the new policy, as many as1.4 million undocumented immigrants under age 30 will be able to apply for the amnesty[ix].” It appears the Federal government doesn’t have a problem with the 1.4 million ‘undocumented immigrants,’ which is a really a euphemism for people who broke U.S. law by entering the United States illegally, and their families. If 1.4 million are eligible, how many others are there who are also here breaking our laws? Apparently, the Department of Homeland Security (the name itself smacks of Soviet style language) doesn’t see this as a threat to our sovereignty. But I have to wonder why? Isn’t it their duty to protect the ‘Homeland’ against invasion? If it isn’t, then why have they ordered 450 million rounds of ammunition from ATK[x]? If it isn’t to keep illegal invasion from happening, perhaps it’s for some other diabolical reason. We already know all too well what FEMA’s position is with regard to Americans. During Hurricane Katrina, they stood by and did nothing while Americans died and lived in squalor in New Orleans and many still do. In a PBS NEWSHOUR report, Senator Lieberman stated, “But government failures…allowed much more human suffering and property destruction to occur than should have[xi].” Louisiana Governor Blanco’s press secretary stated, “We wanted helicopters, food and water. They wanted to negotiate an organizational chart.” How pathetic is that? It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if FEMA, which was incorporated into the Department of Homeland Security in 2003, was in league with the rest of the Federal government in an attempt to assist in the formation of a new North American Union, made up of Canada, the US and Mexico, after all, they are doing quite a good job of turning the United States into a Third World Nation.
In a report by Jerome Corsi on 19 May 2006 he stated, “Secretly, the Bush administration is pursuing a policy to expand NAFTA politically, setting the stage for a North American Union designed to encompass the U.S., Canada, and Mexico[xii].” The report goes on to state, “President Bush intends to abrogate U.S. sovereignty to the North American Union.” The report concludes, “His secret agenda is to dissolve the United States of America into the North American Union. The administration has no intent to secure the border, or to enforce rigorously existing immigration laws. Securing our border with Mexico is evidently one of the jobs President Bush just won’t do.” As previously stated, it appears President Obama is on board with this same idea. He also refuses to secure the border with Mexico, he refuses to enforce existing immigration laws and neither the Bush nor the Obama administrations are friends of the sovereignty of United States of America. Quite frankly, I believe this goes back even further. Something tells me George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barak Hussein Obama are all cut from the exact same piece of cloth. Plots such as these do not hatch themselves overnight, but take decades to form and implement.
Could this lead to a complete loss of our rights guaranteed to us under the U.S. Constitution? Would the U.S. Constitution even exist under such a system? While it isn’t much of a secret that the United States has been bankrupt by our leaders; our outstanding public debt as of 7 August 2012, according to Ed Hall of is, “$15,918,879,613,227.57[xiii].” Would such a ploy by the Federal government con-artists of this former Republic be for such a simple reason as to gain new taxpayers? I can’t believe it would really matter. Without the United States or the U.S. Constitution, we would be nothing more than slaves to our usurpers, who already are nothing more than puppets of their masters, the so-called ‘illuminated ones.’ So just exactly where would the central power then be located? I have no doubt the central power would temporarily be somewhere in North America. I can’t help but imagine some sort of Triune would be set-up. After all, the United States has already proven their affection for Trinities; Nimrod-Semiramis-Tammuz is a good example of that. But undoubtedly, the central power would eventually be shifted, or should I say freely given to the Vatican. All of this is simply a precursor to a One World Government; a New World Order which has been envisioned by certain extremely wealthy families for thousands of years? Before you laugh too hard, perhaps you should take a moment and think about the ramifications of such an idea. Ask yourselves if the Constitution and your rights have been slowly eroded by the U.S. government, extremely wealthy multi-national corporations and banks. It’s funny how they seem to get bailed-out by us, but we get shafted by them. And by them I do mean the government, corporations and the banks. Please prove me wrong.
Tell me, are the secrets which are enthusiastically and fastidiously guarded by our so-called leaders for the protection of the nation, which means the people of the United States, or are they kept for the protection of the ruling elite? I submit that these secrets are maintained because the people would most likely revolt if they knew the truth. These deceivers know they can continue to spoon-feed us lies and they know we will accept the continuation of those lies because they are easier to swallow that the truth.
Don’t be fooled by the families of those who have prepared for countless millennia for their ‘thousand points of light.’ It’s not the light which they seek, although they call themselves ‘the illuminated ones,’ they seek darkness; war, famine, disease, slavery and death, all in the unholy name of their master who yearns for our wanton obedience to feed his desire for power to control and destroy. Be assured, these people and their master, seek to enthrall others by any means available, but they prefer to receive this through our free-will. Treachery and deception are a small part of the arsenal from which their cabal ensnares others into taking their mark freely by thoughts and beliefs as well as acts and deeds.
Now is the time to wake up! Arise and throw off the chains of mental, physical and spiritual slavery which unknowingly have been fastened around our throats with the sole intent of dragging us down into the depths of the abyss where they reside. It’s never too late to come to our senses and do what’s right and save ourselves and our Republic, the United States of America.
God Bless this Great Republic, the United States of America.
Brett L. Baker
[i] Google Images;, amerofrontnew
[ii] The University of Chicago Law School; The Living Constitution,
[iii] Alabama Law Review; Restoring Vitality to State and Local Politics by Correcting the Excessive Independence of the Supreme Court,
[iv] Political Advocacy Groups; A Directory of United States Lobbyists,
[v] Council on Foreign Relations; NAFTA’s Economic Impact,
[vi] RT Question More, Real US Unemployment: More Than 15%,
[vii] POLITICO; Report: 237 millionaires in Congress,
[viii] Google images;, North-American-Union-flag
[ix] The Washington Post; Young illegal immigrants’ amnesty could tighten competition for jobs, college,
[x] Matt Weidner-Fighting With The American People[Speaking Out As Long As Political Speech Remains Protected]; Why is The Dept. Of Homeland Security Buying 450 Million Rounds of Ammunition?,
[xi] PBS NEWSHOUR; FEMA Faces Intense Scrutiny,
[xii] Human Events-Powerful Conservative Voices; North American Union To Replace USA?,
[xiii] Ed Hall;, U.S. National Debt Clock
[xiv] Google Images;, amero-laid-5;, r eagle lib 20amero pl;, amero
The time has come for the states to call a constitutional convention. Obama is a communist dictator. Congress has surrendered its legislative authority. The chief justice of the supreme court is a puppet. The founders provided a way out in the event our government became corrupt. That time has arrived. What used to be our constitution states that the government derives its power from the governed. That is no longer the case. The government in place is not a constitutional government. It is time for the states to convene and form a new government of the people, by the people, and for the people. I suspect this post will land me in one of the 600 federal detention centers. So be it. We must take a stand.
Chicago:Windy City?
Oklahoma City has more weather/windy days than Chicago!
The power of the name lies in the metaphorical use “windy” for “talkative” or “boastful.” Chicago politicians early became famous for long-windedness, and the Midwestern metropolis's central location as a host city for political conventions helped cement the association of Chicago with loquacious politicians, thus underlying the nickname with double meaning
In 2012, Chicago has the highest murder rate in the Alpha world cities with 19.4 murders per 100,000. This rate is more than triple New York (6.0) and more than double Los Angeles (7.5), and ahead of Mexico City, Moscow, and Sao Paolo. Chicago is projected to have 505 homicides for the year which would be a 16% increase from 2011. [111]
I don't know how everybody else feels about how the Democrates are campaigning this year but as an American it is making me sick, we have a Presidential campaign manger calling the Republican nominee a felon, The Senate Majority Leader calling the Republican nominee a tax evader, The House Minority Leader and Ex Speaker of the House calling the Republican and Tea Party the E. Coli club. What has our congress come down to, it sounds to me like a bunch of children in a playground, nobody is talking about the issues or solutions to our issues, the Democrates have nothing to talk about and the Republicans are too busy defending themselves that they can't talk about the issues. The sad part of this story is that the name callers are able to accomplish this due to a certain amount of annonymity because the main stream media is covering for them, and all we do is read the stories and continue to state that they all need to be fired and thats all we do.
I say enough, the time has come for the people to act. How does the main stream media get away with the censorship that they perform on the stories they choose to tell, do they really believe we are stupid, I don't think so, I think it is because nobody can challenge them, they have too much power and too much money to fight them, however it is not beyond our means. I would suggest that all Tea Party Memebers start a national boycott on all of the product that is advertised on ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN. This would hit these networks in there pockets, if we boycott there advertisers product they would pull their ads and the networks would loose money. This would take a big commitment and sacrifice on our part but I think the future of our grandchildren is worth it.
We would need to go a step further and boycott the stations themselves as well as Celebrities whether they are in Sports, Music, Theatre, Film or Comedy because the idea that because I'm a Celebrity I can say anything negative I want about anybody I want is rediculous, yes free speech is a right afforded to all American Citizens but defimation is illegal and because we support these people we should not be subject to thier rhetoric. These people are somewhat influential and need to keep thier opinions to themselves.
The next step would be to boycott any school system that affords reduced tuition to an Illegal Immigrant. We are the tax paying Americans that support that school and I for one am tired of working to support people I don't know especially if thier first act in our country was an illegal one.
I call on the Tea Party members to step up to the plate and do all we can to get the true story out there so that all American citizens can make an informed decision
Senior Obama Campaign official David Axelrod, admitted Sunday, August 5th on Fox News that Ohio military voters who are allowed early voting was indeed the target of the lawsuit filed against the state of Ohio. He incorrectly claimed that military early voting was an exception, which must be corrected, so that all Ohio voters can have the right to vote early
As Ohio Democrats and the Obama campaign were targeting the military overseas voters and lambasting the Ohio state legislature and the Secretary of State for engaging in alleged discriminatory practices, they conveniently avoided mentioning that federal law protects early voting rights of overseas soldiers.
The Obama lawsuit’s claim for relief states that as a matter of fact, Ohio voters are similarly situated as military overseas voters, in their inability to vote early. The lawsuit states: “Whether caused by legislative error or partisan motivation, the result of this legislative process is arbitrary and inequitable treatment of similarly situated Ohio voters with respect to in-person early voting,”
What is clear is that the intention of the lawsuit is to convey a sense of voter rights imbalance where none exists both legally or factually. The Obama lawsuit claims that the action by the state of Ohio was, ‘arbitrary’ and unconstitutional to allow three extra days of in-person early voting to military voters and their families who are overseas.
Yet, the 1986 and amended 2010 Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act allows this preferential treatment as a matter of fact and of law.
The very purpose for the law’s passage was due to congress’ recognition that tens of thousands of soldiers could not avail themselves of their U.S. Constitutional voters rights due to actual physical impossibilities related to their military service. Ohio voters are not confronted with similar physical service impossibilities. This is a matter of fact. So, where are the factually similar ongoing warfare conditions that military soldiers face, to be found for Ohio voters in the state? The Obama camp claims that the Ohio’s law provides, “arbitrary and inequitable treatment of similarly situated Ohio voters. The Ohio democrat’s claims do not add up.
This lawsuit filing was more a political ploy by the Obama campaign and their desperate democrat allied officials in Ohio, to use the heroic military soldiers of Ohio as part of their ominous chess game. In fact, Ohio democrats could legally surmise before filing the lawsuit, that the state could legally establish voting procedures.
In fact earlier in July, Ohio democrat officials first claimed urban voters, i.e. democrat base voters would be deprived of their “right to early voting.” In fact, the few counties that used this practice saw a dwindling number of voters using this option. Democrats lost that round, and then turned their targets on the one group of voters, who were overseas defending the nation: Ohio military voters. Democrats hoped that this inconvenient mistruth would stick against the legal wall.
The Ohio democrats and the Obama political voter bean counters in Chicago went into court with this fallacy of reverse discrimination being practiced in Ohio. It is probable that they concluded that a federal judge would ignore the federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, which gives military overseas personnel the legal right to have access to early voting and extended voting. Not going to happen.
The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act reads in part under Section G, paragraph D: “Hardship Exceptions”, that congress recognized as a matter of both fact and law, that military voters who are serving overseas are materially situated differently than other voters and therefore their voter rights must be protected and insured.
The law specifies that states must develop:
“(D) a comprehensive plan to ensure that absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters are able to receive absentee ballots which they have requested and submit marked absentee ballots to the appropriate State election official in time to have that ballot counted in election for Federal office, which includes:
"(i) the steps the State will undertake to ensure that absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters have time to receive, mark, and submit their ballots in time to have those ballots counted in the election;”
Ohio state officials were keeping consistent with federal law which legally grants an exception for overseas military voters. In fact, the Obama administrations own U.S. Justice Department asserts that it works vigorously to enforce the federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. It states the, “department has worked to aggressively enforce UOCAVA and the MOVE Act in order to ensure that all military and overseas voters can exercise their right to vote, and have their votes counted.”
The facts are clear. The U.S. Justice Department is aware of the law and says it enforces it. The state of Ohio election officials are attempting to do the same. The Ohio legislature’s intention was to protect the federal rights of military overseas voters. So don’t be fooled by the bait and switch legal and campaign tactics by the Obama campaign and Ohio democrats.
In the end, Ohio democrats and the Obama campaign are engaged in a high takes politically charged chess game and they are unfortunately using Ohio military overseas soldiers as the pawns. In November, the Ohio voters…all of them including the military voters will checkmate the Obama campaign and the Ohio democrat cronies.
Let me know what you think:
Ever since the 2009 GM bailout by “progressive” big government ended the pensions of 20,000 retirees at Delphi auto parts manufacturing, the White House and the Department of Treasury have laid the blame on the steps of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
Internal government emails have been obtained that show the U.S. Treasury Department, run by Timothy Geithner, was behind those termininations. All 20,000 of the pensions seem to have been ended strictly for the reason that those retirees did not belong to labor unions.
Perhaps the National Labor Relations Board was too busy preparing to harass another private sector company planning to hire non-union workers to get involved.
Meanwhile, Attorney General Eric Holder has yet to file any criminal charges against top Wall Street bankers with connections inside the Department of Justice or who had made political donations to the 2008 presidential campaign of the current White House occupant.
Over the years, both the Oval Office and Holder have talked tough, aggressively attacking big fat cat bankers, blaming their reckless speculation for the 2008 financial collapse. The Government Accountability Institute has found that Holder still has not “filed a single criminal charge against any top executive of an elite financial institution.”
All talk no action. Sound tough for the union organized OWS crowd, but do nothing to upset potential campaign donors. The heck with credibility, the “progressive” Party Pravda will run interference for the re-election campaign.
Overseas, Iran has vowed it will not allow Assad to fall in Syria.
"Iran will never allow the resistance axis – of which Syria is an essential pillar – to break," said Saeed Jalili, Iran's Supreme National Security Council secretary. The "axis of resistance" includes Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas, all of which are anti-Western and openly hostile towards Israel and the United States.
Assad reassured Jalili by saying: "The Syrian people and their government are determined to purge the country of terrorists and to fight the terrorists without respite.”
If Assad is overthrown, Iran will lose influence over Syria and a crucial link to Hezbollah.
Could it be that Muslim Brotherhood influence over the White House has surreptitiously led to policies that support the creation of a regional Caliphate? What other way is there to logically explain policies that support rebellions to overthrow some Middle Eastern dictators, but not support rebellions hostile to the Iranian regime or its allies?
With so much baggage for the White House to carry through the campaign, their “Priorities” are to have their “progressive” allies run misleading ads that attempt to tie Mitt Romney to death.
Priorities USA Action, a super PAC supporting the Oval Office is running a new ad that blames Mitt Romney for a family losing health insurance which contributed to a woman dying from cancer.
It apparently makes no difference to the “progressive” super PAC that Romney left Bain Capital years before the GST Steel bankruptcy in 2001. In addition, the cancer casualty Ranae Soptic died in 2006, long after the GST plant had been closed.
In another move to distract attention away from the dismal economic performance of the White House, the Oval Office occupier was overheard whispering to a top fundraiser that GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney wants to name Gen. David Petraeus as his choice for Vice President.
The White House was more than happy to clutter the news cycle by dismissing the Drudge Report. Anything to keep the pathetic economic record of the White House out of the headlines will suffice.
Press Secretary Jay Carney reminded reporters to “be mindful of your sources” when asked about the Petraeus rumor. “I can say with absolute confidence, such an assertion has never been uttered by the president. And again be mindful of your sources” said Carney.
And so it goes for the most open, transparent White House in American history. They are more than happy to talk about anything but their own record.