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Shep Smith- Really?!

These clips aren't new, but I found them informative:

Sometimes I allow myself to wander over to my TV to see cable news (which is not recommended for those with weak constitutions). 

When I happen to watch FOX News, I generally do not watch Shepard Smith's show. I do sometimes watch the O'Reilly Factor and Sean Hannity's, but not Shep Smith. As far as O'Reilly, I think that while he says some things I do not think are conducive to informing people of the news, I normally like watching Bill, and I thought similarly about Shep too.

Certainly Shep can be goofy and slightly unorthodox, but I did not know it went this far. Here are a few videos for your consideration:




Can we trust even FOX to bring us the news?

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judge.jpgYou may know Judge Roy Moore for the battle he waged over a display of the Ten Commandments.

Judge Moore was removed from office of Chief Justice in 2003 because he refused to remove a display of the Ten Commandments and disavow God.

In March of this year, the people of Alabama sent a loud and clear message to the state and nation.

Judge Moore won the Republican Primary for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama!

Judge Moore needs your support and prayers to win in November.

We need a God-fearing Chief Justice who will uphold the Constitution of The United States and who will stand for what made our Christian Nation great!

We are watching judges ignore and dismantle the greatest constitution in world history.


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Subject: Information regarding Judy v. Obama 12-5276
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2012 13:05:06 -0600

                Dear Mr. Verrilli- U.S. Solicitor General;
                                  Sir, the reason I served you my complaint in Judy v. Obama 12-5276 was specifically because of the involvement of the Federal Elections Commission, which is a Federally Funded Organization under the Senate Judiciary Committee (please see my blog post here regarding the matter), that I believe is in the interest of your department as U.S. Solicitor General.
Dear U.S. Sen. Hatch:                                                Sept 27th , 2011
Att: Mr. Tom Jipping
As Counsel for advice on procedural meetings with Representative Sen. Hatch as the ranking member of the U.S. Senate Judicial Committee, and his pledge and stand in doing such for the Constitution, could you please arrange a meeting for me to discuss the following that I would bring to the Senate Judicial Committee?
1- The FEC's recent stand against the Constitution in regards to allowing anyone to solicit money in a run for President without regard to that person's constitutional qualifications to do so, per age restriction and natural born citizen requirement, representing a fraud to those contributing money and services for the candidate in that specific proposal.
The six commissioners of the Federal Election Commission are being tasked with a Constitutional question: Can a foreign-born citizen run for President of the United States? Guyana-born New York attorney Abdul Hassan would like to file papers, take campaign contributions, and collect federal matching funds for his candidacy.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON DRAFT ADVISORY OPINION ( ) This is something that Congress has already ruled upon with hearings as recently as 2000.
I am also a candidate in 2012 for the Presidency, and am not only offended, but hurt financially by this, based on my own campaigns loss of revenue from potential contributions that basically are given under false pretenses to an unqualified candidate. This is fraudulent action perpetrated upon the voter and citizen contributing unawares of the candidates total lack of verification of qualification at the FEC level. A simple action by Congress mandating the FEC demand all candidates sign a statement under penalty of perjury as to their qualifications would go a long way in clearing this up. The Judicial Branch could then also have a breach of qualification standard with the candidates signature and penalty affixed of perjury.
Sir I would ask you to please help me know what to do at this point because of the recess of the U.S. Supreme Court and the deadline I have advocated necessary to call an Emergency Session of the U.S. Supreme Court to hear this matter based on the rather impending disaster that is certain if the Court will not consider the case.
As you know the Tea Party is advocating heavily for Mitt Romney to call out Obama's eligibility problems after the Democratic National Convention and poll numbers have Obama slightly ahead, giving the political credence for an October surprise that would devastate the Democratic Party without room to recover. If the Supreme Court would rule on my case before the National Democratic Convention in Charlotte N.C., at least millions of Americans might have a chance of getting a eligible candidate or at the very least putting the issue to bed for the Republicans to sabotage after National Conventions.
Obama's campaign has been insistent on dragging Mitt Romney's tax returns out without so much as a whimper from Mitt Romney, but the issue isn't over with Obama's campaign desperate. Sir, one cannot expect the Republican Candidate to sit silent after being poked and poked and poked. I believe when Mr. Romney decides to go for Obama's jugular it will be after the Democrat Party's National Convention.
With my case Sir, the issue can be put to rest, taken out of the Republicans war chest, and handled with the proper supervisory authority of the U.S. Supreme Court that in fact has a major question presented to it that requires Constitutional interpretation and the upholding of precedent.
The problem is the Democratic National Convention is being held Sept. 5th, 2012 and the United States Supreme Court is in a Summer Recess right now. I would like to call upon you and ask you if by chance you know of any way to get this to the Court during this precarious time in the election cycle. I am a pro se litigant and am at my witts end in trying to 'notify', 'alert', or somehow 'flag' this issue to the Justices.
While I understand the "political doctrine question' very well and the Courts reluctance, millions of Americans may have their votes compromised and that is not an issue the Court ought to take lightly.
I noticed that your name has been taken off the Court Record as representative Counsel and Obama's attorney Michael Jablonski from Georgia was placed upon it, therefore I believe that it is appropriate, or not inappropriate ,for me to ask for your helping hand in my circumstances given the interest of the F.E.C involvement and perhaps your ability to notify the Court of this case that a decision might not lose in the standing circumstance of 'redressability'.
While I have sent an Emergency Notification to the Court detailing this matter copied to your office also, I am still unaware of any action by the Court or frankly that they have been notified of the case and circumstances.
Sir, I know Obama appointed you Solicitor General, but I'm sure you swore an oath to the Constitution and not to Obama, therefore I extend my hand and ask for your help. Please feel free to email or call me of any advice or action you feel is appropriate. Thank you kindly.
Cody Robert Judy
Petitioner pro se Case No. 12-5276 Judy v. Obama
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
3031 So. Ogden Ave.
Suite 2
Ogden, UT. 84401
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Conservative Web Networks:

These some of the conservative websites I have found to be interesting:

There is of course Lloyd Marcus' which has a following of roughly 80,000 people according to their Facebook page: Lloyd always has updated info on who his organization supports  in different national, state and primary elections, which I like to see.

we-are-not-stupid-runaway-debt_350x350.jpg?width=268Herman Cain also has a couple of websites he runs. I always find something about Herman that is interesting. His sites are and the newer, and admittedly a bit stranger Here's a link to an ad for the latter:

His CainTV hasn't quite taken off as I think he had hoped, so if it looks interesting to you, maybe you should check it out. 

Here's another link to his SolutionsRevolutions videos:

Other 'Tea Party' sites I've stumbled over includetea-party-150x-150.png, which I've mentioned in a past post, and

You can view's take on the Tea Party in this link: They're Evolutionizing, which is I guess only slightly different than evolving, but they're still an interesting and noteworthy website. 

As far as I can tell, these are sites that keep pretty good tabs on things, but are not always on everyone's radar. Maybe in all these links, you'll find something you like. 

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Get involved in politics it can be fun.

The Democratic and Republican establishment’s worst nightmare is quietly becoming a reality. Mark Clayton has won the Democratic nomination to run against Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker in the fall election.

Mr. Clayton’s credentials are: He wants to preserve American sovereignty by not joining the North American Union. Preserve individual privacy by opposing a National Identification card. Preserving free trade in the hands of the people instead of a monopoly in the hands of international corporations under NAFTA. Preserving and protecting our traditional family values, the Boy Scouts, and our public schools from the radical onslaught of an atheist, homosexual, feminist, liberal, socialist, communist coalition. Protect our service personal from Islamic terrorists hiding in the service. Strict adherence to the U.S. Constitution. Keeping the country from turning into “AN ORWELLIAN SUPER STATE.

It took the Tennessee Democratic Party establishment just 24 hours to disavow him.

So far it has amused the Republican establishment but it is about to become their worst nightmare. You now have a Democratic candidate that is five times more conservative then the Republican Senator Corker. We know that yellow dog Democrats will vote Democrat come hell or high water. The traditional state rights, family values, red neck individualist Democrats will vote Democrat. If the tea party members, independents, 9-12ers, Ron Paulers’, Libertarians, family values, fiscal conservatives and all others who have vowed they would not vote for Senator Corker decide to vote Democratic, Mark Clayton could become our next Senator. Should this happen there would be a stampede of Democrats rushing to embrace the same values Mark Clayton does. Mark Clayton is indeed a pain in the tailbone to both the Democrat and Republican establishment.

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Don't know if anyone else has noticed these questions are being asked more and more. I have been asked this recently by more and more entities that by nature should have no interest nor right to broach the subject. Most often I tell them it has no bearing on my health condition. Once I told an intake individual that a criminal wouldn't want to find out.    Jack 


Do you have a gun in the house?


When I had my gangrene gallbladder taken out and spent 10 days in the hospital for what should have been an overnight stay the insurance company kicked me out. I had home nurse visits for two weeks and was asked if I had guns in the house. I respond that if I did I would not tell them. So the below has some merit.

FYI, I am passing this along... there are comments from two other people I have also been asked if we keep guns in the house. The nurse just kinda slipped it in along with all the other regular questions. I told her I refused to answer because it was against the law to ask.

Everyone, whether you have guns or not, should give a neutral answer so they have no idea who does and who doesn't
. My doctor asked me if I had guns in my house and also if any were loaded. I, of course, answered yes to both questions. Then he asked why I kept a loaded gun close to my bed. I answered that my son, who is a certified gun instructor and also works for Homeland Security, advised me that an unloaded, locked up gun is no protection against criminal attack.

The Government now requires these questions be asked of people on Medicare, and probably everyone else.

Just passing this along for your information: I had to visit a doctor other than my regular doctor when my doctor was on vacation.. One of the questions on the form I had to fill out was: Do you have any guns in your house?? My answer was None of your damn business!!

So it is out there! It is either an insurance issue or government intervention. Either way, it is out there and the second the government gets into your medical records (as they want to under Obamacare) it will become a major issue and will ultimately result in lock and load!!

Please pass this on to all the other retired guys and gun owners... Thanks. From a Vietnam Vet and retired Police Officer: I had a doctors appointment at the local VA clinic yesterday and found out something very interesting that I would like to pass along. While going through triage before seeing the doctor, I was asked at the end of the exam, three questions: 1. Did I feel stressed? 2. Did I feel threatened? 3. Did I feel like doing harm to someone?

The nurse then informed me that if I had answered yes to any of the questions I would have lost my concealed carry permit as it would have gone into my medical records and the VA would have reported it to Homeland Security.

Looks like they are going after the vets first. Other gun people like retired law enforcement will probably be next. Then when they go after the civilians, what argument will they have? Be forewarned and be aware. The Obama administration has gone on record as considering veterans and gun owners potential terrorists. Whether you are a gun owner, veteran or not, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED !

If you know veterans and gun owners, please pass this on to them. Be very cautious about what you say and to whom.

They are coming for us, so unless you're an ostrich, do not stick your head in the sand..........


If you can't stand behind our troops, PLEASE, PLEASE feel free to stand in front of them. Description: Image removed by sender. Regional indicator for USA


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Harry Reid Is Not the Only Liar

4063552504?profile=originalFrom the floor of the United States Senate chamber, without a single shred of evidence, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid recently charged that for ten years Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney paid no taxes.

Is not the legal system in the United States based on the presumption of innocence?  Did Harry Reid grant himself the authority to alter that, or did he obtain permission from the White House by fiat?

Since when is it the business of the Senate Majority leader to take to the Senate chamber microphone and accuse a political opponent of a serious crime while presuming him guilty and demanding he prove his innocence?  Is not Senate business the job for which Reid was elected?  How does making this unsubstantiated charge fit in with conducting the business of the United States Senate?

It would be bad enough if this Harry Reid distraction from the failures that define the post-fad institutionalized “progressive” left’s Oval Office tragedy was an isolated incident.  For a “man” in what has historically been a prestigious position to make such outrageous charges without a single shred of evidence exceeds extremely egregious.  But sadly, an overview of the political landscape shows that it is not just Harry Reid who is engaged in spouting lies, uttering distortions and intentionally creating or parroting misinformation.

The White House re-election campaign has sued Ohio over a state provision that gives three extra days for 4063552431?profile=originalearly voting to members of the military.  The administration and the “progressive” Party Pravda pushed back hard, claiming that the lawsuit did not intend to target military voters.  That claim is pure, unfiltered bollocks.  Over the decades, “progressive” Democrats have sought to suppress military votes.  In 2000, when “progressive” Democrats were passionately seeking to steal the Florida Electoral College votes from George W. Bush, they actually succeeded in disqualifying military ballots.

Then there is the 2012 case of “progressive” Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts.  Despite having blue eyes and blonde hair, she claims that she is “Native American”.  The “evidence” she presents to support her claim?  Her mommy told her so.

4063552555?profile=originalNever mind that her claim was rejected by the Cherokee Nation, and that an investigation of her family tree offers no support for her assertion.  In the meantime, while Warren claimed she didn’t know whether or not Harvard had ever promoted her Native American background, the Boston Globe reported: “For at least six straight years during Warren’s tenure, Harvard University reported in federally mandated diversity statistics that it had a Native American woman in its senior ranks at the law school. According to both Harvard officials and federal guidelines, those statistics are almost always based on the way employees describe themselves.”

Such a deal!  Lie about your heritage so your application to work as a member of the Harvard Law school faculty is given preferential treatment.  When your lie is discovered, say it must be true because mommy said so.

On the latest airing of FOX News Sunday, host Chris Wallace caught White House re-election campaign 4063552523?profile=originalchairman David Axelrod in a lie about “Recovery Summer”.  Axelrod repeatedly stated that in 2010 he never spoke about the administration’s imaginary “Recovery Summer”.  Evidence shows he did exactly that during an interview with David Gregory on the NBC program Meet the Press.

As it turns out, “Recovery Summer” was, in and of itself, another oft trumpeted “progressive” fabrication.

Then there is Fast & Furious.  The White House and their “progressive” co-conspirators dreamed up the “perfect” way to convince Americans that more rapacious “progressive” big government infringements on their constitutionally protected gun rights were needed. 

What was that “perfect” plan?  To intentionally allow hundreds of deadly automatic and semi-automatic weapons to walk across the southern border and into the hands of known criminals in Mexican drug cartels.  The cover story would be that the government intended to track the guns and catch cartel higher ups red handed.

4063552532?profile=originalNever mind that zero effort was made to track the guns.  None of the guns that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and the Department of Justice let walk were capable of being tracked by GPS.  Once the guns crossed the border, there was no way of telling where they ended up.

Instead of providing any evidence to support their tracking claim, the DOJ and the White House asserted they were merely continuing a program established by the Bush administration.  The difference between the two policies discredits that assertion.  The far fewer number of guns that were allowed by the Bush administration to leave the country had been equipped with GPS tracking devices.

After the House of Representatives Investigative Committee caught U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in a lie and demanded additional information from the DOJ about the Fast and Furious scandal, the White House exerted Executive Privilege, which cannot be used unless the White House itself was involved in the activities under question.

Former White House “green jobs czar and self-avowed Communist Van Jones, and complicit “progressive” Party Pravda dogs assert that the GOP and the Tea Party “Want to hurt Americans economically so they can gain politically.”

This statement flies in the face of the fact that in order to gain politically, decades of “progressive” 4063552498?profile=originalDemocratic policies quite nearly destroyed the global economy through “progressive” big government social engineering in the U.S. housing market, have skewed American tax codes in favor of dividing Americans into separate economic classes and punishing the successful while rewarding the unsuccessful, have set about to destroy the concept of a traditional two parent family, dismantle the military, make more people dependent on “progressive” big government “entitlement” programs and allowing an unrestricted flood of illegal alien invaders into the country in hopes of buying the votes of their children with “progressive” big government handouts.

Still want to cling to the claim that “progressives” are the adults in the room?

At least RNC Chairman Reince Priebus is willing to call Reid a 'dirty liar'.  ABC’s George Will compared Reid’s actions to McCarthyism by saying: “Look, in 1950, Joe McCarthy went to West Virginia, didn’t know what to tell to the Women’s Republican Club of Wheeling, West Virginia, so he said I have in my hand a list of 205, we think that are — 205 communists in the State Department.  (He) didn’t have a list.  Harry Reid doesn’t have any evidence either.  This is McCarthyism from the desert.”

Now is time for all American Patriots to expose the coordinated lies that are being and for decades have been spewed by “progressive” Democrats and their seditious allies within the institutionalized “progressive” left.

Maybe, just maybe, there are enough intelligent undecided swing voters with sound moral character remaining to ensure that “progressive” hopes for re-election end up where they belong, in the ashes.

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The circular chart at the below named website shows Bilderberg Group members’ involvement with many of the world’s corporations, charities, policy groups, media companies, schools, politicians, etc.

You need to click on the chart afterwhich it show up on a page by itself.  Click again and the chart will expand to show the interrelationships of the BILDERBERG Group and just about every important and influential entity in the U.S.




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United Nations Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson

by Tom DeWeese  (American Policy Center)

Awareness of Agenda 21 and sustainable development is racing across the nation as citizens in community after community are learning what their city planners are actually up to. As awareness grows, I am receiving more and more calls for tools to help activists fight back. Many complain that elected officials just won’t read detailed reports or watch long videos. “Can you give us something that is quick and easy to read that we can hand out,” I’m asked.

So here it is: a one page, quick description of Agenda 21 that fits on one page. I’ve also included for the back side of your handout a list of quotes for the perpetrators of Agenda 21 that should back up my brief descriptions.


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Mathematics by the Powers

Old School mathematics was simple. When our teachers knew the right ways of teaching and there wasn't any political correctness to hinder them.

Even though, most of my schooling years were spent being thrust through, just to get rid of me, I still learned valuable lessons and certain things about this country and other things.

One of which is the mathematical equivalency of the "Powers".

10's is an easy way of explaining this.

10. 1st Power is - 10

10. 2nd - is - 100

10. 3rd - is - 10,000

10. 4th - is - 100,000,000

10. 5th - is - 10,000,000,000,000,000

10. 6th - is - 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

10. 7th - is - 1 with 64 Zero's.        And then we get into Google's.

10. 8th - is - 1 with 128 Zero's      1.28 G

10. 9th - is - 1 with 256 Zero's      2.56 G

10. 10th - is - 1 with 512 Zero's    5.12 G

So, the conclusion of this matter is: every power in the positive is given the doubling effect of the Zero's.

This being the case, Exponential rules to this effect. And, a nice way of counting.

Let's hope this is not the case with our President's, Congress, Corporations, nor Federal Government and their abuses and blind judgment of America.

Equation: if We the People are now (assumably) at 10-4th in the arena of National Debt, not even this entire planet could afford 10-5. And 10-6 -Whoa! There is not enough planets in our Solar System for that.

Plainly put: It has got to STOP!

And I mean: NOW!


Max Simon Uhrig III

Arizona,  U.S.A. 

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Sarah Steelman!

Tomorrow the big day for Sarah Steelman!

Check out for their list of supported candidates.

Also, check out their 'Tea Party Supports Sarah Steelman' ad here:


It'll be interesting to see if Palin's endorsement makes a difference for her like some seem to think it did for Ted Cruz in Texas, and also to see if the anti-incumbent vote keeps on rolling nation wide, which is a noteworthy thing whether you support Steelman or not.

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Morning Bell

Solyndra Revelations Show It's Time to Close the "Bank of Washington"

"The Bank of Washington continues to help us!" bragged Solyndra CEO Chris Gronet in emails released last week.
An investigation by the House Energy and Commerce Committee revealed that Solyndra—the solar company that went under, taking more than $600 million in taxpayer funds with it—wasn't ever supposed to be an independent business. It was built to rely on the taxpayers.
"Getting business from Uncle Sam is a principal element of Solyndra's channel strategy," wrote Tom Baruch, founder of Solyndra investor CEMA Capital, in an August 10, 2010 email.
Getting federal money was integral to Solyndra's business model. But even with government backing, Solyndra failed—just one of a growing list of companies in the Green Graveyard that took taxpayer money and went bankrupt.
The emails released between Solyndra stakeholders and Obama Administration officials show that Solyndra's investors knew the company was a bad bet for taxpayers, but the Administration wanted the energy loan guarantee program to be perceived as successful. Meanwhile, the Government Accountability Office was finding that the Department of Energy played favorites with the program, and high-level advisers including Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner were raising red flags.
When it became clear that the company wasn't going to make it, White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer wrote to White House insiders Stephanie Cutter and David Plouffe: "This is going to be a real pain, Solyndra is about to go under apparently."
Despite 12 such failures—companies taking taxpayer money yet going bankrupt—the Administration hasn't given up its push for solar. In July, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar characterized the bankruptcies and delays that have plagued the solar manufacturing sector as "just minor (and expected) blips for the industry."
"Across the Administration, we're looking at ways to create jobs and strengthen the economy—and a big part of that is building a sustainable, clean energy future," Salazar said. But as Heritage's Michael Sandoval reports:
Salazar's touting of job creation is at odds with the Department of Energy's David Frantz, who oversees the DOE loan guarantee program.…Frantz told House members that these large, utility-scale renewable projects really could not be counted upon for creating jobs. "The predominance of our portfolio—and the objective, really, of the act—is to be creating large infrastructure, utility-scale projects; and, by definition, they are not a multiplier for job creation," Frantz said.
Still, lawmakers in both parties have embraced the job creation fallacy. Heritage's Nicolas Loris has notedthat both Democrats and Republicans: loan guarantees (or tax credits or direct grants) if they support projects for their politically preferred sources of energy, such as clean coal and nuclear, or if they bring jobs to their districts that they can take credit for creating. But these programs do not create jobs. They misallocate labor and capital by shifting taxpayer dollars away from economical projects and toward political ones.
Energy subsidies, whether in the form of taxpayer-backed loans or outright grants, are a bipartisan boondoggle that simply does not work. Looking back, President George W. Bush's solar initiative sounds very similar when compared to President Obama's.
The aptly named "No More Solyndras" Act, now in the House Energy and Commerce Committee, would stop the government from giving out new taxpayer-backed loan guarantees. For applications that are already under consideration or have received conditional commitment, the bill would require the Secretary of the Treasury to make a recommendation based on the merits of the program. Although not perfect, the legislation moves us in the right direction toward finally ending this program.
As subcommittee chairman Ed Whitfield (R-KY) said last week, "Instead of handing out billions in loan guarantees to selected companies, we can do much more good by removing billions in unnecessary regulatory compliance costs."
There are plenty of job-killing regulations holding back American companies. A lack of taxpayer dollars is not the problem. It's time to close the "Bank of Washington" and allow truly successful, viable technologies to rise to the top.
See the 10 Most Revealing Solyndra Emails
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CRJ letter to Andrea Shea King Radio Patriot - Dave & America fighting to live to election
      Hi Andrea Shea King- Radio Patriot;
                       I just wanted to thank you for your terrific job and to personally express my concern and warm wishes to Dave.
 It's been a year now since my own Mom was diagnosed with a 4th stage lymphoma with only days to live as the calcium levels of her bone marrow entered her blood stream and headed straight to nearly collapse her memory and sanity entirely. At 74 the Doctors didn't know what her state was before the cancer had taken its' tole, but I did. 
She was vibrant and active and clear headed, nothing compared to the women who lay in the hospital with her outstretched arms searching for something that wasn't there and only mildly recognizing her own children. I was shopping for caskets when we opted against the wishes of her siblings to go ahead with a new cancer drug that was discovered here at the University of Utah which eradicated and hunted the B cancer cell.
Its been an interesting year as we went through 8 months of treatments, I picked her up traveling the 100 mile round trip every day for her 'Nupitgen ' shot and we prayed a lot that in her weakened condition she wouldn't catch a cold in the cold winter months here in Utah. Her progress was significant with a dream I'd had which convinced me we were doing the right thing for her and this is the path we should travel. 
The dream I had was of a big frying pan between my legs which I bent over and picked up with extreme effort. Each time I picked it up it was lighter. I thought when I woke up that we should not always discount answers to our prayers when we are indeed praying for them because we never know how God will do his work and we do know that often answers come from directions we had not thought of before, for God's intelligence is greater then ours as he is in Heaven and we on the Earth.
Chemo treatments are nothing less then the whole body being put in the frying pan.
Humility is in its simplest form of course an expression of prayer, admitting we don't know the answer or the way to go the same as a child would ask his Parent "where are we going?", even after you've told the child 10 times, 'We are going to Grandma's House to go swimming".
Grasping the answer is not as easy as grasping the reassurances and security of the answer after it actually happens.
My family has been blessed the last two months in the "Cancer Free" report coming back from the doctors which is very good news for us that we are indeed thankful for. My Mom would have been gone by now if we had not gone through with the treatment. Instead she now has colored the two inches of new thick hair that has come upon her crown.
Dave is fighting a tremendous battle and I certainly do not know the outcome of his cancer or the number of his days,but I do know that in the power of Jesus Christ, in whose name I pray, answers can come and directions can be followed for success.
Often I think as Society becomes "open" with one eye, the other begins to close. We all know we can see better with both eyes wide open. As medical advances are made often the spiritual advances are closed. I am always impressed with a Doctors testimony who in a very difficult operation admits to his hands feeling guided in a close call with losing a patient. I love to read testimonies of inventors who have seen in a dream or the spiritual eye the idea that through their work became a reality seen with their physical eyes.
As you and Dave have been closely knit together in the political arena and I have followed you and even been on your radio show once in 2010 in my U.S. Senate Run, one thing we all share is hard work in upholding the Constitution's demands for a natural born citizen in the office of the President. What a tie that binds us and all patriots across the Country feeling the same.
You probably remember August 8th, 1974 was the date of the Nixon resignation speech, just two short months away from the general election. No doubt you know that with my press releases going to you that in my run for President I have finally received a case number in the United States Supreme Court Judy v. Obama case no. 12-5276 regarding Obama's eligibility to run as a qualified candidate, and I am running and challenging in the Democratic Party, something that has never before entered the court. Just as Nixon's case was not too late before the election neither is Obama's.
The battle in the political arena I have often thought of as the battle my Mom fought in the battle against cancer. A battle that many Americans believe we've lost already. I hear all kinds of things like I did with my Mom, "The disease is too far progressed to cure", " Just let her die in peace", " The pain of chemo is not worth the chance the disease will win anyway" and the list goes on.
Well, I'm here with my Mom today when if I had caved to those voices I wouldn't be. She's living unassisted now and independent. She drives her car and I always say the sign of a healthy women is if she can go shopping by herself. She does and nothing makes me happier then to see her do it. 
America might think the same way that many people, even some doctors felt about my Mom about Obama. He's done almost 4 years the disease is too far progressed to warrant chemo or a decision of justice with the Constitution as a standard. I know there might be some pain involved in a decision to remove Obama as President as the Constitution suggest in Amendment 14, Sect 3, as a "disability", but I believe if he is not removed as such America under the banner of the United States Constitution will not survive the powerful destruction and erosion of its principles.
For some reason a childhood song comes to my mind in light of how small I am. "Give said the little stream, give oh give, give oh give. I'm small I know but wherever I go the grass grows greener still." I believe as small as I am within the Democratic Party, and as small as our Constitution is to Obama, that my case will be heard, and our Constitution provides the necessary nutrients for a world dried up. 
I  may not know all the answers to every question, but I do know they will come. I'm confident we will face some pain with Obama's removal, but I'm equally confident that America will survive it and be better off in the long run of the little stream called the Republic for which we stand.
I wish "Third Wave Dave" the best in his treatment which ever way he chooses, and pray for the Spirit of God to guide him in that decision. As I thought about how much voting means to Dave I thought gosh wouldn't it be nice if every American felt that way about voting and then I thought, wouldn't it be nice for me to be able to ask Dave for his vote because Obama was out and I was the Democratic Party nominee.
If the United States Supreme court hears my case, and decides in my favor I know Congress won't be far behind in calling for a vote for Obama's removal as a "Disability" and I know America will join hands across the Country in a revitalization of the standards of our Republic. Once we clean house within I'm sure there will be battles to face from without from those who were counting on the inside job working. We will have to fight those battles to, but we will do so together knowing we at least don't have our forefathers rolling in their graves and the future generations can resume the hope of America as a shining lighthouse on a hill set as a standard to guide the course of our ship away from the rocks threatening to cave our whole ship in.
God Bless you and Dave in your endeavors and pursuits and may God Bless America.
Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2012 10:24:33 -0400
Subject: Our patriot Dave fighting to live

Our patriot Dave fighting to live

05 Sunday Aug 2012

Deciding to undergo a bone marrow transplant is not an easy decision. My radio show producer Dave “ThirdWaveDave” Logan wrestled with it for months, weighing the options.  Should he continue with the chemo regimen he was on, taking the very expensive and experimental drug Tasigna?  A therapy to which his body likely would eventually develop an immunity? And if so, how long would it be before that happened?  His oncologist told him to expect a year, at most. Dave desperately wanted to be here to vote on November 6th. For him, it was imperative that he cast his ballot against Obama. 
And if he opted for a transplant? Dave’s odds were 30 to 50% he’d live through the election.  (More)

Inline image 1

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Obama’s Ultimate Cover-up!


Continuing to connect the dots!

Posted on America’s Survival-By Cliff Kincaid-On July 30, 2012:

“Obama biographer David Maraniss wrote an 1139-word article, “The Audacity of Doubt,” for The Washington Post on Sunday that purported to be a refutation of what some critics have been saying about the President. Maraniss focuses mostly on questions about Obama’s religion and place of birth and pretends to have the answers.


However, Maraniss ignored the fact that the critics were right four years ago when they identified communist Frank Marshall Davis as Obama’s mentor in Hawaii and the mysterious “Frank” from Obama’s book, Dreams from My Father.

Maraniss had written a 10,000-word piece for the Post in 2008, when the information could have made a difference in the campaign, ignoring this critical fact. He told me in an email that he had ignored Davis because he had somehow concluded that Davis didn’t have much of an impact on Obama.

The Maraniss piece, “Though Obama Had to Leave to Find Himself, It Is Hawaii That Made His Rise Possible,” ran in the August 22, 2008 edition of the Post.

Not content to slink away with egg on his face for ignoring the story of the century, Maraniss spent years working on a book about Obama, thinking the public would regard it as definitive. He is suffering under a delusion.

Since Maraniss wants us to believe he dwells on “facts,” here are some inconvenient facts about Davis before we get into the tawdry and highly personal side of the Obama-Davis relationship:

  • Davis was the subject of a 600-page FBI file.
  • Davis was under FBI surveillance for 19 years for his Communist Party activities.
  • Davis was on the FBI’s security index, meaning he could be arrested in the event of a national emergency.
  • Davis wrote a pornographic novel, Sex Rebel, that was autobiographical and disclosed that he had sex with children.
  • Davis was a heavy drinker and marijuana user.

It’s true that communism is not perceived as being as much of a threat as it used to be, but can you imagine what the reaction might be among the American people, even now, if they were told by the major papers and network news programs that a top Communist Party operative molded their President’s views on economic, foreign policy and cultural issues? This is the story that has to be suppressed at any cost, four years later during a critical election year.

Having ignored the story of the decisive influence that Davis exercised over Obama in his growing up years, Maraniss now goes after other writers who have been investigating Obama in order to clear up some of the lingering mysteries about him. It is apparent that Maraniss is afraid of being proven wrong again. He wants people to think his 641 page book is the ultimate truth.


Maraniss says in his Post article on Sunday that he holds many Obama critics “in contempt for the way they disregard facts and common sense and undermine the role of serious history as they concoct conspiracy theories that portray the president as dangerous, alien and less than American.” But not once in this follow-up article four years later did Maraniss mention the name of Obama’s communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, or how he, Maraniss, had ignored Davis in that 10,000-word 2008 Post article.

This omission may be his strange way of conceding, without saying so, that the “critics” had gotten that part of the story right. After all, “Frank” was Davis, and Maraniss knows it.

Maraniss doesn’t name the Obama critics. But one of them is Jack Cashill, an “obsessed conspiratorialist,” in the words of Maraniss, for theorizing that Obama’s book Dreams from My Father was ghost written by Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. Maraniss calls Ayers “the former radical.”

My position all along has been that, whether Ayers wrote it or not, Obama’s name is on it, and he has to take responsibility for what is in it. That includes the cover-up regarding “Frank.” It is not unprecedented for politicians to have ghost writers, but since their names are on the book, the politicians have to take the credit or blame for what was said—or not said. Of course, if Ayers did write the book, it makes their relationship much closer than we were led to believe.


The Dreams book covers up Obama’s extensive use of illegal drugs, and here is where Maraniss truly does his homework and performs a public service. He says, in passages that are perhaps too brutally honest for pro-Obama liberals to take, that Obama was a major dope smoker, not the occasional user we were led to believe. Maraniss says Obama was a member of the “Choom Gang,” a group of heavy users of the drug.

This is important for many reasons, including that the effects of the drug are reflected in various personality disorders, and so the public is left wondering what the illegal substances may have done to Obama’s way of thinking. Obama has promoted the notion, in an interview with Rolling Stone, the rock-and-roll magazine, that marijuana has “medical benefits,” while acknowledging that federal law prohibits its use and cultivation. He has let Attorney General Eric Holder handle this one.

Cashill says that Maraniss comes across as “testy” in his new Post column because his book about Obama has not done well, and that his massive advance “will never be recouped by the publisher.” This may be the case. But he may also be testy because he realizes he missed the importance of the Frank Marshall Davis story, and that the Obama critics were right all along.

Paul Kengor points out that writers and historians always focus on the mentor, in order to explain the background, history and future policies of a major political figure like a presidential candidate—except when it came to Obama. Why?

Although Maraniss should be commended for exposing Obama as a major drug abuser, something Obama concealed from voters in 2008, the superficial treatment of Frank Marshall Davis is a major blot on Maraniss’s record. He will never be able to recover from it.

My stories about Davis have become a broken record, but it is necessary to play this record again and again because “journalists” such as Maraniss persist in their dishonest campaign to ignore his influence on the current occupant of the Oval Office. His Post article is only the latest example of his deceptive writing on this matter.

Why does he do it?

The short answer is that he thinks he can get away with it. He thinks his writing, based on the reputation of someone who writes long books about important people, can drown out all of the others who seek the truth and raise inconvenient and uncomfortable questions.

But why ignore such a critical and central fact about Obama? The answer in this case has to be that the truth is so powerful and so damaging to Obama that it has to be ignored. The lid has to be kept on this story, to the best of the ability of Maraniss and his ilk to do so. That is why the cover-up continues.

Admitting Obama was a doper is one thing; writing about his Communist mentor is something far more serious that opens a Pandora’s box.

But is the story more than that of an agent of a Moscow-funded political party having access to our President for eight years of his young life? This is where the story of Frank Marshall Davis takes a very bizarre sexual turn.

Paul Kengor’s new book, THE COMMUNIST Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor, explains the Davis influence on Obama’s economic views. Rusty Weiss and I quoted Kengor in a piece we did on how Davis’s racism influenced Obama.

The other and equally disturbing area of influence is the cultural sphere. As writer Andrew Walden has noted, the term “Sex Rebel,” as Davis used it, was meant to characterize Davis’s rebellion against American society, another part of the communist revolution, which was to him a way to strike back against religion and its strictures on promiscuous sexual activity. Perversion was a central aspect of Davis’s communist identity. That’s why he wrote Sex Rebel.

We can see this facet of Davis’s Marxism reflected in Obama, at least in terms of his policies on such subjects as gay rights, gay marriage, gays in the military, and so forth. Obama’s openly gay appointee Kevin Jennings facilitated that at the Department of Education, while Leon Panetta supervises this radical transformation at the Pentagon, our last line of defense, even while he bemoans anticipated cuts to the Pentagon budget.

In the latest example of this subversion from within, Panetta’s Department of Defense issued a policy approving members of the U.S. Armed Forces to march in a “gay pride” parade while wearing their service-issued uniforms. Rep. Randy Forbes called it a “clear violation” of DoD rules and regulations that prohibit service members from wearing the uniform “during or in connection with furthering political activities.”

Many people do not know that the Communist Manifesto called for the abolition of the traditional family, in addition to the abolition of private property. “Families and the moral order stand firmly in the way of any socialist revolution,” notes conservative writer Robert Knight. “Families and religion inculcate independence and a strong set of values and personal responsibility.”

Although he ignored Davis four years ago in his lengthy article in the Post, the Maraniss book, Barack Obama: The Story, mentions Davis a few times. He admits that Davis was “under surveillance” by the FBI because of his “past associations with the Communist party.” He says Obama “later estimated that he saw Davis ‘ten to fifteen times,’” a report apparently based on an interview with Obama.

Paul Kengor notes that Obama mentioned “Frank” 22 times in Dreams.

Of course, Maraniss also acknowledges that Davis was “the Frank character” in Obama’s book, Dreams from My Father, without analyzing why Obama would have wanted to conceal Frank’s complete name and identity. He also does not credit those of us who revealed “Frank” to be Davis and released his 600-page FBI file (Maraniss doesn’t even mention the FBI file).

In other passages, Maraniss simply calls Davis “the black poet,” the “aging black poet,” and the “old black poet.” So Davis’s communism takes a back seat to his “poetry.”

Maraniss does admit that Obama wrote a poem about Davis called “Pop,” with some strange lines about stains and smells on shorts. “He looks at Pop and sees something that repels him and attracts him, that he wants to run away from yet knows he must embrace,” Maraniss wrote, as if to explain what Obama was thinking and doing.

But what exactly does this mean?

Writer Jack Cashill had suggested more than two years ago that “Pop” was Davis. It was a poem, he said, that had definite “sexual overtones.”

Cashill wrote, “…there is enough talk in Sex Rebel about the taste and texture of semen to merit the suspicion that the ‘breath’ and ‘amber stain’ references in ‘Pop’ refer to the exchange of something other than whiskey, especially since the stains are on their ‘shorts,’ not on their shirts.”

The nation recoils in horror at the child predator Jerry Sandusky, the Penn State football coach protected and even facilitated by the university where he worked. Yet, the fact that Obama was under the tutelage of a pedophile for eight years continues to be a non-story.

But it gets even worse. In reviewing Kengor’s book on Davis, Cashill writes, “The one area that I wish Kengor had explored was his possible relationship with Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham.” Filmmaker Joel Gilbert has done so, with dramatic photos, in “Dreams from My Real Father.”

It is a story that even some conservatives do not want to tackle, as the presidential election approaches.

But what if it is true?”


Note:  The following videos and articles and/or blog posts contain: 1) an eye-opening interview with author Jack Cashill, who convincingly demonstrates that the claimed authorship of Obama's book "Dreams From My Father" is a fraud, the most politically significant literary fraud in history (The interview aired on TruNews radio 6/16/2011); 2) author Jack Cashill studies the origins of "Dreams From My Father" and Barack Obama's improbable literary ascendancy and why it matters; and 3) Google now links Bill Ayers to “Dreams From My Father”-You Decide:


I. Video: Is Dreams From My Father a Fraud?

II. Video: Jack Cashill: Deconstructing Obama!

III. Video: Who Wrote "Dreams" and Why It Matters? (Part 1 of 2):

IV. Video: Who Wrote "Dreams" and Why It Matters? (Part 2 of 2):

V. Video: Obama’s Hidden Past Unraveled!-Posted on Western Journalism-On January 16, 2012:

VI. GOOGLE LINKS ‘DREAMS’ TO UNREPENTANT TERRORIST: ‘Obama ‘never showed any sign of an ability to write this way before or after’!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On April 23, 2012:

VII. AUTHORSHIP OF OBAMA’S OWN LOVE LETTERS DISPUTED: ‘Author Jack Cashill on how ‘clunkers’ become ‘sophisticated’!-Posted on May 14, 2012:

VIII. CNN, Wolf Blitzer, Snopes, Maraniss Busted: Jack Cashill Takes On David Maraniss' New Obama Book!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On June 19, 2012:

IX. What Maraniss Obviously Missed!-Posted on American Thinker-By Jack Cashill-On June 19, 2012:

X. One More Dubious Story in the Obama Family Saga!-Posted on American Thinker-By Jack Cashill-On June 14, 2012:

Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to and/or support the above article and/or blog post:


I. What About Obama’s High School Years?-Posted on USA Survival-By Dr.Paul G. Kengor-On May 11, 2012:


II. Video: Exclusive: Obama Lived Less Than One Mile From Bill Ayers During The Mysterious New York Years!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On May 14, 2012:


III. WHAT ELSE YOU DON’T KNOW ABOUT OBAMA BOYHOOD: ‘President tied to Bill Ayers’ radical leftist organization from age 11!’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On May 12, 2012:


IV. Video: Exclusive: Obama Lived 1/2 Mile From Bill Ayers’ College, May Have Shared Apartment!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-ON May 11, 2012:




VI. Video: More Of Obama’s Past Revealed…!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On May 10, 2012:


VII. Video: Rush: Washington Post Still Can’t Find Obama’s College Records!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 11, 2012:


VIII. American Spectator’s Tyrrell: Obama a ‘Stealth Socialist’!-Posted on Paul Scicchitano and Kathleen Walter-On May 11, 2012:


IX. Communists, Cop-Killers, And Cocaine: Why The Washington Post Focuses On Romney Instead!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ERICK ERICKSON-On May 10, 2012:


X. Allen West And His Critics!-Posted on Western Journalism-By PAUL G. KENGOR-On May 10, 2012:


XI. The Obama Administration: Socialists, Narcissists, And Psychopaths!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On May 4, 2012:


XII. Why Does Obama Support Our Enemies?-Posted on The Coach Is Right-On August 4, 2012:


XIII. CHARLIE DANIELS UNLOADS ‘DAG-BLAMED TRUTH’ ON OBAM: ‘Feisty music legend worries after November, ‘America will never be America again!’-Posted on DREW ZAHN-On August 5, 2012:


XIV. Obama’s Other Communist Mentor!-Posted on Western Journalism-By JOEL VALENZUELA-On August 6, 2012:


XV. Video: College Friend Speaks Out On Obama’s Marxism! (Part 1)-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On July 31, 2012:


XVI. Video: College Friend Speaks Out On Obama’s Marxism! (Part 2)-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On August 1, 2012:


XVII. OBAMA’S COLLEGE CLASSMATE: ‘THE OBAMA SCANDAL IS AT COLUMBIA’!-Posted on The Blaze-On August 6, 2012:’s-college-classmate-the-obama-scandal-is-at-columbia/


XVIII. Video: Rush: Obama Classmate; Obama Registered As Indonesian Citizen At Columbia University!-Posted on Obama Release Your Records-On August 7, 2012:


XIX. CLAIM: ‘ABSOLUTE PROOF’ OBAMA WAS INDONESIAN CITIZEN: ‘Confirms WND reporting in 2008 of president’s school records!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On August 7, 2012:


XX. Reporter Has Documented Proof Obama Is A Indonesian Citizen!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On August 8, 2012:

Continue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing Issue:


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’!


White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!


The Audacity of Socialism!


What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-about-the-president’s-background/


CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!


Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?“hit”-on-his-life/


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!


Who ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s 2008 Campaign’!


Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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"The True Story of the Bilderberg Group" and What They May Be Planning Now
A Review of Daniel Estulin's book by Stephen Lendman

For over 14 years, Daniel Estulin has investigated and researched the Bilderberg Group's far-reaching influence on business and finance, global politics, war and peace, and control of the world's resources and its money.

His book, "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group," was published in 2005 and is now updated in a new 2009 edition. He states that in 1954, "the most powerful men in the world met for the first time" in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, "debated the future of the world," and decided to meet annually in secret. They called themselves the Bilderberg Group with a membership representing a who's who of world power elites, mostly from America, Canada, and Western Europe with familiar names like David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Lloyd Blankfein, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld, Rupert Murdoch, other heads of state, influential senators, congressmen and parliamentarians, Pentagon and NATO brass, members of European royalty, selected media figures, and invited others - some quietly by some accounts like Barack Obama and many of his top officials.

read the entire book review at :




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