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Military movement

  1. I have lived here in Harlan, Iowa for about 15 years and have never seen any type of military movement in this area except for the occasional jet flying over. Offutt air force base is about 55 miles from me over south  of Omaha. About 15 minutes ago, I observed 2 CH47 Chinook twin blade helicopters fly over. Never had seen those around here before...They were on a northeast heading, probably flying out of Offutt air base. Those choppers can carry up to 55 military  personal and was really wondering what they are doing over here. Just seemed strange since I had never seen this before..Hope we don't start seeing a lot of that type of activity going on.
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The Charge of the Grey-Haired Brigade

Remember us?  The “baby boomers,” “Senior Citizens,” “Dinosaurs,” “Old Geezers,” and “Over the Hill gang.” Guess What?  We’re baaaaack.  Remember 2010?  We delivered the House and almost the Senate.  Well, what we started in 2010 we intend to finish in 2012.  Democrats make the mistake of believing all we care about is our Social Security checks, so we know what to expect.  Guess what liberals?  Our real concern is for the future of our children and grandchildren.  We intend to see that they have the same freedoms and opportunities our God, our founders and our parents gave us.

We are still the ones who won World War II and fought in Korea and Viet Nam.  We can still quote the Pledge of Allegiance by heart and, unlike the “Amateur” in the White House, know where to place our hand while doing so.  We wore the uniform of our country with pride and lost many friends on the battlefield.  We know the words to the Star Spangled Banner, America, and America the Beautiful.  Don’t be surprised if you see some tears run down our cheeks as we sing.  We have lived what many have only read in history books, and we feel no obligation to apologize to anyone for America.

Yes, we are old and slow but rest assured, we still have fight left in us.  We have loved this country, fought for it, and bled for it, and nobody is going to take it away from us. We took oaths to defend America against all enemies, “foreign and domestic,” and that’s an oath we plan to keep.  There are those who want to destroy this land we love and, like our founders, there is no way we are going to remain silent.  You think the lines at Chick-fil-A were long; just wait till you see the lines at the polling places in November. In 1776, when our forefathers were fighting against the forces of King George III, to establish these “shores of freedom” he referred to them as insignificant rabble.  The colonist had a different name for them - Patriots.  King Obama has labeled those of us fighting to preserve this “Shinning City” as “domestic terrorist.”  That’s a name we wear with pride.

When we think about Obama, one word comes to mind - Tyrant.  When we speak of the Obama Administration we are referring to an out of control Executive branch, a complicit Congress, and the many activist judges sitting on the courts of our land.  The term would also have to include the Mainstream Media which supports them.  Our forefathers were a rag-tag army of untrained volunteers up against the best trained military of their day.  No one thought they could win; no one but the men doing the fighting. The British Forces were paid to maintain the King’s power. The Colonial Patriots were fighting for their land and the families they loved.  Today, Obama is fighting to maintain his power over “We the People.”  We are fighting to preserve this “Land of Freedom” for our children and grandchildren.  What the Congress, Supreme Court and Joint Chiefs have refused to do, we will.

Our founders had three boxes; the soap box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.  They tried the first, were rejected by the second, and forced to use the third.  They left us a fourth - the ballot box. The time is now that we “domestic Terrorist” must either stand and fight, or condemn our children and grandchildren to a lifetime of slavery under a New World Order.  It’s a battle we cannot, we must not, and with God’s help, we will not lose.  It’s about an idea called “America,” it’s about this “God blessed, windswept, island of freedom.”  It’s about America’s story, our story, and we will never surrender to tyrants.  It is the lives of our children and grandchild which are at the heart of this battle.  They deserve our all, no less, and that is exactly what we intend to give – God bless America.

Wayne D. Leeper

A land Called America.Com   

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Ron Paul

Ron Paul is still in the running (kind of).

His supporters love him, there's no doubting that. He's got a bunch of people excited about his 'We are the Future Rally' set to take place in Tampa in tandem with the RNC. His main goal seems to be to try to set party platforms with the delegates he collected and support he's garnered across the country. 

You can see details about his rally here:

I don't know that he'll have a large impact on what Romney and Ryan set out to do. Whether he runs as a Libertarian or a Republican, he does have some strong ideals that he's consistently clung to over his career, and for that consistency he has many people's respect, including my own (this does not mean I think I will vote for him instead of Romney).

Some people think he'll try to wedge in a speaking spot for his son Rand, as they try to gain favor with party leaders so that they can further their national goals in the coming elections. I guess we'll see. 

Whatever the outcome is for Paul post-convention I think he's an interesting and noteworthy political figure to keep track of. If he does not go on the ballot officially for the national election in November, which I think is unlikely, it will also be interesting to see how many people write him in in order to spite the establishment political parties and candidates. 


I don't know that voting for Ron Paul is a productive vote, but is is a way to signal the establishment parties of your discontent. 

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America and Divine Intervention

4063555469?profile=originalSome pundits say Obama has so successfully transformed America into a “gimme society” that the food stamp president will win re-election in a landslide. Other political wizards say the bloom is off the rose. A majority of Americans realize that Obama is a far-left, radical, socialist/progressive, anti-American, lawless dictator. His reign of terror will end come November. Arguments are strong supporting both scenarios.

Folks, candidly, I do not know which political egghead's election predictions are correct. Life has taught me never to invest total trust in my knowledge or in that of any man.
So yes, Obama appears to be doing a great job rallying his base: the lazy racists, the entitlement-minded socialists, the progressives and plain old haters of America. And yes, Obama does own the mainstream media.

Nevertheless, I am confident and strong. What is my response to all the odds appearing overwhelmingly in Obama's favor? Two words: “But God...”
I realize that some on our side get the heebie-jeebies whenever the “G” word is brought into the mix. This is a sad commentary to the effectiveness of the left's relentless campaign to ban God from the public square. America was founded on God and godly principles.

Without going into a lengthy personal testimony, I will say that countless times, when it appeared that all hope was lost, God intervened and turned things around in my favor. My future looked dark. “But God...”

Benjamin Franklin said, “God governs in the affairs of man.” History documents many incidences when America was on the verge of receiving a death-blow, foiled by divine intervention.

The Battle of Long Island was decided by sudden mysterious fog.

In August 1776, with the water full of British warships, George Washington and his Continental Army faced certain defeat by the British in New York City. Besides being extremely outnumbered, Washington's troops were freezing and starving. Adding insult to injury, unseasonable bad weather moved in and it was raining.

The rain turned out to be an extraordinary blessing in disguise. The next morning it was so blindingly foggy that the Brits could not attack. They were forced to wait until the fog passed.
Even more freaky is that the fog only appeared in areas in which it was needed to conceal Washington’s operations from the British. Remarkably, other areas of New York City were perfectly clear.

The fog provided Washington enough cover and time to slip his army to Manhattan without losing a single troop. Washington did not have to fight the British that day. He eventually won the war.

The Brits appeared to have the battle against America all sewn up. “But God...”

Patriots, like you, my heart aches for America. Unbelievably, the mayors of two major cities threatened to punish a restaurant chain if it attempted to do business in their towns because the CEO is a Christian who does not embrace same-sex marriage.

A Supreme Court justice bent the Constitution to uphold the greatest attack on freedom in American history, essentially sealing the death of America as intended by God and our Founding Fathers.

Religious institutions are decreed to fund contraceptive services against their faith or suffer the wrath and iron fist of Obama.

Public schools are indoctrinating our children, beginning in elementary school, to believe that homosexuality is normal -- no different from being born left-handed. Outrageously, our kids are even encouraged to give homosexuality a try before deciding their sexuality.

I find it particularly disturbing that what it means to be an American continues to be diminished. Our parents' legacy of hard work, individuality, and independence is being suppressed. Americanism under Obama means as many people as possible dependent on government. Forget striving to be all you can be; forget pursuing the American dream for you and your family. The message of our socialist dictator is work to share everything equally.

Meanwhile, many Christians either are not interested in voting or refuse to vote for a candidate less perfect than Jesus Christ. To win approval from the left, some Christians caution their brethren not to be too outspoken regarding their faith like that embarrassing Tim Tebow.

Still, I remain vigilant in my quest to defeat Obama. “All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing.”

At dinner, a patriot asked, “Mr. Marcus, do you ever get depressed about our country.” I could, very easily. “But God...”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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Libertarian Alternatives

This morning, Mitt Romney announced his selection of Paul Ryan to be his running mate for the Republican Party's presidential run in 2012. It was one of the final moves left to Romney in his presentation of his campaign to the American public. Following that decision, now it is left to the American people to examine and ponder their coming decision vote in less than 90 days. The choice is now laid out before them: Barack Obama and Joe Biden, or Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, each set of candidates coming with their own party baggage and history, each coming with their own political histories and policies. 

Which ever of the two political parties you closer adhere to, although I don't think its wrong to assume most of you reading this are probably not Democrats, people always seem to want a third option. Maybe it's because they're tired of the establishment (who isn't?) or maybe they don't feel represented well by polarized partisan debates, people yearn for an alternative, something to latch onto. Perhaps the establishment seems controlled or influenced by the same sources, so people want something fresh and unspoiled.

bs-logo.jpg?width=164One of the more widely known third parties is the Libertarian Party, which calls for small government. If you remember, Ron Paul was their candidate in 1988. This year, their candidate is former Republican Gov. Gary Johnson of New Mexico.

I don't know that any of the things people look for in third parties are really true about the Libertarian Party, but certainly they would like to be that alternative for people. The main line of their political philosophy is anti-big government. They do not want the government prying into or disturbing their lives in any way. While this is certainly a view many can grab onto, their ideals are not entirely attractive to everyone.

Their policies are well outlined in this video:


Whatever you think of Gov. Johnson and the Libertarian Party, but it is an alternative to the main political parties. If you views toward the establishment GOP have soured as of late, or over the past 20 years, then maybe Gary is your man.

Maybe not, but there you go. I don't necessarily agree with a lot of what he says, but then again I disagree with Romney too. At least I've still got 87 days to decide. Maybe Ron Paul will stick around until then. 


I should say that I do not think Libertarians are very Tea Party-esque, but I wanted to share the option that will be on the ballot. 

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Something Obama Did Build

Obama has perpetrated an unprecedented fraud on the American people.  He fooled us once.  If he does it again....WE ARE FOOLS and deserve whatever his destructive regime unleashes on us.  We need to pray, pray and pray some more.

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2016 Obama's America

We saw "2016 Obama's America" last night.  Very powerful!!  The movie does a great job of explaining who Obama really is and how his radical vision for America was formed.  It discusses issues & facts that the main stream media has hidden, ignored or sanitized.   Every American should see it, especially the undecided or moderate voters and those even thinking about voting for Obama.  No open minded person will leave the theatre without having very serious second thoughts about supporting Obama.  We must pray that "We The People" do not dare give this saboteur of the American dream and what made our country great another four years where he will be unaccountable to the people.  If he gets that chance, he will be able to unleash his real agenda.....and may God help us.

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“Exposing And Dragging Evil Into The Light”

“Exposing And Dragging Evil Into The Light”
As a sort of supplement to last week's blog article regarding taking a righteous stand against evil, I wish to continue this week in sharing in the all important matter of exposing evil by pointing to and if necessary, dragging evil to the light. I have shared in numerous previous articles that the Bible is quite clear that we as Christians should expose evil and have nothing at all to do with evil. A simple and quick read of Ephesians 5:11 proves this correct, but what I quickly wish to do is get to my point and a very important question to all of you; What does the Church need to do when those engaged in evil utterly and in all determination, refuse to repent and change from their wicked ways ?
The simplistic answer to this question can be found in Matthew 5:13-16 where Jesus describes that it is the position of Bible believing Christians to be, that is to act as the “light” in every opportune moment, and that is for us to show what is right before God and never to lose that “light” before others for if we do lose our “light” we will be useless as those who know not God and be thrown away as those who are in the world. Here, we read Matthew 5:13-16 which clearly states.... “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again ? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. 'You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can not be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.”
There are some religious folks out there who will tell you that “good deeds” only encompasses
that of giving away food to the hungry, to give used clothes to the needy or perhaps any number of deeds that looks and appears charitable, and I whole heartily agree that those are indeed Biblical “good deeds” but those are only partial act of the Biblical meaning of “good deeds” and the reality is that those previously mentioned acts are only touchy, feely, nice-nice things that has limited Biblical fruit. When Jesus spoke of “good deeds” He was also speaking of those matters that Christians through their “light” also shinned upon the darkness, that is---those involved in evil, in being shown, even forced in seeing the error of their ways will in the end hopefully repent. Oh now, before you start getting all hot under your religious collar about me mentioning forcing evil to be in the light, as yourself; isn't that what we are already doing with those who engage in rape, burglary, murder and other crimes? Indeed, we do not(well except for Obama, Eric Holder, Goldman Sachs and others who are apparently above the law) allow those who harm others walk around freely do we ? We bring them before fair and impartial judges(cough) do we not ? And if found guilty, those criminals who engaged in darkness are put in jail by the “light” correct ? Here is a sad truth about the “Church”---It is so sad that so many in the world can plainly see that many Christians these days do not like talking about, nor do many pastors also enjoy preaching about or engage in “shinning light on darkness” as it is a very “uncomfortable” and “not so politically correct” to expose wrong doing from within the confines of the church walls any more. Most Christians rather talk about and hear a sermon more in tune with jesus butterfly beliefs, that is to just stick with the “nice-nice” and comfortable portions of the Bible rather than have to acknowledge the Bible wants Christians to expose the wiles of the devil out there in the world irregardless if people are dying and going to hell over it.
It is so sad that so many people who call themselves “Christians” leave it up to the world to try to “be the light” in their own unbiblical way in exposing wrong and evil doing. Why is not the Church of Jesus Christ not engaged in exposing evil and at the same time assisting those who have been wronged in coming to know Jesus also? We can see plainly on the network news every night that millions of Americans and folks around the world need assistance beyond a hot meal, a warm blanket and a tout of Christian exclaiming“ Jesus loves you.” Indeed, there are millions of Americans and others around the world who would come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour if only Biblical Christians would get out of their safety zones and go out and stand for righteousness on behalf of the oppressed in the world. There are millions of unsaved Americans who are instead of having a Biblical Christians helping them fight for righteousness and justice, are simply being ignored and thus the opportunity to gain a soul in heaven is being washed away by the devil who often uses alcoholism, drug addiction, divorce, suicide and even murder to blind people to fact that Jesus Christ is the answer and that He has a wonderful plan for their lives if only they would live life God's way.
Indeed the world is tired of being enslaved to injustice of the corrupted and the terroristic governments that enable those corrupted people. Those people who have been enslaved for sometimes generations are now rising up to meet their oppressors but the Church is no where to be found in helping steer those who are oppressed into the right and Biblical direction. Oh sure, there are the religious and the devil's cheap imitation of godly leadership by those such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and many others like them, but very, very few are the “real McCoy's”, that is those who stand for Jesus Christ of the Bible and make salvation through Jesus Christ paramount and above all in seeing people helped and rescued.
The world as I said has finally risen against ungodly and wicked behaviour of governments and it is people like William Windsor who's Lawless America film documentary is in the works and only after a few moths of being filmed, there is already talk of a nation wide weekly television program possibly produced and aired. Where are the Bible believing churches in banding together in their own film or work in victims of injustice; helping people getting to know Jesus Christ and also in getting Godly justice ? I don't see any Christian film makers our there or churches nor Christian denominations saying to people like William Windsor; “Hey Bill, how can we be a part of what you are doing ?, we also want people to get justice but we also want to love on them and want everyone even those who do evil, to repent then get to know Jesus in their hearts, so they don't hurt people anymore.” Nope the Church is again AWOL on this thing called “injustice” and looks like many Christians lost their “saltiness in the world.”
Another recent lost opportunity Biblical Christians lost out on in their “saltiness” in regards to the area of exposing injustice and where the world in fact had to do the job of the Churches in exposing unrighteousness, was also been projected on a film. This particular film project was just released recently and although there are some well meaning mentions of religion in the film, but one cannot help notice that Jesus and the Bible are missing from the film's contents. The film shares about what many people struggle with in and outside the Church and that is the issue of divorce and the evil US and State's use of Federal Title IVD, Chapter 666(I kid you not !!! 666 !) funds. As millions of Americans go through divorce each year, the Biblical Church largely stands on the side-lines doing little to nothing to stop this scheme from the devil even from within the confines of the church building walls. The guilty verdict is all ready out on divorce but the guilty verdict is not upon all the Christian men and women who didn't ask for a divorce, no the guilty verdict is upon the churches that treat those same divorced Christians like a disease ridden parasite. Oh yes, I'm sure a few church folks prayed for the person suffering through an unwanted divorce, but why didn't the entire church congregation get up off their fat pew potato butt's and march down to that court house whip out some “saltiness” and give that rebellious spouse seeking a divorce, the attorneys and the judges(as well as those cops guarding the court house) a good tongue lashing or two ? The end result of the church NOT partaking in helping poor souls getting justice is plainly seen in the statistics that show the divorce rate in the Christian church higher than in the world. I want to encourage everyone, Christian or not, to view this film documentary entitled; Support? System Down which can be viewed for free for a brief time at .
These days, social websites are filled with an increasingly hostile and very angry populace and the Church is missing in helping to bring the Biblical answers to people in desperate need to expose evil. The world's governments in response are preparing against people by hiring more police who are now using military grade weapons, APC's, and tanks to harm and kill the angry populace who have had enough. Even with armed government insurgents growing, the Church remains largely apathetic even to the pastors in the USA are wrongly and increasingly incarcerated also. Most of the Church does little to demand justice for anyone, even their own. I think in particular Sheriff Arpaio in the State of Arizona who many Americans say they love and admire, and who has gone way out of his way to ensure what he calls “Constitutional integrity” regarding Barack Obama's illegal activities but yet he has a Biblical pastor sitting right in his own jail and that pastor being held unconstitutionally also. The reality is “Sheriff Joe” is just like so many Americans in many ways even the so called “Christian Church.” All pick and choose convenient times to stand up for what is right and always only for their own benefit. This is what happens when the world dictates what “light” is; this sort of imitation of Natural Law is distorted and certainly unbiblical in nature.
The world is wasting away towards evil and the opportunities for the Church to be “salty” in exposing evil and showing what evil looks like under “the light”, are wasting away. To the “Church” I say; this is not the time to have your head up in the clouds, standing around praying or worshiping all day. Jesus' earthly ministry was spent not only in times of worship and prayer with the Father, He also spent a great amount of time being “salty” to a sick, depraved world that was deeply oppressed by earthly and religious rulers a like.
The Church better put the light on evil so all will see what it truly looks like, time is short.
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
**** Reminder, be sure to get your Voting Poll Guardian Groups together very soon !
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Romney's VP

Mitt Romney is set to announce his running mate around 9 AM Saturday morning during a visit to Norfolk, Va. Strong signs point to that running mate being Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. 31ryan-blog480.jpgI guess we'll all know by lunch tomorrow if these sources are correct. 

Update: Its a Romney Ryan Ticket! I guess we'll see what impact this will all have after the talking heads hash it out and all the pundits blabber on.

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Well, by the time you read this, you will probably already know the answer to the big question.  Everyone has been waiting to know.  Where are they from?  How far can they go?  And will they shine brightly in the night for all to see.  Yes, the meteor shower is coming, and I for one intend to see a couple or two!  (huh?)

Any hoo,..

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. ~ Proverbs 4:23

Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer. ~ Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

So, it is true that the Republican VP nominee will be announced tomorrow.  Why is that so important?  Simple; whoever it is will be expected to take the reins if President Romney can no longer hold the office.  Everything else is hogwash to me.  But why do we wait for this announcement with as much or more anticipation than the crystal ball dropping on New Years?  I think Mr. Paine has the real answer to that.  His flowery prose of the times may be melodic, but he is saying that government is an evil necessity, and that we the people must choose wisely those we wish to govern us.  And that’s when it’s working for the people.  But, when we employ a government is as bad (or worse) as no government at all, we only have ourselves to blame.

So, why is it so important to watch who the VP choice is?  Well, because we have no say in whom it is.  But that person may be the president.  We the People choose every four years through the primary process who our presidential nominee will be.  And since we cannot choose the VP the same way, we watch to see whether we are looking at just another necessary evil, or a calamity of anarchistic proportion.


Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Plus Hillary and U.N. working on gun control;
During WWII the Japanese decided NOT to invade America because they knew most Americans were armed...
With guns we are citizens,without them we are subjects.
Its not about gun control, its about control.
Historically when governments took away their citizen's guns they then rounded up their opposition and exterminated them.

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Posted on the blaze...

A high-ranking Mexican drug cartel operative currently in U.S. custody is making startling allegations that the failed federal gun-walking operation known as “Fast and Furious” isn’t what you think it is.

It wasn’t about tracking guns, it was about supplying them — all part of an elaborate agreement between the U.S. government and Mexico’s powerful Sinaloa Cartel to take down rival cartels.

The explosive allegations are being made by Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla, known as the Sinaloa Cartel’s “logistics coordinator.” He was extradited to the Chicago last year to face federal drug charges.

Sinaloa Cartel Operative Jesus Vincente Zambada Niebla Makes Explosive Allegation About Operation Fast and Furious

Jesus Vincente Zambada-Niebla (Source: MSNBC)

Zambada-Niebla claims that under a “divide and conquer” strategy, the U.S. helped finance and arm the Sinaloa Cartel through Operation Fast and Furious in exchange for information that allowed the DEA, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other federal agencies to take down rival drug cartels. The Sinaloa Cartel was allegedly permitted to traffic massive amounts of drugs across the U.S. border from 2004 to 2009 — during both Fast and Furious and Bush-era gunrunning operations — as long as the intel kept coming.

This pending court case against Zambada-Niebla is being closely monitored by some members of Congress, who expect potential legal ramifications if any of his claims are substantiated. The trial was delayed but is now scheduled to begin on Oct. 9.

Zambada-Niebla is reportedly a close associate of Sinaloa Cartel kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman and the son of Ismael “Mayo” Zambada-Garcia, both of which remain fugitives, likely because of the deal made with the DEA, federal court documents allege.

Based on the alleged agreement  ”the Sinaloa Cartel under the leadership of defendant’s father, Ismael Zambada-Niebla and ‘Chapo’ Guzman, were given carte blanche to continue to smuggle tons of illicit drugs into Chicago and the rest of the United States and were also protected by the United States government from arrest and prosecution in return for providing information against rival cartels which helped Mexican and United States authorities capture or kill thousands of rival cartel members,” states a motion for discovery filed in U.S. District Court by Zambada-Niebla’s attorney in July 2011.

A source in Congress, who spoke to TheBlaze on the condition of anonymity, said that some top congressional investigators have been keeping “one eye on the case.”  Another two members of Congress, both lead Fast and Furious Congressional investigators, told TheBlaze they had never even heard of the case.

One of the Congressmen, who also spoke to TheBlaze on the condition of anonymity because criminal proceedings are still ongoing, called the allegations “disturbing.” He said Congress will likely get involved once Zambada-Niebla’s trial has concluded if any compelling information surfaces.

“Congress won’t get involved in really any criminal case until the trial is over and the smoke has cleared,” he added. “If the allegations prove to hold any truth, there will be some serious legal ramifications.”

Earlier this month, two men in Texas were sentenced to 70 and 80 months in prison after pleading guilty to attempting to export 147 assault rifles and thousands of rounds of ammunition to Mexico’s Los Zetas cartel. Compare that to the roughly 2,000 firearms reportedly “walked” in Fast and Furious, which were used in the murders of hundreds of Mexican citizens and U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry, and some U.S. officials could potentially face jail time if they knowingly armed the Sinaloa Cartel and allowed guns to cross into Mexico.

If proven in court, such an agreement between U.S. law enforcement agencies and a Mexican cartel could potentially mar both the Bush and Obama administrations. The federal government is denying all of Zambada-Niebla’s allegations and contend that no official immunity deal was agreed upon.

To be sure, Zambada-Niebla is a member of one of the most ruthless drug gangs in all of Mexico, so there is a chance that he is saying whatever it takes to reduce his sentence, which will likely be hefty. However, Congress and the media have a duty to prove without a reasonable doubt that there is no truth in his allegations. So far, that has not been achieved.

Zambada-Niebla was reportedly responsible for coordinating all of the Sinaloa Cartel’s multi-ton drug shipments from Central and South American countries, through Mexico, and into the United States. To accomplish this, he used every tool at his disposal: Boeing 747 cargo planes, narco-submarines, container ships, speed boats, fishing vessels, buses, rail cars, tractor trailers and automobiles. But Guzman and Zambada-Niebla’s overwhelming success within the Sinaloa Cartel was largely due to the arrests and dismantling of many of their competitors and their booming businesses in the U.S. from 2004 to 2009 — around the same time ATF’s gun-walking operations were in full swing. Fast and Furious reportedly began in 2009 and continued into early 2011.

According Zambada-Niebla, that was a product of the collusion between the U.S. government and the Sinaloa Cartel.

Sinaloa Cartel Operative Jesus Vincente Zambada Niebla Makes Explosive Allegation About Operation Fast and Furious

Soldiers and police officers guard packages of seized marijuana during a presentation for the media in Tijuana, Mexico. (AP Photo/Guillermo Arias)

The claims seem to fall in line with statements made last month by Guillermo Terrazas Villanueva, a spokesman for the Chihuahua state government in northern Mexico who said U.S. agencies ”don’t fight drug traffickers,“ instead ”they try to manage the drug trade.”

Also, U.S. officials have previously acknowledged working with the Sinaloa Cartel through another informant Humberto Loya-Castro. He is also allegedly a high-ranking member of the Sinaloa Cartel as well as a close confidant and lawyer of “El Chapo” Guzman.

Sinaloa Cartel Operative Jesus Vincente Zambada Niebla Makes Explosive Allegation About Operation Fast and Furious

Joaquin Guzman Loera, aka "El Chapo" (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

Loya-Castro was indicted along with Chapo and Mayo in 1995 in the Southern District of California in a massive narcotics trafficking conspiracy (Case no. 95CR0973). The case was dismissed in 2008 at the request of prosecutors after Loya became an informant for the United States government and subsequently provided information for years.

In 2005, “the CS (informant Loya-Castro) signed a cooperation agreement with the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of California,” states an affidavit filed in the Zambada-Niebla case by Loya-Castro’s handler, DEA agent Manuel Castanon.

“Thereafter, I began to work with the CS. Over the years, the CS’ cooperation resulted in the seizure of several significant loads of narcotics and precursor chemicals. The CS’ cooperation also resulted in other real-time intelligence that was very useful to the United States government.”

Under the alleged agreement with U.S. agencies, “the Sinaloa Cartel, through Loya-Castro, was to provide information accumulated by Mayo, Chapo, and others, against rival Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations to the United States government,” a motion for discovery states.

In return, the United States government allegedly agreed to dismiss the charges in the pending case against Loya-Castro (which they did), not to interfere with his drug trafficking activities and those of the Sinaloa Cartel and not actively prosecute him or the Sinaloa Cartel leadership.

Taken directly from the motion filed in federal court:

“This strategy, which he calls ‘Divide & Conquer,’ using one drug organization to help against others, is exactly what the Justice Department and its various agencies have implemented in Mexico. In this case, they entered into an agreement with the leadership of the Sinaloa Cartel through, among others, Humberto Loya-Castro, to receive their help in the United States government’s efforts to destroy other cartels.”

“Indeed, United States government agents aided the leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel.”

The government has denied this and says the deal did not go past Loya-Castro.

Zambada-Niebla was arrested by Mexican soldiers in late March of 2009 after he met with DEA agents at a Mexico City hotel in a meeting arranged by Loya-Castro, though the U.S. government was not involved in his arrest. He was extradited to Chicago to face federal drug charges on Feb. 18, 2010. He is now being held in a Michigan prison after requesting to be moved from Chicago.

“Classified Materials”

During his initial court proceedings, Zambada-Niebla continually stated that he was granted full immunity by the DEA in exchange for his cooperation. The agency, however, argues that an “official” immunity deal was never established though they admit he may have acted as an informant.

Zambada-Niebla and his legal council also requested records about Operation Fast and Furious, which permitted weapons purchased in the United States to be illegally smuggled into Mexico, sometimes by paid U.S. informants and cartel leaders. Their request was denied. From the defense motion:

“It is estimated that approximately 3,000 people were killed in Mexico as a result of ‘Operation Fast and Furious,’ including law enforcement officers in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico, the headquarters of the Sinaloa cartel. The Department of Justice’s leadership apparently saw this as an ingenious way of combating drug cartel activities.”

“It has recently been disclosed that in addition to the above-referenced problems with ‘Operation Fast & Furious,’ the DOJ, DEA, and the FBI knew that some of the people who were receiving the weapons that were being allowed to be transported to Mexico, were in fact informants working for those organizations and included some of the leaders of the cartels.”

Zambada’s attorney has filed several motions for discovery to that effect in Illinois Federal District Court, which were summarily denied by the presiding judge who claimed the defendant failed to make the case that he was actually a DEA informant.

In April, 2012, a federal judge refused to dismiss charges against him.

From a Chicago Sun Times report: “According to the government, [Zambada-Niebla] conveyed his interest and willingness to cooperate with the U.S. government, but the DEA agents told him they ‘were not authorized to meet with him, much less have substantive discussions with him,’” the judge wrote.

Sinaloa Cartel Operative Jesus Vincente Zambada Niebla Makes Explosive Allegation About Operation Fast and Furious

In this courtroom artist's drawing Jesus Vincente Zambada-Niebla appears before U.S. District Judge Ruben Castillo Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2010, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Verna Sadock)

In their official response to Zambada-Niebla’s motion for discovery, the federal government confirmed the existence of “classified materials” regarding the case but argued they “do not support the defendant’s claim that he was promised immunity or public authority for his actions.”

Experts have expressed doubts that Zambada-Niebla had an official agreement with the U.S. government, however, agree Loya Castro probably did. Either way, the defense still wants to obtain DEA reports that detail the agency’s relationship with the Sinaloa Cartel and put the agents on the stand, under oath to testify.

The documents that detail the relationship between the federal government and the Sinaloa Cartel have still not been released or subjected to review — citing matters of national security.

(Editor’s note: The impetus for this article came from author Reed A. Williams, whose upcoming book “The Weed That Just Won’t Die” delves deeply into the Zambada-Niebla court case. Get more details on the book here.)

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White House Tells Lies (Repeatedly) To Win

The White House re-election campaign has denied any knowledge of an abhorrent, misleading Super PAC ad that wrongly blames GOP challenger Mitt Romney for the death of a steelworker's wife from cancer.

Campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki responded by saying: "We have nothing, no involvement, with any ads 4063554824?profile=originalthat are done by Priorities USA.  We don't have any knowledge of the story of the family."  Deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter stated: "I don't know the facts about when Mr. Soptic's wife got sick, or the facts about his health insurance."

The problem for the Oval Office and its hope for re-election is; Soptic told the story on May 14, 2012, in a conference call hosted by the Obama campaign.

This is from someone who condemned PAC attack ads running in favor of John Edwards during the 2008 campaign.  This is from a candidate who attacks Super PACs that are on Romney’s side, but never utters one peep about the PACs that are aligned with him, launching slanderous attacks against Romney on his behalf.

Apparently for “progressives”, civility remains a one way street.

Evidence shows how the White House’s assertion that political appointees were not involved in Energy Department loan decisions is a flat out lie.

Documents and sources knowledgeable of the situation show that disagreement between administration officials over approval of a $1.4 billion loan to another project was resolved by then-White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley.

4063554846?profile=originalLast summer the Oval Office occupier was briefed personally about a federal loan program aimed at helping clean-energy companies.   The briefing took place a mere two months before failure of the solar company Solyndra.  Solyndra was trumpeted by the White House as the poster child for solar power success in America.

It is easy to understand why Romney and his supporters justifiably lament the cheap, two-bit, Chicago thug style, dirty, lying, lowlife, bottoms scraping, scumbag, “progressive”, Alinsky tactics being used daily by the current White House occupant’s re-election campaign.  But to remain stuck in lament or defense mode plays right into their hands.

The best option is to stick to the truth and use the abundant available evidence to successfully portray the current administration and its “progressive” political allies for what they are.  So incredibly inept at governing that their own failed leadership and flagrant incompetence has forced them to lie, cheat and resort to character assassination in order to misrepresent themselves and their opponent.

Then paint the portrait of a viable alternative to failure: A proven leader who has achieved the American dream through pursuit of happiness.

Follow that with a series of questions.

Who would you rather have leading the United States of America; someone so inexperienced, inept and incompetent that Americans are resorting to Welfare, Disability and Food Stamps for survival?  Someone who must resort to blatantly dishonest tactics in an attempt to salvage their own failed, sagging political4063554785?profile=original career?

Or would you rather have America led by a competent, successful and experienced businessman of good moral character who has plans to revitalize the American private sector economy and put Americans back to work?

America deserves better than having an inexperienced, incompetent, inept liar as President of the United States.

You deserve better.

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