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What's disturbing about this picture?

Posted on Canada Free Press-By Doug Hagmann-On April 23, 2012:

“America and the world today is in chaos. Wars, rumors of wars, high gasoline prices, increasing food prices, growing divisions among races and between classes, current and impending financial collapses dominate the headlines. Critics and detractors of Barack Hussein Obama claim that it is a result of his failed policies that our house and much of the world is in such disarray. Investigation into the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II and the people behind him suggests otherwise.

The chaos that presently exists domestically and across the globe is destined to get worse, but it’s not due to Obama’s inexperience or failed policies. Rather, it is the direct result of the implementation of his successful policies. The chaos in which we find ourselves is exactly what has been planned for decades. Chaos is the tactic, the means to an end, and not the result of failure of policy by the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II.

We have seen only the tip of the full frontal assault of the chaos planned for this country. Actually, we haven’t seen anything yet.

Connect the dots:

Investigative findings suggest that our present state of disorder was crafted long ago, compliments of a shadowy cabal of government leaders and their often unwitting lackeys, complicit media moguls and their eye-candy mouthpieces, and ideologues intent on changing the United States and thus the world. While this might sound like a bad fictional plot from the film noir genre, a good bit of investigation indicates otherwise.

Before dismissing such musings as delusional fodder, carefully consider the current state of our country - and the world - and start to connect the dots, stepping backwards chronologically. As you do, understand that the traditional right-left political paradigm with which we’ve been indoctrinated no longer exists, except as a distraction to the viewers and listeners of political talk shows hosted by highly paid ornaments who dutifully adhere to narrow scripts of approved show content.

The “necessity” Obama-Soetoro narrative:

Our founding fathers had the vision to understand that the biggest threat to our Republic is from within. That’s the reason that the founders placed a natural born restriction clause for President at the time the U.S. Constitution was drafted. They understood that there was a contemporaneous threat from a Trojan Horse president, as well as a future threat, despite the other checks and balances constructed within our government. Over time, however, communist influence in our schools and media continued to dilute the literal interpretation of the Constitution. Such revision changed or ignored history altering events, such as the infiltration of Communists into our federal government in the post World War II era. History has been revised. As the famous novelist George Orwell once stated, “He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.” That has never been so true as today.

Since 2008, coherent discussion of the bona fides of Barack Hussein Obama II as they relate to his constitutional eligibility has been declared off limits, except to mock and marginalize those who bring up the issue. His association with communists, socialists and other “radicals” has been deliberately downplayed, revised and in some cases, rewritten. This, thanks to the incestuous corporate ownership of big media, which has collectively ensured that legitimate discussion into the legend that is Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro has been effectively nullified. Unfortunately and in many cases, it’s paychecks over patriotism.

Who is Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro?

To fully understand what is taking place today, and more importantly, what is being planned for tomorrow, we must identify the actors involved in fomenting chaos. Let’s first consider the meteoric rise of the virtually unknown community organizer Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro.

People who have questioned his constitutional eligibility to hold office, known by the pejorative term “birthers,” are a troublesome lot among for the Progressives and the establishment Republicans. The issue, however, extends well beyond the Constitutional formality of where Obama was born, as the formal admission that his parental lineage, as questionable as it still is, officially denies him eligibility of the office.

This is not about the Certification of Live Birth, however, as much regarding this has already been written, except for this: any seasoned investigator experienced in conducting background investigations knows that there is no valid substitute for the actual authenticated paper document. When there is an outright refusal to allow for a legitimate inspection of an actual document, combined with an overt redirection of investigators’ attention away from the hardcopy form, there is always something being hidden. Always.

Based on extensive research and investigation, this investigator has identified at least 135 legal actions brought against Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro by plaintiffs demanding authenticated evidence of his eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States. These actions span various venues, from hearings in various courts and before administrative law judges, to the more recent state ballot challenges. In each instance, “team Obama” prevailed.

In many cases, legal giant Perkins Coie defended Obama against these lawsuits. Perkins Coie made headlines in 2006 when they represented Salim Ahmed Hamdan, the alleged driver and bodyguard of Osama Bin Laden.

According to legal financial documents, Obama paid Perkins Coie over $2.5 million in fees to defend him on a variety of issues from October 2008 through the end of 2010. It is unclear exactly how much of that $2.5 million was earmarked for defending Obama against eligibility challenges.

So, from this investigator’s perspective, along with Mike Zullo, lead investigator of the Maricopa County, Arizona Cold Case Posse tasked with conducting a law enforcement sanctioned background investigation of Barack Hussein Obama II, it can be concluded that we do not know the legal name or legal status of the individual holding the highest elected office in the United States.

If an American citizen lies to a federal official, they can be charged with a felony. What happens when a federal official lies to the American people? Nothing, it would appear.

Therefore the question still remains: Who is Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro?

Beyond the birth issue:

Some will continue to deride those who adhere to the importance of the Certification of Live Birth. Supporters of “Obama the American” are a prolific and vocal bunch, yet become silent or full of excuses as questions are naturally extended to his refusal to release other records of relevance that would provide valuable and necessary insight into the man currently at the helm of our nation.

Obama-Soetoro has repeatedly refused to produce documentation that former presidents have traditionally provided. In the case of Obama-Soetoro, his passport records, school records from kindergarten forward, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, his Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records and schedules (reportedly “lost”), medical records, important family records including the Obama/Dunham marriage license and divorce documents, and any adoption records remain off limits.

From the perspective of an investigator, there are compelling reasons for Obama-Soetoro to keep these records private, and none are likely to bode well for the putative president. In total, releasing authenticated documents of all of the above would create an accurate historical profile of the man in the Oval Office, which we do not have. Instead, we have the Obama-Soetoro legend, manufactured by… whom? And why?

I pledge allegiance to…

Consider that Obama is, in part, an artifact of the intentional “Balkanization” of America. Look at the historical immigration policies, the intentional lack of enforcement of illegal immigration, and other related issues and question why. Globalists have been constantly attacking our national identity and culture well beyond what was intended and engraved on the Statue of Liberty.

The legend of Barack Hussein Obama II involves much more than a Certification of Live Birth. It’s about the very issue our cautioned by our founders. It’s allegiance to the United States of Americaand the survival of our nation as a free, Representative Republic.

The founders believed that a natural born citizen would be more inclined to have a “natural” allegiance to the country in which they were born and the principles on which our country was founded. they would protect our freedoms, the rights of citizens, and side with America in international disputes. Are we seeing this in the narrative of Barack Hussein Obama II?


Another question involves the unprecedented contributions made to Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. The amount is somewhere between $650 to $750 million, depending on the source, and a lot of that money reportedly originated from outside of this country. Is this what the founders intended? What strings came with such contributions?

On the morning of Obama’s first day in office of January 21, 2009, one of the first, if not the first phone call he made as American leader was to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Less than five months later, on June 4, 2009, Obama kicked off his American apology tour in a speech at Cairo University in Egypt, co-hosted by Al-Azhar University. Obama “honored” a promise made during his presidential campaign to give a major address to Muslims from a Muslim capital during his first few months as president. To date, Obama has not yet stepped foot in Israel, our only democratic ally in the Middle East.

The list could continue ad nauseum and include the recent statement of collusion made in front of a “hot” microphone to the Russians about missile defense. There are numerous other examples that can be used to question the true allegiance of the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II.

Perhaps most troubling, however, is what we are seeing played out on our domestic front. Recall that history has been revised to downplay Obama’s associations with Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Rashid Khalidi, Jeff Jones, and many other communist, socialists, Leninists and Marxists revolutionaries. Recall their objectives, and put them in perspective to current events.

Peering into the Obama-Soetoro domestic playbook:

“Our primary task is to build a Marxist-Leninist revolutionary movement. The American system is racist, capitalist and imperialist. We must arm ourselves. I believe we are going to have a revolutionary change in society. -Michael Klonsky 1969 SDS Center, Washington, DC (with Bernadine Dohrn and Allen Young)

Revolutionaries thrive on chaos. Protests offer opportunity to spread chaos and in nearly every protest, trained agitators of the Progressives appear on site to inflame passions, foment disorder and violence.

This putative president and the powers behind him knew the consequences of fueling the Arab Spring, from our role in Tunisia to Egypt and the chaos that would result. Equally important, he knew the ramifications that would result from his polarizing statements pertaining to the Trayvon Martin case, and the racial divide that would be exacerbated.

He knows the results of our oppressive domestic energy policy, which are exacerbating the economic divide within the U.S. and the societal upheaval that will result.

He knows the results of our unlimited monetary printing presses that will bring our economy to its knees. So emboldened is Obama, that he continues to work with Jon Corzine of MF Global, the man behind the missing $1.6 billion of American’s money. He knows that the economic collapse of America is coming. He knows that there will be riots in the streets.

Is he preparing for it? Yes, but not in the manner that a truly American president should.

Obama, the Emperor:

Consider recent executive orders and other executive actions as “big dots” in our dot connecting exercise. The importance or relevance of these executive orders in our normal existence have either been downplayed or ignored by the media, and are subject to ridicule when brought up in political discussions. After all, they’ve been standard procedure since 1789.

DOT: On Friday, April 13, 2012, Obama signed an executive order titled ” Supporting Safe and Responsible Development of Unconventional Domestic Natural Gas Resources.” This order is a stepping stone for the takeover of the natural gas (and related) industry. Moreover, it creates an oversight group headed by Ceclia Munoz, chairman of the White House Domestic Policy Council who connected to globalist George Soros and a number of other socialist groups antagonistic to private U.S. energy production.

DOT: On Friday, March 16, 2012, Obama signed the order on National Defense Resources Preparedness, which dramatically expanded the Defense Production Act of 1950, and essentially gives Obama the power to take over our national resources and infrastructure for reasons that are no longer limited to times of war or declared states of national emergency.

DOT: On February 9, 2012, Obama signed Executive Order 13600, “Establishing the President’s Global Development Council,” which is an enhancement of the 2010 National Security Strategy and the Presidential Policy Directive on Global Development. In short, it is internal subjugation to a global agenda, or global governance.

DOT: Consider that the Department of Homeland Security recently acquisitioned 450 million rounds of .40 caliber ammunition (an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity, one year contract with 4 option years). Hollow points, as well, which are not used for target practice. Also consider that the Department of agriculture has ordered 326,000 rounds of mixed caliber ammunition this month as well.

DOT: Consider that the executive branch has the unfettered authority to execute American Citizens deemed “a threat.”

DOT: Several unconfirmed reports indicate that the Department of Homeland Security have ordered Mine Resistant Anti-personnel Carriers (MRAPs) for deployment in the United States.

DOT: During a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing in March, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey openly admitted that their authority comes not from the U.S. Constitution, but they take their orders from the United Nations and NATO, international bodies over which the American people have no democratic influence.

DOT: Consider other reports of FEMA quarters being readied here in the U.S., ostensibly for disaster relief and protection of its citizens. In consideration of everything else taking place, can we afford to take their word for this “preparation?”

Readers can fill in numerous other “dots” unaddressed here. The point is that it would appear that final preparations are being made not necessarily for the protection of our citizens, but against them. By a man in the Oval Office whose legal name we do not know, and whose allegiance is suspect at best.

Get ready, Americans. Understand the playbook.”

  • Douglas J. Hagmann and his son, Joe Hagmann host The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, a live video Internet program broadcast each weeknight from 10:00 pm to midnight ET on the Liberty Broadcasting Network. Watch their broadcast live nightly.
  • Douglas Hagmann, founder & director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and a multi-state licensed private investigative agency. Doug began using his investigative skills and training to fight terrorism and increase public awareness through his website.
  • Doug can be reached at:


Note:  The following article and/or blog post videos relate to and/or support the above article and/or blog post-You Decide:

Why Wolf Blitzer Should Apologize To Allen West!-Posted on Family Security Matters-By by CLIFF KINCAID-On April 22, 2012:

Video: Allen West: Hope & change has been replaced by ‘divide and rule’!-Posted on Glenn Beck-On April 20, 2012:‘divide-and-rule’/


Video: Rep. West Doubles Down On Communist ‘Ideology’ Of Progressive Caucus!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 19, 2012:

Video: Allen West: I Don’t Regret Whatsoever My Comments About Progressives Being Communists!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On April 18, 2012:

Video: Rep. Allen West: Democratic group is Communist!-Posted on USA Today-By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY-On April 11, 2012:

Continue Reading:

The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

Massive Voter Fraud-Again!

Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances!’s-campaign-finances/

The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!

Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!

Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?

The Audacity of Socialism!

Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!

What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-about-the-president’s-background/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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A Message to All Rabbis

4063498079?profile=originalHabakkuk wailed, “O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear?”  God has not yet saved the Jewish people.

Let us turn to the first book of the New Testament, The Gospel According to St. Matthew, and to chapter 6.   From the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus: “Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is our reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” He was speaking of your Jewish prophets.

In The Lord’s Prayer, Jesus said, “in earth as it is in heaven,” followed by, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.  Heaven and earth are dimensional, in the space-time consortium, the kingdom of God spiritual—in a state of consciousness, and boundless.  Please keep that in mind.

Jesus follows the kingdom of God with: “and his righteousness; and all of these things shall be added unto you—Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Take therefore no thought for the morrow; for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.  Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”

The Promised Land, the state of consciousness, has no boundary. Let this be known. Let this thought prevail in the minds and speech of the persecuted and the prophecy will grow until it is wholly fulfilled. Let go of age old tradition. Let it be known that in truth there is but one God and he loves us all equally. This was Jesus’ message.  Said Jesus: Forgive us of our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For in God is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever.

  Jesus came, his message ignored, he went, his last words: “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do. In this perilous time, a word to the wise: Take heed that the movement is toward the Age of Aquarius, toward the prophecy—toward an age of brotherhood and fraternity, whose symbol is the water-bearer, “who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy” Astrologer’s Handbook.  

The time we approach sounds a lot like Jesus. What we are now experiencing is the death throes of the Age of Pisces, which age began at the time of Jesus’ birth. “Pisces is a sensitive sign and those born under it are extremely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others (especially the authorities).  They unconsciously absorb the ideas and mental outlook of those around them.”  Astrologer’s Handbook.  And now poor little Israel is in the crosshairs.  Speaking of Pisceans, “They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.” Astrologer’s Handbook. Jesus told Peter that by the time the cock crowed he would deny Jesus three times.  That’s Pisces for you. Not much willpower.

The symbol for Pisces is two attached fish, one swimming upstream, the other downstream.   It all fits the current situation, disgusting as it is.  Jesus’ coming was predicted by Persian astrologers.  Jesus was a man of peace, but a troublemaker, not what the Roman oppressed Jews of his time wanted.  They wanted a liberator.   Jesus’ answer: you can’t serve two masters. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.  

The cutting edge of science, backing the ancients, has it that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space were false dogma. “We have found ways to take the measure of consciousness, to study its contact with the function of the brain, and to discover how the mind, through the agency of the will, affects matter and transcends the limits of space and time….Within the power of this will lies any knowledge—of anything known, or knowable—of the past or of the future. And it is a power that is always present.”  Quantum physicist and brain doctor Evan Harris Walker.  

We are from dust to dust, but with immoral souls. Dumbed down by false gods—have no idea of the fabric of reality, no idea of the unity in nature, all things being aspects of the mind—no idea of the underlying energy of our struggling souls.  The time is upon us to get up to speed. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.

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Be Encouraged! 4/24/12

Howdy all!  Work week is now I full swing.  And so is the weather!  We have thunder and lightning here is SE Washington, but the rain is always welcome so we can live with the noise.

Any hoo,..

Your laws are always right; help me to understand them so I may live. ~ Psalm 119:144

If, then, the control of the people over the organs of their government be the measure of its republicanism, and I confess I know no other measure, it must be agreed that our governments have much less of republicanism than ought to have been expected; in other words, that the people have less regular control over their agents, than their rights and their interests require. ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Taylor, 1816

So, even in the times of Jefferson there was a need for the tea party!  The people have less regular control over their agents, than their rights and their interests require.  Sound familiar?  Yoooo betcha!  So what is there to do?  Easy; vote them out!  We all know the power of our voice.  Liberals, progressives, conservatives, mainstream, blue dog, whatever your title of slanted view might be, we all know the power of the voice.  2010, the voice travelled far across the land to change the outlook of the House, but that was not enough.  This year we look to maintain the House and change the outlook of the Senate, but that will not be easy.  And we look to the presidency.  That may not be easy, thanks to Mr. Obama, he keeps making it easier and easier.

Our republic, our land ruled by law is under attack in the form of a fundamental transformation.  We all know that.  But our friends and family and neighbors do not.  They still have the ostrich outlook.  We need to get their attention.  So might I suggest today’s verse from Psalm.  His law is always right, but we cannot say that about our laws.  They are imperfect, as are we all.  So it takes some understanding to get it right, and live in harmony.  It’s worth the debate, although not worth a fight.  Not against each other on a field of battle, only in a field of debate.  We do need to be ready for every scenario.  But our voice and our vote have so much power.  No other place on earth has ever had the power we have.  We must use that power wisely to restore the strength of our republic; so we may live, have liberty, and pursue the happiness we all deserve.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Our Freedom and rights are worth fighting for


Will we sell our Beautiful America to the highest bidders

Will we fight for our “God” Given Freedoms









                       “So Help Me God”

The Strength of conviction and commitment to the Constitution is who we are.  The United States Military



Newt Gingrich believes in the Constitution, America the Beautiful, the American Dream, prosperity for all and that our Freedoms come from “God” not the Government



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Time Up

I really think the time is up for the other two party.I think we need to put a independent in office and I think we need Mitch Daniels to run as one. Daniels rally cares about the people no matter who they are. I hope all got to hear him on Fox this weekend. So lets put our voice together and get him to run or lets for the first time do a write in company and put his name on it. I care about whats going to happen if Romney or Obama is in office. 

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Here are the easy steps required to prove to yourself and to anyone  else that the long form birth certificate from the White House website is a fraud.  It shows just how easy it is to investigate and prove.  Anyone with a computer can do this.

1) Download a free evaluation copy of Adobe Illustrator here:

2) Install Adobe Illustrator on you computer - you can remove it later.

3) Download Obama's long form "birth certificate" from the White House website here: In most cases you will have the birth certificate embedded in your web browser page as a PDF.  Most browsers allow you the option of saving the PDF document to your hard drive and you will need to do this.

4) Open PDF you just saved to your hard drive using your FREE trial copy of Adobe Illustrator;  This is what you should see:


5) Notice the layers window on the right hand side in Adobe Illustrator.  If the document had been scanned as has been claimed there would only be a single layer continaing a single image.  As you can see this is not the case.  This document is composed of many items that were copied from other documents and pasted in. You can turn these individual layers on and off - INCLUDING THE SECURITY PAPER PATTERN.

If you don't see the layers window on the right it is hidden and you will have to show it.  I think you can press "F7" to do this.


Play around, have fun, hide and show individual layers.  Then print the document with various layers hidden.  Pass this information along to your family, friends and skeptics.  Print out a copy and send to you representatives and demand an investigation.  Send copies to your local sherrif - show them how.


Here is the document with the "security layer" hidden:


Keep in mind that proving this fraud takes no special image editing skills - just a trial copy of Illustrator.  Adobe is a large download be patient because it's well worth the satisfaction of proving it yourself and being able to do so to anyone and everyone.  ENJOY!


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Be Encouraged! 4/23/12

Howdy all!  Another week begins.  Another day closer to Election Day.  Another day preparing.  I want to be ready, prepared.  And I want the effort to be for naught.  But ready we will be. 

Any hoo,..

The Lord gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly. ~ Psalm 103:6

At a time when our lordly Masters in Great Britain will be satisfied with nothing less than the deprivation of American freedom, it seems necessary that something shou’d be done to avert the stroke and maintain the liberty which we have derived from our Ancestors; but the manner of doing it to answer the purpose eventually is the point in question. ~ George Washington, letter to George Mason, 1769

There are days I find myself full of happiness; just looking at the blue sky makes me smile all day long.  There are days where I get so frustrated; at politics, at the media, at my email, and at the empty ice cream cone box.  Then there are times when my principles and core values kick in; instinct, experience, leadership, honor, courage and commitment.  There are days like these that make me wonder, “Am I ready for what may come?”  Honestly, I don’t know.  But I do know I will continue to prepare.  But what must I do to be prepared?  I guess as George said, “The manner of doing it to answer the purpose eventually is the point in question.”

It took years for the manner of doing in the time of Washington.  He wrote this in 1769, seven years before the Declaration.  Now I’m not suggesting that it will take us a full seven years to get our country going in the proper direction.  Heck that would be silly of me.  No, my estimate is that it will take much longer; yes longer.  Why?  Because my friends and patriots, no matter how long it takes to restore our republic, it will never be the same as we remember from childhood.  Never.  It will instead be so much stronger.  Our country (and I say our country with the utter most respect and reverence for our country and citizens) has already changed.  We are living through a paradigm shift.  Think of the watch makers in Switzerland who scoffed at the people who brought a new idea to them.  The watch makers laughed them out of Europe.  So the folks from Casio decided to make their newfangled digital wrist watches themselves.  Now how many of us are wearing a Swiss digital watch?  The watch world changed and never went back.  Our republic is changing and we will never go back.  But we need to continue the restoration of our Constitution, our economic system of free markets, and the reduction of the massive government which we cannot sustain much longer.  We will like the results.  The nation will be stronger than ever.  And our descendants will be glad for what we’ve done, just like we praise our ancestors.  Our lordly Master in Washington DC will be satisfied with nothing less than the deprivation of American freedom, which will open the doors to socialism, Marxism, and communism.  We the People are being treated terribly unfairly.  For that, He will give us all the righteousness and justice needed to continue.  We must all prepare as best we can; definitely with our vote in November, probably with the stores and supplies if and when they are needed.  And if the time does come, we must be as the Yankee Doodle the British poked fun at: Stand at the ready with Bible, Constitution and Declaration of Independence in hand, and weapons holstered.  Let us pray we have the strength to get our ostrich friends’ heads out of the sand in time to embrace the paradigm shift.


Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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...and our country...

...a lot smarter people than me have been telling me that this is IT...

...No do-overs, like spinning thepriceisright wheel...we will not survive a boooooo...

...our country will not survive four more years of Obama...

...the Grinch and Ron Paul are virtual supporters of Obama...because they weaken the main battle against


Use your head and not your "I like him"...

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CBO Estimates Obama's 2013 Budget Plan Would Hurt Economic Growth                The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Friday that President Obama’s 2013 budget will hurt the economy in the long term, arguing the larger deficits it would produce would reduce the amount of capital available to businesses.
After five years, the CBO says, the Obama proposals would reduce economic output by between 0.5 percent and 2.2 percent.
Larger deficits caused by the budget would cause the government to issue more bonds, sucking up private capital to finance its debts and thereby reducing the funds businesses could use to expand and hire, the CBO said. An increased tax on capital gains included in the president's plan would also tend to reduce private capital, it says.
The 2013 Obama budget proposes continuing the Bush tax rates for the middle class and enacting elements of a short-term Jobs Act stimulus. In the near term, actions such as these could increase growth by as much as 1.4 percent, CBO says.
The new CBO report complements a March estimate that Obama’s budget would add $3.5 trillion to deficits over 10 years compared to current law. That report did not try to capture any effects on economic growth.
The White House, using a different baseline than CBO, has claimed its budget would reduce deficits by $3.2 trillion over 10 years.
Taking economic effects into account, Obama’s budget could add as much as $3.9 trillion in deficits by 2022, CBO estimates. Slower economic growth tends to increase deficits by reducing tax collection and increasing spending on items like unemployment insurance.

Read More Here: CBO estimates Obama's 2013 budget plan would hit economic growth - The Hill's On The Money

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Be Encouraged! 4/22/12

Howdy all!  How’s the weekend so far?  I’ve been doing some yard work myself.  Irrigation piping replacement is my fun.  1500 feet.  Thank goodness for tractors!  At least I’m not having to plant the gard.. yes dear.  I will dear.  I…

Any hoo,..

But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. ~ Romans 5:8

If virtue & knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great security." --Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1779

You know, I don’t think I need to elaborate on these.  So enjoy the verse and quote for what they mean for you.  Amen!

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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I was having  coffee with a friend last night when…

"Last night, my son just walked into the living room and said, ‘Dad, cancel my allowance immediately, rent my room out, throw all my clothes out of the window, take my TV, stereo, iPhone, iPod, and my laptop . Please give my jewelry to the Salvation Army or Goodwill . Then sell my car . Take my front door key away from me and throw me out of the house . Then disown me and never talk to me again . And don't forget to write me out of your will and leave my share to my brother . "

 I asked… "Wow, he really said that?"

"Well, he didn't put it quite that way . He actually said . . . ‘Dad, I've decided to work for Obama's re-election campaign . ’"

Read more…



T.E.A. Party Doubles-Down on Failed

Over-Involvement Policy and Social Conservativism


                In 2010 the remarkable effect of the T.E.A. (Taxed Enough Already) Party’s Anti-Big Government; Pro-Constitution; and Pro-fiscal Responsibility Platform was truly the news of the hour even if the lamestream-mainstream media were not willing to cover it and Time magazine refused to even consider it a newsworthy movement.  Besides the resurgence of conservatives in the U.S. House of Representatives, a shift of over 600 state legislature positions from liberal to conservative hands was an outstanding result by any fair measurement.  Only trouble?  Three shoo-in semi-conservative U.S. senators were defeated by three T.E.A. Party favorites each of whom proved to be unworthy and ineffective candidates . . . and the liberal Obama-supporting U.S. Senate under Harry Reid continued unbroken to obstruct citizens’ movements for responsible-responsive governments.  At present Reid’s Senate has NOT passed a budget in over 1,190 days just six days short of three full years.  Over the same time period, the House of Representatives under Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi also failed to pass a budget, but the Republican-controlled House after the 2010 “miracle-election” has passed two significant Paul Ryan budgets.  Just imagine how different things might be if the T.E.A. party had not interfered in Colorado, Nevada and Connecticut.  Now it appears that mistake in judgment is about to be repeated in the case of several well-respected Republicans; two quite prominent and most notably, Utah’s Orrin Hatch, a damned decent man in my not-so-humble opinion.

            Today rather than getting credit for the modern miracle they pulled off,  and almost pulled off . . . in many places the T.E.A. (taken enough abuse?) Party is villified and has lost much popularity.  Rather than being seen as the “savior of conservativism,” by Republicans, many moderate Republicans regard the T.E.A.s as a threat and a group of butt-inskies.  Has something gone wrong?  If so what?   What can we learn from the relatively few but remarkably stupid mistakes of 2010? 

  1. 1.       In each of these three cases, rather than emphasizing the T.E.A. Party “Contract from America,” the T.E.A. Party chose to become extremely involved in the early primary and election process itself.  In fact, today, the T.E.A. Party emphasis on the Contract from America has virtually disappeared:  a grievous error.
  2. 2.      In each of these three cases, the T.E.A. Party, rather than playing the role of impartial protectors of the Constitution emphasizing to voters how they ought to be making decisions, decided instead to immerse itself in the political in-fighting. 
  3. 3.      In two of the cases, Colorado and Nevada, the T.E.A. Party embarrassed itself by getting involved with virtually inarticulate SOCIAL-CONSERVATIVES who were easily maneuvered into ugly and untenable positions by experienced liberal politicians.  In Connecticut, their glorious candidate was a sorry excuse for a politician – who vetted that woman – witchcraft, indeed?   Looking at the Contract from America . . . where exactly are we to find any social-conservativism at all?  Or Witchcraft?   If the T.E.A. Party  wants its newly arisen social-conservativism to become the new replacement for the long ineffectual Republican litmus test . . . I guarantee that will be the end of the T.E.A. Party’s ability to create meaningful change in meaningful areas such as those 10 planks of the Contract from America.  In each of these three over-involvement instances, the candidates seemingly refused to mention the Contract from America, but were certainly not reluctant to talk about abortion, creationism in schools, and prayer in schools.  By the way, very little progress has been made on the Contract for America precisely because the U.S. Senate was not won by the Conservatives.  So what’s to be done?
  4. A.      Politics is very expensive, messy and often is NOT conducive to a climate of change.  Avoid actual politics.   Educate, proselytize, be missionaries for the Constitution; for fiscal-responsibility; for small, effective government.
  5. B.      Next to the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, the most remarkable document for freedom and capital R-type Republicanism from paragraph A before this was the T.E.A. Party’s Contract from America.  When the T.E.A.s virtually abandoned this key document, they abandoned their identity.
  6. C.      Right now 75% of the conservatives in politics are Republicans.  If and when, however, liberal Democrats cannot get elected and liberal Republicans cannot get elected and Progressive anythings cannot even win primaries, then the T.E.A. Party will need to shift to carefully monitoring both parties as fiscal- and Constitutional-Conservativism becomes a winning proposition in both parties.  Till then 75% of the time the T.E.A. Party should support the Republican and 25% support some version of a Blue-dog Democrat or Independent. . . but should NOT get involved with primaries, and elections directly.   Just help people learn about the Contract for America; and fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism don’t interfere.  Also T.E.A Party volunteers can serve a very big role in 1) helping to get out the Conservative voters and 2) serving as watchdogs at election precincts (do the job of election volunteer, but remain alert to potential voter fraud situations).
  7. D.     The T.E.A. Party can learn a lot from the Libertarian father-son combo of Ron and Rand Paul.  The Pauls’ stance on small government, fiscal-responsibility, low taxes, welfare, abortion and military excursions away from America’s shore’s are well-known.  What’s worked for the Pauls?  1) emphasizing the T.E.A. Party positions found in the Contract for America more than any other approach which covers low taxes, small government, fiscal-responsibility, and to a  lesser extent 2) welfare- reform. 

What’s sort of worked for the Pauls?  3)  Lumping both major parties together as irresponsible (and they sure are) on taxes and big government and fiscal responsibility and 4) pointing at one as champions of an evil and counter-productive welfare-state and at the other of a bloated and almost-imperialistic warfare state? 

What’s absolutely failed to work for the Rands?  5) Social-liberalism on matters like drug-legalization;   and abortion; and 6) any hint of criticism of the American military in war zones.  <when Ron Paul talks about military bases in 156 countries and 120 troops in Gemany and Japan combined – he finds many more sympathetic ears than when he criticizes military missions>.  The Libertarian position on items 5 and 6 virtually guarantees a maximum of 20% support and as little as a 10% following anywhere in the nation – very ineffective.  Ron Paul should realize where his power lies and refuse to comment ever on items 5) and 6).  If he did that, he’d largely be a T.E.A. Party man and find high-receptivity among 45% of the voters minimum.  I love the T.E.A. Party, but have been embarrassed by its gaffs with the three Senators in 2010 and with virtually everything since then.  What works for the T.E.A. Party?   The Contract for America.   Make a new one quickly that reflects 2012 reality.  Refrain from picking candidates until they are nominees.  Refrain from any and all social-conservativism.  Fiscal- and Constitutional- and small-government-conservativism is not only a winner . . . it’s also precisely what the nation needs right now.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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