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The Bahá'í Faith

4063457171?profile=originalIts founder, Bahá'u'lláh (1817-1892), is regarded by Bahá'ís as the most recent in the line of Messengers of God that stretches back beyond recorded time and that includes Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Christ and Muhammad.

The central theme of Bahá'u'lláh's message is that humanity is one single race and that the day has come for its unification in one global society. God, Bahá'u'lláh said, has set in motion historical forces that are breaking down traditional barriers of race, class, creed, and nation and that will, in time, give birth to a universal civilization. Say I, universal civilization goes beyond this planet. We are inextricably involved in the workings of the universe, each with a unique purpose in life.

Under The Bahá'í Faith, the principal challenge facing the peoples of the earth is to accept the fact of their oneness and to assist the processes of unification, in which I’ve gone into great detail to explain in my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. (It will be available at Amazon in June.)

 The Basic Teachings of Bahá'u'lláh

The theme of my book is that true religion is in harmony with reason and the pursuit of scientific knowledge. I didn’t know that I was on the Bahá'í faith’s wavelength until this writing.  Astonishingly, the teachings of Baha’u’llah, of all places, sprang up in Iran. Bahá'u'lláh was far ahead of his time. Astrology says this Aquarian is far ahead of his time.  Another thing about the Bahá'í faith that impresses me, the rhythms and routines, including music, being as I’m a musician, I concur that music draws us together.

None of the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh, as to the elimination of extremes of poverty and wealth, call for socialism. Socialism is manmade, a means of central control, the antithesis of the basic teachings of Bahá'u'lláh.  Free enterprise matches Bahá'u'lláh’s teachings.

As for the pursuit of scientific knowledge, Marcos Rodin of Ysidro, California, a nuclear physicist, one of the Bahá'í faith, knowing I was far ahead of my time, sent me a book that included many logarithmic graphics reducing the universe to numbers. The picture I’ve included is one of Rodin’s drawings.  Follow the lines in the drawing. They form a figure eight. There is no beginning and no end.

Einstein reduced the universe to vibrations. Vibrations are represented by numbers. “We owe much of our spiritual and scientific understanding of numbers to Pythagoras, the father of mathematics,” I read in Numerology and the Divine Triangle.  Pythagoras, a Greek, but an ordained Egyptian priest, learned in numbers that one can determine the fundamentals of matter and humans. By the way, Pythagoras was a musician.  He spoke of the music of the spheres.  Harmony breaks down to numbers, and the doubling process from which we are created. Middle C on the keyboard has 256 vibrations per second, the next C up 512, and the next up 1024.

In The Physics of Consciousness, under “A God for Tomorrow,” brain doctor and quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker wrote, “Beginning with the myths and superstitions of antiquity, we have followed a path of discovery into the modern age…. We still believe and we are afraid…. We still hunger to find some god that we can know…. And it follows that the God we find must be a personal God. It is here that we first see that the observer—that we ourselves—must feature in this picture of reality. It is in Einstein’s relativity and in his space-time that matter begins to lose its sharp edge. It no longer cuts antithetical views quite so deeply nor quite so well. Now we see that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space were false dogma…. The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.”  We are approaching the unapproachable “Most Great Name of God.”  A great change is building energy.  Rather suddenly, the turmoil we are currently witnessing will usher in the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and fraternity.  Prepare, for the kingdom of God is at hand.

Socialism can never work. It goes against human nature.  We are not of hive mentality.  The cutting edge of science and the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh are the wave of the future. Says Walker,  “We have found ways to take the measure of consciousness, to study its contact with the functions of the brain, and to discover how the mind, through the agency of the will, affects matter and transcends the limits of space and time. We have seen how our individual wills, each of which can intervene in the material events of the world, can and must be constrained at some common source…. We have seen matter and space as the natural consequence of nothing more than the fact that consciousness exists…. There is a structure that I as a Christian find justification of the central features of the Judeo-Christian conception of nature. But I also see, as one and the same, a Buddhist conception, even in its most solemn expression—a unity in nature, all things being aspects of the mind.”   

Aspects of the mind, consciousness, the definition of God, from the universe to the invidividual, “in earth as it is in heaven,” said Jesus. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33).








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Be Encouraged 3/25/12

Howdy all!  And how's your bracket doing?  Having trouble keeping you bracket going?  You know, not all bracket pairings will go on to be successful.  I mean, if one bracket is made of wrought iron and the other made of tin foil, or worse, balsa wood...(You thought I was talking about the NCAA basketball brackets didn't you.  Well those brackets won't even hold up a bookcase.  I know.  I tried.)

Any hoo,..

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable.  Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. ~ 1 Corinthians 15:58

The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people. ~ George Washington, First Inaugural Address, 1789

OK.  This week coming up is going to be historic.  Even thought there have been many historic events occurring over the last couple of years, this week will hold more significance in the restoration of our republic, our Constitution, our economy and most importantly, our humanity.  Six hours dedicated to discussion that will change the course of our country.  No pressure there, eh?  We have been looking forward to this time, for a long, frustrating and exhilarating time.  And remember this discussion will not be the end.  We will not know the final outcome until June.  So, even though the case will be heard, we must continue with our efforts.  So let these words from 1 Corinthians, and President Washington give you guidance and strength.  We must continue to be strong and immovable.  Work enthusiastically for Him, for nothing we do in His name is ever useless.  In doing so, He will help us preserve our fire for liberty, and the destiny of our republic.  No matter what anyone says, especially our federally elected employees, the republic, the experiment is entrusted in only one place; the hands of We the People.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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"Its Me or Obama"

4063481685?profile=originalThe drawing is a mathematically created image illustrating the process of beginning and end.

Santorum says, "It’s Me or Obama." I say, "It’s me or Obama."  Take your choice.  Santorum is a good Christian. Obama is a good Christian. For twenty years, his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, taught hate American values.  Birds of a feather flock together.  It's going to take more than a good Christian to beat Obama.   

I’m anti-Christian and pro-American. If America is a Christian nation, how can it be that I’m anti-Christian?  Well, Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, was not a Christian. Jesus was not a Christian.  So we need to get the facts straight. Division in our thinking is sure to destroy us.  I’m anti-socialist.  The distinction is in values.  Many Christians are socialists, including the President of the United States.  Many Members of Congress are socialists and Christians.  The problem is power and control, Christian or otherwise.

The Constitution has become a historical document, its original intent gone with the wind; that is, American values.  The germ that destroyed American values and left us controlled by self-serving authorities, be they Christian or otherwise, is expedience.

American values include free enterprise and self-government, the arch enemy of authority bent on controlling us.  Socialism is collective will, self-government zero.  We humans were created with reason and logic; that is, my logic; your logic.  We are not herd animals.  Socialism is forced will—one suit fits all.  It is manmade, the replacement of God with earthbound authority.  It’s a shell game, Christian or otherwise.

Coincidentally, my stand fits the Aquarian personality. Coincidentally, weak will fits the Piscean personality.  We are leaving the Age of Pisces. This explains the world in turmoil.   Be prepared for what is to come.

In 1975, my life in ruins, but aware of my inalienable rights—they do not include a job or government entitlements—it so happens that America’s Constitution and inalienable rights fits my Aquarian personality.  In fact, the United States was born under the sign of Aquarius.

When I looked within; that is, found my Aquarian personality—found a bigger than life cause—failure turned into success.  By coincidence, we read in the Bible that Jesus opposed his earthly authority. His opposition brought about his crucifixion.  In the Bible, we read about the three wise men, actually Persian astrologers who followed the Star of Bethlehem to the Christ Child’s birthplace.  Jesus was born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces. His legacy remains.  The facts say it was not by coincidence that I found my Aquarian personality.

Jesus taught us to look to the kingdom of God for our answers. The kingdom of God is not in earth or in heaven, Jesus told us. God is internal, in the sense that God is boundless.  Consciousness is boundless.  God is universal consciousness; nothing could exist without it.  By rationalization, we limit our conscious awareness.  Thus, our thinking does not make the full circle of reason and logic.

The Bible says that we are from dust to dust, but that we possess immortal souls.  In other words, we are inextricably bound in the consciousness of the universe, and according to the latest science, down to the smallest particle.

We observe that everything in the universe has a beginning and an end. From our observation comes our reality.  The information that created the universe remains, says science, in our human case, our souls. Therefore, when you think about collective will think bigger than life and you will gain personal power beyond your wildest dreams.  

An explanation for the underlying mechanism of creation is discussed in great detail in my book In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. Look for it at Amazon in June.



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Stay loud stay clear

Hi Folks,

A long time since my last discussion, I must apologize for that.  I am a commenter on  At Fox both liberal and conservative can comment on any posted issue.  The one constant theme of the liberal is, the tea party is full of racist, uneducated, homophobes.  The battle gets heavy and the words fly.  I started out trying to educate, this had no affect as the liberal has one agenda, the destruction of The Tea Party and conservatism.  The one thing liberals have going for them is they don't work and their active in destroying your way of life 24/7.  You really need to understand, the first and second amendments are on the chopping block.

The issues at hand are open borders, gay marriage, legalizing drugs, lowering the age of consent, wealth distribution, high taxation.  These issues are held up by the liberal party and considered to be formed in higher education, an education they believe The Tea Party lacks.  News medias alway have and always will post what's outrageous.   Therefore, the liberal gets a lot of prime time. 

My opinion is to fight back with everything we have.  These issues are not going away, in fact they're becoming main stream in California.  You have to understand, if California can go down the slippery slope, any state can and Americans who believe in the foundations of the constitution must remain resolute.  We are at war, and if we remain passive we will fall to the desires of the Democratic Party, who in large may not agree with the liberal issues; but, will rally around them for voting power.  It's Rome giving the unruly mob what they want.

Stay strong, stay loud, and never give in.

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We can win the voter ID battle.

2 judges in WI have said requiring ID to vote is unconstitutional and voters would be disenfranchised. Aren't We citizens then being disenfranchised each time we're required to show ID for Sudaphed, cigarettes, alcohol, traffic stops, cash checks, sign up for welfare, board planes, etc? I feel if it's unconstitutional to show ID to choose our " lawmakers" then it should be illegal to require ID for anything! Seriously, we need to band together, find an attorney and file suit alleging the same things the lefties are, We can show the ridiculousness of their suit, when ALL things are considered. We are ALL being disenfranchised, if we can't find the money or a ride, to get and ID!!!
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Tee'D Marine

A Marine sent me this:

(Tee’d Off Marine)

”After reading the headlines about the US soldier who shot up
Afghanistan civilians, I couldn’t help noticing an irony. There is
all this clamor (SecDef) to try this guy quickly and execute him,
never mind his having suffered a traumatic brain injury. Yet this
Major Hassan, who shot up Fort Hood while screaming ’Allahu Akbar’,
still hasn’t stood trial, and they are still debating whether he was
insane, even with the clear evidence regarding his motive: to slay
as many infidels as possible. So, we have a guy in a war zone who
cracks, and he must be executed immediately. But this Muslim
psychiatrist who was stateside in a nice safe office all day murders
13, wounds 29 of our own guys, and they try to argue the poor lad
suffered post-traumatic stress syndrome from listening to real
soldiers who had actual battle experience. Two and a half years later,

they still haven’t tried the murderous bastard.

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by Cam Vallee 

I belong to a left wing site known as Care 2. Run some groups there and belong too many. Talk to anyone who will talk to me respectfully. Believe me when I say I have the war wounds to show I can take on Alinsky tactics and fight to win. But I have made a lot of friends there as well, on both sides of the aisle. The Obama supporters in 2008 were rabid, to put it nicely. They are pretty quiet right now and a lot of them have jumped off the turnip truck. Turned off the ear that followed Obama's pied piper act because they now realize he plays that pipe as badly as he looks in green leggings. 

Recently a friend of mine posted the following and I answered. Americans are confused, they are angry and they are hurting. The truth is at the keyboards of all Conservatives who want to jump into the deep end of the pool and have a frank conversation with the doubters. This is mine. This is my view. 

Nancy in Indiana asked: 

“WHY are the Republicans out there to get Obama? 

Why do they oppose everything they do even when he changes his mind and takes their original position? 

Why do they want to cut taxes when we have so much deficit and debt? 

Why do they work SO DAMN HARD to see Obama FAIL? 

Why do they call Obama a socialist when he is more to the right than Clinton was? 

Why do they blame him for everything when all he has done is mainly stick with Bush's policies? (It took a LONG TIME to create this mess) 

Why are Republicans now so EVIL?” 

My mother, an 85 year old life-long Republican now HATES them and will never vote for another Republican again. 

Now, I am a soon to be 69-year-old Canadian who joined your fight in 2008 and has stayed the course. I am, personally, a fiscal Conservative but do hold a lot of liberal views. I am a proud member of your Tea Party movement and the wife and I started a group here a couple of years ago that is now over 160 members strong. In just a few months, we forced our Premier (Governor) to resign because he stopped listening to us and organized across Canada to elect a majority Conservative government that is now turning us off the road of socialism we have been on. I have learned a lot about your American politics and have much more to learn but this was my reply to Nancy in Indiana... 

WHY are the Republicans out there to get Obama? ... Because he is a Democrat and they are the opposition. It would be no different the other way around. 

Why do they oppose everything they do even when he changes his mind and takes their original position? ... When has this ever happened? The Dems make it look that way but I have never found one example of this. 

Why do they want to cut taxes when we have so much deficit and debt? For one thing, Obama had incurred more debt than all the administrations before him. So blame him for the gross increase for it and ask yourself what you have gained from what he has done? The answer would be a bigger share of your national debt and it is growing astronomically. American companies are now moving to CANADA because my government has slashed taxes for corporations. That says a lot because we are personally-taxed to bloody death up here, Nancy. Everyone. No way do we have fifty percent of Canadians who contribute nothing to the coffers, as you do in America. We cannot afford it and are one of the highest personally-taxed nations in the world. 

Bringing in more companies will help us in the long run, but it is hurting Americans when they leave. Lowering taxes will help companies grow and expand which then helps your nation as a whole by new jobs and industries popping up. It is the way our economies work, Nancy – have always worked. 

Why do they work SO DAMN HARD to see Obama FAIL? ... 

Why do you think this? Congress has been working hard. It passed all kinds of bills and ideas on up to the Senate where Harry REID stops everything. He will not allow anything from the Republicans to be brought up for a vote. Period. So, nothing makes it up to the White House and the Republicans are blamed. Works for the Dems, I suppose, because I think you are a really smart person yet you blame the Repubs for what the Dems are not doing. God forbid something should pass and get put in front of Obama and then he has to veto it.  God forbid that he should be forced to actually work at getting the Congress and Senate to work together – but it is to his advantage that they do not because then he can blame it on the Republicans. Why does this Canadian know this – see this – and Americans do not? Why do you buy the lies? 

Why do they call Obama a socialist when he is more to the right than Clinton was? ... 

Obama is a socialist. He believes in hand outs and not hand ups. There is no other definition for the kind of policies he believes will help America. His policies ARE socialist policies. That alone does not make him evil, but he presents to you similar policies and ideas we have here in Canada and they do not work! So, he presents and suggests to you failing ideology instead of staying with the tried and true. Believe me when I tell you that if our Canadian health care system was all that and a bag of chips, I would tell you the truth, Nancy, but it is not. It is a failing system and my conservative government is moving us OFF the path our “Obama” put us on the late 1960's, early 1970's. It is the direction we must move in if we are to save my country and it is working. Obama wants you to go the other way. The wrong way. 

Why do they blame him for everything when all he has done is mainly stick with Bush's policies? (It took a LONG TIME to create this mess) ... 

Speaking for myself, I do not see that Obama is sticking with the Bush policies. Obama is very weak on foreign policy and the way he has handled rogue nations. He is very weak when it comes to standing up for your military and in negotiations with other countries. Take Korea for instance. North Korea got a crapload of food and goods in exchange for a promise to stop their missile tests/advancements. Last time America did that to help those in need in North Korea was when Bush was in office. Everything that was sent was given to the military – and the people starved. North Korea continued to do what it wanted to so Congress (which was Democrat at the time) decreed no more trades like that with North Korea. Obama did it anyway. Egypt laughs at him, Iran mocks him –rogue nations –terrorist nations – are not afraid of him because he says one thing and does another. You can hate Israel all you want (if you are a Palestinian supporter - not speaking of you directly) but Israel is only as strong as the support America gives it. Obama has turned his back on Israel which emboldens the terrorists – more Palestinians have died because of his administration’s failed policies. Negotiating from a position of strength is always better than trying to do so from a position of weakness. Obama is weak and the whole world is now on edge because of him. 

If you think that not closing Gitmo was sticking with the Bush policies, consider this: there was no place for those terrorists to go. If those detainees were brought into America, they would have been tried under your laws and they would have been released – IN AMERICA. That’s why the Repubs fought so hard to keep them where they were, at Gitmo. Many Dems joined in on that fight against closing, Gitmo, too. He could not fix what Bush had done and Bush did a hell of a lot wrong, but he kept America safe after 9/11. The whole world felt safer because of the aggressive action Bush took and he surprised many! Feel safer now under Obama? No ... and the terrorists mock him. 

“Why are Republicans now so EVIL?” 

It is not just Republicans – your whole political arena in America is corrupted. The White House has been for sale for a long time. He with the most money gets to buy it. Too much money is spent tearing people down instead of building America up. You have had a lot of good people on both sides of the aisle put their necks on the line for the American people and they get ripped apart like dead meat. Because they are you. Honest, hardworking people who want to see good things happen for the American people. 

You have criminals in your government, for cripes sakes. People who are there who should have been retired years and years ago. You have a 'black caucus' that keeps your arena divided via colour instead of uniting under flag. It is wrong. Should never be allowed in a political arena because it creates special interest groups. EVERY American citizen is special. Every single one of you. 

As a people, you kept voting for the same old thing and look what has happened. Change is good, but you have to do your homework and make sure that change knows his ass from a hole in the ground. Is someone who did the work, put in the time and is willing to make the government work by working with it - not against it. Obama has never done anything to reach out to the Republicans to get them working with the Dems. Vice versa, perhaps, but the new groups of Republicans who came in 2010 are there on a mission. 

They want the growth in your debt halted and start getting it paid down. They want smaller government and the federal government reigned in over the states. Your state knows what you need better than the Feds ever could. They went there with a plan but the left has demonized them for that. The propaganda machine on the left is well oiled and with all the shills in the news media to help them – Americans buy the lies. 

Blue Dog Democrats are known to be fiscally conservative and lost in 2010 because they were expendable to the Progressive arm of the Democratic Party. Progressive ideology IS SOCIALISM. All you have to do is start researching and you will find I am right. Blue dog Dems need to be elected back so that work between the parties can start to happen again. You know the only one who was ever able to make both parties work together was Newt. Like him or not he did what he had to in order to help the government move forward for the people's sakes. It is why he has so many enemies on both sides of the aisle. Those ethic charges against him were bogus ... 

I did the research. The wife and I spent well over a year researching hundreds of resources including Obama's actual senate records before we saw his inexperience would really hurt America and like it or not it has. 

The old guard Dems and Republicans MUST go in order for you to start seeing your government finally start to work. It is about negotiation between parties and they do not do that. Period. 

The responsibility for this lies with you - the voters. Not the politicians. They made the mess but you put them there and allowed it all to happen. Now what are you going to do to clean it up? 

Just a view from your Northern Neighbour. 

Cam Vallee 

Your Northern Neighbour, Cam Vallee 


~ The Bold Pursuit would like to pay tribute to Cam’s beloved wife and patriot, Linda, who passed away after a long illness. Linda, or CanuckGal, as we knew her, was an original member of The Bold Pursuit’s social network. Her enthusiasm, support and Northern Neighbour blogs gave us the encouragement we needed to move on to the next stage in our journey: A great lady … a true patriot … she is missed.~

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By John W. Lillpop

Throughout the brutal, exasperating trials and tribulations of the Republican nominating fiasco, all of the candidates seemed bonded by one essential truth:

Another term in office for Barack Obama would mean the end of America as we know it and was to be avoided at all costs!

Indeed, it was expected that when a nominee was finally selected, the unsuccessful candidates would immediately shed ego and false pride in favor of doing what is best for America.

Namely, work to end the Marxist tyranny imposed by Obama and return our blessed homeland to what the founding fathers envisioned 235 years ago.

Unfortunately, that presumption of unity and integrity was shattered to tatters by Rick Santorum in a shocking act of treason in which the former Senator appeared to migrate over to the “Dark Side” by declaring that reelecting Obama would be preferable to electing Mitt Romney.

As reported at the reference:

“Presidential candidate Rick Santorum on Thursday said Republicans should give President Barack Obama another term if Santorum isn’t the GOP nominee and for a second day compared rival Mitt Romney to an Etch A Sketch toy.

Santorum reiterated an argument he has made before: The former Massachusetts governor is not conservative enough to offer voters a clear choice in the fall election and that only he can provide that contrast.

“You win by giving people a choice,” Santorum said during a campaign stop in Texas. “You win by giving people the opportunity to see a different vision for our country, not someone who’s just going to be a little different than the person in there.”

Santorum added: “If they’re going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk of what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate for the future.”

Clearly, the time has come to end the ridiculous spectacle know as the GOP primary process before further harm can be done to the party (and the nation) by malcontent Republicans whose shattered egos have caused them to see Darkness at the end of the tunnel, and have accepted the Darth Raider invitation to join the Dark Side.

May the force abandon you just as you have abandoned America, Senator Santorum!
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We know what you know and we are watching

Folks!  Something to research.  What I found out is simple but appears to be a domino in line with world wide health care financing. 

The President's nominee for the World Bank is Dr. Jim Yong Kim.  He does NOT hold a doctorate in finances.  In fact He is a physician.  Doctorate of anthropology.  He worked in the World Health Organization.  He worked in a group for world wide health care for the poor.  he's even getting low grades from another Ivy League professor

I don't like what this looks like.  WHO doctor who was working on health care for the poor, nominated by a President, who can't get his health care plan going in the US, to run the worlds financial organization.  Can you say, world wide financing for the health care?  Ability to tie Obamacare to European health care?  I mean this guy has absolutely ZERO experience with financing.  But he DOES have 17 years of experience in the WHO.  I don't like the looks of this at all.

Research and get some info out.

Take care, God bless,

Tom Kiley

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On the Big Change Coming

In my leisure senior years, besides becoming a musician, I’ve written a book. The way I see it, the two arts work together to create harmony and symmetry, which is fundamental to the “Higher Law” of nature.  

The thoughts I’ve expressed in my book are not unique; my interpretations are.  I sent my manuscript to Createspace, an Amazon company, for editing and art work.  In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012 will be available no later than June, I’m told.

As you might imagine from the title, my book deals with my understanding of God.  My guess is that after you read the book, you will be a believer in the God I know, even if you are an atheist.  Most of us already believe in God, including a Christian God, a Jewish God, a Muslim God, and many variations within the beliefs—and all claiming to represent the one true God.  This is presently the main source of division and turmoil in the world.   What a blessing it would be if all of these various ideas of God could be superseded by the belief in one idea of God.  I’ve gone into great detail in describing my God.

Moreover, my God is backed by a living experience.  When I was a child, my parents told me I asked too many questions.  I was raised a Christian.  Adam disobeyed God’s command.  From my teaching, I envisioned God looking down on me with a frown.  I was an unrepentant sinner, and sure that I was going to hell.  So, what the hell! Enjoy life.    And what a life I have lived!  You will be amazed.

When I was five years-old, I disobeyed a strict parental order: never cross busy Preston Road.  I crossed Preston Road on my tricycle to see the world my mother denied me.  The cops found me hours later chatting with a yardman.  My mother was hysterical.  She loved me dearly but never understood me. Few ever have.


The picture is of me and my mother

When I was forty-nine years-old, I took a vocational guidance test. The test indicated that my longing for adventure was that of an eighteen-year-old.   Hey! You can’t get to the fruit unless you go out on limb.  

I took the vocational guidance test because my business enterprise of 25 years went on the rocks. And not only that, my wife was divorcing me.  You might say that I was where the world is today—at  the edge of a cliff and nothing left to do but jump into the unknown, either to fly with eagles or fall into the abyss.

Well, I was one angry hombre.  I blamed all of my woes on society, and especially the IRS.  I was in the attack mode, like many of today’s folks.  Instead of occupying Wall Street, I occupied the county law library.   When I read about my inalienable rights, it was like voices of the past speaking to me.  I was not reading for the sake of learning; I was reading with blood shooting out my eyes.  I didn’t deserve my fate. 

O’Reilly was horrified over the 29 killings in Chicago over St. Patrick’s Day weekend.  Neither O’Reilly nor the preacher on his show had the foggiest idea of how to solve the problem.  I know how Chicago gangs feel. Vengeance was all I could think, but I knew a lot more than O’Reilly, the preacher, and the makers and keepers of the law. 

There is no question about it. I was screwed out my business by government regulations and taxes. I learned the legal procedure for taking the IRS to court.  To show me that might makes right, the IRS had made a deliberate mistake on the tax I owed, to show me that government can do no wrong.  The government lives by a double standard.  I’m guilty until I can prove my innocence.  That’s why we have Chicago gangs. The gang is the last resort to the self-serving morons in control.  To Chicago gangs, I say, “read my book.”   Instead of the odds being heavily against you, you will become a winner.

In my determination to beat the IRS, the thought came to mind to hang the United States with its own rope.  My initial anger was assuaged.  I had a viable plan.  IRS goons were going to walk into my bear trap.  I was doing this for the good of all. The United States was an unconstitutional fraud and I was going to prove it in court.   Instead of a maverick without a cause, I had a bigger than life cause. God was on my side.  

Nobody knew that I was the savior of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.   The same as everyone knows Chicago gangs are social misfits that deserve no mercy, everyone knew that I was a lousy tax protester trying to get out paying my rightful tax. What were the odds that I would win?  To Chicago gangs, say I, “If you had bet against me, you would have lost your bet.  The IRS ate crow on the front page of The Palm Beach Post.  I won, but you won nothing.” 

Alas, one day in the sun was all I got.  Well, it beat being crucified. Jesus said he would return.  Quit putting Jesus in a bottle of urine.  He is our friend.  My book, a living experience, turns the mystery of life into a foregone conclusion: you have the power to make your dreams come true.  For me, life doesn’t get any better.




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Letter to AARP


A  MUST READ ! ! ! 


AARP's Fall from      Grace
    It only takes a few days on the Internet     and this will have reached 75% of the public in the USA.
    This letter was  sent to Mr. Rand     who is the Executive Director of AARP.
    Dear Mr. Rand, 
    Recently you sent us a letter encouraging     us to renew our lapsed membership in AARP by the requested date. This isn't     what you were looking for, but it's is the most honest response I can give     you. Our coverage gap is a microscopic symptom of the real problem, a     deepening lack of faith.  While we have proudly maintained our     membership for years and long admired the AARP goals and principles, regrettably,     we can no longer endorse its abdication of our values. Your letter stated     that we can count on AARP to speak up for our rights, yet the voice we hear     is not ours. 
    Your offer of being kept up to date on     important issues through DIVIDED WE FAIL presents neither an impartial view     nor the one we have come to embrace. We do believe that when two parties     agree all the time on everything presented to them, one is probably not     necessary.  But, when the opinions and long term goals are     diametrically opposed, the divorce is imminent. This is the philosophy     which spawned our 200 years of government.
    Once upon a time, we looked forward to     being part of the senior demographic. We also looked to AARP to provide     certain benefits and give our voice a power we could not possibly hope to     achieve on our own. AARP once gave us a sense of belonging which we no     longer enjoy. The  Socialist politics practiced by the Obama Regime     and empowered by AARP serves only to raise the blood pressure my medical     insurance strives to contain. Clearly a conflict of interest there!      We do not understand the AARP posture, feel greatly betrayed by the guiding     forces that we expected to map out our senior years and leave your ranks     with a great sense of regret.  We mitigate that disappointment with     the relief of knowing that we are not contributing to the problem anymore     by renewing our membership. There are  numerous other organizations     which offer discounts without threatening our way of life or offending our     sensibilities and values.
    This Obama Regime scares the living     daylights out of us. Not just for ourselves, but for our proud and     bloodstained heritage. But more importantly for our children and     grandchildren. Washington has rendered Soylent Green a prophetic cautionary     tale rather than a nonfiction scare tactic.  I have never endorsed any     militant or radical groups, yet now I find myself listening to them. I     don't have to agree with them to appreciate the fear which birthed their     existence. Their borderline insanity presents little more than a balance to     the voice of the Socialist Mindset in power. Perhaps I became American by a     great stroke of luck in some cosmic uterine lottery, but in my adulthood I     CHOOSE to embrace it and nurture the freedoms it represents as well as the     responsibilities.
    Your website generously offers us the     opportunity to receive all communication in Spanish. ARE YOU KIDDING???     The  illegal perpetrators have broken into our 'house', invaded our     home without invitation or consent.  The President insists we keep     these illegal  perpetrators in comfort and learn the perpetrator's     language so we can communicate our reluctant welcome to them.  I DON'T     choose to welcome them, to support them, to educate them, to medicate them,     or to pay for their food or clothing. American home invaders get arrested.     Please explain to me why foreign lawbreakers can enjoy privileges on     American soil that Americans do not get?  Why do some immigrants have     to play the game to be welcomed and others only have to break and enter to     be welcomed?
    We travel for a  living. Walt hauls     horses all over this great country, averaging over 10,000 miles a month     when he is out there. He meets more people than a politician on caffeine     overdose. Of all the many good folks he enjoyed on this last 10,000 miles,     this trip yielded only ONE supporter of the current Regime. One of us is     out of touch with mainstream America.  Since our poll is conducted     without funding, I have more faith in it than ones that are driven by a     need to yield AMNESTY (aka-make voters out of the foreign lawbreakers so     they can vote to continue the government's free handouts). This addition of     10 to 20 million voters who then will vote to continue Socialism will     OVERWHELM our votes to control the government's free handouts. It is a     "slippery slope" we must not embark on!
    As Margret Thatcher (former Prime     Minister of Great Britain) once said "Socialism is GREAT - UNTIL you     run out of other people's money".
    We have decided to  forward this to     everyone on our mailing list, and will encourage them to do the same. With     several hundred in my address book, I have every faith that the eventual     exponential factor will make a credible statement to you.  I am     disappointed as all getout! I am more scared than I have ever been in my     entire life! I am ANGRY! I am MAD as hell, and I'm NOT gonna take it     anymore!
    Walt & Cyndy  Miller,
    Miller Farms Equine Transport
    ....In internet lingo: If enough people     pass this on, it will go viral.




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What’s alarming about this picture?

Posted on Obama Release Your Records-On March 23, 2012:

Washington Times Writer Jeff Kuhner on TruNews: Obama has Perpetrated a Massive Hoax and Fraud upon the American People; Obama Document Fraud Biggest Scandal in American History; Much Bigger than Watergate; Everything Obama Has Done Could be Illegal; American Media Silent

Washington Examiner Writer Diana West: Why the silence about Obama’s historic scam? 

Diana West whacks MSM for ‘political blackout’ of Sheriff Joe’s eligibility probe.

Warning: This column contains news of evidence of possible forgery and fraud in the long-form birth certificate of the president of the United States and – bonus – his Selective Service registration card.

I figure the warning is necessary to prevent Americans, particularly Americans who work in news media and politics, from hurting themselves on any hard, sharp facts that might poke through my discussion of what is surely the biggest scandal to emerge around the seemingly dodgy docs Barack Obama is using to verify his identity.





New Ad - AZ Sheriff Arpaio - Obama Birth Cert & Draft Reg Card Are Forged! Wash Times Natl Wkly - 12 Ma...

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Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this alarming issue-You Decide:

I. Hollywood Producer: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not Eligible!

What’s alarming about this picture?

Posted on Obama Release Your Records-On March 21, 2012:

Bettina Viviano, Executive Producer of Adam Sandler's 'Jack and Jill' Movie: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Obama Not Eligible to be President; 2008 and 2012 Election Fraud; Bill Ayers; Gloria Allred; Black Panthers; Acorn - EXCERPTED VIDEO HERE has an extensive article based on the interview with Viviano titled: Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates?

Red, Right and Blue Radio Show (full audio below)

with Rick Bulow and Harriet Baldwin

Minute - Mark Conversation Subject:

17:00 - 1st Portion with Bettina Viviano. How she came to become involved, overview of all complaints.

20:39 - Accuses Pelosi, Dean, Reid of committing the fraud

21:00 - California withheld vote because they were going to stand for Hillary despite railroading

22:00 - Claims Democrats would drive through skid row and pay them to vote with liquor and booze as well as getting Alzheimer's patients to vote.

23:30 - Has seen the New Black Panther party HQ in Houston to plan to steal election.

53:00 - Women from Trinity United Church who knows Obama well, witnessed intimidation similar to Philadelphia Black Panther incident.

55:30 - Bettina’s partner may be intimidated by threats.

56:45 - 21 year old Black Delegated Threatened With Murder

57:15 - Obama campaigns for Islamist, Terrorist Cousin in Kenya (Odinga)

1:00:15 - The ORIGINAL BIRTHERS were Bill & Hillary Clinton. Bettina heard it DIRECTLY out of their mouths.

1:01:42 - She has personal knowledge Hillary made a deal the night before she stepped down. Her friends said the Obama and Clinton camps were yelling and screaming at each other for 3 days in the ugliest exhibition of politics they’d ever seen.

1:02:00 - She claims it was widely known at the time that John McCain was not qualified as a natural born citizen either. Link

1:04:00 - From a top Democrat Party leader: George Soros had meetings with both Barack and Hillary telling them his agenda was to tear this country to the ground. Obama reportedly said “no problem.”

1:12:24 - She was at the caucus for Rick Perry in Iowa and at one, 99% of the votes were for Ron Paul and they were all Democrats.

1:43:15 - She “knows for a fact” they threatened to kill Bill Clinton and did kill his friend, Bill Gwaltney.

1:44:30 - I heard it out of Bill Clinton’s mouth that Obama wasn’t legitimate.


II. Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates?

What's alarming about this picture?

Posted on POLITIJIM-On March 18, 2012:

I’m going to take you on a little journey that – even I’m not sure I believe.  But it is newsworthy, in my opinion.  One of my key True The Vote heroes was asked to be on the blogtalkradio station Red Right & Blue this past Saturday.  And a Hollywood Producer was also on who claimed:

  • She heard out of Bill Clinton’s own mouth that they KNEW Obama was not eligible, and,
  • Bill Clinton shut up after his long time friend was murdered as he was about to go public.
  • She was told by Democrat Operatives, that George Soros met with both Obama and Hillary to see if either would be willing to destroy the US economy.

This whole scenario is weird to me.  If you are still so clueless that you think Sheriff Joe Arapio’s findings from his 6 month investigation aren’t important (or worse, wrong), then YOU are part of the problem.  (And that includes Limbaugh, Levin, Malkin, Hannity and Erick Erickson at RedState who took an OATH to uphold the Constitution).  I’ll be honest.  If I hadn’t downloaded the long form birth certificate myself into Photoshop the day it was released to see it for myself, I would still just be trying to grasp this.  But I did and interviewed Bob Cooley who WITNESSED Obama’s Chicago machine’s corruption (stealing votes, fixing cases and getting payoff’s) – I wouldn’t be this open to these new allegations.

What is shocking to me is that I had never heard of this grassroots media source on until last week when it was referenced by The Ulsterman Report (UR) and the “Washington and Wall Street Insider” conspiracies it has been covering for some time. 

If you are already familiar with the ULSTERMAN REPORT please scroll down to HILLARY CLINTON SUPERDELEGATE MURDERED.


For those who have not been following this, UR’s Washington Insider described how long time Democratic Operative Kam Kuwata (who set up the 2008 Denver Democratic convention and ran Hillary’s West Coast campaign) was found inexplicably murdered after he informed some other Democrats of Obama being carried into a room, weird chanting and suddenly emerging as if he was a new man only moments later.  (I know – it sounds preposterous but read the COMMENTS in the above linked article and trace the evidence yourself.)  Kuwata was Diane Feinstein’s aide and longtime friend.  The timeline is much stranger and happens this way:

  • Tony West – an attorney at the law firm defending Barack Obama’s birth certificate matters raises $65 Million for Barack Obama’s election.  His sister-in-law Kamala Harris is the District Attorney for San Francisco.
  • Kam Kuwata tells others (likely Sen. Feinstein) of weird Obama stuff he saw at the convention.
  • Obama elected with huge illegal campaign (25% of what he raises) coming through a SINGLE California bank) much from Tony West.  Rumors swirl of up to $300 Million in undeclared campaign contributions are not reported or those donors.
  • Feinstein’s aide and Kuwata’s business partner BOTH indicted and sent to prison by soon to be Dem Governor Cuomo of NY.
  • Kuwata works against CA Attorney General Kamala Harris to put in a CA AG who can investigate Obama campaign donations.
  • A few months later highly active Kuwata found 2 weeks dead in his apartment.
  • The same month Tony West is appointed as Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Division reporting to Eric Holder at the Department of (so called) Justice.
  • At Kuwata’s memorial, Feinstein very strangely “scooped” the President with the news of Osama Bin Laden death by 1 hour.  Feinstein and intelligence knew of OBL location since January.  Some wonder if this was a warning to Obama.
  • DOJ does not investigate Kuwata’s death.
  • A month later, former CA Obama Committee chairwoman embezzles millions in funds from Feinstein’s campaign and others including Obama’s CA funds.  This CRITICALLY impairs Feinstein’s reelection hopes.
  • Feinstein charged with ethics violations.
  • Kamala Harris found to be in pocket of public sector unions scuttling initiative on their behalf.
  • Kamala Harris named Co-Chairwoman of the Obama Campaign.
  • CA AG Kamala Harris and the NY AG replacing Gov Cuomo refuse to follow the law on failed mortgages, threatening the FDIC and creating a $25 Billion Mortgage settlement that:

          *Gives 70% of the money to government programs

          *Penalizes stockholders, brokers who never admitted guilt in due process

          *Allows the REAL perpetrators of the mortgage crisis (both public and private) to     skate without ANY prosecution. 
(Very good explanation here.)    

          *It also gives her a slush fund of over $1 Billion to preside over.

Crazy stuff, huh?  You have no idea.


I don’t have much patience for non-professional, well sourced media whether it be ABC, Allahpundit or a All My Chitlin.  (All of which have been sorely lacking in getting stories correct I might add.)  Red, Right & Blue (RRB) blogtalkradio show seems to be made of completely 
non-professionals.  I heard claims made by different parties on the show that I KNOW to be factually untrue, so this all has to be taken with caution.  [For instance, Bettina claims the only Legislation which Obama sponsored in Illinois was a “National Islam Day.”  Obama sponsored 35 bills including a recognition of South Side Islamic center that seems to have died in committee.  She is also wildly misinformed on Newt Gingrich’s positions including having been a major player in fighting HillaryCare, ObamaCare, TARP and Cap & Trade. She also claims Santorum voted “almost exclusively” with Pelosi and Reed which is ridiculous even WITH Santorum’s big government votes.]

The only reason PolitiJim is proceeding with this story is because it is FIRST HAND TESTIMONY by Hollywood Agent/Producer Bettina Sofia Viviano on matters she would likely have direct knowledge of, or association with Democratic officials who would.  Ms. Viviano was a non-political liberal Democrat who was approached to make the documentary about the irregularities of voter fraud by Barack Obama against Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democratic Presidential Nominating race.  (Forty minutes of WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED can be viewed here.  The entire Red, Right & Blue interview at bottom of post with time codes referencing her quotes.)

In the RRB interview, Viviano said her film documented massive systemic corruption by the Obama campaign via:

  • Precinct chairpersons and workers misreporting (or holding) results
  • Voter intimidation and violence
  • Vote destruction and fabrication

Some may remember a Hillary campaign memo complaining of voting irregularities that was not even acknowledged by the mainstream press.  From the media you would have thought Obama won in a landslide. But gong into the convention, Obama led Hillary by only 165 delegates out of 4418 (3.7%).  Texas has a primary, followed by a caucus the same day where delegates are bound by their earlier voting.  Although Hillary actually won the popular vote in Texas by 52% to 48%, for the first time in state history, the caucus results did not match the primary and were wildly skewed toward Obama 56% to 44%Many precincts NEVER turned in votes.  And this happened nationwide.  In primary states (more difficult to initiate voter fraud), Clinton consistently won by 2% to 4%.  In caucus states where Obama controlled the mechanisms, he won almost 2 to 1, a statistical impossibility.


In her documentary WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED, there are first hand accounts of voter intimidation, vote manipulation, vandalism and violence not just on behalf of Obama, but AGAINST even elderly Clinton voters.  The film has direct testimony of a lady who witnessed two young thugs threatening older people coming to a community center if they voted for Hillary.  This sounds oddly familiar of the New Black Panther intimidation case which we now know was not an isolated event.

In the documentary, another Hillary supporter who was a SuperDelegate describes a call from a Senator who told her since she voted for Hillary if she ran for political office they would strip all of her position with the Democrat party.

There were over 2,000 complaints (including criminal) in Texas  alone.  In her RRB interview, Viviano describes footage of a young African American delegate who was threatened with murder if he did not change his allegiance to Obama from Hillary.  (As far as we know, Rick Santorum’s similar antics against Newt Gingrich did not involve criminal violence, although we were told he did a similar thing in Pennsylvania in 2006.

Pelosi bribed 28 MULTIPLE super delegates to support Barack Obama with cash gifts up to $250,000. Sixteen (16) of 28 endorsed Obama although their state and district selected Hillary Clinton.  Other Obama supporters like James Clyburn followed suit giving money to all but 2 of these 28.

Bettina also reported that the interviews done with women from Obama’s home church Trinity United Church of Christ and had to be conducted with anonymity due to their fear of Obama.  An interview in the film (from Chicago) admits many tactics are well known to those who live in the Obama Machine areas.  You never heard it on ABCBSNBC but past voting fraud by Obama was vicious.  Michael Walsh at Breitbart wrote:

For a Chicago pol, whose path to prominence came not via intellectual brilliance or personal charisma but through behind-the-scenes machinations to get opponents thrown off the ballot or have their sealed divorce records made public, “by any means necessary” is not only a tactic, it’s a categorical imperative.


With this as a backdrop, Bettina Viviano mentioned two different things in her RRB interview.  In three completely different places in the interview she said:

  • She heard DIRECTLY out of Bill and Hillary’s mouth that they knew he was not eligible.
  • She was told by the Hillary camp that Bill was going to “out Obama” but he was threatened and backed off.
  • She said that Bill Clinton’s best friend was murdered as a threat.

A short compilation of various clips from the show. 
(entire show at bottom)


Indeed, Bill Gwaltney who was a very close friend of Hillary and Bill, Chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party and SuperDelegate for Hillary was killed by a lone gunman in Little Rock.

Are these events connected?  Hold onto your feathers, for they are about to fly when you see it in the chronology and order I do.

Hillary’s campaign became public with the fraud during the Texas primary and caucus on March 4th of 2008.  Even California delegates FOR OBAMA noticed irregularities such as an incident where 900 delegate prospects were hacked to 17 party insiders.  Clearly the delegate vote was close and it’s clear the Clinton camp was crusin’ for a fight at the convention, August 25-27th in Denver.

ON BARACK OBAMA’s alleged birthday of August 4th, 2008, Bill Clinton gave an interview FROM AFRICA and was asked if he was angry. BILL CLINTON BROUGHT UP OBAMA AND ELEGIBILITY:

I think everybody’s got a right to run for president if he qualifies under the Constitution, and I would be the last person to ever begrudge anybody their ambition, and he was a superbly gifted candidate in this election, and had a great operation. They thought this thing through, and it’s a contact sport…The only thing I ever got mad about was people in your kind of work pretending that she started this stuff. (PoliticsUSA)


In case you missed it, at the 0:38 mark in talking about why he loves coming to Africa, Clinton talks of how he loves the beauty and people of Africa and :

I like seeing people whose lives are SAVED and CHANGED.

I think it proves that CHANGE is possible

The smirk that he says on the word “change,” the second word in Obama’s campaign theme, is UNDENIABLE.  Remember, this is the word parsers of all word parsers.  IS isn’t always IS to him.  Is it possible that Clinton arranged for the African interview on Obama’s birthday when rumors of his Kenyan birth were swirling, to actually make a THREAT to Obama that Barack’s political life could be SAVED and CHANGED if he offered Hillary the Veep slot?  Or even step aside?

After asking Clinton about the “racist” remarks he made during the campaign, ABC reporter Kate Snow asks AGAIN about eligibility (6:30 mark), which is quite odd since most professional broadcasters wouldn’t repeat the SAME topic after discussing so many others with such a short time of video available.  Snow asks, “Do you think he is completely qualified to be President?  Because in the campaign there were some things you said…”  Clinton:

No, I never said he wasn’t qualified.  The constitution sets the qualifications to be President.  Then the people decide who they think would be the better President.  I think we have two choices.  I think he should win and I think he will win.

Notice, the Slickster NEVER COMES OUT AND SAYS HE IS QUALIFIED.  If the Clintons had already made some threat to Obama about getting out or offering the V.P. position to Hillary, is it possible that he is saying, “Obama you have two choices. I hope you (win) make the right one?”

Eight Days later a Target store employee studying computer science at a nearby college, inexplicably became irritable and spray painted a hallway at work being let go.  Timothy Dale Johnson went to the offices of Hillary friend and Super Delegate Bill Gwalenty at the Arkansas Democratic Headquarters and asked some questions about volunteering.  He poked his head into Gwalenty’s office shooting him fatally.  He then walked into the Southern Baptist Convention building waved his gun and left without harming anyone.  He was chased by police and shot 6 times dying instantly as he attempted to open a rifle case that seemed locked.  Police closed the investigation finding no motive, no connection to Gwalenty and the police were cleared for shooting Timothy Johnson.  The family is baffled.

The following Monday Bill Clinton gave an energy summit speech widely covered because he EQUALLY PRAISED Obama and McCain.


One Day later Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Cleveland, another super delegate, and one of Hillary Clinton’s most prominent black supporters, was found in her car unconscious, and died of a brain hemorrhage after her car went out of control.  Police have no explanation why. Tubbs had been extremely vocal about the pressure put upon her to support Barack Obama and fiercely resisted even calling out the practice.

This certainly lends credence to the two camps “yelling and screaming” at each other during the convention according to her insiders.  Politico mentioned the tension, though none of these specific items.

As most conservatives know Bill Clinton is no stranger to “coincidental deaths” including Vince Foster, Ron Brown, and scores more.  No other President had this many people he was connected to die, especially those that had Chinese contribution secrets (Huang) or past financial scandals (McDougal).  But it WOULD explain why Hillary “gave up” when it shocked most of us.

Especially if they knew Barack Obama had his own “body count.”


Buried by the mainstream media are the stories from Obama’s murdered gay lovers at Jeremiah Wright’s church within WEEKS of each other – execution style. (If you still don’t know or believe Obama is bi-sexual you might want to watch the video testimony of Larry Sinclair) Also inexplicable are the deaths of Seal Team Six who NEVER would fly an entire company in one helicopter alone.   

Don’t get me started on Fast & Furious and the death of his Grandmother FROM CANCER 2 days before the general election who was, according to Barack Obama “sharp as a tack,” except for osteoporosis only 2 months earlier.  (Anyone want to guess why he traveled all the way back to Hawaii in the middle of a campaign because she was “suddenly ill” but only did so FOR ONE HOUR and without Michelle and the kids?

Maybe SOME legislators will begin to understand why we patriots are more than a little nervous with Obama and his administration being given questionable power in any form.


The WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED film was rushed into production and Bettina’s film partners printed copies to show at the Democrat National Convention in Denver at local theaters.  She says only later did she realize it was Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean and the Democratic Party that were the perpetrators.  Just as she described on the RRB interview, I found news stories that the DNC PROHIBITED the Hillary delegates from being counted as they had in every previous election.  California was completely PASSED OVER and not even called on during the convention following a SECRET VOTE that reporters would not inquire upon.

Among other Viviano bombshells:

  • She claims she has obtained a memo from Donna Brazile from 2004 saying they had predetermined Barack Obama to be the candidate for 2008.
  • She says Democrats are planning in 2012 (and have in the past) to drive through skid row and pay the homeless to vote with liquor and booze bribes, as well as getting Alzheimer’s patients to vote.
  • Alice Palmer, (the lady who through Obama’s first political fund raiser at Bill Ayers house) was disqualified with all other challengers from running for her old Senate seat by Barack Obama’s lawyers when he decided he wanted the seat.  She became a Hillary supporter.  (Links in 2012 Section below.)
  • She claims it was widely known at the time that John McCain was not qualified as a natural born citizen either.  Theory Link
  • Claims her Democrat sources told her it was a “fact” that George Soros met with Hillary and Obama.  Soros said his agenda was to tear this economy down to the  ground. Obama said,  “no problem.”  Hillary said, “no way.” 
PolitiJim Note: Chelsea was married on a George Soros estate with Barack and Michelle present.
  • At IOWA caucus she attended - Ron Paul had 99% of the votes BUT ALL PARTICIPANTS WERE DEMOCRATS.

Viviano and her partners have had offers to help finish and promote the film including Andrew Breitbart, PJTV and others.  Her partner in the production however, a Democrat, is too afraid too continue at this point she believes.

2012 Will be WORSE

Bettina mentions that she has seen the Black Panther offices they set up in  Houston to prepare for 2012.  Bob Cooley, who wrote about many of these techniques in his book WHEN CORRUPTION WAS KING, has said the “$1 Billion” in campaign funds isn’t going to be used for TV ads, it will be to buy off precinct chairmen, pay volunteers to overwhelm the voting systems with fraud (like we saw in the Wisconsin recall where “Mickey Mouse” was allowed), and to pay HACKERS TO change the electronic voting machine systems.

As we wrote in “IS THIS THE OBAMA CRIME PLAN?,” it made absolutely no sense that Obama would doing NOTHING to move himself closer to the “center” (as all good unprincipled Democrats do) before an election.  What possible advantage is there in killing 100,000 jobs with the Keystone Pipeline?  If Obama thinks he can get away with this nationally, against the “Body Count” Clintons – you can believe that this election season will be worse than one overseen by Hugo Chavez as Secretary of State.

And it explains WHY he feels no need to do REAL things that create jobs and make him popular.  He simply doesn’t think he’ll need it.


As Alan Vera of TrueTheVote said in his stirring speech at the Texas Straw Poll, we need bodies.  Bodies who simply give a little time to observe voting and keep the cockroaches from operating in the dark. 

CLICK ON TRUE THE VOTE to learn more.


Red, Right and Blue Radio Show (full audio below) 
with Rick Bulow and Harriet Baldwin


Continue Reading:

Note:  Americans are waking up!

Thanks again to Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse for their unwavering fortitude.

Americans across the country are starting to wake up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.


Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.


Word of Caution:  Although its great that many Americans are now beginning to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.

So the question isAre you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide.

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“Food For Thought”

God Bless Sheriff Arpaio & His Cold Case Posse-God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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