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Obama's youth and his Pakistani supporters

Not your average friend - mixing with the very wealthy & connected & to politics...

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Not your average friend - mixing with the very wealthy & connected & to politics and CIA and ISI & Mi6 folks in Pakistan - was  Obama really a Marxist leaning college youth or merely 'playing ' a role as a mole ? He meets the head of the Paki Senate while on vacation ...?  well groomed CIA operative from generations of operatives. Obama’s mother was a regular visitor of Pakistan....Who knows, maybe  Drew could very well be an operative too ....  but we have the right and duty to ask questions ... Here we have Obama and wealthy Pakistani  roommate Mohammed Hasan Chandoo while at Occidental College 1980 - Who  is Hassan Chando? His family is a prominent family in Pakistan with whom Obama stayed for three weeks in 1981. He is also in the higher echelon  of the Democratic party and fundraiser of the East Coast Muslims. His  mother, Gulshan Chando, is the grandniece of Ali Jinnah, the founder of  present day Pakistan. Her husband attended the same school as Pervez  Musharraf, former President of Pakistan and both belong to the same Old  Patricians Club in Pakistan. Pervez, former military leader, has formed a new political party in Pakistan, the All Pakistan Muslim League and is  seeking a move to lead Pakistan again.....  I can not vouch for Prof Dr  Drew but the picture of Obama and Chando - he had is valid; and the  people and timeframe as well   I think people especially those who so  adamantly supported or support Obama or any other candidate -  should be asking questions - blind loyalty is dangerous - if he wants another  four year term - ask questions , Democrats ask your candidate questions  ...   Democrats research your candidate   Republicans should have  wondered about the Bush Hitler Fascist connections  Republicans should  have asked more questions about the Bush ties to the House of Saud and  to oil and to CIA ops and banksters   Republicans should have asked more questions about Cheney   Democrats should have asked more questions  about Clinton    KNOW who you are voting for and defending and elevating to power - you do have a choice - you do have a responsibility and - you do have a duty   YOU have to demand and expect accountability and  transparency and honesty - not infallibility or perfection but basic  accountability and honesty  ------------------------- "....when Obama  attended Occidental College in California in 1979, his freshman roommate was a Pakistani, Imad Husain, who’s now a Boston banker. Also, as a  freshman, he quickly became friends with Mohammed Hasan Chandoo and  Wahid Hamid, two more wealthy Pakistani’s who became the reason he  travelled to Pakistan in 1981.  In Obama’s own words: [ from his book ] “There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it  came to hanging out many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying  close together, traveling in packs,” he wrote. “It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.” He added: “To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The foreign students. The  Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists.” In 1981,  Obama went to Pakistan for about three weeks.  As a student, Obama  visited Larkana for a partridge hunting session. He traveled with Wahid  Hamid and staying in Karachi with Mohammed Hasan Chandoo’s family in  Karachi and visiting Hyderabad as well.   Obama also made friends with  Chairman of The Pakistani Senate, Muhammadmian Soomro, who said that in  Pakistan he [Obama] came to know about Sunni and Shia sects.  According  to the report of Larry Rohter of April 10, 2008, in The New York Times,  the Obama campaign staff, when questioned about the revelation of  Obama’s 1981 trip to Karachi, stated: “Mr. Obama visited Pakistan in  1981, on the way back from Indonesia, where his mother and half-sister,  Maya Soetoro-Ng, were living. He spent ‘about three weeks’ there, Mr.  Obama’s press secretary, Bill Burton, said, staying in Karachi with the  family of a college friend, Mohammed Hasan Chandoo, but also traveling  to Hyderabad, in India.” "   an interesting note from an old friend of his from the 80's   ---------------------   Note - the comment by Tom Kovach (a self  proclaimed conservative talk show host on the picture & info - "I have said and written for almost three  years that Obama was groomed from youth to become what he is: “the  Mansourian candidate”. (great-big hat tip to Jack Cashill) This report confirms that, at age 19, Obama was a more dedicated and  better-informed Marxist than a 23-year-old graduate student at Cornell.  (And, if you know anything about Cornell University and its home city of Ithaca, NY, then you know that it would take a LOT to be more Marxist  than almost ANYone from Cornell — but especially a graduate student in  political science.) Two points are worth noting. First, the report  specifies that Caroline Boss met and befriended Obama in a class that  started in the Fall of 1980 at Occidental College. That means that Obama could not have been residing in Hawaii at the time of his draft  registration, as he claims to have been. That is a felony. " Second, for a young man that wants to make political friends, and who  was raised as a Muslim in the most populous Muslim country on Earth  (Indonesia), it is quite telling that Obama’s body language in the photo is insulting to Chandoo. He leans back (superiority), while Chandoon  leans forward. More importantly, though, is that Obama is pointing the  sole of his boot toward Chandoo. That is a huge insult in the Muslim  world. There is no way that Obama can claim ignorance. So, it would  appear that Obama “showed deference” to Chandoo when it was to Obama’s  advantage, but when relaxing for a photo-op he insults those that he is  supposedly there to honor...."  my note - they were all smoking drinking not acting like strict  anything much less Muslim but like the oil royals the rich Muslims do  not seem to practice what they preach - much like our wealthy and  powerful and rich - rarely are any of any faith 'fundamentalist ' in  practice   ------------------------------ February 24, 2011 Meeting Young Obama By John Drew John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist and a  blogger at David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog . Dr. Drew earned his Ph.D.  from Cornell and has taught political science and economics at Williams  College. Dr. Drew makes his living as an author, trainer, and consultant in the field of non-profit grant writing, fund raising and program  evaluation  "I met Obama in December of 1980 ...... "   -------------------------  Mon, March 1, 2010 The Andrea Shea King Show - Dr. John C. Drew "The mystery that is Barack Obama is beginning to be unveiled. Tonight, we'll talk to Dr. John Drew knew Obama in 1980. Drew was a Marxist  attending Occidental as a grad student. His girlfriend has classes with  Obama and during the Christmas break, they all got together. Today Dr.  Drew is a political scientist and grant writing consultant who did his  Occidental thesis on the topic of Marxist Economics. Tonight he'll tell  us his recollections on young Barack Obama’s Marxist perspective in the  Fall of 1980. Does he believe Obama has changed his views? Also -- George Soros and Arianna Huffington. Their relationship."  --------------------------  B-Cast Interviews Dr John C. Drew On  Obama's Early Marxist Years Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, February 13, 2010, 12:14 AM   Dr. Drew on Young Obama's Marxism - 4 of 6  Obama’s Cousin Odinga Clears Way to  Presidency By Turning Opponents Over to International Court "In 2006  Barack Obama took a trip to Kenya on the taxpayer’s dime. While visiting Kenya as a guest of the government Obama campaigned for [his blood  cousin ] Raila Odinga, .." connected like Obama to the overthru of the  only elected Kenyan leader - thru their fathers and family  Obama’s larkana Connection Submitted by  Azhar Masood on July 10, 2008 – 6:13 pm ".....  Obama’s mother was a  regular visitor of Pakistan and she had little knowledge of Urdu.  Officially Barack Obama has so far not made his Pakistani connections  ..."  ---------------- what we know about Obama and Pakistan:   Muhammad Mian Soomro - Current Head of Pakistani Senate and Former President of  Pakistan - Obama 30 year friend  A few (five we are aware of) of Obama’s closest friends live there Imad Husain (former college roomate  1979-80), Ali Hassan Chandio (Occidental College),  Wahid Hamid  (Occidental College), Sohale Siddiqi (New York – Columbia College).   Obama visited there numerous times. Obama maintains close personal 30+  year connections with Pakistani friends (they attended his wedding 1992, and campaign for him 2007-08). Obama’s mom worked and lived there from  1987 to 1992.  Joe Biden has a connection there. Obama personally knows  the former President of Pakistan Muhammad Mian Soomro, and indeed stayed at his house during a summer visit there in 1981 and still maintains a  30+ year friendship with him.  So lets look at this angle a little  deeper.  Most Pakistanis seem to like President Barack Obama.  However,  for most, President  Obama’s “Pakistan Connections” were limited to (a)  his rather strong words about Pakistan, including about sending troops  into Pakistan, and (b) his choice of Vice President Joseph Biden, who  has a long and deep interest in foreign affairs, including Pakistan.  Most Pakistanis were/are not very fond of the first of these  connections. The second connection they like, especially because Senator Biden was the key architect of a very generous and quite sensible  support package for Pakistan.  It turns out, however, that Barack Obama  may have slightly deeper and more personal connections to Pakistan.   First, there is Barak Obama’s mother living on and off in Pakistan for  five years. It is quite clear that Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, did  indeed work and live in Pakistan as a consultant to the Asian  Development Bank (ADB), working on a project in Gujranwalla (here, here, here).   A headline in the Daily Waqt that proclaims that “Obama’s  Mother Stayed in Pakistan for 5 Years.” Here is the Daily Waqt report:   The mother of American Presidential hopeful, Barack Obama, Mrs. Ann  Dunham lived in Pakistan for five years. During this time, Barack Obama  also visited his mother and stayed for a few month. Mrs. Ann Dunham was  hired as a consultant by the Asian Development Bank for Pakistan  Agricultural Development Bankâ’s Gujranwalla Agricultural Development  Program. This program began in 1987 and ended in 1992.  Mrs. Ann Dunham  monitored the funds received for this program from the Asian Development Bank and trained the Mobile Credit Officers of the Agricultural Bank.  This program was controlled from the Gujranwalla Regional Office. She  stayed for five years in the Hilton International Hotel (now Avari  Hotel), Lahore. She travelled daily from Lahore to Gujranwalla. When  Barack Obama visited Pakistan, he stayed in the same hotel. After  returning from Pakistan, she died from cancer within three years.   Barack Obama has himself visited Pakistan. Indeed, Barack Obama may have visited Pakistan for longer than any U.S. President ever has. As so  many college students do, he seemed eager to see the world.  He was in  Karachi in 1981 as a young student, returning from a visit to his mother in Indonesia. According to a New York Times report:  …Mr. Obama also  spoke about having traveled to Pakistan in the early 1980s. Because of  that trip, which he did not mention in either of his autobiographical  books, “I knew what Sunni and Shia was before I joined the Senate  Foreign Relations Committee,” he said… According to his campaign staff,  Mr. Obama visited Pakistan in 1981, on the way back from Indonesia,  where his mother and half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, were living. He spent “about three weeks” there, Mr. Obama’s press secretary, Bill Burton,  said, staying in Karachi with the family of a college friend, Mohammed  Hasan Chandoo, but also traveling to Hyderabad, in India.  As mentioned  above,  Obama has a number of Pakistani friends dating back to his  college days, and it was those friendships that brought him to Pakistan.  Some details, again, from the same New York Times report:  …In Dreams  from My Father, he talks of having a Pakistani roommate when he moved to New York, a man he calls Sadik who “had overstayed his tourist visa and now made a living in New York’s high-turnover, illegal immigrant work  force, waiting on tables”… During his years at Occidental College, Mr.  Obama also befriended Wahid Hamid, a fellow student who was an immigrant from Pakistan and traveled with Mr. Obama there, the Obama campaign  said.  Mr. Hamid is now a vice president at Pepsico in New York, and  according to public records, donated the maximum $2,300 to the Obama  campaign and is listed as a fund-raiser for it.  Mr. Chandoo is now a  self-employed financial consultant, living in Armonk, N.Y.  He has  donated the maximum, $2,300, to Mr. Obama’s primary campaign and an  additional $309 for the general election, campaign finance records show.  Wahid Hamid and Chandio each contributed the maximum $2,300 to Obama’s campaign, and records indicate each has joined an Asian-American  council that supported his run for president.  In addition both also  were listed on Obama’s campaign Web site as being among his top  fundraisers, each bringing in between $100,000 and $200,000 in  contributions from their networks of friends.  Both Hamid and Chandoo  also attended Obama’s wedding in 1992, according to published reports  and other friends.  An Associated Press story on Obama’s college friends has more interesting snippets. Especially his relationship with Sohale  Siddiqi, from Karachi, is fascinating – all the more to the Pakistani  reader:  The way Sohale Siddiqi remembers it, he and his old roommate  were walking his pug Charlie on Broadway when a large, scary bum  approached them, stomping on the ground near the dog’s head. This was in the 1980s, a time when New York was a fearful place beset by drugs and  crime, when the street smart knew that the best way to handle the city’s derelicts was to avoid them entirely. But Siddiqi was angry and he  confronted the man, who approached him menacingly. Until his skinny,  elite univerity-educated friend – Barack Obama – intervened. He “stepped right in between. … He planted his face firmly in the face of the guy. ‘Hey, hey, hey.’ And the guy back pedaled and we kept walking,” Siddiqi  recalls.  Obama spent the six years between 1979 and 1985 at Occidental  College in Los Angeles and then in New York at Columbia University and  in the workplace. His memoir, Dreams from My Father, talks about this  time, but not in great detail; Siddiqi, for example, is identified only  as “Sadik” _ “a short, well-built Pakistani” who smoked marijuana,  snorted cocaine and liked to party. Obama’s campaign wouldn’t identify “Sadik,” but The Associated Press located him in Seattle, where he  raises money for a community theater.  Not everyone who knew Obama in  those years is eager to talk. Some explain that they fear inadvertently  hurting Obama. Among his friends were Siddiqi and two other Pakistanis,  all of them from Karachi; several of those said the Pakistanis were  reluctant to talk for fear of stoking rumors that Obama is a Muslim. “Obama in the eyes of some right wingers is basically Muslim until  proved innocent,” says Margot Mifflin, a friend from Occidental who is  now a journalism professor at New York’s Lehman College. “It’s partly  the Muslim factor by association and partly the fear of something being  twisted.”   President Obama (Barry Sotero) and Pakistani friend Hasan  Chandio 1980  Of course, he was only 18 when he arrived at the small  liberal arts college nicknamed “Oxy.” His freshman roommates were Imad  Husain, a Pakistani, who’s now a Boston banker, and Paul Carpenter, now a Los Angeles lawyer… Obama had an international circle of friends _ “a  real eclectic sort of group,” says Vinai Thummalapally, who himself came from Hyderabad, India. As a freshman, he quickly became friends with  Mohammed Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, two wealthy Pakistanis.  In 1981 Obama transferred from Occidental, arriving at Columbia Sept. 1982. In  between, he traveled to Pakistan – a trip that enhanced his foreign  policy qualifications, he maintained in a private speech at a San  Francisco fundraiser.  Obama spent “about three weeks” in Pakistan,  traveling with Hamid and staying in Karachi with Chandio’s family, said  Bill Burton, Obama’s press secretary. “He was clearly shocked by the  economic disparity he saw in Pakistan. He couldn’t get over the sight of rural peasants bowing to the wealthy landowners they worked for as they passed,” says Margot Mifflin, who makes a brief appearance in Obama’s  memoir.  When Obama arrived in New York, he already knew Siddiqi – a  friend of Chandio’s and Hamid’s from Karachi who had visited Los  Angeles.  Siddiqi offered the most expansive account of Obama as a young man. “We were both very lost. We were both alienated, although he might not put it that way. He arrived disheveled and without a place to  stay,” said Siddiqi, who at the time worked as a waiter and as a  salesman at a boutique… In about 1982, Siddiqi and Obama got an  apartment at a sixth-floor walk-up on East 94th Street. Siddiqi managed  to get the apartment thanks to subterfuge. “We didn’t have a chance in  hell of getting this apartment unless we fabricated the lease  application,” Siddiqi said.  Neither Hamid nor Chandoo have accepted  media interviews;  Hamid is now a top executive at Pepsico in New York,  and Chandoo is a self-employed financial consultant in the New York  area. Both have each contributed the maximum $2,300 to Obama’s campaign, and records indicate each has joined an Asian-American council that  supports his run for president. Both also are listed on Obama’s campaign Web site as being among his top fundraisers, each bringing in between  $100,000 and $200,000 in contributions from their networks of friends.  Both also attended Obama’s wedding in 1992, according to published  reports and other friends.  Thummalapally has stayed in contact with  Obama, too, visiting him in New York, attending his wedding in 1992 and  joining him in Springfield, Illinois., for the Feb. 10, 2007,  announcement of Obama’s run for the White House. President of a CD and  DVD manufacturing company in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Thummalapally  also is listed as a top fundraiser on the campaign Web site.
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U.S. Form Of Government

If you love your country and are thankful for what our founding forefathers gave us, then we should do the same for our children and theirs for centuries to come. In all of history the only form of government that coincides with freedom, that stands and defends freedom, that protects WE THE PEOPLE according to the law of the land is a Constitutional Conservative Republic.
It is time to restore our land. One flag, one language, one country. Watch this 10 minute video on U.S. Form Of Government  Share and Enjoy
Burt Keefer  AmericaWorking.Org
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Congress in DUH!(awe?) of the Supremes?
Anthropomorphic Nouns;
Well Known,
Herd of Cows,Flock of Chickens, School of Fish Gaggle of Geese…
Less known?…
Pride of Lions, Murder of Crows,Exaltation of doves, parliament of owls…
Now consider a group of Baboons.
They are the loudest, most dangerous, mostobnoxious,most viciously aggressive and least intelligent of all primates.
And what is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons?
Believe it or not…a Congress!
A Congress of Baboons!
Sorta sums it up… ATT00006.

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This is my version of Biden's BDF:


Bad Food Deals

Bad Factory Deals

Bad Foreign Deals

Bad Family Health Deals

Bad Fracking Deals

Bad Fuel Deals

Bad Firearms Deals

Bad Fiscal Deals

Bad Foolish Decisions

Big Friggin' Depression


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4063483923?profile=originalYou can imagine the justifiable extreme anger and outrage of black America in1987. Six white men including police officers and a New York prosecutor kidnapped, raped and smeared feces over the body of a fifteen year old black girl. Tawana Brawley was found unconscious and unresponsive lying in a garbage bag, her clothes torn and burned. In the emergency room, racial slurs and epithets were discovered written on Brawley's torso with charcoal.

Al Sharpton, eager to launch his national career, ran to the microphones and cameras as Tawana Brawley's adviser. The problem was, it was all a hoax.

Fearful of getting into trouble for staying away from home for four days, Brawley made up the whole horrific racial-hate-inspiring story. After hearing the evidence, or lack of, a grand jury concluded Brawley was lying.

The New York prosecutor whom Brawley accused of being one of her rapists sued Brawley and Sharpton for defamation and won. And yet, Sharpton still says the Brawley incident happened.

The Tawana Brawley Hoax confirms that truth and fair play are irrelevant in Sharpton's continuing quest to stir the pot-of-racial-hate to bludgeon white America and instill anger in black America for political gain. Sickeningly evil.

I remember Anthony Quinn as Barabbas in the biblical movie, “Barabbas”. Barabbas was a criminal sentenced to death. For Passover, the governor could commute the death sentence of a prisoner selected by popular demand. The multitude could save the life of Jesus or Barabbas. They yelled, “Give us Barabbas”. Barabbas was freed. Jesus was crucified.

Arrogantly usurping authority to speak on behalf of black America, the left has yelled, Give us Al Sharpton! Why has MSNBC, the mainstream media and president Obama appointed this despicable man spokesperson for black America? There are numerous honorable blacks in the national arena.

Sharpton was selected by the left as black America's mouthpiece because his political agenda is in solidarity with their hate America Progressive movement. They are committed to government controlling our behavior and every aspect of life in America. Loyalty to their cause trumps race and even the faith of those who claim to be Christians. How else can you explain Sharpton demanding the removal of a billboard in the black community which exposed the genocide of blacks via abortion?

Rev. Al Sharpton has turned his back on the Bible's anti-abortion teachings while supporting Planned Parenthood founder's vow to exterminate blacks; in loyalty to the left's progressive agenda.!

The left appointing Sharpton a spokesperson for black America is a perfect example of their moral bankruptcy and willingness to employ the devil to further their agenda. Sharpton still stands behind Tawana Brawley's absurd over-the-top evil lie that six white men including police and a New York prosecutor raped her. In a decent world, Sharpton would be disqualified for the role of national spokesperson of anything. And yet, the left has crowned Sharpton chief of black America.

As an American who happens to be black, I am outraged. The left's selection of Sharpton as our spokesperson confirms their low opinion of black America; our sense of morality, honor and decency. The left, (democrats, mainstream media and Obama) continue to tell black America, by their actions, how little they think of us. They ignore or demonize highly successful, articulate America loving black conservatives, while elevating lying America hating race-baiters.

In 2010, President Obama asked Sharpton to be his ambassador to the black community. Obama instructed Sharpton to tell black leaders to chill-out and stop saying his economic policy failed to help black communities hit hard by the downturn.

The foundation of democrat politics is dealing with Americans as monolithic voting blocs. I take offense with Obama acting as if black America were a huge tribe, taking marching orders from Chief Sharpton. I am an American who happens to be black. I think for myself.

Obama and his buddies on the left promote “group think”. Their tactic for winning elections is to divide Americans into groups or voting blocs. Then they convince each group; women, minorities, gays, the poor, and etc that they are being victimized by evil republicans. Vote for us and we'll keep the evil republicans at bay!

Case in point: The democrat's latest lie claims republicans have launched a “War on Women”. The truth is Obama, against the Constitution, is trying to force churches and taxpayers to fund abortion against their religious faith. America said, H-- no! Democrats are trying to spin America's rebuke of Obama's overreach of authority by saying republicans wish to ban contraception. This is a lie. Republicans do not wish to ban birth control in any way.

Note the tried and true democrat trick. They lie to rally women by claiming republicans hate them. Then democrats say vote for us to protect you.

Sharpton was appointed to lie to blacks, keep them fired up hating republicans, the rich, conservatives and the tea party. The left says “conservative” is code for racist whites. Such rhetoric promotes racial hatred.

A prolific liar, Sharpton attempts to rally black America – republicans are hogging it all and dissing the first black president. Keep in mind, Sharpton still claims six white men including police officers and a New York prosecutor kidnapped, raped and smeared feces over the body of a fifteen year old black girl.

Good Lord, Black America, is this the man you want representing you? Al Sharpton does not speak for me!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman –

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In Earth as It Is in Heaven

4063267034?profile=originalMajor events in my life:

Starting on Good Friday 1975, I cut my umbilical cord with my past and went on my own to an unknown future.

On Christmas Eve 1975, I set sail on the South Atlantic Ocean on a sloop I named Bold Venture, and remained on my boat two years, experiencing miracles.

On May 18, 1980, on the first date with my future wife, on a hike near Mount Saint Helens, a natural sign of from calamity to renewal, Mount Saint Helens erupted. From then on, I’ve lived a charmed life.

In the Supreme Court’s October term of 1980, on Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, I, as petitioner, appeared opposing the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.

In May 2001, I decided to write my memoirs.

On March 15, 2008, my dream home came true.

I’m told by Createspace, my book publisher, that my book will be available in June, coincidentally, when the Supreme Court will give us its decision on Obamacare.

Justice Scalia likens reading Obamacare to cruel and unusual punishment. The Supreme Court is a circus.   If the Supreme Court had read and acted on my income tax case in 1980, there never would have been an Obamacare. There never would have been a national debt of sixteen trillion dollars. Obama never would have been more than a South Chicago community organizer. The Supreme Court has left the American people jumping through hoops. Can you think of a place in America where people are more stupid than in South Chicago? Look at the lead those people are getting. It’s pathetic.  America would have been prospering as never before. America would have been a beacon of hope for the world.  The Supreme Court dismissed my case without a word. The difference was that I was a voice in the wilderness. Presently, twenty-six states, and quite naturally, have a problem with Obamacare. Obama takes the cake for stupidity. The Solicitor General could not make a logical argument because Obamacare is the product of the three stooges: Obama, Pelosi, and Reed.  The same was true in my income tax case before the Court.  You can read it all in my book.  It was insanity.  This has been a repeat performance.  America is a day late and a dollar short.

The American people and government have been living in La La Land for two generations. I’m a personal witness. I’ve experienced the dumbest government acts anyone could possibly imagine. You can read all about it. The truth has finally caught up with the American people. We are not here for the pleasure of the powers that be. We each possess an immortal soul.  We are the highest form of life in the universe.  Over the years, various brainless authorities have dumbed us down. George Washington would turn over in his grave. We have no idea of the power that lies within us.  But why would we drastically change if our lives were tolerable?  I didn’t. I had to hit rock bottom, had to be forced to change.  My friends, we are heading for a very hard time.  Best you get prepared.

An eleven year court battle with the IRS, all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, came from my reading a book written by Law Professor Edward S. Corwin. From there, my mission to take on the government became crystal clear. What ensued from there where victories, followed by vexation, until, more than a decade later, I at last knew the power that lies within. All of my dreams have come true.  It can be the same with you.

This free-thinking eighty-six year old guide takes the reader from the ancient past to the cutting-edge of science, explaining centuries-old readings of the stars, as well as doctrines and dogmas of religions and quantum physics. The result is a thought-provoking testament of a non-Christian who is here to tell the world that Jesus is for everyone, no strings attached.

Look to Amazon in June for In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012: an explanation for the underlying mechanism of creation.






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Trayvon Martin

I do not have all of the facts in the Trayvon Martin death case. A complete and thorough investigation must be completed and presented to a grand jury. Plain and simple.
This is an excerpt from a news article:
The Central Florida fatal shooting has local State Attorney Angela Corey heading up the investigation to determine if George Zimmerman acted within the law in connection with the teen's

"The family of George Zimmerman must understand a life for a life, a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye. If you kill my damn baby we are going to kill your damn baby," said Mikhail Muhammad with the Black Panther party.

The group is offering a $10,000 reward for a legal citizen's arrest of Zimmerman.

Where's the outrage by the New Black Panters about the thousands of black on black murders in this country every year?

What about the President getting involved in racially charged local incidents? Remember Henry Louis Gates?

Of course under this administration the New Black Panters apparently can say and do what they want. Remember voter intimidation?
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Be Encouraged 3/29/12

Howdy all!  How's the week going?  Don't know yet?  Well, it'll soon be over.  Then we can all relax, watch for the pile of paper excrement come from DC and start a new week trying to figure out which paper goes in which receptacle.  At least I've had some training in this matter; had a couple of granddaughter's special blends to change.  Gotta love them little darlings!

Any hoo,..

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.  Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. ~ 1 Timothy 2:1

It is very imprudent to deprive America of any of her privileges.  If her commerce and friendship are of any importance to you, they are to be had on no other terms than leaving her in full enjoyment of her rights. ~ Benjamin Franklin, Political Observations

What have we gone through as a nation this week in the Supreme Court?  I believe we have witnessed the power of the Constitution.  I believe we have witnessed the life that is still in that wonderful document which gives us our strong republic today.  Year after year, the SCOTUS has met to discuss issues of law that pertain to the Constitution and had to decide which side is constitutionally correct.  There have been major cases that have gone like a slam dunk to the correct decision.  There have been decisions that have been so controversial, they are still questioned today.  But what we have witnessed this week may well be the truest test of the Constitution ever.  We may have witnessed the most direct debate on whether the Constitution is still worthy to be the document by which we formulate our government, or should the United States as we know it cease to exist and be reformulated.  And the strangest part is, the answer from the Supreme Court is not needed to decide that any more.  Why, you ask.  Well, I'll tell you why I think so.  Consider this: There was a case brought through the legal system, finally ending up in the court room with the Supreme Court.  Arguments were heard from both sides.  The justices asked very direct questions.  The legal representatives answered, and now the justices will return to chambers and review and decide how to decide.  They have taken on their role as the check and balance for the federal government AS DESCRIBED IN THE US CONSTITUTION!  The Constitution worked this week.  It worked very well.  It survived.  Yes, there is an answer due this June on the constitutionality of Obamacare.  That will in itself have great impact on the future of our country.  But, the Constitution is intact.  It worked.  It worked very well.  And, it is still there.  Now, I know you think I am a bit weird.  Maybe that's because I'm from NY.  And you're probably right.  Maybe you think it's because I spent years cumulative under water.  Again, spot on.  But I have been following the guidance of Timothy as written above.  I've been praying like anything, and giving Him thanks for being with us all.  I know he did NOT sway anyone.  He was just there, making His presence known to those who also prayed.  His intercession may be present soon.  I have already given Him and will continue to give Him more thanks, as you should.  Benjamin has some great advice in his quote.  Even though his advice was more towards foreign entities, the advice is good for anyone internally as well, who will wish to do business with the Americans; NOT the government I might add.  Americans love their rights.  Americans will fight for their rights, and die for them as necessary.  So, if you want to do business with Americans, don't interfere with their rights.  Some good advice that the federally elected employees should have followed when they thought up this idiotic 2000+ page law.  Aunt Nancy said we need to vote for the bill so we can know what is inside of the bill.  Too bad she didn't take the advice of her opponents.  Had she, then Justice Scalia may not have had reason to refuse reading the bill to find out what's inside.  He may not have had reason to liken the reading to the 8th amendment- cruel and unusual punishment.

Yes, the Constitution is working just fine, thank you!  Sorry Barry; you'll have to try harder, and time is running out.  Which reminds me folks.  Time is running out on this regime.  Watch for political speed bumps and hand grenades.  After this catastrophic failure, Barry may get desperate.  Eyes wide open, listen, and report what you find.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Just Us Is/the Supremes

Its not age or looks...

It can all be boiled down to one, simple reason: liberals and Democrats, as
a whole, go through life with a giant chip on their shoulder. They are
perpetually outraged. They paint themselves as constant victims, always
offended by something, always somehow being victimized and picked on, and
always out to find the latest injustice to conquer. Democrats also tend to
look to government to solve all of these problems, rather than to
themselves, as conservatives do. Conservatives believe the individual is
responsible for his or her life; liberals do not. Knowing that you are
responsible for yourself is extremely empowering; feeling like there are
endless problems in the world and you've got to get politicians in
Washington to solve them for you can lead to a strong feeling of

Most young people start out as naive, idealistic liberals. But as they get
older, that changes. They get more conservative, usually because they grow
up. But just imagine that you never get out of that liberal mindset. You go
through your whole life trying to check people into a victim box, always
feeling offended, always trying to right all of the wrongs in the world, and
always blaming government for it. It's no wonder you'd end up miserable when
you get older! Going through your entire life feeling like that would make
you a very angry, bitter, jealous, selfish person -- and often, that
describes aging liberals to a T.

All in all, being a Republican gives you a 7% edge in the happiness
department, which doesn't sound like much, but it's a greater factor than
race, ethnicity, or gender. And just a reminder -- Republicans have the
advantage across all class lines as well, from upper class to middle class
to lower class. Lower class Republicans are happier than lower class
Democrats. Middle class Republicans are happier than middle class Democrats.
And upper class Republicans are happier than upper class Democrats.

And I'll say it again. It's because of the difference in world view. I'm
sure the trolls will come out in force for saying this, but it is what it
is. Liberalism is poisonous. It not only is politically poisonous,
destroying whatever poor country you inflict liberal policies on, but it's
poisonous in your personal life as well.

I'd suspect, though, that deep down liberals would be happy to hear it. It's
one more thing they can check off on their victimhood list, isn't it?


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Obama's Muslim Dream


There is no doubt that our President is a dedicated Muslim. To be able to recite the Islamic call to prayer in Arabic, kneeling down in prayer in a Mosque, bowing to a Saudi King, Muslim appointees to our Federal Government, to be a follower and lover of George Soros, and to offer amnesty to law breaking illegal aliens. Did anyone truly think he was a Christian American who loves God and Country? Here is a 9 minute video of Obama's Muslim Dream. Click on this link. Share and Enjoy
                     Burt Keefer AmericaWorking.Org
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           It's important to understand why we must secure our borders. There are many reasons and all of them need to be done but there is one threat that is overlooked the most and it's the most dangerous one of all. The power in voting. We process 1 million legal immigrates each year becoming new U.S. citizens. They take an oath and become a new Wel-fare Recipient. We have just added 1 million new voters per year for the movement of socialism. But this number is small in comparison to the anchor babies of illegal aliens. They will come of age to vote by 2016 and their vote will offset or cancel the Conservative voters. Yes, I'm talking about We The People, the last of our kind. This means we would be out voted in the Country our Fathers conquered without a shot being fired or one drop of blood being spelt. Here is a 9 minute video on Securing Our Borders. Share and Enjoy
                                Burt Keefer  AmericaWorking.Org
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The Higher Law of Nature

America’s government has finally painted itself into a corner.  It has the Supreme Court questioning if there is any limit. But Obama’s choices to the Court have other ideas. Kagan agrees with Obama that young people should be required by the federal government to purchase health insurance because, eventually, others will subsidize their health care. What a laugh! I’d like to remind everyone that when I was a boy, the family was America’s cornerstone.  The family decided if another family member needed help.  Nobody but the very rich paid a penny of their incomes in tax. When I was a boy, if I needed medical help, the doctor charged according to one’s ability to pay.  Now it is a government entitlement—a right.  What would a haircut cost if it was a government mandated right?  America’s children and unborn are strapped with a debt burden that is outrageous. So what Kagan says is a colossal misstatement of fact.  It is a ponzi scheme, she supports,  placing the Federal government is the position of Bernie Madoff.

4063483396?profile=originalThe question now before the Court has Senator Patrick Leaghy of Vermont, a Democrat,  a characterture of good old Bernie, worrying if next it won’t be Social Security.  His is a good question, my question.

In Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad, the case that validated the 16th Amendment, the income tax amendment, the Court: “Under the seeming exercise of the taxing power, the taxing statute is so arbitrary as to compel the conclusion that it was not the exertion of taxation, but the confiscation of property, or is so wanting in basis for classification as to produce such a gross and patent inequity as inevitably to lead to the same conclusion,” then the income tax would be unconstitutional. This is the very question now before the Supreme Court.  Senator Leaghy suffers under the delusion that federal income tax allows him to take up to 100 percent of a person’s income if he considers it for the good of all.  I know this to be a fact because federal courts and Congress have told me that.  There is no limit of taxation, in the opinions of most of America’s makers and keepers of the law. The majority of the American people suffer under Leaghy’s delusion.  More than fifty percent of the American people depend in one way or another on the federal government.

President Obama calls himself a Roosevelt Democrat.  President Roosevelt asserted, “While it isn’t written in the Constitution, nevertheless, it is the inherent duty of the Federal Government to keep its citizens from starvation.”  Government has made this quite a stretch, in fact to the point that many would starve were it not for government  entitlements. 

The question Senator Leaghy raises is of the very essence of a scheme of ordered liberty by reason that neither liberty nor justice could exist if the right to exist by one’s one hand were sacrificed. What do the American people know about liberty or justice?  Which comes higher, one’s right to health care or one’s right to exist on the fruits of one’s own labor?  Senator Leaghy’s answer is socialism—raw, uncontrolled political power.

The American people should not be satisfied with Senator Leaghy’s solutions, but must consider that the present redistribution of income as a tacit declaration of a new purpose, and whatever doubts about the purpose must be resolved.  We are dealing with man’s lust for power.  What is at stake is this Republics existence, whether private property is replaced by “for the good of all”—socialism, a term coined by various Muslim leaders. Muslim socialists believe that the teachings of the Qur'an and Muhammad are compatible with principles of equality and the redistribution of wealth drawing inspiration from the early madina welfare state established by the Prophet Muhammad . 4063483468?profile=original

One isolated incident, called racist, has started a firestorm of national protest in America. “They” killed an unarmed boy, cried the boy’s mother.  Who is they?  They is Mr. Zimmerman, who shot this black woman’s son in self defense. A witness saw her boy on top of Mr. Zimmerman beating him.  Mr. Zimmerman has not been arrested.  This phony national outrage is a political stunt orchestrated by such as Minister Farrakhan, Reverend Wright, the Black Panthers, labor union bosses, George Soros and his vast organization, by the Obama administration, and Congress.  It is all a power play.  These folks are all birds of a feather.  You want to be beheaded?  Say to yourself, "this cup will finally pass." It did not pass for Germany's Jews.  It isn't going to pass with Muslims in control. Who are America's allies?  Leave to Obama and it will be Muslim control.

John Adam’s answer: “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God anarchy and tyranny commence.”  Our souls are not out there somewhere.   We pray to an external God that does not exist.  America’s Constitution is the embodiment of God’s law, not religion’s law.  Obama is a Christian. His minister, Revered  Wright, hates American values. Religions, the same as Senator Leaghy’s laws, are manmade efforts to control us.   

Every human on earth comes with a soul.  We have no idea of the potential power we possess. I’ve explained in great detail the “Higher Law” in my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. My book is a living experience—how to turn your life around and make your dreams come true.  

Your choice is Senator Leaghy’s, or your choice. It’s as simple as that. For every action, there is a counteraction.  Why do you need Senator Leaghy and socialism?  Why be dependent on others? Senator Leaghy and birds of a feather have yet to give us a logical answer.  




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Be Encouraged 3/28/12

Howdy all!  Gosh, is it Wednesday already?  I know I have missed sharing with you here and there, like yesterday.  But halfway through the work week already!  And like I said previously, this week is turning out to be a very big week.  Life changing moments for some even.  I mean, even my little granddaughter found out how hard the window sill can be!  Thank goodness the fat lip will not be permanent.  It does give her a little character though, and she is still sooo cute.

Any hoo,..

All of us, like sheep, have strayed away.  We have left God's paths to follow our own.  Yet, the Lord laid on him the sins of us all. ~ Isaiah 53:6

Men must be ready, they must pride themselves and be happy to sacrifice their private pleasures, passions and interests, nay, their private friendships and dearest connections, when they stand in competition with the rights of society. ~ John Adams, letter to Mercy Warren, 1776

So, the good news; there are thousands, perhaps millions who are following the message of today's verse and quote.  They are involved, holding signs, watching, listening, sharing what we have learned from the SCOTUS.  And there are probably just as many who are not.  Some have even strayed away due to frustration, and exhaustion.  To those folks I say, take the rest!  You are needed so much, but not to the point you run out of gas when your efforts will be needed most.  But for us all, we cannot lose sight of everything that goes on.  The mandate case in DC is one of the most important cases this or any SCOTUS group will ever hear.  But, it may not be the biggest issue we need to monitor.  Fast and Furious, Governor Walker, primary season, World Bank nominee, and many many more.  We cannot let these issues cause us to stray away.  We must be ready to sacrifice at least some of our private pleasures and interests to keep these types of issues in the forefront.  Our society as a republic deserves no less than sacrifices we make to protect it.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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If you work for a Nuclear Facility or many other  companies you must submit to random drug testing.

Why shouldn't ALL Government imployees, Representatives, Senators, including all departments including

maids and janitors be tested randomly for drugs?!

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Panel OKs Drug Testing of Oklahoma Welfare Recipients (a good beginning?)TODAY ARTICLE

…The bill requires those receivingTemporary Benefits for Needy Families, TANF, to pay for a drug test and then be reimbursed if they test negative. Under the bill, children whose parents fail a test could receive benefits through a designated appointee. (partial article)from Hugo,Ok newspaper

PLUS…Green Cars ….Just where do the idiots think the EXTRA Electricity comes from?! Coal fired and Nuclear POWER Plants!….Aternative Power is still just ”Wind” & sunny TALK…..

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