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Here is the latest email from Obama and friends.  Georgie is hosting a party at his house for all the Obummer crowd.  So glad I will not be there..


Joan --

Want to meet George Clooney and Barack Obama -- at Clooney's house?

He's hosting supporters at his home next month to help build support for this campaign and elect President Obama in November. And he's saving seats for two grassroots supporters like you and their guests. It's just not a chance most people get -- well, ever.

For a chance to hang out with President Obama at George Clooney's house, donate $3 or whatever you can to be automatically entered to win.

George Clooney is doing his part to help re-elect the President, but he also knows that it's folks like you who will decide this election. That's why we're reserving a few spots for grassroots supporters.

If you donate $3 or whatever you can today, you'll be doing your part to support the campaign, and be automatically entered to join them in Los Angeles.

If you ask me, this is far too good to pass up:



Julianna Smoot
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America

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The worst may be yet to come in the global financial crisis as the central bank spending that kept defaults low runs out, according to Deutsche Bank AG.

Credit-default swap prices imply that four or more European nations may suffer so-called credit events such as having to restructure their debt, strategists led by Jim Reid and Nick Burns said in a note. The Markit iTraxx SovX Western Europe Index of contracts on 15 governments including Spain and Italy jumped 26 percent in the past month as the region’s crisis flared up.

“If these implied defaults come vaguely close to being realized then the next five years of corporate and financial defaults could easily be worse than the last five relatively calm years,” the analysts in London said.
Editor's Note: You Owe It to Yourself to Know What Obama and Bernanke Are Hiding From Americans

“Much may eventually depend on how much money-printing can be tolerated as we are very close to being maxed out fiscally.”

Default rates stayed in line with historical norms between 2007 and 2011 because of the “unprecedented intervention” of European and U.S. policy makers, the analysts wrote in the report.
Now, credit markets are giving up the gains that followed the European Central Bank’s 1 trillion-euro ($1.3 trillion) longer-term refinancing operations and the U.S.’s Operation Twist that buoyed government bonds.

Although defaults have been low, recoveries are falling because the public spending that kept non-payments down has failed to spur economic growth, according to the analysts.

Credit-default swaps pay the buyer face value in exchange for the underlying securities or the cash equivalent should a borrower fail to adhere to its debt agreements.

“The LTROs gave us some respite but they don’t appear to have taken the problem away,” Burns said in a phone interview. “At the moment there are no more LTROs on the table.”

Read more: Deutsche Bank: Worst of Global Crisis Yet to Come as Rescue Cash Runs Out

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The Truth About Liberty

4063277564?profile=originalThe “old guard” informs you that my “fleshly” desires are the devil’s work.  That’s for you to decide, but I’m going to continue giving you my view.  Who am I to challenge recognized world authority?  Copy the following address and view Manny  Edwards’ video   It is well worth your time. Edwards, a lawyer, an expert on constitutional law, is the theory; I’m the experience. His book, The Truth About Liberty,  my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012.

The “self-fulfilling prophet” begins with a false notion and proceeds to make that notion come true (one war after another).This is his proof that he was right from the very beginning.   Where is America at the present?  We are kidding ourselves that America is the greatest nation in history.  Truthfully, America is leaderless and economically far from what the nation’s cooked books tell us.  With the “old guard” in control—half-truths here, half-truths there, the full truth never to be seen—America  is bankrupt, morally, spiritually and fiscally.               

America began with the idea that, given the freedom, with hard work one had the chance of making a success out of his or her life. This correct assumption led to a prosperous America. Given prosperity and the good life, we thought about the good life and not what it took to gain it.  Then came the self-fulfilling prophet—and all that goes with it. We are now like dogs chasing their tails.  Don’t kid yourself.  Our President is beholden to China.  We don’t know what is taking place.  But there is an ongoing  shakeup in power. That much we know.  It involves the Islamic nations, Russia, and China.   It is not a pretty picture that your money managers leave leave for you.  The “green” idea, Obama’s thing,  is going to soon end, and if we are lucky, worth twenty percent of what it is worth now.  That means your gasoline is going to cost you $20 per gallon and your paycheck is going to buy twenty percent of what it does now. All because we were beguiled by the “old guard” into thinking we could spend half again what we produced without a consequence. The easiest way the politicians and bankers know to get themselves out of the corner they have painted themselves into is to pay down the debt they created with a dollar worth 20 percent of what they were. This is secret deal they have made with the above named movers and shakers of the “green” world.   The debt will be 20 percent of what it is now, and alas, green will turn brown. But don’t listen to me. I’m an odd-ball.   Continue to listen to the “old guard.”  Think only good and the good fairy will bless you.  

By the time I reached my teens, I thought of myself as an odd-ball, and I wondered what was wrong with me. I didn’t think like my contemporaries.  Actually, I saw reality.  I was very lonely.  People, especially teenagers, don’t want to look at reality.  I’ve got news for you.  You are about to look at reality.

Astrologer James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, said this about me: "We are going to take a look at two key aspects of your astrological data, your Sun sign and your Moon sign. We are going to talk about them archetypically.”

“We have a new image of what it means to be a human being, how to think of ourselves as growing, evaluating, understanding, that we can connect with our God‑self energy.”

“We all start at immature levels of ego functions. We have a sense of security based on how much we feel in charge of our lives. We want to keep the idea that things are going fine. We have goals we want to achieve. We need to manipulate things to keep everything just right. We need to keep this allusion for security purposes. If new information comes in, we can act defensively. We don't want information that rocks the boat.”

“What happens is that this allusion, based on security control, has to shift to our inner connection, our God‑self force that gives us a sense of well being no matter what's going on out there. We have to make that opening on the inside.”

"As you get in touch with your inner energy and start to get in touch with your higher self, you will be guided into how to find that true work expression. It will be shown to you intuitively. This becomes the way you uplift everyone who comes into your life. When you evolve into your higher self you energize those who cross your path. This becomes your greatest talent.”

     I must have been born ahead of my time. That’s what astrologers say.  But what do astrologers know?  I observe that my energy has impressed few.  Witness what Reverend Robertson had to say about me.  I’m somewhat of a joke, perhaps to most.  At any rate, the things I think are far from what most people think.  Most people think what the  authorities want them to think.    

 Another odd-ball, quantum physicist and brain doctor Evan Harris Walker, in The Physics of Consciousness, had this to say about observers:  “As T. H. Huxley put it, Extinguished theologians lie about the cradle of every science as the strangled snakes beside [the cradle of] Hercules.” Shame on him. “The obvious—such as consciousness—has been shut out, exactly as if such ideas were the teachings of a heretic,” said Walker.

“The consequences have been devastating to religion. Religion—all religion—has for some time been dying a slow death. Many will greet such a statement with elation that the earth may be freed of the self-righteous, the fear mongers, those who raise the specter of eternal condemnation, those who instill guilt in children and the frail of mind, and those who have inflicted pain, inflamed hatred, and fostered wars in the name of this or that religion.”  Heaven forbid!

        Walker and I share the same opinion on religion.  I want no part of it.  Walker called himself a Christian.  It’s a name that means something to some of us. I don’t care what people call themselves.   As far as I’m concerned, in and of itself, Christianity has no meaning. We will not gain peace through religion.  We never have; we never will.  Jesus was not religious.  When I see the cross, I think of Jesus hanging from it.  That has meaning.  He forgave them in his last breath.  He wasn’t talking to me, so why do Christians accuse me of being a sinner? Get on my knees and beg forgiveness?   Get out of here! I don’t trust earth-bound authorities as far as I could throw the Vatican.  They are hypocrites and wolves in sheep’s clothing.  I trust Jesus.  It is a one-on-one relationship.   

“Consciousness is something real and ponderable,” says Walker; and it is limited to whatever the individual perceives it to be, say I.  Walker sees the absoluteness of space as “false dogma.”  Nothing is absolute in the universe, not anymore  than in you, say I.  You don’t know if the sun is going to rise on you tomorrow.  And although you may not know it, as a conscious being you are inextricably involved in the goings on. There is no way out of it. So go ahead and refuse to think about it. See where that gets you.  

The cutting edge of science is now exponentially expanding our awareness, as dogs in the manger exert their control. How long is that going to last?  This odd-ball says that if you don’t climb aboard the bandwagon, you will be left at the switch watching the world roll by you.  Future generations will read my book and wonder what was wrong with yesterday’s  folks.

“It has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter,” says Walker. What?   Scientific proof that we have the spirit of God in us?  Well, goodbye and good riddance to the man-created supernatural gods that have brought so much misery and suffering  to the world.

“The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality,” states Walker.

Quite by accident, I learned the truth Walker reveals, and strangely, after I studied my Constitution—and my inalienable rights—and with the idea of acting.  Says Walker, the will “transcends the limits of space and time.”  It is all a matter of how we see ourselves—which reminds me: this “Fifth Amendment freak,” the name the IRS gave me, made the all-powerful IRS eat crow. And that’s far from all. Simply by implementing my God-given rights—written in my Constitution—I turned my life around. All my dreams came true.

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How a Crock of Shit Becomes Policy

Ever wonder how things can get so screwed up. Is it a lack of communication? Consider the following story….. 

In the beginning was the plan 
And then came the assumptions 
And the assumptions were without form 
And the plan was completely without substance 
And the darkness was upon the faces of the Workers 
And they spoke unto their Group Heads, saying: 
"It is a crock of shit and it stinketh". 
And the Group Heads went unto their Section Heads and sayeth: 
"It is a pail of dung, and none may abide the odour thereof' ..” 
And the Section Heads went unto their Managers and sayeth to them: 
"It is a container of excrement, and it’s aroma very strong, 
. Such that none here may abide by it". 
And the managers went unto their Director and sayeth unto him: 
"It contains that which aids plant growth, and it’s fragrance is very powerful". 
And the Director went unto the Assistant Deputy Minister 
and sayeth unto him: 
"It promoteth growth, and it is very powerful". 
And the A.D.M. went unto the Deputy Minister and sayeth unto him: 
"This powerful new plan will actively promote the growth and 
Efficiency of the Department, and this area in particular". 
And the Deputy Minister looked upon the plan, 
And saw that it 'was good’. 

And this is how a crock of shit becomes policy. 

Now you might wonder how something like the above can actually take place. Well consider the following story……. 

When the human body was first made, all of its parts had a meeting. 

They all agreed there had to be a leader, a boss, to make sure everything ran smoothly. 

First the brain spoke up saying he should be boss cuz he coordinated every function. 

But the heart objected saying if it wasn't for him constantly pumping life's blood to every part, nothing could happen. 

Then the lungs interjected, "I should be boss cuz I supply the oxygen necessary for the blood to be viable. 

"Wait a minute," responded the liver. "I make sure the blood and other vital fluids are healthy constantly cleansing them of toxins and poisons. 

Even the spleen extolled it should be boss cuz he was the one who actually manufactured enough blood so the body could function. 

This went on and on with the arms, legs, kidneys, stomach, eyes, teeth and all the other parts putting in their arguments why they should be boss. 

Then when all thought the debate was over, the "asshole" boastfully bellowed, "I demand to be boss!" 

Upon hearing that, all the other body parts broke out into loud laughter at that "absurd" idea. 

Taken aback by that harsh rebuke of his demand, the asshole puckered up refusing to participate in any more discussion. 

Soon the brain became dizzy and feverish. 

The heart struggled to keep pumping. 

The lungs found it increasingly difficult to draw in much needed air. 

The arms soon hung limply to the side. 

The eyes blurred. 

And so it went with every part of the body. 

And emergency meeting was called. And soon all capitulated for the sake of the whole. 

So that's how the "asshole" became the boss. 

Now I know you think this was all meant to be funny, but is it really??? 

The reason that we have such shit policy is because assholes are in charge. It time for them to go. Remember, shit flows down hill. 

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Be Encouraged! 4/19/12

Howdy all!  How are you surviving the week?  Well, it's Thursday, so not much further to go until we can start all over again!

Any hoo,..

The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. ~ Psalm 103:13

Would it not be better to simplify the system of taxation rather than to spread it over such a variety of subjects and pass through so many new hands. ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, 1784

Did you hear that the democratic run Senate has decided to NOT submit a budget until after the election?  So, we as a nation will have waited for a total of 1293 days, give or take a trillion dollars or so, for even an attempt at having a Senate budget submitted.  So, why again do we have a financial crisis?  I know what Jefferson would have said.  In fact I've shared it with you!  He would be upset because the present administration along with an inept, corrupt, vile, incorrigible Senate and an almost as bad House have done exactly what Jefferson warned against; the spread of the people's taxes over such a variety of subjects and passage of the money through sooooooo many hands.  Simplify it?  Well, there are two ways out there that would simplify the tax codes so much that either could alleviate the economic crisis within one or two years.  One is the Fair Tax which already has a bill number (HR 25).  The other is the plan devised by Herman Cain, the 999 plan.  Rick Santorum even had a plan to reduce the tax rates to only two.  Mr Romney unfortunately wants to revise the tax codes by adding 59 more points to the present codes to do something, although I'm not quite sure what.  Wish I knew what that something was.  But even this would be better than the plan the democrats have.  You do know what that plan is, right?  Sure you do.  We've all heard about thistype of plan before.  Just remember, if there are unused checks in your checkbook, you have enough money for everything!  That's the Senator Conrad plan.  He must have found a couple of boxes of unused checkbooks in his office supply closet.  At least he is sharing them with his fellow democrats so they all have enough money to last until December.  We conservatives (true conservatives) instead must control our own urge to spend.  No doubt, we also have the need and want to spend money like the spendocrats.  The challenge is to maintain control, use common sense, and understand that those checks in the checkbook have no value without an account balance.

Maybe Conrad should give some of those checks to Obama.  Wouldn't it be fun to watch him try to pay for the next vacation with insufficient funds?

The Lord is like a father to his children.  We need to be like parents as well.  Tender and compassionate, but also stern enough to say when enough is enough.  We have been doing this in concert for over three years now.  We have been doing this individually for yeeeeeears.  Soon, we parents will take the toys away from the federally elected children.  Then they can all go in their rooms and sulk without any more toys.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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I’ll repeat a previous blog if you don’t mind: ”The majority of us Christians DID NOT vote in the previous election and we have had the Devil to pay since, do we want to put him in for another FOUR YEARS?
Get real, Romney is our ONLY HOPE now to remove that S.O.B. and his Minions in the White House.

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Left-wing congressman Barney Frank urged President Barack Obama not to push
ahead with healthcare reform, he revealed in an interview on Monday.

Instead he thought the Democrats should have pushed financial reform first,
and that concentrating on health cost the party the House in 2010.

"Healthcare is enormously important to people,"Frank told New York magazine.
"When you tell them that you¹re going to extend healthcare to people who
don¹t now have it, they don't see how you can do that without hurting them.

"We paid a terrible price for healthcare," the retiring Massachusetts
represntative added. "I would not have pushed it as hard."

Frank said that when Republican Scott Brown won Ted Kennedy's old
Massachusetts Senate seat in 2010, he even suggested turning the clock back
on the Democrats legislative agenda.

"I would have started with financial reform but certainly not healthcare,"
he said.

Frank, who is retiring this year after 16 terms in the House, said he won't
miss Washington because of the increased partisanship, blaming it on modern

"Twenty years ago, people had a common set of facts that they read. They
read opinion journalists, but they got their information generally from
newspapers and from broadcasts.

"Now, the activists live in parallel universes, which are both separate and
echo chambers for each. If you're on the left, you listen to MSNBC, you go
to the blogs, Huffington Post, et cetera, and you basically hear only what
you agree with. If you're on the right, you watch Fox News and the talk
shows, and you hear only what you agree with.

"When we try to compromise, what you find is not people simply objecting to
the specific terms of the compromise, but the activists object even to your
trying to compromise, because they say, 'Look, everybody I know agrees with
us, so why are you giving in?'"

 (God Bless DIFFERENT "Universes"!...Cal)

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Here is what I got from the Obama camp this morning...  as if they were not behind the Wall Street protests.  They will be out in force raising class warfare this summer, you can be sure!!  This was Barry''s only job experience before the idiots in this  country elected him.  Hopefully we can take our country back in November!

Joan --

I'm writing because Barack needs you out there this summer.

Through the Organizing Fellowship program, you can work in a full-time volunteer position, learn the principles of field organizing, and then carry out important grassroots activities on the ground.

This summer, thousands of these organizing fellows are going to help lead our grassroots organization -- recruiting volunteers and running events to help more people make their voices heard.

It's an amazing experience -- one that could change your life while shaping this country for decades to come.

If you take a position as a fellow, you'll help more people to step up at the local level, where there are so many opportunities to make so much change. You'll register voters, recruit and train volunteers, run phone banks, have conversations with people on their front porches, and build the relationships that will bring your community together to fight for progress.

There will be difficult days, and long ones, too. But being an organizer is one of the best experiences you can have working in politics.

The people who take on this challenge will not only help move this country forward -- they'll also become the next generation of leaders.

The strength of this organization comes from the people involved. We never could have come this far without folks like you who have a passion for organizing and a commitment to finishing what we started together.

If you're ready to play a critical role in our grassroots campaign, apply now -- or forward this note to someone you know who may be interested:

Thank you,


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Faith in God

4063488526?profile=originalThis is a blog that freely discusses God and country. Reverend Jerry L. Robertson, a contributor on this blog, has an issue with me: my faith in God.  I think it is worthy of discussion. It's an issue that affects the course of the world at this time.  Says Robertson, publically: “There is only one way to God.”  I assume he meant his comment to apply to everyone.  He goes on to say, “and that is by walking in faith, accepting God’s Word as Truth.”  I agree, so what is his beef? “You are still moving in your fleshly desires and have wrongly concluded that by your intellect you are able to discern answers to your questions and consequently know about God.”  Is that so?

What distinguishes humans from animals is intellect. Desire is animal. Robertson’s accusation is divided into two parts: human and animal.  Humans are concerned with such things as the welfare of humans and other human values, including the dignity of the individual; animals with survival.  The Bible speaks of Cain and Able. Cain killed his brother Able because he feared that God favored his brother.  Fear is animal.  Where does the Reverend walk?

Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.”  Where is God’s kingdom?  God’s kingdom is spiritual.  The errors in religious doctrines and dogmas are too numerous to count.  The kingdom of God “comes not with outward show” (Luke 17:20). The Bible does not say what it says to Reverend Robertson.  It seems to me that what the Reverend is trying to get across is that he is an authority; I am not. This is the real issue.  We are prone to allow authorities to run our lives. I’m not here to help Robertson. I’m here to help you live the life you were intended to live, by looking within for your answers.

In 1975, I decided to challenge the IRS.  What greater authority is there than the IRS?  I’m not a lawyer. I went to the county law library and miraculously went to the exact parts of the law that applied to my beef with the income tax IRS said I owed. How could that be?  I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me.  It was no longer me challenging the IRS. I had a bigger than life calling.  From that time on, I’ve lived a charmed life.

Who is the proper authority to run our lives?  In the Bible, we read, “And God said, Let us make man in our image” (Genesis 1:26).  I don’t interpret that to mean the authorities.  The Bible says, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.”  From whence came man’s soul?  The Reverend says God will not tolerate my debating his reality.    

For sure, we did not come from nothing.  Quoting the editor of my Scofield Study Bible, Rev. C. I. Scofield, “The Dispensations are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity.”  We are not debating God’s reality.  Writes Scofield, “exhibiting the majestic progressive order of the divine dealing of God with humanity, ‘the increasing purpose’ which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of men to the end in eternity,” the collective soul of man is involved with the consciousness of the universe—everlasting, eternal, with no beginning and no end.  Anything else is manmade.

Reverend Robertson has a manmade idea. His thousand year-old idea: “GOD had to turn HIS Eyes away, as HIS Son was crucified upon the cross, for all of our sins!”  Alas, it’s my “fleshly desires.”  The flesh desires. It’s natural. My Christian teaching said if I even thought about my “fleshly desires,” I was a sinner and should get on my knees and beg God’s forgiveness. Really! God sits on his throne frowning down on the likes of me. This idea drove me away from Christianity.  I remain with “fleshly desires,” but also with a bigger than life calling. Robertson puts the cart before the horse for his own self-serving purpose—he’s an authority. Too bad. I’m my own authority.

We are from dust to dust. No, you are not going to hell. Don’t buy that guilt trip.   We come with an immortal soul. Distinguish the progressive order of the universe and our increasing purpose.  We are each here with a special purpose and a life to call our own.  You have no idea of the potential power that lies within you. Do not allow the authorities to divert your life and purpose.  


Note: Obama is far too smug.  His current acts are not helping him win the election. I’ve been thinking for a year that Obama is secretly planning with America’s enemies to turn America into communist dictatorship.  My thinking keeps getting stronger that  if Obama sees that he is going to lose the election, a number of things could happen that could justify his declaring martial law and calling off the election, such as rioting in the streets of  major American cities, such as a weapon of mass destruction being set off. Obama has already signed an executive order that gives him the right to take dictatorial control. There have been too many coincidences to be coincidence.

The question arises: will the dumbed down American people allow this to happen. Just by coincidence my book is to be published in June 2012, with much personal experience revealed in how I dealt with authority.





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We The Stupid

August 2, 2011


I stand here in abject stupefaction. The so-called "right" or "Tea Party" in this republic is being so thoroughly rolled and defeated that I am struggling to come up with an adequate violent submission metaphor that does not involve prison rape . . . and they honesty think that they're "winning." Really? You call this winning?

- Obama gets over $2 Trillion to spend before the 2012 election

- There are no real spending cuts

- There is a massive tax increase effective January 1, 2013

Obama is going to be handed something in excess of $2 Trillion -- and he has made it perfectly clear that he will spend every penny of it before the November 2012 election. That's why he kept saying, " . . . so we don't have to do this again", meaning raise the debt ceiling again. The debt ceiling would only need to be raised if all of the money had been spent. Therefore, he has stated very clearly that he will spend every penny of any debt ceiling increase. He is going to burn through $2 Trillion-plus in the next sixteen months. This was the Obama regime's plan from day one. Geithner appeared before Congress in early May and told them this in no uncertain terms. This outcome has been a known quantity all along.

Read more:

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Be Encouraged!n 4/18/12

Howdy all!  How has your week been so far?  I must admit mine has been outstanding.  Even the mighty Steve, Great Dane extraordinaire, had his case of being a dangerous dog dismissed in court!  Maybe I should run for office.  Better yet, maybe I should be plaintiff's council for eligibility hearings!  I wish!!

Any hoo,..

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many. ~ Matthew 20:28

The discipline and character of the national forces should not suffer, nor the cause they defend be imperiled, by the profanation of the day or name of the Most High...  The first General Order issued by the Father of his Country, after the Declaration of Independence indicates the spirit in which our institutions were founded and should ever be defended:"The General hopes and trusts that every officer and man will endeavor to live and act as becomes a Christian soldier defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country."~ Abraham Lincoln, Order for Sabbath Observance, (including quote from General George Washington) Nov 15, 1862

So, does this sound like these great gentlemen were promoting a specific religion?  Well they're not.  But is does suggest something even better.  Lincoln wanted the forces to be able to celebrate their sabbath, plain and simple.  He related to the Christian faith method of celebrating sabbath, but his words did not say celebrate AS a christian.  The same can be said of Washington.  Endeavor to live and act 'AS BECOMES' a Christian soldier.  He was using a Christian Soldier as an example to follow, not mandating to BE a Christian soldier.  Why is this important?  Just read the verse from Matthew.  He came not to be served, but to serve others, even to die for others.  As far as I know, there is only one entity besides Jesus Christ that has been willing to give their lives to serve others.  That is the American military members.  All of them, in all races, all creeds, all sexes.  They are not all Christian.  But, to act 'AS BECOMES' a Christian soldier is to lay down one's life to save another.  Lincoln wanted the troops to celebrate their faith as an effort to allow the troops to stay close to their Creator, therefore keeping them within their calling to be as a Christian soldier.  The US armed forces are all voluntary forces.  These brave men and women have chosen a life that may cause them to be in harm's way, even give the ultimate sacrifice.  For you.  For your neighbors and families.  For your opponents.  For anyone you like or dislike.  For freedom and liberty.  In recent history, members of the armed forces have been given much greater respect and honor than before.  Medals, awards, hugs at airports, parties upon return.  This is not enough.  You might think this is all you can do, but it's not enough.  There is only thing you can do to honor the sacrifice these finest of the finest have offered.  Smile, look them straight in the eye, and say thank you.  There isn't anything more important you can do than that. 

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Secret Service, GAO, ...who else..maybe Obama and Congress...
ON ????"
The Republic has a CONSTITUTION???
Amendment 28
Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States
that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives, and Congress
shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does
not apply equally to the citizens of the United States .
...and we hear about Pippa pointing a gun at paparazzi.....i'm sending this on to The Supremes...

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Good versus Evil


My Bookcover by CreateSpace, An Amazon Company. My book will be available this June


How do we stop the three—Islam, China, and Russia—from dividing up the free world and fighting among themselves who will be the ultimate winner?  The choice is enslavement or personal liberty.

The Holy Bible gives us a god made in our image, knowing only good—no question about it! The serpent said to the woman, “Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat from every tree in the garden.”  God did, indeed, forbid Adam and Eve from eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  The Bible gives us Moses, the Ten Commandments, and the Promised Land. The walls of Jericho came tumbling down.  It gave us the Holy Catholic Empire and the Christian Crusades, to take back what was their land.  Islam took the land back.  Once again came the Promised Land smack dab in the middle of Islam’s land.  No way, Jose!  What kind of thinking is this? The holy war goes on.  Good is evil and evil is good.

The Bible gives us Job, who showed us his faith in God.  In denial of Satin, Job gave up his land, his family, his health, and what did he have left?  I have no idea. What is wrong with us? Toward the end of the Old Testament, the prophet Habakkuk cried out, “O Lord, how long shall I cry! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!

The Bible says we have immortal souls.  Imagine what intelligent beings from elsewhere in the universe would think about the above scenario. You know that they would think of us like we think of baboons.  How do we know that we are going to be born on planet Earth.  I must be one of those from elsewhere. I don’t think like a baboon.

 We now know that there are countless planets in the universe capable of producing intelligent life. Life from elsewhere is surely here. There have been millions of UFO sightings. Unbelievably, there is yet not any hard evidence, because government is doing everything it can to see that none ever surfaces.  Rumors are on the rise, but we are still under the control of baboons.

The very fact that more evidence keeps appearing that extraterrestrial entities are here, and in greater and greater numbers, is evidence that they are not cooperating with said baboons.  Government wants us to believe more intelligent life does not exist.  Said baboons don’t want to give up control.   

If they wanted to take control, these extraterrestrial beings could surely do it. What chance would military baboons have with their sticks.  To tease them, a flight of UFOs hovered over Washington. The military sent up jets to confront them.  They suddenly disappeared.  As soon as the jets left, they reappeared.  What a joke!  The evidence says they have been here since ancient times.  Obviously, they are here as observers.  They would know that our baboon government is heading us for annihilation. I believe they would not want that to happen.  It would be logical, and the evidence tells us this, that these beings from elsewhere  could be concerned about atomic weapons, and other weapons of mass destruction in the hands of baboons.

Our world is advancing technologically by leaps and bounds.  The mere fact of extraterrestrials being here tells us they are technologically advanced, and that our current experience is something they have experienced in the past, when they were baboons.  They are here. That tells you they didn’t annihilate themselves, and that they don’t want us to annihilate ourselves.  

Modern science has discovered that basic to all things in the universe is information, and that information is part of us.  We interact with matter. Our awareness is expanding exponentially.  We are coming up to speed.

First of all, I give extraterrestrials credit for being more intelligent than anyone on earth.  Having said this, I turn to the New Testament, to the Gospel According to St. Matthew. Keeping Habakkuk’s lament in mind,  right off I read that three wise men, actually Persian astrologers, followed the Star of Bethlehem to the birthplace of the Christ child, and that King Herod tried to remove this threat to his power, but that Jesus’s parents escaped with the baby Jesus to Egypt.

After Jesus showed himself, and his purpose to empower the individual, the powers that be crucified him, and so they have remained with their lies. 

It so happens that some 2,000 years later I found myself at a jumping off place, and nothing to do but jump into the unknown.  I was on my own, well almost.  I had studied my Constitution and believed in my God-given rights.  No one else I knew believed in my rights.  Everyone I knew thought I’d flipped.  My wife thought I should go to a psychiatrist.  We do not think the way I thought.  We don’t question authority.  I understand now how Jesus felt when he said to Peter, “before the cock crows, you will deny me thrice.”

Goodness, gracious, who is this guy, I hear you saying. Well, I didn’t get crucified, but would they ever like to get their hands on me. They can’t because they know that I’d make fools of them. They’ve already had that experience.   I’m here to tell my story—how to personally empower yourself.

I’m not a Christian. Jesus wasn’t a Christian. He wasn’t even a good Jew.  Like me, Jesus was anti-religious.  Like me, Jesus called the authorities hypocrites and wolves in sheep’s clothing. 

The 2,000 years that have past puts us entering the Age of Aquarius, and leaving the 2,000 years of external authority, weak wills, and don’t know whether you are afoot or horseback.  It places us entering a time of stubborn wills, against hypocrisy of any kind, and being our brother’s keeper.  

In defiance of the hypocrites in control, said Jesus, “Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find.”  Jesus said, “Therefore whosoever hear these sayings on mine, and doeth them, I will liken him to a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.”  All of this is in Matthew, and much, much more.

The key to success is in doing what your intuition says is best for you. Of course that’s not what you have been taught, but it is what empowers you, what makes you a selfish pig, you are told.  Jesus said doeth what you believe is best for you, because “first comes the kingdom of God.” 

But, say I, don’t get caught in the self-fulfilling prophecy trap, the Piscean personality disorder, a false idea of the situation, a delusion that will make you think you are right and prove it by making your failure a fact.  You have to get past the ego—trying to fool people into believing something other than what you are—and end being the fool.

Internally, you are the very opposite of what external authority wants you to be, and forces on you by law.  Example:  Romney’s wife has never worked a day in her life.  She doesn’t know what it takes to make the wheels turn. Oh yes, they know how hard stay at home moms work.  But they are limited sluts, selling themselves for a handout, implies Bill Mahr.  The New Black Panthers have the answer. Kill white babies. The authorities want women to work the same as men.  It’s communism—collective salvation—making the imbecilic baboon, such as Bill Mahr, all-important, with utterly no regard for others.  He and the President are buddies.  You can beat those animals.  You were created with reason and logic.

Jesus was sent to prepare us for what was to come.  I saw through the charade a long time ago, but I didn’t know Jesus was guiding me.

I was not conscious that Jesus was my guide until I decided to write my memoirs.  After ten years of reconstructing my life, I finally came to the realization that Jesus is my savior and redeemer.  In my book In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, I reveal in great detail how all of my dreams have come true, without the help of any external authority.  Even if you are an atheist, the same can happen to you—if  you will quit listening to the authorities  and think for yourself.

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The Prophetic Word from ~ Rev. Jerry L. Robertson April 16, 2012

“The evil that the people have done keeps them from returning to GOD. Yes, and likewise 'idolatry' has a powerful hold on them, and they do not acknowledge GOD in all that they do. The arrogance of the people, cries out against them, and causes the others to fall with them. They make feudal efforts to pray to GOD, but it does them no good. They cannot find HIM, for HE has left them alone. They have been so unfaithful, therefore HE is reconsidering those that belong to HIM.”

“ So now they and their lands, are slipping and sliding like an avalanche that is
about to roar into destruction. It is time for the watchmen (GOD's Prophet's) to
blow the 'Shofar' (war trumpets)! Sound the alarm, and awaken all those who are
in deep slumber. Raise up your 'mighty men', they must shake themselves and be
fully awake, to deal with the threat that has come upon your nation.”

“The day of punishment has come upon you in the day of your need, and all must humble themselves, before Almighty GOD. For you have been arrogant as a nation, in your thoughts, ignoring your rampant sins. And you have brought judgment upon all the people, and your land; because your leader's declared that your nation would rebuild the walls that came down, with newly hewn stone, and your leaders have brought a curse upon your nation, for all of your arrogance. For they determined that you were invincible, when your enemies launched their attack. No one bothered to pray concerning the protection of GOD, or they soon would have known, that GOD had withdrawn HIS Hand from over your nation. And you all (your nation), stood in your nakedness before the nations.”

“It is the LORD, Your GOD, WHO stirred up your enemies against you; and even yet, GOD's Anger is not abated: HIS Hand is still out-stretched to punish, for HIS People, who are called by HIS NAME! They have not repented, even though they have seen destruction rained down from the skies above, on September 11, 2001; and now your entire economy has been ruined, so effectively just seven years later, to the day September 11, 2008 causing the downfall of the world financial system.”

“The 'People of GOD', still have not repented, even though the LORD, ALMIGHTY has allowed this season of judgment to continue for all of these years; and still no repentance. In a single day the LORD YOUR GOD will punish the leaders and the people of America; HE Will cut them off, head and tail. It is the elders and the honorable men, who are the head_and the tail are those prophets whose teachings have been lies! Those who lead these people, have misled them and totally confused them. And so the LORD says, HE will not let anyone escape, not even the widows and orphans shall be given pity, because all these people are
choosing to live godless and wicked lives, and everything they say is evil. The sins and wickedness of the people burns like a consuming forest fire throughout the land and destroys the people, and it is for each of you, to reason for yourselves. Everywhere in the country people will snatch and eat every bit of food they can find, but their hunger will not be satisfied. Unless there is repentance, there will be those who will eat their own children. What will you do when punishment comes upon you?  What will you do as disaster, upon disaster continues to plague the nation?  Where will you run to find help? Where will you hide your wealth?”

“This day is unfolding upon all of you even now, and this season is drawing to a close; there is only one 'LAST CHANCE' for MY People, Who are Called by MY NAME!  Now is the time to humble yourselves and repent for your sins, and the sins of this nation.  Your obedience to pray and intercede for those others will be received in MY Ears, and will come up as a sweet savor into MY Nostrils, and I WILL Respond in Compassion with MY Mercy and MY Grace and I WILL Pour out MY Blessing upon your nation, the United States of America, and I WILL Heal your land, thus says the LORD, YOUR GOD, CREATOR OF THIS Earth and all of the entire Universe.”

~{ it is with great fear and trembling, that I've transcribed this WORD of Prophecy! And with a deep sense of grief, I'm finding this to be the most difficult 'prophetic-word' that I've ever been charged to deliver. Yet, my love for GOD and HIS Son, Jesus has provided me with the courage to stand fast and be able to gain strength though the Power of the Holy Spirit, to follow through in obedience. Like GOD, I don't want to see anyone fail to receive HIS Eternal Love, and Salvation through HIS Son Jesus Christ!} Find solace in GOD's Word from (Hosea 4:(4) The Lord says, “Let no one accuse the people or reprimand them _ MY Complaint is against you priest or preachers. (5) Night and day you blundered on, and the prophets have done no better than you.”

For reference read (Hosea 4; Isaiah 9: 10, 11, 12)[Today's English Ver] ; also be sure to include (2Chr.7:14)

Rev. Jerry L. Robertson

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