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Senator Richard J. "Dick" LaRossa, Ph.D.
President & CEO A - Team Corporate Strategies
Re-printed with permission by Jeff Bruzzo,
Publisher & Editor, Project Shining City

David Christian
4063479328?profile=originalPennsylvania is the Keystone State, symbolic of the center stone that supports an arch. However it is also a “key” in that no candidate has won the presidency in the last 50 years without capturing Pennsylvania. 

Because Pennsylvania plays such a critical role in the election of the President, the recent actions of Governor Tom Corbett and State Chairman Tom Gleason must be severely questioned. The Corrupt Corbett Coalition was conspiring to keep David Christian, a true Reagan Republican and war hero off the ballot. Instead of supporting the best candidate, they are backing a former Democrat and Obama supporter for the US Senate, by the name of Steve Welch, who is less likely to stand up to the Obama agenda.

Pennsylvania already has one Democrat and Obama supporter in the US Senate, why would they want another?

Once you read this strange and puzzling story, you will have to question the motives of the Corrupt Corbett Coalition and wonder what kind of deal they struck.

At the State Committee meeting in January, Governor Corbett, through local organizations, forced an endorsement for his candidate; former Democrat and Obama supporter Steve Welch.1 Delegates were threatened with losing their jobs and were told that if any committee person stood, nominated, or seconded anyone other than Steve Welch, they would no longer be considered committee people. It seems that the First Amendment does not exist in the Pennsylvania GOP!

Welch has put over a million dollars of his own money in the campaign2 and is the last person a Republican should support, let alone a Republican Governor. Welch changed his party affiliation to Democrat as far back as 2006 and then admitted to voting for Obama in 2008. After that, he changed his party affiliation back to Republican but continued to contribute to Democrat candidates, such as Joe Sestak.1 Welch even held an event for Sestak at his home.

In politics, you are known by the company you keep. Steve Welch’s support for the very liberal Joe Sestak, a Democratic Pennsylvania Congressman is quite odd. Sestak has a reputation of being “temperamental and demanding,” and “Sestak was fired on the first day on his job as deputy chief of naval operations for warfare requirements and programs.” After that, Sestak only held lower profile desk jobs until he retired. The fact that Welch would support someone like that over a Republican is very disturbing and definitely calls his judgment into question.

Now we learn that Sestak is attempting to run an occupy candidate for the US Senate4 Yes, you read that correctly. Steve Welch, who is backed by Governor Corbett, has held fundraisers for liberal Democrat Congressman Joe Sestak, who is now attempting to put up an occupy” candidate. 4.

Welch’s vote for Obama should have been enough to have kept him from being endorsed by any Republican. However, Governor Corbett defended him by saying, “My understanding is that he did this as part of ‘Operation Chaos… referring to Rush Limbaugh’s encouragement of Republican voters to cross over into Democratic primaries in ’08.”1

Unfortunately, for Corbett, that’s a lie.

Operation Chaos was not about voting for Obama.5  As one reader commented,

“Anyone that is familiar with Limbaugh's 'Operation Chaos' knows that he was encouraging people to vote for Hillary Clinton in that Primary! Welch's vote for Obama means he is either not very smart or lying.”1

So, first the Corrupt Corbett Coalition backs an Obama Democrat, and then they lie about why they did it!6 These actions definitely call into question Corbett’s integrity, party loyalty, and motives.

The PA GOP are now using all resources in an attempt to force Republicans to vote for Welch in the US Senate Primary. In a further example of Corbett’s Corrupt Coalition, only Welch was allowed to be invited to, or speak at any Pa. GOP sponsored events throughout the entire state.7

Already there are signs that Corbett overplayed his hand. The final results of an online poll show Welch only moving up from fourth place to the third place position. David Christian, Corbett’s latest victim, is second.8Public Policy Polling conducted a survey from March 8 to 119 Welch, the endorsed one, has been interviewed and has been attending events, yet his results show that since the poll in November, he has only increased from 1% to 5%. The survey was conducted during the time that David Christian was still settling the legal challenges and had not been on the campaign trail in over twenty days. Taking that into consideration, his stats are amazing. If, up against Casey, it shows him only 2 points under Sam Rohrer, the leader in this poll, then think what David Christian will be able to accomplish now that he is back on the campaign trail! As an advocate for Veterans, he could be picking up votes from the military and he just might be the only one who can beat Casey in November.

There were many people who came out of the state meeting reporting that Governor Corbett was pressuring everyone, and many of them said they had to vote the way he wanted out of fear or obligation and many were threatened with their jobs. However, when there are reports of threats against people, 1 the Governor has crossed the line over to that point of “no return”…which also might now be the chant of the people when he com es up for re-election.

However, the intimidation of the Corrupt Corbett Coalition did not stop after winning the rigged convention.

Governor Corbett and other leaders contacted David Christian shortly thereafter, just before the deadline for the nomination papers to be filed, on Tuesday, January 21, and told Christian to drop from the race or face unprecedented challenges of his petition papers.10 Can you say “ The People’s Republic of Pennsylvania?

And, that is exactly what they did. David Christian’s petitions were challenged by three people who were clearly put up to it by the PA GOP. One of the more outrageous reasons for challenging Christian’s petitions is the claim that people signed with their nickname, not their given name. The names that were challenged were names like Richard, Michael, Craig, Janet, Linda, Rose, Mary etc., etc.

Please read David Christian’s statement on the petition challenge Hear more details about the calls from the Governor, David Christian’s military career, and his life in this short video of Christian speaking at a group meeting.

A Senate candidate only needs 2,000 petition signatures and David Christian got over 3,100. The Corrupt Corbett Coalition knew they could not knock off enough signatures on David’s petitions to keep him from being on the ballot. This was a blatant attempt to tie David Christian up in court thus precluding his ability to attend important campaign events. In addition, it was aimed at draining his campaign’s account to pay for legal fees in order to keep him from being successful in the April 24th primary. 

After re-presenting his petitions and having them reviewed by an impartial judge, the state GOP was forced to back off. David Christian has won the petition challenge and will be on the April primary ballot; however, the Corrupt Corbett Coalition has cost him twenty-one days of legal fees and lost time on the campaign trail.  Read David’s Victory statement

Now, more than ever, David Christian needs support not only from the citizens of Pennsylvania but from across the country. A message needs to be sent to Pennsylvania’s GOP establishment that the people have a right to choose their candidate. The harassment of David Christian, his friends and family by the Corrupt Corbett Coalition and his minions will only be stopped when David Christian wins the Republican US Senate primary. Only that victory will send the loud and clear message to the political establishment that we abhor this behavior and that we are not going to tolerate it.

David Christian is a military hero, an advocate for Veterans, and a true Reagan Conservative.  He is someone who has stood up for what he believes no matter what it has cost him. David Christian bled for his country. (7 purple hearts, 2 Silver Stars, Bronze Star, Distinguished Service Medal and 2 Medal of Honor recommendations.)

That is the kind of person we all need to endorse, support and get behind.  He is the type of person the country needs to turn things around.  You can read more about him on his amazing website.

If you have a radio program or blog or if you know someone who does, then please help spread the word about this injustice. Share with any military groups so they will know what is happening to one of their own, a person who stands up for their rights.

Everyone, please support David Christian any way you can. Share information and follow him on Facebook and Twitter. Volunteer to help get the word out about David Christian in order to make up for the lost time caused by the Corrupt Corbett Coalition. If you can, donate $20.12 and if not, even a $1, will demonstrate the support that will strike fear into the political establishment in Pennsylvania. You can donate now at:

Even though we didn’t know it, David Christian has fought for us many times.

Now, it is time for us to fight for him.

We cannot allow a critical state like Pennsylvania to go Democrat just because the Governor has his own agenda. You can get a better idea of the fight David Christian has ahead of him by reading the following:

PAGOP to County Chairs: Non-Endorsed Candidates Need Not Apply and the letter the PAGOP sent out to each county.7 PoliticsPA has both posted at

Here is the list of senate candidates with information about each of them. 

  • Bob Casey, Jr., is the Democratic incumbent. “His support for the stimulus and the president's signature health care law”11 and his overall voting record shows he is an Obama yes man, even if he is trying now to avoid Obama.11 Casey claims to be pro-life but his actions say otherwise.12  You can review his voting record and other information at VoteSmart13 and other sites. He has voted with Obama 97% of the time.

Republican Candidates

  • David Christian owns a consulting company that helps American companies sell their services and products to emerging nations around the world.
  • He is one of the most highly decorated US Army Veterans to come out of the Vietnam War: 7 Purple Hearts, the Distinguished Service Cross,14 two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star, nominated for the Medal of Honor twice and was the youngest commissioned officer since the Civil War.15 He is listed as one of the past national commanders holding a lifetime position on the Board of Directors for The Legion of Valor.16 
  • He was instrumental in creating job training programs for returning Vietnam veterans and helped make Pennsylvania the only state compliant with federal employment law for returning veterans. As a result, tens of thousands of our veterans have found meaningful jobs.
  • He has advised U.S. Senators and 6 different Presidential Administrations, with his closest relationship being with Ronald Reagan. He was called to Washington to solve problems in an insecure world. Relying on his international contacts, the government sent him to Cambodia, Bosnia, Russia, Lithuania, Chechnya and other dangerous places that were critical to the security of the United States. David was tasked to gather information and debrief U.S. officials.15 He is also a former Fox News Military Analyst.17
  • Sam Rohrer was elected to the State House in 1992. Rohrer voted in favor of the 2005 legislative pay raise, as well as voting in 2001 in favor of a plan to increase lawmaker pensions by upwards of 50 percent.18 He also ran for Governor in 2010, and lost 69% to 31%.19  His voting record and stances on issues can be found at VoteSmart.20     He spend 18 years in the Pennsylvania legislature and did not get a single bill passed and signed into law. He did nothing as a state senator. Do we really need someone who did nothing as a state legislature become a do nothing U.S. Senator?
  • Marc Scaringi, an attorney who has never held public office and has been running for a year and a half. He announced his run Nov 2010.21 He, however, has not picked up the support he expected, and is placing in the bottom two in various polls.[8][9]
  • Tom Smith was a 2010 Armstrong County Democrat committeeman22…yes, Democrat. He changed to Republican so he could run for U.S. Senate 6 weeks before declaring his candidacy. He has put over $4 million into his own campaign23 and says he will put more if needed. Do we really want someone who just thinks he can buy the vote, let alone a candidate who has spent a lifetime as a democrat?
  • Steve Welch, “The Establishment Choice,” who “switched his party registration to Democrat in 2005, donated money to former Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak in 2006 and voted for President Obama in the 2008 Democratic primary.”24 He has run twice before yet says he is new to the process. See the article written about how new he really is.25


NOTE: There is additional material listed for your review that was not included in the writing.

David Christian

Senate Campaign Website:

David Christian for U.S. Senate Facebook!/pages/David-Christian-for-US-Senate/268007499881009

David Christian Twitter:!/DaveChristianUS

Veteran Tributes:

Legion of Valor Officers:

David A. Christian
Dave Christian – Video from group meeting discussing threats on volunteers, his military, and more

PAGOP Attacks American War Hero's Senatorial Campaign.

David’s Victory statement

From the Desk of Sharon Angle: Endorsement of David Christian.!/note.php?note_id=10150623466568610

And the Award for First SuperPAC in the Senate Race Goes to: David Christian!

1 Pa. governor draws ire for interfering in state's Senate seat battle by John Gizzi, Human Events. March 3, 2012

2. Welch Announces $1 Mil on Hand by Keegan Gibson. PoliticsPa. January 3, 2012.

3. Sestak has bad rep with staff, paper reports by Zachary M. Peterson. Navy Times. September 4, 2007.

4. Sestak Fundraising for ‘Occupy’ Challenger to Schwartz by Keegan Gibson. PoliricsPA. March 7, 2012

5. Is Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos Working? by Jennifer Parker. ABC News. May 6, 2008

6. Gov. Tom Corbett Apparently Doesn’t Understand His Own Lies. by Randy LoBasso. Mar 12, 2012.

7. PAGOP to County Chairs: Non-Endorsed Candidates Need Not Apply by Keegan Gibson.  February 7th, 2012.

8. Rohrer Wins PoliticsPA Reader Poll by Keegan Gibson. PoliticsPa. February 28th, 2012

9. Poll: Rohrer Leads Senate Field, But Trails Casey by 15. by Keegan Gibson. March 14th, 2012. PoliticsPa.

10. David Christian – Video from group meeting discussing threats on volunteers, his military, and more

11. Casey Navigating Obama Relationship, By Sean Sullivan, National Journal. November 30, 2011.

12. Sen. Bob Casey's voting record questioned by Scranton pro-life leader, video, WILK 103.1 FM,

13. VoteSmart

14. Veteran Tributes:

15. From the Desk of Sharon Angle: Endorsement of David Christian.!/note.php?note_id=10150623466568610

16. Legion of Valor Officers:

17. David A. Christian

18. Question to ask all candidates: Did you vote for the pay raise? By Oren M. Spiegler. March 8, 2010.

19. Department of State Election Results

20. VoteSmart

21. Scaringi to run for U.S. Senate Thursday, by Thom Casey, November 18, 2010,

22. Pennsylvania Republicans mull Senate endorsement: Party divided over large field heading into weekend meeting. By Colby Itkowitz, The Morning Call. January 27, 2012

23. Smith Leads GOP Self-Funders Running Against Casey, By Sean Sullivan. National Journal. January 4, 2012

24. GOP Field Against Bob Casey to Be Narrowed this Weekend, By Kevin Brennan. National Journal. January 27, 2012

25..Steve Welch says…  by David Madeira, The David Madeira Show, 94.5 FM

26. The Real Sam Rohrer

27. Burns Exits Senate Race by Keegan Gibson. PoliticsPA. February 2, 2012.

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The Human Archetype

4063478130?profile=originalThe picture is of me at age two, with an unbelievable future.

Astrologer James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, in his astrological analysis of me, began with, "We are going to take a look at two key aspects of your astrological data, your Sun sign and your Moon sign. We are going to talk about them archetypically. The emotional issue is pointed out by your Moon sign—how this feels as you go through life—talk about your Sun sign—again archetypically—how you naturally uplift people, to give you some good information as you try to find out what your spiritual mission is. We have a new image of what it means to be a human being, how to think of ourselves as growing, evaluating, understanding, that we can connect with our God‑self energy.” 

Redfield wrapped up his analysis of me with this:  “When you evolve into your higher self you energize those who cross your path. This becomes your greatest talent.”

Redfield’s analysis of me was a long time back. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since. Today, as far as I’m concerned, life doesn’t get any better. That’s quite a statement for an eighty-six-year-old to make.

It doesn’t take a lot to make me happy, in fact a lot less than it took to make me unhappy.  To make me happy, it takes independence.  It takes a good mate. It takes the right environment, away from the asphalt jungle. I live in the tall timber near Mt. Hood, Oregon, strangely, where Numerology and The Divine Triangle directed me to live. Under my personal life lesson, number 7, “You are here to use and develop your mind… You should learn to spend time by yourself, in the woods or by the seashore, where you can get in touch with your inner self and your deepest thoughts because your destiny is to use your mind.” Coincidentally, in Astrologer’s Handbook, under “Saturn trine Pluto” (in my chart Saturn is trine Pluto), “Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.”

In the Bible, God said, let us make man in our image (Gen 1:26).  We begin life with the potential for reason and logic. As we grow, we develop an identity. We want to make everything right for us.  How we go about this varies from dependence, to independence, to control-freak—with our reason and logic that fits, as the case may be.

The Bible says we are made in God’s image, God being for the type we happen to be. I suggest that instead of who God is—God can’t be everywhere at the same time—we should think about what God is.

The archetype I fit is described in the cutting edge of science, in numerology, in astrology, and the Bible. We are consciously aware of only so much, and that, to a great extent, depends on what we are taught. Five hundred years back the Catholic Church taught that our planet was at the center of the universe and our world was flat. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth does not fit with Muslim, Christian, or Jewish thinking.  It does not fit socialist thinking.  It does not fit the dependent’s thinking.  The way this independent thinks, it fits the control-freak’s thinking, be he religious or secular. They are all doing their best to regulate us out of our native way of thinking, attempting to turn us into trained animals jumping through their hoops.   

The external is applicable to the time-space universe, the part our sensibilities know.  We of the external universe operate under orderly rules. We know what to expect. We can depend on the sun continuing to rise in the east. We can depend on our particular religious faith. We can and do depend on government. Where does the government get the money to hand out?

Einstein, who did not believe in any personal God, who believed that everything could be explained within the confines of the time-space universe, has been proven wrong. The cutting edge of science has learned that the universe is more than time and space. It depends on an observer.  It follows that God must be personal. God told Moses (speaking of me) to tell his people I AM THAT I AM—in the image of God. It fits with the cutting edge of science. It says that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space are false dogma.  It says I’m more than matter.  In the cutting edge of science, I’m a “co-equal in the foundry  of creation.” 

Bell’s theorem tells me that the observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality, “that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.” Evan Harris Walker. Therefore, the current turmoil in the world boils down to how the individual mind, through the will, affects matter and transcends the space-time universe.

We are from dust to dust, but opposing religion’s concepts—one and all—God “breathed” into every single one of us life; “and man became a living soul.”  Religion doesn’t know Jesus.   Jesus said no man can serve two masters.  Jesus said “in earth as it is in heaven…. But seek ye first the kingdom of God…”  Heaven and earth are external. God is internal—and in every single one of us.  No way do any of us go to a place of eternal suffering. We come back in another life, to correct the mistakes we made in this life.  Nothing else makes sense. Any and everything else is meant to gain control of us.

According to astrology, I’m here as a messenger. I’m living proof that the American people’s Constitution is directly from the “Higher Law” of nature.  To you young Americans who are being royally taken by the present generation, say I, “Never conform to the fraud being foisted off on you!  Study your Constitution and personally act upon what it tells you. You will be doing God’s work. You will be able to say when you are my age that life doesn’t get any better.”  I’ve written a book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. It will be available in June at Amazon.  Read it and vote your conscience.

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I wonder how many people understand what Mitt Romney in his own words has said about Musliums, how wonderful Islam is, and Hezboulah? I would ask any person to watch the video of Romney, do your own research, and make up your own mind.


Do you think King O. is not waiting with a tv commercial to show this as a weakness?Do you think that it is okay to think that Hezboulah is a good example that we as America used our taxdollars and "turned around" their negative feelings towards America?


Why is this not being shown everywhere, why are questions not being asked, why is it not being discussed?


You can count on this if Romney is our man, this will be used against us!

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Republicans: Black America's True Friend

4063478232?profile=originalBlack pundits say that to be black and Republican makes one a despicable race-traitor worthy of no-holds-barred punishment. As a black conservative Republican, I'm not frightened by this; it just angers and frustrates me.

My frustration comes from the knowledge that those claiming to have black America's empowerment and best interest at heart are the “elephant-in-the-room” problem. They lie to black America. Who are “they”? They are democrats committed to keeping blacks viewing themselves as victims. They are racist bitter black politicians with huge chips on their shoulders, seeking eternal “payback” for America's original sin of slavery. These black politicians are rewarded by the democrats for delivering black votes.

So there you have it, black America: these are your so-called advocates. And how do they help you? They lie to you. They tell you that 70% of black youths dropping out of high school is not your fault. They tell you that prisons filled with black males is not their fault. They tell you that 80% of black kids growing up without a father is not your fault. They tell you that black genocide – half of black pregnancies ending in abortion -- is not your fault.

They tell you English is too difficult to learn and that standards must be lowered. They tell you that blacks who speak correct English are traitors trying to be white. They tell you that despite the fact that showing proper ID is required to board an airplane and a za-gillion other things, requiring ID to vote will disenfranchise blacks. Thus, their message is that blacks are too stupid to acquire ID.

When I was growing up in the black ghetto of east Baltimore, several corners had grocery stores owned by Jews. Later the Jews were replaced by Asians. Huge families lived upstairs, and their store was down stairs.

The community resented Jewish and Asian store owners in black neighborhoods. I always thought, “Why?” These people did not receive a start-up check from the government. They took a risk. They rented in the black ghetto because it was cheaper. They worked long hours. Experience taught them to install a wall of bullet proof glass, separating them from their customers. Fourteen, fifteen family members lived above their businesses. These Jewish and Asian people were pursuing the American Dream the best way they knew how. What was stopping their black customers from doing the same thing? Answer: In many cases, blacks were relying on democrat welfare programs.

I hear you – democrat brainwashed fellow blacks yelling at me: Lloyd, you Uncle Tom SOB! America is racist, and blacks did not have a fair shot in those days!

Yes, racism was an issue in those days. But how do you explain the entrepreneurial success of black millionaires in Harlem in the 1920s?

Blacks have been congressmen and business owners in America since the 1800s. And yet, democrats continue to tell us that we are incapable of finding our way to acquire an ID.

Democrats and bitter, small-minded blacks insist on forcing blacks into their “black box”. They say authentic blacks must have had a “ghetto experience”.

When the Bill Cosby Show first hit TV, it was highly criticized because the sitcom black father was a doctor and his family lived in a nice home. I heard the same criticism of Diahann Carroll in her TV sitcom, Julia in which she played a successful black nurse – not reflective of the black experience. The Cosby Show and Julia were outside of the democrat-promoted “black box”.

In my youth, I met a black Master Swordsman. Excited, I carted him around to black community centers because I wanted black kids to see that blacks could be successful in fields beyond entertainment and sports.

Despite blacks succeeding today in almost every area of American life, democrats continue to portray black Americans as still getting-the-short-end-of-the-stick. Democrats promote an image of the authentic black experience as a majority in need of government entitlements, as people who can't find their way to acquire ID – sitting at home watching Maury on TV, anxiously awaiting for the results of the DNA test to discover the name of Keysha's baby's daddy. This is the democrat's black America.

This is not black advocacy or empowerment. It is demeaning, humiliating and crippling. Why can't my fellow blacks see this obvious truth?

I am a Republican because the Republican Party respects my intelligence – no special concessions or lowered standards.

4063478334?profile=originalIn the 1950's, my dad was one of the first blacks to break the racist color barrier into the Baltimore Fire Department. The white firefighters rejected my dad and made conditions horrific for him. Still, dad won “Firefighter Of The Year” two times. That's what I am talking about!

Given the opportunity, in their typical denigrating of black intellect, democrats would argue that requirements for Firefighter Of The Year be lowered to give my dad a “fair” shot at it. Lowered standards would have robbed dad of the dignity and pride of his achievement. Thank God such was not the case.

Dad, a black man, won Firefighter Of The Year because he was the best! Yes, I am a black conservative Republican and proud of it. All you blacks who think the democrats are your friends, wake up and smell the betrayal.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman –

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Be Encouraged 3/21/12

Howdy all!  I tell ya, sometimes the work we do can be so strenuous, even the little things can be overpowering.  I mean, have you ever tried to feed spaghetti-o’s to a tired 1 year old with a load in the diaper?  Eeewwwwwwwwww!!

Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished. ~ 1 Chronicles 28:20

The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time; the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them. ~ Thomas Jefferson, Rights of British America, 1774

Well, as it happens once in a while, the message is self-explanatory.  As Jefferson was saying you can destroy what we have, but you cannot damage the spirit.  Only we can let our own spirit be damaged.  I will admit it’s hard to keep up spirits when so many destructive events occur all around us.  It is even harder when those we have placed in position to conduct a proper governance of our nation are so weak and seemingly apathetic to our problems.  But we have real hope, real support.  It is right there, in 1 Chronicles.  He is with us.  He has since the beginning.  He was with Jefferson, Washington, Story, Franklin, the Adams’, Warren, Paine, Hale, Greene, and all of the founders and patriots.  He is with us; with DeMint, West, Rubio, Lee, Grassley, Beck, Limbaugh.  He is with us.  He is with you.  He will not forsake us.  He will be with us until the work is finished.  Trust this message.  Believe it in your hearts.  There will be a time that your spirit will need strengthening.  Remember, He is with you.  So be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God is with us.


Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Liberals want "No Voter ID so they can Cheat".
I say, where ever they won't allow Voter ID and Libs plan to stack the Polls, that Tea Partiers should go by the busload and demand to vote over and over and over again and  call foul if they ask for Voter ID.
This would hit them like never before. They would be stunned.

The Big Backfire!


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            A new video is on You Tube concerning Mr. Flip- Flop Mitt Romney. 

                                                "Will the Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up?"


           If the video link is removed, go to my blog at The link is posted there as well and will be there long after the November Election.

A Proposed US Constitution is also on my blog at  Many new liberties, many changes, added rights and freedoms that the courts have limited or taken away from the original.

Mark Winkle

Consultant One

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We now know why no one at Columbia University ever saw him attending there. During the 1980's Columbia University was having financial difficulties and was rated last among the elite Ivy League Universities. Prince Klalid Monsor showered Columbia with millions of dollars if they would give Obama a full degree. They gave him a 4-year degree two years later, even though Obama never attended one class there. Obama during these two years was actually being trained in Pakistan and Afghanistan as an Alqueda agent. Fox news around the 2008 election was able to contact 400 former Columbia students who would have seen Obama during these 2-years, but not one of 400 recalled ever seeing him.

After getting the phony unearned degree from Columbia The Saudi's then paid his tuition at Harvard who evidently were impressed with his phony grades at Columbia. It is believed that Obama was originally somehow clever enough to contact the Saudis while he was in Indonesia and sold the Saudis on his being able to be an agent for them, as he could provide them with valuable info on Indonesia, which at the time was a concern for the Saudis. 

The Saudis saw Obama as a long term investment. They wound years later after Obama was in the Senate and running for president, funnel millions to his election campaign. Obama actually received  close to 2-billion dollars to get elected, though he only declared 650-million to the Election Commison. The Saudis supported Obama so that he would push for green energy and not open up any more oil wells in America, thus making Americans more dependent on Saudi oil.  When Obama went to visit the Saudis he was given strict orders to bow deeply to the Saudi King to show his gratitude, which he did.

Obama met his future wife (Michelle Robinson) at the Sidley Austin law firm in Chicago. She was assigned to be his mentor there. The wife of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers ( Bernadine Dohrn) was a paralegal at this law firm and came to know Michelle. Because Dohrn had a felony conviction she was not allowed to take the Illinois bar exam. The parents of Bill Ayers knew and help support Obama when he had foreign exchange student status at Occidental college where he flunked out after one year.

The link below should be shown to every legitimate American voter.  This video explains Obama's unaccounted for time.




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Check out the flyer that I got from the Occupy organization...  They are considered a non-profit?   WTH!  Non-Partisan? Civic Action is a 501(c)(4) organization which primarily focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy on important national issues. 

99% Spring action training FAQ

What are the 99% Spring action trainings?
Inspired by Occupy Wall Street and the fight for workers in Madison, Wisconsin, the 99% will rise up this spring. One hundred thousand people from across the country will gather in community centers, churches, schools, and homes April 9-15 to receive training on non-violent direct action. We will apply what we learned from these trainings to take action on our campaigns to win change in our communities. Click here to sign up to host a 99% Spring Training.

What will the training include?
The training will provide an opportunity to bring our movement together so that we can equip ourselves with the skills we need to take direct action this spring. Right after we are trained, we will apply what we learned by taking action against the banking industry and Wall Street with actions all across the country. The training will focus on three key areas:

  • The economy. We will tell the story of our current economy: how we got here, who is responsible and what we can do about it. We will talk about what a new economic vision could look like that represents the values of the 99%.
  • Non-violent direct action. Knowing our movement history will help us tell the current story of the 99%. There is no better way to take action then by learning what social justice movements have done in the past. We have a rich history to draw from that can guide us as we take action this spring.
  • Take action. We'll learn how to take action by developing and preparing for tactics that will help build our movement's power. We will then use this information to take action on our own campaigns to win change.

I just decided to host a 99% Spring training. What are my responsibilities?
Thank you! As a host, you'll need to find a venue, identify a trainer or trainer team, and  organize logistics. As the training approaches, you'll also want to make reminder calls to people signed up to attend your event. If you expect more than 50 people at the training, you might also want to ask a friend or a local organization to co-host the training with you.

If I sign up to host a training, am I also committing to lead the training? 
Yes. If your training is in a big city and you expect a lot of attendees, you'll want to find a co-trainer and participate in the "Train the Trainer" program. You should have one trainer per every 50 attendees.

How can I learn to lead the training myself?
There will be in-person regional trainings for trainers in 18 cities across the country on March 24 and 25. We'll follow up with more details soon. We strongly encourage you to attend these regional trainings. If you can't make it and we can't find a trainer to lead your event for you, there will also be a virtual training to participate in.

When should I organize my training?
The trainings are between April 9 and 15. Your training should begin no earlier than 10:00 a.m. and end no later than 9:00 p.m. In order to get the most out of the curriculum we suggest that you schedule either a full day training (7 hours) or a half-day training (3 hours). You will want to take this into consideration if you are planning to host an event in the evening on a weekday.

What kind of venue can I use?
It's best to use a public location that is centrally located in your community, like libraries, community centers, or churches. Trainings can also take place at a private residence. The goal is to train as many people in our communities as possible so please make sure that your venue can hold at least 25-50 people. If you are in a big city, you'll probably want a venue that can hold 100-200 people.

Can I post an event even if I don't have a venue?
Yes! Finding a venue is one of the first things you will want to do—but it's best to post your event in the online system so you can start receiving more information about the trainings. When you sign up for your event you will have the option to indicate where your venue will be held; you can use your own address as a placeholder. Once you identify a venue, you will want to change those details immediately.

Do I have to develop the training materials?
No, we will provide the curriculum training and content for you. There are many coalition organizations and individuals working together to develop the materials and trainings we will need so that our trainings have suitable content.

What organizations are part of the 99% Spring training? 
Click here for the full list:

How will I know if another group is planning a training in my area?
There is a team of organizers that will be reaching out to every event host. You will either receive a phone call or an email about other events in your area. You will receive a phone call from an organizer from one of the coalition organizations that are organizing the 99% Spring trainings.

Who should I contact with further questions?
You can reach out to the network you are affiliated with, member organization or organizer to get answers to your questions. You can also email

What is non-violent direct action?
Non-violent direct action (NVDA) is any form of direct action that does not rely on violent tactics. Some examples of NVDA are the Montgomery Bus Boycotts, the 2003 Immigration Freedom Rides, and most recently the Home Occupations, where community members occupy a home that is being threatened with foreclosure.


The following organizations have called for a 99% Spring: Jobs With Justice, United Auto Workers, National Peoples Action, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Civic Action, New Organizing Institute, Movement Strategy Center, The Other 98%, Service Employees International Union, Rebuild the Dream, UNITE-HERE, Greenpeace, Institute for Policy Studies, PICO National Network, New Bottom Line, United Steel Workers, Working Families Party, Communications Workers of America, United States Student Association, Rainforest Action Network, American Federation of Teachers, Leadership Center for the Common Good, UNITY, National Guestworker Alliance,, The Ruckus Society, Citizen Engagement Lab, smartMeme Strategy & Training Project, Right to the City Alliance, Pushback Network, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment, Progressive Democrats of America, Change to Win, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, Campaign for America’s Future, Fuse Washington, Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, Citizen Action of New York, Engage, United Electrical Workers Union, National Day Laborers Organizing Network, Alliance for a Just Society, The Partnership for Working Families, United Students Against Sweatshops, Civic Action is hosting the online event registration process but is not responsible for the content or programming of the trainings or for the planning or organization of any specific actions. The 99% Spring is a collaborative effort between many organizations to train over 100,000 Americans in the basics of nonviolent direct action—not an electoral campaign.

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Voter Registration for Expats Abroad

I was one of the lucky few Americans to do an internship in the European Commission in the 90s.  That was during my young and impressionable days before I became a stanch conservative.  I have a friend who is currently there who works for NATO and is dedicated to registering Americans living abroad to vote (for Obama of course).  I would like to know if we have a similar movement and if not, we should!  

There are plenty of people living outside of the US who are perfectly able to vote here.  The DNC is committed to this, and I read on his FB the other day a gal in Bejing recommended contacting someone she knew there to have a similar program started in China.  We need to make an effort to get more people on our side to vote!  Does anyone have an idea about how to initiate something like this?  I am willing to help!  I have friends in Mexico and in Europe - although many of the Euros are so Socialistic and anti-American that it may be a tough sale.  But Mexico may be a different story.

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I am a loyal conservative and sickened by what I am seeing coming from this administration.  I encourage my friends to read up on Obama's anti-American past and try to educate my people.  I have signed up for the Obama website - although I am not supporting him in ANY way - so I can see what the democrats are sending out to their constituency.  I recently received an email from  It was a letter encouraging me to start a movement in my home town of Southlake TX - a largely conservative township of affluent corporate executives.  Obviously I will not be spearheading any MOVEMENT other than to get him voted out of office!  But what concerns me is that I HAVE NOT SIGNED ON TO ANY OCCUPY WEBSITES or EMAIL lists.  Because the only list on that side of the isle that I have signed onto was the Obama supporter website, this tells me that the Occupy movement is coming DIRECTLY FROM THE WHITE HOUSE.  They have obviously given their email list to this group to promote protests.

We need to take action and expose Obama for encouraging this bad behavior.  These protesters are not doing anything positive for our country, on the contrary, they are costing us a forture in clean up.  Obama needs to take responsibility for what he is promoting and causing.  

Here is the email that I received:

Dear MoveOn member,

What happens next for the 99% movement is up to each of us. We can let it fade away, or we come together to bring it back bigger and stronger than ever this spring.

Right now, groups all over the country—inspired by the everyday heroes of Occupy Wall Street—are planning for a 99% Spring in America. It's an opportunity to build on last year's momentum with a massive campaign of bold nonviolent direct actions to confront the 1% nationwide.

That's why during the week of April 9-15, in small towns and big cities all across America, we're working with our allies to bring 100,000 people together for an unprecedented national movement-wide training on how—following in the footsteps of Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.—we can take nonviolent direct action this spring to challenge the 1%.

So far the response has been pretty amazing. More than 500 training events are already set up, and we've seen a huge surge of MoveOn members stepping up to host events—much more than anyone expected. But no one in Southlake has stepped up to coordinate a training. Can you sign up to host a local 99% Spring action training?

Yes! I'm interested in hosting a training during the week of April 9-15.

From the labor movement to the struggle for civil rights, we have an incredible shared history in America of everyday people using the power of nonviolent direct action to create change when our country needed it the most.

Last year the courage and moral clarity that we saw from the protests at the Capitol in Wisconsin to Occupy Wall Street followed in that tradition—and forced America to finally talk about economic inequality and just how badly our system is broken.

But we need a whole lot more of that kind of courageous action if we're going to create meaningful change. That's the vision for the 99% Spring, and it all starts with this massive, ambitious, plan to train 100,000 people in the theory and practice of nonviolent direct action.

Can you help by hosting a 99% Spring action training in Southlake?

Yes, I can host!

Anyone can host a training—you can have just a handful of people in your living room or you can find a local community center, place of worship, campus, or public space for a larger event. We'll follow up with all the details and provide the support and guidance you'll need to coordinate an event. We'll also help you connect and collaborate with other local 99% Spring volunteers and groups.

MoveOn members who want to see the 99% movement grow have already committed to coordinating events. But we don't have enough space yet to provide trainings to all 100,000 people. As 5 million progressives, we have a unique ability to help our movement hit that goal and grow even stronger.

Thanks for all you do.

–Lenore, Robin, Elena, Ryan, and the rest of the team

Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

Launch your own MoveOn-style campaign - and sign up other members to get involved. Start a petition on

Our movement is about to do something unprecedented: train 100,000 people over the course of just one week in nonviolent direct action. More than 500 trainings are already planned, but so far no one has volunteered to host a 99% Spring action training in Southlake. Can you host a training during the week of April 9-15?

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