We know what gravity does. We don’t know what gravity is. A clue: If we didn’t have gravity, the universe would revert back to its original state. In my view, humanity is the highest state the universe can be; we are the ultimate state of the universe.
If we didn’t have money, we would revert back to our original state: barter. On the island of Madagascar they still barter. Their medium of exchange is cattle.
Oh, but we can do so-o-o much more with paper money as the medium of exchange. I’d been wondering why the Dow-Jones averages have been doing well when the economy has not. In “Real Wealth Report,” I read about the “biggest ever stock market fake out.”
At the end of 2001, $10,000 in the Dow would have bought more than 38.4 ounces of gold. At year-end 2003, 25.9 ounces. 2004: 24.9 ounces. 2005: 19.5 ounces. 2006: 15.8 ounces. At the end of 2007, your $10,000 would have bought just 13 ounces of gold, and now only 8.01 ounces. The Dow has lost 79 percent of its purchasing power in real terms—and indicating an improving economy.
You can say gold has been in a bull market, but that would not be the case because paper money, the world’s medium of exchange, has nothing of value behind it, no other real measure than gold. Sure, gold is being manipulated, but only so much. Facts are facts. Paper money is going down, down, down in value. Paper stocks are going down in value. It is a good bet that paper money will continue to go down in value. That’s the way the allusion of a growing economy can be maintained. (Natural resources and gold are holding their values.)
The U. S. dollar, with nothing behind it, is the world’s reserve currency. The Fed prints a bunch of monopoly money and look who benefits. Alas, the world is aware. Something is going to be done about it. The dollar could, in a snap of the fingers, suddenly be reduced in value, it is estimated, by 80 percent, which could make the Dow rocket up on some stocks. That’s what some billionaire insiders in cahoots with the politicians are betting on. I prefer gold.
Just imagine the power of the Fed chief, Bernanke, Treasury Secretary Geithner, and President Obama. They have made a mockery of money. It is your choice—fool’s gold or your common sense.
In light of the uncertainty of life today, do we keep God or worship the golden calf? The policy is to devalue the dollar to keep the economy from melting down; that is, devalue the dollar due to the fact that government entitlements are costing more than we can afford, and we who benefit refuse to do anything about it; we are content to let the future take care of itself. But hey! We are paying more for fuel and food because the Fed’s printing press money is watering down the value of our money. It is one hell-of-a-way to make up the difference. Not only are we paying excessive tax in order to let government run our lives, but seeing our money purchase less, so the politicians can give away trillions and remain in office. There is no foundation for this pie in the sky. When I mention this, people say they try not to think about it. Where are they going to be when the stuff hits the fan? It is either become a government slave or get rid of Washington’s control freaks.
So what do I know about the economy? I’m not a recognized authority. You don’t hear the experts on Wall Street or the rabble rousers mentioning what I’m telling you. You don’t hear politicians mentioning what I’m telling you.
Speaking for Jesus, he said you can’t serve two masters. Jesus spoke of heaven and earth, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” God is in heaven, in earth, and in you, internally. Speaking for Jesus, as far as the internal God in you is concerned, “Lay not for yourself treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal…. For where treasure is, there will be your heart also.” Jesus told us to beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.
In the beginning of our lives, we read in the Bible, in Genesis 2:7, God breathed into us a soul. Our bodies are from dust to dust, our souls eternal. While here, we interact with heaven and earth—if we are aware of who we are and our purpose here. If not, we just go with the flow—come and go for no reason, the sad part of it. The movement is intense at this time. We can make a difference.
Jesus came at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, whose symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions. We are moving into the age of Aquarius. Keeping in mind that we are in heaven, earth, and self, inextricably involved with the workings of the universe, the symbol for Aquarius is the water-bearer. In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read that Aquarius is the sign of brotherhood and fraternity, the water-bearer spilling out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy.
What do I know about what Jesus taught? I’m no authority. Reverend Jerry Robertson, an authority, in my blog “Good versus Evil,” calls my hand. He informs you that there is only one way to God—his way. “And that by walking in faith, accepting God’s Word as truth (as Robertson interprets it); and only by accepting that God is the only Living God (that my God is fiction), the Most High God, ‘Yahweh,’ the Creator of all things; and the entire Universe! You must worship Him, as your only God, for He is a Jealous God, and He will not tolerate your debating His reality.” Yahweh! I give you Robertson’s God—straight from the Bible—or your own choice? My choice ended with all my dreams coming true. But again, who am I? Since I’m no authority, I guess it was the luck of the draw, but I think Jesus had a lot to do with it.