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marc rubio

   I have been  thinking about the possibility of this man running for VP even thou he is not a naturalized citizen.

The only way I see that he can be eligable, is for him to claim there is a prior precedent that happened when  obumble was elected. I don't know if anything like this will come up , but it seems to me it could and as you might expect it will set a precedent for any one from any country could be elected as the President of the United States. I think there is a good possibility of something like this happening. I wonder the American are gullible enough for anything like this to transpire.    """ NUFF SAID """.  

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Will the real Christian please stand up?

Now what? It now seems clear that Mitt Romney will certainly be the Republican Presidential Nominee. It will be Romney vs Obama in November. It is clear from a conservative/liberal policy perspective which candidate stands where on the issues...not much difficulty for me as to which I will choose. But there are "swing voters" who will need to decide. I want to focus for a moment on the candidate's religious beliefs. This will certainly become an issue in the debate to draw, or alienate, undecided voters.

There have already been many questions raised about Mitt Romney's Mormon faith. Christians and others are somewhat suspicious and doubtful. Recently, Mitt shrewdly responded to such a question by saying that he was not running for "Pastor in Chief". I thought it was a good answer. I believe his values are solid and, although I would prefer beliefs more consistent to my own, the differences should not diminish the effectiveness of his role as President.

Barack Obama says that he is a Christian, and I will not make a claim that he is not. There is evidence, however, that concerns me relative to how his faith influences his policies. He has repeatedly referred to scripture to support his position on policies (gay marriage, taxation, etc.) that, in my opinion, have been superficial and misapplied. I believe this to be more concerning for the clarity of truth and the health of the Church than any damage that may come from Mitt Romney. Obama also does not appear to understand the fundamental incompatibility between Christianity and Islam (and other) faiths. Again, very revealing and concerning relative to his own faith.

My conclusion as a Christian? Even on religion, advantage Romney as President.

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It is becoming very apparent that a large number of Republican politicians are looking to woo eligible Tea Party voters. The banter has been good at times and not to good at others. We all need to continually remind ourselves of the roots of the Tea Party and the involvement of the Republican Party in the creation of this mess that we currently find our government has led us into. The Republican and Democratic Parties are equally responsible. The corruption, excessive spending, violation of constitutional principles, intrusion into the personal lives of citizens, and the erosion of the moral fabric of our nation can be equally blamed on the corruption and self serving interests of the career politicians of both of our major political parties.

I'm afraid that the seduction of power and prestige is too much for some of the neophyte leaders of the Tea Party movement. If the leaders of the movement are falling prey to these seductions, forgetting the roots of our movement, they need to be removed and allow persons who better represent those grassroot values as well as the interests of the welfare of our nation to assume the helm.

The problem with the Republican party is that it has an incestuous relationship with corporate money and power. Since the party coffers are lined with monies from these as well as special interest groups they are very unlikely to alienate themselves from the golden goose.

I hope that this time it will be different, but history does not indicate it and common sense does not allow me to accept it.

Republican RINOs, Democrats and liberals of all description are running scared. Their political demise is rapidly removing them from positions of power. With power, comes responsibility… responsibility to the people, not to themselves, not to their parties, not to special interest groups but to the majority of the citizens of our nation.

Let us not forget that the Republican party endorsed Arlene Spectre over Pat Tomey, gave us Scarzafava in New York, and endorsed Crist over Rubio. Can we trust the Republican Party or for that matter any other career politician to bring conservative or moderate principles with them to Washington? I don't know, but I really don’t think that it is probable.

Remind all Tea Party members and especially leadership of the roots of our movement. The Tea Party movement is about returning power to its rightful and legal owners within our nation… We The People. It is not about empowering a new group of individual who’s only interests are self promotion, power, notoriety and personal agendas. After all folks, it is not about any one individual, it is about all the individuals who are fortunate enough to call themselves citizens of our great nation.

“I am neither Republican nor Democrat, Conservative nor Liberal, Right nor Left… I am an American and Damn proud of it… I will Stand Up, I will be Heard”

Mark Littrell
Chairman, Kentucky TeaParty

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Obama is a fraud billboards

Ok guys. Let's get anti-Obama billboards up all over the nation especially in swing states. Keep to the facts only, no personal attacks; just the ugly facts.Let's teach Americans, who really don't know what their president is doing, just what he is up to with his total destruction of America.Secure donations from fellow tea party members.Let's Roll!
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Fool's Gold

4063496764?profile=originalWe know what gravity does. We don’t know what gravity is.  A clue: If we didn’t have gravity, the universe would revert back to its original state. In my view, humanity is the highest state the universe can be; we are the ultimate state of the universe.

If we didn’t have money, we would revert back to our original state: barter.  On the island of Madagascar they still barter. Their medium of exchange is cattle. 

Oh, but we can do so-o-o much more with paper money as the medium of exchange.  I’d been wondering why the Dow-Jones averages have been doing well when the economy has not. In “Real Wealth Report,” I read about the “biggest ever stock market fake out.”

At the end of 2001, $10,000 in the Dow would have bought more than 38.4 ounces of gold. At year-end 2003, 25.9 ounces. 2004: 24.9 ounces. 2005: 19.5 ounces. 2006: 15.8 ounces. At the end of 2007, your $10,000 would have bought just 13 ounces of gold, and now only 8.01 ounces.  The Dow has lost 79 percent of its purchasing power in real terms—and indicating an improving economy.  

You can say gold has been in a bull market, but that would not be the case because paper money, the world’s medium of exchange, has nothing of value behind it, no other real measure than gold. Sure, gold is being manipulated, but only so much.  Facts are facts.  Paper money is going down, down, down in value.  Paper stocks are going down in value.  It is a good bet that paper money will continue to go down in value.  That’s the way the allusion of a growing economy can be maintained.  (Natural resources and gold are holding their values.)

The U. S. dollar, with nothing behind it, is the world’s reserve currency.  The Fed prints a bunch of monopoly money and look who benefits.  Alas, the world is aware.  Something is going to be done about it.  The dollar could, in a snap of the fingers, suddenly be reduced in value, it is estimated, by 80 percent, which could make the Dow rocket up on some stocks.  That’s what some billionaire insiders in cahoots with the politicians are betting on.  I prefer gold.   

Just imagine the power of the Fed chief, Bernanke, Treasury Secretary Geithner, and President Obama.  They have made a mockery of money.  It is your choice—fool’s gold or your common sense.

In light of the uncertainty of life today, do we keep God or worship the golden calf?  The policy is to devalue the dollar to keep the economy from melting down; that is, devalue the dollar due to the fact that government entitlements are costing more than we can afford, and we who benefit refuse to do anything about it; we are content to let the future take care of itself.  But hey! We are paying more for fuel and food because the Fed’s printing press money is watering down the value of our money. It is one hell-of-a-way to make up the difference.  Not only are we paying excessive tax in order to let government run our lives, but seeing our money purchase less, so the politicians can give away trillions and remain in office.  There is no foundation for this pie in the sky.  When I mention this, people say they try not to think about it.  Where are they going to be when the stuff hits the fan? It is either become a government slave or get rid of Washington’s control freaks.

So what do I know about the economy?  I’m not a recognized authority.  You don’t hear the experts on Wall Street or the rabble rousers mentioning what I’m telling you.  You don’t hear politicians mentioning what I’m telling you.

Speaking for Jesus, he said you can’t serve two masters. Jesus spoke of heaven and earth, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” God is in heaven, in earth, and in you, internally.  Speaking for Jesus, as far as the internal God in you is concerned, “Lay not for yourself treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal…. For where treasure is, there will be your heart also.” Jesus told us to beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.

In the beginning of our lives, we read in the Bible, in Genesis 2:7, God breathed into us a soul. Our bodies are from dust to dust, our souls eternal. While here, we interact with heaven and earth—if we are aware of who we are and our purpose here.  If not, we just go with the flow—come and go for no reason, the sad part of it. The movement is intense at this time.  We can make a difference.

Jesus came at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, whose symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.  We are moving into the age of Aquarius.  Keeping in mind that we are in heaven, earth, and self, inextricably involved with the workings of the universe, the symbol for Aquarius is the water-bearer. In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read that Aquarius is the sign of brotherhood and fraternity, the water-bearer spilling out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy.

  What do I know about what Jesus taught? I’m no authority.  Reverend Jerry Robertson, an authority, in my blog “Good versus Evil,” calls my hand. He informs you that there is only one way to God—his way.  “And that by walking in faith, accepting God’s Word as truth (as Robertson interprets it); and only by accepting that God is the only Living God (that my God is fiction), the Most High God, ‘Yahweh,’ the Creator of all things; and the entire Universe! You must worship Him, as your only God, for He is a Jealous God, and He will not tolerate your debating His reality.”  Yahweh!  I give you Robertson’s God—straight from the Bible—or your own choice?  My choice ended with all my dreams coming true. But again, who am I? Since I’m no authority, I guess it was the luck of the draw, but I think Jesus had a lot to do with it.


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Tea Party

Don't want to be a "Party Pooper" but I am saddened by the direction I see the Tea Party going.  The numerous e-mails receieved from National Directors De and Melony sound more like something from a liberal organization.  What's up with all the name calling and sniveling and acting like the liberals do.  Let's get back to facts and logic without all the crybaby emotion.  What started out with true good intentions is going down the drain fast.  Let our goal be organization and integrity and be more like the NRA.

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Be Encouraged! 4/20/12

Howdy all!  The weekend is here!  It’s time to go out and enjoy the great weather, and plant the seeds for the garden.  Yeah right.  I’m going to enjoy the weekend without the dirt and mulch and weeding and,..  Oh wait.  I forgot my wife reads this.  Never mind.

Any hoo,..  (yes dear; yes dear.  Yes I did dear.  Really.  Yes really!  Ok I will.  Really.  NO WAIT!  DON”T THROW THAT AWAY!  Alright alright!  I – will, I..)

And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself. ~ John 12:32

There is no good government but what is republican. That the only valuable part of the British constitution is so; for the true idea of a republic is 'an empire of laws, and not of men.'  That, as a republic is the best of governments, so that particular arrangement of the powers of society, or in other words, that form of government which is best contrived to secure an impartial and exact execution of the law, is the best of republics." --John Adams, Thoughts on Government, 1776

There has been only one person ever on earth who could draw the masses to himself after life.  Jesus Christ.  And of course He wasn’t drawing people for himself.  He drew them to save them, and offer the glory of following Him to the Father.  No one else has ever been able to do this, and no one else will.  Yet, people still think they can get the masses to follow them to whatever demise lays in wait.  False prophets.  Do you know of any?  They get in positions of control and try to convince the masses that they are the ones to be followed, not Him.  Know anyone like that nowadays?

In 1776 and the decade beyond, men took to arms and to pen.  They did so to build a city on a hill.  To govern that city they developed the most extraordinary government structure ever seen on the planet.  The city belonged to We the People.  The government was granted powers by We the People.  The representatives were selected by We the People, and the states.  It was NOT the federal government that chose for themselves.  And We the People gave strength to the government by granting checks and balances to the executive, legislative and judiciary branches.  I say very specifically, ‘We the People’ did this; our founders, our ancestors and all the descendants down to us.  We are now ‘We the People’.  The form of government they gave us is a republican form of government.  Not a government run by the GOP, but a government ruled by law.  This was so important to the founders that they inserted this form of government as a guarantee.  In fact, it was so important that they used the word guarantee in Article IV Section 4.  “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..”  In fact, it was so important they used the word guarantee only once in the entire Constitution, including the amendments.  Article IV Section 4 is my favorite part of the entire Constitution.  To me, this one simple description of our form of government is the cornerstone of the entire document.  Without this guarantee, the republic would have fallen long ago.  But just a republic wouldn’t do.  Rome was a republic.  The USSR was a union of republics.  It’s called the People’s Republic of China.  So why is republic so good?  “That, as a republic is the best of governments, so that particular arrangement of the powers of society, or in other words, that form of government which is best contrived to secure an impartial and exact execution of the law, is the best of republics.  Checks and balances, granted to our city on a hill by We the People.

It is up to us to keep the republic we were told about when Ben Franklin left the Constitutional Convention.  We the People have that right, and responsibility.  But it cannot happen because of We the Tea Party, or We the Conservatives.  It must be We the People.  So, We have some work to do.  Talk to your friends and neighbors.  We, who have been ostracized must inform and convince those who have ‘ostrich-ized’ themselves to get their heads out of the sand and see what has been happening, what we have been trying to save.  It won’t be fun, or easy.  But I know We the People can do it.  Why?  Because we have to.  And, it will always be worth it.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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CNN Senior Producer Kevin Bohn
April 20th, 2012 - 11:32 PM ET

The Adelson family continues to be the major benefactor behind the super PAC supporting Newt Gingrich's candidacy, Winning Our Future.

While Nevada casino mogul Sheldon Adelson - who has donated $7.5 million to the group - did not give more in March, his wife Dr. Miriam Adelson contributed an additional $5 million last month, according to a report filed late Friday night with the Federal Election Commission. All totaled she has given $12.5 million and the family has given more than $20 million.

The family's contributions to Winning Our Future are a major reason the group has been able to continue operating. In total the group has raised $23 million.

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The Great Ones

4063496250?profile=originalToday I want to address grandeur’s cause. The Basilica of Saint Peter stands on what was in the first century the gardens of Agrippina. The Emperor Nero was especially fond of this place and arranged many spectacles there, among which were the martyrdoms of the Christians.  In the circus in the gardens of Agrippina is the exact spot where Saint Peter was crucified.  To raise the money needed to build the Basilica over where Peter was crucified, a most grand display, and for what, the Catholic hierarchy invented indulgences.  What an insult to Jesus!  Priests in Jesus’ time were  giving temple coins  in exchange for gold and silver coins, the only coins said priests would accept, and the only way to receive forgiveness. God’s grace being for sale is why Jesus turned over the money changers’ tables.

The stained glass windows, organ and all are pleasing to our aesthetic quality, but they don’t  let us know about  the God that lives in us.  Unfortunately, the cause of grandeur has given the world the most in insult.  With indulgences, ignorant peasants could not only be forgiven of their sins, but even their family members, and all for what?  So the high and mighty could display their godliness in splendor before the meek and poor in their magnificent edifices, and mumble stuff, and swing incense pots, and eat bread and drink Christ’s blood before the faithful—to perform a magic show to bring the faithful to God.    Indulgences riled Martin Luther so that he established the protestant movement.

And who am I to question? It is hard for me to believe the unmitigated gall people exhibit in their religious faiths. The insult religion has brought to the world reminds me of the Salem witch trials in America in 1692. Nineteen men and women were convicted of witchcraft and hung. Dozens more languished in jail without a trial.  One man, over eighty years-old, because he refused to be tried, was crushed to death under heavy stones.   Such cruelty is not human.  There is much to question.

The greatest danger to liberty is when liberty and justice are sacrificed for some greater cause, like the Holocaust.  The suffering and death of innocent people for great and glorious causes is dumbfounding. What could be worse than the presumptuous judgments of the ignorant upon their air-headed designs.  The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Edmund Burke.

The Reverend Jerry L. Robertson has corrected me with this: “You are still moving in your fleshly desires and have wrongly concluded that by your intellect, you are able to discern answers to your questions and consequently know about God. There is only one way to God, and that is by walking in faith, accepting God’s Word as truth.”  He finishes by stating that his God is a jealous God, and He will not tolerate my debating his reality.  Reverend Robertson has left his tree and trying to save us all.  It’s a shame. It gives secular authority a leg up.  

Speaking of my “fleshly desires,” when I was fourteen my parents handed me a book authored by a Christian authority.  In the book, I read that if I even thought about sex it was a mortal sin and I needed to pray to God to forgive me.  I thought long and hard about that. In defiance of that crazy thinking, my answer was to pay a prostitute to have sex with me.  

Why would God have created me with the desire?  Christian authority does not necessarily speak God’s Word.  I’ll debate Christian authority every chance I get. They are the ones who are wrong.  They have little idea of the makeup of the universe.

The problem of sexual desire in young people is easily solvable.  It is age old beliefs that blocks the proper solution.  Young people, you have so many ways now to meet people today, why have casual sex?  That’s the problem.  You are not animals.  There is no need to abstain from sex.  We can now control pregnancy.  In fact, there is currently a big political debate over religions paying for contraceptives by law.  It’s a crazy law. It is not common sense on the part of either party. The aim of secular authority is to shoot down religion by law. The law is based on common sense, not religious malarkey.  Rest assured that the two debating parties are interested only in their own respective powers over others.  They could care less for our God-given rights.

Instead of using our God-given common sense, we have power seeking authorities giving us  answers to all questions.   Say I, sex is a beautiful experience that is being dragged through the muck.  Sex is good for us. We should have as much as we want.  The one desire that is not a sin is being made a sin.  As the unfortunate result, one night stands occur.  That’s the problem—young  sexually aggressive males discouraged from respecting the opposite sex. It’s the stupid idea that we can replace a natural desire with something else.  Pay no attention to the advice, but never have casual sex.  First build a healthy relationship.  It could lead to marriage and a wonderful life.  Or it could tell the couple that they were not meant for each other.

I never had sex with my first wife before we were married.  It was a rotten marriage.  I had sex with my second wife before marriage.  It was love of sex that brought us together.  We were not meant for each other.  My third marriage was strictly out of convenience.  I thought I was past romantic love.

When I was forty-nine, I came to a jumping off place and no choice but to jump into the unknown.  I was strictly on my own. That’s when I discovered who I really was.  I got past my immature self and felt like I had a purpose in life.  When I was on my own, everyone thinking I’d brought about my own downfall, little did they know. It was my rebirth to the person I was intended to me. It all come together, why my dreams came true when I decided to write my memoirs.  I spent ten years putting my life into proper perspective. 

Low and behold, the right person for me appeared.  We lived together a year-and-a-half and then got married, but only for legal purposes.  Our marriage was already made in heaven.  I’m now eighty-six. Every day I count my blessings. There can be nothing as good as someone to love and be loved back. I love my wife more than ever.  The grandeur of the external cannot stand a candle to the love that is ours for the taking.

Our problem is preachers preaching thousands of year-old ideas.  The world has changed. They bring us wolves in sheep’s clothing, which brings division and war.  I’m a voice of experience.  I learned in the school of hard knocks that the world’s authorities are keeping us from reaching maturity.  It is all a control thing.  Don’t allow them to control you.

I surely must have been destined to bring this message to you. To you young people being led to slaughter by wolves in sheep’s clothing, say I, the same that happened to me can happen to the average person.  It is a matter of looking within for the answers, of questioning the “old guard,” knowing it has much to lose by your independence; knowing that you have much to gain by using the reason and logic you were created to use. I’ve been here a long time. Were it not so in my life, I would not be telling you this.

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I keep hoping that something will change in how things in the USA are going, but alas we continue down this same path to economic destruction, and so few people can see it [ all the stupid trees in the way] blocking the view of the forest !  


They continue to compare their own financial situation with that of the creator of the money which is a false understanding of the currency ! 

We are heading down the fast track to financial hell  and so few understand ! 

I sure hope that something happens to wake up the sleeping giant

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A Govt. Guide to Proper Growth and Management of the Progressive Liberal Democrat:

Published in cooperation with the U.S. Dept.s of Education, Agriculture, Energy, Environmental Protection, Justice and Health and Human Services. In coordination with the Coalition of White House Czar's and the Dept. of Propaganda aka. the White House press corps.

Chapter 1:

Preparing Your Crop for Planting:

Make sure all intended spores are completely sterile and unexposed to any environment other than an isolated controlled atmosphere with minimal cross contamination. Any early contamination when first introduced to the controlled growth conditions as applied here will result in possible mutation and even the loss of the entire crop. The subjects must be unexposed to any influencing factor when first introduced to the growing medium. Once in the proper environment with little to no outside influencing factors may planting begin.

It is most important when preparing the bedding material for planting that excessive fertilization is best. You must start early and fertilize often for the highest yield possible. A high nitrogen content fertilizer is best, we highly recommend pure bull excrement as it has been our choice for multiple decades with very positive results. After initial growth becomes visible, they must become coordinated feedings with a regimented program of specific limited nutrient content proven to create controlled growth in the desired direction. Well rounded nutrition is not important but controlled growth is. Once the root growing pattern is established and controlled, an even more aggressive growth schedule will be applied. You can never over-fertilize and the deeper the better, as this genus has been selectively bred for decades to create a high tolerance to fertilization.

Chapter: 2

Best Environment to Grow:

Low light, yes this particular genus is very intolerant to direct light and does best in low to almost no light conditions, as most fungi are. It is best grown indoors where the light can be controlled. The desired UV wavelength and color options have shown excellent growth patterns within the red wavelength color spectrum. Also the oscillation and frequency of the fluorescent lamp especially the compact fluorescent lamp have been very positive, especially when used in conjunction with red filters. It has given the highest yields to date. The light should be on a controlled timer system to limit it to only the amount necessary to create photo synthesis and reduce plant rot and no more approximately 6 hours a day should be sufficient depending on local growing conditions.

The other environmental condition needed for best results should include high levels of ambient noise, with little to no structure. The growth subject flourished when subjected to the constant background noise of broadcast television, especially: ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC,HBO PBS, HNN all except FOX news. The most effective time frame was mid-afternoon to late evening. The station programming was of little direct influence except for certain reality based programs, especially those programs that featured a high musical content. We are still analyzing this anomaly and will release more data when available.

Different media exposure had different results that ranged from negligible to negative with the exception of Rap music, it showed promising results in a modified cluster pattern within certain groups of this genus but negative towards others, this is also under further investigative environmental studies.


Chapter: 3

Moisture levels:

Moisture levels should be kept consistently high as fungi do best when saturated. High soil moisture content is necessary for nutrient breakdown and absorption by the crop and the wetter the  better. The highest levels of plant nutrient absorption occurred when the water was treated with certain chemical compounds including chlorine and fluoride. Air circulation should be minimal to help maintain the high moisture levels and reduce cross pollination and cross contamination  from occurring. We recommend city water from the local municipality or government run water treatment facility that prescribes to the mandated recommended levels of these additives.

Chapter: 4

Growth patterns:

The fungi grows best in cluster and large groups. When control conditions are at the desired levels the growth rates were greatly accelerated within groups and clusters versus individual subjects, especially in areas where the control subjects were constantly monitored for any deficiencies that were immediately compensated for when detected.  When in the last growth cycle strict observation of the clusters is necessary for possible isolation or rectification of abnormal growth from individual and small clusters. Loss of environmental control at this stage can lead to entire crop destabilization and forced destruction of partial planting to preserve overall harvest. A loss of the entire crop can take several growing cycles to complete generations before optimal growing conditions can be re-established.

Chapter: 5


Harvesting is not based on the level of maturity of the existing crop but on the need for planting the next generation of spores that are in need of the growing medium and could be left to outside development if left unattended.

All must be harvested as a single crop as individual harvesting before maturity tends to lead to contamination of the remaining crop. When removing the crop from its environment take great care to reinforce the stems leaving as much of it intact as possible, cutting close to the bedding is best as many may remain within the growing mediums immediate area due to overharvesting or deficient market appeal.

To preserve the crop store, package and ship in clusters as individual specimens tend to spoil quickly if not surrounded by a supportive environment.

Ship to your nearest market in need of regurgitation of propaganda talking points, public defecation and fornication, rape, drug abuse, extreme racial bigotry especially anti-Semitism, Hate Speech, inability to form an independent thought but excellent oral repetition skills and the willingness to forgo bathing and hygiene for several months.

Congratulations: We wish you many successful years of creating useful idiots!

Dr. Keith C. Westbrook Ph.D.

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Racism To Day In America

In my opinion the ovomit administration has been responsible for setting the country back more then 100 years with regards to racism, by there actions ovomit and holdit have now succeeded to put such a bad taste in everyone,s mouth,that i honestly believe that all people black,white brown or whatever will never trust anyone of color.The backlash that has been created may take another 500 years to resolve due to the damage that has been created.

If it were an issue or issues of just job performance or the lack there of we would not have all the division that we have,once again here in America,some may disagree with me,but i think i,m more right then wrong on this issue.Using the race card has got to stop or groups like the back panthers will continue there defiant acts.Deep wounds take a second to inflict and much,much longer to heal.

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