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Nuclear Disarmament

What was Obama's talk with Russia's President?  How about more nuclear disarmament? After all, we can't reduce America to a nothing third world country with all those nukes.  Obama is the Nations greatest danger.

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 Senator Cornyn,




You will find below a letter I     sent you some weeks ago.  Beneath it     you will find the reply sent by you in response.   I would like for you to re-read the two     letters and tell me exactly how you would feel if you were me.  If you are a patriotic American who     values Honor and takes seriously the oath you took to our     Constitution.  If you seriously have     the American people's security and Freedom at heart I believe you will find     your reply insulting.  It is an     insult that you avoided every point in my letter.  It is an insult because it shows no     Honor, Loyalty or sense of duty to our American way of life, or our     values.  And finally, it is insulting     for you because it indicates you have no courage or ability to resist the traitorous      tyranny that has taken control of     our government.  Because of this I     can only believe that you, a man I once admired, has joined those who seek     the destruction of everything I value on this earth.  I no longer see any difference between     you and the terrorist in our White House, Brakah H Obama.






Art Phillips


225 Brian Drive


Pleasanton, Texas  












Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison,


Senator John Cornyn,






It is imperative that you read and try to understand the     significance of the subject matter this email addresses.  I did not     include Congressman Cuellar for obvious reasons, I know you     understand.  I want to address the ill-conceived proposal that our     soldiers be put on trial by NATO for an innocent mistake they had no reason     to know they were making, they are soldiers not diplomats.  A mistake     that no sane person would hold against them.  Muslims have been     burning Bibles for hundreds of years.  I am Christian and I never     considered murdering one of them as they have done to Christians and our     soldiers.  Please ask yourself and your peers what the hell has     happened to this government?  Is there any common sense, Honor or     Dignity left anywhere in Washington DC?




Allowing such an action to advance any further than it     already has, isn't simply ill-conceived, it is one of the highest forms of     treason and betrayal one could commit.  I am absolutely convinced I am     supported by most Americans when I tell you, any individual in favor of     this action is not welcome in the United States of America.  This     applies to the President as well as Congress.




Please don't tell me there are things I do not     understand, I've heard that one too many times and it simply doesn't hold     water.  I have dealt with Islamic types both enemy and     "friendly"  day in and day out for months as a part of my     duties.  Though I no longer have close contact with them, I am     comfortable saying, that there may be some things you do not understand as     well.




Every citizen of this country knows, with no doubt     whatsoever, that if one of these soldiers happened to be a Senator's or     Congressman's son or daughter no mention of any trial of any kind would     have ever been mentioned.  These soldiers are our people, they are     American citizens. Americans, true Americans, would never allow this     injustice to take place.  You may think I am indicating that any     representative supporting this "mockery of justice" is not a true     American.  If you are, rest assured you are absolutely correct. 




If you were being Honest when you took an oath to our     Constitution you will see, to the best of your ability,  that these     soldiers are freed and Honored for their service by those who had any part     in this insanity.






Art Phillips


Constituent who voted for both of you, donated to your     elections and is waiting for you to earn some of that support.  








Dear Mr. Phillips:




Thank you for contacting me     regarding the recent incident involving the burning of Korans at Bagram Air     Field, Afghanistan.  I appreciate having the benefit of your comments     on this matter.




As you may know, reports indicate     that a joint North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Afghan investigation into     the incident was completed, finding that the actions were improper but did     not demonstrate malicious intent.  Although the Department of Defense     has made no announcements regarding potential disciplinary actions taken     against the U.S. servicemembers involved in the incident, you may be     certain that I will keep your views in mind as this matter is discussed.




I appreciate the opportunity     to represent Texans in the United States Senate.  Thank you for taking     the time to contact me.








United States Senator






517 Hart Senate Office     Building


Washington, DC 20510


Tel: (202) 224-2934


Fax: (202) 228-2856




Please sign up for my monthly     newsletter at 






Due to the nature of electronic     communication, if you did not receive this e-mail directly from my office,     I cannot guarantee that the text has not been altered.  If you have     questions about the validity of this message, or would like to respond to     this message, please use the web form available at my website,

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The Law of Attraction

4063321774?profile=originalThe picture is high in the Colorado's San Juan mountains. To me it was a sign of heaven and earth and my eternal life.

In consciousness is the force of attraction, male to female, for example, or to a certain philosophy, or collective agreement. But like the attraction of male to female, in the end, we gravitate back to fundamental law. An example is America’s original Constitution, before numerous expediencies. It will be interesting to see how America’s makers and keepers of the law deal with the current expedience under scrutiny, Obamacare. Virginia attorney general Ken Cuccinelli says this case is about liberty not healthcare. What is liberty?  We don’t appear to know.

My life fell apart in 1975.  I gravitated back to fundamental law. Magically, my life came back together, and far better than before.  Christians call it being reborn.  In the same sense, non-Christians are reborn. They gain a deeper meaning of life.  It’s something for Christians and atheists to think on.

Our immaterial growth comes in cycles, beginning with seeking and finding our true identity, and ending with being universally conscious; that is, going back to the state from which we came. Our earthly task is working toward that end, becoming selfless.  

When I was a teenager, I sought a group identity.  I failed.  My contemporaries saw me as a misfit. I was not made to think like the group.  In 1975, I cut from the herd. When things should have gone badly for me, my life improved. I gravitated to the Constitution—the way I read it. I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me.  They spoke differently than present makers and keepers of the law.

I was reborn the individual I was intended to be.  Christian doctrines and dogmas had held me in chains.  The Constitution was based on the law of all times, not on the expediencies of present day makers and keepers of the law, not on religious doctrines and dogmas.   My Constitution is based on the law of all times—before religion, before our solar system.  My Constitution is based on eternal law.  We are from dust to dust, but our immortal souls live eternally.  “In God we trust” is trust in the “Higher Law” that governs all that is: universal consciousness—of which we are the living archetype. There is no higher form of life.  We are made in the image of God.  Earthly authority seeks to remake us.

My message is what Jesus taught.  We are at the threshold of a new age. As it was in my case, our world is falling apart. Some of us will see the light. Those of us that do will drag the rest of humanity kicking and screaming into the new age. 

You can read in great detail how I turned my life around in my book In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012.  All of my dreams have come true.

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Devide and Conquer

Obama: I'd kiss your butt but right now I can just reach your putin hand to pat pat..

(this closer to what I look like just dont call me rooster please)

Soros, puppetmaster? I asked tthe American Jewish Newsletter "Flame" why the sob had not been tried for turning in fellow Jews to the Gestapo,crimes against humanity etc ,I have no reply to date...Obviousobama and his minions into devide and conquer...Holder outstanding example of "Race" explains all events good or bad...myopic ass of the useless to society kind...only good for bad decisions...
By the way Soros bragged about bringing down nations whose citizens were forbidden to own firearms....someone emailed me that American citizens hunters etc possessed more firearms than any other country's standing army
except the US...
I have never seen a panther intimidate a well-armed,determined, unafraid individual, who had the right to protect themselves or others from threat or attack...except a couple of white people tryin to get some sleep in a gecko commercial....
It may take a war to bring our country back on course but I pray my little corner of Oklahoma doesn't return to the days when we were called "Little Dixie".....

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By John W. Lillpop


As the days leading to the 2012 elections grow fewer, Americans need to face the fact that Barack Obama is not the candidate in whom voters should entrust the future of our children and grandchildren, nor the very future of our nation.

Over the past three plus years, Obama has demonstrated over and over again that he:

* Holds deep, impassioned resentments against the American way of life including capitalism, dominance of the Christian faith, desire to reflect Exceptionalism, and culture. Obama even resents the fact that America is mostly an English-speaking nation will little or no desire for foreign languages to interlope into our education, law, and daily lives.

* Has very little respect, or none, for American history and the principles on which this nation was founded, including those which have made America the most successful society in human history, and which have enabled he and his family to prosper so richly.

* Is scornful of established laws and traditions including those which concern American sovereignty, states’ rights, religious freedom, and immigration.

* Uses class, race, income, education and other ways in which people differ to pit Americans against each other, all to promote his own selfish political ambitions.

* Is naïve and ill-informed when it comes to the urgent need for a strong national defense, a prejudice which is particularly dangerous given the hostile world in which we live. Foolishly adheres to the Progressive myth which holds that “talking” with our enemies (Iran) can solve problems, when the opposite is generally true.

* Foolishly refuses to admit that there are genuinely “bad” people and nations who want to kill Americans and America.

* Does not grasp the inherent danger in reckless spending and irresponsible accumulation of federal debt. Despite the downgrade of America’s credit and warnings of further damage, has refused to take responsible action to address entitlements and other out-of-control spending.

* Believes that America should be fundamentally transformed to reflect his socialist agenda, despite the fact that most Americans disagree strongly. ObamaCare is but one example.

As if Obama’s warped vision were not bad enough, he is a man of enormous ego who believes that he is the smartest, wisest man in the room, an attitude which results in arrogance fueled by ignorance that causes him to discount and reject opposing views.

All in all, Barack Obama is simply not the man for the presidency.

America deserves better! Much better.

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Chaplain Thomas Gilbert Cole

Chaplain Tom & Gwen Cole----------------------------------------------------Chaplain Thomas Gilbert Cole(Chaplain Tom): ARMY OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST

Subject: U.S. OUT OF THE U.N.

"{ALL}" candidates for public office, Local State, and Federal must sign a pledge that we will get These United States Of America out of the United Nations; to prevent a Satanic New World Order.

TomCole2.jpg TomCole3.jpg
"Men must be governed by God, or they will be ruled by tyrants." Wm. Penn
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Murfreesboro City Election.

Murfreesboro City Election.


Please forward to friends who can vote in the city election. 

It’s time to take our City back from the control of special interest groups who use our City government for their personal benefit.  The Small Business Alliance of Rutherford County (SBARC) would like you to consider the following candidates for City Council: Danny Brandon, Ricky Turner, and Eddie Smotherman.  More information on these candidates is posted at:


Early voting  will be March 28,29,30,31, April 2,3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12. At the County Election Office on the Murfreesboro Square South; County Election Annex 426 E. Vine St.; Murfreesboro Spots Com 2310 Memorial Blvd.; Blackman Elementary School 586 Fortress Blvd. Hours are 10am-5pm Mon-Fri., 8am-12noon Saturdays except at the Election Office on the Square 7am-7pm Mon-Fri. 8am-12 noon Saturday.

Regular voting will be at your regular precinct April 17 7am-7pm.


All governments have become obsessed with micromanaging every facet of our lives. In order to reverse this trend we invite you to join the Small Business Alliance of Rutherford County as a small business owner or a friend of small business.

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4063482225?profile=originalMarch 8, 2012, my beautiful, 28 yr old natural redhead was stopped by the police on the way to my house. This was the 3rd time as many months that she was stopped. This time she was charged with drug trafficking!?!  A $50,000 bond!?!

Having just gotten a new car, (new to her), she had neglected to replace the paper license plate with a real one.  The police gave her a ticket, which she deserved. Then, they asked if they could search her car. She said, "NO".  The police informed her that they would have to bring a dog out to search for drugs.  She said that was fine, she likes dogs. The dog came, he sniffed, he found nothing

The police were determined. After all, she clearly was not black or Hispanic therefore the arrest was a "good" one.  They couldn't be accused of racial profiling.  They searched her purse, without permission. They found a pill bottle with16 pills, 4 various kinds. Into cuffs she went.  A week later Cristina's attorney told us that they had to contact the Dr. and see if the pills that she was carrying were the ones prescribed.

Due to Obama's economy we had to move from Maitland, Fl. -the only home that our kids knew. We ended up 30 minutes and a whole world away in Deltona Fl.   Sanford, Fl is 10 miles away. Rev. Sharkton, Jesse Jackson, the "New" Black Panther Party etal, continues to incite racial tension.

I knew my daughter and I knew the drugs that were prescribed to her.  I knew that some of them were dangerous to stop cold turkey.  I had throat cancer, (1998), and I can not talk. My daughter was both in emotional and physical pain. I could NOT fight for her. I have never felt so helpless. I wrote this to Cristina's attorney: 

"In Sept. 2009, I started a blogcast,  “Conservative News, Short & Timely.” When you can’t talk, you listen and REALLY hear.  Obama scared the hell out of me from the start and when I found out that all the Dr.’s had to test for the black gene when people were getting their blood work done.   Then 2 ½ years ago, Attorney General Holder sued Arizona and 5 States for racial profiling. That the police could not pull over anybody because they looked black or Hispanic.  At the time I wrote, “This means if you’re white, watch out!”  Cristina has been pulled over almost every time she comes to my house.

Since its inception I have been a member of the  I want to tell you, I am far from the only one with stories like these. If you need any help writing letters, making phone calls or ANYTHING, I can get 171,000+ behind you.  That is just one arm. We branch out a lot further.  We all stand together against these type of unAmerican injustices. If you can, use it as leverage, I am willing to do anything for her."

Since I knew that the jail reads all letters, I sent one to my daughter as well as her lawyer.  TWO days after I wrote that, ALL charges were dismissed.  Cristina did not have any drugs that were not prescribed.  She had been on some for years.  When she was forced to go through sudden with drawl, her 5'2", 105 lb. body almost shut down. Her temp. fell to 94.8!  They did nothing!!!I have never sued anyone before. I am going after Obama and Holder with everything in my power. Can anyone suggest a Tea Party lawyer?

I firmly believe that the Tea is a more powerful force then anyone thinks....especially this regime.  God Bless, Carolyn

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4063482429?profile=originalSo what if the Supreme Court strikes the requirement to buy health insurance? It simply makes Obamacare more costly.  The Supreme Court is not going to call the whole program unconstitutional.  There is plenty of legal precedence for it.  Besides, the American people want the right to healthcare.  Actually, the American people want the impossible.  There is no way on earth that the American people’s desires can be fulfilled.  It is either government mandated healthcare or the individual’s personal responsibility.   When it was a personal responsibility, it was considerably less costly.

This brings me to a greater truth. There is actually no conceivable way for government to order people’s lives. Any attempt causes the individual to conceive of a way to combat it.  There is power in numbers. The Tea Party is an example. With group rights, reason becomes a can of worms.  We revert back to animal.  Might makes right.

What is it about humans that make us different than other life?  What is it that allows us to live vastly better lives than cattle?  It is reason and logic.   Reason is fundamental to the law.  An emergency situation during America’s Great Depression gave government the authority to give financial aid to the poor and homeless.  This government duty did not give everyone government entitlement to health care.  Since the depression, we’ve behaved in excessively caretaking ways.  It harms our relationships and quality of life.  There is a name for it: codependency. 

The codependency often involves placing a lower priority on one’s own needs, while being excessively preoccupied with the needs of others.  Codependency may also be described as denial or low self-esteem.   Codependency connects with arrogance, betrayal, boasting, bravado, bullying, conceit, control freak, criticism, cronyism, egotism, entitlement, envy, fantasy, grandiosity, grandstanding, greed, haughtiness, hidden agenda, hubris, hypocrite, idealism, jerk, magical thinking, manipulative, narcissistic, omnipotence, opportunism, prima donna, perfectionism, self-absorbed, self-righteousness, snob.  Who does this bring to mind? Codependency is the driving force of socialism.  Don’t you just love me for bringing this to your attention, your entitlements, socialist codependency, the antithesis of free enterprise and the Aquarian nature? We’re in the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the demise of codependency.  It’s going bankrupt, morally, spiritually, and fiscally.   So, it is your choice: codependency or the Constitution.

Are we really personally responsible for what others do with their lives?  Liberals say yes; conservatives say no. Cain killed Able, and asked: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” The Lord, who favored Able, said vengeance shall be taken sevenfold. He that believeth not shall be damned. Take your choice.  Either way, authority speaks for you.

We come into this life dependent, but with the God-given ability to reason.  The object is to seek and find one’s own identity.  Once one finds one’s own identity, he or she is on the path of his or her destiny.  Instead of regressing to dependency, or aggressively pursuing control of others, one grows toward selflessness and universal service.  

A Christian told me I represent secular humanism.  Obama represents himself as a Christian. A secular humanist is one who, according to my dictionary, follows “any set of beliefs that promotes human values without allusion to religious doctrines,” religious doctrine being any set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe.  Applying the definition, Obama’s former Christian preacher, Rev. Wright, “goddamned” America.   This anti-Christian, pro-American believes in the Constitution.  Can a secular humanist believe that Jesus is his savior and redeemer? Mormons are not viewed by many Christians to be Christian.  Jesus wasn’t a Christian.  

At age eighty-six, all of my dreams have come true, and I’m in good health.  What I’ve learned is contrary to what the religions of Abraham teach. This “secular humanist” wants to pass on what I’ve learned by looking within for answers.  I’ve written a book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. It will be available at Amazon in June for all, be you atheist, Christian, Jew, Muslim, or whatever.  Read it and learn of our future.



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Be Encouraged 3/26/12

Howdy all.  I certainly hope you have all had the chance to relax, enjoy your families and friends this past weekend.  I know I have.  We are about to enter a week the likes of which we haven't been through in a long time, if ever.  The Supreme Court is giving unusual if not unprecedented amount of time to argue the case brought by Florida and all the other states on the Obamacare mandate on health care insurance.  So much has been said,and done.  Demands for waivers, demands for repeal, demands for impeachment, and unfortunately demands for violence.  We won't even know how successful the arguments will be until June.  We cannot and should not stand still waiting until then.  The Constitution is at stake here,and many other places as well.  So, the ultimate court in the land will hear this issue, and it will be out of our hands.  So, lets listen to the week's progress, but not lose focus on so many other things going on.  Although the liberals/progressives/Marxists/socialists/whatever else they are understand this point very well.  Personal experience.  Funny, but to the point.  When I was a kid, my next neighbor had lots of fireworks.  My friend's Dad had his birthday on July 4.  Grandma would always bring fireworks from the south to Long Island (yes they were and are illegal, but heck I was just 6).  They set up one skyrocket on the old picnic table, since it had the umbrella hole in the middle to use as a 'stand'.  Just as it took off, it leaned over to almost horizontal.  Everyone watched the skyrocket hit the garage next door and ricochet to the house on the next block.  No one paid attention to the exhaust from the skyrocket, which just happened to flow into the big box next to the picnic table; yes the box containing the remaining fireworks.  Within seconds, the backyard was lit up better than the show on top of the Space Needle in Seattle.  40 people vanished; under tables, over fences, down the block, in the house, anywhere there was a shred of cover.  It was funny after my Dad turned on the garden hose and threw the nozzle into the box.  We all watched the one anomaly, but missed the real problem until it was too late.  Let's not focus so much on the SCOTUS arguments that we miss something major on Agenda 21, Fast and Furious, the nominee for the World Bank who has no financial background, and everything else I don't have space to mention. And, we must watch for other success.  Look at Australia, where this past weekend they voted out the socialists, and I mean voted them OUT!  They've held control of their parliament for over 20 years.  Some seats have been held over 100 years.  They are calling it a political earthquake.  And it was done by simply a vote.  We need to look for these successes as well as watch our backs.  We must be vigilant.  We must be,.. well I think Paul says it best:

Be on guard.  Stand firm in the faith.  Be courageous. Be strong.  And do everything with love. ~ 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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White Genocide

New black panther head khaliid mahamid calls for genocide against white people. I suppose he wants to name his son Trayvon too...

TREASON! There’s a lot of white folks running the Govmt so doesn’t this amount to the overthrow of the U.S. Govmt?! TREASON! TREASON! TREASON! Charge the bastard and throw him in MaxSec Prison…how about

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Walmart vs. Our Government

Wal-Mart vs. The Morons

1. Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart every hour of every day.

2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!

3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) than Target sells all year.

4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target +Sears + Costco + K-Mart combined.

5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people, is the world's largest private employer, and most speak English.

6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the world.

7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger and Safeway combined, and keep in mind they did this in only fifteen years.

8. During this same period, 31 big supermarket chains sought bankruptcy.

9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.

10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are 

Super Centers; this is 1,000 more than it had five years ago.

11. This year 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur at Wal-Mart stores. (Earth's population is approximately 6.5 Billion.)

12. 90% of all Americans live within fifteen miles of a Wal-Mart.
You may think that I am complaining, but I am really laying the ground work for suggesting that MAYBE we should hire the guys who run Wal-Mart to fix the economy.

This should be read and understood by all Americans Democrats, Republicans, EVERYONE!!

To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature,

It is now official that the majority of you are corrupt morons:

a. The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775. You have had 236 years to get it right and it is broke.

b. Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 76 years to get it right and it is broke. 

c. Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 73 years to get it right and it is broke.

d. War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 47 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the 
poor" and they only want more.

e. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 46 years to get it right and they are broke.

f. Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 41 years to get it right and it is broke.

g. The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a 
budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 34 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure.

You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars.

By the way; since the Eisenhower era there have been over 200 taxes added to our taxpaying citizens so during the times of government run agency’s failures they had more tax money income that ever. 

And you took over the Mustang Ranch in Nevada because they didn't pay their taxes, and now it is closed. You could not even run a house of prostitution.


Folks, keep this circulating. It is very well stated. Maybe it will end up in the e-mails of some of our "duly elected' (they never read anything) and their staff will clue them in on how Americans feel.
AND I know what's wrong. We have lost our minds to "Political Correctness" 

Someone please tell me what the HELL's wrong with all the people that run this country!! 
We're "broke" & can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless etc., ?? 
In the last months we have provided aid to Haiti, Chile, and Turkey.. And now Pakistan.....home of bin Laden. Literally, BILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!

Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no aid nor do they get any breaks while our government pours Hundreds of Billions of $$$$$$'s and Tons of Food to Foreign Countries! We have hundreds of adoptable children who are shoved aside to make room for the adoption of foreign orphans

AMERICA: a country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed hungry, elderly going without 'needed' medicines, and mentally ill without treatment -etc,etc.

Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US' the same support they give to other countries. Sad isn't it?

99% of people won't have the guts to forward this. I'm one of the 1% -- 
I Just Did

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