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My blogs on Tea Party are little more than thinking out loud. So, thinking out loud, in a telephone conference yesterday with my book publisher, I was advised that it could be as much as three months until my book is on the market. That’s a month longer than the last estimate. It was longer than the first estimate. My book will be available by the middle of June, at least until the next estimate. There is a lot more for me to consider. I sent in my manuscript in late December. There have been technical difficulties that slowed things down. It’s complicated doing things on my computer and my publisher doing things to my manuscript. I’ve spent a lot of time on the advice I’ve received. The problem is that I have thoughts others don’t think. It takes a lot of clarification.
I’m in tune with what Jesus taught, at least what I read in the Bible, which is quite different than what I was taught in my Christian Sunday school. I’m in tune with the cutting edge of science. The cutting edge of science is accused of trying to smuggle God in to physics.
I listened to a Glenn Beck rant and rave yesterday. He was shouting mad about the Obama Administration’s new regulations on farmers, in the interest of protecting America’s children, such as prohibiting children under sixteen from working more than 6 feet above the ground, or working livestock, or shoveling manure, or running power equipment . It is shocking. One hundred-eighteen children died doing farm work in a year. Beck points out that more than 5,000 died in auto accidents. It is hard to make a living on a farm now. Obama, a knight in shining armor, is going to make it harder. It will have the effect of higher food prices—just what we need. Obama is for the good of all—all meaning all the people in the world. We Americans are living too high on the hog’s back. Obama must be right. We are greedy and self-serving in America. At least that’s the way Obama and his friends in the Middle East see us. It is their way, not my way. Nobody listens to me. I’m a nobody from nowhere.
I agree with Beck on about half of what he says, but the half that counts. My wife says I’m out of orbit, but she has much to do with the way I think. An astrologer informed me that my wife was sent to me. After thirty years, she is beginning to think that herself. An astrologer said I’m the archetype of those who came before me. A historian said in Cosmos and Psyche that there is consistent correspondence in planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. Christians don’t adhere to that idea. Their idea of God is supernatural; in other words, they don’t know, so they guess.
The stock market has been on the rise. Employment is on the rise. According to news pundits, the recession is about over. Beck says the per capita debt in the United States is the world’s highest. “No problem,” says the media. It merely means that the United States has proven to the world that it is the most productive.
With this in mind, Obama takes no blame for rising fuel prices. He is right. Oil production in the United States is the highest in eight years. Obama is the most forgetful person I’ve ever heard speak. He forgot to mention that he had nothing whatever to do with the increase in oil production. In fact, he has done much to curtail oil production in the United States. He is doing all he can to curtail the use of all fossil fuels, and all he can to encourage alternative sources of energy, which accounts for two percent of our energy requirements. That’s exactly the problem. We need to know that we use too much energy. Obama’s reason: “It is unfair.” We need to drastically cut our energy requirements—and at the same time raise taxes. It is all part of Obama’s plan to transform America into a socialist dictatorship.
The big concern in the Obama Administration is U.S. productivity—all thanks to the free enterprise system. With so many in the world going hungry—and Obama going about apologizing—it is not fair for the United States to be so productive. Why don’t we realize that? Obama’s feelings tie with being regulated out of existence. We need to learn to be more thoughtful of the meek and poor and the hungry of the world, for whom Obama is a knight in shining armor. It’s a sin to have more than other people. Why don’t we know that?
By the time my book hits the market, my guess is that the fat cats on Wall Street will have run the market up and made another killing on running it down. It should be back to its former level or lower in mid-May. While gas prices will have peaked and slightly lower in May, food prices will be higher. Overall, the cost of living will be higher. It is all part of Obama’s plan for the meek and poor of the world. Things are going very nicely. To the rest of the world, Obama associates the average America with Wall Street greed.
There is likelihood of increased sunspot activity late in the year. It could cause electrical grid failures, the extent unknown. It will be that “slut,” Sara Palin’s fault, according to press spokesmen for Obama. You know that Palin talks to the public like she was talking with her Down’s syndrome child, and her daughter got knocked up by a baseball player, you know. There is a growing chance of a terrorist attack in the United States this year. That’s Rush Limbaugh’s fault. He should be removed.
The far left thinks like Muslim extremists, who are socialists. They demonstrated despise for capitalists by taking down the World Trade Center, and despise for America’s military by flying an airliner into the Pentagon. One of their kind is President of the United States. Religious freedom demands that Muslims have the right to build a shrine near the hole in the ground where the World Trade Center was. The Catholics don’t have the right of religious freedom. And what are we doing in the Middle-East? Fanning the flames of hatred for America. Beck now demands that we bring the troops home, my thought for years.
While technology has been revving up, Americans remain married to the past. There is a reason for modern technology, and the Chinese know how to make it pay. They are planning a mile high building that houses a quarter-million people, with world-class hotels in the building, with commercial and industrial in the building, a building whose glass turns opaque in bright sunlight, costing half as much to heat and cool; a building that will grow enough food hydroponically, twelve months out of the year, to feed more than the building’s population. Think of the saving of land, the energy cost saving. Think of just-picked vegetables on your table. Think of The Ugly American. Double ugly Obama is now regulating American farmers. Surely nobody in the Middle-East is more backward thinking than Obama. It amazes me how Americans, following customs, doctrines, and dogmas, can be so far from the truth.
My book will be informative, but judging from the Tea Party response, to a very limited number of people. I’m thinking about writing a second book. I give myself six months to write it. That would put it on the market in March 2013. The public will then know how right or wrong I was in my first book. If I’m wrong, a second book would be a waste. At least, it will have kept me occupied. I haven’t anything better to do with my time. I’m hedging. If I’m wrong, there will be no change. Obama will be our president.
Presently, I’m depending on government. One way or the other, I win. If my books don’t sell, I can move to China. I should be appreciated in China. I won’t be a government dependent .
For eleven years I've been hacking at the branches of America's woes, searching for a place to strike the root. So often I thought I knew the answers, until they seemed too simple. So many factors muddied the water which was already reflecting a distorted picture. And now I know that was by design. Our entire social structure has been controlled and designed to manipulate and divide us to distraction from the root of the problem. And I have not only been aware, but actually spending my own time, resources and money trying to make others aware. I think the degree of difficulty opening peoples eyes wore me down to the point where I began to doubt my own theory and doubt myself.
But one unwavering constant brought me back around, and that is the Truth. You can't change TRUTH. It will never let you down, if you stand by it, it will be your sword and shield, no matter what. And I was in a very unique position of being privy to a first hand chance encounter with it through a mainstream media screw up. I just happened to hear it the one and only time it was aired on public radio. At the time, I thought to myself how odd a story it was, and who would care about such nonsense. It didn't seem news worthy. What made it stick in my mind even more was that it was never repeated. Very odd for the station which became monotonous by the end of each day. Why was this one story pulled from the rotation?
Many years later, it came back to my mind like a lightning strike, when I discovered Aaron Russo, and listened to his testimony as he told it to Alex Jones in an interview. And at the time, Aaron knew he was dying of bladder cancer. All of a sudden the story of an elite banking family disowning and cutting the inheritance of one of their children made perfect sense to me. He was hardly a child as I'd visioned him from the news story. I won't go into detail, but you can find the story online easily. Search for Aaron Russo / Nick Rockefeller. In order to gain favor from Aaron, a Hollywood producer, Nick revealed deep dark family secrets about banking. Having all the wealth and power imaginable, Nick wanted to be a movie producer, and told Aaron how 9 /11 would occur, which would lead to the United States invading Iraq, Iran, and Venezuela. And how it would lead to a never ending war, chasing people around in caves fighting an enemy we could never define. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Aaron said, that if we could put all our differences aside, just long enough to all concentrate on abolishing the Federal Reserve System, all the other issues would pretty much dissolve themselves. I was never quite sure why, but finally, I understand, these problems like immigration, war, gun rights, religious friction, and so on, are all designed to divide us as a people. While we are occupied fighting each other, we're too busy to pay attention to the man behind the curtain.
Fractional banking by design, can only work as long as people continue to create debt. Something else every American should learn about. But since the recent bubbles leaving many Americans broke and homeless, many have tried to drop off the grid, stop using credit, saving money, investing in land, bullion, and generally creating a toxic environment for bankers. Our government is bought and paid for, creating yet another smoke screen. They wrap themselves in Old Glory and create the illusion that everything they do is in our interest, when nothing could be farther from the truth. I'm relieved to realize that I made the right decision voting for Ron Paul in the GOP primary election, since he is the only one not ready and willing to bomb Iran off the Earth. Yes.. hang my head in shame! I too bought into the justification of preemptive strikes on nations who were minding their own damn business just before America bombed the hell out of them. They were never a threat to America. And when that was clear, we were sold the story that America has a moral obligation to provide stability and democracy to every corner of the globe. What a crock of steaming shit! We have only gone to war to exploit the oil from these countries, so the corporations can get wealthy, and the bankers fund both sides of every damn war, so they never loose. They must keep that perpetual debt rising to survive. But now, the house of cards it falling. No nation on Earth with a fiat economy has ever survived, yet American's are just naive enough to believe that we are special. We can be different.
For so long, I had all the pieces to this puzzle, and have only now finally worked them all into place. Like Ned Beatty said in the movie Shooter, "There are no Shiites and Sunni's... there's no Democrats and Republicans.. there's only haves and have nots!"
I can no longer wrap myself in the stars and stripes, and call these so called terrorists towel heads when I know in my heart that 9 11 was a false flag operation to get us into these wars to create debt for the richest people on Earth, or all time. I won't make fun of the Occupy people because I realize, these bankers have enough wealth to support every American completely for the next hundred years. And I can no longer support our military, when I know they're killing people every day globally in the name of democracy. Ain't that a joke. And I have lost sleep over wondering if they will come smashing my door down at some point in time and march my family and me off to some unlawful place never to be seen again.
This is not to say I abandoned the 3% concept, and that I won't fight to the death to defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But finally it is crystal clear to me exactly who perpetuates all of the unrest, and threats to America. For the most part, these foreign nations we're at war with are defending themselves, as Ron Paul said; "What would we do if some super power surrounded us with military bases and was bombing us all the time?" The bankers are creating policy and paying governments to create wars. They are evil people. They are the scum of the Earth. They have no conscience or morality, and these laws that our government creates to protect themselves and the bankers are meaningless against The Truth. It will only be a matter of time, and soon at hand, before Americans literally are dragging these bankers , and their inbred offspring into the streets and if not hanging them, taking them into custody for trial by their peers. Their institutions burned to the ground, and family blood lines wiped from the face of the Earth may not be as radical as it sounds, if it's done in the name of peace, and freedom.
Howdy all! And welcome to the weekend eve! We’ve got spring events cooking up, like first weeding, seeding, and maybe even mowing. Or, there is the chance of more snow in your forecast. So who knows? I do know that we all have the chance to celebrate my heritage on Saturday with St. Patrick’s Day. We’re planning a traditional Irish meal; corned beef, cabbage, carrots and potatoes, along with some Irish soda bread. So, in the spirit, “Go raibh do ghloine lán go deo. Go raibh láidir go breá an dion thar do cheann. Go raibh tú í Neamh, leathúair os comhair a bhfuil a fhíos ag an diabhal atá tú bás.” Translated, “May your glass be ever full. May the roof over your head be always strong. May you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows you're dead.
Any hoo,..
No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. ~ Micah 6:8
It really seems to me, from a comprehensive view of things, that a period is fast approaching, big with events of the most interesting importance. When the councils we pursue and the part we act, may lead decisively to liberty, or to Slavery. ~ George Washington, letter to John Bannister at Valley Forge, April 21, 1778
Hmm, is this a prophecy from the past? George was talking about the efforts he and the army were preparing to undertake. Their success would determine liberty or slavery to the king. The army was just coming out of a hard winter in Pennsylvania; hungry, cold, and lacking supplies. Yet they still had battles to engage in.
So, what do you think; prophetic? Well, yes of course. It’s been over three years that We the People have been striving to restore our great nation to what is was, what it is supposed to be. We have a great deal to do, and not much time. The focus must be on installing a government that will reduce itself; a government that will reduce the burden on the people. We need a government that will restore the Constitution and obey the Constitution, and hold people (including themselves) accountable to the Constitution. Our work this year will determine whether we restore our liberty, or fall to the slavery of socialism or worse, communism. Funny, the job I had while serving in the Navy required me to swear I did not have any ties to any subversive groups who would overthrow the country, or any communist organizations. If I did and lied, I could spend 10 years in jail, and/or a $10,000 fine. Now, the guy who would send launch codes is either a socialist/communist, or is involved heavily with multiple organizations that would love to overthrow the present form of government we still hold dear to our hearts.
So, we know the reality of our situation, as George did. We know the potential outcomes based on our performance, as George did. What to do. What to do? Micah may have a word or two to help. Our Creator has given us the path. We all know what we must do. We must do what is right. Love mercy, yes. Walk humbly with our Creator, yes. Our nation was founded on values and principles that come from God. Our path has been determined by Him, and we must do what He requires, what is right. And remember, “Fillean meal ar an meallaire.” Or, “Evil returns to the evil doer.”
One last thought. I sign off with the phrase stand with Israel. Israel has been under threat of extinction for a very long time. The present threat is very real, and possible. Also, as a Christian, I understand that the beginnings of my religion are based in Judaism. All this, and the fact that Israel has been a close friend of the United States since its first days as a formally recognized nation. This is why I stand in my heart with Israel. I use this sign off as a statement of my desire for Israel to maintain its sovereignty, as well as an invitation for others to do so. Some may not feel as I do, and that is your right. I am not demanding you be with me. I invite you. But I will always STAND WITH ISRAEL, because I choose to.
So, take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley
Its no accident my "Avatar",JW, is looking to the Left! He and we know where the Danger/Threat is coming
We've got columnist & author Mychal Massie with us again tonight! Join us at Call us @ 646-200-4032! See you there @ 9 pm EST!--Jim
How old is this information? Circuit City filed for Chapter 11 about 5 years ago.
President Obama, the most powerful man in the world, is a Marxist, anti-capitalist, a divider, a transformer, a revolutionary.
Something has gone wrong in America. We’ve resorted to name calling. I rely on the truth as I see it. This has worked to my benefit. I give everyone the right to seek the truth as they see it, as long as they don’t seek to impose their will on me. The thinking I follow is the thinking of the people Obama’s support call derogatory names. They obviously don’t like people who think for themselves, especially women. It’s all for one and one for all. Obama is the head coach. Under socialism we are team players, with government entitlements and zero rights.
The America I’ve known could be ending, but not with Obama and his following. Man is forever concocting schemes as a means of control. It goes back to the basics in life. Life depends on life. The object is to keep from becoming some other life form’s dinner. There is safety in numbers.
I was an independent businessman, a one-man operation. I bought lumber from the manufacturer and sold it to the retailer. My job was knowing where the lumber was, and at a price the dealer was willing to pay. For that service, people were willing to pay me a small commission. I earned a good living. But I was a capitalist. Socialists don’t like capitalists. In favor of socialism, the United States put me out of business. Putting me out of business included my independent suppliers and dealers. The United States favored the big corporation and labor unions. Socialism is not what it is cracked up to be. It allows big fish to feed on little fish. The big fish are giant corporations, big labor, Wall Street, and government. When you sit on Wall Street, know what your beef is. You are being taken by the very thing you protest. The above named big fish feed on millions of little fish. That’s nature.
Nature created man with something unique: reason and logic. If a man wants a blue suit, turn on the blue lights. As an independent, that’s the way I think. After I was put out of business, I still had my reason and logic. No matter what schools of fish do, I’ve managed to remain independent and have prospered. The way I see it, with the masses darting this way and that, this is a time of unprecedented opportunity for those who use their human assets. They have little competition.
The pathetic thing about this time is that those who have been suckered into believing they can’t think for themselves are being taken by control freaks. These suckers lack understanding of how the universe works.
I read an article written by a geneticist. He maintained that we will soon know the whole genetic scheme of humans. He figured that we will be able to create a better human. I asked him from whence comes the genetic code. His answer: "We don’t get into that."
Quantum physics studies the microcosmic. That would include genes. Classical physics maintains there is no connection in our reality and the reality of the microcosmic world. Something else must come into play. What could it be? Various religious faiths give us the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe. We can’t agree. Abraham’s religions are the cause of much suffering and death. The answer is lacking in reason and logic.
I have the Bible, the cutting edge of science, astrology, and numerology. When I employ the reason and logic with which I was created, the four dovetail. I’ve written a book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012 that explains in detail my experience.
My rebirth began when I studied the Constitution and my rights, with the idea of taking action against the world’s prophets of doom. The end is near, and a new beginning. I’ve been greatly rewarded. My karmic mission is to pass on what I’ve learned.
Hello Fellow Patriots ! Americanmobi here, not to talk about my successful mobile company, but the pledge of allegiance to the flag we all made so many years ago ! I was born in 1960 much unrest was upon our country at that time and America was changing, but America survived. I grew up in an era where Americans strived to be the best at whatever we did. I went to school and church, helped in my community, and volunteered to help those who were less fortunate. Everyone worked together because we had pride to be Americans and we were proud of what America stood for ! Well what happened ? I'll tell you. We stopped telling the story of how every generation, worked to make the next generation better than they were . They sacrificed so each generation could pick up their torch, and continue to preserve our liberty we take so much for granted. We learned to be good Americans, from good Americans. From people who would not stop until the job was done (HATS OFF TO ALL OUR SERVICE MEN,AND WOMEN ) we are great because we expect greatness from ourselves ! Other nations see this in us but cant replicate it because we are "one nation under god indivisible, with liberty and justice for all ! " Patriots these words mean something ! These are the words our founding fathers believed in, and we should too ! Remember your pledge of allegiance ? Did it let you down ? Will you break your pledge you made in homeroom, with your left hand over your heart so many years ago ? I am 51 years old now and still respect and am grateful to the generations that came before me and protected the liberty that I am able to enjoy ! We will lose our liberty if we do not take a stand NOW ! Remember " a nation can only be free, If the if the nations liberty resides in its citizens ! Americanmobi ! " PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO EVERY PATRIOT YOU KNOW THANKS ! REMEMBER YOUR PLEDGE !
Howdy all! You know what?
Me neither.
But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. ~ John 1:12
The executive branch of this government never has, nor will suffer, while I preside, any improper conduct of its officers to escape with impunity. ~ George Washington, letter to Gouverneur Morris, 1795
Oh, if only these were words in the oath of office for Presidency. Wait a minute; there are words to the effect in the oath that’s in the Constitution. They are sworn, (or have affirmed if they don’t like the O word) ‘support this Constitution’. So, by not supporting it, they would be violating the Constitution, right? Then why aren’t any of those who have purposely violated the Constitution been held accountable? Could it be, because those who should have violated the constitution themselves? No, that would never happen.
Actually, it has happened. It is happening, and those managing our government are lax in their responsibilities. So they need to be fired. Every single one of them in a managing position need to be replaced. Remember, don’t call them leaders. They couldn’t even lead a rain drop to fall down, let alone lead a nation. I will admit there are a few federally elected employees who could be considered leaders. But the majority of them are lemmings with no other lemming in front of them, so they have no path forward to success.
In the verse from John we understand that those who believe and accept God have the right to become children of God. Let’s project that on the situation with our federally elected employees and the roles they are supposed to fill. Those who believe and accept the Constitution as the true law of our great nation will have the right to become, or continue to be considered leaders of our nation. They need a wakeup call. They need to be employed elsewhere. We need leadership, not management. And don’t leave out those in the hiring process. Whoever becomes President must know they will be held to the same standards of excellence we expect all the federally elected employees are.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley
One of these Obama flags wouldn't fly long on public public property in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Shame on the people of Florida for putting up with this Obamination!
Patriot and conservative activist Miki Booth will be joining us on Tea Party Radio again tonight at 9 pm EDT! Miki has been "in the trenches" for a long time now. We'll be discussing what's going on with her ongoing efforts to rid this nation of "Obama," her new book just out---"Confessions of a Community Organizer from Hawaii" which is now available on in hard-copy, Kindle and computer download (link is below) Here is some of what I discussed with her earlier today, and we will be talking about on the air tonight:
Chaplain Thomas G. Cole(Chaplain Tom): BLACK ROBED REGIMENTS
America is a Constitutional Republic . . . NOT a Democracy
The high cost of gasoline has a logical reason an eight-year-old could understand. Presidential candidate Gingrich says he could bring the price of gas down to $2.50 per gallon. Obama’s press secretary says Gingrich doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Candidate Romney focuses on the economy, candidate Santorum on social issues. On a small fraction of the money Romney spends attacking his opponents, Santorum is giving Romney a run for his money. Maybe we intuit something more than the economy. Maybe it is dawning on us that the economy is not the bottom line. Something came up yesterday that got me thinking. This morning I have the answer—something you would not dream is connected with the economy.
The publisher of the book I’ve written, Creativespace, an Amazon company, had scheduled a telephone conference with me yesterday. They didn’t call. Their call was blocked. We block solicitation calls.
We’ve received calls from Creativespace that were not blocked. We have the telephone number from which the calls came. We checked our blocked telephone calls list. The number was not blocked. The blocked call came from another number. I have not spoken with Creativespace yet. They are on the east coast. We are on the west coast.
I’m aware of my opportunity, as a writer, to earn money at home writing for various businesses. I assume the same would apply to people who edit books. My manuscript was emailed to Creativespace. After a few weeks, I received my edited manuscript by email. In the right margin, were notes of advice. My punctuation and grammatical mistakes were corrected. I could either accept or reject the corrections. All of this was done at my home, and the same, obviously, with my editor, who, obviously, also solicited by telephone for a living—and had solicited us. Unknowing, we blocked that telephone number.
After I completed the revision of my manuscript, I emailed it to Creativespace. At that time, the telephone conference was scheduled. We have emailed Creativespace asking for the telephone number so we can unblock it.
This that I’ve described is a feature of the growing network economy. For example, a year ago I set up my own Web site,, and started blogging my philosophies. You didn’t have to join to respond. I didn’t expect much activity. I was elated. Within three months, I was receiving from ten to twenty very nice responses every day. The responses kept growing until they reached 200, to 300 every day. I was notified that for $35 a year I could have all the spammers removed. The responses dropped to almost zero. My responses were coming from entrepreneurs selling their wares on the Internet. They send complimentary responses to Web sites like mine hoping that I will advertise their sites with complimentary responses.
The network economy is a counteraction of oppressive, intrusive government in cahoots with grasping, corrupt corporations. Think about it. The first humans lived in caves. Their tools were stones. The process that led to the present was long in coming, but it is revving up. We’ve progressed more in the past century than in the previous 20 centuries, and all of it leaving us with greater purpose. It is the greater purpose that troubles the leadership’s control of us.
You might say that the growing network economy is a modern expression of our brother’s keeper. It favors those of us who look within for answers. It connects with the movements of the universe. I learn something new every day. Guess I’ll write another book.
By the way, I thought this Wired article by Kevin Kelly in the September 1997 issue was worth keeping. “New Rules for the New Economy: for thriving in a turbulent world.”
1 The Law of Connection: Embrace dumb power – The Network Economy is fed by the deep resonance of two stellar bangs: the collapsing microcosms of chips and the exploded telecosm of connections.
2 The Law of Plentitude – More gives more. Consider the first fax machine. It was worth zero.
3 The Law of Exponential Value: Success is nonlinear. The archetypical illustration of a success explosion in a Network Economy is the Internet itself.
4 The Law of Tipping Points: Significance precedes momentum. Success became infectious and spread pervasively to the extent that it became difficult for the uninfected to avoid succumbing.
5 The Law of Increasing Returns: Make virtuous circles. Them that’s got shall get. The Network Economy rewards schemes that allow decentralized creation and punishes those that don’t.
6. The Law of Inverse Pricing: Anticipate the cheap. The very best gets cheaper each year. This rule of thumb is so ingrained in our contemporary lifestyle that we bank on it without marveling at it.
7. The Law of Generosity: Follow the free. If services become more valuable the more plentiful they are (Law #2), and if they cost less the better and the more valuable they become (Law #6), then the extension of this logic says that the most valuable things of all should be those that are given away.
8. The Law of the Allegiance: Feed the web first. As consultant John Hagel argues, a company’s primary focus in a networked world shifts from maximizing the firm’s value to maximizing the value of the infrastructure whole. Standards strengthen a network; their constraints solidify a pathway, allowing innovation and evolution to accelerate.
9. The Law of Devolution: Let go at the top. The tightly linked nature of any economy, but especially the Network Economy’s ultraconnected constitution, makes it behave ecologically. The fate of the individual organization is not dependent entirely on its own merits, but also on the fate of its neighbors. One day you are the king of the mountain. The next day there is no mountain at all. Biologists describe the struggle of an organism to adapt is this biome as a long climb uphill, where uphill means greater adaptation. Organizations, like living beings, are hardwired to optimize what they know and not throw success away. Companies find devolving a) unthinkable and b) impossible. There is simply no room in the enterprise for the concept of letting go—let alone the skill to let go of something that is working, and trudge downhill toward chaos.
I suppose there will be many Americans “trudging downhill toward chaos,” those that depend on government, for example, Wall Street millionaires, General Electric and General Motors, but do you really think we will universally give ourselves to government to use as it wills? I think opportunity has never been greater for the ambitious and innovative.
God dwells in me as me. It is hard for me to believe, but it’s true. At age eighty-six, I’ve found that I was born to be a writer and musician. Bill Clinton was right. What is is. Too bad about Bill. My mate is in every way possible everything I could have asked for. Rick Santorum has a wife like mine. I trust that he and his wife are what this country needs.