All Posts (28092)
I have been receiving these regularly - gotta give them credit they ask for $3 a pop and I bet there are many Obamanite giving them their change. I am surely not one of them!! I am on this list because I was a student of Political Science and worked in Marketing for years. I always want to know what the competition is doing.
I also post these here so that all can see what they are doing in their efforts to take America away from the hardworking Americans that love this country. When Obama spoke of change, he wasn't kidding. He wants to change everything about this country: our position of power in the world, or strong economic based status; our free market system. His idea of change is to remove us from our leadership position in the world to be more aligned with other Socialist/Communist countries You see, Socialism only works when EVERYONE plays along. The Europeans, although allies of ours technically, are no less jealous than any other third world country of our power and our position in the world. In fact, when you read of 'the French' keep in mind that their demographics have changed A TON since they opened the flood gates of immigration to their previous held colonies Tunisia, Algeria and the like. Europe is not what it used to be, and if Obama had his way, America would have a similar fate.
I, for one, am not going to stand by and not speak up about it. I hope that our side has just as strong a message going out to our team. It is nice to know that we have big donors pulling through for our side, because we are up against an incombent and you can bet that he has raided the kitty for campaign funds to help support his efforts. We already know that he has given generous subsidies to his union buddies, and they are surely kicking the money back around full circle. So in reality, we are all paying for his re-election campaign. Here is the latest message that I received from his campaign manager (kinda makes me sick every time I get one of these!!).
Here's an excerpt from an article published in today's Washington Post: |
First, a bit of explanation: there are two kinds of cons: the short con, which happens quickly.
Then there's the long con. It can take weeks, months, and even years before the people who set it into motion get their payoff . That kind of con takes a LOT of patience
Okay, anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a fan of Barack Obama. No, it's not because he's black. I would dislike him even if he were all white. I didn't like Bill Clinton, either, and he's white. Maybe it's Democrats that I have problems with? Nah, I've seen a few so-called Republicans that I haven't liked, either.
Anyway, we all know that Obama and his cronies love to say that all of the problems are ones that they have inherited from other administrations....maybe, in a way, he did.
I can hear my friends all shaking their heads--just hear me out, okay?
Everything that's going on now has been a long time coming. A hundred years, in fact. It might have started when Woodrow Wilson decided that having the US join the League of Nations was a good idea. The League was the precursor of the United Nations. But it had no ''teeth'' and fell apart.
Things settled a bit, with the government deciding to experiment by prohibiting alcohol (a total failure that brought about crime syndicates and probably did little to help the economy). Once the great experiment of Prohibition ended, the country faced a huge crisis: The Great Depression.
We all know that Progressives (the con men of our tale) never let a crisis go to waste---and they didn't. Under FDR's "New Deal" government expanded rapidly--but the economy wasn't recovering at the same pace.
It took a World War to get America working and growing again. There was prosperity over the next 2+ decades.
The US joined the United Nations, and slowly began ceding bits and pieces of our sovereignty to them, ignoring that it was designed as a governing body for a One World Government.
During the 50s, Sen. Joe McCarthy started spreading the alert that there were Communists in this country who were actively working toward the destruction of the country he loved. Hearings were held, lists were made. Did it do any good? No.
The Communists and the Socialists and their ilk all went underground. Did they give up on their dreams? Again, no.
They went for the long con.
They put themselves into positions of power inside corporations, universities, schools, and even into government. They knew that they had moved too quickly and that some citizens had been concerned. This time, they were more patient, moving the agenda (con) forward at a much slower pace, finding ways to con the citizens into believing that they were moving in the direction they wanted to go.
In the 60s, LBJ envisioned the ''Great Society'' which gave free tax money to people who weren't working for whatever reason. Anyone who tried to rein in the program was tagged as being unsympathetic to poor people. Over the years, these programs were expanded greatly, at the expense of the self-sufficiency which had built this country.
It hasn't been just one President and administration that has contributed to the con, a lot of them moved it forward. I have to wonder why they decided to speed up the process once Obama was elected, but they have. I'm not sure that anyone in DC can be trusted to turn things around totally.
Is there hope? Maybe.
We, the citizens of this country are waking up and starting to see the truth. I only hope that there are enough of us and that we haven't waited too long.
We MUST stand our ground and fight.
There is too much to lose, for us and for our children and their children. The future of America depends on what we do.
Remember the story about how to make ''frog soup''----
Put a frog into boiling water and he'll jump out. But if you put the frog into a pan of cold water and slowly turn up the heat, the frog will slowly boil to death.
Friends, we're the frog, and the water's boiling--do we have the will to jump out or is it already too late?
Pray. It's our only hope of survival.
Dear Fellow Patriots:
What follows are websites, reports, articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal that this year is the fiftieth anniversary of the Port Huron Statement that was drafted by Tom Haden, a longtime activist and former California State Senator, which was the founding declaration of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), issued as a “living document” in 1962. The SDS call for a participatory democracy echoes today in student-led democracy movements around the world, even appearing as the first principle of the Occupy Wall Street. They also reveal the connection between President Obama, George Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI), Communism, ACORN, and Bill Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground.
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS):
- Radical student group during the 1960s
- Spearheaded the Anti-Vietnam War movement
- Was transformed into Weatherman, a terrorist cult
Forming the core of the 1960s counter-cultural movement known collectively as the New Left, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was a radical organization that aspired to overthrow America's democratic institutions, remake its government in a Marxist image, and help America's enemies defeat her sons on the battlefield in Vietnam. The group developed from the Student League for Industrial Democracy, the youth branch of the socialist League for Industrial Democracy.
SDS was established in late 1959 by Aryeh Neier, who would later spend fifteen years working for the American Civil Liberties Union (including eight years as its national executive director), and twelve years as executive director of Human Rights Watch (HRW) -- an organization he founded in 1978. After leaving HRW, Neier was appointed in 1993 by George Soros to serve as president of the Open Society Institute and the entire Soros Foundation Network.
SDS held its first meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1960. Its first President was Alan Haber, and its first impress on the political landscape was the Port Huron Statement of 1962, drafted principally by Tom Hayden.
STUDENTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY (SDS, FOUNDED 1959)-Posted on Discover The Networks:
Major Introductory Resources:
Obama’s Boys of Summer!-Posted on City Journal-By Daniel Flynn-On June 29, 2008:
SDS Plans for America's High Schools-Posted on USA Survival-By House Committee on Internal Security1969:
Rulers for Radicals-Posted on Campus Report-By Malcolm Kline-On September 2010:
SDS Documents:
Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS's founding document)-Posted By Tom Hayden-On 1962:
Video: SDS Founder, Tom Hayden on Participatory Democracy From Port Huron to Occupy Wall Street!-Posted on democracynow-On Apr 13, 2012:
Video: Participatory Democracy: From the Port Huron Statement to Occupy Wall Street!-Posted on The Ntion-By Tom Hayden-On March 27, 2012:
Vietnam SDS!-Posted on USA Survival-By JOIN Community Union-On 1964:
U.S. Imperialism!-Posted on USA Survivall-By David Gilbert and David Loud-On 1968:
Columbia!-Posted on USA Survival-By Mark Rudd-On 1968:
Cuba vs. U.S. Imperialism!-Posted on USA Survival-On 1969:
Which Side Are You on? -- U.S. History in Perspective!-Posted on USA Survival-By Noel Ignatin:
Additional Resources:
Obama Tied to Ayers ... at Age 11!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On June 19, 2009:
The Terror Legacy of the Left!-Posted on American Vision-By Gary DeMar-On June 3, 2009:
Wade Rathke: ACORN’s Founder, Ayers' Compatriot!-Posted on No Quarter-By Bud White-On October 17, 2008:
Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis!-Posted On American Thinker-By James Simpson-On September 28, 2008:
You Need a Weatherman to Tell Which Way Obama Will Go!-Posted on Townhall-By Mary Grabar-On June 22, 2008:
Communism in Chicago and the Obama Connection!-Posted on Discover The Networks-By Cliff Kincaid-On February 2008:
Remembering a Sixties Terrorist!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Donna Ron-On January 4, 2006:
Back Down Memory Lane at Berkeley!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Mark D. Tooley-On October 18, 2005:
Note: On September 26-27, 2009, the following eye-opening articles and/or blog posts were published by The Post & Email that revealed a recently released declassified FBI report that exposed then Senator Obama’s ties to the Weather Underground, which was a radical marxist terrorist organization founded by Bill Ayers. These articles also revealed the objectives of the Students for Democratic Society (SDS) as stated by Bernardine Dohrn, Bill Ayer’s wife, during a National Council meeting of SDS in December, 1968: “We are building a working class revolutionary movement to overthrow the capitalists, and the imperialist structure of the United States and the world.” She stressed the importance of an international alliance with the “third word” in order to “smash American imperialism”, and advocated the creation of an international revolutionary consciousness. Suspiciously this information was also kept from the American public in the run up to the 2008 Presidential Election by main stream media outlets that are funded by anti-American George Soros as a means of helping then Senator Obama get elected-You Decide:
Declassified FBI report exposes Communist seedbed for Obama Associates — Part I-Posted on The Post & Email-By John Charlton-On September 26, 2009:
Declassified FBI report exposes Communist seedbed for Obama Associates — Part II-Posted on The Post & Email-By John Charlton-On September 27, 2009:
Question: What did President Obama mean when he said that the United States was still “working on” democracy while in a meeting with Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev—one of the president’s many meetings with world leaders ahead of the 2011 nuclear summit?-You Decide:
President Obama says USA still working on its democracy!
Continue Reading:
What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-about-the-president’s-background/
Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!
Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?
Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!
Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!
Is Obama Employing the Cloward-Piven Strategy?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
April 14, 2012
After three years of the Obamas and their smug, know-it-all attitudes, it is difficult believing the American public hasn't revolted. The Obamas simply believe they are better than everyone else. Watch them. Listen to them.
The latest wisdom from the Obamas- on- high and their feminist friends came this week with a verbal attack on Mitch Romney's wife. Liberal elitists are always assaulting the role of wife, mother, and keeper of the home, and consider women holding this role old-fashioned. God calls being a wife and mother a good thing. Guess the libs never read Proverbs 31.
Of course, the anti-women remarks this week were not spoken directly by President Obama, but came from a subordinate in his administration. Nonetheless, whether it is Obama or one of his mouthpieces speaking, attacking Ann Romney is totally ludicrous and unwarranted. Moreover, it is another sign of disrespect for the American people, and failure to respect our elders for that matter. Ann Romney has been married to the same man for over 40 years, has helped raise their five children, has gone through breast cancer, and suffers from multiple sclerosis. None of these undertakings have been easy. Frankly, Mrs. Romney and all such women should be applauded as role models for America. After all, families are a crucial part of a nation's foundation.
And by the help with the kids, Michelle Obama's mother lives with them at the White House. Apparently Michelle can't juggle her responsibilities as well as most other First Ladies have throughout history — or for that matter, Mrs. Romney. Hmm...
While Mr. Obama claimed innocence in the remarks toward Ann Romney, his statement rings untrue and insincere — like almost everything proceeding from his mouth. In the past he didn't want people talking about his wife, and yet, had no qualms going after opponent Jack Ryan's family during his campaign for the US Senate. (That was after agreeing the family was off limits.)
So, in Obama's continuing diatribe against America, many hardworking stay-at-home-moms and housewives have been dissed by him and his minions this week. So what else is new? EVERYONE is below these people. Obama the Great doesn't bother to disguise his utter contempt for America. But, We the People can begin to make him "eat his words."
There has to be a tipping point when we get mad enough to fight back against the know-it-all bully who has repeatedly attacked us. While We the People have allowed this bully to assume his power and control over us, that doesn't mean we have to continue taking his insults. We need to get a collective backbone. We are to respect the office of President, but we don't have to respect the inhabitant of that office if he doesn't earn our respect. And come November — well, maybe we can discuss that next time? To anyone willing to hear....
© Madeline Crabb
I recall a somewhat similar situation to the current financial crises when Jimmy Carter was president. A financial adviser told me the price of gold was soon to take off. It was a period of high inflation. Fuel prices were soaring. I closed out my savings account and bought Kugerands at $267. Within two months the price was over $700.
In my email yesterday, Larry Edelson, a financial advisor posted notice that the greatest scam of all times is taking place. He took the words right out of my mouth. If you would like to have a financial expert guide you, Edelson’s Web address:
Edelson says I can kiss my government entitlement goodbye. It will buy little. He says the present situation leaves open fantastic investment opportunities, and that he is at the front line closely watching the financial juggling for economic control of the world. Edelson, an American citizen, expert in precious metals and natural resources, now lives in China. He says that although it has not yet been admitted, China has overtaken the United States as the world’s number one economy. He cites figures to prove it.
Communist China is judged to be number one in education, the United States fourteenth. China’s technology has surpassed the United States. While the United States is drowning in debt, China has surplus cash to buy resources and to loan debtor nations money. Does this mean America should go communist? We are such saps. While America has gone socialistic, Communist China has adopted the free enterprise system—the system fascist Obama and czars have taken charge of, thereby leaving the United States with less than two percent economic growth opposing China’s seven to nine percent. American wages are six times the wages of Chinese workers. I was shocked to find out that China is now the number one manufacturer of automobiles. In China, an automobile is a fraction of the cost the American people pay. Nary a one of China’s cheap automobiles is exported. The devaluation of the dollar leaves the American people with high priced automobiles. By and through the Obama shell game, union workers in America are paid handsomely and the economy suffers. We can’t compete with China.
Obama complains that China is deliberately keeping China’s yuan low in value to beat US competition, yet bows and scrapes to borrow China’s surplus cash. China is calling the shots. Each of the parties has something to gain. China is the lord of the land; we Americans are the peasants of feudal Europe. Cut off the money from China and the United States would be forced into bankruptcy.
China is taking over the world’s economy. Adding to America’s financial woes, foreign investors are pulling their investments out of America. A poor economy means less tax revenue and increasing pressure to raise taxes, and of course on the rich, the job producers. It is a no-win situation that has been building for at least 50 years. America’s leaders, Republicans and Democrats, see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. They have painted themselves into a corner. They are helpless. Take your choice in the coming election. America has lost her place as the shining city on the hill and will never gain it back.
America’s leaders remain bumming their way to hold onto their power. That makes it easy for those who see the handwriting on the wall to make a financial killing, by simply following the lead, China.
The only way Obama can ever service—let alone pay off—America’s massive $15.2 trillion debt is to pay the debt with deliberately cheapened dollars, the usual and customary political shell game. Hand the money out with the left hand—redistributive justice—and take it back with the right—push grandma over the cliff and blame it on the opposition. Senior citizens, like everyone else, are finally going to pay the price of living in La La Land. Actually, America’s political leaders are all in the game of deceiving the American people into believing they have the answers. You’ve got to know that before you can effectively plan what to do.
If you are going to become an investor, first, it is necessary to know the rules of buying and selling. It’s tricky and complicated. That’s why I’ve stayed clear of paper transactions, why I like gold and silver as inflation hedges. By hiring Edelson, I’ve received reports on the tricks of the trade. It is essential that I learn these before doing anything. I don’t have a lot of time, according to Edelson.
To sum it up, because of America’s government entitlements and consequent lack of control in spending, Washington is forced to work with Beijing to devalue the dollar. This means that foreign investors are looking elsewhere. Not good. We’ve lost that advantage. Global leaders, the U.N., the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank are demanding that the dollar be replaced as the world’s reserve currency. You don’t get this kind of advice from Wall Street. Wall Street and Washington are in bed together, pulling the wool over investor eyes. What happened to all that investor money that suddenly disappeared? On Wall Street it is hand is quicker than the eye. All the years of the unfair American advantage are soon to end. My friends, you don’t want to be there to take the hit.
It just so happens that my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012 is going to hit the market when Washington’s crap hits the fan.
It is estimated that if the dollar is replaced, the dollar would suddenly drop to 20 cents. At the present time, the two parties, America and China, are quietly negotiating how to keep the American people thinking the economy is recovering, at the same time slowly devaluating the dollar—paying off the debt with cheaper dollars, thereby strengthening the Chinese yuan. It is a win-win deal for the two parties, and a loser for the American people, through government created inflation. While the American people dream on, the dollar is going to be depreciated down to its real worth on the world market. This has never happened. The Washington-Beijing way, China most likely to be able to make the Chinese yuan the world’s reserve currency—switch places with the United States—our political leaders sweet talking us into accepting their colossal fraud. So get real. When you live in Rome, you do as the Romans do.
Dear Fellow Patriots:
What follows is a letter that I recently forwarded to our NM Governor Susana Martinez regarding the removal of President Obama form the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes.
Please note that I have included excerpts from my letter to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall that I forwarded to him on April 11, 2012, which I believe relate to and/or further support my request for the removal of President Obama from the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot:
Letter to Governor Martinez:
April 12, 2012
Dear Governor Martinez:
On January 19, 2012, February 29, 2012 and March 16, 2012, I wrote to you as a matter of courtesy to share letters that I had forwarded to Mrs. Dianna Duran, our New Mexico Secretary of State requesting that President Obama be removed from the New Mexico 2012 Presidential Primary Election Ballot because he is Constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief.
For your information, I have never received a response to my requests from her office.
But be that as it may, what follows are pertinent excerpts from a letter that I forwarded to Senator Udall on April 11, 2012, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you because I believe they relate to and/or further support my request to have President Obama removed from the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot:
“…Senator Udall when I was commissioned in the Marine Corps I was required to take the following oath:
“I, (state your name), having been appointed a (rank) in the United States (branch of service), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
This oath specifically states that the Constitution will be supported and defended against all enemies and it acknowledges that the enemy may be found on foreign soil or in one’s own backyard.
As you know, any commissioned officer and/or public servant who takes this oath and then conspires or is a party to an act or actions that seeks to undermine by purpose of evasion, the spirit and intent of the Constitution of the United States would fit the definition of a traitor.
What concerns and/or pains me immensely is that, although our own elected representatives constantly remind us that they support those troops that continue to give their all, to include their lives, to uphold and defend our Constitution, they stood by while Lt Col Terry Lakin was stripped of his honor and had everything taken from him, to include his freedom, for abiding by his oath as a military officer by having the fortitude to question President Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief, as have many other Americans.
On or about April 7, 2012, it was revealed that while the American media provides cover for the Constitutionally ineligible Barack Hussein Obama, Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia are reaping a treasure trove of defense secrets and missile technology by threatening to reveal the true history of the Manchurian Candidate.
Obama has spent millions to prevent his personal story from being revealed to the American public. Records have been destroyed, information has been hidden, false claims have been advanced, potential whistle-blowers have been threatened and official documents have been forged. Enabled by a complicit media and the craven cowardice of political opponents, the most egregious felonies in the nation’s history have served to make the American people easy prey for the schemes of a dedicated Communist and committed enemy of our Constitutional Republic.
And those schemes have included the betrayal both of the United States and her allies.
- In 2009 Obama scrapped the long awaited missile defense system for Poland and the Czech Republic because Russia objected.
- He has refused to keep secret the technical data on the U.S Standard Missile-3, as called for in the 2012 defense authorization bill.
- Obama will not pledge to keep American missile technology from China, North Korea and Iran, as it would “…interfere with [his] constitutional authority to conduct foreign affairs…”
- Obama will provide Russia information on every Trident missile supplied to Great Britain as part of an arms control deal signed with Russian President Medvedev.
- Leaked cables show that the US will now provide Russia with ALL serial numbers of Trident missiles transferred to Britain.
- Obama proposes the United States CUT its nuclear arsenal by 80%, yet demands no reciprocity on the part of Russia or any of America’s enemies.
- Joe Miller, 2010 US Senate candidate from Alaska, reports that, under the guise of drawing a boundary, 7 Alaska-area islands and oil rich sea beds containing perhaps billions of barrels were given to Russia in an unannounced, secret deal by Obama’s State Department.
Under Obama’s programs, by 2016, defense will account for 20% of the national budget, yet bear over HALF of the deficit-reduction cuts.
In mid-March, Obama declared he would “…provide the Russians with detailed technical information about the anti- missile systems he plans to base in Eastern Europe…”
And Congressman Darrell Issa said that “the American people should be very afraid,” continuing with “I judge that in fact he is going to sell out our national defense after the election.”
On March 26th, Obama’s conversation with outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was accidentally picked up on an open microphone. “This is my last election…After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama told Medvedev, who said he would relay that message to the new Russian “president” Vladimir Putin. “On all of these issues, but particularly missile defense this, this can be solved but it’s important for him (Putin) to give me space.”
Why would an American President need to secretly petition a notorious KGB thug for “space?” Because Vladimir Putin is aware of Obama’s criminal abuses of the United States and the American people. He has Obama by the throat, possessing information which can put the Manchurian Candidate in prison for a lifetime. And he is using that information to literally blackmail the American president into betraying the U.S. and her allies around the world.
And though Barack Obama has certainly needed no persuasion to betray the American people and inflict massive damage on the United States since his election, that treachery is now proceeding according to a schedule and terms dictated by Putin, making the guilt of the American President even more obvious and his chances for re-election more tenuous. Thus, the plea for space.
How much MORE damage could the treasonous Barack Obama cause with another 4 years in power? And who might blackmail him next?”
For your information, and probably, much to your dismay, I will not be silent while I witness our Constitution being shredded before my eyes by what appears to be treason, while our local and national elected officials sit on the sidelines and allow it to happen. It is quite evident to me, as it is to many others, that the cloak of darkness that has kept this travesty from the American people is rapidly coming unraveled as evidenced by the number of people that are currently coming forward to expose those individuals that took part in what I consider to be the greatest fraud perpetrated in American history.
Accordingly, I again am respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on or about March 1, 2012, by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team, known as the Cold Case Posse, which are supported by a preponderance of undisputable/credible evidence, to include sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, along with an abundance of additional questions that have been raised regarding President Obama’s eligibility to be our President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.
For your information, I have also forwarded this same information and request to our other NM elected U.S. Representatives.”
End of Excerpts.
Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should have any questions and/or need any additional information from me regarding this extremely disturbing and time sensitive issue.
Thank you again for the excellent and professional job that you are doing as our state’s Governor.
God Bless You and God Bless America.
Respectfully yours,
Jake L. Martinez
Automatic Electronic Response Received From Governor Martinez’s Office Regarding My Email Above:
Thank you for taking the time to share your comments and concerns with my office. A constituent service representative will be in contact with you regarding your issue.
Sincerely, Susana Martinez”
Note: Americans are waking up!
Thanks again to WND, Staff and Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse for their unwavering commitment and fortitude to continue the fight.
Americans across the country are waking up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.
Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.
Word of Caution: Although its great that many Americans are waking up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.
So the question is: Are you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide:
YOUR TURN: TELL CONGRESS TO PROBE ELIGIBILITY: ‘Not to resolve this monumental, unprecedented constitutional issue intolerable’!-Posted on April 10, 2012:
Continue Reading:
“Food For Thought”
God Bless WND, Staff and Sheriff Arpaio & His Cold Case Posse-God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
Dear Fellow Patriots:
What follows is a follow-up letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman today respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team on March 1, 2012, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes.
Please note that included in my letter is information and sources regarding the following extremely important revelation that transpired since my last letter to him of April 6, 2012, which I believe further supports my request:
On or about April 7, 2012, it was revealed that while the American media provides cover for the Constitutionally ineligible Barack Hussein Obama, Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia are reaping a treasure trove of defense secrets and missile technology by threatening to reveal the true history of the Manchurian Candidate.
Letter To NM U.S. Senator Bingaman:
April 13, 2012
The Honorable Jeff Bingaman
United States Senate
703 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-3102
Dear Senator Bingaman:
On March 17, 2012, and April 6, 2012, I wrote to you and respectfully requested that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team, known as the Cold Case Posse, which are supported by a preponderance of undisputable/credible evidence, to include sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, along with an abundance of additional questions that have been raised regarding President Obama’s eligibility to be our President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.
For your information, to date I have not received a response from you regarding my requests.
But be that as it may, Senator Bingaman when I was commissioned in the Marine Corps I was required to take the following oath:
“I, (state your name), having been appointed a (rank) in the United States (branch of service), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
This oath specifically states that the Constitution will be supported and defended against all enemies and it acknowledges that the enemy may be found on foreign soil or in one’s own backyard.
As you know, any commissioned officer and/or public servant who takes this oath and then conspires or is a party to an act or actions that seeks to undermine by purpose of evasion, the spirit and intent of the Constitution of the United States would fit the definition of a traitor.
What concerns and/or pains me immensely is that, although our own elected representatives constantly remind us that they support our troops that continue to give their all, to include their lives, to uphold and defend our Constitution, they stood by while Lt. Col. Terry Lakin (M.D.-Active Army) was stripped of his honor and had everything taken from him, to include his freedom, for abiding by his oath as a military officer by having the fortitude to question President Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief, as have many other Americans.
I am sure that you are aware that Lt. Col. Lakin first asked the Army to affirm that President Obama was constitutionally eligible to serve as President, and when his chain of command refused, he then refused to deploy to Afghanistan until “eligibility” was established, as a means of forcing the issue to a head. Lt. Col. Lakin’s argument was simple and direct: a soldier must not be compelled to obey an “unlawful order”; an “ineligible person” cannot serve as President and Commander-in-Chief and, thus, cannot issue “lawful orders.”
He thereby laid his liberty and whole career on the line in order to honor his oath to support and defend the Constitution (especially Article II, Section 1, Clause 5), which must not be violated!
Many Americans have also respectfully asked their local and national elected representatives to look into his eligibility status prior to the 2008 Presidential election and/or shortly thereafter, as I did when I initially wrote to you, on or about May 16, 2009, without receiving a response.
What follows is my letter that I wrote to you on that date, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you for effect:
“Dear Honorable Jeff Bingaman:
As a retired Marine Corps Officer (Mustang), I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your hard work and selfless dedication to our country, as evidenced by your many years of untiring work for our State and NM Veterans, as our US Senator.
I realize that I may be taking a big risk by sharing a copy of my attached letters to Mr. Jeffrey Taylor, US Attorney for the District of Columbia, NM U.S. Senator Udall and NM Congressman Heinrich with you, but, after years of working with you indirectly through your New Mexico office staff, while employed as the Santa Fe Veterans’ Service Officer, where I was honored to have the opportunity of assisting those Veterans and/or their families that resided in the Santa Fe and Rio Arriba Counties, I believe that you are someone I can trust with this information, which has been receiving more and more attention by the American public and is literally keeping me up at night.
I gracefully ask for and would greatly appreciate your feedback on this issue.
Since I am not an attorney, I just want to make sure that I took the appropriate action of sending a letter to Mr. Jeffrey Taylor, US Attorney for the District of Columbia, asking for his assistance on this issue, knowing that I may not even get a response from him, but I felt a dire need to stand up for and defend our nation’s Constitution, which I, like many other Americans around the country, believe is under attack by this administration so, after some prayers and intense research, I took the leap and sent a letter to Mr. Taylor.
Note: As a military Veteran, I’ve always prided myself as being intelligent, level headed and normally don’t listen to conspiracies, but my gut tells me that something smells here and I hope and pray that you can take some time out of your busy schedule to review and comment on this issue. A copy of my resume is also attached for your review.
Looking forward to hearing from you concerning, what I believe to be, an urgent and time sensitive issue.
Bottom Line: I truly hope and pray that my and other American’s concerns are unfounded, but, if they are not: “God Bless Our USA.”
Have a great day and keep up the great work and selfless dedication to our State, Veterans and our great country.
Jake L. Martinez
1) Letter to Mr. Jeffrey Taylor, US Attorney for the District of Columbia
2) Letter to Senator Tom Udall
3) Letter to Congressman Heinrich
4) Resume”
For your information, I have since written to you approximately three times regarding this extremely disturbing and time sensitive issue, but to date have not received a reply.
But be that as it may, on or about April 7, 2012, it was revealed that while the American media provides cover for the Constitutionally ineligible Barack Hussein Obama, Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia are reaping a treasure trove of defense secrets and missile technology by threatening to reveal the true history of the Manchurian Candidate.
Obama has spent millions to prevent his personal story from being revealed to the American public. Records have been destroyed, information has been hidden, false claims have been advanced, potential whistle-blowers have been threatened and official documents have been forged. Enabled by a complicit media and the craven cowardice of political opponents, the most egregious felonies in the nation’s history have served to make the American people easy prey for the schemes of a dedicated Communist and committed enemy of our Constitutional Republic.
And those schemes have included the betrayal both of the United States and her allies.
- In 2009 Obama scrapped the long awaited missile defense system for Poland and the Czech Republic because Russia objected.
- He has refused to keep secret the technical data on the U.S Standard Missile-3, as called for in the 2012 defense authorization bill.
- Obama will not pledge to keep American missile technology from China, North Korea and Iran, as it would “…interfere with [his] constitutional authority to conduct foreign affairs…”
- Obama will provide Russia information on every Trident missile supplied to Great Britain as part of an arms control deal signed with Russian President Medvedev.
- Leaked cables show that the US will now provide Russia with ALL serial numbers of Trident missiles transferred to Britain.
- Obama proposes the United States CUT its nuclear arsenal by 80%, yet demands no reciprocity on the part of Russia or any of America’s enemies.
- Joe Miller, 2010 US Senate candidate from Alaska, reports that, under the guise of drawing a boundary, 7 Alaska-area islands and oil rich sea beds containing perhaps billions of barrels were given to Russia in an unannounced, secret deal by Obama’s State Department.
Under Obama’s programs, by 2016, defense will account for 20% of the national budget, yet bear over HALF of the deficit-reduction cuts.
In mid-March, Obama declared he would “…provide the Russians with detailed technical information about the anti- missile systems he plans to base in Eastern Europe…”
And Congressman Darrell Issa said that “the American people should be very afraid,” continuing with “I judge that in fact he is going to sell out our national defense after the election.”
On March 26th, Obama’s conversation with outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was accidentally picked up on an open microphone. “This is my last election…After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama told Medvedev, who said he would relay that message to the new Russian “president” Vladimir Putin. “On all of these issues, but particularly missile defense this, this can be solved but it’s important for him (Putin) to give me space.”
Why would an American President need to secretly petition a notorious KGB thug for “space?” Because Vladimir Putin is aware of Obama’s criminal abuses of the United States and the American people. He has Obama by the throat, possessing information which can put the Manchurian Candidate in prison for a lifetime. And he is using that information to literally blackmail the American president into betraying the U.S. and her allies around the world.
And though Barack Obama has certainly needed no persuasion to betray the American people and inflict massive damage on the United States since his election, that treachery is now proceeding according to a schedule and terms dictated by Putin, making the guilt of the American President even more obvious and his chances for re-election more tenuous. Thus, the plea for space.
How much MORE damage could the treasonous Barack Obama cause with another 4 years in power? And who might blackmail him next?”
In view of the above alarming revelations that were revealed since my last letter to you of April 6, 2012, I again am hereby respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team, known as the Cold Case Posse, which are supported by a preponderance of undisputable/credible evidence, to include sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, along with an abundance of additional questions that have been raised regarding President Obama’s eligibility to be our President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.
For your information, and probably, much to your dismay, I will not be silent while I witness our Constitution being shredded before my eyes by what appears to be treason, while our local and national elected officials sit on the sidelines and allow it to happen. It is quite evident to me, as it is to many others, that the cloak of darkness that has kept this travesty from the American people is rapidly coming unraveled as evidenced by the number of people that are currently coming forward to expose those individuals that took part in what I consider to be the greatest fraud perpetrated in American history.
Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions regarding my request.
I look forward to hearing from you regarding this alarming and time sensitive matter.
Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.
God Bless You and God Bless America.
Jake L. Martinez
Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Bingaman’s Office Regarding My Above Letter:
Thank you for your feedback!”
Note: Americans are waking up!
Thanks again to WND, Staff and Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse for their unwavering commitment and fortitude to continue the fight.
Americans across the country are waking up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.
Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.
Word of Caution: Although its great that many Americans are waking up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.
So the question is: Are you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide:
YOUR TURN: TELL CONGRESS TO PROBE ELIGIBILITY: ‘Not to resolve this monumental, unprecedented constitutional issue intolerable’!-Posted on April 10, 2012:
Continue Reading:
“Food For Thought”
God Bless WND, Staff and Sheriff Arpaio & His Cold Case Posse-God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
Dear Fellow Patriots:
What follows is a follow-up letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich today respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team on March 1, 2012, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes.
Please note that included in my letter is information and sources regarding the following extremely important revelation that transpired since my last letter to him of April 5, 2012, which I believe further supports my request:
On or about April 7, 2012, it was revealed that while the American media provides cover for the Constitutionally ineligible Barack Hussein Obama, Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia are reaping a treasure trove of defense secrets and missile technology by threatening to reveal the true history of the Manchurian Candidate.Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich:
April 13, 2012
The Honorable Martin T. Heinrich
U.S. House of Representatives
336 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-3101
Dear Congressman Heinrich:
On March 17, 2012, March 20, 2012 and April 5, 2012, I wrote to you and respectfully requested that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team, known as the Cold Case Posse, which are supported by a preponderance of undisputable/credible evidence, to include sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, along with an abundance of additional questions that have been raised regarding President Obama’s eligibility to be our President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.
For your information, to date I have not received a response from you regarding my requests.
But be that as it may, Congressman Heinrich when I was commissioned in the Marine Corps I was required to take the following oath:
“I, (state your name), having been appointed a (rank) in the United States (branch of service), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
This oath specifically states that the Constitution will be supported and defended against all enemies and it acknowledges that the enemy may be found on foreign soil or in one’s own backyard.
As you know, any commissioned officer and/or public servant who takes this oath and then conspires or is a party to an act or actions that seeks to undermine by purpose of evasion, the spirit and intent of the Constitution of the United States would fit the definition of a traitor.
What concerns and/or pains me immensely is that, although our own elected representatives constantly remind us that they support our troops that continue to give their all, to include their lives, to uphold and defend our Constitution, they stood by while Lt. Col. Terry Lakin (M.D.-Active Army) was stripped of his honor and had everything taken from him, to include his freedom, for abiding by his oath as a military officer by having the fortitude to question President Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief, as have many other Americans.
I am sure that you are aware that Lt. Col. Lakin first asked the Army to affirm that President Obama was constitutionally eligible to serve as President, and when his chain of command refused, he then refused to deploy to Afghanistan until “eligibility” was established, as a means of forcing the issue to a head. Lt. Col. Lakin’s argument was simple and direct: a soldier must not be compelled to obey an “unlawful order”; an “ineligible person” cannot serve as President and Commander-in-Chief and, thus, cannot issue “lawful orders.”
He thereby laid his liberty and whole career on the line in order to honor his oath to support and defend the Constitution (especially Article II, Section 1, Clause 5), which must not be violated!
Many Americans have also respectfully asked their local and national elected representatives to look into his eligibility status prior to the 2008 Presidential election and/or shortly thereafter, as I did when I initially wrote to you, on or about March 23, 2009, without receiving a response.
What follows is my letter that I wrote to you on that date, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you for effect:
“Dear Congressman Heinrich:
As a retired Marine Corps Officer, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your hard work and selfless dedication to our country, both as a former member of our Armed Forces and now as our Congressman.
I realize that I may be taking a risk by sharing my recent blog with you, but my intuition tells me that I can trust you with this information, which has been receiving more and more attention and is literally keeping me up at night.
I gracefully ask for and would greatly appreciate your feedback on this issue.
Since I am not an attorney, I just want to make sure that I took the appropriate action of sending a letter to Mr. Jeffrey Taylor, US Attorney for the District of Columbia, asking for his assistance on this issue, knowing that I may not even get a response from him, but I felt a strong need to stand up for and defend our nation’s Constitution, which I, like many other Americans, believe is under attack by this administration so, after some intense research, I took the leap.
Note: As a military Veteran, I normally don’t listen to conspiracies, but my gut tells me that something smells here and I hope and pray that you can take some time out of your busy schedule to review and comment on this issue. I have also attached a copy of my resume for your review, which is included in my blog.
Looking forward to hearing from you on this, what I believe to be, urgent and time sensitive issue.
Have a great day and keep up the great work and selfless dedication to our great country.
Thanks again.
Semper Fi!
Jake L. Martinez
For your information, I have since written to you approximately five times regarding this extremely disturbing and time sensitive issue.
But be that as it may, on or about April 7, 2012, it was revealed that while the American media provides cover for the Constitutionally ineligible Barack Hussein Obama, Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia are reaping a treasure trove of defense secrets and missile technology by threatening to reveal the true history of the Manchurian Candidate.
Obama has spent millions to prevent his personal story from being revealed to the American public. Records have been destroyed, information has been hidden, false claims have been advanced, potential whistle-blowers have been threatened and official documents have been forged. Enabled by a complicit media and the craven cowardice of political opponents, the most egregious felonies in the nation’s history have served to make the American people easy prey for the schemes of a dedicated Communist and committed enemy of our Constitutional Republic.
And those schemes have included the betrayal both of the United States and her allies.
- In 2009 Obama scrapped the long awaited missile defense system for Poland and the Czech Republic because Russia objected.
- He has refused to keep secret the technical data on the U.S Standard Missile-3, as called for in the 2012 defense authorization bill.
- Obama will not pledge to keep American missile technology from China, North Korea and Iran, as it would “…interfere with [his] constitutional authority to conduct foreign affairs…”
- Obama will provide Russia information on every Trident missile supplied to Great Britain as part of an arms control deal signed with Russian President Medvedev.
- Leaked cables show that the US will now provide Russia with ALL serial numbers of Trident missiles transferred to Britain.
- Obama proposes the United States CUT its nuclear arsenal by 80%, yet demands no reciprocity on the part of Russia or any of America’s enemies.
- Joe Miller, 2010 US Senate candidate from Alaska, reports that, under the guise of drawing a boundary, 7 Alaska-area islands and oil rich sea beds containing perhaps billions of barrels were given to Russia in an unannounced, secret deal by Obama’s State Department.
Under Obama’s programs, by 2016, defense will account for 20% of the national budget, yet bear over HALF of the deficit-reduction cuts.
In mid-March, Obama declared he would “…provide the Russians with detailed technical information about the anti- missile systems he plans to base in Eastern Europe…”
And Congressman Darrell Issa said that “the American people should be very afraid,” continuing with “I judge that in fact he is going to sell out our national defense after the election.”
On March 26th, Obama’s conversation with outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was accidentally picked up on an open microphone. “This is my last election…After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama told Medvedev, who said he would relay that message to the new Russian “president” Vladimir Putin. “On all of these issues, but particularly missile defense this, this can be solved but it’s important for him (Putin) to give me space.”
Why would an American President need to secretly petition a notorious KGB thug for “space?” Because Vladimir Putin is aware of Obama’s criminal abuses of the United States and the American people. He has Obama by the throat, possessing information which can put the Manchurian Candidate in prison for a lifetime. And he is using that information to literally blackmail the American president into betraying the U.S. and her allies around the world.
And though Barack Obama has certainly needed no persuasion to betray the American people and inflict massive damage on the United States since his election, that treachery is now proceeding according to a schedule and terms dictated by Putin, making the guilt of the American President even more obvious and his chances for re-election more tenuous. Thus, the plea for space.
How much MORE damage could the treasonous Barack Obama cause with another 4 years in power? And who might blackmail him next?”
In view of the above alarming revelations that were revealed since my last letter to you of April 5, 2012, I again am hereby respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team, known as the Cold Case Posse, which are supported by a preponderance of undisputable/credible evidence, to include sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, along with an abundance of additional questions that have been raised regarding President Obama’s eligibility to be our President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.
For your information, and probably, much to your dismay, I will not be silent while I witness our Constitution being shredded before my eyes by what appears to be treason, while our local and national elected officials sit on the sidelines and allow it to happen. It is quite evident to me, as it is to many others, that the cloak of darkness that has kept this travesty from the American people is rapidly coming unraveled as evidenced by the number of people that are currently coming forward to expose those individuals that took part in what I consider to be the greatest fraud perpetrated in American history.
I have also forwarded this same information and request to our other NM U.S. Representatives.
Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions regarding my request.
I look forward to hearing from you regarding this alarming and time sensitive matter.
Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.
God Bless You and God Bless America.
Jake L. Martinez
Note: Americans are waking up!
Thanks again to WND, Staff and Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse for their unwavering commitment and fortitude to continue the fight.
Americans across the country are waking up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.
Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.
Word of Caution: Although its great that many Americans are waking up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.
So the question is: Are you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide:
YOUR TURN: TELL CONGRESS TO PROBE ELIGIBILITY: ‘Not to resolve this monumental, unprecedented constitutional issue intolerable’!-Posted on April 10, 2012:
Continue Reading:
“Food For Thought”
God Bless WND, Staff and Sheriff Arpaio & His Cold Case Posse-God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
The following are 50 economic numbers from 2011 that are almost too crazy to believe....
#1 A staggering 48 percent of all Americans are either considered to be "low income" or are living in poverty.
#2 Approximately 57 percent of all children in the United States are living in homes that are either considered to be "low income" or impoverished.
#3 If the number of Americans that "wanted jobs" was the same today as it was back in 2007, the "official" unemployment rate put out by the U.S. government would be up to 11 percent.
#4 The average amount of time that a worker stays unemployed in the United States is now over 40 weeks.
#5 One recent survey found that 77 percent of all U.S. small businesses do not plan to hire any more workers.
#6 There are fewer payroll jobs in the United States today than there were back in 2000 even though we have added 30 million extra people to the population since then.
#7 Since December 2007, median household income in the United States has declined by a total of 6.8% once you account for inflation.
#8 According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 16.6 million Americans were self-employed back in December 2006. Today, that number has shrunk to 14.5 million.
#9 A Gallup poll from earlier this year found that approximately one out of every five Americans that do have a job consider themselves to be underemployed.
#10 According to author Paul Osterman, about 20 percent of all U.S. adults are currently working jobs that pay poverty-level wages.
#11 Back in 1980, less than 30% of all jobs in the United States were low income jobs. Today, more than 40% of all jobs in the United States are low income jobs.
#12 Back in 1969, 95 percent of all men between the ages of 25 and 54 had a job. In July, only 81.2 percent of men in that age group had a job.
#13 One recent survey found that one out of every three Americans would not be able to make a mortgage or rent payment next month if they suddenly lost their current job.
#14 The Federal Reserve recently announced that the total net worth of U.S. households declined by 4.1 percent in the 3rd quarter of 2011 alone.
#15 According to a recent study conducted by the BlackRock Investment Institute, the ratio of household debt to personal income in the United States is now 154 percent.
#16 As the economy has slowed down, so has the number of marriages. According to a Pew Research Center analysis, only 51 percent of all Americans that are at least 18 years old are currently married. Back in 1960, 72 percent of all U.S. adults were married.
#17 The U.S. Postal Service has lost more than 5 billion dollars over the past year.
#18 In Stockton, California home prices have declined 64 percent from where they were at when the housing market peaked.
#19 Nevada has had the highest foreclosure rate in the nation for 59 months in a row.
#20 If you can believe it, the median price of a home in Detroit is now just $6000.
#21 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 18 percent of all homes in the state of Florida are sitting vacant. That figure is 63 percent larger than it was just ten years ago.
#22 New home construction in the United States is on pace to set a brand new all-time record low in 2011.
#23 As I have written about previously, 19 percent of all American men between the ages of 25 and 34 are now living with their parents.
#24 Electricity bills in the United States have risen faster than the overall rate of inflation for five years in a row.
#25 According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, health care costs accounted for just 9.5% of all personal consumption back in 1980. Today they account for approximately 16.3%.
#26 One study found that approximately 41 percent of all working age Americans either have medical bill problems or are currently paying off medical debt.
#27 If you can believe it, one out of every seven Americans has at least 10 credit cards.
#28 The United States spends about 4 dollars on goods and services from China for every one dollar that China spends on goods and services from the United States.
#29 It is being projected that the U.S. trade deficit for 2011 will be 558.2 billion dollars.
#30 The retirement crisis in the United States just continues to get worse. According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 46 percent of all American workers have less than $10,000 saved for retirement, and 29 percent of all American workers have less than $1,000 saved for retirement.
#31 Today, one out of every six elderly Americans lives below the federal poverty line.
#32 According to a study that was just released, CEO pay at America's biggest companies rose by 36.5% in just one recent 12 month period.
#33 Today, the "too big to fail" banks are larger than ever. The total assets of the six largest U.S. banks increased by 39 percent between September 30, 2006 and September 30, 2011.
#34 The six heirs of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton have a net worth that is roughly equal to the bottom 30 percent of all Americans combined.
#35 According to an analysis of Census Bureau data done by the Pew Research Center, the median net worth for households led by someone 65 years of age or older is 47 times greater than the median net worth for households led by someone under the age of 35.
#36 If you can believe it, 37 percent of all U.S. households that are led by someone under the age of 35 have a net worth of zero or less than zero.
#37 A higher percentage of Americans is living in extreme poverty (6.7%) than has ever been measured before.
#38 Child homelessness in the United States is now 33 percent higher than it was back in 2007.
#39 Since 2007, the number of children living in poverty in the state of California has increased by 30 percent.
#40 Sadly, child poverty is absolutely exploding all over America. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, 36.4% of all children that live in Philadelphia are living in poverty, 40.1% of all children that live in Atlanta are living in poverty, 52.6% of all children that live in Cleveland are living in poverty and 53.6% of all children that live in Detroit are living in poverty.
#41 Today, one out of every seven Americans is on food stamps and one out of every four American children is on food stamps.
#42 In 1980, government transfer payments accounted for just 11.7% of all income. Today, government transfer payments account for more than 18 percent of all income.
#43 A staggering 48.5% of all Americans live in a household that receives some form of government benefits. Back in 1983, that number was below 30 percent.
#44 Right now, spending by the federal government accounts for about 24 percent of GDP. Back in 2001, it accounted for just 18 percent.
#45 For fiscal year 2011, the U.S. federal government had a budget deficit of nearly 1.3 trillion dollars. That was the third year in a row that our budget deficit has topped one trillion dollars.
#46 If Bill Gates gave every single penny of his fortune to the U.S. government, it would only cover the U.S. budget deficit for about 15 days.
#47 Amazingly, the U.S. government has now accumulated a total debt of 15 trillion dollars. When Barack Obama first took office the national debt was just 10.6 trillion dollars.
#48 If the federal government began right at this moment to repay the U.S. national debt at a rate of one dollar per second, it would take over 440,000 years to pay off the national debt.
#49 The U.S. national debt has been increasing by an average of more than 4 billion dollars per day since the beginning of the Obama administration.
#50 During the Obama administration, the U.S. government has accumulated more debt than it did from the time that George Washington took office to the time that Bill Clinton took office.
That is the QUESTION every VOTER should be asking and every politician needs to consider!
This is my reason for saying that voting for anyone who will continue down the same road we are now on and just tinker with our economy around the edges will lead the nation over the economic cliff. The big problem is that most voters are economic illiterates when it comes to understanding how our financial system works, and that includes most economics majors. This is because colleges have indoctrinates them into the Keynesian economic model as a fact instead of being a theory [ now failing ]
The United States is now at the point where we have 2 very hard choices, we can return to a currency backed by gold and Silver regardless of what we must set the exchange value at or we can allow the FED to pursue the choice of hyperinflation .
To understand the whole issue you need to do some research , but will you?
It might take you a few weeks to even get a clue...
The alternative
Be a blind little voter who votes with out understanding the long term affects of your vote.
While either way we face a very ugly economic situation , with a return to having a currency backed by something that bankers can't manipulate has many advantages.
Be encouraged, ladies. Keep the faith. Obama will get your rights for you. Back in my youth, back when traditional American values prevailed, hardly any mother worked: that is, for pay. In fact, the breadwinner of the family, unless he made a million dollars, paid no federal income tax. It took only one breadwinner to support a family. Women were homemakers and parent teachers. The family was America’s cornerstone. Divorce was rare. The crime rate was low.
Nevertheless, just like they say, Anne Romney knows nothing about the economy, nor does Mitt Romney. He gives his wife more credit than he does himself. The Romneys are stupid—American traditionalists. Ladies, you are entitled to better than Romney offers. You are entitled to work and pay taxes. For this, President Obama will see to it that you get your fair share. But don’t forget that Mother Earth deserves better than Romney and traditional American values offer. Under Obama, we will all be equally impoverished. I’m sure you agree that it is the fair thing to do. It is looking ahead. We must save Mother Earth from evil capitalists. You know what they say. Money is the root of all evil. Well, it is true. Just look at capitalists and their self-serving greed. You don’t need this.
After eleven years of lawlessly taking my property, at my request, The Palm Beach Post investigated the IRS. The IRS apologized. It made a mistake. But that changed nothing. I had no right to one cent of the fruits of my labor, right? My wife was sorry that I felt the way I did, but she divorced me anyway. Obama is sorry about Anne Romney, but that does not mean she is right, not by any stretch of the imagination. Obama acknowledges that a mistake was made in saying that Anne Romney never worked. She worked, but she is stupid. She doesn’t know how the economy works. And worse, she doesn’t know how to enjoy life. She is a stupid, self-serving capitalist.
Ladies, you are fortunate to have Obama for your president. For twenty years, President Obama attended Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s “Christian” church. Reverend Wright preaches hate for Jews and whites. He “goddamns” America. Similarly, Louis Farrakhan, founder f the Nation of Islam, preaches hate for whites and Jews. He predicts the downfall of America. The New Black Panthers are closely associated with the Nation of Islam, as is the Reverend Abernathy. Attorney General Holder shows favoritism toward the above mentioned. Some black Members of Congress have made it clear that they favor the above mentioned. Also, one of them, President Obama promises to transform America. And good riddance; we don’t need capitalists. Don’t forget, ladies, that he picked a Latino woman for the Supreme Court who said she believed that a Latino woman makes a better judge that a while male. She is a member of the club that hates Jews and whites, so be thankful for Obama. He is looking out for you, ladies. Jews and whites are stinking capitalists.
I implore you, ladies, to wise up. You don’t need a man of the house. Listen to Obama. There are jobs waiting for you. Not so in my youth. You have entitlements, free contraceptives, gay rights, and abortion under Obama. It is all taken care of. Not so in my youth. You can do what you’ve always secretly wanted to do, enjoy any and all of your fantasies and fetishes.
What a life I’ve missed! All this stuff about self-discipline—just think, you won’t have the life you want if you vote for Romney. He will pin you down to traditional values. You don’t need the family. You don’t want to give up all these wonderful freedoms. At last, you are free to enjoy what you’ve always wanted to do without fear of pregnancy, without being frowned upon. Besides, the world is over-populated. So, just enjoy what comes natural. And you studs, think about that. You don’t have to marry. Under Obama, you will be free to have a different sex experience every day, or two or three if you like, or gang bang if you like. Don’t work. Smoke pot and have all the sex you want. Think about it. It’s your choice. Let the government pay your bills. My God! Vote for Obama.
Open the prisons and let everyone out who has not committed a violent crime. Down with capitalism and outdated morals. Is this that Obama offers you not better? Why do you need money? Let Obama take from the greedy rich.
Who is Obama for? We are sorry about the IRS. That is unfortunate. We are sorry about what was said about Anne Romney. It was unkind, but that changes nothing. Let the good times roll. Absolutely, Anne Romney never worked a day in her life. You would be nuts to vote for Romney.
Howdy all! I guess I need to elaborate on last nights good news. I have been hired by a very good company to be their maintenance manager. I won't go into much detail here, but I will say that I am very happy with the opportunity, and it keeps me from moving out of state. One of these days I think I'll pass on some perspective of the jobs crisis, from the inside. And as a teaser, I can tell you that the debates in the media don't come even close to the reality of looking for a job. A project for the near future.
But, in the mean time,..
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. ~ Hebrews 10:23
Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing. ~ Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791
If Thomas Paine were alive today, he would probably jump down our throats for not listening to him the first time. In his time, as in our time, as in all time since the beginning of time, the human race has striven to be free. Yet the mere thought of people in power allowing others to be free only meant the loss of their power. So people who spoke of reason with those in power were accused of treason and sedition. And when captured they would meet their fate as swiftly and openly as possible to drive fear into others so they would not repeat. But, Paine is correct. We've all heard the phrase 'the truth will set you free." All truth needs is to be seen. Once seen, it cannot be returned to the darkness no matter how hard one tries. Just ask Anthony Weiner, look at Richard Nixon. They tried to hide the truth, but it would not keep silent. It never can. This is why freedom has been crushed around the world in so many places and in so many ways. But we in the United States, we are free. We have nothing of this to be concerned with. Right? Well, if you believe this, then let me introduce you to the Progressives, the Union thugs, The New Black Panthers, Aryan Nation, Drug Cartels, and of course, our federally elected employees in Washington DC. Every one of these groups, and so many more have done everything they could to hide the truth; even so far as to attempt to limit freedoms granted in the Constitution. And when groups such as the tea party come along to question the limitations, they are harassed, and mocked; called extremists and terrorists. All done a s loud as possible to scare other potential tea partyers from joining. So Paine might not like what he sees. Unless we look for guidance, the kind of guidance that has been around for quite some time, and always readily available. He can be trusted to keep His promise. Without a doubt. All we need to do is hold tightly without wavering. Sounds hard; is hard. And it sure as heck is well worth the effort.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley
Take the Buffet Rule & Shove it
Warren Buffet a Hypocrite
Owes Back Taxes since early 2000
No "Pitty Party" for this Chick
Debbie Bosanek - Buffet's Lowly Secretary
He is a hypocrite who professes what he does not believe; not he who does not practice all he wishes or approves. William Hazlitt
Tomorrow morning I will be discussing the Patriot Unity Coalition on the Free American radio show:
This episode shows that the candidate who first drew White House fire can adjust to events. Newt's $2.50 Gas is "an old fashioned pocketbook appeal" by his own admission. Obama is going to oil fields in response. Meanwhile, Ricky is digging his Gaffe hole with lamentations of Principle over Statehood, and unemployment. Newt gets the video here, giving a child in his crowd a souvenier that will not be forgotten.
Early in the race, Newt was hammered for being undisciplined. Just recently, Newt stuck to his tack of ignoring Presidential Religion comments. Even under such whithering adversity, Newt has shown agility. The gaffes in the other campaigns show who is truly disciplined, and whose cannons can be knocked loose.
Newt can campaign with what fits under the seat in front of him. His message comes from him. He knows the waters we will have to cross. Speaker Gingrich has been choosing our subjects in this election cycle. Are we going to ignore that? The others are just looking to sit atop the hay stack. Obama has demonstrated that fact to our dismay.
Go to, register, and help get American back on track. It costs nothing but your time!
[In Re: to:]
Newt, Santorum debut Etch A Sketch props on the trail (Updated)
Newt Gingrich gleefully seized on Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom's "Etch A Sketch" comments from this morning, bringing out an Etch A Sketch as a prop on the campaign trail today.
Gingrich, via POLITICO's Ginger Gibson, called Fehrnstrom's comment a sign that the conservative movement couldn't trust Romney to stick to his positions in the fall:
"Now given everybody's fears about Gov. Romney's flip-flops, to have his communications director say publicly to all of us, if we're dumb enough to nominate him we should expect by the acceptance speech he'll move back to the left, triggers everything we should worry about," he told a crowd in Lake Charles, La. [...]