Posted on The Red State-By RealQuiet-On July 15, 2011:
“Amazing how the Democratic majority Senate hasn’t passed a budget in over two years. Wait a minute, they haven’t even presented one.
They just vote down whatever budget comes out of the House and don’t present any alternative to avoid taking tough votes because there are 23 Democratic senators up for re-election in 2012.
And now suddenly President Obama is very, very anxious to get something big put together and stop kicking the can down the road. Anyone find that ironic? I didn’t think so. We’ve become so used to this since he was inaugurated that it is no surprise to us.
For all the pressure, coaxing, and persuading the GOP to give in to Obama’s demands and let him get re-elected compromise and forget their pledges prior to the 2010 elections, the GOP has hit Obama’s nerve. I don’t know if anyone has picked up on this, the GOP has known it all along but didn’t know how to exploit it until now, or suddenly the chink in Obama’s armor has been in plain sight all along.
Let’s think about this. Remember Obamacare? It really doesn’t start kicking in until 2013…the year after the 2012 elections. Why didn’t the President and the Democratic Congress write the bill to get Obamacare rolling right off the bat in 2010 and not 2013? After all, if the legislation was so good that Americans would see the benefits and Democrats would reap the laurels of political gain, where was the confidence of the Democratic party to get Obamacare started right away?
Because it was a bad, bad bill that was going to cause a tremendous amount of damage to the American economy as a whole and would imperil their hold on the presidency and their congressional majorities. So they wrote the legislation to shield themselves as best they could from the political ramifications of their bad legislation. Whether President Obama and Democrats in Congress want to face this fact or not, when Obamacare was passed, business hiring became stagnant at best, cutting their work forces because the uncertainty the legislation has created, and have been hoarding capital to shield themselves from the hurricane that will devastate this country’s wealth in a few years. This could be interpreted as a vote of no confidence in President Obama. So long as Obamacare is law, it will be this way. Job hiring is going to remain anemic, unemployment will remain high, and a sizeable portion of people will be miserable and mired in despair. The GOP presidential nominee will rightly point out to the American people “It doesn’t have to be this way.”
Fast forward to now. The same thing is happening again. Obama is all about keeping his presidency. He and the Democrats know what a crushing disadvantage having the debt ceiling and the economy, with a side salad of Obamacare and other government regulation hindering job creation being the main course for the American people to eat and ponder before voting in 2012. A short term fix and making this an issue in the 2012 elections is their nightmare scenario. The only way he can keep the presidency is by the GOP caving, raising the debt ceiling and raising taxes while cutting spending. He is becoming unnerved at the GOP’s steadfast insistence (let’s hope this lasts) about cutting spending, not raising the debt ceiling and getting our financial house in order. It all became apparent with Eric Cantor’s offer of a short term solution that would put the debt ceiling issue back on the table next year prior to the 2012 elections and his temper tantrum that followed.
No Grand Bargain:
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the whole ball game of the debt ceiling debate. The Democrats know that they are going to lose the Senate and will not win back the House. Their only hope of having any power in the legislative and executive branches after 2012 is for the GOP to give it to them by caving. They can’t stomach a plan that cuts government because that would imperil their left wing base from showing up in November 2012.
The MSM is trying their best to aid the Democrats any way they can by framing the GOP as the ones who are willing to take down the country by defaulting. As Erick Erickson rightly pointed out earlier, people don’t blame Congress for the calamities that fall upon our nation, the lion’s share of the blame always falls on the president. Barack Obama knows this and is engaged in a liar’s poker game for his presidency’s survival.
The GOP would be wise to remember that if there is no deal done and a catastrophe ensues, Barack Obama would put himself in a class by himself. He would have a presidential legacy of being Herbert Hoover plus Jimmy Carter combined together. He would have a legacy so infamous that the mere mention of his name would be odious to a vast majority of Americans.
Just as George W. Bush went along with TARP in fear of having a legacy of becoming Herbert Hoover, Barack Obama finds him in the same predicament as President Bush was in 2008. The GOP has all the cards here minus the media as the Democrats did in 2008. Either Barack Obama goes along with cutting government spending so that there is a zero net increase in the debt ceiling (69% of Americans agree with the GOP on the debt ceiling issue and spending in a CBS(!) poll) or he validates a portion of Americans who believe that his motive for attaining the presidency was to destroy our country and becomes the American version of Nero. Mark Levin is right. It is a no win situation for him if the GOP doesn’t cave.
The way I see this playing out is the GOP will pass a reasonable package in the House when something will need to be passed shortly before August 2nd that cuts spending and has a zero net increase in the debt ceiling and send it up to the Senate for a vote, putting the onus on Harry Reid and Barack Obama to squawk and stomp their feet about how bad this is but in the end, will have to take a vote on this or worse, do something that Harry Reid doesn’t want to do: Actually offer up a bill of their own which would require vulnerable Democratic Senators who are up for election to take a vote on. If they vote the GOP bill down without offering any plan of their own, the anger of the American people against Harry Reid and the Democratic Senate will be so great that it could yield a 60 plus majority in the Senate for the GOP in 2012. If they pass the bill and send it to Obama’s desk…oh boy…now that will be something I will want to see Obama trying to explain his way out of by means of a veto, thus incurring the wrath that the Senate would have had if the bill had been voted down. If they vote the GOP bill down and take a vote on their bill which will be tax increases, bigger government, and incurring more debt and send to the House, just imagine the squirming of those vulnerable Democratic Senators and Harry Reid.
Finally, whomever the GOP winds up nominating for President, they can start right now by taking their case and the 2012 campaign to the public.
If you are for exploding deficits, more debt, more spending, less jobs, more taxes, then vote for our current president.
If you are for less debt, less spending, less taxes, more jobs, fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget, then join us.”
It’s that simple. We can only hope that the GOP doesn’t go the way of a Mitch McConnell a couple of days ago (he redeemed himself today) and be persuaded by the MSM and Obama’s game of liar’s poker.
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. Defeating Obama With the Debt Ceiling!
Posted on American Thinker-By Adam Yoshida-On July 15, 2011:
“If President Obama’s decidedly un-presidential explosion at House Majority Leader Eric Cantor during a White House meeting on Wednesday suggests anything, it’s that the stress is getting to the man. Everything that we’ve ever seen suggests that the president is fairly thin-skinned. As someone who had virtually everything in his life handed to him—and who made it nearly to the age of fifty living in isolated realms (Hawaii prep schools, Ivy League universities, Chicago Democratic politics) where he’d never have to even speak to, let alone deal seriously with, a genuine conservative—he’s not someone used to dealing with those who disagree with his premises. This gives the GOP an opening.
Politically, the Democrats still hold more power. Control of the White House and the Senate ensures that Republicans will not be able to get the sort of genuine reforms—serious changes to entitlements, pro-growth tax reform, broad spending cuts, government reorganization—that will genuinely end the debt crisis. Even assuming that the president is reelected in 2012, the contours of the 2012 political battlefield make it at least a 50/50 proposition that the Republicans will control the Senate as well come January 3, 2013. Therefore, there is little political incentive for Republicans to strike a “Grand Bargain” at the present time—especially in light of the fact that one can be certain that, whatever its details, the media will credit such a deal to Obama and use it to kick-start the sort of “shift-to-the-center” narrative that he’ll need in order to win another term. With these considerations in mind, the correct Republican strategy for the debt ceiling is to play the man, not the ball.
The present debate is plainly one that Obama would rather not be having. Not only does endless talk about how to reduce spending run counter to his belief in an ever-expanding government, but it’s pretty clear at this point that this president is not really all that interested or suited for the day-to-day business of governing. His remarkably light schedule, frequent breaks, and general demeanor suggests that the man is someone whose personal energy level is not consistent with that of an active Commander-in-Chief.
He’s energized by the crowds and the adulation of the campaign trail—not the adult business of managing a republic. This presents Republicans with a tremendous opportunity: if the president will not agree to the sorts of fundamental reforms that are required to truly end the crisis, then the correct course of action is to wage a war of attrition against the president on a personal level, one designed to besiege him in the White House and then to break him on a psychological level.
Forcing a series of debt limit debates will increase the likelihood of a presidential gaffe, limit the ability of the president to propose policy in other areas, and—as I’ll get to in a moment—likely kick off by forcing a humiliating presidential climb-down from a nonsensical promise to veto any short-term increase in the limit.
On a strategic level, the goal of all sieges is to fix an opponent in place and to then compel his surrender through a sustained campaign. The Republican House can do exactly this on the debt limit by calling the president’s self-admitted bluff and passing a series of short-term increases in the debt limit along with bite-sized cuts in government spending.
There’s absolutely no reason why the House should accept the president’s desire for a debt limit increase that will run through the end of 2012. The fact that the president is disinterested in having to campaign and govern at the same time is irrelevant to the American people.
The numbers that we’re speaking about are so large that they’re beyond the capability of most citizens to fully grasp. If the Congress passes, say, a $500-billion increase in the limit—along with $600 billion or so in spending cuts—does it really seem probable that the president will veto it and then either default on payments on the debt or fail to make Social Security payments?
Even with the aid of all of the persuasive powers of the media, it is nearly impossible to conceive of how the blame for whatever would happen in the aftermath of such a veto would not fall squarely upon the president.
Indeed, the House Republicans would do well to remember two vital episodes in recent history: the 2008 TARP vote and the final vote on ObamaCare. The bill that became the latter was not the first choice of many Democrats—it was forced to become so after the election of Scott Brown to the Senate foreclosed the possibility of a second bill making its way through that body. It became the bill by default. In the case of TARP, market panic resulted in a bill being forced through the Congress in near-record time with the votes of frightened members who had just rejected more or less the same proposal.
A House proposal that’s ready to go could, if already passed and either on the president’s desk (assuming cooperation can be forced from the Senate) or in the Senate hopper could become a final bill by default.”
II. 10 Signs That The American People Are Starting To Freak Out About The Condition Of The Economy!-Posted on Prison Planet-On July 16, 2011:
III. Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black!-Posted on The Hill-By Josiah Ryan-On July 15, 2011:
IV. Video: Dem Congresswoman Brings Obama's Race Into Debt Ceiling Fight!-Posted on RealClearPolitics-On July 15, 2011:
V. Ignored Seniors Can Win 2012 White House for GOP!-Posted on Henry J. Reske and Kathleen Walter-On July 16, 2011:
VI. The real reason the U.S. could lose its AAA rating!-Posted on The Wall Street Journal-On July 15, 2011:
VII. Video: Hugely Partisan and the Deathly Debt Ceiling!-Posted on Conservative Byte-On July 15, 2011:
VIII. Obama Drops Debt Bomb: ‘The American People Are Sold’ on My Debt Proposal!-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On July 15, 2011:
IX. Greenspan: Dumb Americans Deserve Unemployment!-Posted on Prison Planet-By Kurt Nimmo, July 15, 2011:
X. Republican leaders embrace 'Cut, Cap and Balance' plan; vote set for next week!-Posted on The Hill-By Molly K. Hooper and Russell Berman-On July 15, 2011:
XI. U.S. Downgrade Would Ripple Into Every Home!-Posted on Dunstan Prial, FOXBusiness-On July 15, 2011:
XII. Of Obama’s $86 million, 40% from bundlers!-Posted on Politico-By GLENN THRUSH & KENNETH P. VOGEL-On July 15, 2011:
XIII. Europe's crumbling economy leaving West defenseless?-Posted on July 15, 2011:
XIV. Obama isn’t going to be the dealmaker!-Posted on The Washington Post-By Jennifer Rubin-On July 14, 2011:
XV. S&P sees a 50 percent chance of downgrade for US credit rating!-Posted on The Hill-By Peter Schroeder-On July 14, 2011:
XVI. Obama Thwarts Debt-Ceiling Deal by Clinging to Wasteful Green-Jobs and Stimulus Spending!-Posted on HANS BADER-On July 14, 2011:
XVII. Obama: Job Losses Prove Stimulus Worked!-Posted on Fred Lucas-On July 11, 2011:
XVIII. Obama Debt Solution 'Smoke and Mirrors'!-Posted on Jim Meyers and Ashley Martella-On July 9, 2011:
XIX. Miss America: Obama Shirking the Constitution!-Posted on Tom O'Connell-On Juy 13, 2011:
XX. Video: Hollywood Attacks Capitalism!-Posted on The Patriot Update-On July 16, 2011:
XXI. Video: Around the World on $69 Million in Welfare Funds!-Posted on AFP’s “Common Sense”:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!
Is there a Christian basis for combating the threat of global warming?
Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?
Does President Obama Suffer From NPD?
Is Obama and The American Public on Different Pages, if not Different Books?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
Hell, yes!!!