Great News: Alabama Now Has Nation’s Toughest Immigration Law!By John W. Lillpop There has been a recent run of great news in America’s war to end the invasion of illegal aliens, mostly from Mexico. As reported at the link, the great state of Alabama has just enacted the toughest immigration law in America:
All Posts (27770)
I cannot conceive a worse President than Obama.
This man is incapable of telling the truth.
Wants to raise taxes in Depression.
Has pretty much stopped all drilling.
Has the worst Cabinet in memory.
Obama has over six members of cabinet that have never recieved a call from Obama.
No one in his staff (Not One) has any business experience what so ever.
He purposely circumvents the Constitution.
We went from 12 Czars to now 37 Czars! Do you know why? Hope so.
Housing Prices continue to go down.
The entire econony will completely collapse within 12 months.
Obama knows that our currency will soon not be the world preferred reserve currency which will stop USA from being allowed to "print own money", which will bring disaster to USA.
Posted on Jack Cashill-On June 9, 2011:
“In the retelling of his life in the acclaimed 1995 memoir “Dreams from My Father,” Barack Obama embellishes and fabricates at will. He is particularly cavalier with dates. He gets these wrong as often as he does right.
Obama does not, however, make an unusual number of errors in regards to general knowledge. Let me cite the four such errors I found and explain why they deserve our attention.
Obama misquotes the Carl Sandburg poem “Chicago.” Instead of writing “Hog Butcher for the World,” he writes, “hog butcher to the world.”
In discussing radical anti-colonialist Frantz Fanon, Obama misspells his first name as “Franz.”
Obama refers to the South African city of Sharpeville, the site of a notorious massacre, as “Sharpsville.”
On another occasion, Obama misspells the name of rebel slave leader Denmark Vesey as “Denmark Vescey.”
Those few critics on the left who have bothered to look at my book “Deconstructing Obama,” instinctively scoff at my thesis, namely that domestic terrorist Bill Ayers took over the book from a floundering Obama and put his own stamp on it.
One minor clue to Ayers’ involvement is that in his book “A Kind and Just Parent” Ayers misquotes the Sandburg poem in exactly the same way as Obama does, “hog butcher to the world.”
To be sure, there is much stronger evidence than this: the comprehensive postmodern patois that Obama and Ayers share, the matching 55 nautical metaphors, the identical educational philosophies, the shared use of the Conrad-like triple parallels, the nearly fetishistic eye and eyebrow metaphors, the three stunning parallel stories, the same weary ‘60s worldview, the borrowed Ayers girlfriend in “Dreams,” the inarguably similar Homeric openings, the dramatically inferior writings of Obama before and after “Dreams,” and more.
Leftist critics routinely ignore most of this and fix on the seemingly trivial, like the Chicago poem. “Not an uncommon slip-up,” Washington Post book editor Steven Levingston assured his readers when I first posted this online in 2009.
In his review of my book in 2011 for the same Washington Post, Craig Fehrman made the same point. Among the “flimsy examples of stylistic overlap,” Fehrman cites the fact that “Obama and Ayers both misquote a line from Carl Sandburg’s famous poem ‘Chicago.’”
When I first read this, I had to wonder whether graduate student Fehrman had actually read the book or was merely trying to suck up to book editor Levingston. I say this because I had included an explanatory note about Levingston’s criticism in “Deconstructing Obama.”
“To slip up in the same way,” I wrote in the book, “Obama and Ayers must make a series of identical choices.” For starters, they both have to refer to the poem, a natural for Ayers who grew up in Chicago in an era when students memorized poems, but not for Obama, who misquotes the poem even before he moves to Chicago.
Obama could have adapted any number of noted phrases from the poem, “City of the Big Shoulders” for instance, or “Player with Railroads.”
In “Livin’ the Blues,” Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis, whose favorite poet was Sandburg, paraphrases him, referring to Chicago as that “broad-shouldered brute of a burgh.”
Instead, both use the same five words in isolation and no others. Both must get the third word wrong and no other, and both choose not to use capital letters the way Sandburg does. It was most likely that Ayers misquoted Sandburg from memory.
In a similar vein, both authors misspell Frantz Fanon’s first name as “Franz” and incorrectly refer to the South African city of Sharpeville in the possessive as Sharpsville (Obama) and Sharpesville (Ayers).
It is not that these mistakes are uncommon, but rather that both Ayers and Obama have to make multiple choices to make the same mistake. Before writing this book, I had not heard of Sharpeville.
Perhaps more telling, almost every time Obama makes a mistake, Ayers makes the same mistake. Yet, even when Ayers later corrects the error, he leaves clues as to his handiwork.
“They did fight. Nat Turner, Denmark Vescey,” an irate Obama says of America’s slaves in “Dreams.” In “Fugitive Days,” published six years later and three years into the Google era, Ayers gets the spelling right.
Here, Ayers cites “Nat Turner’s uprising, Denmark Vesey’s revolt” as positive examples of democratic action. What intrigues in this case is the use of the same two names in the same order, the latter name obscure save in radical circles.
In any number of cases like this one, Obama seems to mimic Ayers’ insider radical jargon. When the young Obama pontificates about “angry young men in Soweto or Detroit or the Mekong Delta,” the voice of someone edgier and more aware works its way into print.
In fact, Ayers and his radical friends were obsessed with Vietnam. The war there defined them and still does. To reflect their superior insight into that country, they have shown a tendency to use “Mekong Delta” as synecdoche, the part that indicates the whole.
In “Fugitive Days,” for instance, when conjuring up an image of Vietnam, Ayers envisions “a patrol in the Mekong Delta.”
In a 1998 interview, Ayers’ weatherwoman wife, Bernardine Dohrn, lectured about “a hamlet called My Lai,” but to show her radical savvy, she located it “in the middle of the Mekong Delta,” which is in reality several hundred miles from My Lai.
Similarly, Ayers would have had a much deeper connection than Obama to Detroit, whose historic riot took place shortly before Obama’s 6th birthday.
Ayers was posted to Detroit the year after the riot and experienced its meltdown firsthand. In 2007, on his blog, he chose to “commemorate” the 40th anniversary of what he predictably calls the “Detroit Rebellion.”
Both Ayers and Obama have scenes in which clueless “State Department” officials – plural – link Indonesia with the march of communism through the archaic, colonial-sounding “Indochina.”
Both talk of the West’s “imperial culture” and see themselves “behind enemy lines” in corporate America. Isolate any one of these matches, and it means nothing.
Add them up, and the case is closed.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Video: Is Our President A Terrorist?
Video: Obama's Fraudulent Use of Connecticut Social Security Number!
Video: Obama’s History of Radicalism!
The Obama-Ayers meeting: What you haven't been told: ‘ost exhaustive investigation ever into prez's background, radical ties’!-Posted on May 2, 2010:
White House scholar funded Ayers group: “Obama served as chairman of organization that promoted radical causes”-Posted on Aaron Klein-On June 27, 2010:
Bill & Barack's Excellent Adventure!-Posted on American Thinker-By Thomas Lifson-On August 22, 2008:
Video: Obama's Relationship with William Ayres!
Saul Alinsky Takes the White House-Posted on The American Spectator-By Quin Hillyer-On November 6, 2008: Saul Alinsky Takes the White House!
KGB Trained Ayers and Alinsky!
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newly-released-colb-be-a-forgery/
Do Alinsky’s Rules Define This Administration’s Governing Style?
What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-about-the-president’s-background/
Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!
Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!
What Was The Chicago Annenberg Challenge?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!
Extensive Research Into Senator Obama’s Background Completed on November 3, 2008:
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
My computer screen opens with a majestic picture of Mt. Hood’s snow capped peak. My dream home is in the tall timber near Mt. Hood. I’ve a story to tell of how I got here, to a world that is getting the wrong message.
Not satisfied with the lacking of solutions on this Tea Party blog, I decided to open my own domain last February, which I named , and commenced to write for the world’s benefit my truth. I’ve received thousands of comments thanking me, people who knew something was wrong but could not determine what it was. This is a typical comment: "Thanks a lot for giving everyone an extremely superb chance to discover important secrets from this blog. It is always very good and as well , jam-packed with amusement for me personally and my office colleagues to search your website more than 3 times in a week to learn the newest guidance you have got. And of course, I’m also at all times pleased with the magnificent principles you give. Some 1 facts in this post are particularly the most efficient we’ve had."
The Tea Party at least gives lip service to the Constitution, or the self-governed individual. The father of government entitlement, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, after being turned down by the Supreme Court, had this to say: “The balance of power between the three great branches of the Federal Government has been tipped out of balance by the courts in direct contradiction of the high purposes of the framers of the Constitution. We have reached the point where we must take action to save the Constitution from the Court.” One of Roosevelt’s appointees, Justice Brandeis, had this to say: “Property is only a mean. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means an end.”
The American people have been voting for politicians for the past 75 years who have followed Roosevelt’s take on the Constitution, with the result that the very politicians who support Roosevelt’s notion, both Republican and Democrat, having painted themselves into a corner, can do no more now than blow smoke. Consequently, the American people are left to face the Roosevelt legacy: high unemployment and poverty.
“For the good of all”—collectivism, it leaves the individual out—it is impossible for collectivism to be for the good of all. Collectivism establishes a desirable end and then goes about forcing all the pieces to fit. What the majority vote wants turns out every time to be very bad for all. A government duty to the individual—the Roosevelt legacy—cannot possibly be good. Government cannot know what is good for every individual. The American people have been content to spin the wheel of fortune. Their luck now having run out, what does the Tea Party have to offer as a solution? What do the politicians have to offer for a solution? I’ve yet to hear anything by way of a solution. All that is offered is remedies to the problem that Roosevelt caused. Progressive government, the Roosevelt legacy, leaves the American people dependent on mindless government and politicians chasing their tails. As Brandeis said, your property is only a means, yes, a means for politicians to squander on senseless, self-serving notions.
How did America survive before government entitlement? The family was America’s cornerstone. We Americans claim to trust in God. In light of our dependence on government, we are deceiving ourselves. According to Jesus and the U. S. Constitution, there is no pie in the sky, no external government entitlement.
Let us now examine religion. I was a Christian. Every Sunday I mumbled, without a thought in mind, the Lord’s Prayer. I consider that a problem. Let’s go to the Lord’s Prayer in The Gospel According to St. Matthew, Chapter 6, read it, and think about what Jesus prayed. Jesus prayed, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. . .And lead us not into temptation, but deliever us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory for ever. Amen.
Jesus’ amen, the end of the Lord’s prayer as far as I was concerned as a Christian, I was surprised to learn after I ceased to be religious and to start thinking for myself, said amen was not the end of Jesus’ prayer. He went on to rebuke the externally directed, those who go to church only to be lulled by the beautiful organ music and stained glass windows, “That thou appear not unto men to fast. . .but unto thy Father which is in secret. . .” Jesus went on to pray about God’s kingdom with, “lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth. . .No man can serve two masters. . .” Jesus prayed: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” If you truly believe that Jesus is your savior, you don’t believe in government solutions for the individual. You believe in the Constitution and your God-given rights. I demanded my rights. Uncle Sam hung himself with his own rope. Miraculously, when everything could easily have gone wrong for me, everything went right—after I ceased to be religious.
So you see that there is a distinction between “in earth as it is in heaven” and “the kingdom of God.” The kingdom of God is individual, and the same for the Bill of Rights in the Constitution. However, try to use that argument in an American court of law. America’s courts have conveniently done far more than separate church and state. They have separated you from your God-given right to exist on the fruits of your own labor in favor of government entitlement.
Individuals in America have lost all rights. We each have an inalienable right to be independent of government—clearly, not what America’s politicians have in mind for you. They have taken it upon themselves to manage your life, to entitle you to their help. It would be disingenuous to say that Americans trust in God. It would be correct to say that Americans have lost their way.
Before you vote for favorite politician, it might be wise to get his answer as to your God-given rights. I’ve yet to hear one of them speak on the items I bring to mind.
By the way, welcome to the Age of Aquarius.
By John W. Lillpop
Just what the hell is going on with men in the US House from the state of New York? An obsession with removing one’s clothing, photographing one’s self (including private parts), and posting inappropriate photos on the Internet seems to have overwhelmed members from both parties.
First it was Christopher Lee, a Republican, Representative of the 26th New York congressional district, who used the Internet and e-mails to circulate a bare-chested photo of himself.
Lee’s lack of discretion forced him to resign from the House, which then led to a special election on May 24 in which Democrat Kathy Hochul emerged the winner. That result was touted as a referendum of Paul Ryan’s proposed budget cuts and was celebrated by Democrats far and wide.
The Democrats’ celebration included disgusting displays of chortling and gloating.
Then another New York member of the House was discovered to be lacking even a smidgen of modesty. Thus began the “Weinergate” scandal involving Anthony Weiner, a Democrat, who exposed much more of himself than a bare chest.
Weiner apparently photographed his genitals and, for whatever reason, decided that his Junk was worthy of Tweeting.
Unlike the Republican Lee, Democrat Weiner has refused to resign although several prominent Democrats have urged him to do so.
Meanwhile, all of the chortling and gloating from the Left has been replaced with horror, anger, and denial over Weiner's insane self-promotion.
Anthony Weiner has, at least for now, offset the Republican loss in the 26th District.
Posted on CNBC-By Reuters-On June 8, 2011:
“President Barack Obama on Tuesday urged European countries and bondholders to prevent a “disastrous” default by Greece and pledged U.S. support to help tackle the country’s debt crisis.
Obama, whose political prospects have suffered from persistently high unemployment and ballooning U.S. debt, has pinpointed the euro zone crisis as one foreign “headwind” hitting the U.S. economy.
After a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, he stressed the importance of German “leadership” on the issue - a hint that he expects Berlin to help - while expressing sympathy for the political difficulties European Union countries face in helping a struggling member state.
“I’m confident that Germany’s leadership, along with other key actors in Europe, will help us arrive at a path for Greece to return to growth, for this debt to become more manageable,” Obama said.
“But it’s going to require some patience and some time. And we have pledged to cooperate fully in working through these issues, both on a bilateral basis but also through international and financial institutions like the IMF.”
A proposal for a second Greek bailout package worth 80 billion to 100 billion euros over three years was taking shape, euro zone sources said.
Merkel, under political pressure at home to avoid being the financial savior for other struggling European countries, said Germany understood its role.
“We’ve seen that the stability of the euro as a whole will also be influenced if one country is in trouble,” she said.
“So we do see clearly our European responsibility and we’re shouldering that responsibility, together with the IMF.” With U.S. unemployment at 9.1 percent, Obama has blamed outside forces for impeding the economy, including high fuel prices, the earthquake in Japan and the euro zone crisis.
“America’s economic growth depends on a sensible resolution of this issue,” he said.
“It would be disastrous for us to see an uncontrolled spiral and default in Europe because that could trigger a whole range of other events.”
Reforms, Foreign Policy:
Obama said Greece had to make structural reforms and instill greater transparency in its economy.
But his main message was aimed at EU countries - and, by default, wealthy Germany - to step up to help Athens.
“Other countries in the euro zone are going to have to provide them a backstop and support,” he said.
“And frankly, people who are holding Greek debt are going to have to make some decisions, working with the European countries in the euro zone, about how that debt is managed.” The euro debt problems dominated discussions between Merkel and Obama, who also touched on foreign policy issues such as the wars in Afghanistan and Libya.
Obama welcomed Merkel at a formal ceremony on the White House lawn with firing cannons and military musicians adding to the pomp of an official visit.
Later in the evening Obama and his wife Michelle hosted Merkel and her husband, Joachim Sauer, for a state dinner, where the president awarded her the “Medal of Freedom” - the highest U.S. civilian honor.
Obama noted the event, held open-air in the Rose Garden to take advantage of a warm Washington evening, was the first such state dinner of his presidency for a European leader.
“Tonight we honor Angela Merkel, not for being denied her freedom, or even for obtaining her freedom, but for what she achieved when she gained her freedom,” Obama said.
In public the two leaders referred to each other by their first names and joked about looking different from their predecessors.
Obama is the first black U.S. president and Merkel is the first female chancellor of Germany.
Their show of partnership did not mask differences between them - and Libya has been one of those issues in the past.
The United States cautiously endorsed military action in Libya while Germany confounded its NATO partners by refusing to take part.
Obama said he would expect Germany to help once Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was gone and recovery work was needed in the North African country.
He thanked Merkel for Germany’s stepped-up support in Afghanistan, which he said had freed up other NATO members to be active in Libya.
Merkel, meanwhile, advocated for French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde to take over the top job at the International Monetary Fund, according to a German delegation source.
The United States has stayed publicly neutral in the race for that post, saying it wants the best candidate to win.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
MSNBC Host: If There Is Civil Unrest Because of Unemployment It‘s Totally the GOP’s Fault!-Posted on Conservative Byte-On June 9, 2011: Anger Over Obama’s Handling of Economy!-Posted on The Patriot Update-On June 8, 2011:
Obama’s High Disapproval Ratings For His Handling of The Economy!-Posted on Hotline On Call-By Steven Shepard-On June 7, 2011:
Obama is Impeachable over Libya!-Posted on AIM-BY CLIFF KINCAID-On June 2, 2011:
Obama Kills the War Powers Act!-Posted on National Review Online-By RICH LOWRY-On June 7, 2011:
Is Obama above the law?-Posted on The Washington Post-By George Will-On May 27, 2011:
Video: Congressman Nadler Compares President Obama To A King!-Posted on MOXNEWSd0tCOM-On Jun 3, 2011:
Video: Biden States That Obama Could be Impeached over Libya!-Posted on radiofriendly-On Mar 22, 2011:
The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
Posted on Patriot Update-By Ann-Marie Murrell-On June 8, 2011:
“I was going to entitle this article “Weinergate Distracts Attention Away from Major Breaking Story” but it’s a little long and not quite as catchy…
Two days ago Facebook icon/blogger ‘Ulster Man’ released an intriguing bit of news on his blog in which he said he received information from a “White House Insider” suggesting something major was about to happen in Washington. Ulster Man wrote:
“In a brief but informative update, our longtime D.C. insider tells of Democratic Party operatives joining with their Republican counterparts to ensure Barack Obama is a one-term president… A significant development is to be revealed regarding the DOJ very soon now. That is the information I have been given most recently.”
And Ulsterman’s ‘Insider’ wrote:
“Where we are at in all of this is now a fully integrated operation against Barack Obama’s re-election bid that includes both Democrats and Republicans… The powers now aligning against Obama are significant. They are motivated. And they are very-very serious about defeating Barack Obama.
Watch the news cycle closely over the next 72 hours. You may be in for a treat, and there will be more to come.”
Of course, once Rep. Anthony Weiner’s press conference began on Monday everyone assumed this was going to be the ‘major news’ Ulster Man was talking about.
It wasn’t.
While the entire world watched Weiner weep for the cameras about his probable porn addictions, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) filed subpoenas against the Department of Justice, potentially charging Eric Holder and company with Obstruction of Justice.
The reason, according to the Daily Caller, is because “the Obama administration still hasn’t complied with Issa’s requests for documents or a subpoena he issued on April 1. Before Attorney General Eric Holder appeared at a Judiciary Committee, DOJ supplied several documents that were already public.”
The DOJ also allowed Issa’s investigative team to “view several heavily redacted documents in DOJ headquarters, but wouldn’t allow his team to take them back to the committee for further inspection.”
The documents the DOJ provided were “so redacted you weren’t sure there was writing underneath.”
So on the day of Weinergate, Rep. Issa announced the June 13 hearings to examine whether DOJ is required to respond to a “lawfully issued and valid Congressional subpoena.”
This should have been front-page news but ironically CBS was the only major news source I could find that (barely) mentioned anything about it on Monday:
“The first in a series of Congressional hearings into the so-called ‘gunwalker’ scandal is set for Monday, June 13th. The title: ‘Obstruction of Justice: Does the Justice Department Have to Respond to a Lawfully Issued and Valid Congressional Subpoena?’”
And as of 4:00 p.m. PST, the only other major media source I can find reporting about this is Andrew Breitbart’s Big Peace.
From an article called “Will Public Be Intentionally Distracted From Project Gunrunner Hearings?”, journalist Ben Barrack writes:
“Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform is about to lower the boom with hearings – in phases – on the Project Gunrunner scandal, possibly as early as June 13th. This scandal blows the one involving Sestak out of the water and is looking more and more like Watergate with murder. Sipsey Street is quoting a source allegedly close to the investigation as saying he will be “surprised” if Attorney General Eric Holder doesn’t end up in “federal prison.”
How in the world is a news story that could potentially place Attorney General Eric Holder in federal prison not breaking news?
By ignoring the subpoena and requests for documents, Eric Holder and the Obama administration may be in for the biggest fight of their entire political careers thus far. (You would think a smart-guy lawyer like Holder would know better than to ignore a subpoena, but apparently not…)
Like the Weiner press conference on Monday, one can only imagine the distractions we will begin witnessing within the next few weeks.
“Here we are on the eve of a scandal that could very likely bring this administration crashing down if the truth comes out,” wrote Barrack. “Whistleblowers and informants are flooding the offices of both Issa and Republican Senator Charles Grassley with mountains of extremely devastating information about a plan to put guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels. One of those guns was found at the murder scene of Border Agent Brian Terry.”
“It remains to be seen what will grab the headlines during Issa’s hearings into the Gunrunner scandal,” Barrack continues, “but one thing is for certain.
The Obama administration absolutely wants this scandal nowhere near the front pages.”
Perhaps one of those distractions will be the launch of the second Gaza flotilla, aptly named ‘Audacity of Hope’ (after Obama’s book). It is scheduled to set sail on June 20—the week of the hearings.
Since seven members of congress are also endorsing the Audacity, there’s a pretty good chance that the timing of this event will be nothing short of impeccable. ..
Regarding the Gunwalker/Gunrunner Scandal, Representative Darrell Issa has said, “We know that this Administration at the highest levels approved a process that allowed thousands of high powered weapons, basically AK-47s and M-16 look alikes, to go to the worst of the worst on both sides of the borders.”
“This was an operation approved in Washington,” Issa said. And yesterday, he added, “We have a slew of subpeonas that we expect to be issuing for people here in Washington.”
This is huge news, especially considering Obama and Holder are potentially having ‘loyalty’ problems within the White House.
The latest to jump ship is Austan Goolsbee, the new Chair of Obama’s Council on Economic Advisers. Goolsbee resigned this week, officially saying he wanted to return to his teaching position at the University of Chicago.
However, again from Ulster Man’s “Inside” source, “reports are suggesting that Goolsbee was increasingly at odds with the more numerous and left-leaning economic advisers within the Obama White House .”
Other top Obama team members who have left their posts within the past year are Lawrence Summers, Peter Orszag, Jared Bernstein, Robert Gibbs and Christina Romer.
The only original Obama team member remaining is former Federal Reserve member Timothy Geithner.
So this has been a major news day—but you would never know by reading any of the major online news sources. Even now, when scrolling down my Facebook wall of over 5,000 friends, the main story I continue to see over and over is –you guessed it–Weinergate.
All I can say is stay tuned, stay focused and stay on your toes, folks. Keep in mind that for every whining Weiner story, something much more important may be hovering in the background.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. Video: Congress to Hold Obama’s Attorney General in Contempt?-Posted on The Patriot Update-On June 14, 2011:
II. National Talk Show Host Asks, Is Gunrunner Impeachable?-Posted on By Roger Hedgecock-On June 13, 2011:
III. Officials in ‘Panic Mode’ Over Gunrunner Congressional Hearing!-Posted on William La Jeunesse-On June 10, 2011:
IV. Hearings Scheduled, Subpoenas To Be Issued In "Project Gunrunner" Investigation!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On June 10, 2011:
V. Holder Files Murder Charges — to Provide Cover for the Obama Regime-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Guest Writer-On May 20, 2011:
VI. Major ATF Phoenix shake-up after "Gunwalker"-Posted on Sharyl Attkisson-On May 17, 2011:
VII. Mexico Sues U.S. Gun Manufacturers Over Obama Program-Posted on Floyd Reports-by Guest Writer-On May 10, 2011:
VIII. DOJ deflects Gunrunner, Fast and Furious blame to local officials-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Matthew Boyle, The Daily Caller-On May 9, 2011:
IX. Congressmen accuse White House of cover-up: ‘Lawmakers blast attorney general for lying about weapons program’-Posted on Drea Zahn-On May 4, 2011:
X. Video: Senator Charles Grassley on his Exchange with Attorney General Eric Holder-Posted on NRAVideos-On May 4, 2011:
XI. Video: Issa Grills Attorney General Holder on Operation Fast & Furious and Project Gunrunner-Posted on oversightandreform-On May 3, 2011:
XII. Obama’s ATF Seals the Records of Illegal Alien Arrested at Border Agent’s Murder Scene-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Kevin “Coach” Collins-On May 2, 2011:
XIII. NRA to Call for Holder's Resignation Over 'Project Gunrunner' Allegations-Posted on William Lajeunesse-On April 29, 2011:
XIV. Project Gunrunner: Obama Administration's Stonewalling Contradicts Claims of Transparent Gov't-Posted on oversightandreform-On Apr 27, 2011:
XV. Is The U.N. Trying To Strip American’ Second Amendment Rights?-Posted on The Blaze-ByBilly Hallowell-On June 7, 2011:
XVI. The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?
What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?
Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
Sarah Palin issued a strong warning to the USA and the world with a witty reference to Paul Revere’s ride warning that the British were coming.
Here is what both said: We are not surrendering, we have not even begun to fight! You may press on with your invasion but you will never subdue us. We are fiercely independent and armed. We will fight to the last man! American people wakeup and prepare for war all else has failed.
Today, a paradigm shift in America and the world has occurred because of our lack of leadership. This “change” reflects a huge tectonic shift in political money and global power. We are now called “the largest Islamic Nation in the world”. Confidence in the strength of the U.S.A. has reached a tipping point in the world. “Emerging is a new reality that the importance of a newly freed and now consequential Arab (and Islamic) public opinion may be applied to the U.S. as it does to Israel.” This is the view fabricated by mass media purchased to provide "news" and commentary to the world.
In truth, Radical Islam has embraced western society taking full advantage of our freedoms while at the same time planning for our downfall. Infiltration into our open democratic process has provided easy access to sensitive information and a quick base of support. The highest offices in our country have been purchased by enemies of America with a mountain of cash, billions of dollars, flowing into the American political process from oil-rich Muslim nations and powerful people seeking globalization of world politics.
The forces of Islamic globalization have turned our system of government against us. “Local” elections are won by money from who knows where buying influence and creating fear in the media. Freedom of speech is no longer practiced as journalists fear for their jobs and their lives at the hands of radical Islamic people. The Muslim Brotherhood is on the march. They have given the green light to fight for control of the Islamic world now that they perceive control has been secured in the USA and all western nations.
Islamophobia is not prejudice against, hatred or fear of Islam or Muslims it is a very real concern that Islam is rapidly taking over our Christian society. I fear for my country when on the advice of the FBI, cartoonists are told to change their identity and go into hiding to protect themselves because a fatwa has been issued by an Islamic cleric calling for any Muslim to kill them over a cartoon.
Islamic Political lackeys from the President on down have been put into place in an attempt to gain control of our nation.
Our financial system has been brought to its knees and remains on the verge of collapse by the rapid and uncontrolled shifting of billions of dollars in sovereign wealth funds. (Our very own OIL dollars) Our enemies are seeking control or total destruction of our capitalistic system and financial networks. When you hear the words “To Big Too Fail”, think just right to manipulate or be manipulated by the people in power making the deals to “save” us. Elected officials are selling themselves to the highest bidder, becoming the willing tools of predatory wealth, soliciting earmarks as a means of providing cover for their untoward actions. The checks and balances between the Congress, the President and the Supreme Court designed to keep the country on track and bring it back from the brink of destruction are not working as a result. Many of the people involved brazenly disregard their oath of office; “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of (President) of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” so help me God! They hide their actions, shun responsibility for their in-action and deny the existence of God.
Our secular government is subject to perversion and abuse. Socialism and communism are being achieved with the purchase of votes from an unsuspecting electorate. Few voters take the time to become informed as to the true character of the individuals running for office. Decisions at the ballot box are most often based on emotion purchased by thirty second sound bites or the promise of “$1000 in every pocket”. Unsuspecting voters have provided almost a billion dollars of campaign money. Much of it stuffed in brown envelopes containing amounts listed “from undisclosed sources”. Those same sources have received benefits which have made far too many people nothing more that prostitutes. Amoral overzealous citizens, clamoring for “free benefits” follow the crowd like a flock of sheep over the cliff to their own destruction, ignorant of the fact that they have now been purchased as slaves.
Islamic infiltrators are very close to achieving their objective. So close in fact that they feel confident enough to turn against our best and longest standing allies in the world; Israel and Great Britain. Our President has snubbed his nose in the face of the leaders of both countries and destroyed our relationship with them in everyway possible by executive decision. He has gone into battle at the behest of his Sunni leaders helping them seek control of the Islamic world. His Islamic emissary has traveled, at the expense of the America taxpayer, to the Middle East and around the USA supporting the Islamic desire for new mosques around our nation. This same emissary clearly states that “many aspects of shari’a are already practiced in many ways in the United States.” Islam has gained the upper hand in its fight with the “great Satan”, and is fast becoming the dominate religion in the USA.
Muslims are now fighting for control of the Islamic world! Why are we helping them fight each other? Who in the Islamic world is supporting America, demanding freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right to own property in the Arab world?
What are we fighting for? Who are we fighting for? Have we forgotten what it means to be a Christian Nation? Through Love, God sent His son and all of those brave and unwavering Patriots that fought and died before us so that we might have the Freedom to worship as we desire, and to raise our families in Prosperity and Liberty.
God is faithful to keep His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those that love Him and keep His commandments.
How long can we survive as a Humanistic Atheist nation in search of our own glory? September 11, and all of the terrorist problems since represent neither a superior military capability on the part of the terrorists when assaulting the American homeland, nor immunity to its staunchest defenses. Rather it is through the reject of God that we have grown weak, and over time became vulnerable because of our internal divisions. It is not the strength of the Islamists, but the frailties within the fabric of the nation, that must be recognized as its primary vulnerability to attack. The same Islamic enemies of the American ideal have existed since its founding. But not until the current age could they operate openly within our borders as they have in their efforts to destroy the nation while demanding sympathy and equal rights. The problem is the lack of Christian morals and teaching our children about the Jedeuo-Christian foundation of our country and our laws. This rejection of Jesus Christ and all Christian values has resulted in systemic failure of our society and our government of the people, by the people and for the people. Our congress is so corrupt that it provides cover for its own members offering for prostitution, “weiner-gate ”. It seems that we have forgotten that we are "One Nation Under God".
As One Nation Under God, “We the people” of the United States of America must define who we are as a nation and set a true course for the future in order to prevent the total destruction of our way of life. It starts with Congress, clean up "our" house or “We the People” will throw you bums out!
Patrick Henry said it best in the year 1776 when he wrote this: "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great Nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For that reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded freedom of worship here."
The conflagration of the ensuing conflict and this election are in the hands of Almighty God! May God Find a Blessing in America! To God, be the Glory!
“I know not what course others may take; but as for me (I stand with Patrick Henry), give me liberty or give me death!”
Listen as Paul Revere and the Raiders sing "Indian Reservation" a song about what happens when people surrender and are subdued by a creeping invasion of a once unknown people.
Think Christian every time you hear Indian.
My name is Joe Story and I think it is time for “We the People” of America to stand as one “TAKE ACTION”, and declare that we are a Christian Nation.
Join us tonight on BlogTalk Radio for our Tea Party Radio podcast!
Station information is right there on the main page of the website, call in # is 646-200-4032.
Join me, Jim Seigfreid, David Toy, Leah Lax and others as we delve into the many issues of the day (Weiner is going to be bottom of the list tonight---sick of that idiot) and there are many issues out today that we need to focus on, and WE NEED YOUR INPUT ON. Listen and call in @ 9 p.m. EST. See ya there!
Posted on The Blaze-By Billy Hallowell-On June 7, 2011:
“Is the United Nations gunning for Americans’ second Amendment rights?
In an op-ed for Forbes, University of Houston professor Larry Bell rails against the U.N.’s “Small Arms Treaty.”
Bell claims that the international body is passing the measure off as an effort intended to combat terrorists and insurgents. He says the measure has a very different purpose:
Under the guise of a proposed global “Small Arms Treaty”…you can be quite certain that an even more insidious threat is being targeted – our Constitutional right for law-abiding citizens to own and bear arms.
Bell claims that this international treaty, from the Obama administration’s perspective, is an opportunity to increase domestic gun control. If implemented, he believes it will enforce rougher licensing requirements, more red tape, create an “international gun registry,“ ”confiscate and destroy all ‘unauthorized’ civilian firearms’” and severely impede Americans’ right to bear arms.
Bell explains that this plan is very real and that the U.S. has already joined 152 other countries in to endorse a U.N. Arms Treaty Resolution that will lead to a 2012 conference. It is during this meeting that plans to enact these international new controls will take place. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said she will encourage the Senate to ratify he resolution as well.
You can read more about Bell’s thoughts on this important subject here.”
Note: The following article and/or blog post relates to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Anti-terror Treaty Seen as 2nd Amendment Threat!-Posted on Henry J. Reske-On June 9, 2011: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?
What was the true intent of Operation Closed Campus?
Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?
Threat of the Mexican drug cartel, illegal border-crossers and “sanctuary cities”!
How Much Longer Will We Be “Allowed” To Keep Our Guns?“allowed”-to-keep-our-guns/
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
Compare Alaska’s Sara Palin—for self-government—and New York’s Anthony Wiener—small mind and a big mouth. Any wonder why Palin is a threat to political progressives? Congressman Wiener is a monument to America’s demise. He won’t resign. Good! Leave him be as an example of what an American can become. Would anyone want to appear to be like Congressman Wiener? The cause of people like Congressman Wiener is concentration. It diminishes the individual’s stature. In my own experience, I cut from the herd and went on my own.
The cutting edge of science has discovered that nothing could exist without consciousness. Being on one’s own stimulates one’s conscious understanding. Science has found that there is a dimension of infinite possibility to which the human mind is in contact. Observance is the key. Anything is possible. When I went on my own, everything could have gone wrong. Everything went right, and quite logically. I looked within for my answers. It’s the natural thing to do, and essential if you expect to survive what’s coming. Most Americans have their heads in the sand. It is not a pretty picture.
The shining city on the hill Reagan saw is $14.7 trillion in debt and going for $17.4 trillion—all due to government entitlements. The American people want their cake and eat it. They refuse to face the facts. For 75 years, politicians have been making impossible promises and passing the burden off on future generations. They are continuing by asking the Federal Reserve Bank to print trillions of dollars so the U.S. Treasury can borrow the notes, notes that are falling in value like a rock. The American people are not willing to face the fact that their entitlements are not going to be there. Instead, they will have worthless paper they can’t eat. The wise are preparing, which is only hastening the time when the music stops and the unprepared are going to be left standing.
Everything is pointing to another lesson of history. The American people will be left with no choice but to accept a monster. Hitler made good his promise. He took everything German Jews had and killed them like you kill insects. Is that what America’s entitled want? We are hearing the same answer again. By siding with the Palestinian answer, President Obama is for killing Jews. Obama is lawless. Where is Congress? The situation is out of control. The American people have not yet awakened to the grim facts.
What comes around goes around, but not exactly. We are becoming vastly more aware of the makeup of the universe and our place in it. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.
Posted on American Thinker-By James Lewis-On April 25, 2011:
“The genius of the Constitution is not some person, time, or place. It is a very improbable conjunction of all three. Jefferson and Madison were not the only ones to fear the abuse of power. That idea goes back to the Epic of Gilgamesh. Every family with an alcoholic father or a tyrannical grandmother knows it. In England John Locke and Edmund Burke feared tyranny as much as the American founders, but they never had a chance to build the foundations of a new, independent, great power.
Obama is our first Marxist-Leninist president. He never quite uses those words, but in words and deeds he makes it clear beyond doubt. His two autobiographies all but say it.
I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. ... The Marxist Professorsand the structural feminists ... we discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism,and patriarchy.
The Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation has also published a careful summary of the public record that leaves no doubt about who Obama is.
Obama wrapped himself in his own lifelong cult. Universities are supposed to be places of open debate and open minds, but Obama knew his own life course from childhood on, and never opened up to anything else.
Marxism-Leninism grew out of Europe’s totalitarian and imperialistic tradition.
It has nothing but contempt for electoral “bourgeois” government. In the free atmosphere of American life, Marxist campus cults are like little cysts that grow in isolation from the real world. Some of them grow bigger and bigger and finally explode into a billion cancer cells, to enter the bloodstream of American life.
No great power in Europe or Asia has ever managed to keep an American-style constitutional balance for long.
After Napoleon, France kept trying different Republics, until de Gaulle created its current constitution, which is now being supplanted by the EU. Britain doesn’t have a written constitution, but rather a vaguely defined cloud of principles that is now crumbling under the assault of Political Correctness. Canada was a British colony until 1931, and is turning into a PC corruptocracy like Europe. Latin America inherited a hidalgo style of politics from Spain, arrogant and contemptuous of peasants and merchants.
Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez are just hidalgos of the left, with Fidel inflicting mandatory six-hour television lectures on his suffering people over half a century. That’s what hidalgos do; no American president could get away with it, and when Obama tried one long speech after another, people just turned off their TVs.
Obama must have been stunned that people were not listening to him like the Cubans were listening to Fidel. What’s wrong with these people anyway?
Europe’s trading cities, like Venice, Amsterdam, and Hamburg came the closest to long-lasting electoral rule, but they never controlled the hinterlands.
As for classical Athens, often called the source of Western democracy, Plato and Aristotle were slave-holding aristocrats in a time of endless war, treachery, imperial conquest, mob rule, hedonistic excess, genocide, and tyranny. Plato’sRepublic argues for a hereditary aristocracy as the golden mean between one-man tyranny and mob rule, because Plato saw so many political horrors.
In Europe and Asia, new power classes just kept taking over, century after century. Europe gave birth to the political ideals of the Enlightenment, but was never able to put them into practice. Today’s European Union is another gigantic front for an unelected political elite.
Europe’s suicidal weakness today is its cowardice in the face of radical Islam, and the prosecution of heroic Resistance fighters like Geert Wilders, just for saying what millions of Europeans are thinking. In 1938 Churchill was despised by the political elites, but he was never prosecuted for sounding the alarm about Hitler. In the Libyan mess it looked like Europe might finally be growing up. So far it’s getting a D-, mostly for trying hard.
Soon after the American Revolution of 1776, history conducted one of its rare experiments as the French Revolution broke out and quickly fell into bloody anarchy. A decade later Napoleon turned Liberté, Egalité, and Fraternité into another egomaniacal empire. That’s what Mao Zedong did after the Chinese civil war, Lenin after the Romanoffs, Hitler after the Weimar Republic. Most countries just keep flipping between tyranny and civil war. The Arabs are doing it right in front of our eyes today.
What’s new in history is 200 years of peace and stability across 3,000 miles of territory, with only one great breakdown, the American Civil War. Protected by two great oceans and a constitutional balance of powers, millions of people born in the Old World were able to thrive in freedom—not perfect freedom, which does not exist, but far greater liberty than other major countries.
Obama is our first Napoleonic president whose beliefs are far outside our political tradition. After George Washington was elected, nobody knew how a constitutional president would behave. There was real fear that America had just traded one King George for another. When Washington went home after two terms, there was a palpable sigh of relief and celebration. In the last two and a half centuries only FDR has clung to office more than two terms, and that led to the 22nd Amendment. Washington set the precedent.
Obama acts like a Third World socialist, like his Kenyan father, and his thinking is stunningly rigid. He seems to be woefully ignorant about basic economics, science, and technology, international affairs, and the conventions of American politics. Either that, or he is acting that way as part of his peculiar character disorder. Deliberately violating norms is a way to show contempt for “middleclassness,” as Jerry Wright calls it. It’s the bourgeois values that Karl Marx hated so much. In psychiatry, deliberate lifelong violations of accepted rules are a sign of “oppositional-defiant personality,” closely allied with grandiose narcissism. That describes Obama’s lifelong character.
But let’s not exaggerate Obama’s danger. Politicians come and go. Obama calls Republicans “extremists,” “radicals,” and “unpatriotic.” He’s trying to flip the political world upside-down, but the American people know who is really “radical,” “extremist,” and “unpatriotic.” It’s not hard to tell.
The left is unpatriotic by definition: They simply refuse to believe in “patria,” the land of one’s fathers and mothers. They are radical transnationalists who pin their faith in some imaginary worldwide command center that will finally solve all human conflict. It will be run by Obama and his kind, of course. This idea is so ancient that it goes back six millennia to Sumer and the Yellow Emperor.
Other politicians in the last 200 years have tried end-runs around the Constitution. The Dixiecrat South was a one-party machine that clung to power for half a century after Reconstruction. Al Capone’s Chicago was a one-party machine, backed by threats and violence. Michelle Obama is the daughter of a ward heeler on Southside Chicago. When she told the world that she “had never felt proud of her country,” she was just echoing the everyday prattle of her cult. Jesse Jackson is a family friend, and Louis Farrakhan is a big political power in Chicago. They are above criticism, because that’s how machine politics works.
Every single imperial ideology in the last two centuries has come from Europe, from Napoleon to Stalin. Obama is not a Jeffersonian democrat. He does not understand or value the European Enlightenment; his roots are in the class war of the 19th century, which has now turned into war of all against all: Women against the men, poor against the rich, blacks against whites, gays against straights. Our media constantly whip up such hatreds, and children learn them in the schools. We have not been able to mount a coherent defense against the leftist divide-and-conquer strategy.
Europe has extreme difficulty with a self-balancing power mechanism like the US Constitution, with the three branches constantly tilting against each other; the States and localities against the Feds; and press monopolies, like today’s liberal media, being constantly challenged by new technologies.
Constitutional government is under sustained and vicious assault by the internationalist left. Just read the headlines. It’s not a coincidence.
Obama believes in internationalism, with grandiose egos like his own ruling the world.
That’s what the left is all about, and has been since Karl.
Marx is not “progressive” but “retrogressive,”because grandiose empires started six millennia ago in the great river valleys of the Old World, where city states amassed the power and ideological beliefs to conquer their neighbors. Obama would be at home in Egypt, Persia, Assyria, Alexander’s Greek Empire, Rome, the Inca and Maya empires, Russia, Austro-Hungary, the Soviet Union. They are all pyramid-building empires made up of “soviets”—councils—commanded from the top.
The European Union is not an American-style delicately counter-balanced construction, designed to give the people the last word. No, the EU is just another imperial pyramid, and it is systematically disempowering the peoples of Europe.
Americans are the luckiest people in the world, not only because of our material fortune, nor even because of our fundamental decency and good will. We are the luckiest because we can afford to be as dumb as a brick, fail to educate our children, remain blissfully ignorant of the dangers that have killed hundreds of millions of people in the last 50 years, indulge in all the newest drugs, the biggest quantities of alcohol, the widest range of cuisines and tastes, and the usual range of sensual self-indulgence...and we are still protected from doom. So far.
The reason for our astonishing luck can be summarized in a few words. It’s the Constitution.
We’ve been skating on our luck to the point of blind arrogance—so much that our law schools are teaching their students the “revolutionary” fads of Marxism, explaining how to destroy the legal foundation that is the source of all our good fortune. “Revolution” is celebrated, but “revolution” is just a roll-over of power from one ruling class to another. Even the word “revolution” came from Copernicus’s book about the rotation of the earth in the solar system. That kind of turnover of power changes nothing.
Obama really belongs in the post-colonial socialist world, like his father, who also never understood that the land he visited so briefly to father a child, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., represented the biggest revolution in political history. Barack Sr. flew back to Kenya to join Jomo Kenyatta in just another disastrous post-colonial tyranny, one that may have ended in his own death from alcoholism, despair, and two disastrous automobile crashes. Barack Sr. may have dimly apprehended that things were terribly wrong in Kenyatta’s post-colonial paradise, as indeed they were. India and China also suffered terribly under post-colonial socialism. They only began to recover when they found a way to give their own talented peoples a modicum of freedom to become productive. They re-discovered their own abilities to thrive without bureaucratic tyranny. Obama Jr. has never figured that out.
The US Constitution is the revolution; the rebellions of the left are just reactionary throwbacks. Whether the liberals like it or not, it’s the American Revolution that is radically new, a genuine step toward a different way of living and governing.
The left is not “progressive.” On the contrary, it is a reactionary throwback to a tyrannical past.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videso relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution: ‘White House officials involved in rewriting nation's founding document’!
Posted on Aaron Klein-On March 27, 2011:
“At least three White House advisers and officials, including President Obama’s regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein, have ties to an effort funded by billionaire George Soros to push for a new, “progressive” U.S. Constitution.
WND first reported last week that Sunstein’s wife, Samantha Power, has been a champion of a Soros-funded doctrine, entitled “responsibility to protect,” which was used by Obama to justify engaging in an international military alliance to bomb Libya. As the National Security Council special adviser to Obama on human rights, Power reportedly influenced Obama in his decision.
Now it has emerged that Sunstein has maintained extensive ties to Soros’ funding, particularly with regard to a movement that openly seeks to create a “progressive” consensus as to what the U.S. Constitution should provide for by the year 2020.
Also, Attorney General Eric Holder sat on the board of a Soros-funded group pushing the same “progressive” constitution.
WND has learned that in April 2005, Sunstein opened up a conference at Yale Law School entitled, “The Constitution in 2020,” which sought to change the nature and interpretation of the Constitution by that year.
That event was sponsored by Soros’ Open Society Institute as well as by the Center for American Progress, which is led by John Podesta, who served as co-chair of Obama’s presidential transition team. Podesta’s Center is said to be highly influential in helping to craft White House policy.
The Yale event on the Constitution was also sponsored by the American Constitution Society, or ACS, which has been described as a group meant to counter the work of the Federalist Society, which has been at the forefront of the push for a more conservative judiciary since its launch in 1982.
The ACS is the main organization behind the movement to ensure a more “progressive” constitution, having received more that $2,201,500 from Soros’ Open Society since 2002.
Attorney General Holder served on the ACS board of directors.
Sunstein has spoken at numerous ACS events. For example, he was a speaker at a November 3, 2003 symposium by the American Constitution Society of the University of Chicago School of Law, where Sunstein was a professor.
But it was the 2005 Yale event led in part by Sunstein that has been described as jumpstarting the movement for a “progressive” constitution.
Jeffrey Rosen, a law professor at George Washington University, wrote at the New York Times Magazine in a 2009 piece about so-called liberal justice: “If this new understanding of legal liberalism can be traced back to a single moment, it was in April 2005, when the American Constitution Society and other progressive groups sponsored a conference at Yale Law School called ‘The Constitution in 2020.’”
The New 'Bill of Rights':
The Constitution 2020 movement has plotted a strategy for how liberal lawyers and judges might bring such a constitutional regime into being.
Just before his appearance at the Yale conference, Sunstein wrote a blog entry in which he explained he “will be urging that it is important to resist, on democratic grounds, the idea that the document should be interpreted to reflect the view of the extreme right-wing of the Republican Party.”
Sunstein has also been pushing for a new socialist-style U.S. bill of rights that, among other things, would constitutionally require the government to offer each citizen a “useful” job in the farms or industries of the nation.
According to Sunstein’s new bill of rights, the U.S. government can also intercede to ensure every farmer can sell his product for a good return while the government is granted power to act against “unfair competition” and monopolies inbusiness.
All this and more is contained in Sunstein’s 2004 book, “The Second Bill of Rights: FDR’S Unfinished Revolution and Why We Need It More than Ever.”
In the work, Sunstein advanced the radical notion that welfare rights, including some controversial inceptions, be granted by the state. His inspiration for a new bill of rights came from President Roosevelt’s 1944 proposal of a different, new set of rights.
In his book, Sunstein laid out what he wants to become the new bill of rights, which he calls the Second Bill of Rights:
His Mandates Includes The Following:
- The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
- The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
- The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return that will give him and his family a decent living;
- The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
- The right of every family to a decent home;
- The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
- The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident and unemployment;
- The right to a good education.
On one page in his book, Sunstein claims he is “not seriously arguing” his bill of rights be “encompassed by anything in the Constitution,” but on the next page he states that “if the nation becomes committed to certain rights, they may migrate into the Constitution itself.”
Later in the book, Sunstein argues that “at a minimum, the second bill should be seen as part and parcel of America’s constitutive commitments.”
- With research by Brenda J. Elliott”
II. Video: Black Senate Candidate Rips Obama’s Assault on the Constitution!
Posted on June 7, 2011:
“E.W. Jackson Sr. is a Marine Corps veteran, lawyer, and preacher who is running for the U.S. Senate from Virginia. His recent speech to Tea Party gathering is generating buzz. This segment on what Jackson calls Obama’s “Constitutional crisis” makes us wonder if he isn’t reading this website. Jackson is the founder of Staying True to America’s National Destiny (STAND), an organization dedicated to preserving America’s Christian history, faith and values. You can visit his website here.”
III. Is Our President A Terrorist?
IV. Dictatorship transformation almost complete!-Posted on The Roth Show-On May 26, 2011:
V. Black Chamber of Commerce CEO Blasts ‘Marxist,’ ‘Brownshirt’ Obama-Posted on Vision to America-On April 30, 2011:
VI. Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’-Posted on Hiram Reisner-On April 22, 2011:
VII. Fundamental Transformation? Andy Stern Speaks Out Against Checks And Balances-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On April 8, 2011:
VIII. George Soros Is Implementing A "One World" Socialist Government-Posted on
IX. The Intersection of Politics and Hollywood Propaganda!-Posted on Big Hollywood-By Liberty Chick-On July 26, 2010:
X. The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:
Note: My following blog posts contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Progressive group maps out President Obama’s strategy for next 2 years!
What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-about-the-president’s-background/
Does Our President Hate America? of The Islamic Revolution!
Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
Posted on Yahoo News-By AFP-On June 7, 2011:
““Texas police, acting on a tip-off, Tuesday found a mass grave containing “a lot of bodies,” including the corpses of children, US media reported.
The Liberty County sheriff’s office was combing the area after being told 25 to 30 dismembered bodies, many of them possibly children, were buried outside a house at the intersection of two roads, the Houston Chronicle said.
“A lot of bodies” had been found on a property in Hardin, Texas about 50 miles (31 kilometers) northeast of Houston, a law enforcement source told CBS television.
Some of the bodies were children, the source told CBS.
The FBI had been called in to investigate, along with a sniffer dog, after the department received a tip-off on Tuesday afternoon, department public information officer Rex Evans told the Chronicle.
Authorities were seeking a search warrant in order to investigate the home, but the residents were so far “uncooperative,” he added.”
Note: The following video relates to this disturbing issue:
Video: Mass grave reportedly found in Liberty County!-Posted on Yahoo News-By 11 News Houston-On June 7, 2011:
Note: My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
How the “Illegal Immigration” issue affects our everyday lives!
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!
Posted on Israel News-By Reuters-On June 7, 2011:
“Iran has sent submarines to the Red Sea, the semi-official Fars news agency reported on Tuesday, citing an unidentified source, in a move that could anger Israel.
“Iranian military submarines entered the Red Sea waters with the goal of collecting information and identifying other countries’ combat vessels,” Fars said.
It did not specify the number or type of vessels involved but said they were sailing alongside warships of the Navy’s 14thfleet.
State-run Press TV said in May that the 14th fleet, comprised of two vessels, the Bandar Abbas warship and Shahid Naqdi destroyer, had been sent to combat piracy in the Gulf of Aden.
“The fleet entered the Gulf of Aden region in May and has now entered the Red Sea in the continuation of its mission,”Fars said.
Two Iranian warships passed through the Suez Canal in February, the first such move since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, en route to Syria. Tehran said the mission was one of “peace and friendship” but Israel called it a “provocation”.
Iran announced last August it had expanded its fleet of domestically built 120-ton Ghadir-class submarines to 11, which it said would be used to patrol the Gulf and the Sea of Oman.
It has deployed warships further afield, as far as the Red Sea, to combat Somali pirates but has not previously said it sent submarines to those waters.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Iran says no offer can stop it enriching uranium!-Posted on Yahoo News-By Mitra Amiri, Reuters-On June 7, 2011:
Iran parliament votes to send Ahmadinejad to court!-Posted on ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press-On June 1, 2011:
Note: My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Is Israel The Next Arab Facebook Campaign?
The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!“present”-on-iran/
Nuclear Summit Part of Obama Administration’s ‘Fantasy Foreign Policy’
Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!
YOUR Share of Non-funded Federal Spending Commitments: $527,000!
The next time Barack Obama, Harry Reid, or Charles Schumer warns against “extreme” measures proposed by the GOP to deal with the spending-debt crisis, remind him of the following, as reported as the reference, in part:
“The federal government's financial condition deteriorated rapidly last year, far beyond the $1.5 trillion in new debt taken on to finance the budget deficit, a USA TODAY analysis shows.
The government added $5.3 trillion in new financial obligations in 2010, largely for retirement programs such as Medicare and Social Security. That brings to a record $61.6 trillion the total of financial promises not paid for.
This gap between spending commitments and revenue last year equals more than one-third of the nation's gross domestic product.
Medicare alone took on $1.8 trillion in new liabilities, more than the record deficit prompting heated debate between Congress and the White House over lifting the debt ceiling.
Social Security added $1.4 trillion in obligations, partly reflecting longer life expectancies. Federal and military retirement programs added more to the financial hole, too.
Corporations would be required to count these new liabilities when they are taken on — and report a big loss to shareholders. Unlike businesses, however, Congress postpones recording spending commitments until it writes a check.
The $61.6 trillion in non-funded obligations amounts to $527,000 per household. “
These startling facts should make it plain that entitlement reform WILL HAPPEN. The only question is whether the reform will be orderly and peaceful, or will the entitlement programs simply stop sending money out at some point?
Is America headed for chaos in the streets?
It’s pay me now or pay me later—not paying is not an option!
Posted on NetRight Daily-By Dr. Willie Soon-On June 8, 2011:
“By Willie Soon and Paul Driessen – The Environmental Protection Agency recently issued 946 pages of new rules, requiring that U.S. power plants sharply reduce (already low) emissions of mercury and 83 other air pollutants. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson claims that, while the regulations will cost electricity producers $10.9 billion annually, they will save 17,000 lives and generate up to $140 billion in health benefits.
There is no factual basis for these assertions. To build its case, EPA systematically ignored evidence and ignored clinical studies that contradict its regulatory agenda, which is to punish hydrocarbon use.
Mercury (Hg) has always existed naturally in Earth’s environment. A 2009 study found numerous spikes (and drops) in mercury deposition in Antarctic ice over the past 650,000-years. Mercury is found in air, water, rocks, soil and in trees, which absorb it from the environment. This is why our bodies evolved with proteins and antioxidants that help protect us from this and other potential contaminants.
A further defense comes from selenium, which is found in fish and animals. Its strong attraction to mercury molecules protects fish and people against buildups of methylmercury, mercury’s biologically active and more toxic form. Thus, the 200,000,000 tons of mercury naturally present in seawater have never posed a danger to any living being, even though they could theoretically be converted into methylmercury.
Modern technologies enable us to detect infinitesimal amounts in air and water. However, quantities of mercury measured in lake waters are often no more than 0.00000001 gram of mercury per liter. Lab technicians typically wear special garments when measuring mercury levels, not to protect themselves — but to ensure accurate measurements, because even breathing on a sample can triple a reading!
How do America’s coal-burning power plants enter into the picture?
The latest government, university and independent studies reveal that those power plants emit an estimated 41-48 tons of mercury per year. However, U.S. forest fires emit at least 44 tons per year; cremation of human remains discharges 26 tpy; Chinese power plants eject 400 tpy; and volcanoes, subsea vents, geysers and other sources spew out 9,000-10,000 additional tons per year!
All these emissions enter the global atmospheric system and become part of the U.S. air mass.
Thus, U.S. power plants account for less than 0.5 percent of all the mercury in the air Americans breathe. Even eliminating every milligram of this mercury will do nothing about the other 99.5 percent in America’s atmosphere.
And yet, in the face of these minuscule risks, EPA nevertheless demands that utility companies spend billions every year retrofitting coal-fired power plants that produce half of all U.S. electricity, and 70-98 percent of electricity in twelve states. Its regulators simultaneously ignore the positive results of medical studies that clearly show its new restrictions are not needed and will not improve people’s health.
According to the Centers for Disease Control’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which actively monitors mercury exposure, blood mercury counts for U.S. women and children decreased steadily 1999-2008, placing today’s counts well below the already excessively “safe” level established by EPA.
A 17-year evaluation of mercury risk to babies and children, by the Seychelles Children Development Study, found “no measurable cognitive or behavioral effects” in children who eat several servings of ocean fish every week, much more than most Americans do.
The World Health Organization and U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry assessed these findings in setting mercury risk standards that are 2-3 times less restrictive than EPA’s. Under WHO and ATSDR guidelines, no American children are even remotely at risk from mercury.
EPA ignored these findings. Instead, the agency based its “safe” mercury criteria on a study of Faroe Islanders, whose diet is far removed from our own. They eat few fruits and vegetables, but do feast on pilot whale meat and blubber that is laced with mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) — but very low in selenium. The study has limited relevance to US populations.
Finally, EPA maintains that mercury deposition, its conversion to methylmercury, and MeHg accumulation in fish and humans is a simple process that can be controlled by curtailing emissions from US power plants. However, mercury emissions (from all sources) and raw mercury levels in fresh or ocean waters are only part of the story.
Complex, nonlinear interactions among at least 50 natural variables control the biological and chemical processes that govern elemental mercury conversion to methylmercury and MeHg accumulation in fish. Those variables, and selenium levels in fish tissue, are beyond anyone’s ability to control.
As a result, the EPA’s actions can be counted on to achieve only one thing — which is to further advance the Obama administration’s oft-stated goal of penalizing hydrocarbon use, making coal-based electricity prices “skyrocket,” and driving a transition to unreliable renewable energy.
The proposed standards will do nothing to reduce exaggerated threats from mercury and other air pollutants. Indeed, the rules will worsen, rather than improve America’s health — especially for young children and women of child-bearing age. Not only will they raise heating, air conditioning and food costs; they will scare people away from nutritious fish that should be in everyone’s diet.
America needs affordable, reliable electricity. It needs better health and nutrition. It needs an EPA that focuses on real risks, instead of wasting hard-earned taxpayer and consumer dollars fabricating dangers and evidence.
- Willie Soon is a natural scientist with strong expertise in mercury and public health issues. Dr. Soon’s full critique of EPA’s rules will be published at in mid-June. Paul Driessen is senior policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow and Congress of Racial Equality.”
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Is there a Christian basis for combating the threat of global warming?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!
How the British Regulars fired and fled,---
How the farmers gave them ball for ball,
From behind each fence and farmyard wall,
Chasing the redcoats down the lane,
Then crossing the fields to emerge again
Under the trees at the turn of the road,
And only pausing to fire and load.
Posted on The Center for Public Policy Research-On June 7, 2011:
“Washington, D.C. - Efforts to protect voting integrity are not "literally" equivalent to Jim Crow segregation laws, and claims that they are by a member of the Congressional leadership is disgraceful, divisive, historically-ignorant fearmongering, say members of the black leadership group Project 21.
On the June 5 "Washington Watch with Roland Martin" on TV One, host Martin asked Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) about ballot security legislation requiring photo identification at polling places. Schultz unloaded with divisive racial rhetoric, claiming: " you have the Republicans, who want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws and literally -- and very transparently -- block access to the polls to voters who are more likely to vote for Democratic candidates than Republican candidates. It's nothing short of that blatant [emphasis added]."
Project 21's Joe Hicks, the host of's "The Hicks File," responds, "As someone who grew up during the last years of Jim Crow discrimination laws and who later headed the western regional office of Martin Luther King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference, my remembrance of that awful era tells me that the new chair of the DNC is a woman who is historically ignorant, racially insulting, and incredibly arrogant.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz has chosen to act as the attack dog for Barack Obama, and it appears that crass race-baiting will play a large role in the strategy to keep blacks chained deep inside the Democrat's racial reservation. Less than two months on the job, this foolish DNC head has shown herself to be more gaffe-prone than Joe Biden and as quick to play the race card as the worst of the race-hustlers like Cornell West and Jesse Jackson."
Born in 1966, Wasserman Schultz is too young to remember Jim Crow.
Project 21's Jerome Hudson notes: "Representative Wasserman Schultz's remarks are disgraceful, overtly divisive and awfully disappointing. Her statements are another example of liberals turning their backs on the very calls for 'civility' that they ask others to live up to. Comments such as these are likely why a recent Rasmussen Reports poll found just nine percent those surveyed think that members of Congress such as her are doing a 'good' or 'excellent' job. She and her colleagues should be focused on fixing the economy instead of trying to score political points at the expense of dividing the country."
"Progressives such as Debbie Wasserman Schultz are in full panic mode as more and more Americans sour on their brand of politics. The fact of the matter is that the progressive brand failed because the poor and working class as well as the minorities that progressives claim to empower are bearing the brunt of their failed policies," said Project 21's Kevin Martin.
“So now they are using fear to gain appeal by saying that asking for identification at a polling place is somehow racist. That's ridiculous. To enter a government building to apply for unemployment benefits, to take one example, one needs to show identification.
Progressive fearmongering will only make it easier to steal identities and taint the electoral process."
"If Wasserman Schultz seriously thinks there is nothing wrong with counting all votes as is -- whether legal, legitimate, from American citizens or illegal immigrants or even the dead -- perhaps we should just all vote 'American Idol' style and phone in votes as many times as we can," said Project 21's Lisa Fritsch.
"Jim Crow laws were not about equality -- our voting laws are. Without ballot integrity, why have any voting regulations at all?"
Wasserman Schultz is vice-chairman of the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee and has served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee since April.
- Project 21, a leading voice of black conservatives since 1992, is sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research (”
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Massive Voter Fraud-Again!
President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!