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Posted on The Blaze-By Naked Emperor News-On June 4, 2011:

From The Daily Mail:

In a chilling new video, U.S. born Al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn calls on American Muslims to buy weapons from gun shows and carry out random, lone-wolf attacks.

The video, called ‘Do Not Rely on Others, Take the Task Upon Yourself’, was produced by al Qaeda’s as Sahab media team and shows 32-year-old Gadahn speaking alongside old clips of Ayman al-Zawahiri and Osama Bin laden.


Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Bishop Condemns ‘Jesus as Islam Prophet’ Ads in Australia!-Posted on Andra Varin-On June 3, 2011:

Video: Losing Our Community!-Posted on apeacet-On May 11, 2011:

Islamist Indoctrination In American Schools-Posted on OccidentalSoapbox-On Oct 24, 2008:

Radical Islam Taking Over Europe & West!-Posted on StopIslamoFascism-On Oct 10, 2007:

Creeping sharia law becomes an issue in 2012 GOP primary-Posted on The Washington Post’s Plume Line-By Adam Serwer-On May 10, 2011:

The Majority Of American Media Outlets Fail To Report The Yemeni Passenger Was Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ As He Attempted To Storm The Cockpit Door!-Posted on The Blaze-By Naked Emperor News-On May 10, 2011:

The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:

Note:  My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Islam’s Child Martyrs in America!’s-child-martyrs-in-america/

Should Americans Fear Islam?

Is Shariah Law A Danger To Our U.S. National Security?

Could Steps That Team Obama Has Taken Be Emboldening Terrorists?

What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?

Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America-Will America Notice!

Do Muslims Need to Look in The Mirror?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

"Food For Thought"

"God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe"

Semper Fi!


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Signs of the Time

The comments continue to come in great numbers to my far-out thoughts at  , thoughts that bring little comment on this Tea Party blog.  The WordPress format I’m using on my domain blog is a favorite of entrepreneurs with something they want to sell on the Internet.


Roosevelt’s New Deal law, which has been around for three-quarters of a century, and is now bankrupting the nation morally, spiritually, and fiscally—now accepted by “compassionate conservatives,” President George Walker Bush called them—we note that said compassionate conservatives (including the weeping Republican Speaker of the House and dingy Democrats) leave nobody in Washington with the foggiest notion of how to stop runaway government spending.  The dingy Democrats never did know. They have never recognized that entrepreneurs were responsible for building the great nation they’ve always wanted to run.  Democrats have always been for caretaker government. They just don’t understand free enterprise.  Now that Roosevelt Democrats and “compassionate conservatives” have their wish, nobody knows what to do to turn the ongoing economic disaster around—realistically, don’t know how to get out of the commitments they’ve made they can’t keep.    


“Against the wall,” Pelosi calls for an ethics inquiry. Gee! Congressman Anthony Wiener, with his astonishing lacking in personal responsibility, is a demonstration of the time. Face it, my Tea Party friends, both liberal and conservative politicians have painted themselves into a corner. At least Congressman Wiener has now had the guts to admit the truth.  The absence of the truth from the balance of Congress is a lie. They know of no way out of financial mess they caused, without admitting the full truth. The proof grows greater with every passing day that neither big government advocates, big labor, nor big business have the foggiest idea of what to do keep the nation from going bankrupt.  


The undeniable fact is that giant corporations who can’t make a profit, now that politicians have control of the economy, have government to bail them out.  Because they have much to lose—government, big labor, and giant corporations—they are in a desperate fight to keep the status quo in place.  The bigger the crises, the more desperate their solutions, and the bigger their lies.  Which is the greater of the moral depravations, showing your naked body to the girls, or taking America to the poorhouse.  If Simple Simon Wiener should resign, they should all resign for blowing smoke at the naïve American people.  In fact it would be better to keep Wiener and get rid of smoke blowers.  We know Wiener.  


I was an entrepreneur. I had a very bad experience with government. I see on my administration page WordPress blog that out of 58 posts since February 2, 2011 there have been 7,651 comments, 2,688 approved by me, 4,785 remaining for me to approve, almost all of the comments I’ve read are highly favorable.  There is a groundswell building that is not well known.


On January 16, 2011, I posted Kevin Kelly's Economic Prediction on my Tea Party blog.  I didn’t receive one comment to the following:

1.     The Law of Connections: The collapsing microcosm of chips and the exploding telecosm of connections will tear the old laws of wealth apart and prepare territory for the emerging economy.

2.     The Law of Plentitude: Curious things happen when you connect all to all.  Adding a few more members can dramatically increase the value for all members

3.     The Law of Exponential Value: The chart of Microsoft’s cornucopia of profits is a revealing graph because it mirrors several other plots of rising stars in a Network Economy. However, the same forces that feed on each other to amplify network presences into powerful overnight standards can also work in reverse to unravel them in a blink. Success will become nonlinear and self-regulating.

4.      The Law of Tipping Points:  Significance precedes momentum. Success became infectious and spread pervasively.  It became difficult not to be infected. For instance, how long could one hold out not having a telephone?

5.     The Law of Increasing Returns:  Them that’s got shall get. It depends on this: while centralized government gets more punishing, the Network Economy rewards schemes that allow decentralized creation, and punishes those that don’t.

6.     The law of Inverse Pricing: While the worst—government—gets more costly each year, the very best gets cheaper each year. It is a major engine for the new economy.

7.     The Law of Generosity:   Microsoft makes huge profits by giving away its Web browser, thereby creating a need. 

8.     The Law of Allegiance: The prosperity of the company is directly linked to the prosperity of the network.  

9.     The Law of Devolution: The tightly linked nature of any economy, but especially the Network Economy’s ultraconnected constitution, make it behave ecologically. The fate of individual organizations is not dependent entirely on their own merits, but also on the fate of their neighbors, their allies, their competitors, and, of course, on that of the immediate environment.  

Kelly’s ideas posted on brought lots of comments.  My Tea Party friends, if you expect to do any good at all, you are going to have to redirect the elected to think in terms of what would be good policy for entrepreneurs.   If you would like to read my entrepreneur thoughts and the comments of many other entrepreneurs, go to

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4063322042?profile=original  Is America coming to the Point Of No Return? Not if I can help it!


The purported destruction of the U.S. is not a set of coincidental circumstances, but a cold calculated plan to DAMN the U.S... Their plan is to strip America of its greatness and usher in new world globalism, thereby, deceptively leveling the international business markets. Some call it Global Communism, while others say, "It is just the faltering world economy, and we are all suffering."


ALERT: The Tea Party has figured it out. With a long-term "troubled America" the world can "pick the bones" of our international superstructure (which was created by the U.S. free enterprise system) and fatten their coffers at our expense, thereby damning America into a 3rd world status.


Listen Up: Here is how the Liberal Global Communists will try to bring America to its' knees:


First of all the Washington bureaucrats must believe that crushing and damning their own nation is a "good thing." They must be foolish enough to believe by Crushing the American dollar it will give the world a "fighting chance" in their struggle to grow without U.S. influence.


Think about it, Global Communists believe if the American dollar collapses then the American people's, courage will also collapse, leaving only the government to take the reins and remold America into the global puppet it should have been decades ago!


And, believe it or not, the global communists would demand the re-writing of our U.S. Constitution, a new one world currency would have to be created, and the U.S. society would be remolded so ALL people are level not equal. They will preach no poverty because the wealth would be redistributed, no illness because of government-run healthcare. No immigration problems because all the world would have "one-citizenship" without borders and of course everyone would own everything (in essence, no one owns anything). Private ownership would be outlawed! Guns? Heavens no! Only the government will own guns! In other words, America as we know it must be damned, destroyed and rebuilt into an evil image of Global Communism, much like a Frankenstein being assembled with dead parts, coming back to life.


Do you think I am spinning a fairytale? Think again, because this is exactly what the Obama Globalist regime is not only planning, but doing. As millions of Americans struggle to keep bread on their table the government, led by international globalist odalisques, are working overtime to bring America to its knees, to break it and then from the rubble rebuild our once fine nation into their corrupt image.


Believe me, there is a rigorous effort not to rebuild America, but to break it, damming it to a sudden and horrible death. Consider the debt stands about $14.5 trillion. Liberals, for the most part, keep cranking up the printing presses and distributing billions of dollars to the enemies of Israel and America as fast as they can. Obama earlier this year proposed a $3.7 trillion budget for 2012. That is about $1.2 to $1.5 trillion more than the government is projected to bring in!


But first a warning: The Liberal Global Communist's vision for America is to break, bust and bankrupt the economy of the U.S. so a few Washington odalisques grab the power as America implodes.


Hear This: No nation can survive when its leaders are deliberately trying to damn their own nation. Some of the Washington sycophants, themselves being quite insane, think reducing government spending levels is impossible, and, then spending within our Nations' means is unthinkable.


Well guess what, those insane S.O.B.'s better think again! It is damning their political futures and our beloved Nation as well! This is why they must be un-elected and removed from office before it is too late!


So you think I'm crazy? Then how do you explain this? In 2009 and 2010 we spent roughly $1.7 trillion more than we brought in. In 2008 we spent $1.4 trillion more than we collected. In 2006 and 2007 we spent $500 billion more than what we received in revenue. It is obvious spending lusts are growing.


Trouble is we are going to crash and burn if we stay on the Global Communist course Obama and his cabal has planned for us. If we keep spending trillions more than we have, there will be a crash and burn the magnitude of which there will be no recovery. America will be devastated and our financial resources burnt to the ground, we will be a damned nation.


Worst of all, the Liberal Global Communalists plan is far more than just spending more than we bring in, they want to turn our beloved nation into a cruel and evil image of themselves.


How can they do that? You may ask


Frankly, we have discovered their plan. Read this and tell me if this looks familiar:


· Devastating Industry by Federal Regulation

· Nationalization of the Internet

· Escalation of Taxes and Acceleration of Public Welfare

· Removal of Citizen Privacy

· Desecrate U.S. International Standing with Undeclared Wars and Confused Foreign Policy

 · Fast-track "Out of Control" Spending of Phony Dollars


ATTENTION: We MUST turn off the Red Ink Spigot! We must End Red Ink Spending NOW. The Obama global communist regime has been dumping trillions of phony dollars into the economy which is causing massive pain to our beloved Citizens who are now forced to live on those phony dollars.


The Tea Party is going to turn "damning into blessing," but only with your help.

And, the good news is, we've got the cure! No more government Kool-Aid!


We have created a 3 step approach:

 Step 1 - Get Active

Get Active for free: blog, post photos, write articles, start forums, create talk radio shows and even start your own group. Encourage others with your Patriotism and build a ground swell. The Tea Party and your friends must become the answer. We must have an old fashion down to earth membership drive, thereby creating a voting block that can swing any election.

 [Click To Take Action]


Step 2 - .99/ 29.11

Deploy the power of .99! That's right. For .99 cents per day you can underwrite the brave work of the Tea Party. Our 29.11 Tea Party Guards are pledging their recurring help for the ongoing work of the Tea Party. $29.11 per month is less than .99 cent per day. For less than the price of a 6 pack and a pizza you can step up and say: Yes, You can count on me. I want to become the backbone of the Tea Party!

[Click > .99 Tea Party Guard]


Step 3 - Fax Blast Washington

Send a powerful Fax Blast to Washington that they won't forget! The Tea Party must tell Washington to "End Red Ink Spending!" Some of the liberal cabal will see your fax and become frightened, but the Conservatives will read your fax and take heart knowing millions of Tea Party members are supporting their efforts to restore America.

 [Click Here To Fax Blast]


The truth be told, it's up to you. Either you step up and be counted or get on your knees and lick the boots of the Global Communists as they yank at your neck chain.




That's it; I'm taking off the gloves! Some weak frightened Citizens don't want to resist, they would rather try to "get along". I guess the choice is clear. There are quickly becoming two groups in America, the brave and the Obama minions. Are you going to get involved and protect our beloved nation joining the ranks of the brave or are you going to be an Obama's minion, it's your choice. If you are going to join the ranks of the Tea Party Resistance, then do it. But if you are going to be nothing more than an Obama minion, then get out of our way, we've got work to do!


Do I sound harsh? How would you feel if your grandchild asks you why you didn't protect their future? I hope you never hear these words: Granddad, Grandma, "what's freedom"? What's your answer going to be? "I'm sorry honey me and your mom decided to side with the Global Communists and turn yellow belly against our heritage; I guess we became Obama minions and gave your heritage to everyone else but you."


"Please, brave only need to participate; there are already too many Obama minions out there."


To be honest, we must build our ranks, we need each and every one of you to be a recruiter and be the restoration of America. There must be extreme growth of the Tea Party membership. Remember this: In times of peace prepare for war. And God knows the war against our FREEDOM is upon us.


Invite your friends, neighbor, relatives and co-workers to join NOW. Tomorrow will be too late.


PATRIOT, time to get involved in a big way. The Damning of America, And What You Can Do About It Call To Action.


· Join the Tea Party and enroll all your contacts NOW. [Click To Take Action]


· Deploy the power of .99 Be a 29.11 Tea Party Guard NOW.  Click > .99 Tea Party Guard]


· Send a powerful fax blast to all 100 Senators and all 435 members of the House of Representatives NOW. [Click Here To Fax Blast]




The Global Communist will be shocked when their fax machines start to smoke, overheat and boil from your red hot faxes. However, Conservatives, who are holding the lines, will see your fax as an encouragement.


The Global Communists will scream when they see the Tea Party ranks swell with pissed off miffed Patriots. However, Conservatives will be greatly inspired knowing help is on the way.


The Global Communists will gag when they learn how the Tea Party is being funded by throngs of Patriots for only .99 cents a day! However, Conservatives will be comforted knowing the Tea Party Guards are underwriting the efforts of getting the Liberals out of office.


If the Tea Party is not the answer then what is?

If you are not a member of the Tea Party then why not?


Samuel Adams: "The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men."

Source: Strong Tea Drinker -

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Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On June 5, 2011:

“This is the second of three articles explaining the criminal complaint that scanner-expert Doug Vogt filed last week with the FBI.

The 22-page criminal complaint filed with the FBI by document-imaging expert Doug Vogt charges that individuals within the Hawaii Department of Health, Obama political operatives and an unidentified graphic artist worked in a multi-state conspiracy to create a fraudulent long-form birth certificate for Barack Obama.

Vogt’s complaint asserts: “I have irrefutably proven that the Certificate of Live Birth that President Obama presented to the world on April 27, 2011 is a fraudulently created document put together using the Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator programs.”

He claims the long-form birth certificate the White House released April 27 as an electronic document in PDF format was forged from a composite of legitimate birth certificates obtained from the Hawaii DOH archives and manipulated to replace the original authentic information.

As WND has previously reported, Obama’s birth certificate number appears to be out of sequence with the birth certificate numbers given to twins born a day after Obama.

Susan Nordyke, the first twin, was born at 2:12 p.m. Aug. 5, 1961, and was given certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10637, which was filed with the Hawaii registrar on Aug. 11, 1961. Gretchen Nordyke was born at 2:17 p.m. and was given certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10638, which was also filed with the Hawaii registrar Aug. 11, 1961.

Barack Obama was given certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10641, even though he was born Aug. 4, 1961, the day before the Nordyke twins, and his birth was registered with the Hawaii Department of Health registrar three days earlier, Aug. 8, 1961.

“It is impossible to have Obama’s certificate number to be four numbers higher than a certificate that came in three days later,” Vogt concludes.

Vogt’s forensic examination of the birth certificate number on the White House-released long form concluded that the last “1” in the number “10641,” as seen in the figure below, is a grayscale image, while the remaining numbers are not. This is, he says, “irrefutable proof that the certificate number is a composite of two numbers and hence a forgery.”


Vogt argues that a person or persons in the Hawaii DOH with access to the document-imaging program searched the database for someone close to the actual birth date of Obama and found someone born near Aug. 4, 1961.

“Obama may have chosen the 4th of August because they had a baby who died close to his date of birth,” he writes. “The clerk may have cross-referenced the death database to find someone who had died and had a birth date close to Obama’s.”

Vogt speculated that someone may have taken the birth certificate number originally assigned an infant girl named Virginia Sunahara, born Aug. 4, 1961, at Wahiawa Hospital in Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii.

As WND previously reported, Virginia Sunahara died Aug. 5, 1961, at Kapi’olani hospital, due to complications, the same day the Nordyke twins were born there

Regarding Virginia Sunahara, Vogt made two assumptions:

“The first would be that the Wahiawa Hospital would have filled the COLB (Certificate of Live Birth) form as customary and mailed it to the County Health Department and the Kapiolani Medical Center would have filled out the death certificate. The other less probable would be that her medical records were transferred to Kapiolani Hospital and they would produce the birth certificate and later the death certificate was later included in the group of birth certificates that contained the Nordyke twins.”

Vogt speculated that a forger took Virginia Sunahara’s birth number as Obama’s, knowing that she was long dead and not available to complain about identity theft.

“We can conclude from this that more than one person was involved in the Hawaii Department of Health to assemble the different components that were used and also do the database searches to find the right certificates to create the fraudulent Certificate of Live Birth and finally someone who signed the fraudulent certificate,” he writes.

“I believe that after all the components were assembled they were then given to a graphic artist to actually assemble the whole thing and create the finished forgery. That graphic artist could be located anywhere. In short this was a multi-state conspiracy to defraud the United States.”

Date stamp irregularities:

In Boxes 20 and 22 on the Obama long-form birth certificate, the stamps recording the date the local registrar and registrar general accepted the birth certificate have two different colors on both lines where there should be no color at all.

Also, the color differences are evident in Box 22, both in the printed text of the box and in the stamp recording the date that the local registrar accepted the birth certificate, Vogt says, as seen below:


“What I think this is showing us is that the person who put this fraud together was looking for a form that had the right date, namely “August 8 19_1,” Vogt writes, commenting on Box 22. “As you can see the only things that are printed in dark green (R=71, G=92, B=73) are ‘Date A’ and ‘AUG -8 6.’ The rest of the type is in black.”

Vogt believes this was a clear indication “that the forger was working in color mode and what they copied from had a color value for some reason unless they put a color value on it.”

The color differences are also evident in Box 20, the date the local registrar accepted the birth certificate, as seen below:


“The ‘AUG -8 196’ is in dark green (R=87, G=111, B=87) and the ‘1’ is in black,” Vogt observes with regard to Box 20. “Yet again, another irrefutable proof this form is a forgery.”

Vogt additionally observes that the font size of the rubber stamp in Box 22 is larger than the stamp used in Box 20.

“This is unlikely because the same rubber stamp would have been used, at the same time, by the same registrar to stamp the dates in both places and sign the form in Box 21,” he notes. “Since we have two size letters and numbers, this means these elements were taken from two separate forms that may have been years apart using different rubber stamps.”

The official seal is not part of the Obama birth certificate

Vogt references the embossed seal on the short-form Certification of Live Birth posted by to determine that the Hawaii DOH was using an electric embosser that applies ample pressure to leave a clearly visible embossment.

The embossed seal on the short-form COLB appeared about three inches from the bottom of the 11-inch paper, but hand seal embossers have only 1 ¾ inch or less clearance for a 2 ¼ inch seal from the edge of the paper.

The figure below shows the embossed seal on the Obama short-form COLB posted by


Vogt notes that even on the Nordyke twins’ birth certificates, as seen below, the embossed seal was evident, even though the image was inverted to white-on-black from the original microfilm image:


The figure below shows that the embossed seal on the Obama birth certificate released by the White House is visible only because a color filter was used to see it, otherwise it disappears in the design of the security paper:


The figure below shows a close-up of the seal on the Obama long-form birth certificate under color filter:


The figure below shows that the embossed seal on the Obama long-form document disappears into the hash-marked background when the document is viewed normally, without color filters:


“The official seal on the Obama birth certificate released by the White House on April 27 is a second or even third generation image from another form,” Vogt concludes. “The seal embossing did not distort the lines or type on the form and it most likely was never part of his certificate. Yet another indication this Certificate of Live Birth is an obvious forgery.”

Forged state registrar stamp?

Vogt concludes the state registrar’s stamp certifying the Obama April 27 birth certificate is itself a forgery.

He examined a legitimate stamp placed on a long-form birth certificate copy issued by the Hawaii DOH on March 15, 2011.

As seen below, the stamp, with a likeness of the signature of State Registrar Alvin T. Onaka, Ph.D., is placed to the bottom right of the certificate, with the date stamp to the left:


Note, that since hand stamps are used on the document issued March 15, 2011, the date stamp and the state registrar’s stamp are not on a straight line. Instead, the state registrar’s stamp is skewed up on the right.

As seen below, the registrar’s stamp applied to Obama’s April 27 birth certificate has an error in the word “THE” that reads instead “TXE.” The error did not show up on the stamp used one month earlier.


Also note that on the Obama birth certificate, the whole stamp is straight on the form, as seen by the red underline.

Vogt concludes that a graphic artist placed the state registrar’s stamp on the Obama birth certificate “to look as straight as possible.”

The problem, he stressed was that “no hand stamped notice like this would be placed that perfect on the page.”

As seen below, the “A” in Alvin appears to have a smiley face drawn in, an effect accomplished by puting an “E” in the loop of the “A” in Alvin:


Regarding the smiley face in the “A” of “Alvin,” Vogt concludes: “We have to assume that either the artifact was already on the security image the forger used, and forgot to erase it, or it was placed there deliberately for some reason that we don’t know yet.”

  • Media wishing to interview Jerome Corsi, please contact WND.

THE FULL STORY: See listing of hundreds of exclusive WND reports on the eligibility issue:


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts, video and audio relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record 'forged' (Part 1)!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 31, 2011:

II. Expert: Obama Doc Is 'Proof' – of Fraud!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On June 7, 2011:

III. Two San Diego County Attorneys Continue Court Battle Challenging President Obama’s Citizenship!-Posted on San Diego 6-Updated on June 2, 2011:

IV.  Video: Attorney’s Explosive Claim, Obama Changed Name in 1982!-Posted on June 4, 2011:

V.  Audio: Corsi makes newspaper circuit in eligibility probe: ‘Interviewed by Jack Minor of Greeley Gazette’!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On June 5, 2011:

Note What follows is a video that explains why the newly released "Certificate of Live Birth" is irrelevant because the President does not meet the constitutional requirements to be our President-You Decide:  

The video that will END the Obama Presidency! Birthers Get Last Laugh & Demand Formal Apology!-Posted on KenyanBornObamAcorn-On May 1, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newl...

Why Obama is ineligible – regardless of his birthplace!–-regardless-of-his-birthplace/

Hawaii Elections Clerk: Obama birth not here!

Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted!

DC knows that Obama is ineligible for office!

Obama's paltry paper trail raises serious questions!

Was there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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In addressing “Weinergate,” Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chair of the DNC said, “I think Anthony Weiner is dealing with a personal matter and that’s where it should be left.”

That myopic view might make sense if Weiner was employed in a menial calling involving little or no public responsibility.

However, Anthony Weiner is NOT working in a menial job, not yet, that is.

Rather, Weiner has been elected to serve the people of New York as a member of the United States Congress.

Serving in the “People’s House” is a major honor for those selected, but it involves responsibility for deciding on major issues facing the nation.

Issues such as whether or not to declare war, whether or not to adopt ObamaCare, how best to reduce the soaring deficit, and other vital matters facing Americans.

In other words, being a member of Congress requires sound JUDGEMENT.

When politicians run for high political office, the voting public assumes that the candidate will exercise mature, wise and prudent judgement.

Listening to Anthony Weiner sob his way through his second mental breakdown in less than one week, one was struck by his immaturity, lack of wisdom, and imprudent judgement.

One would expect an immature ten-year-old boy just discovering the wonders of sex to photograph his own genitalia, to Twitter said photo throughout cyberspace, and to engage in lust-laden e-mails and phone conversations on Facebook and other social networks.

But a sitting member of the U.S. House of Representatives who also just happens to be married?

Even lefty partisans like Wasserman Schultz must find such behavior bizarre and outrageous. Intoleraable!

In the coming ethics investigation, Congressional leaders must demand an answer to the following question:

Why in the hell did Anthony Weiner find it necessary to wander throughout cyberspace for sexual adventure when he is married to a drop-dead beautiful, well educated and sophisticated young lady waiting for him at home?

Are there other deep, dark psychological problems haunting Weiner?

Regardless of the exact details, Anthony Weiner is not fit to serve in the United States Congress.

He must go, and now!

John W. Lillpop
Read more…

Posted on Forbes-By ADDISON WIGGIN-On June 1, 2011:

“There is definitely going to be another financial crisis around the corner,” says hedge fund legend Mark Mobius, “because we haven’t solved any of the things that caused the previous crisis.”

We’re raising our alert status for the next financial crisis. We already raised it last week after spreads on U.S. credit default swaps started blowing out.  We raised it again after seeing the remarks of Mr. Mobius, chief of the $50 billion emerging markets desk at Templeton Asset Management.

Speaking in Tokyo, he pointed to derivatives, the financial hairball of futures, options, and swaps in which nearly all the world’s major banks are tangled up.

Estimates on the amount of derivatives out there worldwide vary. An oft-heard estimate is $600 trillion. That squares with Mobius’ guess of 10 times the world’s annual GDP. “Are the derivatives regulated?” asks Mobius. “No. Are you still getting growth in derivatives? Yes.”

In other words, something along the lines of securitized mortgages is lurking out there, ready to trigger another crisis as in 2007-08.

What could it be? We’ll offer up a good guess, one the market is discounting.

Seldom does a stock index rise so much, for so little reason, as the Dow did on the open Tuesday morning: 115 Dow points on a rumor that Greece is going to get a second bailout.

Let’s step back for a moment: The Greek crisis is first and foremost about the German and French banks that were foolish enough to lend money to Greece in the first place. What sort of derivative contracts tied to Greek debt are they sitting on? What worldwide mayhem would ensue if Greece didn’t pay back 100 centimes on the euro?

That’s a rhetorical question, since the balance sheets of European banks are even more opaque than American ones. Whatever the actual answer, it’s scary enough that the European Central Bank has refused to entertain any talk about the holders of Greek sovereign debt taking a haircut, even in the form of Greece stretching out its payments.

That was the preferred solution among German leaders. But it seems the ECB is about to get its way. Greece will likely get another bailout – 30 billion euros on top of the 110 billion euro bailout it got a year ago.

It will accomplish nothing. Going deeper into hock is never a good way to get out of debt. And at some point, this exercise in kicking the can has to stop. When it does, you get your next financial crisis.

And what of the derivatives sitting on the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve? Here’s another factor behind our heightened state of alert.

“Through quantitative easing efforts alone,” says Euro Pacific Capital’s Michael Pento, “Ben Bernanke has added $1.8 trillion of longer-term GSE debt and mortgage-backed securities (MBS).”

Think about that for a moment. The Fed’s entire balance sheet totaled around $800 billion before the 2008 crash, nearly all of it Treasuries. Now the Fed holds more than double that amount in mortgage derivatives alone, junk that the banks needed to clear off their own balance sheets.

“As the size of the Fed’s balance sheet ballooned,” continues Mr. Pento, “the dollar amount of capital held at the Fed has remained fairly constant. Today, the Fed has $52.5 billion of capital backing a $2.7 trillion balance sheet.

“Prior to the bursting of the credit bubble, the public was shocked to learn that our biggest investment banks were levered 30-to-1. When asset values fell, those banks were quickly wiped out.

But now the Fed is holding many of the same types of assets and is levered 51-to-1! If the value of their portfolio were to fall by just 2%, the Fed itself would be wiped out.”

Mr. Pento’s and Mr. Mobius’ views line up with our own, which we laid out during interviews on our trip to China this month.

An Eye on the Next Financial Crisis by Addison Wiggin originally appeared in the Daily Reckoning.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I.  After Two Years Of Keynesian Stimulus, The Growth Deficit!-Posted on Charles Kadlec, COMMUNITY OF LIBERTY-ON June 6, 2011:

After two years of Keynesian and monetarist stimulus on steroids, the anemic recovery from the 2008-09 recession is giving way to a slow-growth economy. No economist in 2009 warned that an $800 billion in federal stimulus spending and a tripling of the Fed’s balance sheet through two rounds of quantitative easing would lead to an unemployment rate that still hovers above 9%.  Yet, that is exactly where things stand.

This growth deficit constitutes a real world repudiation of government spending, extended unemployment benefits, targeted tax credits, temporary tax cuts and easy money by the Fed as ways to stimulate economic activity and job creation. Moreover, the growth deficit represents a clear and present danger to all efforts to reduce the federal budget deficit in the year – and years – ahead.

The May jobs report underlines the cost of this policy failure on American families. Total non-farm employment increased by only 54,000, leading to an uptick in the unemployment rate to 9.1%. The outlook for jobs growth also weakened, with the employment of temporary workers and the average workweek remaining unchanged, suggesting no pressing need to add to the jobs rolls.  As federal “stimulus funds” run out, growth deficit induced budgetary pressures on state and local governments is also likely to lead to continued reduction in government payrolls.

The May Purchasing Managers Index for manufacturing (PMI) also points to a downshift in the economy’s already meager growth rate.  The index fell a staggering 6.9 points to 53.5, a level narrowly above 50, the demarcation between a growing and contracting manufacturing sector.  The two components that dropped the most were New Orders and Backlog of Orders, suggesting more weakness ahead.

Not surprisingly, greater uncertainty associated with a slow growth economy also dampened retail sales, which were up a weaker than expected 4.9%, while car sales fell 3.7% from their year ago levels.  No doubt, overall car sales were hurt by the disruption in supplies of Japanese cars, with sales of Toyotas falling 33%.  But, only Chrysler and Hyundai showed sales gains.

While those who advocated the Obama Administration’s stimulus plan have started to call for yet more spending and monetary ease, there is little support for fiscal policies, which have so clearly have failed.  Although the Fed may on its own go for another round of quantitative easing, higher commodity prices are beginning to flow through into growth-choking price increases in gasoline, autos, and other consumer goods.

The danger now is that with the progressive big government policies discredited, conservatives will embrace the growth deficit, instead of growth policies, out of their ambition to defeat President Barack Obama in the 2012 election.

The debate between the growth and austerity wings of the conservative movement can be seen on the pages of National Review Online.  First, NRO Editor Rich Lowry wrote a column, “The Party That Forgot Jobs,” Republicans for forgetting “the absolute pride of place (Ronald Reagan) gave to economic growth.”  He noted that an economic growth agenda is not only vital to winning elections, but a necessary component of any effort to balance the budget.

But then, in a column entitled “Hope is Not a Policy,” NRO Deputy Managing Editor Kevin Williamson criticized  Forbes columnist Ralph Benko and CNBC’s Larry Kudlow for emphasizing the need to pursue policies that could lead to 5% growth, calling such efforts “magic unicorns.” Instead, he advised, we should be comfortable with a 2% per year growth rate, pointing out such a growth path would lead to a doubling of GDP in the next 35 years.  What he fails to explain is why the American people should be satisfied with anything less than the 3.2% average rate of growth since 1950 – which includes all of the recessions and periods of sub-par growth through 2010.

More than rhetoric and the next election are at stake.  Economic growth is the most important part of the effort to restore balance to the federal budget.  The growth deficit has already added more than $100 billion a year to the current federal deficit, which in budget speak, totals to more than $1 trillion of lost revenue over the next 10 years.

In case you think that number improbable, here is how the calculation works. Since the economy’s second quarter of 2009 bottom, it has expanded 4.9%.  That is only half the average 7-quarter expansion during the four worst recessions since 1950.   Had the rebound been average, the nation’s GDP today would be $675 billion larger. Assuming the long-term average of 18.1% of GDP, receipts this year would have been $122 billion higher, 74% above the projected revenue from raising income tax rates on families with incomes above $250,000.  State and local tax revenue, which averages 9% of GDP, would be $60 billion higher, bringing much needed relief, and fewer layoffs, to state and local governments.

While the difference between Mr. Williamson’s 2% growth and the average of 3.2% may seem trivial, the consequences of even this small difference are monumental.  Two percent growth implies high unemployment rates as far as the eye can see, and continued political pressure to expand the welfare state to provide a safety net for those being left jobless or under-employed and in despair.  By contrast, 3.2% growth implies at least modest, though still unacceptably slow, reductions in the unemployment rate and some increase in living standards.

And, for all of you deficit hawks, consider this:  Over ten years, the slightly higher growth compounds to an economy that is nearly $3 trillion larger, and a cumulative federal deficit that is more than $4 trillion smaller than an economy growing only 2% a year.

Thus, a vital, but apparently missing component of negotiations over increasing the debt limit, is a pro-growth set of policies that will close the growth deficit.

Reducing government spending will itself free up resources and lead to higher growth. But, solving the long-term fiscal imbalance also requires more revenues.  And, the surest way to increase revenues at the federal, state and local level is to expand the tax base by implementing policies that will lead to more jobs and higher incomes and profits.

The House Republican plan for “Job Creators” should be as important as spending reductions in reaching an agreement to increase the debt ceiling.  Adding such a win-win component to the negotiations could produce a breakthrough that would be welcomed by all.”


II. U.S. funding for future promises lags by trillions!-Posted on USAToday-By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY-On June 7, 2011:

III. Video: Lib Talker Calls on Obama to Starve People In Red States to Stop The GOP on Debt Ceiling!-Posted on Conservative Byte-On June 7, 2011:

IV. Video: Obama Is Just Wrong on Debt Ceiling!-Posted on June 6, 2011:

V. The Raw Job Market Numbers Are Downright Scary!-Posted on Pajamas Media-On June 6, 2011:

VI. True Cost of Fannie, Freddie Bailouts: $317 Billion, CBO Says-Posted on Matt Cover-On June 6, 2011:

VII. USDA Spending $10 Million to Promote Farmers' Markets in Michelle Obama's 'Food Deserts'-Posted on CNSNews-By Susan Jones-On June 6, 2011:

VIII. 1,400 Health Care Waivers Raise Suspicion of Political Favoritism-Posted on RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR, Associated Press-On June 6, 2011:

IX.  How Free Is America?-Posted on Pajamas Media-By Matt Patterson-On June 3, 2011:

X.  Obama’s High Disapproval Ratings For His Handling of The Economy!-Posted on Hotline On Call-By Steven Shepard-On June 7, 2011:

XI.  ABC’s Amanpour Chafes Over Focus on Debt, Pushes for ‘Another Stimulus’ Big Spending Bill-Posted on The Media Research Center-By Brent Baker-On June 6, 2011:

XII. The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Is the Fed’s concept of buying $600 billion of Treasuries just a smokescreen?’s-concept-of-buying-600-billion-of-treasuries-just-a-smokescreen/

The Obama Fiscal Responsibility Farce Continues!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


Read more…

Weiner is a "Pervert" Who Will Not Resign!
"Pervert" Weiner has No Honor!
"Pervert" Weiner Has No Integrity!
"Pervert" Weiner Has No Family Values!
"Pervert" Weiner Has No Ethcis!
"Pervert" Weiner is gonna get Republicans Elected!
"Pervert" Weiner Set Himself Up To Be Blackmailed, Not Only By The Women He Belittled, But Also Set Himself Up for Being "Blackmailed" Dark Forces Who May Want Him to Compromise American Secrets In Order Him to Turnover American Sensitive Information!
"Pervert" Weiner Took Advantage of Women. Where are Womens Libbers?
"NOW" is Totally Quiet as Long as a Democrat Does this. "Now" has Zero Integrity!

Read more…


Another Immoral Democrat Melts Down: "Weinergate" Ends in Tear and Defiance!

By John W. Lillpop

After several days of “Weinergate” drama, the U.S. Congressman who claimed that the release of a lewd photo from his Twitter account was an obvious “hack” job, has finally admitted what was perfectly obvious to everyone else in the world: The entire episode was conceived and executed by Anthony Weiner himself.

That is right, the same left-wing nut ball who fancies himself a suitable person to preside over the city of New York and its 14 million inhabitants.

As reported, in part, at the reference:

Embattled Rep. Anthony Weiner admitted to posting lewd photos of himself on Twitter at a Monday afternoon press conference.

While addressing the media at the Sheraton Hotel in Midtown Manhattan, Weiner made the following statement:

“Last Friday night I tweeted a photograph of myself that I intended to send as direct message as part of a joke to a woman in Seattle. Once I realized I posted it to Twitter, I panicked, I took it down and said that I had been hacked. I then continued with that story to stick to that story which was a hugely regrettable mistake.”

Weiner apologized to the Seattle student, who was on the receiving end of the tweet. “To be clear, the picture was of me and I sent it. I am deeply sorry for the pain this has caused my wife Huma and our family, and my constituents, my friends, supporters and staff,” Weiner said.
In addition, the congressman said that “over the past few years I have engaged in several inappropriate conversations conducted over Twitter, Facebook, email, and occasionally on the phone with women I have met online.”

Weiner said he “exchanged messages and photos of an explicit nature with about six women over the last three years.” He said “most” of the communications took place before his marriage, but admitted some took place afterward.

Weiner also said he would not resign and that he did not believe that he did anything that broke the law. Weiner said it was a mistake but that he was trying to protect his wife.

“This was a mistake and I am very sorry for it and take it very seriously,” he said.

When asked if he would split from his wife, Weiner said he loved his wife very much and that they would not split.”

Hold on there, Weiner! When it comes to Huma, why not let the Lady speak for herself? With her drop-dead beauty and connections, surely she can do better than being manacled to a 46-year-old going on 12?

Furthermore, Weiner claims that all of his sexual communiqués were with adult women, those over 18, although he admits that it is conceivable that some of his tweets were with ladies who “fibbed” about their age.

Hmm. Surely law enforcement will check that all out and advise the beleaguered if criminal culpability exists—right?
Read more…

Posted on Patriot Update-By Ann-Marie Murrell-On June 6, 2011:

Those pesky Democrats are at it again—and this time they’re aiming for the group that almost single-handedly changed the standing of the House of Representatives in 2010:  The Tea Party.

With their usual aplomb, instead of fighting face-to-face like decent human beings, the Democrats are sneaking around-back and trying to find Alinsky-approved ways to infiltrate unseen.

They are doing this with the help of a VERY deceptive website called (–a group which basically funnels money out of everyone from ordinary citizens to big labor unions and redirects them into slush funds for Democratic activists.

When you first go to the PatriotMajority website, it initially looks like every Conservative website on the Internet.  It’s all red, white and blue with a video of the Statue of Liberty and graphics of Mt. Rushmore.  Their “Patriot Majority” logo has the usual Tea Party graphic of a Revolutionary soldier in profile holding a rifle.

Their motto is:  “We believe it is our patriotic duty to protect the American Dream, strengthen national security and provide for the common good of all Americans. We also work independently to elect candidates who support these patriotic policies.”

And their ‘About Us’ statement and goals:

Patriot Majority PAC was formed in October 2009 with two organizational goals:

Promote policies that protect the American Dream, strengthen our national security and provide for the common good of our growing and dynamic population.

Work independently to elect Senate and Congressional candidates in targeted races who support these patriotic policies.

To help achieve these two organizational goals, Patriot Majority PAC’s new web site will examine in depth and vigorously support policies and candidates dedicated to achieving this American agenda:

1. Strengthen our national security, support our troops and keep the promises made to our nation’s military veterans
2. Create jobs, ensure America’s return to a vibrant, job-creating economy and keep America at the global forefront of technology development and innovation
3. Secure and diversify our energy supply with affordable, clean energy and, once and for all, end our reliance on foreign oil from countries that either hate us or harbor those who plot to harm us
4. Strengthen our health-care system so that it remains the best in the world, but also so that it is affordable
5. Educate our young people to compete successfully in a knowledge-based economy
6. Promote the free flow of public information vital to a well-informed citizenry and ensure transparency in public life and among government officials in order to serve the common good rather than special interests
7. Support smart and effective public safety policies that are beneficial to law enforcement, other public safety officials and the citizens they are sworn to protect

Sounds awesome, right?  Sounds just like any Tea Party or Conservative site with the basic same set of goals.


When you click on a link called The Tea Party is Over, you’ll see the real monster behind the proverbial curtain.

On their REAL page, the first thing that grabs you is a picture of Sarah Palin looking as vicious as our Sarah possibly can with a banner that reads, “We came unarmed (this time)”.

“It’s time to fight back,” the website screams.  “As Americans, we must answer the call to patriotic duty and say no to the dangerous extremism that threatens to tear our country apart.”  Following this call to arms, there are links that say, “Sign up! Support real patriots!  Tell your friends!  Vote for who should be defeated!” “Keep America Strong and Secure.  Bag the Tea Party.”

On this undisguised page, there are articles called Florida Congressman Discusses the Issues” (all about Col. Allen West, whom they apparently see as a potential threat); “Tea Party Fringe Still Likes Donald the Demagogue” and “Tea Party Stands for Toxic”. 

There’s also an Eye on the Tea Party” map, in which you can see exactly where the most active Tea Party movements are throughout the United States.

Fox News report last year uncovered exactly who is behind this website and it all boils down to two men:  Democrat strategists Craig Varoga and George Rakis.

These two sneaky dudes run a Maryland-based consulting firm called Independent Strategies (another site that looks much more Conservative/Patriot than liberal).  They have another address which Fox describes as the center of where their activity seems to come from, a single office in Southeast D.C. — 300 M Street, Suite 1102 which, according to Fox, “plays host to a sprawling political shell game they have established.”

Their Suite 1102 office is run by lawyer Joseph Sandler, who is a general counsel to the Democratic National Committee.

Part of what Varoga and Rakis have done is set up a number 527’s, which are basically tax-exempt groups that, under section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code, are “allowed to raise money for political activities including voter mobilization efforts, issue advocacy and the like.”

According to, “Many 527’s run by special interest groups raise unlimited ‘soft money,’ which they use for voter mobilization and certain types of issue advocacy, but not for efforts that expressly advocate the election or defeat of a federal candidate or amount to electioneering communications.”

So Varoga and Rakis are able to keep a central mailing address in Washington and can gather this ‘soft money’ from unions and other Democratic contributors in what Fox calls “a legal laundering system”.  The tens of millions of dollars collected “gets circulated around to different states by the 527s, which pay for TV ads, Internet campaigns and lobbyist salaries, all while keeping the hands of the unions clean—for the most part.”

The “most part” meaning that this deceptive system hides the true sources of funding—making it appear as if the money is coming from individual states, or more of a ‘grass roots’ base instead of a huge central location run by two Democrat strategists.

All of this is dishonest and borderline criminal, yes; but illegal, no.

Rep. Paul Ryan said, “There’s a reason they do it:  they know voters don’t like outsiders coming in to sway the vote.”

According to Fox, public records show “at least seven political shops listed in Varoga and Rakis’s D.C. office, most of which are essentially clones of one another, but all of which have offered money—from measly thousands to game-changing millions—in state-level elections across the country”:

The American Public Policy Committee:

Donations | IRS forms
Patriot Majority                                                

Donations | IRS forms
Citizens for Progress

Donations | IRS forms
Oklahoma Freedom Fund

Donations | IRS formsMid Atlantic Leadership Fund

Donations | IRS forms
Public Security Now

Donations | IRS forms
Pioneer Majority

Donations | IRS forms
Bluegrass Freedom Fund

Donations | IRS forms

These groups worked hard to win the November ’10 elections, using their money for anti-Tea Party ads and more.  And all of their money was came from Patriot Majority and Citizens for Progress (also called Patriot Majority West).

Election law experts call the naming system intentional and “generally disapprove of the practice.”

Ryan said, “I do take issue with and have long complained about groups that shield particular special interests with innocuous-sounding names like … ‘Americans for America.’  That type of naming of an organization, I believe, is specifically intended to obscure the true sources of funding of special interest groups behind political activity.

Some of the major contributors of Patriot Majority and Patriot Majority West are:  the Service Employees International Union, Change to Win, the Communications Workers of America, the National Education Association, the Teamsters Union, the United Food & Commercial Workers Union, and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, which in 2008 donated $5.8 million to Patriot Majority and another $4.1 million to Patriot Majority Midwest.

What this means to YOU is that taxpayer dollars, sent up as union dues, have been going to fund a host of Democratic causes and help quash the tea party movement.

So please PLEASE be very aware of any site you visit which may or may not be what you think it is.  (I personally saw several of my Facebook friends listed as members of the site).  The Democrats are out for blood in the 2012 elections and they are willing to achieve their goal through any means available.”


Note:  My following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The New Stealth Trolls—Faux-Conservatives-Posted on The Patriot Update- by Ann-Marie Murrell-On April 29, 2011:—faux-conservatives

Wife of White House mouthpiece behind Petraeus attack: ‘Lee given new post to battle 'negative' reporting about president’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On May 25, 2011:

Convicted Felon Sets Up Nationwide Shop For Obama-Posted on Big Government-By Joel B. Pollak-On May 20, 2011:

Race, Republicans and the Presidential Election-Posted on The Patriot Update-On May 17, 2011:

Hecklers Spew Profanity, Flip Off Crowd During Another Allen West Town Hall-Posted on The Blaze-ByJonathon M. Seidl-On April 28, 2011:

The Left’s Deranged Hatred of Allen West-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Arnold Ahlert-On Apr 28th, 2011:

Black Conservatives Condemn Left-Wing Blogger's Racial Attack on Herman Cain-Posted on The National Center for Public Policy Research-On February 16, 2011:

Why does liberalism exhibit self-destructive behavior?-Posted on A Hollywood Republican-By Craig Covello-On April 26 2011:

Hate-A-Rama: The Vulgar, Sexist, Racist, Homophobic Rage of the Left-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Michelle Malkin-On March 2, 2011:

Video: Black Panther Tells Kids, “We Need to Take the Fight to the Enemy”-Posted on April 26, 2011:

The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:

Andrew Breitbart’s Righteous Indignation- Posted on The Patriot Update-By Ann-Marie Murrell-On May 23, 2011:’s-righteous-indignation

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

Who is sponsoring the NAACP’s ‘One Nation Working Together’ rally?’s-‘one-nation-working-together’-rally/

How ABC, CBS and NBC Have Dismissed and Disparaged the Tea Party Movement!

Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!

Liberal web site publishing harsh racial rhetoric!

Daily Kos ‘Bull’s-Eyed’ Gabrielle Giffords for Defeat in 2008!‘bull’s-eyed’-gabrielle-giffords-for-defeat-in-2008/

President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!

What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-about-the-president’s-background/

Massive Voter Fraud-Again!

Court overturns Arizona’s proof of citizenship requirement for voter registration!’s-proof-of-citizenship-requirement-for-voter-registration/

FEC allows SEIU's illegal political fund-raising scheme!

Beware: Stealth Universal Voter Registration Legislation is Coming Soon!

Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances!’s-campaign-finances/

Restoring Honor In America!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


Read more…

Why are the Radicals from the Left permitted to maintain a Double Standard? 

The following is related news:

RAW WEINER… NY Rep. Sent Naked Chest Shot ‘With Certitude’ to
Young Adoring Fan

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 6, 2011, 12:41 PM

Raw Weiner.
He’s finished.

Far left Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) sent a naked chest shot “with certitude” to a young adoring internet

More pics here.

Posted on Jun 06, 2011 @ 12:03PM  


By Dylan Howard
Senior Executive Editor, Star

Weinergate is getting bigger and bigger.

Another woman has come forward to
and Star magazine and provided a sexting exchange with embattled New York
Representative Anthony Weiner.

The woman says she has 200 sexually explicit messages from Weiner from a
Facebook account the Democratic politician no longer uses.

Top Celebrity Sex Scandals and Star magazine verified that the account where the
messages originated does belong to Weiner (see below).

He told the woman he had a "ridiculous bulge" in his shorts and asked if she
"wanna see" it -- almost three months before a photo of an erect penis in tight
fitting briefs appeared in the pol’s Twitter stream.

It’s a sensational twist to the scandal plaguing the embattled New York
congressman. This new woman is middle-aged  and from Nevada.

Sexy Sex Tape Celebs

She requested that her name not be used but Radar and Star verified that she
is listed as one of Weiner’s friends on his Facebook page.

The woman provided  Radar and Star with a partially redacted transcript of a
private Facebook "sexting" exchange she allegedly had with married Weiner on
March 16.

PHOTOS: Cheating Governor Mark Sanford Caught On Beach With Argentine

Weiner, 46, wrote to the woman, "ridiculous bulge in my shorts now. wanna

She responded: "Yea! can u send a pic?"

"jeez, im rushing. let me take a quick pic," Weiner answered.

Indecent Exposure! Stars Bring Little Too Much To Beach

After the woman asked how she was going to receive the image, Weiner
allegedly told her: "It wont go away. and now im taking pics of it. making me
harder still."

The woman told us the married politician never sent her the nude photo
because he "got cold feet."

But she claimed she has long been the object of Weiner's steamy flirtation
and the pair have carried on a "long-term Facebook affair" since early this

Celebrity Cheaters

"I have more than 200 messages from him and they're all explicit in nature,"
she told us.

In another missive laced with sexual overtures, Weiner allegedly wrote: "You
will surely make noise when I take you (censored). I will tell you

Responding to a message initiated by the woman, Weiner also sexted: "I like
when you talk about (censored)."

Celebs Texting Or Talking On Phone While Driving

The woman, who has volunteered as a Democratic campaign worker, said she
never met the congressman.

But in another startling claim, she claimed she once had a 30 minute phone
sex session with Weiner on his government provided telephone.

The woman said: "After a while I said to Anthony, 'Why are writing these
messages when we can just speak?'

"I gave him my number and he called me from his office and we proceeded to
talk dirty for at least 30 minutes.

Sexy Stars Who Have Been Arrested

"A few days later, I tried to call him back on that number.

"But the number wouldn't connect to his office; instead there was a recorded
message that it was an outgoing U.S. Congress line only."

Star and Radar have  confirmed Weiner's sexting
messages originated from a Facebook
he used regularly until November 24, last year and recently
abadoned. (A source close to Weiner verfied that he used that page.)

Since, he's redirected his legion of 44,144
supporters to a second and 'official' Facebook
presence, specifically designed for public figures.

But Weiner's previous page remains online and lists much of Weiner's
biographical information, including that he attended Brooklyn Technical High
School and is married to Huma Abedin, one of Hillary Clinton's top aides.

Weiner's office did not answer Star's request for comment regarding whether
the Democrat sent the messages or whether he was again the victim of the hacker,
as he's previously claimed.

Celebs Who Are Most Popular On Twitter

Weiner defiantly insisted he did not post a photograph, a close-up shot of a
man's underwear, on his Twitter and addressed to 21-year-old college student
Gennette Cordova.

Read more…

A Voice of the Future


I took this picture high in the San Juan Mountains towering over Durango, Colorado. A ribbon of wild flowers leads to a hole in the clouds and a patch of blue sky, a sign of the future. As I look back on my 85 years, I’ve found many signs that lead me to think there is a bright future. 


We are now at the end of an age wherein materialism has made a quantum leap.  The trouble is that our spiritual part remained the same.  The current world situation is the result, only instead of bows and arrows  to fight wars we have atom bombs.  Not good.


Our world is divided. Indulgence, decadence, denial, naiveté in America, two World Wars, the Korean War, Viet Nam, Desert Storm, the War in Iraq,  the destruction of the World Trade Center, the War on Terror, and now Middle East hatred for Jews, it looks like another Holocaust is in the making.


My personal situation in the 1970s was not that different from the situation America now finds herself facing.  Double digit inflation and high unemployment  bought this government reaction: price controls, which helped America’s biggest corporations and put tens of thousands of independents out of business.  Now the biggest corporations are too big to fail. “We’d have an economic meltdown.” So what’s new? President Bush made a decision to bail out the biggest corporations.  President Obama has done the same.  The biggest corporations, big labor, and government are taking the American people to the cleaners.


What could be worse than losing my business enterprise of twenty-five years, the IRS on my back, and my wife divorcing me, all so people could be government entitled?  It is robbing Peter to pay Paul.  Even though I made no profit on the sale of my land, due to government caused inflation and  double the money that would buy half as much, by law called a profit, actually an out-and-out fraud,  I was taxed on a gain I did not have. It’s the way government handles excessive spending.  It is only against the law if government says it against the law. That was in 1975. I’ve written about this before.  In principle, it is no different than Nazi law.  The German people liked it; the American people like it.  So, what’s new?


I was not about to take it, but I was seen as Peck’s Bad Boy, an unpatriotic American who loved to play sneaky pranks, according to a federal judge, someone trying to get out of paying his fair share of the tax. To hell with America’s lawless judges. I’d gone to the county law library. I’d read the Constitution. Voices of the past spoke to me.  I had a bigger than life calling.  I learned the power that lies within us.  I’ll tell you what’s new.  I looked within and found the right answers.


How does one know he is right?  We try to manipulate situations to our own benefit, including our representatives in Washington, D.C., including the IRS, including federal judges.  Congress gave the IRS the power to instill fear in the individual taxpayer. He’s wrong unless he can prove himself right in a court of law.  Yes, and Congress  gave white people the right to own black slaves. How? By instilling fear in black folks, and federal judges went along with it.   I guess black people who depend of the Great White Father will never learn what makes us slaves.   


The IRS does not throw its power around in corporate America.  Corporate America is white folks. No, it picks on the individual because it knows the individual is helpless.  And what does Congress do? It wrings its hands and promises to work on this problem.  This has been ongoing 50 years. Would you go to your neighbor, since he had far more than you, and ask that he share what he had with you?  Why then would you ask your government to take from those who have and give to you?  Don’t you know that makes you a government slave? 


Jesus said that you should do to others as you would have them do unto you.  Why do you want to make yourself a slave?   


What do government entitlements give us? Are we helpless to provide for ourselves?  How did we survive before government became our caretaker?  


Jesus said, “in earth as it is in heaven . . . But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” To the religious: “Do you go to the ‘Promised Land’ to find God?  Do you go to America’s caretaker government?  Should it be on the American people’s sweat for generations to come that America's government is presently the greatest benefactor of all  times?  The Muslim Brotherhood is watching you.  If you are an infidel,  too bad for you.  You could become an example.  Your head might appear  on a spike.  Do you look within for the right answer? You know I’m right. Faith in self is the right answer.


If your dreams are not coming true, it just might be that you are looking in the wrong places for your answers. 


 I can only speak for myself.  If life could be any better, I don’t know how. All my dreams have come true.  Is it the luck of the draw or is it faith in self?  I just don’t get the reason that minorities vote for government help.  History is replete with examples of fallen governments that just wanted to do good for all.The impoverished minorities, generation after generation, remain the impoverished.  One would think they would learn that they are slaves of the Great White Father.   

Bottom line: When has the collective good ever made anyone’s dream come true? 

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Open Letter to Speaker Boehner

Speaker John Boehner
Office of the Speaker
H-232 The Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

Subject: A Common Sense “Investment” in America

Dear Speaker Boehner:

Given the unprecedented debt facing our nation, it is obvious that putting our financial house in order will require sacrifice from virtually all Americans. We understand that there are no simple, painless solutions.

Although spending cuts will impact scores of millions of American citizens, there is an outrageous expense that benefits foreign invaders, those with no legal or moral basis for being here.

I refer to many millions of illegal aliens who have ignored our borders and immigration laws.

As documented in Reference 1, illegal aliens cost American taxpayers $113 billion a year.

Again, illegal aliens, cost American taxpayers $113 billion a year.

As a taxpaying citizen, I wonder why politicians from both sides of the aisle refuse to target this wasteful expense, particularly when our nation is mired in deep financial crisis?

Surely, $113 billion a year cannot be too paltry an amount to summon the attention of those responsible for eradicating wasteful spending?

Clearly, the American people would benefit enormously if the federal government would simply enforce existing laws and take action, through deportations, to return illegal aliens to their nations of origin.

In the past, skeptics have argued that mass deportations would be too costly.

However, Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, Nelson Peacock, responding to request from several U.S. Senators, recently (December 3, 2010) wrote the following:

“Our conservative estimate suggests that ICE would require a budget of more than $135 billion to apprehend, detain and remove the nation’s entire illegal immigrant population.”

See reference 2 for the complete statement.

Thus, an investment of $135 billion dollars would yield a savings of $113 billion a year.

Over a period of ten years, that would result in more than $1 trillion dollars for American citizens.

In addition, millions of jobs now filled by illegals would be available for unemployed America citizens, and homeland security would be strengthened by removing individuals about whom little or nothing is known, including possible ties to terrorists.

I know that you are committed to eliminating wasteful spending, reducing the federal deficit, creating jobs for Americans, and assuring that our homeland is safe and secure.

Therefore, I respectfully request that you apply your influence and power to require that illegal aliens be deported, thereby freeing America from the extreme financial, employment, and security dangers attendant with a huge population of illegals.

Thank you for your consideration.


John W. Lillpop
San Jose, CA

Reference 1:


Reference 2
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Should Obama Pardon Anthony Weiner?

Satire By John W. Lillpop

Although Anthony Weiner has yet to be charged with any crime(s) for his political boner and abuses via Twitter, it is just a matter of time before the law comes crashing down on the pathetic little weasel, Weiner.

Indeed, despite howls of anguish from the Left, it does not appear as though “Weinergate” will Peter-out any time soon. In the parlance of the media, the story has “legs,” to say nothing of other body parts also making headlines on a daily basis.

In an ominous sign that the bombastic little weenie is in deep doo-doo, entirely of his own making, powerful elitists from the Intellectual Left have circled the wagons around their beloved pervert.

Among the high-profile Loon-iares who have rushed to defend Weiner are Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Charles Schumer, and the most comical of all, the amazing Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chairwoman of the DNC, who added depth with this brilliant analysis:

“I think Anthony Weiner is dealing with a personal matter and that’s where it should be left.”

Hmmm. Just a personal matter between Weiner and 45,000 of his closest, most trusted Twitter pals, huh? And a young college student in Washington state?

The Wasserman Schultz blahering bears an eerie resemblance to the specious double-talk issued by the Left when President Bill Clinton perjured himself about his sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky.

It is all about “Consensual Sex” they ranted, ignoring the fact that Slick Willie was guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice, serious crimes even when just about sex.

As luck would have it, Weiner’s need for divine intervention just happens to correspond quite nicely with Barack Obama’s desperate need for a post-Osama “bounce” in light of the dreadful employment numbers, crumbling economy, declining dollar, and other devastating impact of Obamanomics.

After flaking out on Israel so miserably recently, Obama also needs to mend fences with the Jewish community.

What better way to do that than by officially pardoning the weiner Weiner, one of the most prominent Jews in American politics?

Obama can add to his mending fences initiative by appointing Weiner to represent the U.S. government in opposing San Francisco’s insane anti-circumcision measure that voters will vote on this Fall.

After all, the measure is an unconstitutional, anti-Semitic usurping of federal responsibility because it involves “Tampering with the U.S. male,” a real no-no.

The bottom line: Obama should pardon Weiner, Wasserman Shultz should stuff a sock in her silly mouth, and San Francisco should be ceded to Russia and/or China!

And most importantly, this burning question must be answered: Is Anthony Weiner gay?
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Obama was Dead Wrong,

Illegals Cost California Solvency



            A recently revealed lowball study of the state’s budget problems shows that withdrawing services from California’s 2.5 million illegal aliens in the state would save the state roughly $4.5 Billion annually.  The breakdown of the savings was:  $2.5 Billion from the cost of education; $1 Billion from prison budgets; almost $780 Million from medical expenses; and other cost savings amounting to roughly $300 Million yearly.  In short, paying for the illegal aliens who have been welcomed into California (the state has more “Sanctuary Cities” than the rest of the country combined) over a typical period of five years would account for the total California shortfall at its 2009 cited $21 Billion maximum.  Later in this blog, you’ll discover why Rajjpuut used the term “lowball” to describe this recent study.

            How surprising can this statistic be?   A mid-2008 study by FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) showed that 60% of the nation’s illegal aliens were concentrated in six states mostly in the Southwest.  California’s almost 3.5 million illegals in that study easily topped the list.  That figure you’ll notice is a full one million fewer illegals than found in the more recent lowball study mentioned earlier.  Poor methodology?  Deliberate undercounting?  Probably neither.  Every year that the state’s abysmal Sanctuary City situation has existed, it’s become much harder to accurately count the illegals, never an easy proposition in the best of scenarios.  

            Two years later when FAIR updated and expanded its study in 2010 it found that nationally illegals cost America $113 Billion yearly.  The study then was called “extremist” and compared to a study that said that rather than costing us, illegals raise the nation’s GDP by $245 Billion.  Certainly if that were true, the answer to our budget woes would be to throw open the borders to everyone.  This infamous Perryman Report, rumored to have been funded by “Open Society Initiative” founder George Soros, has been cited by all those seeking further amnesty and even citizenship to all illegals.  The Perryman Report is suspected of flawed, perhaps even deliberately flawed, methodology because “it fails to fully account for the cost to individual counties, cities and towns” which absorb a huge percentage of the cost of accommodation for illegal aliens.

Are illegals really such a big problem?  Ex-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger once said that it would be a “big mistake” to blame California’s huge illegal immigration population for the state’s long-enduring budget crisis.  Any sane review of the figures seems to cough up only one conclusion:  the Guv’s been in deep denial.  The average yearly budget deficit in California is slightly less than the average cost of illegal immigration to the state over 365 days according to the recent figures.

            California, with the other five big alien states, together face a cost of $36 Billion annually for K-12 education, criminal incarceration and health care costs.  Some studies show that the cost to California is NOT the $4.5 Billion recently touted, but rather, almost $12 Billion yearly to accommodate illegal aliens, roughly $3,400 per each man, woman or child LEGLLY residing in the state.  Other studies call even this figure into doubt and indicate the cost could be much, much higher.  Besides the monetary price, there is also the matter of sociological cost . . . .

A recent Supreme Court decision is forcing the state to release “up to 46,000 inmates” before their prison terms are concluded.  California is only expected to release roughly 30,000 “low-risk inmates” from prisons, the biggest release of lawbreakers in American history, as a measure to combat the state’s deficit.  Among ALL the California convicts an estimated 20,000 are illegal aliens about one-seventh of the entire prison population.  The state has deliberately given no indication how many of the projected “parolees” will be illegal aliens.  Nor has the state answered questions about how many illegals might be turned over to immigration officials for deportation or if any will just be allowed to walk freely back into California society.

Schwarzenegger, of course, has infamously guaranteed there was NO connection between the state’s large illegal alien population and its budgetary woes.  The ex-governator, it seems, has been in denial for eight long years. 

His predecessor, Pete Wilson commissioned two separate studies which each reached the same conclusions:  illegals were bankrupting California.  The 1994 Philip J. Romero study showed that illegal immigrants and their American-born children received $3.6 Billion more in state services than they paid in state taxes.  The vast majority of those taxes are sales taxes, not income taxes which few illegals pay.  In 1997 the Jordan Commission’s study conducted under the National Research Council put that figure at a $3.463 Billion cost to California.  But Schwarzenegger even willfully ignored far more up-to-date information:  Romero’s 2007 update of his earlier study.   Because of the state’s Sanctuary City situation, Romero found it far more difficult to pin down the full extent of the problem.  His shocking results:  illegal aliens were now costing California between $9.6 and $ $38.2 billion more in state services than they generate in state taxes. 

Everything about the illegal alien question is debatable.  Recent estimates of their population have used the numbers 12-18 million illegals with 13 Million the most commonly cited figures.  President Obama has used the numbers 11 million and even 10 million in describing them and suggested, in line with the Perryman Report that they constitute a huge NET POSITIVE to the nation’s economy.

Regardless of which figures are used, the logical conclusion is obvious.  California, Texas and other border states are being negatively affected by huge illegal alien populations.  California itself has been bankrupted by several huge policy boondoggles.  The Sanctuary City program in that state is definitely the most costly in the nation and the state’s welcoming of illegals has contributed mightily to California’s ongoing financial meltdown.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,




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Sowell and Williams, Two Blacks Used to “Racism” Accusations


Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams are used to being called “Racists” and “White Supremacists” by people who hear them on radio or read their words or hear their writings quoted.  The two rather dark-skinned Blacks often get a good belly-laugh when it happens.  So it was natural when Sowell wrote a column praising William’s latest book “Race and Economics,” that both men received scathing online attacks from the Progressive fringe of the political spectrum; and even got called “Uncle Toms” from many Blacks well-informed of the two men’s identities. 

This is not a new experience for either man.  Like Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; Florida Representative Allen West; Republican Presidential contender Herman Cain; Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice; and famous General Colin Powell . . . fiscal-conservative and Constitutional-conservative Blacks often pay a huge price  and are often labeled “traitors” by large segments of the Black community as a whole.  Williams and Sowell first met back in 1970 when both men were working on the same research project back in Washington, D.C.  A new book that year entitled “The Poor Pay More” was proving to be scandalous press fodder for the liberal media . . . in a very short article, Williams destroyed that book’s argument and it quickly fell out of print.  How did he do it?

Williams agreed, yes, prices were higher in low-income minority neighborhoods. But he unequivocally rejected the book's claim that this was a result of “exploitation” or “racism.”  He simple referred to the common-sense logical approach he’d used to write his doctoral dissertation on the question.  Williams documented that the costs of doing business in many low-income neighborhoods (insurance; no economy of scale; greater shoplifting and other theft threat; etc.) was usually significantly higher and these costs were simply passed on to the consumers there.  That was, according to Thomas, the first time that Walter Williams was called a “White Racist.”

Thomas lauds Williams’ new book Race and Economics and especially loved a couple of its chapters.  In Chapter 6, Williams returns to the original question raised by The Poor Pay More argument.  The clinching bottom-line argument is:  despite higher markups in prices in low-income neighborhoods, there is a lower than average rate of return for businesses there” which, of course, is presumably the main reason why so few businesses choose to operate there.  Thomas continues, “my own favorite chapter . . . is Chapter 3, the most revealing chapter in the book.”


Williams begins Chapter 3 thusly, "Some might find it puzzling that during times of gross racial discrimination, black unemployment was lower and blacks were more active in the labor force than they are today." Moreover, the duration of unemployment among blacks was shorter than among whites between 1890 and 1900, whereas unemployment has become both higher and longer-lasting among blacks than among whites in more recent times.

“None of this is explainable by what most people believe or say in the media or in academia. But it is perfectly consistent with the economics of the marketplace and the consequences of political interventions in the marketplace.”

The book "Race and Economics" explains how such interventions impact blacks and other minorities, whether in housing markets, the railroad industry or the licensing of taxicabs-- and irrespective of the intentions behind the government's actions.

Both Thomas and Williams see minimum wage laws as classic examples of the harm done by government interference. “The last year in which the black unemployment rate was lower than the white unemployment rate was 1930. That was also the last year in which there was no federal minimum wage law.”  Besides the minimum wage laws, the impact of the Unions upon Black employment was also huge.  Throughout labor’s history, the Black worker has been the least welcome in the union halls.  When the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 was passed in 1931 it required that “that "prevailing wages" be paid on any government construction projects-- "prevailing wages" almost always meant union wages. Since Blacks were kept out of construction unions back then, and for decades thereafter . . . many black construction workers lost their jobs.  The stated purpose of the law was to protect the workers . . . what it did instead was to marginalize even further the poor and minorities.  Before the law was passed an awful lot of non-union Black construction crews were able to underbid union White contractors.  After the bill, the haves prospered while the have-nots suffered.  These problems expanded after the true minimum wage laws were required by the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 and under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938.  After those laws the negative consequences for black employment across a much wider range of industries was absolutely devastating.  Today young Blacks are unemployed at a 52.7% rate compared to young Whites at 27.2%, but back at the turn of the century before minimum wage laws came on the scene young Whites were much more employable than older ones and young Blacks had lower unemployment rates still.

Thomas concluded his review this way, “The factors that cause the most noise in the media are not the ones that have the most impact on minorities. This book will be eye-opening for those who want their eyes opened. But those with the liberal vision of the world are unlikely to read it at all.”

One thing that Williams said recently on FOXNews’ Stossel show was that “government intervention over the last seventy years did something that no amount of slavery, Jim Crow or discrimination was able to do:  it destroyed the Black Family” citing statistics that roughly 72% of Black children in the 20’s lived in two-parent homes and less than 30% do so today.  “After the Black mother tells Dad to move out, because she might lose her checks . . . the Black father becomes disposable in the community.”


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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4063321185?profile=originalWithout beating around the bush, I believe the battle being fought in America today goes beyond politics; right vs left. It is a spiritual battle; good vs evil.


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Ephesians 6:12


The mindset of the American left is a spirit of Antichrist which is man making himself God.


Before writing me off as a Bible nut, please hear me out. Understanding this reality will explain much of the left's behavior. Because they believe man is God, in their insane arrogance, the left think they can fix everything; legislate equal outcomes and even save or destroy the planet.


Make no mistake about it folks, we are in a spiritual battle. Ask yourself. Specifically, what about Sarah Palin inspires such visceral hatred from the left? The word is “wholesome”.


For the most part, Palin promotes love for God, family and country. She is passionately determined to thwart Obama's plan to “fundamentally transform America”.


While realizing Palin is human and does not walk on water, Palin epitomizes heartland principles and values embraced by most Americans. Thus, we are Palin and Palin is us.


The large number of Christians in the tea party believe in right and wrong. The left has a huge problem with the concept of right and wrong. Their religion of Liberalism embraces Moral Relativism.


For these reasons, Palin and tea party are as repulsive to liberals as showing Dracula the cross.


There is definitely an anti-wholesome, anti-goodness vibe coming out of Hollywood. Hollywood leftists are vehemently anti death penalty. They rally around convicted murderers. They think anyone harming a puppy should be beaten within any inch of their life. These Hollywood libs pride themselves as being Lords of Compassion and Tolerance.


And yet, these same libs have a cow whenever someone merely suggests to a woman that she think twice before aborting her baby. Tell me there “ain't” something spiritually wrong with such a mindset.


Because liberal elitists think man is God, they assume moral authority to confiscate as much control over our lives we simple minded god fearing peons will allow, including procreation.


I picked up a government funded brochure at my local library which basically said birthing babies is an irresponsible abuse of the planet.


Folks, this is leftist control freak hogwash! The seven billion people who live on the planet could fit in Texas enjoying about the same amount of living space as residents of New York.

God said be fruitful and multiply. But then, what the heck does God know?


In her book, “Godless”, Ann Coulter said, “If a Martian landed in America and set out to determine the nation's official state religion, he would have to conclude it is Liberalism, while Christianity and Judaism are prohibited by law”.


I concur with Ms Coulter. The mainstream media is controlled by zealots of Liberalism who I believe are driven by a spirit of Antichrist; man is God. Thus, only man can and will fix everything.


Why does the left aggressively demand that we show utmost respect for every religion under the sun except Christianity? Remember when libs Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar stormed off the set of The View TV program when they concluded Bill O'Reilly dissed Muslims?


And yet, Rosie O'Donnell outrageously stated “Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America”. Not one peep of disagreement or disapproval from the left.


Islam suppresses women. And yet, liberal self proclaimed feminists Goldberg, Behar and O'Donnell illogically defend Islam. These three feminists despise the extraordinarily successful Christian liberated woman, Sarah Palin. Rosie O'Donnell even lamented that Osama bin Laden did not get a fair trial.


Unquestionably, these women have issues with America and Christians; a spirit of Antichrist. At the center of Christianity is a divine Jesus. If Jesus is God, the left is not.


Even our most liberal president ever, Obama, dissed heartland Americans for “bitterly clinging to their god and guns”. Would a true Christian berate folks for finding security in trusting God?


Like an episode of Star Trek, the left believes universal peace can be achieved via America apologizing and admitting to the world that “we suck”, surrendering our power, signing treaties and singing a few verses of “Kumbaya”.


They believe the greatest source of evil in the world is warmongering Christian white guys like George Bush. If only Bush had, “Given peace a chance”.


Liberals always cater to man's lowest base instincts. They hate standards for behavior, labeling all rebuke of bad behavior as being intolerant and judgmental. And yet, they believe without divine influence, man is capable of someday achieving universal peace. Totally absurd.


Christians believe that though we strive to do the right thing, the heart of man is critically flawed which is why we were in need of a savior, Jesus Christ.


Obama's promise to “fundamentally transform America” is a spiritual attack on our freedom, liberty and culture.


Despite the left's relentless attempts to ban God from America's public square, the emergence and power of the tea party tells me God is still on our side.


Mr. Obama, though your liberal zealots perceive you to be “the messiah”, God is still on the throne. Come November 2012, you're fired!


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


Vice Chair,




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