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"Grover Norquist once said, “I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub . . . "  “I don't know if I'd go that far, but I can tell you one thing: I'm sick of the damned thing taking out (questionable) mortgages in my name.”      
                "I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live it for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live his for mine." -- John Galt from Atlas Shrugged the novel by Ayn Rand
"Who is Midas Mulligan?" Rand’s Atlas Shrugged
Missed the Boat, but Only Barely
            Prophecy has never been humanity’s strong suit . . . not talking about “educated guesses” and “fact-based hunches here” . . . but serious prophecies, predictions and prognostications. Perhaps one in twenty thousand really off-the-wall predictions for the future ever comes true. Novelist Ayn (rhymes with “mine” though most people rhyme it with “main”**) Rand in her novels and non-fiction philosophy books incidentally made thousands of predictions and most of her most fundamental ones are coming true, sort of . . .  Let’s take our present financial meltdown and ongoing economic malaise, for example . . .  it’s too bad Rand never went acorn-hunting as a child, or should we say “ACORN-hunting?” If she had, the intriguing question running throughout her monumental masterpiece might not have been “Who is John Galt?” but rather, “Who is Midas Mulligan?” 
            In the novel (now made into a sensational low-budget independent film Atlas Shrugged Part I) the unseen Galt permeates our awareness as a potentially-sinister, confusing and mysterious presence. In real life, however, it is definitely the Midas Mulligans who are more likely to run the world. By the way, the movie Atlas Shrugged Part I is proving a huge consternation for all the (mostly left-wing) critics out there, roughly 85% of the pundits panned it with only 2% proving highly enthusiastic about its prospects.  Virtually everyone who actually sees the movie (94%) rates the flick quite highly and, depending which article you read, numbers like 85%, 86% and 88%  of them are “widely enthusiastic” about the search to discover “Who is John Galt?” The limited release to 299 theaters has proved very successful and now a 499 theater expanded-release is going on, with a wider 1,000 theater-release planned for May 1st.  Let's get back to Midas . . . .
            Rand’s creation “Midas” Mulligan was born Michael Mulligan and fought his way from nothing to become a highly successful, wealthy banker. After a lamestream-mainstream media hack called Mulligan, “Midas,” in a highly derogatory “slam” which Mulligan took as a huge compliment . . . the banker Mulligan thereafter insisted upon being called Midas after first having his name legally-changed. 
In a shocking case of reality imitating fiction, Ms. Rand’s Mulligan finds himself being forced by the government via court order to lend money to an utterly incompetent and unworthy loan applicant. Of course, the reality being “predicted” a full twenty years before it happened was progressive president Jimmy Carter’s first congress (with loads of progressive Democrats and about fifteen progressive Republicans) passing the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA ’77) thus forcing banks and other mortgage lenders to knowingly make highly ill-advised loans to pathetically unqualified home-loan applicants.   In the novel, Midas of course, refuses to make the loan, totally ignores the court order, liquidates his entire financial empire, pays off his depositors and joins Galt’s underground movement.
In real life, alas, there were no Midas Mulligans.  ACORN when originally created in 1977 (to exploit CRA ’77) by a George Wiley, Richard Cloward, Frances Fox Piven NWRO (National Welfare “RIGHTS” Organization) confederate named Wade Rathke stood for ARKANSAS Community Organizations for Reform Now) ACORN was a test-creation for Piven, Cloward and Wiley who by that time were already bragging publically and in print about their success in bankrupting New York City (it was given a federal bailout in 1975), almost bankrupting New York State, and putting the entire nation into a huge tailspin by having Wiley create an army of welfare recipients (they doubled the rolls across the nation in three years between NWRO’s creation in 1967 and 1970) using Saul Alinsky “street tactics” to implement the Cloward-Piven Strategy of “managed chaos” first published in The Nation in 1966.
            Wade Rathke, who had been sent to Arkansas in1970 to teach the Alinsky tactics and implement C-P Strategy there for the NWRO, was chosen because of the presence of a charismatic young lieutenant governor in that state who was very simpatico with C-P Strategy and Alinsky tactics: Bill Clinton. It’s notable that in the C-P article in The Nation, Cloward, Piven had set out to create an NGI (national guaranteed income) thus SNAP! they said, wiping out poverty in one-fell-swoop while taking advantage of the progressive Democratic sweep in 1964 and the ensuing “War on Poverty” and creation of Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid by the ultra-progressive Lyndon Baines Johnson’s administration. While bragging about their great deeds (they didn’t get any serious interest for GNI but did almost destroy the economy – the two year-long 1973-74 recession was the second worst financial disaster in history after the Great Depression) Cloward and Piven advised their followers that the next areas of emphasis were to be: voter registration and the system of public housing. Rathke came up with a slightly altered emphasis, based upon CRA ’77: Arkansas ACORN would create its chaos in voter registration and mortgage-lending. With no Midas Mulligan’s out there to protect us, here’s a synopsis of the ACORN “success” story:
I.       ACORN Voter Registration efforts
A.    Ran the biggest voter registration drive in Arkansas history in 1977-78. Threw away all would-be Republican registrants and easily made Bill Clinton Arkansas governor in 1978.
B.    (Except for the first Reagan sweep in 1980) kept Clinton in office for twelve of the next fourteen years.
C.    Clinton returned the favor in his first months in the Oval Office in 1993 by passing the Motor Voter Act (a.k.a. “A License for voter fraud”) with Cloward and Piven standing behind the President during the signing ceremony in a picture found all over the internet. See it here:
D.   ACORN continued its fraudulent voter registration practices and even received federal money to do so and for census work up to 2010
II.   ACORN Abuses CRA ’77 Mortgage-Guarantees
A.    Operating only in Arkansas took 1975’s nationwide “suspect” home loan percentage from 0.24% to 0.51% (loans granted with 3% down or less) by 1985
B.    Based upon success with voter registration and the home-loan program ACORN is expanded to all fifty states and renamed “Associations of Community Organizations for Reform Now” by 1995, one in seven home loans is suspect; by 2005 34% of them.
C.    Bill Clinton sets about REALLY repaying ACORN for its support.
Even while getting Motor Voter passed, President Clinton began incredibly debilitating actions affecting the home-loan industry he’d not been able to impact while in Arkansas. Democrats regard Clinton as the first and greatest ACORN president.
1.      In 1993 he drew up a huge regulatory expansion of CRA ‘77
2.     Twice in 1995 Clinton and the congress passed CRA ’77 legislative expansions with incompetent Speaker Newt Gingrich as his unwitting foil.
3.     Barack Obama serves as ACORN lawyer between 1994 and 1996, brow-beating and shaking-down home-lenders with Saul Alinsky tactics. Obama is teaching “Constitutional Law” and “Rules for Radicals” (Alinsky’s second book) in evening classes and proves successful in getting large future quotas placed upon banks for ‘sub-prime’ loans and often even gets ACORN donations from them in the Chicago area.
4.     In 1998, Clinton passed a “steroid-version” CRA ’77 expansion. Between 1998 and 2007, where before it had been difficult to get unqualified borrowers into $100-$120,000 homes . . . all over the country people without jobs, without a decent credit rating, without even rental histories, whose only “income” is food stamps or other welfare, and, yes, even illegal aliens are now more easily put into $350 - $450,000 homes. 34% of all home loans are sub-prime highly suspect loans -- many of them with 0% down payment.
5.     George W. Bush addresses the nation or congress nineteen times to try to get CRA ’77 repealed starting in January, 2005. Thirty months later a belated and very weak version of his bill is passed in July, 2007, it helps some. Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will say in August, 2010, that Bush’s actions saved the nation from a much deeper recession and kept us from a staggering collapse in housing prices. Nevertheless, it’s all too little, too late and in October, 2007, the sub-prime lending crisis is clearly upon us and the meltdown begins.
The phenomenal website published an April 19th blog comparing the actions of the government to identity thieves; the great author of How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World, Harry Brown who once ran for president under the Libertarian banner, said there was little moral difference between government and the Mafia or other organized crime syndicates. Well as for me, everything I needed to know about government’s evils came from Ayn Rand’s remarkable hero: John Galt.
And let us leave you with one last Atlas Shrugged quote: 
"So you think that money is the root of all evil?" said Francisco d'Anconia.  "Have you ever asked ‘what is the root of money?’  Money is a tool of exchange, which can't exist unless there are goods (and services) produced and men able to produce them.  Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value.   Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears, or of the looters, who take it from you by force.  Money is made possible only by the men who produce.  Is this what you consider evil?..."
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**            ‘Tis very fitting today to think of Ayn Rand as a gold “mine” akin to the Founding Fathers and to relate to her strong support for unfettered individualism, lower taxes, and property rights which we associate with the word “MINE.”
"Grover Norquist once said, “I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub . . . "  “I don't know if I'd go that far, but I can tell you one thing: I'm sick of the damned thing taking out (questionable) mortgages in my name.”      
                "I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live it for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live his for mine." -- John Galt from Atlas Shrugged the novel by Ayn Rand
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"Taken" Mr. President????

I am madder now at the fool in White House than I have ever been.  Last week, in a campaign speech about the budget deficit, Mr. Obama said that the successful in this country had "taken" more from this country than the middle class and poor, and therefore should not have a problem with higher taxes "giving" back to the system we "took" from.  I know his game of class warfare, but enough of this BS!  I will be as loud as any liberal from this day forward, so I don't have to listen to this power grab garbage being shoved down my throat by screaming libtards.  I am an American dream story, my mother only went to the 8th grade, my father died when I was 3, we lived in poverty, but grew our own food, worked, prayed and lived by a code that is all but gone today.  My grandmother used to say, "God helps those that help themselves".  Now you can't even mention God in public discourse without an ACLU creep filing a lawsuit against you.  I served in southeast asia in the military at the end of the Vietnam war, used my GI bill to go to college, because there was no money otherwise(I also worked in cotton mills to add to my living expenses while in college), and now I am a doctor with a successful practice worth more than $2 million dollars.  And I TOOK from America?  I have also served 38 years total in the active and reserve Army, and still serve to this day.  I will retire in 3 to 4 years, and would do it all again if I had to.  Having said all that, I believe we are past the tipping point of restoring our country through any other means than changing the government. I have been defending the Constitution for 38 years from enemies foreign, as I swore to do, now it is time to turn our attention to the "domestic" enemies who are unfortunately occupying the power seats of the government.  Through the powers given in the Constitution, it is time to establish a new government, period.  I am not suggesting a violent revolution, but make our demands extremely simple:  the members of all 3 branches of government have conspired to ignore the constitution and are in violation of it's very principles.  We must exert all our efforts to oust them.  We should also demand their resignations, though I know that will be ignored, but it still should be our demand.  We can't work within the system anymore, it is so bastardized as to be beyond repair.  We must return to the constitution as created by the founding fathers at any cost.  I have ceased to contribute to the Republican Party, and now will make all political donations to the Tea Party, as long as the members and the organization stay true to the constitutional principles that made our country what it is(was).
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What does corporate America, the Democratic Party, Wall Street, the banking industry, trial lawyers, teacher’s unions, various czars and government bureaucrats, SEIU and even the Republican Party all have in common with Charlie Sheen?  Well, duh!  Winning!  They’re all of them, winning of course and they’re probably tired of pretending like they’re not special, like they’re not, all of them rock stars from Mars!

And it’s just that simple.  Congress struggles trying to pass an additional 1.65 trillion dollars of deficit spending.  It would appear that the main stream corporate and political establishment along with a delusional Charlie Sheen are indeed winning and will continue to win as long as those of us in the middle class can be forced to pay for it.  And in so far as winning implies someone else is losing, who might we infer the losers to be?  Did I mention who is paying for it all?

Well let’s just say it isn’t Jack Welsh’s General Electric.  And, as if to begin drawing a pattern, it isn’t Whirlpool either, or any of the new, publicly subsidized energy companies, or electric car companies.  Go ahead stick a propeller on your hat and the chances are the government will send you a check.  If you can tie a battery to it and happen to be a group of Chinese investors we will call you a company and you’ll make a tidy fortune shortly before going out of business leaving who else, but the American tax payer holding the bag.  

Every government policy denotes winners and losers.  Now do you begin to discern a pattern?
Outside of politics none of it is required to make any sense as none of it is intended to withstand the vigor of serious examination.  How could it?  The science is flawed and as if that weren't enough, the outcomes were always predestined to be erroneous due to the absurdity of the mathematical assumptions.  In fact, the very business models themselves are only viable as long as the government keeps pouring in revenues and subsidies, which are simply and again, but more tax payer monies by another name.

To ask what all these political initiatives have to do with money borrowed in the tax payer’s name is to examine what we have allowed our government to become.  Ponzi schemes and outright fraud can easily be made to look enough like poorly executed business plans.  Invariably, when the music stops the money is gone with little to no effect on the supposed stated purpose, but the political constituency always lingers wrapped in some moral imperative, waiting for the next gravy train with an air of indignant impatience.

Meanwhile, the history of poorly administered government programs seem to accomplish little other than to prove liars and cheats sure can figure.  And in case you’re wondering, there is no law only politics and politics is the art of constituencies and coalitions.  Politics is all about money.

And it’s tried and true politics, the confiscation and redistribution of other people’s money.   As President Obama himself has reminded us, elections have consequences and in case you’re wondering where we are going with all this, well unlike Charlie Sheen and our elected, public officials and all the special interests they represent; the middle class isn’t winning.  They are beginning to realize more government isn’t the solution.  Government is the problem.  

As if further proof of all this fraud, theft and waste, putrid, political corruption and rank, governmental cronyism were required and before we completely lose sight of the topic of Ponzi schemes, ask yourself what distinguishes the Social Security Administration from Bernie Madoff‘s operation.  The only discernable difference is that the Social Security Administration’s fraud is being operated under the color of authority, which is, but another way of saying at the direction of our elected officials.

Every “Reasonable,” read establishment voice (Winning!  Winning!) to include media analysts, or talk show hosts on just about every broadcast, or cable network are attempting to influence events.  That’s their job I suppose, to control the public discourse, as in advising the general, public disposition.  They provide an odd mixture of "News" and entertainment and I would postulate, they are there to control, mold and shape public opinion.  They control the public discourse by editing and by the selection of topics and commentators and at this particular juncture, the sum total of their collective wisdom happens to be against a government shut down.  So much for a diversity of voices in a pluralistic, open society.  Both the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times seem to think a government shut down would be counterproductive, albeit for different reasons.

And yet, so many Americans disagree.  Perhaps it is precisely because they are not rock stars from Mars and they certainly are not winning.  They are losing in fact and they are painfully aware of it.  A significant percentage of the American workforce is unemployed and even more are underemployed with little prospect for improvement.  Overall they tend to be pessimistic about the future, the country in general and most troubling of all, their children’s future.  Even the most responsible, disciplined and successful among them have already lost a rather large percentage of their savings and have been forced to watch helplessly as their homes have deprecated in value.  

The real estate market has yet to determine a bottom as banks refuse to acknowledge losses on non performing mortgages.  This accounting gimmick is exactly the route Japan’s banks took when their real estate bubble collapsed.  That was over fifteen years ago and the Japanese economy has yet to recover.

Meanwhile the Federal Reserve, on behalf of their primary clients, America’s largest banks continues to depress and hold interest rates well over two points below effective zero.  The spread allows banks to purchase T Bills and to build up reserves, which is to say further shift the burden of their financial collapse onto the backs of the middle class, a good many of whom are already under water, struggling to barely hang on.  

Never mind that the most irresponsible and speculative participants have long since just walked away from impossible mortgages on properties with declining values.  With little, or no skin in the game, they were always just in for the ride.  It’s as if children were induced with narcotic candy to sign impossible financial contracts and now their parents were being held liable under force of law.

The Federal Reserve’s determined debasement of the dollar in favor of the banking industry and the resultant inflation has accounted for the loss of well over twenty percent of middle and lower, working class savings so far.  In most cases, these savings represent the better part of a married couple’s life’s work, which can’t and won’t be replaced.  Interest income, which an older generation relies upon to supplement Social Security benefits so as to support themselves in retirement and to pay the inevitable medical expenses has been confiscated, or more directly, stolen, once again under the color of authority and transferred to the big banks and Wall Street's financial industry.

It’s been well over a decade now the Fed has been playing hide the ball with a duplicitous policy.  Their congressional mandate is to maintain a stable currency and minimize unemployment.  They have willfully demurred on both in favor of reestablishing the profitability and viability of the big banks and favored financial firms.  Do you think it coincidence that Wall Street’s big banks and financial industry got the TARP funds while the American people get to stand in the rain after the train wreck? 

The prospect of hyper inflation continues to alarm the WSJ’s editorial board even as food and energy prices squeeze the middle and lower classes in the here and now and the unemployed continue to stare into the abyss of a jobless recovery.  A government shut down occurs to some of us as a damn good thing and the sooner the better.  Maybe we might be able to catch our breath, if the government were to shut down?

Maybe some of the establishment (Winning!  Winning!) needs to feel a little more of our pain?  House Speaker John Boehner and the Republican Party don’t want a fight.  That‘s understandable, but they are going to get one anyway.  If they don’t fight the Democrats in the school yard; they will fight the Tea Party on the way home in the primaries and maybe in the general as well.  Politicians always want to be all things to all people, but the Republican Party can’t serve two masters at the same time and they sure aren't serving our interests.

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This is not the same Democratic Party we grew up with.
I did not leave the Democratic Party.
They left me.
The entire Democratic Party is loaded with "Progressives" who are nothing but Marxist, Socialists, Communists, Maoists , etc. They are as far extreme left as possble. That is why no bill can get thru Senate. So many Left Wing Extremist that they are unappraochable.

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Obama is purposely trying to collapse the American Economy. He is doing this on purpose. "On Purpose".
Call him out on this. If we just sit here and watch him, he will indeed collapse the Economy. Make noise. Call and write your Congressman and Senator. Tell your friends and neighbors. signs at Tea party;s should say:



We need to talk about it. Spread the word. If Economy collapses, it will be worse than Great Depression.
God Bless,
Alex Abrams, Orlando

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Please take just a minute and just ask your Congressman and Senator why we are allowing Obama to Collapse the Economy. Why do our Congressmen/Senators "NOT" Articulate that Obama and Soros are collapsing our economy. Ask they why this is happening and ask them why they don't stop this in it's tracks?
Please contact your Congressman and Senators and make them accountable.
Alex Abrams, Orlando

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Why do Conservatives not articulate that "Obama Wants to Collapse the Economy"? Why will no one articulate what will happens if the economy collapses? As we approach the collapse of the economy, no one and I mean no one articulates what wil happen to every day Americans not if, but "when" the economy collapses. If the economy collapses and every indiactor says itr will for sure. There is no doubt about it. It is coming at us like a freight train. When the economy collapses, the bank will all of a sudden have no money. Banks will close. Business and Companies therefore will not be able to not only operate their business but will not be able to pay employees. Stores will close. No groceries. Electric utilites shut down, Cell Phones won't work. No electric. No Water. No sewage. Everything "Locks Up". It is assumed there will be riots. People will be fighting one another for basic commodities. Obama wants to collapse the economy so he and George Soros can wipe out the constitution. Trade in different currency. This wil bring heartache, pain, and misery like America has nevr seen before.
Obama and Dems are now, as I type this, trying to spend as much as they can so the economy will melt down so Americans will be begging Obama and Soros to rescue them. this is what they want. Please discuss this. Please pass this on in your own words.
This has to get out.
Alex Abrams, Orlando


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Please take a moment and send "Money Bomb" to Allen West, Republican Congressman from Florida for calling Obama a "Marxist 3rd World Dictator" on Great Van Sustarn Show on Thursday night.
Please donate $5.00, $10.00, $15.00, $25.00 or what ever is reasonable to Congressman Allen West. Congressman West is not affraid to call Obama out for being: "Marxist 3rd World Dictator". Give this man some money. Congressman West has no fear. Other Congressman and Senators need to take a page from Congressman West and take off their Ballet Shoes and take Obama head on, as has Congressman West.
Please help this man. He is a great man. We need more like him.

Go to:

and please give. Evebn a little is a help.
Thank you and God Bless.
Alex Abrams, Orlando

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As Republicans try to reign in the budget to make it more solvent the news claims they are killing seniors and forcing the poor to starve. However, the only people talking about cutting Food Stamps are the democrats.


I am not an advocate of cutting Food Stamps, but it should obviously have more control and not be a drain on the people paying into it. There is a lot of generosity in America from Churches, compaines, and the pockets of individuals. The government is able to send donations to other countries, so I do not think there is any shortage of generosity in this country.


It is amazing how the left and the media can continue to get a way with reporting Republicans do not care about seniors or the poor while at the same time Democrats are responsible for exactly what they claim the Republicans are doing.


I know the Tea Party is helping to get the message out, but it seems like as all this news continues to mount up it is bottle necking and not reaching the mainstream. We can get the news, but with 2012 just around the corner we need a person that isn't afraid to get this message out and hammer it back at the left.


Democrats who reluctantly slashed a food-stamp program to fund a state-aid bill may have to do so again to pay for a top priority of first lady Michelle Obama.

The House will soon consider an $8 billion child-nutrition bill that’s at the center of the first lady’s “Let’s Move” initiative. Before leaving for the summer recess, the Senate passed a smaller version of the legislation that is paid for by trimming the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as the food-stamp program.

The proposed cuts would come on top of a 13.6 percent food-stamp reduction in the $26 billion Medicaid and education state-funding bill that President Obama signed this week.

Food stamps have made multiple appearances on the fiscal chopping block because Democrats have few other places to turn to offset the cost of legislation.

Party leaders raided the budget to find off-setting tax increases and spending cuts to pay for their top legislative priorities, including the roughly $900 billion healthcare law. Congressional pay-as-you-go rules require lawmakers to offset all non-emergency spending.


Read the full article at:

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2012 Michele Bachman

The President’s State of the Union speech may be in the news cycle, but 2012 is the real date certain and Michele Bachman, for her part was prescient and quite astute to position the Tea Party’s response to the President as separate and apart from that of the Republican Party.  The actual response itself only further served to underline the distinction. Ms. Bachman spoke to and for the people who just happened to put the Republicans back in office.  

Republican Congressman Ryan by contrast offered profuse and repeated condolences to “Gabby” as if the shooting in Tucson had anything at all to do with the State of the Union, or the Republican Party‘s plans going forward. Conversely, Ms. Bachman spoke directly, critically and unambiguously of the Administration’s failed policies and the pressing need to fix the economy and deal with the deficit.  She spoke of we the people and the crisis facing our nation.  
Congressman Ryan by contrast offered poached eggs on melba toast.  Perhaps tomorrow he seemed to promise, the Republican Party might offer us a pat of margarine.

From the Republican perspective, all of this is understandably vexing.  The implications of positioning the Tea Party Movement outside of the Republican Party clearly makes them uncomfortable.  Nonetheless, as much as Republicans might like to pretend otherwise, they are neither of, nor did they spring from the Tea Party movement.  Nor were they necessarily the people’s choice in the last election and Ms. Bachman is correct to further position the movement by drawing the distinction.

The Republican victory in last November’s elections was simply the result of our institutional, default setting, historical and structural.  Again, Republicans would like to pretend otherwise, but as a class of political professionals they do so at their own peril.  They are certainly welcome to become part of the Tea Party movement, or they can begin to position themselves with an eye to co-opting and thereby undermining the movement.  Those are the choices.

Michele Bachman’s separate response demonstrated that both she and the Tea Party remain poised to serve notice of termination.  Republicans simply will not be allowed to serve two masters at the same time.  The  political calculus and calculations will be shrewd and I wish the pols luck with all that, but outside the mob is milling and they are comprised of voters.

A successfully germinated seed, the Tea Party must now take root and establish itself firmly in the political garden of good and evil.  It’s either that, or  fall victim, choked and squeezed out by the likes of Trent Lott and Karl Rove.  It can be a tricky business stirring up the little people and it would appear that’s exactly what the vested interests encouraged in a frightful and hasty response to the radical and determined agenda of the Obama Administration’s proposed social revolution.  

And while it is generally understood that any approaching juggernaut tends to focus the mind, it is also true that this time the establishment response may have been too cute by half.  Parts hastily sewn together, the body politic of revolution past was laid upon a table and the table elevated up into a stormy, media night and when the monster moved, it became clear to everyone that indeed, life had been created.  Now, to the chagrin of these same political operatives, this political, popular Frankenstein has taken on a life of its own.  

He’s off to Congress in a new twist to an old story, what?  And it’s no good expecting the villagers to act as a posse, to restore the old order for he is of them and they he.  It was out of their historical graveyard after all, that his corpse was disinterred.  It is rather amusing you’ll have to admit, watching as the village folk hand the monster a pitch fork, another the torch.  That’s the downside, the moral hazard to being part of a ruling class elite.

Inevitably, rulers tend to lose touch with the people.  The initial degree of separation will widen.  Words such as open, pluralistic and democratic tend to fall away meaningless when decisions are made by an elite under the real time duress of crisis. It is reminiscent of a Las Vegas casino in that the owners expect the house will always win.  Otherwise the business model wouldn’t exist.  And make no mistake, this collection, coordination and direction of public resources, which is government is a business model all its own, big business and it’s run by and for the elite ruling class, but financed by you, the tax payer.

The question, like some proverbial worm suddenly shorn a quarter of its life savings has turned.  At least that is the concern of these same elites.  They would prefer the American people roll over and go back to sleep now that the Obama agenda seems checked, their own, parochial purposes temporarily served.  But the two party system has played “Monkey in the middle” with the American voter one too many times.  Or like Caesar will the political establishment, the arm of the ruling class continue to thwart democratic reform through the covert and nefarious tactic of divide and conquer?  They most certainly will, if they can get away with it.   

They just might want to be careful what they wish for this time.  Tunisia has shown us how quickly a political order can be upset.  Egyptians have taken to the streets with great effect.  Here at home the weather is about to change again and there can be no doubt, but it’s a hard, cold rain that’s going to fall.  That will not enhance stability.  The first fifty years of this century were always about managing the decline as well as the weaknesses as we change paradigms and it hasn’t been going especially well.  Both political and business incompetence in conjunction with an over riding, base corruption has brought us to this present juncture of systemic financial crisis on the verge of collapse.  

The supposedly, leaderless Tea Party Movement seems to be developing a leadership all on its own and very nicely too, thank you.  And depending on where you sit, that will mean Congresswoman Bachman and Senator Paul will either become a very big problem, or our very salvation.  The time is 2012 just as the time was once 1776 and as any student of American colonial history can tell you, our “Founding fathers” were forced to run hard just to catch up with the American people so they could lead.  “Time and tide…“ as they say, "...wait for no man."  Much less a political party and so be it today.
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Daniel chapter 11 and verse 20 is the most provocative piece of Scripture for what we in America are going through right now TODAY in this time.

Many if not most may choose not to believe it for they've been blinded for so long by the media hype for the last 60 years.

That the Bible is just nothing more than a Book Of Poetry and not to be taken literally. That the End Time has either already occurred or will never happen at all.

That Jesus was a good teacher and nothing more.

That, only conspiracy theorists and terrorists are the only fools on the face of this planet so brain washed by it.

Well to and for all of that I respond thusly:

When the Day comes when we all stand before that Great White Throne of Grace and Judgment,

the only one seated upon that throne is Jesus, the Living Son of the Living God.

He will not be entertaining anyones reasons, excuses, nor alibi's.

He either knows you, or He doesn't!

No gray area, no weekend get away, no repeats/do overs, no time shares, nada.

90 million abortions as of 1973-2005 have been performed in these United States

of America. Who's the Proud ones now?

How many of our Sports stars are taking(or have taken) HGH, which is the pulverized Pituitary Glands

of the Unborn? Did they know or even care to realize it?

Shoot a Dog, God Forbid, Kill a baby, just a kid.

Save the Whale, cure the Rabid, Don't fret none child, its just your kid.

Insurance rates right to the sky, kill that baby, don't wonder why.

Taxes large, more Irrate, kill that baby, learn to lie and hate.

Politicians yearn for more control, kill the baby, its not your soul.

Watch them sports, throw back a few, its only a baby just get a clue.

Most rather forget than set and wait, baby retorts "Go to Hell and Wait!"

You won't believe, bad to the bone. Surprise, you're not in Hell alone!

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Unresolvable budget problems?



There is an easy way to resolve this Congress's budget problems.  Cut each and every program 5% (five percent) across the board with no exceptions.  Cut every program regardless of its merits.  That should appease all of the complainers who no doubt would immediately object that their pet program was cut but the other guy's wasn't.  What can they complain about if all programs are treated equally. 


If the Congress and the Administration cannot get our fiscal house in order come next election VOTE ALL OF THEM OUT OF OFFICE.  That too would be fair and square.


What part of the phrase "we are totally and completely fed up with the lack of control with regard to spending" do they not understand!





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Fifty million (50,000,000) plus babies have been murdered in America since the horrible moral crime of abortion has been legalized.  This holocast beats the terrible and unforgetable Jewish holocast during WWII of Six million (6,000,000).  These babies are helpless and cannot defend themselves or go to the poll to protect themselves from being murdered. 


Have we no shame, no conscience that tells us it is wrong to kill innocent babies, no moral outrage, no mercy, no understanding of the Ten Commandments one of which states clearly "Thou shalt not kill," no moral fiber, no obedience to God's Holy Will?


On a strictly secular level for those who are unbelievers: how many geniuses have been murdered who could have made tremendous contributions to our nation.


What part of the word MURDER do we not understand as a nation?


My hope and my prayer is that God will have mercy on us as a nation and individually even though we have not had mercy on His Holy Innocents!



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                                          NO, NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Even a PARASITE doesn't kill It's Host.

I officially joined the Tea Party yesterday. I have always been a sympathizer and hold the same beliefs.Unions way back when were probably necessary, then they evolved into a thug operation that would do anything to get what they wanted.

Including Vandalism, Threats, Property Damage, Verbal Assault. (You can finish the list)

Then once they owned the Democratic Party all bet's were off.

Even when a 6 year old could do the math and see the path could not possibly be sustained.

It got started about 30 years ago.The Unions all but killed manufacturing in this country.

At the same time started buying state elections so for their government employees, they could sit on both sides of the table to negotiate terms.The pattern went on across the country with Democrat Governors and the Gov would just raise taxes.I live in Wisconsin> GROUND ZERO.

We just delivered a SEVERE BLOW to the Unions on our Senate Race.

The Unions Threw It All at this one. Did their usual cheating plus some.

Bused In Voters, Horrible Deceitful Adds but also sent union money by the boat load from all around the country. CUSTARDS LAST STAND!!!!!!!!!!!

They lost In a 50 / 50 State, well we now know why.

Conservatives were driven to the voting booth like cattle.

Polls show the number one reason was how union members showed their ASS so bad during protest. I want to be careful here.

Union Leaders are the real Villon's here. They got Power Drunk and Wealthy off the backs of their workers. That's PURE GREED.Only about half of the union workers are to fault.

I know some people that happened to get a job that happened to be union and they couldn't care less.The same people I know are from smart to brilliant.

Then there is the other 50% that don't have the I Q that reaches the top floor.

That 50% can be brain washed like a VERY YOUNG CHILD.

I heard of a guy that was caught smoking CRACK In the bathroom at Chrysler and they could not fire him.

There are millions of these cases, the average worker would have a MUCH better job benefit package If they didn't have to support all the

dead beats. In the past I have followed Politics and News but honestly never did a lot about It. I PROMISE that has changed forever!!!!!!!


 PS.I was so mad about Unions I went to buy  It was already up but not quite running (no way to contact them)

However that Is where I found the Tea Party add. IF ANYONE knows how to reach the owner of that site? I would very much appreciate It



                                                                                                           Thank You For Looking

                                                                                                                 MJ of Wisconsin

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The Tea Party is losing momentum, and we need to gain it back.


This happens with populist movements all the time: they gather a lot of steam early on, and then things die down.


Part of the problem is that we're all over the place and not focused on a few things. The other problem is there is no quality control. Anyone can say anything, and claim to be speaking for the Tea Party.


We need to combine intensity with civility and disciplined organization. 

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           It’s been less than two weeks since the Republican House leadership caved into President Obama and received just $392 million in real cuts for the fiscal 2011 budget; and just two days since the Standard & Poors bond rating services listed a negative outlook for the United States’ fiscal future and already the effects are being felt as worldwide distrust of the once-mighty dollar is evident everywhere:
Item: George Soros, “The Man who Broke the Bank of England” a.k.a. the “International Man of Misery” who’s earned his tens of billions by wrecking currencies and whole economies especially in Europe and SE Asia  . . . is moving in for the kill. Soros -- the biggest individual funder of the Obama campaign for presidency via 54 separate U.S. and foreign foundations -- claims that the U.S. Dollar as evidenced by the S&P ratings adjustment is “no longer the world’s reserve currency.” Soros added that the dollar is plunging so quickly in value, central banks and investors have no choice but to shift away from the Greenback to avoid huge losses and that oil, gold and other commodities as well as currencies such as the Chinese Yuan, Euro and Yen are taking up the slack.
Item:  The price of gold has shot up to $1,503 the highest in history; silver moved up to $44.77 zeroing-in on its all-time high price of $51.28. Gold has risen 6.5% since the New Year; silver has climbed 55% in the same period.
Item: Numerous restaurants in New York City, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles have raised their prices and some have placed easily-read signs saying they take foreign currency such as the Mexican Peso, the French Franc, the British Pound and Canada’s dollar.
Item: The U.S. dollar index is currently near a 16-month low at roughly 74.30 against a basket of other currencies. The Federal Reserve banks’ easy-money policies are now coming under heavy criticism from Democrats as well as Republicans.
Item: Ethanol subsidizing continues although everyone who understands the problem realizes that Ethanol 1) is only viable because of government subsidies and cannot stand on its own and b)Ethanol causes far more pollution in sum than gasoline does because of the huge costs required to transport corn to the ethanol plants (not quite the same as an oil pipeline). Meanwhile the price of corn and corn products, which are found in about 300-different common foods, are sky-rocketing and surprise, so is the price of food.
Item: The price of oil, which seemed to be ebbing last week, has jumped back almost $5 to $110.60 a barrel. Gasoline prices above $4 per gallon are fast becoming commonplace.
Item: There may be a bit of a silver-lining to this last item. Whenever gasoline gets above $3.30 a gallon, Methanol becomes quite an attractive alternative as does Natural Gas. Both would require about a $150-200 retrofit to be used in cars, but they’re cheaper than gas now; much cleaner; much more abundant in the United States than anywhere else. Some environmentalists claim that while it’s better than gasoline, Natural Gas is still nasty pollution-wise.   At roughly$2.20 a gallon for gasoline we have a real cheap alternative – and of course sometime soon we could see gas prices double that in this country . . . keragen a.k.a. marlstone a.k.a. oil shale (it’s neither shale; nor oil and takes a mining rather than drilling operation to free from the ground. Right now the huge keragen deposits in Western Colorado, NE Utah; and Southwest Wyoming could provide 400 years worth of fuel for the entire world. The leader in that technology is TOSCO (“The Oil-Shale Co.”) and guess who our only real competitor for Keragen dominance might become? China. So you’d better believe it would be in our interests to develop keragen quickly before China does.
An Only Casually-Related Item: Even as 53% of Americans still blame our financial troubles on George W. Bush -- Goldman Sachs has just this week received a blistering new rain of criticism for making a fortune during the financial meltdown by short-selling many of those ridiculous lumped-together-mortgage packages based upon shoddy sub-prime home loans that banks and mortgage companies had been forced to make since President Carter first passed the Community Reinvestment Act in 1977 (CRA ’77). CRA’ 77 law was expanded four times by President Clinton which Bush fought to repeal for 30 consecutive months between January, 2005 and July, 2007. Finally, a bi-partisan too-little, too-late bill passed which in August, 2010, Treasury Secretary Geithner paid respect to Bush for his efforts, by saying his law prevented a much worse meltdown and an utter collapse in home prices. Rajjpuut says, “Congratulations to Goldman Sachs! ”Isn’t it amazing how successful the left-wing is at blaming the free-markets and conservatives for every disaster caused by progressive left-wing interference in the free markets? 
After Clinton’s 1998 steroid-version expansion of CRA ’77 people without jobs; with horrific credit ratings; without rental histories; with only food stamps to declare as “income”; and even illegal aliens found it, easy thanks to ACORN, to get into $300,000 and $400,000 homes than people with good credit, etc. had faced in trying to get into $150,000 homes a decade earlier. If you’re uninformed and believe that conservatives pushed the economy into a ditch you deserve what Obama and the rest of the big spenders are giving us . . . the rest of us don’t. PS: who was the most famous ACORN attorney at getting home loan compliance forcing mortgage companies to make knowingly bad loans in Chicago?   Who was at the same time teaching night classes in self-described “Neo-Communist” Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”??? Barack Hussein Obama. In 1995 and 1996 Obama not only was successful in getting such outrageous loans repeatedly and getting promises of further compliance but also in securing large ACORN donations. Does all this make you proud to be an American?
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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“It now seems that Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke here in America are the equivalent of a combined level 9.0 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster elsewhere.”
“The only reasons that anyone anywhere would buy or accept the Yen, Euro or Dollar right now is because they are either stupid or mad or have no choice (like retirees on Social Security). Get out! Get out! Get out! Put your retirement immediately into gold and silver . . . this government has not shown itself worthy of your trust. 
Credit Worthiness Doubts Plague the Once ALMIGHTY $$
Gold Prices Soar, S & P Makes Long Overdue
Negative Critique of U.S. Credit Rating
Gold prices moved to their highest in history in response to monetary shocks involving the Euro and the American Dollar. The incalculable damage done to America's once proud monetary system (for 60 odd years now, the Dollar has been the world's reserve currency) by the policies of Barack Obama and Fed Chief Ben Bernanke over the last twenty-seven months have just received their long-awaited first official comeuppance.   Standard & Poors has for the first time in history yesterday put a “negative” outlook rating upon the AAA credit rating of U.S. government Bonds. 
The American credit rating has never been anything but “stable” up till now. This long overdue move put American stock markets in a tailspin at least for Monday, 2011’s official Tax Day. Gold finished the day at $1493.00 per ounce while silver climbed to over $43.70 per ounce on the dramatic news.  In contrast, after being down over 250 points (1.9%) for most of the session the Dow Jones Industrial Average ended Monday off 140 points or down over 1.14%.   The announcement by S&P and the falling of the Euro combined for a bad day for financial markets in the West.
European nations are taking a belated but realistic look at the devastation that the insolvency of the P.H.I.G.I.E.S. countries (Portugal, Hungary, Ireland, GREECE, Italy, England and Spain; with England recently showing semi-drastic policy-change in support of their economy) where the specter of non-stop bailouts has created huge ripples in the world currency and stock markets. The debt crisis in Europe, despite the bailouts has seen the European community as a whole show evidence of some belt-tightening.  Here in America, however, Barack Obama has been spending and creating entitlements and big government like a maniac . . . and he’s been willfully abetted by the inflationary policies of Bernanke. 
The United States is one of just nineteen governments that enjoy S&P's highest, triple-A sovereign credit rating. It has had that rating, and a stable outlook, since 1941, when Standard Statistics merged with Poor's Publishing to form S&P.  S&P’s two predecessor agencies also gave the United States their highest ratings. S&P's warning came as a surprise, but only in the sense "that somebody decided to say the emperor has no clothes," says Howard Simons, a strategist with Bianco Research.
“If an agreement (on cutting deficit, national debt and UNfunded liabilities in the U.S.A.) is not reached and meaningful implementation does not begin . . . this would in our view render the U.S. fiscal profile meaningfully weaker than that of peer ‘AAA’ sovereigns,” New York-based S&P said today in a report that maintained its top rating on U.S. long-term debt while lowering the outlook to “negative” for the first time. 
By comparison, S&P is widely rumored to be considering lowering the Japanese bond rating because of the effect of the three-pronged disaster that struck that Island recently. Up to now Japan has enjoyed an AAA rating with a “negative” outlook but been able to sell their bonds at lower interest rates because besides eschewing inflationary monetary policies, the Japanese are a long-reputed “nation of savers not debtors” and the internal demand for the nation’s bonds among its people is very high. It now seems that Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke here in America are equivalent to a combined level 9.0 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster** elsewhere.  Rajjpuut looks at some crucial wealth-protecting alternatives to normal investing in the footnotes including so-called “Forever Stamps.”
Standard & Poor’s put the U.S. government on notice it could lose its AAA credit rating unless policy makers agree on a plan by 2013 to reduce budget deficits and the national debt. “If an agreement is not reached and meaningful implementation does not begin by then, this would in our view render the U.S. fiscal profile meaningfully weaker than that of peer ‘AAA’ sovereigns,” New York-based S&P said in its report.
S&P said there’s a one-in-three chance that the rating might be cut within two years and that its “baseline assumption” is that Congress and the Obama administration will come to terms on a plan to reduce record deficits. Treasuries and the dollar rebounded from early losses following the statement, while stocks declined.  Another financial rating service, Moody’s Investor Service, which has a stable outlook on U.S. debt, today said the U.S. budget debate is “positive” for the country’s credit. The S&P  action puts pressure on Obama and House Republicans to come to agreement on plans to reduce the national debt, which S&P says could rise to 84 percent of gross domestic product by 2013 roughly a 25% increase from where it was when Obama took office in January, 2009.
In response, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor called the S&P warning “a wake-up call for those in Washington asking Congress to blindly increase the debt limit.” S&P’s negative outlook “makes clear that the debt-limit increase proposed by the Obama administration must be accompanied by meaningful fiscal reforms that immediately reduce federal spending and stop our nation from digging itself further into debt,” the Virginia Republican said in a statement. Overseas investors hold about half of the roughly $9 trillion in outstanding marketable U.S. debt, including $1.2 trillion held by China and $ 0.9 trillion held by Japan. The specter of the Japanese government and China selling out American bonds and not renewing has many in Washington worried.
S&P failed to mention the $14.29 trillion debt ceiling, but said that if current American budget negotiations fail, it might not be possible to get an agreement until at least the 2014 budget cycle. Our Treasury Department has said the borrowing limit will be reached no later than May 16, at which point it will turn to emergency measures that provide borrowing room through about July 8. Republican leaders in Congress have said they will NOT back increasing the debt ceiling unless Obama agrees to more specific steps to trim the budget deficit, estimated to top $1.6 trillion this year, as well as agreeing to significant cuts. Nevertheless, despite all the attention the Dollar has recently received, the Euro is balancing on the edge of disaster and the Euro has risen in recent months compared to the Dollar. It seems that many worldwide investors are stuck in their ways considering only two currencies. Gold and silver, however, have seen meteoric rises in value compared to the Yen, Dollar and Euro.
Yes, there are other currencies more at risk. But the U.S. has, relative to its AAA peers, very large budget deficits and rising government indebtedness and the path to addressing these is not clear according to the S&P report. The report also said that from 2003 to 2008, the U.S. total government deficit fluctuated between 2 and 5 percent of gross domestic product. "Already noticeably larger than that of most 'AAA' rated sovereigns, it ballooned to more than 11 percent (under Obama) in 2009 and has yet to recover."
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
      The reader surely noticed that worldwide investors have for the most part shown little imagination in lining up their investment options for the last decade. The only reasons that anyone anywhere would buy the Yen, Euro or Dollar right now is because they are either stupid or mad or have no choice (like retirees on Social Security). Get out! Get out! Get out! Put your retirement immediately into gold and silver (or into “Forever Stamps” ???)  . . . this government has not shown itself worthy of your trust.  
      Taking the tiniest step to purchasing old-fashioned hard money (gold and silver coinage) would have provided investors a boost of roughly 450% in the case of gold and 420% for silver in the last decade. WE ARE LIVING THROUGH INFLATIONARY TIMES . . . fiat, paper currency (paper money NOT backed by gold and silver) is at great risk. Of course, one can always buy bullion gold or silver . . . but the advantage especially of junk silver (90% silver U.S. coins minted before 1965) is that they come in a “package” people are used to dealing with. Robert Ringer (author of “Winning through <despite> Intimidation”) and Harry Browne (author of “How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World) as early as 1973 were touting the opportunity in “junk silver” following the LBJ years.     
      After LBJ, Carter and now after Obama gets through with us . . . junk silver looks to be among the smartest investments possible. Shortly after the government began taking the silver content out of dimes, quarters and half dollars (55.5% in 1965 under LBJ; and the rest in 1971 by Nixon) the price of silver reached $1.65 per ounce, the break-even point. Silver is now at $43.87 per ounce. When it reaches $51.15 per ounce it will have earned its investors in 1965 3000% gain plus the original value. Let’s say two more things about silver . . . .
     Silver is heavy, so for those hoping to store great wealth:  alternatives like gold, platinum and palladium are much more desirable in the short run. Let Rajjpuut urge you, however, to keep a lot of silver handy. Why? Because . . . .
A.                           Silver is a very, very handy and very recognizable unit of exchange for emergency uses and even for everyday purchasing.
B.                           A strange thing has happened in industry. Gold and silver have always been necessary for manufacturing especially in electronics for both metals and up to recently in photography for silver. The fact is that because of silver’s relative cheapness, it has been the preferred metal in industry. Since when used industrially, a metal is seldom recovered . . . silver, at any given time is now RARER than gold in human hands. (It’s still easier to mine silver which is often found with gold in the earth and more common, but silver because of its cheapness is used so much more frequently in industry that the amount of silver held for wealth repository or for jewelry is less than the amount of gold. Rarity makes things valuable so in Rajjpuut’s twisted mind, silver is the better buy.
C.                            Historically the easily most common ratio of gold to silver value has been in the 15/1 – 16/1 range. So if gold is worth $1500 than IF the ratio was holding, silver would be selling at $100 per ounce about $150 higher than its present value. So again the balance of value now favors silver.
      Silver, alas, is heavy. Gold, platinum and palladium are so very valuable that making small purchases with them is not feasible . . . here’s another alternative:  so-called “Forever stamps.”   Background: when he was a boy, Rajjpuut lived in Germany and had a brief spell as a junior philatelist, a stamp collector. One of the most remarkable things he experienced was the beautiful mint Adolf Hitler stamps he collected with tiny values like 60 pfenning (then 15 cents American) compared to stamps issued during the German Weimar Republic with enormously high values like 200,000 Deutsch Marks many of which even had the original cost blacked out or just lined through and a higher value printed upon them.   The four Deutsch Marks to a Dollar before World War I eventually reached $26 TRillion DM to the buck by November, 1923, at the height of their severe inflation (about the time Adolf Hitler became a well-known national name by attempting the “Beer-Hall Putsch” in Munich <that is, attempting a coup d’ etat at pistol point upon the Bavarian State>). What’s that got to do with the price of tea? The U.S. Post Office “leadership” has decided they can save on printing costs and inconvenience for customers and themselves by printing “Forever Stamps.” The post offices hope to avoid constant rushes of huge customer lines for 1-cent, 3-cent, 5-cent stamps, etc. in their facilities when they start changing stamp prices more frequently due to rising## inflation. 
      The idea is that stamps printed without a price label and only the words “First Class” written upon them will be issued. Again: notice that NO price will be shown. So, if say, the price of a first-class stamp is now $.50 and the cost of first-class postage increases to say $5.00 per letter in four years, for example . . . even though postage has increased nine times to now cost ten times the original value, the postal customers’ old stamps still do the trick. In INFLATIONARY times that’s a huge boon for the customer savvy enough to have bought in bulk early on in the inflationary history. Stamps, of course, are light but need more protection from the elements especially water. For convenience sake the best way to buy in Rajjpuut’s not-so-humble opinion is in 100 stamp rolls which come in a protective seal.    So a 100-roll of stamps today costs, say $50.00 and will do the same trick as a 100-roll of stamps four years from now, but the hundred-roll of stamps at that time in the future costs $500.00. For those doing a lot of posting, the value of keeping ahead of postal rates is obvious. For the rest of us, stamps can be used as a very convenient form of MONEY.
Of course, collectible stamps and coins are also great storehouses of value, however, unlike everyday items like ordinary silver coins and ordinary postage stamps -- which both can be used easily AS MONEY – collectible items are “illiquid.”   “Liquid” means easy to dispose of. Dollar bills are highly liquid, but valuable stamps or coins are hard to get rid of without losing a lot of money, because stamp collectors and coin collectors interested in paying you what the item is truly worth are hard to find especially during financial crisis.  Pawnshop dealers might give you 35%. So, at most only 5% or 6% of your “portfolio” should be tied up in illiquid assets whatever they be, unless you are amazingly rich . . . in which case, you’d buy lots of valuables and hie thee to a safer haven where inflation is not a prospect. Rajjpuut hope this overview on protecting your wealth helps. He also hopes his 100% wrong about the need to take such extraordinary means. However, in his estimation, these are desperate times courtesy of BHO and call for desperate measures.
      Is there any advantage from Forever Stamps for the Post Office, you might ask?  Once purchased, a forever stamp is a perpetual stamp that never expires or declines in value. It's value, therefore, is the First-Class Mail stamp postage rate for a one ounce letter at the time of use (not the purchase-day cost) . . . so isn’t the post office risking bankruptcy? Perhaps not! First of all, the Post Office gets an immediate cash flow. Nobody buys those 100-stamp rolls and uses all 100 immediately . . . if they’re such a big operation and need 100 stamps or more per day, they get a special rate and print their postage labels right at their business. These Forever Stamps are aimed at the individual postal customer. So the post office saves on employees manning their front counter and has all this cash to use now when prices are what they are now, not what they’ll be in the future . . . with good management (oh-oh?!) they’ll stay well ahead of the curve and might show a string of profits for once. However, if the hyper-inflation -- that Bernanke and Obama seemed hell-bent on giving us -- comes about, that might be a different story.   People all over the country who’ve bought up dozens or hundreds of Forever Stamps using them like money in exchanges with tiny businesses who use even five to ten stamps daily could put a dramatic strain on the post office finances. Besides Rajjpuut might go into the “Forever Stamp” counterfeiting business . . . .

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