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by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism
The Texas Rangers are the second oldest state law enforcement agency in the United States. They initially functioned as a paramilitary force during the time that the Republic of Texas was an independent country. Today the Rangers function as the Texas State Bureau of Investigation. Over time, they have investigated and captured criminals spanning from murderers (John Wesley Hardin), to bank robbers (Bonnie & Clyde), to corrupt politicians. As part of their long and colorful history, the Rangers have developed quite a reputation. That reputation was earned by the Rangers time after time taking on some of the most evil people in society with a relatively small number of men. As an example, there were only 144 Rangers in 2009.
One enduring story about the Rangers from 1896 includes the original occurrence of the well-known saying: “One Riot, One Ranger”. In response to the illegal fight that was scheduled to break out in Dallas, the Rangers sent one man, Captain Bill McDonald to prevent the riot. Although many in the public were concerned that the Rangers only sent one man to address the fight, Captain McDonald was accustomed to being outnumbered. To jump to the end of the story, of course McDonald was successful in achieving his mission and preventing the fight. However it is Captain McDonald’s response to the Mayor of Dallas that echoes through Ranger history. When the Mayor questioned McDonald regarding why he didn’t have more Rangers with him, the Captain replied (paraphrased), “One Riot, One Ranger”.
Sometimes, the right person in the right place at the right time makes all the difference. Today America’s Patriots face a similar challenge in being outnumbered by those who are plotting to do evil in our society. Continue...
What is this?
Was mom in Kenya when she gave birth to Obama in Hawaii?
Why would President Obama have a Communist, Van Jones, work out of White House. He knew exactly who this is. The White House is full of Marxist, Maoist, Communists, Socialist. It is unbelievable that Obama can bring this many Rvolutionaries inside Whitehouse. Pathetic that we as public are too busy watching American Idol, etc instead of discussing these things with family and friends.
Obama must be defeated.
Unions Pledge more Riots, Disruption, Carnage, Displays of Hate, Anger at Townhalls and any meeting of civil minded people till Election. This is horrible.
This is a threat. Plain and simple.
I can not be intimidated.
I will not be intimidated.
This gives us all the more resolve to get rid of Obama.
None of this was even a thought till Obama got Elected.
Obama is the Cause.
Obama is the Cure. Get rid of him like old garbage. Out with the trash.
Do not be intimidated.
Public Umployee Union Thugs Leave Totally Repulsive,Disgusting, Ugly Mindset in Wisconsin Public Emoloyee Animalistic Display in State Capitol Building in Madison, Wisconsin. Was the most grossly fat really ugly unshaven women ever seen in one spot. Most looked like female Sumo Wrestlers with unshaven armpits. Simpley disgusting. What role models for our children. Kids may have asked: "Mommy, what is that really fat smelly thing screaming and hollering like they want to kill someone?" And Mommy would say "Little Mary, Those are very angry women who hate them selves and take it out on anything conservative in sight.
Congressman Alan West Townhall Meeting yesterday was disrupted by rioting Democrats and Union Thugs,
Allen West would NOT be "intimidated".One of those rioters arrested was a "Liberal Radio Talkshow Host". The arrested female "Liberal Radio Talkshow Host" was hauled out in handcuffs screaming, hollaring, and kicking. She was in "disbelief" that she was being haulled out in cuffs. Poor Baby! She is fine example of the Marxist Left. She refused to let Congressman West have discourse with his constituants. She is typical of those spoiled rotten babies who kick, scream, swear and get just plain disgusting when they don't get their way. They are a blight on America. Get rid of Obama and they will fade away.
Obama must go.
The most important thing that needs to be done is to create a powerful movement to reinstate the Social Security Trust Fund. The Government has robbed it and it looms as one of the most devastating issues to our economy exactly like the pension funds which 31 states have underfunded for teachers, firemen, police officers and government workers.
If the Trust Fund were still intact the solution to the Federal Deficit, credit standing, budget etc. would be a less difficult problem to deal with.
“Mr. Obama has shown an undeniable pattern of associating preferentially with left-wing radicals and outright anti-American sorts (Van Jones has called for the Revolution NOW and he’s just one of the President’s friends making similar pleas: Trumka for example has called for union violence) and he needs to be judged on that every bit as much as he’s judged on his incompetence.
Obama Preacher Refers to “3/5 of a Human
Being” and Slavery from 148 Years Ago
in Easter Sunday Sermon
Feeling the need to attend an Easter Sunday service to remove the heat incurred after the President pointedly refused to utter the word “Easter” altogether, Barack Obama found himself back in Jeremiah Wright’s church – well, sort of. If your thesis about Barack Obama is that he is a race-baiting Black nationalist (which is not the thesis or hypothesis of Rajjpuut) this Easter Sunday would have cemented that notion as a highly probable explanation for all things Obama. This time the race-baiting Black victimization sermon came not from Reverend Jeremiah Wright but from Dr. Wallace Charles Smith, a Baptist minister in Washington, D.C. like Rev. Wright a master at driving iron wedges between the races.
President Obama choice of spending Easter Sunday at the Shiloh Baptist Church, led by its controversial pastor Reverend Wallace Charles Smith . . . at the minimum showed that the poor judgment which got him in Dutch with the American people (incensed by his former pastor, Jeremy Wright saying “Not God bless America but God Damn America”) is still a part of the Obama psyche. Just as Wright when he blamed America for the 9/11 attacks saying “America’s chickens have come home to roost” based his sermons in the era of slavery, Wallace Charles Smith also has a well-recorded history of constantly reminding people of color that they were victims way back when and therefore they MUST now feel victimized and outside of contemporary American culture. Before looking at that history of Reverend Smith, however, which presumably Obama had NOT shared via videotape prior to attending the church, let’s see what Wallace’s Easter sermon was for the Obama family and the rest of his flock on April, 24, 2011.
Reverend Wallace Smith talked about his own grandson and then somehow segued into a litany of references to “3/5 of a human being” referring to the census status of the slave on December 31, 1862 on the eve of President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation . . . that is, he was bemoaning a great wrong that had begun to be corrected over 168 years ago. Tie that into the Easter spirit of uplift and rebirth and renewal if you can!
So we have Washington, D.C. with perhaps 800 Black congregations led by Black pastors all clamoring for the President of the United States to visit them and Mr. Obama winds up front and center at this guy’s church. But perhaps the pastor was just having a bad Sunday? Unfortunately, Reverend Wallace Smith has nothing but bad Sundays it seems. He spends a lot of time talking about White Robes and Jim Crow and a truly surprising lot of the time calling Talk Radio and FoxNews racists almost as if he had a vested interest in his flock only listening to certain media modalities. Mr. Obama, of course, just as he did for twenty years in the church of Reverend Jeremiah Wright was legitimizing this radical pastor . . . ah, but you say, “Reverend Smith doesn’t sound that radical . . .”
Reverend Smith, unlike Reverend Wright, is not a bombastic fire-eater. He speaks in far more muted tones and in a less pointedly anti-White fashion . . . but that’s merely a difference in style NOT in content. The predominant message at Shiloh Baptist is RACE OPPRESSION. Black victimhood is Smith’s credo and Black grievance perpetuation is his undeniable purpose. A thousand years from now and a couple dozen generations of Reverend Smiths we can expect the man or woman in the pulpit to still be Black-grievance mongering because Black victimhood, damnit should never be allowed to end. Whitey MUST pay!
Reverend Smith is appalled at Blacks who make it on their own without once resorting to Affirmative Action. Segregation, he insists, has never gone away just become a more subtle societal pressure felt most strongly from talk radio and FoxNews and other monsters who insist that Affirmative Action actually hurts Black and fosters Black dependency upon the Federal Government for non-ending handouts. He blames “the plight of the Black citizen” upon continuing White oppression for hundreds of years -- an oppression now less easily pinpointed (“Jim Crow has set aside his white sheet and now wears blue pinstripes and carries a briefcase . . . Jim Crow**, Esquire.”). Smith compared Rush Limbaugh to the Ku Klux Klan and the White Citizens’ Council. In other words, conservatives - a.k.a. Mr. Obama’s critics – can’t be opposed to his actions because of policy differences but are dyed-in-the-wool racists seeking to perpetuate an Amercan apartheid. For Mr. Smith and many others on the left, disagreeing with progressivism is not only wrong, but evil-deep-seated intolerance and bigotry. Let us remind you, of Rajjpuut’s outlook on this matter in no uncertain terms:
a) Barack Obama was elected President of the United States receiving more White votes and a higher percentage of White votes in 2008 than Kerry in 2004 or Gore in 2000 received . . . roughly 48% of the White votes, high for a Democrat.
b) John McCain received roughly 4.5% of the Black vote less than 1/10 of that 48%. Since Racism obviously does exist, the questions here are: “Which group is the most racist?” “Does harping on an unchangeable past and emphasizing unchangeable ills from almost fourteen decades ago as carried out by Black Separationists like Wright, Farrakhan and Smith help or hurt the Black community in its efforts to gain the American Dream?”
c) It is entirely likely that folks like Barack Obama, Reverend Wright, the Democratic Party as a whole, and you, Reverend Smith, have a vested interest in keeping the Black citizen in victim-mode and helplessly dependent upon the government . . . .
d) It is entirely probable that the vilification that self-made heroic Blacks like Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Florida freshman Representative Allen West constantly receive from people like Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Wright, the Democratic Party as a whole, and from you, Reverend Smith, has done more to hurt today’s Black Community than all the vile acts of the Ku Klux Klan put together.
e) President Obama’s judgment is clearly the topic of discussion here: his long relationship with Wright; and then showing up in a church dominated by another like-spirited and like-minded radical hate-mongered (Smith) tends to push three possible conclusions upon us:
1) This is where President Obama is comfortable because this is what President Obama believes in his heart of hearts . . . or
2) President Obama makes very poor decisions about who he associates with and who he puts into positions of responsibility around him (Van Jones, Eric Holder, Anita Dunn, John Holdren, Bill Ayers, and even Michelle Obama (“This is the first time I’ve been proud of America”) are all radicals seemingly twenty times more likely to criticize this country than to stand up for her or to seek to advance her traditional goodness.
3) Mr. Obama is comfortable only among the people mentioned because he does not believe that America is good. Van Jones recently joined an organization seeking legal rights on a par with humans for Mother Nature and everything within her.
4) Guilt by REPEATED association is NOT the same as “guilt by association.” As much as Obama defenders like Alan Colmes like to point at every similar criticism of the Anointed One Barack as unfair and resorting to “guilt by association,” the fact is that singular acts are one thing and constant, continual and brazenly repeated acts are quite another. Mr. Obama has shown an undeniable pattern of associating preferentially with left-wing radicals and outright anti-American sorts (Van Jones has called for the Revolution NOW and he’s just one of the President’s friends making similar pleas: Trumka for example has called for union violence) and he needs to be judged on that every bit as much as he’s judged on his incompetence.
In a related story, Obama’s former Green Jobs Czar Van Jones who resigned when his radical past, his vile insults against Republicans and his 9/11 Truther membership came to light is now pushing for a “new global architecture of environmental law” that would give Mother Nature the same legal rights in our courts as human beings.
Rajjpuut would certainly like to be able to sue Mother Nature for the loss of my mother to mosquito-borne encephalitis almost forty years ago; and then there’s all those times I got sunburned and the cat’s scratching up our carpet . . . . Oh, sorry, Van Jones isn’t joking.
Self-admitted communist, Van Jones is now a spokesman and one of the newer board members of the “Pachamama Alliance” in Nancy Pelosi’s Land (San Francisco) of Nuts . . . seeking to extend human rights (complete with enforceable laws) to nature itself on the international scene, ah me . . . these are the kinds of radicals the President has surrounded himself with (all the while declaiming the “extremism” of the TEA Party, FoxNews, and talk radio?) and it definitely appears that these radicals are NOT loyal Americans . . . by extension, the President’s own patriotism comes under question. Question their loyalties . . . and you again, by extension, question the President’s loyalties, his greater agenda . . . .
Just by coincidence, another “spokesman” lost his cushy job the other day . . . The AFLAC Duck got fired, long live the new AFLAC Duck. “Why?” one might wonder did the AFLAC Duck get fired and what has that got to do with the price of Chinese Tea or with Obama and Reverend Smith? Or with “loyalty” for that matter?
In essence, the AFLAC Duck, or more accurately the long-time voice of the AFLAC Duck is gone because he knew nothing of common sense and nothing of loyalty. AFLAC’s reinsurance business is well-known in this country but their biggest customer by far is Japan. Actor Gilbert Gottfried lost his position for making controversial remarks highly critical of Japan. Apparently Mr. Gottfried didn’t realize that he was working for two separate entities: AFLAC itself and AFLAC’s customers. Mr. Obama would do well to learn a lesson from the AFLAC Duck, for he too is working for two separate entities: the American people and more especially the American Taxpayer who pays his check (reduced now to only 53% of Americans). It’s almost as if you’re President of a left-wing Black nation and uninterested in the other 84% of America that is neither Black nor left-wing progressive. You work for us, Mr. Obama, all of us; but it sure looks like you’re enthusiastically at work for those who hate this country and the rest of be damned.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Allow us to nitpick. Rev. Smith's characterization of Jim Crow above is very, very strange. It’s as if he's got present-day Whites becoming Jim Crow and White-favoring actions and White-favoring laws becoming Jim Crow laws. In point of fact, “Jim Crow” and “Jim Crow laws” has always referred to Blacks themselves and to the segregationist laws originally designed to keep Blacks “in their place” and subservient to the White Supremacist Segregationists. In Rajjpuut’s not so-humble opinion, Affirmative Action so treasured by the Black Community and the preachings of you, Smith, as well as Wright and Farrakhan are the real Jim Crow laws in this day and age. We must protest the deliberate pretense by the mainstream media that this Sunday's sermon never happened just as the "God damn America" speech by Reverend Wright never happened . . . Mr. Obama has repeatedly put his character (or lack thereof) on the line for all to see, and the left-leaning media, continues protecting his image as always.
Well, that is what the little click box says.
Please read my BLOG concerning the:
Declaration of Independence for the Unborn
The Unborn Bill of Rights.
They are for the greatest cause and good of America.
It's rebirth as a Nation, as a People, and as a Government
of the people, by the people, and for the people.
So help me God!
Always in Christ,
Max Simon Uhrig
If Trump canback that up, it could be big. But once again, he can't let himselkf get caught in a "set up".
Stay On The Issues!
Stop on the "Birther" talk.
Address Obama on "the issues as he can not possibly respond" to such bad results.
Read what L. D. Breen of NEWSMAX.COM (26 April 2011) has to say about it:
It is extremely easy to modify a computer program to add an extra vote by adding 1 to a counter every so often or change a vote from one candidate to another. The Solution: All computer programs that are utilized in elections should be audited by an anonymous team of honest and bonded personnel whose integrity has been very well established. The computer program code would have to be tested and the code would have to be reviewed line by line. An experienced and competent programmer can easily discover any rigged code given a couple of weeks work.
The TEA party is the only true citizen centered activity that supports true effective accountability for all of our elected officials. The TEA party members are not only correctly focused on fixing the problems our natino is facing, but eliminating those folks in public office who would block such achievement.
The 2010 elections were just a start for this citizen focused group and we will make more of a statement in 2012. We must all work hard together to form a competent force and gain the support of those who are still lost in their current political rhetoric. To do this, we all must focus our attentions to the positive activities to gain this support for our membership so that we do not get into the lying rhetoric of the current political agendas.
We must also strive to achieve electing straight thinking citizens into the political positions to support our quest to once again be the strong nation we were before. Our very freedoms depend on our loyalty, or integrity, and our honor. Each of us individually bring a capability that grouped together we are a strong voting force. But only this strength focused correctly between now and 2012 will ensure that we can take back our nation from those who would destroy us.
Let our flags always fly and our honor always be high; this way, our freedom will not die.
Posted on Martin Gould-On April 25, 2011:
“U.S. authorities believe al-Qaida already has nuclear capacity and is ready to use it, new WikiLeaks documents detailing prisoner interrogations in Guantanamo Bay have revealed.
And during questioning, 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed threatened the terror group would unleash a “nuclear hellstorm,” Britain’s Daily Telegraph reveals.
The Telegraph has reviewed the papers obtained by the WikiLeaks website.
The newspaper promises more revelations throughout the week.
The newspaper says “A senior al-Qaida commander claimed that the terrorist group has hidden a nuclear bomb somewhere in Europe which will be detonated if Osama bin Laden is ever caught or assassinated.
The U.S. authorities uncovered numerous attempts by al-Qaida to obtain nuclear materials and fear that terrorists have already bought uranium.
Other revelations reveal a plot to put cyanide into air-conditioning units of public buildings across the United States and to recruit ground staff at London’s Heathrow Airport to make attacks on planes easier.
The Guantanamo papers contain details of interrogations of more than 700 detainees at the U.S. base on the Cuban mainland.
The Telegraph says the United States admits that at least 150 prisoners were innocent and have been released. Some were arrested merely for wearing a certain brand of Casio watch that had been used as a timer by al-Qaida.
But it is the information from Khalid and other high-ranking al-Qaida operatives that is the most disturbing. In one section the papers reveal that Khalid “had numerous plots and plans for operations targeting the United States, its allies, and its interests worldwide.”
Khalid’s 15-page file adds: “Detainee stated that as an enemy of the United States, he thought about the U.S. policies with which he disagreed and how he could change them. Detainee’s plan was to make U.S. citizens suffer, especially economically, which would put pressure on the U.S. government to change its policies.
"Targeting priorities were determined by initially assessing those that would have the greatest economic impact, and secondly which would awaken people politically.”
Read more on WikiLeaks: Al-Qaida Already Has Nuclear Capacity
Note: My following blog post includes numerous other articles and/or blog posts that relate to this issue-You Decide:
Is Our Government Seriously Misreading Al-Qaida’s Operational Objectives?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!