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and across the country, ramping up for 2012

As the 2012 elections draw closer, and over 2 years of the intrusive Obama administration in our lives, the 2nd annual Tax Day Tea Parties were celebrated across the country.  The main stream media continues to minimize the Tea Party movement, but it has become more and more prevelant on the lips of politicians, including the fearless leader.

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Katie Baker, from Max

Good to see you, at least in effigy. Thought I'd get back with you to see how you're coming along with my book, Keeper of The Knew; The Fullness of The Gentiles, and the center excerpt The Declaration and its accompanying Bills?

I'm still hopeful to acquire a sponsor for Publishing.

See you soon my Co-Patrioteer.

Always in Christ,

Max Simon Uhrig

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          “For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”
“If, after I depart this vale of tears, you ever remember me and have thought to please my ghost, forgive some sinner and wink your eye at a homely girl.”
“I believe that it is better to tell the truth than a lie. I believe it is better to be free than to be a slave. And I believe it is better to know than to be ignorant.”  
All three quotes from H.L. Mencken
Educating the American Voter about Economics
            When it comes to economics, politics and your tax burden, ignorance is definitely NOT bliss. The “Great Cynic,” H.L. Mencken, spent a lot of time talking about “Boobus Americanus,” that poor sucker better known as the American Taxpayer and Voter. Why was Mencken so negative about the common American? A recent survey found that 38% of Americans think that “Cash for Clunkers” (CFC) was a great idea. Among the 43% of Americans who say CFC was definitely a bad idea, only about one in ten of these “doubters” can rationally explain why** CFC was a mistake.
            This is clearly NOT the time to be ignorant about economics and politics. Our nation needs far more educated and aware citizens to get involved in fiscally- and Constitutionally-conservative interventions in the political process, not to mentioned informed voting. 
Rajjpuut highly recommends that the voter/taxpayer who feels the need to self-educate on economics look over these brief (4-7 minutes each) videos, etc. As far as educating yourself to the dangers we face HERE and NOW . . . the best education may be these simple words, from a source unexpected by most Americans:
            Here’s your Rajjpuut-recommended self-education program. Look over each video or other link below -- just one per day, but view it twice back-to-back. In a very short time you will know more about economics than 95% of all Americans do. You will also be roughly five times more expert on the subject than the average member of congress has been since 1913 when they voted to give us both the Federal Reserve Bank and the Income Tax.
Happy homework . . . after the process works for you, let others know . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**  Why Cash for Clunkers (CFC) was a bad idea:
A.     You can NOT create prosperity by destruction as the famous “Broken Window Parable” illustrates 
B.     A whole generation of used cars was destroyed before their times. As a consequence today the price of the average used car is between $1,800 and $1,900 more expensive than it was before CFC . . . dramatically hurting those most in need of a good used car, the lower- and lower-middle-classes.
C.      The auto sales charts prove that the CFC program created only a temporary “spike” in car sales which returned to the normal non-descript charted path as soon as the program was ended . . . but, meanwhile all that money that otherwise would have gone to ten thousand other places was concentrated upon the auto industry hurting the rest of the economy. The consumers’ money was merely diverted from those ten thousand places in the economy to one specific industry, auto manufacturing, the consumers’/voters’/taxpayers’ money meanwhile must, of necessity pay for this sooner or later.
D.     The government did not have the money it gave away. It had to borrow that money and thus increase the deficit and national debt all of which further dampens the economy and even threatens economic destruction.
E.     The pollution created in making a new lower-pollution car ahead of its time is far worse than letting the normal wear-down over the lifetime of the destroyed “clunkers” go on naturally.
F.      When you take into account the manufacturing process, hybrid cars are actually much worse environmentally than the older generation of cars. Lithium batteries and nickel use is among the most ravaging thing you can do to the environment.
G.     Lies told about the “success” of Cash for Clunkers will inspire more contra-productive government programs along the same lines. Notice that we still have the ethanol program which actually hurts the environment more (all sorts of hidden transportation pollution is involved) and costs the taxpayers far more than plain old gas does.
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Every department has to be analyzed. Every bit of pork that has been put into place, must be recalled and money put back in the bank.

For instance.


  • Our Social Security is deeply in trouble. Yet our government gave everyone a two percent tax CUT this year? That's insane!!!! What kind of irresponsible "leaders" do we have in Washington?
  • The USPS, per Wikipedia, "The number of gallons of fuel used in 2009 was 444 million, at a cost of US$1.1 billion.".  What if we only received our mail every other day?  Could we cut this number, probably not in half, but perhaps by a third?  "The United States Postal Service employs some 596,000 workers, making it the second-largest" - could we cut 1/3 of this number with every other day delivery?  How many billions of dollars a year would this save?  A bankrupt government can't afford mail delivery 6 days a week, IMHO....  If we cut 1/3 (over next 10 years or so) we'd reduce post office workers by 180,000, or roughly $3.5BLN (figure 50k a year, plus bennies) per year, plus perhaps $363mm per year on gas?)

Where else do we have unecessary services that could be considered waste?



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  This message is applicable to all branches of our military service.




The Soldier stood and faced God,
 Which must always come to pass.
 He hoped his shoes were shining,
 Just as brightly as his brass..
'Step forward now, Soldier ,
 How shall I deal with you?
 Have you always turned the other cheek?
 To My Church have you been true?'
The soldier squared his shoulders and said,
 'No, Lord, I guess I ain't.
 Because those of us who carry guns,
 Can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays,
 And at times my talk was tough.
 And sometimes I've been violent,
 Because the world is awfully rough.


But, I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep...
Though I worked a lot of overtime,
 When the bills got just too steep.


And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear..
And sometimes, God, forgive me,
 I've wept unmanly tears.


I know I don't deserve a place,
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around,
 Except to calm their fears


If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
 But if you don't, I'll understand.


There was a silence all around the throne,
Where the saints had often trod.
As the Soldier waited quietly,
 For the judgment of his God.


'Step forward now, you Soldier,
You've borne your burdens well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
 You've done your time in Hell.'


Author Unknown~

It's the Soldier, not the reporter
Who has given us the freedom of the press.

It's the Soldier, not the poet,
Who has given us the freedom of speech.

It's the Soldier, not the politicians
That ensures our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness..

It's the Soldier who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag.

Pray for our men and women

Who have served and are currently serving our country

And pray for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for freedom....




God Bless Our Military
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Gubmint and How Gubmint Works
Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a
desert. Congress said, "Someone may steal from it at night." So they created
a night watchman position and hired a person for the job.
Then Congress said, "How does the watchman do his job without instruction?"
So they created a planning department and hired two people, one person to
write the instructions and one person to do time studies.
Then Congress said, "How will we know the night watchman is doing the tasks
correctly?" So they created a Quality Control department and hired two
people, one to do the studies and one to write the reports.
Then Congress said, "How are these people going to get paid?" So they
created two positions, a time keeper and a payroll officer, then hired two
Then Congress said, "Who will be accountable for all of these people?"
So they created an administrative section and hired three people, an
Administrative Officer, an Assistant Administrative Officer, and a Legal
Then Congress said, "We have had this command in operation for one year, and
we are $918,000 over budget. We must cut back." So they laid off the night
NOW slowly, let that sink in.
Quietly, we go like sheep to slaughter.
Does anybody remember the reason given for the establishment of the
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY..... during the Carter Administration?
Didn't think so!
Bottom line: We've spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an
agency...the reason for which not one person who reads this can remember!
Ready?? It was very simple . . . and, at the time, everybody thought it very
The Department of Energy was instituted on 8/04/1977 TO LESSEN OUR
Hey, pretty efficient, huh???
A little over 34 years ago, 30% of our oil consumption was foreign imports.
Today 70% of our oil consumption is foreign imports.
Ah, yes -- the good old Federal bureaucracy!!
Hello!! Anybody Home?
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It’s safe to say that Barack Obama is in bed with the unions, the media and our giant corporations . . . . “In addition to CBS Corporation and the Washington Post Company, recipients of ERRP funding include the United Auto Workers union, which secured $206,798,086 in taxpayer money, AT&T, which took in $140,022,949, and General Electric (GE), which raked in $36,607,818. GE has made headlines recently for not paying any U.S. taxes last year. IBM got $12,989,690 in taxpayer money.
“Verizon pulled $91,702,538 in taxpayer cash, too, and General Motors received $19,002,669. More than $6 million went to different Teamsters groups nationwide, and millions more went to the United Mine Workers, United Food and Commercial Workers, the AFL-CIO and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).” Rajjpuut’s opinion/Daily Caller’s FACTS
General Electric Receives $36 Million Bribe
From Obamacare Slush Fund After Its NBC Affiliate
Cheer-Led Barack Obama’s 2008 Election
            Mr. Obama has just handed the world his own personal Watergate.  The facts are all there in public documents including congressional hearings and reports . . . and not surprisingly NBC, CBS, and the Washington Post (all of which received bribes from the Obamacare Slush funds) are not covering the story. But similarly the New York Times and ABC and CNN are largely ignoring the issue as well.
            The story got its legs when Minnesota Representative and TEA Party favorite Michelle Bachmann revealed in mid-March that Obamacare had been illegally funded to the tune of $105 Billion. Ms. Bachmann revealed a huge complex of virtual “slush-funds” mostly run through Kathleen Sibelius’ Health and Human Resource Dept. The Daily Caller website soon put skin and fancy clothing on the rest of this enormous skeleton in Barack Obama’s closet when it revealed that besides several Obama-supporting unions, that the Washington Post and  the CBS Television Network had between them both received the equivalent of a combined bribe of $1.3 million. CBS and the Post have been enthusiastic Obama supporters who seemingly refuse to run any negative stories at all on the Obama administration. 

The 800# gorilla now has been given headgear. The suspected news that General Electric, Corp. was the recipient of a similar bribe this time to the tune of $36 million is, coming straight on the heels of a recent story that GE paid NO TAXES on $14 Billion in profits was a potential bombshell that has NOW BEEN CONFIRMED. Still the media mentioned above have refused to cover the story. The feather in the cap of the 800# gorilla is the most shocking of all.  General Electric, you see, up to recently owned NBC and MSNBC the two most ardent of all those cheerleading for the 2008 Obama-Biden campaign. GE CEO Jeffrey Immeldt, you’ll recall was recently appointed to head up Mr. Obama’s job-creation czar; and last summer had been involved in controversy for seeking to quash anti-Obama reporting by GE’s affiliate news stations. It’s safe to say that Barack Obama is in bed with the unions, the media and our giant corporations . . . .

According to Daily Caller which broke the story, “In addition to CBS Corporation and the Washington Post Company, recipients of ERRP funding include the United Auto Workers union, which secured $206,798,086 in taxpayer money, AT&T, which took in $140,022,949, and General Electric (GE), which raked in $36,607,818. GE has made headlines recently for not paying any U.S. taxes last year. IBM got $12,989,690 in taxpayer money. With all that money in all these corrupt hands, it’s safe to say that Barack Obama could count on hundreds of millions in campaign donations from the unions and big business; and mountains of favorable press reports from CBS, NBC, MSNBC, the Washington Post, etc.

“Verizon pulled $91,702,538 in taxpayer cash, too, and General Motors received $19,002,669. More than $6 million went to different Teamsters groups nationwide, and millions more went to the United Mine Workers, United Food and Commercial Workers, the AFL-CIO and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).”   


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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“The Washington Post Company raked in $573,217 in taxpayer subsidies and CBS Corporation secured $722,388 worth of Americans’ money.”
“It is fine with me if they continue covering the ObamaCare debate,” said Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, in an e-mail to The Daily Caller. “When NBC used to cover energy issues, they identified themselves as a subsidiary of General Electric. CBS and Washington Post will just have to disclose that they are subsidiaries of the Obama Administration.”

Obama Bribes CBS and Washington Post with
$1, 295,000 from Obamacare Slush Fund
            Sometimes it’s hard to figure things out. This “thing” discussed in this blog, however, although it’s a deep and moderately complicated issue, is now becoming quite clear. You do remember** when the much-ballyhooed New York Times and all its sycophants such as MSNBC, the Washington Post and CBS -- awhile back used the assassination attempt on U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords as an opportunity immediately to assert that hate-mongering by right-wing media outlets like talk radio, FoxNews and the “new online media” (more on this later) had driven a crazed right-winger to the attempt and to the resulting six deaths and wounding of thirteen; and then they all quickly dropped that line when it was proved that the would-be assassin was a crazed left-winger who asserted in his private blogs that he’d contributed to Ms. Giffords campaigns and who criticized the left for not moving fast enough (for being too slow in starting “the revolution,” perhaps?). No apologies or retractions were ever aired or printed by the Times, Post, MSNBC, CBS, etc. ad nauseum. Presumably the story they printed is 100% correct and needed no retractions?
Naturally they still continued to decry the nation’s conservatives as racists and haters responsible for all the evil in the world (that is, they continue around-the-clock demagoguery such as is now evident in the ongoing debt; deficit; debt-ceiling and budget stories^^) and in our country and then they called for less sharp “political rhetoric” (by which they meant anything a conservative might say) meanwhile over the past three years having ignored at least 80% of the real stories, with real evidence that have been revealed, they continue to glorify Barack Obama; Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid; big government; big taxes; big spending; huge UNfunded entitlement programs amounting to over $100 TRillion; huge deficits; a monstrously huge national debt; the unabated printing of money by the Federal Reserve Bankers and the inflation it’s causing; not to mention the campaign promises of one Obama to “bankrupt the coal industry” and that his “energy policy of cap and trade would necessarily cause electrical and other energy prices to skyrocket.” Those sound like real news to any intelligent and patriotic American, but not to the mainstream, lamestream media. That’s the background for this interesting story . . . and those caught red-handed in corruption . . . .
As mentioned above, some things are difficult to figure out. Rajjpuut, who was his J-school’s academic excellence award winner in journalism and who had some thirty feature excellent feature stories printed in the local daily while interning, loves journalism, real journalism that is . . . the kind that serves as a watchdog over government corruption and helps keep the voters informed . . . but Rajjpuut is no fan of the crony journalism that passes for news-gathering everywhere you look.  This time, however, it seems that the guilty parties on both sides of the corruption have been caught once again with their hands in the cookie jar.
 Now it turns out that the reason the leftwing media types have been cheering on the smaller government corruptions so prevalent in the Barack Obama administration and ignoring all the larger ones is that they’re not really neutral news-gatherers at all . . . no, no, no:  they’ve had a horse in the race all along . . . here’s another group of related stories they won’t choose to run:
ITEM: The Obamacare bill that passed, the one no one had time to read was NOT the bill promised but one substituted at the last minute just before the voting which illegally funded the program’s start-up $108 Billion beyond merely providing the ways and means . . . that is, it illegally took away the rights of future congresses to decide upon its funding year after year.
ITEM: That same Obamacare has provisions for several unmonitored slush funds most of them under the auspices of Health and Human Services Secretary Sibelius.
ITEM: Reporter Matthew Boyle of the Daily Caller online news website revealed less than two weeks ago that several of these socialized-medicine slush funds were used to dole out several Billion dollars to favored recipients. From one of these slush funds called EERP (Early Retiree Re-insurance Program) almost $2 Billion worth of contributions to specific political allies including several unions; select corporations; and some government pension funds many associated with labor unions all were made within the last year. The Daily Caller is one of the “new media” that the mainstream media has been so unceasingly critical of. Their story unlike the typical mainstream media story on politics had no editorial opinion,  just facts easily verified by anyone actually seeking truth.
 ITEM: Two of Barack Obama’s biggest media cheerleaders: the Washington Post and CBS Television received hundreds of thousands of dollars each from EERP thus bankrolling the health care of these Obama-supporting cash-challenged companies’ retirement fund with government money a.k.a. your taxes and mine. “The Washington Post Company raked in $573,217 in taxpayer subsidies and CBS Corporation secured $722,388 worth of Americans’ money,” according to research presented by the Daily Caller. “It is fine with me if they continue covering the ObamaCare debate,” said Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, in an e-mail to the Daily Caller.  “When NBC used to cover energy issues, they identified themselves as a subsidiary of General Electric. (So now) CBS and Washington Post will just have to disclose that they are subsidiaries of the Obama Administration.” 
ITEM: You will not be surprised to know that neither the Washington Post nor CBS nor the rest of the mainstream left-leaning media have reported on these corrupt practices.
ITEM:   A follow-up story on another “new media” blogsite:  Hot Air revealed that both The Washington Post and CBS have totally ignored problems with the slush fund secretly bankrolling health care for their early retirees.  Hot Air reported that a search for ERRP on the Post website last week revealed ZERO, zilch, nada concerning the corrupt practices.   Indeed,  searching the Post website for the full name of the slush fund revealed only one article from a right-wing source.   In keeping with that trend, a search on the CBS website, for ERRP also produced no entries — while a search for the full name of the slush fund returned only one entry, a link to the Obama administration’s health care reform website.
ITEM: The contrast in style and substance between the new media that the left has been so strongly critical of could not be greater. Real news, real watch-dogging of our government and its corruptions has been the domain of the right-wing media for quite some time. Even when both were criticizing President George W. Bush . . . while the left indulged in mere name-calling . . . evidence and supporting factual connections on subjects like Bush’s failure to protect the border; and the increased pace of shipping jobs overseas during the Bush administration came largely from the news gatherers among the right-wing media.
ITEM: Mr. Boyle’s original column in the Daily Caller was no exception. Research uncovered from Congressional testimony and other public documents was only part of his story he also sought and collected opposing points of view just like they teach you in J-school. And let us repeat:  there was zero editorial comment to be found in Boyle’s story . . . just the facts, Ma'am, just the facts.
ITEM: This latest abuse of public funds highlights the danger of ever-over-growing, ever-more-powerful centralized government and especially it sounds a warning about the abuses to come as the additional controls over the healthcare marketplace begin to unfold.
ITEM: Isn’t it ironic that real journalism severely-criticized by the cheerleaders of the left, uncovered a real story about real corruption between Mr. Obama’s so-called Healthcare Reform programs and between the same left-wing media that unthinkingly and uncritically supports every foolish idea Barack Obama presents them. “Bought and Paid For” is how one old friend of Rajjpuut’s father’s used to put it . . . “Bought and Paid For!”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** You do remember when these “usual subjects” ran stories for a month after the morning in late March, 2009, when Obamacare was passed (with Nancy Pelosi and her crowd marching up the Capitol steps bearing the over-sized gavel) claiming the “racist” TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party guilty of spitting on Black Democratic congressmen and calling them “nig_ers” “23 times. Of course when Andrew Breitbart offered $100,000 reward for conclusive evidence that this happened (he required just one instance of using the “N-word” to validate the charges and collect the $100,000) . . . strangely among all the dozens of reporters and cameras and videotape cassettes in evidence, no one has ever collected the money; indeed, no one has ever attempted to collect Breitbart’s money . . . but, of course, no apologies to the supposedly “racist, hate-mongering, stupid and astroturf” TEA Party was ever made. And, naturally, the amount of evidence showing this supposed racism, hate-mongering, stupidity and that they not a grassroots uprising but are a “Republican Party front organization has also not been forthcoming.
^^ The demagoguery is always the same: there is no debt crisis; there is enough money, especially if we take all that the rich (who create jobs via small business) have. Our children and grandchildren will only be hurt if the Republicans interfere with all the UNfunded entitlement programs the left insists are actually very well-funded. Those evil, insensitive conservatives want to throw grandma and all the poor out in the streets; and their highest desire is to see all welfare recipients eating catfood.
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Donald Trump, Fox Network And ‘Ostriches’

Barry Soetoro continues to escalate his mockery of the highest office in our Land. Anyone who still believes that Obama’s promise to transform America is for the betterment of the nation is either retarded or embraces anti-American values. They are the baggage the rest of us carry as Obama and the Left explicitly dismantle our fiscal house and disobey the Constitution. A collapse of the Dollar would make it that much easier for them to transform the nation into a socialist regime---a government model which has repeatedly failed the world over.
Unfortunately, the club of delusionary Americans has lately been joined by
Bill O’Reilly and Governor Mike Huckabee who publicly deny significance to the fact that Mr. Soetoro (aka Obama) has unlike any prior president failed to demonstrate his eligibility to run for President, and that such lack of compliance with the Constitutional requirement of birthright might allow an anti-American alien to undermine our government, which is exactly what we are witnessing! The facts speak for themselves: why has Mr. Obama spent a fortune ($2,000,000) to hide much about his past including his long form birth certificate along with health and education records which deserve public scrutiny for any candidate running for the nation’s highest office? Why has the leftwing media given Barry Soetoro a free pass? Is it to assuage their never ending guilt over racism which occurred half a century ago, even if it means putting an unqualified person in the White House? Their PC has paradoxically placed a noose around America’s neck.
Integrity, wisdom, and statesmanship are necessary presidential characteristics completely lacking in Mr. Soetoro whose narcissistic personality dominates his actions. That was demonstrated this week when he kicked off his 2012 re-election campaign at a time when the nation needs a capable leader and not a professional campaigner. He does not care that he and Fedzillacrats have spent America into a hole to the tune of 14.25 trillion dollars and growing. Worse, he proposes to spend more to grow Fedzilla! How can any patriot with basic mathematical skills not understand that reliance upon foreign nations for our energy and our finances are parallel roads to national disaster? Either can be taken away from us in an instant, leading to immediate collapse of our currency and our survival as a free nation. Is that Mr. Obama’s goal?
Enter Mr. Trump---newcomer to the presidential campaign trail. While portrayed as a joke by the Left and underestimated by Bill O’Reilly of FOX, he has very smartly elevated the issue of Mr. Soetoro’s eligibility to the forefront—an issue sidestepped by the DNC, the judicial branch and Congress. The Left’s cheerleaders and liberal media darlings (including Mr. O’Reilly) take their cues from their network owners and condescendingly refer to those patriots who make connections between Obama’s anti-American behavior and concealment of his true ‘identity’ as ‘right wing extremists’ or ‘birthers’. Since when did ‘fair and balanced’ include denying the undeniable? Not so for Donald Trump whose willingness to confront real issues head on in a refreshingly practical way has earned him a top spot in the list of presidential contenders. Patriots are patiently waiting to see who emerges to dump the current bag of manure from the White House.
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New Party - Americans for Common Sense".  We are tired of our tax expeditures and entitlements going to the exact people your "Tea Party" supports; the absolute wealthy, filthy rich such as reality TV proponents like the Kardashian's, Donald Trump Mahattan rich who stole our tax money and you people keep attacking the poor which will backfire and started this week. We want US jobs back here.  You prostelyze the poor because you don't have enough votes bt fear of the government, yet, they aren't invited to your Sarah Palin Coctail Parties. We want your global executives to pay tariffs to re-build America.  Your donors are wealthy, we have CNN, ABC, CBS, PBS and you have FOX. Stop deamonizing the poor, our education system is failing, our railines, airlines aging, oil wells destroyed valued fisheries which create employment here.  The goal for Americans for Common Sense is to streamline American Government while protecting our jobs, environment, education and morality.  We also want infrastructure re-built at your wealthy contributors expense and to eliminate Warren Buffet's who undermine the American dream.  Those who are really disillusioned, remember, that AIG gave your tax dollars to Lybyan banks, Wells Fargo anounced that when government functioned well, many jobs from contractors were created and the ecconomy was significantly better.  Why ought politicians get paid when the troops don't during budget impasse.  Many people are happy their kids are now covered by Health Care Reform.  Many students get education funding that will latter pay for the wealthy who are aging and need health care.  Rememeber, "Americans for Common Sense" is coming.
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What Did They Know?

As I have stated before, I am deeply engrossed in the reading of a two-volume set on the Constitutional debates. Most of these were carried out in various newspapers of the time. As I read, I begin to understand the position of those opposed to the new constitution. They had a very good take on human nature and our ability to corrupt that which is intended to be good and beneficial. Look at this piece…

Reply to Wilson’s Speech by Arthur Lee (Cincinnatus) November 28, 1787

“Sir, In my former observations on your speech, to your fellow-citizens, explanatory and defensive of the new constitution; it has appeared, by arguments to my judgment unanswerable, that by ratifying the constitution, as the convention proposed it, the people will leave the liberty of the press, and the trial by jury, in civil cases, to the mercy of their rulers – that the project is to burthen them with enormous taxes, in order to raise and maintain armies, for the purposes of ambition and arbitrary power – that this power is to be vested in an aristocratic senate, who will be either themselves the tyrants, or the support of tyranny, in a president, who will know how to manage them, so as to make that body at once the instrument and shield of his absolute authority – Even the Roman Emperors found it necessary to have a senate for this purpose.”

I confess I am somewhat in question as to Mr. Lee’s point. On the one hand, the senate was to be a tool of the individual states. The state legislatures would elect the senators. This would seem to me to have taken any influence the president might have over the selection of these individuals as sketchy at best. However, Mr. Lee’s worries have indeed manifested themselves much as he predicted. Today, we have a Democrat controlled senate prepared to do any and everything necessary to protect the tyrant who sits as president. They fall all over themselves to effect his socialist elitist policies. All to the detriment of the people, even those he ostensibly wants to help. Addicting one to the public teat is hardly to be considered as help.  Mr. Lee continues…

“We have seen with what cunning the power of impeachment is apparently given to the representatives of the people, but really to the senate, since, they advise these measures of government, which experience has shewn, are the general matters of impunity the executive officers will be sure of impeachment when they act in conformity to their will. Impeachment will therefore have no terrors, but for those who displease or oppose the senate.”

In other words, no matter how arrogant, elitist, self-serving or even criminal the president might be, as long as he or she has the will and backing of the senate they shall not fear the wrath of the people in the form of impeachment. Impeachment (indictment) by the people’s representatives rings hollow with no chance of conviction for crimes committed against the people.

In light of today’s situation, perhaps Mr. Lee and others of the same school of thought may have been on to something. While he and his friends might have been considered as anti-federalists in the time, it would appear to me that they were merely being prudent and wise.  It would also appear that the federal government has indeed turned into an essentially hostile and uncontrolled juggernaut bent on the destruction of liberty and prosperity. And we gave it all away through apathy and inattention. Shame on us. Do we deserve the efforts of those who would try to turn it all around? Probably not. But because they are who they are, they will try none the less. God bless them for their efforts.

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And, once I've cooled off thinking about something else totally

different, I can sit back and laugh at these buffoons who allegedly

sware they run this country right into the early grave we americans (yes with a small "a") elected them or agreed with them, or blindly

went along with their ideas of Home Owners Association Politics.


Things that make you go, Hmmm?!

Max Simon Uhrig

San Tan Valley, AZ

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smart meters aren't so smart

Smart Meters are costing us money, privacy, and our health and safety. Smart Meters interfere with electrical devices, have burned out appliances, exploded and caught fire. People report sleep problems, head aches, ringing in the ears, heart problems, nausea, and other symptoms following installation. Smart Meters constantly transmit pulsed microwave radiation (RF), an environmental toxin and suspected carcinogen.More information: BILLS: Complaints about inordinate billing increases are reported from all over the US and Canada. One example:“My 11/9/09 bill: $168.03,my 12/9/09 bill: $366.20,my 1/11/10 bill: $1010.09,my 2/10/10 bill: $1053.23. My smart meter was installed sometime in Dec. 09. PG&E says its my fault. I am seeing others have had the same problem… I am wanting to sue. Price gouging. This is WRONG.” …..More billing and other commentshere: "The ebb and flow of gas and electricity into your home contains surprisingly detailed information about your daily life. Energy usage data, measured moment by moment, allows the reconstruction of a household's activities: when people wake up, when they come home, when they go on vacation, and maybe even when they take a hot bath." “Computer-security researchers say new "smart" meters that are designed to help deliver electricity more efficiently also have flaws that could let hackers tamper with the power grid in previously impossible ways." “Smart Meters have Security Holes”, BURNED OUT APPLIANCES AND FIRES: “They have shorted out appliances, they’ve caught fire, they interfere with garage door openers or security systems.” said Mark Toney of the Utility Reform Network.“We were getting up, getting ready for school and for work,” said Kari Pyrtle, a Danville resident. “All of the sudden the lights started flickering on and off and we hit the breaker box. Go outside and we could smell electrical burning. And we looked and our whole smart meter was turning black.” complaints include loss of wireless internet: see more here: People are reporting sleep problems, headaches, high pitched ringing in the ears, heart problems, nausea, and other symptoms after smart meters are installed. We are ALL threatened by the increase of microwaves from the unprecedented explosion of smart meters in our communities. Some groups are more vulnerable: children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with pace makers and other implanted devices, cancer patients, epileptics, people with compromised immune systems, and those with chemical and electrical sensitivity. Microwave radiation is known scientifically to have biological effects.International scientists recognize the unprecedented explosion of wireless technologies and call for the precautionary principle. Their statement includes, “We are concerned about the body of evidence that indicates that exposure to electromagnetic fields interferes with basic human biology and may increase the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.” new study by Sage Associates found, “The installation of wireless ‘smart meters’ in California can produce significantly high levels of radiofrequency radiation (RF) depending on many factors (location of meter(s) in relation to occupied or usable space, duty cycle or frequency of RF transmissions, reflection and re-radiation of RF, multiple meters at one location, collector meters, etc).” Council on Science and Technology (CCST) study leaves radiation health impacts unanswered/states “concern”Scientists and Doctors comment on CCST Study: The ostensible rationale for the meters is "green washing." There is no reason to believe that many people will invest in the additional necessary equipment and consult their computers and then change behavior (using toasters at midnight instead of for breakfast, for example) to switch energy use to off peak times more than they would without the wireless meters. All-new transmitting appliances would be required for any vaunted home energy monitoring. Even if people switch energy use to off peak times, doing so would not reduce energy use. People who work at home or spend a lot of time at home during the day, or who could not shift their energy use to off-peak times, could suffer: retired, unemployed and people with disabilities could be hit hardest by the time-of-use pricing plan. (See the “AARP case against Smart Meters: They do not save energy.” Remove ItemReport ItemBan UserSusan Brinchman 14 days agoA smart meter informational letter to share by email that you may also add your signature to, send to all your friends and email list.-------------------------Dear Friend,I am writing as the Founder and Director of the American Coalition Against Smart Meters and Smart Meter Dangers (, to inform you about a very dangerous technology being installed on all American homes and businesses by the local utilities. I ask that you write and lobby your local town, city, and county governments, governor, legislators, and state public utility commission to call a moratorium on any plans to install smart meters. If smart meters have been installed, insist that they be removed and replaced with analogue (non-digital, non-wireless meters). Consider organizing groups in your state to lobby for the above. It is vital to stop smart meters from destroying the public health and our environment.Take a moment to learn how the new utility meters are actually making many people very ill and causing grave risk to the rest. The problematic frequencies that the meters use, combined with environmental factors never taken into consideration, and the chronic exposures, with no health or safety testing ahead of time has led to a rapidly evolving public health disaster. Smart meters are being deployed in your county soon and within a short while, people will begin complaints of sleeplessness, headaches, dizziness, ear ringing, ear pain, and more. These meters are also a threat to those with metal implants, pacemakers, and insulin pumps, as the wireless frequency used can interfere with and cause more harm.I ask that you visit to learn what scientists and experts are really saying about the smart meters, and why the utility company propaganda isn't holding water. Smart meters do hurt people and animals, far more than cell phones. Smart meters don't reduce energy use and may actually increase it according to studies. Smart meters do cause fires and arcing of electricity. Smart meters do cause "dirty electricity". The studies presented by utility companies are insider reports, they are not independent studies. They are wrong. A review of the data shows that smart meters emit up to 160X more rf radiation than cell phones, for whole body exposures. Smart meters are on, day and night, with high levels of pulsed radiation being emitted all day long. Smart meters don't help, they hurt.I have experienced these meters first hand, I have two on my house (one at each end) and am tortured daily by these, with no help from the utility, even with a doctor note. I must avoid one end of the house and stay in the middle, sleeping on the couch. I cannot enter the master bedroom where the most problematic electric meter is. I have suffered shrill ringing in my ears that has led, in less than a year, to documented hearing loss in both ears. I have suffered pain every day from inflamed sinuses and headaches, sleeping problems and even skin cancer. I am not alone.Some other very disturbing facts:Smart meters do not help with global warming. Smart meters can use more energy, studies show. Smart meters often cost the customer more - utility bills often skyrocket after installation. Smart meters interfere with privacy, your every movement is tracked inside the home as these meters log exactly what you are doing. Smart meters are wireless and the system is easily hacked into. Smart meters are capable of making you very ill and even causing death - they can and do interfere with the signals of the heart, for instance. This means that they are like having a weapon on your home that can be turned on you by anyone in control, including terrorists. Smart meters can put our nation's security at risk, since they can be easily hacked, our nation's electricity will no longer be secure and could be remotely shut off. Once these meters are on your home or business, the utility will try very hard to keep them there, as they stand to make billions from raising rates during peak hours and charging you for them.We need your help to protect America from being experimented on with this new, deadly technology that is going to be placed on every building in our nation - unless we stop it from happening with our collective voices. I invite you to join our Coalition I invite you to learn about this new problem that will sicken millions of Americans, increase suffering, and create yet more of a public healthcare burden on our country. Smart meters are a poorly researched, deadly plan for America. Please learn more, and share this email and the information you learn with all your neighbors, family, and friends!JUST SAY NO TO SMART METERS! SEE WHAT CALIFORNIANS AND MAINE RESIDENTS ARE DOING TO SAY NO AND REPLICATE THESE IDEAS IN YOUR STATE.Sincerely,Susan Brinchman, Founder of American Coalition Against Smart Meters of Smart Meter Dangers, website:;Director of Center for School Mold Help (national 501c3 nonprofit);Twitter:!/No2SmartMeters; location: La Mesa, CA
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another power grab by obama

common-sense legislation , efficiency and streamlining act  S. 679

Senator Charles Schumer D-NY and 15 cosponsors including Majority leaders as well as 6 Dems and 6 Repub. The bill reduces the number of Presidental appointments that requires the senates approval

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