Atlas Shrugged Part I
Eschews Mere Verisimilitude
for Absolute Economic Reality
One of the strange things about the ‘global warming' advocates is that the most stringent ones among them like University of Wisconsin law professor Joel Rogers are intelligent enough to understand that what they advocate in economic sacrifice wouldn’t actually work anyway. Rogers (who with Barack Obama, Al Gore, Franklin Raines, George Soros (via about fifty of his progressive foundations), Valerie Jarrett and Goldman Sachs were all behind the now abandoned and almost forgotten CCX <Chicago Climate eXchange> scam) when speaking only (he thought) to his leftwing buddies candidly admits that even taking technology back to 1895 wouldn’t restore conditions sufficient to eliminate what they believe is an inevitable global warming catastrophe, that is, in other words the debate from their viewpoint is all about gaining political power and not about any other reality or potential reality.
In another global warming speech Rogers literally called for parents to tie the global warming myth in with the Santa Claus myth so that once their little kids grow up to be voters they’d do anything to protect Santa from the global warming floods. It got a few laughs, but the undercurrent was unfortunately serious. Of course that’s precisely what’s happening with Saturday morning cartoons all carrying a leftist theme with the corporations and producers always painted as the bad guys. Thank God, a whole lot of kids still grow up to mistrust all myths and all caricatures and cartoons.
Putting aside the myth of global warming, what about the reality of $37/gallon gasoline at some time in the future, IF current anti-business, anti-energy, anti-freedom, and anti-human policies are allowed to continue? That strange but plausible question is the driving force behind the independently produced, tiny-budget big-screen portrayal of Atlas Shrugged Part I. Could this happen by 2016? Unlikely, but possible. Anyway, it is 2016 and gasoline now has reached $37.00 per gallon. The only viable means of transportation for the masses at those prices are trains and boats with the automobile and aviation industries almost dead and buried . . . only the super-rich can afford them. That is how Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged gets tied into today’s present reality so beautifully . . . and, of course, it makes 100% economic sense.
The economy gets knocked back to the Depression era 1930’s by the effect of a progressive congress' and president’s interference all stifling the profit incentive . . . and the story is free to unfold in a powerful montage of images very similar to today’s 24-hour news cycle. Make sure to watch Atlas Shrugged Part I, which if the U.S. Constitution is the “Bible of the TEA Party,” Rajjpuut is tempted to call “The TEA Party’s Book of Exodus.”
In a related mood, two more bits of news. A) there’s purportedly a conservative version of YouTube called which seems worth knowing about, but which seems to me a bit of soft-sell for Obama aimed at swaying gullible independents rather than Constitutional- or fiscal-conservatives, I’d recommend you watch at least five or six of their mini-videos and decide about it for yourself B) If you’ve heard Krista Branch’s “I Am America” and “Remember Who We Are! then surely here, one of them if it’s not our Star Spangled Banner . . . is the TEA Party’s America the Beautiful . . . lovely songs, worth owning both of them here’s where you can buy them both and here are the lyrics, etc. :
I Am America
Pay no attention to the people in the street
Crying out for accountability
Make a joke of what we believe
Say we don't matter 'cause you disagree
Pretend you're kings, sit on your throne
Look down your nose at the peasants below
I've got some news, we're taking names
We're waiting now for the judgment day
I am America, one voice, united we stand
I am America, one hope to heal our land
There is still work that must be done
I will not rest until we've won
I am America
You preach your tolerance, but lecture me
Is there no end to your own hypocrisy
Your god is power, you have no shame
Your only interest is political gain
You hide your eyes and refuse to listen
You play your games and abuse the system
You stuff your pockets while Rome is burning
I've got a feeling that the tide is turning
I will not give up on this fight
I will not fade into the light, I am America
You stuff your pockets while Rome is burning
I've got a feeling that the tide is turning
I am America, one voice, united we stand
I am America, one hope to heal our land
I will not give up on this fight
I will not fade into the light, I am America
Remember Who We Are
It’s our time to take a stand
Remember Who We Are (Remember Who We Are)
There’s a call across this land
Remember Who We Are (Remember Who We Are)
We were a city on a hill
A candle in the dark
It started long ago
We have come so far
We keep our faith
When there is no way out
When there is little hope
We show no doubt
We know the distance
No matter how hard
Remember Who We Are
We’ve paid a price to be free
Remember Who We Are
With our blood sweat and tears
Remember Who We Are
Will our children be the ones asking us one day
Why we didn’t do enough
Why we gave it all away
We keep our faith
When there is no way out
When there is little hope
We show no doubt
We go the distance
No matter how far
Remember Who We Are
Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes we will run and not be faint
The time has come for taking chances
We are the masters of our fate.
We keep our faith
When there is no way out
When there is little hope
We show no doubt
We go the distance
No matter how hard
We keep our faith
When there is no way out
When there is little hope
We show no doubt
We know the distance
No matter how hard (oh oh)
Remember Who We Are
Remember Who We Are
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,