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The Demagog

In ancient times, the demagog was the leader of the people. The word has been refined to mean a political leader who gains power by arousing people’s emotions and prejudices; in other words a leader who builds an adversary: emotions over common sense, or animal over man’s exclusive: reason.

Which comes first the chicken or the egg? The adversary of reason, the chicken without an egg, the demagog creates the illusion that money is government’s to give according to need, as the demagog sees the need. The need is never the goose that laid golden eggs. Said golden eggs go to those in need, those of the weaker willed welfare state (W.W.W.S.)—whose participants live on emotions. This keeps demagogs thriving on the sweat of the more fortunate, up to a point. In a repeat of recent history; that is, the chicken without an egg demagog and the W.W.W.S. lost big in the last election.

Bill Clinton, who knows all about the current situation, was called in to save the Obama presidency. Clinton, who got his good economic sense from Dick Morris, learned that before the chicken comes the egg, something Obama doesn’t know. Before Clinton learned, he was where Obama is now. By going along with the reformation of the W.W.W.S, the nation prospered and Clinton balanced the budget.

This is of interest. Switzerland has the highest per capita income in the world. Why do you suppose that’s the case? In Switzerland, it used to be (I don’t know what it is now) that politicians could serve only one year, and without pay. Two years has not been enough time to transform America. In fact, things are going from bad to worse.

Couple the chicken-without-an-egg demogog’s power with the Age of Pisces. Pisceans desperately want to do the right thing but being very impressionable and weak willed, we find, they can be easily sidetracked by “external factors,” say astrologers. Too bad, America, but alas, there is still hope. Comes the Age of Aquarius, Aquarians, independent and strong willed, reminding me of the Tea Party, the Tea Party kind of like kicking over an anthill, little wonder the name calling, the object now is to keep the anthill from being rebuilt. Low and behold, leaving the ants scurrying about in confusion, Clinton, the budget-balancer, comes to our rescue!

Fact is stranger than fiction. The Bible tells us that God created heaven and earth, and after populating earth with life, created man, saying, “Let us make man in our image” (Gen 1:26), after which, giving man dominion over all other life, no question about it—man’s superior reason and logic left man in control of all other life. Yep, Jesus said, “The meek shall inherit the earth.” It always gets down to that.

Keeping man’s superior reason and logic in mind, the Bible tells of the Garden of Eden and the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. There was one tree in the Garden, the fruit of which Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat, referred to as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Bible tells of a talking serpent in said tree who told Eve to eat and be as all knowing as the gods. She did eat and talked Adam into eating. Thus, knowing good and evil, they covered their reproductive organs with fig leaves. How strange! I presume, it was because they were ashamed of sexual intercourse; they didn’t want to be so prominently reminded. But where did they get this idea? Obviously, someone gave them their ideas on sex. In any event, the fig leaves tipped off God. For their disobedience, God threw the two of them out of the Garden. Adam and Eve did not appreciate all that God had given them, the welfare state and all. They were forced to plow the ground their existence. Furthermore, for Adam and Eve’s disobedience, God ordered that all of humanity thereafter would be born in sin. The only way, I’m told, to receive God’s grace is to confess one’s sins. It doesn’t fit with “Let us make man in our image.” I don’t get the idea from Gen. 1:26 that God was saying “us” is the authorities. Why would God have given me reason and logic? Why didn’t God give me herd mentality. If it doesn’t make sense, it is not the law of nature or the law of man.

Speaking of nonsense, bringing up the story of Adam and Eve, my father told me my disobedience of school rules was indication that I was unappreciative of all that he and society had given to me. I’d been expelled for leaving the school grounds at lunch break. My father refused to help me get back in school. He warned me that I might find myself locked up for my disobedience. Gee! He didn’t want me to finish my education and earn a living. That’s the best way I know to get locked up. My father gave me a book that said if I even thought about sex I was a sinner. He was religious! My father showed me no love. He kept me on a guilt trip. There comes the time when one finds himself alone in a jungle—no one to look to for help, not even Almighty God in Heaven. I was not born in sin. I looked within and received help.

We’re once again in the Christmas season, an appropriate time to get in the Christmas spirit. Time to quit looking to the demagogs. For one thing, we don’t lavish our children with material gifts and then put them on a religious guilt trip. For another, we cease being directed by Washington’s demagogs. We don’t leave our children with an astronomical debt to pay.

I told the story of Adam and Eve on the Internet, as I’ve told it here, and asked this question: since I was born in sin, why not fornicate? I was kicked off of that particular Internet site by reason that my remark would be harmful to children. There are common sense reasons for children not to have sex. We get all the wrong reasons from the Scriptures.

The Bible story of the birth of the Christ Child, a Christmas story: along came three wise men bearing gifts. The wise men were the Magi, Persian astrologers who followed the Star of Bethlehem to the place of birth of the new king of the Jews. King Herod, upon hearing of this new king, sought to find Jesus and kill him. Mary and Joseph, the parents, upon learning this, took baby Jesus to Egypt. Herod killed every baby that was six months and younger. This is a Christmas story. Demagogs don’t think of human life as being of any value, unless it helps their corrupt causes.

So I’m concerned. Jesus was concerned. He turned over the money changers’ tables. Bankers were in the temple swapping gold and silver coinage for worthless temple coinage with which to buy forgiveness. Did God make man in our image, or do priests make man in their image? They are demagogs. Bankers and priests were getting rich on the ignorance of the poor. That’s always the case. They are still at it—selling indulgences. For standing up to those corrupt priests, Jesus was crucified. I was told that Jesus died for my sins. What malarkey!

A much discussed issue, the revealing of classified information that hurts the efforts of those honest faithful authorities—doing their very best to do right by society, it might not be wikiwhako after all. It might give us reason to get real. Clearly demagogs, both political and religious, playing on emotions, this is what brings on wars and/or hard times. Use your God-given assets.

It was at the beginning of the Age of Pisces when Jesus came. When he left this world, he said he would be back. Thank God that my father taught me to distrust earthly authority. Instead of the usual demagoguery attributable to the Age of Pisces, the time has come to start thinking about brotherhood, fraternity, and love—all attributes of the Age of Aquarius.

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Are We Seeing The End Of America?

We knew the boneheads and traitors on the left would never "get it", but it is becoming increasingly obvious that the Republicans aren't close to getting it either. Look at some of the laws they've passed since the historic election that demanded they stop passing ridiculous laws, spending money we don't have and wasting their time. Commercial Advertising Loudness Mitigation Act. They passed the CALM Act which requires advertisers not to turn up the volume on their commercials. This bill is damnably stupid for many reasons, but here are a few. First it reduces free speech. Congress has no control over advertisers. It is unconstitutional to limit free speech in this way. Even if by their standards congress believes it has the right to govern broadcasters (which they do not) at least theoretically they could force broadcasters to install equipment to make sure commercials are all broadcast at the same level. But they, even in their wildest imaginings cannot control advertisers. This bill passed with 100% of Republicans approving in "Unanimous Consent."

Food Modernization Safety Act. Senate Bill S.510 unconstitutionally, treasonously, gave away U.S. food sovereignty to the World Trade Organization and the U.N., while making it illegal to store certain foods, grow food, possess seeds, have a victory garden, and who knows what else. Additionally, it is going to cost billions to implement and enforce and requires the hiring of thousands of employees. All of the senate democrats and 15 republicans voted for this act of sedition. (See my article on this bill at: We could talk about the complete wastes of time, like votes to require breeders to exercise their dogs. I kid you not. Senate bill S.3424, which "Requires the Secretary of Agriculture to promulgate requirements for the exercise of dogs at facilities owned or operated by a dealer, including requiring daily access to exercise." Or unfunded mandates to states, forcing them to extend certain kinds of patient care. Other bills would force states to pay for additional unemployment and medical care.

Then there is the one-sided START Treaty, the Trade agreement with S. Korea, which is very one-sided in their favor and secret deals to send trillions of dollars to overseas banks and corporations, that are quietly gathering the straws that will break the camel's back, are being allowed to continue. And all of this at a time when even many of the Presidents own advisors are saying "STOP." We can't afford to sustain the economic course we are on. We are going broke. I am going to be as brutally honest as I know how to be. This economy is going to collapse, along with the European economies and most likely the Russian and Chinese economies.

Unfortunately, I believe the dye has been cast. We have been warning America for over two decades that this day of reckoning was coming. I have told people to stock up on the three precious metals, gold, silver, and lead. If you are counting on the republicans to come in and save us, my admonition to you is, "Don't hold your breath." I can give you countless bills, economic models, and data supporting our dire situation, but by now, there are really only three groups of people in the U.S., and you are, by default, a member of one of them.

The first is group is the left who want this to happen. They are championed by Mr. Obama, George Soros, Maurice Strong, Barbara Boxer, Al Gore, and that entire cadre of seditious leftwing villains. But don't kid yourself, the progressive wing of the Republican Party is no different. This includes the likes of Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Norm Coleman, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Gordon Smith, Richard Lugar and many others. They are not only glad that the economy is going to cave in, they are strongly nudging it in that direction with unsustainable programs, spending, and draconian governmental controls. Their plan is to replace our system with a world government. Remember, this is all happening with the backdrop of failing economies around the world, accompanied with the usual riots, looting, burning, and violence.

So, here are all these sophisticated elite, spending day after day majoring in minors, and they wonder why we despise everything they stand for. The sad truth is, they do not get it and never will. They are just tuning the fiddle while powerful forces are preparing the torch for Rome. The second group is made up of a lot of people who don't have a clue. This group contains most young people, almost all democrats who are not in the first group, which is about half, and the establishment Republican who continues to elect those in the first group. They are hapless, helpless, and clueless, and they will suffer immensely when the crash comes because they have no clue that any of these dire economic predictions have come true.

When it happens it will be devastating to them. Wives will be standing in stunned silence when their husbands jobs disappear, banks collapse, governments can't operate, and there are no jobs, no money, no food, and no way out. Husbands will be sheeted in overwhelming disbelief, depression, hopelessness, and panic, which is born by crushing hopelessness. Then there is a small third group that is hopefully growing and that is the group who are becoming aware of just how horribly close we are to economic upheaval. This group contains people of all political parties and diverse religious beliefs who understand that we have never recovered from 911 economically. They get it that we have sent three trillion dollars to foreign banks and companies to bail them out; they understand that the real unemployment numbers are almost equal to those of the great depression; they have figured out that we simply cannot pay our national, state, or local bills; they understand that we may be literally within months of economic upheaval, such as the world has never seen before, and they are making preparations to store food, water, the three metals, and other physical necessities for family and friends. But more importantly, hopefully, they are preparing spiritually.

I believe that those who really know and understand this crisis are not doing so because of education by Glenn Beck or others. I believe that Glenn and others, while they have been an important contributing factor to the growth of the Tea Party movement, are only giving voice to that which these Americans knew in their gut - or better yet their spirit - that something was horribly wrong and that government, despite their protestations to the opposite, has become dark and malevolent in both their intent and action. So, it is as we approach the final days of this year. Real unemployment is near twenty percent. Jobs and companies are disappearing. If there are ten houses on your block, chances are that two of your neighbors are going to have a frightening Christmas because they have no job, no prospects, and very little money.

Our military is stretched beyond sustenance, our economy is hemorrhaging red ink, we have had no budget passed for this fiscal year, our southern border is being invaded by drug lords, who charge people to get into the U.S. to hide in the shadows, doing whatever it takes to earn a living, albeit illegally, while others bringing with them drugs, WMD, kidnapped children and who knows what else. (See"10 children rescued from smugglers in Phoenix") This could lead to an interesting situation on the southern border, as this economy continues to fail.

What if people decide that they would rather move to Mexico to try and eek out an existence there, rather than put up with the violence, government thugs, and hopeless here? How much will the drug lords charge those trying to escape when they cross the border? Will the coyotes be heading Americans or illegals south instead of north? How bad will it get? I can't tell you, but perhaps a story that I wrote back in 1993 will help you understand. This is the story of "Yorel of Moscow" from ChequeMate: The Game of Princes, (1993, Whitaker House, Springdale, PA, pages 11-13).

Yorel Legov remembered life as a boy, when no matter how bad things got, his family could always count on the State to be there. He mused, as he stood in the long line waiting to buy food, how different things were now.

There had been food lines for a long time, but before, he always knew that he would eventually "bring home the bacon." Now, he knew that he would not take home the bacon ... because there was none. For some time the State had taken on the role of controlling all food production through subsidies, encouraging agribusiness, using public-private partnerships, and regulating all farming through environmental protection laws (wetlands acts, clean water acts, state land acts, and a plethora of other land control acts). The production, supply, and distribution of all agricultural products, including produce, meat, dairy, and grain had all been placed under the control of the State. When the corporate State collapsed, everything fell into chaos. As a result, bringing home the bacon (or practically anything else for that matter) was at best difficult, at worst impossible. It had all seemed like such a good idea − centralized power, planning, distribution, and the like.

"Maybe," Yorel thought, "we should have considered what would happen if the State collapsed; but at the time that possibility was just unthinkable. Everyone though the State was forever. The State provided our jobs and regulated our pay to make sure that each was treated with at least the semblance of fairness. The State educated our children and took care of all of our needs."

Yorel was suddenly brought back to reality as the line jolted forward. However, this reality check was short-lived, as the monotony of standing in line quickly set back in. Yorel was soon moving in time backwards to his life as a boy in Moscow. That was a time when there were real neighborhoods. He knew the butcher, the baker, and all of the families around him. He remembered when the wife of the tailor was about to deliver he third child and the neighbors took turns preparing meals for her husband and the other two children. This was just a part of life. No one told anyone to do it − people just did it. Neighbors took care of neighbors.

But now life was hard. Even the thought of taking a meal to a neighbor, or delivering firewood to an elderly couple. was unthinkable. Survival was the order of the day. Yorel's trip down memory lane was interrupted once again as the line inched forward. Perhaps today would be different than yesterday and the day before. Perhaps today he would actually make it to the entrance of the market.

Disturbances and fights in the food lines were an everyday occurrence, as people became desperate. Yesterday, a man had been beaten severely as he first pleaded and then tried to push his way into the front of the line. His plight was not uncommon. He had a wife and four children. There had been little or no food in his house for a couple of days and his children were ill from the poor living conditions in the heatless, drafty building in which they lived. There was running water only a couple hours a day and often it wasn't clean. But even boiling water had become difficult since electricity was only available for a few hours and usually at random times. It was very hard trying to keep even the smallest supply of sterilized water to cook enough food (if it was available) for the rest of the week. Everyone standing in line was in a similar situation. Sympathy and human kindness were now replaced with contempt and anger. How had all of this started?

Yorel so vividly remembered the woods and streams, the mountains and prairies around Moscow, Idaho. In fact, his parents had immigrated to these United States from another Moscow to escape from the very conditions in which Yorel was living right now. What had happened to the American dream?

"I guess," Yorel thought, "we sold it for another dream. We reached for the carrot that the State had dangled in front of us. We believed that they could provide for all of our needs. We could trade self-indulgent, individual rights for Utopia." "Funny," Yorel thought, "throughout history men have traded off their individual liberty for utopia and every time this has been the result."

An aching sense of foreboding formed a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. The reality of the finality and irreversibility of America's mistake settled like a death notice over Yorel − and he knew that all was lost and that the gray prison which had replaced his parent's beautiful America was permanent. The sense of dread and feeling of hopelessness was now a life sentence, and what was worse − his children now shared that life sentence, as would future generations.

History teaches us that man learns nothing from history. − Hegel

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The Key To American Exceptionalism

I'm an American. I still believe in American exceptionalism, but perhaps now more than ever, I have come to understand that exceptionalism is not a result of merit ... but grace. I came to that conclusion after honestly asking myself: Are we smarter than the Romans, who built a republic thousands of years ahead of us; more brilliant than the Germans, from whom we developed our rocket and space technology; better than the Brits, who were one of the largest empires ever built, or more tenacious than the Russians, who stopped the Germans in WW II? I doubt it.

So, what made America exceptional? Certainly, at the time of the revolution it was not our military or financial prowess. Exceptionalism did not rest in the hands of the Continental Congress, who were as feckless as any deliberative body ever assembled. The case could be made that Washington was exceptional, yet he lost battle after battle, almost to the point of mutiny among his men and top generals.

What, then, was that spark that set this nation apart from all others on earth? Sure, we have an abundance of natural resources: land, warm water ports, and so much more; still, I believe, to accurately define exceptionalism, one must look to the words of the Declaration of independence.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

There it is. It is this one thing that defines American exceptionalism. Not our defense of life, although it is principle to our continued existence as a nation; nor is it liberty, without which life has very little savor; nor is it happiness, which is found both in the pursuit of happiness as well as in the attainment. And, based upon what, did our founders cleave to the notion that any of these three were attainable? Certainly not from their experience in England or Europe.

It was because of their acknowledgement, understanding and embrace of the fact that these three diamonds of human enrichment did not exist because of their mere declaration or even recognition, but because there is a Creator, who from all eternity decreed it so, and that because of the immutability of this law, that all men are entitled to equality. But that equality is not based upon a humanistic understanding of social justice, nor in power, ability, wealth, or even status, but equal under law, eternal moral law, and because the eternal law of right and wrong applies equally to all, and is equally protective of all, there are no exceptions or limitations based upon age, viability, mental status or parentage.

All humanity, then, is equally protected under law: male, female, Jew and gentile. Law is law and can no more be modified than the laws of natural science. Gravity is a force that is unimpeachable. It applies to all equally. The rich cannot be given more to lessen the load of the poor, nor can the burden of the poor be increased to attenuate or grant ease to the rich.

And because eternal law is super-unimpeachable, so much more do the principles apply. Therefore, when the Creator endowed us with certain unalienable rights, they are indeed un a lien able. That is, unable to have an encumbrance − or lien − placed upon them.

When the cornerstone of our Republic is the granite of eternal law, that immovable law is the guarantee of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That law both defines, and is, the bulwark of our Republic. It is our anchorage and cornerstone, set upon an eternal bedrock, which alone insures the efficacy of the tripartite fruit of our American Exceptionalism, namely: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

If, then, we remove from the mix the Creator and His precepts from the Unanimous Declaration, can the closing statement still be reasonably expected to apply? "And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor." If we demand that Divinity be chased from the public discourse, eliminated from the government, an anathema to education, can we reasonably expect the protection of Divine Providence? Obviously not. Nor can we expect to see the fruit of American Exceptionalism, which is ensconced in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to be long preserved either.

Devine writ tells us that sin has consequences and that punishment falls even to the third and fourth generation of those children of disobedience. Guess what America ... we are between the third and fourth generation since the progressives began to dismantle the Biblical understanding of our Republic and American Exceptionalism. Our sin has found us out. And after three or four generations of rebuke, if there is no repentance, comes final judgment.

How much more evidence is required for us to see that the hand of rebuke is becoming the fire of judgment? As the flame of American Exceptionalism flickers in the growing darkness of our national sin, it is more than time to lay again the foundations of our greatness and the understanding that exceptionalism was not a result of our dominance of world matters; but rather, a result of our submission to the will of the Almighty.

Despite our unworthiness, and because of His grace, we walked in exceptional faith in the true and living God and His precepts and produced exceptional results in this exceptional place. But all of that was to be expected because of immutable law found in Deuteronomy 30, which sets before us still this choice:

16: In that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it. 19: I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.

So, what shall it be: life and blessing − or − death and cursing? Recent elections have barely stemmed the legislative tide against us; debt is still mounting, and the Chinese are now working with international financiers (like Edmund de Rothschild, George Soros, and Maurice Strong) to undermine our economy and destroy the dollar, just as they have in other currencies around the world.

Mr. Obama and many of our senators and congressmen are walking in lock step with them. Even the Republicans, who vowed to work on our behalf, have sold us out already with Senate Bill S.510, which pledged our food and our sovereignty to the United Nations. (See my article S.510 Democrats Admit Senate is "Rigged" As They Vote: Sedition or Treason - You Decide!) We have proven that politics alone cannot restore the republic. This movement, my friends, must be a spiritual movement that results in political action. This is a time when preachers need to gird themselves for battle and become a part of the black robe brigade and risk all − including their damnable 501(c)3 status − standing firm for renewed righteousness. This is the time when patriots need to sacrifice to warn the nation by whatever mass media available that eminent disaster is fast approaching. We need to cry out, "Freedom!" and shout the warning, with every voice in chorus, from the highest mountain to the lowest valley. We need to personally pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor, and be willing to take those actions necessary to remove and recall from office those who act treasonously or with sedition against their countrymen.

There is no longer time for niceties and finesse. We need to storm the courts, storm the capitals in every state, and demand enforcement of the 9th and 10th amendments to the U.S. Constitution. We need to act with audacity ... as if your life, liberty, and your right to exist, let alone your right to pursue happiness, depends upon it ... because it does.

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Rock And A Hard Place

unfortunately we find ourselves in a tough position right now. The Dems hold large majorities in both houses of congress during this lame duck session. We are in the battle of the Alamo until January. The Dems are in angry denial. They continue to govern against the will of the people and believe that big government is the answer and not the free markets. The battle amounts to this. Who better to spend our money? Washington DC or us. Any way you slice it , this Obama tax compromise is a bad deal. The Dems are playing the old class warfare game. If they really had the best interest of the middle class in mind they would cut taxes on the job producers and then the middle class would get hired in large numbers instead of sitting on the couch collecting unemployment. They continue to load up this tax compromise with goodies which increases our debt and further burdens the taxpayers. When will the Republicans stand up and say enough is enough. Where is our leadership. We are not hearing anything from them! I am willing to go along with an extension of the current rates for two years knowing that our Repub controlled house can cut them further or make them permanent when they expire again . We must stand up and reject the Dems pork. Here in lies our problem . If the compromise fails everyones taxes go up in January and the economy will tank further. If we vote for the bill we look like big government Dems increasing the size and reach of government. We must win this PR battle. Write and or call your elected officials today!! Say yes to an extension of the current rates and no to the pork. Lets win one for America!!! Lets hold the Dems responsible for a rotten economy and then wipe them out in 2012.

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From his Senate Conservatives Fund, Senator Jim DeMint wrote a detailed letter about the so-called 'compromise' to extend the Bush era tax rates. On the one side, it's Democrats as usual with their spend addiction and committed re-distribuion of wealth at the expense of our children and grandchildren, but the other side is the most disturbing of all - Republicans have not seen the error of their ways.

Obama won the great tax-cut showdown of 2010. This is a defeat?

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The Liberal View Under Question

Glenn Beck says we are in a socialist revolution. I say the revolution is a death struggle, the aim of which is to keep the individual from reaching his full potential. Here’s my case.

Liberals believe rights are determined in light of today’s needs, as determined by liberals. Similarly, Muslims believe that rights are what Muslims say—both say, for the good of all. The same with liberals and Muslims, the end result justifies the means. The Old South’s economy relied on slavery. In the Old South, for the good of all, in light of the needs of the Old South, the Taney Court sanctioned white ownership of black Africans. It never has been self-evident that humans are created equal, or that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, but rather fully evident that might makes right. Socialism opposes individual independence. Socialism is the loser, and here’s why.

God-given rights are not involved when those in control say it is fair to take from the rich and give to the poor. It opens the door to myriad questions. The rich provide jobs. The economy does not trickle up, as socialists would have you believe; it trickles down. Government could not possibly know how to redistribute the nation’s resources in a fair and equitable way. Use your common sense! Trickle up, which is managed from Washington, is the reason for the current bad economy. It is not fair to allow politicians, by generously redistributing the nation’s resources, to decide who is more deserving.

It would be ideal if everyone were willing to share and share alike. That’s socialism for you, conceiving a desirable end and then forcing all the pieces to fit. Socialism is La La Land, a political shell game. The way to accomplish this utopian dream, we find, is through the carrot and stick approach, the way you train animals to jump through hoops. Who would think humans could be trained like animals? You’ve got it, losers listening to the intelligentsia. There is no such thing as objective reality. It is self-evident that we are all by nature subjective. Call it whatever you want, it is survival of the fittest. It is my reality, your reality that works. Whatever, it is self-evident that you have the right to be you and I have the right to be me. To think that government can know what is best for the individual has been proven over and over to be a hair brained notion. The socialist indoctrinated are people who fear they can’t make it on their own, people who want cradle to grave security. We are here with increasing purpose. We are not moving in socialism’s direction. Energy is building in the opposite direction and due to overcome the resistance. You are going to be on your own, left standing when the music stops.

Beck informs us that we are in a revolution. He is only half right. The revolution is really over free enterprise. Socialism is in a desperate struggle to survive. Look no further than the whacked out people pushing socialism. Look no further that socialist California and their nutcake politicians, just fine with a tax raise for the rich. The rich are leaving the state in droves. California is bankrupt.

With the world’s economy going up in smoke, the Mayan calendar says the end of our world comes on December 21, 2012, coincidentally, at the end of Obama’s term of office, probably with a stock market crash and a change in the world’s currency; your greenbacks will not be worth a “continental damn.”

What a coincidence! When Obama was elected in November 2008, Saturn and Pluto, astrologically, were in their worst angular alignments, a square. They say it is always darkest before the dawn.

We Americans are more self-indulgent, more decadent, in denial, more naïve and insecure. With insecurity on the rise in America, looking for government to take care of matters extremely strong, the determination to have one’s way and call the shots with no compromise in evidence in Congress, cooperation completely impossible, what is the answer?

Aquarius rising is avant-garde. Uranus is the ruling planet. Uranus had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born, in my forties, according to numerology, I could be under pressure to change. My business enterprise failed and my wife divorced me. Before my change, I was angry with government and the American people. I wasn’t going to take it anymore. I had my rights. I studied the Constitution and imagined that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me. I sublimated my anger. I had a bigger than life calling. A change for the better took place.

Glenn Beck, a recovering alcoholic, says he looked to the church for help. Beck also looked to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers, and found help. Rather than the church, I looked to the latest scientific discoveries and found help. I don’t see the universe the way I was taught in church. I exist in a state of consciousness. Without consciousness, nothing could exist, for nothing exists without order. Therefore, with consciousness—I’m a bit of the universe—with God. First the kingdom of God, said Jesus. The quantum mind, revealing the meaning of life, says quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, “the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation . . . the observer interacts with matter,” a more complete explanation of what is self-evident than the Constitution and church offer.

The latest science and astrology connect. Astrologer Jeanne Avery says that Aquarius rising (my rising sign) is the forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way.” Instead of looking to recognized authorities to give us answers, as do Pisceans, looking only at external factors, as we move into the Age of Aquarius we begin to look within for answers.

Astrologer Avery points out that the United States, the same as I, was born with the planet Uranus on the ascendant. “Freedom of speech and opportunity was the cornerstone of the Constitution.” With the Age of Pisces fading into past, the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and fraternity upon us, Beck needs to take notice of on earth as it is in heaven, what the stars say. Liberals are driving nails in their coffins.

Liberals in powerful positions, determined to prevent the truth from spoiling their conjured pie in the sky dream, are looking for a way of getting Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck removed. The very fact that they think they are the smartest humans on earth is going to be their downfall. We’re going to start over, not with their godless socialist empire, but the same way I did, with nothing much but determination. It took me 35 years to have it as good as it can be. Look within for your answers and your dreams will become your reality.

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Ted Turner Suggests Child Offsets; Poor People Overcrowding Planet, Obstructing View of His Vacant 2 Million Acres Ted Turner has five kids. If you have more than one, your killing the planet. This guy gets more whacked by the second: Mr. Turner – a long-time advocate of population control – said the environmental stress on the Earth requires radical solutions, suggesting countries should follow Chinas lead in instituting a one-child policy to reduce global population over time. He added that fertility rights could be sold so that poor people could profit from their decision not to reproduce. Don’t you love how Turner just assumes that it’s on “the poor” to stop having kids? Who has a bigger carbon footprint — poor kids living in small dwellings and walking everywhere, or the children of billionaires who borrow dad’s private jet to go to the prom? Isn’t there a more polite way for Ted to essentially say “the rich should inherit the earth and the poor should just f-in die off” than this? I’ll give him points though for trying to add a hearty dose of free market capitalism to his push for totalitarian ecocide. Ted will do anything to avoid allowing anybody on this horribly overpopulated planet to live on his two million acres of land! Last year, Turner, along with Bill Gates, David Rockefeller Jr, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and Oprah “I am not a lesbian!” Winfrey met in Manhattan and decided the world has too many non-billionair

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Are We There Yet?

Every morning when I awake, I can can hardly wait to get to the news to find out if we are still the United States of America or if we have totally given our country away to Mexico or the moslem nations. As an american citizen, I just don't understand why I or any other american citizen should ever have to wonder of such things. But, still we do. Is this what the founders of this country had in mind when they created to constitution? Is this what our friends, family and ancestors fought and died for on the frozen and snow covered grounds of Europe, the sweltering islands of the South Pacific, the Mountains of Korea, the Jungles of Viet Nam, the desert and mountains of Southwest Asia? And, right here on American soil during the American Revolution, during a time when all that we hold dear in God and Country was being forged and established. I would find this very hard to believe that all these sacrifices were made simply to give it all away. It was only last night that our fearless House of Representatives passed on the to the Senate the bill that is nothing more than amnesty to the Illegal aliens. It is amazing that we have come to a time in our history that the government is able to pick and choose the laws that they will or will not enforce. It is only my personal opinion that it is time for someone to approach these elected officials and ask the questions that not politically correct. It is time for these officials to stand up and answer to the american citizens, the voters that put them in office, just what motivates their actions. I myself am not ready to give my country away, I have no intentions of throwing in the towel. Yet it would seem that our elected officials are working feverishly to totally ignore the american citizens while catering to the illegals and the moslem world. It would seem that our government is would much rather see the american citizens go bankrupt than to ever expend an ounce of effort to enforce any law pertaining to the illegal immigration. Sooooo....I will awake in the morning asking myself that same question.........Are we there yet?

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It's been said many times in many places: becoming a precinct committeeman makes you the most powerful public official in the nation. Why? Because it's mostly precinct committeemen who choose sounty and state party chairs, party candidates and delegates to state parties, the RNC and the presidential nominating convention.

If you are not a precinct committeeman, you are leaving your party ungoverned! Beleive it or not, most precinct committeeman seat in our country are unoccupied - empty - nobody is going that job or casting that vote for our party leaders. You should fill that empty seat.

As an example of just how much power a precinct committeeman ((PC) has, the PC in one tiny legislative district recently dumped (took out) the state chair for the party in AZ. How? Isn't the state chair for the entire state? Yes, but to qualify to be state chair, a person must be a state delegate. The home district of the state chair decided to give the state chairs delegate seat to someone else. Accordingly, the chair lost his basic qualification to occupy the chair. This guy was also the RNC Treasurer! So if you thinks PC is the bottom of the food chain and has no power, think again.

PROCINCT (as in Proactive Precinct) was started six months prior to the last election to provide precinct walk lists for Tea Party and 9/12 activists who could not get those walk lists from their local party. It was a splendid success providing walk list to activists in 20 sates, helping them reach 16 million voters. That aspect of PROCINCT is still available to you for your upcoming city/county elections or scholl board elections, etc.

But the good folks over at PROCINCT knew that more is required for long-term victory of conservative ideals. That's why they just put up a special resource so you can learn how to become a PC in your state. Using resources similar to here where you can post your opinions and questions (and get answers) and receive documentation on just how the process works in your state. The emphasis is on authoritative information that you can rely upon to be seated on your party central committee and actually govern your local party.

A good example of how PROCINCT is serving the needs of folks trying to join their party central committee comes from the state of New York: PC activists in NY discovered that the local Board of Elections had taken them off the ballot! PROCINCT researchers investigated. In the process of investigating the event, we discovered expert and native help right in NY that has been helping folks get elected to their PC seats for years, and we are connecting PC activists with that agency.

So it's not just about furnishing authoritative information, it's about removing obstacles - even unjust obstacles - wherever we find them.

The goal is to have our party governed by the true conservative grassroots - and PROCINCT connects the people who are trying to do that.

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It stinks. The only satisfaction was watching a defeated president pout, blame and lie, while the über left self-destructed. The left has finally realized that they lost power, and it isn't pretty. But.... Obama has exposed his true ideological self -- more pluses.


This is a compromise that leaves both sides coming up short.

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Reason and the Law

This is indeed a time of the year for which we Americans should be consciously aware of all we have. The original Americans who created Thanksgiving Day had little more than their lives for which to be thankful. Who is this mass of humanity in America, and what is it they want out of life, being led by Marxists, led by one-world billionaire stock market gambler George Soros? Even in light of the results of the recent election, this mass of humanity is angry at the President they elected for capitulating to the Republicans. It tells us what we need to know. It is not as though they didn’t get something in return for giving up on raising taxes on the rich in a recession. They got an extension of unemployment pay.

Marxist Pelosi says unemployment pay is help for the recession. Right. It gives the unemployed money to spend—someone’s money who worked for it. Actually, they are being handed funny money, notes of indebtedness future generations will have to pay.

Marxism and Islam are kindred. Both Marxism and Islam are especially designed for the hopeless and the helpless. With both, anything for American independence is bad. The freedoms we’ve lost in this generation is appalling. In the interests of the least of us, long-held values are being watered down.

Rather than protect the American people, the United States of America is putting up signs on highways that we are entering at risk American soil controlled by illegal Mexicans. The Obama Administration is suing Arizona over a law that allegedly profiles Mexicans. The United States of America is so hyper about profiling that rather than profile people with the appearance of Islamic terrorists, those who bring airplanes down every time, Obama people are groping all air travelers. This is by far the greater of the wrongs.

Look at the weak economy, managed from Washington. Printing trillions of dollars of phony money—to save the economy, we’re told. The Federal Reserve is driving the nation into bankruptcy. Look at the favoritism federal judges show for the federal government over states and individuals. By executive order, we are now about to see Obama severely limit free speech.

Benjamin Franklin was a “have not” before becoming famous. He lived in England for several years and saw welfare programs in operation. He had considerable to say about “public charity.” He called it counter-productive compassion. The American people are looking more at what the Founding Fathers put in place, limited government. The individual was endowed by his Creator with inalienable rights.

Countering the Marxist carrot and stick approach, the Obama approach, more Americans are becoming spiritually inclined, moving away from the Church’s dogmas and doctrines, moving away from Marxist government. More are interested in astrology. Astrology says we are moving toward our spiritual selves.

What comes around goes around. The founders of America held for the state of nature, the background of our American Constitution—actually, to put it in the latest scientific terms of understanding, for universal consciousness, which has for its basis reason and logic. The poor vote for Democrats, who say they want to take from the “greedy” rich and give to the poor. What do the poor give us, other than a burden to bear? The rich give people jobs. Politician give unemployment pay. Marxists build their fences to keep people in. Free enterprise has people trying to get in. With the rich going where they can make a profit, bankrupt California is an example.

The Weimer Republic of Germany, after printing its funny money, after the consequence, hyperinflation, watched helplessly as the Third Reich took over Germany and ignored their Constitution. Give me one good reason why a communist government could not take over the present America without a shot being fired.

The right for the individual to manage his own life takes nothing from anyone; it gives something no government can give, the incentive to build one’s life without interference. Why a communist government, uncontrolled power in charge, when the individual is no of use, he becomes a throw-away? Nations under Marxist control, dispose of millions of people. There is always the favored, those who are happy to exist on other people’s energy, even if it is only a poverty existence. The Tea Party is here to see that this does not happen. It is a matter of will. Do we have the will to keep America free?

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EducationTeacher Assigns Students to Read About ‘Wine-Guzzling Socialist’ Jesus ChristPosted on December 6, 2010 at 7:25pm by Meredith Jessup Print » Email » Some parents in Bedford, N.H., are calling for action against school officials who assigned their teenagers a book that refers to Jesus Christ as a “wine-guzzling vagrant and precocious socialist.”The book, “Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America,” was assigned as a project of a personal finance class at Bedford High School. One child’s parents took their complaints to school district officials who put together a committee of teachers, administrators and community members to assess the book. According to the committee’s review, the book’s “educational merit” outweighed its questionable passages.“We found the book provided valuable insight into the circumstances of the working poor and an opportunity for students to demonstrate mastery of the ‘Financial Impact’ competency,” the committee reported.But the committee’s findings did not sit well with Dennis and Aimee Taylor whose son had been assigned the book. “We had almost PhD people letting this fumble through their fingers, and they all said it was grand,” Dennis, a conservative Christian, told the Union-Leader. “I think there should be a review of these individuals and perhaps some firing done.”“Nickel and Dimed” is a first-person account of author Barbara Ehrenreich’s failed attempts to make a living at various minimum wage jobs across the country. Written in response to 1996 welfare reform, the book offers a serious critique of the current economic system, which Ehrenreich argues preys on the poor. …The Taylors also took issue with the book’s portrayal of Christians. In one scene, Ehrenreich attends a tent revival meeting, and is troubled by its emphasis on Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, rather than his social teachings.“Jesus makes his appearance here only as a corpse; the living man, the wine-guzzling vagrant and precocious socialist, is never once mentioned, nor anything he ever had to say,” Ehrenreich writes.In addition to its unsavory characterization of Christ, the Taylors also complained about the book’s use of obscene language and anti-capitalist message.“The author is a known social Marxist, hates everything American, everything that America stands for or was built on,” Aimee Taylor said. “I mean when you read the book you see that strongly in this woman’s agenda. It’s horrible.”Indeed, the author of the book, Barbara Ehrenreich, is an ardent political activist on the left who praises socialism and the redistribution of wealth, calls for the end of free-market capitalism and even happily celebrates the anniversary of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. (Click here for the “Teacher’s Guide“ to ”Nickel and Dimed.”)Bedford Assistant Superintendent Chip McGee told the Union-Leader that the book committee had decided the author’s work as a whole was a worthwhile read for students. “We need to balance the instructional value of the book against its shortcomings, rather than looking at any isolated passage, and rather than looking at the belief system of the author,” McGee said.In response to parents’ complaints, the school district has implemented a new policy requiring teachers to notify parents before assigning books in class. If parents object, an alternative is to be provided.In the meantime, the Taylors have begun homeschooling their son and are reportedly planning to attend an upcoming Dec. 13 meeting of the Bedford School District to request the book be removed from the curriculum.Perhaps the Taylors’ homeschooling curriculum will include “Scratch Beginnings” — a book written by Adam Shepard, a graduate of Merrimack College who set out to live the American Dream with just $25. Shepard‘s book was conceived as a counter response to Ehrenreich’s “Nickel and Dimed” and “Bait and Switch.”Comments (78)Comments Page
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“Cheer up, Multiple Sclerosis; you can always serve as a very, very bad example. By the way this would be a truly excellent blog for all MS patients to read. Patients hold tremendous potential for self-cure as knowledge and behavior change.” Rajjpuut

18 Vital Questions about Multiple Sclerosis;

One Possible/Probable Answer

The Ol’ Health Educator, will put down his political pen here and return to his roots. Rajjpuut has noted repeatedly that agencies such as the American Medical Association (AMA) seem to show high propensity for and deep, deep satisfaction with “nihilistic answers” to questions about disease. In a phrase, nihilism is surrender to nothingness or meaninglessness . . . they just “give up” on good research medicine and latch on to the easy and highly profitable answer: “auto-immunity.”

For quite awhile there was only one suspected auto-immune disease, now there are over sixty of them. Not surprisingly, none of the auto-immune diseases is considered ultimately curable. Not surprisingly the auto-immune patient requires a lifetime of treatment by the doctor and/or the drug. Not surprisingly expensive and risky (involving many side effects or a few serious or deadly side effects, or both) solutions produced by the pharmaceutical companies amount to lifetime drug regimens for the purpose of controlling symptoms and or pain but NOT for the purpose of curing anyone of anything . . . . This is the obvious example of what is meant by the term “nihilistic medicine.”

Not surprisingly, all of this nihilistic medicine is wreaking havoc on the health care costs the nation faces. The results of nihilistic medicine are beneficial for doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies (more profits, more patients, lifetime subscribers); but not necessarily a help to the patient or the governments state or federal or the taxpayers. In short, it appears that nihilistic medicine is a specious way to claim to have an answer . . . while actually abandoning the questioning process . . . that is, giving up on real science . . . and nihilistic medicine is personally and fiscally a disaster for the patient and for the government.

In accord with the most recognized portion of the Hippocratic Oath, Rajjpuut would suggest “First do NO Harm” is the essence of real medicine and nihilistic medicine does harm and should be replaced by real medicine at each and every juncture. Let us take one apparently insoluble “auto-immune disease” Multiple Sclerosis (MS), for example. What is MS? A protective “sheath” of myelin surrounds our nerve cells. This myelin sheath becomes damaged in MS victims and doesn’t repair itself. It’s about time something good was associated with Multiple Sclerosis. “Cheer up, Multiple Sclerosis; you can always serve as a very, very bad example. By the way this would be a very good blog for all MS patients to read. Patients hold tremendous potential for self-cure as knowledge and behavior change. Let us now examine MS from the point of view of asking seemingly obvious questions . . . would you be surprised if our search led us in a positive direction and away from auto-immunity’s convenient medical conventionality and from nihilism altogether?

NOTE: at first it was thought that myelin for the nerve sheath never could be “regenerated” but some of the most recent research since late 2009 seems to point in the contrary and positive direction. Brain stem cells can apparently be “tricked” into recreating or repairing the myelin sheath. This would amount to a refutation of the auto-immune hypothesis about Multiple Sclerosis. The process has been triggered semi-naturally (with physician intervention); now the drug companies want to avoid all of nature (which works NOW) and find an artificial way of recreating the effect (presumably with all the inherent side-effects and risk) . . . in other words, even with a possible CURE at hand, medicine is here and now more concerned with profits???? Label that as the second “bad example” connection to MS (medical nihilism via the “convenient” auto-immune description was the first connection) we’ve encountered.

Rajjpuut first became aware of the world of MS when his ex-wife was diagnosed with the disorder in late 2001. Awhile later one of his girlfriends was also diagnosed. His natural curiosity took over and generated the following questions . . . by the way, some of these questions are quite elementary while other require actual SCIENCE, dear reader. Do not be afraid, if a question seems ‘beyond your ken’ just skim over it . . . the big picture is what’s vitally important, and all of us can understand clearly and deeply what that big picture is and how it can impact us personally as both taxpayers and patients. That big picture is abundantly clear to anyone who respects the ideas behind the scientific process regardless of how much in-depth science he or she understands. Back to those questions . . . .

1. Why is Colorado, where Rajjpuut lives, the highest incident U.S. state for MS?

2. Why is Colorado Springs the highest incident large city in the highest incident state for MS?

3. Why do women suffer from MS at a rate roughly 2-4 times as great as men?

4. Why is MS less prevalent on the coasts?

5. Why is MS far more prevalent in urban settings than in rural areas?

6. Why is there an increased risk of developing MS among smokers?

7. Why is there an increased risk of developing the progressive form of MS from Relapsing/Remitting MS among smokers?

8. Why is there an apparent acceleration of MS progression and of movement from R/R MS among smokers?

9. Central Nervous System Dilators pioneered as an MS treatment during the 1950’s by Bayard Horton of the Mayo Clinic were apparently quite successful with few or no side effects in relieving acute attacks promptly and often prevented progression? Why?

10. MRI examinations today frequently depict a lack of correlation between symptoms and lesions in MS (often called the “clinico-radiological paradox). What’s going on? If demyelization is the fundamental essential lesion in multiple sclerosis, why is there often no correlation?

11. Trials of sex hormones show they improve lesions as well as MS symptoms; and L-arginine, zinc and magnesium supplements also seem to lesson symptoms. Why?

12. What role do deficiencies of endothelial and neuronal nitric oxide and elevated levels of inducible nitric oxide play in MS? Is this symptomatic or causal?

13. Is better detection the reason MS incidence has risen so dramatically in the last 40 years, or are some environmental factors (external or internal toxins?) exacerbating the situation?

14. What about the “brain leak” theory of MS? That theory says free hemoglobin scavenges nitric oxide avidly, which may create deficiencies especially in the central nervous system, with its greater vasodilator tone. Could depletion of endothelial nitric oxide shift blood from the arterial circulation to the venous circulation in MS sufferers as in diabetics? Could multiple sclerosis result from too little blood in arteries and arterioles leading to vasospastic symptoms? Meanwhile could too much blood in veins and venules lead to blood-brain barrier leakage and lesions?

15. Is there a logical reason or reason why acne and Multiple Sclerosis incidence may be linked?

16. Is there any logical reason for continued loyalty by many to the idea that MS is an anti-immune condition?

17. Is there one over-arching theory that might explain all these factors?

18. Several hundred MS “reversals” have been documented. About a dozen verified instances of reversal after lightning strikes have occurred. What the hell is going on?

The more Rajjpuut read about the disease, the more certain he become that these factors/these questions need to be explained and understood.

An obvious main or, at least, exacerbating factor seems to jump out from the first eight questions and indeed (upon further, deeper study to all of these questions): OXYGEN! The clearest correlation for Question #1 is that higher altitudes = lower oxygen levels. Question #1’s obvious correlation? Colorado is the state with the highest average altitude among the 50 states. As far as Question #2, Colorado Springs, the 49th largest city in the country, is easily the highest large metropolitan area in the country roughly 750 ft. (14%) higher than “Mile-High” Denver.

As far as correlation between oxygen and Question #3, Women’s bodies and their unique chemistry may make them far more vulnerable than men to MS for any number of reasons. Exploring the OXYGEN HYPOTHESIS among women more deeply . . . women tend to be smaller and society until recently encouraged female physical fitness far less than it did male activity so generally speaking females are less efficient VO max processors than men. Additionally, hemoglobin and iron are more problematical in females during their menses which makes females more likely prey for anemia again potentially lessening oxygen-use efficiency.

A factor also noticed and which may not have any bearing on the issue is that females are about eight or nine times more likely than man at any given moment to be engaged in dieting, skipping breakfast and sometimes fad dieting that is just plain nonsensical healthwise . . . which could spark nutrient deficiencies. I've seen nothing about dieting, eating 3-5 regular meals daily, good nutrition, or having a good breakfast in the MS literature, but common sense says, good habits are important and could play a role.

Moving on to Question #4, the coasts, are by definition, found at sea level hence, lower than 99.999% of the inland areas of the country with more oxygen available. Additionally, coastal diet is far more likely to include fish with its attendant fish oil (deficiencies implicated in Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure and heart attacks) which aids in oxygen processing.

Question #5, people in rural areas are less likely to face high levels of air pollution (smog) than city dwellers. In particular: diesel fumes, ground level ozone contamination and INHALED nitric oxide contamination are brutal every-day facts of life in our largest cities. (By the way: INHALED nitric oxide is confusing in many respects to the layman. A. it is NOT nitrous oxide (laughing gas) once used as anesthetic. B. Our bodies naturally create nitric oxide and it is one of the most important gases found in our blood stream (as reflected in the Nobel Prize for Medicine awarded to Dr. Louis Ignarro) which we will discuss later as it relates to MS. C. Many people realize that nitric oxide is also an important negative component of tobacco smoke. In any case, the obvious effect of air pollution is less oxygen allowed to reach the lungs, heart, brain and every cell of the human body than one would expect from clear, pure country air.

Talking about pure, clean outdoor air . . . well the contrary situation is created by smoking. Questions #6, #7 and #8 indicate that the “personal internal pollution” of smoking may exacerbate MS (earlier onset; quicker progression; worse symptoms) and again ties in to Oxygen.

Question #9 is way beyond the scope of this stumbling/bumbling comment. Peter Good’s thought-provoking website on nitric oxide and MS seems to indicate that there was great success with the CNS

vasodilator histamine diphosphate during the late 40's, the 50's and 60's. Today’s “fashion” calls for different meds with greater potential for dangerous side effects. CNS vasodilation with histamine not only consistently relieved a disease now thought to be incurable, it thereby demonstrated that its fundamental lesion may be something entirely different from demyelization . . . beyond even Rajjpuut’s oxygen hypothesis, this is real science . . . exploring the question about what is MS, really?

Having said that let's skip ahead and examine Question #16, is there any logical reason for continued loyalty by many to the idea that MS is an anti-immune condition? As a result we regard MS today as incurable because its primary lesion is thought to be relatively irreversible disintegration of myelin sheaths in the brain and spinal cord. That thought pattern has been in place for roughly 55 years. Neurologists who successfully treated MS with vasodilators thought the lesion was REVERSIBLE because the underlying cause – a diminished blood supply in the brain and cord (leading to OXYGEN lack there) was treatable. Because of the autoimmune assumption, workable theories and workable treatments (and cures?) have been relegated to the trash heap. Certainly some MS cases have reversed 100% (see the question on lightning strikes).

Question #10, since MRI results seem NOT to show continued and progressive demyelization as the fundamental and unvarying effect of MS and they don’t rule out oxygen as a key factor, we can continue to keep an open mind toward blood and oxygen as the fundamental truth of the disease. Lest anyone decide that I’m seeking oversimplification of a complex problem . . . Siblerud and Kienholz (1994) compared red blood cell concentrations and hemoglobin levels of MS patients who had their mercury amalgam dental fillings removed against blood values of MS patients who retained their amalgam fillings:

MS subjects with amalgams were found to have significantly lower levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit compared to MS subjects with amalgam removal.... The MS amalgam group had significantly higher blood urea nitrogen and lower serum IgG.... A health questionnaire found that MS subjects with amalgams had significantly more (33.7%) exacerbations during the past 12 months compared to the MS volunteers with amalgam removal. Obviously, while we’re still talking about the blood’s ability to deliver oxygen . . . every indication is that a wide variety of toxins and negative effects might stimulate that same over-arching undesirable effect. The specific trigger may vary from case to case, but the indications are that oxygen and blood might well hold the key to understanding MS.

Just as in AIDS, the possibility that the immune system is responding to an agent like a virus is countered by the reality that no such agent has ever been identified. We know that once identified, if transmitted to any animal or human in clinical experiments that theory could be proved. Retrovirus, where art thou????? In truth, endogenous retroviruses have not yet been proven to play any causal role in this disease. According to PO Behan and A Chaudhuri of Glasgow University, together with BO Roep of Leiden University (2002) contend there is little support for contemporary views that multiple sclerosis is an immunological disease. And not surprisingly, according to them, there is little benefit from treatments based on this misconception. In any case, since no "smoking gun" for MS has ever been found, isn't it a little short-sighted to UNCRITICALLY say that it MUST BE an autoimmunity problem?

Questions #11 and 15 again brings up questions of gender. Women, who typically undergo puberty earlier than men, get MS more often and earlier and its path is less likely to be predictable and progressive compared to male victims. Some success has been had treating with either or both male and female hormones. Additionally, L-arginine creates nitric oxide in the blood which dilates blood vessels. Zinc and magnesium are under-appreciated nutrients which play vital roles in human health. And then there’s the question of acne. Looking at #15 For both men and women the doctor-approved use of strong prescription antibiotics for extended periods of time in treating acne brings us back to the fundamental question raised earlier about the Hippocratic Oath’s main principle (First do NO harm) . . . upsetting all the positive bacteria in one’s gastro-intestinal system seems like a harmful answer to the clear skin problem. For women specifically, anti-acne medicines and make ups seem to exacerbate the probability that the individual will contract MS later in life. Again, the specific (toxic?) trigger for MS may vary from case to case, but there are no indications here that oxygen and blood do not hold the major key to understanding MS and certainly there is no outright refutation for that idea to be found in this question. Let’s look more deeply . . . .

Questions #12 and #14 are best answered and best understood together through the insights of Peter Good: “Two signs that endothelial nitric oxide may be chronically depleted in multiple sclerosis are that patients tend to be very heat-sensitive, and their platelets are sticky. Sensitivity to stress may reveal depletion of the parasympathetic transmitter neuronal nitric oxide. Other reasons to suspect endothelial nitric oxide depletion in multiple sclerosis are apparent deficiencies of sex hormones; magnesium, and zinc. Estrogen, testosterone via estrogen, and magnesium all utilize endothelial nitric oxide, the primary endogenous vasodilator, to relax vascular smooth muscle. The (most simple and straightforward explanation) of multiple sclerosis might be that too little blood in arteries and arterioles leads to vasospastic symptoms, while too much blood in veins and venules leads to blood-brain barrier leakage and lesions.” A recent Nobel Prize based upon L-arginine and nitric oxide gas in the blood being a "trigger" for the body seems to offer a promising area for further study. In any case, Oxygen's potentially primary role would be in harmony with this data.

Question #13, is easily dealt with, in principle the last 40 years have seen a precipitous rise in all manner of environmental toxins. Polluted foods (steroids in meats, for example), side effects of certain pharmaceuticals, residential toxins (such as arising from carpet liners, asbestos, etc., etc., ad nauseum), the preponderance of intimate electronic devices such as cell phones, and just plain stress all could easily be regarded as potential triggers somehow setting in motion the conditions leading to diminished blood and oxygen to the brain and spinal cord. Obviously, we live in toxic times, but is this toxicity really where MS comes from, or perhaps what exacerbates MS? There is NO necessary connection here to Rajjpuut’s oxygen hypothesis.

Question #17 (Is there one over-arching theory that might explain all these factors?) In answering the previous 16 questions we have laid the groundwork for open mindedly considering that “Yes, there could be, perhaps not . . . but maybe . . . and for now the overarching theory that holds the key to understanding MS seems to be: a theory of diminished blood or oxygen supply.

Question #18 is both the most esoteric and the most fundamental. MS reversals are not uncommon; did they all get re-myelinized? More startling, there are many documented cases of complete MS reversal following lightning strikes. How lightning could ever "re-myelinize" the nervous system is a mystery far, far beyond the question of how lightning could possibly reverse the symptoms. Like many earlier questions this suggests that demyelization is NOT the fundamental result of Multiple Sclerosis. Could this question too tie into Rajjpuut’s theory of an oxygen or blood connection to MS?

Rajjpuut wishes to thank the reader for his immense patience. This was not an easy read (nor write). The main point here is that claims that the American medical system is the “best in the world” may need to be approached on a case by case or disease by disease basis. Certainly the AMA seems to be a counterproductive agency. Clearly the notion of auto-immunity seems to be a convenient end point for doctors and medical researchers and pharmaceutical companies and highly inconvenient for patients** and taxpayers. Thanks again.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

** Of course, If I'm an MS patient, the key question is how do I get well, is there a way? Based upon the fact that a large amount of diseases and infections (including cancer) do best in zero- or low-oxygen environments, in Europe, some treat many ailments including MS with "food grade" hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). They typically use, say 8-15 drops from an eye-dropper in a large glass of clean water and claim this oxygenates the body and can undo MS's ravages. Interesting, IF true. Obviously a doctor should be consulted. and asked to do his best research. Obviously the difference between EXTERNAL H2O2 and "food grade" internal hydrogen peroxide is crucial. The hydrogen peroxide used for outside the body in relatively large quantities is weaker (typically 3%) and contains potentially poisonous additives. The hydrogen peroxide called "food grade" is typically stronger (8%-35%) contains no additives and has a higher degree of purity and is used in VERY TINY amounts. The reader and his/her doctor will have to do their own research. Not surprisingly, the AMA is against the procedure which is relatively cheap and purportedly done rightly, has NO side-effects. For more information go here:
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Google EVIL?

If this is the way they are going to be, I am going to have to start boycotting them.

That means no clicking on Google ads (they get paid for that)

and no more searches with their engine.

I will use this instead.

I dont put much stock in Huffington Post most of the time, but read this article:

You may or may not agree with Alex Jones, and if you dont, you probably dont know him very well or listen to his program. I know Alex, I met him personally years ago and have followed his work - whether you agree with him or not, you have to agree that censoring his opinion IS evil. It is anti - first amendment, though in this case it isnt the Government playing big brother, its the new technorati, the globally oriented info-corporations.

This is the new face of the NWO. Corporate NGO's who will assist the government to suppress the opinions they do not like or threaten their power. Wake Up.

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