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Hello everyone, I know lots of people are psyched with the latest news out of Virginia.. I know I am!  I am one of the unlucky residents of Massachusetts who is unable to afford healthcare.  My employer doesn't offer it, and instead of the state offering to assist me in purchasing it, they decided to fine me $2,000 in 2009.


I am currently in a court battle with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  I know there are many Massachusetts residents who know about my ongoings but I don't believe it's reached nationwide coverage.


The Boston Herald has run several articles on my case, I've been interviewed by several radio shows, and did a quick television interview on NECN.


I should also  add that I am representing myself in this lawsuit against the state, considering I cannot afford to hire an attorney.  His or her fees would outweigh the cost of the fines anyways.  I have filed a Motion for Judgment with the Superior Court and I have a hearing scheduled on January 6th, 2011.  I honestly have no idea what's going to happen!


If any of you folks are on Facebook I'd love for you to visit the page I setup to keep people in the loop.  Here's the link: Merlina vs. Massachusetts


The state has hired a private law firm to fight me.  The latest news from the Herald is that they are paying those lawyers $125/hr to fight my case.  It must be nice to have unlimited resources.  I on the other hand am just a 29 year old guy who cuts glass for a living in Peabody, MA for a small family business. *sigh*


Keep up the good fight!


Michael Anthony Merlina

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Pelosi, Reid, Progressives Practice


One More Christmas Rape upon Voters

            You may recall that just 43 days ago, America’s voters showed their extreme dissatisfaction with the powers that be (and "business as usual") in the country's seats of government.  Besides attacking incumbents in general on the national and state level . . . Democrats (as the party controlling the House, Senate and Oval Office) netted a loss of 63 seats in the House of Representatives; 6 Senate seats; 7 governors; and at the state house level some 692 individual state congressmen were lost. Depending upon how you crunch those numbers this was the biggest disaster suffered by one of the major political parties since 1938 (on the national scene) or 1928 (nationally plus state-by-state). 
            Despite this comeuppance aimed at big, out of control government and even bigger out of control spending . . . Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have set their gangs loose upon the American public with nothing less than voter rape and murder of the Constitution in mind . . . .
Item: The Pelosi-led house has still not passed a budget and has no plans to do so, in defiance to their Constitutionally-mandated role in Washington.
Item: With the biggest tax-hike in the history of the country scheduled for January, 1, 2011 (when the Bush Tax Cuts all expire), Nancy Pelosi -- who’s had four years to deal with this matter -- has still not passed an extension to those tax cuts.
Item: Without any openness, bi-partisanship or concern for the voters, the Harry Reid led Senate has produced a 1924-page Omnibus spending bill costing $1.1 TRillion in new spending and featuring 6036 earmarks at a cost of $87 Billion.
Item: Before passing an extension to the Bush tax cuts; the House has produced another huge bill aimed at effectively grabbing off 8% of all western lands and killing jobs in the logging; mining; fishing; and recreational industries to appease the radical environmentalists supporting the Democrats. At present roughly 49% of all far western lands now belong to the federal government; and another 10% of this land is under severe federal usage-restraints. Thus if this bill becomes law, 7/12 of all far western land will be removed from the tax rolls of the states and added to the bankruptcy that Obamacare’s new state mandated Medicaid costs will produce would move bankruptcy of ALL 50 of the United States back from 2024 to 2021.
Item: Also attached to the Green-takeover bonanza would be a huge amount of acreage along the southern border with Mexico turned into wildlife sanctuaries which would prohibit Border Patrol Agents from operating there and thus effectively opening the floodgates to illegal immigration even wider than they already are. This occurs one day after a Border Control Agent was killed by illegal aliens in the United States.
Item: Congress is refusing to look at a bill which would undo all the harm done to central California vegetable and fruit farming by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) decision to suspend irrigation to protect the 3” Delta Smelt population. Occasionally, smelt die by swimming close to the piping intake and getting sucked in. Some parts of Fresno County suffered 40% unemployment thanks to this EPA edict.
Item: Once again Senate Majority leader Harry Reid is placing huge bills before the senators that no one has read; bills which the public knows nothing about; and once again Reid is planning to keep them voting through Christmas Eve on his pork-laden; big spending bills. Doesn’t it all make you proud to be an American?
Item:  Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, whose Justice Department last year gave Christmas-celebrants such heat, is now suing a school district for not allowing a Muslim teacher to take off (without pay) to travel to Mecca as part of a pilgrimage that all Muslims are encouraged to take some time in their lives (like maybe after retirement?).  Mr. Holder’s decisions 1) to NOT win a case already won by the (the New Black Panther defendants refused to show up in court) Bush administration concerning voter intimidation at a Philadelphia polling place; 2) and his decision to attack Arizona for passing a law to control illegal immigration; 3) and his decision to try 9/11 attack planner KSM in New York City; 4) and his decision to Mirandize the Underwear Bomber and get him to clam up and lawyer-up before intelligence operatives could deal with him . . . have got patriotic Americans wondering who’s the biggest threat: our Justice Department or the terrorists?
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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An Update on the Amnesty Bill

THIS IS AN URGENT UPDATE FROM ROY BECK, President of NUMBERSUSA.ORG - if you see your reps listed below please contact them and tell them NO!!

Reid Says Amnesty Vote Pushed Off To Early Next Week

GOOD NEWS -- No New YES Votes For DREAM Amnesty

BAD NEWS -- Talk of hiding amnesty inside giant spending & tax bills

See below for our latest target list for today.

Massive pro-amnesty pressure this week has failed to get a single new YES vote. Congratulatons to all of you who have been phoning with practical and rational comments about the DREAM amnesty. Just as last week, we would beat that amnesty if the vote were held in the Senate today. But we can't stop phoning because Senate leaders are trying to give pro-amnesty advocates every moment possible to find the last of the 60 votes they need.

No. 2 Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-Nev.) now is pushing the DREAM Act amnesty vote out of this week and he says likely early next week. Nonetheless, he continues to claim that the amnesty vote is a higher priority for the Senate leadership than all but three or four of the long wish list they have before Christmas.

Reid also indicates that if amnesty doesn't pass before Christmas he may bring Senate back between Christmas and New Year's. He also has suggested he might bring the old Senate back on Monday and Tuesday after New Year's for the final two days before the Congress that was elected in November takes over. He knows that an amnesty has zero chance of passing in the newly elected Congress, so he seems intent on holding the old Congress around as long as he needs to get an amnesty to the President's desk.

Danger of hiding amnesty inside larger bill during the Lame Duck? The website for immigration lawyers carried some fascinating comments this week about the desperation among pro-amnesty advocates. In giving three reasons why the nation's attorneys should support the DREAM amnesty was: "a not-insignificant fraction of DREAM beneficiaries will need legal counsel, one of the few bright spots on the horizon for law firms suffering from the Great Recession." While noting that Reid still doesn't have the votes to pass the DREAM amnesty on its own, "If DREAM passage is to be ensured, the sure-fire method is to attach it to a must-pass bill. Two such bills are currently in play and DREAM could conceivably be attached to either. The bills are of course, the tax cut bill and the Continuing Resolution for Appropriations for FY 2011. . . even serious discussion about attaching DREAM to the must-pass bills would go a long way to getting the 60 votes on the stand-alone bill."




Sen. Murkowski (R)
No statement on her web site and no media quotes. Daily Kos says multiple whips counts have her as a likely supporter. Most of the PRO-amnesty groups are counting her as a YES.

Sen. Landrieu (D)
She indicates that the House bill needs to be considered because it has some changes (suggesting that she will claim the House bill closes loopholes). She talks of major concern for the "children."

Sen. Stabenow (D)
She was a certain YES on cloture to start debate. But she has not indicated whether she would vote YES to end debate and thus pass the bill. She is up for re-election in 2012 in a state that turned sharply Republican in the 2010 elections. Now (as noted above), we are facing only a cloture vote to END debate. PRO-amnesty forces count her as theirs. But I don't think she has to be at all.

Sen. McCaskill (D)
McCaskill has a wide-ranging interview on her web site. Appears to be leaning toward yes but its non-committal. She says (1) we have never punished children, (2) this is a different bill than the one I voted against, and (3) if this bill is more narrowly drawn, I will take a serious look at it. She needs to be reminded that any amnesty support will certainly show up when she tries to be re-elected in 2012 by a state that went sharply Republican in the 2010 elections.

Sen. Dorgan (D)
He was a certain YES on cloture to start debate. But he has not indicated whether he would vote YES to end debate and thus pass the bill. Now (as noted above), we are facing only a cloture vote to END debate. In the past, he has been one of our most reliable NO votes on amnesty. But he is retiring and acting squishy. PRO-amnesty forces are counting him as theirs. I don't think that has to be true at all.



These Senators' staff continually tell our members that they will vote NO. But based on past performance, on current pressure from PRO-amnesty forces in their states, etc., our Hill Team believes they need lots more phone calls thanking them for their expected NO vote and reminding them why they are taking the ethically and practically correct position.

Sen. Collins (R)
Sen. Snowe (R)

Sen. Baucus (D)

Sen. Hagan (D)

Sen. Conrad (D)


Please make those calls. We can win this, like we have beaten every amnesty in every year since 2000.


Keep this in mind about Senators who are Undeclared, or who say they will vote NO but are squishy, or who say they will vote YES but are potentially movable to NO:

They all are sympathetic to the poster children of the DREAM Act -- those are the minority of potential amnesty recipients who were brought to the U.S. by their parents when they were infants or toddlers and who are now good high school or college students.

You will gain nothing with the Senators we are trying to reach today by being negative about these students.

Instead, you have to approach these Senators on the basis of practicality. Perhaps the poster children do deserve consideration in the future but not before the enforcement is put in place to stop future illegal immigration. Your argument is that it is not possible in this rushed Lame Duck session to create and pass an amnesty that is limited to the deserving and which will stop future unfair illegal labor competition to unemployed Americans.

My thought is that it would be helpful today for every phone call to make the same pitches to Senators who are sympathetic to the poster children of the DREAM amnesty:
No matter how sympathetic these students may be, you can't give out another mass amnesty without fixing the weak enforcement that allowed their parents to bring them here and keep them here for years and years. DREAM has ZERO enforcement.

The DREAM Act amnesty includes no requirement that jobs be shut off to the millions of future illegal aliens who will bring THEIR children and put them in this exact same predicament that DREAM puports to resolve. It is totally irresponsible to the 22 million unemployed Americans to give out a big amnesty without requiring mandatory verification to keep illegal aliens from holding jobs.

This is the line in the sand you are asking every Senator to draw . . .

. . . . . The line is that whatever one's feelings about the merits of some illegal aliens for an amnesty, no amnesty should be even talked about until the border is secure against continued mass illegal immigration and our jobs are secure from illegal aliens being able to take them from Americans.


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I learn from Logan Rideout that this is Bill of Rights Day, the 219th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights. Says Logan, “The Founding Fathers understood that when left to its own devices, government will eagerly trample the individual God given rights of the people and that it was their duty as enlightened leaders to protect at all cost the humanity of law and the freedom of the individual.”

I’m not an “enlightened leader,” at least by public acclamation, but this peon taxpayer employed Amendment Five to take my case to the U. S. Supreme Court. We can either fly with eagles or fall into the abyss. I don’t see the Bill of Rights as a Muslim views them. I see them as my personal rights, and not only that but my personal responsibility to protect at all costs.

Glenn Beck of Fox News pointed out that the stages of grief begin with anger. The nation has never been more divided and angry. This is because the American people have been looking to “enlightened leaders” for their answers, not to the Bill of Rights as a personal responsibility. Putting myself in the place of an “enlightened leader,” I would conjure up a solution for the problems we face, knowing that there would be much disagreement. I would force society to adhere to my dictates, by whatever means it took, knowing that the end would justify the means. As a consequence of “enlightened leaders,” what we see is not a pretty picture.

Beck gives us many examples of what is wrong and what we need to do as individuals, but he has never brought to our attention the subtle workings of the universe. Beck, taught by “enlightened leaders,”is in the limelight. I’ve learned from personal experience. I’m not a lawyer but I did something most lawyers can’t do. Because I know the law, I appeared before the Supreme Court. I remained a peon taxpayer, out of sight, out of mind, a nobody from nowheresville.

Beck speaks of Thomas Jefferson and the self-evident truth that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. Noble words, but the self-evident truth he doesn’t explain is that our Creator is by reason and nature a total rejection of supernatural revelation. God, as told by Beck, is a wholly manmade concoction, and meant to control you. Fine for Beck but not for me, or for that matter, Jefferson. The view held by Jefferson was that we are meant by our Creator to be inner directed; government is here to serve our needs, not to direct us, and the same for the church. In no way do we have “enlightened leaders.” It’s a Muslim idea.

External authority—Sharia Law—naturally puts the cart before the horse because otherwise you would be your own authority. The only reason we need external authority is because we always have. Actually, it goes against your nature. You were not created to jump through authority’s hoops. We are leaving the Age of Pisces and external control, entering the Age of Aquarius. Aquarians are self-directed.

Deepak Chopra, M.D. brought to my attention that the ancient sages of India reasoned so is the microcosm so is the macrocosm. Modern science, by examination of the subatomic world, the aspects of matter, observes that we humans have the power to turn light waves into tiny packets of energy called photons. Photons are directed by the eye to the brain, processed, and we see a tree. Electrons are processed in a TV set and we see a moving image of something taking place on the other side of the planet. By magic, we manufacture atomic bombs. We have the power to direct the material. Yep, seeing is believing, but reality is not the world we see, my friends. Our material progress has far outpaced our spiritual growth. The last thing we need is authorities and their ungodly laws. They are leaving us in danger of annihilating ourselves.

Being retired and nothing better to do with my time, I decided to write my memoirs. We live mostly in the present. By looking back at my past, events began to connect. My wife Karen had taken an interest in astrology and excited my curiosity. In Astrologer’s Handbook, Karen had placed my initials next to “Saturn trine Pluto.” I read that this trine “gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized,” and that it “favors those who work in such fields as physics, the occult, magic, astrology, or systems of meditation.” What a coincidence!

It was amazing the way things were connecting. I was writing my memoirs when something came to mind I wanted to look up in the Bible. Karen’s Scofield Reference Bible had a large Concordance. For some unknown reason, I read Scofield’s Introduction and underlined a couple of his thoughts. (1) “The saying that ‘anything may be proved by the Bible’ is both true and false—true if isolated passages are used; utterly false if the whole divine revelation is in view.” (2) “The Dispensations are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic, progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, ‘the increasing purpose’ which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity. Augustine said: ‘Distinguish the ages and the Scriptures harmonize.’”

With Scofield’s above mentioned thoughts on my mind, I happened to run across The Physics of Consciousness: The Quantum Mind and the Meaning of Life by Evan Harris Walker, who was a brain doctor and quantum physicist. He recently passed on. Dr. Walker, under “A God for Tomorrow,” wrote: “The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic of reality.”

Speaking of a God for tomorrow, in Astrologer’s Handbook, under “Aquarius,” the sign of brotherhood and fraternity, key words, humanitarianism, independence, originality, I was deep in these thoughts when Karen called me from her office to tell me to turn on the TV. I saw the World Trade Center collapsing, under Muslim law, not God’s law. In saying “in earth as it is in heaven” (in the Lord’s Prayer) as Jesus predicted, if you want God to be in charge of your life, look within and find the divine constitution for righteous government. Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount was pure law, no in-betweens, direct from our Maker and Keeper. God is not Muslim, Christian, or Jew. How far down do we go before we become aware of God’s law?

In writing my memoirs, my thoughts went back to World War II. I was on the high seas heading for the invasion of Japan’s main island when Truman gave the order to drop the atom bombs. World War II ended. My life was spared. I recalled my anger in 1975. My business enterprise of 25 years was on the rocks and my wife was divorcing me. I blamed it all on the lying frauds in Washington. The IRS had mistakenly put me on the street in the name of tax. World War II didn’t solve our problems, not by a long shot. The United States is turning Nazi.

It came to me that my life was spared for a reason. Government takes from the individual because it has that power. That is hardly a duty. It is up to us, individually, to solve our problems. It is not the government’s duty to make dependents of us by taking from the rich and giving to the poor. Self- serving politicians have lawlessly rejected the Constitution and taken it upon themselves, according to the legal judgments of frauds on the bench, to rule in light of the current needs, as government sees the need. Hitler was legal. When I read the Constitution, and felt that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me to act. My anger turned into a bigger than life calling.

I went to sea. Miracles occurred. I left the sea in 1977 captain of my ship. In the year 2010, at age 85, if my life could be any better I don’t know how. It wasn’t redistribution of our national energy that made my life good. It was the power potential that exists in every individual that made my life good. Go ahead and see it the way a Muslim sees it if you must. I feel compelled to tell it the way I see it.

America is looking at hard times ahead. Take what you are told with a grain of salt. Beck was at rock bottom. Beck tells you what he did that turned his life around. I tell you want I did. Do what Beck says. Don’t take it from him, or me. Learn for yourself who you are and what you are about. You will be astonished at the power you possess if you believe that God’s kingdom is in you, not in your religion. Instead of worrying about what is to become of you, believe it is on earth as in heaven. The sooner you spread the word that we are our brother’s keeper, the sooner we cross the threshold to our intended future.

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Bill of Rights Day -- A Muslim's View

I hope everyon finds this as interesting as I did.

As we celebrate the 219th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights today on December 15, it is imperative that we take a moment to reflect upon and embrace the forethought of our Founding Fathers and apply their wisdom to the context that we live in today. This collection of ten amendments to the United States Constitution are what guarantee the sanctity of our individual rights and freedoms and what in the end sets America apart from any nation before or since.

The Founding Fathers understood that when left to its own devices, government will eagerly trample the individual God given rights of the people and that it was their duty as enlightened leaders to protect at all cost the humanity of law and the freedom of the individual. They declared for people everywhere that a government by the people must not infringe on the basic human rights of man to speak, worship, and assemble with whom they choose, and that ultimate power and authority rests in the hands of the governed not those that would govern.

When we look at the world landscape 219 years later we can see that the Bill of Rights has allowed America to live true to its design and serve as the best laboratory for freedom and liberty the world has ever seen.
Having suffered the tyranny of Syria’s Hafez Assad, it was this promise that brought my family to America in the mid-1960’s. My grandfather and father fought from inside and outside of Syria for a greater Middle East that recognized universal human rights, freedom, and democracy. But the secular fascism of today’s Bashar Assad, Hosni Mubarak, and Mouamar Qaddafi, is not the only despotism from that area of the world. More and more we are seeing the rise of political Islam (Islamism) as a growing force of oppression within the Muslim consciousness.

My fight today against Islamist radicalism and its supporting Islamist organizations is born from this struggle and will only be won when American Muslims fully embrace the central principles of religious freedom, individual rights, freedom of speech and assembly, and most importantly the Establishment clause, all of which are embodied within the Bill of Rights.

Like America’s fight for freedom from Britain’s monarchy or even America’s fight against communism in the cold war, our war with Islamist radicals is an ideological battle for the individual rights of man. The unifying force behind Muslim radicals is an adherence to the ideology of political Islam and a belief in Islamic supremacy. Just as it was the duty of the Founding Fathers to protect the individual with the creation of the Bill of Rights, it is our duty today as Americans and particularly American Muslims to defeat the pervasive ideology of political Islam and embrace the freedoms and liberty that the American Constitution has guaranteed.

As American Muslims we must accept the mantle of responsibility to bring our faith into modernity and use the example set forth by the Founding Fathers of how faith can thrive when it allows its practitioners the individual freedom to worship as they choose with no faith test for governance.

We must also remember that our nation was built on the ability to openly discuss dissenting opinions on any subject including religion and not allow a victim mindset and political correctness to stifle our ability to solve our problems.

The Bill of Rights is the seminal moment in the fight for individual liberty. Today it is easy to take its importance for granted unless we understand what we lose without its protection. Americans must remember that this document lives so long as we maintain a vigil over its promise and embrace the protection that it guarantees.

Dr. Jasser, a medical doctor and a former U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander, is the founder and president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy based in Phoenix, Arizona.

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GovernmentGOP Issues Ultimatum: Obama Must Veto Earmark-Laden Spending BillPosted on December 14, 2010 at 9:57pm by Meredith Jessup Print » Email » As we’ve reported, Congress is currently tackling a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, significantly weighed down with 20,000 earmark requests. But Republicans are pushing back Tuesday evening as soon-to-be Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, issued an ultimatum for President Barack Obama.“If President Obama is truly serious about ending earmarks, he should oppose Senate Democrats’ pork-laden omnibus spending bill and announce he will veto it if necessary,” Boehner challenged in a statement. “This bill represents exactly what the American people have rejected: more spending, more earmarks, and more big government. Republicans strongly oppose this last-ditch spending spree, a smack in the face to taxpayers at a time when we’re borrowing 40 cents of every dollar we spend. Senate Democrats even go so far as to plow more than $1 billion into implementing ObamaCare, despite a growing national revolt against this job-killing health care law.”Additionally, Boehner stressed that the need to stop Washington’s “job-killing spending binge“ will be a ”top priority” for the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives when lawmakers return for the start of the 112th Congress in January. “We have already banned earmarks and made a pledge to America to end the practice of omnibus bills like this disgrace and cut spending to pre-‘stimulus,’ pre-bailout levels. Instead of making reckless spending decisions in the waning days of the lame-duck session, Senate Democrats should stand down so we can get to work on cleaning up Washington’s fiscal mess.”Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell echoed Boehner’s sentiments Tuesday during a press conference in which he remarked the battle over the pork-laden bill is “eerily similar” to the divisive battle over spending last year:RedState is in the process of dissecting the newly released omnibus bill; here’s a sampling of some egregious spending projects found so far:$247,000 – Virus free grapes in Washington State$413,000 – Peanut research in Alabama$125,000 – Fishery equipment for the Guam Fisherman’s Cooperative Association$349,000 – Swine waste management in North Carolina$277,000 – Potato pest management in Wisconsin$246,000 – Bovine tuberculosis treatment in Michigan and Minnesota$522,000 – Cranberry and blueberry disease and breeding in New Jersey$500,000 – Oyster safety in Florida$400,000 – Solar parking canopies and plug-in electric stations in Kansas$165,000 – Maple syrup research in VermontClick here to view the full 1,924-page bill.Comments (22)
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Amnesty by another name!

This Dream Act got a boost from 8 turn coat Republicans in the House - they have sided with the Illegals. This must be met with the strongest response and we are all facing an adversary that will do anything to win - LA RAZA (the Race.)

Please send this link to all of your friends and compel them to go here, sign up and start sending the message to your representatives that you DEMAND that they stop this lame duck congress from passing this garbage.

Numbers USA is a one stop shop for doing out reach to your reps and it is quick and easy.

Let's stop this. Other wise you can kiss America as we know it GOODBYE.

God Bless!


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Beckah was silent as they pulled away from the family's Christmas party. She had smiled and joked with family and friends, but her friend Linda, being the observant and wise sage she was, called Beckah aside and asked her why she wasn't eating. Beckah, responding like a brave soldier, said she was just a little under the weather. She knew that if she said anything that all, the frustration, fear, anger, and panic might came rolling out in one great weeping gush of tears, rage, sobbing, and convulsing panic.

She and her husband Jack had both been out of work for four months. The money was gone, the electric bill due, and the car payment was behind. They had sold everything they could, hocked jewelry, and dropped every unnecessary services they could. Jack had worked every odd job he can find, but it wasn't enough. It barely kept food on the table. By this time next month, the house would be in foreclosure, and in three months they would be out on the street. They had no family to move in with, no prospects, no jobs on the horizon, and the economy was still looking very grim. Meanwhile, government was still spending on everything but the economy. It was hopeless absolutely hopeless.

Finally home, Beckah just wanted to collapse. She went to her room drew a warm bath, sunk down in the tub, and cried. For the first time in years Beckah found herself praying ... really praying; the kind of praying she did when she first became a Christian. And while no jobs magically appeared on the horizon, after a good cry and a lot of prayer, there was a tiny speck of peace just knowing that she could still talk to God.

Ho, Ho, Ho! Tis the season to be hustled falalalalalalalala. Normally, this is the time of the year when everybody is standing around with their hands outstretched, from the department stores to the charities. Everybody is reminding you of all you deserve, all you should be thankful for, and "give."

Well, they are half right, that is, if your electricity isn't in danger of being turned off, your house payment has been made, and you have a job to go to every morning. If this is the current situation in which you find yourself, then you are indeed blessed because presently there are about 30 million of our fellow Americans who don't have anywhere to go when they wake up in the morning.

No! I am not going to hustle you for even one dime. I am not going to tell you to give to me, or this worthy charity, or that worthy charity. There are some great charities out there, but you should decide where your money goes. As for me ... I'm going to do something different this year. I'm going directly to the source of the need and cutting out the middle man.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to give to the Salvation Army and Wounded Warriors, but this year I am going to do something different. According to the National Retail Federation Americans spent $504 billion in 2009 during the Christmas holidays. Chances are that number will be about the same this year.

So this year I'm not going to go to Macy's, or Dillard's, or Radio Shack, or Penny's, or Sears, or any of the other stores for my Christmas shopping. This year I am going to wrap presents and give them to my family and friends. And inside those presents will be the story of a family that we helped in their name. The present might read like this:

Bob and Cathy, instead of a bottle of wine this year, please accept our gift of a Christmas meal for a mom and her three kids whose husband is serving in Afghanistan. She is "living" on about $18,000 per year. My gift to you is a gift to them. Knowing you as I do, I know you will be thrilled with this present.

To Family: As you open this present, I wanted you to know that Katie and I talked about it and decided this year that we were going to do things a little different. We knew some friends that were unemployed. They had no money, no hope, and nowhere to turn.

Because of their dire circumstances, this year we've decided to spend our entire Christmas budget on two families. So, let me tell you what our family got you for Christmas. We got you payments for family one. There was a shiny new house payment for Jack. And for Beckah, we lavished her with two car payments, and for the kids we got the very latest in utility payments so they could watch their television, and a full blown Christmas dinner. And here's the best part ... no assembly required.

And for our kids, we got Don and Cindy caught up on their house payment, paid the cell phone bill, in case an employer called someone could answer, and as a stocking stuffer we made them a wonderful Christmas dinner. Hope that all of this fits under the tree. I'll tell you, Katie and I have gotten pretty good at shopping because every one of these presents fits perfectly. There was not one exchange of any gift we got this year. They were all just the right size.

Now that's Christmas. Can you imagine if everyone, all three hundred plus million of us, would just take 25% of our Christmas spending and help an unemployed family what that would mean to them and to the economy? It would mean a $125 billion stimulus to the economy without spending one cent of tax money.

And churches, you can help too. With all the special offerings taken this time of year, and all the extra money you bring in, why not adopt a few families this year? You can't help everybody, so why not really help a few. But be careful, pick out only families that are worthy of such a blessing. Make sure the parents are good role models for their kids, that they are just down with the economy, and not "professionally" unemployed.

Come on businesses ... you can help. How about you tradesmen? This Christmas why not give the gift of a patched roof, or fixed plumbing, or a replaced window for a worthy family in your area?

And you department stores ... how about a free appliance for a needy family? And car dealers ... we haven't forgotten about you! Do you know what the gift of a good running car would mean for a young family struggling to get to the new job they finally found after 18-24 months of endless job interviews? It would mean the world to them.

Listen, you don't have to do the job alone. There are 340 million of us out here. This won't solve all of our problems. Long term we need to fix the economy with a constitutional budget, free enterprise, and honest dollars, but in the meanwhile, this will help.

It will help the people you share with; it will help the economy; it will help ease the family's burden; and, more than anything, it will help you. Those of us who still have somewhere to go when we wake up in the morning, it will help us remember how blessed we really are. It will help us remember who we are as a people. It will help us remember what America and Americans are really all about.

My countrymen, my friends, my fellow patriots, you are needed now more than ever to help us pull this country together. I know it is Christmas and nobody wants Mr. Scrooge lurking about casting humbug over their holiday cheer. However, I believe that we are under attack in so many ways that there is little hope of coming through this situation whole.

George Soros and his fellow traitors, both in and out of government, are attacking our monetary system and have involved the Chinese in their seditious plot. The dollar collapse may be inescapable. The dark heart of militant Islam has set its sights on America. The world is spinning madly out of control and there is little we can do about it. The system is about to reset. When it does, one of two systems will arise from the ashes of that ruin. It will either be the cold, hard, New World Order of an international oligarchy of thugs and tyrants, or ...

You and I will have laid the ground for rebuilding the American community again on those first principles, which include all of us caring and sharing with the rest of our family, friends and neighbors; not as a commune, but as individuals who care about each other and giving others a helping hand. This is not about government programs, this is about human kindness.

This year I hope you will consider the gift of Americans helping Americans. Nobody needs to know the family's name you help. For that matter, nobody even needs to know what you did unless you want to tell them. But by your kindness you may be the only lifeline to the desperate household of a neighbor or family member in our scared nation, and the only lifeline back to the America we once knew. We don't need government to take care of us. All we need is We ... us to take care of the U.S.

Remember ... there was no welfare office when Mary and Joseph showed up in Bethlehem. She did not seek free medical care from the government. Nor did she kill her baby because it was inconvenient. She brought into a world, darkened with sin and sadness, the light of all mankind.

This was prophesied 700 years before the birth of the Messiah back in the book of Isaiah.

Isaiah 9:6: For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

7: Of the increase of [his] government and peace [there shall be] no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

And Luke says in his classic Christmas description in Luke 2:

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.
2. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
3. And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.
4. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)
5. To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.
6. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were
accomplished that she should be delivered.
7. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
8. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
9. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
10. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
13. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

14. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
15. And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
16. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
17. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.

18And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
19But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
20And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

This may not be, and, in fact, probably is not, the time of the real birth of the Savior, but this is when we celebrate His birth as a nation, so let's make the best of it. Let us truly celebrate Christmas with those around us this year with the gift of blessing others at Christmas. Really, how much stuff do you need? It's just stuff. Will it be remembered in July? Probably not. But if you make a car payment, or pay a utility bill for a struggling family, do you think that will be remembered in July? I would venture to say, that gift will be remembered twenty years from now and will be listed forever in eternity.

Let this be the year when we all say, "Bah humbug!" to advertisers, bankers, and the typical Christmas hustlers and give the gift that will be remembered in eternity, the gift of kindness ... perhaps the gift of economic survival for a military family, unemployed family, relative or friend in your life.

And while you're out running around and you stop to grab a bite to eat, look around for one of our brothers or sisters in arms, and quietly buy their meal. You don't have to tell them or say a word, just pay quietly and I guarantee you will feel more Christmas in that moment than in ten hours of shopping.

Finally, this year give yourself the greatest gift of all. Gather your family together round a crackling fire, bring out the hot chocolate sing a few Christmas songs, and as a family on your knees thank God that you are together, safe, warm, blessed beyond anything most of the world could ever comprehend. Build memories, faith and love amongst yourselves. None of us knows how many more of these Christmas' we will have.

So ... what will it be this year ... the usual Christmas Hustle or ...

The Greatest Christmas Ever?

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A Message to Republicans

Mr. Boehner and the other members of the Republican Leadership,

Some of you were not on the chopping block this election cycle, but you might be next go around...I just want to point a couple of things out that you should keep in mind until 2012.

These are not threats, they are reminders so that you dont lose your focus between here and then.

All those new people? We sent them up there. All those cronies and insiders who are packing their bags to go home? We did that too. You need to look at this from where we stand - we did it once, and we can damn sure do it again - we will do even more next time, as we have almost two years to work on our agenda, and we are going to be watching you.

Yep, you have a nationwide network of auditors looking at your every move. If you care about this country, thats great, thats what we want, but if all you care about is your politcal future, you should factor this into your equations for success. We didnt put your party back into power because we like you or trust you. YOU ARE ON PROBATION.

We didnt send you all back up there to make nice with socialists.

We didnt send you up there to compromise away our national security, our financial future or our childrens hopes and dreams.

We sent you up there to STOP THE MADNESS!!

You skilled politicians be very careful with how you treat our house and our government, because it doesnt belong to you. It belongs to US, and it is on loan to you for the next two years. If you want to keep the positions you hold, then mark these words well...otherwise, it might be YOU packing up your office next time around.

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“Thanks to the American media’s blackout of the Climategate scandal revelations in East Anglia, England, Americans have not been privy to the revolution in thinking going on in Europe over the last thirteen months. Two terms, in particular: “Watermelons” and “Mean Greenies” have come to dominate the Europeans’ new evaluation of the leaders in the environmental movement in general and of the Global Warming alarmists in particular.”


Time to Strain Your “Belief Muscles” Again?

You may have trouble believing this story IF you believe the following lies propagated by Progressive politicians for the last 20-50 years:

A. We’re running out of oil in the world. This blog will change that notion for you.

B. We’ve long ago run out of oil in the United States. This blog will set you straight.

C. Man-made global warming is endangering the planet. Most real scientists here in America and almost all real scientists in Europe are positive that statement is Untrue (see the top link below this paragraph). In fact our American media silence in the United States on those two facts (the truth about global warming itself; and America’s scientists’ convictions about global warming even before the Climategate conspiracy was unmasked) amounts to a huge betrayal of the American people and of our U.S. Constitution. The “Climategate” e-mail release thirteen months ago in Europe has only been covered here in the United States by the Wall Street Journal and FOX News among the media but the internet, both here and in Europe, is alive with it. While Americans have believed that Global Warming is dooming us, Europe over the last year has almost totally discredited these alarmists (in case you missed out on the Climategate revelations and upon the biggest scientific fraud within the global warming lie: the next two links will put you onto the truth).

D. Environmental leaders (known in Europe as “Watermelons” and “mean greenies”) have your health, prosperity and happiness in mind always.

E. Only Green-Tech can save our planet and our economies in the long run.

The lies associated with items D and E immediately above are a bit complicated, but will roll out of the information below. Before we get to the meat of the blog, let’s clear up the key source of almost all of the lies you’ve been fed about energy over the last 50 years; and the source of the great majority of the political lies spread about the world over the last 162 years. American “Progressivism” (which called itself by that name for about a quarter century and then called themselves liberals for over 80 years) is based upon English Fabian Socialism. The key group pushing these ideas for almost 130 years now is called the Fabian Society:

The key belief of American progressives is that we must “progress” beyond the outdated and ill-conceived U.S. Constitution so that we can “progress” toward their notion of an earthly Utopia where, they say, we’ll take from each according to his ability and give to each according to his needs (the 162 year old desire of Karl Marx writing in Das Kapital). If you have never before seen the Fabian Society unmasked; and “kindly” George Bernard Shaw stripped naked beyond Pigmalion and My Fair lady, you owe it to yourself, to America and to our future to visit the website just above. The Fabian Society also gave us the London School of Economics closely tied to the American progressive desire for a single global ruling elite. The London School of Economics also gave us George Soros.

At the risk of seeming racist, let Rajjpuut say this: George Soros can aptly be called “Barack Obama’s MASSA.” He is the puppet master pulling the strings of Obama, Pelosi, Reid and American progressivism.

The eighty year old Mr. Soros can accurately be compared to the ageless Emperor in the Star Wars movies. He grew up as a fourteen year old capo, a Jew working with Hitler’s Nazis, getting other Hungarian Jews to “report” for their transportation to the death camps. He’s only become more sinister since.

Known as “the man who broke the Bank of England” super rich Mr. Soros went from hundred-millionaire and became a multi-billionaire by profiting from wrecking four countries’ currencies over the last 24 years). Mr. Soros has said on more than one occasion, “The number one obstacle to world stability is the United States.” He aims to destroy our currency, impoverish the country, and with the help of the 48 progressive American non-profit foundations he’s created (start with the Tides Foundation; Center for American Progress; and his Open Society Institutes and spread your research from there . . . Mr. Soros is one helluva busybody at a time in his life when most people are content to go fishing) Georgie is seeking to push us all into one-world government led by elites like . . . well, George Soros), he may well succeed.

Progressives in general and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and George Soros, who have all broken bread together on many occasions, now want to break your back. That’s where the lies come from. Back to our main points of interest . . . .

Item #1 At this present moment, Green-Tech is a flim-flam.


Natural Law (mentioned in our Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Federalist Papers and applying to such things as the Law of Gravity as well as to human behavior) discoveries in the area of wind tech; solar tech; etc. are 300 million years behind fossil fuel. We’re NOT saying that some new Edison in five years won’t or can’t revolutionize the entire green-tech picture and eliminate the need for fossil fuels overnight. What we are saying is that green-tech right now right here is science-fiction from a viable nationwide standpoint. Is that a serious problem? If the underlying scientific principles required to make PRACTICAL energy on a grand national scale don’t yet exist . . . everything based upon saying that “YES, YES THEY DO TOO EXIST!!” is a scam and a national betrayal. How big a national betrayal? Consider this: In 1997, Spain had the healthiest economy in Europe and was creating the most jobs on that continent with unemployment about 4%. Today Spain is one of seven seriously near-bankrupt European countries with unemployment at 2o.8%. How did that happen?

Spain bought into green-tech in 1998 and began to heavily subsidize clean energy jobs. Results of a Spanish green-tech study done three years ago show that 2.2 jobs in the real economy were lost for every single green-tech job created. Like Obama with the stimulus (where jobs lasting one week were credited the same as permanent jobs), the Spanish exaggerated the job creations via green-tech. Only 10% of Spain’s green-tech jobs proved permanent and most paid between U.S. $10-$14. Mr. Obama has promised to give us “five million new green-tech jobs” which extrapolated toward the Spanish example would lose us eleven million real jobs; only 10% of those newly created green jobs would prove permanent meaning that only 500,000 permanent jobs would be created and we would have an American version of the Spanish green-tech experience on our hands . . . a 22/1 debacle in lost jobs compared to jobs created (11 million real jobs lost; only 500,000 modestly-paying green-tech jobs created).

So for those of you who thought Mr. Obama was exaggerating when he told the San Francisco Chronicle that his policies “would bankrupt the coal industry” and “under my policies of cap and trade the price of electricity would necessarily skyrocket” . . . he was a straight-shooter on coal and the cost of electricity, but he was hugely exaggerating about the “benefits” of green-tech jobs at this point in time because the technology does NOT exist.

Item #1.5 The oil critics are NOT asking the right questions . . .

. . . that’s why they keep giving you and me only the answers they want us to hear and never tell us the truth . . . .

The answers they want us to hear are wind, solar power and other “Magic Clean Green” energy sources that do NOT actually exist in any meaningful way on a national scale. The truth is that fossil fuels are and have been the preferred source of power because right here and right now only fossil fuels make sense. In a nutshell, the question comes down to practical, efficient and cheap energy. Fossil fuels are all three and they’re getting cheaper (except for artificial barriers thrown in our way by environmental regulations to make slow, inefficient and expensive green vehicles look somewhat more attractive) by the day. For example the Swedes have come up with a cheap way to make extraction much more efficient for getting out 60% of the unreachable oil. For example the Canadians have “trained” a tiny microbe to allow them to take previously worthless coal tar and turn it into clean-burning methane gas. If the only answer the media and the politicians and the greenies want you to hear is so-called “green-energy” (solar power requires huge pollution and energy use in the manufacturing stages) then the truth will not get to you and the actual dollar savings you’d be expecting can just be taxed away.

Item #2 Would you believe our conventional oil supplies will quadruple or quintuple in your lifetime if we want them to?

It’s true.

As the price of oil rises and the technology for extracting it improves dramatically, we are every day returning to old “dried out wells” and eventually harvesting two to three times the original yield of those wells. Besides that, exploration methods seeking new wells are now about 400% more accurate, so less money is wasted drilling “dry-holes.” Here in the United States and southern Canada we have also discovered the Bakken Formation, which is the largest oil reserve ever found, bigger in area than the entire Middle East . . . of course we’re not allowed to drill there thanks to ridiculous prohibitions and only the reservation Indians are taking advantage of it so far. It’s also true that the same people who are limiting our drilling have seen to it that this country has not built a new oil refinery since 1974! By the way, the oil is there if we choose to go after it. We may reasonably NOT want to go after it, however, read on . . . .

Item #3 Would you believe that if we want it, Colorado, Utah and Wyoming could supply the energy needs of this country for five to six hundred years?

Also true. Keragen or Marlstone (usually MISnamed: “oil shale”) deposits in western Colorado as well as Utah and Wyoming hold that much stored energy. These deposits require a “mining” approach rather than a conventional oilman’s drilling etc. The Indians told the Whites about the “rock that burns” 155 years ago, now if we want it, we’ve got boundless energy sources using that keragen. We may, however, reasonably decide we don’t want it. Read on . . . .

Item #4 Would you believe that Items #2 and #3 above quite possibly are going to prove unattractive within a dozen years?

Without the government’s interference and without resorting to fraudulent energy sources such as ethanol (which costs much, much more in pollution start to finish; and significantly more in money –if subsidies are added in - than oil), it appears that the recent discovery of the Natural Law underlying MAN’S creation of oil in the near future will bear huge fruit. Unlike ethanol and other plant-based synfuels subsidized by the government, the cost of foodstuffs like corn will not skyrocket if and when these new technologies are perfected. You’ve heard of things like Castrol’s synthetic oil . . . this is something different, using algae to replace the 300 million year process of creating oil, coal, natural gas, etc. When this becomes reality, then a point will be reached where the price of oil says that keragen and oil in the ground will become far less desirable than letting nature take its course under the watchful eyes of man above ground.

Item #5 Would you believe that new technology called “cellular oil” could make all drilling and oil shale exploration moot questions?

That’s the name of the new technology.

Item #6 Would you believe that someone has a vested interest in our not hearing the terms “watermelon” or “mean greenie” here in America?

Thanks to the American media’s blackout of the Climategate scandal revelations in East Anglia, England, Americans have not been privy to the revolution in thinking going on in Europe over the last thirteen months. Two terms, in particular: “Watermelons” and “Mean Greenies” have come to dominate the Europeans’ new evaluation of the leaders in the environmental movement in general and of the Global Warming alarmists in particular. The term “mean greenie” has been around in England for some time. It describe folks who burn SUVs, deliberately foul fishing nets, destroy ski resorts, drive six inch spikes into trees in hopes of killing lumberjacks using chainsaws, and others who commit crimes against humans in the name of ecology. Lately “mean greenie” has seen a sudden upshot in popular usage in the media all over Europe. But the term “Watermelon” is something special that’s only become common since the Climategate e-mail revelations.

A “watermelon” is a so-called environmentalist who’s “green on the outside and pink to bright red on the inside.” That is, the leaders of much of the environmental movement are now seen in Europe as using the environment for pushing their real but hidden agenda, a heavily socialist or even Marxist agenda. What???? You see it’s like this, all of the Cap and Trade ideas needed (the progressives say) to stop Global Warming in its tracks can only efficiently be executed by a near totalitarian state . . . an all-powerful national government run as part of an even more powerful global government. And what is the basis of all this fraud?

The progressives are pretending that Natural Law no longer works. They want a crisis so they manufacture one with manufactured “science.” They want oil eliminated from the world scene so they pretend that Natural Law has advanced to the level that green-tech is viable, even though it’s not. Right now, the only Natural Law in force capable of providing energy for the whole planet at a practical price and effort is fossil fuel energy. Because of advances in Natural Law (laws we discover and use; NOT laws we make up!) tomorrow, man-made fossil fuel energy appears ready to supplant 300 million year old fossil fuels, and that is semi-green tech created by capitalism and individualism . . . not by a political elite defrauding the people** of the world.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** These are the same people who had DDT banned because of false science (a la Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring) at a time when DDT had dropped malaria deaths (not to mention suffering from a lifetime of episodic three-day fever fits) down to 44,000 annually. The American and United Nations DDT ban has killed more than 70 million souls just to malaria, never mind all the other scourges that DDT avoids, since 1974. Today 2,100,000 people die from malaria every year and tropical nations are finally seeing the light and going back to DDT. If you read the Fabian Society material given above and the words of George Bernard Shaw you see this for what it is: deliberate population control a la eugenics . . . or if you’re a sucker for progressivism, you could call it just plain incompetence . . . and the more you check progressivism the more incompetence you find . . . consider our $113 TRillion in unfunded liabilities via Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid; or the unfunded liabilities created by the state side of Medicaid by the Obamacare Law which will bankrupt all 50 states by 2024 . . . or the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 requiring home lenders to deliberately make known bad loans which was expanded five times (four times just by ACORN President Bill Clinton: once by regulatory edict and three times via legislation) and took us from one “bad” loan in every 404 loans in 1975, to 2005 when 34% of all home loans were bad: thus giving us our sub-prime lending crisis and financial meltdown.

Whether you consider it incompetence or a deliberate attempt to undo capitalism and create chaos so that progressivism can step in offering their neat, sweet big government solutions . . . progressivism is the lethal cancer dominating the American scene and needs to be eradicated posthaste. Thankfully, the voters in November, 2010, saw that clearly.

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The Myth of Collectivism

Why do you think the Tea Party was born? The news that Obamacare is in legal limbo should tell everyone that collectivism is a theory with no substance, and that our elected representatives, after taking an oath that they would protect and defend our Constitution, are proven liars. There has never been a successful collectivist government. People are not natively adaptable. We can be collectively for something but not under the law. Ever since the United States started down the road of collectivism, division has been building. The reason for the Tea Party is as plain as the nose on your face. Elected officials with the power to redistribute the people’s energy are naturally going to favor themselves and their constituents. That’s divisive. We are presently witness to the results. America is currently between a rock and a hard place, with no way out. All answers are the wrong answers. Everyone is going to pay a price. The longer we put off the necessary change, the higher the price. Those in denial are going to pay the highest price.

Those with jobs are going to find their paychecks buying less and less. Small businesses are going to increasingly fail, and along with their failures jobs will disappear. The unemployed are going find their government benefits dwindling. With prices going up on goods and services, Social Security benefits remain the same. That spells less and less goods and services.

The unscrupulous “some kind of a god,” Soros' planned revolution, is beginning to go into full swing. As the American people become more and more desperate, and government answers more and more the lesser of two evils, the ultimate Soros planned answer looming—tyranny—there is but one logical way out of the quagmire. The United States has miserably failed to protect and defend our inalienable rights. If we, the American people, are to keep our God-given rights, the same as the evil-doer Soros, we must look within for our answers.

Speaking from personal experience, when I was between a rock and a hard place I looked within and found the right answers, the same answers America’s pioneers found, the same answers written into our Constitution.

At first, hurtles were placed in my way. The lawless IRS put me on the street. It took a strong will to dare government to take my inalienable right to exist on the fruits of my own labor. I passed the tests. I won that battle, and the war. All Soros and government have are bald-faced lies; I have my spiritual guides. Place your bet on who wins?

Everything in the space-time consortium has a beginning and an end. The physical domain is governed by immutable laws. But in us, first comes the idea, then the possibility, and finally reality. Rather than Soros’ reality, it can just as well be our reality, We don’t know the power that lies within us. The physical begins in the microcosmic world, an incomplete world of infinite possibility with which our minds are connected. We make things happen. By going on my own, miracles occurred. When everything should have gone wrong, everything went right.

Jesus said on earth as it is in heaven. Everything he said applies to the miracles I’ve experienced. Jesus said he would return. America was born under the sign of Aquarius. America is a state of mind; it has no place. It is our immaterial essence, our animating principle, the individual’s actuating cause of life, the spiritual principle you can’t take away and replace with a collective soul.

We are at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, an age when brotherhood and fraternity will prevail. I was born Aquarius rising. That means as I grew older I’d become more Aquarian. It happened as predicted. In my forties, I was under pressure to change. At first, the change was frightening. When I became resigned to the change, I looked to a better life ahead. My dream has been fulfilled.

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March Across America

I am iitiating the March Across America. This is not a march in the typical sense. Instead it is a concerted effort to cease in the doing any business with any business owned, operated or that employees illegal aliens. I invite all Tea Party members to unite and disseminate this information to all other Tea Party members, friends and family. If this is done as a genuine movement, in these times of a dissentegrating econmy, it can have a major effect. Once the march is organized and moving forward, it can be made aware to the media. It is there that it will genuinely gain recognition as a reality. In doing so, the media can spread the word and get more individuals on board, while letting the illegals as well as the employers of such, as to the reason for their mysterious decline in business. Let's cut off their income and we can start to take away their reasons to be here.

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Our Brother's Keeper

I took my question to the U. S. Supreme Court. Can the redistribution of personal incomes take away my personal liberty to survive on the fruits of my own labor? Amendment V to the Constitution states that I shall not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, which means without being heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place. Amendment IX states: “The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” Do we not have an individual right to property?

Article III section 2 of the Constitution: “The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under the Constitution, the laws of the United States . . . to controversies to which the United States shall be a party.” The United States was a party in the taking of my property in the name of income tax.

26 U.S.C. section 7421 allows the taxpayer to constitutionally challenge his tax where (a) the tax assessment is an illegal exaction in the guise of a tax and (b) there are special and extraordinary circumstances sufficient to bring the case within some acknowledged head of equity jurisprudence.

In the case of the IRS taxing margarine the same as butter, section 7421 applied. The IRS lost. A public corporation won. Would not an individual be more protected by the Constitution than a public corporation, a legal entity? The U. S. Supreme Court has given the Communist Party U.S.A. constitutional protection. The U.S. Supreme Court has given mafia gamblers constitutional protection. Why not this born in America individual? In my case, it wasn’t the law being protected. It was the mighty being favored over the meek. The Supreme Court, lawlessly, as a matter of court policy, refused to hear my question. It was the same in the slavery issue. You can’t depend on empowered people making and keeping the law. That’s why the Constitution divided the power equitably between the three branches of government and the people.

The Commissioner of Internal Revenue told the Court that the IRS made a mistake that had been corrected. The facts and evidence I presented did not support the Commissioner. After the fact, the IRS admitted on the front page of The Palm Beach Post that the mistake had not been corrected. The Supreme Court, as a matter of policy, refuses to hear the likes of me. Those frauds on the bench are denying the individual’s God-given rights.

Justice Brandeis, a Roosevelt appointee to the Supreme Court, specifically answers the question I raise. “Property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means the end?” Why did that unconstitutional socialist answer stick? The revered Roosevelt, did he revere my Constitution? No. Roosevelt: “While it isn’t written in the Constitution, nevertheless, it is the inherent duty of the Federal Government to keep its citizens from starvation.” The government has no duty to the individual. There is not one word about it in the Constitution. The Court’s test as to our inalienable rights, before Roosevelt, was that the very essence of a scheme of ordered liberty must have inalienable rights, by reason that neither liberty nor justice would exist if inalienable rights were sacrificed. Thanks to Roosevelt’s “duty”—to keep us from starving—inalienable rights have been abolished. Roosevelt replaced, by socialist standards, the Constitution, left the nation with the tyrannical notion it was government’s duty to do what is for the good of all, for whatever alleged good reason, including robbing the individual of his God-given right to exist.

Under Roosevelt’s duty to the individual, it was seen by the United States that it was very wrong for me to challenge its right to do what it determined was for the good of all. As a lesson, the IRS was permitted to put me on the street. What will be the next liberty to go as the cheese gets more binding? It is now government’s duty to grope us without probable cause. It is getting more scary all the time.

I thought my case, after being published on the front page of The Palm Beach Post in 1986, would get results. There was not one peep. The IRS is known to be above the law. We the people, the courts, Congress, and the President have accepted, for the good of all, that government must be free to tax our incomes by whatever amount is deemed to be necessary. Today, the issue is what is deemed to be necessary, knowing that more tax is bad for the failing economy. We are due for the biggest tax hike in history. I never could understand how Hitler took control in Germany. Now I know.

America is no longer a nation under God. Not only are we not our brother’s keeper in America, we are not our own keeper. The United States of America has conspired with the federal judiciary to strip the American people of all of their inalienable rights, and without protest, except from a few nutcakes like me. Thanks to the revered Roosevelt, government has a duty to you. How wonderful, but the question remains, has this change been good for America? One is inclined not to think so, not with the nation going bankrupt, morally, spiritually, and fiscally.

What if a million taxpayers had read their Constitution, had determined that federal income tax denied them of their constitutional rights, had taken their cases to court? The people, not the government, would have been in control. You read about tax protesters going to jail. Why didn’t I go to jail? I followed the law. I paid the tax and then took the IRS to court. Tax protesters take the law into their own hands. The law gives the individual the right to challenge the tax if he has a personal stake in the outcome. IRS misconduct, including violations of court orders, is the reason I got my case before the Supreme Court.

The American people have been suffering under the delusion that the Constitution guarantees their rights. The IRS told me that Congress has the right to tax my income up to 100 percent. You don’t know that. It isn’t talked. The federal judiciary backs this outrageous trespassing of rights. The federal judiciary allows the IRS to make limitless mistakes. America’s judges are Nazis in principle. What was I fighting for in World War II in Nazi Germany? I possess the irrefutable truth about the United States of America, but who gives a damn? You can’t sit back and enjoy life. It ain’t natural. You’ve got to demand your rights.

Osama bin Laden destroyed the World Trade Center and killed thousands of people as a lesson that you can’t eat, drink, and be merry. Osama blames the American people for allowing America to become a super corrupt super power. It wouldn’t have happened had government not decided that it had a duty to the individual. Jesus said you can’t serve two masters. You’ve got a duty to preserve your God-given rights. Jesus warned us of wolves in sheep’s clothing. He told us that on earth it was the same as in heaven. He told us the kingdom of God comes first. God is in us; our inalienable rights come first. The United States of America is in violation of the laws of God and man. Because we the people don’t know the law we are paying a terrible price.

And what a laugh, I’ve been accused of being a rock in the stream. Read what is taking place in Astrology books. For two thousand years, people have been impressionable and weak willed—drifting on the tides, influenced by external factors. Because we’ve been impressionable and weak willed, everywhere, wolves have seized the opportunity to lead us down garden paths. Here we sit at the threshold of a quantum leap forward afraid of change, and Osama wants to take us back to biblical times. We are now approaching the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and fraternity. My astrological chart says I’m Aquarius rising. You can read in astrology books that I envision a bright future.

Fact is stranger than fiction. Jesus told us that the meek would inherit the earth. There are no bounds in love. Jesus told us to love our enemy. Man was created with reason and logic, which is fundamental to the law. The law does not change according to political whim (to today’s needs, the frauds on the bench say). It amazes me why I know all of this and others don’t, or if they do one would never know it. Millions are being influenced by the likes of me, but don’t believe what I say. Hey Osama, I recommend that you read the Gospels in the Bible and decide for yourself whether I’m right or wrong. I say that Jesus is our savior and redeemer. I pray that you, Osama, help lead us to the new age at hand. Turn your outrageous religious beliefs into love of your fellow man. There is only one God. Accept the law of all times, that we are all God’s children. Indeed, invite Osama to be our guest. Let him build a mosque at ground zero as an emblem of brotherhood. Instead of the hunted, Osama would go down in history as one of the greatest peacemakers of all times. Why don’t we hear this kind of talk from our leaders? They are following our lead.

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Sarah Palin

I hope to God we come up with Someone better than Sarah PALIN TO Run the race; her new program Sarah Palin in Alaska does not look like president material for future. I like all her outdoor stuff and how she loves the land but as far as a Presidential run in, Not Got. I thought the Republicans were to help the middle class Why are they still holding up stuff so they can give the millionares breaks, Come on the middle class is starving here.........If we stop hiring immigrants with no green cards to work, Maybe our teens will be able to find work in this country they were born in.....Since badger care my health insurance has gone up along with my medications due to covering for all those who don't have insurance, I know of 5 people who are on badger care and get free mri's and meds, while I pay higher and higher and most of them could pay for there insurance if they quit smoking and drinking all there money away....Thoughts anyone..

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Aquarian Awareness

The only reason we are still here is because we are in a Mexican standoff. However, if religious extremists acquire atomic weapons, and there is a good chance they will, our lives will have the Sword of Damocles hanging over us by a single horse tail hair, or atom bombs aimed at us from Venezuela, we now hear. Where is Obama? The value is in the hanging, not in the falling. The lesser of the evils will be to live according to the will of crazies. People are beginning to realize that conscious awareness matters.

So be aware that in the order of things, came the human, the highest in the order insofar as we know. Religion, rather than relying of reason and logic, human attributes, relies on faith in God and there are many ideas of who God is and what God wants from us. The bottom line of religion is power and control. With religion in control, we will either leave ourselves history written in the rocks or revert back to biblical times, and thence to lower life swinging in trees. The cutting edge of science realizes from lab experiments that the universe is ordered; that nothing could exist without consciousness.

The obvious problem is our inability to control power. Our Constitution failed to stop ambitious men from taking control of our lives. The powerful gain control, bring about destruction, and then we begin again. In the natural progressive order came the Age of Pisces, and with it a great teacher, Jesus Christ. His contemporaries crucified him. Humanity continued on its destructive course until now our very existence is in peril and we are on the downside of the wave.

A big change is inevitable. Those in control—Muslims socialists, fascists, communists, revolutionary anarchists—all dreaming of one-world government, little do they know about the makeup of the universe. The ancients, and now the cutting edge of science, bring us the Age of Aquarius, a one-world brotherhood of individuals with God-given rights.

The new rules for the world’s economy, “for thriving in a turbulent world,” appeared in Wired magazine’s September 1997 issue. “Networks have saturated every space in our lives, an entirely new set of rules will take hold,” asserted the author, Kevin Kelly. The new world order will be nothing like the above mentioned smoke-blowing power seekers imagine.

As for the economy,

  1. The Law of Connections: The collapsing microcosm of chips and the exploding telecosm of connections tear the old laws of wealth apart and prepare territory for the emerging economy. So quit worrying about the filthy rich. Think only about getting rich yourself. It’s being made easy.
  2. The Law of Plentitude: Curious things happen when you connect all to all. Adding a few more members can dramatically increase the value for all members. So quit being dependent on government. Government gives you a pittance.
  3. The Law of Exponential Value: The chart of Microsoft’s cornucopia of profits is a revealing graph because it mirrors several other plots of rising stars in a Network Economy. However, the same forces that feed on each other to amplify network presences into powerful overnight standards can also work in reverse to unravel them in a blink. Success will become nonlinear and self-regulating, thus your chances better if you leave the regulation happy government out.
  4. The Law of Tipping Points: Significance precedes momentum. Success became infectious and spread pervasively, and along with it a growing government. It became difficult not to be infected. For instance, how long could one hold out not having a telephone? So why a growing parasite government?
  5. The Law of Increasing Returns: Them that’s got shall get. It depends on this: while centralized government gets more punishing, the Network Economy rewards schemes that allow decentralized creation, and punishes those that don’t.
  6. The law of Inverse Pricing: While the worst—government—gets more costly each year, the very best gets cheaper each year. It is a major engine for the new economy.
  7. The Law of Generosity: Government generously gives away our sweat and creates dependence. Microsoft makes huge profits by giving away its Web browser, thereby creating a need. Get government out of the economy.
  8. The Law of Allegiance: I pledge allegiance to my country. The prosperity of the company is directly linked to the prosperity of the network. Get government out of our lives.
  9. The Law of Devolution: Let go, Washington, D.C. The tightly linked nature of any economy, but especially the Network Economy’s ultraconnected constitution, make it behave ecologically. The fate of individual organizations is not dependent entirely on their own merits, but also on the fate of their neighbors, their allies, their competitors, and, of course, on that of the immediate environment. Al Gore doesn’t know this.

The Network Economy is a brotherhood. The anarchy the revolutionaries think they are creating (this from my dictionary) will result in the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society, actually a brotherhood of people with God-given rights.

After understanding the fabric that makes reality, all things being aspects of mind, and unity in nature, consciousness, the engine that drives our struggling souls, the religion being created by the cutting edge of science, the collective will of the people, and far and away from the above mentioned power seekers notions, will bring about a brotherhood and but one God who loves us all. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.

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