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The "Almost Immoral" Rich

4063262911?profile=originalVice President Joe Biden thinks it is “almost immoral” that the rich are not going to be taxed more than they are now on their incomes. What makes Biden come up with this kind of remark? The fact is that the lowest fifty percent pay only three percent of the income tax and the so-called rich pay 70 percent. Why is it almost immoral that they are not required to pay more?  Biden is indifferent on how the poor spend our money. Who or what is behind Biden’s remark? Let’s explore.


Biden and his colleagues are on a spending spree, bankrupting the nation, morally, spiritually, and fiscally. The money he takes from the rich and gives to the poor means that people are not going to be hired. It’s a double edge sword. What has Biden got to show after two years of being in charge?  Unemployment is higher and the national debt is at an all-time high.


Biden’s fraud lost big in the midterm election. And now Biden stands before us lying like a dog. It deserves comment when the Vice President makes such remarks—and Obama, too, whose arrogance is highly questionable.  We’ve never had a pair like these in high office.  What went wrong?


Since Obama and Biden, America has become significantly less secure, and now it looks like Obama will be successful in weakening our security in favor of Russia, who has never been our friend. Everything this pair does has a weakening effect on the nation. There has got to be a reason.  


All but the hardcore left have turned thumbs down to Biden and Obama.  One-world socialist billionaire George Soros and his shabby shadow government is what went wrong.  Soros, who has brought four governments down so far, knows what it takes: Joe Biden, a Soros pick, the control freak who loves to lord it over others, Biden’s type is in most of the key positions in the United States.  Yep, we’ve  got the conquering Philistines, the sea people of the Canaanites, Attila, the Hun, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and more lately Chavez. Once again, following the course of history, the fickle finger of fate is about to take America down.  


 Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, a Harvard man, prides himself with knowing God.  He tells us he had 12 years of Catholic schooling.  Bill lauds George Soros for the good he does.  O’Reilly is sitting on the fence.  Jesus said you can’t serve two masters. True, Soros gives millions to charities, and for an ulterior purpose.  Every dime Soros gives is to help his own cause.  I don’t give Bill much credit. If being a Harvard man isn’t enough, 12 years of Catholic schooling is quite enough to say brother Bill doesn’t know whether he is afoot or horseback.  


Soros, who sees himself blessed with superior awareness, knows nothing about the workings of the universe.  Obsessed with power, Soros knows the weaknesses of man here on earth, which he exploits. Obama and Biden are Soros pawns. Brother Bill admits he’s confused about their motives.  When you listen to Biden and Obama, you are hearing Soros stultiloquence (Latin for viscously, ungodly inspired pleading. It used to be subject to fine.)


I’ve never set foot in a law school. I know the law; those who have gone to law school don’t. I think that may be one of O’Reilly’s big problems. Seems to me that O’Reilly went to Harvard law school.  Obama is a Harvard lawyer, a Marxist who has a problem with the Constitution.  All of those Obama folks charitable Soros has had a hand in empowering are revolutionaries who have put on neckties and now hold respected positions. They remain with the same goals.  


Up jumped the devil. Soros didn’t count on the Tea Party. For the sake of our liberties, it is essential that the Tea Party be aware.


If you want to know how something works you take it apart and examine the parts. Soros and company have it all worked out for us.  They have envisioned a desirable end. Their end justifies the means they use, whatever it takes.  The end justifying the means does not work.  It turns into mayhem.  Hundreds of millions die to no avail.


The ancient Egyptian priests were very adept at taking the universe apart.  Pythagoras, who studied under Egyptian priests, known as the father of mathematics, used geometry, which he learned in Egypt, as his means of saying if this is so that is so.     


America doesn’t know what Jesus meant when he said in earth as it is in heaven. By the way, America was born under the sign of Aquarius and I’m Aquarius rising.  


What comes around goes around, excepting the Tea Party, which falls under Werner Heisenberg’s mathematical formula called the uncertainty principle, the forerunner of quantum mechanics.  Coincidentally, Heisenberg published the uncertainty principle in September 1925, the month and year of my birth.


Speaking of in earth like it is in heaven, that which Jesus said, there is progressive order in the universe. We are given increasing purpose. It runs through and links the ages.  When I was born, Saturn was trine Pluto. This means that I would have an understanding of the subtle workings of the universe. We are moving now from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, an age when brotherhood and fraternity will prevail.  We are leaving an age when people have been impressionable and weak willed. Clearly Soros and company are moving against the tide, yet the liberal press, like birds on a telephone wire chirping, “Obama is the Comeback Kid,” it is hard to believe how much in denial the liberal press is.  In “Custer’s last stand,” Custer won.  Yep, we’ve gone bonkers.



As to the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, there are immutable laws that govern the movements of the universe, but there are happenings the cutting edge of science has determined that are left to the selection of the mind. Behind this selection is the will.  The will is connected with a common control center we refer to as God, actually the supreme consciousness of the universe.  God is not an entity. It gives us the idea that God can be this or that, for earthbound authority’s benefit. We are blessed with conscious awareness. It is not limited to this or that. In the before reality world, we are observers with quantum minds that interact. We make our reality.   



I was born with Aquarius on the rise, which means that as I grew older I would become more Aquarian in nature, but not necessarily.  I possess choice and there are conflicting influences in my astrological makeup.  Uranus, which astrologers call my ruling planet, had traversed to a position opposing itself when I was born when I was in my forties.  To astrologers, it meant pressure to change.  It happened in my forties. My business enterprise went on the rocks and my wife divorced me, forcing me to change.


I made a clean break with the past. On Good Friday, 1975, I headed for Florida. My plan was to buy a live-aboard sailboat and sail the South Atlantic.  I arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life. I had not planned it, but quite by the movements of the planets I became Aquarius in nature, and more lately have discovered that Jesus and Aquarius have a lot in common. It is interesting that the first day of my new life was Easter Sunday, 1975.     


Shortly after my departure, by chance, I met an astrologer.  For the fun of it, I had him create my astrological chart.  I was not impressed, at least at the time. Although it didn’t fit me at the time, I grew into my astrological predictions.


After spending two years at sea, during which time miracles occurred, I departed my sea life captain of my ship. The miracles continued.  In 2001, retired and nothing better to do with my time, I decided to write my memoirs. One morning, first thing, I wrote down my thoughts. I’ve being doing that ever since.  The events of my life connect. 


Before my departure, if anything could go wrong it did. After my departure, when everything could have easily gone wrong, everything went right. Today all of my dreams have come true.  I don’t think it was the luck of the draw.


I draw a comparison in what took place in my life and what is taking place in America.  There came the time when I was forced to change.  I looked within for my answers. They turned out to be right. Hearing Joe Biden tell America he thought it “almost immoral” that the rich are not going to be taxed more caused me to wonder how he could make such a statement.  Biden was talking to the socialists, communists, and anarchists, the easily impressed and weak willed Americans who encouraged to hate America. This easily understandable scenario what Soros uses to bring governments down.  


The choice is yours.  It takes determination to keep your freedom.







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Sharia Law v. Constitutional Law

With all due respect for those who don’t allow profiling, and help us to imagine that they stand with the law, what once stood as twin towers in the Center of Manhattan, a gleaming capitalist monument reaching to the heavens—under constitutional law—now under Sharia law, remaining nine years after being destroyed a sacred hole in the ground, President Obama has proclaimed that our Constitution protects the right of Sharia law advocates to build a monument to their law adjacent to their sacred hole.  It is an insult to my intelligence. 


And now New York City meatheads, including Mayor Bloomberg, favoring  Sharia law, or the law of might makes right, as demonstrated in said sacred hole in the ground, it took only nineteen Sharia law advocates to accomplish this monumental feat, Obama and the other meatheads now pay them a tribute—having all fliers groped by federal agents—making it as tough as they can on the American people, all in the name of disallowing profiling, look out for these wolves in sheep’s clothing. Obama’s kind always have their cause for justice.  Under Nazi law, it was Jews, and the Grand Mufti of Islam was a Nazi during World War II. Now under Obama’s anti-profiling law, we are guilty without cause. Take your pick. Make it easy on yourself, be groped or be fined and go to jail.  It bears no resemblance of constitutional law. They have the gall to call my kind Nazis and themselves angles of mercy. Get them out of here before you lose every vestige of your freedom.   


Obama has stated many times that he has a problem with America’s Constitution. I really think he does. Under Obama’s particular cause for justice, claiming the Constitution allows him to do this, in the name of no profiling, Obama ordered his Attorney General to sue the State of Arizona over law meant to protect Arizona’s citizens from life-threatening illegal Mexicans. How can we allow this insanity? The majority of the American people sees America heading for the rocks. The minority Obama represents, as it now turns out, his popularity now down in the 30s and falling, remain clinging to the wheel of the ship of state for dear life. Now forced to change the course one degree, they are screaming their heads off.  We’ve got to change their course much more or end on the rocks.



On the idea of Obama law, or you might say Harvard Law School law—Marxist class warfare law—the  ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle advanced this idea: Of political justice—Marxist justice—part is natural—that which everywhere has the same force—legal that which is originally indifferent; that is to say, of the state’s contrivance, Marxist, or Sharia law, or the law of might makes right. So I ask you, does the Constitution either state or imply that a monument to Sharia law must be permitted to be built adjacent to said sacred Muslim hole in the ground?  The law I know is based on reason and logic. The law Obama goes on—Harvard law—has zero substance.  Naturally, Obama, a master of platitudes, would refuse to discuss his Harvard interpretations of the Constitution—law from La La land, with absolutely no substance. My law is based on substance. I studied law at the county law library, without the help of Marxist teachers.  Voices of the past spoke to me. I had a bigger than life calling.


Roman judge Cicero, said to be the father of modern law, asserted: “We are born for justice.”  Of political justice, Cicero: “right is not the mere arbitrary construction of opinion, but an institution of nature.” So, what is Obamacare? Obamacare is unscrupulous men’s attempt to override natural law. Government has no business getting involved in making decisions about our health.  You need to know your Constitution. On that notion, Black’s Law Dictionary, under “lawful:” “the word ‘legal’ is used as the synonym of ‘constructive’ which lawful is not. Thus ‘legal fraud,’ or Obamacare, is fraud inferred or implied by law.”


A Harvard law school lawyer on the news said, “I’ll bet my hat Obamacare is constitutional.” We’ll see. That lawyer, I can tell you, does not know the law.  I challenged the United States on the constitutionality of the income tax, not per se, but as it applied to me. Sharia law doesn’t give me the right. The Constitution, under the Fifth Amendment, does.  America’s activist judiciary maintains that other rights, “penumbras” make my right under the Fifth Amendment irrelevant.  A penumbra:  the partial or imperfect shadow outside the complete shadow of an opaque body, do you call that the law? It is Harvard law: shadow government. What other rights make my right to exist irrelevant?  I can tell you for sure that you will not get the answer from the political activists now in control of your lives.  


The IRS called me a Fifth Amendment freak. Justice Brandeis, citing Harvard law, the law of might makes right—he didn’t get it from the Constitution—said,  “Property is only a means. It has been the frequent error of our Court that they have made the means an end.”  Obama’s, or Harvard law, has it that the end result justifies the means. It’s the same under Sharia law. In other words, for the good of all, we must conform to Islam’s law—or Marxist law—or the law of might makes right—law without substance. Under Harvard Law, it is one for all and all for one. Obama’s Harvard calling is from the seat of his pants—breaking wind in a gale, and your rights are gone with Obama’s Harvard backwind.  Nice folks, those Harvard lawyers.  Their grandiose plans for the world are the only thing that will save us from ourselves.


Cicero: “the laws are the foundation of the liberty which we enjoy; we are all the laws’ slaves that we may be free.” The Supreme Court’s test as to a right is whether the right at issue is “of the very essence of a scheme of ordered liberty,” by reason that neither liberty nor justice would exist if such a right were sacrificed.  Do we not have the God-given right to exist on the fruits of our own labor? The IRS, operating under the law of might makes right, lawlessly put me on the street. I took my tax case all the way to the Supreme Court, proof that Sharia law does not hold, at least not yet. Those illustrious Harvard keepers of the law could not stop me.


The U. S. Attorney General didn’t believe me when I wrote him that I’d see him in court over the unconstitutional income tax. I studied the law. Harvard law having painted the makers and keepers of the law into a corner, the Attorney General of the United States could not enforce the law without lying. The respondent, the Solicitor General, lied to the Court. My case was not heard.   Not to be stopped, I took the court record to The Palm Beach Post.  You won’t believe this but an investigation was made. A front page story on my case appeared in December 1986. Those illustrious Harvard trained lawyers, from this self-trained keeper of the law, were forced to eat crow.  


Yet they look you straight in the eye and say, “We know the income tax is unfair, but we are fixing the problem.” They’ve been fixing the problem for at least 30 years.  And they bet their hats Obamacare is constitutional.


The fact and evidence speak loud and clear.  Under Sharia law, faithful to their cause, Muslims took down the World Trade Center, killed thousands of people, and threw the U. S. economy for a loop.  What better example of might making right. It only took 19 believers in Islam to accomplish this monumental feat.  Millions of Muslims rejoiced. Thousands danced in the streets. Where were the American people in December 1986? Were you afraid of standing and being counted?  


No one knows those lying dirt bags wrecking your lives better than me. By myself, with the help of my Constitution, I made the those bald-faced lying frauds of the super-power of the world eat crow.  Not a peep from anyone. Is it any wonder our freedoms hang by a thread?


Jesus, in Matthew 6:33: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” There is nothing righteousness about Sharia law.  I’m an Aquarian messenger. We are at the threshold of a quantum leap forward. Jesus said that it is the same on earth as it is in heaven.  We are now entering the Age of Aquarius.    The Age of Aquarius is an age of brotherhood and fraternity.  The Muslim god gives us Sharia law. It figures. Muslim fools want to take us back in time. Time can’t be turned back. We are leaving the Age of Pisces.  Those of the age we are leaving, desperately clinging to the past—and so easily influenced—they try very hard to do the right thing, but weak willed and letting external factors rule their thinking, the characteristics of Pisceans. Do you want to be left with Obama and the Pisceans at the switch?   


Dr. Laurie Roth, Ph.D. – “Obama and the far left continue to circle the freedom sucking wagons around the American people. . .” Dr. Jerome Corsi Ph.D. – “End the Income Tax Now!” Whose God is the greater, mine or the Muslim’s Allah? Whose God is greater, mine or Obama’s god of “collective salvation?” What freedoms have collective salvation and Sharia law brought you? Is Allah or Obama your master, or my savior and redeemer?  When I cut from the herd and looked within for my answers, miracles occurred. All of my dreams have come true.  



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A play on Words



Just playing around here, but:


Have you ever noticed how some people say PIN Number, or VIN Number, and things like that?


Have you done so yourself?


Consider what is being said.


PIN is an acronym for Personal Identification Number, therefore PIN Number is in fact the Number of your PIN or your Personal Identification Number's NUMBER. For myself that would usually be 1 as I usually employ only a single PIN for any particular given purpose.


The same would hold true for your Vehicle or Vessel when using the acronym VIN. Most vehicles and vessels also have only one identifying number so the number of that number should always be 1, regardless what the VIN actually is.


I bring this up because there is a great deal in the NEWS about the current START “TREATY”.

START, in this case means ST ratigic A rms R eduction T reaty. Does this mean that everyone is talking about a Treaty on the proposed Treaty? Frankly, I am not even certain myself just what that would mean, but I do doubt that this is the case. Should this not be referred to as the STAR Treaty? Or simply START?


I also play the same game with Nuclear and NewCUElar.


Among other things, a CUE is a clue or hint.


I have never concerned myself with fear of NewCUElar weapons as they are figmentary and born only of the imaginations of the New CUELESS.


Whenever any State or other Public official, some stupid actor, or worse, some reporter goes public and says NuCUElar, I immediately classify them as a fool. And, yes that does go for Bush the second.


On the other hand, Nuclear weapons, those actually capable of massive destruction from the detonation of fissionable Nuclear materials, are a real concern.


We need our officials to concern themselves with real concerns, not treaties about treaties or imaginary weapons.


But, like I said at the start, I am only playing around here.


All Y’all have a Good Christmas and may we all enjoy a Happier New Year.


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Please consider this article, found on, a site dedicated to Michigan news:


As most know, Michigan has been hit as hard as any other state during this recession (perhaps Republican Governor elect Rick Snyder will outperform Dem. Granholm in this aspect).  It breaks my heart to see how some of my fellow Michiganders are reacting to the rise in unemployment.


The article reviews how individuals are affected by legislation signed by President Obama extending unemployment benefits and cutting taxes.  While the majority of this article should get your blood steaming, the kicker for me came in  paragraphs twelve and thirteen, in which the former jewelery and fashion saleswoman, now on unemployment, classifies herself as above '"[settling] for a low-skill, low-wage job, saying she's not going to "throw [herself] into poverty."'  This coming from a woman who professes having done everything it takes to find a job, and wanting nothing more. '"That's just making people settle for whatever can be had," she said. "Speaking for myself, I didn't spend 25 years in a career that was supposed to be my livelihood for the rest of my life to go work at a Starbucks."'


My thought is this; logic deems that if you cannot pay your bills, you are not above any job.


Government subsidized living is not the answer! Too many Americans are too proud, and need to realize that the work ethic and reform we are calling for in D.C. needs to start with us.  My thanks to everyone who shows up everyday to ANY type of job to do the best they can for their family.  True Americans work, no matter what job they're doing.

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Don't Ask Don't Tell - A Behind The Scenes Look

Until now I have been silent on the “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” (DADT)debate.  I guess I figured that sanity would prevail.  Now we know that is not the case.  As a continued act of betrayal, eight Senate Republicans stood with 53 democrats and 2 independents to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell, a policy which has been in place since 1993. 

The eight Republicans were: Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts (newly elected with the help of the Tea Party), Lisa Murkowski of Alaska (re-elected as a write-in candidate), newly elected Mark Kirk of Illinois, liberal retiring lame duck George Voinovich of Ohio took one last opportunity to betray his party, newly reelected Richard Burr of North Carolina, John Ensign of Nevada (who is up for election in 2012), Susan Collins of Maine (who is up for reelection in 2014) and Olympia Snowe of Maine (who is up for election in 2012).

I will go into the moral side of this discussion later, but let us address first the consequences and real agenda of the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell.  

4063262439?profile=originalIf you are foolish enough to believe that the anti-American, anti-military factions that are pushing this agenda are doing so because of their love and admiration for the homosexual community, you are dangerously naive, far too gullible to be in a position of leadership, or your family tree stopped forking a few generations back. This will do to the military what a computer virus does to a hard drive.  More on this later, but let me start with where I stand on the issue. 

I am not a "seek and destroy Christian zealot" who believes the government should reside in the bedroom of American homes.  I don't believe that what goes on between a man and a woman is any of government's business.  Nor is it the business of the community unless it affects the community.  If you turn your home into a brothel, you are making my neighborhood unsafe for my family by bringing in a criminal element and potential sexual predators.  You will have my full attention at that point in time. 

4063262476?profile=originalLikewise, I am not interested at all in the private consensual behavior of the homosexual community.  If you live in my neighborhood and I hear whispers about these "guys" who live in that house on the corner, I am forced dismiss such rumors because under the law that I honor, Biblical law, unless there are two eye witnesses, no charge cannot be brought against anyone for anything.  However, the minute you start having raucous parties where public indecency is displayed, you have made your lifestyle my business.  Further, when one begins parading up and down the city streets of major cities in America (see: San Francisco Gay Pride Parade) naked, flaunting one's sexuality, and demanding special rights, you and I will find ourselves on opposite sides of the sexual divide … no ifs ands or butts about it.   

4063262401?profile=originalLikewise, when you join the military and demand special rights to accommodate your sexual lifestyle, you have crossed the line.  If we, as a nation, have to make special provisions to accommodate your sexual proclivities, where does it end?  Should we not then have special provisions for polygamists?  How about people that love their animals in that "special way" … shouldn't they have special protection?  If homosexuality is "natural human behavior," isn't bestiality as well?  After all, didn't God make us all the way we are?

And, of course, everyone knows we need special protections for those who love little boys, like NAMBLA.  They are so misunderstood and hated, but didn't God make them that way?  Why should they be punished for "natural human behavior"?

And how about other groups like necrophilias?  Do you have any idea how difficult a public relations task selling this life style is?  It’s just so hard to find understanding for these poor folks.  Their outlook is so grave that I believe Harry Reid should sponsor a bill yet today just for them.  Who knows … in this lame duck congress (that for the bestiality folks), even a bill for necrophilias may not be dead on arrival, which would probably leave necrophilias with mixed emotions. 

4063262499?profile=originalBack to Don't Ask Don't Tell.  There are some good sides to having openly gay men in the barracks with straights.  First, it might stimulate the economy.  I mean, if we have a couple million soldiers all buying soap on a rope, it is bound to boost the economy of soap on a rope makers.  And I think serving in a forward position with an openly gay man would have a tendency to keep one awake in the foxhole … or anywhere else for that matter.  Awkward isn't it?   Being in forward position while fighting a rear guard action?  But I digress.  There are, in reality, serious health issues at stake.    

A study of homosexual men shows that more than 75% of homosexual men admitted to having sex with more than 100 different males in their lifetime; approximately 15% claimed to have had 100-249 sex partners; 17% claimed 250-499 partners; 15% claimed 500-999 partners, and 28% claimed more than 1,000 lifetime sexual partners according to

Homosexuality seems to be a highly lustful lifestyle with the average homosexual having hundreds of sex partners during their lifetime.  How is that going to play out in the barracks?  Are the barracks going to become a hedonistic brothel filled with Caligulan scenes of sexual romp and lust?  And if not, how about "tender moments" of hand holding and "cuddling" … is that going to be allowed in the barracks?  And if such behavior is banned, how long will it be before the ACLU is suing the Army and the federal government on the grounds that the gay community is being singled out and discriminated against for only exercising "natural human behavior" already condoned by both the military and the federal government, when they revoked the DADT policy. 

Then there is the privacy question.  We do not allow men to live with women in the barracks.  Experience has taught us that a separation of the sexes prevents a lot of potential problems, like inter-barracks relationship problems, interpersonal conflicts created by jealousy, breakups, pregnancy (which probably won't be an issue in this case), and other "natural human behavior". 

4063262609?profile=originalThen there is the problem of inappropriate sexual behavior.  We avoid the potential problems which can be created when a few good men have been out partying for a few too many hours coming back to the barracks to join a vulnerable Private Jane Doe in the co-ed showers.  But even the innocent appearance of an obviously amorous male in the co-ed shower area might well be, or at least should be, an affront to the modesty of the female soldiers or now after the repeal of DADT, male soldiers.

How are straight men going to respond when they walk from the shower to their bunk and the scene turns to a "B" flick lewd prison backdrop complete with catcalls and whistles?  How will that affect training, discipline, and self confidence?  Will the barracks become “us” against “them” ... straights against gays? 

Perhaps homosexuals should be separated from the rest of the troops to avoid the possibility of sexual harassment.  But that is akin to asking men and women to bunk together isn't it?  So what does one do with openly gay individuals in the military? 

As stated earlier, the homosexual lifestyle for over 75% of gay men is all about sexual encounters, hundreds of them.  How does that affect hygiene in the military? 

  • Over 70% of all AIDS diagnoses in Canada in adults over the age of 15 up to June 2004 were in homosexual men (13,019 out of 19,238). 60% of all positive HIV tests are found in homosexual men. This contrasts with just over 15% of all positive HIV tests which are due to heterosexual contact. (Public Health Agency of Canada. HIV and AIDS in Canada. November 2004).

  • Dramatic increases in syphilis in many large cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, but also in London and Manchester, UK are in the majority observed in homosexual men. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Trends in primary and secondary syphilis and HIV infections in men who have sex with men. MMWR 2004; 53: 575-8. and Nicoll A. Are trends in HIV, gonorrhea, and syphilis worsening in Western Europe? BMJ 2002; 324:1324-7.)

  • According to "Gay author Gabriel Rotello the perspective of many gays that "Gay liberation was founded . . . on a 'sexual brotherhood of promiscuity,' and any abandonment of that promiscuity would amount to a 'communal betrayal of gargantuan proportions.'" This reinforces my point earlier concerning their demand for equal sexual rights and the glut of court cases that would result in any attempt to limit what to them is "Natural Human Behavior."

    4063262640?profile=originalFinally, I know that its passé to remind anyone of moral standards, but morals are no small part of the argument.  What liberals in America have forgotten is that those of us who hold Judeo Christian values are the norm and that dissenting voices, pushing homosexuality, are the contrarians.

 We, as traditional Christian America, have rights too.  The left does not have a right to inflict their religion of liberal one world humanistic theology on us. Their religion is humanism and their theology, which sees intellect as Divine Spark, is anathema to millions of Americans who hold a Judeo Christian understanding of life.  The left tells us that we have no right to force our religion and morality on them, but they have no problem erasing over four centuries of Judeo Christian heritage and morality on this continent and imposing their vulgar religion of humanistic licentiousness on us.

Every belief system is religious by its very nature.  It determines both the course and correction of a society.   History is replete with nations which have traded Christianity for the humanistic religion of the left and history is replete with the stories of failure, collapse and finally the replacement of freedom with the despotism of Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler.

4063262566?profile=originalSo what will it be America the religion of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank, who has really gotten behind the repeal of DADT, or the religion of our Creator who saw our forefathers through the impossible victory over the invincible British Empire?  Was their confidence in themselves or their military prowess?  Hardly!  Their faith was this:  “With a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence." 

Nor did our founders believe that humanism could lead a nation.  "Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."  John Adams          

Will the law of the Creator, whose Triune God-head our fathers celebrated in the creation of a tripartite government, be our guide or will we desert that safe harbor for the humanistic worship of intellect and power preached Marx, Lenin, and the American Left? 

Unfortunately, what most Americans don't realize is that the religion of George Soros and his ilk, and their minions like Barrack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid, is the religion of power.  Their goal is not to raise up America to a new enlightenment.  Their agenda is to collapse America and level the playing field with the rest of the world. They believe that our power and influence is what stands in the way of their NWO.  Their constant piling on of debt to the nation isn't about doing good for the poor, it is about caving in the economy causing panic and confusion, from which only they will be able to lead us to safety.  The goal is always destruction that they might rebuild the world in their image of what it should be and under their wise leadership. 

Finally, if they are to be successful in their quest to build this New World Order, the strategy has to include the control of every aspects of society.  Among these are the economy, the media, education, government, the courts, and the military.  One of the remaining two obstacles is the media the other is control of the military. 

General degradation of the military can be accomplished through the appointment of socialist generals by a lackey of the NWO, which Mr. Obama (despite the constitutional restriction under Article 1 Section 8 which reserves to the states the appointment of general officers) has already done.  The other is to generally degrade the capability of the military.  That, my friends, is the real purpose of the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell.  This move alone will do more to disrupt the military than any other single move that could have been made. 

4063262579?profile=originalSure, we have fought endless wars to tax our military, extended them beyond human endurance, and created impossible rules of engagement for them to follow. But, our soldiers are the best in the world.  And despite these brutish tactics they have stood tall and exceeded even these draconian demands placed upon them.  They are nothing short of heroic.  But injecting the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell into the military is akin to inserting a computer virus into a hard drive.  It begins chipping away at programs and the registry and then begins causing such chaos as to make the device unusable.  For the military, that virus is Don't Ask Don't Tell.   Through disease, social disruption, breakdown of military order, legal chaos, and the destruction of morale, this may well do what no Fabian bureaucrat or no army in the world can do ... beat the American military.

So, now that our weak kneed politicians have gotten all mushy and politically correct on the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy, think about the ramifications and the unintended consequences (or perhaps more properly, intended consequences) of what we are doing and the potentially catastrophic cause and effect this repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell will have on the defenses of America. 

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We Just Don't Need All That "Damned" Cussing

I have to tell you, I love Glenn Beck.  His creative energy is undoubtedly the envy of "talkers" everywhere.  He is a machine - he just never quits. 

So, it was with great anticipation that I tuned in to watch his show on the 15th of December to hear him live from Wilmington, Ohio.  The first show was really good.  It was touching to see him offer the gift of hearing to that little boy.  Wow, what a moment. To say I was moved would be an understatement. 

Glennpointing.jpg?width=112Unfortunately, he was unable to broadcast the second show. Apparently, there were technical problems that killed the live stream to Insider Extreme members.  No problem.  I'll look at it on demand tomorrow, which is what their posting said would happen.  However, the technical Grench stole that as well and the stream was delayed again.  But then we heard the news from the Judge who was guest hosting for Glenn that the show would be aired Friday night.  Great, I'll catch it then. 

As Friday night rolled around we gathered around the TV to watch Glenn.  The program was ok.  It was not the "home run" the first live hour had been, but that is not the purpose of this opine.  I am writing because I was disappointed with Glenn's language.  I had to wonder where all that cussing came from. 

MurphyTheatre.jpg?width=186After all, when something is billed as a Christmas show, one has a responsibility to make sure that the program and its language is appropriate for all ages.  I know Glenn tries really hard to both share information and entertain the crowd.  But to his credit, Glenn had already done his radio program, signed books, greeted people for hours, prepped his staff, done the first hour live, and then came out to a hot theater in a heavy Santa suit.  He was probably exhausted, the rhythm just wasn't there, and old habits just appeared.  That being said, I still believe that "cussin up a bluestreak" isn't the appropriate.  

But again, to put this in perspective, Glenn Beck is probably the hardest working, most creative person in media. I enjoy Glenn Beck and will continue to enjoy his programs as much as ever. 

And perhaps this is a good reminder to all of us that none of us is perfect save One.  And maybe this is the perfect time of year to remember that.  Maybe this is also the perfect time to remember that while Glenn is pretty good at telling us what is about to happen next, I know of another source that is even better than Glenn ... the Bible.  Want to know just how good it is?  Go to Isaiah, Chapter nine, beginning at verse six and continue through verse seven:

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.  Of the increase of [his] government and peace [there shall be] no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.


Manger.jpg?width=208Seven hundred years before the birth of the Messiah, the prophet Isaiah said that blessed event would come to pass.  He prophesied that this Messiah would be from the house and lineage of David and that he would establish His justice forever.  Isaiah said that the “zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” 

So while we enjoy and are informed and animated by Glenn's passion for the truth, we need to remember who we are, and whose we are; and that when it is all said and done, there is only one Truth.  May the zeal of the LORD bring to pass in you not just the knowledge of the Savior's birth, but even in these difficult and turbulent times, the peace that comes with the understanding that soon righteous government will return to this earth. 

It is indeed overwhelming to think that Yeshua, the Creator of all things would humble Himself to the birth of a peasant, that we might be kings and priests forever with Him;  and that from that rude, cold, and dark manger the world would find life, light and finally peace that passes all understanding that brings joyous hope to an otherwise sad and broken humanity. 

How great is our salvation … How great is our God … How sure is the hope of those whose God is the Lord!


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Entitlement: giving someone the right to a privilege others don’t receive, like health care. Millionaires are receiving taxpayer financed health care on the notion that said millionaires are buying insurance with their FICA tax. The government claims that forcing people to buy health care insurance is the same as tax. A federal judge has ruled that government can’t call health insurance tax.  What about the  Federal Insurance Contributions Act, known as FICA tax?  The Supreme Court ruled that Roosevelt’s Social Security tax could not be called insurance.  It had to be called welfare.  During World War II federal withholding tax was called Victory Tax.


The grandfather of government entitlement, Franklin D. Roosevelt, admitted that government entitlement was not written in the Constitution, but that government had the duty to keep people from starving with individual grants in aid.  There is no comparison in giving people able to care for their own needs grants in aid. Politicians use government entitlement as their means of buying votes. Government entitlement has proven to be unaffordable.  It is welfare and only those who are unable to care for their own needs, as determined by a qualified professional, under the Constitution, according to court ruling, are qualified to receive taxpayer money.  For the sake of America’s children, government entitlements must be phased out.  Don’t expect politicians to act in our best interests.  It will take a grassroots movement.


Without government entitlements, many of our current problems would be solved.  People illegally in the United States would not be living on the taxpayers backs.  Before government entitled health care the cost of health care was a small fraction of today’s cost.  Before government entitlement, nobody but the rich paid any tax on their incomes. It took only one breadwinner.   Without government entitlement, the number of government workers would be a fraction of today’s number, and as well in the private sector.  All of those people would be employed making goods or providing services for us.  The economy would soar.


Government entitlement is strictly for government. It is unconstitutional.  The courts have ruled against it. Do your kids a favor. Get rid of government entitlement.  


In Knockout, Suzanne Somers asks how you heal a damaged soul.  Hers was damaged by the brutal treatment she got in a hospital.  She maintains that hospitals are not safe.


Our bodies are the temples of our souls, left to us to protect, which is not what government entitlement does.  It’s the cookie cutter approach.  Somers says understand the past to understand the future. In Knockout, you will find that anyone trying to get out of the establishment box is intimidated, the same as I was when I challenged the IRS.


Somers had breast cancer. She was offered a chemotherapy treatment that was known to be ineffective 92 percent of the time. Knowing that, she turned it down.  There is a way of testing the effectiveness of chemo drugs.  But it requires the doctor to spend his time on the individual. Chemotherapy is mass production.  Oncologists are not interested individualization. Ever since government got in the health care act, the individual has been getting less and less care for more and more cost. Big bucks sets the course.  That’s government for you.


Politicians can’t be concerned about individual needs.  The income tax and redistribution is the cookie cutter approach.  What did Jesus do about the problem?  He turned over the money changers tables.  The Tea Party is the answer, individuals turning the tables on politicians.  

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Omaha Steaks ‘Pulls’ Glenn Beck Advertising, Then Backtracks…Or Did It?Posted on December 18, 2010 at 8:44pm by Jonathon M. Seidl Print » Email » Earlier this week, Omaha Steaks reportedly caved to liberal pressure from and Media Matters and dropped its advertising on all Glenn Beck programs. But there’s only one problem, Omaha Steaks says that never happened.Here’s how reported the yanking on Thursday (emphasis by StopBeck) via Gateway Pundit:This morning, Omaha Steaks announced that they were removing their ads from Glenn Beck’s program (emphasis added):Omaha Steaks buys large units of national television advertising during the holiday season. This year, we bought a package of advertising through the Fox Network. We did not specifically request to be included on the Glenn Beck program. As part of our contract, the Omaha Steaks ads run in a variety of time slots throughout the day.We took your comments regarding the Glenn Beck Program to heart. After further review and careful consideration, we have decided to pull all advertising from Glenn Beck programming effective December 20th, 2010. Unfortunately, due to advertising cancellation policies, we were bound to continue possible ad placements through Sunday, December 19th.At Omaha, we greatly value the loyalty and support of our customers, fans and followers and thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.Great work all! See, your tweets and messages really do matter.It didn’t take long for Omaha Steaks to deny the report. By Thursday afternoon the company deleted its original announcement and replaced it with a “correction”:The staff writers of our blog responded incorrectly and I want to apologize for any confusion this may have caused. The facts are: we did not “pull” our ads from any show. Our holiday TV advertising contract ends on December 19th. Our contract never specified when our ads would air, only that they would air. Mr. Beck’s show is enjoyed by many, and we at Omaha Steaks hope our steaks are too. Our marketing is designed to speak to Americans who love steaks and great food, getting together with family and friends and giving gifts of great taste – no matter what TV shows they watch or what newspapers they read.Bruce SimonCEO, Omaha Steaks______________Omaha Steaks buys large units of national television advertising during the holiday season. This year, we bought a package of advertising through the Fox Network. We did not request to be included on specific program. As part of our contract, the Omaha Steaks ads run in a variety of time slots throughout the day.At Omaha Steaks, we greatly value the loyalty and support of our customers, fans and followers and thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.But what exactly is Simon saying? His statement seems a little cryptic. Below the signature, it reads, “We did not request to be included on specific program” [sic]. It doesn’t say whether or not it requested not to be included in any time slot or on any program, only that it didn’t categorically “pull” its advertising.Additionally, the initial statement announcing the decision references “pulling” advertising after December 20, during what appears to be a new contract. Yet Simon‘s statement only talks about the company’s past contract, and says nothing about its plans going forward. Technically, a company can’t pull ads that have yet to air as part of a new contract. Simon, then, could be right. So too could the writers of the old statement. That’s because it seems the two statements are talking about completely different things. The point may be, well, technical, but in the business world many deals are made or lost on technicalities.Still, the confusion cuts both ways. In an update to its original story, included the following:Omaha Steaks’ CEO posted a follow up statement this morning. At this point, I’m not sure what it means. I can’t tell if it’s designed to be cover given the backlash (at some points threatening) of Glenn Beck devotees or if they’re affirming support for Glenn Beck.Time will tell…That confusion, or at least the initial scathing post, is enough for Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit to go without meat from OS for a while:I enjoyed buying from Omaha Steaks in the past.I will not be calling Omaha Steaks this year.Perhaps unsurprisingly, Media Matters, which originally used’s story as source to report on the “pulling,” has not updated its story with the correction.Comments (2)Bad Thunder
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The Wolves Who Cry Boy

December 18, 2010

The Wolves Who Cry Boy

By Harry Beadle
The Reverends Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jim Wallis, and Jeremiah Wright, and Father Michael Pfleger, insist that racism is alive and well in America.  And they are right.  All they need do is look in their respective mirrors to see some of its most active proponents.
Racism certainly still exists among some whites in the U.S.  But anyone who thinks seriously -- and honestly -- about the issue also knows that those people are a dying breed.  They never will die out completely, of course.  Humans, contrary to liberal belief, never can achieve perfection.  But their number is infinitely smaller than the reverends would have us believe.
Or, if such rampant racism still does exist, how do the reverends explain the widespread popularity of Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell, Michelle Malkin, Herman Cain, Star Parker, J.C. Watts, Ken Blackwell, Marco Rubio, Allen West, or Lloyd Marcus?  All are minoritiesl  Surely the reverends noticed.
And these people are wildly popular with those the reverends insist are the most insidious racists: conservatives.  Can they explain that?  Or could it be that conservatives actually do believe in the idea of character over color?  The Reverend Jesse, especially, should recall the dream of his friend, the Reverend Martin.
Also consider the outcome of the 2010 midterm elections.  A large number of minority conservatives ran for office at both the state and national levels, and many were elected, or else they lost by very narrow margins.
Black or Hispanic conservatives were elected to Congress from South Carolina and Florida -- the Deep South! -- while conservatives, including one Hispanic, won congressional seats in Mexican border districts in New Mexico and Texas and came very close in Arizona.  New Mexico has elected this country's first Hispanic female governor, also a conservative.  The vast majority of blacks and Hispanics freely admit that they vote liberal, so it simply is not possible that any of the minority candidates could have been elected without significant numbers of conservative white votes.
Of course, racism is not exclusive to America or to whites.  It is, in fact, a human trait.  It always has existed, and it always will.  And true racism cannot be excused.  But to some extent and in some respects, every person believes the race he or she was born into is superior to all others.  That does not automatically translate into the hatred or denigration of those born to other races.
What it really suggests is we as individuals are happy being exactly what we are, no matter our race.  It also suggests that we love, revere, and prefer the culture into which we were born.  And why should we not?  It was how God created us.  Nor does loving our own race mean that we cannot develop friendships with, admire, or love those of other races.  It happens all the time in the real world -- if not in the reverends'.
Certainly, racism contributed to yesterday's poverty.  Today's poverty has little to do with racism but much to do with culture: the culture of individual responsibility versus the culture of entitlement preached by the reverends.  And while the idea of entitlement is not limited to minorities, those who insist that racism causes poverty do not want to hear that poor whites far outnumber poor minorities, and they especially don't want to hear that many poor whites also are conservative.
There also is the inescapable fact that while some native-born Americans of every color seem to languish, most immigrants of every color -- at least those who come here legally -- appear to flourish.  The difference, of course, is that those immigrants have not been raised in or indoctrinated with the entitlement mindset, have not been told they cannot succeed without government help, or at least not without the reverends' aid.  They are, in fact, grateful to be here, more than willing to work hard and get ahead.  Most do.
And it raises the question:  do the Reverends and all those who insist racism is rampant in American society -- NAACP President Benjamin Jealous and Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center also come to mind -- in fact help foment bigoted or racist feelings and attitudes among some people, those in whom no ill feelings existed before?  If they do, does that not serve the Reverends' true purposes and help explain their motives?
I suggest that the true racists are those who constantly try to pit one race against another -- that those the reverends lead are victims not of white racism, but of a racist game being played by the reverends themselves and those like them.  Their constant alarms of "racist" behavior raise fears in those who follow them, and in turn among whites.
The simple fact is that victimization is big business.  If it were not, the reverends would not enjoy the incomes they do or the political influence they wield.  It is beyond irony that what the reverends actually achieve is the perpetuation of slavery: emotional, intellectual, economic, and, in a sense, physical.  It is the slavery of ignorance.  And it is exactly what the reverends intend.  It gives them power.  It gives them wealth.  Not their followers -- them.
Harry Beadle is a former news anchor for the CNN Radio Network and blogs at
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So much for the Christian Right

The tax cut for the Rich is done.  Sadly the the majority of American citizens will be hurt by it.  The bipartisan Tax Policy Center indicates 53% of citizens will see not benefit from it.  33% will actually pay more in taxes.  And that 33% makes less than $30,000.  So all you folks on SS will be paying more unless oh and don't forget you aren't going to get a COLA this year.  There must be alot more wealth elderly than we know. 

Now the folks making over $200,000 they are going to get almost $2000 in tax cuts or 13 times than the extra $140 dollars in taxes the poorest Americans will have to pay.  I thought Americans were for the underdog.  Who knew we were for stingy.

So much for Christian Charity.   the Savior will send us to hell.  Jesus say in Matthew 41-46

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

   44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

   45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

   46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

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The Meaning of Words

Let us begin with the word “logic:” the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference. Now take the word “God:” the creator and ruler of the universe. Take the word “man:” the human individual. Take “human nature:” the psychological and social qualities that characterize humankind. “Psycho:” a combining form representing psyche. “Psyche:” the human soul, spirit, or mind.  Humans are logical minded.


Now take the word “soul:” the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life: the spiritual principle embodied in all human beings.


Now take the word “religion:” a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as a superhuman agency. “Superhuman:” above and beyond what is human.  Who or what makes that determination?  Did man make a mistake when he created God?  Or did God make a mistake when he created man?


Man creates religions. The science that investigates the principles governing correct and reliable inference, attributable of humans, rejects faith in some superhuman notion without a basis of logic.

Unless the religion or state is all inclusive it does not acknowledge that we humans possess logic. You cannot say that any of the three major religions are all-inclusive in their doctrines and dogmas.  America’s Constitution was based on the logical idea that the law is king. The United States has rejected America’s Constitution, and thereby the law of all times.  


Jesus did not claim to be superhuman. To the contrary, he turned us away from the divine Caesar idea and toward a new, all-inclusive religion.  Jesus: “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” (Mt. 12:28,29).  The superhuman United States says, “Don’t bust your bottom working. Come to Uncle Sam and get your welfare check. Let the filthy rich pay you so you who labor can rest.”


It is totally illogical that the United States can take the place of Jesus.  The United States is on the same course as Rome was when Jesus uttered the above words.  The Tea Party can take credit for puncturing the U. S. gas bag. Keep up the good work.


I’ve just discovered something more on the meaning of words. Take the word “logic.”  In numerology, letters reduce to numbers. A=1, B=2, C=3, - - J=10/1, K=11/2, L=12/3, and so on. Logic adds up to 20/2. Here is what we read under 20/2 in Numerology and The Divine Triangle.  “20/2, AS A PERSONAL NUMBER VIBRATION. You will be faced with many decisions in your lifetime. You must learn to make judgments based on reason, not appearance. When measuring or sizing up people, see their works and not their reputations.  Outward appearance can be deceiving, so you must exercise thoughtfulness before any final judgments are made.”


“You like to control the people in your circle of influence and prefer to shape things to the ends which you deem worthy.  Such a position necessitates choices; therefore, you are constantly tested.  Should I do this or that? Is it wise to take this path or that path? Shall I go with the new or stick with the old? Deep within, you have an abiding knowledge of opposites; therefore, you are continually confronted with the need to make choices. As a result, your life is one of adaptation and renewal.  New plans, new purposes and new ambitions present a continuing scenario demanding decisive action. This cyclical process creates the awakened human personality because the moment of judgment is the same as the moment of awareness.  You cannot make a decision until you have weighed and measured all the facts and arrived at an awareness of the situation.  Through decisive action you develop yourself and overcome the difficulties in life.  Let your conscience guide you. “


The spirit of Christmas, the spirit of Jesus, the brotherhood attributed to the Age of Aquarius—

When the Moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Then peace will guide the planets

And love will steer the stars


The choice, love and peace or death and destruction, does logic come from the brain? To know, it is necessary to know human consciousness, as distinguished from other life forms.  Human consciousness perceives of good and evil, and various authorities to make a determination; it all depends on the circumstances.


The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, said Steinbeck. There is one common denominator in the rich and powerful and the poor and miserable: determination, the former, strong, the latter weak. Enter authorities to make the determination, how to help the weak remain weak and the strong to remain strong. 


Where did I get this idea? I observe; I am conscious. Is my conscious awareness in my brain or in a state without boundary?  Who or what blocks my awareness?  The authorities do what they can to keep people dumbed down and themselves in control, but with determination, there is no way to prevent one from growing in awareness.  One can be very much aware of the opportunities to get rich, the opportunities to become powerful, or determined to simply drift on the tides. The drifters are easy prey for the rich and powerful, both in the public and private sectors.


I observed that the public had enjoyed a rising stock market for years.  The rich and powerful manipulated the market, enriching themselves, causing the stock market crash in 1929. The  Federal Reserve Bank, there to prevent bank failures during economic downturns, caused thousands of banks to fail. This brought on the so-called Great Depression and the rich and powerful Franklin D. Roosevelt to help out the poor and miserable, by keeping them dumbed down as much as possible. Taking from the rich and giving to the poor, I observe, is a marvelous way to stay in control.  


I observe that America’s Great Depression spread to Europe.  Germany’s Weimar Republic, the same as the Federal Reserve Bank is doing now in America, flooded the market with printing press money.  Germany’s currency became worthless.  The lesser of the evils turned out to Hitler’s National Socialism, better known as Nazi Germany.  The powerful became monsters. I was sent to Germany to eliminate the monsters.  I’m a disabled World War II veteran depending on the taxpayers.  


Why this sorry state of affairs?  Federal Reserve chaiman Ben Benarke says he doesn’t want to do what the Fed did in the 1930s, so he does what the Weimar Repubic did.  The Fed’s printing presses are printing trillions of dollars backed by nothing.  We have none other than socialist Barack Obama waiting for the day to proclaim himself the answer to our problem.  Did you know that he is quietly working now to eliminate the Canadian and Mexican borders?  What if, as a result, an American city is wiped out? Obama proves by his acts that he is willing to give millions of American lives to put himself in full control.


Shades of the Weimar Republic, the Wall Street Journal, I observe, says this is the worst Congress ever.  Going back to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s means of power and control, said Roosevelt shortly after being elected: “While it isn’t written in the Constitution, nevertheless, it is the inherent duty of the Federal Government to keep its citizens from starvation.”  A Roosevelt Court backed him. Justice Brandeis, a Roosevelt appointee, told us that “property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means the end.” 


Barack Obama doesn’t need Congress, not anymore than Hitler needed the Weimar government. Socialist Barack Obama says he is a Roosevelt Democrat, and that he has a problem with the Constitution.  What I observe is a cliff and Barack Obama poised to push me off.







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GovernmentOK Sen. Inhofe, Rep. Lucas Demand Answers After Fed Bans Christ from BankPosted on December 17, 2010 at 2:32pm by Jonathon M. Seidl Print » Email » Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK) have responded to recent news that the Federal Reserve forced a local Oklahoma bank to remove Bible verses, crosses, and Christmas buttons from its grounds because they could be considered offensive. In a letter to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, and copied to Attorney General Eric Holder, the politicians say the move appears to be “without precedent” and may be in violation of “fundamental Constitutional protections.”The letter, obtained by The Blaze, goes on to say the lawmakers have “seldom encountered a more alarming case of heavy-handed interpretation and enforcement of Federal regulations to the exclusion of any other consideration or law, including the Supreme Law of the Land.”After outlining the controversy and the pair’s position, the letter requests an immediate response:
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GovernmentFeds Force Bank to Remove Crosses, Bible Verses, and Christmas ButtonsPosted on December 17, 2010 at 12:46pm by Jonathon M. Seidl Print » Email » A small Oklahoma town is enraged after Federal Reserve examiners told a hometown bank that it must remove crosses, Bible verses, and Christmas buttons from display because they could be offensive. The bank says the Fed told it the Christian paraphernalia violated federal bank regulations.KOCO-TV reports:Federal Reserve examiners come every four years to make sure banks are complying with a long list of regulations. The examiners came to Perkins [the town] last week. And the team from Kansas City deemed a Bible verse of the day, crosses on the teller’s counter and buttons that say “Merry Christmas, God With Us.” were inappropriate. The Bible verse of the day on the bank’s Internet site also had to be taken down. [...]Specifically, the feds believed, the symbols violated the discouragement clause of Regulation B of the bank regulations. According to the clause, “…the use of words, symbols, models and other forms of communication … express, imply or suggest a discriminatory preference or policy of exclusion.”The feds interpret that to mean, for example, a Jew or Muslin or atheist may be offended and believe they may be discriminated against at this bank. It is an appearance of discrimination.Local residents were upset, with one woman calling it “absurd” while another man called it “ridiculous.”The news station says the bank has contacted Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhoffe (R) and U.S. Rep. Frank Lucas (R), as well as the Oklahoma Bankers association, for help.Comments (203)
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The Part of Fortune

A part of fortune, sensitive points in the astrological chart, and representative of worldly success, and as well health, also as to vocation and career, my astrologer, in 1975, told me that the Sun, Moon, and planets lined up to tell him that people working behind my back to bring me harm would pay a price, and to my reward. I’d gone to this astrologer when I made my decision to cut from the herd and go it alone. Those I left behind did not take kindly to my decision. They did what they could to bring harm to me. My astrologer’s prediction came true.  “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Mt. 6:10). My ex-wife and the IRS lost.


Going it alone was going to sea. I purchased a 37 foot live-aboard sailboat I named Bold Venture and set sail on the South Atlantic. Shortly after going to sea, my greater awareness and insight caused me to sense that my help was needed. I sailed straight to three young people who had been snorkeling over a reef. They got caught in a current and were swept out to sea. You could call it a miracle, or you could say that when needed nature provided me with a more developed intuitive capability. Other such experiences followed. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. When I was on my own, there was no one to look to but God. I was given what I needed to survive, and more: to save other lives.


Until I decided to write my memoirs 26 years after my departure from my old life, I had little idea of what my experiences meant.  Writing my memoirs was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. A picture was put in place. For the past nine years, first thing in the morning, I write my thoughts. You are reading this morning’s thoughts.


When my astrological chart was produced and explained, it told of the negatives that had led me to the present. It even explained my departure. It predicted my future.  I made good the good that could happen. It was a matter of choice.


When you apply the history of America, my life experiences apply. When I departed, went on my own, I was the pioneer seeking a new identity.  America’s pioneers made the future happen. Gradually, the individual’s power has been taken by expanding government. The American people are becoming spineless jellyfish. The Tea Partly is representative of my departure. Our individual wills are being tested. It remains to be seen if we will stay the course.


My part of fortune paid. You could call it coincidence. As for me, there have been too many coincidences to call it coincidence.  I should not be here to tell my story. I should have gone down in a storm at sea, in the Bermuda Triangle. I survived. During my two years at sea, I saved seven lives from a watery grave, including my own.  The kingdom of God is to be distinguished from the kingdom of heaven. God’s will and my will are one. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven, We, the people of the United States . . .do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America.


My astrological chart tells me that the most important thing is my life is partnership. I had been married three times. My third wife walked out in April 1980, taking with her half of what we had in the bank. My astrologer predicted it five years earlier. I should have believed him.  Two weeks after wife number three walked out, wife number four walked in, when the last thing in the world I wanted was another wife.  I asked my bride to be to join me in a hike to nearby Multnomah Falls. I lived in Portland, Oregon.  Our date was on May 18, 1980, the day Mt. St. Helens erupted.  The top thousand feet of Mt. St. Helens disappeared. What had been a beautiful snow capped cone suddenly changed to an ugly flat top. Beautiful Spirit Lake was no more. The Toutle River valley was laid to waste. The Columbia River channel was blocked. Thousands of acres of timber lay flat on the ground.  This scene gave me a mental picture of what my life had been.


A volcanic eruption 40 times as great as the Mt. St. Helen’s eruption occurred 6,000 years ago, and now one of nature’s most beautiful works, Crater Lake, Oregon, this is a comparison of the past with my present life, you might say my part of fortune.  God works in mysterious ways.



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Well, after a hiatus from any party activity, I have returned to the fold. I am reprising my role as Hunt County Coordinator for the Constitution Party of Texas. After getting my dues in order and talking with Bryan Malatesta, the State Chairman, we decided that I should try to stir something up in and around Hunt County.


Since the Texas Tea Party seems to be supporting the Constitution Party, I decided to see if I couldn't find enough common ground in my area to bring the two groups together. At some point in the future, I am going to try to set up a meeting between the CPOT and the Tea Partiers in the area and see if we can't come up with a plan to rattle the cages of the powers that be.


It should be no secret that the CPOT platform is the most conservative and Christian platform ever conceived since the founders did their thing. I am asking all Tea Party people in Texas to please take some time to actually read the platform and see if you can't bring yourselves to actively support the CPOT. We need to get real Christian conservatives who believe in God, family and country. We need people who are willing to throw their hat in the ring and run for local office under the Constitution Party banner. And, of course, CPOT needs dues paying members. Going head to head against the status quo day in and day out costs money. If you are like me, you get a little miffed at all the groups that want to put their hand in your pocket. But I would say to you, there are those that are worthy of your support. Support the CPOT with a paid membership and support the Tea Party by becoming a Guardian. It is money well spent and I know I sleep better knowing I am actively trying to change things for the better, at least from my perspective.


Oh, by the way. Don't worry about those who would tell you that supporting the CPOT is a blow to the Republican Party of Texas.  Hell, they need a few good smacks to get them back in line. If enough people abandon the status quo, maybe they will begin to get the idea we are graveyard serious about how we want this country governed and we aren't ready to compromise our principles or honor.


And for those friends and neighbors who are lucky enough to be native Texans, let's show these goonies how Texans handle rascals and no-good politicians. Texans are some of the fiercest patriots around. Maybe we should take time to remember that little fact.


American by Birth, Texan by the Grace of God!

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In the U.S., 12 percent of the over 65 age folks say they are in good health, in socialized health care England, only 2 percent, oh, but dear ones, there is much, much more to the Obamacare shim-sham than anyone has ever revealed to you.  Lend me your ear. I call it a miracle. You might call it coincidence. I should have died many years ago, or gone to prison, or at best left homeless. At age 85, I’m in good mental and physical health.  All of my dreams have come true.   Like Glenn Beck, I hit rock bottom and had a bigger than life calling.


Beck’s emotion packed appearance in Wilmington, Ohio yesterday included four miracles, in Beck’s opinion.  He said you might call it coincidence. Beck, a recovering alcoholic in his words, feels called upon by God. He is a tremendously popular positive force. Wilmington, after suffering the closing down of a major employer, has managed to keep its spirits up, thanks to the town’s church people. Beck picked Wilmington to bring us to the Christmas spirit. He went there and prayed with them and the miracles he mentioned occurred.


Beck’s enormous popularity is a thorn in the flesh of the establishment. The powers that be are working on removing Beck. I’m no worry. Maybe the one or two who read my tales will be impressed enough to pass them on. At least that’s my hope. But who am I to talk about the Christmas spirit? I believe in Jesus but I’m not a Christian.  A Christian preacher told me the Scriptures say I’m not going to be saved. I guess I’m misinterpreting what Jesus said. Maybe I don’t need to be saved. Muslims believe that if you are not a Muslim you go to hell.  Do miracles never occur to those of us who don’t attend churches, or synagogues, or mosques? Somebody is wrong. It is quite likely, in my opinion, that all are wrong.  


I’m a secular humanist, someone with human values who is not religious.  The Bible is not a story of religions; it is the moral story of man. According to Jesus, we are all God’s children.  My friends, there are no atheists. Atheists are simply people who have yet to discover who they are, and they are not going to as long as their choices are limited to religion.  Tomorrow’s God will be everyone’s god.  


After discovering who I was, my spiritual guides put me to the test. I had written the Attorney General of the United States a letter telling him I’d see him in court on my income tax issue. Can you imagine the reaction? How audacious can anyone get!  The Attorney General forwarded my letter to the IRS.  The IRS determines tax law. Was I mistaken in writing the Attorney General?   The IRS, chosen to be the maker and keeper of income tax law, took it upon itself to make me a believer in the income tax by assessing me tax I didn’t owe and freezing my rightful refund of $5,000. Yep, they made me a believer. Beck has nothing on me. The IRS hung itself with its own legal rope.  Dear ones, best that you know Tim Geithner is not the maker and keeper of income tax law.  Best that you know Obama and his socialist and revolutionary comrades are not the makers and keepers of the law.  Joe Smith, the original, is the best authority on the law in the United States.


Here are some of the particulars of the miracle of Joe Smith, the original. I had been self-employed. I was not eligible for unemployment compensation. I took a minimum paying job. My employer withheld 20 percent of my meager pay for Uncle Sam. I was single with no deductions. Can you blame the unemployed for opting for unemployment pay?  Why would an entry level worker want to work? He can’t exist on the after tax pay; he can on unemployment benefits. This is marvelous solution for ending free enterprise.


I was locked out for non-payment of rent. You need to know that our federal redistribution agent in Washington, D.C. has it all figured out—how to help itself at the expense of everyone. Eighty-five percent of the American people disapprove of Congress.  I not only disapproved, I acted.


To wit: My wife was divorcing me. It’s not like it was in America. Government has a duty to us. My wife didn’t need me. She had Uncle Sam.  A good student of the vogue, she had forged her name on a $3,500 check made out to me and cashed it. I had no money. I was locked out of my pad. Was I helpless? We are helpless only if we think we are. Your elected representatives in Washington, D.C. are doing everything possible, taking from the rich and giving to the poor to make you believe you simply must depend on government. The next time you give money to a homeless person think about that.


Thankfully, I was not long without a roof over me. The divorce court, in sympathy with me, ordered that my wife pay my expenses while I awaited the divorce trial. The court awarded me 30 acres of valuable land and a 3,500 square foot home, a barn, and my office building. The court awarded my wife the furniture and what cash was left in the bank, awarded my ex-wife a 25th as much as me. Have you ever heard of anything as unfair? The judge was a member of the old school of thought.  You reap what you sow.


My astrologer told me there is a “part of fortune” in my chart that says people who do things behind my back to harm me end by paying a price. Was it simply a coincidence that my ex-wife was awarded a 25th as much as me? Incidentally, my ex-wife conspired with the IRS to cheat me. In fact, she did everything she could to put me on the street, and succeeded. Hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn.  


Do you know that you, as a taxpayer, after you have paid the tax, have the authority to take the IRS all the way to the U. S. Supreme Court?  The IRS has good reason to think you won’t.  As for the Attorney General forwarding my letter to the IRS, his lawyer, the Solicitor General, responded to the Supreme Court that the IRS made a mistake and it had been corrected. Both of these two lawbreakers made a mistake in thinking I would not take the issue to the Supreme Court.  The mistake, I think you will agree, was sending my letter to the IRS. Although the Court dismissed me, that didn’t stop me. I took my court record to The Palm Beach Post, a liberal newspaper.  As unlikely as you might think, the newspaper investigated the IRS and printed a front page story telling the world that the IRS had wrongfully taxed me, had ignored court orders, and had illegally frozen my tax refund.


Who would have expected this outcome?  The Attorney General was proven a bald-faced liar. My case proved that the courts look the other way on taxpayer cases, proved that the United States has turned into a lawless conspiracy. What you must know, my friends, is that on our sweat Washington, D.C, the greatest fraud of all times, and the world’s one superpower, has made the American people’s liberties a shambles. I sure hope I’m not jailed for revealing state secrets, and I hate to spoil your day but we are literally living on borrowed time.    


Now for my Christmas story: Before I wrote the Attorney General, I had studied the Constitution. I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. I had a bigger than life calling.  The courage of my conviction won. Before I went out on a limb for the forbidden fruit, I had faith that the IRS was going to eat crow.  Not only did I win in the divorce trial and beat the Nazi IRS, but the miracles continued. Jesus said in earth as it is in heaven. So Beck took the high road and I took the low road. Jesus said in earth as it is in heaven. I arrived in heaven before ye.  Heaven for me is in the tall timber near Mt. Hood. I could not ask for more.  There is something to the saying that God helps them who help themselves.

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