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Made in America

I am tired of the worn out excuse that imports are cheaper. 3rd world countries use sweat shops in which I don't support here and I don't support there, end of discussion. Have you priced clothes at old navy, abercrombie and fitch, gap, american eagle lately? All of which are imports, all of which are expensive and sell millions a day. Their are american made clothes.. buy them. The industry will get the message then next thing you know a new company will be out that is american made that will be cool to wear. By the way the american made clothing companies are cheaper than the imports and they are supplying jobs to Americans. Americans also make tv's. Not samsung, LG, Panasonic, Sony, or Toshiba, but Emerson and Element. Haven't heard of them? It's because people buy these expensive tv's from overseas. Price an Emerson or Element and you'll see that they are cheaper and just as dependable. Maybe if we start buying from Americans we can employ Americans.
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Stop being a b!$^* America

When did we start allowing people to run over us? Did it start when a woman was able to sue McDonalds for spilling her hot coffee on her self or what? People are scared to let someone know when they are wrong. America babies everyone. The truth is sugardaddy is out of money and it's time to use a stiff arm. Nobody wants to say that the 22 year old single mom with four kids shouldn't recieve welfare, but at what point do we have to set boundries? Single teenage moms benefit from over half of all medacaid. It's time to stop being friendly and tell people they are F'd up. Maybe if these people had role models in their life growing up they wouldn't be this way. At some point we have to end the madness, and we can't do that by rewarded stupid people with a check every month. Who cares if gays are upset and want to be treated fairly? They are wrong and sorry but we have more important things to worry about than your feelings. If someone is 50 years old and have been living off the government for years and years (we all know at least one) they need to be cut off. Maybe they are better off dead, they are a burden to society. These political games going on in Washington should be illigal and they should be punished for acting childish. The fact that half of the decisions made are revolved around elections it outrageous. The two party system needs to be abolished for good. George Washington tried to warn us of political parties and we did not listen.

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Every four years since I can remember ( the past 35 years ) I've woken up to the same song playing on the political radio. We have these people running for the highest office our country has to offer, President of the United States of America. A number of people get in the race for this prestigous office with hopes of becoming their parties nominee and ultimately President. During all of the candidates campaigns over the years I've heard these same Top five oldies but goodies played over and over and over again. We must fund education in this country / We must reform and save Social Security / We must lower taxes for the average American / We must reform medicaid / We have to reduce the deficit for this country to prosper. So let's review for a moment. We have two parties singing the same songs leading up to Ground Hog day which lasts for months and months and months. Finally when the dust settles and Ground Hog day arrives we pick the person who sang those top 5 songs the best. Hmmm, what's wrong with this picture? I think the same things will be the platforms for all parties yet again. Any ideas to stop the 40 year insanity ? You would think by now we wouldn't have any issues on S.S , Education, Taxes, Medicare, Deficits etc... Because all who were previously elected by us over the past 40 years have accomplished what they ran on. Who's fooling who ?

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Repeal of Obamacare

Your E-mail of 12/02/2010 regarding repeal of Obamacare. We can try to repeal the whole thing and everytime we try to repeal it Obama will VETO the repeal. So, until 2012 when he no longer has the power of the VETO we should try to fix some parts of it. We should not waste Congress's time and energy to stop something we know he is going to VETO. Let's try to fix what we can fix and wait for the second voters revolution. And as we wave a happy good-bye and repeal the damn thing. Ron Earwood
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(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) released the following statement today after the Senate passed a flawed food safety bill and rejected his alternative plan.

“The bill the Senate passed today will grow the government, increase food prices, and drive small producers out of business without making our food any safer. America has the safest food supply in the world – and it has been getting safer – because the free market and consumers have held bad actors accountable. This bill destroys that balance and replaces common sense with the heavy hand of government,” Dr. Coburn said.

The Coburn substitute would have required better coordination among agencies like the FDA and USDA and helped implement better information technology systems. The Coburn substitute also would have leveraged the free market by utilizing private inspections, which would have allowed the FDA to focus on bad actors.

“Instead of addressing the problems that do exist and have contributed to food scares, such as a lack of coordination between agencies, Congress decided to spend billions of dollars, add 250 pages of new regulations, and give government new powers that will lead to unnecessary and costly food recalls. The recent salmonella outbreak did not occur because we lacked this bill. That scare occurred because regulations that were already on the books were not implemented,” Dr. Coburn said.

“This bill is a typical Washington response to a perceived crisis. In every area of government we see diminishing returns when government spends billions without any hope of improved outcomes. Millions of Americans are fed up with ‘security theater’ at the Department of Homeland Security and are about to witness an outbreak of ‘food-safety theater’ from the FDA. In the coming months and years consumers will see that more government does not mean safer food,” Dr. Coburn said.


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They STILL Don't Get It ...

I have been waiting for the report from Obamugabe's special commission on the deficit. It is interesting that they finally recognize the fact that we can't go on spending ourselves into oblivion. The horror story is that all their "solutions" hit us, the taxpayers, like a load of runny outhouse leavings.

ALL of the suggestions for reform involve the taxpayer digging deeper to pay for the spending. Only in one(or two) cases do they get it right and advocate reducing the size and cost of government.

The New Republicans advocate rolling back government spending to the levels of 2008. 2008? GIVE ME A BREAK! For starters, let's roll back every executive departments budget by 10%, right now. Then for the next five years, reduce their budgets by 2% per year. That gives us a 20% reduction in SPENDING in the next five years.

Next, let's insist that congress place a moritorium on automatic pay raises for themselves and all government employees raises for that same five year period. That will save another bundle.

Next, make the so-called Bush tax cuts permanent. More money in the taxpayers hands equals more revenue for the big spenders.

Reduce our energy costs by dropping the federal tax on fuels. Let the states take care of the highways and decide on the appropriate tax level for maintenance.

And finally, let's do away with government slush funds and off-budget sources of income at all levels of government. Government has no business running a surplus, hidden or otherwise. A surplus indicates that they raped the taxpayer for more than needed to operate the government. Any surplus should be required to be refunded to the taxpayers the next tax cycle. Notice I said "taxpayers". There should be no refund to those who pay no taxes. They get a good handout via the negative income tax boondoggle. Also kill the totalization agreement with Mexico. It irks me that Mexicans in Mexico can draw against the Social Security account that is nearly or actually bankrupt. Talk about stupid.

The problem IS NOT lack of funding. It is SPENDING MORE THAN YOU MAKE! We taxpayers understand the principle very well. It is far past time for our so-called leaders to get the message.
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Boehner just like Pelosi

Boehner is just another mouth piece. He doesn't care about Americans anymore than Pelosi. They are all of the same ilk. All they care about is getting elected As posted on the Tea Party website. "incoming House Speaker John Boehner may diverge from tea party views". He doesn't want ethics oversight of Congress. Kick em out next.
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Obamacare Forces SEIU to Drop Children’s Coverage
It seems the free market is much more compassionate than Ms. Nanny State after all . . . . At the end of October the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) informed dues-paying members of its monstrously large 1199 affiliate in New York that it was dropping health care coverage for children. That's correct, you read it right, an ultra-radical Marxist union, not evil Republicans, is abandoning our ‘chilluns’ to cut rising health care delivery costs . . . .
According to The Wall Street Journal, more than 30,000 low wage service industry families will suffer because of the decision. Who's to blame? Mitra Behroozi, SEIU 1199 benefits manager, singled out oppressive new government regulations, including the progressives’ sacred cow, Obamacare. Specifically the rule forcing insurers to cover dependents of policy holders until age 26 was singled out by Behroozi who said the Union’s financial resources are “already stretched as far as possible.” These things will happen when to a Union that pushes hundreds of millions of dollars toward losing Democratic candidates and $60 million to elect Obama himself. Not to mention anteing up bus fare for thousands of their SEIU employees to stand out in the sun at a Comedy Central anti-TEA Party rally in Washington five days before the election. The road to hell is paved with progressive intentions . . . .
Obama and Dems Push for Trickle-up Poverty
Margaret Thatcher’s famous line about socialism, “Sooner or later they’ll always run out of other people’s money,” seems quite appropriate these days given the Obama administration’s and Congressional Democrats’ penchant for taxing and spending and expanding the size and scope and unconstitutionality of the federal government. At this moment when the fate of the soon-to-be-expired Bush Tax Cuts is still in the balance, it seems evident that the contrast between the two major parties could NOT be greater. The Republicans seeking smaller government, lower spending and lower taxes are seeking the obvious “trickle-down” economic answer that worked so well for Ronald Reagan and over the first three years of the G.W. Bush administration. The Democrats as always are seeking more taxes to spend for an ever bigger and more controlling and intrusive federal government . . . while doing so they’re hoping to inspire the middle-class voter with wealth-envy by letting only the tax cuts for those earning $250,000 or more annually expire . . . policies that Reaganites called “trickle-up” poverty.
Chinese, Russians Show Disdain
for Dollar as Trade Currency
China and Russia have jointly announced that they will use their own currencies for bi-lateral trade in an effort to avoid the risk that the two nations say the American dollar now represents. While Beijing and Moscow have long wanted to heal their longtime “rift,” the announcement of their trade settlement being based upon their own currencies is a telling statement about the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank’s recent Q1 and Q2 monetary easing (demonetizing American debt and devaluing the dollar). In effect both nations are saying, “Our currency is stronger than the BUCK; and so is yours so let’s abandon the dollar and protect our domestic economies.
The two countries have long used the currencies of other countries, most notably the American dollar for bi-lateral trade. Recently, however, the Chinese Yuan has been traded against the Russian Ruble in the Chinese interbank market while the Renminbi/Yuan from China is soon expected to trade against the Ruble in Russia according to Vladimir Putin in a press conference in a meeting with Chinese leader Wen who was making a trip to Russia two months after Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's three-day visit to China in September, during which he and President Hu Jintao launched a cross-border pipeline linking the world's biggest energy producer with the largest energy consumer.
From the viewpoint of America’s economy, IF this Chinese-Russian agreement proves to be but the first of a cascade of nation’s “bailing out of the dollar” truly bad times are ahead. From the viewpoint of anyone holding dollar bills, including all American citizens, the real question is “What took so long?” In late 2008, Fed Chief Ben Bernanke printed up fourteen times the circulating currency in the United States in new bills. Thus, then with fifteen times the previous level in circulation, the 2009 dollar was POTENTIALLY worth just 6 2/3 pennies of the 2008 greenback. Now in 2010, the two quantitative easings (Q1 and Q2) have doubled the money in circulation as recently as July of this year . . . potentially, then the dollar is currently worth 3 1/3 cents of the September, 2008 dollar. All in all, news that makes you proud to be an American, eh?
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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Welcome new members!

I noticed we have six new members today and I just wanted to say welcome. In this fight to save our constitution we need as many people who are willing to speak up as possible. Joining this site is just the first step. We must also make sure that we remember we are on the same team and keep in mind the idea of strength in numbers. We are group of loud voices but speaking together we can be defining. If you have not done so please also become a guardian, we need to do everything we can make sure this movement not only stays the course but gains momentum.

Thank you so much and welcome to all the new members,

Logan Rideout

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Rules for Patriots: a MUST-read

Listen half an hour to the mainstream media version of news in this country and you could be forgiven for believing that our once proud nation was headed to hell in a hand basket. In 1946, self-proclaimed Neo-Marxist Chicago community organizer Saul Alinsky wrote his first book Reveille for Radicals. A quarter century later he struck again with Rules for Radicals, a book he literally dedicated to the devil! Alinsky via his students Richard Cloward, Frances Piven, Hillary Rodham, Bill Clinton, George Wiley, Wade Rathke, Barack Obama, his mentor Frank Marshall **Davis, George Soros, most of the progressive politicians on Capitol Hill, and organizations such as ACORN, NWRO, the Center for American PROGRESS and about 50 other Soros-funded semi-Marxist groups have done virtually irreparable harm to this country. The key word in that last sentence is “virtually” . . . that is, it’s NOT too late to stop them in their tracks. Education and awareness and righteous love of country are the keys to taking back this nation . . . .
Now a grassroots patriotism movement in America has finally awoken. As part of that movement, is making available its Rules for Patriots as an antidote to radical community organization and progressive (they aim “progress” beyond the outdated and ill-conceived United States Constitution and its “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and to make "progress" toward creating a Utopian socialistic/Marxist state on earth) destruction of the American way of life. The book Rules for Patriots’s “grassroots training manual” is available for FREE here:
Once you click upon “Rules for Patriots,” you’ll be asked to give your mailing address so they can immediately ship your copy to you. Multiple copies, depending upon order size, are also available at a cost of $4 to $5 each. All it takes for freedom to fail is for a few good people to do nothing. Don’t let that happen! Stand up for America
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Marshall Davis was a poet, journalist, Communist Party-USA (CPUSA) activist, self-admitted pedophile and an all-around great guy who surely taught our President all the right things . . . .

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Lame Duck My .....

It is not enough they want to open the borders, now Harry and the guys are going to try to sneak their damn labor bill through the senate. A slightly revised version of the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill (S. 3194) -- has been "modified" to make it more palatable to us ignorant voters. The "new" bill SB-3991 is no improvement. It will still put all police and firefighters under the thumb of organized labor, whether they wan't it or not. If you think cities and counties are strapped for cash now, just wait until the labor unions get their greedy hands on the budget. We will be bankrupted on the alter of big labor. The threat of and actual calling of a strike will cause fear in all good people. Police and fire services will be graciously granted at the behest of the labor union masters.

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Why is it that in all of the deficit reduction schemes, no one has mentioned cutting one dime of the BILLIONS of dollars in aid sent to foreign countries. Washington has spent years giving away these billions ( of our taxpayer dollars ) to our allies and third world countries. Then in the past 2 years spend us ( tax payers ) into an even deeper hole that we almost can't get out of and in their infinite wisdom basically come up with this theme. "The American people are going to have to face some harsh realities and make some more sacrifices". Don't you think if we hadn't given away several hundred BILLION year after year that we might not be in this big of a hole. Most of us have been taught that family comes first. In Washington, their mantra seems to be to help,fix,save and support everyone else in the world and put it on the backs of the American families. I would suggest that for awhile ( since it is our hard earned tax money ) that we stop helping strangers and take care of our American families because we need help, fixes,support and being saved too.
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World Problems

What is taking place in the world today, not a pretty picture, out of business; my wife was divorcing me, my future looked bleak. Aside from my personal problem, the IRS was on my case, and making “mistakes” against me, not a pretty picture, what to do?

I’m viewing the War and Remembrance series, Herman Wouk’s accounting of World War II. It is a riveting work. It asks the question of how do maniacs like Hitler take control? When a nation gets between a rock and a hard place, the people looking externally for answers; it always ends with the wrong answers. That’s where the United States is now, a very dangerous place to be. Having just viewed the gastly things Nazis did to Jews, Jews being reduced to animals, how could they allow it, I’m particularly concerned about patting down all airline passengers. This taking advantage of us, stripping us of our rights, is it the beginning of reducing us to animal status?

In Genesis 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image,” who was “us?” It came to me when I read the Constitution that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me. I’ve never heard authority say that “us” is voices of the past. “Us” is always today’s authority doing the lesser of two evils. The pat down saves you from being blown out of the sky. I’ve never heard today’s authority say to look within for answers. The IRS told me Congress had the authority to tax my income up to 100 percent. Actually, the IRS took more than 100 percent of my income. My income was zero. Government created inflation caused me to pay a capital gains tax with no gain. Imagine that. What government has done with the income tax tells you what government is capable of doing. Government gives the individual no rights. I looked within for answers.

The makers and keepers of the law do not allow for individual constitutional challenges, but that didn’t stop me. Federal income tax is government taking from the individual, in many cases what the government has no constitutional right to do. The law says if I have a personal stake in the outcome I have a constitutional right to challenge. Government was taking my existence. Why do you allow government to grope you? The makers and keepers of the law have their lawless bureaucracy to enforce their wills. You have the constitutional right to challenge the frauds. I challenged Federal income tax on constitutional grounds. The IRS hung itself with its own legal rope. You didn’t win anything. If you don’t demand your rights, you don’t have any.

Was I born to be groped and taxed out of existence? I don’t think so. A lot of blood has been spilled to gain your rights. Would the Founding Fathers have allowed themselves to be taxed out of existence, or groped by King George’s men? George Washington miraculously won the War for Independence. If he had lost, everyone who signed the Declaration of Independence would have been hung. When your life is on the line, it is amazing what you can do. Your lives are on the line right now. For some inexplicable reason, when everything should have gone wrong for me everything went right, not only in my tax case, but in every other way (throw in a couple of miracles). So, again, who is us? Beware when your government gives you no respect.

I shudder when I think about what Hitler’s men did to human beings. Groping is a first step. It will happen over my dead body. I wonder what kind of a world this would be if, instead of looking externally for answers, we looked within. For sure, maniacs like Hitler would never take control.

Some Astrologers have it that the Age of Pisces began with the birth of Christ and the Age of Aquarius begins with the reappearance of Christ. There is precedence for that idea. Almost everyone expects a big change in the world. The Mayan calendar says our world ends on December 21, 2012. Age changes actually take place over an extended period of time. But you could say the official day the world ends is the end of the Age of Pisces. With every end comes a new beginning. You could say the new beginning is the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and fraternity.

The Obama, Pelosi, Reid team have taken the destructive monster former administrations created and made it three times as destructive. Giving the Obama, Pelosi, Reid team credit for taking America down a garden path, the symbol for the Age of Pisces, two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, meaning division, incapable of making up one’s mind, is duck soup for the Obama, Pelosi, Reid team. Is Obama going to remain President? If 2012 is the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, the symbol of which is the water-bearer, we’re told the Age of Aquarius is an age of brotherhood and fraternity, in no way does the Obama, Pelosi, Reid team fit that mold. By the way, I was born Aquarius rising. That means, according to astrologers, as I grow older I become more Aquarian. Yep, we’ve got a big change coming. The energy is building. I don’t think the Obama, Pelosi, Reid team, or George Soros’ Shadow Government, is going to be around in 2012. Aquarians are stubborn in their beliefs. They despise hypocrites. They are independent and self-reliant.

It interests me that the cutting edge of science is picking up where the ancients left off. The cutting edge of science finds that without consciousness nothing could exist; that before anything comes the state of consciousness. Between pure consciousness and reality is the microcosmic. The atom is not what we once thought it was. It appears different every time it is observed. The microcosmic is a world of infinite possibility.

We are conscious of a lot that can’t be explained in the conventional way. During my time at sea, on one occasion, mentally, I picked up cries for help. I sailed straight to three young people who had been caught in an ocean current and taken out to sea. It all began when I read the Constitution and had a bigger than life calling.

According to quantum physics, when our quantum minds observe, the microcosmic changes to our reality. Would it not follow that the more consciously aware one is, the more one is in control of his life, and more capable of influencing others? And, if this is so, would the converse not also be true? The less aware are more subject of being used and abused. So, again, who is us, external authority or the internal God-self? Jesus said you can’t serve two masters. I give all the credit for my good life to the fact that when I was at my darkest moment I looked within and came up with the right answers.

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US President qualification

Why is it that many believe Obama can simply run for a second term? I believe he should be barred from entry to the primaries until he can provide a proper legal birth certificate. The country made one mistake why repeat it. The Constitution is clear, the president must be a native born American.
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Save the middle class

Now that the tea party has control its time to save the middle class. Make the fat cats pay their share. The CEO of Johnson Controls in Milwaukee just gave himself a 15% raise and makes 7 million dollars a year! While our moms and dads on social security didn't get a raise and one in ten americans don't have jobs.

Remember the CEO of BP who went yatchting while the oil spilled in the fishing grounds? Do you think him and his friends cared they put people out of work.

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‘Tis getting more and more difficult to hold down one’s dinner these days . . . after a bogus bailout; phony Obama-orchestrated bankruptcy aimed dually at preventing the real creditors from getting paid and also at transferring huge amounts of wealth from real GM stockholders to the United Auto Workers Union; Rigged IPO (initial public offering of stock); and phony claims last spring that General Motors had already paid off its tax-payer bailout 100% . . . Rosemary’s Baby is born! It’s the VOLT, a $41,000 electric car/hybrid commanded to be constructed by the Obama White House’s personally appointed GM CEO . . . . My friends, it’s truly a REvoltING car, because:

1. It cost about 90% more than its chief competitor, the Nissan “Leaf”

2. It cost over $40,000 to make each VOLT roughly 2.5 times as much to build as the Leaf

3. Under best conditions, the mileage from the VOLT is roughly 40% less than the Leaf's mileage.

4. It’s ugly as sin

5. Only taxpayer subsidies of $14,500 per car during VOLT’s formative years allowed this pathetic car to be made at all.

6. Carrying around a 72-mile long extension cord is just not cool . . . : ) Seriously, folks, if you ever lived under the misperception that government could outdo private industry . . . the lesser standards and grand profit of $1000 per car ought to set you straight . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Freedom has had another crushing defeat today, as 15 Republican senators and all Democrats voted in favor of and passed the Food Safety Modernization Act (SB 510). What is most troubling are the 15 Republicans, who apparently voted their own free will, rather than adhering to the pleas of the American people who spoke out loud and clearly on November 2nd.


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