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Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearing what you say
But I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around and say
That it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late. -- Apologize, OneRepublic
Barack Obama is a petty little man whose grandiose sense of self importance has always far outstripped his abilities and accomplishments. Putting a man such as that in the most important job on the planet is like taking a five year old off an airplane ride at a carnival and putting him at the control of a jet airplane in mid-flight.
Obama, who was so far over his head that he couldn't see the surface from day one, took over the country at a crucial time and then boldly strode forth and made the situation dramatically worse. His whole presidency, from start to finish, has been the living embodiment of that famous Talleyrand quote:
They have learned nothing and forgotten nothing.
The rest of America, however, has learned quite a bit about Obama, which is why his approval rating has fallen like a stockbroker on Black Friday. At this point, not only should Barack Obama change course, he should apologize for what he's done wrong:
1) For lying to the American people: Calling a politician a liar is a bit like accusing a fish of being fond of water, but even amongst politicians, Barack Obama is a particularly hamfisted and prolific liar. Obama's strategy is simple: He promises everything to everybody and then points the finger elsewhere when people are inevitably disappointed. This has led to some jaw dropping whoppers than would even make Bill Clinton say, "Wow, that guy is a shameless liar."
A Stormfront member posted a very disturbing letterfrom
a Roman Catholic pastor at a Pennsylvania church. The
letterinforms parishioners that the pastor is terminating
two White members ofthe Catholic school's staff effective
the end of the 2008-9 school yearbecause they do not
meet some of the new critieria he has suddenlydecided is
necessary for occupants of the two positions.
Amongthe criteria is a requirement that those workers be
fluent in bothEnglish and Spanish. The pastor, Father
Vincent Welsh, is concernedabout declining enrollment,
and wants to induce the encroaching mestizopopulation
, renowned for their fecundity, to enroll their kids in his
Catholic school to increase enrollment, as well as tuition revenue.
The church is Saint Francis of Assisi Parish. The school is
Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic School. Both are located in
Norristown, Pennsylvania.
[This is America! English is the native tongue! Staff should not be
fired because they do not speak Spanish. What is this country coming too?]
Thursday, April 15, 2010
A Jewish middle school teacher in Oregon who announced
his intention"to dismantle and demolish the Tea Party" on
his "Crash the Tea Party"Web site is under investigation
by his state's Teacher Standards &Practices Commission.
To continue reading click here:
From Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of Law,
St. Paul, Minnesota, points out facts of 2008 Presidential election:
Number of States won by:
Square miles of land won by:
Democrats: 580,000 / Republicans: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by:
Democrats: 127 million Republicans: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by:
Professor Olson adds,"In aggregate, the map of the territory Republican
won by Republicans was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens
of the country. Democrat territory mostly encompassed those citizens
living in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of
government welfare.
Professor Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between
the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of
democracy , with some forty percent of the nation's population already
having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.
Columbus Day, the day Columbus brought European corruption to America, the Canadians celebrate this day as one to give thanks. Why? I’ll try to answer my question.
One hundred-seventeen years after Columbus arrived, not to mention what took place with the arrival of Cortez and the Catholic invasion of Mexico—just look at south of the border even today; it is appalling—in the interim of this southern fiasco, in 1609, England’s King James established Jamestown in what is now Virginia. The occupants of Jamestown had little more than the people who begin civilization 5,000 years earlier. It is of vital interest today of what happened to make a 5,000 year leap in 500 years. It is of vital interest of what the Declaration of Independence, America’s adamant departure from European corruption on July 4, 1776, meant.
Unfortunately, ninety-nine percent of the American people would say “so what” to the fact that the zodiac gave the birth of America the sign of Aquarius, the water-bearer to humanity. I venture to say that few, if any Christians connect “in earth as in heaven” in the Lord’s Prayer with the Age of Aquarius.
Three Persian astrologers, the Magi, followed the Star of Bethlehem to the birthplace of the Christ-child. It’s in the Gospel of St. Matthew. Christians, it appears, have selective understanding, the same as all religions.
We are told religion is a thing separate from the law—separation of the church and state, that is. Poppycock! The governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate, a Roman, asked Jesus if he believed he was king of the Jews. Jesus said his kingdom was in heaven. Is heaven and earth separate? Not according to Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount. He said “in earth as it is in heaven.” Separation of earth with heaven has to be accomplished to make the authoritative answer work, which is what was done. Pontius Pilate washed his hands of this Jewish problem. Jesus had to go. He was a serious threat to the powers that be.
In quantum physics, the study of the microcosmic, a dimension of the universe that is not yet physical in the sense that we know the physical, classical physics says it doesn’t relate to our world. Let us spin this idea in the opposite direction. The ancient sages of India believed that so is the microcosmic, so is the macrocosmic. Therefore, “in earth as it is in heaven.” You can’t divide the universe for convenience’s sake. This is not part of our teaching. Still, to make a 5,000 year leap in a tenth the time—how do you figure it?
Carl Jung coined the word synchronistic. Wikipedia: the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner. I’ve spent years going over the events in my life. There are too many coincidences to say they are not synchronistically connected.
“In earth as it is in heaven,” the ancient Mayan calendar is based synchronistic happenings. Richard Tarnas places September 11, 2001, as significant in the earth and heaven relationship. In Cosmos and Pysche, Tarnas goes into great detail on why he believes there is consistency between the outer planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. He spent 30 years studying the alignments of the outer planets. By the way, Saturn and Pluto went into unfavorable alignment in November 2008. That’s bad news. Obama was elected in November 2008.
The thing that impresses me the most, though, is quantum physics discoveries, which brings religion, the law, and science together into one mold. In a few words, in Even Harris Walker’s The Physics of Consciousness, under “A God for Tomorrow,” “But it is with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the found of creation.” “And God said, Let us make man in our image” (Gen. 1:26).
“Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality,” states Walker, “that defines the observer,” does it not have fundamental existence? Giving thanks for Columbus’ discovery of America is in the quantum mind we each possess—the basic reality for our existence as a free people. We are now being put to the test: independence or one and all for the collective good. Who has a good word to say about the collective good? Based on past experience, is it something to be thankful for? Pray tell us why.
2010-10-11 21:24
MENTOR, Ohio — Teachers and administrators
confronting the issue of four bullied students who
died by their own hands must get involved to end
bullying, an attorney for grieving
families said Monday. Some of the student deaths followed
bullying that was "incessant, it was constant, and the teachers
and the administrators for whatever reason took a hands-off
, laissez-faire approach and didn't get involved and stop this
at its inception," Ken Myers said on NBC's "Today" show.
Families of victims told the NBC show there is a frightening
pattern of bullying-related suicides in the district.
"They were little terrorists," Janis Mohat, whose son Eric
shot himself in 2007, said on "Today." "They flicked his
ear, they pushed him into lockers, they called him gay,
fag. The bullies went up to him and said, 'Why don't you
go home and shoot yourself? It's not like anyone
would care.'"
The Associated Press reported in detail Friday about the
deaths of four Mentor High School students between 2006
and 2008. Three were suicides, one an overdose of a
ntidepressants. All four students had been bullied.
The district would not comment for the story.
Mentor Superintendent Jacqueline Hoynes said in a
statement posted on the district's website over the
weekend that the strategy to combat bullying includes
having elementary school students pledge to stand
up to bullies and report them to adults.
"Our anti-bullying programs have been in place before
the state mandated anti-bullying programs and policies
," the statement said.
Anti-bullying committees were set up in each school
building to identify the causes and deal with potential
victims, bystanders and adults, the statement said.
"Throughout the schools, the seriousness of bullying is
highlighted in class meetings, rules-reviews, parent
nights, motivational speakers, and in visible reminders
up and down the hallways," the statement said.
Myers said the district had seemed to take a hands-off
approach to bullying.
"They can have assemblies and all sorts of lessons that
they teach the kids, but probably the most important part
is what the teachers and administrators are doing when
they see this sort of thing happening," Myers said.
Two families are suing the suburban Cleveland district, claiming
their children were bullied to death and the school did nothing
to stop it. Hoynes said in the statement she had been advised
by the school attorney to remain silent on the lawsuits.
"But, I want to reassure the Mentor students, families, and staff
we will continue to address the mental health needs of our
students and anti-bullying initiatives in our schools," her statement said.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
[My belief, teachers who fail to intervene when a child is being
vicitimized is just as guilty as the victimzer. There is no excuse.
Same goes for anybody else, fail to step in when someone is
being victimized? Your guilty of supporting a bully. You too need
to be charged with a felony. Aiding and abetting]
10/11/2010 11:46:45 AM ET
JERUSALEM — The Palestinians swiftly rejected an offer
Monday by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to
renew a freeze on West Bank settlement construction in
exchange for recognizing Israel as a Jewish nation-state.
"If the Palestinian leadership will say unequivocally to its
people that it recognizes Israel as the homeland of the
Jewish people, I will be ready to convene my government
and request a further suspension," Netanyahu told parliament.
Netanyahu has been under heavy international pressure
to renew a just-expired slowdown on settlement construction.
The Palestinians have said they will walk away from
negotiations if the settlement curbs aren't extended.
There was immediate speculation that the conditional offer
was unlikely to resolve the impasse over settlements,
which stalled peace talks just a month after they were
launched. Only moments after the proposal was revealed,
a spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
said they had rejected it. Netanyahu's comments came
amid a spat over the Israeli government's approval of a
bill to require new citizens to pledge a loyalty oath to
a "Jewish and democratic" state.
In general, the Arab minority — making up one in five
Israelis — view the oath as a provocation aimed at further
making them second-class citizens in a country where
they already feel discriminated against. Netanyahu said
the bill, which must still be voted on by parliament,
reflected the essence of Israel at a time when many
are trying to blur the connection between the Jewish
people and their homeland.
"The state of Israel is the national state of the Jewish
people and is a democratic state in which all its
citizens — Jews and non-Jews — enjoy full equal
rights," he said. "Whoever wants to join us, has
to recognize us."
Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
[I believe it is time to remove the prime minister
of Israel out of office. Start off by voting in person
that has passion for serving country.
As in serving fellow citizens.
Netanyahu has been prime minister for how
long now? Too long. He hasn't lifted a finger to
serve Jewish people. It is apparent, he is
only interested in serving himself. By the
looks of things, he has never been service
oriented. If he was he would have accomplished
something by now.
Why make either side suffer when the simple
solution to the problem is replace what ills.
Palestinian prime minister can't negotiate with
someone who has no interest in negotiating.
I mean give the man a break,
least he's trying.
Israel prime minister can't expect Palestine to
just give in to his wishes, not after the minster
nearly toppled Palestine!
What you want to bet Palestine and new Israel
prime minister get along fairly well? Place a person
who has compassion into the mix, and it will result in;
a done deal. Negotiating for peace agreement be a cake walk.]
Nelson Mandela never wanted to become South African
president and would have preferred a younger person to
become the country's first black ruler, according to a new book.
Mandela says in the book "Conversations with Myself,"
due to be launched Tuesday, that he only accepted after
senior leaders of the African National Congress put
pressure on him.
"My installation as the first democratically elected
President of the Republic of South Africa was imposed
on me much against my own advice," Mandela said.
The book, compiled by the Nelson Mandela Foundation
from personal letters, interviews and an unpublished
sequel to his autobiography, contains a foreword by
U.S. President Barack Obama.
Mandela, 92, said he would have preferred to serve the
new South African state without holding any position in
the ANC or government. After being put on the carpet by
one of the ANC's leaders, he changed his mind, but made
clear that he would serve only one five-year term.
Mandela's release on February 11, 1990, after 27 years in
apartheid-era jails, set in motion the country's transformation
to democracy, which culminated in historic all-race elections
in 1994 and his inauguration as the country's first black leader.
Reconciliation between blacks and whites was the cornerstoneof Mandela's presidency, which ended in May 1999.
[More people like Mandela need to be in office. How about Dali Lama?
(or Chris Rock. We be laughing ourselves silly)
Seriously though, why don't we have more people like these two
in office, all around the world? Make a better team. Or shall I
say New World Order. World wide peace is what, NWO is.]
Doctor Mary Ellen O'Toole's
Former FBI behavior Profiler/behavior analyst
[Question is "how many books has she written?"
Is she motivated by writing books, or because
behavioral research was her job?
a program designed to studying
adverse reactions in human behavior. You don't see
me writing a book about it. I won't either. The
program was written solely to research (and collect)
human behavior. Each person has a jacket.
I write programs and policies for educational
purposes only. My business is a non profit, entity.
I like to keep it that way.
I am not knocking her, just saying. She seems to me
to be a bit too motivated "for profit" Image seeking.
But then again she is a cop. Cops are obsessed with
their own personal image, not necessarily by
service to the community. I have conducted extensive
research on law enforcement personnel. Law
enforcement attracts a lot of narcissist. In fact
law enforcement is a magnet for narcissist, bullies, or
otherwise abusive in nature personalities.].
She should get involved with non profit sector.
As a Behavior Assessment Profiler. BAP
for short. Former cop conducting research on
law enforcement entity?
The community couldn't ask for a better educator.
How many educated women do we have in the
non profit sector? Not too many. Dr. O'Tooles
be a wonderful addition. The community needs
all the educators they can get.
I mean why don't she think about becoming involved with
human rights division, or civil rights, being that she is now retired?
There isn't one profiler in non profit sector that I can think of.
We citizens need some back up here! Service oriented eh? Genuine
service oriented people, don't have to be asked; to serve. We just do it.
Its what non profit is all about.]
In Arizona, after determining the subjects of an international
terrorism case were involved in local criminal activity, the case
was referred to local law enforcement. In New Mexico, several
individuals linked to FBI investigations—including an
MS-13 gang member—were identified. In Tennessee,
e developed—with our partners—a formal process for
collecting, sharing, and analyzing suspicious activity
reports, looking for trends and patterns.
These cooperative efforts—and many more like them
—have been made possible through the work of
intelligence fusion centers around the country. These
centers, usually set up by states or major urban areas
and run by state or local authorities, are often supported
by federal law enforcement, including the FBI.
This week, nearly 2,000 local, state, tribal, and federal
representatives working in these centers gathered in
Kansas City to continue the process of standardizing
fusion center operations. The ultimate goal? To create
a network of centers presenting a unified front against
terrorism and other national security and criminal
threats that put Americans at risk.
Read more at: [FBI has new improved web page]
has people wondering about the safety of their children and
how they can help prevent future attacks. We talked with
one of our behavioral analysts, Supervisory Special Agent
Mary Ellen O’Toole, Ph.D., to get some
First, be vigilant, especially now, when the events are
still generating headlines, says O’Toole, who works in
the Behavior Analysis Unit of our
Critical Incident Response Group at the FBI Academy
in Quantico, Virginia. “We do believe a copycat effect
takes place after these events.”
That means more than just being watchful and wary
of who’s out of place in a neighborhood or school.
“Be aware of people’s moods.
Don’t depend just on how they answer the question,
‘How are you doing?’”
read more at:
[In my educated opinion,
Lets start off by classifying all forms of bullying
as a felony! Regardless of title or position.
(Title/position isn't ground for immunity)
Teachers bully too. And teachers that fail
to stop bullying are just as guilty as the bully.
If Congress passed a law that rendered all
types of bully behavior as a felony, not only
would this make kids safe in schools,
but also provide oversight for
teachers that lack little or no leadership skills.
(why are bullies allowed to terrorize?
is the question}
If there was a law that felonized bullying, there
wouldn't be shootings in schools.
Kids wouldn't be killing kids (nor would kids
be killing themselves) What is it going to take to
protect kids in school? What are politicians
waiting for? waiting for more kids to get killed?
We citizens have a duty to protect children.
I say, if politician isn't interested in protecting
children, then legislation needs be left to us]
"Torm Howse has added you as a friend on Tea Party Patriots."
My gift to you, 280 VIP Tea Party contacts!"
This unsolicited email led me to do a Google search for "Torm Howse." CAVEAT: I do not know Torm Howse. I had never heard of him before I received his email; I make no representations whatsoever about Torm Howse. I am reporting what I found on Google.
On the first page of "hits" I found,
"Grieving Parents Lose Thousands to Local Con Artist"
"Recently, a number of emails, message board and blog entries have been posted that show organizations and individuals involved with the Family Rights Movement in a negative light."
"IP 06-0438-CH/K Bramble v. Howse Judge David F. Hamilton signed on ..."
"Appellamt-Respondent Torm L Howse ("Father") appeals an order entered at the conclusion of a contempt hearing conducted on March 16, 2006 ..."
"Torm Howse INSIDE Hendricks county [sic] Jail continues to explain the arrogant Judge Jeffrey V. Boles illegal acts ..."
"After much heated and public attempts by Torm Howse to disrupt the work of too many goo [sic] people in the parental rights movement ..."
The food we eat is a multidimensional aspect of our lives. Food provides us with the energy that enables us to grow and prosper. Yet it can be, and frequently is, much, much more. Our food can be an experience in and of itself if we allow it to be. The dishes we remember from childhood offer unmatched comfort. The act of preparing meals can be an art form of the highest caliber. And the nourishment we derive from this fare promotes wellness within us. But many of us, distracted by daily affairs, forget that the profound pleasures of eating go beyond simple sustenance. We eat foods that are convenient or we eat unconsciously, snacking on whatever happens to be on hand. To understand the true value of food and the impact it can have on our lives, we should acknowledge and honor it by eating close to the earth.
If you have ever shelled and eaten garden-grown peas or bitten into a sun-warmed apple freshly plucked from its tree, you likely understand that there is a marked difference between these foods and those that are processed and stacked on supermarket shelves. Food recently picked contains more of its original life force and thus has a greater store of energy and nutrients. You can ensure you are eating close to the earth—and enjoying the many benefits of doing so—by shopping at a local farmers market and getting to know the individuals who grow your food. If you make the experience of shopping in this way enjoyable, you will be more apt to reject more convenient canned, packaged, and frozen foods in favor of the real delight you feel while browsing stalls of fresh foods nourished by the same soil you can find in your own backyard. You will soon learn what foods are in season in your area and how to prepare them.
As you savor the vivid flavors of juicy ripe fruits and the hearty crunch of unprocessed vegetables, you can also take pleasure in the fact that, by eating close to the earth, you are supporting farmers in your region, connecting with your local ecosystem, discouraging those who would waste precious fossil fuels by carting produce cross-country, and helping to preserve healthy culinary traditions that have existed for centuries.DOM
I think our elected representitives should live in govt. housing or projects close enough to the capital so they can bus to work or drive their own car that they pay the gas and insurance for. No more limos, no more jet planes unless they pay for it out of their own pocket.They should all have the same small amount of money to campaign with, contributions from big business and special interest groups breed corruption. they should not be allowed to give themselves raises in pay. And they should have to abide by the same laws and have the same health care they force on the American citizen. Their job is to uphold the constitution and guard our freedoms and they have no business in the private sector.
political parties have suddenly found a new villain to
run against:China.
and Carly Fiorina in California to the House contests in
rural New York, Democrats and Republicans are blaming
one another for allowing the export of jobs to its
economic rival.
In the past week or so, at least 29 candidates have unveiled
advertisements suggesting that their opponents have been
too sympathetic to China and, as a result, Americans
have suffered.
“China is a really easy scapegoat,” said Erika Franklin
Fowler, a political science professor at Wesleyan
University who is director of the Wesleyan Media
Project, which tracks political advertising.
Polls show that not only are Americans increasingly
worried that the United States will have a lesser role
in the years ahead; they are more and more convinced
that China will dominate. In a Pew poll conducted in
April, 41 percent of Americans said China was the
world’s leading economic power, slightly more than
those who named the United States.
The attacks are occurring as trade tensions continue
and the United States is pressuring the Chinese
government to allow its currency to rise in value, a
central topic under discussion at the International
Monetary Fund meeting in Washington this weekend.
The ads are so vivid and pervasive that some worry they
will increase hostility toward the Chinese and complicate
the already fraught relationship between the two countries.
Robert A. Kapp, a former president of the US-China
Business Council, said that even though tensions had
flared in the past, he had never seen China used as
such an obvious punching bag for American politicians.
“To bring one country into the crosshairs in so many
districts, at such a late stage of the campaign, represents
something new and a calculated gamble,” he said. “I find
it deplorable. I find it demeaning.”
Not all of the ads are solely about China; a few mention
India or Mexico. A recent ad from Mrs. Boxer accuses
Ms. Fiorina, a former chief executive at Hewlett-Packard
of outsourcing thousands of jobs to Shanghai instead of
San Jose, Bangalore instead of Burbank,” and of “proudly
stamping her products ‘Made in China.’ ”
It is no accident that Democrats, in particular, have been
eying China as a line of attack. This spring, national
Democrats, including the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi
, began to encourage candidates to highlight the issue
after reviewing internal polling that suggested voters
strongly favored eliminating tax breaks for companies
that do business in China. The party first began emphasizing
the issue in a special election for a Pennsylvania House
seat in May, said Representative Chris Van Hollen of
Maryland, chairman of the Democratic Congressional
Campaign Committee.
Never mind that there is hardly any consensus as to what
exactly constitutes outsourcing and how many of the new
overseas jobs would have stayed in American hands. The
Democrats cite studies this year from the Economic Policy
Institute a liberal research organization, that assert three
million jobs have been outsourced to China since 2001
because of the growing trade imbalance.
But Republicans, backed by some academics,
say the number is much smaller. Indeed, Scott Kennedy,
director of the Research Center for Chinese Politics
and Business at Indiana University, said that most
of the jobs China had added in manufacturing through
foreign investment had come from Taiwan, Hong Kong
and South Korea,not from the United States. Still, some
Republicans clearly see the issue as potent,
and they are counter attacking with ads stating
that the Obama administration’s stimulus package
helped to create $2 billion in wind turbine technology
jobs in China, a claim the Treasury Department and
the American Wind Energy Association say is dubious.
Representative John A. Boehner, the House minority
leader, in a speech Friday in Ohio, blamed President
Obama and Ms. Pelosi for a “stimulus that shipped
jobs overseas to China instead of creating jobs
here at home.”
Evan B. Tracey, president of the Campaign Media
Analysis Group, which tracks political advertising,
said that “China has sort of become a straw-man
villain in this election” in a way that elicits
comparisons to the sentiments toward Japan in the
1980s over car manufacturing and Mexico in the
1990s over the North American Free Trade Agreement.
While China’s growth has slowed a bit recently, its
economy is still projected to surge by about 10
percent this year, continuing a remarkable three-
decade streak of double-digit expansion.
“In a lot of ways it’s a code word: ‘Let’s be mad at
China because then the voters will connect the dots
and say our manufacturing plants have been shut
down because of China, and all the unfair labor
practices, and throw on the fact that we’re basically
selling all our debt to China,’//” Mr. Tracey said.
Even as the ads play up Americans’ unease with the
threat posed by modern China, they often employ
outdated and almost cliché depictions.
In a new spot for Representative Joe Sestak, who is
running for the Senate in Pennsylvania, a gong clangs
as a narrator says of his Republican rival, Pat Toomey:
“He’s fighting for jobs — in China.”
An ad for Ryan Frazier, a Republican running for Congress
in western Colorado, shows Forbidden City-style doors
opening to reveal China on a world map, as the voiceover
criticizes the Democratic incumbent Ed Perlmutter, for
supporting cap and-trade legislation, which some
Coloradans believe will drive more manufacturing jobs
Consultants from both parties are monitoring polling and
voter reaction to gauge the effectiveness of the ads and
to determine how long to continue showing them. Based
on the back-and- forth between candidates on the
campaign trail, the issue does not appear to be going
away anytime soon.
At a Senate debate in Connecticut on Monday night between
the Democrat Richard Blumenthal and the Republican Linda
E. McMahon, Mr. Blumenthal repeatedly tried to raise concerns
about the business practices of World Wrestling Entertainment
, the company in which Ms. McMahon served as chief executive.
A tense moment occurred when Mr. Blumenthal asked: Why
does Ms. McMahon’s company manufacture its popular action
figure toys in China, rather than here at home? She said it was
not her decision, but that of the toy company, and moved on.