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Had Enough Of The Big O

Title says it all.
Had enough of being called a racist, because I oppose Obamacare.
Had enough of being called xenophobic because I support the Arizona immigration law.
Had enough of being taxed out of all my disposable income.
Lies, deceit, and socialism, this is not what I signed on for.
I spent 11 years in the military, under Ford,Carter,and Reagan, I saw who treated us with respect and who didn't.
I have had enough of these morons in office, my apologies to morons I don't mean to insult you.
We need to stand together against this BS, and march on DC. NO MORE!
As one of the founding fathers said, " We must all hang together, or we will most assuredly hang separately."
One Larry prize to whoever names that person first.
Oh by the way I am a strong union member and card carrying Republican.
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The Tea Party

Why join the Tea Party?

We Americans are where we are now because most of us, although we did not like the direction we were heading, felt there was nothing we, individually, could do about it, so we tried not to think about it. Up jumped the devil, and the Tea Party. The Tea Party is voices of the past telling the American people of our future.

The definition of a progressive: someone who unconsciously absorbs the thoughts and feelings of the vogue; someone who desperately wants to do the right thing, but as a rule is weak willed; someone who is easily influenced by external factors; someone who has not learned to stand alone.

The definition of a Tea Party member: someone who is determined and stubborn in his beliefs; someone who is annoyed when people fail to understand; someone who agues and stirs opposition; someone who loathes hypocrisy; someone who operates as equals among equals; someone who does not depend on others for his security; someone who derives his security from being in the company of like-minded people.

You might be interested to know where I got my definitions. I got them from Astrologer’s Handbook, the progressive under “Pisces,” the Tea Party member under “Aquarius.” The Age of Pisces is fading into the past; we are moving into the Age of Aquarius.

Just by coincidence, with my rising sign Aquarius—the rising sign being the part of me I show the world—I had a bigger than life calling, coincidentally, when my ruling planet, Uranus, had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born. It is an indication of change, and change I did, after studying my Constitution; that is, the Constitution the Founding Fathers left for me. I studied my Constitution and the procedure for taking the IRS to court. It was for a selfish reason, but I sensed that voices from the past were speaking to me. I had a bigger than life calling, which made me all the more determined. I beat the IRS at its own game. I got a front page story in The Palm Beach Post.

We read on the back cover of Cosmos and Psyche, “In Cosmos and Psyche, distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biography.” In “V, Cycles of Crisis and Constraction: World Wars, Cold War, and September 11,” we read, “the successive quadrature alignments of the Saturn-Pluto cycle coincided with especially challenging historical periods marked by a pervasive quality of intense constriction: eras of international crisis and conflict, empowerment of reactionary forces and totalitarian impulses, organized violence and oppression. We read that in November 2008 came the quadrature alignments of Saturn and Pluto, the month and year that Obama was elected President of the United States.

In The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” here is what Jeanne Avery has to say about me: “He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries.” Likewise, in Numerology and The Divine Triangle, I’m designated “7” in The Path of Destiny Number. “Your depth of character and seriousness destine you to be a teacher of ethics. You psychically separate the true from the false and can discover and reveal some of the mysteries of life to a waiting world.”

By the way, the personality of the United States of America is Aquarian. What does that say about the progressives in power? Aquarius, in Astrologer’s Handbook: brotherhood and fraternity; progressives, weak willed and can’t stand alone.

We read in The Physics of Consciousness of the unification of the laws of the universe, and it follows that the God we find must be a personal God. “It is here that we first see that the observer, on our combined consciousness, in a most basic way,” gives us a picture of our reality. “Now we see that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space were false dogma. But it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. . . Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.”

This from James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, to me, and to you, in an audio tape:

We are going to take a look at two key aspects of your astrological data, your Sun sign and your Moon sign. “We are going to talk about them archetypically. . . We have a new image of what it means to be a human being, how to think of ourselves as growing, evaluating, understanding, that we can connect with our God‑self energy. . . The object is to bring into consciousness the reactions and determine whether or not the reaction is mature or immature—when we can step back and look at our higher self, when need becomes strength.”

“We all start at immature levels of ego functions. We have a sense of security based on how much we feel in charge of our lives. We want to keep the idea that things are going fine. We have goals we want to achieve. We need to manipulate things to keep everything just right. We need to keep this allusion for security purposes. If new information comes in, we can act defensively. We don't want information that rocks the boat.”

“What happens is that this allusion, based on security control, has to shift to our inner connection, our God‑self force that gives us a sense of well being no matter what's going on out there. We have to make that opening on the inside.”

“As you get in touch with your inner energy and start to get in touch with your higher self, you will be guided into how to find that true work expression. It will be shown to you intuitively. This becomes the way you uplift everyone who comes into your life. When you evolve into your higher self you energize those who cross your path. This becomes your greatest talent.”

My friends, we are God-selves, here to make man in our image, not in the stigmatized image the progressives have in mind. Come to the party, one and all. We have a great future for you.

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It is time to act!

I have been following this outragious administration for over two years now and found it wanting. I believe Mr. Obama gave his solem oath to defend and protect the Constitution of The United Stated which he has failed miserablely in fact he is trying to destroy our Constitution. I believe it is time to recall this enemy of the United States for failing to fulfill his obligation to the American people by keeping his solem oath to God and Country.
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Letter to the Editor, 6-20-10

To the Editor,
It has been reported that a federal judge and the U.S.Department of Justice in Port Chester, New York, has ruled itconstitutional that those of Latino descent are allowed tocast a vote six times in an election for his or her favoritecandidate. This is being done in order to boost Hispanicrepresentation.

This has nothing to do with "fairness" or"equality." This is manipulation of our entire justice system.

Itshould now be obvious to everyone why the Democrat Party refuses tolift a finger to halt the illegal invasion of Mexicans into America. Weare witnessing the first steps toward installing Barack Obama asEmperor of America, modeled after the Venezuela of Victor Chavez.

TheDemocrats in this country will not stop their attacks on freedom andcapitalism until they have forced us into a secondcivil war.
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The 10th Amendment of the Constitution is just one more part of the United States Constitution that Barack Obama finds objectionable. While NOT deliberately spitting on two different*** Arizona laws (created because of federal government dithering over the little matter of immigration law enforcement to help border states) or on the Constitution itself, Obama’s disdain for real American statesmanship and the real American Constitution is obvious. To think just seventeen short months ago he rose his hand and swore to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" -- after his actions of those past months who can ever believe anything the man says? Obama and his administration have expressed “grave concern” over both Arizona illegal immigration laws but is going to court to fight the most recently written one. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, spoiling for a fight on 10th Amendment grounds called Obama's decision "outrageous" but "not surprising" after Obama administration officials confirmed Friday that they plan to file a lawsuit challenging the state's anti-illegal immigration law. "Our federal government should be using its legal resources to fight illegal immigration, not the law-abiding citizens of Arizona," the fiesty Brewer said.

Meanwhile, the Arizona Attorney General, Terry Goddard, said his office plans to withdraw as the state's lawyers in legal challenges to the law, leaving Brewer's handpicked attorneys to defend it. Goddard, a Democrat said to be planning to run for the Arizona governorship for a third time after two earlier failures to win election, and Brewer a Republican have squabbled repeatedly about the law. To a certain extent that’s not been a bad thing.

After Goddard made his objections known to the earliest permutation of the Arizona law, A) the original law was strengthened B) provisions were added to directly address Goddard’s and Obama’s and many Democrats’ objections to the possibility of police officers using the new law as an excuse for “racial profiling” and C) Brewer had a special provision added saying that the Arizona governor could defend the new version of the law however she chose, rather than being required to fight legal challenges to the law and her state’s rights to protect itself from the illegal invasion from the south (which has made Phoenix the #2 kidnap city in the world only behind drug capital Bogota, Colombia) with a lukewarm state attorney general in center stage. Brewer said "I will ensure the immigration laws we passed are vigorously defended all the way to the United States Supreme Court if necessary, where this reasonable law will ultimately be found constitutional," something she wasn’t sure Goddard was prepared to do whole-heartedly.

The law taking effect July 29 requires state police officers to question a person's immigration status if there's a reasonable suspicion that he or she is in the country illegally. Five or six legal challenges have been filed to the law since April virtually all claiming that the new law will lead to “racial profiling” and it’s the federal government’s responsibility to regulate immigration. Duh! And what about the present climate when the federal government believes illegal immigration benefits it? Mr. Obama has made no pretext of defending the border. He is seeking so-called comprehensive immigration “reform,” a weasel term meaning the power to grant citizenship to the 14-25 million illegals now in the country since it's generally accepted that 80% or more of them would vote Democratic and ensure Obama’s re-election in 2012. He has thus far been told he hasn't the votes to pass such a bill into law.

On Friday evening, June 18, Brewer's defense team asked a federal judge to throw out suits by the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups challenging the law's constitutionality. Recently, Obama officials confirmed plans to file their lawsuit after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in an interview with a TV station in Ecuador (nice that U.S. citizens hear about the matter from a foreign TV station, eh?) earlier this month that the administration would challenge the law in court, though officials had long said the issue was under review. The administration at this point is just building its case and definitely expects to file suit. Brewer told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren, she's ready for a fight.

"What a disappointment," Brewer said on Thursday, adding she was shocked the administration would make such an announcement on foreign TV without giving Arizona officials the news first. "We are NOT going to back away from this issue," Brewer said. "We are going to pursue it, we're going to be very aggressive," Brewer said. "We'll meet them in court ... And we will win. The citizens of America agree with Arizona."

Meanwhile the Obama administration has thus far failed to deliver promised National Guard troops to the border states. Obama’s original promise was to send unarmed National Guardsmen to “relieve” the paperwork and other pressures from U.S. Border Patrol officers . . . but even that pathetic pledge has been broken.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

*** Obama has also let known his displeasure with an earlier Arizona law that allows the state to suspend the licenses or refuse licensing of businesses repeatedly violating the national immigration laws by KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens. Attorney General Eric Holder has called both laws "unconstitutional." Apparently, in the case of the employers' law, once again Eric Holder has not read the law he's criticizing. The latest provision to the nation's immigration laws along those lines passed in the mid '80's says that the Federal Government canNOT get involved in licensing of businesses and that aspect is left for state regulation.
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After a week in which the White House achieved a $20 Billion Gulf reparations fund and in which Obama blamed Republicans for the joblessness in America, the pollsters at Gallup show a firm majority of Americans right now oppose the 2012 re-election of Barack Obama. 51% of Americans think Mr. Obama should NOT be re-elected while only 46% say he should. Among Democrats 77% want to re-elect while 87% of Republicans oppose. Independents show 53% in opposition to re-election and 43% in favor. Today’s Rasmussen polls showed that among “probable voters” 45% strongly DISapprove of Mr. Obama’s job performance while only 25% strongly approve giving the president a -20 overall Presidential Index rating (Mr. Obama began with a +30 Presidential Index rating in January, 2009).

Overall in the Rasmussen poll, 42% of likely voters at least somewhat approve of Mr. Obama’s efforts and 57% at least somewhat DISapprove. The recent oval office speech by Obama about the Gulf oil debacle helped him slightly with Democrats. President Obama’s numbers have typically bounced following a national television event usually “up a little” (on only one occasion before they dropped slightly). 48% of Democrats now Strongly Approve. That’s up two points since the speech. 77% of Republicans Strongly DISapprove, also up two points since the speech. Among those NOT affiliated with either major party, 49% now Strongly DISapprove. That’s up five points since Tuesday’s speech. Here are some of the issues preying upon voters’ minds:
Most are pleased that $20 Billion has been set aside for Gulf damage claims but a slim majority are worried about a federal government takeover of the claims process; and to a lesser extent of the oil industry. The six-month moratorium on all offshore drilling is heavily criticized. So much involvement in the past nineteen months by the federal government taking over the car industry, banks and insurance companies, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the health care industry, the student loan industry, etc. has three-fifths of the nation up in arms. Given the administration’s open revelation that the cap and trade legislation would “bankrupt the coal industry” and “necessarily skyrocket the price of electricity;” and the realization that major tax increases are coming on January 1, 2011 when the Bush era tax breaks are rescinded; and the huge tax increases tied to Obamacare which 62% of voters want repealed . . . voters are outraged by taxes and spending and debt and apparent big government incompetence (MMS was about to give BP a safety award when the explosion occurred and signing off on several safety$$ issues; and the lack of competent response to cleaning up the mess).
Raising taxes, dramatically raising spending and deficits and national debt, and endless government takeovers of the private sector are very unpopular. Virtually no voters believe that the almost $1 TRillion stimulus money spent has created or saved any jobs; most disagree that the White House was “engaged from Day One” of the Gulf disaster.
Recent revelations that federal government employees receive on average DOUBLE what their private sector counterparts earn ($120,000 when both wages and benefits are considered vs. $62,000) has also angered some. The only sector of the economy that’s grown under Barack Obama has been government jobs.
In Rajjpuut’s none-too humble opinion. There are only two hopes for Mr. Obama and his out-of-touch progressives: A) somehow achieving citizenship for 20 million illegal aliens and getting 80% of their votes, which is becoming more unlikely by the day, or . . . B) dictatorial takeover, so guess which one Mr. Obama will attempt to pull off in order to "fundamentally transform America?"
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,**
$$ The 1990 and 1994 safety requirements were both ignored. In particular ten (10) firebooms were required at the site and NONE were there.

** in answer to questions recently raised about Rajjpuut’s “sign-off” . . . saying that “long” life was totally understandable; “strong” life was a bit unique; but “ornery” was downright weird . . . . Look at it this way: it’s a hope for a re-balancing and a return to American virtues. Rajjpuut honestly believes that the big shift to the ultra-left by the media which has refused to cover stories contrary to that viewpoint for almost forty years now was begun first by the “hippie” movement and the environmental movement being commandeered by people who thought that living in communes (root word of “communism”) was a good thing. Rajjpuut earnestly hopes that his readers will indeed live long; and stay strong in body, mind and spirit and vote along those lines as well; and show an ornery, feisty streak to help win the country back for the traditional constitutional, fiscal and libertarian^^ values including respectful discourse in the public arena.
^^ Libertarian values are constitutionalism; strong national defense including of our borders; fiscal-conservatism; and a largely live-and-let-live social outlook (for example, protect gays and all Americans from violence and injustice; let the gays have their unions legitimized with all the rights accorded married couples EXCEPT adoption and palimony). Most important to Libertarians is the 10th Amendment which allows Americans to “vote with their feet” and move from states with onerous tax burdens and ridiculous spending legislatures to states more in line with the original U.S. Constitution such as Texas (which still has a part-time legislature) rather than having all states become homogenized “departments” of a runaway federal government.
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Moving On

Moving On

I like Sara Palin. She’s a down home type with great potential to be the answer for what ails America, but needs to cut her ties with the old guard Republican camp. The facts prove that old guard Republicans don’t have the right answers, not anymore than progressives have the right answers. We need new ideas. I joined In consideration of Sara’s mainstream Republican stand, her tag-alongs, and my bigger than life calling, I attempted to bring up to speed. My thoughts were not well received.

The Piscean nature, according to ancient wise men that got answers from the movements of the heavens, is very sensitive and extremely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others, unconsciously absorbing the mental outlook of the culture. Consequently, although they desperately want to do the right thing, as a rule Pisceans are weak willed. In the rapidly approaching new age, these people will be forced to stand alone and face the unknown.

I happened to be born with the Aquarian nature. The planet Earth is now moving into the Age of Aquarius. According to ancient wise men, I was put here as an Aquarian messenger. Aquarians are quite different from Pisceans in their thinking. While Pisceans are indecisive and have a hard time making up their minds, we Aquarians, water-bearers spilling out to mankind the life force, are determined and quite stubborn in our beliefs. is incapable of comprehending my Aquarian thoughts, the thoughts of the future, so, assuming that is more open to new ideas, I’ll now bring my Aquarian thoughts to your attention and hope to lead you to our common path of destiny, that we might lead the terribly misinformed progressives back to our human purpose.

For a brief period of time, this body appears on Earth, a good assumption would be, for the purpose of enhancing its conscious awareness—of course with the freedom to think what it wills. For if this body were under the control of some higher order there would be no enhancement. I refer you to the life of a sheep, the same dumb animal, generation after generation. In man’s history, we’ve seen a lot of sheep being led to slaughter.

From the above idea, I got the notion from “God’s Word,” in the Holy Bible, “And God said, Let us make man in our image” (Gen. 1:26), that “I AM THAT I AM” (Ex. 3:14), subjective and capable of becoming anything I will. I got the notion that in we humans there is no such thing as objectivism or progressivism. Ayn Rand, author of Atlas Shrugged, and progressive Democrats are out of touch with reality. We are all subjective. One would have to position himself outside of the universe to be objective, and we can’t do that, so what we do, if we are to be in control of our lives, is look internally for our answers. Pisceans fear change, so generation after generation they have looked externally for their answers. Naturally, the control freaks in charge would not want change.

In the interest of being human, the Bible, largely metaphoric, tells of a Garden of Eden, wherein there was a tree of knowledge of good and evil. In this tree dwelled a serpent, representing temptation. In this garden lived the first man and woman. In Chapter 3 of Genesis, we are informed of the temptation of Eve. Eve was informed by the serpent that if she ate the fruit of this tree, which God forbid, then she would know both good and evil. Since lower animals don’t know anything about good and evil, there you have it, the first man and woman. Eve talked Adam into eating the forbidden fruit.

We find further that Adam and Eve were ashamed of their nakedness and covered themselves with fig leaves. God, seeing them covered, knew that they disobeyed his command; he knew they were humans. So a wrathful God put them out of his animal garden and left them to plow the ground. There again, you have it. Adam and Eve were above lower forms of life. I AM THAT I AM. The Greek mythical god Prometheus is along the line of my thinking. He stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. Job is along the line of Piscean thinking. He gave up his wealth, his family, and his health to prove his faith in The Lord.

Logically, you don’t hear my Aquarian interpretation from the authorities. Appealing to the Piscean nature, you hear that we are born in sin. On a guilt trip, we beg God to forgive us. Therefore, from the Bible, don’t you see, Let us make man in our image, we are subjective and independent. Why don’t some people get it right? They are of the Piscean nature. From the Bible’s 23rd Psalm of David, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, who is this shepherd that maketh me to lie down in green pastures. Obama has a lot of green ideas. I shall not want as long as my government entitlements remain in effect and the taxpayers don’t revolt.

But, alas, from America’s Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident:” (1) that all men are created equal; (2) that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights—let us make man in our image, subjective and independent—you never get my interpretation from the Jolly Green Giant. From the authorities, it’s there but for the grace of God go I—redistribution, do good, and the end justifies the means. If you allow them, the authorities take you for a walk down a garden path. Therefore, if you know what’s good for you, you look within for your answers. The Age of Pisces, do gooders, and redistribution is fading into the past. It’s going back again to the school of hard knocks.

“We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” We the people placed the responsibility on the people, not preachers and politicians. We entrusted ourselves ourselves the sacred work of God. In God we trust, but what we now see is posterity destined to carry our burden. Thanks to the unholy guidance of authorities, we’ve been turned into mindless, spineless jellyfish. Clearly, we the people are not making man in our image. You can make a case for the good those in control bring us, turn your head away from the fact that preachers and politicians are making the American people into their image: slaves to their sacrilegious and corrupt causes, but a day of reckoning is coming.

Roughly half of America is more dependent on progressive government and an external god invented by man—actually more animal than human. Let us make man in our image has changed to let us give man animal mentality. When you listen to people state their views, consider the source. Are they stating their self views or the external views of self-serving authorities, keeping in mind that humans are subjective and independent; animals can be taught, with the carrot and stick approach to jump through hoops? Some folks resent me for revealing the truth, but the truth will set you free.

A study of the history of man finds that authority, for expedient reasons, categorizes people rules, in religion, in the law, and in science. I asked a geneticist from whence comes the genetic code. His answer: “We don’t get into that.” The law turns out to be whatever the makers and keepers of the law say it is. Obama picked a judge who says a Latino woman makes a better judge than a white male. Obama thinks his blackness leaves him sitting on the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. The universe is in one inseparable mold. Obama and his progressives chicken-littles don’t know whether they are afoot or horseback. My friends, we’re moving on.

In The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law, authored by law professor Edward S. Corwin, he refers the reader to the first systematic political writer, an Englishman, John of Salisbury, who asserted, “there are certain precepts of the law which have perpetual necessity, having the force of law among all nations and which absolutely cannot be broken,” clearly reflecting on modern law’s founder, the Roman judge Cicero, who wrote, “We are born for justice, and right is not the mere arbitrary construction of opinion, but an institution of nature.” Corwin also refers us to Aristotle’s Ethics, the concept of natural justice. “Of political justice,” Aristotle wrote, “part is natural, part legal—natural, that which everywhere has the same force and does not exist by people’s thinking this or that; legal, that which is originally indifferent. . .” say I, the law in practice is indifferent of the way humans think. It does not give humans credit for being able to think and growing numbers buy this garbage. The same as I think, Aristotle wrote: “To invest the law then with authority is, it seems, to invest God and reason only; to invest a man is to introduce a beast, as desire is something bestial, and even the best of men in authority are liable to corrupted by passion.” So what does this Harvard education lawyer Obama know about the law? We’re not making man in our image. We’re becoming slaves to Obama and his ilk.

Corwin opened my mind to consider myself more human than animal. I had a bigger than life calling when I was age 49, coincidentally, when my ruling planet, Uranus, has transited to a position opposing itself when I was born. This opposition meant that I’d be under a lot of pressure to change, and I surely was. My business enterprise was on the rocks and my second wife was divorcing me.

In Cosmos and Psyche, distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. In his book, I read in Chapter V, “Cycles of Crisis and Contraction: World Wars, Cold War, and September 11,” “the Saturn-Pluto cycle coincided with especially challenging historical periods marked by a pervasive quality of intense contraction: eras of international crisis and conflict, empowerment of reactionary forces and totalitarian impulses, organized violence and oppression, all sometimes marked by lasting traumatic effects.” Cycles of crisis and contraction happen when the alignments of Saturn and Pluto are in opposition. Coincidentally, the last such unfavorable alignment happened in the very month and year that Obama was elected president of the United States, and will remain throughout Obama’s term of office. Yep, “you picked a fine time to lead us, Barrack. We should learn from you everything we should not be.”

Back to I AM THAT I AM, the above referenced opposition of Uranus, which forced a change in my life, found me the pioneer searching from my true identity. During this period, when I was strictly on my own, away from all of my former influences, several miracles occurred that made a believer out of me. When I parted company with my old life, a life that was over done with, never looking back, born again, my life changed for the better. There has to be something to the ancient belief that planetary alignments correspond to archetypal patterns.

Strangely, although I had not planned it, I departed my old life on Good Friday, 1975, arriving in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for a new beginning. It seems that it was in my destiny from the beginning of the change in my life to bring this message to you. The more I think back on my life, the more the connections. In Numerology and The Divine Triangle, I was informed that my “Path of Destiny” is the number “7.” “Your depth of character and seriousness destine you to be a teacher of ethics. You psychically separate the true from the false and can discover and reveal some of the mysteries of life to a waiting world.”

I met my present wife in the Greenwood Inn singles bar in Portland, Oregon, and only two weeks after my third wife walked out of my life for good. I met her when the last thing I wanted was another wife. From the moment I met Karen, I felt that I was meeting an old friend I’d not seen for a very long time, and that’s the way it remains after 29 years of togetherness.

Unbelievably, and what prompted me to write this, Karen has just informed me, from her study of family genealogy, that her bloodline, the Dempseys, intermarried with the Whitworths in Texas. I’m from Texas and the Whitworths are in my bloodline. My middle name is Whitworth.

My first date with Karen was a hike to Multnomah Falls near Portland, just by coincidence on May 18, 1980, the day Mt. St. Helens erupted. It is legendary that after the calamity, comes hope and renewal. After the calamity my life had become, I was reborn and found someone to love and be loved back, perhaps a distant cousin.

Stranger still, Karen and I were sitting on a log chatting. Karen said, “I want ours to be a platonic relationship.” My response: “I don’t have platonic relationships with women.” At that very moment, the sky turned black to our northwest and we hurried back to the car to get the news that Mt. St. Helens had erupted. Later, I asked Karen what made her say that. She said, “it just popped out.”

Fifteen years later a friend generated an astrological compatibility report on Karen and I from a program in his computer. In the report, I read this: “The platonic thing was there from the start, and there is a sense of the brotherly and sisterly between you. Even if lovers, you will always be first and foremost good friends.” That’s the clincher. It was not by accident that I met Karen. I could go on and on with the coincidences. Once again, it seems that I was destined to bring this message to you.

You’ve been told an eastern star led the three wise men to the birthplace of the Christ Child. In my case, the eastern star was when the sun rose on my life, at the moment I took my first breath. My rising sign is Aquarius. We are entering the Age of Aquarius. The United States was born under the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius, whose sign is the water-bearer to humanity, is destined to bring to mankind an all-encompassing brotherhood.

In the Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” here is what Jeanne Avery has to say about me. “When this sign is on the ascendant, the individual is somehow ‘different’ from other people. . . If he is in touch with his individuality (that is a very big if) and special qualities, he can express strong humanitarian concern, have a strong sense of freedom for himself and others, and be ahead of his time. . . He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries.”

While Obama took over the Oval Office when Saturn, the learning planet, and Pluto, the generational planet, were in opposition, and brought to this nation a very scary time, when I was born Saturn and Pluto were in their most favorable alignment, called a trine. Here’s what Astrologer’s Handbook had to say on that alignment: “This trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized. . .It favors those who work in the fields of physics, the occult, magic, astrology, or systems of meditation. . . The natives have tremendous willpower and are relentless in working toward a goal. . . They are able to work slowly and make fundamental changes in their own and others’ lives. Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.”

In Evan Harris Walker’s The Physics of Consciousness: The Quantum Mind and the Meaning of Life, he says this about me: “A physical domain exists that is governed by immutable laws. But these laws leave open a range of happenings that are left to the selection of the mind. Behind this selection is the will. . . It has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal with the foundry of creation.” To the author of Atlas Shrugged, “sorry Ayn, your objectivism theory does not hold water. You are out of touch with reality.” “The tests of Bell’s theorem,” writes Walker, “have shown us that objective reality as it has been conceived is not the true fabric of reality. The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of the newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.” My friends, you are being dumbed down. You have no idea of the power you possess.

Astrologer James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, sent me an informational audio tape on my astrology. In part, here’s what he said:

“We are going to take a look at two key aspects of your astrological data, your Sun sign and your Moon sign. We are going to talk about them archetypically. The emotional issue is pointed out by your Moon sign—how this feels as you go through life—talk about your Sun sign—again archetypically—how you naturally uplift people, to give you some good information as you try to find out what your spiritual mission is.”

“We have a new image of what it means to be a human being, how to think of ourselves as growing, evaluating, understanding, that we can connect with our God‑self energy. You grow in a Virgo way. Virgo is that part of us that is oriented toward conscientious work. At first unconsciously—and everyone has a different way of reacting—the object is to bring into consciousness the reactions and determine whether or not the reaction is mature or immature—when we can step back and look at our higher self, when need becomes strength.”

“As you get in touch with your inner energy and start to get in touch with your higher self, you will be guided into how to find that true work expression. It will be shown to you intuitively. This becomes the way you uplift everyone who comes into your life. When you evolve into your higher self you energize those who cross your path. This becomes your greatest talent.”

And so my friends, it does seem that over the ages we’ve been selling ourselves short. From my Scofield Reference Bible’s Introduction, “The saying that ‘anything may be proved by the Bible’ is both true and false—true if isolated passages are used; utterly false if the whole divine revelation is in view.”

“The Dispensations are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic, progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, ‘the increasing purpose’ which runs though and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity. Augustine said: ‘Distinguish the ages, and the Scriptures harmonize.’”

When we read the entire moral story of man in the Bible, we naturally come to the Book of Revelations and the final battle, the Battle of Armageddon. But the word of God, I can tell you, has yet an unwritten chapter. In man’s moral story, this chapter tells of man under tomorrow’s God. In the Age of Aquarius we establish a brotherhood. The Battle of Armageddon or the Age of Aquarius: it is our choice. At the beginning of the Age of Pisces, Jesus’ prophecy: Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. If we allow it—man to make us in our image—we are all Christ’s children.

Take it or leave it. We’re moving on. I close with these words of wisdom from James Allen, author of As a Man Thinketh.

As a being of Power, Intelligence and Love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which may make himself what he wills.

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Recall Sacramento Mayor and city council

Paul Smith Candidate for Congress will hold a Recall Rally on the steps of the Capitol building in Sacramento California
The City council voted to boycott Arizona over the immigration Law.
Now it's time the Tea Party stands up for Arizona and Recalls the Mayor of Sacramento and the City council for this dangerous and reckless act

Thursday 12 noon on the steps of the Califonria Capitol Building 10 street

Be there.. Stand up for Arizona!

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The u.s. Has been invaded!

6-18-10 Arizona is a good example of the leftist movement in our federal government. That state is trying desperately to defend itself and its citizens from criminals, drug runners, human traffickers, gun smugglers, drug cartels, financial ruin, and the failure of our federal government to do its job. They passed State Senate Bill 1070 to be able to implement some of the protections the federal government has failed to provide.

We have been invaded, but the federal government does nothing of any substance to stop the invasion. No, I am not referring to the estimated 12 to 14 million criminal aliens known to be here. I am referring to the flow of paramilitary groups and other heavily armed foreigners who have already come across an 80 mile stretch of the U.S. / Mexican border including the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge which is right on the border. These people commit crimes against U.S. Citizens and law enforcement officers. The crimes have increased in the last four months to where the situation is out of control according to Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu. The invaders have taken over to the extent that our federal government has closed the wildlife refuge to U.S. citizens. So this part of the United States has been taken over by foreign nationals and is off limits to U.S. Citizens. And all our federal government has seen fit to do is to erect signs telling U.S. citizens they may not enter this area of U.S. sovereign territory. They have not sent troops to rout these foreign invaders. They have not even thought that doing so is a reasonable idea.

So let me see if I understand the situation. Mr. Obama refuses to protect this country; but in stead, he believes the right thing to do is to allow invaders to take over our land. He also believes that when Arizona passes a law to protect itself from such failings of our President and our federal government, that the state should be sued for usurping the federal government’s powers regarding immigration. Arizona doesn’t want to control legal immigration - it wants to halt illegal entry into the state. However, the reason the state passed 1070 was because the all-powerful federal government is not using its power to protect its citizens.

The most important thing here is that the President is refusing to protect the this country. If I remember right, he took an oath to protect this country. I guess he just failed and the country is giving him a pass on it. If he were a Republican President, the Democrats would be calling for his impeachment. But I guess the Republicans are just blind to the situation…………..or they are gutless…………..or something.

Where is the citizenry’s cry for the impeachment of a President who refuses to honor his oath? carried the article on which this writing is based. It can be found at:

If the public reads this blog and the Fox News article and understands that our own President is making part of this country off limits to its own citizens because of a foreign takeover, they would be up for an impeachment. However, the President doesn’t even want this subject mentioned because he stopped construction of the border fence and did not provide any of the 3000 troops requested by Arizona and Senator McCaine to take back this part of our country. If the subject is mentioned, he would look bad. But the facts are there. So again, I ask where is the citizenry’s cry for the impeachment of a President who refuses to honor his oath?

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Setting Obama's inexperience and ineptitude aside, his most disturbing attribute is his arrogance. Not very presidential, and certainly not endearing, as so many of our historic presidents have been. Arrogance gets in the way, blinds you, and will trip you up every time. This is why Obama cannot see the cure to fix this disaster, and will not call in experts to help -- because he can do it all.


Barack Obama doesn't do the mundane. He was sent to us to do larger things

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immigration law

Mr. Clinton oh excuse me, Mrs. Clinton said that Obama planned on bringing a law suit against Arizona's law, well im here to tell you that wont happen. He is just going to let Mexico take over. So democrats, a month ago you applauded the president of Mexico and I assume his reward for his fantastic speech is he gets Arizona and we get our drugs cheaper? Or is it that we get our labor cheaper? im confused. I know maybe we get both. Well good job guys you took care of that problem now you just have to concentrate on this "damn gulf". Actually i have a great idea Obama, give it the Mexicans. I live in Florida and im so glad that its hurricane season. Maybe, just maybe if were lucky a Jurricane will come along wash all that oil across Mexico then all we will need is a match!!!!!!!! That would be one helluva Cinco de Mayo now wouldnt it?!!!!!!

p.s. a Jurricane is a Hurricane in Mexican

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Managing to survive the repercussions of the Jimmy Carter administration has left me with apprehensions about the future of our country. The signs are similar, but worse. As Gerald Celente of Trends Reseasrch Institute says: We have ....

"Debt piled on top of a failed bailouts, stimulus, tarp, cash for clunkers, housing tax credits, 5.5 trillion dollars dumped into the system to pump it up after the crash in Mar-2009, printing phantom money out of thin air, backed by nothing and producing nothing."

If you thought deficits and unemployment have been bad lately...

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