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This knocked me over. If anything should alarm you, it would be the possibility of this happening. Rush Limbaugh closed his show today with a knock-out punch:

"To help Obama achieve his agenda, get rid of Congress, get rid of the Supreme Court, and shred the Constitution."

Holy Cow!


Practical Advice for a Teacher/Mom.

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The Unanswered Question

There is a certain order to the universe. It began with atoms and conscious awareness. As far as we know, humans are the end product of conscious awareness. In the beginning, says the Bible, when God made man, God said, “Let us make man in our image” (Gen.1:26).

America has never been more divided. Don’t be bitter. Wise up! There are those who insist that the law should be for the good of all and those who insist that the individual comes first under the law. America’s original Constitution placed the individual first. America became the most prosperous nation on earth. Currently, government has spun out of control, all over the good of all opposing the individual coming first. It’s a Mexican standoff. Too much is demanded of the individual for the good of all. History’s record proves that the former fails every time and the latter wins.

The courts have watered down America’s original Constitution with “civil rights,” such as the right to health care. Why not a right to food, clothing, and shelter? Why not a right to a haircut? Why not a right to have others serve me in all of my desires? This is the demand of unions. Unions are pouring millions into getting Democrats elected. Under one-man rule, the dictator of “rights” passes out goodies to those who serve him and forces by law hardships on his enemies. Never in history has the law been for the good of all. For the good of all equates with might makes right. America is heading for the law of the jungle.

From the Internet’s Wikipedia: Sociologist Robert K. Merton is credited with coining the expression "self-fulfilling prophecy." In his book Social Theory and Social Structure, Merton gives as a feature of the self-fulfilling prophecy:

“The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior which makes the original false conception come 'true'. This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning.”

“In other words, a prophecy declared as truth when it is actually false may sufficiently influence people, either through fear or logical confusion, so that their reactions ultimately fulfill the once-false prophecy.”

The Founding Fathers wrote a Constitution that put the individual first under the law. But the slavery issue caused them, for the good of all, to allow for it. The nation was divided over the slavery issue. It finally came to a head with the Dred Scott case. The Taney Court ruled, for the good of all, that Scott was the property of a white man—no different under the law than a mule or a cow. The nation’s blood boiled over this ruling, finally to bring about the Civil War. The issue: for the good of all or the individual comes first.

Social Security is a prime example of the self-fulfilling prophecy. It began with something for practically nothing, the usual pyramid game. My father was self-employed. Self-employment came under Social Security when my father was 63 years old. He paid a couple of hundred dollars a year for two years and retired. He lived to age 94. For under $500 put in the pot, my father took out $200,000. It was called the New Deal—$200,000 for $500. I’m 85 years old. I’ve taken out far more than I’ve put in the Social Security pot. Not so for present day contributors. In spite of the far greater amount they are putting in, the Social Security fund is going bankrupt. Medicare is going bankrupt. For the American people, the New Deal is the same old deal: cards under the table.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, on ObamaCare, cards under the table, said we will learn what it is about after the bill passes. We are learning. We don’t like ObamaCare. Those in Congress who voted for ObamaCare are not mentioning it in their campaigning. They are concentrating on personal attacks against their opponents. They talk about the Bush Administration’s mistakes, and if we want those mistakes back again. Bush was all for the duty of government to the individual, the Neal Deal turned into “compassionate conservatism.” Two wrongs don’t make a right.

We humans, as far as we know, are the most observant of all life. On the quantum mind and the meaning of life, here’s what quantum physicist Even Harris Walker reports in The Physics of Consciousness: “It is consciousness that began everything, that grows matter into a universe of existence; it is consciousness that unifies and constrains all of us as individual beings; it is consciousness that orders space and time out of a chaos of random events.” Says Walker: “We exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation.” If you go through life not seeing past the end of your nose, guess what?

Here’s what Astrologer’s Handbook tells us. First, let me remind you that in everyone’s astrological chart are negative and positive influences. Herein, I’m referring to the positive influences of Aquarius and the negative influences of Pisces.

Under Aquariuis:

“Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy. . . Aquarians have eccentric temperaments and are determined and stubborn. . . There is no affectation or snobbery in the Aquarian personality but a dislike of spurious imitation and hypocrisy in any form. Aquarians operate as equals among equals. However, they are not dependent on their environments for their security, because they derive this from being in the company of others. . . Their pursuits are more intellectual then physical. . . They do their best work with others or with organizations that attempt to bring about some ideal. In such pursuits, their excellent memory, creativity, knowledge, love of freedom, and humanitarianism find their outlet.”

As for the good of all idea, here is what Astrologer’s Handbook tells us under “Pisces.”

“Pisces is a sensitive sign and those born under it are extremely responsive to the thoughts of others. They unconsciously absorb the ideas and mental outlook of those around them. They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors. They must learn to stand alone and face the unknown with a simple faith.”

“They are not combative. Their aversion to struggle often makes them indecisive in thinking and acting They will generally suffer injury rather than fight for their rights. When their supply of patience is exhausted, however, they can become so provoked that it is impossible to calm them down. Pisceans can be stubborn and allow no one to reason with them.” You got to observe, folks, or end in a snit.

We are now leaving the Age of Pisces. It began with the birth of the Christ child. The symbol of Pisces, two attached fish swimming in opposite directions is apropos. Hello Pisces. Come to the Tea Party. Compared to the Age of Aquarius’ symbol, the water-bearer to humanity, and Jesus’ promise to return, there could be something to Astrology. It is older than the oldest religion.

Nothing in life is certain, but guess which is to be in your future, inalienable rights or for the good of all? To you young folks, I thank you very much for your contribution to my welfare, but don’t be sucked into the nutty political notion that you can put little in the pot and take out a lot. You are the victim of a colossal fraud. Chance favors the prepared mind. Your guess on this issue can be most important to your future.

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Just to let the folks in Fl. know I spoke to the office of Gov. Charlie and they confirmed that this new bill that passed will cost a fee possible $500. and that if you do not have the fee they can put a lien against your home. Also if you do not have your septic up to their current code they can require you to upgrade possible $3000. system and that if they decide you or your family are not "safe" to live in your current home they will immed. put an order in for you to be kicked out of your home! Till you pay for the upgrade. It does not matter if you can prove you have been pumped and maintained. It does not matter if you can not afford this. The Fl. State Legislature and Gov. office have decided that at this difficult economic time with high unemployment they need to increase homelessness in our State. There are as many as 2.6 million septic systems in our State. This was stuck in to a bill that was to be about Springs in our State, with NO SCIENTIFIC EVID. to back up the claims made, yet no one is willing to report or discuss the ramifications on Fl. residents. fellow teaparty folks will you call the Gov. Bus. office at 850 488 4441 and let them add you name to the log of folks against this? No one is talking, no one is listening, once again BIG GOV. IS STOMPING ON CITZENS rights and voices, will you get involved? I have found no one else willing to raise the alarm. I hope that I am not alone in the wilderness of Gov. red tape. Call today, only if we all stand up together will we the people be heard. repeal the bill. SB550
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“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything . . .” (old saying)

“Rajjpuut being a health educator who worked for a health insurance company, Rajjpuutcare (shown later in the blog) is roughly some 50,000% better than Obamacare could ever hope to be even if they got rid of every bad aspect of that hideous law . . . .” Rajjpuut

What Would Real Healthcare Reform Look Like?

Much has been spoken and written about the incredibly corrupt process used to bring the nation the blessings of Obamacare. Talk about outright bribes including new hospitals; special legislative dispensations and the infamous Cornhusker Kickback, Louisiana Purchase, etc., etc., ad nauseum caught the stench of the matter pretty aptly. Politicians can be very corrupt. Progressive politicians exceptionally so, but perhaps more should be said about the private sector sell-outs we’ve come to know and love . . . in a phrase, since the companies and people involved didn't stand up for something, they fell for anything and everything that Obama promised . . . .

Every so often the utterly corrupt and totally INEPT progressive left-wing of the Democratic Party and their charismatic leader Barack Obama get something right in their understanding of the world. Shortly after the inauguration, remembering reading their Lenin that everyone of them has committed to memory chapter and verse, they must have been overjoyed when Barack Obama got the nation’s health insurance to pony up $170 million for advertising the virtues of their coming “Obamacare Healthcare Reform” efforts. A broad collectivist grin must have crossed their faces as they recalled Lenin’s description of “capitalists selling the rope, which we’ll use to hang them with.” Suicide by stupidity and self-destructive treachery . . . .

The insurance industry (unless something akin to repeal or even defunding of Obamacare happens within the next six months) has not only sold their souls to the devil, they sold America out lock, stock and barrel simultaneously. And, not only the health insurance industry per se, the up-till-recently well-trusted American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) also sold out for a hoped for chance to sit down at the final table when Obamacare would be drawn up . . . . Oh, what a sorry lot of Benedict Arnold’s they all turned out to be. And let’s really get to it, shall we, look at all those hundreds of millions of dollars that corporate America and the wealthy of America have donated to Barack Obama and all things progressive (we must ‘progress’ well beyond the outdated and severely flawed U.S. Constitution) over the last 45 years despite the clear progressive goal to undermine corporate America and hold a fire sale thereafter . . . not only traitors, but idiots as well . . . .

If 10% of Corporate American leaders understood the truths revealed by the weblink immediately above and took just a smidgen more pride in being capitalists, entrepreneurs and/or patriots, none of the crap the nation has endured since the “Great Society” first reared its ugly head in mid-1964 would have ever come to beastly fruition. Think of it all . . . . huge expansions of welfare and social security never actually funded; the creation of two brand new entitlement entities Medicare and Medicaid, likewise never actually funded; federal funding of education and the mediocrity it’s brought with it; today $114 TRillion in unfunded liabilities and a National Debt of $13.8 TRillion . . . all made possible because over the years, the corporate world ignored principle and opted repeatedly to fund those whose stated mission was to kill capitalism and replace it with state socialism. Look what they’ve done to themselves and to all of us! And as for all those fat Americans dipping nachos in mayonnaise while they watch sitcoms and reality TV, looks like they got exactly the government their ignorance deserved. Oh, by the way, changes in the state side of Medicaid, now mandated because of Obamacare, will bankrupt all 50 states by not later than 1924. Enough, let’s look at real healthcare reform more closely . . . .

As in all legislative things Democratic under this president, the word “reform” found in the term “Healthcare Reform” referring to Obamacare is a weasel phrase that implies only a far greater control of the healthcare system by the federal government at far greater expense to the productive elements of society and certainly NOT any improvement in citizens’ health or lowering of costs or other benefit. But this begs the question, what would real healthcare reform look like? Leave it to the Ol’ Health Educator, Rajjpuut: here are the features that such real reform would boast of . . . .

REAL Healthcare Reform 5% of Startup Cost

and Huge Saving over Obamacare

Rajjpuut being a health educator who worked for a health insurance company, Rajjpuutcare (shown immediately below) is roughly some 50,000% better than Obamacare could ever hope to be even if they got rid of every bad aspect of that hideous law . . . .

A. Tort Reform capping malpractice awards; cutting doctors’ costs for malpractice insurance and dramatically lowering healthcare costs across the board.

B. Mandated “Procedural Checklists” for hospitals and clinics and operating rooms to reduce malpractice incidences; and dramatically lower the frequency of iatrogenic deaths, illnesses, and injuries (iatrogenic death, or doctors and hospitals and medicines killing people is the 4th leading cause of death in the nation) and lower health care costs.

C. Reform of the FDA and the USDA to ensure that the food supply and the drug industry are safe and actually working for the benefit of the citizens instead of endangering them. One of the most reprehensible facts about iatrogenic deaths is when doctors, nurses and patients do everything right but medicines harm or kill people which happens far too often today. The FDA is almost totally dominated by the pharmaceutical industry and “review” under the FDA is as corrupt a practice as civilization has ever known.

D. Set up a National Health Education office under control of the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Fund them with the necessary budget ($100 million) to create a series of dvd movies on preventive self-help healthcare and make these movies non-copyrighted properties that any school or individual citizen can buy for $8; or download for $4 off the internet; and that schools, hospitals, clinics and libraries can download and copy for free. Budget a series of public service TV addresses throughout the year 10% aimed at parents or would-be parents of babies and small children; 40% aimed at children 9-14; 30% aimed at most Americans 15-55; 20% aimed at older people and senior citizens . . . all aimed at helping empower people to be responsible for their own health.

E. Require any school receiving federal funds; or any licensed private school or home schooling situation in the nation to teach a minimum of one hour of health education per week; and offer a vigorous PE program (and recess for elementary kids) of 4-5 hours weekly. Part of this health care reform would remove the threat to teachers and coaches for typical incidents and injuries occurring from normal physical activity and only allow non-nuisance law suits where there is solid evidence of serious carelessness; or ignorance, or harmful intent by teachers that caused the problem. Getting kids into the exercise habit is paramount for lowering costs and increasing the health of the nation as a whole.

F. Base the prevention program on check ups conducted by the CDC outreach to give yearly exams to every citizen. Virtually all diseases caught early are much cheaper and more successfully dealt with.

G. Base the prevention and education programs on Rajjpuut’s “Nine Golden Rules of Health,” to wit:

1. No tobacco and no drug use (including minimal use of OTC medicines)

2. Only allow yourself extremely moderate or no use of alcohol.

3. Practice regular vigorous physical exercise appropriate for age and overall health and safety.

4. Maintain a healthy-normal weight with a healthy BMI and a healthy body fat%.

5. Eat a good healthy breakfast daily.

6. Eat 4-5 healthy meals daily with the largest meals early in the day.

7. Adults get 7-8 hours sleep every night; children 8-11 hours sleep appropriate for age.

8. Always use seat belts in moving vehicles and life vests in and around boats.

9. Pass and practice appropriate defensive-driving courses before being granted a driver’s license (and a national learner’s permit progam at age 17.5 and license program at age 18 is also highly recommended). The famous “Smith Technique for Defensive Driving comes to mind.

10.Bonus Rule: develop a good sense of humor; maintain a cheery outlook and don’t be afraid to talk to mental health care officials or teachers, pastors, etc. about incidences of depression.

Comment: A UCLA survey under the auspices of world-famous health educator Lester Breslow, Ph.D. showed that

seven salutatory practices upon which Rajjpuut’s list is based were found in virtually all the extremely vigorous elders the survey followed. When expanded to the general populace, Dr. Breslow’s 7 Golden Rules of Health explained fully what a “healthy lifestyle” was all about because a 55 year old man following 6-7 of the rules had the same life expectancy as a 20 year old man following none or just one of them. In other words, the two men might very well be expected to die on the same day 28 years in the future . . . and the 35 well-lived years difference in their ages is a representation of the sane-living older fellow’s “quality of life.” Achieving that quality of life is the aim of both preventive and educational efforts by the Health Care Reform.

H. “Rajjpuutcare” would look something like this: A healthcare insurance program run through individual insurance companies but funded and overseen by the government. Any proven incidence of abuse or fraud would void eligibility of the company involved for fifteen years. No company without a track record of ten years prior successful claims management, and/or oversight history can be part of the program. It’s set up as a catastrophic health insurance program much like our automobile policies with say $5,000 deductible for an individual unmarried person. People can opt to contract with health insurance firms for dental, vision or ordinary health care if they wish. The program would be only for major illness or accidents and the expenses associated with them. People must be subscribers to the program for twelve consecutive months before the first services might be utilized and reimbursed (this allows a build-up of funds); the government subsidizes the cost in part or in full for low-income citizens through tax credits;

I. Allow program transportability wherever the citizen travels in the United States or its territories.

J. Service will not be confined by state borders, that is, while state insurance boards may control all other forms of insurance . . . insurance companies signed into this program are not bound by state borders for the purpose of marketing or servicing this federally funded and overseen program.

K. At age 20 children must register for their own health insurance coverage – for this catastophic health care program – and serve a separate, individual twelve-consecutive-month waiting period, before being eligible for major medical claims. If say a person of age 55 paid $3,000 annually / $250 per month; a person of 20 proving themselves in decent health might subscribe for $600 yearly/$50 per month. A 25% annual cost savings would be available to those persons who report they are practicing the Golden Rules of health after signing a pledge to continue doing so so long as they are subscribers to the program.

Youthful subscribers would enjoy the same savings if they maintain a driving record free of violations during the previous year.

Because the program requires a year lead-in for fees and is covering virtually the entire population, the additional revenue generated will offset additional utilization costs for physician and hospital reimbursements for the catastrophic treatment expenses.

L. Allow no coverage or funding of abortions under the program.

M. A vastly-improved border control is in place and NO illegal aliens of any age are allowed into the program thus ensuring that the program benefits citizens now and in the future without threat of becoming overloaded by aliens.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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There is a lot of concern for voter fraud in the Nov 2nd election, but we have learned a few things since the 2008 election -- it's rampant. The dismissal of the New Black Panther voter intimidation case, and just recently Michelle Obama's unlawful electioneering at a Chicago polling place has hit a nerve. As atrocious as these two examples are, they pale in comparison to the illegal votes cast, or votes prevented from being cast.


PJMedia is announcing a new initiative for election day 2010.

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Chile Miners Teach the USA a Lesson

Lessons learned from the Chilean Miners

1. UNITED- they were all one to be free and love their country and families.

2. They are SPIRITUAL and were not afraid of an ACLU to tell the whole world that they were religious and loved God and Jesus.

3. They were HUMBLE showing unspeakable affection for their families and their nation.

4. They were FRIENDLY to all and even expressed love for their president. The president seemed to be one of the "boys."

6. They were NOBLE and HONEST in their relationships with one another.

7. They were/are HELPFUL to their companions whereby each one sought the "common wealth" of them all.

"Arriba Chile"

Rev. Doctor James Boswell

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All though my story will miss the midterm elections it will have some clout in the next election in 2012.
I hope by that time it will become a movie and the people that normally do not vote or stay tuned to current events will be flocking the polls to keep from losing the freedom that they have taken for granted in the past. My Book will be available before this Christmas. You can check, Barns and Noble. It is 76 pages, and I have included my screenplay "Iago's Victory" that is not political with it.
William Quayle Jr
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The Tea Party is Biblical


In the Beginning

After God had created heaven and earth, after He had created the fish, the fowl, and all other life, God said, Let us make man in our image (Gen 1:26), and He gave man dominion over all other life.

When Moses asked God to tell him what to tell his people his name was, God said to tell them I AM THAT I AM. Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you (Ex 3:14).

I AM went on to say I AM is forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. I take this to mean God was repeating that He made man in his immaterial image. We are not here because we are here. God gave man an animating principle and an actuating cause of human existence.

In view of the confusion, Nietzsche wondered whether man made God in man’s image, or whether God made man in His image, and concluded that we each make god in our own image. He gets credit for the God is dead theory. Why? Heaven forbid that I should tell you or anyone who you should be. Why should government tell we the people who we are and what we should do? When all is said and done, isn’t that what the Tea Party is about?

Our Constitution, as distinguished from government’s interpretation, has a biblical origin—not a religious origin, mind you. Religion is mentioned only three times in the Bible. Religion is responsible for telling God’s people to do terrible things. Our Constitution was ordained by we the people. It is in ours and God’s hands, not government’s corrupt hands. Governments, like religions, tell people to do terrible things. This caused Aristotle to say, “even the best of men in authority are liable to corrupted by passion. We may conclude then that the law is reason with passion and it is therefore preferable to any individual.” America is a nation of laws, not of men.

Background of the New Age

Moses led his people out of bondage, in search of a promised land. When we take the Bible in its overall context, the promised land was figuratively speaking. Jesus, in The New Testament, beginning with The Gospel According to St. Matthew, telling us of what Jesus preached, we read that Jesus gave us a choice. Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in thereat (Mt 7:13). . . Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are raving wolves (Mt. 7:15).

The Bible, man’s moral story is full of “holy wars.” We are still at it. Jesus preached our true purpose. This brings into pay the jolly green giant movement. What is its true purpose? Is it yet another political ploy whose objective is control? Jesus said, Be not ye therefore like unto them (Mt. 6:8) . . . Thy kingdom come (Mt. 6:10). Jesus is referring to your future, after death. He goes on to say, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven—that is, God’s people’s will here on earth. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all (Isa 53:6). He was oppressed, and he was afflicted (Isa 53:7). Be not like them who do battle: be like Jesus. Live together in peace. Bring the troops home.

The New Age God

In earth as it is in heaven, from The Physics of Consciousness, under “A God for Tomorrow,”

I am He who exists from the Undivided . . .It is I who am the light . . .I am the All. Everything come from Me and Everything extends unto Me—The Gospel of Thomas,

In the Gospel According to St. Matthew, in Chapter 2, on the visit of the Magi, the three astrologers from Persia who followed to the Star of Bethlehem to the birth place of the Christ child, we read that in the land of Juda would come a governor that would rule the people. When King Herod heard of the Christ child, he was troubled, and all of Jerusalem with him.

When Joseph and Mary got word that Herod was looking for the Christ child so he could destroy him, they, with the Christ child, fled to Egypt. When Herod was reported dead, they returned to Israel. When Jesus started preaching, it was repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, or in earth as it is in heaven. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus began with, Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. . . Therefore when thou doest thine alms do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets (Mt. 6:2). And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory for ever. Amen (Mt 6:13).

I am He who exists from the Undivided; that is, from the universal state of consciousness. In “A God for Tomorrow,” quantum physicist Even Harris Walker; “But it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. . . The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind (or the soul) that is the basic reality.”

I and my soul came to this life with my star, the sun, rising in the east. Astrologers give me Aquarius rising. It means that as I grow older I become more my rising sign. (My sun sign at birth was Virgo.) H. G. Wells, who wrote about the future, was Virgo with Aquarius rising. In The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” Jeanne Avery: “He becomes the water-bearer by walking to the beat of a different drummer. He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries. The person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde. He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way. . . He is a chance taker. He is willing to let go of the trunk of the tree to walk out on the edge of a limb. He knows where the fruit grows and where the spotlight can hit. He is not one to hide his light under a bushel. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house (Mt.5:15) Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles (Mt. 7:16)

Jesus departed leaving the promise that he would return. He didn’t say when. We are entering the Age of Aquarius. It is all just too coincidental to call it coincidence. The Magi followed the Star of Bethlehem to the birth of the Christ-child. Jesus was born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces.

Astrologer’s Handbook, under Pisces—“They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors. . . They are not combative. Their aversion to struggle often makes them indecisive in thinking and acting. They will generally suffer injury rather than fight for their rights.” Jesus: Verily I say unto thee; That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice, thus, the idea of peace at any price. Jesus spoke of wolves in sheep’s clothing, the perfect dependency match: Pisceans, whose symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.

Astrologer’s Handbook, under Aquarius—“Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy.” This sounds like Jesus’ second coming.

Speaking of Aquarians, “They sometimes feel that those who are listening to them are unreceptive and incapable of comprehending their ideas, and they tend to become annoyed when people fail to understand them. Then Aquarians argue, and when they do, they stir us opposition from others.” This sounds like The Tea Party, and in earth as it is in heaven. Astrologer’s Handbook was published in 1973.

James Redfield authored The Celestine Prophecy. From astrologer James Redfield’s audio tape to me in 1983, We are going to take a look at two key aspects of your astrological data, your Sun sign and your Moon sign. “We are going to talk about them archetypically. The emotional issue is pointed out by your Moon sign—how this feels as you go through life—talk about your Sun sign—again archetypically—how you naturally uplift people, to give you some good information as you try to find out what your spiritual mission is.”

“We have a new image of what it means to be a human being, how to think of ourselves as growing, evaluating, understanding, that we can connect with our God‑self energy. You grow in a Virgo way. Virgo is that part of us that is oriented toward conscientious work. At first unconsciously—and everyone has a different way of reacting—the object is to bring into consciousness the reactions and determine whether or not the reaction is mature or immature—when we can step back and look at our higher self, when need becomes strength.”

Speaking of the archetypical, philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas, author of The Passion of the Western Mind and Cosmos and Psyche, in keeping with in earth as it is in heaven, demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history.

It is interesting to note that in Cosmos and Psyche, under “World Wars, Cold War, and September 11,” Tarnas reports that in November 2008 Saturn went into unfavorable alignment with Pluto. It meant a sense of epochal closure, “the destruction of an earlier mode of life that in retrospect may seem to have been marked by widespread indulgence, decadence, naiveté, denial, and inflation.” Cosmos and Psyche was published in 2007. President Obama was elected in November 2008.

Behold, we now have the Tea Party—we Nazis, racists, and crazies—how do Nancy Pelosi, the environmentalists and animal lovers know that there are not infinite universes and infinite purposes; know that purpose itself is not infinite? Too bad, so sad. . . give a little sigh and let us get on with it. Yep, The Tea Party is here to stay. The Mayan calendar says this world ends on December 21, 2012. Man cannot fight the movements of the universe. On earth as it is in heaven, much to the trepidation, agitation, and chagrin of the out-of-touch, downright ridiculous status quo, the Tea Party is helping usher in the new Age of Aquarius. The Tea Party is far more than you think. Why do you think there have been millions of UFO sightings? They are the welcoming committee. We are at the threshold of becoming part of the galactic community.

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An Instrument of Change

Wealth Is Neutral

At its most basic, money is a tool that enables us to meet our individual needs. As a form of potential energy that empowers us to generate change, it is neither good nor bad. Yet many people react emotionally to issues concerning finances, unconsciously condemning currency itself, the manner in which money is spent, and people who live lives of financial abundance. Individuals who are rich in gifts such as high intelligence are acknowledged for their positive traits while those who have acquired material riches or aspire to become wealthy are frequently judged harshly. However, wealth is not a trait upon which judgment can be legitimately passed. It tells us nothing about how a person lives, what they believe in, whom they care for, or the scope of their values. Like any blessing, wealth is merely an instrument of purpose that can be used both constructively and destructively.

From an early age, people learn to court wealth while simultaneously associating money with greed, selfishness, and unethical behavior. Consequently, this idea becomes entrenched in their hearts as envy. To attain a balanced and rational comprehension of money, as well as a fairer perspective of wealth, we need to recognize that outward manifestations of wealth tell us little about the individuals enjoying those blessings. When we feel the finger of jealousy prompting us to draw unflattering conclusions about people whose lives seem more financially secure than our own, we should remind ourselves that there are many elements of their circumstances we cannot see. Their wealth may be the result of long hours of taxing labor, they may donate a large percentage of their resources to charitable causes, or their bounty may be an incidental aspect of a life spent doing what they love. Ultimately, we can heal our hurtful associations with money by turning a blind eye toward both wealth and poverty when interacting with others and instead focusing on the individual before us.

If you take a moment to consider you own feelings regarding money and wealth, you may discover that you equate financial prosperity with happiness, power, security, independence, or self-indulgence. Money itself, however, is none of these things. You can begin developing a healthier view of wealth by simply accepting that while some possess great wealth and others do not, we all have the potential to create lives of beauty, substance, and wisdom using the resources we have been granted. DOM3 free gifts for you --->

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Our Federal Government’s Become EXPERT

in Fixing Everything that Ain’t Broken Yet

We’ve all heard the old rhyme, “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite!” You may have also heard that the federal government has moved into crisis mode about the rising bedbug infestation in the country, but you probably didn’t know that under the Clinton administration, the progressive politicians in this country and their most progressive expression of the nanny-state . . . the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) . . . began treating the bedbug as an endangered species (not literally, lighten up a bit) and today we’re reaping the rewards of their “enlightened” policies. Furthermore the enlightened feds are not backing down from their enlightened stance so that . . . in a nutshell, just as in the federal government’s law suit against Arizona's new immigration law moves forward, the feds are also giving the state of Ohio an enormously heavy-handed hard time because GASP, Ohio is striving mightily to eradicate the little pests.

How bad has the problem gotten? The EPA has announced its second national bedbug summit for this winter in Washington, D.C. The Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City and the Wall Street Journal discovered bedbugs in their confines last week. And meanwhile since its last bedbug summit in April, 2009, the problem has gotten much worst and the EPA is still sitting on its hands unable or unwilling to make a decision since then on raising their ban on stronger more effective pesticides first put into effect under the Clinton administration. In the eighteen months since the last bedbug summit, the EPA has not been idle, however, they’ve changed their website info on bedbugs seven times.

The bedbug “problem” was practically non-existent between the end of World War II and the mid 1990’s when Clinton’s people decided to fix what wasn’t broken and ban all-manner of effective pesticides. Congress passed a major pesticides law in 1996 and the Clinton EPA banned several classes of chemicals that had been effective bedbug eradicators. And even now as public health officials around the country are clamoring to bring those chemicals back to help solve the bed bug “emergency,” EPA bureaucrats have downplayed the idea and environmentalists are pushing hard against the effort, citing safety concerns. Yup! Yup, they fixed the problem real good! Yup!

And, yup, EPA chief Lisa Jackson, who dismissed Ohio Governor Ted Strickland’s appeals over the issue in a June letter, still pompously assumes that only the feds know what’s best for the rest of us. Ohio has just been “presumptuous” enough to assume that they can allow the use of an effective bedbug fighting pesticide called “Propoxur” which has NOT been banned by the EPA yet. The best that can be said for bureaucrat Lisa Jackson is that she hasn’t outright banned Propoxur YET! Propoxur, you see was allowed for use in residential homes until 2007 and has never been actually banned at all. The EPA, in its wisdom said (without studies one way or another) that they feared that Propoxur might prove dangerous for children. Rather than paying for an expensive re-do of their own original studies of the pesticide . . . knowing the vagaries of the EPA’s whims, the manufacturer of Propoxur decided not to strive to sell the product in the United States. Any Propoxur manufactured before 2007 is still available for use in residential areas, so pest controllers have a limited supply they could use . . . and that’s Ohio’s plan.

Are you getting the gist of all this? The federal government is now in crisis mode to fix a problem they created (a very familiar pattern as you’ll soon see). The federal government has become expert in “fixing what isn’t broken” with GIBs and GBSBs (government interference boondoggles and government big-spending boondoggles) and reducing our freedoms and our lifestyles as a result . . . .

ITEM: based on the non-science of Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring, the United States and eventually the world moved to ban DDT, the safest and most effective pesticide ever created (you can literally drink DDT or use it on your salad as a dressing). Malaria deaths which dropped to 43,000 worldwide in 1970 now stand at 2,000,000 every year. Ms. Carlson’s book and the EPA over-reaction without doing any real studies have killed 75 million people since 1970.

ITEM: to save a three-inch fish, the delta smelt, from getting sucked into irrigation piping, in the middle of a seven-year drought, the EPA has banned much irrigation in central California around Fresno . . . turning the nation’s vegetable basket into a dry, lifeless center of unemployment.

ITEM: In 1975, the United States was the envy of the world averaging 64% private home ownership year after year. Only one in every 404 home loans was made at 3% down payment or less -- almost all home loans were granted at 10-25% down payment. In 1977, the Carter administration passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) to force mortgage lenders to make bad loans to people who could not reasonably be said to qualify for such loans. In 1993 the Clinton administration used regulatory processes to bypass congress and give the CRA laws real teeth; in 1995 Clinton and congress was able to expand CRA ’77 law twice; in 1998 in a steroid-version expansion of CRA Clinton and congress made another CRA expansion. The result of fixing a system that wasn’t broken?

By 2005, 34% of all home loans were made at 3% down payment or less (an increase of 13,800% in the ratio of presumably unwise home loans in America since 1975); worse, borrowers who would have had trouble getting a $120,000 loan in 1993, were being put into $400-$500,000 homes in 2005. Thanks to the ACORN** efforts (to overload the system a la the same Cloward-Piven Strategy that bankrupted NYC in 1975 after overloading welfare for eight years) on behalf of people without jobs; people with atrocious credit ratings; people without even a rental history; people with food stamps as their only “income”; other people on some form of welfare; and even illegal aliens . . . the country found itself in a “sub-prime lending crisis” that the government with the willing help of ACORN and progressives had created.

Are you still a fan of big government? Do you still think the government knows best? Do you think they can do a better job with your money, after raising your taxes, than you can do with it? Was the system broken before 1965 when Lyndon Johnsons’ “Great Society” programs expanded welfare dramatically; created Medicare and Medicaid (federal and state programs both) and led us to two monstrous entitlement programs that today have put the U.S. government $80 TRillion behind the 8-ball in UNFUNDED liabilities? Did you know that the obligations on the state side of Medicaid will bankrupt all but one or two states by 2024? What about Social Security, did you know that the SSA is $34 TRillion in the hole in UNFUNDED liabilities? That social security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid now are approaching $115 TRillion in UNFUNDED liabilities? Did you know that all three of these programs are “set-asides,” but that rather than setting the money aside as required by law, the government used that money and even borrowed more to create not only those three huge UNFUNDED liabilities but also our present national debt of roughly $13.8 TRillion? Do you understand why so many people are up in arms about respecting our Constitution? About taking care of our nation’s fiscal mess? About reducing taxes? About reducing spending? About taking the country back from politicians and putting it back in the hands of the people? About returning to sanity?

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

As I went all across the country (That trip was September 7 to 31 2010) I saw the reality of our broken economy that some areas out west
scared me. I got pictures, video, and even witnessed some of the
economic struggle for myself. Now I can say myself that I am a witness
that things are getting worse for the economy.

At Las Vegas I saw a teenage child stranded in Las Vegas, I also saw many illegally selling bottled water on walkway areas to usher in more
personal incomes, and the Casinos as always have people that are trying
to win lots of money.

At St Louis I saw many abandoned buildings and learned from two pretty young guys (one was a guitar player) that told me that you can
get killed at the St Louis fountain due to high crime rates, at Salt
Lake City Utah I saw a good amount of homeless people (Some with health
problems) that I vowed to take pictures of some of them to expose the
reality we are all facing with the broken economy. Even at Salt lake
City Walmart in Utah (I don't have a photo because taking pictures
inside Walmart might attract negative attention from Security) I saw a
homeless guy bringing in a cart with a backpack filled with stuff to
order prescriptions. It is disturbing how many homeless were in one

It even gets worse. I overheard at a Walmart (I can't remember the exact location at the moment) of foreign guys joking about bombs and
then laughing as if our country had become a laughing stock around the
world. Even at almost every National Park except for Mount Rushmore, had
mostly foreigners and non-English speaking people and barely any
average Americans. It concerned me how many foreigners I see at National
Parks and barely any Americans because it means that our dollar must be
very low for foreigners to easily afford high price park fees while
hardly seeing any Americans paying to go into National Parks.

I know that the disabled and elderly can have free passes into all National Parks so why does it seem like pretty much around 90% of
National Park visitors were foreigners that don't even speak English or
know much about our customs.

The American economy is falling apart while we are in debt with foreign countries such as Communist China.

A Week ago I published a video showing abandoned small businesses in a town close to Von New Mexico and industrial complexes in St Louis being
totally abandoned even one had plants growing on it so it isn't being

Then onto what the whole article is about. The homeless pictures, the reality of Americas situation as the economy crumbles.

Homeless guy around Salt lake City Utah
Homeless guy around Salt lake City Utah
Reads; Homeless Have Serious Medical Condition Just trying this <br /> <br / revive Please (Rest of the words are unreadable)" height="286" width="300"">
Reads; Homeless Have Serious Medical Condition Just trying this revive Please
(Rest of the words are unreadable)
Homeless Senior needs medicine and money to ride the bus
Homeless Senior needs medicine and money to ride the bus

If this isn't enough homeless pictures to make you realize that the American economy is in trouble I don't know what
will. Multiple homeless people with bad health problems and yet Obama is
not swooping down to save the homeless seniors and homeless Veterans
while he pitches government run health care. Obama is a false messiah
because he is just a corporate marketing creation to push more fascism
(Corporatism) down our throats but in order to secure fascist control
the American economy must be bombarded, attacked (By false flag
terrorists or CIA), and destroyed so that a new orderly system will be
built under the guise of protecting the peace but is in reality a system
that will control everybody, kill the rest, and will have only two
classes of people (The super rich and the working slave class). Some
thinks Obama will bring in either communism or socialism but that's not
entirely what hes bringing. Hes being sponsored by the World Bank and
the globalists to be Americas executioner in order to transfer us into
Global Governance. That is why Mexicans and illegal immigrants are
taking over America, That is why Obama is using racism accusations on a
monthly basis, That is why Obama put in Wall Street supporters into the
White House, That is why the economy is in freefall under Obama. Obama
is the executioner that will butcher the American pride and eagle and
will replace it with a buzzard that will eat away the Constitution and
create a more tyrannical form of Government that will control all facets
of Human activity.

If seeing pictures of homeless people is not enough to realize the economy is being deliberately destroyed by Obama then what will?

If you agree or disagree with me that the globalists are funding Obama handsomely to tare this country apart then put in the comments

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Author: Andrew

Source: Offthe Grid News, USWGOAlternative News

Date: Oct 8th, 2010

Is nonconformity and freethinking a mental illness? According to the newest addition of the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental Disorders), it certainly is. The manual identifies a new mentalillness called “oppositional defiant disorder” or ODD. Defined as an“ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior,” symptomsinclude questioning authority, negativity, defiance,argumentativeness, and being easily annoyed.

The DSM-IV is the manual used by psychiatrists to diagnose mental illnesses and, with each new edition, there are scores of new mentalillnesses. Are we becoming sicker? Is it getting harder to be mentallyhealthy? Authors of the DSM-IV say that it’s because they’re betterable to identify these illnesses today. Critics charge that it’sbecause they have too much time on their hands.

New mental illnesses identified by the DSM-IV include arrogance, narcissism, above-average creativity, cynicism, and antisocialbehavior. In the past, these were called “personality traits,” but nowthey’re diseases.

And there are treatments available.

All of this is a symptom of our over-diagnosing and overmedicating culture. In the last 50 years, the DSM-IV has gone from 130 to 357mental illnesses. A majority of these illnesses afflict children.Although the manual is an important diagnostic tool for the psychiatricindustry, it has also been responsible for social changes. The rise inADD, bipolar disorder, and depression in children has been largelybecause of the manual’s identifying certain behaviors as symptoms. AWashington Post article observed that, if Mozart were born today, hewould be diagnosed with ADD and “medicated into barren normality.”

According to the DSM-IV, the diagnosis guidelines for identifying oppositional defiant disorder are for children, but adults can just aseasily suffer from the disease. This should give any freethinkingAmerican reason for worry.

The Soviet Union used new “mental illnesses” for political repression. People who didn’t accept the beliefs of the Communist Partydeveloped a new type of schizophrenia. They suffered from thedelusion of believing communism was wrong. They were isolated,forcefully medicated, and put through repressive “therapy” to bringthem back to sanity.

When the last edition of the DSM-IV was published, identifying the symptoms of various mental illnesses in children, there was a jump inthe diagnosis and medication of children. Some states have laws thatallow protective agencies to forcibly medicate, and even make it apunishable crime to withhold medication. This paints a chilling picturefor those of us who are nonconformists.

Although the authors of the manual claim no ulterior motives but simply better diagnostic practices, the labeling of freethinking andnonconformity as mental illnesses has a lot of potential for abuse. Itcan easily become a weapon in the arsenal of a repressive state.

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Manual Labels Free Thinkers as Mentally Ill

Author: Brian D. Hill

Source:USWGO Alternative News

It is now confirmed by USWGO News that the DSM-IV-TR Manual labels free thinkers, non conformers, civil disobedient advocates, those thatquestion authority, and people considered hostile toward the government(aka Oath keepers and local militias) as mentally ill with the illnesstitled “oppositional defiant disorder” or ODD.

It was reported on October 8 2010 from OffTheGrid News that anybody who is disobedient, defiant, a free thinker, oreven considered hostile toward authority was to be labeled bypsychiatrists as 'Mentally Ill'.

Now I have got my hands on a ebook version of the year 2000 version of the 'Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TRFourth Edition (Text Revision) By the American Psychiatric Associationversion DSM-TV-TR (The non TR Version was said to be older and so I gotthe newer one which had the information that Off The Grid News warnedabout).

Now as I search up the keywords “oppositional defiant disorder” on adobe reader I found exactly what Off The Grid News was talking about.So it is now Confirmed basically that anyone who disobeys authority oreven questions authority is now considered mentally ill and can bethrown in a prison-like mental institution under tax payers dollars.

font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal;font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; -x-system-font: none;display: block; text-decoration: underline;" title="View 3 Pages of theeBook of 'Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental DisordersDSM-IV-TR Fourth Edition' on Scribd" href="" mce_href="">3Pages of the eBook of 'Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of MentalDisorders DSM-IV-TR Fourth Edition'","allowfullscreen":"true","flashvars":"document_id=39441533&access_key=key-28zmpewevo9c3siz80ux&page=1&viewMode=list";" class="mceItemFlash" style="outline: medium none;" mce_style="outline:none;" src="" mce_src="" height="600" width="710">

So lets just get to the basics of what this is talking about for those that don't exactly understand what this is saying:

So now according to the ebook it states that:

The essential feature of Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a recurrent pattern of negativistic,
defiant, disobedient. and hostile behavior toward authority figures thatpersists
for at least 6 months

So in other words if a student gives out 9/11 truth fliers and a teacher says "You don't have a Constitutional right to give out fliersgood buddy" then non compliance is considered hostile or disobedient.Also if I am with the Oath Keepers that refuse to obey unlawful ordersfrom authorities then that also fits them and me as disruptive andhostile towards authority. If the psychiatrists use the ODD illness onregular adults then I am sure many disgruntled tax paying Americans andthose that no longer consent to be governed would be forcefullymedicated, forced to accept being a slave to society, or stay in amental prison institution complex for the rest of their days. That seemsto be where this manual is getting at according to the fact I was ableto obtain the full copy of the psychiatric manual.

Negativistic and defiant behaviors are expressed by persistent Stubbornness, resis·
tance to directions, and unwillingness to compromise, give in, ornegotiate with
adults or peers. Defiance may also include deliberate or persistenttesting of limits,
usually by ignoring orders, arguing, and failing to accept blame formisdeeds. Hostility
can be directed at adults or peers and is shown by deliberately annoyingothers
or by verbal aggression (usually without the more serious physicalaggression seen
in Conduct Disorder).

So in other words it is okay to compromise with those that commit treason to this country and those that disobey their Oath to theConstitution. The day we start accepting and compromising with thosethat wish to take away our freedoms then that is the path to startlosing all of our freedoms and rights for good. Also this manual speaksagainst any anti-social behavior so that means that if your not in aorganized religion, not being social enough in society, and may haveviewpoints that are unpopular then you will also be labeled as havingODD.

Defiance may also include deliberate or persistent testing of limits,
usually by ignoring orders, arguing, and failing to accept blame formisdeeds

So if I was a active duty soldier and was told to confiscate peoples guns, assassinate American citizens, and start silencing dissent and Irefuse those orders plus argue with the commander in chief regarding theillegal orders then that makes me mentally ill and the Unconstitutionaltreasonous monsters the hero.

So it is now confirmed that psychiatrists will start targeting brave people like George Washington, anti Federal Reserve activists,activists, and even those against tyranny with mental illnesses such as“oppositional defiant disorder” as we head into more of a MilitaryDictatorship where freedom does not exist and all functions of societymust function like a cold hard machine and any who feel the need to beaway from this machine society will not be tolerated by the Police Stateminions and will either be killed or pumped up with so much drugs thatthe person will feel like a zombie.

Also what are free thinkers anyways, Free thinkers are those that feel they should have the right to live the way they choose freely aslong as they don't harm anybody, don't harm the persons property, anddon't harm other peoples rights. A free thinker is a person thatbelieves they should have the rights to think freely without any risk ofpersecution.

These are the full list of who all will be targeted by this new disorder created by the American Psychiatric Association:

  1. Free Thinkers - Because they get in the way of the police state and become a obstacle to authority
  2. Non conformers - Because they will cause civil disobedience which will make things harder on authorities
  3. Oath Keepers - Because they will actively refuse any orders from higher ups to shoot American citizens, confiscate Americans guns whenthis action conflicts with the 2nd amendment, follow illegal orders akaorders that conflict with the Constitution and the laws legally passed.Oath keepers teach people to be disobedient to any authority that breaksthe Constitution.
  4. Highly creative artists - Because they are wasting time in the police state society and so they must also work like clockwork to be agood slave in society or risk being thrown in a mental institution.
  5. Anyone that questions authority - Because the authority is god and anybody that questions authority must be a troublemaker that wishes todestabilize a society and commit acts of terrorism.

So there we have it the American Psychiatric Association is putting in their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IVseries that free thinkers, civil disobedient advocates, and Oath keepersare all mentally ill that are anti-social and may cause behaviorproblems in our modern society.

The Constitution is at risk again as the fascists keep finding ways to indoctrinate the youth and finding new ways to make people conform tothe new Unconstitutional ways of society. We are being incrementallyprepared to accept the new treasonous Unconstitutional takeover.

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P.S. Friends, PLEASE send this out to only your friends, and tell them to forward it only to their known friends, until ALL of our fellow Patriots get the message. "They" are likely keeping track of what we are saying, and planning. Therefore, we must do some postings in this "friends only" way. SOME OF OUR COURAGEOUS SOLDIERS ARE EVEN KILLING THEMSELVES AT SOME MILITARY BASES! I CAN'T SAY THAT I COULD STAND UP UNDER THE PRESSURES OF BEING TURNED ON, BY MY OWN PRESIDENT, WITH MY OWN PATRIOTS SITTING BY AND ALLOWING IT, EITHER!! COULD YOU? LET'S PRAY AND TAKE ON THIS MISSION, TO RESCUE OUR BELOVED SOLDIERS! THEY HAVE BEEN LOYAL TO US, AND DESERVE OUR IMMEDIATE ACTIONS TO HELP THEM! WE "FREE" THEM, AND THEY WILL BE FREE TO HELP US TAKE BACK AMERICA !!!

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In the royal court of King Louis Obama and Michelle Antoinette the laws apply to thou but not to them. We have seen this in incidentals such as cauliflower for us but french fries for them; no Las Vegas trips for us but excessive vacations to Europe and Martha's Vinyard for them; Mme Antoinette says Barack "will require you to work" while he plays endless rounds of golf, surpassing the 8 years George W. Bush was in office.


Did FLOTUS flout election law?

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The world was glued to TV’s dramatic accounting of 33 Chilean miners’ release from their 69 day imprisonment a half-mile down. For Chili, it was a day to celebrate. But more, the world contributed, especially the United States. This event tells us what can be accomplished when we all hope and pray for success.

It was Europe’s aristocracy that drove millions of Europeans to trade for opportunity, independence, personal responsibility and self-reliance. The values and principles that emerged from that European exodus resulted in America’s free enterprise system. America became the most prosperous nation on earth. Your President goes about the world apologizing for America. It is not our prosperity. Our prosperity has made us the most generous nation on earth. The rich don’t take from the poor. They give to the poor.

The economic bust in the early 1930s and the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt left a large number of Americans destitute for an extended period. This was not the first economic bust, but the longest lasting by far. Roosevelt named it the “Great Depression.” It was not until World War II put everyone back to work that Roosevelt’s prolonged depression ended.

The war ended the Great Depression. Why didn’t it end Roosevelt’s depression day ideas? The war left America with the withholding tax, worker pay workers never saw. The return to prosperity merely gave Roosevelt’s “New Deal” ideas the opportunity to grow government though income redistribution, in fact, like crazy, thereby growing a government dependent class with the right to vote. More than half of the American people came to depend on government while the taxpayers slept. Of course the numbers don’t work. Government now has the American people in an out-of-control spending trap.

What happens when America goes bankrupt, morally, spiritually, and fiscally? Reminding us that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, the powers that be can start from scratch to rebuild with their noble notions of a perfect world, while we the people are all left equally without the power to control our own lives, all left pawns of the aristocracy.

Obama says we can afford another terrorist attack. Good riddance! Obama will apologize. We can afford the loss of life. Maybe we need another World War. The world is over-populated. War can be a good thing if you are one of those with noble ideas of the perfect world.

The signs are clearly there. The end of America as we know her is looming. It reminds me of my own life. I was forced to make a drastic change. It wasn’t a pretty picture. However, instead of becoming the usual chip on the tides of time, I became the pioneer seeking to discover the real me. When everything should have gone wrong, everything started going right. I’m aware of the Higher Law, which is the background of American constitutional law. My life is now as good as it gets. The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they produced America’s Constitution.

The fear of failure leaves us craving for cradle to grave security. Knowing this, Roosevelt caught America in an economic bust, in a weak moment. He said we have nothing to fear but fear itself, and proceeded to replace opportunity with government dependence, thereby shattering America’s Constitution. He helped the meek and poor to become hopeless government dependents. Instead of basic law that doesn’t change, it is now according to today’s needs, which can be anything. For instance, Latin women make better judges than white males.

Consciously or unconsciously, Roosevelt was possessed with the idea of power and control. Roosevelt’s skunk under the woodpile now gives us the Obama Administration, and the good humor man, President Obama to peddle his wares. At this time, business isn’t too good for Obama. The American people have lost their taste for his wares.

It does look like a change of the guard. Can we expect the Republicans to return to the principles and values of the Founding Fathers, with more than half of the American people depending on government? I don’t think so. There has yet been no real answer for runaway government spending, nothing but a political promise, and you know how good that is. “Read my lips. No new taxes.”

There are proper cures. My thought is to end this can of worms the same way we got into the mess. Don’t end Social Security and Medicare for those near or already on it. Stop the payroll deductions on new workers. Don’t give them government entitlement; give them opportunity. Government doesn’t produce wealth. It redistributes wealth. The economy produces wealth. Do away with the income tax. Replace it with a tax on spending. Business enterprises could invest in their businesses. Investors could invest in the economy. Government would shrink; the economy would grow. Politicians are going to do what’s best for them. You don’t for one second think your representatives would call for doing away with government entitlement, do you? The Tea Party is America’s only hope. We’ve must tell the politicians what we want.

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get prepared it's comimg

Government Prepares To Seize Private Pensions


Massive wealth confiscation program would replace 401(k) system with Social Security-run ponzi scheme

The government is preparing to seize the private 401(k) pensions of millions of Americans while enforcing an additional 5 per cent payroll tax as part of a new bailout program that will empower the Social Security Administration to redistribute pension funds in a frightening example of big government gone wild.

Public pension plans have been so aggressively looted already by the government that cities and counties face a $574 billion funding gap, according to a CNBC report.

That black hole is set to be filled by a new proposal that will “fairly” distribute taxpayer-funded pensions to everyone, by confiscating the private wealth of millions of Americans. Its proponents express staggering arrogance in thinking that they can just steal money people have worked for decades to accrue as if it’s their own.

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