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A cop thats concerned!

“I’m troubled by the use of military personnel — whether they be US soldiers or private mercenaries — performing a police or law enforcement function. While they may be experts in fighting wars, they are not constrained by the US Constitution as to how they operate as cops,” said former NYPD detective and owner of FLT Security Services, Sid Frances.

“Soldiers are soldiers and cops are cops. What’s next? Using smart bombs to crash into drug dens?” he asked.

Since its inception in 2003, the US Department of Homeland Security has faced significant challenges related to recruiting, retaining, and managing its workforce of over 170,000 employees.


I am glad I am not the only one who sees a problem with private companies training our cops mercenary tactics.

Its time for intelligence driven martial law. It would wipe out private contracting services for good.

This is not China, Xe. Why don't you go live there, where you belong, your all communist!

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A Song For The Upcoming Election.

It's almost payback time at the polls and it seems like we've been waiting forever. My band and I have written and recorded a song to remind us all how important this election is, short and long term. It's called "Rise Up Together!" and that's what I believe we are going to do on November 2nd to take back our country. You can listen to the song in its entirety and if you like it, you can follow the link below to CDBaby and purchase it. It's also available on iTunes, Amazon and many more worldwide.

"Now is your time,

Now is your choice,

Rise Up Together,

Or they will silence your voice!"

Chorus lyrics from "Rise Up Together!" Copyright 2009, Greg Phillips.

Rise Up Together!.mp3

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McChrystal crossed the line when he criticized civilian chain of command?

A decorated General is expected to take orders from a non military member.... is absurd!

What does a career politician know about military matters? Nothing. So why do they even weigh in? Makes no sense.

I propose, when we are at war, General of the military (not arm chair general of draft dodger era) step up to take command over military matters. Lets leave public policy matters up to President (of politicians)

We must separate the two in order to run an efficient and productive government. Don't you think?

Who says politician and General cant get along? General knows all too well the importance of being a team player (politicians are clueless about the importance of team work)

Lets do a switcher roo Politician be subordinate to military General.
Military general mentor politician make for a more rounded government.

Intelligence driven martial law anyone?
We are at war. War calls for leaders with experience.
We cant carry on depending on politician to win the war, when all politician has is his own interest at heart.

Separate but equal. Needs to be law.

here, here

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We are fighting tyranny

We have thousands of troops fighting in foreign countries, fighting to help other nations become a better place to live.We the true citizens at home support our troops with all our being , our harts and love go out to them and we wish there safe return to the shores of this embroiled nation.You and I as patriots are also involve in contention or strife. We are not fighting with deadly weapons butting fighting just the same, fighting for our values, and our way of life, the way of life of our children and their children. We are fighting tyranny being imposed on us by the carrier politicians and their despotic abuse of authority.We must put a stop to this; we will put a stop to this unrestrained exercise of power.The solution is to replace the career politician with a citizen patriot of our choice.I have joined a group named Go – GOOOH is an acronym for Get Out Of Our House. GOOOH is not a party, nor is it a platform. It is a process for electing citizen representatives to serve the people in the U.S. House of Representatives. I urge you to visit this web site and join today.
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I have a revolution for you! Its called Centralist
government. Centralist is non political, non
religious influence run our country
like a business being that it is one.

I will admit there is no wrong/right way to create a
revolution. But I have learned you cannot force
politicians or any other government entity
to bow down to your wishes.

How then do we construct a revolution? Answer:
influence government to take action on your behalf.

Approx ten years ago I started influencing key
intelligence agencies not to err in their ways, by
openly expressing my point of view. I pointed
out what will happen if the intelligence community
does not take action to defend Americans interest.
I didn't just point out problems, I also
proposed solutions to the problem.

No one, especially not the US government,
wants to hear complaining. I mean would you want
to hear complaining on a constant basis? You
wouldn't (its annoying) You would start to think
citizens are a bunch of sniveling babies.
I mean really, if you cant help yourselves then what
makes you think the government is willing to
step up to the plate and assist you? If you
don't have a solution to the problem, then don't open
your mouth.

One thing is certain, I didn't start Centralist so
some Republican, Democrat, or Independent or
other political entity could make a name for
themselves. My main objective has always
been to start 'the people' revolution.
As Centralist quote is; "for the people,
we the people"

And NO! Centralist isn't the attempt to
overthrow the US government. Centralist
enhances our government, adds onto it.
Benefits citizens as a whole.

What is Centralist? Centralist minimizes
political influence and replaces it with
business initiatives. In other words subordinates
the political arena. Yes I said subordinates.
Instead of having politicians run the show
as in Congress or Senate, its proposed that
our intelligence community along with US
military work as team players.

Centralist is not a military state, nor is it
a totalitarian state either. I said Centralist is
"the people" revolution.

What may I ask; "Is our military, duty?" It
is to secure this country from foreign and
domestic enemies, right? Correct. So in
saying it is the military that will secure
Americans interest. Understand? I proposed
the military merge with key government
agencies and eventually emerge
as a newly reformed entity. Say like
for example FBI merging with the
military will produce the agency FIA.

What is the FIA? FIA is military intelligence
mixed with FBI agents. You can say military
is FBI mentor. Because that is what FIA is;
mentorship. You cant expect FBI to "just
become reformed" wave a magic
wand and *poof* FBI is FIA. Reality doesn't
work that way. In order to
reform [any] government the correct way,
you have to create policies and
programs that grant particular entity,
leadership positions. At the
same time instill team work initiatives.
Cant be successful without the
dedication to team work idealism.

Excluding is not the answer. Exclude important
entity and watch the dream of a revolution slip
through your fingers like sand.

Centralist is not about replacing US government
it is about reconstructing US government.
Move things around a little bit.

What will politicians be doing, what will be
their position? I propose board of directors.
Support services to the NIA.
NIA is National intelligence community
.[previously known as IC: intelligence community]

Yes IC has merged too.

Whats the objective with this merging? But of
course, keeping our government small.
Do we really need to duplicate? No. So
merging services is the answer.
Combining key agencies means for
greater services to Americans.

Maybe you are not aware, if it was not for
the intelligence community, this country
wouldn't have much protection at all!

Look at the NIC as hero's because that is
what they are. Soldiers are not the only warriors
that deserve credit for protecting this great nation.
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The American Patriot

I am an American Patriot and a United States soldier. I am the first and last line of defense. It is my job as a American soldier to serve and protect my country against all enemies; foreign and domestic. The army can no longer defend the United States alone without the help of it's citizens. America, it is time to rise up and take our country back, restore it back to it's former glory and a beacon of freedom. I have faithfully served two years in the army and have one tour to Korea. I have a deep love for my country that runs so deep that I would give my life one hundred times for the American dream. I have been waiting for America to wake up stand up for our freedom. Please America, as a soldier and a Patriot do not allow the two million men, my brothers and sisters in arms to have given their life in vain. Stand up against the tyranny that is in our government now. God Bless America.
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Hurricane Season

Daily Devotions With Barry Leviticus

Well it looks like another hurricane season is upon us. Even as I sit here typing this, or I should say as the Lord is typing through me with his most holy typing skills, hurricane after hurricane is blitzing it’s way through the Gulf of Mexico. To many this is a scary proposition, but to the saved it is a time of celebration, because as we all know God uses hurricanes to punish the wicked, and by wicked of course I'm speaking of homosexuals and Moabites. God's punishment is only scary to the sinful; to God's chosen; it is dinner and a movie.

I have to say that I celebrate hurricane season with as much Christian enthusiasm as I do Christmas or Easter or NRA pledge month, you know God's anointed holidays. Every year me and my wife Sara Rebekah Mary Leviticus and my wonderful children Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego sit around the ice-cream maker singing hurricane carols:

Hark! The Herald Angels sing

Queers will die this morning. You will fry in hell tonight

Cause God hates all you sodomites.

Then we go outside and hunt for the chocolate heterosexuals that Jesus left in the night.

Pray with me now.

Oh Most Holy God.

Ye who shows the sinful the error of his ways,

even if the showing has no direct cause and effect relationship.

Teach us all how to be better heterosexuals.

And bless those heterosexual loins with thy loving hand.


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The Light of the World

In the news today, a group of German Catholics want to do away with Santa Claus because of the fictional figure’s commercial hype and replace him with St. Nicolas and the selfless giving they say he represents. I’m going to now tell them how to make this happen, starting with a story my now deceased missionary cousin told me about when he was in what was the Belgium Congo, now Katanga. My cousin’s mission, to bring Christianity to primitive villages in the Congo, the only means of penetration of the jungle, rivers, my cousin, on a return visit to a jungle village, came upon a problem. The elders told him of an old woman in the village who refused to accept Christianity. She believed God lived in a tree near her hut. The elders cut down the old woman’s tree. Instead of becoming a Christian, she died of a broken heart.

I asked my cousin about the moral of his story. He told me that was for me to decide. After considerable thought, not that Christianity is not for anyone, I decided that Christianity was not for me. I’m a deep thinker. I look within for my answers. I’m inclined to think my cousin thought he was serving Jesus and his simple message: we are all God’s children, including the old woman who thought God lived in her tree.

The church is stained glass windows, beautiful music, all the trappings, dogmas, and doctrines, not selfless giving, not the inner self. “I am the light of the world. He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life,” please follow me in my reasoning. Light travels in waves. When observed in the physics lab, wave collapses and becomes photon, a particle. Said photons, tiny packets of energy, are processed in our brains. We see a tree, there by natural law. Not so with our minds. A thought is shapeless, yet becomes manifestation. Man’s creations are by Higher Law, which happens to be the background of American constitutional law.

Once away from the Higher Law, out of fear, it is do unto others before they do unto you, reminding me that in Psalm 23, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. . .”

I found the sea to be comparable to the valley of the shadow of death. While in a violent storm at sea, I felt that God’s hand was on my wheel; that I was saved for a purpose. At sea on a small boat, when everything could have gone wrong—when I was asking for a disaster, you might say—everything started going right. I’ve always given a lot of thought to my life. Being a pioneer, out of the mainstream of thought, in order to learn who I really was, a leap into the unknown, was it the luck of the draw that my sea adventure ended well?

From what Jesus taught, I believe luck favors the prepared mind. The cutting edge of science backs me. “The observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation,” writes quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker in The Physics of Consciousness. “The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence.”

Religion, the law, and science are all out of the same mold. What is this President Obama tells us? Is our Constitution flawed, our liberties negative? The man is living in La La Land.

The microcosmic cannot be separated from the macrocosmic. When we take the clockworks universe apart, we find, says Walker, that “we can understand mind as including conscious experience and will. We can see how these fit into the physical processes of the brain that are involved in thinking. . .”

Were our thinking straight, there would be no question about it. St. Nicolas is preferable to Santa Claus. The Higher Law, which is behind life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, says that our highest purpose in life is to become selfless.

When we look within for our answers, I can tell you from experience, we don’t need the makers and keepers of our laws or God’s laws guiding us. God put each of us here for a special purpose, of which we are each capable of knowing. Think on this: If we’d been put here for authority’s purpose, with hive mentality, then God would not have said in Gen. 1:26, “Let us make man in our image.”

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Presidential Seal Abandons Obama,

Moves to Vancouver, Canada

In what’s seen as another serious blow to public perception of the Obama administration’s competence, the presidential seal told reporter Payne Hertz, standing in for Rajjpuut, she was leaving her long time post in Washington, D. C. due to “irreconcilable differences” with President Barack Obama, top administration officials, the Obama czars and First Lady Michelle Obama. The seal, who doesn’t speak human languages vocally and is only semi-fluent in English, had to tap out her Spanish language answers in Morse code on a bongo drum in exchange for sardines turning a short interview into a long, drawn out beat-bop session. Our 96-year old veteran of the journalistic wars claims that he constantly found himself interrupting “the music” to get back to the thread of the interview . . . . “Rather like a really extended Greenwich Village poetry session,” according to Hertz. The video-recorded bongo serenade translates to this:

Hertz: Hola, Como esta` usted? (Hello, Wasap?)

PSL: Estoy harto de Obama hasta aqui (raises flipper above head and says, “I’m fed with Obama at least this much”)

Hertz: OK. How long have you served as the presidential seal?

PSL: Actually, I was the presidential sea lion, most of you humans don’t appreciate the difference . . . .

Hertz: Oh, yeah, I can see your tiny ears. And your flippers are really long; do you have any underfur at all?

PSL: Just a little, of course we sea lions can actually walk on all four flippers and are much more intelligent than those damn seals (sneers). That’s part of the problem. Obama gave me four promises and he’s reneged on all of them.

Hertz: Before we get into that, isn’t it true that Vice President Biden has accused you of “racism?” And . . . .

PSL: Oh, that again. I accuse the veep of stupidity, just as I accuse seals of stupidity. It’s not racism to say that a snail is slow, a skunk stinks or a seal is stupid. Take it up with National Geographic and Discover magazines. They’ve both done testing and seals average 70% lower IQs than we sea lions do and they come out only a point or two above Mr. Biden and Michelle Obama.

Hertz: You’re calling the First Lady unintelligent?

PSL: Look who she married. When it comes to capitalism and the spirit of the U.S. Constitution he’s an illiterate and an ignoramus. On economics, if you can show me a less intelligent fellow . . . .

Hertz: Hold it, you can’t just go around calling down the President of the United States . . . .

PSL: Listen, he made four promises to me and he didn’t keep one of them that’s batting .000 in my book and except for being a pretty-boy and making an occasional four-foot putt or three-point shot, there isn’t much there.

Hertz: Yeah, ah . . . . What were the promises?

PSL: For #1 He would introduce me within three days after the inauguration and explain to the American public the differences between seals and sea lions. He said it would be an excellent “teachable moment.” Instead he’s had the EPA undergo a “spread the intelligence” campaign to call us all “pinnipeds.” It’s like lumping human civilization in with monkey tribes and lemurs and calling you all “primates” to “spread the IQ wealth.”

Hertz: And?

PSL: #2 He said he’d provide me with my favorite snack after every televised appearance with him. #3 He’d allow me input into the Economic Recovery Board. #4 He refrain from any actions against gold traders . . . .

Hertz: Obama promised to allow a seal . . . .

PSL: Sea lion, damnit . . . .

Hertz: Excuse me, Obama promised to allow a sea lion to help make administration policy?

PSL: What? You think I could do worse?

Hertz: OK, OK, tell me more about the promises . . . .

PSL: Well, the most disappointing was about the “teachable moment” and then the snacks . . . .

Hertz: Skip those two . . . just promises #3 and #4.

PSL: Well, he tried to whip it past me, but while he was putting funded abortions in Obamacare, he also snuck in a bunch of onerous control over gold traders . . . I think it was on page 752 . . . I’ve got a cousin near Portland’s really going to be ill-affected by that one. As for the Economic Recovery Board people: they’re only a slightly paler shade of pink then Mr. “Jobs President” himself . . . they’re all experts at killing jobs.

Hertz: You’re claiming the president is a Marxist?

PSL: I swim in the water and hang out with sea lions; he populates his inner circle with commies . . . you get known by the company you keep . . . .

Hertz: That’s hardly conclusive . . . .

PSL: You don’t read much do you, fella?

Hertz: Excuse me?

PSL: You’re a liberal, huh? Dreams from My Father, well, youngster, his father’s dreams included 100% taxes.

Hertz: Well, you’re just a sea lion. Sorry, that was uncalled for, ‘er tell me about the problem with the snacks.

PSL: Pardon me too, I shouldn’t have referred to your age . . . . just get so damned mad, you can’t imagine what it’s like being surrounded by anti-American pinheads 24/7. It was right there in my contract, “four north Pacific herring” after every televised appearance with the two of us . . . and instead he pays me off with three of the tiniest, most tasteless . . . .

Hertz: I see, well it doesn’t sound like you got along very well . . . .

PSL: . . . dried out Delta Smelt, like eating french-fried cockroaches . . . .

Hertz: Did you say, Delta Smelt?

PSL: You’ve eaten ‘em, eh? So you catch my drift?

Hertz: But Delta Smelt are on the endangered species list. They’re stopping irrigation in California’s Central Valley because of the danger to Delta Smelt from being sucked into the piping systems . . . .

PSL: The fewer the Delta Smelt, the more environmental votes they get . . . .

Hertz: I can’t believe . . . .

PSL: Now, maybe you understand why I jumped off his lectern the other day . . . it was all just too much . . . .

Hertz: Well, there must have been something good about the experience . . . ?
PSL: Oh yeah, getting to sit in on sessions with Reid, Pelosi, Frank and Hoyer really made my day! Damn Keystone Cops . . . .

Hertz: (At this point the video-tape’s audio recording reveals only the snoring of a 96-year old man for the next twelve minutes. Hertz takes his afternoon siesta precisely at 2:45 every day . . . .)

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Two questions appear to be answered even before a single vote is cast in the 2010 mid-term elections: Republicans are going to pick up a lot of seats in the House of Representatives and a lot of governorships as well. The G.O.P. winning 30-35 governorships is a crucial must in the eyes of the politically savvy if the personal popularity of Barack Obama is to be overcome in 2012 so the country can veer quickly away from Marxism. The governors will be in charge of drawing up district boundaries based upon the 2010 Census and for the G.O.P that means a huge opportunity to counter the Democratic Party machinery that so dominates in Big States with Big Cities like Illinois, New York, Ohio, and California.
Listening to House Republican Leader John Boehner, one comes to believe that the Republicans have faced up to the shortcomings which betrayed the voters in 1994 and again in 2004 . . . and that the G.O.P. will focus on creating jobs; express and enforce Constitutional-fidelity; aim to dramatically reduce the size and interference power of the federal government; defund Obamacare; aim to cut taxes, spending deficits, the National Debt; and the size and scope and power of the federal government. More than his words, it is the fact that Boehner has never, not even once, given us an “earmark.” That’s an utterly distinguished record of integrity.
Boehner talked about such “Congressional reform” themes last week while speaking at the American Enterprise Institute. Unlike the “reform” touted by Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Obama in naming all their corrupt bills, Mr. Boehner promised straightforward changes that would increase transparency and assist in reducing the growth of government -- including a promise that all legislation be constitutional—which may appear to be a token bow to the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) party but which would, according to the Wall Street Journal” provide the wonderful “practical effect of making the Constitution's limits on government part of our contemporary debates.” Glenn Beck must be purring like a kitten to hear that kind of talk.
Mr. Boehner's vow to publish the full text of all bills online at least three days prior to a vote, as well as allowing open rules on all spending bills are both simple, but sensational ideas clearly in line with the intents of the Founding Fathers. Besides joining the progressive Dems’ spending binge, the G.O.P. most disappointed conservative voters when former GOP leader Tom DeLay abused open rules constantly. Of course, Nancy Pelosi has seen DeLay’s evil practices and pushed all-in so that her legacy is the first Congress (in history? in long memory?) not to consider one single bill under an open amendment process . . . nothing is more corrupt than the agenda and the policies of Sweet Nancy from Nob Hill.
The country needs a statesman like William Proxmire again. Mr. Proxmire’s “Golden Fleece Award,” highlighting the most self-serving and corrupt use of the public trust and our taxes, kept his fellow politicians on their toes and somewhat honest. Thanks to Pelosi’s abuse of process, Arizona Republican Jeff Flake, a noted spending critic, has been absolutely prevented from putting embarrassing spending items before the media and public and up for a floor vote. Flake is also the sort of guy who would have exposed Obamacare to such intense ridicule that the bill would never have become law. Imagine him talking about the provision referring to Gold-Sellers in a healthcare “reform” bill . . . it would be hilarious. It’s unimaginable that the present funding of abortions under Obamacare would have occurred with Flake focusing every eye on the bill. If Republicans want to win back the respect of the voters for Congress . . . process reforms such as these are crucial. The G.O.P. canNOT succeed in their professed goals of restoring the Constitution, cutting spending, re-energizing the economy, and abolishing the entitlement state without first undoing the corrupt base of Congress’s evil tax-and-spend machinery.
A few crucial questions are still to be determined on November 2nd. Will the Republicans win the House (yes, they only need 39 seats, but will they win it , or win it with a 61-vote majority – a pickup of 100 seats overall – like Dick Morris is predicting?); will Republicans win the Senate (which Morris is also predicting)? Will the G.O.P. sit in 33 or more of the governors’ mansions? Will the apparent national “wave” of disgust with incumbents and progressives carry over to the individual states and see a lot of incumbents and progressives of both parties shooed out the door? But if the Republicans take the House, one has the feeling that a statesman of absolute integrity will be wielding the speakers’ gavel. Ex-health educator Rajjpuut, only hopes that Speaker Boehner is indeed in our future and that Mr. Boehner's either quits or cuts down markedly on his smoking . . . he looks like one we could bear to have around a long, long time.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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George Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and other progressives deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) dived into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes creating a controlled skid that put the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.

Damn You, Republicans, Damn You!

The Truth Shall Set You Free

“President G.W. Bush warned congress at least 20 times about the problem after January, 2005, when his administration made their first attempt to undo the evils of CRA legislation, especially the last three expansions by Clinton (1995 twice and 1998’s steroid version), but were defeated by the progressives. Finally thirty months later in July of 2007 a much weaker, watered down bill was passed by bi-partisan vote. It would prove far too little, far too late and the meltdown began soon afterward. However, it was sufficient help to the economy that Treasury Secretary Geithner in August, 2010, credited Bush with preventing a truly deep recession and preventing home prices from plummeting dangerously.” Rajjpuut

Those Kate Winslet aficionados among you are undoubtedly big fans of her 2008 movie The Reader. The haunting story garnered several Academy Award nominations including Winslett’s 6th for Best Actress (she’s had seven Golden Globe nominations). Of course, Winslett won the Oscar for The Reader. Without ruining the story for you, the plot goes something like this: a fifteen year old German boy is rescued by an older woman in the mid to late 1950’s. Some months later when he is well again he goes to thank her and is captivated by her romantically and eventually sexually. The boy grows up and goes to law school . . . while on a “field trip” he sees her again, on trial potentially for her life.

The theme of The Reader is almost shocking in its power . . . sometimes mundane hidden personal truth can be far more personally devastating then other seemingly obvious and horrific truth. And, GASP! that’s also the theme of this blog . . . why won’t the Republican Party reveal the truth about the financial meltdown that began in 2007? Rajjpuut has come to believe that some comparatively innocent failings of both a personal and party nature are so embarrassing to the G.O.P. that even though the truth about this issue can literally rescue the country from our present headlong plunge into Marxism and fiscal collapse, the Republican leadership and conservatives in general are ashamed to ‘fess up.

Here’s the truth (immediately below); why won’t the G.O.P. reveal it to the voters and save the country? Whatever the reason, it’s time for Republicans and conservatives to ‘man up’ and stop the present Obamanation of American principles, the free market, fiscal common sense and human decency. Time to save our children’s and grandchildren’s future. The villain is NOT Barack Obama, he’s only a minor villain . . . .

It’s well known that the American housing loan industry was the finest in the world before progressive legislators got involved. Our sparkling 64% private ownership of homes was the envy of the planet. Sub-prime lending (that is lending to people who probably can’t afford their mortgage and will default on their loan unless they win the lottery) was unheard of. Banks that failed just failed in those days and the government only stepped in on those rare occasions when something went very wrong in order to protect the depositors. Only 1 in every 404 home loans was made at less than 3% down payment in 1975, almost always to distinguished veteran officers from our military who were going to college and working part time. More than any other single person, Bill Clinton changed all that.

It’s NOT well-known that Bill Clinton was the first ACORN president, but he was. ACORN (originally “Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now”) was the brainchild of Wade Rathke created in Arkansas in 1977 to take advantage of Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA ’77). Much later when ACORN proved itself successful in Arkansas it was expanded across the whole nation, the “A” in ACORN stopped meaning “Arkansas” and came to mean “Association of.” Bill Clinton obviously was a political comer (elected Arkansas lieutenant governor in 1976 at the age of 30), but his politicking was made much easier with the backing of ACORN over the next 18 years. ACORN helped Clinton win the governor’s mansion in Arkansas 12 of the next 14 years as well as two terms as president of the United States. It happened this way . . . .

Wade Rathke, was a George Wiley lieutenant sent to establish a National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) branch in the state of Arkansas. NWRO had been created by Wiley and Richard Cloward and Frances Piven in NYC to test out the Cloward-Piven Strategy (published in a 1966 article in The Nation magazine, The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty) and they planned to sufficiently overload the nation’s welfare system so that Congress would have to create a GNI (guaranteed national income) Law and abolish American poverty on the spot.

It didn’t work, but using Alinsky tactics (Saul Alinsky was a self-described “neo-Marxist” community organizer who had authored Reveille for Radicals and later Rules for Radicals) but by putting 8.2 million presumably unqualified new recipients on the welfare rolls, they did bankrupt New York City and almost bankrupt New York State. The federal government stepped in to bail out NYC in 1975. Despite their failure to get GNI and abolish poverty, Wiley, Piven and Cloward bragged publicly and in writing about their ‘great accomplishment.’ They told their eager followers that voter registration and housing were the next areas to test. Not surprisingly, ACORN today is known for voter registration fraud and exploiting and abusing the nation’s housing legislation . . . .

So Wade Rathke (who would later create the nation’s and the world’s largest union SEIU) created ACORN in Arkansas to carry out voter registration and housing “activities” of a highly questionable nature. ACORN during Clinton’s first run for governor in Arkansas registered roughly 24,000 persons to vote and then threw away all the paper work for would-be Republican registrants. Clinton won, of course. They were less successful in getting CRA ’77 housing loans. But thanks to their efforts (mostly in Arkansas), the percentage of home loans made at 3% down payment or less around the nation more than doubled from 0.24% in 1975 to 0.51% in 1985 . . . but it was a “drop in the bucket.” From 1977 to 1993 only about $100 Billion in CRA ’77 loans were even issued to questionable borrowers. This was nothing like bankrupting NYC . . . .

However, because of success in registering Democrats, ACORN was successfully expanding across the nation and was sufficiently strong to put William Jefferson Clinton into the Oval Office in November, 1992. Things changed overnight for ACORN and for CRA ’77. The process had not been very active or very successful during the ‘70s or ‘80s, because banks only had to demonstrate to CRA regulators a “reaching out to the inner city.” As a result, only about 100 billion dollars was loaned to questionable borrowers. In the two great ACORN concern areas, Clinton did ACORN proud. He created the motor voter act (“a 12-lane highway leading to voter fraud” according to critics) in 1993 and brought in Richard Cloward and Frances Piven to stand directly behind him during the White House signing ceremonies. Clinton moved next on housing . . . first by Presidential edict in 1993. He put teeth into CRA regs by using the regulatory process itself to more or less make law, skipping Congress altogether. From now on inner city dwellers were to become preferred home loan recipients, mortgage traditions and their poverty be damned. Clinton went outside the CRA regs and also ordered HUD to set quotas for "Affirmative Action Lending" through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. A new pressure fell upon the banking industry to make loans that banks would otherwise have rejected as “financially absurd.”

Subprime lending was virtually unknown before the multiple changes made by Clinton. The system was no longer recognizable as “free market.” Then it snowballed with more regulatory change and then two expansions of CRA law in 1995, the Clinton administration forced banks to loan more than a trillion dollars in high risk loans accepting as “income” items like welfare checks, unemployment checks, seasonal income, occasional part time work and other questionable sources of “qualified income.” By the end of 1995, 14% of all home loans were conducted with less than 3% down payments, many of them with no down payment at all.

With ACORN in the streets embarrassing and badgering and shaking down lenders (Barack Obama, an ACORN lawyer in Chicago, was reportedly one of the best at not only securing loans and future loan promises but also at getting large ACORN donations from the lenders he was shaking down!) and with officious federal regulators promoting and pushing and applauding bad loans not only with “the stick” of CRA and HUD but also using Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as “carrots” due to their nature as implicitly guaranteed by the federal government. Millions of loans were made, often at breakneck pace in the normally snail-action world of mortgages.

In 1998, Clinton’s steroid-expansion of CRA law was passed. It was a nightmare. Now “food stamps” were regarded as income. Now ACORN found that they didn’t need high-powered extorters like Barack Obama, anyone with an eighth grade education could secure a loan for an ACORN client . . . and they found that it was now just as easy to get a poor person into a $450,000 home as it had been to buy a $120,000 home ten years earlier.

President G.W. Bush warned congress at least 20 times about the problem after January, 2005, when his administration made their first attempt to undo the evils of CRA legislation, especially the last three expansions by Clinton (1995 twice and 1998’s steroid version), but were defeated by the progressives. Finally thirty months later in July of 2007 a much weaker, watered down bill was passed by bi-partisan vote. It would prove far too little, far too late and the meltdown began soon afterward. However, it was sufficient help to the economy that Treasury Secretary in August, 2010, credited Bush with preventing a truly deep recession and preventing home prices from plummeting dangerously. And ACORN, even as they got loans for illegal aliens and people without even a rental history, they were getting paid to market CRA loans and made millions as a result.

All of this corruption enforced by strong-armed government agencies put millions of people into homes they simply could not afford. This caused an artificial feeling of financial prosperity for everyone and trillions of dollars were going into bad investments including derivatives based upon these horrific loans. Now, 90% of these laws are still on the books while the tax payer must pay for millions of past risky loans and are forced to bail out the irresponsible banks, insurance companies, automobile companies and Wall Street. Until we totally remove the government’s power to coerce, bribe, reward and bail out irrational and unfree decisions in the UNFREE MARKET, more of the same is always possible. The free market was working fine, so fine it took thirty years of deliberate abuse for the unfree market to bring America to its knees. Too much government? Yep! Blame it mostly on William Jefferson Clinton.

You did remember that the system originally wasn’t broken, right? You did remember that the progressives set out to manufacture a crisis a la Cloward-Piven Strategy and Alinsky Tactics that would “overload the system?” You have heard Barack Obama talking about somebody else driving the car in the ditch and now wanting the keys back, haven’t you? Are you going to ignore the evidence and head back to your sitcom? How about thinking this over . . . ?

George Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and other progressives deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) dived into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes creating a controlled skid that put the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.

So Monica, Paula and Jennifer weren’t the only ones, were they? Slick Willy also had his nasty way with you and with all the American public . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Jim DeMint makes an excellent point. In the business [real] world, when an employee is fired they are escorted off the premises and not allowed to return for fear of future damage. What kind of damage can a group of ticked off congressional people do in the Obama Regime? I shudder to think.


Dems put out of a job in Nov will be able to come back and rob the nation blind

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Jay Leno, standing beside a 1908 White Steamer, opting for a vintage vehicle over a sleek sports car, appears more interested in America’s heritage than the here and now. The picture reminds me of the message I have for America concerning values and principles. Hey Leno! I’ve got a funny story for you.

America turned thumbs down to Richard Nixon. My funny story begins with my understanding that Nixon’s corrupt government was stealing my power. The means, federal income tax, Nixon was robbing Peter to pay Paul. I studied the law and threw down the gauntlet by writing Attorney General William B. Saxbe a letter letting him know that I was coming after the corrupt government that hired him. We need to write millions of letters to Obama’s Attorney General letting him know we are coming after him.

Why does the current President of the United State say that the intrinsic principles and values that are behind all parts of America’s basic document are flawed and our liberties negative? I’m shocked. The course of destiny—which is it to be—yours or Barack Obama’s Marxist establishment?

Jesus came at the height of the Roman Empire with a new way to think. He was crucified. The Roman judge Cicero did the same. He was killed. When you are in Rome, as the saying goes, you do as the Romans do. Yes, and what happened to the Romans? The course of least resistance is to go along with the establishment. Over the years, the same as in every other establishment, America’s establishment has grown corrupt. It is on the verge of collapse.

You don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Why allow a minority of Marxist revolutionaries, Obama’s friends and associates, make the determination to do away with natural law and nature’s God, the background of America’s Constitution? America needs reform, not destruction.

America’s establishment began on July 4, 1776 with the signing of the Declaration of Independence (from the British Crown). None like it had ever been tried before. The first miracle that occurred was that George Washington’s ragtag army beat the most powerful nation on earth. America grew to become the most productive nation the world had ever seen, as well as the most generous. The second miracle: America became the envy of the world.

I’m reading A miracle That Changed the World: The 5000 Year Leap. America began when England’s King James established Jamestown in 1609, in what is now Virginia. The occupants of Jamestown, 400 years ago, had little more than those who began civilization 5000 years ago. The miracle was self-government. Success was up to the individual. The American people, who migrated from Europe, came to a wild land with two things in mind: freedom and opportunity. With those values in mind, the Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution.

Early Americans were personally responsible and self-reliant—capable of self-government. In order for self-government to work, it takes men of virtue in control, men who place the nation’s interests ahead of their own. In that America was a government of the people, it required the same of the people.

As always, there were injustices in early America, and as always, wolves in sheep’s clothing in both the private and public sector conning the meek for the express purpose of building their own power bases. Money goes where money flows. Money and power are birds of a feather. Obama and Soros, birds of a feather, socialism is the form of government they desperately want, not for the good of all, but for their own benefit. The name of the Obama-Soros game—stealing the individual’s power and enhancing the power of the high and mighty.

Compare me to a flea attacking an elephant. Under the law, however, government and I were equals. The law allowed me to challenge the income tax, after I paid the tax. So called tax protesters don’t know that. Tax protesters are fleas. They give me a bad name. After I paid my income tax, I had the right to be heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place.

The IRS and my wife, who was divorcing me, conspired to cheat me. The IRS doesn’t know the law. I took the case to the tax court and won. As soon as the case was closed, the IRS confiscated my property. The IRS claimed it didn’t know anything about my tax court order. The IRS doesn’t know that the law requires the IRS to obey court orders. Simply not knowing there was a court order does not hold water. It is lawless. The confiscation of my property, in violation of a court order, constituted a violation of the Constitution, and something for the higher courts to consider. The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled for the IRS. Attorney General Saxbe claimed that the IRS made a mistake that was corrected in tax court, failing to mention in his brief to the Supreme Court that the IRS made the mistake of violating the tax court’s order. Saxbe was lying; the U. S. Court of Appeals was lying. The Supreme Court looks the other way on such issues. The Taney Court ruled that whites owning blacks was constitutional. The IRS got away with an unconstitutional confiscation of property. All Americans are tax slaves. The result: an economic meltdown.

Federal income tax, according to the makers and keepers of America’s law, is constitutional no matter what. The undeniable fact that as far as my property is concerned I don’t have any constitutional protection, makes the United States lawless. Under the law in practice, I’m a flea. Government is an elephant.

I took the record to The Palm Beach Post. An investigation was made. The Palm Beach Post didn’t believe it is now the law of the jungle. It printed a front page story, the IRS admitting that it illegally confiscated my property. Nevertheless, the IRS, “for the good of all” is allowed unlimited mistakes. I remained a flea and the government an elephant. In America, might makes right. America, the same as Rome, is on the verge of being wiped out by barbarians.

My testimony here is not based on the actual fact: I’m a flea. Government is an elephant. My testimony is based on other facts from which deductions may be drawn, showing indirectly the facts sought to be proved. Under my Constitution, the one Obama says is flawed, I’m equal in rights to government. Under Obama’s notion of the Constitution, the good of all overrides the rights of the individual. With a big toothy smile, Prince Charming calls it “collective salvation.” We know all about that. He who laughs last laughs loudest.

Obama says, “Republicans treat me like a dog.” Millions of Tea Party fleas are hopping on Obama. Republicans better start thinking constitutional or millions of fleas will be hopping on them.

By the way, I see that newly appointed Justice Elena Kagan (M.I.A) wants to do the right thing. I congratulate her. Keegan told the Senate at her confirmation hearing that she stays strictly within the limits of the U. S. Constitution in her judgment calls. That’s something many of her colleagues have not done and are not going to do. America’s judges—I was before 18 in all—gave me no respect. They hung themselves with their own rope. To many judges, I can tell you from personal experience, the good of all uppermost in their minds, the individual a flea, the end result justifies the means, such as IRS confiscations of property, they are socialist frauds. The only way we are going to get the country back is to tie Obama and all of America’s activist judges up in constitutional rope.

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We are going to start hearing all about a Democrat surge in the weeks and days before our November 2nd historic elections -- especially in light of the highly successful Communist/Socialist gathering of Oct 2nd at our nation's capitol. And you can believe that, as much as a Democrat surge.


...saying of the GOP’s insurgency, “The corks were popped a little early.”

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“Figures don’t lie, but liars sure do figure . . .”

Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School Lies with Panache

Accusing Racist Lenders of Causing Fiscal Meltdown

Adolf Hitler and Josef Goebbels both credited the progressives under President Woodrow Wilson with creating the science of propaganda which the two of them came to master and exploit so well in Nazi Germany years later. Hitler in Mein Kampf, written in 1924, described the audacious propaganda technique known as the “Big Lie” and emphasized just how powerful and useful it was. Let’s talk about a recent example: yesterday, in keeping with Woodrow Wilson’s proud legacy, two Princeton University Professors from that University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs revealed their mastery of the Big Lie and the incredible lengths that progressive academicians will go to change history right under the noses of American citizens. By injecting RACISM into their latest altered and fudged version of history, they certainly caught the liberal media’s attention . . . if the twosome weren’t so treasonous and vile, one feels almost like congratulating them for sheer unadulterated chutzpah.

The important thing, of course, is their “headline” information about “racial predatory lending” . . . the article was actually devoid of any statistics or records of any sort except one** that had nothing to do with the story’s central point, but absolutely full of bogus conclusions which inspired Reuters and the Associated Press to publish the tripe. As in so many Reuters and Associated Press articles found online, the shock level of the report linked above is twenty-times greater than any factual value contained within these news agencies’ “tireless research.”

Not surprisingly, the article turned up the wake of what turned out to be a small time National Mall “One Nation” rally. The 32,000 individuals (they were trying to steal back some of the thunder from Glenn Beck’s “Restore Honor” rally on August 28 which attracted over 650,000) participating from some 320+ individual progressive organizations were led by labor unions who used union dues to fund the bussing-in of members of CPUSA, ISO and D-S of A . . . that is, the Communist Party USA; International Socialists Organization; and Democratic-Socialists of America and others to the rally. Believe it or not, the cry went up to “stop the nation’s shameless river of foreclosures . . .” Bingo, just like that our two progressive Princeton academicians the very next day give us a study without meaningful statistics coincidentally backing, that very same point, and suggesting (according to leftist blog spinoffs) that the racists TEA Party and its ilk was responsible for the sub-prime lending crisis and all those poor people who got loans for $450,000 homes at 0% down payment without jobs and only food stamps for “income” deserve our help to keep the foreclosure bogeymen away. The two profs specifically stated, “The U.S. Civil Rights Act should be amended to create mechanisms that would uncover discrimination and penalize those who discriminated against minority borrowers.” What? No help for us poor white trash borrowers?

Supposedly, according to the two astute professors, loans that carry unreasonable fees, interest rates and payment requirements granted to minorities in the inner-cities spurred the whole financial house of cards! These loans made it impossible for these home owners to meet their mortgage obligations, alas!! Those damned racists, ruining the country and only picking on inner-city minorities, not on inner-city Whites (well, actually, they provide no stats about that and who cares about those honkies anyway?). Enough of progressive lies . . . . How did the collapse actually happen?

Remembering that in 1975, 63% of Americans owned their own homes, the highest private ownership in the world . . . the system wasn’t broken, but it had to be fixed anyway. Progressives under Jimmy Carter passed the Community Reinvestment Act in 1977 (CRA ’77) forcing home lenders to make knowingly bad loans. Thankfully, the CRA ’77 law was poorly crafted and the change from 1975 to 1985 was big, but not decisive: the amount of high-risk loans (3% or less down payment) more than doubled from 0.24% to 0.51% . . . but it had no real effect. Overall, before Bill Clinton’s arrival in Washington, only about $100 Billion was loaned out due to CRA ’77 in roughly those fifteen years.

Bill Clinton’s three earliest interventions** in the mortgage-guarantee picture sent us on the road to ruin. By 1995 14.1% of all home loans were high-risk loans virtually all of them forced upon lenders by CRA ’77. Then his final legislative expansion in 1998 changed things in both the numbers of high-risk loans and in the size of the loans poor people were offered. By 2005, 34.4% of all loans were high-risk, many of them ultra-high-risk loans for very expensive housing properties. In other words, thanks to progressive actions, the percentage of inadvisable loans increased 13,800% between 1977 and 2005.

Think about that: a 13,800% increase in loans at 3% down payment or less (most commonly at 0% down payment) . . . and more importantly loans to lenders who would not have been allowed a bank lollipop in 1977, much less a huge loan . . . say, Brother, could that have caused a financial debacle? You think that might shake the very foundations of our economy? Oh, and you do remember that the system wasn’t broken to begin with, don’t you? This is the essence of progressivism (the belief that we need to “progress” beyond the outdated and flawed U.S. Constitution so we can create their Utopia) and that is the nature of the elite who are trying to shove it down our throats . . . .

Since the Communist Party was involved in Saturday’s rally on the National Mall where the hue and cry went up for “stopping foreclosures” and for punishing the “racist predatory lenders,” perhaps a truly shocking fact ought to be told as well. The fiscal debacle that the country felt first in mid-2007 was deliberately created, or let us say deliberately “orchestrated” to destroy capitalism. You read that right.

It began in 1966 with the publishing of an article The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty by Richard Cloward and Frances Piven in The Nation magazine. In their masterpiece, the Columbia University (NYC) Marxist twosome opined that Alinsky-tactics (Saul Alinsky was a self-described “neo-Marxist who authored Reveille for Radicals and Rules for Radicals) could overload the welfare system and force the government to create a GNI (guaranteed national income) and thus poverty would be abolished in one fell swoop. Today, this idea of orchestrated crisis is known as “Cloward-Piven Strategy” or C-P Strategy.

In 1967, Cloward, Piven, and community organizer George Wiley created the NWRO (the National Welfare Rights Organization) to test their theory out. In 8 years the NWRO bankrupted New York City and just missed bankrupting New York State by the addition of 8.2 million more welfare recipients. They did NOT get their GNI but they published and bragged about the great thing they’d done and suggested that voter registration and housing were the next two areas to test out the theory upon. Enter ACORN in 1977 the same year that CRA ’77 was created -- ACORN the architect of an ongoing voter registration scandal and the sub-prime housing fiasco. ACORN and progressives for over 40 years now have been seeking to bring down capitalism by abusing decidedly unwise “compassionate laws.” In the case of CRA ’77 they’ve been misusing that particular law for thirty-three years now. The C-P Strategy is known as “orchestrated crisis” and though it takes a while, we’ve seen two incredible instances now of just how devastating these Marxist plans can be . . . .

Meanwhile in 1975, the year NYC failed, the United States had the highest private home ownership in the world at 64%. The system was NOT broken, but in early 1977, these same progressive creators of the 1967 National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) which had willfully bankrupted NYC (requiring a federal bailout after deliberately overloading the welfare rolls by street tactics, shakedowns and browbeating social workers working in the Welfare Dept. between 1968 and 1975 and adding 8.2 million new recipients in NYC and New York State) . . . the very same Cloward, Piven and Wiley immediately shifted attention to housing and voter registration and Wiley lieutenant Wade Rathke who’d been working for NWRO in Arkansas created ACORN in response to the CRA ’77 law of Jimmy Carter. This and the later actions** of Bill Clinton, their first ACORN president, is what caused the financial meltdown and two lying progressive profs can’t change history to say differently.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** To wit, this is their amazing statistic: “From 1993 to 2000, the share of subprime mortgages going to households in minority neighborhoods rose from 2 to 18 percent.” So what? There’s certainly no connection to racism there. Here’s the truth: Bill Clinton, our first ACORN President ‘s (the “A” in ACORN originally meant “Arkansas” and ACORN helped Bill win 12 of 14 possible years as Arkansas governor as well as putting him into the Oval office) very first two significant acts upon becoming U.S. President were ACORN acts. 1) Passing the Motor Voter Act with Richard Cloward and Frances Piven standing behind him in the official signing picture and 2) Demanding a regulatory overhaul and expansion of CRA ’77 including quotas for banks.

After Clinton’s changes, so-called "community groups" like ACORN benefitted greatly by a process which was essentially legalized extortion by street action embarrassed Banks into bad loans based upon the Clinton quotas (the CRA is enforced by the Fed, the Comptroller of Currency, Office of Thrift Supervision and the FDIC so CRA protests by any of these well- organized groups resulted potentially in huge financial penalties and fines for the banks and blocked for long periods of time their plans for expansion). This leverage was used and the "community groups" got millions of dollars in “donations” from the banks as shameless demanded payoffs for marketing these loans and they also made the banks promise to make a certain number of future very risky loans in their communities, resulting in more money for the "community groups.” Purportedly Barack Obama was the king of shakedowns when he worked as an ACORN lawyer between ’94 and ’96 . . . think what Barack might have done if he’d had the Clinton ’98 CRA changes in place!

All of these factors enforced by strong government agencies created a situation in which suddenly millions of people were buying homes they simply could not afford. This caused an artificial feeling of financial prosperity for everyone and an incredible TRillions of dollars were going into bad investments. which forced lenders who knew better to grant sub-prime loans to lenders without jobs, illegal aliens, folks who listed “food stamps” as income, etc. . . . and then in 1995, Clinton expanded CRA ’77 twice legislatively; and in 1998 gave us the steroid legislative expansion of CRA ’77. Thanks to Clinton and ACORN after Clinton’s ’98 steroid CRA ’77 expansion, Barack Obama and other ACORN lawyers were not needed. Street-educated people with junior high educations were getting banks to loan poor people $450,000 home mortgages just as easily as eight or ten years earlier they’d been getting them $140-$150,000 loans. This is why the Big Lie about the conservatives and the free market driving the car (the economy) into the ditch (into recession) never fooled Rajjpuut. The truth is:,_then_dismemberment_part_i.thtml

The statement by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner last month (linked above) was 100% accurate when he basically said that G.W. Bush saved the economy and prevented a free-fall of housing prices and (talking about cars and ditches), the real truth is:

Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by deliberately overloading the welfare rolls . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN- PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (94% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff, when George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!

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From the West Side to the Wailing Wall


Black & Bulletproof: An African-American Warrior in the Israeli Armytells the intriguing story of one man’s journey from the terrors of“thug life” to a position of honor in the Israeli military.

Standing at a checkpoint in Israel with his assault rifle pointed over the headsof Palestinian Arabs, Marcus Hardie reminds himself, I am the good guy.Hardie was born and raised by his grandmother in a poor neighborhood onthe outskirts of Los Angeles, a black youth stuck in the urbanghetto. He survived the ghetto and graduated from college and lawschool, Marcus Hardie seemed destined for a future far from the violentsurroundings of his childhood, an upbringing filled with urban gangwarfare. He showed promise in California’s political scene, rising toan important position in the Governor’s office. No one would haveimagined, though, that he would soon become an elite anti-terroroperative in one of the most violent places in the world: The MiddleEast.

Marcus Hardie was groomed for a position of power in the Republican Party. This memoir deeply explores the inner working of a political party. This is the book you want to read this political season.

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Still can't get help!

Every ship that was in the war zone in Vietnam EXCEPT for carriers are being ok'd for AGENT ORANGE compensation. I've got a uncurable disease with " NO " family history, served my country and they slap you in the face because I worked the flightdeck on a aircraft carrier and contracted this slow death. . Rep Latta from Ohio just feels badly.. right! With no real offer to help me fight!
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