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10 Highlighted problems with mainstream Islam (clarity and concerns are not "bigotry")

Apes and pigs, the dehumanization of non-Muslims, Christians as pigs and Jews as apes. (Or as some Islamic cleric of the 'Bali bombing' called non-Muslims: "worms, snakes and maggots."

Had the mainstream Islam really eject its radicals, the Jihadists wouldn't have the motivation to go on, Why else is there Islamic terrorism still active in so many parts of the world? The half-way condemnation, and almost always accompanied by a "but", but the west does this or that argument is still on - after 9 Years from the 9/11 Islamic massacre n 2001.

The campaign, hidden or open for implementation for Sharia law. In Sharia, besides the legal basis for the war against the infidel, women are subjucated, which explaines how top Islamic cleric of Australia called non-Muslim women plain "meat."

One of the great imports from the Islamic culture.

The so called moderate Muslim leaders that the best they can do is intimidate the west to give in to their Islamic expansion, or else... the radicals will be unleashed. The hidden Jihad.

The wide sympathy and support in mainstream Islam to the Palestinian, Hezbollah, Taliban, Al Qaeda in Iraq tactics of using civilians (indirect murder of their own people) so that the west looks bad. (All of the above causalties are seen by mainstream Islam as nothing else but the 'victims of the west').

With all the 'criticism" of the west, the Islamic world is still practicing Apartheid (in the real sense), religious and gender wise.
In the intolerant Muslim world all non-Muslims are either at an inferior status or worse. The Christian minority has dwindeled in Lebanon and among the Palestinian Arabs while Muslim population have increased with persecution.
Islamic bigotry's also at the roots of conflicts, including in the Sudan and in Israel/Palestine (in the intolerant Islamic Middle East against the "other").

The open or silent goal by Jihadists, yet backed by so many in mainstream Islam, towards a Caliphate - a theocratic Islamic dictatorship based on the Sharia (religious Islamic law).

The Arab-Islamic world is totalitarian - oppressive, even Lebanon that is supposedly the real democracy in that world, the terror Islamic group Hezbollah has immense power. (Iraq is yet to bee seen). Minorities are in even worse shape.

Draw a map and point to the conflicts, then try to detach most of it from Muslims. Here's a partial list: Russia. Somalia. Sudan. Nigeria. Lebanon. Israel. Iraq. Afghanistan. Pakistan. India. Kashmir. Thailand. Philippines. China.
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“What you THINK you know but you don’t really know about the realities of history makes you a sucker for whatever B.S. the Progressives want to throw your way in order to control you, your vote and your emotions. You are literally ‘Homer Simpson’ in their eyes and they control you just about as easy as Homer would be controlled . . . .” Rajjpuut
Current Political Correctness is
Today’s Progressive Determinant

of Historical Truth
In one of the more prophetic novels of all time, a fellow named Winston Smith works for his government’s Ministry of Truth performing historical alterations to quickly and cleverly brainwash his fellow citizens into aligning their ever-shifting knowledge of the nation’s history with current reality and government desiderata. Winston Smith is the protagonist charged with adjusting history so that seamless historical revisionism seems both natural and obvious to the citizenry as one Big Lie after another becomes reality.
Unfortunately, George Orwell named his novel 1984 instead of 2010 or even 2084 so today its lessons are considered passe rather than avant garde. Nevertheless today Progressivism (the notion that “we must ‘progress’ beyond the outdated and severely-flawed U.S. Constitution”) owns as its chief tools propaganda (particularly the Big lie) and historical revisionism. The fact that 98% of Americans don’t see it for what it really is, is because ‘NOT knowing history, they are doomed to repeat it.” Let’s give a few examples of historical revisionism** to start the ball of understanding rolling . . . you don't mind playing Sherlock Holmes for a bit, do you?
Have you heard any of the following terms used to demonize anyone recently? “Redneck?” “Nazi?” “Fascist?” “Eugenics” or ever heard disparagement about Warren G. Harding? Herbert Hoover was a conservative, right? Or been told that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of our greatest presidents? Recently a lady in high places lumped Chairman Mao and Mother Teresa together. Certainly we’ve seen Mao and Che T-shirts worn all across the nation . . . what’s going on, how are all these issues related? We’re talking about historical revisionism, friends . . . .
What is a redneck in some minds today is quite different from what a redneck originally was. The original “rednecks” were gun-toting union men trying to seize control of mining operations from the owners and bosses. They wore red bandannas around their necks as a tactical edge so that they wouldn’t have to hesitate before pulling the trigger knowing instantly that they were NOT aiming for one of their own if they gunned down someone without a red bandanna. The Battle of Blair Mountain was, next to the Civil War, the largest insurrection in the history of the country. It’s not taught in our schools today or if it is taught the history somehow comes down real hard on the owners and management and overlooks the miners’ transgressions . . . kind of how our Civil War was often called “The War of Northern Aggression” in many southern schools right up to 1964. Revisionism, regardless of who's doing it (ultra-conservative or ultra-leftist) is just plain EVIL. Because the Progessives have controlled the telling of American history since Woodrow Wilson wrote his version of it a hundred years ago, what you THINK you know but you don’t really know about the realities of history makes you a sucker for whatever B.S. the Progressives want to throw your way in order to control you and your vote and your emotions. You are literally ‘Homer Simpson’ in their eyes and they control you just about as easy as Homer would be controlled . . . .
The Nazis, of course were the National Socialists Workers’ Party and in case the words “Socialists” and “Workers” didn’t clue you they were definitely NOT right wing or conservative in any way. Nazi literature declared quite proudly “We are neither capitalists nor communists, but something better.” So the evils of Nazism were left-wing results sprung from a left-wing beginning. Only after Hitler was Chancellor (nine years after he wrote Mein Kampf) did the corporations start to come his way. But from the start their goals as listed in campaign literature was virtually identical with both that of today's CPUSA (Communist Party USA) and of Barack Obama. The antipathy of the Nazis for the Communists in Germany was infighting among leftists, but testimony was that once the Reds found out about the power of the Nazis they were life-time committed converts.
Fascism? The left would have you believe that the corporations took over the government and that certainly sounds like right-wing fanatics on steroids, doesn’t it? The truth? Fascism was, however, begun in Italy when the labor unions got so strong that the workers took over the corporations often killing or injuring management and owners in the process. Then they elected their favorite Fascist, Benito Mussolini, to lead the country. In Spain, the losers were the Church, royalty and the businessmen . . . that is, the Conservatives were the defeated army^^ in the Spanish Civil War. Franco and his victorious Spanish Fascists were supported by both Nazi Germany and by Italy with arms, technology and money. Italy, Germany and Spain were three countries with strictly left-wing radical socialist agendas that all became dictatorships. All of these governments were disasters for their national history; two of them were disasters for the world.
Eugenics? This was the original progressive brainstorm. If we just kept the deficient from breeding, the world would be a better place and the Utopia that the workers of the world deserve would come all the sooner. Margaret Sanger is today considered a hero for her “birth-control” movement but one of her main emphasis was on preventing Blacks and Puerto Ricans from reproducing themselves. Famous British socialists like George Bernard Shaw, Bertrand Russell, George Edward Moore and John Maynard Keynes were all eugenicism aficionados. Our first two progressive Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt were also big fans of eugenics and Wilson was also so openly anti-Black that its incredible today that the man is considered one of our greatest presidents courtesy of being the creator of the science of propaganda and of some remarkable historical revisionism done in his behalf by progressives over the last 90 years.
Warren G. Harding was a victim of a line of lies that would make even Central Florida Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson blush. Harding died in office. His vice-president Calvin Coolidge replaced him and they were probably the most solid chief executives economy-wise the nation has ever known. The disastrous policies of progressive President Woodrow Wilson left the country in a depression which Harding inherited in March, 1921, when he was inaugurated. Harding ignored the advice of his commerce secretary Herbert Hoover to interfere on a grand scale and did three major things: 1) he cut both taxes and 2) government spending by nearly 50% and 3) he paid down the national debt by 30%. Before his death, in 1923, the country was already turned around. However, rather than being a hero for stopping the “Invisible Depression,” Harding is considered one of our worst presidents. So pervasive is the progressive lie about Harding that even the author of the best-selling book Blink proves himself a hypocrite, refusing to follow his own good advice and instead mentions Harding in a highly disparaging way.
Besides not getting credit, the lies about Harding’s involvement in the Tea Pot Dome scandal were spread by progressive historians who lumped the one guilty member of Harding’s cabinet with all of Harding’s administration. Calvin Coolidge took over and continued the policies of Harding and gave the United States the most productive decade in our history (the Roaring Twenties). When Silent Cal said, “I do not choose to run,” Herbert Hoover a progressive Republican interfered with everything good that was going on in particular raising tariffs sky high as well as increasing taxes, increasing spending and deficits. The stock market crash led into a recession and everything Hoover did made it worse. Where Harding would have cut taxes, cut spending and paid down the debt, Hoover did the opposite.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his vice-president Nance ran promising to cut taxes, pay down the debt and rollback the spending which really resonated with the voters since they’d already seen that it worked wonders. He and Nance called Hoover “a socialist” and criticized all his government interference. However, when FDR was elected he continued virtually all of Hoover’s initiatives and then created 40 separate new government agencies (the “New Deal” named after his progressive uncle Teddy’s “Square Deal”) the most massive U.S. government build-up to that point in history. Of course between Hoover and FDR they made an ordinary market panic into not just Hoover’s depression but a twelve and a half year Great Depression. By the way, just one new law this year, Obamacare, created 388 brand new government agencies or offices: roughly ten times the perverted output of FDR’s entire 12+ years in office.
How can Che and Mao be worthy of T-shirt status? The 122 million victims of communism in the 20th Century have apparently all been swept under the rug? How can socialism be seen as good? That’s historical revisionism for you! And what’s the Big Lie that the Progressives have sold America most recently? See if any of this sounds familiar . . . “It’s Bush’s fault. The huge hole the economy slipped into was created by Wall Street, the conservatives, the greedy corporations and their insistence on no-regulation of the free market.” Do you believe those lies? Do you believe that ‘They’ drove the car into the ditch and now when we’ve almost got it back on the road again, ‘they’ want us to give them the keys back again . . . ? Or do you believe the truth, which is . . . .
Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy (that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by a planned overloading of the welfare rolls) . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (94% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!
If you don’t KNOW that truth, you have been brainwashed by the progressives. Here’s the antidote for you to reclaim your brain.,_throw_out_progressive_traitors.thtml
That’s the easy way (the link above) or you might want to do some research . . . .
1. Find out who Saul Alinsky was.
2. Find out who his most successful students Richard Cloward and Frances Piven are.
3. Find out who George Wiley was.
4. Find out what “Cloward-Piven Strategy” is.
5. Find out who created the National Welfare Rights Organization, when it was created, how it used Alinsky tactics and how it bankrupted New York City in 1975 and NYC had to be bailed out by the federal government.
6. What was the goal of Wiley, Piven and Cloward (stated in the famous article that’s come to be known as the Cloward-Piven Strategy)?
7. After 1975, Cloward and Piven said that the next areas for Alinsky tactics and C-P strategy were voter registration and housing. What Wiley lieutenant running NWRO in Arkansas since 1970 created ACORN? What did the “A” in ACORN originally stand for? Who did ACORN help win and keep a governorship for 12 of the next 14 years?
8. What is CRA’ 77? Was it needed?
9. Who expanded CRA ’77 three times and provided regulatory teeth to CRA ’77 when he was president?
10.Who got the Motor Voter Act passed?
Well that’s the first of about 40 questions that the Progressives have hidden from you that result in the TRUE statement that:
Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy (that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by a planned overloading of the welfare rolls) . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (94% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!
Of course, if you went to:,_throw_out_progressive_traitors.thtml
you’d actually know and appreciate why it’s true and you’d really understand what historical revisionism is all about! And now you know why it’s so important for Progressives to control our children’s textbooks and for, from their perspective, teachers to be members of unions . . . .
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
** historical revisionism is also called “negationism” and is outlawed in some countries, but not here

^^ In the movie The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, this fact was one of two zingers that Miss Jean Brodie received from her protege (who stole her teacher's lover and later informed her that the ultra-controlling Brodie had sent an ignorant young man to his death in Spain fighting for the WRONG side!)

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The Guilt Trip

President Obama, a charming man—you can’t help but like him—he says America’s Constitution is flawed and our liberties negative. Notwithstanding the day by day blows to Obama’s presidency, Obama’s minister for twenty years, Reverend Wright, “God damned” America. Obama doesn’t hold American values. Obama, who goes about the world apologizing for America, the world’s single-most exploiting imperialist nation (Obama’s term for capitalist nation), this jolly green giant, who humbles himself before tyrants, wants world-wide redistribution of the wealth. Ah yes, this one-worlder is pushing the guilt trip for all he’s worth.

The immature, to get their way, try to make others feel guilty. Obama’s following, people desperate to do right, and easily impressed, who depend on external factors, such as government help, Piscean in nature, we read, on their way out, Aquarians, whose sign is the water-bearer (“in earth as it is in heaven” [Mt. 6:10]), on their way in, “the new message of Jesus: not the kingdom, but personal discipleship,” we read in The Scofield Study Bible, welcome to the Age of Aquarius. “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt 12:28).

On the other hand, let it be known that Obama is here to help those who are down and out because they have been given a raw deal in life. As far back as history goes, people have been given raw deals. Everyone feels that at one time or another, he has been given a raw deal. More than once, I’ve been given a raw deal. For one, the IRS put me on the street by mistake.

When I was a child, sermons always made me feel that God was looking down on me with a frown on his face. I was on a guilt trip until I looked within. When I listen to Obama’s support, I hear what a bad American I am. Obama’s support, people like Minister Farrakhan, and the Black Panthers, let it be known that Iran’s President Ahmabenijad, in his recent visit to the U.S., visited with Farrakan and the Black Panthers. Ahmabenijad says the United States orchestrated the 9-11 attack. He claims the Holocaust never happened. God created me with reason. I’m not bad; Obama and his following are bad.

But Obama’s support is right, they say, and for this reason, I heard the Black Panthers say: Black Panthers have clubs at the voting place to see that my kind of people don’t abuse their rights. Obama’s attorney general dismissed the charges. In this vein of thought, I hear that a million young people are going to be hired by the Obama folks—at the same time, to help the economy—paid $15,000 per year, by the taxpayers of course, they will be among us to see that bad people like me treat Obama’s following right.

With Black Panther mentality, friends of Obama, they advocate “kill cracker babies,” one of the club carrying screamed on a megaphone, and believing people are simple Simons who need to be manipulated, Obama and following are out to transform the American people into their notion of what we ought to be, which happens, coincidentally, to be the exactly the same as the hippies of the 1960s wanted. Being as I’m a bad person, best for all concerned to simply eliminate me and a lot more like me with set minds and too old to be productive. The burden of people like me to the taxpayers is unfair. No, it was not a holocaust in Germany, it was simply a matter of practicality. Ahmabenijad is right. What is a few million human lives? Get up to speed, folks, we get from the friends of Obama. The world is overpopulated.

For my 85th birthday on September 17, I received from my wife The Scofield Study Bible and The 5000 Year Leap. I’ve read “The Gospel According to St. Matthew.” In my reading nothing made me feel guilty. After the reading, I felt uplifted. I felt like a good person. I think we could all do well to read the Gospel According to St. Matthew.

I’ve started reading The 5000 Year Leap. The title speaks to America’s leap, beginning in 1607 in Jamestown, to the present. America began with no more than the people at the beginning of civilization, except for thousands of years of experience. Should we Americans feel guilty about our great success as a nation? Too bad if you are not individually a success, but why, pray tell me, should we all be failures? That’s what Obama’s redistribution says. Taking from the rich and giving to the poor is the same as killing the goose that laid golden eggs. How many of the poor do you know who provide jobs? This is no time to be raising taxes on the rich.

I’ve underlined some thoughts in A Miracle That Changed the World, The 5000 Year Leap.

“Problems are always solved by issuing more edicts or laws, setting up more bureaus, harassing the people with more regulators, and charging the people for these ‘services’ by continually adding to their burden of taxes.”

“The laws by which they were governed were considered natural laws given by divine dispensation, and were so well known by the people they did not have to be written down.” Ha! I’m reminded that in the Introduction of my Scofield Study Bible, “The Dispensations are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic, progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, ‘the increasing purpose’ which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity. Augustine said: ‘Distinguish the ages, and the Scriptures harmonize.”

The progressive order, the diametric opposite of progressive government, gives the individual increasing purpose. What does Obama know, who speaks of “collective salvation.” What does the all-knowing Obama know about divine dispensations or natural law? His law comes from Harvard Law School, and their law from the seat of their pants.

“When several of the larger states threatened to reject the Constitution, they were invited to ratify the main body of the Constitution but attach suggested amendments. They submitted 189! At the first session of Congress, these suggested amendments were reduced to 12 by James Madison, and 10 of them were finally approved and ratified by the states. Thus was born America’s famous Bill of Rights.”

America’s Bill of Rights, which were the subject of much debate, came from natural law, as Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, “from nature and nature’s God.”

“Wing #2 (of the American Eagle) has the responsibility of conserving the nation’s resources and the people’s freedom. Its function is to analyze the programs of wing #1 with two questions. First, can we afford it? Secondly, what will it do to the rights and individual freedom of the people?” What could be more apropos!

Thomas Jefferson: “If a monarchist be in office, anywhere, and it be known to the President, the oath he has taken to support the Constitution imperiously requires the instantaneous dismissal of such officer; and I hold the President criminal if he permitted such to remain.” What could be more apropos!

“They (the Founding Fathers) warned against confiscatory taxation and deficit spending. Jefferson said it was immoral for one generation to pass on the results of its extravagance in the form of debts to the next generation. He wrote: ‘. . .we shall all consider ourselves unauthorized to saddle posterity with our debts, and morally bound to pay them ourselves; and consequently within what may be deemed the period of a generation, or the life [expectancy] of the majority.’” What could be more Apropos!

“The Founders also warned that the only way for the nation to prosper was to have equal protection of ‘rights,’ and not allow the government to get involved in trying to provide equal distribution of ‘things.’” I’ve fought for equal rights all my adult life. What I’ve gotten is political expedience. I have no reason to feel guilty. I’m with Samuel Adams: “The Utopian schemes of leveling [redistribution of the wealth] and a community of goods [central ownership of the means of production and distribution], are as visionary and impractical as those which vest all property in the Crown. . .”

What does Obama know? To start with, “too big to fail” was Bush’s fault. He’s still getting blamed. Obama took up where Bush left off and made bad matters infinitely worse, but claims the hole Bush dug was deep and it will take time to fill. In the meanwhile, so we won’t have to suffer deprivation, the Federal Reserve Bank’s printing presses are turning out trillions of dollars in monopoly money to keep the Obama fairy tale going strong.

The election in a month will be a referendum on Obama and his spending policy. The jolly green giant, now turning brown this fall, is almost certain to lose. But the question: Does Obama need the support of the American people to carry out his agenda? I’ve yet to see Congress restrain Obama on any of his highly questionable acts, such as surrounding himself with revolutionary one-worlders who are out to throw America’s wealth to the four winds.

During campaigning, politicians always tell the people what they want to hear. Just wait until they mention cutting costs. Here’s what you will hear. “Why should my government entitlement be cut when George is getting far more help than I’m getting.” They are not going to cut spending. You people who just want to feel good better come to the party, you who have sat back and let politicians determine America’s fate.

Jefferson: “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Hey folks, I’ve lived through the best of times. Now that my time here is close to being over, I, personally, have no complaints, but the sooner you get this Obamination over with, the sooner you will find yourselves in a world so good you cannot imagine. So please waste no time in getting this problem behind you. I expect to come back.

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“It’s amazing, is it not? Since all these progressives hold such a monopoly on sweetness and light, which the rest of us can never touch, that the Communist Party regimes butchered 122 million of their own countries’ people in the 20th Century. It’s even more amazing that the Communist Party USA agenda and the Obama agenda jive or dovetail at least 99% is it not? So let’s watch how worshipful the MSM will behave toward this rally, eh?” Rajjpuut

Communist Party, International Socialists and Democratic

Socialists Organizing National Mall** Rally

It’s just one more of those little absurdities that we’ve come to expect from 21st Century journalists. The mainstream media (MSM) which threw fifty dozen questions Glen Beck’s way prior to his “Restoring Honor” rally on 9/12/2010 . . . is avoiding asking any questions whatsoever for the organizers of this weekend’s “One Nation Working Together” rally on the National Mall. So let’s just skip the questions and Rajjpuut will give you the answers . . . .

If you go to the website (that’s Communist Party USA) you will find a list of three hundred organizations asking their rank and file to attend the Saturday rally. Besides the Communist Party, the DSA or Democratic Socialists of America (a “Democratic Socialist is what Vladimir Putin became when he tore up his commie party card, took off his gun and uniform and quit the KGB altogether) and the International Socialist Organizations (ISO) and every fringe progressive (we need to ‘progress’ beyond the outdated and seriously flawed U.S. Constitution) group in America are environmental extremists and militant unions and at least 272 sub-prime Communist and Socialist organizations. The least bizarre of which might be NOW, the National Women’s Organization of screeching man-haters. And who is the driving force for all this agitation and militancy taking to the streets? Ooops that was a question. Barack Obama via his personally-developed website Organizing for America is the driving force for this really big show.

It’s amazing, is it not? Since all these progressives hold such a monopoly on sweetness and light, which the rest of us can never touch, that the Communist Party regimes butchered 122 million of their own people in the 20th Century. It’s even more amazing that the CPUSA agenda and the Obama agenda jive or dovetail 99% is it not? So let’s watch how worshipful the MSM will behave toward this rally, eh?

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** For clarification, Rajjpuut is referring to this Saturday, October 2, and not to the so-called "Return to Sanity" rally by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert on Saturday, October 30, 2010.

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Were we all asleep?

I decided to spend the weekend doing chores and left the political news off, well I awake Monday to find that during the weekend our; "Great & Glorious Leader", has done it again! Now we give up more rights to his Executive Order;

Now the government can listen to our cell phones, tap into our emails & put GPS devices in our cars, all without a warrant!!

But whats even worst is that hardly anyone is discussing this huge leap into our private lifes. Please wake up America before its gone, Please get to the voting booths on November 2nd and vote, whether its; Republican, Conservative or Democrat, just make sure that individual has the best interests of the American people as their

number one priority!!

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As provisions of Obama’s Health Care Bill start taking effect he continues selling it, the Democrats who pushed it through avoid discussing it or any connection to it, and the Republicans have promised to repeal it in the next session of Congress. The timing is perfect to once again remind President Obama, the House of Representatives and Senate how we the people feel about this disastrous piece of legislation by relentlessly reminding them on a daily basis that we do not want Government running our personal lives.

The objective of this petition is two fold. 1. To achieve repeal of the Health Care Bill and the companion bill known as the Health Care and Educational Reform Act of 2010. 2. To enter a “Vote of No Confidence” against President Obama and his administration denouncing his shameless disregard of his sworn oath of office; his subversion of our Constitution; and his contempt toward the will and wishes of the American people.

The goal is 10 million signatures by January 2011, just in time for the start of the next congressional session. We can achieve this goal by signing the petition and asking everyone you know who opposes the Governments take over of our health care system and President Obama’s radical agenda to do the same.

Take Action

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National Park Service shills for Big Pharma

Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

It has been discovered on September 26 2010 at both the Northwest New Mexico Visitor Center, and El Malpais information center that now theNational Park Service (NPS) aka the Department of the Interior has beenshilling for the H1N1 Vaccine scare by the World Health Foundation andalso by Big Pharma.

Luckily I bring my camera bag almost everywhere I go so when nobody was in the restroom I took a quick shot to send to the Internet to leteverybody know what the NPS is doing in response to the H1N1 Vaccinescare, they want you to get your H1N1 Vaccine shot.


Also according to a cropped image copied from another shot taken of the propaganda vaccine poster it says that the National Park Service nowhas a Office of Public Health. Now since when does the NPS and allgovernment agencies need to have their own Health Department to makesure that everybody gets the inoculation to receive toxic chemicals,live viruses, cancer viruses, and even future health problems at thevictims expense, that means that they have to pay for the damage totheir own bodies they receive from the vaccination shot they were toldthey have to have for public safety.


Also this is a closeup again from the other shot not being shown on here because of the JPEG Compression makes it hard to read the photo.


The image states "Get the H1N1 vaccine when it becomes available" by the National Park Service Office of Public Health also by theDepartment of the interior.

When you see conservation government organizations which the whole goal was to protect the Nations most valuable monuments and mostbeautiful lands of nature, being owned by the UN aka United Nations orbeing used as a tool of mass indoctrination, mass murder, and eugenics,then it is no longer recognized as a conservation organization butanother hammer given to Big Pharma to squash those that resist havingmore health problems which generates billions of dollars to thepharmaceutical industry.

People need to do plenty of research and ask opinions of many different doctors on whether the vaccine shot will actually help or hurtbecause what people don't know about the vaccines may hurt them.Vaccinations have been reported to having chemicals, cancer viruses, andother live viruses.

What the National Park Service has done is indoctrination and propaganda for Big Pharma because they are not asking people to doresearch and make a choice on whether vaccines are good or not, theposter says to just get it no matter happens to your body you must getit for the guise of protecting the Health of others.

Hitler told various lies just like Obama, and Bush about how serving under a youth corps, serving fascism, and abolishing the Constitutionis a good thing for the security and safety of the German people.Safety, having good health, saving the environment, and even Securityare being used to indoctrinate the whole Nation into fear and slavery.

Also now why would New Mexico National Parks be the only area to have vaccine propaganda and H1N1 fear mongering?

Well take a look at who is friends with the globalist created marketing puppet.

The New Mexico Governor that's in charge of New Mexicos state affairs is best friends and even endorces Obama according to theGuardian. These people don't care about your health they just wantto pose for the camera and then work with their globalist masters fortheir next orders and then they will both be rewarded with being ableto lead us all into a Eugenic New World Order where the science ofTyranny is law, where populations have to be reduced from the billionsto five-hundred million, and where all of human activity is monitoredby super computers where no activity is private.

The globalists want Obama to lead us into scientific tyranny with a little fascism on then side. For those who won't be sacrificed for theagenda of World Governance, will become slaves that will comply to everywish and order provided by the worlds top elite.

The National Park Service needs to remember that they are not suppose to indoctrinate people to vaccine, and that they are suppose to beprotecting National Landmarks as their job is intended by the taxpayers. Now they only shill for the agenda creators and that instead ofgetting rid of chronic illnesses and diseases, we will have even morehealth problems that will put us under dozens of more prescriptionmedications till the day we die.

I hope American Patriots and truthers will stand up against the NPS Propaganda and that it is not just a waste of tax payers dollars butalso makes the National Park Service another indoctrination center forthe World Health Organization, Big Pharma, and the New World Order.

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Made In The USA !

Our greatest loss is our inability to maintain our economic status as a leader in industry. I'm 44 years old and durring my life time I have witnessed the decline of one of the greatest attributes of our nation 'Made In The USA'. It is clear to me that this needs to be re-established. Across the board the U.S. has lost its leadership in the global market; We no longer wear our own clothes or drive our own cars
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Questions & Answers (

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 10:06 PM
Subject: Tea Party Inquiry


As I read about the Tea Party movement, I have a few questions.

Does the Tea Party have a position on what, if anything, our government should do to help Americans have access to quality healthcare? I am guessing that the Tea Party would be opposed to the recent legislation on health care. If the Tea Party is against increased government spending, I would guess that would be a reason to oppose health care legislation. Also, I suspect that health care, which is not guaranteed by the the US Constitution would be opposed on constitutionality basis. Does this mean that our government should do nothing to help it's poorer or sicker citizens to get health care?

The Tea Party supports policies of aggressively seeking out and deporting illegal aliens. Does this mean hiring more workers and spending more money? How would Tea Party go about this? Would they enact laws designed to make employers and landlords criminally liable for employing and housing illegal aliens? How would such a law be enforced? Would the Tea Party spend money to build a taller fence or wall with our Mexican border? How about spending more money on border security?

Exactly which items would the Tea Party cut? Social Security? Medicaid / Medicare? FDA?

Which items would the Tea Party increase? Defense for one, I assume. Homeland Security?
Dear Inquirer,
What was the effect of the Government breaking up the monopoly of the Telephone companies? We are not using a reasonable argument for the issues that you bring up. The political parties have manipulated policies to give selective companies and industries monopolies. The result is increase cost and decrease services it is the typical effect of monopolies. We are in a game that never solves the problems, it is a maze and we are tricked time and time again.
There is no mechanism that is more efficient than competition. Nature demonstrates that and so does capitalism. The drawback on capitalism is when we allow the establishment of monopolies. I personally equate a monopoly as a kingdom that will exist in pertuity. Since the Declaration of Independence clairfies that we the people are sovereign then we can not allow establishment of kingdoms. Our founding fathers were reluctant to the formation of corporation for only selective endeavors and temporary in nature (until project was completed). Once the patriarch of a family dies the wealth was distributed to the heirs fostering rejuvenation and competition.
However, the perpetual nature of corporations would be opposed by the founding fathers. The question is can we develop a hybrid model that fosters competiton and I believe that once prominence (monopoly) is achieve, then the business unit must divided to create competiton. The concept of being too big to fail is contrary to our system of goverance. It is the socialization of our nation and permits inefficient models remains a drain the economy.
All social programs need to be looked at as a monopoly and government could regionalize these programs to create a model of efficiency. I've proven that government can increase service and reduce cost. This is called a paradyne shift, however, we eliminate innovation in government programs to facilitate government waste to ensure the politician can skim off the top and remain in office. Why do we pay more for drugs, services, etc., all we have to do is follow the money trail. Each side has its own benefactors, however, the little guy gets screwed.
I would increase personal freedoms. I would want to ensure that our citizens are not victims of bad business practices, bad government and weak military to maintain our sovereignty. Research would indicate that both parties are guilty of divulging military secrets. I would be zenophobic on technologies that ensure our continuity of a nation of free people (Republic). It is the responsibilities of other nations to mimic a Republic form of Government. A Republic is the most stable system of government if lead by a moral people. I don't care how you get your morality, I'm a Christian and it is my standard. It is tolerant of other beliefs and is a foundational basis of our founding fathers and the institutions they developed.
Dale Robertson
Tea Party Founder
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DoD Burns Books...

Today there have been numerous articles about the DoD burning a book written by a Army officer. Now I am against burning any books, it just stupid. Also trying to destroy anything in the digital age is a waste of time. There is already a copy on Ebay. Given that i do support the DoD stopping the release of this book in the orginal form. As an army officer and what appears on the surface as an intelligence officer releasing a book filled with classified information and claim that it was cleared by the Army Reserve Command is suspect in my view. No Intelligence professional that cares about his or her mission and responibilities within the IC knowes that this is not the way to release information. Every officer knows that the DoD has set rules about writing books. So before you jump on a band wagon about how this is the Obama administration covering up. This is people in the government doing their job.
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Tea Party Mission HELP!!!!!!

I am having a difficult time with all of the races across the country.

I need someone(s) to prepare a list of all the T. Party candidates in every State (Federal Elections Only) with a link to their websites.

If such a list exists then please send me the link and I will republish it and share it with all of our members.

In other words 1 or 2 pages of all the T. Party candidates w/links across America, not 1s or 2s but all of them.

Can someone(s) make this their 'Mission'?

Thx. Steve

Tea Drinker

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The power drive exists in all sentient life—the power to survive. Power and intelligence are not related. Power is the law of the jungle; intelligence recognizes Higher Law. In humans, the power to survive is tempered with intelligence.

The ancient Egyptians were mathematicians. They were intelligent. But they thought up a pyramid with geometric dimensions to comply with their religious belief. Their pyramids were the tombs of their kings, the pinnacle of power pointing to heaven.

The writers of America’s Constitution had for their basis the will of the people, an upside-down pyramid, the pinnacle of power pointing to the people and Higher Law. The law was king in America’s Constitution. In the First Amendment, “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof,” this wording was specifically to prevent government from dictating a religion, the very reason that Europeans migrated to America. The reason for those words has been distorted to mean separated church and state. Under such reasoning, American courts have been ruling that we the people may make no mention of God in public places or in public buildings.

The first thing Hitler did was to replace God with himself. Secondly, he condemned all of those of the Jewish religion to death. Hitler’s was The National Socialist Party. In Marxist class warfare, there is always the scapegoat. In America, the scapegoat is the greedy rich cheating the poor out of a decent existence. Actually, what allowed Hitler to take control of Germany was out of control spending and printing press money. The German mark became worthless. Hitler had the solution. Germany’s industry was 90 percent owned by Jews. Kill the greedy Jews; take over industry; build a war machine; take control of the world. Hitler was demonstration of raw power devoid of intelligence.

In reading the Gospel According to St. Matthew, I didn’t read that Jesus preached a religion. To the contrary, he preached against the religious practices of Jewish Scribes and Pharisees. For doing this, Jesus was crucified. We have good reason to be highly concerned about the twists and turns America’s government is making, and especially President Obama. He is talking about “collective salvation.”

The cross represents the individual’s freedom to worship God in his own way, according to Jesus, as long as the individual does not do to his brother that which he would not want done to himself. “Collective salvation” is primitive, raw power devoid of intelligence, the diametric opposite of the American way.

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An Uprising coming?

This Marine got it right...Shows what "Scum" was elected, then and now, some still in office. HOWEVER, THAT WILL CHANGE COME ELECTION TIME!.

"On Your Hands"
From the Podium:
J. D. Pendry, Retired Sergeant Major, USMC

This retired USMC Sgt. Major has his Stuff together.

Jimmy Carter, you are the father of the Islamic Nazi movement. You threw the Shah under the bus, welcomed the Ayatollah home, and then lacked the spine to confront the terrorists when they took our embassy and our people hostage. You're the "runner-in-chief..."

Bill Clinton, you played ring around the Lewinsky while the terrorists were at war with us. You got us into a fight with them in Somalia and then you ran from it. Your weak-willed responses to the USS Cole and the First Trade Center Bombing and Our Embassy Bombings emboldened the killers. Each time you failed to respond adequately, they grew bolder, until9/11/2001.

John Kerry, dishonesty is your most prominent attribute. You lied about American Soldiers inVietnam . Your military service, like your life, is more
fiction than fact. You've accused our military of terrorizing women and children in Iraq . You called Iraq the wrong war, wrong place, wrong time, and the same words you used to describe Vietnam . You're a fake! You want to run from Iraq and abandon the Iraqis to murderers just as you did to the Vietnamese.. Iraq , like Vietnam , is another war that you were for, before you were against it.

John Murtha, you said our military was broken... You said we can't win militarily in Iraq . You accused United States Marines of cold-blooded murder without proof and said we should redeploy to Okinawa . Okinawa, John? And the Democrats call you their military expert! Are you sure you didn't suffer a traumatic brain injury while you were off building your war hero resume? You're a sad, pitiable, corrupt, and washed up old fool. You're not a Marine, sir. You wouldn't amount to a good pimple on a real Marine's X&XX.. You're a phony and a disgrace. Run away, John.

Dick Durbin, you accused our Soldiers at Guantanamo of being Nazis, tenders of Soviet style gulags and as bad as the regime of Pol Pot, who murdered two million of his own people after your party abandoned Southeast Asia to the Communists. Now you want to abandon the Iraqis to the same fate. History was not a good teacher for you, was it? Lord help us! See Dick run.

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Carl Levine, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Russ Feingold, Pat Leahy, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, the Hollywood Leftist morons, et al, ad nauseam: Every time you stand in front of television cameras and broadcast to the Islamic Nazis that we went to war because our President lied, that the war is wrong and our Soldiers are torturers, that we should leave Iraq, you give the Islamic butchers - the same ones that tortured and mutilated American Soldiers - cause to think that we'll run away again, and all they have to do is hang on a little longer. It is inevitable that we, the infidels, will have to defeat the Islamic jihadists. Better to do it now on their turf, than later on ours after they have gained both strength and momentum.

American news media, the New York Times particularly: Each time you publish stories about national defense secrets and our intelligence gathering methods, you become one united with the sub-human pieces of camel dung that torture and mutilate the bodies of American Soldiers. You can't strike up the courage to publish cartoons, but you can help Al Qaeda destroy my country. Actually, you are more dangerous to us than Al Qaeda is. Think about that each time you faceMecca to admire your Pulitzer...

You are America 's 'AXIS OF IDIOTS.' Your Collective Stupidity will destroy us. Self-serving politics and terrorist-abetting news scoops are more important to you than our national security or the lives of innocent civilians and Soldiers. It bothers you that defending ourselves gets in the way of your elitist sport of politics and your ignorant editorializing. There is as much blood on your hands as is on the hands of murdering terrorists. Don't ever doubt that. Your frolics will only serve to extend this war as they extended Vietnam . If you want our Soldiers home as you claim, knock off the crap and try supporting your country ahead of supporting your silly political aims and aiding our enemies.

Yes, I'm questioning your patriotism. Your loyalty ends with self. I'm also questioning why you're stealing air that decent Americans could be breathing. You don't deserve the protection of our men and women in uniform. You need to run away from this war, this country. Leave the war to the people who have the will to see it through and the country to people who are willing to defend it..

Our country has two enemies: Those who want to destroy us from the outside and those who attempt it from within...

Semper Fi,
J. D. Pendry - Sergeant Major, USMC, Retired

This is a savvy man. He has nailed it down pretty good.. Too bad it won't do any good. There won't be 1 in 10 that receive it who will forward it.

Want to bet???????????????

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Caretaker Government v. the "Higher Law"

The idea that the American people need government to take care of some of our personal needs—grown to the point that it is unaffordable, and yet growing by leaps and bounds, in fact, to the point that future generations are being obligated to pay for the current generation’s needs—this clearly says the government and people are mindless tools of the vogue.

Many people who win the lottery end unable to pay their debts and take bankruptcy. America is like those people who can’t handle money, only America doesn’t take bankruptcy. The central bank prints monopoly money and we the people accept this out and out fraud. It is actually notes of indebtedness we accept.

Moreover, the government’s present stand—to spend our way out of recession—notwithstanding the excessive spending for personal needs, has at last brought forth the Tea Party. Politicians are at last beginning to wake up to the fact that we the people have a say in their reelections, with the exception of President Obama and his inner sanctum. The question: Is America already a totalitarian dictatorship and we don’t know it? What do we have to stop Obama? He’s already done many things that the law doesn’t allow. I have not heard from anyone how we can stop this lawbreaking president. His election may be the last choice the American people will ever have in a president. It won’t be the first time it has happened. With current spending out of control, looking back at the rise of the Nazi Party, out of control spending was the cause.

More than half of the American people, from the richest to the poorest, in some way, depend on government. Politicians always promise the moon. You don’t think they would be elected, do you, if they told us that each and every last one of us was going to have to bite the bullet? No, they would never say that. They make it appear the other guy is going to have to bite the bullet, thus dividing us. Politicians are all in the game. Where are we the people? Being taken by self-serving politicians in both political parties.

Looking back at the rise of Germany’s Nazi Party, and at the same time, in America businesses closed from the lack of demand, and unemployment soaring, President Franklin D. Roosevelt took drastic action. The American people looked to government for the answer. The German people looked to government for the answer. There is a good chance that government spending will not be brought under control and Obama’s answer will be the answer the American people buy. Rest assured that Obama is counting on the American people not being willing to get spending under control. It’s going to take supreme leadership to keep America free.

There is always a scapegoat. In America, during the Great Depression, it was greedy capitalists that caused it. Socialism got its foot in the door. In Germany, Jews caused their depression. They owned 90 percent of industry. In Germany, the Nazi Party was the National Socialist Party. In both instances, it was the idea that free enterprise does not work. Power hungry politicians work very hard to make it appear that they have all the answers; that is, socialism is the only solution for greedy capitalists: take from the rich and give to the poor.

The fact is that free enterprise is the only system that has ever worked; socialism has never worked. We humans have the faculty of forming mental images that become our reality.

Science, now having taken the clockworks space-time apart for examination, have an explanation very few are listening to. A dimension of infinite possibility exists and our minds are interacting with it. The more we imagine, the broader our reality; it’s growing exponentially. The ancients, having relatively little, had little imagination. However, they were not preoccupied with the abundance of material things we now have. They were more occupied with spiritual matters. Apply this thought to the backward Middle-East and their power hungry politicians.

It all hinges on consciousness. Modern science now concedes that consciousness is essential to the mix of things. Before the Big Bang what existed? From nothing you get nothing. And too, perfection is the same as nothing, as nothing perfect would have any reason to move. Out of universal consciousness comes our moving universe. In lab experiments, science has discovered in the microcosmic universe, that, once connected, photons communicate instantaneously even if on opposite sides of the universe, proving there is more to the universe than the space-time consortium. There’s something infinite and everlasting.

Starting with the first book in the New Testament, The Gospel According to St. Matthew, to the last book, The Revelation of St. John the Divine, an allegorical accounting of our history for the past 2,000 years, in Cosmos and Psyche, distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. In this respect, in his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus: “Thy kingdom come. (end of thought) Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven (Mt. 6:10),” that’s now, folks. God’s kingdom comes later. We’re not spectators passing through life waiting for the day of judgment. We’re part of the act.

From the Bible, we learn that three “wise men,” actually Persian astrologers, followed the Star in the East to Christ’s birthplace, at the beginning of the Age of Pisces. We read that the authorities feared that Jesus might overturn their power, so they crucified him. Jesus promised to return. He didn’t say when. We read in astrology books that the sign of Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, representing duality of purpose—division. We read that the Age of Aquarius, the age we are now entering, the sign of which is the water-bearer to humanity, is an age of independent thinking, stubborn beliefs, and of brotherhood. How could that be? Jesus tells us in the Bible how that could be. Come to think of it, with my imagination, it appears that the Age of Aquarius fits with Jesus’ second coming.

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“If the folks in the Gulf were angry about the six-month drilling moratorium Obama sent them, this is a permanent moratorium on Gulf oil drilling operations . . . did you even notice? Put down that %&$(*$@%)#$% remote! Our country is being sent down the toilet and you’re watching television?” Rajjpuut

Would you Vote to Give America Away to the U.N.?

For all those of you who just can’t believe that America and the American dream are expendable in progressive-Democratic** eyes, open your eyes NOW. The United States House of Representatives under Democratic control (specifically led by Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer) and only needing a simple majority to pass any bill just voted to put great chunks of our oceans, our coasts and our oil under control of the United Nations. Would you vote to do that? Would you authorize your representative to do that. The Senate will soon take this matter up for vote. Would you authorize your state’s senators to vote for this?

Yesterday in this Rajjpuut’s Folly blog . . . .,_republican_leaders_submit_to_obama_lies.thtml

we showed you a monstrous truth that apparently the Republican leadership hasn’t got the brains, guts or testicles to put out before you. Today’s truth about the so-called “CLEAR ACT” HR 3534 . . . .

shows you just exactly what happens when Americans are too busy watching their sit-coms and Irreality TV shows and too busy to pay attention to what the progressives (“we need to ‘progress’ beyond the outdated and flawed United States Constitution in order to bring about a Utopia here on earth”) in government are doing to us. In a nutshell . . . while most Americans are twiddling their thumbs and dipping their potato chips into unhealthy triple-cheese concoctions the global-thinking progressives in the House have just voted to give away our land, oceans and adjacent land masses and even the Great Lakes to an international body which will make us pay $900 million per year 2040. Would you vote for that? Would you authorize your rep to vote for that; or your senator to make it a law this coming week?

HR 3534 is designed to put America back into the year 1905. But it is far worse than that . . . . It is first of all: UNCONSTITUTIONAL. HR 3534 mandates membership in something called “the Law of the Sea Treaty” without the required two-thirds vote to ratify it in the U.S. Senate as is required of all treaties the country enters into. It creates permanent obstacles to normal American energy operations. It will be a permanent roadblock to American and drive American companies out of the Gulf permanently, delay future drilling, increase dependency on foreign oil, and will implement climate change legislation and youth education programs; but most important, it mandates membership in the Law of the Sea Treaty without the required two-thirds vote to ratify it in the U.S. Senate. If the folks in the Gulf were angry about the six-month drilling moratorium Obama sent us, this is a permanent moratorium on Gulf oil drilling operations . . . did you even notice? Put down that %&$(*$@%)#$% remote! Our country is being sent down the toilet and you’re watching television?”

We won’t dwell on how evil all this is, after all, you deserve it if you’re not paying attention and especially if you voted for progressives in the last three elections (about 85% of the Democrats and 10% of the Republicans in the House and Senate) . . . but, now that your eyes are open, are you going to let them pass this bill in the senate without a whimper from you?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** If you’ve been paying attention, you know that the progressive control of this country is now pushing 100% for Marxist aims . . . two months ago, a liberal think-tank did a poll in which 55% of Americans said the label “socialist” was fitting for Obama . . . well 90% of Americans haven’t paid attention. Obama is a Marxist and Marxists think globally (Workers of the world, UNITE!) and in their thinking, not just rich Americans but all Americans must “suffer a little” to redistribute wealth globally for the benefit of all (From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.) and if you haven’t the brains or guts to realize what’s happening, it’s called a “Fire Sale” on America.

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Cherish the Unexpected

You may have to call upon your ability to adapt to ever-changing situations today. Being flexible and spontaneous in your plans might make it easier for you to go with the flow and get full satisfaction from your experiences. If your plans should change at any time today, instead of being disappointed you might want to look at these alterations as chances to explore or discover some new aspect of yourself and your life. Learning to be open to the variety of scenarios that life presents can help you be present in every moment as opposed to ruing the past or worrying about the future. Asking yourself what new things you can learn from being patient with everything life throws your way could make these new and exciting experiences more precious and dear to you.

Going with, instead of against, life’s plan for us enables us to encounter new challenges that compel us to grow in exhilarating ways. The more open we are to the unexpected, the more of life’s treasures we will find. Having room in our plans for last-minute changes means that we value and accept the fact that not everything in life goes as planned and that it is more important to live in the moment and not in our heads—because that’s where we are when we want everything to go our way. By adapting to each situation today, you will be able to cherish every experience as it happens.

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Isn’t it about time the Republicans and other conservatives grew some testicles? Instead of cowering before the Big Lie that conservativism drove the car (the economy) into the ditch (deep recession), isn’t it about time the Republicans stepped up to the plate and unveiled the “Big Truth,” the monstrous truth? Rajjpuut
Obama Tut-Tuts GOP 'Pledge'
as Echo of Failed Policies
Calling the Republican’s new Pledge to America plan "an echo of a disastrous decade we can't afford to relive," President Barack Obama dismissed the idea as an invitation to redo failed policies. Our Marxist president proselytized on his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday attacking House Republicans over the "Pledge to America" unveiled this Thursday. The Pledge’s promise to restore the Constitution’s 10th Amendment, cut down on government regulation, repeal Obamacare and end his stimulus program was criticized heavily by the president who, of course, wants more government, more spending now “to handle this ongoing crisis.” Unmentioned was the huge part played by the President and other progressives in creating the financial meltdown that began officially in 2007, but which had built up over 30 years of progressive politicians interfering in the mortgage markets.
Seemingly oblivious to the truth, the President said, "The Republicans who want to take over Congress offered their own ideas the other day. Many were the very same policies that led to the economic crisis in the first place, which isn't surprising, since many of their leaders were among the architects of that failed policy," Obama said, continuing, "It (the Pledge) is grounded in same worn-out philosophy: cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires; cut the rules for Wall Street and the special interests; and cut the middle class loose to fend for itself. That's not a prescription for a better future." While NOT using his infamous car-in-the-ditch analogy, the President once again resorted to the Big Lie (a propaganda tool) insisting that all of the nation’s woes were created by conservatives and republicans and the free market.
Isn’t it about time the Republicans and other conservatives grew some testicles? Instead of cowering before the Big Lie that conservativism drove the car (the economy) into the ditch (deep recession), isn’t it about time the Republicans stepped up to the plate and unveiled the Big Truth?
That truth, in a nutshell can be stated this way correcting Obama’s favorite bedtime story:
Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy (that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by a planned overloading of the welfare rolls) . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (94% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!
Let’s explain the Big Truth:
The left has claimed that our present financial crisis was created by 1) the Bush Administration 2) conservatives 3) lack of government regulations on the economy 4) the free market, etc. Unmentioned in their Big Lie is that before Progressives deliberately (see the link above) decided to correct our “broken housing situation” the United States was the envy of the world with 62-65% private home ownership. The system wasn’t broken. Progressives forced major changes in mortgage laws five times between 1977 and 1998. Once the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA ’77) was passed, they also created ACORN in Arkansas immediately to willfully abuse the same laws they’d just created. In 1975, only 0.24% of all home loans in the country were made with 3% down payment or less. Low down payment mortgages were reserved for exceptionally well-qualified veterans only. By 1995, 14% of all home loans were completed with less than 3% down payment. By 2005 34% of all home loans were ill-advised loans to people who couldn’t ever hope to pay off their mortgages, in other words a 133 times worse bad home loan percentage occurred in 2005 than in 1975 back when the progressive wing of the Democratic Party decided to fix what wasn’t broken.
That shifty wing of the Democratic Party, ACORN, was shaking down lenders and forcing loans for people without ID; people without jobs; people without even rental histories; people with horrendous credit ratings; people whose only income was food stamps; any person on welfare; even illegal aliens. And who was the best ACORN lawyer at shaking down these lenders who really didn’t want to make loans to people who never had a prayer of repaying their mortgages? Barack Obama!
Somewhere after Bill Clinton’s third expansion of CRA ’77 (two in ’95) put the whole system on steroids in 1998, (Barack Obama was gone by now) ACORN discovered it was almost as easy under the ’98 law to get an impoverished person into a $400,000 home as it had been earlier to put him into a $120,000 one. By 2005, 34% of all home loans were completed with less than 3% down payment. That’s called a “sub-prime lending crisis.”
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner gave George W. Bush a thumbs up about two weeks ago saying that Bush’s efforts to pass a law in July, 2007 kept the country from going really deep into recession and kept home prices from plummeting ever lower. Unmentioned is that Bush sought to pass a tougher law in January, 2005, 30 months earlier but that progressive votes derailed that effort. The 2007 law that Geithner praised was way too little, way too late . . . but it was a life-saver, nevertheless. So the truth about that ditch is . . . .
Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy (that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by a planned overloading of the welfare rolls) . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (94% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!
One last thing to clear up, who were Cloward and Piven and how did they get this all started? Richard Cloward and Frances Piven and Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are disciples of Saul Alinsky, self-described “neo-Marxist Chicago community organizer who wrote Reveille for Radicals in 1946 and Rules for Radicals in 1971. Cloward and Piven, two Columbia University (NYC) professors wrote an article in 1966 published in The Nation magazine called The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty which has come to be known as Cloward-Piven strategy. Cloward and Piven put forward a plan to overload the welfare system and thus force (they thought) the country via the left-wing of the Democratic Party to establish a GNI (guaranteed national income) thus ending poverty in a single stroke.
With community organizer George Wiley in 1967, Cloward and Piven created the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) which by 1975 had used shake-downs and brow-beating a la Saul Alinsky to put eight million extra people on the state and city welfare rolls. In 1975, New York City went bankrupt and had to be bailed out by the federal government; and New York State came within a whisker of the same fate. While not acknowledging they’d failed to force the creation of GNI, the threesome bragged publicly about the “great thing” they’d accomplished and suggested that the next two areas for street-action needed to be housing and voter registration.
In 1976, Jimmy Carter was elected president and one of his first deeds was passing the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77). In 1977, a Wiley lieutenant named Wade Rathke already in Arkansas and working with a rising politician Bill Clinton (30 years old elected the lieutenant-governor of the state in 1976) . . . Rathke created ACORN to take advantage of the new law. In those days the “A” in ACORN stood for Arkansas. They weren’t very effective at first but they did help Clinton win the governorship in 12 of the next 14 years. Later among Clinton’s first two acts as president was a regulatory overhaul of mortgage-guarantee legislation to give it more teeth especially its connection to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; and passing the Motor Voter Act (a twelve-lane highway to voter fraud) with Cloward and Piven standing right behind him in the official signing portrait (all over the internet).
As mentioned already, Clinton (the First ACORN president) besides his regulatory revamping of CRA ’77 went on to expand the law three more times and Barack Obama was in the trenches a la Saul Alinsky (Obama taught courses in Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” in Chicago for several years) . . . so once again we remind you to notice the word “deliberate” within the Big Truth:
Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy (that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by a planned overloading of the welfare rolls) . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (94% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!
By the way, going back to our headline claiming the Republican leaders have been neutered and need to grow a new set of testicles: the Republican response to Obama was absolutely pathetic. They used their own radio address to defend the plan and here was the closest they got to showing strength: "The new agenda embodies Americans' rejection of the notion that we can simply tax, borrow and spend our way to prosperity," said one of the Pledge’s authors, California Rep. Kevin McCarthy. "It offers a new way forward that hasn't been tried in Washington _ an approach focused on cutting spending _ which is sadly a new idea for a Congress accustomed to always accelerating it." Like Rajjpuut said, "Republicans, grow a pair!"
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Victories are Won by the Victorious

Written By: Teague Cuddebackfor Vision to AmericaWant to see a conservative win in November?Those who would be victorious in any endeavor always takethe long view. That’s what our Marxist opposition does.They see the great sweep of history and they look far intothe future. They analyze the reasons why things have turnedout the way they have. They know succeeding and winning isan up and down affair, that it requires specific knowledgeof the enemy and his beliefs, methods, weaknesses and habits,that there’s no gain without pain, and no advance forwardwithout an occasional falling backward, that sacrifice of time,effort, money, and sometimes blood, is part of the journey.If only Republicans, conservatives and Christians, cuddlysafe in their glass towers, suburbs and worship centers couldgrasp this fact. Jesus surely did, but sadly, many of us can’tsee beyond our noses. Mention what has transpired over the pastfifty years that paved the way for the installation of ourtotalitarian president and some ill informed, historicallychallenged, angry short-sighted individual will blare “you areliving in the past and blaming republicans for all the ills inthe U.S.A.” Nothing could be farther from the truth.But should we criticize only the beliefs and actions of theopposition and never consider our own?Can any logical person deny that the “past” is part and parcelof today, still influencing the events and thinking of a greatmany people who don’t understand Republican, conservative oreven Christian principles?Can we ignore the fact that Republicans didn’t then and evennow do not go into certain neighborhoods with an eye towardwinning conservative converts?They think all they have to do is “rally the base.”The truth is, the conservative base is smaller than the liberal base.We are surrounded by fellow Americans who still live withpolitical attitudes and beliefs from by-gone decades.The past has been passed on in memory and emotion and keptalive by current voters. Their narratives are embedded inthe mission statements of existing governmental agenciesand programs.If we want to dismantle those agencies and programs, as somany do, we can do so safely and more permanently only byconnecting with individuals who hold those wrong beliefsand offering replacement beliefs that make sense to them,thereby moving their loyalties from Democratic Party toRepublican Party, helping them understand that Marxism isnot Liberal and that conservative and traditional valuesare emotionally rewarding and spiritually generous,forgiving and liberal because that is God’s nature andHe is the author of true governance.If we don’t do this difficult work, those individuals willstrengthen in their fight against us. Our very personaleducational outreach to them must be sustained over a longperiod of time to make one victory become a second victory,then a third victory, and so on.If we fail in this effort, we can’t begin to deconstructwhat our sins of omission helped to build. We become deniersof history who can’t or won’t face the truth and so helpperpetuate the lie that conservatives are hateful, stingyand racist.If we do a good job now and keep it up, peoplewill be able to look back in history to our era and learnin another time of crisis how we came to our senses, andpulled back from the brink of totalitarianism to regaincontrol over the future of our nation to save freedom foranother generation.The attitude of denial is not uncommon. Republicans fordecades have refused to seek votes in minority communities.They would rather concede those geographic areas to Democrats,believing that everyone living there is out of reach.What lack of faith.By thinking this way, Republicans merely prove what Democratssay about them, that they don’t care about those people,neighborhoods, communities, legislative districts, etc.There are too many Republican voters who childishly thinkall that has to happen is for conservatives to be victoriouson November 2nd, and then all will be right with the world.Anger and disgust over high taxes and excessive spendingactivates people only for a short period of time.It is hard to sustain indefinitely.People get tired, become depressed.And there are other issues to consider.Tea Parties are great outlets for expression but they cannotdo real politics because they are not registered as politicalaction committees. Political action committees can raise moneyto fund candidates, run campaigns, buy candidate and ballotissue-specific advertising, activities with the potential togenerate governing power. I wish every conservative could graspthe importance of organizing and campaigning.It is the glue that binds people together in political victoryand sustains them even in defeat. Sustained political togethernessenables a government to be strong and remain strong. It enablespeople with dissimilar backgrounds to stick together through thickand thin, for the long haul. The nature of politically forgedrelationships takes on aspects of family.I spent this past weekend working with an independent fiscaland pro-life conservative who is running on the Republican ticket.He is Hispanic and running for office in a minority district.The Republican Party ignored his candidacy and offered him nosupport for his run because he is trying to unseat a very liberalLatina incumbent of sixteen years who only once had faced oppositionin an underfunded campaign.I had met the Republican candidate’swife months ago when she was part of a small Tea Party group I wasinvited to counsel. I chose to speak on political history, partystructures and effective campaign planning and messaging techniquesfor reaching the politically unreached. It is easy to tell who’sgetting it and who isn’t simply by the questions they ask.She was getting it.Those who don’t get it usually remain silent or just makedisparaging comments. Some while later, the woman told meher husband had decided to run for political office.His campaign started early applying the principles and methodsI had offered. He is a very committed candidate and a consistentand effective door-to-door campaigner.Today, the incumbent politician he is working to defeat can’tgo home at the end of the day without seeing this man’s yardsigns up and down her street and a huge banner for him directlyacross the street from her house. I’m sure it takes some of thewind out of her sails.It is always a good strategy to demoralize the oppositioncandidate and cause them anxiety without ever having to say anugly word about them. People in the district are talking abouttheir respective candidacies, comparing who’s doing what andwho’s taking the voters for granted, and it’s all free becauseit’s word of mouth.That’s good campaigning.To be victorious requires deep individual commitment, constantworking of precincts, on-going positive campaigning, teachingeverywhere, person to person.Jesus committed himself to working this same way for ourspiritual benefit every day for three years and gave his life for us.We can follow his pattern and do the same to preserve theliberty that allows us to evangelize and worship freely.Still on the sidelines?Don’t be “a moderate.” It’s a curse,a blight on the body politic and a hellish thing.Moderates have no passion for a cause unless they are “it.”They are neither hot nor cold. They have no convictions andcannot be convinced on an issue. They only gravitate to oneside or the other of a cause when it suits them, as they weighand consider their present circumstance against the politicaland economic backdrop that frames it.If they are “religious moderates,” they consider themselves“good” people who understand those gray areas that escapethe rest of us. They are a religion unto themselves.Principles mean little to such persons. They live in the now,and for them, all ethics are situational. Their words and actions,or lack thereof, prove it.And they tend to ignore the lessons history can teach.Don’t forget to examine history.Take it into account. Then, do politics.Make the decision that you will go where you have never beenand that you will do what you have never done.Help America secure its future in a new era of freedom.Call your local political party and find out how to contacta conservative candidate’s campaign near you.Ask questions about the candidate’s beliefs.Find out who and what groups have endorsed their campaign.You can make a significant difference in the effectivenessof a candidate’s efforts. And when you do, you’ll discover thatwhat you’ve done and learned campaigning has etched you deeply.You’ll never see politics quite the same way again.
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