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American Values and Principles

It is not comfortable to know that extraterrestrials are out there observing us. Are they waiting for us to catch up or waiting for us to eliminate ourselves? Billions of earth people are heading down a dangerous path, and don’t have answers that make sense. If the two or three who read my thoughts would pass this blog on, we might start a wave that would sweep the world.

America’s Founding Fathers, aware of the corruption that comes from aristocracy based on birth, wrote and signed a Declaration of Independence, which gave every individual in America the birthright to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, based on the idea that we are capable of being self-governed.

We are not born knowing how to self-govern. The Constitution the Founding Fathers wrote was based on the idea of learning and earning the right to be self-governed. Knowing politicians, the Founding Fathers required that they swear to protect and defend the Constitution. Self-serving politicians simply selected judges who interpreted the Constitution to conform to their whims. Thus, today’s Constitution is whatever turns us on. It’s worthless.

Faced with the reality of what corrupt politicians have done to us, we Americans have learned the hard way to never trust a politician. They will do wrong every time they get the chance. The principles and values behind America’s original Constitution, as written in the Founding Fathers’ Declaration, came from natural law and nature’s God. Any interpretation of the law that fails to recognize this is political expedience. It changes the course for the rocks.

In my new Scofield Study Bible my wife Karen gave me for my eighty-fifth birthday on September 17, today I read in Matthew 11 an editor’s note, “The new message of Jesus: not the kingdom, but personal discipleship.” This is followed by “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt.11:28). It brought to mind being self-governed. When we look within for our answers, the yoke is easy and the burden light, says Jesus.

Looking at the actual reality of our situation, are we merely intelligent meat; here today and gone tomorrow; no more than pawns of the powerful, here to bear their heavy burden? The Founding Fathers found it necessary to dissolve the bands that forced us to pay the oppressor British Crown. We can agree that almost anything beats enslavement. When enslaved, we have the common desire to be free. Once free, we now see, the process begins again that leads to enslavement. Are we really capable of living under natural law and nature’s God, or of self-government?

For many years America grew and prospered under her free enterprise system, in fact, to become the most prosperous nation on earth. Then the free enterprise system failed us. The American people had lost sight of the principles and values that made America great. Fat Wall Street hogs, under the free enterprise system, unsupervised, freely manipulated the stock market and left America sucking hind tit. We, the betrayed people, looked to the fox guarding the henhouse for the answer. Government gladly accepted the duty to grant us individual aid. Once government got its foot in our doors, with Ponzi schemes that give us less and less and government more and more power, more than half of the American people depending on government now, we’re going bankrupt morally, spiritually, and financially, losing every liberty we have, the Tea Party, the reaction. We’ve come full circle. Back to the Boston Tea Party and the Declaration of Independence. Millions of Americans are now doing what I did in 1973: studying our Constitution; looking within for answers; discovering natural law and nature’s God.

The Tea Party came 37 years after I studied my Constitution, the original Constitution, and took action against government. I was out of sight, out of mind. I took my tax case all the way to the Supreme Court, and to no avail, other than to create a record. The government lied every step of the way and hung itself with its own rope. I took the court record to The Palm Beach Post in 1986. The Post investigated. The IRS admitted on the front page to numerous “mistakes,” such as ignoring court orders.

From my out of mind, out of sight action, the United States was left an unnoticed, unconstitutional fraud, and now caught in its own web of deceit; we’ve yet to see the end of my story. “In earth as it is in heaven” (Mt. 6:10). Editor’s note: “The new revelation concerning the Lord’s Prayer,” just what is the new revelation?

Jesus came to earth 2,000 years ago with a prophecy that we would become a brotherhood. Desperate to keep Jesus’ prophecy from happening, his prophecy is being perverted in America by the collectivist fraud I brought to bear in 1973. Collectivist salvation, “what did you say?” “When any one heareth the word of the kingdom and understand it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart” (Mt. 13:19), And who would the wicked one be? Notice that Obama says our Constitution is flawed and our liberties negative. He learned about America at Harvard, whose faculty teaches the philosophy of Marx. Obama did not swear to protect and defend my Constitution. He has his constitution, which we read in Dreams From my Father, his father a communist, a bigamist, and an alcoholic who killed a Kenyan with his car. I would not think many, including Obama, would want to live and think like dirt poor native Kenyans. One-world Obama wants to share your wealth.

Coincidentally, on the day the Declaration of Independence was signed, July 4, 1776, the day the brotherhood Jesus prophesized was born—that is to say, the planet Uranus was on the ascendant of the astrological chart of the United States, meaning her sign was Aquarius. Abraham Lincoln was born under the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius was also on the rise in his chart. Aquarius was on the rise in my chart. Astrologers claim the Age of Aquarius, which we are now entering, is an age of brotherhood. By the way the three wise men led by the star of Bethlehem to Christ’s birthplace, were Persian astrologers.

In Cosmos and Psyche, distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas, who spent 30 years in meticulous research of the outer planets’ alignments, who found consistent correspondence with these alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biology, in that vein of thought my astrological charts shows Saturn and Pluto to be in their most favorable alignment when I was born. “In earth as it is in heaven,” keep in mind, called a trine, “this trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized,” we read in Astrologer’s Handbook. “They are able to work slowly to make fundamental and irrevocable changes in their own and others lives. Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.”

Tarnas points out in Cosmos and Psyche that in November 2008, Saturn and Pluto went into unfavorable alignment. It means widespread indulgence, decadence, naiveté, denial, and inflation. Obama came at the right time to lead us. Too bad about that, but take heart. No way are we going to Kenyas’s dogs. The bad alignment ends in 2011. I’ve good news. Natively understanding the laws by which subtle forces are organized, I studied and came to understand the quantum mind, as told by quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker. We are “co-creators.” “The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. The quantum mind is the basic reality.” It is mind over matter; we make our reality.

You are not out of sight, out of mind anymore, folks. Old ideas fading into the forgotten past; the observer interacting with matter, hope is the beginning of our current mission; faith is not blind anymore; and charity begins with the individual, we, individually, in the driver’s seat making our reality, a groundswell is building—welcome to the Age of Aquarius.

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Friday, October 01, 2010

Larry Dever

Sheriff Larry Dever of Cochise County, Ariz. (Cochise County Sheriff's Department photo)

Sheriff Larry Dever of Cochise County, Ariz. told that President Barack Obama has “got his hands wrapped around our throat” as his administration sues the state of Arizona for trying to enforce the
immigration laws that the federal government itself will not enforce.

Dever also said he has “zero confidence” Obama will secure the border before his presidential term is up in two years and that the president is putting the people who live and work in Cochise County at risk by
willfully failing to secure that border so that he can maintain
political leverage for his goal of winning an amnesty for illegal
aliens. videotaped an interview with Dever on Aug. 13, the same day Obama signed a $600 million bill to provide 1,000 additional Border Patrol agents. When asked whether he believes Obama actually wants to
secure the border, Dever said that Obama did not want to do so.

“No. He’s as much as said so,” said Dever. “He’s playing the border security card, holding that, his trump card, to get immigration reform. And he’s basically said, you’re not going to get the kind of border
enforcement you want, you’re asking for, unless you give me immigration

Cochise County is one of four counties in the state of Arizona that is contiguous with the Mexican border. Dever, a native of the county, was first elected sheriff in 1996 and has worked in local law
enforcement in the county for three decades.

When asked Dever if he was saying that President Obama was putting ranchers, other people in his county and the even Border Patrol agents who worked there at risk by holding off on securing the
border while trying to win an amnesty for illegal aliens, Dever said:
“If that’s what it seems like I’m saying, let me just make it perfectly
clear, as the president likes to say: That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

Asked how much confidence he has that President Obama will eventually secure the border before his term of office ends in two years, Dever said: “I have zero confidence in that.”

“While this new funding is welcome, it’s still far short,” Dever said of the bill the president signed that day. “It’s an improvement, and we welcome that. But what really irritates me, really irritates me, is
that while throwing out all this money in the government, he’s suing us
on the other hand.”

Dever was referring to the lawsuit brought against Arizona by the U.S. Justice Department seeking to block an Arizona law enacted earlier this year that requires local law enforcement officers in Arizona to
determine the immigration status of someone they stop for another reason
and then have a reasonable basis for suspecting may be an illegal
alien. In July, a federal judge issued an injunction blocking
enforcement of key provision of the Arizona law, and it is now on appeal
to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

“So, he’s got his hands wrapped around our throat—to use a Gulf oil—his foot on our throat, to use a Gulf-oil-spill metaphor, and, holding out a few crumbs in his hand and saying eat this,” said Dever.
“Lift the lawsuit, Mr. President, and drop that thing. Let Arizona take
its leadership role like it’s willing to do. We’ll help. We’ll do more
good with that than anything else that’s going on right now. Other
states are getting on board. And then give us the resources we need to
get this thing done.”
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As the onslaught of dirty politics rears its ugly head roughly 30 days from Election Day, there's a battle between the biased mainstream media and the truth. This is a battle conservatives have been fighting for decades, but since the arrival of The Chosen One, it has become blatantly open.

TIMES, NEWSWEEK Hit O'Donnell, Skip Coons Record

Everybody gets the game. And the game is over.

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A Miracle

Since we have the uncomfortable feeling that our lives could be at the brink of significant change, and how we hate change, I’ve a message for you.

On Good Friday 1975, I drove out of my driveway in North Texas and headed for South Florida, never to return. I didn’t pick Good Friday, but the day Christians commemorate as the day Christ was crucified had special meaning in my life, as did April Fool’s Day. Both stand as signs. It seems that I have a penchant for picking days that have special meaning to make major changes in my life.

On April Fool’s Day 1999, my wife Karen and I boarded a jetliner at Palm Beach International Airport for a one-way journey back to square one, Portland, Oregon.

In August 1981, I’d departed Portland, with Karen all the way to Salt Lake City repeating, “I don’t know why I’m doing this.” Nearly 18 years later this fool returned to Portland.

The Good Friday departure resulted in my finding a new life that was vastly better than the life I left. After the August 1981 departure, if anything could go wrong it did; after the Good Friday 1975 departure, when things could very well have gone wrong, everything went right. In the change that didn’t work out well, I’d been impetuous. In the change that worked out well, I got on my course of destiny.

I’d studied my Constitution and acted. I had a bigger than life calling. In the 1981 change, I was running from my problems; in the 1975 change, I was facing the problem and acting.

In my 1975 departure, I was the pioneer seeking a new and better life. America’s Founding Fathers wrote my Constitution for a people that came to America seeking a new and better life. “And I say to you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened” (Luke 11:9).

The Phoenix, a legendary bird, after a life of centuries this bird immolated itself on a pyre and from the ashes was reborn. The Phoenix is an emblem of immortality, or of reborn idealism or hope, or a person who has been restored after suffering a calamity.

In this vein of thought, another sign in my life was the eruption of Mt. St. Helens on May 18, 1980, which occurred on my first date with Karen. We were hiking a mountain trail near Mt. St. Helens. The most important thing in my life, to love and be loved back, had escaped me. When I met Karen, I’d experienced three failed marriages. The last thing I wanted was another wife, but the moment I met Karen I felt as though I was with an old friend I’d not seen for a long time. Just prior to seeing the sky turn black in the northwest from the eruption, Karen blurted out, “I want ours to be a platonic relationship.” She doesn’t know why she said it. Fifteen years later, I read in a computer printout taken from an astrological compatibility program: “The platonic thing was there from the start, and there is a sense of the brotherly and sisterly between you.”

What about the 9-11 event? Is it not as well a sign? We are entering the Age of Aquarius, the sign, the water-bearer, we’re told this age is of brotherhood. Where does brotherhood begin? Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. We are all God’s children.

I read in my new Scofield Study Bible, in the Gospel According to St. Matthew, The new message of Jesus: not the Kingdom, but personal discipleship. I turned back to “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Mt. 6:10). The period after “Thy kingdom come” made sense. We are on earth to act, not to hope for the kingdom that is yet to come.

In Cosmos and Psyche, distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. On Good Friday 1975, the day of my departure from my old life, (we are on earth to act) Uranus, my ruling planet had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born. It meant I’d be under pressure to significantly change my life. I shudder to think what would have happened to me had I been too afraid to take the leap. After my departure, I faced a very tough situation, including being locked out of my apartment for non-payment of rent. Somehow, I knew I was going to win the battle. That feeling never left me. My departure in 1975 was to the sea. In a violent storm, God’s hand was on my wheel. Are we not all born for a purpose? I was saved for a purpose. We all have a purpose. Never give up.

Long ago, I dreamed of some day retiring in the mountains. In Numerology and The Divine Triangle, under “Life Lesson Number,” my number being 7, means “you are here to use and develop your mind. . . You should learn to spend time by yourself, in the woods or by the seashore, where you can get in touch with your inner self.” In March 2008, Karen and I moved into our dream home in the tall timber near Mt. Hood. There are numerous coincidences in my life like the ones I mention here.

In The Meaning of Life: the Physics of Consciousness, we read, “The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence.” Our state of consciousness, fundamental to our existence, means there is no limit.

In earth as it is in heaven, in The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” I’m Aquarius rising, we are told that I’m somehow “different” from other people, that I can have a strong sense of freedom for myself and for others, and ahead of my time. We’re told under “Aquarius Rising” that trying to conform in order to be like everyone else I may rebel at crucial times. In the first instance, in 1975, I found the real me. In the second instance, in 1981, I ignored the real me and acted foolishly. For eighteen years I paid for my folly, finally returning to square one, I got back on my course of destiny. We are personally responsible for our own lives. There is no other way to find happiness.

Since prior to my having been born again I studied my Constitution and acted, and had a bigger than life calling, and now my dreams have come true, I refer you to As A Man Thinketh by James Allen.

As a being of Power, Intelligence and Love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which may make himself what he wills.

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U.S. and immigration??

America 4 Americans !

Before I start this tirade I want everyone to think about the scenario I am about to put forward.

Imagine that you and I are both trying to raise and care for our individual child. One each.

In this situation there is only enough food for one, exactly one child! Keep in mind that one child must starve and only one can be allowed to survive. There is no compromise. Should we try to share both will starve. End of discussion!

Imagine that you have the only access to this food. Which child do you feed? I am sure that you are going to let your child die and feed mine. Am I correct? Of course, we both know that is not going to happen! If anyone should even attempt to say different I would boldly call him or her a liar.

What exactly is happening to our country? No one has any sense of loyalty anymore.

Lest of all, the millions of immigrants, legal and illegal, that have invaded our home.

Due to some extremely stupid moves by our "elected officials" we have N.A.F.T.A. and other assorted trade agreements that the average U.S. citizens did not agree to and which has removed millions of jobs and sent them overseas.

We are in the midst of a war that no one seems to see. Our country in being invaded from without and then destroyed from within with the eager aid of our elected officials.

In addition to this we have millions of illegal immigrants already here and many more to come. Just watch! We, the American citizens are supposed to simply stand and watch as these illegals take over our country.

As for the incredibly lame, not naive, lame idea that these illegals are simply working jobs that no U.S. citizen would have, that is a lie, plain and simple. They take many jobs that pay well above $10.00 an hour and more! Right now and, actually at most any time just about any American would take such a job.

The legal immigrants would never work for the supposedly paltry sums fools claim the illegals work for to begin with. They are taking even more valuable jobs that our citizens could and should have.

Now the same traitorous politicians that allowed this situation in the first place want to give them citizenship through amnesty. Join the military and/or simply go to school at the American taxpayers expense and you're in. WHY? Are they better than the millions of immigrants that came before them and went through the process as our LAWS demand?

They come here, have a baby on our soil and we are not only expected to pay the bill for this, but allow them to stay because their child was born here. Their children should not be considered a citizen in the first place. It is more than plain that they know that giving birth here will make their child a citizen and use this to invade and remain in our country. They cry that we should not force them to leave because that would be unfair to their children, who might have to leave with them. Is it fair to us, who have to pay their way?

They want to vote. Illegal! They want to work. Illegal! They want to become citizens without due process. Illegal! Many use the social security numbers that other illegals have already and sometimes still use. Highly Illegal! Plain and simple, they are criminals, nothing less! Absolutely nothing more.

Our welfare tolls swell everyday and a large part of this is due to paying for the general upkeep and medical welfare of these same criminals.

It is not our fault that their countries might be in bad shape. It is also not our duty to care for them. That is the responsibility of their own governments or countries!

They form large protest marches to call for their rights. These are rights that are not theirs to begin with; they are here illegally. This the perfect time to round them up and deport them!

Please understand that this is "not" a speech of hatred or the prejudice of an insane individual. I am afraid for my family, friends and country. We cannot care for our own and worry about the rest of the world too.

Whenever we actually do manage to send a few back they just return. They assume a new name and locate another social security number and their here once more.

We need to start collecting in addition to fingerprints and photographs; DNA samples, retinal and vocal scans. Then if anyone should be caught a second time they will be very easy to identify and we can put them in prison. Once in prison they could be made join public work crews and then at last pay their own way. Repeat offenders are people that have no respect for the law as their own conduct proves.

Illegals are not the only problem! As stated earlier, we cannot take on the cares of the entire world. REMEMBER WHOS CHILD ARE YOU GOING TO FEED FIRST! The numbers of legal immigrants into country should also be curtailed.

There are, or so I have heard, many programs or incentives not offered to actual U.S. citizens that allow immigrants to go to school with loans and even grants. "We The People" would be the ones to foot the bill for such. They are offered tax shelters as well as loans and grants to start businesses that are not allowed for U.S. citizens. This is not only wrong, it should be a criminal offense. REMEMBER WHOS CHILD ARE YOU GOING TO FEED FIRST! This is treason against the American citizens.

It is not politically correct to say things like (stop or limit immigration), I for one do not care out political correctness, and instead I care about America and its citizens. Limitations are exactly what needs to be enacted in the U.S.A. Once again, I say there is only so much we, the U.S. citizens can do for the world.

Many other countries have limitations as to how many immigrants can move into their countries. There is a sound and perfectly legitimate reason for this. They cannot afford to support them as well as their own citizens. Neither can we!

The U.S.A. and Canada are the only countries that have automatic citizenship when born on their soil. Seems rather asinine to me!

Immigrants, whether legal or not, DO TAKE JOBS, that U.S. citizens could fill and at this point in time need to have to keep their families alive.

Unemployment is a scourge in our country right now. Yet we continue to allow massive numbers of immigrants to migrate into our country and economy every single day. They are taking jobs that we need desperately. It needs to be stopped, now!

The bleeding heart politicians seem to think they are being humane when allowing this sort of thing. They are not! They are simply trying to win the support of the very people they should be sending home.

Eventually there will such numbers of people here that we will not be able to support anyone, citizen, legal or illegal immigrants. That is a fact!

So in closing, for now, I say, may GOD bless and guide America and protect us from the invasion that is happening before our very eyes and that no one seems to see.

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Maybe I just haven't read or heard anything yet, but where is the support by the Tea Party for Maines Conservative Candidates? I was told by Tea party patriots, that the Tea Party doesn't support or endorse political candidates! But if that is the case why is the Media reporting Victories for Tea Party Candidates?

These are a few Conservative Candidates that are running, and a couple are running against Multi Term Liberals.

Paul Lepage for Gov., Jason Levesque for Congress, Larry Dunphy for State Rep, Rod Whittemore for state senate.

Why is the Tea party so silent in Maine? I don't get it, can someone help me see the light here?

Thank you

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Increaseing our power

You and I are members of a very select group and we joined together as a group to make to make a difference.
There are literally hundreds of groups across all across America wanting to make a statement. Some of the groups are small with just a few members and some with a few hundred members and all like us dissatisfied with the current politicians and the wretchedly bad job they are doing.
Almost all groups are trying to figure out who is the best of the bad and, if they are not lying, will they support their cause. And they will encourage members of their group to vote for that career politician because there is no better choice.
The two parties have a lock on the candidate selection process and they always select the person that supports the issues that most concern them. Issues that when come to be law will benefit their pocket book or the pocket book of the supporter, donator to their past and future election.

In 1780 Samuel Adams wrote “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.
I can say with out a doubt that the vainest and aspiring men in this United States are the politicians that hold office and we the citizen the members of the many groups are the experienced patriots and that is why we have banded together as groups. We have the power collectively united to prevent the ruin of America.

We all disapprove of the job Congress is doing, yet 95% of incumbents are re-elected.
Why do they get reelected over and over again? Incumbents take advantage of the perquisites of office to enhance their electoral position over their challengers. Thus, the franking (free mailing) privilege incumbents get helps them maintain increased name recognition. Travel to the district helps incumbents as well. In addition, by performing casework for their constituents (such as by finding lost Social Security checks), incumbents can develop good will, which then translates into votes. Finally, incumbents can skillfully take positions that are in agreement with constituency opinion. They also advertise based on these positions and build a legislative record that the opinion leaders in the district can support. In short, incumbents are doing just enough to help them get reelected. Getting reelected is their number one priority from the day they take the oath of office. Representing the constituents of their district takes a back seat to getting reelected.
Do campaign contributions to congressman buy votes? Of course they do. If they didn't, there wouldn't be any campaign contributions in the first place, especially from the heavy interests in business, defense industry and others who regularly buy Congressional votes. Not all politicians in office are on the take, but too frequently the news exposes a glaring example. I would be hard pressed to name just one that is not on the take.
The most recent features suspected bribery taker Congressman William Jefferson (D., La.) trying to explain the $90,000 found in his freezer. This may be shameful, but certainly not surprising. Throughout history, there have been an old-boys' network operating among Washington lobbyists and legislators. Members of the House of Representatives must run for re-election every two years; Senators every six years.
Today a Presidential candidate must raise many millions for a campaign, and it takes at least from $250,000 to several million to finance a Congressional campaign. Does anyone really believe that all campaign gift money comes from selfless patriots whose only altruistic motive is to bring competent, honest government to Washington?
Today’s politician could not fix the problems we have even if they wanted to. They are trapped by what we call "political Catch-22s": They must serve their party or they will be gerrymandered out of office (ask Lieberman). They must serve the special interest groups that finance their campaign or they will not have enough money to seek re-election. They must be politically correct at all times - ensuring they do not offend any person and thus lose their votes and dollars. They can only create "pork", they can never remove wasteful spending. They are so determined to get re-elected that they spend ridiculous amounts of time fund-raising instead of representing their constituents.
The voters are becoming more and more dissatisfied with the political parties and are showing this by the ever increasing number of new organizations dedicated to changing policy in Washington, groups such as As A Mom, TEA Party, GOOOH, Sons of Liberty, 9-12, and Operation Pitch Fork, to name a few.
Most of the organizations have similar goals. Some focus on a single issue and others cover many. What is meaningful is they are all working to bring our nation into a new era of true and rightful government by the people, an idea that once made this nation great.
This nation can again become a nation for the people if we will work together, but our problem is we have so many organizations, each with a few thousand members. What we need to do is bring the thousands of members from all organizations into one central group.
It stands to reason, as long as we remain separate we stand no chance of opposing the parties. Is there a solution to all of this? A solution to special interest money used to buy votes, a solution to a candidate saying one thing to get elected and then doing just the opposite.

Yes there is. And the solution is to change the way candidates are chosen.

You and I want a candidate that will have no ties to special interest money and is not beholden to any political party telling them how to vote and is not worried about being reelected because the most they will ever serve is two terms.

I have researched over fifty groups all with special agendas, Tea Party,
Operation PitchFork, 9-12 Project, Break the Bonds of Tyranny just to name a few and none of them have a definite solution with one exception and that unique exception is an
organization named Go – GOOOH is an acronym for Get Out Of Our House. GOOOH is not a party, nor is it a platform. It is a process for electing citizen representatives to serve the people in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Why the House (something we all learned in school and most have forgotten)?
The President can suggest laws, but only Congress can make them. A member of either the House or Senate may introduce a bill but it must be approved by both. If similar but different bills are passed by the House and Senate, a conference committee attempts to reconcile the differences and then both will vote on the same bill. Before it can be a law it must also be approved by the President or, if he does not sign, the House and Senate can vote on it again and if they both pass it by a 2/3 majority it becomes law. If the law is challenged, the courts can rule that it is unconstitutional.

GOOOH has the solution: get rid of the politicians and elect true citizens. Go will
(a) Sever the ties with special interest groups
(b) Replace career politicians with true representatives
(c) Hold our elected officials accountable
(d) Allow you and your peers to actively participate in the selection of your representative.
(e) Allow you and your peers to determine, among yourselves, who can best represent your District

GOOOH does not define (or have) a platform. It allows selected candidates to represent their district's interests unencumbered by partisan politics. Candidates will define their own platform by filling out the Candidate Questionnaire.
Candidates are required to sign a legal contract agreeing to run for no more than two, 2-year terms. They will therefore spend their time representing their district and developing legislation - not fund-raising (or pandering) for the next election.

As a member of your select group you should also consider becoming a member of Go. It will cost you nothing to join and your benefit will be in helping pick the next candidate to run for Congress.

Visit and learn more.

P.S. Having read this, please email me with your thoughts on the subject.

Don Alexander
Houston, TX
832-443-5108 .
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Bernanke Makes Quantum Leap
Backward with “Quantitative Easing”
Most of us have heard “never use an elephant gun when a fly-swatter will do” or similar sayings reminding us to balance problem-solving responses with problem severity. Our dear friend Ben Bernanke, however, is currently brandishing nuclear weapons where most might consider a teaspoonful of radioactive-dye sufficient. Perhaps one day soon Federal Reserve Chief Ben will be explaining to us how the “operation was a success, too bad the patient died.”
The patient, as you know, is the United States economy. Dear Ben is so concerned about depressions lurking underneath his bedsprings that he multiplied the amount of circulating money in the country fifteen-fold between late 2008 and mid-2009. Thanks to Ben, technically speaking the present U.S. dollar bill is worth 6.7 cents of the 2008 dollar’s value. Nice job, Benny Boy!
Of course, tradition is what Ben has been counting on. The dollar has been the international storehouse of value for over three-score years now and people, even astute foreign investors and governments, don’t adapt as quickly as they might to the shifting reality known as hyper-inflation. The only problem is that someone in China someday soon might notice that fiscal-emperor Ben is running around buck naked and charge him with indecently dipping of super-skinny value. We’re talking about QE which is short for “Quantitative Easing” which under present conditions might be considered using a nine-pound sledge hammer against the mosquito in your friend’s ear. Ah, me.
The Fed Chief has a few problems in the economy to deal with: 1) jobs creation is worse than lackluster 2) homes are being foreclosed upon at a record rate well in excess of last year’s record rate 3) home prices are artificially high and threatening to plummet at the first wave of panic selling 4) the incredible size ($114 TRillion) of the UNfunded liabilites the government’s responsible for 5) severe recent increases in deficit and National Debt 6) the inflationary weight of all the money he printed just a few months back 7) a record setting run of bank failures and 8) most crucially, his normal tool for controlling the economy (interest rate variation) is largely denied him because he doesn’t want to discourage credit by raising rates and the present rates are so low that further lowering would be all but useless . . . so now he pulls quantative easing (QE) out of his quiver, Gentle Ben does . . . .
Just in case the term “quantitative easing” is unfamiliar to you . . . It’s sometimes known as “monetizing the debt.” You owe $95,000 to banks + a $325,000 mortgage debt, so Ben astutely gives you $420,000 monetizing your debt . . . sound fishy? It is. If you think of printing presses initiating a process of taking a perfectly useful product (paper) and making it valueless except for papering walls and use in outhouses . . . was that harsh . . . in any case, QE is the process of allowing banks to (effectively) print air-money just because, well because, they feel like it. This is pretty much the bank stupidity, now encouraged-earlier discouraged by the Federal Reserve, which exacerbated the meltdown we’ve suffered from over the last three plus years.
Think about it, since we’ve had a record series of bank failures due to forced mortgage-lending at less than 3% down** payments (usually 0%) mandated by federal law (CRA ’77 and three Bill Clinton legislative expansions + two Clinton regulatory expansions of CRA ’77 and the deliberate abetting of such stupid loans from ACORN seeking home loans for . . . .
1. The unemployed
2. Those with bad credit
3. Those with no rental history
4. Those whose only “income” is food stamps
5. Others on welfare
6. Illegal aliens
7. Those fitting all of the above categories
8. All given loans under duress by shakedowns from ACORN lawyer Barack Obama and others of his community organizing ilk . . . .
And since ACORN discovered shortly after Clinton’s ’98 steroid-version of CRA ’77 that it was almost as easy getting a dirt-poor person a loan for a $450,000 home as it previously had been for a home of $120-$150,000 . . . while banks were lumping all these loans together for profitable actions to intensify the meltdown that the sub-prime loan crisis itself was bringing our way . . . . and here Benny-Boy is setting us up again . . . . you get the picture, once again the fox in the henhouse is being given a cleaver and night-vision goggles. So, who exactly might be negatively impacted by QE? Anyone who holds or relies on the dollar. No, no, NOT just the Chinese, Americans too, especially Americans!
Once he’d already gone loco with the money printing presses, the process of “Quantative Easing” should be the last and least used of the armaments available to a Fed Chief. Big Ben, up to now has been imitating Japan during their lost (dozen) -economy years in the late 80’s and 90’s. Now thanks to employing QE to enlarge the bankers’ power, Ben may well have the ability to get America role-playing the Weimar Republic that brought Germany 100,000,000,000% inflation and made Adolf Hitler look like an inspiring political choice. God bless you, Ben, you’re a madman.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

** such loans were reserved for the highest quality veterans’ credit in 1975 when they amounted to 1/404 of all home loans; by 2005 they amounted to 34/100 of all home loans

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Live by the political sword, get your foolish throat cut, it seems.
SPUD (with apologies to Idaho) = Super- Pathetic Useless Decision.” Rajjpuut
Dem Landrieu, Obama Moratorium Worse
Economically than BP Spill for Gulf Economy
It happened so easily and quickly that the pundits on the left were calling it a “no-brainer. Apparently that’s exactly how President Barack Obama saw the matter also . . . “we placate the extremist environmental factions within our own party and we show PRESIDENTIAL PRUDENCE by not allowing any Gulf Oil activity for six months while inspecting all the other rigs, an easy call.” Like so many progressive-wing “easy-calls,” however, this decision has hard-to-live with real world consequences. Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana is now holding a Barack Obama appointee hostage while she grabs the spotlight to protest the short-sighted Obama 6-month Oil drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico which she describes as “much worse than the BP spill itself.” It happened this way: Landrieu, a Democrat, has taken the unusual tactic of blocking confirmation of Jack Lew, President Obama’s nominee for Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and says she will NOT allow a vote on Lew’s confirmation, until the offshore drilling moratorium is lifted. In a message to Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader, Landrieu wrote, “I do not take this step lightly. But the fact is that the Administration's moratorium on new energy exploration is profoundly impacting the economy of the Gulf coast, while doing nothing to improve safety or environmental performance."
Landrieu additionally accuses the administration of insensitivity or lack of understanding of the effect of the moratorium on Gulf Coast families because since the moratorium, both deepwater and shallow-water drilling have "been brought to a standstill," hurting rig workers as well as nearly 3,000 businesses in Louisiana that support the drilling industry. Mentioning a letter-writing campaign the administration has ignored and doing everything within her power "to get the Administration's attention," she told Reid, Louisiana continues to suffer despite her efforts.
Obama and his administration have continually downplayed the prospect of economic pain caused by the moratorium to justify the drilling freeze. In a recent report, it cited an analysis showing no more than 8,000-12,000 jobs are being affected by the drilling ban and none will be permanently lost. According to LSU Professor Joseph Mason, after examining the administration's report, the analysis is flawed and he says 20,000 jobs are being threatened. The moratorium is set to expire on November 30, but Gulf residents and their leaders are frustrated that no serious talk about lifting it earlier has been heard from the administration whose recent offshore policies have drastically affected offshore drilling in recent weeks. According to The Wall Street Journal:
  • Only five new-well drilling permits have been issued in the past 20 weeks. In normal times before the Deepwater Horizon accident, 60-65 new permits would have been issued.
  • 15 of the Gulf's 46 shallow-water rigs are idle because they don't have permits to drill;
  • By the end of October, 70 percent of the shallow-water drillers will be idle;
  • Five deepwater rigs have left the Gulf; and
  • 30 million barrels of domestic oil production will be lost in 2011.
Live by the political sword, get your foolish throat cut, it seems. The BP Spill may turn out to be utterly small potatoes while Obama’s moratorium is remembered as the Big SPUD. ‘SPUD’ (with apologies to Idaho) = a Super- Pathetic Useless Decision. While the impact upon 20,000 Gulf jobs is definitely not trivial, the energy security of the entire nation is at stake as well as the Gulf economy. This is one of the worst decisions made yet by a president who seems clueless on governing the entire nation and serving 100% of the people as a whole rather than his targeting benefit for his political allies only.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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As my poor soul jurneys through this town ware evil begins and seems to have no end. My soul feels with tears.A place ware curroption stretches its wings like an eagle from here to D.C.A gov. worker he or she traveled to mexico with family . Then came back with percription medication then distributed them out to big well known families in ascension parish.Seems sad then how they brag cause they know trouble is no ware near.It fills my bright eyes witth tears how the law and curroption works here.FOr I have seen good people down in a moment do many yrs for such a crime.It seems so unfair Seems sad how we must raise kids in a place ware evil and curroption is well hid any yet is still seen.Is this the united states future ware as long as you work for the goverment that this behavor is ok. Is this the future for our children in this place we all call home.
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To the Tea Party Membership

Tea Party Founder: “Joe - If we could replace Hilter with a different name Progressive or Obamanism people who understand that we are dealing with a something bigger then political parties. It is a global party using instead of Christianity, but Mohammidism/radicalism to acquire power. The political parties are out of their league. This is an issue of Americanism and Hedonism (Progressive). The religious players are Christianity and Islam.”

Let us be clear about our task, my dear friends. Religious players have brought us holy wars, but religious players notwithstanding, social organization in which the means of production and distribution are owned and controlled by government, socialism—for a fact, socialism has never produced a prosperous nation. The Soviet Union went bankrupt. Communist China, the second biggest economy in the world today, is now 75 percent capitalistic. The bottom line is the economy. With prosperity, everything else falls into place. Why then do authorities try so hard to see that we are not prosperous? Including religion, we don’t want to play any part in man’s mindless endeavors to maintain control.

To socialize society, to make fit for companionship with others, does not imply government ownership of production or control of distribution. For a fact, socialism is totalitarian dictatorship; the people slaves. Does President Obama want to socialize America, or does he want to make the nation a totalitarian dictatorship? The answer is simple. Hardly has Obama made America fit for companionship. Obama has done more to divide the nation than any president ever.

And not only is he the greatest of dividers, Obama claims my Constitution is flawed and my personal liberties are negative. Let us discuss that claim. We each have a path of destiny; each here for a special purpose. Trying to serve government’s purpose, the IRS hung itself with its own rope. Through my Constitution, I saw to it that government served my purpose. The IRS admitted on the front page of The Palm Beach Post that it had “mistakenly” (lawlessly) confiscated my property.

I’ve had the personal experience of knowing my Constitution and acting upon it. I proved Obama wrong. It is all in the court record. My friends, ask not what your country can do for you; ask yourself what you can do for your country.

But more than proving Obama wrong about my Constitution, I want you to know, during the period when I fought Uncle Sam I discovered the light of the world. I spent two years on a 37 foot sailboat in the Bermuda Triangle. Strictly on my own, I was miraculously saved from a watery grave to tell my story. From a life of failure, I was reborn at sea, when everything could easily have gone wrong. My life ever after has been good.

By knowing my Constitution, I came to know the power that lies within me. No man can take my inalienable rights from me without my permission. Obama would deny that, but can Obama overcome nature’s God? No sir, I’m not a religious player. Jesus rebukes externalism. The wave of the future, the Age of Aquarius, I’m an Aquarian messenger, this is the message my spiritual guides give me to pass on: brotherhood and fraternity. Jesus told us that you and I are our brother’s keeper. My Lord: “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (Mt. 6:24). “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are raving wolves”(Mt. 7:15). “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?” Patrick Henry. No, I’m not a religious player to be manipulated by wolves in sheep’s clothing. Moreover, with millions of people like me blocking his way, Obama, with his father’s dream of communism, will never accomplish his objective. You can pass this on with assurance. Obama can’t change the universe.

Believe in your sacred self. You have the power to accomplish anything you want. I’m old enough to remember how it was in America. Government, our servant, let the Tea Party take its place in helping America return to our path of destiny. Let us socialize society; that is, make our society again fit for companionship, that America might once again be the light of the world.

Peace be with you,


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Creating a national force

We all see the problem: 90% of us disapprove of the job Congress is doing, yet 95% of incumbents are re-elected.The voters are becoming more and more dissatisfied with the political parties and are showing this by the ever increasing number of new organizations dedicated to changing policy in Washington, groups such as As A Mom, TEA Party, GOOOH, Sons of Liberty, 9-12, and Operation Pitch Fork, to name a few.Most of the organizations have similar goals. Some focus on a single issue and others cover many. What is meaningful is they are all working to bring our nation into a new era of true and rightful government by the people, an idea that once made this nation great.This nation can again become a nation for the people if we will work together, but our problem is we have so many organizations, each with a few thousand members.It stands to reason, as long as we remain separate we stand no chance of opposing the parties. The solution is to join forces and work for the common good of all.But how do we join? It’s simple: by encouraging our members to join other organizations.I belong to eleven organizations and have spent time reading about at least fifty others. I have decided that the one that covers all issues either directly or indirectly is an organization named Go – GOOOH is an acronym for Get Out Of Our House. GOOOH is not a party, nor is it a platform. It is a process for electing citizen representatives to serve the people in the U.S. House of Representatives.Why the House (something we all learned in school and most have forgotten)?The President can suggest laws, but only Congress can make them. A member of either the House or Senate may introduce a bill but it must be approved by both. If similar but different bills are passed by the House and Senate, a conference committee attempts to reconcile the differences and then both will vote on the same bill. Before it can be a law it must also be approved by the President or, if he does not sign, the House and Senate can vote on it again and if they both pass it by a 2/3 majority it becomes law. If the law is challenged, the courts can rule that it is unconstitutional.GOOOH has the solution: get rid of the politicians and elect true citizens. Go will(a) Sever the ties with special interest groups(b) Replace career politicians with true representatives(c) Hold our elected officials accountable(d) Allow you and your peers to actively participate in the selection of your representative.(e) Allow you and your peers to determine, among yourselves, who can best represent your DistrictGOOOH does not define (or have) a platform. It allows selected candidates to represent their district's interests unencumbered by partisan politics. Candidates will define their own platform by filling out the Candidate Questionnaire.Candidates are required to sign a legal contract agreeing to run for no more than two, 2-year terms. They will therefore spend their time representing their district and developing legislation - not fund-raising (or pandering) for the next election.If you, the leaders and organizers, and you know who you are, want to push or support your cause I suggest you do it by sending your people to Congress.Only Congress has the power to change an old law or make a new law.If you will put people in office that truly represent the citizens of your district, who have no ties to special interest money, and are not beholden to any party, they can attend to the needs of the their constituents instead of the demands of their party and the special interests who fund them.And the best way to put your people in Congress is by having all in your group join GOOOH.Do not just ask your members to join, ask them to be a part of the process. When we get enough groups working tougher we will have created a national force to be reckoned with.With the help of God and all members of every organization we will take back America!Visit and learn more.SincerelyDon AlexanderHouston, .
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The problems facing this country are all said to be very complcated when they are asked to be explained. I believe that when anyone says their problems, such as healthcare, are complicated it is because they are trying to take advantage and pad their own pockets. Case in point the new charge when you sell your home, it falls under the healthcare bill and cost thousands when you sell your home. I say term limits and line item vetos.
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Natural Law

Get ready for the big fight—government entitlement v. natural law. Get ready for the decision the prophets of ancient times have told us we will be forced to make.

The closest man can get to natural law is what we call the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. There is no rational or reasonable argument against this concept.

Redistribution of the wealth of the nation, by no manner or means, can conform to the Golden Rule. Politicians take from the resourceful and give to those who do not fully use their resources. It’s a great way to win elections but unhealthy for the economy. It is finally bankrupting the nation.

The question now arises of how to help those who cannot help themselves, as though we’ve always depended on government. Would we let our own children perish? We humans are all of one blood.

By no manner or means can we follow the Golden Rule when the collective good is the bases of law. Do we have a right to good health care but not a right to food, clothing, and shelter? With the good of all in mind, what’s to stop us from depriving some of basic necessities in order that others might have their basic needs? If a few fall through the cracks, no matter. All that counts is the overall good. What if we, as a nation, can’t afford good health care for everyone? Going into debt to the extent that future generations will be forced to pay for this generation’s good health care, all that government is doing is totally against the Golden Rule. Politicians expediently pass laws against common sense in order to be reelected. It is foolish to think they will ever change. It’s a matter of us controlling them, or them controlling us.

The moment government decrees a duty to the individual, natural law is buried and bestial law takes over. Beasts live by the law of the jungle. When we speak of natural law, we are speaking of “Higher Law,” law based on reason and logic, a gift of our Creator.

What makes President Obama’s reasoning better than yours or my reasoning? Does his education better qualify him? Obama’s education makes him believe he is better qualified. There is no possible way Obama’s reasoning is better than mine in running my life, but we’re going by the good of all. The individual doesn’t count. By his acts, as well as his words, Obama tells the world that he does not follow natural law.

The Constitution has for its basis natural law, but from Obama’s higher education, he says, the Constitution is flawed and our liberties are negative. From my study of the Constitution, I got the opposite idea. I don’t live in an ivory tower. I live in the school of hard knocks. But again, the individual doesn’t count. With Obama in command, we’ve got “collective salvation.”

The individual’s inalienable rights are based on natural law; government entitlements are not. Limited government is based on natural law; for the good of all is not. The right of contract is based on natural law. Obama took over General Motors, favored the union, and broke the contract with the stockholders. Obama’s approach is the worst thing anyone could think of to help grow the economy. He’s not trying to grow the economy.

The idea put forth in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights—natural law—which does not connect with Obama’s idea of “collective salvation,” more and more, we see that rights come from the Oval Office, which brings me to the point of this writing.

What about the promises our self-serving representatives have made to the American people? Adding the accruing liabilities to the astronomical debt already obligating future taxpayers, knowing their creation is utterly unsustainable, what to do, live in hope and die in despair? I hate to burst your bubble. That which cannot possibly sustain itself will in the long run be shaped in the interest of the sustainers, while Obama, for the next two years, will freely take actions to strip us of every right we have left. By election day 2012, with our monopoly money being used for toilet paper, shades of the past, we will have a man educated to believe he knows what is best for the world in full control, the individual American citizen merely a pawn to be used, and no other choice.

“In this trinity of man, mind, and God,” says quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, “all things being aspects of mind,” science now sees the underlying structure of our struggling souls. “We see the separation that lies between any of us and the rest of reality.” We are all of one blood, all under the same God, and all put to the test. Can we the people face the reality that the United States let us down, that this is the people’s government, and now it is up to us, individually, to solve the problem we allowed? The other choice is enslavement.

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Feds Pays Radical Mosque $582K/yr

VP Biden wanted control over Census Bureau, but did you know.....

Feds Pays Radical Mosque $582K/yr

And the government knows that the mosque is a front for Hamas terrorists which "has been under numerous investigations for financing and [providing] aid and comfort to bad orgs and members" - and was even home to radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, today considered the inspiration to Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hassan and the underpants bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.


However, it's now landlord of the Census Bureau office on Edsall Road in Alexandria, Va.:

In gearing up for the 2010 Census, the General Services Administration (GSA) leased office space throughout the country. One location is a 6,654 square foot section of a two-story building on Edsall Road in Alexandria, Va. owned by the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque. The United States government is spending $582,000, or about $23,000 per month, to lease the space from November 2008 through the end of this year.

The GSA helped the Commerce Department find office space for the Census. A GSA spokeswoman did not respond to requests for comment or for clarification of the lease's true cost. Fairfax County property records indicate that Dar Al-Hijrah bought the 40,000-square-foot building in May 2008 for $5.8 million.

The Investigative Project on Terrorism obtained the reports referencing Dar al-Hijrah through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking records related to a brief detention of Awlaki. Those records were copies of TECS reports - a computer database operated by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Some of the reports released to the IPT are redacted.

TECS data generally provides a summary narrative and referral to more detailed case references and case agent contacts.

The TECS reports dated in 2002 obtained under this FOIA stated that Dar Al-Hijrah was "associated with Islamic extremists" and was "operating as a front for Hamas operatives in U.S." A report dated in December, 2007, said the mosque "has been linked to numerous individuals linked to terrorism financing" and "has also been associated with encouraging fraudulent marriages." Another December 2007 report advised Dar Al-Hijrah, "has been under numerous investigations for financing and proving (sic) aid and comfort to bad orgs and members."

The TECS reports indicate that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) generated the information.

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As the report goes on to point out, some of this information is publicly available. and the GSA could have learned about the DHS TECS reports by requesting a Federal Protective Service background check on its vendor. What we have here is nothing less than pure bureaucratic incompetence and the government paying our tax dollars to known radical Islamists. I'd love to know the name of the clown that made the decision to do this, wouldn't you?

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A Congressional Reduction Proposal a concept for Congress and the Whitehouse to consider. Here is a copy of an email a teaparty supporter sent to their House Rep. Henry Brown. A similar email was also sent out to Senator Lindsey Graham.

Email rumors are afloat about a 1% deficit reduction tax that was proposed earlier this year by house Dems possibly getting passed after the elections. I am interested in knowing where this stands both now and in the future.

I (as with many others in my circle) have reached a point of total frustration with Washington spending which in turn breeds further taxation. I am certain you have heard this over and over but as a retiree who is now looking at going back to work to survive, I feel something desperately needs to change in Washington.

Proposals such as this (and others) have lead me to strongly support a "Congressional Reduction" proposal. Inarguably, fewer representatives in Washington would generate a significant deficit reduction for years to come considering salaries and staff alone. With "main street" making all kinds of reductions as a result of the economy, it only seems fitting that Washington consider similar reductions. A Congressional Reduction Act likely would require a Constitutional Amendment, but if deficit reduction is the ultimate goal, then it seems this proposal has considerable merit. Just imagine the amount of public support such a proposal would garner at a time when the vast majority of people feel that Washington seems "recession proof."

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