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The Obamacare Healthcare will be his Waterloo!!!!
It is an assult on Grandma, Grandpa, Mom & Dad. Any Baby Boomer that will be on Medicare in the next 5 to 10 years ought to be frightened out of their skin. As this law is written, the Seniors will get less care. Care will eventually be rationed based on age and on our percieved use to society. The younger fold may think this is fine but fact is, if they are lucky enough, they will get old one day. Getting older used to be revered in our society. People helped the elderly and respected them as they have paid their dues. Now the elderly will be spat on and left ti wither away due to some mindless academia who other than the subject they have studied they can't make one rational decision. Obama Healthcare Bill must be changed dramatically as it is now written to funnel healthcare from private insurance into Government Insurance and once there, you can not come back.
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Unable to Live with Husband’s Hypocrisy

and Lies? Tipper Gore Opts for Divorce

A very strange thing happened to Rajjpuut two days ago while he was trying to sharpen his golf game hitting Birdie Balls** in the park. He was having a terrific practice sesssion when . . . but first a bit of background . . . .

Since the mainstream media outlets refuse to cover stories that make Barack Obama and Al Gore look bad, such as this one from over six months old which took the British press by storm:


one can’t help but wonder, “What exactly do our mainstream American newspapers and TV networks know that these two leading London papers, including the ultra-liberal London Times, just a stone’s throw from the Climate-Gate scandal nexus at the Climate Research Unit (CRU) in East Anglia University haven’t a clue about?” And then there’s this infamous Obama half-truth . . . .

Why “infamous,” and why a “half-truth” you ask? Well, there’s Barack Obama directly telling all of us, “Under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket . . . ” and yet what’s really happening is NOT really an admission by him that “to do the right thing for America, Americans are going to have to suffer a bit at the gas pump and suffer a whole lot more paying their electricity bills” (which is bad enough since global-warming is actually a lie) but all the while he’s saying this, he and his cronies are going to make all prices (not just electricity) in America jump by roughly 67%^^ even without inflation factored in. And 40% of all the money spent in America would be siphoned off by the numerous guilty parties involved . . . .

If these two stories are solid, and Rajjpuut UNequivocally tells you, “They’re SOLID,” then it’s the biggest scandal America has ever known. However, once again the mainstream American media won’t touch the story. Why not? Rajjpuut was his university's Academic Excellence Award Winner in journalism and if there's one thing he understands it's what goes into making a big story from the media's point of view . . . and this one truly amounts to a HUGE story. It amounts to big headlines and . . . it is, we remind you, 100% solid . . . it involves some huge names . . . it represents the greatest scam ever perpetrated upon the American people . . . somehow, somehow that Rajjpuut can't figure out their reluctance is related to the story above which the American mainstream media refused to even refer to once (can they be that committed to global warming as undeniable truth?) . . . and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to follow the story, Rajjpuut has and you can easily do so yourself. The corruption involved touches Barack Obama, Al Gore, the Goldman Sachs investment firm Fannie Mae; 10-12 huge and well-known progressive (“We must progress beyond the U.S. Constitution . . .”) non-profit foundations; and a repeating cast of socialist-marxist characters (whose names keep popping up every time you investigate the leadership of the CCX <Chicago Climate eXchange> Joel Rogers, Van Jones, Richard Sandor, Maurice Strong, etc., etc. ad nauseum); the semi-bankrupt Shore Bank in Chicago and the owners or board of directors all tied into a plan to cheat Americans out of $10 TRillion a year.

So back to paragraph #1 above, this blog began saying, “A very strange thing happened to Rajjpuut two days ago while he was trying to sharpen his golf game hitting “Birdie Balls” in the park. He was having a terrific practice sesssion when . . . .”

About 40 yards away, a blue-black car (Lexus?) pulled up and parked. About ten seconds later the car’s horn was honked twice after a particularly long and true draw shot. A slender brunette woman in a teal form-hugging dress in heels emerged from the driver’s side and walked half-way toward him, then stopped and said, “You’re Rajjpuut (badly mispronouncing the name in the process -- "RaHHH-Poot" is correct) the guy blogging about CCX and cap and trade for the TEA Party?”

Rajjpuut was stunned, he thought he was pretty much anonymous. “Yeah, that’s me.”

“Tipper knows so she’s going to get a divorce.”

Rajjpuut was ultra-stunned. The woman turned and ran back to her vehicle. Suddenly understanding, he yelled after her, “Who are you? How do you know this?” but got no response.

As he felt both his blood and all his power draining away to his feet, Rajjpuut murmurred the only thing that came to mind, “Tell Glenn Beck,” suddenly he realized she couldn’t hear him so he yelled out at the top of his lungs, “Please, TELL Glenn Beck!”

She turned to look at him for an instant, then opened the door and drove quickly away. It appeared her license plate was the green and white mountains' outline that all Coloradoans are familiar with. Rajjpuut had not worn his glasses . . . . Needless to say, Rajjpuut hooked or sliced every swing over the next quarter hour. Was it a hoax? Who was she? How did she find him? Was someone playing an elaborate prank? What was going wrong with his swing? Was somebody right then and there laughing away at his expense? What am I doing wrong to cause all these hooks? Does this women really know something? Can I blog this, dare I blog this, I have no real source? How likely was it that someone in Colorado who knows Tipper Gore reads my blogs? I was doing so great, why couldn't she have come by half an hour later? Was this real? Did I dare blog it?

Yesterday, the news came out that Al and Tipper Gore were getting divorced or getting separated depending upon which source you read. Today the news came out that Barack Obama was making a concerted effort to revive his cap and trade bill “America’s Power Act” and was using the Gulf oil spill to move toward “100% energy independence” based upon green-energy## sources and “totally ending dependence upon fossil fuels.” Sounds like her story’s been confirmed . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



^^ the figure given in the article of $15 TRillion is presumed an exaggeration of 50%; the correct figure is ONLY roughly $10 TRillion. The American economy right now amounts to $15 TRillion so adding $10 TRillion on top of it unnecessarily without adding one single manufactured good or one single provided service means that everything in the economy that costs, say, $15.00 will now cost $25.00 an increase of roughly 67%.

## Which sounds like a plan much worse than what recently bankrupted Spain. Spain had about 3% unemployment and was the economic poster-child for the European Union around 2001. Today they’re suffering under roughly 21% unemployment after instigating a green-jobs program. After Greece's demise, Spain may well be the next European domino to fall . . . .

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Gulf Oil Mess, Letter to the Editor

Today's letter to the Editor, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

To the Editor,
While it would not be fair to lay complete blame for the mess in theGulf on Mr. Obama, it would be fair to lay the blame onenvironmentalists, Liberal law makers and the Democrat run Senate. Itwould be fair to lay the blame here because for years, these people haveprevented oil exploration and extraction from locations much easier andmuch safer than from five thousand feet underwater. Only Americahandcuffs the providers of energy with crazy restrictions andlimitations, creating unnecessary dangers and price increases whichwould not forced upon Americans if logical, sane and necessary programswould be enacted. This whole mess makes the Exxon Valdez oil spill looklike a leaky squirt gun in comparison. Let this be a lesson to thegoofy left. Stop trying to force your crazy ideas off on America. Itis much better to be informed than to be opinionated.
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new member

Just joined. Not much to say, just never,never trust a Chicago Politician no matter what he says or what office he holds. Also, check out, they're new and slow, but growing.
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In honor of the memories of Harry S Truman (just a letter no middle name), Ronald Wilson Reagan and John Fitzgerald Kennedy, three of the most diligent and competent statesmen in world history, Rajjpuut will be awarding a monthly Truman-Reagan-Kennedy Award for statesmanship. Whole encyclopedias could be written about these three men.
Truman, a hero in World War I made the courageous decision to drop the atom bomb ending World War II and saving an estimated one million American fighting men from death or wounding. He also inspired the Dixiecrats to leave the Democratic Party at great political risk to himself, Truman who was raised a segregationist, integrated the armed forces. And unlike his successor Eisenhower, Truman was an immediate and powerful vocal opponent of Joe McCarthy and his communist witch hunts.
Reagan personally intervened to get the final funding and stinger missiles that spelled the defeat of the Big Red Soviet Military Machine in Afghanistan. His confrontational style (“Tear Down This Wall, Mr. Gorbachev!”) but willingness to talk face-to-face helped bring about the fall of communism and the Warsaw Pact, the end of the Soviet Union and Cold War and yes, the smashing of the Berlin Wall: not a bad legacy for “the Great Communicator!”
Kennedy inspired warm hope among jaded American voters. He, like Reagan, made a courageous speech in the shadow of the Berlin Wall. Most importantly, Kennedy stood tough upon discovering that the Soviet Union had moved missiles to Cuba just 90 miles off America’s shores and put the whole world on a nuclear disaster watch by blockading the island and demanding removal of the missiles. Like his book “Profiles in Courage,” Kennedy, a World War II hero, practiced what he preached.
The May, 2010, Truman-Reagan-Kennedy Statesmanship Award WINNER is:
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer
As the chief executive of the state of Arizona, Jan Brewer has done what the chief executive of the nation, Barack Obama, will NOT do. She has put in motion steps to help protect her state from the endless swarm of undocumented aliens illegally crossing into her state. The impact in Arizona just on law enforcement these illegals have brought into the state has been horrendous. Drugs and drug dealers, other felons and petty criminals now overload the Arizona system and some of their crimes include murder and kidnapping. Next to world drug capital Bogota, Colombia, Phoenix, the Arizona capital city is now the #2 hotspot for world kidnapping. The cost to the state in overloaded health care, welfare and school resources is bringing her closer to bankruptcy like her neighbor state California every day. Brewer oversaw creation of a state immigration law based upon the federal immigration statutes and had the courage to stand up to the immense pressure brought by Obama and his minions.
Let us congratulate the May, 2010, Winner of the Truman-Reagan-Kennedy Statesmanship Award: Arizona Governor Jan Brewer
Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,
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To honor the memory of the Last Great American Statesman, William Proxmire (Wisconsin Senator for 32 years) whose “Golden Fleece Awards” uncovered shameless pork barrel projects and focused media attention on all manner of self-serving, waste, and corruption in the United States government: Rajjpuut has since June, 2009, been awarding the “Platinum Fleecer” to the elected or appointed official or private citizen most deserving of the illustrious title.

The May, 2010 Platinum Fleecer WINNER is:
President Barack Obama
Does the country get its money’s worth from their president? He certainly seems disposed to keeping those dollars in Washington, D.C., doesn’t he? A monstrous “Thousand Year Flood” hit Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi but Obama has not yet even mentioned these people’s plight nor used the words “disaster area.” Oklahoma and surrounding states have been hit three times by savage and deadly tornadoes, but again no mention of their sad situation and no federal assistance mentioned. The Gulf oil leak went on for five weeks before he seemed to realize it was happening . . . now, in fairness British Petroleum has the technology and Obama can do nothing along those lines, but . . . certainly the problems near and onshore created by the mess were easily predictable. Let’s say he had four full weeks to come up with a federal response to prepare a defense for them, to soften the blow for Louisiana and the other Gulf States and he did? Nothing?
Actually worse than nothing, he had the power to eliminate red tape so that Louisiana could have built some artificial barrier island constructs . . . but Obama insisted that the EPA do an environmental-impact study before that could begin (and it hasn't yet!). Let's see, you have some potential, presumably modest or absolutely minor future impact versus a monstrous absolutely certain impact NOW and we need to study that?????? Nice work, Mr. Prez!
Meanwhile he is putting every effort into passing “America’s Power Act” a Democratic euphemism for “cap and trade” legislation. Remember in his own words, “Under my policies, electricity costs would necessarily skyrocket!” Skyrocketing costs based upon a proven** fraudulent lie called global warming? Meanwhile he’s seeking to pass “comprehensive immigration reform” which means making 13-20 million illegal aliens American citizens within ten months (expecting to win 80% of their votes and lock in his re-election and the supremacy of the Democratic Party progressives for the next 50 years). Meanwhile he refuses to protect our borders and rants and raves about Arizona's attempts to protect theirs. Yeah, that’s a statesman for you. Congratulations, to Barack Obama the only four-time winner and May, 2010 Platinum Fleecer of the Month.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
** here's the truth from the ultra-LIBERAL London Times which had been banging the drum for global warming for almost a dozen years . . . they ate crow and released the truth which no American mainstream media source has done (still protecting our president and Al Gore!) . . . . here's the London Times story:

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Fifteen Words Prove Obama's Marxist Creed
Socialism has often been nicknamed “misery loves company.” While several encyclopedic volumes could be written documenting Obama’s socialism . . . let’s prove it in three paragraphs. ABC , you probably remember had a great anchor named Charlie Gibson, a real “let’s get at the facts now” journalist. Charlie showed his mettle in a question for Barack Obama just ahead of the Pennsylvania Primary during a debate with Hillary Clinton.
1. Gibson pointed out that when it came to raising tax money for the federal government capital gains taxes just didn’t seem to work. Every time capital gains taxes DEcreased federal income rose. Every time capital gains taxes INcreased beyond 28%, the government take dropped dramatically. “Why raise these taxes on one hundred million people?” Obama showed his true colors in response.
2. “Charlie, what I’ve repeatedly said is that I’d raise the capital gains taxes for fairness.”
3. Fairness? Could that mean “social justice?” Making everybody equally bad off? Make sure you understand this: Obama wants to punish the rich. He literally hates them. The fact that this punishment would hurt the federal government by decreasing federal revenues and also punish the middle-class and poor (higher debt and deficits and National debt hurt everyone), does NOT matter. No one benefits, but he wants to put everyone in the same miserable boat. Why would any politician hurt the government and everybody in it deliberately? Certainly no statesman would act or talk that way. You find the optimum tax rate which encourages investment, fills the federal coffers and you keep it there. That frame of mind goes well beyond socialism to the Marxist upbringing he received; to the Marxist birth father** he worshipped in his first autobiography “Dreams from My Father” and to all the radical and Marxist people he’s brought with him into the White House.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Sean Hannity in his latest book asks how Obama can consider himself and his methods "fair" when "every fiber of his being exudes resentment toward the most productive and successful segments of society?" In the link above Obama's birth father Barak Hussein Obama (no 'c' in Barak) in an essay written when young Barack was four years old entitled "Problems with Our Socialism," talks about the benefits derived from 100% taxes among other things. He lets us know early in the piece that "scientific socialism" (communism, he reminds us) is what he's suggesting to cure the "problems" he sees with Kenya's socialism.
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" We support the right of people to be secure in their persons and property and oppose any use of eminent domain except for essential government functions."

The taking of private property from one person or company and giving it to another person or company by any government agency for any reason is wrong. Stop this insanity now.

The flagrant abuse of eminent domain by The City of Camden, NJ on behalf of Campbell’s Soup has rapidly escalated from a local matter to a national issue of concern to all Americans.

"Stop Eminent Domain of Sears Building (A Registered National Historic Landmark) by the Local Democratic Machine & Campbell's Soup ", and I'd love your support.

You can sign the petition in less than 30 seconds by clicking the link below:

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Consider with care your November vote!

Throw the Bums Out! Oh, People, I understand and share your rage at the mounting destruction of our form of government. Progressive Democrats dominate the Congress and the White House. Let's not "throw the baby out with the bath water". We all count on the Tea Party website to keep us informed on upcoming elections so we can "throw the bums out"while keeping the good people in Washington. There are some that are good people, right? Let's review each candidates' history, voting record, and their individual stand on the many issues that must be resolved before our nation is bankrupt and destroyed.We can no longer use the TV or the so-called town meetings or press reviews to influence our voting decision. All are non-informative and biased. So we have to look here and to Fox News for the truth. Keep up the good work.
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Blagojevich Semi-Clean?
Rahm Emmanuel Totally Dirty?
“Slimy” may be the only way to put it. Who would have thought a year ago that you’d be hearing “disgraced” Illinois ex-Governor Rob Blagojevich saying, “When I’m governor again . . .” and “. . . Sam, when I’m vindicated, I’ll be back in politics again, I’ll be riding high . . . one honest person against a corrupt system . . .” Whoah! Are Rajjpuut’s ears deceiving him? Blago’s corruption trial starts next week. But Ol' Rajjpuut has a hunch that Barack Obama may soon find himself relieved to be discussing the Gulf Oil Leak rather than . . . other things like a disturbing pattern of illegal interferences and virtual bribes in the election process, you'll remember you heard that comment here first, won't you?
Pennsylvania Representative, Joe Sestak, you’ll remember, openly said he received an offer of a job-bribe to drop out of the senate primary race against a long-term senate veteran and sort-of Democratic incumbent Arlen Specter (a turncoat from the Republican Party) but refused the offer. Sestak was angry at the time, you’ll remember, but calm now. What started out as a carefully orchestrated press release by the White House dropped on the wires late in the afternoon of a Friday, before a major holiday now may well hold in it the seed of a major scandal right in the heart of the Obama administration. It appears to all be part of a network of Democratic corruption that sends chills up the spine.
Blagojevich, you’ll remember, sought to subpoena Barack Obama for his corruption trial. Blagojevich, you’ll remember, sought to have permission to use 100% of the phone taping by the FBI in his defense and implying that White House conversations are part of the package.
Obama, you’ll remember, was very clever about getting his 60th senate
seat back in the early days of his administration, by seeking to appoint two Republicans to jobs in his administration (he was only successful getting one to take him up on it). Rahm Emanuel, you’ll remember, is Obama’s hatchet man, notorious for assaulting congressmen in the shower while swearing like a marine gunnery sargeant. Emanuel was also associated with Bill Clinton's administration, you'll remember.
The White House and Harry Reid, you’ll also remember, were infamous for bribettes associated with votes on Obamacare to various senators such as Ben Nelson’s “Corn Husker Kickback,” the mysterious case of Medicare Advantage beneficiaries in Pennsylvania, Florida and New York all winning protection for beneficiaries for a program that is being cut elsewhere nationwide, Bernie Sanders’ $10 Billion “Sweetheart Funding” for health care centers, Ben Nelson and Carl Levin’s “Non-profit Insurance Exemption” for Nebraska and Michigan, Bernie Sanders’ and Patrick Leahy’s “Special Medicaid Fundings,” and Mary Landrieu’s unconsionable “Louisiana Purchase.”
In the so-called Sestak scandal, the Obama administration, you’ll remember, talked about PLURAL “discussions” (notice so far we have only one discussion REVEALED with Bill Clinton playing a role -- which now seem to be felony discussions akin to bribes) with ex-president Bill Clinton in one of these discussions conveying a message from Rahm Emanuel trying to get Pennsylvania Representative (and ex-admiral) Joe Sestak to drop out of the senate race against Arlen Specter -- a clear felony. Howsomever, the hits keep coming, it appears that here in Colorado where Rajjpuut lives, one Jim Messina, Obama’s deputy chief of staff under, who else, Rahm Emanuel initiated conversation with Andrew Romanoff (even before the Sestak attempt) offering him a bribe-job in the administration according to the Denver Post which referenced several high-ranking Colorado Democrats who asked for “anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.” Romanoff, like Sestak refused the request to drop-out of his senate primary race against (like Sestak) a Democratic incumbent. Unlike Sestak, Romanoff is refusing to discuss the matter with the press. The key ingredient in a whole lot of this including Blagojevich’s involvement? The U.S. senate where Barack Obama has been mighty concerned about getting or keeping or regaining his 60-vote filisbuster-proof senate majority.
Blagojevich, you’ll remember, was accused of trying to sell Barack Obama’s vacated seat . . . Blagojevich, you’ll remember, has intimated that he was pressured to give the seat to someone he didn’t want to, by the Obama administration. Blagojevich, you’ll remember has felt himself stonewalled out by the administration when seeking information and testimony from Obama and the White House, he says will help clear him. Blagojevich was even turned down by the U.S. Supreme Court this week when the White House let Justice Stevens know that they're opposed to allowing Blagojevich a delay for further evidence gathering. Blagojevich, you’ll remember, faces his corruption trial next week.
All this is quite problematical for Sestak and Romanoff. They’ve both run as anti-Washington type-fellows well above the cheap fray and all corruption possibilities. And now in both cases . . . Sestak with his “there was nothing wrong” comment and Romanoff by stonewalling . . . in both cases they appear to be showing themselves as “good team players.” Romanoff’s case is particularly curious as he not only refuses to answer questions about the offer, but he even refuses to refuse to answer. His aides are delegated to saying for him, “Andy doesn’t want to comment on that” ten times a day. Obama’s hardball down and dirty Chicago-Style operation is also in direct opposition to the squeaky clean transparency he promised – wow, imagine that: Obama told a lie? Don’t bet the questions will stop any time soon, you’ll lose your money.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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