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Thursday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Corruption and Fascism is the Order
of the day in the United States of America
Keith Davies 
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
$16 Million Bill  
The Clintons have done quite well for themselves since January 2001, when they grabbed $190,000 worth of china, flatware, furniture and rugs on their way out the White House doors -- thank you very much. No, really, thank you, the American taxpayer. Multimillion-dollar book deals, lucrative speaking engagements and whatever it is they do at the Clinton Foundation account for the bulk of the Clintons' vast wealth. These, though, are not the only reasons that Bill and Hilly are so well off. Thanks to the Former Presidents Act, taxpayers will have given Bill a collective $16 million by Election Day next year for a variety of expenses about which, predictably, no one really knows too much. A recent analysis by Politico revealed that the former president has received more money through the Act than any other ex-president. The total accumulation of his pension through 2016 amounts to $3.1 million, including $218,000 this year and $221,000 allocated for next year.  -The Patriot Post 
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Down to "Bidness"

Down to “Bidness”


Having “begun a good work,” the TEA Party must not letup- for a single, tiny second! When I hear people in the bootlicking media, ragging on the TEA party, I’m not surprised. They are simply team players: for the other team! If the home team called up the upcoming opponent, and said, “Hey guys, do you suppose you could share your gameplan for us… with us?” The raucous laughter that would follow the loud click and dial tone, would be punctuated with plenty of: “What the heck are they smokin’?”

  The frustration with the whole rotten mess is, at times, crippling. New revelations- that simply confirm old revelations- that GOP leadership is selling out the party, AND, the country: with “trickeration” that Obama, Pelosi, and Reid: can only envy- just adds to the despair! In it’s apparent obsession with sweet ink from the Quisling press, (“See, see, we’re really nice people, and not ‘extremists!’”) the republican puppets willingly dance; the liberal puppetmasters laughingly pull the strings. Republicans are perfectly willing to sell out the country- now and forever- if the New York Times would just PLEASE, say something nice about them! We can only dream they had the guts to be: “mean!”

  The DC, ruling class establishment, hates the TEA party for essentially ONE reason. The TEA party is the true voice of the American people! Despite all the lies: misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda- the TEA party stands against the ruling class agenda! We MUST NOT STOP!

  When the TEA party came into being, we were filled with fresh-faced enthusiasm and a lot of energy. We had no idea what we were up against. The left is very good at the game and business of politics, because, it is the air they breathe. We were a bit naive, but “rearing to go!”

  There is something called the 80/20 rule. The %

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Who Do You Think You Are?

NewsMax - Texas Governor Rick Perry has accused President Barack Obama of "gambling with American lives" after a bullet believed to be from a gun battle in Mexico hit a building. "For the second time in two months, bullets from a gun battle in the escalating drug war in Juarez have struck a building in El Paso," Texas’ Governor Perry said. By comparison, the border issue is minor. There is a far greater issue on our minds now, due to Obama’s late stand that gambles all American lives.

A blogger on Blogit wrote: “Don't try to explain why you are here. If you do, you will be gone.” This blogger’s thought was brought to mind when I read on MSN news today, under “misidentification,” a fault of the keepers of the law. After a person identifies a criminal fro

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Crushing The Godly By: Stephen Eichler J.D. Forced Medical Insurance Will Violate The Faith Of Many. Believe me, the poison pill being issued by the Obama National Health-Care Scheme is a forced Governmental mandate on those who by their religious beliefs refuse to use modern medicine. To begin with, forcing a Government run National Health-Care plan upon certain sectors of religious communities is not only blasphemy to some, but is a death knoll to their faith. Millions of U.S. Citizens, exercising their religious rights, refuse to receive or participate in any form of medical treatment because their faith prohibits such practices. In essence, the demand of the Government that all Citizens will obey their edicts is sending shivers of concern throughout some faith communities. Elders, Priests, Clerics and Rabbis view such a Government directive as a definitive crushing of the Godly under the boot heel of Godless totalitarianism. Thus, the liberal autocratic machine is rolling over those they have loudly proclaimed as the ones: “which need our protection.” How easy it seems to the new governmental order to waive the flag of religious freedom for all in one hand while with the other hand it creates devastating laws, which disembowel the individual’s right to religion. They loudly bellow: “we will protect your religion with the full faith and credit of the Constitution” while actually they are destroying the very sacred fiber of our beloved nation. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Quincy Adams Remember this; it was the yearning for religious freedom, which brought the first settlers here from Europe. Is Plymouth Rock to be quietly bulldozed into the sea? Shall the power of the State simply sweep aside the religious practices of millions of faithful U.S. Citizens in the name, not of GOD, but for the greater good for the greatest number? Paying for the forced government National Health-Care mandate will violate the very souls of those who trust the First Amendment right to freedom of religion and bear in their bosoms a special knowledge of the most high. “Is The State Greater That The Creator?” Minuteman Steve How convenient to say: “We are progressives! We believe in a living Constitution” while recklessly denying the very purpose of the Constitution and the true meaning of who we are as a people. The most powerful force in the world is not a weapon or a nation but a truth… that we are spiritual beings and that freedom is the soul’s right to breathe. George W Bush What about the Amish, Mennonites, Christian Science, many devout members of the 7th Day Adventists, certain groups in the Church of the Latter Day Saints and other religious organizations? What will they do as their rights are extinguished? How can Religious refugees, who have found sanctuary in America, both Orthodox and Neo-Scientists, come to grips with such an anti-God concept of intrusive secular mandated health-care? The Government will view the religious sector as obstacles to their National agenda of categorizing and numbering everyone including Brothers and Sisters in the faith. KEEP READING Who will be patient 666? Or is it Doctor 666? Will you wear your government medical I.D. bracelet, around your wrist or around your head with your medical chip dangling on your forehead? This is nothing new, this is the same mind-set, which forced the great immigration from across the world to our beloved America. The same stance of shoving aside religious beliefs by an out-of-control government creates a flash-point of ignition setting off another historical Reformation or religious revolt. Make no mistake, when given the choice between God or Country, God is still the winner! Ever wonder why Mr. Obama has insisted that America is no longer a Christian nation? Is it because by making a positive theological statement, he aligns himself with the religious communities and thereby the agenda of National Health-care would be stymied. To top it off, many orthodox zealots from all faiths possess a firm belief that any form of manmade medical practice is blasphemy
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