Michael J. Fell's Posts (98)

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The current White House occupant, in a calculated, targeted attack against Republican rival Mitt Romney, attempted to dismiss a key Romney rationale for his presidential candidacy by saying: "When you're 4063554347?profile=originalpresident, as opposed to the head of a private equity firm, then your job is not simply to maximize profits. Your job is to figure out how everybody in the country has a fair shot."

It is quite obvious that occupy Oval Office is shockingly unfamiliar with the concept that jobs are downstream from profits, not the other way around. With the exception of the original staff, which is hired to launch a company via startup capital (notice that here too, private capital comes before hiring), businesses only become financially capable of hiring more workers after they have made profits. Being profitable gives them the capital needed to pay for expansion, which then creates the need to hire additional employees. This is especially true of small businesses, most of which are decidedly not over funded with start-up capital.

According to "progressives", the rich are somehow preventing the middle class from having a fair shot because the rich are depriving the middle class by not paying "their fair share" of taxes. The "progressive" concept of the middle class having a fair shot is stealing money from those who have earned it through initiative, hard work, risk and sacrifice within the free market capitalist system through "progressive" taxation and use that money, acquired through legal extortion, to hire unionized government sector workers. Workers who will not only be paid more than their counterparts who are doing the same job in the private sector, but who will enjoy Cadillac healthcare and pension benefits provided to them by a taxpayer 4063561351?profile=originalfunded job from which, thanks to union demands, being fired will be a virtual impossibility.

Still wonder why "progressives" love government sector unions?

Such an arrangement is perfectly suited to "progressives", who are huge proponents of centrally planned big government. Workers dependent upon government for their livelihood are reliably more likely to re-elect big government candidates. They are also far more likely to pay little concern to how much the rich are taxed, since the taxes of unionized government workers won’t be affected.  That is, if they’re even required to pay taxes. Their big government big brothers take care of them.

Winston Smith, where are you?

Of course, the "they don’t pay their fair share" rhetoric is a complete sham, a straw-man argument. Truth be known, the "they don't pay their fair share" rhetoric is a bold faced lie. The top 10% earners in America pay 70% of the income taxes while 47% of Americans pay no income tax. They pay zero.

How much of a tax on the rich would be enough to satisfy "progressives"? How much of someone else's money does the Oval Office need to take for the middle class to have "a fair shot"? The 100% rate Barrack Obama Sr. sought to impose on Kenya’s rich after he seized power?

Can you say redistributive dreams from my Marxist father?

This clearly demonstrates how clueless Barrack Hussein Obama is about the way America was designed by its Founding Fathers. Having a fair shot in America has never been about big government stealing from the rich to finance hiring unionized government sector workers.

4063569420?profile=originalHaving a fair shot has always been about a constitutionally limited government not interfering with the private sector free market’s ability to afford equal opportunity to everyone, regardless of their starting point in life. In America, government’s job is not to "take care of us". In America, a centrally planned big government can never replace the initiative, creativity, hard work, sacrifice, risk, and reward of free, private Citizens working to provide for their own needs through the pursuit of happiness within the private sector.

If it ever does, America will have ceased to exist.

Instead of digging the United States into an ever-deepening hole by reducing available free market capital through higher tax rates, how about creating some certainty for investors by making permanent changes to America’s needlessly complicated tax code? How about creating a simplified tax code that provides incentives for investment? How about creating a tax code that’s doesn’t punish small businesses by forcing them  each year to divert limited precious capital to pay the cost of hiring accountants and attorneys to decipher an ever "evolving", increasingly complicated tax code? How about creating an economic environment where the rich, middle class and poor alike all feel it’s worth the risk to invest in a start-up business? Thanks to existing, unnecessarily high "progressive" tax rates and expanding, restrictive, needlessly expensive regulatory oppression, starting up a new business today is practically impossible.

Better still, how about "progressives" going back to school to learn what America is really all about? In the meantime, they should leave running America to Americans.

Obama has had four years.  He got his fair shot, and he blew it.

After 100 years of progressively expanding government intrusion into the God given Rights and Liberties of free people, it is now time to forever close the book on the failed "progressive" experiment.


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Explaining his endorsement of the current White House occupant on the administration’s infrastructure spending, healthcare reform, and position on abortion, Florida’s former Republican Governor Charlie Crist 4063568979?profile=originalendorsed him on the eve of the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa.

Crist has betrayed American taxpayers before.  He supported the $787 billion “stimulus” boondoggle, which did little to fund shovel ready infrastructure projects but went a long way towards rewarding big “progressive” 2008 presidential campaign bundlers who “just happened” to run “green energy” companies with lucrative loan guarantees and grants.  It also bailed out state and local governments guilty of practicing irresponsible fiscal policies for decades, especially where spending on government sector union contracts was concerned.  It was no accident that the lion’s share of “stimulus” spending “just happened” to have gone to “blue states”.   Crist’s decision to support the highly partisan, pork stuffed “stimulus” bill helped get the monstrous waste of money through Congress.

 “Moderate Republican” go-along to get-along me-first career politicians who, like Crist are so willing to compromise with the institutionalized “progressive” left cannot be trusted.

Tea Party principles are America’s principles.  To an intolerable degree, “Moderate Republicans” do not believe in or follow Tea Party principles. Quite often they appear to be completely devoid of principles.  They game the political system to gain power and prestige for themselves and themselves alone. They will turn on Americans faster than you can say Specter.

Conservative Tea Party Americans like Allen West, Marco Rubio, Jim DeMint, Pat Toomy, Rand Paul, Ron Johnson Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee have the guts to stand against the institutionalized “progressive” left.  They have the willingness, backbone and fortitude to preserve individual liberties, restore the U.S. Constitution, and a return to constitutionally limited government, a balanced budget, equal opportunity and equal protection under the law for all Americans.

Today’s Democratic Party is not your father's Democratic Party.  They keep insisting that Tea Party Republicans and their affiliates are "extreme".  Since when are protecting individual liberties, following the4063569006?profile=original U.S. Constitution, having constitutionally limited government and a balanced budget extreme?

The Tea Party’s positions are extreme only when seen as standing in the way of establishing an all-powerful, centrally planned big government controlled by a self-appointed oligarchy of self-imagined “intellectual elites” i.e. a Communist state.

The institutionalized "progressive" left in 2012 America is acting exactly like every other Communist power grab in history.  They lie, cheat and steal to win elections.  Then they will lie, cheat, steal and kill to consolidate and strengthen their grip on unrestrained power.

The institutionalized "progressive" left complains about how "extreme" Tea Party Republicans refuse to compromise.  The Tea Party knows that Communists have no interest in compromising with anyone.  The institutionalized "progressive" left's negotiating position has been, is, and will continue to be: What's Yours is Negotiable, What's Mine is Not.  Those who hold this negotiating position, when they do finally obtain an iron grip on unrestrained power, do not compromise with their political opposition.  They eliminate them…permanently.

4063568997?profile=originalAmerica is at an historic crossroads.  The 2012 election will determine what life in America will be like for the next and following generations.

In the words of Ronald W. Reagan, 40th President of the United States of America:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”


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Romney’s Media Fostered Distractions

For the umpteen zillionth time since the presumptive GOP nominee’s identity became apparent, the 4063568690?profile=original“progressive” Party Pravda and their occupy Oval Office idol are attempting to define GOP challenger Mitt Romney in an utterly disingenuous light.

In an article entitled “Romney Turns to Ohio Amidst Distractions” published by staunch “progressive” Pravda propagandists the Associated Press and Yahoo News, Phillip Elliot and Steve Peoples waste little time in asserting their misrepresentations.

The article goes negative three times in the first five paragraphs:

“…as the former Massachusetts governor tried to shrug off a series of unwanted distractions…

…as Republicans face difficult questions about the party's position on abortion after a Missouri Senate candidate's recent suggestion that women's bodies can prevent pregnancy in cases of "legitimate rape."

…It also comes less than 24 hours after Romney raising the discredited rumor that Obama wasn't born in the United States.”


First of all, the “series of unwanted distractions” exist thanks to the ongoing efforts of the “progressive” Party Pravda, including their continuous attempts to tie Romney to Todd Akin’s remark, in spite of the fact that Romney spoke out immediately, publically criticizing Akin for the remark while prompting him to drop out of Missouri’s U.S. Senate contest.  The only reason Akin’s remark is tied to Romney is because people 4063568730?profile=originalsuch as Elliot and Peoples continue to lie about it, and organizations like the AP and Yahoo News that employ them are complicit in repeating those lies.

The joke Romney made about where he was born, that was obviously a joke, that was never intended to be anything other than a joke, has been blown completely out of proportion and given a sinister intent that is, to put it politely, entirely fictitious in nature.

Instead of inventing faux issues with which to assail Romney, why don’t Elliot, Peoples, the AP and Yahoo News write about how the current White House occupant has fulfilled his campaign promises to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term, close Guantanamo Bay, and unite the Red States and Blue States into the United States?

Why are they not talking about how the politics of “Hope and Change” has become the politics of “Envy and Division”?

Why are they not reporting the true story that their anointed savior is neither the great uniter nor problem solver he portrayed himself to be in 2008?

Meanwhile the “progressive” Party Pravda willfully ignores the lies being spread by the White House re-election campaign and their “progressive” co-conspirators.  The White House, in a new 30-second TV ad states that Romney’s plan will break the Medicare promise and replace it with a voucher system.

That is a lie.  The Romney plan takes the $716 billion in savings found through the elimination of waste fraud and abuse and applies it to Medicare.  The White House falsely claims they are applying those savings to Medicare while in reality they are double counting them.  Out of one side of their mouth the White House is saying they are saving Medicare with that money, and then out of the other side saying they are using that money to pay for the government takeover of America’s healthcare.  The voucher system will be an option, not a dictate.  Anyone wishing to remain on the current Medicare system will have the option to do so.

The divisive, inflammatory, racist, class warfare rhetoric coming from the institutionalized “progressive” left is aptly explained by one of America’s most distinguished, honorable Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin in Emblematical Representations, circa 1774:

4063568772?profile=original“History affords us many instances of the ruin of states, by the prosecution of measures ill-suited to the temper and genius of their people. The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy... These measures never fail to create great and violent jealousies and animosities between the people favored and the people oppressed; whence a total separation of affections, interests, political obligations, and all manner of connections, by which the whole state is weakened.”

For centuries, Americans have been warned about the storm clouds that now darken America’s sky.  For America to return to blue skies and brighter days, for America to experience a new dawn, the proponents of jealousy and animosity, who seek nothing more than the perpetuation of their own privileges and advantages, must be defeated once and for all.


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Why Mitt Romney Is So Despicable!

4063565377?profile=originalMuch is being said in the media about how Mitt Romney is not "likable”, about how he doesn't "relate well" to everyday people.  A lot is being written about how his background makes it impossible for him to relate to middle class Americans.  After extensive, intensive, investigative research there is now a Top Ten List to explain Romney’s "unlike-ability."

1. He is drop-dead, ad-campaign ready handsome, with a statesmanlike aura.  He looks like every central casting's dream choice to be Commander-in-Chief.  After years of reality TV, America should know better than to trust good looking people who present themselves as competent and capable.  What would Snookie think?

2. He has been married to one woman throughout his entire adult life.  During that time he has remained faithful to her, including through her bouts with breast cancer and Multiple Sclerosis.  If only she had waited until her husband became a viable presidential candidate to be proud of her country the story would be complete.

3. There are no scandals or skeletons hidden in his closet.  Give George Soros, Media Matters, MoveOn.org, the DNC and the media time.  They will eventually invent a scandal about Romney not having a closet.

4. He does not speak in an obviously fake, southern "black preacher’s voice" when doing so is thought necessary to reach voters.  Perhaps after the election Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden will be available to give him pointers.

5. He is highly intelligent, having graduated cum laude from both Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School.  Oh, and his academic records are not sealed.  After he is elected he can seal his records by Executive Order on his first day in office.  Then will the media finally love him and hide, bury, or distract away from the story to protect him?

6. He does not smoke, does not drink alcohol, and has never done any drugs, not even during the 1960s counter-culture Age of Aquarius that was all the rage when he was in college.  If only he had dropped acid and rolled around in the mud at Woodstock having sex in public like a wild animal.

7. He represents America’s "yesteryear", when people believed in God, went to Church, didn't screw around on their wives, sacrificed, and worked hard to succeed.  Imagine what a media darling he could be, were he a latch key kid born to a single Welfare recipient mother who had been artificially inseminated, grew up on food stamps and as a teenager served time in prison for selling crack.  That would qualify him to be a cultural hero…or land him a hip-hop recording contract and MTV airtime.

He is a family man with five accomplished sons, none of whom have police records or needed to go to drug rehab.  Naturally, they were raised by a stay-at-home Mom.  How old fashioned.  Today that "choice" deserves America’s scorn.  If only Romney had set the right example the boys could have turned out more like Bernie Madoff or John Corzine.

9. Oh yes, he is Mormon.  Americans need to be especially fearful and contemptuous of a religion that teaches its members to live cleanly, be patriotic, to manage their lives in a fiscally conservative manner, to be charitable, self-reliant, and honest.  No wonder Mitt Romney never stood a chance at becoming a pop icon like Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain or Michael Jackson.

10. One more very important point.  Pundits keep repeating the mantra that because of his personal wealth, he simply cannot relate to average, ordinary Americans.  It must be because he made that money himself instead of marrying it, inheriting it from Dad, winning the lottery or cashing in on a frivolous lawsuit by suing a big corporate conglomerate.

Mitt Romney's background, experience and trustworthiness demonstrate that he is a proven leader and a fine citizen who is qualified to become President of the United States.  America knows what his religion is, that he will not desecrate the flag, bow down to foreign powers, or redistribute taxpayer’s money to political cronies through fiscally irresponsible faux “stimulus” plans.

America will not like taking some of the steps necessary to recover from a mountain of debt, but someone with Romney's extensive business education, experience and background knows how to do it.


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What’s the Future of the Middle East?

For those who support the institutionalized “progressive” left’s or Ron Paul’s positions on foreign policy, consider these perspectives expressed in an article posted August 24, 2012 on pravda.ru:

“With the beginning of the Islamic awakening movement in the Middle East, the United States and its allies in 4063563790?profile=originalthe region, fearing the increasing waves of anti-American and anti-Zionist sentiments, tried to insinuate to the world a false interpretation of this movement…

The Zionist regime of Israel has the world's largest network of state terrorism and has committed numerous crimes in the countries of the region, including the killing of the people of Gaza, the assassinations of resistance forces in different countries and assassinations of nuclear scientists of the Islamic Republic of Iran…

The West is forced to revise its policy of unilateral and unfair support to the Zionist regime. They are well aware that the popular uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa began thanks to Islamic awakening and they have an anti-Zionist character. This region will never reflect Zionist domination in the future…

Today, with the removal of the ruling dictators in some countries in the region that were in legion with the Zionist regime, the people of the region are screaming that the installation of the Zionist regime has no legitimacy on Palestinian territory, even if it is the size of the palm of the hand...

Now, an historic opportunity has arrived, the sovereigns in the world should take advantage and set history in the right direction, take away the invader of the scene and return the homeland to the Palestinians”


These proclamations made by an Iranian ambassador make crystal clear the intentions of the Islamist/Fascist Iranian regime and their allies towards Israel, the United States and Western Civilization.  To knowingly and willfully ignore this clarion call to defend the Western/Judeo/Christian world approaches sedition, especially in light of the fact that this statement was published by Russia’s Pravda, almost certainly with the approval of President Vladimir Putin’s Russian government.

When Ron Paul believes that Mutual Assured Destruction will deter Iran from attacking Israel and its western allies, he displays naïveté to the differences between the Communist atheist belief that there is no afterlife and it is in their best interests to avoid the termination of their worldly existence in a nuclear exchange, and4063563840?profile=original an Islamist/Fascist State that reverently believe in the Mahdi, the 12th Imam of Shi'ite lore, and therefore considers it preferable to die as martyrs than to share the planet with the Western/Judeo/Christian world.

It was disturbing enough when the current White House occupant stabbed former Soviet bloc countries turned American allies Poland and the Czech Republic in their backs when he unilaterally cancelled missile defense shield deals they had made with the previous administration.  That occupy Oval Office was also so eager to abandon national security in favor of nuclear disarmament that he would voluntarily declassify the number of nuclear warheads the U.S. possesses demonstrates a dereliction of duty on his part as Commander in Chief of the United States of America.

Mitt Romney recently outlined plans that will make America energy independent through development of its own abundant natural resources and less susceptible to an increasingly aggressive Iran’s impact on Middle East petroleum delivered through the Straits of Hormuz.

Romney has consistently condemned Iran for developing a nuclear bomb-capability.  When referring to Iranian President Ahmadinejad's statements against Israel Romney has said "There is one place of course where I'd welcome Ahmadinejad with open arms, and that's in a court where he would stand trial for incitement to genocide, under the terms of the Genocide Convention."

Romney also correctly identifies the threat posed to the west by Islamist/Fascist jihad as "the defining challenge of our generation."

Contrary to the opinion of Ali Mohaghegh, the future of the Middle East is not carved in stone, it is still being written.  How the next chapter reads depends largely on who is elected as the next President of the United States.


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America Needs a New Sheriff

4063562988?profile=originalThe American labor market showed few signs of new life in the latest jobs report.   First time filings for unemployment benefits rose again last week to a one-month high.  Claims rose for a second week, by 4,000 for the period ended Aug. 18.  After economists had predicted 365,000 new claims, the number climbed to 372,000.

The administration continues to cite the European debt crisis and economic slowdowns in Asia as deterrents to investment.


It is far easier to blame the global economy than to admit that this administration’s energy policies are killing jobs in America.  That this administration poked their thumbs into the eyes of millions of unemployed Americans when they laughed about “shovel-ready” projects not being as “shovel-ready” as advertised.  It is not the least bit funny to Americans when they discover that this administration does not know what they are doing, especially after they spent trillions of taxpayer dollars on plans that did not work and redistributed hundreds of billions of the taxpayer’s wealth to rich “progressive” bundlers for the administration’s campaign machine.

Across the country, Americans have had enough of this administration’s policies, starting with those that kill jobs; like the healthcare reform law that levies huge tax hikes on all Americans and imposes additional 4063563020?profile=originalburdens on businesses.  Americans are done with the policies that are killing America’s energy industry, like stifling EPA regulations that make it impossible to build new petroleum refineries or use coal powered energy.  Americans can no longer tolerate a lack of policy; a lack that precludes any hope for recovery in the housing market.  Many small businesses will find it difficult if not impossible to exist, much less expand and hire while banking regulations imposed during this administration make it virtually impossible for banks to loan them money.

Why does America continue to spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year on foreign energy rather than developing the abundant energy in its own country? Why not keep those hundreds of billions of dollars at home in its own sluggish, cash strapped economy?

4063562950?profile=originalAt a time when tens of millions of Americans are struggling to find work and its economy is starving for liquid capital, why does this administration refuse to take advantage of America’s wealth of natural resources? Why does this administration continue to prevent drilling for oil and natural gas or mining for coal? Why not put Americans back to work building refineries and power plants? Why not have Americans delivering gas, coal and natural gas to American consumers?

How many peripheral jobs will be created by that process?

For every new oil well, power plant, refinery or mine there will be new roads built, followed by restaurants, stores, housing, schools and places of worship. All generated by the only force capable of powering America’s economic recovery: the private sector.

The key to economic recovery in America is a shift in policy.  The only way for that shift to happen is to alter the governing philosophy.  For that alteration to take place, America must elect a new sheriff and new deputies.


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Merriam-Webster’s definition of EXTORTION

1: the act or practice of extorting especially money or other property; especially: the offense committed by 4063561321?profile=originalan official engaging in such practice

2: something extorted; especially: a gross overcharge


From Chicago to Madison to Sacramento to Washington DC and points in between:

 » Do as we say and nobody gets hurt. Get the picture sweetheart?

Those self-imagined, self-appointed “intellectual elites” within the ”progressive” Democratic Party and their tarnished Oval Office idol insist the 2012 election is a fight for the middle class.

 » Union members make up only 12.9% of the middle class. If a smart politician wanted to fight for the remaining 87.1%, they would be against forcing those voters to pay more taxes so government sector 4063561351?profile=originalunions can enjoy a job where dismissal for incompetence is virtually impossible, Cadillac benefits (with smaller payroll deductions than the private sector) are the norm, and exorbitant salaries and bloated retirement pensions are business as usual.

Government sector unions offer nothing of value to America. The prevention of workplace violations have long been secured by workplace rights legislation. The only value government sector unions have to offer to anyone is to crooked politicians who promise them cushy, taxpayer funded benefits in exchange for campaign funding and guaranteed election turnout.

Can you say criminal quid pro quo?

 » You politicians better give us what we want or you will get no union support. Get the picture chum?

For those who propagate the misrepresentation that union’s “fighting for what they believe in” shows character:

 » How can anyone truly believe that threatening small business owners with boycotts shows character? 4063561456?profile=originalSmall business owners are people who are hard-working individuals, who have invested overtime hours without pay for weeks, months and years on end in hopes they will achieve the American dream of success, who simply wish to remain neutral in the government sector union’s battle.  Bullying and intimidating these people displays character?

To paraphrase former U.S. President Bill Clinton: It depends on what your definition of character is.

 » Support us whether you want to or not and nobody’s business gets hurt. Defy us and we’ll do everything in our power to make sure your business fails. Get the picture pal o’ mine?

On the other hand, when Conservatives peaceably assemble to petition their Government for a redress of grievances, they are rabid, violent, hateful extremists…

…and of course, RACIST!!

 » What is extreme is acting like $16 trillion in national debt should be of no concern.


 » What is extreme is painting Conservative budget plans to cut a $3.7 trillion federal budget by $61 billion (less than 1%) as extreme.

 » What is extreme is describing plans to freezes an already enacted 25% increase in federal government spending as a serious attempt to cut spending.

 » What is extreme is classifying brave, self-sacrificing veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq as potential domestic terrorists.

 » What is extreme is saying that average, everyday Americans who simply want their government to follow the U.S. Constitution should be considered threats to national security.

 » What is extreme is demanding an increase in the U.S. debt limit without restraint ad infinitum.

 » What is extreme is a Department of Justice that picks and chooses which laws to enforce based on the White House’s “progressive” political agenda.

 » What is extreme is a radical fringe leftist “progressive” Oval Office occupier who truly believes that being anti-Constitutional, anti-free speech, anti-free market, anti-business, anti-traditional energy, anti-religious freedom, anti-gun, pro-illegal immigration, pro-UN treaty restrictions on individual U.S. liberties is somehow in any way shape or form in America’s best interests.

 » What is extreme is the empty class warfare rhetoric that “the rich”, those top 5 percent who still pay more than the bottom 95 percent, “don’t pay their fair share” of support to a slothful, bloated, deficit spending, ever expanding, spiraling completely out of control federal bureaucratic nightmare.

 » What is extreme is the conscious choice made by big government collectivists to ignore economic realities and force every individual to purchase a commodity that imposes collectivist goals on everyone else.

» What is extreme is the conscious decision made by big government collectivists that the bottom 47 percent who do not pay any income taxes somehow magically qualify to receive an income tax refund.

The United States does not have a revenue problem.  The United States has a spending problem.  A major 4063561478?profile=originalspending problem…  Recklessly continuing America’s massive deficit spending in the name of “social justice” or “economic justice” is suicidal.

The re-election of one current White House occupant ensures that America will be destroyed via the institutionalized “progressive” left’s Cloward-Piven strategy.  By foisting the government sector union failure upon America, what the institutionalized “progressive” left is doing is nothing short of criminal.  It is, by definition, extortion.

Instead of being elected to office, they should be imprisoned.


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Where Are America’s Heroes?

America faces attacks upon its economic well-being, its historic values, principles and traditions, the very 4063560860?profile=originalmoral fabric of its society and the supreme law of the land, the United States Constitution. The enemy attacks from within the American education system, in movies, on television, in newspapers, magazines and from within local, state and federal government.

Where are the defenders of the American way of life? Where are the defenders of America's culture? Where are the defenders of equal protection under the law? Where are the defenders of the Constitutional Republic?

They are certainly not to be found within the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, where the nomination and 4063560874?profile=originaleventual confirmation of two activist radical fringe left “progressive” Supreme Court Justice nominees were allowed by Republican Senator Lindsay Graham, who justified his votes by saying “Elections have consequences”. Certainly not within the Federal Court system, where Arizona’s legally passed defense of land and law was overruled by Bill Clinton appointed U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton. Certainly not among “Conservative” television pundits, who continue to allow flat out, bold faced lies spoken by radical fringe left “progressive” 4063560827?profile=originalpundits go unchallenged.

Where are the heroes?

Are they only to be found within the American people? Is defense of the nation's values, principles, and way of life left up to We The People?

If so, so be it. If it’s up to Patriotic Americans to preserve, protect and defend their nation, their culture, their land of laws, their values, their traditions, their moral fiber and their Constitution, they couldn’t be in better hands.

Americans fought and won independence from tyrannical monarchal government in the Revolutionary War. 4063560902?profile=originalAmericans fought and won against racist attempt to divide the nation during the Civil War. Americans fought and won the struggle against the tyrannical forces of Fascism in World War II. Americans fought and won the Cold War against the tyrannical Communist forces of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Now America is engaged in a war of ideas here on its own soil. To win, Americans need not fire a single shot. There are more Americans than there are "progressives".

Stand firm in your resolve. Do not ever back down. Be an American hero.

Make sure that this November, you and your American brethren go to the polls in record numbers and vote the radical fringe left “progressive” extremists who seek to destroy your country out of office.

4063560845?profile=originalThis is not just any old election. November’s election is the battleground for America’s very survival. We The People are responsible for the outcome. To honor those passed who fought to defend America. To preserve the future for you, your children and your grandchildren. Go to the polls and ensure the outcome of this November’s election.

Whether or not it was sought, now is the time for this generation to become the new Greatest Generation. Americans are up to it. It’s in America's DNA.

America, show the world what you are made of.


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Groundbreaking Firsts by President Obama


All those hateful hard core right wing extremists really should quit trashing poor President Obama.  There can be no doubt that his presidency has been nothing if not historical.

Here is an impressive list of some of his accomplishments:

  • First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student then denies he is a foreigner.
  • First President to have a Social Security number from a state where he has never lived.
  • First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
  • First President to violate the War Powers Act.
  • First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • First President to require that all Americans purchase a product from a third party as a condition of citizenship.
  • First President to spend a trillion dollars on 'shovel-ready' jobs when there was no such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs.
  • First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
  • First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
  • First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.
  • First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
  • First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.
  • First President to terminate America's ability to put a man in space.
  • First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.
  • First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
  • First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
  • First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
  • First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.
  • First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
  • First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
  • First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).
  • First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-Corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
  • First President to appoint 45 czars to his office.
  • First President to surround himself with extremist fringe devotees to the institutionalized “progressive” left’s radical agenda.
  • First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 102 to date.
  • First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
  • First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing to earn it.
  • First President to go on multiple global “apology tours” and concurrent “insult our friends” tours.
  • First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayer.
  • First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
  • First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
  • First President to repeat the Holy Quran & tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.
  • First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they “volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences”.
  • Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.
  • First President to side with a foreign nation over one of America’s 50 states (Mexico vs. Arizona).

How is that hopey-changey thing working out for you?

Thanks to Obama's insistence on remaining a stubborn, inflexible partisan ideologue, this list keeps growing.



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4063558645?profile=originalThe White House re-election campaign wants to make a deal.  In exchange for GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney releasing five years of tax returns, they will stop criticizing him for not releasing more.  While hiding behind the skirt of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the White House campaign alleges there may be as many as ten years when Romney evaded paying income taxes.

Romney says that over the past decade he has paid at least 13 percent in federal income taxes.  According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a non-partisan group, middle income families average paying 12.8 percent in federal income tax.


Critics complain that Romney pays too few taxes.  At his income level, Romney pays plenty of taxes.  Romney made every penny he has.  Hence every dime he uses to make investments has already been taxed at wage income rates.  Romney pays a lower tax rate than wage earners because a majority of his income comes from investments, which are taxed at a lower rate than wages.  Investment income is taxed at a lower rate because, unlike wages, investments are at risk.

If Romney was guilty of income tax evasion, the IRS would already be after him and his campaign for the White House would long be over.  The IRS falls within the Department of Treasury.  At the behest of the White House, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and the IRS would be all over Romney like a ravenous pack of hyenas.

Romney has released his 2010 tax records and vowed to release his 2011 returns.  That matches the number of returns released in 2008 by Senator John McCain when he was the GOP candidate.  The number of tax returns released by McCain was never an issue.4063558764?profile=original

This is not Let’s Make A Deal, and David Axelrod is not Monty Hall.  For Mitt Romney only a booby prize or worse waits behind curtain number three.

This bait and switch by the White House and their “progressive” co-conspirators is more than simply a distraction from the issues.

Throughout a shadowy, veiled, mystery shrouded political career where his own past has been intentionally concealed, obtaining confidential information about political opponents and distorting that information to smear them has been the signature move of this candidate.

Remember, the current Oval Office occupier is the same clandestine, shadowy figure caught in an open-mic moment with then Russian president Dmitry Medvedev saying that after his re-election he would have “more flexibility”. 

Flexibility for…?

4063558808?profile=originalThree members of a Russian punk band were found guilty and sentenced to two years in jail for protesting against Russian president Vladamir Putin.   The band members were arrested on March 3rd and charged with “hooliganism”.  Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, Maria Alyokhina, 24, and Yekaterina Samutsevich, 30 have been in jail ever since.


What kind of flexibility is this secretive, anti-business, hostile to constitutionally protected individual Liberty White House promising to a Russian president who imprisons people for free speech?

Is this flexibility related to the Department of Homeland Security, the Social Security Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Education, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Internal Revenue Service each purchasing multi-thousands of rounds of hollow point bullets?

Could this flexibility include plans to tighten the iron grip of power by imposing Martial Law and suspending elections to ensure he can finish the “fundamental transformation” of America through the imposition of a form of government completely foreign to every principle espoused by its Founding Fathers?4063558824?profile=original

By agreeing to release any additional tax returns, Mitt Romney would be making a crucial mistake.  Let the White House re-election campaign go into grand mal seizure.  Let them scream like banshees and howl at the moon.  Let them cry like babies.  Let them wet themselves.  Let them posture, threaten, intimidate and bully.  You can bet your underwater sub-prime mortgage they will do anything, be it lie, cheat and steal to win this election.

To borrow a phrase from another popular television game show: No deal.


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MoveOn Attacks Ryan With Lies

Here is the latest from MoveOn.org in the lie filled institutionalized “progressive” left’s smear campaign 4063558227?profile=originalagainst Rep. Paul Ryan.  How does MoveOn expect anyone outside their ever shrinking “progressive” echo chamber think-alike tank to take them seriously? Not only are the assertions about Paul Ryan based on misrepresentations, distortions and outright falsehoods, the only “supportive evidence” provided are links to MoveOn.org and other “progressive” sites like Center for American Progress (funded by George Soros), Think Progress, Daily Kos, Huffington Post and The Advocate.  There is no question that the link sites are clearly biased in favor of “progressives” and are heartily devoted to spreading “progressive” propaganda.

4063558141?profile=originalIf this is not a clear cut case of “I’m right because I said so” vapidity then 2 + 2 does not equal 4.

MoveOn even lies to its own people by saying MoveOn gets no big checks from CEOs.  Apparently they count on membership from uninformed people who have never heard of the huge donations MoveOn has received over the years from billionaire George Soros.

Below is the text as sent out in an email by MoveOn:

Dear MoveOn member,

Paul Ryan is bad for America. He's anti-choice, and would give big tax cuts for millionaires, while raising taxes on the middle-class. He's a Tea Party favorite who takes donations from the billionaire Koch brothers, and he introduced one of harshest and most inhumane budgets in recent history. His ideological hero for many years called selfishness a virtue and charity an abomination.

But most people don't know just how bad Paul Ryan is. So we made this list of 10 things to know about Mitt Romney's Vice Presidential pick, Paul Ryan. Read it, then click here to share this list as an image on social media, or just forward this email! The future of America is on the line—from a woman's right to choose to our economy.

10 Things to know about Paul Ryan

1. His economic plan would cost America 1 million jobs in the first year. Ryan's proposed budget would cripple the economy. He'd slash spending deeply, which would not only slow job growth, but shock the economy and cost 1 million of us our jobs in 2013 alone and kill more than 4 million jobs by the end of 2014.1

2. He'd kill Medicare. He'd replace Medicare with vouchers for retirees to purchase insurance, eliminating the guarantee of health care for seniors and putting them at the mercy of the private insurance industry. That could amount to a cost increase of more than $5,900 by 2050, leaving many seniors broke or without the health care they need. He'd also raise the age of eligibility to 67.2

3. He'd pickpocket the middle class to line the pockets of the rich. His tax plan is Robin Hood in reverse. He wants to cut taxes by $4.6 trillion over the next decade, but only for corporations and the rich, like giving families earning more than $1 million a year a $300,000 tax cut. And to pay for them, he'd raise taxes on middle- and lower-income households and butcher social service programs that help middle- and working-class Americans.3

4. He's an anti-choice extremist. Ryan co-sponsored an extremist anti-choice bill, nicknamed the 'Let Women Die Act,' that would have allowed hospitals to deny women emergency abortion care even if their lives were at risk. And he co-sponsored another bill that would criminalize some forms of birth control, all abortions, and in vitro fertilization.4

5. He'd dismantle Social Security. Ironically, Ryan used the Social Security Survivors benefit to help pay for college, but he wants to take that possibility away from future generations. He agrees with Rick Perry's view that Social Security is a "Ponzi scheme" and he supported George W. Bush's disastrous proposal to privatize Social Security.5

6. He'd eliminate Pell grants for more than 1 million low-income students. His budget plan cuts the Pell Grant program by $200 billion, which could mean a loss of educational funding for 1 million low-income students.6

7. He'd give $40 billion in subsidies to Big Oil. His budget includes oil tax breaks worth $40 billion, while cutting "billions of dollars from investments to develop alternative fuels and clean energy technologies that would serve as substitutes for oil."7

8. He's another Koch-head politician. Not surprisingly, the billionaire oil-baron Koch brothers are some of Ryan's biggest political contributors. And their company, Koch industries, is Ryan's biggest energy-related donor. The company's PAC and affiliated individuals have given him $65,500 in donations.8

9. He opposes gay rights. Ryan has an abysmal voting record on gay rights. He's voted to ban adoption by gay couples, against same-sex marriage, and against repealing "don't ask, don't tell." He also voted against the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which President Obama signed into law in 2009.9

10. He thinks an "I got mine, who cares if you're okay" philosophy is admirable. For many years, Paul Ryan devoted himself to Ayn Rand's philosophy of selfishness as a virtue. It has shaped his entire ethic about whom he serves in public office. He even went as far as making his interns read her work.10

If there was ever any doubt that Mitt Romney's got a disastrous plan for America—he made himself 100% clear when he picked right-wing extremist Paul Ryan as his running mate. Paul Ryan is bad for America, but we can't beat him if Americans don't know everything he stands for. Share this list with all your friends by clicking here, or simply forward this email.

Thanks for all you do.

–Justin, Carrie, Steven, Stephen, and the rest of the team


1. "Ryan's Budget, Robin Hood in reverse," Economic Policy Institute

2. "12 Things You Should Know About Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan," Think Progress, August 11, 2012

3."Ryan Budget Would Raise Some Taxes; Guess Who Gets Hit?," Off the Charts, April 12, 2012 http://www.moveon.org/r?r=278692&id=48819-18317182-fpqNWbx&t=6

"Middle class could face higher taxes under Republican plan, analysis finds," The Washington Post, June 19, 2012

4. "Statement on Mitt Romney's Selection of Rep. Paul Ryan for His Vice-Presidential Running Mate," NARAL, August 11, 2012

"Paul Ryan's Extreme Abortion Views," The Daily Beast, August 11, 2012

"Paul Ryan Sponsored Fetal Personhood Bill, Opposes Family Planning Funds," Huffington Post, August 11, 2012

5. "12 Things You Should Know About Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan," Think Progress, August 11, 2012

"Ayn Rand would have HATED Paul Ryan," Daily Kos, August 12, 2012

6. "Pell Grants For Poor Students Lose $170 Billion In Ryan Budget," Huffington Post, March 27, 2012

7. "Ryan Budget Pads Big Oil's Pockets with Senseless Subsidies," Center for American Progress, March 20, 2012

8. "Koch brothers have Paul Ryan's back," Politico, August 11, 2012

9. "Paul Ryan as VP Matches Mitt Romney on Homophobia," The Advocate, August 11, 2012

10."Paul Ryan And Ayn Rand", The New Republic, December 28, 2010

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 7 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


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The Least Productive Congress…Why?

The institutionalized “progressive” left is at it again.  Consider this headline published by Yahoo News on behalf of Susan Davis, USA Today and ABC OTUS News:

“Congress could be least productive since 1947”

Three of the first four paragraphs of this “headline news” story focus on attacking the Republican majority 4063556671?profile=originalin the House of Representatives for the recent lack of legislative success.  This is obviously typical of the “progressive” Party Pravda, which never misses an opportunity to parrot messages being dictated by the George Soros funded Media Matters via Valerie Jarrett and the White House.

Statistics are being manipulated and misrepresented by partisan hacks posing as journalists: “Just 61 bills have become law to date in 2012 out of 3,914 bills that have been introduced by lawmakers, or less than 2 percent of all proposed laws,” or “In 2011, after Republicans took control of the U.S. House, Congress passed just 90 bills into law.


It might be statistically true that “Congress is on pace to make history with the least productive legislative year in the post-World War II era,” but to so strongly insinuate that this is the fault of the House Republican majority, as Davis, USA Today, ABC News and Yahoo News do is a lie.  Utter fabrication…pure unadulterated fiction.

Where the article fails completely (that is if you are seeking factual information rather than “progressive” propaganda) is in the “reporting” of why those numbers are so abysmal.

4063556700?profile=originalThe United States Senate, under the extreme, partisan, rigidly ideological, failed “leadership” of “progressive” Democrat Harry Reid, has blocked, obstructed, ignored or refused to allow a majority of House passed bills to even come to a vote in the U.S. Senate.

How is any bill passed by the House ever to become law if it is completely blocked from discussion or vote in the Senate?

The reason so many people believe the House is to blame for this situation is the lies spread by institutionalized “progressive” shills like Yahoo News, Susan Davis, USA Today, ABC OTUS News and their ilk.

Should the 112th Congress come to be “defined by partisan divisions and legislative failures”, the blame will rest squarely at the slumping, rounded shoulders of Reid and his “progressive” co-conspirator currently occupying the Oval Office.  The “progressive” Democratic Senate majority has not even passed a budget in three years.  They even voted down the one that came from the Oval Office 97-0.

This is a clear dereliction of duty by the “progressive” Democratic Party.  Thanks to the utter failure of their “progressive” policies, the one and only card left for them to play is using Saul Alinsky style smear tactics against the right attempting to blame the right for problems caused by the left.  This has been the modus operandi of “progressives” since they seized control of the Democratic Party.

The most egregious of lies propagated by the institutionalized “progressive” left is the one put forth by Nancy Pelosi during the TARP debate.  On September 28, 2008 Pelosi placed the blame for the economic4063556736?profile=original collapse entirely on George W. Bush and failed Republican economic policies.


The 2008 financial collapse was a direct result of failed “progressive” social engineering in the U.S. housing market.  For decades the U.S. has had nothing remotely resembling a free market in residential real estate.  Instead, “progressive” big government created monstrosities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac controlled over half of all U.S. mortgages.  For twenty years, Conservatives warned about the systemic risk Fannie and Freddie posed to the financial system but they were constantly thwarted by the left.  To this very day, the institutionalized “progressive” left denies the essential part Fannie and Freddie played in creating the housing bubble and causing the financial crisis.

Even at the height of the housing bubble, as the extent of the damage was being revealed, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd were still seeking to increase Fannie and Freddie’s role in a market already fettered by “progressive” big government interference.   On behalf of a well-heeled constituency in her congressional district, the liar Nancy Pelosi continued insisting Fannie and Freddie keep the housing bubble going, pushing for their insurance limits to be increased from $417,000 to $700,000 per loan.

Whether in the area of journalism or politics, once the facts are in members of the institutionalized “progressive” left prove themselves to be nothing more than bold faced, willfully deceitful psychopaths unfit to serve in the public arena.


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David Fischer, the Associated Press and Yahoo News should be ashamed of themselves.   They have 4063556176?profile=originalstretched so far to create a negative headline about GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney an eighteen wheeler can be driven through the holes in the story.

For years Fischer, AP and Yahoo have consistently and willfully ignored the fact that in his autobiography “Dreams From My Father” their dearly beloved leader freely admitted to using drugs many times.  “I blew a few smoke rings, remembering those years,” he wrote about his days in college. “Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it.”

However, like rabid dogs, they have jumped all over Romney for meeting Marco Rubio at a public juice stand, making short speeches and then handing out juices to the eager crowd.

What was the headline?

“Host for Romney event is a convicted drug dealer”

The truth is: Reinaldo Bermudez, owner of El Palacio del los Jugos, did serve three years in federal prison after pleading guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute cocaine back in 1999.

Bermudez has repaid society for that crime.  He has served the time.  He is now legally engaged in conducting a successful small business that provides for a need in the community.

In a statement to the Miami New Times, Bermudez said "Thankfully, we all have the opportunity in this country to re-enter society when we've done something wrong."

Have Fischer, AP and Yahoo never heard of redemption in America?  Apparently, by members of the self-imagined, self-appointed intellectual elite, redemption is not bequeathed upon Conservatives.  It is reserved solely for “their people”.



For proud card carrying members of the “progressive” Party Pravda it is perfectly fine to ignore that by his own admission their anointed, almost god-like hero engaged in criminal activity on multiple occasions, but when their target who does not smoke or drink makes one speech and hands out drinks at a juice stand it is “newsworthy” because the stand’s owner once committed a crime for which he has long since made restitution.

A “progressive” can smoke pot, sniff cocaine, whatever they want, admit to it…and never be brought to task or to justice by Pravda.  A Conservative is peripherally associated with someone who paid for their mistake and it is elevated to the level of high crime.

Keep an eye on the horizon for indications that Fischer or AP and Yahoo employees are Mike Vick fans.


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More Government or Less?

4063555637?profile=originalFollowing GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney’s selection of Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate, the All Barrack Channel, commonly known as ABC, assumed the form of Amy Walter to administer a spoonful of “progressive” medicine intended to stop the American sugar for going down.


By calling Ryan’s budget plan synonymous with political polarization, then portraying Mitt Romney picking Ryan for VP as guaranteeing an ideological debate, Walter displays nothing short of utter contempt for voters and their ability to research, learn and decide for themselves.

Even if Walter is correct in saying that a debate over the role of government is looming, she is wrong in assuming, presuming, dictating that swing voters do not want that debate.  Closer to the truth, “progressives” do not want the debate to take place because it could lead to swing voters learning the distinctions between the differing philosophies.  Hence, ABC and other card carrying members of the “progressive” Party Pravda publish “information” that preordains the conclusion to which readers must necessarily arrive: Voters do not want to debate the proper role of government.4063555732?profile=original

Voters are most certainly interested in what their government does, how far it reaches into their lives, and the scope of its power.  Voters have interests that surpass simply having a government that works.

For “progressives” and their Pravda lapdogs, it feeds their agenda to determine and present as fact that voters only want a government that works efficiently.  Safe to say, “progressives” living in America are highly motivated to be primarily concerned with a government that efficiently rewards them with their “fair share” of food stamps, welfare checks, “free” healthcare and other so-called “entitlement” goodies.

4063555746?profile=originalThe Nazi government was highly efficient in taking a defeated, bankrupt country to the brink of global domination…and slaughtering millions.  When it came to the systematic removal of millions of Chinese, Chairman Mao had a well-oiled government.  The Soviet system very effectively created a manmade disaster while committing genocide by starving millions of Ukrainians to death during the Holodomor.  Che Rivera was ruthlessly efficient in eliminating Fidel’s political opposition in Cuba.

The silent majority, astonished, alarmed and disgusted by the scale, scope and over-reach of the fringe, radical, anti-American agenda enacted by “progressives” armed with unrestrained, unbridled power, got up off the couch and formed the Tea Party.  Contrary to what Walters would have readers believe, the Tea Party is as popular and influential as ever.

The 2010 election that swept Conservatives back in control of the House was indeed a mandate: Do not compromise with those whose negotiating position begins and ends with “what is yours is ours and what is mine is mine.”  History repeatedly reveals that whenever those with this negotiating position obtain final grasp of unrestrained, unbridled power, they do not compromise with their political opposition, they eliminate it.

The reason Washington DC is polarized and ineffective is the harsh, uncompromisingly rigid partisan 4063555810?profile=originalpositions taken by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, the current Oval Office occupier and their “progressive” collaborators.

The November 2012 election is a decision voters will make between two competing ideologies.  Voters will determine what role government plays in the lives of people.  Whether “progressives” like it or not, a small government with limited power is the basic construct of the American idea; one “progressives” have long sought to destroy.

Americans want to have the debate “progressives” do not.  The simple reason “progressives” do not want that debate and are so eager to convince swing voters they do not want it either is simple.  That debate is one “progressives” will lose.


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White House Tells Lies (Repeatedly) To Win

The White House re-election campaign has denied any knowledge of an abhorrent, misleading Super PAC ad that wrongly blames GOP challenger Mitt Romney for the death of a steelworker's wife from cancer.

Campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki responded by saying: "We have nothing, no involvement, with any ads 4063554824?profile=originalthat are done by Priorities USA.  We don't have any knowledge of the story of the family."  Deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter stated: "I don't know the facts about when Mr. Soptic's wife got sick, or the facts about his health insurance."

The problem for the Oval Office and its hope for re-election is; Soptic told the story on May 14, 2012, in a conference call hosted by the Obama campaign.


This is from someone who condemned PAC attack ads running in favor of John Edwards during the 2008 campaign.  This is from a candidate who attacks Super PACs that are on Romney’s side, but never utters one peep about the PACs that are aligned with him, launching slanderous attacks against Romney on his behalf.

Apparently for “progressives”, civility remains a one way street.

Evidence shows how the White House’s assertion that political appointees were not involved in Energy Department loan decisions is a flat out lie.

Documents and sources knowledgeable of the situation show that disagreement between administration officials over approval of a $1.4 billion loan to another project was resolved by then-White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley.

4063554846?profile=originalLast summer the Oval Office occupier was briefed personally about a federal loan program aimed at helping clean-energy companies.   The briefing took place a mere two months before failure of the solar company Solyndra.  Solyndra was trumpeted by the White House as the poster child for solar power success in America.


It is easy to understand why Romney and his supporters justifiably lament the cheap, two-bit, Chicago thug style, dirty, lying, lowlife, bottoms scraping, scumbag, “progressive”, Alinsky tactics being used daily by the current White House occupant’s re-election campaign.  But to remain stuck in lament or defense mode plays right into their hands.

The best option is to stick to the truth and use the abundant available evidence to successfully portray the current administration and its “progressive” political allies for what they are.  So incredibly inept at governing that their own failed leadership and flagrant incompetence has forced them to lie, cheat and resort to character assassination in order to misrepresent themselves and their opponent.

Then paint the portrait of a viable alternative to failure: A proven leader who has achieved the American dream through pursuit of happiness.

Follow that with a series of questions.

Who would you rather have leading the United States of America; someone so inexperienced, inept and incompetent that Americans are resorting to Welfare, Disability and Food Stamps for survival?  Someone who must resort to blatantly dishonest tactics in an attempt to salvage their own failed, sagging political4063554785?profile=original career?

Or would you rather have America led by a competent, successful and experienced businessman of good moral character who has plans to revitalize the American private sector economy and put Americans back to work?

America deserves better than having an inexperienced, incompetent, inept liar as President of the United States.

You deserve better.


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The Tea Party’s Work Has Just Begun

Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney attacked occupy Oval Office, aka Barrack Obama, for waiving portions of the welfare-to-work law.  At a Chicago campaign stop, Romney pledged to reverse the 4063554387?profile=originalJuly order that disembowels welfare reform.  "We will end a culture of dependency and restore a culture of good, hard work," Romney said.

Naturally, White House press secretary Jay Carney called Romney's charges "blatantly dishonest."  Carney’s misrepresentative spin continued: "This administration's policy will strengthen the program by giving states the opportunity to employ more effective ways to help people get off welfare and into a job.”

For their part, a new Romney campaign ad accurately asserts that "Obama guts welfare reform" saying "Under Obama's plan, you wouldn't have to work and wouldn't have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check."


Of course, to White House “progressives” it does not matters that The Health and Human Services Department directive permits states to ask for waivers from the work requirement found in the existing welfare law.  They are going to attack, smear, invent and misrepresent every fact necessary to convince low information voters to cast their ballots against Romney, no matter what.

Coincidently, the current White House occupant is now blaming state and local governments, as well as Congress for the 14.1 percent black unemployment rate.

4063554347?profile=original"There are a lot more things we could be doing. To get them done, we need cooperation of Congress. We got the payroll tax portion of [my American Jobs Act] done, but what we didn’t get done is the assistance I was proposing to the states to help them hire back teachers, firefighters, and first responders, because one of the weakest parts of this recovery has been state and local government hiring.  Given the weaknesses of the construction industry, the American Jobs Act proposed that we rebuild schools, roads, bridges, airport, and ports. That would provide small businesses with opportunities as contractors and vendors in this rebuilding process. Again, Congress needs to act."  Obama stated.

Were George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, economic troubles in the Eurozone, the Arab Spring, a Japanese tsunami or ATMs and ticketing kiosks suddenly unavailable for blame?

Obama then took for granted a big part of his core constituency by saying "I’m not the president of black America. I’m the president of the United States of America.”


If one is to believe the pathological wealth redistributor in thief, he and his policies are never to blame for any of the existing malaise.  If only all those poor unfortunate souls who are not part of the “progressive” “intellectual elite” were capable of understanding.  Then his “progressive” holiness could explain to them how his policies are great…for the hundred thousandth time.

The idea that America is in deep financial trouble and that the current “progressive” administration is intentionally inflicting damage upon America and its economy is supported by the enactment of a seemingly endless string of “progressive” policies that run 180 degrees counter to how America and its economy are designed to work.

But one politician, no matter how radical, fringe, extreme, anti-American, “progressive” they are is solely to blame for the current situation.

Thanks to “go along to get along” “establishment” Republicans who abandoned Conservative principles and co-opted the “progressive” Democratic tactic of bringing home the bacon to buy votes; from January 2007 to January 2011 Republicans were in the legislative minority.  After the 2008 election, they were so outnumbered they were powerless to stop a "progressive" agenda bent on advancing an extreme, fringe, radical, anti-American wish list “progressives” spent decades concocting.

Then Americans woke up and elected Republicans of a more Conservative stripe to a majority in the House 4063554401?profile=originaland reduced the "progressive" majority in the Senate.

But the Tea Party’s work is not done.  It is only now beginning.

"progressives" and their policies have been assailing America for over a century.  Based on what has happened since the 2010 election, expectations that more than 100 years of damage will be reversed in one election cycle are unrealistic.

For some Tea Party Americans, Mitt Romney might not be their first pick for president.  At least Romney is an American who knows first-hand how to achieve success in business.  Better still, Romney was not raised overseas by Communists.  This is a far cry from the current clueless affirmative action clown who between rounds of golf is working to “fundamentally transform” America into a Socialist democracy.  Besides, Romney’s campaign is showing a willingness to fight, something John McCain’s 2008 campaign failed to demonstrate.

Americans need to stay focused, remain diligent and work hard to elect Conservative Americans to every office possible.  It could be the White House, the U.S. Senate, Congress, Governor, Mayor or the local dog catcher.

Keep the faith and get out the American vote!


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4063553467?profile=originalEver since the 2009 GM bailout by “progressive” big government ended the pensions of 20,000 retirees at Delphi auto parts manufacturing, the White House and the Department of Treasury have laid the blame on the steps of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

Internal government emails have been obtained that show the U.S. Treasury Department, run by Timothy Geithner, was behind those termininations.  All 20,000 of the pensions seem to have been ended strictly for the reason that those retirees did not belong to labor unions.


Perhaps the National Labor Relations Board was too busy preparing to harass another private sector company planning to hire non-union workers to get involved.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Eric Holder has yet to file any criminal charges against top Wall Street bankers 4063553511?profile=originalwith connections inside the Department of Justice or who had made political donations to the 2008 presidential campaign of the current White House occupant.

Over the years, both the Oval Office and Holder have talked tough, aggressively attacking big fat cat bankers, blaming their reckless speculation for the 2008 financial collapse.  The Government Accountability Institute has found that Holder still has not “filed a single criminal charge against any top executive of an elite financial institution.”


All talk no action.  Sound tough for the union organized OWS crowd, but do nothing to upset potential campaign donors.  The heck with credibility, the “progressive” Party Pravda will run interference for the re-election campaign.

Overseas, Iran has vowed it will not allow Assad to fall in Syria.

"Iran will never allow the resistance axis – of which Syria is an essential pillar – to break," said Saeed Jalili, Iran's Supreme National Security Council secretary.  The "axis of resistance" includes Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas, all of which are anti-Western and openly hostile towards Israel and the United States.

Assad reassured Jalili by saying: "The Syrian people and their government are determined to purge the country of terrorists and to fight the terrorists without respite.”

If Assad is overthrown, Iran will lose influence over Syria and a crucial link to Hezbollah.


4063553483?profile=originalCould it be that Muslim Brotherhood influence over the White House has surreptitiously led to policies that support the creation of a regional Caliphate?  What other way is there to logically explain policies that support rebellions to overthrow some Middle Eastern dictators, but not support rebellions hostile to the Iranian regime or its allies?

With so much baggage for the White House to carry through the campaign, their “Priorities” are to have their “progressive” allies run misleading ads that attempt to tie Mitt Romney to death.

Priorities USA Action, a super PAC supporting the Oval Office is running a new ad that blames Mitt Romney for a family losing health insurance which contributed to a woman dying from cancer.

It apparently makes no difference to the “progressive” super PAC that Romney left Bain Capital years before the GST Steel bankruptcy in 2001.  In addition, the cancer casualty Ranae Soptic died in 2006, long after the GST plant had been closed.


In another move to distract attention away from the dismal economic performance of the White House, the Oval Office occupier was overheard whispering to a top fundraiser that GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney wants to name Gen. David Petraeus as his choice for Vice President.


The White House was more than happy to clutter the news cycle by dismissing the Drudge Report.  Anything to keep the pathetic economic record of the White House out of the headlines will suffice.4063553498?profile=original

Press Secretary Jay Carney reminded reporters to “be mindful of your sources” when asked about the Petraeus rumor.  “I can say with absolute confidence, such an assertion has never been uttered by the president.  And again be mindful of your sources” said Carney.


And so it goes for the most open, transparent White House in American history.  They are more than happy to talk about anything but their own record.


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Harry Reid Is Not the Only Liar

4063552504?profile=originalFrom the floor of the United States Senate chamber, without a single shred of evidence, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid recently charged that for ten years Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney paid no taxes.

Is not the legal system in the United States based on the presumption of innocence?  Did Harry Reid grant himself the authority to alter that, or did he obtain permission from the White House by fiat?

Since when is it the business of the Senate Majority leader to take to the Senate chamber microphone and accuse a political opponent of a serious crime while presuming him guilty and demanding he prove his innocence?  Is not Senate business the job for which Reid was elected?  How does making this unsubstantiated charge fit in with conducting the business of the United States Senate?

It would be bad enough if this Harry Reid distraction from the failures that define the post-fad institutionalized “progressive” left’s Oval Office tragedy was an isolated incident.  For a “man” in what has historically been a prestigious position to make such outrageous charges without a single shred of evidence exceeds extremely egregious.  But sadly, an overview of the political landscape shows that it is not just Harry Reid who is engaged in spouting lies, uttering distortions and intentionally creating or parroting misinformation.

The White House re-election campaign has sued Ohio over a state provision that gives three extra days for 4063552431?profile=originalearly voting to members of the military.  The administration and the “progressive” Party Pravda pushed back hard, claiming that the lawsuit did not intend to target military voters.  That claim is pure, unfiltered bollocks.  Over the decades, “progressive” Democrats have sought to suppress military votes.  In 2000, when “progressive” Democrats were passionately seeking to steal the Florida Electoral College votes from George W. Bush, they actually succeeded in disqualifying military ballots.


Then there is the 2012 case of “progressive” Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts.  Despite having blue eyes and blonde hair, she claims that she is “Native American”.  The “evidence” she presents to support her claim?  Her mommy told her so.

4063552555?profile=originalNever mind that her claim was rejected by the Cherokee Nation, and that an investigation of her family tree offers no support for her assertion.  In the meantime, while Warren claimed she didn’t know whether or not Harvard had ever promoted her Native American background, the Boston Globe reported: “For at least six straight years during Warren’s tenure, Harvard University reported in federally mandated diversity statistics that it had a Native American woman in its senior ranks at the law school. According to both Harvard officials and federal guidelines, those statistics are almost always based on the way employees describe themselves.”

Such a deal!  Lie about your heritage so your application to work as a member of the Harvard Law school faculty is given preferential treatment.  When your lie is discovered, say it must be true because mommy said so.

On the latest airing of FOX News Sunday, host Chris Wallace caught White House re-election campaign 4063552523?profile=originalchairman David Axelrod in a lie about “Recovery Summer”.  Axelrod repeatedly stated that in 2010 he never spoke about the administration’s imaginary “Recovery Summer”.  Evidence shows he did exactly that during an interview with David Gregory on the NBC program Meet the Press.


As it turns out, “Recovery Summer” was, in and of itself, another oft trumpeted “progressive” fabrication.

Then there is Fast & Furious.  The White House and their “progressive” co-conspirators dreamed up the “perfect” way to convince Americans that more rapacious “progressive” big government infringements on their constitutionally protected gun rights were needed. 

What was that “perfect” plan?  To intentionally allow hundreds of deadly automatic and semi-automatic weapons to walk across the southern border and into the hands of known criminals in Mexican drug cartels.  The cover story would be that the government intended to track the guns and catch cartel higher ups red handed.

4063552532?profile=originalNever mind that zero effort was made to track the guns.  None of the guns that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and the Department of Justice let walk were capable of being tracked by GPS.  Once the guns crossed the border, there was no way of telling where they ended up.

Instead of providing any evidence to support their tracking claim, the DOJ and the White House asserted they were merely continuing a program established by the Bush administration.  The difference between the two policies discredits that assertion.  The far fewer number of guns that were allowed by the Bush administration to leave the country had been equipped with GPS tracking devices.

After the House of Representatives Investigative Committee caught U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in a lie and demanded additional information from the DOJ about the Fast and Furious scandal, the White House exerted Executive Privilege, which cannot be used unless the White House itself was involved in the activities under question.

Former White House “green jobs czar and self-avowed Communist Van Jones, and complicit “progressive” Party Pravda dogs assert that the GOP and the Tea Party “Want to hurt Americans economically so they can gain politically.”

This statement flies in the face of the fact that in order to gain politically, decades of “progressive” 4063552498?profile=originalDemocratic policies quite nearly destroyed the global economy through “progressive” big government social engineering in the U.S. housing market, have skewed American tax codes in favor of dividing Americans into separate economic classes and punishing the successful while rewarding the unsuccessful, have set about to destroy the concept of a traditional two parent family, dismantle the military, make more people dependent on “progressive” big government “entitlement” programs and allowing an unrestricted flood of illegal alien invaders into the country in hopes of buying the votes of their children with “progressive” big government handouts.

Still want to cling to the claim that “progressives” are the adults in the room?

At least RNC Chairman Reince Priebus is willing to call Reid a 'dirty liar'.  ABC’s George Will compared Reid’s actions to McCarthyism by saying: “Look, in 1950, Joe McCarthy went to West Virginia, didn’t know what to tell to the Women’s Republican Club of Wheeling, West Virginia, so he said I have in my hand a list of 205, we think that are — 205 communists in the State Department.  (He) didn’t have a list.  Harry Reid doesn’t have any evidence either.  This is McCarthyism from the desert.”

Now is time for all American Patriots to expose the coordinated lies that are being and for decades have been spewed by “progressive” Democrats and their seditious allies within the institutionalized “progressive” left.

Maybe, just maybe, there are enough intelligent undecided swing voters with sound moral character remaining to ensure that “progressive” hopes for re-election end up where they belong, in the ashes.


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