sarah (5)

4063707026?profile=original  Sarah Palin Returns to Fox News as Conservative Tea Party Champion and movement leader

With the stroke of a pen, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin returns to Fox News as a contributor while liberal bombast Chris Matthews of MSNBC loses his weekend syndicated show in July. Does this spell the resurrection of the political street bona fides of Palin who has been a lightning rod for conservatives and the national Tea Party movement since its inception?

What seems clear is that Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News has reached a conclusion that the scandal beleaguered administration of President Barack Obama is fair pickings for conservatives. And what better conservative to have on your news team than Sarah Palin who has done considerable heavy lifting for the conservative movement since Obama took the oath of office as president in 2009.

This is especially critical when one considers that the upcoming mid-term elections of 2014 are rife for the political pickings in terms of governorships, the U.S. Senate and increases in the GOP House majority.

Examine the landscape of the world of politics now where the polls are pointing toward a downward slide regarding Obama’s favorability and a notable upward surge in the public’s rejection of Obama’s handling of Benghazi, the IRS attack on Tea Party organizations’ First Amendment rights and spying on journalists.

The surge in public outrage has changed dramatically since Obama’s reelection when he cobbled together a number of key state victories with Chicago style political strong arming that would make dishonored former President Richard Nixon blush. Yet, while America was having its news hijacked by a compliant mainstream media, Sarah Palin remained on the forefront using their own vehicles to communicate the cracks in Obama’s administration armor.

You remember Benghazi, the murder of four honorable Americans, including America’s Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens scandal that would not go away? The investigation by the House Republicans continued to peel back the wall of lies constructed by the White House and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice under the direction of unnamed State Department and White House officials.

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The Tea Party’s Work Has Just Begun

Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney attacked occupy Oval Office, aka Barrack Obama, for waiving portions of the welfare-to-work law.  At a Chicago campaign stop, Romney pledged to reverse the 4063554387?profile=originalJuly order that disembowels welfare reform.  "We will end a culture of dependency and restore a culture of good, hard work," Romney said.

Naturally, White House press secretary Jay Carney called Romney's charges "blatantly dishonest."  Carney’s misrepresentative spin continued: "This administration's policy will strengthen the program by giving states the opportunity to employ more effective ways to help people get off welfare and into a job.”

For their part, a new Romney campaign ad accurately asserts that "Obama guts welfare reform" saying "Under Obama's plan, you wouldn't have to work and wouldn't have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check."

Of course, to White House “progressives” it does not matters that The Health and Human Services Department directive permits states to ask for waivers from the work requirement found in the existing welfare law.  They are going to attack, smear, invent and misrepresent every fact necessary to convince low information voters to cast their ballots against Romney, no matter what.

Coincidently, the current White House occupant is now blaming state and local governments, as well as Congress for the 14.1 percent black unemployment rate.

4063554347?profile=original"There are a lot more things we could be doing. To get them done, we need cooperation of Congress. We got the payroll tax portion of [my American Jobs Act] done, but what we didn’t get done is the assistance I was proposing to the states to help them hire back teachers, firefighters, and first responders, because one of the weakest parts of this recovery has been state and local government hiring.  Given the weaknesses of the construction industry, the American Jobs Act proposed that we rebuild schools, roads, bridges, airport, and ports. That would provide small businesses with opportunities as contractors and vendors in this rebuilding process. Again, Congress needs to act."  Obama stated.

Were George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, economic troubles in the Eurozone, the Arab Spring, a Japanese tsunami or ATMs and ticketing kiosks suddenly unavailable for blame?

Obama then took for granted a big part of his core constituency by saying "I’m not the president of black America. I’m the president of the United States of America.”

If one is to believe the pathological wealth redistributor in thief, he and his policies are never to blame for any of the existing malaise.  If only all those poor unfortunate souls who are not part of the “progressive” “intellectual elite” were capable of understanding.  Then his “progressive” holiness could explain to them how his policies are great…for the hundred thousandth time.

The idea that America is in deep financial trouble and that the current “progressive” administration is intentionally inflicting damage upon America and its economy is supported by the enactment of a seemingly endless string of “progressive” policies that run 180 degrees counter to how America and its economy are designed to work.

But one politician, no matter how radical, fringe, extreme, anti-American, “progressive” they are is solely to blame for the current situation.

Thanks to “go along to get along” “establishment” Republicans who abandoned Conservative principles and co-opted the “progressive” Democratic tactic of bringing home the bacon to buy votes; from January 2007 to January 2011 Republicans were in the legislative minority.  After the 2008 election, they were so outnumbered they were powerless to stop a "progressive" agenda bent on advancing an extreme, fringe, radical, anti-American wish list “progressives” spent decades concocting.

Then Americans woke up and elected Republicans of a more Conservative stripe to a majority in the House 4063554401?profile=originaland reduced the "progressive" majority in the Senate.

But the Tea Party’s work is not done.  It is only now beginning.

"progressives" and their policies have been assailing America for over a century.  Based on what has happened since the 2010 election, expectations that more than 100 years of damage will be reversed in one election cycle are unrealistic.

For some Tea Party Americans, Mitt Romney might not be their first pick for president.  At least Romney is an American who knows first-hand how to achieve success in business.  Better still, Romney was not raised overseas by Communists.  This is a far cry from the current clueless affirmative action clown who between rounds of golf is working to “fundamentally transform” America into a Socialist democracy.  Besides, Romney’s campaign is showing a willingness to fight, something John McCain’s 2008 campaign failed to demonstrate.

Americans need to stay focused, remain diligent and work hard to elect Conservative Americans to every office possible.  It could be the White House, the U.S. Senate, Congress, Governor, Mayor or the local dog catcher.

Keep the faith and get out the American vote!

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Sarah Steelman!

Tomorrow the big day for Sarah Steelman!

Check out for their list of supported candidates.

Also, check out their 'Tea Party Supports Sarah Steelman' ad here:


It'll be interesting to see if Palin's endorsement makes a difference for her like some seem to think it did for Ted Cruz in Texas, and also to see if the anti-incumbent vote keeps on rolling nation wide, which is a noteworthy thing whether you support Steelman or not.

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The Mobocratic Dislike of Sarah Palin

I have had it with the phrase, "I like Sarah Palin...but..." This is not coming from Liberals, reticent Independents, but Tea Party Conservatives.  I have had it!!! I will invariably ask, "well, why don't you like her?" And I have never received a satisfying answer.  The speaker will look thoughtful, hem and haw for a moment, and usually come with something as lame as, "she's weak, " "she can't possibly win," or "the mainstream media hates her!"  What??? Does any thinking person really give a flying frisbee about what the MSM regards as good or bad?  I will no longer accept the mobthink in which the entire Left, and many on the Right, participate when it comes to Palin.  Look closely at Sarah Palin.  Scrutinize, research, follow, and read the words she has written.  She is no lightweight. She is highly intelligent.  And though she is not pretentious like Obama or Kerry, she is eloquent.  Her eloquence comes from her heart-felt love of country and love of God.  I challenge you to press anyone on the Left or Right, who glibly dismisses Sarah Palin as qualified Presidential candidate, to give a legitimate reason for their stance.  I assert that she is qualified, she is soundly rooted in the Constitution and the concepts individual liberty and accountability.  She is an individualist, unique, tough and whip-smart.  And SHE CAN WIN!
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Well, that is if you subscribe tocolumnist DeWayne Wickham’s way of thinking; which is possible if yousquint your eyes and twist your mind.

Wickham’s latestmasterpiece appeared today in USA Today (Aug. 31, 2010, p. 11A) and was,naturally, titled, “Jackson, Sharpton Rallies Carry More Influence ThanBeck’s.”

Which is why, I suppose, the media has spent so muchtime attacking Beck’s rally.

Anyhoo, the gist of Wickham’s littleessay is that suddenly old players like Jackson and Sharpton have theability to “spur” the “core constituency” of the Democratic Party,blacks, to get up off the couch and stop watching SportCenter (to borrowa phrase from obama) and head to the polls in November to rescue theDemocratic Party.

I use the term ‘black’ due to a Radio One pollin October 2008 that found 42% of those polled prefer to be called‘black’ rather than African American (

I’mall for giving this ultra-minority a voice.

While Wickham saysthe Jackson/Sharpton rallies will create Hope and Change V2.0, hepredicts that the Tea Party “will be short-lived.”

Where wereJackson, Sharpton, and their “core constituents” a month after obama’selection when Democrats were losing two seats in black districts inLouisiana – including New Orleans? Wickham’s charges were missing inGeorgia during a December 2008 Senate run-off election which was run by aRepublican by 15%. Why were Jackson, Sharpton, and Wickham notspurring their “core” to vote in 2009 during governor’s races inVirginia and New Jersey where surveys were showing drops in black voterturnout upwards to 40% as compared with the general election in 2008? (

Wickhamis placing much faith in an unreliable voting block and two uninspiringmen with racial chips on their shoulders.

The Tea Party, Wickhamsays, is a “21st century incarnation of the anti-immigrationKnow-Nothing Movement of the 1850s.” Thus the crux of his death knell.

HereWickham, like so many, confuse the extreme nativist ideology of theKnow-Nothings with the reasonable, conservative anti-illegal immigrationbelief of the Tea Partiers.

The difference on this point is aswide as a Reagan victory over Jimmy Carter.

Due to the majoritytwo-party hold on our politics, and given the fact that members of bothmajor parties and states like Michigan are fighting to keep a formal TeaParty party off election ballots, we most likely will not be able tocompare electoral successes between the two movements.

TheKnow-Nothings, prior to imploding due to their extremism, did have someelectoral success.

Formally known as the American Party, theKnow-Nothings actually won 62 seats in the U.S. House of Representativesduring the 1854 midterm elections.

They made their way onto the1856 Presidential ballot with candidate Millard Fillmore, who receivednearly 1 million votes.

This, and more, from a party thatbasically morphed its way into being seen as a joke.

However, TeaParty support has led to more elective offices for their supportedcandidates than has the support of obama for his chosen candidates.

Wickhamwastes his time comparing a formal political party built on an extremeanti-immigration ideology with a group aligned to support candidatesthat support various conservative issues.

Wickham and Sharptonare filled with vigor when liberal groups march and coalesce for acandidate and a cause, but are threatened and become hypocritical whenconservatives choose a similar path to make their voices heard.

I’mjust surprised Wickham didn’t bring up Sarah Palin.

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