Nick Short's Posts (6)

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Barack Obama's War On Police

On December 18, 2014, Barack Obama officially began the war on police as he signed an Executive Order establishing the President’s Task Force on 21st Century PolicingSince the signing of this Executive Order, 55 Officers have been killed in the line of duty. Yet, this mattered little to Obama who justified his Executive Order as he spoke about “the distrust that exists between too many police departments and too many communities – the sense that in a country where our basic principle is equality under the law, too many individuals, particularly young people of color, do not feel they are being treated fairly.” In the name of equality, the President wrote that the purpose of his task force was to identify and “bring unity and consensus on best practices to a nation with 18,000 separate law enforcement agencies.”

On March 4, 2015, the task force released its interim report on 21st Century Policing in which the report identified “six pillars on how policing practices can build public trust and promote effective crime reduction” based upon “input from community members, law enforcement officers, associations, stakeholders, academic experts, and civic leaders across the country.” In order to implement the strategies identified in the report, the federal government will “provide funding for state and local police, dependent upon such police departments meeting requirements established by the federal government.” In short, what this means is that the administration will attempt to gain federal control of local police practices via conditions placed on the receipt of federal funds.

According to a multitude of recommendations under the report, the administration stresses the need to change the culture in which police do their work noting that “the use of disrespectful language and the implicit biases that lead officers to rely upon race in the context of Stop and Frisk”, must be abolished. Moreover, the report recommends that the “Federal government create a Law Enforcement Diversity Initiative to help communities diversify Law Enforcement departments to better reflect the demographics of the community…with discretionary Federal funding for Law Enforcement programs influenced by that departments efforts to improve their diversity.”

Lastly, the report notes that the “U.S. Department of Justice should charge its office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) with assisting the law enforcement field in addressing current and future challenges by establishing benchmarks and best practices for Federal, State, and Local police departments.” The report goes on to conclude that the President should “prioritize grant funding to departments meeting benchmarks.” Thus, creating the incentive for over 18,000 separate law enforcement agencies to follow the federal guidelines in order to receive funding.

In order to bring about the systemic reform of policing called for in the report, multiple activist organizations aided by the Civil Rights Division in the Department of Justice, have gone about exploiting local police communities throughout the country by using actual and perceived instances of injustice to reform entire police departments. Last week, James Cadogan, a senior counselor to the U.S. assistant attorney general, took to the United Nations’ Human Rights Council to highlight and condemn our police on the international stage for their “racism and brutality.”

Cadogan highlighted the past cases which have been exploited by the DOJ beginning with, “The tragic deaths of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Michael Brown in Missouri, Eric Garner in New York, Tamir Rice in Ohio and Walter Scott in South Carolina.” Cadogan then noted that these cases “have renewed a long-standing and critical national debate about the even-handed administration of justice” as “these events challenge us to do better and to work harder for progress — through both dialogue and action.”

Cadogan concluded by adding that the Department of Justice has opened more than 20 investigations in the last six years — including an investigation into the Baltimore Police Department — as well as the release of a report of the Presidential Task Force on 21st Century Policing in March, which included more than 60 recommendations. A glaring theme becomes apparent within each of the cases that Cadogan highlighted, primarily that being the exploitation of local police communities by Vanita Gupta, the head of the DOJ Civil Rights Division.

On Tuesday, Gupta spoke to the Colorado Lawyers Committee in remarks about the work of the Civil Rights Division. Gupta explained that the source of mistrust between police and the communities they serve couldn’t be “explained away as the kneejerk reaction of the ill-informed or the hyperbolic.” Gupta then went on to state,  “It’s in part the product of historical awareness about the role that police have played in enforcing and perpetuating slavery, the Black Codes, lynchings and Jim Crow segregation.”

This fringe viewpoint by Gupta epitomizes the mainstream view among the leftists who populate not only the Civil Rights Division but the Department of Justice as well. “It was no accident that these same leftists produced an absurd self-fulfilling report on Ferguson”, writes J. Christian Adams of PJMedia. “But that hasn’t stopped Gupta from trumpeting the report, or better still, using the report to shake down police departments across the country to change their ways or else.”

Gupta illustrates this point by concluding her speech to the Colorado Lawyers noting that, “in many ways, Ferguson is not an anomaly. Through our work around the country, we know there are similar police and court practices in many places..[and] cities around the country are beginning to re-examine their policing and municipal court practices, though we know there is much more work to do.”

Its unprecedented that our own DOJ would continue to use the example of Ferguson to highlight the need for changes within police communities given the fact that Michael Brown was in no way innocent of the actions that led to his death. The entire narrative that surrounded his death was fabricated and built upon a lie that to this day the media, the DOJ, and the Obama administration continue to peddle. Moreover, by attempting to claim that slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow, and lynchings are apart of the “implicit bias” and historical context in which police today continue to enforce, the DOJ justifies the actions of thugs whom have used this same argument in order to commit acts of violence against our officers.

This view of our police officers is becoming the norm under the Justice Department, which at the same time is set to further exacerbate this hatred as Obama is set to unleash and fund community organizers on crime filled cities across the nation. By awarding $163 million in grants to various community-activist groups in order to combat urban crime and reduce tensions between racial minorities and the police. The Justice Department is looking for 10 localities to participate in a “collaborative reform” process to serve as a model for the rest of the country, emphasizing “procedural justice” and “implicit bias training.” This will only fuel further unrest by funding many of the so-called “community organizers” responsible for creating anti-police sentiment in American cities.

It should come as no surprise then that in the wake of recent events and events to come that law enforcement officers are at a “tipping point” that could spell dangerous consequences for the communities they serve. Testifying before a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke articulated this point. Clarke noted “We’re at a tipping point and it is something that I expressed not too long after what happened in Ferguson, Missouri, about the psyche of the police officer who watches these things go on, just like anybody else does, and the constant bashing and maligning of the profession is starting to take its toll.” According to Clarke, the result of the constant and unrepentant backlash against law enforcement by the Obama administration is inevitably leading to an erosion of “self-initiated” police work.

This is what the war on police looks like, officers are forced to second guess their actions out of fear of being exploited for simply doing their jobs. Look no further than officer Darren Wilson to confirm this fear. To make matters even worse it appears the war against our officers is only just beginning as the president ramps up his effort to polarize, dehumanize, and ultimately destroy the will power that is so essential to each and every individual police officer throughout the country.

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Israel Will Stand

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minster of Israel, delivered a powerful speech to Congress on Tuesday morning that made one thing abundantly clear, the leader of the free world does not reside in the White House.

Netanyahu’s speech stood in stark contrast to the irrational rhetoric the Obama administration continues to preach on a daily basis.

Such rhetoric on behalf of the adminstration insists on giving Iran the “benefit of the doubt” in regards to negotiations over a long-term nuclear deal while minimizing the actual threat such a “deal” would have on the Middle East.

Netanyahu articulated the threat posed by the “marriage of militant Islam with nuclear weapons”, while also establishing the moral basis upon which America, not Iran, will always be given the “benefit of the doubt”.

“America’s founding document promises life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Iran’s founding document pledges death, tyranny, and the pursuit of jihad”, stated Netanyahu. The Prime Minster then gave Washington a dose of reality declaring that “as states are collapsing across the Middle East, Iran is charging into the void to do just that”.

Netanyahu then elaborated on the threat posed by the nuclear agreement presented by the Obama administration stating that, “this deal has two major concessions: one, leaving Iran with a vast nuclear program and two, lifting the restrictions on that program in about a decade”.

He then concluded that the deal posed by Obama “doesn’t block Iran’s path to the bomb; it paves Iran’s path to the bomb.”

Think about that statement for a second knowing that this administration has threatened to veto future sanctions on Iran that would be imposed if the nuclear agreement fell apart.

Rather than having the fortitude and morality exhibited by Netanyahu, Barack Obama has instead bet the security of the world on the hope that Iran will change for the better as he has conceded to the notion that his “deal” essentially delays the inevitable.

In the words of the President himself, Obama admitted in an interview Monday night with Reuters, his “deal” ensures solely that “we’re able to create what we call a breakout period, a timeline where we know if they were to try to get a nuclear weapon“.

Meaning, Iran would only need to agree to maintain “the low levels of enrichment capabilities” they poses today in order “to ensure that their breakout is at least a year”, stated Obama.

This final long-term nuclear deal is predicated on the original Joint Plan of Action (JPOA) signed on November 24, 2013, that “halted” Iran’s nuclear-related activities in exchange for billions of dollars in sanctions relief.

Plagued by a willingness on Obama’s behalf to concede to the Iranian’s demands though, the original JPOA has been extended twice under the auspices of reaching a long-term solution.

Yet, as noted by Omri Ceren of Commentary Magazine, the original JPOA has “allowed Iran to continue making sustained progress along its uranium and plutonium tracks, contained no restrictions on ballistic-missile development, failed to open up Iran’s atomic facilities to verification, provided sufficient economic relief to stabilize Iran’s economy, and would last for at least 18 months”.

The interim agreement has been knowingly broken by Iran on numerous occasions with the latest example happening on November, 7, 2014.

According to a report by the U.S. to the U.N. Security Council panel charged with monitoring Iranian sanctions, the U.S. informed the panel that Iranian procurement agents have been increasing their efforts to illicitly obtain equipment for the IR-40 research reactor at the Arak nuclear complex.

The Arak nuclear reactor has long been feared by American officials who believe it “could be used in the production of nuclear weapons-grade plutonium”, writes Colum Lynch of Foreign Policy.

This should come as no surprise given that three days following the initial JPOA signed in 2013, Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif boasted to the world that Iran would press on with construction at Arak, despite “an agreement with the western powers to halt activity”.

The report also indicates that “foreign businesses and purchasing agents interested in doing business with Iran have been taking advantage of the improved diplomatic atmosphere to broker new deals with Iran”, notes Lynch.

Common sense would dictate that with evidence proving Iran has broken the interim agreement, all current negotiations should immediately cease and new sanctions should immediately be re-implemented.

Unfortunately with our President common sense falls to the way side as negotiations with Iran serve a purpose of legacy, not security or rationality.

In order for the President to have a foreign policy legacy that champions new “diplomatic relations” with Iran, the White House is willing to lie to the American public at the cost of our future security.

So, when the Secretary of State John Kerry announced in Vienna on November 24, 2014, that “Iran has held up its end of the bargain” in regards to its suspension of work at the Arak nuclear complex, he was deliberately deceiving the American public.

This pattern has become commonplace within the administration as officials lie to the public in order to uphold an image of a President who is steadfast and determined even though he is hollow and irresolute.

This administration has shown that it is willing to sacrifice the future for the present by ignoring Iran’s aggression in the hopes of gaining an illusory peace.

Rather than being truthful with the country, the President has subjected us into a deal with Iran that inevitably leads to two disastrous outcomes.

The first being that Israel goes to war with Iran knowing they have no choice as Iran enters the one year “break out” period alluded to by Obama.

The second outcome being a nuclear arms race in the middle east as Iran enters the “break out” period.

Both outcomes are inevitable under Obama as his deceit cannot hide the intentions of Iranian leaders like Masoud Jazayeri and Ayatollah Khamenei.

Jazayeri, the deputy chief of staff of the Iranian Armed Forces threatened only months ago “that aggression [on behalf of the U.S.] against the Islamic Republic of Iran would mean annihilation of Tel Aviv and the spread of war into the United States”, while Iran’s supreme leader Khamenei outlined a nine-step plan to “eliminate Israel“.

With threats such as these vowed against Israel and furthermore against the United States, it should be worrisome that this administration is willing to give Iran the “benefit of the doubt”.

This is a luxury in which Israel cannot afford, for if they are willing forgo their history in order to accept an illusory peace with Iran today, by tomorrow they will be destroyed.

I can promise you this and in the words of the leader of the free world, Bejamin Nentanyahu, “Even if Israel has to stand alone, Israel will stand.”

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The End Justifies The Means

Gone are the days in which we once cherished the delicate balance between government authority and individual liberty.

Our Constitution, that once connected one generation to the next by restraining the excess of the present, is being erased.

The terms and conditions for governing that once held the same meaning under our Constitution in the past no longer applies to the present as both political parties are unwilling to respect or even defend the Constitution.

The President of the United States faces no opposition from either elected party in Congress as he imposes his vision of transforming our Republic. By relinquishing their power to check the President, Congress has thus become an enabler of their end while their constituents are forced to subsidize their own demise.

The President, having a mind disposed to adaptation according to political expedients that serve the contemporary policy agenda of his choosing, is acting akin to Machiavelli’s Prince knowing that the few who dare oppose him have no voice in Congress to address their appeals.

In The Prince, Machiavelli writes “Everybody sees what you appear to be, few feel what you are, and those few will not dare to oppose themselves to the many, who have the majesty of the state to defend them; and in the actions of men, and especially of princes, from which there is no appeal, the end justifies the means“.

The chilling meaning of this, as explained by John Wheeler of the Western Free Press, is that if  “a goal is ‘morally’ important enough , any method of achieving it is acceptable”.

When progressives like Obama say one thing then later, usually in the very next sentence, contradict what they previously said and conservatives sputter in disbelief, it becomes humorous.

Humorous in the notion that you actually believed what they said in the first place as if their expected to be held accountable for their statements.

“They don’t feel bound by what they said because it was just a means to an end and if the end changes or the means to that end changes, that’s just the way it is”, writes Wheeler.

Wheeler further explains that there is “no real ‘moral’ or ‘ethical’ quandary because the end is still the goal, so as long as that is achieved, how they achieve it is not relevant”.

As for Obama, morals, principles and ethics do not exist.

“The issue is never the issue”, writes David Horowitz of Front Page Mag, “the issue is always power – how to wring power out of the democratic process, how to turn the political process into an instrument of control, how to use that control to fundamentally transform the United States of America, which is exactly what Barack Obama has done”.

With the mindset of a prince, the President on Wednesday extolled the “morals” of his majesty while discussing opposition to his executive amnesty at an Immigration town hall meeting in Miami.

First, he issued a threat to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers if they dare disobey his orders to not deport illegal immigrants he is protecting via his executive actions on amnesty that Andrew Hansen, a Texas Federal Judge, blocked last week.

Judge Hansen held that Obama’s program of Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) is “actually affirmative action rather than inaction” because the program grants “legal presence to individuals Congress has deemed deportable or removable, as well as the ability to obtain Social Security numbers, work authorization permits, and the ability to travel.”

The Judge further went on to state that the Department of Homeland Security cannot “enact a program whereby it not only ignores the dictates of Congress, but actively acts to thwart them.”

Yet, a week later, responding to a question asked by Telemundo’s Jose Diaz-Balart regarding how the President will ensure his orders are followed, Obama stated “if somebody is working for ICE and there is a policy and they don’t follow the policy, there are going to be consequences to it”.

Obama then went on to dare Republicans to vote on whether or not his executive actions are legal.

“So in the short term, if Mr. McConnell, the leader of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, want to have a vote on whether what I’m doing is legal or not, they can have that vote. I will veto that vote, because I’m absolutely confident that what we’re doing is the right thing to do.”

Knowing Republicans will not vote because the majority side with Obama’s executive actions on amnesty, the President stood defiant as he threatened “consequences” against officials who obeyed the federal judges’ ruling and the law.

Spoken in true dictatorial fashion, Obama further claimed that “What we’ve done is we’ve expanded my authorities under executive action and prosecutorial discretion”.

In the name of progress, the President concluded to a room full of illegal immigrants that, “We dream about the future. That’s what brings immigrants here, we’re future-oriented, we’re not past-oriented.”

These are the words of a despot, a tyrant, a prince, who flaunts his own expansion of authority unbound by “past-oriented” concepts such as the separation of powers.

The President now believes that he can outright threaten Border Patrol agents for not following his dictates that cynically demand the agents to ignore everything but Obama’s decrees.

To say that the President has come unhinged though, is naive for that solely focuses on the means and neglects to take into account the end. Obama is in control, make no mistake about it, and while critics argue over his means, the President is achieving his end.

In this instance, with regards to immigration, Obama is flooding our nation with illegal aliens in order to take away the power of the American electorate.

Using the means of prosecutorial discretion, executive action, and Presidential memorandum, Obama is slowly reshaping American politics.

By giving Social Security Numbers, work permits, and tens of thousands of dollars in back tax benefits to those who are here illegally, the President re-affirms the Marxist notion “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs”.

The end result of this will inevitably lead to socioeconomic class warfare within our country as American citizens are forced to literally subsidize their own demise in order to give illegal immigrants an opportunity at achieving their American Dream.

Today, as noted by Mark Levin, “America is no longer a Constitutional Republic or a Federal Republic” for “we live in an administrative state under a massive 4th branch of government that we have no influence on whatsoever”.

Obama isn’t just re-writing the Constitution, he is supplanting it by rejecting the very principles that led to its creation.

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The root cause of the border crisis is directly attributable to President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty created under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) plan. DACA created the incentive for illegal aliens to break our laws as Obama deliberately undermined our nation’s sovereignty by simply creating his own. American’s must realize that this administration is solely responsible for the breakdown of our southern border. The factual evidence cannot be refuted.

This map is provided by NumbersUSA and it outlines how systematically widespread the relocation of unaccompanied minors has become throughout our country. Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, Michigan, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Florida, and Oklahoma have literally been invaded. As of today, 16 states have confirmed “relocation centers” that are currently responsible for housing illegal immigrants.

The map below outlines the states who have implemented these centers (red triangles), proposed centers (yellow), and rejected centers (blue pins).

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These states were not chosen at random either. The evidence proves this in the form of grants awarded by the Department of Health and Human Services to Non-Profit Private Non-Government Organizations. The grants were specifically awarded to organizations under the Office of Refugee Resettlement. While there are hundred’s of organizations who were awarded grants, they pale in comparison to the amount awarded to the Baptist Child and Family Services organization and the Southwest Key Programs.

The Baptist Child and Family Services (BCFS) is labeled as “a global system of non-profit health and human service organization’s operating programs throughout the U.S., Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Africa”. In the United States their principle offices are located in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington, D.C.

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To say that this organization is massive would be an understatement given that HHS has awarded them $280 million this year alone. When you combine that with the $61 million in 2013, $64 million in 2012, $18.9 million in 2011, and $11.7 million in 2010, the total equals $457 million. In short, BCFS has been awarded more money this year then all of the previous years combined, but why?

The answer comes in the form of an official BCFS announcement given after they had been awarded $190 million on July 7, 2014. According to the announcement, “BCFS will be expanding with 6 new regional hubs for BCFS’ new family support and evaluation programs“. The new hubs will be located in, “New York, N.Y., Miami, FL., Houston, TX., Dallas, TX., Sacramento-area, CA., Los Angeles area, CA.”

The President and CEO of the company is Kevin C. Dinnin. According to the San Antonio Business Journal, “Dinnin concluded FY 2012 with more than $100 million in revenue”. Meaning, his nonprofit organization made $36 million that year.

BCFS actually has its own Emergency Management Department (BCFS-EMD) which, according to the official BCFS-EMD website “is a nonprofit partner of federal, state, and local government and private industry”. These are the so called “Brown Shirts” who have been tasked to convert military bases throughout the country into shelters.

They have been tasked to Joint Base Lackland, SA.Fort Still, OK.Joint Base Lewis – McChord in Dupont, Wash., and Naval Base Ventura County, in Port Hueneme, Calif.

The second organization, Southwest Key Programs, is just as concerning as BCFS. According to their official website, Southwest Key is “the largest provider of services to unaccompanied alien children in the United States”. Similar to BCFS, they are connected to the Office of Refugee Resettlement of Health and Human Services.

Southwest Key currently has over 65 operating programs throughout the country. They have 4 in California, 3 in Arizona, 18 in Texas, 15 in Georgia, 1 in Wisconsin, 1 in Delaware, and 2 in New York.



Health and Human Services awarded Southwest Key its largest grant with $122 million this year, following a pattern similar to BCFS. When you combine that with $86 million in 2013, $50 million in 2012, $35 million in 2011, and $30 million in 2010, the total equals $324 million.

The $122 million awarded to Southwest Key this year suggests that they will continue to expand and their ideology is driven by something much more sinister than the “pursuit of happiness”.

The President and founder of Southwest Key is Dr. Juan Sanchez. Mr. Sanchez founded the program in 1987 and today it has become the 4th largest hispanic-led nonprofit organization in the country. Juan Sanchez also serves on the board of the National Council of La Raza.

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Whether it’s the Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Egypt, Iraq and Iran, or China and Japan, the world itself is beginning to fall into chaos. At the same time our own country has become just as chaotic. Whether it’s the crisis at our border and illegal immigration, the IRS and DOJ targeting, the NSA spying, the out of control debt, or the unilateral action’s taken by the President himself, confusion and disarray have become today’s status quo.

In times such as these the country needs a leader whom isn’t afraid to make basic decisions. One whom set’s aside his political indifference by giving priority to policy for the good of the country. Unfortunately, our country has Barack Obama, whom Col. Ralph Peters describes as, “a man who was elected President of a country he doesn’t really like, and whose population he distrusts, who believes America is the problem, and who’s military he despises”.

Since being sworn into office, Barack Obama has done more damage to our country in 5 years, 5 months, and 29 days, then virtually any President has done before him. Upon his inauguration on January 20, 2009, the national debt was $10.6 trillion. As of July 17, 2014, the national debt stands at $17.6 trillion. Barack Obama has accumulated, in just 5.5 years, close to $7 trillion dollars in debt and is set to literally accumulate more debt by the end of his presidency than any other President before him combined.

With this astronomical accumulation of debt in mind, a CBO report released on Tuesday reminds us that a looming crisis is fast approaching. The CBO report identified the primary drivers of the rising debt to be the aging of the population and rising healthcare spending. This trend was accelerated by Obamacare due to the increase in Medicaid spending and subsidies for individuals to purchase insurance on government-run exchanges.

In short, Barack Obama’s signature health care law will push the debt to unsustainable levels.

This looming crisis is important to remember as the law itself was created by Obama, just as the “humanitarian crisis” at our southern border today was preceded by Obama’s 2012Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This program was pushed through unilaterally by Obama and created the so called “Dreamers” as children would not face deportation upon arriving here illegally.

Before 2012 an average of 7,000 to 8,000 undocumented illegal immigrant minors were captured attempting to cross our border each year. This fiscal year, which ends September 30, 2014, federal officials have estimated that number could reach 80,000. Officials further estimate at least 150,000 – 160,000 more will try next year.

With this increase in illegal Aliens set to rise without any plans of deportations, the taxpayers will foot their bill with money we simply do not have. These two policies, Obamacare and DACA, will push our nations debt to a level that is literally unsustainable.

This is the reality of the situation and the illegal immigration crisis will become much worse if the Obama adminstration does not take border security more seriously.Unfortunately, the adminstration won’t, as their party has demonstrated that they live in a reality far removed from what is actually happening.

For instance, on Tuesday Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) asserted that “the border is secure“, despite the massive surge that has overwhelmed federal agencies on our border. Reid wasn’t alone in this belief as Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) on CBS’ Face the Nation stated “the border is secure” due to the, “children handling themselves over to the Border Patrol Agents“. This kind of belief perpetuated by Obama and his party outright rejects the truth of what is actually happening not only here in America, but across the globe.

On Monday, White House press Secretary Josh Ernest epitomized Obama’s detachment from reality in regards to his actions by stating they have “substantially improved the tranquillity of the global community“. Which actions Obama has taken to further such “global tranquillity” is anyones guess as the world we live in today appears to be anything but tranquil.

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Our Duty To The Declaration of Independence

More than just the birthday of our nation, the 4th of July commemorates something we as a country have all but forgotten. The 4th of July represents a celebration for it was, is, and always will be the only true philosophical revolution in all history. Distinctly American, ours was a revolution that changed the very concept of government.

On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed by our founding fathers as they denounced our separation and “absolved from all Allegiance to the British crown”. In doing so, the United States of America was created and with it a new concept emerged as a government under the people declared their freedom and independence.

This concept of government was uniquely American as it served as,”only a convenience created and managed by the people,with no powers of its own except those voluntarily granted to it by the people” stated Ronald Reagan.

The government we see today is no longer of mere convenience as Americans, more evident than ever before, relinquish their consent in acceptance of absolute despotism.

The long train of abuses and usurpations by the government have increased under the Obama adminstration to a point in which there “evinces a Design” to reduce us under “absolute despotism”.

The establishment of absolute tyranny appears to be surging into inevitability as the President sets a defiant tone in asserting that he will act “with or without congress“. In his 2014 State of the Union address, Barack Obama promised a “year of action” as he stated his intent to unilaterally act “wherever and whenever” he can without legislation.

Thus the President confirms his transformation into taking actions that are akin to a king.

John Locke wrote of this transformation under his Second Treatise of Government stating, “Whereas usurpation is the exercise of power to which someone else has a right, tyranny is the exercise of power to which nobody can have a right”.

Furthermore, “It is what happens when a governor, however entitled he is to govern, is guided not by the law but by his own wants, and his commands and actions are directed not to preserving his subjects’ properties but to satisfying his own ambition, revenge, covetousness, or any other irregular passion”.

Currently our President has shown nothing but sheer contempt for those who remain against his ideology. He is guided not by laws but by his own wants and commands directed at satisfying his own ambition to fundamentally transform the United States of America.

With Locke’s notion of tyranny in mind, one must only look towards the Declaration of Independence, specifically with an eye towards the founders description of the king, in comparing the similarities of Obama’s increasingly imperial presidency.

The Declaration states that the king, “has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly Firmness his invasions on the Rights of people…He has erected a Multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people…He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good”.

The President has dissolved the “Representative Houses” in acting “with or without congress”, most notably in his multiple unilateral actions of delaying and implementing Obamacare. He has used the Government, particularly the IRS, to harass Tea Party groups, which continues to this day. He has refused acceptance of our laws, most recently in refusing to protect our borders as illegal immigrants swarm into the country without fear of deportation.

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