USA 4ME's Discussions (333)

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Dems Get Bad News!

11026206458?profile=RESIZE_584x(PatriotHQ) The Dem Donkeys love war, but why?

The answer is simple, they get to:

  • Spend obscene amounts of untraceable dollars without restraint.
  • Wield unfettered power.
  • Bully less powerful nations.
  • Appear to be freedom fighters.

But today the sad

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Is It Time To Defund DOJ And FBI? 

(PatriotHQ) Have you ever heard the famous quote: “A bad dog only understands a big stick” Unfortunately some of the AlphaBet Agencies have gone rogue, not all of the fine rank and file but a few hostile agents at the top appear to be going against a

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Swamp Banking Breaking America

America_divided-600x364-1.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Lets face it, under Trump America had lower gas prices, cheaper groceries, lower inflation and sound fiscal policy. Now, the Biden Regime has created a bottomless pit and America is sliding headfirst into oblivion!

However, since the Bide

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Secret Deal To Crush Free Enterprise

11001723068?profile=RESIZE_710x(PatriotHQ) The government has declared war on it’s most evil and cantankerous enemy and has vowed to win at any cost!

Who is this vile and corrupt enemy of the State?

  • Communist China’s Child-Slave Empire?
  • Russian Murdering Armies?
  • Cancer?
  • Wuhan Fra

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Welcome To Banana-America!

11000675687?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) No I’m not talking about a sleaze airline flying you to a muggy jungle nation with no indoor plumbing, but the skeletal remains of a once great nation called America!

The United States of America has degenerated into a Banana Republic but

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Cry-Baby Liberals Feeling The Pain!

Ugly-Cry.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) “Defund The Police” was the cry! Then came the burning down of our cities, followed by budget cutbacks and redirecting funds into social programs. Now, all of a sudden, the Libtards are seeing homes broken into, personal assaults, murders

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Tax Addict Fed To Give Tax Break?

taxes.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Tax-Cuts for Seniors but wait, the tax-addicts in Congress may not be willing to give up their tax addiction easily! …but there is more to this story, keep reading!

As a Member of the Tea Party, MAGA and Patriot I will take freedom and li

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