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Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

There IS, I suspect, a very good reason that the ilk of Obama, so many left wing nut-job celebrities and the always light yeacas-1.jpg?width=264rs to the left of liberal mainstream media has been shedding crocodile tears over the death of Fidel Castro.

CNN called the now dead dictator “magnanimous” and “grandfatherly.”

Absolute idiot, Colin Kaepernick stated that he agreed with Castro’s investing in Cuba’s education system, universal healthcare and wore a Castro shirt to a press conference just days before Castro died.

Steven Spielberg once said, “The best seven hours I ever spent was actually with Fidel Castro.”

In the past, Jack Nicholson called Castro a “genius” and Cuba under Castro, “a paradise.”

Chevy Chase said that Cuba is proof that, “sometimes socialism works.”

Over this past weekend, Barack Hussein Obama stated…


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Time For Truth – Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

time-1.jpg?width=130In my previous article, in great detail, I outlined the reason why democrats and liberals are acting as they are in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory and Hillary Clinton’s loss as well as why they are still in such a state of disbelief over the reality of the 2016 election.

But I also said there were those, on my own side of the aisle, who are having trouble accepting reality.

While I write and broadcast commentary from the right side of politics, I have always based my commentary on facts and the truth. I can see absolutely no reason to alter that approach just because Trump won and Hillary lost. After all, simply winning the White House has never been my end game. Getting our country back to the Constitutional rule of law has…and I don’t give a happy damn who is in the Oval Office…our Founders and Framers entrusted nothing less to We the People than being honest in our political approach.

Here we go…


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Time For Truth – Part 1

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

According to America’s foremost Indian princess, Speaking Bull…aka Elizabeth at-1.jpg?width=167Warren…“We will stand up to bigotry. There is no compromise here. In all its forms, we will fight back against attacks on Latinos, African Americans, women, Muslims, immigrants, disabled Americans—on anyone. Whether Donald Trump sits in a glass tower or sits in the White House, we will not give an inch on this, not now, not ever.”

Pretty strong words from someone who claimed a false Native American heritage to reap liberal diversity rewards.

But there is more to it that Warren’s false claims of being an Indian…her statement, on behalf of all liberals, reeks of hypocrisy.

It was, after all, democrats who fought FOR slavery while Republicans fought to and did end it. Just as it was democrats who instituted and fought for Jim Crow laws that separated the races.

But there’s plenty more…


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Life’s a Bitch, Princess…Deal With It

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

deal-1.jpg?width=216It’s high time I deliver a quaint message to one particular group of individuals, and to be perfectly honest, I don’t give a happy damn whose fragile feelings I hurt in the process.

I’m talking about those quivering, gelatinous puddles of liberal goo in our universities and colleges who despite seeking a higher education, just can’t handle reality.

If, for the last week or so, you’ve been curled up in the fetal position, sobbing and unshowered, wadding and unwadding globs of Play Dough and your soiled panties, blowing bubbles when you aren’t drooling and wondering why your specifically assigned therapy puppy won’t give you the time of day…it’s because your parents failed.

They brought you up to believe that somehow, you were more special than you ever really were. They told you that no matter how bad you were at something…you were great at it. They managed to convince you that you were their little princess whether you peed standing up or sitting down and they told you that you were always going to be able to have whatever you wanted.

Your parents were abject failures, but they aren’t the only abject failures in your young lives because your teachers lied to you.

That’s right…


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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The election is

It was a very, very sad day for socialists as they watched their hopes of changing American into a fundamentally transformed nation of drooling hand-out seekers come crashing down.

At Yale University, a professor cancelled an exam for students too distraught over the fall of American socialism to take a test..  In Arizona, high school students walked out of their classes to protest the end of a nation without borders or laws.

Look…we know that you’ve been indoctrinated to pitch a fit every time you don’t get your way, or anytime you’re faced with earning something you feel pre-entitled to, but curling up in a ball, in your safe place with a government granted therapy dog, a box of crayons and a bowl of organic, free-range tofu noodle soup while refusing to go outside for the next four years really isn’t the answer.

In Oakland California…


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Taking Our Country Back…to the Future

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

back-1For 8 long and divisive years, Barack Hussein Obama has epitomized everything that is, or ever has been wrong with our country, and as he prepares to finally get the hell out of our White House, leaving as much scorched earth in his wake as possible, he is hoping in desperation that Hillary Clinton picks up where he left off.

Obama wanted, so badly wanted to be the one who destroyed the Republic and replaced it with a Marxist society. He wanted to “fundamentally transform America” into something the Founders and Framers wouldn’t recognize, wouldn’t have ever wanted and never would have stood for…a socialist, crumbling blight on the world stage.

He started it, but he couldn’t finish it.

Hillary Clinton would be the third term of an Obamaesque regime and as hard as it is to believe, she is more dangerous than he.

Obama has been a puppet…


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The Email Fairy Did It

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Let me just see if I have all of this correct…fai-1.jpg?width=229

On Thursday, an FBI team investigating Carlos Danger…aka Anthony Weiner…regarding his sexting to under aged girls discovered a cache of more than 10,000 emails directly related to the Hillary Clinton illegal private email account and illegal private server…

On Friday…FBI Director, James Comey, sent a letter to members of Congress, from both sides of the aisle, telling them that the FBI was reopening the investigation into Hillary’s emails, thus drawing the ire of liberals far and wide…including AG Loretta Lynch who had just finished pleading the 5th in a different investigation…

And as of Sunday morning we find out that as of Saturday night…

The FBI still didn’t have a search warrant that would allow them to even START reading those 10,000 plus emails?



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Obamacare Gets Personal

By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots on

ObamaCare…the nightmare that hangs over us all. Promises made, promises not gf-1.jpg?width=163kept…escalating premiums and services not rendered. And we all have heard stories of people losing insurance they were happy with while men are now covered for pregnancy and women can get prostrate exams at no cost. Now add in the fact that cancer patients are being denied much needed chemo and radiation treatment, heart attack patients are mired down in paperwork as they sit in waiting rooms overrun with illegals who get better and faster treatment than they do, and you just know that America’s health care system has been dealt a devastating blow.

But the reality for many of us is that until this monstrosity affects someone you personally know it becomes someone else’s problem…not yours. So now let me tell you a story about someone many of us know, but before I reveal his name it must be understood that his story is indeed ‘everyman’s’ story now that ObamaCare is the law of the land.


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By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Before the dust had settled, and while Orlando’s survivors were still in operating lan-1.jpg?width=168rooms…before the bodies had been removed or identified from the Pulse nightclub…Obama ran to the nearest microphone to issue his warped and perverse statements.

Obama spewed the following bits of crap from his pie hole…

He said it was too early to know the “precise motivation” of the shooter.  “We have no definitive assessment on the motivation.”


That it was really our fault, because we haven’t put in place enough gun control laws to have stopped what happened in Orlando. Obama said, of what had transpired in Orlando that it was, “a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school, or a house of worship, or a movie theater, or a nightclub.”

And then he followed that up with this, regarding the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community and the national attitude toward them…


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By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

50 Americans were killed and 53 more wounded early Sunday morning, at a nightclub by a suspected Islamic terrorist.orl-1.jpg?width=135

It was a bloodbath.

It all started at 2am and it ended some 3 hours later when a police SWAT team killed the killer…one Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, a US citizen from Port St. Lucie, Florida.

It was Paris all over again but this time, it was in Orlando Florida.

The Islamic murderer, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, was 30 years old and born in the U.S. of parents from Afghanistan. According to the FBI, in the early hours of the investigation, it has been ”suggested” that the killer had “leanings” toward radical Islam.

It has also been stated by law enforcement that this murderer was well prepared and well organized both of which also “lean” toward some radical Islamic involvement as the “religion of peace” or what I call the ideology of hate, death, destruction and genocide, is well known for having produced “how-to” instructions for any who care to carry out such an attack.

Yesterday, both Hillary Clinton and Obama stepped up to the nearest microphone to once again, go after gun owners and advocate for more gun control telling the nation that the event in Orlando highlights just how easy it is for Americans to get guns and that “we must decide if that is the type of country we want to be.”

Well…here’s the problem…


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2nd Amendment INFRINGED in Federal Court

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots am-1.jpg?width=146

“We hold that the Second Amendment does not preserve or protect a right of a member of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public.”

Those were the words of Judge William Fletcher, representing the majority opinion of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday in San Francisco. Words that will surely, and rightfully cause a firestorm of dissension from gun owners across the nation.

With regard to the ruling, and without regard to the 2nd Amendment, the court said that law enforcement can require applicants to show they are in immediate danger or have another good reason for a permit.

Of all the insane, abjectly unconstitutional and pig-headed things…

Law enforcement can REQUIRE anyone who applies for a carry conceal permit to SHOW that they are in…IMMEDIATE…danger or have another good reason…for a permit.

Well allow me to point out the bone-crushingly obvious…


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By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Yesterday was supposed to have been Bryan Pagliano day at the hearing with Judicial pag-1.jpg?width=103Watch and their attempt to get to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth regarding Hillary Clinton’s criminal activity with respect to her use of a private email account and a private server secreted for years inside her Chappaqua home.

It didn’t happen.

Last Friday, just days before Pagliano was to have given his deposition, his attorney made it known that, in court yesterday, Pagliano was prepared to plead the 5th and walk away.

Here’s the problem…

Pleading the 5th is done so as to avoid self-incrimination and Bryan Pagliano has an immunity deal and if Pagliano is immune from being prosecuted, how then, can he incriminate himself?


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Uncommon Common Ground

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Lately, I have been regaled with the vile vulgarities emanating from the cult of Trump, as cult-1.jpg?width=118though they believe that myself, and so many others will somehow be swayed by their rabid blindness and suddenly become as complacent as they, themselves are, and simply out of a mixture of sheer anger and blathering moral bankruptcy, cast our votes for their chosen liberal fool.

It’s not going to happen.

We, those of us in the #NEVERTRUMP #NEVERHILLARY #NEVERBERNIE camp, have something that the cult of Trump will never have…


First, we have self-respect. We true Conservatives, have stood proudly and unwaveringly for the Constitution, for the very foundation of Conservatism, for the true vision and legacy entrusted to us by our Founders and Framers and we have steadfastly defended the notion that what is needed, at this most critical of moments with regard to our history and our future, is a true, Constitutional Conservative.

But, far more important than our self-respect…


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A Hollow Hypocrite Exposed

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Last weekend, both Diane Sori and I became quite the sensation amongst the Trumpers for a couple of posts we put on social media. The posts went wild as Trumpers came unglued.

Jonnie Loris was one of the unhinged, unglued Trumpers as she flitted back and forth between Diane’s posts and mine…calling us heathens among otlor-2.jpg?width=307her things for not supporting Donald Trump. I told her that she might well become part of an article for her frothing at the keyboard antics…she told me I didn’t have her permission…but since she was posting her slobbering nonsense all over our public walls…

And then, there was William Finlay, aka Wild Bill for America.

You see, Bill has a load of hatred, in my opinion, that he just can’t unload enough of in his videos. Hatred for a vast minority of our population and once again, he decided, in a rather sick and obsessed way, to attempt to highlight his agenda of hatred and direct it at both Diane and myself.

As you will soon see… Finlay crossed the line.


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The Coward of Paulding County

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Hiram Georgia.hir-1.jpg?width=148

It’s a small southern town where everybody knows everybody else. It’s a place where kids ride their bikes in the streets, where people go to a favorite local diner as much to socialize as to eat and a place where folks step up when one of their own goes down.

I’ve never been to Hiram but I’ve been to plenty of small towns just like it. In fact, I live in one just like it.

So what is it that makes Hiram different…at least this week?

Hiram Georgia…in Paulding County…population 2,331, plus 1…coward.

Last Friday, 79 white crosses were erected along highway 92, on land owned by Hiram, on public land…to remember the 79 Paulding County Georgia residents who gave the ultimate sacrifice while serving our nation….while protecting us all.


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Bathrooms and the New Liberal Religion

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

According to a new directive, from the Obama regime, Loretta Lynch, the DOJ and the gn-1.jpg?width=175federal Department of Education… There is no obligation for a student to present a specific medical diagnosis or identification documents that reflect his or her gender identity, and equal access must be given to transgender students even in instances when it makes others uncomfortable.

In other words, when it comes to which bathroom to use, the overwhelming vast MINORITY must be made to feel comfortable at the expense of the vast MAJORITY whose comfort has no value whatsoever.

According to the “Education” Departments chief of indoctrination, John B. King… “No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus. We must ensure that our young people know that whoever they are or wherever they come from, they have the opportunity to get a great education in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence.”

Public schools that ignore this directive have been threatened with losing federal funding. Bear in mind, this is NOT a law…it IS a threat…school districts that fail to comply, will be penalized under no law whatsoever.

According to Human Rights Campaign chair…whatever he is..Chad Griffen…


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By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

So, Marcel Lehel Lazar, aka Guccifer, the Romanian hacker is in FBI custody, he has been tree-1.jpg?width=143speaking at length with agents investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account and private server which we now know contained 2,100 classified documents and he has told Fox News that hacking Hillary’s emails was…easy.

For their part, the FBI is not commenting either on their conversations with the hacker or about any evidence they have regarding whether or not he actually managed to hack Hillary but there is evidence that he was in there.

tree-15.jpg?width=168Apparently, this Guccifer has revealed “doodles” drawn by Bill Clinton which were stored on the Clinton Foundation site and here’s why that is significant…Hillary’s server, the private server in question, has the exact same IP address as and is the email of the Clinton Foundation.

And from Hillary herself…the server used at the Clinton Foundation is the exact same server she used during her reign of espionage as the Secretary of State.

Some reports are suggesting that there is no evidence that the server has or had been hacked but there could be a very good reason for that lack of evidence and that is where Hillary’s, now protected by immunity IT guy, Bryan Pagliano comes in. You see, Pagliano was an IT guy but NOT a cyber-security guy and from what I’ve been told…if Pagliano didn’t employ a slew of security measures to capture and track threats or hack attempts…the server could easily have been hacked without leaving so much as a trace of evidence.

The fact is, Pagliano didn’t put anywhere near adequate security on Hillary’s server as it lacked a intrusion prevention system, which means, there was no way for her system to track or identify hacking attempts and the way Guccifer got in was one of the most basic ways one could do it…


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By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Next week, my state of Nebraska will hold its primary election and on that day, I will proudly nt-1.jpg?width=148cast my ballot for Senator ted Cruz and in doing so, I will hold my head as high as the day I cast my vote for Ronald Reagan.

We now have a good idea who the nominees will be. Hillary and Trump are currently leading but Hillary may never make it to the nomination due to a pending indictment as per the FBI investigation into her email scandal which involves espionage.

Trump is facing two court actions…Trump University, a scam engineered to line his pockets and a pending rape charge involving a 13 year old girl in a civil action.

This is the best America has to offer?

No…no it is not. We have far better than either of those two festering louts.

We have Ted Cruz…


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When it comes to trade, and trade deals, Trump’s low-information following is all about en-1.jpg?width=154their candidate’s plans. They love his tough talk and his bloviations regarding China and Mexico…about how he intends to “make America great again,” by imposing stiff, 45% tariffs on our trade partners if they don’t straighten out and let us win.

It sure sounds good, unless of course, one looks into the details and has a shred of common sense about them.

What Trump is proposing is economic nationalism. America first and to hell with everybody else. If Mexico and China don’t do exactly what Trump and his low-information followers want, Trump…should he become the president, will stick it to them but good with 45% taxes on any products that either country tries to send to the United States.

But that’s not all…

Trump has also made it quite clear that he would also slam high taxes on American companies that have already located in foreign countries or those who are thinking about doing so thus intimidating them into NOT relocating, or making doing business FROM a foreign country so pricey that they will be FORCED to return home to America.

As I said…sounds good to the low-information crowd but…


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Liberals and Their Common Core Bathrooms

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

For the love of Pete.toi-1.jpg?width=171

We have a gaggle of brain dead celebrities, and equally brain dead politicians who just can’t tolerate the most basic toilet etiquette.

Because some states have passed into law, statutes which require men to use the men’s room and women to use the women’s room, liberal moonbats are coming unglued left and…left.

What’s going on here is stupid on more than one level.

First of all…we need LAWS regarding who should be peeing where? SERIOUSLY? It’s become so much of a problem, like people who tend to use their toasters in the shower for which we have safety stickers telling us not to…that we now need LAWS, passed by individual states, telling us which bathrooms we are supposed to use?

Apparently so, but…


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