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Mainstream Media…Harmful if Swallowed

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“This not a laughing matter. I’m sorry, delegitimizing the press is un-American.”press-1.jpg?width=212

That was the tweet let loose last week by Chuck Todd, the Host of NBC’s “Meet the Press” after President Trump played BEAT the Press in a news conference with reporters at the White House in which the President spent a good deal of time absolutely blasting the mainstream media.

Todd is almost half right…it’s no laughing matter…but even that is somewhat dubious, as I will point out in just a bit.

The other half of his obtuse tweet is so 100%, dead wrong, on so many levels, that it’s difficult to know exactly where to begin.

First of all, what Chuck Todd and his gaggle of echoing mainstream media ninnies have been harping about since what should be considered one of the greatest presidential press conferences in history, is just how wrong it was of the President of the United States to step forward and say what he said…about them.

In other words…


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Defining the Democrat Party…Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

As I pointed out in “Defining the Democrat Party…Part 1”…they continue to repeat their ang-1.jpg?width=204failures of history, expecting a different result having not learned from their mistakes, and while on the surface, it might well seem they are stuck on stupid, that simply is not the case.

What they are, is angry, and desperate…which makes them dangerous…but what is it exactly that has them so desperate?

That’s the question, isn’t it?

The answer is both simple, and complex…it is power, or the lack thereof that has them flailing about, repeating their own mistakes.

But there is a whole lot more to it than that…


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Defining the Democrat Party…Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It has often been rightly said, that “those who fail to learn from the mistakes of history, are doomed to repeat them,” but what does that mean, exactly?mis-1.jpg?width=191

It means that history is where we make both great strides forward, and where we make our mistakes and what we learn from both should guide our steps in the future. From what we did right, we grow in the future. We use those things as stepping stones to greater and greater things. We improve on our successes to achieve even greater successes.

From our mistakes, we should also learn what not to do again. From our history’s failures, we should learn what to do to prevent future failures of a like nature.

Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. In other words, those who fail to learn for their history’s failures, are doomed to thus fail again by repeating those failures in the future.

Einstein once said that “doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different result, is the definition of insanity.”

I submit, that by combining the two quotes, one can find the very definition of the democrat party.

To illustrate this point, let’s look at four prime examples.


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A Memo to Moonbats

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Dear Liberals…lib-1.jpg?width=234

Either you’re lying, or you’re as dumb as a box of bricks.

I suspect it’s a combination of the two.

The entire world is watching your complete and utter meltdown and third world regimes that are holding on by a thread are laughing at you. You want to become the Emperor and yet you continue to run amok stark naked believing that everyone is admiring your make-believe cloak of tolerance.

You’re not fooling anyone.

To you, the entire world exists in 140 characters or less, and in your world, your actions only have a shelf-life of a nanosecond, or as long as it takes for your Twitter feed to scroll down because ten other people either tweeted a photo of themselves in a bathroom mirror, or they tried to abbreviate a series of monosyllabic words into a bag of barfed up alphabet soup with a hashtag they hope beyond hope will catch on.

Oh…I’m just getting started…


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Lady Gaga’s 13 Minute Reprieve

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

In the days leading up to the Super Bowl, conjecture ran rampant regarding the halftime gaga-1.jpg?width=209concert to be performed this year by Lady Gaga. Speculation had it that it would be overtly political, as had been the Golden Globe and SAG Award shows.

Word on the street, which is what social media has become, had it that Lady Gaga would include a tribute to Muslims in her halftime show.

There were planned boycotts by Conservatives of the festivities, and everybody, it seemed, knew, just knew what that show was going to be.

Then, the day arrived. Super Bowl Sunday…


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An Act of Terrorism at Berkeley

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Let us make no mistake about it…what transpired at the University of California, Berkley on Wednesday night, was not a protest, nor was it a riot.mi-1.jpg?width=239

The storming of a building on campus where Conservative speaker, Milo Yiannopoulos, was scheduled to make a presentation…and the arson, violence, destruction and physical attacks against Conservatives there, which included, but was not limited to punching, stomping and beating them with flag poles and other improvised weapons…

Was an orchestrated act of terrorism.

Don’t think so? Think that language is too strong? Well, read on…


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They Are Not Refugees

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

mus-1.jpg?width=187Since last November’s election, and especially since the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States, liberals far and wide have engaged in a combination of collective violence, and the holding of their breath in various attempts to showcase both their abject stupidity, and their ability to throw a tantrum.

Hollywood celebrities are threatening to not make any more movies until President Trump resigns, as though such a breath-holding tantrum will somehow negate the fact that most Americans who like watching movies, have their own collections and DVD players.

One celebrity says she won’t attend the Oscars, in protest of President Trump. Big deal, as after Meryl Streep’s pitched hissy-fit at the Golden Globes and an entire series of hissy-fits at the SAG awards…


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When Push Comes to Inevitable Shove

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The British came and now the Israeli’s are coming, and they are coming after Rudy puz-1.jpg?width=197Giuliani hand delivered a personal letter from President Trump to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

And there is more to this than first meets the eye as key Israeli leaders and politicians will be descending upon Washington D.C. to forge new ties with the (thankfully) Trump administration, and doing so in the short span of the next few weeks and months.

The first to meet with President Trump and his administration will be Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was personally invited by Trump to visit the White House during their phone call after Trump won the election. And while a definitive date has not yet been finalized, Netanyahu is expected to fly into Washington the first week of February to meet not only with President Trump, but also with Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and numerous Congressional leaders.


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Liberal Women Behaving VERY Badly

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

puss-12.jpg?width=186I didn’t want to do this…but because of the abject stupidity of it, I now feel compelled to issue this article and address it to specifically those…whatever they were…at last weekend’s parade of pussies in Washington DC.

What in THE hell, were you bunch of drooling, slobbering liberals thinking?

Seriously…you wanted to have a voice…you had the biggest stage imaginable…you wanted yourselves and whatever cause it was you claimed to represent to be taken seriously, and you dressed up like clowns from a circus of hookers, drew up vulgar signs and pranced about like a 500,000 member gaggle of shrieking, malcontented, pissed-off sufferers of PMS pansies.

In just 24 hours, you mangy morons managed to show more disrespect, more abject hatred of your own gender and did more to demean your cause that President Trump could possibly do in a lifetime.

And speaking of gender…


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From Out of the Darkness…

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

At noon today…it is over.OVER-1.jpg?width=196

The community agitator from the gun-free, target-rich zone known as Chicago is finished, short of his goal of full-on socialism. He will roll up his last prayer rug, pack away the last of the Mao holiday tree ornaments and look longingly, one last time, at his own grinning reflection in the knife he has used to repeatedly stab Israel in the back.

Our 8 year national nightmare will finally come to an end, but the damage is done, the treason, the spooning with our Islamist enemies, his disdain for all things innately American, like our exceptionalism and our Constitution will linger like the stench in an outhouse.

The end of an error…


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Note to the True Deplorables…

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Note to liberals…the 1960’s called and they want their self-righteous indignation back.sri-1.jpg?width=206

They seem to be a one trick pony, these liberals, who are planning protests and threatening major disruptions of this Friday’s inauguration events, but what should we expect of those who carry around the liberal/socialist manifesto, “Rules for Radicals” in their man-purses?

This is the bunch that staged a sit-in or two in the halls of congress when they failed to get their way.

We’re talking about the party that curled up in fetal positions, cried and demanded therapy puppies, crayons and bottles of bubbles in their college and university campuses while their ever-so-enlightened liberal/socialist indoctrinators cancelled exams for the terminally repressed when their anointed one, the treasonous Hillary Clinton wasn’t crowned the Queen.


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A Most Fictitious Farewell…Now Get Out!

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

ofw-1.jpg?width=228Just this past Tuesday night, a spectacle of spectacles took place in Chicago. In what is arguably the nation’s biggest gun-free…target rich zone, where more than 750 murders took place in 2016, a 58% spike over the previous year, and where a total of 4,368 people were shot last year…

Obama gave his farewell speech.

For the record, in the liberal gun-free Mecca of Chicago…more than 90 people have been shot so far, since January 1st of this year.

But there he was, Mr. Gun Control, and the nation’s leading firearms salesman for 8 years running, licking himself all over…much like my dog does in front of company…telling the assembled socialist collective what a great job he’s done leading our nation…from behind.

Frankly, I was surprised he didn’t drag his butt across the carpet when he was finished, but let’s have a look at some of the highlights from that spreading of manure.


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More Than a Hate Crime – Part 2

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

By now, everybody has seen, or at the very least heard of the video, discussCH-1.jpg?width=135ed in detail in “More Than a Hate Crime Part 1,” (a must read op-ed) in which a band of Black Lives Matter goons kidnapped and tortured a disabled man while live-streaming the entire event on Facebook.

During that sickening, disgusting act…the BLM goons put tape over the man’s mouth, beat him, cut him, cut his clothes, kicked him…all as the man was on the floor…they screamed at him…telling the man to say, “F*** Trump” and “F*** white people.”

They have been arrested. They have, after some deep thought by Chicago police, been charged with a hate crime.

But left wing, liberal/socialist mainstream media…is taking the side of the BLM haters.


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Standing United With Israel

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

iun-1.jpg?width=216Last week, my friend and radio partner, Diane Sori, wrote an op-ed regarding the history of Obama’s deplorable actions throughout his time in office, regarding Israel…and she covered a great deal of ground.

If you haven’t yet read it…you should and I’ll put the link at the end of this article.

That said…it’s my turn to air it out regarding the recent U.N. resolution and this is going to get ugly.

First of all…in no uncertain terms…

Barack Hussein Obama’s action, in abstaining from that vote so as to allow that godforsaken resolution to pass, was beyond abysmal…


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American History and Pudding Head Liberals

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

As we approach a new year, full of possibilities and opportunities, I would like to take a moment to point out pudd-1.jpg?width=176an absurdity that has come to my attention.

It’s a serious mater…really it is…but its obtuseness overwhelms its ability to be taken seriously.

Over a period of years, if not decades, we have watched as our system of education has been relegated to the lowest possible common denominator. Special needs students have been mainstreamed to the point now that our best and brightest young minds are all riding the short bus and trying to eat pudding…through a straw….because we can’t give them something as dangerous as a spoon in the cafeteria and because it’s easier to mix Ritalin into pudding than it to mix it into whatever that crap is that Michelle Obama mandated to be served in schools for lunch.

As disturbing as that is, perhaps the most disturbing thing is the fact that our national gene pool has been dumbed down all the way up the ladder to the administrators of our country’s asylums of higher indoctrination.

Here’s what I’m talking about…


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Politics and Christmas Past

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

chr-1.jpg?width=224It is difficult to escape the political undertow in today’s world. Politics is in play in everything we do, from our daily routines to events half way around the world. Our schools, our streets and roads…regulations imposed on everything from our businesses to the water we drink…wars, conflicts, diplomatic relations with nations both friend and foe…we can’t get up in the morning, proceed with our daily business or go to bed at night without political interference.

This time of the year, we do our best to ignore, to whatever extent possible, the world of politics in favor of time-honored traditions that revolve around Christmas or Chanukah, but we should not forget the role of politics IN Christmas…the first Christmas to be precise.

Just as the death of Jesus on the cross was politically motivated, so too was his birth.

While the scriptures reveal that Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem to pay their taxes, the truth goes politically deeper than that.


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The Snowflake’s Blame Game Epic Fail

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Well, the time has come to update folks regarding the Jill Stein/Hillary Clinton recounts in three states…Michigexc-1.jpg?width=191an, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Hillary Stein-Clinton was looking for voter fraud in those states…and she, or they, found it.

There was, indeed, voter fraud…on behalf of Hillary Clinton…of which those of us who pay attention to such things knew would happen well in advance of last month’s election…and the recount efforts have now exposed it for all to see.

First…let’s have a look at Michigan.

In Michigan…which was “to close to call” on election night, although in our election night coverage, Diane Sori and I officially, and as it turned out, rightfully called Michigan for Donald Trump days before it was made official…the Hillary Stein-Clinton recount focused the bright light of reality directly where Hillary didn’t want it.

In 50% of Detroit’s precincts, no recount could be done because…the numbers of the votes counted by machines was decisively higher than the number of votes cast by those who signed in at those precincts.

Oddly, if not predictably…


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As Technology Advances…Culture Declines

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

tech-1.jpg?width=178I have said for years, that no single election, nor a single president can right what is wrong with our country, and I stand by that assessment.

The reason I have said it, and the reason I believe it, is because the situation in which we find ourselves has not occurred over night. It’s taken decades to arrive at the brink of the abyss and it will likewise take decades to turn the ship around and have it sailing in calm waters.

Over the years, I have outlined several key reasons regarding our slow, steady spiral into turmoil, which of course includes the liberal/socialist agenda, the entitlement mentality of the last couple of generations and, of course, a detached from the intent of the Founders and Framers populous who only seem to think the time to get involved is when an election cycle rolls around.

But there is more to it than that.


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Flag Burners…You HAVE Been Warned

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

I would like to take a moment, to address the myriad of morons who are mulling over burning an American flag.bur-1.jpg?width=152

While the United States Supreme Court has issued a ruling that flag burning is a right, protected by our 1st Amendment…there are a few things that you should know…and I’ll get to those in a little bit.

Before I do though, let’s first examine why, exactly, you people are doing what you’re doing, because it’s important to have the facts before we proceed.

You bunch of brainless buffoons are burning American flags because…you are disgruntled…but over what exactly?


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