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A Matter of Trends, Numbers and Momentum

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Ted Cruz won two states in the March 5th showdowns. Donald Trump won two states in the March 5th showddel-1.jpg?width=206owns. Trump’s camp is happy to say they won as many states last Saturday as did Cruz but that doesn’t really tell the whole story, does it?

Cruz won 68 delegates last Saturday. Trump only won 53 delegates that night and that’s a lot more telling than the two to two tie isn’t it?

But even that doesn’t tell the full story.

Trump under-performed in Louisiana. In polls leading up to that state’s primary, Trump held a double digit lead. It was supposed to be an easy win for Trump and while he did win that state…he only beat Cruz by less than four points. It was close. It was a whole lot closer than Trump wanted it to be and a whole lot closer than Trump thought it would be.

Trump also won Kentucky, but in polls there, before the March 5th caucus, Trump also enjoyed a double digit lead over Ted Cruz by a margin of 35-15 according to RealClear Politics. That was a 20 point lead but on caucus night, Trump barely managed to win by 35.9 to Cruz’s 31.6…a difference of only 4.3 percent.

Interesting, but there’s more to be told before we can accurately see the big picture here.


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A Canary Sings – A Goose Gets Cooked

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

jg-1.jpg?width=204Hillary Clinton must be sweating like a Kardashian on Jeopardy right about now.

Just a couple of days ago, it was revealed that Bryan Pagliano has an immunity deal with the Obama regime’s Department of Justice to provide testimony regarding Hillary’s private server, private email set up at the Department of State.

This is huge, but before I get into all that, a quick refresher on Pagliano is in order.

Bryan Pagliano is the guy from Platte River Networks who was Hillary’s personal IT specialist. Pagliano had worked for Hillary’s failed 2008 campaign as its IT Director, who had installed a private server at the Clinton’s Chappaqua home and then, in 2009, was hired by Hillary to serve as a “Special Advisor” to her at State where he also became a State Department IT Specialist.

Naturally, while an IT Spec for State, Pagliano also maintained Hillary’s private server at her home which was a rather cozy arrangement.

Okay…here’s why Hillary is sweating bullets…


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The Fraud Behind the Curtain

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

dd-1.jpg?width=151It seems that the dumbing down of America, via decades of liberalism through government indoctrination centers otherwise known as public schools as well as asylums of higher indoctrination, also known as colleges and universities is nearly complete.

No greater evidence of this can be seen than in the results of Super Tuesday voting.

Donald Trump, with the highest disapproval ratings in history, continues to win primaries. The question is…why?

Here’s the answer…

Trump voters simply don’t give a damn about the issues and they don’t give a flying rat’s ass about Trump’s complete, total lack of substance or lack of any articulated plan to accomplish any of the myriad of things he says he’s going to do should he become the president.

Trump voters also don’t give a crap regarding the fact that poll, after poll, after poll shows him losing in November to whoever happens to become the liberal/socialist nominee.

To Trump’s Trump-drunk, low information voters…absolutely none of what should matter…matters at all and don’t blame me for calling his voters “low information voters because those are exactly the sort of voters Trump himself is reaching out to in this election.

Here’s what he said…


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By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

oc-1.jpg?width=206While everybody remains laser-focused on the 2016 candidates, one of the major issues of this election is, by and large, going unnoticed or drastically under reported…Obamacare.

Last week, Mandy Cohen, a senior official in the Obama regime’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, stonewalled a congressional committee regarding the future of Obamacare’s 11 remaining co-ops but she did admit one thing…

That those 11 of the original 23 co-ops are in big trouble financially.

How deep is the hole in which they currently find themselves?

Deep. Very, VERY deep.

In fact, 8 of the 11 could well go under by the end of this year and each of those 8 are now facing either “federal enhanced oversight,” or are currently operating under a “federal “corrective action plan.”

But there’s more…plenty more…


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By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

ass-1.jpg?width=161With Thursday night’s debate in Houston Texas, Donald Trump made one thing absolutely crystal clear…that he’s a thin-skinned, inflamed egress on the southbound end of a northbound baboon.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio seemed to have taken the advice I set forth earlier in the week, and for the most part, put their petty differences with one another aside and went after Donald Trump to exposed him as the liberal/progressive agenda backing anything but a Conservative candidate that he is.

Throughout the entire debate, Trump steadfastly refuse to provide a single direct answer to a myriad of direct questions and once again, failed to provide a single element of substance to support any single campaign promise he’s made.

Not only that, but mister anti-illegal alien was finally outed, for the world to see, as having hired illegal aliens during the building of Trump Tower and for having had been fined a million dollars by a court for doing so.

In fact, here is just one exchange of many that outed Trump in that debate.


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Those Who Ignore History…

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

ts-1.jpg?width=209In attempting to understand the whole Pied Piper of blind sheep phenomenon that is Donald Trump, I have reached some conclusions which, in turn, have led to more questions than answers.

People are angry. I get that because I’m angry too. We’re angry that after turning the House red…nothing happened the way we were hoping it would happen. After turning the Senate red too…still nothing.

We have a majority in both houses of congress and yet those we elected to put a stop to Obama and his socialistic crap have done exactly nothing to put a stop to Obama’s socialistic crap. We elected them to stop government waste. We have MORE government waste. We elected them to strengthen the military and help our Veterans. We still have a military in decline and our Veterans aren’t being helped.

We elected them to not make deals with the ilk of Iran. We have a deal with Iran.

Yeah, I’m plenty mad so I get it.

We elected these people to the House and to the Senate to stop Obama’s pro-Islam, anti-America agenda and to stop him in his tracks on everything from Obamacare to GITMO…from Benghazi to Black Lives Matter and from unconstitutional Executive orders to blanket amnesty and what have we got for our election efforts?


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Real Facts vs Transparent Diversions

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Well, we knew this was going to become the latest attack mode to be employed by Donald tb-1.jpg?width=192Trump and we knew as well, that his substance-free appraisal would be echoed, far and wide, by the blind sheep who follow and support him.

Now that Marco Rubio has emerged as a serious contender to Trump’s coronation as Dictator in Chief…Trump is calling into question Rubio’s eligibility, and social media is abuzz with Trumpers sharing his latest blather.

Oh, you can scream “CONSTITUTION” and “NATURAL BORN” together in the same sentence all you care to but it doesn’t change one simple fact…that nowhere in the Constitution exists a definition OF Natural Born Citizen. It doesn’t. That’s a fact. Like it or not.

And you can scream that everybody back then knew what it meant and it meant that to be a Natural Born Citizen, one had to have TWO parents who were BOTH citizens but there is yet another nagging fact regarding that misguided assessment…

It isn’t true. More on that shortly.


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If They Team Up…It’ll be a Two Man Race

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

As the battle between Marco Rubio and ted Cruz heats up…amid the battle between the rc-1.jpg?width=235both of them and Donald Trump with Rubio’s side battle against Jeb Bush thrown in just for kicks…I have a suggestion and a little advice for both Cruz and Rubio.

Before I get to that, let’s take a little stock in both these candidates first and examine exactly what they’re sparring over.

Illegal aliens…immigration reform, amnesty, pathways and anything else associated with that issue. I don’t care what you want to call it but I’ll just shorten it down to IR (immigration reform) and proceed from there.

Let’s just get a few things straight here.

Neither Cruz nor Rubio wants any sort of blanket amnesty for illegal aliens. Neither of them. They both agree that we need to secure our border before anything ales is done. Both candidates agree that we must increase border patrols by increasing the number of border agents. Both men agree that we must engage the laws we currently have on the books and use those laws to the letter of those laws.

Both Cruz and Rubio, or Rubio and Cruz depending on which side of the fence you’re leaning against, believe that anyone who has entered our country illegally, or illegally over-stayed a visa and then committed a crime…must be deported.

There’s more…


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Speaking of Donald Trump…

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Donald Trump…the unhinged, narcissistic, liberal-leaning, Trumper-tantrum throwing, whining, vulgar, knelQzLR.gif?width=195e-jerk reactionary, afraid of a woman’s questions, Chinese-made campaign hat mogul and moonbat who’s meltdowns are now edging Charlie Sheen out of the #1 position in the realm of EPIC meltdowns, had THIS to say about Ted Cruz just a couple of days ago…

“Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual.”

Trump…the something less than a man who once PRAISED Megyn Kelly before calling her a bimbo and then later, cowardly ditching a debate because SHE was one of the moderators…the guy who once compared Ben Carson to a CHILD MOLESTER before becoming his BFF said THIS about Ted Cruz just a few days ago…

“Cruz has become unhinged and is lying with the hopes that his statements will go unchecked until after the election and he will save his failing campaign.”

Speaking of hoping his statements will go unchecked…


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By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Suddenly, with the death of Justice Scalia, the appointment of a ninth Justice to the Supreme Court has takesup-1.jpg?width=189n on more weight than most would have previously believed necessary in this, an election year.

Just as weighty as the decision as to who should nominate our next Supreme Court Justice is how any nominee will view Constitutional theory or how that person will interpret the Constitution.

Along those lines, there are five basic theories of Constitutional interpretation. Generally, those theories are as follows: (1) the text and structure of the Constitution, (2) intentions of those who drafted, voted to propose, or voted to ratify the provision in question, (3) prior precedents (usually judicial), (4) the social, political, and economic consequences of alternative interpretations, and (5) natural law. There is general agreement that the first three of these sources are appropriate guides to interpretation, but considerable disagreement as to the relative weight that should be given to the three sources when they point in different directions. Many interpreters of the Constitution have suggested that the consequences of alternative interpretations are never relevant, even when all other considerations are evenly balanced. Natural law (higher law, God’s law) is now only infrequently suggested as an interpretive guide, even though many of the framers of the Constitution recognized its appropriateness. Persons who favor heavy reliance on originalist sources (text and intentions) are commonly called “originalists.” Persons who favor giving a more substantial weighting to precedent, consequences, or natural law are called “non-originalists.” In practice, disagreement between originalists and non-originalists often concerns whether to apply heightened judicial scrutiny to certain “fundamental rights” that are not explicitly protected in the text of the Constitution.


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The TRUTH About Socks, Underwear and Socialism

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori  Right Side Patriots on

I would like to take a little time to address liberals. Specifically those liberals who are drooling over Bernie Sanders.ber-1.jpg?width=209

You know who you are.

You are the ones who pee yourselves every time Grumpy mentions free crap. He’s going to give you this for free, that for free, other things for free, EVERYTHING for free. Free healthcare. Free college tuition.

Free childcare…which goes along nicely with his proposals to expand the welfare system by which women can have as many babies as they want, by as many different men as they can roll around with and then have all their child care paid for…for FREE and if those welfare moms want to send their little welfare rug rats off to pre-school…


Yep…a vote for Bernie is a vote for FREE crap for the rest of your life and, if you’re a good little socialist…you’ll get a free pony.

Ol’ Bernie sure is the generous sort, isn’t he?


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Email Scandals and Cover-Ups…Part 2

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori  Right Side Patriots on

unfit-1.jpg?width=218In Part 1 of this two part report, we, the Right Side Patriots, laid the groundwork for the further melding together of what were two independent investigations…one into Hillary’s emails and one into Benghazi.

In Part 1, we centered in on a key email, one out of many sent between Hillary Clinton and a former Ambassador to Israel, one which outlined a proposal to engage in covert activity to force “protests” within Gaza that would lead to escalating violence and even more Israeli deaths in order to blackmail, for lack of a better word, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu into ceding even more land and security to Hamas.

We also reported that while the attacks in Benghazi were ongoing, Obama held a long phone conversation with Netanyahu (confirmed by the White House and others), and our belief, is that at least a portion of that call, revolved around Obama’s attempt to try and pass off Ambassador Stevens as a scapegoat, making Steven’s the ‘bad guy’ who masterminded the gun running operation between Libyan ‘so-called’ rebels and Syrian ‘so-called’ rebels, a ploy Netanyahu of course did not buy into. And why…because of knowledge already passed on to Netanyahu by his own intel community…as in the Mossad operatives already embedded in Benghazi.

But now is the time to name names and put the pieces of the puzzle together.


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New Hampshire – Lessons Learned

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

nh-1.jpg?width=219As the candidates now focus on South Carolina and Nevada in preparation for Super Tuesday, what have we learned from New Hampshire?


And what we have learned is far more than just who won, who lost and who placed where. There is a whole lot more to the lessons of New Hampshire than that and to fully understand the landscape of the race for the White House, we need to do a dissection of what transpired in New Hampshire.

Trump won. We all pretty much knew that before the first votes were cast at midnight Tuesday morning. It came as no surprise even to those of us who are nauseated by Trump and his total lack of substance or any viable, articulated plan.

Bernie Sanders, the avowed socialist came in first on the liberal/socialist side of the primary and that too was a foregone conclusion as he was a light year ahead of Hillary in New Hampshire throughout the run up to Tuesday’s primary.


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Email Scandals and Cover-Ups…Part 1

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori  Right Side Patriots on

As the scandal regarding Hillary Clinton’s emails deepens, so too do the connections esc-1.jpg?width=216between her email scandal and the Benghazi scandal. This is why we, Craig Andresen from ‘The National Patriot’ and Diane Sori from ‘The Patriot Factor,’ have teamed up once again to delve into the matter and to expose even more connections between the two scandals and would should be dire implications for Hillary Clinton and Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

Last Thursday night the State Department released almost 3,000 more pages of Hillary’s emails with 66 of them now deemed classified, although those emails had not been marked ‘classified’ at the time they were sent. Amongst them and others previously released, we have found evidence that requires ‘educated’ speculation, because we are unable to view the emails themselves due to national security issues as these emails have been deemed ‘Above Top Secret’ meaning ‘Special Access Programs’ (SAP). Before we get into that, note that on January 13th of this year, Craig wrote an article, ‘Hillary Clinton – When Scandals Collide’ and where that article leaves off we now pick up with the latest information available.


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Who Has the Substance and the Vision?

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

vis-1.jpg?width=208If America is to continue to be what Ronald Reagan described as, “the shining light on the hill,” what we need, what we must have, is leadership. True leadership. We must have the sort of leadership that holds the vision of the Founders and Framers in the highest regard and the sort of leadership that realizes that our Constitution regulated government, not guns, placed strict limits on the power of the presidency rather than on the power of the people and made government accountable TO the people rather than making the people accountable to the government.

2016 could well be our last chance to reclaim the vision of our Founders and Framers. It could well be the last opportunity we have to save our exceptionalism and to save our liberties.

What we need, what we must have, is the sort of leadership that is laser focused on what’s best for the nation, how to rebuild our place on the world stage, how to implement national security, rebuild the trust of our allies and how to stop our economic bleeding that is the result of too much government interference in every aspect of our personal lives, too many government mandated regulations and far, far too much government waste in our government’s spending habits.

From the left side of the aisle, the candidates are Bernie Sanders, a confirmed and admitted socialist and Hillary Clinton, a corrupt politician who is under numerous investigations that could, should and I believe will result in indictments including espionage against the United States.


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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

vote-1.jpg?width=234Well NOW, let’s take a few moments here to get a clear picture of the campaign for 2016…a snapshot…a moment in time, frozen so as to really take stock of the current situation.

Shall we?

Dr. Ben Carson is whining, Donald Trump is threatening law suits, Sanders is blubbering that Clinton isn’t enough of a socialist to deserve the liberal/socialist nomination, Clinton is doing her level best to ignore the mountains of evidence that will lead to her indictment, several candidates have dropped out of the race, others that should…haven’t and Jeb Bush’s donors…many of them…want their money back.

I’ve been to a three ring circus before and while this whole thing does bear some resemblance, I believe it comes closer to being a three ring FREAK show.

First of all…Dr. Ben Carson. Before the Ted Cruz campaign sent out an email, reporting exactly what had been delivered via CNN, you were polling in fourth place at 9% of the Iowa vote. WHILE that false report was out there…you were polling at 9% of the Iowa vote and AFTER it had been retracted but while the Cruz camp was still asking your supporters to caucus with Cruz…you FINISHED the night with 9.31% of the vote.

Please explain for everyone exactly how devastating the Cruz camp email was to your final tally.

Then there’s Donald Trump who is threatening to sue anybody he thinks is responsible for his second place finish in Iowa. He claims he’s going to sue Cruz because of the caucus night email. He’s going to sue Cruz for the prior week’s mailer. He’s going to sue Cruz for being born. Hell…I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he threatens to sue Cruz because the rhyming campaign slogan…”Choose Cruz” comes across more positive than the rhyming slogan…”Dump Trump” does.

And now..


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Recapping the Hawkeye Cauci

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

ic-1.jpg?width=205Okay, the Iowa Caucuses, or Cauci (the plural form) are over and what did we learn from the fracas?


We learned that a full 43% of Iowans identify themselves as socialists and of that 43%, they had to toss coins in order to determine which of their socialist candidates would be awarded which socialist delegates. Hillary (soon to be indicted) Clinton squeaked out an extra delegate over Bernie (I intend to hike your taxes beyond bejesus) Sanders.

And how did those coin tosses go? Well…Hillary won 6 in a row. The last time a Clinton got that lucky calling heads or tails…it was Bill…with Monika.

The ‘get off my lawn” voters can relax though as Sanders will win the communist vote by a wide margin next week in New Hamster…er…New Hampshire.

That is what we learned on the government needs to take care of us from cradle to grave side of the aisle, but what was it we learned on the RIGHT side of the American aisle?



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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

esp-1.jpg?width=154On Saturday, January 30th, a tweet was posted by Mia Farrow and let’s face it, if anybody knows the law and what was actually contained in Hillary’s emails and on her server, neither of which were government issue, it would be Mia Farrow.

According to the desperately seeking 15 more minutes of idiocy, Mia Farrow…
“Reminder: Hillary’s emails were not marked as classified at the time they were sent. She never emailed anything classified. #letsmoveon” – Mia Farrow(@MiaFarrow) January 30th, 2016

Oh brother.

The hash tag is the quintessential Clinton rallying cry…let’s move on…nothing to see here…a Clinton has broken the law…just ignore it and move on about your own damn business.

Let me explain something to Farrow, Hillary Clinton and the rest of the Clinton Kool Aid addicts…


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Oh, The Hypocrisy of it All

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

According to Donald Trump, “I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot people ancou-1.jpg?width=180d I wouldn’t lose voters.”

Is he the only one who could do such a thing and not lose any of his support?


Any penny-ante, tin-pot dictator in any 3rd world, one horse rogue nation could do it. Lil Kim in North Korea could do it. There was a time when Saddam and Gaddafi could have done it. Lenin and Stalin and Hitler did do it.

Forget 3rd world, one horse rogue nations…hell, Obama could get away with it just to name another dictator and that is exactly what’s wrong in this country. Electing a president has become a side show rather than a concerted effort to choose who would actually be the best for the job.

After Trump made his latest, ‘out of touch with reality’ statement on Saturday afternoon…his Trump-drunk followers started making excuses…”it was taken out of context,” and “he didn’t mean anything by it.” “Lighten up, he’s joking.”



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Hillary’s House of Cards

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

What does she have to hide? And for that matter, what does the Department of State have hou-1.jpg?width=222to hide? Those are both very good questions and as to the former, Hillary Clinton has plenty to hide and she’s done her level best to hide it all. She kept all of her documents and her email on a private server and used only her private email for every last bit of correspondence throughout her entire reign of terror at the Department of State.

She tried to have her server wiped clean.

She had her minions stall…for years…with regard to turning over ANY of her emails.

She had other minions HIDE her private server…in a BATHROOM…for years.

She hand-picked those who would finally go through her emails and they, and ONLY they, would decide what emails would eventually be turned over to investigators and to the Department of State.

She lied…repeatedly…regarding the nature and sensitivity of what was contained on her private, hidden server.

She lied in sworn testimony…over and over again.

The list just goes on and on but…now facing a deadline, January 29th to be exact, the deadline for the Department of State to have turned over every last shred of emails from Hillary Clinton’s server…at least the ones she GAVE the Department of State…said Department has now filed in a federal court to…


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