Gun Appreciation Day - stand and support American's
U.S. Constitutional right to bear arms
Gun Appreciation Day is not just a time to celebrate the right to bear arms, but it is a time to acknowledge the precious gift that no other nation on earth possesses. This is the gift for every man and woman in this nation to stand toe to toe with an oppressor either foreign or domestic; and announce, “As for me and my family my right to bear arms will not be abridged nor shall it be stolen!”
This day is your way of demonstrating that constitutional gun rights do matter. This is your opportunity to stand up and acknowledge that a nation that fought a War of Independence to be free from tyranny of an imperial elite will not bow on bended knee to a 21st century version of that now residing in the White House. January 19th is the nation’s day to go to your local gun range, gun store or gun show and bring your American Flag and a ‘Hands off my Guns’ sign to show your support!
In fact, according to a national Fox News poll released Friday, January 18th, 71 percent do not think tougher laws can stop shootings like the mass killings that occurred in Newtown, Connecticut in December. “Nearly twice as many voters say there would be less violent crime if more law-abiding Americans owned guns, than if guns were banned.”
On the other hand, liberal gun control organizations have launched advertising campaign to scare parents in homes across America into accepting the tepid rationale of President Obama’s official response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Obama wants to disarm America be frightening America with edicts that do not address the reason for the mass killings.
No parent in America wants to be on the receiving end of a call from a school or receive a knock on the door from a police officer about fatal shootings at their child’s school. Yet, in the post Sandy Hook Elementary school shootings era, gun control alarmists have ratcheted up their threats on gun rights, by using the main stream media. The words of these media talking heads has been vitriolic and poison the airwaves that permeate American homes daily with lies.
Gun control measures are not new and one of the most infamous examples where this has been used as a precursor to attacking its own citizens was done by Adolph Hitler and his Nazi government, five years after being in power. Sound familiar.
In 1938, the Nazi Party enhanced the Weapons Law and enacted handgun control. Firearms ownership was restricted to Nazi party members and other "reliable" people. Later that year, the government barred all Jews from owning any weapons or seeking weapons from businesses that sold them.