control (52)

Please Read Part 104A:


The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 104A)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 22, 2019:

The following recent thought-provoking article revealed that the recent 'Virginia Beach mass shooting was allegedly a False Flag ordered by the Deep State to distract from SPYGate and to push gun control on the American public.' If True, what’s wrong, but not surprising about this picture?-You Decide:

GLADIO TERROR: Virginia Beach False Flag Mass Shooting Ordered by Deep State to Distract from SPYgate + Gun Control!-Posted on State of the Nation-On May 31, 2019:

Note: I believe that the disturbing information revealed in the following articles relates to and/or further supports the disturbing information revealed in the above thought-provoking article-You Decide:

Frank May/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

Democrat Reps. Push Gun Control Before Virginia Beach Details Known!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On May 31, 2019:

Obama (Deep State Operative) Bashes US Gun Laws While Giving a Speech in Brazil — But Gets ‘Literally Everything’ Wrong!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Carlin Becker-On May 31, 2019:

HOUSTON, TX - APRIL 24: Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) speaks to a crowd at the She The People Presidential Forum at Texas Southern University on April 24, 2019 in Houston, Texas. Many of the Democrat presidential candidates are attending the forum to focus on issues important to …

Bernie Sanders Blasts NRA, Calls for Gun Control After VA Beach Shooting!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On May 31, 2019:

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Ilhan Omar after Virginia Beach Shooting: Confront the NRA!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On June 2, 2019:

Ilhan Omar slammed for blaming NRA for Virginia shooting that left 12 people dead

Ilhan Omar slammed for blaming NRA for Virginia shooting that left 12 people dead!-Posted on Lukas Mikelionis | Fox News-On June 2, 2019:

Family members gather outside the Princess Anne Middle School in Virginia Beach, Va, on Friday, May 31, 2019. A longtime city employee opened fire at a municipal building in Virginia Beach on Friday, killing 11 people before police shot and killed him, authorities said. Six other people were wounded in …

Virginia Beach Councilman Calls for Further Gun Restrictions Throughout State!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On May 31, 2019:

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 16: U.S. Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) (L) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), both members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, participate in a discussion at the Atlantic Council July 16, 2018 in Washington, DC. The forum titled, 'Pulling at the Strings: The Kremlin's Interference in Elections' and …

Mark Warner Talks ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban After VA Beach Handgun Attack!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On June 2, 2019:

BERLIN, GERMANY - APRIL 06: Former U.S. President Barack Obama speaks to young leaders from across Europe in a Town Hall-styled session on April 06, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. Obama spoke to several hundred young people from European government, civil society and the private sector about the nitty gritty of …

Barack Obama (Deep State Operative): Too Easy to ‘Buy Machine Guns’ in America!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On May 31, 2019:

Virginia Beach Police Chief James Cervera speaks during a news conference in Virginia Beach, Va., Friday, May 31, 2019. A longtime city employee opened fire in a municipal building in Virginia Beach on Friday, killing several people on three floors and sending terrified co-workers scrambling for cover before police shot …

Report: Virginia Beach Attacker Used .45 Handgun!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On May 31, 2019:


Alyssa Milano Demands Gun Control Law that Wouldn’t Have Stopped Virginia Beach Shooting!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On June 2, 2019:

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 10: Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) speaks during the North American Building Trades Unions Conference at the Washington Hilton April 10, 2019 in Washington, DC. Many Democrat presidential hopefuls attended the conference in hopes of drawing the labor vote. (Photo by Zach Gibson/Getty Images)

Sen. Michael Bennet Blames Mitch McConnell for Virginia Beach Shooting!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On June 2, 2019:

A slide of the victims in the May 31, 2019 mass shooting at a Virginia, Beach, Virginia, municipal building is shown during a press conference on June 1, 2019. - A municipal employee sprayed gunfire "indiscriminately" in a government building complex on May 31, 2019, police said, killing 12 people …

Report: Virginia Beach Shooter Bought Gun ‘Legally’!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On June 1, 2019:

A girl leaves flowers at a makeshift memorial at the edge of a police cordon in front of a municipal building that was the scene of a shooting, Saturday, June 1, 2019, in Virginia Beach, Va. DeWayne Craddock, a longtime city employee, opened fire at the building Friday before police …

Report: Site of Virginia Beach Shooting Another Gun-Free Zone!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On June 1, 2019:

Mass Shooters Pick Targets Where People Won’t Have Guns, Says Gun Crime Expert!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Whitney Tipton, Daily Caller-On June 3, 2019:

A girl leaves flowers at a makeshift memorial at the edge of a police cordon in front of a municipal building that was the scene of a shooting, Saturday, June 1, 2019, in Virginia Beach, Va. DeWayne Craddock, a longtime city employee, opened fire at the building Friday before police …

Virginia Beach Police Chief: No Gun Control Would Have Prevented Deadly Attack!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On June 2, 2019:

Why So Many Mass Shootings? Ask the Right Questions and You Might Find Out!-Posted on The Daily Signal-BY Dennis Prager /@DennisPrager-On June 4, 2019:

Hot In The City: Gun-Confiscating Chicago Kicks Off "Summer Violence Season" With 52 Shot & 10 Killed Over Weekend!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On June 4, 2019:

MSNBC Tries to Help Scandal-Plagued Northam Push Gun Control!-Posted on MRC News Busters-By Kyle Drennen-On June 4, 2019:

This February 4, 2013 photo illustration in Manassas, Virginia, shows a Remington 20-gauge semi-automatic shotgun, a Colt AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, a Colt .45 semi-auto handgun, a Walther PK380 semi-auto handgun and various ammunition clips with a copy of the US Constitution on top of the American flag. US President Barack …

A Win for Gun Rights in Pennsylvania!-Posted on National Review-By David French-On June 5, 2019:

Ralph Northam Gun Legislation

Gun Grabbers Never Let A Tragedy Go To Waste!-Posted on Conservative HQ-By CHQ Staff-On June 6, 2019:

Why Gun Control Is Wrong Response to Tragic Virginia Shooting!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Amy Swearer /@AmySwearer-On June 7, 2019:

D Day and guns

Assault on America, Day 155: Thank God our fighting men had big guns on D-Day, 1944!-Posted on Conservative HQ-By Jeffrey A. Rendall-On June 6, 2019:


More Teachers In Texas Can Pack Heat Now!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Whitney Tipton, Daily Caller-On June 7, 2019:

Video: Of course Obama is Lying. Grant Stinchfield with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First!-Posted on America First-On June 8, 2019:

Tapper Defends His ‘Perfectly Reasonable’ Question About How Dem Ideas Would Actually Stop Gun Violence!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Sydney Monduy-On June 10, 2019:

The SCOTUS Suppressor Decision: The firearm accessories are not "silencers" as the Leftmedia insist on reporting!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Nate Jackson-On June 11, 2019:


Firearms industry girds for fight over silencers!-Posted on The Washington Examiner-By Melissa Quinn-On June 11, 2019:

Venezuelans Now Regret Letting Government Take Their Guns Away: Not long ago, millions of Venezuelans decided to become loved by the left and voted away their right to keep and bear arms. Now they regret it!-Posted on Flag & Cross-By Warner Todd Huston-On June 11, 2019:

Dems push backdoor gun control bill that could destroy the firearm industry: Traditional gun control regulations have continually proved unfruitful!-Posted on The Blaze-By Chris Enloe-On June 12, 2019:

Concealed Carry

Guns don't kill people; negligent bureaucrats kill people!-Posted on The Washington Examiner-By Washington Examiner-On June 14, 2019:

New California Law Requires Background Check Before Ammo Purchase!-Posted on The New American-By Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.-On June 17, 2019:

Deeside Road in Wandsworth

Murders Reported in London over Weekend, Even with Tight Weapons Regulations!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jake Dima-On June 17, 2019:

Democrats Claim Gun Deaths

Democrats: 11,400 People Died from ‘Gun Violence’ Since House Passed Universal Background Checks!-Posted on Penny Starr-On June 20, 2019:

Video: Liberal Lawmaker Tells Gun Owner She May Confiscate His Firearm, & She’s Dead Serious: This guarantees another Trump win…!-Posted on Flag & Cross-By John Salvatore-On June 21, 2019:

As 2020 Dems Propose Mass Buyback of Guns, New Zealand’s Couldn’t Be Going Worse!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Madison Dibble-On July 1, 2019:

Gun rights groups sue California over firearms sales ban to those under 21

Gun rights groups sue California over firearms sales ban to those under 21!-Posted on Lukas Mikelionis | Fox News-On July 2, 2019:


Noncompliance Kneecaps New Zealand's Gun Control Scheme: As of last week, only around 700 weapons had been turned over!-Posted on Reason-By J.D. Tuccille-On July 8, 2019:

Never Enough: New Zealand Government Pushes Even More Gun Control!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On July 27, 2019:

Scene at Gilroy Garlic festival shooting

The Gilroy shooting is horrible reminder that gun-free zones are a dangerous illusion!-Posted on Conservative Review-By Nate Madden-On July 29, 2019:

Video: Chaos in the Vegas Skies Did Little Birds Terrorize Route 91 Festival with Special Guest John Cullen!-Posted on Jason Goodman-On August 3, 2019:

Note:  The following website belongs to 'John Cullen' who was Jason Goodman's special guest in the above recent thought-provoking/disturbing video regarding the 'mass shooting that occurred in Las Vegas, NV during the Route 91 Festival held on October 1, 2017'-You Decide:



FBI inexcusably attacks free speech by claiming conspiracy theorists are ‘domestic terror’ threat!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Andrew West-On August 2, 2019:

Image: MINORITY REPORT: FBI trying to build social media “pre-crime” tracking tool to arrest people before they carry out crimes

MINORITY REPORT: FBI trying to build social media “pre-crime” tracking tool to arrest people before they carry out crimes!-Posted on Natural News-By JD Heyes-On August 5, 2019:

Video: Slam-Dunk Positioned, Expectations Are A Distraction From The Goal - Episode 1933 (Mark: 20:57)!-Posted on X22Report-On August 2, 2019:

Active Shooter Opens Fire at Texas Walmart, at Least 18 Injured, Multiple Fatalities: Report (Note: Witness states he saw at least two persons with guns-Sound Familiar?)!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Joe Setyon-On August 3, 2019:

Fred Fleitz Is the Right Choice for National Intelligence Director

POTUS speaks about El Paso shooting, as 2020 candidates are called out for blaming him!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Samantha Chang-On August 4, 2019:

SOTU O'Rourke Full_00083605.jpg

Candace Owens furious at ‘coward’ Beto blaming Trump supporters for shooting: ‘You will never be President’!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Frieda Powers-On August 5, 2019:

Dan Patrick Texas (cropped).jpg

Texas Lt. Gov., raw with emotion, says video games, removing God from schools factor into US shootings!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Tom Tillison-On August 4, 2019:

Texas Lt. Gov. tells Antifa to 'stay out' of El Paso after Walmart shooting

Texas Lt. Gov. tells Antifa to 'stay out' of El Paso after Walmart shooting!-Posted on Sam Dorman | Fox News-On August 4, 2019:

El Paso Mayor Has The Perfect Response When Asked About Trump’s ‘Racism’

El Paso Mayor Has The Perfect Response When Asked About Trump’s ‘Racism’!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Alicia Luke-On August 4, 2019:

REVEALED: Walmart Killer Noted In Manifesto That He Chose Gun-Free Zone For A Reason (Note: Mayor stated that there was only one shooter, but witnesses stated that they saw at least three men dressed in black and allegedly a shooter was killed by police when they initially arrived at Walmart-Sound Familiar?)!-Posted on Flag & Cross-By John Salvatore-On August 4, 2019:

Video: Who the El Paso Killer Really was. Sebastian Gorka on America First!-Posted on America First-On August 5, 2019:

8Chan owner debunks ‘manifesto’ theory in El Paso mass shooting!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Andrew West-On August 6, 2019:

El Paso Walmart shooting eyewitness describes seeing gunman, fleeing scene

El Paso Walmart shooting eyewitness describes seeing gunman, fleeing scene!-Posted on Sam Dorman | Fox News-On August 4, 2019:

Fred Fleitz Is the Right Choice for National Intelligence Director

Mulvaney points out that even El Paso shooter in manifesto predicts Trump will be falsely blamed!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Zachary Leeman-On August 4, 2019:

EXPOSED: Dayton Shooter Was A Registered Democrat, Satanist, & Anti-Trumper (Details)!-Posted on Flag & Cross-By John Salvatore-On August 5, 2019:

Gun-Grabbing Author Volsky Uses El Paso Shooting To Push Impossible Fire-Rate Claim!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Joe Saunders-On August 4, 2019:

Image: BOMBSHELL: Mass shooting events follow pattern of “FBI terror plots” documented by the New York Times… agents recruit social media extremists to frame as scapegoats for engineered violence

BOMBSHELL: Mass shooting events follow pattern of “FBI terror plots” documented by the New York Times… agents recruit social media extremists to frame as scapegoats for engineered violence!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On August 4, 2019:

Note: I believe that the disturbing/disgusting information revealed in the above recent article relates to and or further supports my following blogs from the recent past-You Decide:


NY Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on April 22, 2013:


Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall (Re: Questionable and/or mysterious circumstances surrounding Boston Marathon bombing)!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 22, 2013:

Video: We Knew It Was Going To Happen, Exculpatory Evidence, Boom - Episode 1934b (Mark: 18:30)!-Posted on X22Report-On August 4, 2019:

No, the United States Doesn’t Lead the World in Mass Shootings!-Posted on PJ Media-By Matt Margolis-On August 4, 2019:


The Left Cannot Win In 2020, So They Need to Start a Racial Civil War!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On August 4, 2019:

Trump: 'Condemn Racism, Bigotry and White Supremacy'

Trump: 'Condemn Racism, Bigotry and White Supremacy'!-Posted on August 5, 2019:

Breaking: Trump Demands Death Penalty in ‘Hate Crimes & Mass Murders’ ‘Without Years of Needless Delay’!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Josh Manning-On August 5, 2019:

Motives in Recent Mass Shootings Should Include Impact of Violent Video Games!-Posted on The New American-By Bob Adelmann-On August 5, 2019:

Video: Forever Message Sent and Received, We Have More Than We Know - Episode 1935b (Mark: 14-57)!-Posted on X22Report-On August 5, 2019:

Video: The Things That Everyone’s Afraid to Say About El Paso and Dayton but I’m Going to Say Them Anyway!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Lisa Haven-On August 5, 2019:

civil war

Video: Highly Censored Interview with Bob Griswold on the State of America and What's Coming- Make This Go Viral!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On August 5, 2019:

Image: Toxic, treasonous media pushing “white supremacist” hoax and hit lists of Trump supporters in desperate scheme to drive America into civil war

Toxic, treasonous media pushing “white supremacist” hoax and hit lists of Trump supporters in desperate scheme to drive America into civil war!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On August 7, 2019:

Video: A New American Civil War, Really? Kurt Schlichter with Sebastian Gorka on America First!-Posted on America First-On August 6, 2019:

Satan Worshipers Massacre Dozens!-Posted on Rev. Austin Miles-On August 6, 2019:

Trump inauguration

Obama Criticized the President Over Shootings, Trump Just Took Him Apart!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Rusty | Featured Contributor-On August 6, 2019:

Trump Fights Back: Claims Media Partly Responsible For ‘Anger and Rage’ in this Country!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Rusty | Featured Contributor-On August 5, 2019:

Second Amendment Looms Over Supreme Court After Back-To-Back Massacres!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Kevin Daley, Daily Caller-On August 5, 2019:

Joaquin Castro outed his own donors in bid to shame Trump supporters

Joaquin Castro outed his own donors in bid to shame Trump supporters!-Posted on Brooke Singman | Fox News-On August 7, 2019:

Joaquin Castro outed his own donors in bid to shame Trump supporters

‘Outed’ Trump donors share deranged threats they’re getting in wake of Castro’s stunt!-Posted on BizPac Review-By  Frieda Powers-On August 9, 2019:

Joaquin Castro outed his own donors in bid to shame Trump supporters

The Left Is on a Mission to Annihilate Conservatism!-Posted on PJ Media-By David Limbaugh-On August 9, 2019:

false flag

We Won't Get Fooled Again! The Anatomy of a False Flag Event!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On August 6, 2019:


From El Paso to Fort Hood: When the FBI failed to prevent a mass murder they knew was coming!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Lloyd Billingsley-On August 7, 2019:


You Can't Stop Mass Shootings!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On August 7, 2019:

'Pure Evil': Sister of Slain El Paso Couple Blasts Local Dems for Not Welcoming Trump to their City!-Posted on PJ Media-By Debra Heine-On August 7, 2019:

Prager: Google Censors Video That Exposes Lies About Trump!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Shaun Hair-On August 7, 2019:

Mitch McConnell

McConnell’s Campaign Twitter Account Locked for Posting Video of ‘Violent Threats’ Outside His Home!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Houston Keene-On August 8, 2019:

America Turning into Nazi Germany – But Guess Who the Jew Is This Time!-Posted on Freedom News Report-On August 7, 2019:

President Donald Trump stops to speak to reporters before departing the White House in Washington, Friday, Aug. 2, 2019, for the short trip to Andrews Air Force Base and onto his Bedminster, N.J., golf club. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Donald Trump Thunders Against ‘Racist’ Hollywood: ‘They Create Violence, Then Try to Blame Others’!-Posted Charlie Spiering-On August 9, 2019:

Warner Todd Huston

Hollywood Haters: ‘The Hunt’ Producer Says He Would ‘Take Out’ Trump!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Warner Todd Huston-On August 12, 2019:

Man ‘Full of Anger’ Kills 4 in Southern California ‘Machete’ Rampage!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Joe Saunders-On August 8, 2019:

Kevon Watkins (Credit: Bibb County Sheriff's Office)

Teen Sentenced to Life for Killing Sister over Wi-Fi Password Argument!-Posted on Nate Church-On August 5, 2019:


Four dead in apparent triple murder-suicide at Texas home!-Posted on Fox News-On August 8, 2019:

Why U.S. Children Are Killing!-Posted on J.B. Williams-On August 8, 2019:


17 Things You Can Count On When The UN Is Brought In to Quell Racial Unrest Resulting From False Flag Attacks!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On August 7, 2019:

UN Rights Experts: Bigoted Statements Make Politicians ‘Complicit in the Violence That Follows’!-Posted on Patrick Goodenough-On August 8, 2019:


Video: Jon Voight’s (fantastic) message to America…!-Posted on Citizen Free Press-By Kane-On August 7, 2019:

Alveda King Rejects Left’s Claims: ‘President Trump Is Not a Racist’!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Joe Setyon-On August 8, 2019:

Flashback: Video: Watch Cheney’s Bold Defense of Trump: This Isn’t About Race, It’s About Socialists Destroying America!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Joe Setyon-On July 16, 2019:

Joe Biden Sez Trump Promotes White Supremacy in Code!-Posted on Rev. Austin Miles-On August 11, 2019:

Candace Owens: White Supremacy Isn't What's Harming Black America - 'It's Liberal Supremacy'!-Posted on Melanie Arter-On August 9, 2019:

A Bloody “Gringo” Backlash to Aztlan!-Posted on Cliff Kincaid-On August 9, 2019:

Please Read Part 104C:


The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 104C)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-August 9, 2019:

Note: I also believe that the disturbing information revealed in my above recent articles  and videos relates to and/or further supports my following blogs from the recent past-You Decide:


Billionaire Leftists Attack Your Gun Rights!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 28, 2014:


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez on August 25, 2012:


What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?-Posted on January 12, 2010:


Letter to Our NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (Re: Newly Proposed Gun Control Measures)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 19, 2019:


Letter to NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (Re: Border Security)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 14, 2019:


Letter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Shadow Party’s alleged agenda to take down America)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 13, 2015:


9/11 TRUTH SEEKERS: THE ‘LUNATIC FRINGE’ IS WHOM?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 25, 2014:

Where Is America Today?-Posted on May 26, 2010:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

“Food for Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Against The Deplorable Obstructionists That Are Doing Their Utmost To Take Down Our Democratically Elected President, His Administration and Ultimately Destroy our Country/Republic?-God Bless America!

Please Continue Praying For Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
Read more…

Please Read Part 104:


The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 104)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 16, 2019:

The following recent thought-provoking article revealed that immediately after the NZ mass shooting ‘gun grabbing began' and the 'persecution of patriots heated up.'  If True, what’s wrong, but not surprising about this picture?-You Decide:

The Gun Grab Begins, Persecution of Patriots Heats Up!-Posted on State of the Nation-On March 21, 2019:

Note: I believe that the disturbing information revealed in the following recent thought-provoking articles and video relates to the disturbing information revealed in the above thought-provoking article-You Decide:

NOTRE DAME CONFLAGRATION: Gladio Strikes at the Heart of Paris and Soul of the French People!-Posted on State of the Nation-On April 15, 2019:

GLADIO: Massive False Flag Terrorist Operation Targets Sri Lanka—Who did it and why?-Posted on State of the Nation-On April 21, 2019:

Video: Cabal Spotted in Sri Lanka - Coded Messages?-Posted on Amazing Polly-On April 23, 2019:

Warner Todd Huston

Shooters in Colorado School Were Transgender, Trump-Hating, Democrats Who Love Obama!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Warner Todd Huston-On May 8, 2019:

Note: I believe that the disturbing information revealed in the following articles and videos relates to and/or further supports the disturbing information revealed in the above thought-provoking article regarding 'gun grabbing' and the 'persecution of patriots'-You Decide:


Scholar Blames Christchurch Massacre on – What Else? – Western Civilization: The Left never lets a good crisis go to waste!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Mark Tapson-On March 25, 2019:


US Muslim advocacy group to Trump: 'We hold you responsible' for increase in Islamophobia!-Posted on Luke Barr-On March 15, 2019:

Designated Terror Group CAIR Blames Trump, Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer For New Zealand Shooting!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Pamela Geller-On March 16, 2018:


Robert Spencer: So Long, Everybody: If I'm shut out of all platforms over the next few days, you’ll know why!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Robert Spencer-On March 18, 2019:

US Ambassador to NZ Voices Support For ‘Our Muslim Brothers and Sisters,’ And is Asked About Trump Not Having Done the Same!-Posted on Patrick Goodenough-On March 17, 2019:

Muslim Congressman Says He Won't Blame Trump, Then Blames Trump!-Posted on Susan Jones-On March 18, 2019:

Rep. Kinzinger Calls Out CNN Over Questions Linking Mosque Shootings to Trump: You Can't Put This on Him!-Posted on Townhall-By Lauretta Brown-On March 15, 2019:

Mulvaney: Trump Blamed Every Time Something Bad Happens!-Posted on Susan Jones-On March 18, 2019:

Muslim CNN Guest Takes Stand for Trump, Trashes Islamophobia Talks: ‘The President Is Beloved’!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jack Davis-On March 18, 2019:

Why It's Completely Dishonest to Claim Candace Owens 'Inspired' the Mosque Shooter

Why It’s Completely Dishonest to Claim Candace Owens ‘Inspired’ the Mosque Shooter: The media is doing exactly what the terrorist wanted!-Posted on Paul Joseph Watson | March 15, 2019:

Women’s March leader blames ‘American Jewish Establishment’ for Christchurch attacks

Women’s March leader blames ‘American Jewish Establishment’ for Christchurch attacks!-Posted on GOPUSA-By Jerusalem Post-On March 25, 2019:

Judge Jeanine Pulled From TV: Is She the Latest Casualty of New Zealand Carnage?-Posted on The New American-By Selwyn Duke-On March 18, 2019:


CAIR Is Not Finished with Judge Jeanine – Radical Muslim Group Is Out to DESTROY Her – Harasses Hospital to Rescind Award — DON’T LET THEM WIN!-Posted on Gateway Pundit-By Jim Hoft-On March 20, 2019:

Kelleigh Nelson

Fox News Caves To Islamic Sharia Law – Fires Judge Jeanine Pirro!-Posted on Kelleigh Nelson-On March 26, 2019:

Ocasio-Cortez Joins Effort to Pressure Banks into Adopting the Far Left’s Anti-gun Agenda

Ocasio-Cortez Blames Judge Jeanine For Death Threats Against Ilhan Omar!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Alicia F. Luke-On April 8, 2019:

Google logo

‘Don’t Be Evil’ Google Helps Muslims ‘Track Women’ to Keep Them Oppressed!-Posted on Godfather Politcs-By Warner Todd Huston-On April 6, 2019:

Ilhan Omar Was Caught on Camera Making This Unthinkable Attack on Trump!-Posted on Great American Daily-On March 29, 2019:

Video: Laura Loomer is Defending the Constitution of the United States of America!-Posted on Jason Goodman-On March 28, 2019:


Video: Jihad in Congress – Larry Klayman and Laura Loomer Raise Criminal Allegations Against Ilhan Omar!-Posted on Freedom Watch-On March 13, 2019:


Video: Congresswoman Ilhan Omar: Terrorist: A closer -- and profoundly disturbing -- look at Representative Ilhan Omar!-Posted on March 15, 2019:

Photos Surface Revealing 2017 'Closed-Door' Meeting Between Rep. Ilhan Omar and Turkish President Erdogan!-Posted on PJ Media-By Clare M. Lopez-On April 11, 2019:

Should Ilhan Omar Be Deported? A Question Of “Allegiance”!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Don Fredrick, author of The Complete Obama Timeline-On March 29, 2019:

Dems Play the Victim While Making Light of 9/11: Crenshaw calls out Ilhan Omar for her dismissive comments on 9/11 terrorism!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Thomas Gallatin-On April 12, 2019:

Left Terrorizes War Hero As ‘Eyeless F***’ & ‘Captain Sh**Head’ For Calling Out Ilhan Omar: Absolutely DISGUSTING!-Posted on Flag & Cross-By John Salvatore-On April 15, 2019:


Dem Congressman Who Represents Lower Manhattan Has No Issue With Omar’s 9/11 Comments!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Rusty | Featured Contributor-On April 15, 2019:

Pelosi Sides with Omar on Disgraceful 9/11 Comment, Makes Shock Demand of Trump!-Posted on The Western Journal-By C. Douglas Golden-On April 15, 2019:

Muslim Activist Calls Out ‘Disgrace’ Ilhan Omar in Brutal Op-Ed!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Benjamin Arie-On April 16, 2019:

Imam Fires Off on ‘Clueless’ AOC After Her Take on 9/11!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jack Davis-On April 16, 2019:

Ilhan Omar Slammed U.S. Soldiers Involved in ‘Black Hawk Down’ Incident!-Posted on John Rossomando-On April 22, 2019:

‘Black Hawk Down’ Veterans Slam Ilhan Omar over Comments: ‘We Were There To Help Her People’!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Randy DeSoto-On April 27, 2019:

Pa. Muslim Schoolchildren: ‘Crush the Treacherous Ones,’ ‘Chop Off Their Heads,’ ‘Subject Them to External Torture’!-Posted on Craig Bannister-On May 6, 2019:

Muslims celebrate as blaze destroys Notre Dame: Many believe catastrophe bears witness to truth of Islam!-Posted on April 15, 2019:

Notre Dame: Metaphor for Western Christianity: A cathedral that stood for nearly 900 years is a symbol in more ways than one!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Nate Jackson-On April 16, 2019:

Notre Dame Cathedral Inferno “Intentionally Set”!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Pamela Geller-On April 16, 2019:

Rev. Austin Miles

Did Muslims Start The Notre Dame Fire?-Posted on Rev. Austin Miles-On April 17, 2019:

A firefighter uses a hose to douse flames and smoke billowing from the roof at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on April 15, 2019. - A fire broke out at the landmark Notre-Dame Cathedral in central Paris, potentially involving renovation works being carried out at the site, the fire service said.Images …

Notre Dame Cathedral Fire: The Back Story You Won’t Even Read in the Alt Media!-Posted on  State of the Nation-On April 16, 2019:

The Internet Erupts With Speculation About Who Started The Notre Dame Fire!-Posted on Zero Hedge-By Tyler Durden-On April 16, 2019:

ISIS-Linked Group Posts Notre Dame Cathedral Warning: ‘Wait for the Next’!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jack Davis-On April 17, 2019:

Why Were Authorities so Quick to Rule out Arson in the Notre Dame Conflagration?-Posted on PJ Media-By Roger Kimball-On April 17, 2019:


Newsweek Doubles Down on Fake News About Notre Dame, Mosque Fire!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On April 17, 2019:

Notre Dame Survived. How About Christian Europe?-Posted on The New American-By C. Mitchell Shaw-On April 16, 2019:


Jihad Against Churches: The symbolism of Notre Dame burning!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Joseph Klein-On April 18, 2019:

French Stonemason At Notre Dame Tells Of Working With Muslims “Who Hate Us” & “Pray On The Site”!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Robert Spencer-On April 21, 2019:

Video: Easter Sunday Terror: 207 Dead and 450 Injured – Americans Among Victims!-Posted on Jennie Taer-On April 21, 2019:

Sri Lanka: Death Toll In Coordinated Jihad Suicide Bombings At Churches On Easter & Hotels Now 185!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Robert Spencer-On April 21, 2019:

Video: Barack Hussein Obama & The 'Religious None' Culture - Peter Barry Chowka - 4/22/19!-Posted on The Official Hagmann Report-On April 22, 2019:

Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day: Revisiting Islam’s Greatest Slaughter of Christians!-Posted on PJ Media-By Raymond Ibrahim-On April 24, 2019:

Video: Hey media, there is absolutely a war on Christians! | Sri Lanka Attack!-Posted on Glenn Beck-On April 23, 2019:

Report: Trump Tells World Leaders in Private Meetings To Protect Christians!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Makenna Baird-On April 25, 2019:

Video: Trumps participate in National Day of Prayer at White House!-Posted on Fox News-On May 2, 2019:

Global Persecution of Christians Nearing Genocidal Levels, British Report Finds!-Posted on The New American-By Dave Bohon-On May 9, 2019:

Pope Francis Calls for End of Sovereignty and Establishment of Global Government!-Posted on The New American-By Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.-On May 9, 2019:

‘America Needs Men and Women of Integrity … Freedom of Religion Is Under Assault’!-Posted on The Political Insider-By PoliZette Staff, LifeZette-On May 11, 2019:


CAIR Calling Shots on Who Gets Banned from Facebook and Twitter: Fresh evidence that the social media giants are eagerly Sharia-compliant now!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Robert Spencer-On January 14, 2019:

New Zealand Official Slams Facebook, Calls Social Media Giant ‘Morally Bankrupt’!-Posted on The Western Journal-By AP Reports-On April 8, 2019:

Free Speech Alliance Demands ‘Full Transparency’ from Google: ‘Deceptive Abuse of Power Cannot Go Unchecked’!-Posted on Craig Bannister-On April 10, 2019:

Ted Cruz re-elected to Senate in Texas in win for Republicans

Twitter Exec Freezes Up as Ted Cruz Grills Him on Company’s Inconsistent Rule Enforcement!-Posted on Charlie Nash-On April 10, 2019:

Bombshell: Now We Know the Exact Lie Google CEO Told Congress, and It’s Terrifying for Conservatives: Opinion!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Josh Manning-On April 11, 2019:

Ron Ewart

The DNC Trojan Horse, Facebook (And Google And Twitter)!-Posted on Ron Ewart-On April 17, 2019:

Facebook was warned of alleged Russian meddling back in 2014

Facebook Bans ‘Dangerous’ Conservative Figures but Continues to Allow Leftist Calls for Violence!-Posted on Lucas Nolan-On May 3, 2019:

censorship free speech first amendment

Journo ‘Watchdog’ Removes ‘Blacklist’ After First Amendment Backlash: The First Amendment must always win!-Posted on Flag & Cross-By Andrew West-On May 3, 2019:


POTUS Pushes for Free Speech Protections After Online Culling of Conservative Views: The fight for free speech is on, and the President knows it!-Posted on Flag & Cross-By Andrew West-On May 4, 2019:


The Brainwashing of a Nation: From campus identity politics cults to the media, brainwashing is bigger than ever!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On May 6, 2019:

Video: President Trump & Freedom Fighters Targeted & Blacklisted!-Posted on Operation Freedom-On May 7, 2019:

Texas Proposes Bill To Punish Social Media Censorship Of Lawful Speech!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On May 7, 2019:


The Alt Media Will Soon Be Gone Along with Trump and the Constitution: The Three Stages of a Revolution!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On May 7, 2019:

enemies of humanity

New meme: “Enemies of Humanity” compares Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook to Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and others!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On May 8, 2019:

Video: Facebook Co-Founder Says the Power Mark Zuckerberg Wields is “Unprecedented and Un-American”: Chris Hughes: “It is time to break up Facebook”!-Posted on Paul Joseph Watson | May 9, 2019:

Video: New Zealand Reacting in Moment of Crisis | The News & Why It Matters Ep 249!-Posted on BlazeTV-On March 21, 2019:

LAS VEGAS, NV - FEBRUARY 14: Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) speaks during a campaign rally at Bonanza High School on February 14, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Sanders is challenging Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination ahead of Nevada's February 20th Democratic caucus. (Photo by Ethan …

Bernie Sanders Calls for New Zealand-Style Gun Ban in U.S.!-Posted on AWR Hawkins!-On March 21, 2019:


AOC, Sen. Feinstein calling for New Zealand-style nationwide gun confiscation and mass criminalization of gun owners across America… do they realize they are begging for an armed citizens’ revolt against Left-wing tyranny?-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By JD Heye-On March 25, 2019:

Video: Where’s the Elite’s Safe Haven? The Location Explains the Motivation Behind the NZ False Flag!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On March 22, 2019:

Video: Panic In DC, [DS] Agenda Force Out Into The Light - Episode 1822b (Mark: 15:59-22:37)!-Posted on X22Report-On March 22, 2019:


Chief Justice John Roberts Denies Gun Owners’ Request to Stay Ban on Bump Stocks!-Posted on The Daily Beast-By Toya Sarno Jordan/Reuters-On March 26, 2019:

Bump Stock Ban Goes Into Effect; ATF Rule Turns Thousands Into Felons Overnight!-Posted The New American-By Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.-On April 1, 2019:

semi-auto pistol with handcuffs gun

How anti-gun states can already confiscate guns without trial!-Posted on Conservative Review-By Nate Madden-On March 27, 2019:

Ron Ewart

Face It, Can American Freedom Be Saved Peacefully?-Posted on Ron Ewart-On March 27, 2019:

Ocasio-Cortez Joins Effort to Pressure Banks into Adopting the Far Left’s Anti-gun Agenda

Ocasio-Cortez Joins Effort to Pressure Banks into Adopting the Far Left’s Anti-gun Agenda!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On March 29, 2019:

Ohio Lawmakers Introduce Bill To Allow Concealed Carry Without Permit!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jack Davis-On March 30, 2019:

Meet the Colorado sheriff willing to go to jail to protect his residents' Second Amendment rights!-Posted on The Blaze-By Chris Enloe-On March 31, 2019:

Pittsburgh Approves Gun Control Bills; Lawsuits Expected!-Posted on The Western Journal-By AP Reports-On April 2, 2019:

Red Flags About 'Red Flag' Laws: If due process is protected, that's one thing. The trouble is leftist contempt for our rights!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Nate Jackson-On April 2, 2019:

The American Old West: How Hollywood Made It “Wild” to Make Money & Advance Gun Control!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Sam Jacobs-On April 3, 2019:

List Of Major Corporations Who Oppose Your Right To Keep & Bear Arms!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On April 3, 2019:

America Needs To Hear Judge’s Words in Pro-High Capacity Magazine Decision!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Ben Marquis-On April 4, 2019:

Video: Sheriffs Stop Gun-grabbing Laws!-Posted on TheJohnBirchSociety-On April 8, 2019:

Supreme Court rejects gun rights advocates over bump stocks!-Posted on Reuters-By Andrew Chung-On April 5, 2019:

Missouri Tries Again to Become a “Second Amendment” Sanctuary State!-Posted on The New American-By Bob Adelmann-April 10, 2019:

Gun-Maker Will Appeal to the Supreme Court in Sandy Hook Victims’ Lawsuit!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Kevin Daley /@kevindaleydc-On April 10, 2019:

Texas Gun Company Sues United States over Reported $20 Million Loss from Bump Stock Ban!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jack Davis-On April 10, 2019:

Congressman Eric Swalwell (Democrat - California) speaks to guests during an event at the Iowa City Public Library on February 18, 2019, in Iowa City, Iowa. Swalwell responded to a statement about him from the Trump campaign on Monday. SCOTT OLSON/GETTY IMAGES

Eric "Nuke 'Em" Swalwell Wants To Take Your Guns And Jail Anyone Who Resists!-Posted on Zero Hedge-By Tyler Durden-On April 16, 2019:

NRA Sues LA Over Free-Speech Violation: City law requires all contractors employed by the city to disclose any association with the NRA!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Thomas Gallatin-On April 26, 2019:

Trump Signs Doc Pulling US from Obama-Era UN Guns Treaty in Front of NRA Crowd!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Randy DeSoto-On April 26, 2019:

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence delivers remarks during the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum at the 148th NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits on April 26, 2019 in Indianapolis, Indiana. The convention, which runs through Sunday, features more than 800 exhibitors and is expected to draw 80,000 guests. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Mike Pence to the NRA: ‘No One Is Taking Your Guns’!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On April 26, 2019:

The Murders That Were NOT Reported — And Why: On average, 46 Americans are murdered every day. Only some murders get attention!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Mark Alexander-On April 29, 2019:

Blacklisting the NRA — And the Second Amendment: The current leftist political assault strategy against the NRA, the Second Amendment and Liberty, is formidable!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Mark Alexander-On April 30, 2019:

MSNBC Reporter’s Remarks Illustrate Need for Right to Keep and Bear Arms!-Posted on The New American-By Steve Byas-On May 1, 2019:


President Trump's Executive Order Indirectly Warns America to Prepare for a UN Sponsored Red Dawn Invasion!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On May 2, 2019:

Incessant False Flag Terrorist Attacks Staged to Grab the Guns!-Posted on State of the Nation-On May 3, 2019:


Video: You Better Listen to This Before Leaving Your Home-CSS-Bob Griswold!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On May 3, 2019:

Video: Seven People Were Just Killed Last Week: Here’s Why You Haven’t Heard About It!-Posted on The Josh Bernstein Show-On May 9, 2019:

Please Read Part 104B:


The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 104B)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-June 2, 2019:

Note: I also believe that the disturbing information revealed in my above recent articles  and videos relates to and/or further supports my following blogs from the recent past-You Decide:


Billionaire Leftists Attack Your Gun Rights!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 28, 2014:


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez on August 25, 2012:


What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?-Posted on January 12, 2010:


Letter to Our NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (Re: Newly Proposed Gun Control Measures)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 19, 2019:


Letter to NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (Re: Border Security)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 14, 2019:


Letter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Shadow Party’s alleged agenda to take down America)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 13, 2015:


9/11 TRUTH SEEKERS: THE ‘LUNATIC FRINGE’ IS WHOM?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 25, 2014:

Where Is America Today?-Posted on May 26, 2010:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

“Food for Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Against The Deplorable Obstructionists That Are Doing Their Utmost To Take Down Our Democratically Elected President, His Administration and Ultimately Destroy our Country/Republic?-God Bless America!

Please Continue Praying For Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
Read more…

Please Read Part 103:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 103)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 16, 2019:

The following recent thought-provoking article reveals that it’s allegedly no coincidence that this odious recent mass shooting in New Zealand was conducted in a city with the name Christchurch and that, of course, the perps would choose the Ides of March to carry out such a heinous and murderous plot.

It also revealed that the cool precision and mechanical firing of his automatic rifle indicates that the terrorist who killed 49 Muslim congregants at the mosque in New Zealand was allegedly a highly-trained professional.  In other words, no matter who this guy is according to his public background, he’s really a stone-cold Gladio-trained terrorist on a specific mission.

Additionally, it was also revealed that, while it’s entirely true that he may not have even known what that mission was, he was allegedly used by his masters to incite a religious war on the once peaceful island nation of New Zealand and that this religious, race and cultural war will undoubtedly spill over to every other nation with similar religious demographics, to include the U.S., as a means of 'doing away with our freedom of speech rights,' 'confiscating our guns' and ultimately establishing a 'One World Government (OWG) (New World Order).’  If True, what’s wrong, but not surprising about this picture?-You Decide:

New Zealand Mosque Massacre: A False Flag Terrorist Attack, Gladio Black Operation and CIA Global Psyop (Updated)!-Posted on State of the Nation-On March 15, 2019:

Note: I believe that the disturbing information revealed in the following articles and videos relates to and/or further supports the disturbing information revealed in the above thought-provoking article regarding 'doing away with our freedom of speech rights,' 'confiscation of our guns' and ultimate establishment of a 'One World Government (OWG) (New World Order)’-You Decide:

CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND - MARCH 15: Members of the public react in front of the Masjd Al Noor Mosque as they fear for their relatives on March 15, 2019 in Christchurch, New Zealand. 49 people have been confirmed dead and more than 20 are injured following attacks at two mosques …

New Zealand Shooter Hopes for U.S. Civil War: ‘Conservatism Is Dead, Thank God’!-Posted on Allum Bokhari-On March 15, 2019:

CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND - MARCH 15: Police officers cordon off the area after gunmen attacked the two mosques and fired multiple times during Friday prayers in Christchurch, New Zealand on March 15, 2019. At least nine people were reportedly killed in shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, local media reported Friday. (Photo by Diederik van Heyningen/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

New Zealand terror suspect chose specific firearms for ‘effect’ with aim to stoke political division in U.S.!-Posted on BPR Wire-By Evie Fordham, DCNF-On March 15, 2019:

New Zealand Mosque Terrorist Described Himself as an "Eco-Fascist" Who Hated Conservatism & Admired Communist China

New Zealand Mosque Terrorist Described Himself as an “Eco-Fascist” Who Hated Conservatism & Admired Communist China: Killer decried “milquetoast civic nationalist boomers”!-Posted on Paul Joseph Watson | March 15, 2019:

Video: NZ Shooter Is A Leftist Communist Sympathizer: Not so fast leftist opportunists!-Posted on Jon Bowne | March 15, 2019:

CAIR’s Use of Tragedy to Quiet Critics Leads to Uneasy Alliance w/ Mosque Shooter!-Posted on Liberty Headlines-By Ben Sellers-On March 18, 2019:


CAIR calls on Fox News to fire Jeanine Pirro, Tucker Carlson!-Posted on Patriot News Alerts-By Ben Marquis-On March 20, 2019:

Michelle Malkin: Never Forget: CAIR's Dirty Deeds!-Posted on Michelle Malkin-On March 20, 2019:

Rep. Rashida Tlaib Links ‘White Supremacy’ Agenda Behind Mosque Killings to Support for Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’!-Posted on Patrick Goodenough-On March 17, 2019:

Sarsour ‘Triggered’ When People Who Criticized Ilhan Omar Now Offer Condolences for Mosque Killings!-Posted on Patrick Goodenough-On March 16, 2019:

It Took AOC No Time To Mock “Thoughts and Prayers” for Victims of Christchurch Massacre!-Posted on The Western Journal-By C. Douglas Golden-On March 15, 2019:

Why We Still Pray, Even After New Zealand Attack!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Katrina Trinko / @KatrinaTrinko-On March 15, 2019:

Video: Placeholders Ready To Be Filled, Narrative Change Needed, Be Vigilant - Episode 1816b (Mark: 22:16-29:58)!-Posted on X22Report-On March 15, 2019:


Islamic Terror Threat Made Against New Zealand Prime Minister: ‘Revenge is Coming’!-Posted on Gateway Pundit-By Cassandra Fairbanks-On March 15, 2019:


ISIS Calls on Followers to Avenge New Zealand Mosque Murders!-Posted on National Review-By Jack Crowe-On-On March 19, 2019:

Cliff Kincaid

The Green Killing Machine And The Red Jihad!-Posted on Cliff Kincaid-On March 18, 2019:

Rush Limbaugh On New Zealand Shooting: "You Can't Immediately Discount This" False Flag Theory!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On March 16, 2019:

Video: New Zealand Killer Says Attack Was False Flag: It's not Alex Jones saying this -- it's the shooter, it's Rush Limbaugh, and others -- tune in and find out the shocking proof!-Posted on News Wars-By March 17, 2019:

Video: Teen Smashes Egg On Senator's Head, Gets Punched In The Face!-Posted on The Daily Wire-By Ryan Saavedra/@realsaavedra-On March 17, 2019:

Facebook Says it Removed 1.5M Videos of the New Zealand Mosque Attack

Facebook Says it Removed 1.5M Videos of the New Zealand Mosque Attack!-Posted on March 17, 2019:

What are they trying to hide? Out of all the violent videos on the ‘net, possessing the NZ mosque shooting video can now get you 10 years in prison!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Mike Adams-On March 18, 2019:

Video: Promises Soon To Be Kept, Justice Is Coming, [DS] Cannot Stop It - Episode 1817b (Mark: 8:15-16:22)!-Posted on X22Report-On March 17, 2019:

Image: How the media distorts the New Zealand shooting to protect radical Muslim jihadis while demonizing white people

How the media distorts the New Zealand shooting to protect radical Muslim jihadis while demonizing white people!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On March 17, 2019:

Growing Movement Blames Media for Rash of Mass Shootings!-Posted on The Western Journal-By AP Reports-On March 17, 2019:

Judge Jeanine Pulled From TV: Is She the Latest Casualty of New Zealand Carnage?-Posted on The New American-By Selwyn Duke-On March 18, 2019:

Media Reporting on New Zealand, but Did You Hear About That OTHER Bigotry-driven Massacre?-Posted on The New American-By Selwyn Duke-On March 16, 2019:

The Other Massacre: Networks Silent on Islamists Butchering Nigerian Christians!-Posted on MRC News Busters-By Matt Philbin-On March 19, 2019:

Report: Islamic Jihad Caused 84,000 Deaths Worldwide In 2017!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Pamela Geller-On March 19, 2019:


Ibrahim: How CAIR Forced the US Army War College onto Its Knees: The author of "Sword and Scimitar" gives the inside story of an ominous surrender!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Jamie Glazov-On June 17, 2019:

America: Willful Blindness!-Posted on Amil Imani-On June 17, 2019:

“There Will be No Opposition”: After Shooting, New Zealand Will Further Outlaw Guns!-Posted on The New American-By Selwyn Duke-On March 18, 2019:

CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND - MARCH 20: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks to first responders during a visit at the Justice and Emergency Services precinct on March 20, 2019 in Christchurch, New Zealand. 50 people were killed, and dozens are still injured in hospital after a gunman opened fire …

New Zealand PM Encourages Gun Owners to Surrender Their Firearms!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On March 20, 2019:

New Zealand's Knee-Jerk Response Threatens Liberty: New Zealand's prime minister acts to ban semiautomatic rifles in wake of mosque massacre!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Thomas Gallatin-On March 21, 2019:

Video: Narrative Fight Coming, It’s Time To Unite & Take-down The True Enemy - Episode 1818b (Mark: 7:25-28:55)!-Posted on X22Report-On March 18, 2019:

Video: Ep 1840 - The Truth Cannot Be Silenced - FULL SHOW - 3/18/19!-Posted on The Official Hagmann Report-On March 18, 2019:

'He Who Shall Not Be Named': New Zealand's prime minister vows to deny notoriety to a mass murderer!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Nate Jackson-On March 19, 2019:

New Zealand Police “Happened to Be in a Training Session” When Mosque Shooting Began!- Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Matt Agorist-On March 19, 2019:

Video: Meeting the Opposition - Tactics & Approach - 3/20/19!-Posted on The Official Hagmann Report-On March 20, 2019:

DHS: We Cannot Ignore ‘the Real and Serious Danger Posed by Domestic Terrorists’!-Posted on Melanie Arter-On March 20, 2019:

State Dept.: 800K to 2 Million Muslims Forced Into 'Internment Camps' in Communist China!-Posted on Michael W. Chapman-On March 19, 2019:

New Zealand Plays Into Terrorist’s Hands; Embraces Censorship in Wake of Deadly Attacks!-Posted on The New American-By C. Mitchell Shaw-On March 21, 2019:

Mosque Killings In New Zealand Spark Free Speech Debates!-Posted on The Western Journal-By AP Reports-On March 24, 2019:

Cover image for ‘No God But Allah’ Echoes Across New Zealand a Week After Mosque Shooting

‘No God But Allah’ Echoes Across New Zealand a Week After Mosque Shooting!-Posted on Patrick Goodenough-On March 21, 2019:

Feinstein’s Scattershot Anti-Gun Bill Badly Misses the Mark!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Amy Swearer / @AmySwearer / Peyton Smith-On January 14, 2019:

Kamala Harris vows to get rid of private health care plans: 'Let's eliminate all of that. Let's move on'

Harris Urges Gun Control: Put Members of Congress in a Locked Room With Autopsy Photos of Babies!-Posted on Susan Jones-On January 29, 2019:


Congress moves to act on gun control amid partisan debate about background checks!-Posted on The Washington Post-By Katie Zezima-On February 13, 2019:

Connecticut Rep. Pushing Bill to Literally Price People Out of 2nd Amend. Rights. 50% Tax on Any Civilian Buying Ammunition!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jared Harris-On February 5, 2019:

Here's Why Sheriffs In Washington State Are Now Receiving Death Threats

Here's Why Sheriffs In Washington State Are Now Receiving Death Threats!-Posted on Townhall-By Beth Baumann/@eb454-On February 5, 2019:

Nadler: 'We Mean Business' on Gun Control; 'It's Not About Mental Health'!-Posted on Susan Jones-On February 7, 2019:

Trump says Pelosi is ‘very bad for our country’

House Democrats push new bill to criminalize private gun sales!-Posted on Conservative Institute-On February 7, 2019:

rifles in a gun store

Gun-Seizure Laws Grow in Popularity Since Parkland Shooting!-Posted on February 9, 2019:

Unprecedented Gun Confiscation Hits US as Thousands Of Guns Seized from Innocent Citizens!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Matt Agorist-On February 12, 2019:

Democrats Don't Want ICE Notified When Illegal Aliens Try to Purchase Guns!-Posted on Townhall-By Katie Pavlich/@KatiePavlich-On February 18, 2019:

Pelosi Says Next Dem Prez Could Target 2A With National Emergency: Claims border crisis an illusion!-Posted on February 14, 2019:

Video: Democrats Call For Gun Confiscation In Response To Trump’s National Emergency Declaration: On this live Sunday edition, Owen Shroyer breaks down the Dems' obsession with disarming the American people -- spread this link to bypass the censors!-Posted on February 17, 2019:

BREAKING: Illinois Shooter Was Not Allowed To Own A Gun!-Posted on Townhall-By Matt Vespa/@mvespa1-On February 16, 2019:

The US ‘Has the Most Mass Shootings’—and Other Bogus Gun Research!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By John Stossel / @JohnStossel-On February 20, 2019:

Your Second Amendment Rights Are Under Attack While You're Looking At The Border!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On February 22, 2019:

Lawmakers Scrambling After Simple Error Could Turn Millions of Gun Owners into Law Breakers!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Benjamin Arie-On February 23, 2019:

NOT GOOD: House Dems Voting In The Dead Of Night To Take Away Top Constitutional Right!-Posted on Martin-On February 26, 2019:

Image: Gun Display

House poised to pass first major gun bill in a generation: Legislation to strengthen background checks is expected to face stiff opposition in the Senate!-Posted on NBC News-By Heidi Przybyla-On February 27, 2019:

Nancy Pelosi shut down a whistleblower that could expose this huge Democrat lie!-Posted on 27, 2019:

Pelosi blindsided by Dem support for GOP amendment to gun control bill!-Posted on Daily Christian News-By Ben Marquis-On February 28, 2019:

Federal Gun Control is on the Move! Tell Your Senators to Oppose H.R.8, S.42 and H.R. 1112!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On March 1, 2019:

Pro-Gun Man Stands Up to Pelosi with Fiery Public Statement Every American Needs To Hear!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Ben Marquis-On March 1, 2019:

Local Sheriff Explodes on Dem Lawmakers: ‘We Will Not Comply’ with Restrictive Gun Laws!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Ben Marquis-On March 1, 2019:

A Second Attack On Your Gun Rights Just Passed The House!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On March 2, 2019:

Report: County Officials Open Up New ‘Gun Sanctuaries’ in Opposition to Anti-Gun Law!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jack Davis-On March 5, 2019:

Hawaii Lawmakers Urge Congress to Repeal 2nd Amendment!-Posted on The New American-By Christian Gomez-On March 8, 2019:

Black Female Harvard Professor Reconsiders the Second Amendment: "The NRA has long been a boogeyman for me"!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Mark Alexander-On March 13, 2019:

A Miami detective registers a Colt .357 Magnum than was turned in during a gun buyback program held at the Jordan Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Saturday, March 12, 2016, in Miami. The event was organized by Rev. Jerome Starling in response to continuing gun violence in the city. Over 100 …

Pennsylvania Democrats Push Registration of All Firearms and Their Owners!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On March 14, 2019:

AP Photo/Seth Perlman

Connecticut Supreme Court: Suit Against AR-15 Manufacturer Can Proceed!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On March 14, 2019:

Court Opens Crack in Federal Law Protecting Gunmakers: Connecticut Supreme Court okays Sandy Hook victims' liability lawsuit against Remington!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Thomas Gallatin-On March 15, 2019:

Activist Court Turns the Law Designed to Protect the Firearm Industry from Frivolous Lawsuits on its Head!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On March 15, 2019:

I Spoke With Gun Manufacturers From Across America. Their Optimism Is Waning!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Ted Bromund / @Bromund-On January 28, 2019:

Pennsylvania Now Looking to Start Registering Every Firearm in the State for Future Confiscation!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Warner Todd Huston-On March 18, 2019:

This State Confiscated 2,290 Guns In 2018 - But That Failed To Stop Criminals With Guns!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On March 2, 2019:

More Guns, Less Crime: Concealed-carry Permit Holders More Law-abiding Than Police!-Posted on The New American-By Bob Adelmann-On February 14, 2019:




Missouri lawmaker proposes bill that would require every state resident to own an AR-15: Liberals will be up in arms — literally!-Posted on The Blaze-By Chris Enloe-On March 16, 2019:

AR 15 modern sporting rifles on the wall at gun store

Nonsense: Here’s why the civilian AR-15 isn’t a ‘weapon of war’!-Posted on Conservative Review-By Nate Madden-On March 18, 2019:

The Facts About Gun Control and Homicide Rates!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Katrina Trinko /@KatrinaTrinko-On March 19, 2019:

State Senate Passes Bombshell Law Promising to Disobey ALL Federal Gun Control Laws!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Matt Agorist-On March 20, 2019:

Judge Tosses Gun Control Law, Rules That Town Cannot Enact Ban!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jack Davis-On March 23, 2019:

We Don’t Need a Sweeping Overhaul of Gun Laws!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Amy Swearer / @AmySwearer-On February 14, 2019:

Report: Trump To Take Defiant Stand in Support of 2nd Amendment!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jack Davis-On February 26, 2019:

Supreme Court Puts New York City Gun Ban on Trial: Perhaps the Second Amendment will no longer be considered second class!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Jordan Candler-On January 23, 2019:

Flashback: Video: Black conservative leaders discuss how the NRA was created to protect freed slaves!-Posted on DAFRUSA-On 2014:

Please Read Part 104A:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 104A)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 22, 2019:

Note: I also believe that the disturbing information revealed in my above recent articles and videos relates to and/or further supports my following blogs from the recent past-You Decide:


Billionaire Leftists Attack Your Gun Rights!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 28, 2014:


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez on August 25, 2012:


What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?-Posted on January 12, 2010:


Letter to Our NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (Re: Newly Proposed Gun Control Measures)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 19, 2019:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 99)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 16, 2019:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 63)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 8, 2018:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 64)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 27, 2018:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 86)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 30, 2018:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 94)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2019:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 95)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 17, 2019:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 96)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 25, 2019:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 97)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 31, 2019:


Letter to NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (Re: Border Security)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 14, 2019:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

“Food for Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Against The Deplorable Obstructionists That Are Doing Their Utmost To Take Down Our Democratically Elected President, His Administration and Ultimately Destroy our Country/Republic?-God Bless America!

Please Continue Praying For Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
Read more…


I wanted to take the liberty of sharing the following letter that I recently sent to our NM Governor with you regarding the gun control measures currently being proposed by our NM Lawmakers:

January 18, 2019

Honorable Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham:

Congratulations on your recent election as our New Mexico Governor.

I am writing you today because in your opening day speech to New Mexico State Lawmakers you called on them to pass various gun control proposals that you supported on the campaign trail and which have been subsequently filed in the New Mexico Legislature.  

You also stated that “hunters, sportsmen and responsible gun owners also recognize the need for New Mexico to take steps toward smart, effective gun violence prevention...”, implying that the gun community supports the restrictive measures outlined below:

House Bill 8, so-called "universal background check" legislation sponsored by Representative Debra Sarinana, would ban all private firearms sales between law-abiding individuals. Gun owners will be forced to pay undetermined fees and obtain government approval before selling firearms to family members, friends, neighbors and co-workers, or fellow hunters, competitive shooters and gun club members. This proposal will have no impact on crime and is unenforceable without gun registration.

House Bill 35, sponsored by Representative Miguel Garcia, would require federal firearm licensed dealers to pay the state $200 annually to establish a system for the Department of Public Safety to run stolen gun checks on any used firearm an FFL purchases.  While FFLs and gun owners support getting stolen firearms off the street, a functional process that allows them to conduct such checks in real time needs to be worked out in advance of any such mandate.  And the state, rather than small business owners, should finance such a public safety initiative.

House Bill 40, sponsored by Representative Miguel Garcia, would require criminal records checks on private firearms sales at gun shows – a perennial target of the gun control crowd, even though studies show that these events are not a source of crime guns.

House Bill 83, extreme risk protection order or "red flag" legislation sponsored by Representative Damon Ely, would authorize the seizure of firearms and ammunition from individuals without due process. Unchallenged statements made by a petitioner before a judge, alleging that someone is a danger to themselves or others in an ex parte proceeding -- prior to any formal court hearing at which the respondent can be represented by counsel and present counter evidence -- would be sufficient for law enforcement to enter that person's home and confiscate their private property.

House Bill 87, sponsored by Representative Deborah Armstrong expands the state’s “prohibited person” firearm law by purportedly incorporating federal firearm disqualifications. The bill would prohibit individuals convicted of certain domestic violence misdemeanor crimes or who are subject to a domestic violence protective order from purchasing or possessing a firearm, with violations being a criminal offense. However, the bill goes beyond the prohibited categories in federal law in several significant ways. The state law definition of “household member” – unlike federal law – specifically includes a person who is or has been a continuing personal relationship, which applies to dating or intimate partners who have never lived together. The bill would include, as firearm-prohibiting offenses, nonviolent misdemeanors with no physical contact between the parties (like harassment by telephone or email, or criminal damage to the property or jointly owned property of a “household member”). Unlike federal law, this bill would require anyone subject to a protective order to surrender any firearms they own, possess, or control to law enforcement within 48 hours of the order. Not only does this bill impose a mandatory surrender, it authorizes law enforcement to seize any guns that are in plain sight or are discovered pursuant to a lawful search. Similar legislation had passed the Legislature in 2017 but was vetoed by Gov. Susana Martinez. Significantly, the 2017 legislation contained other options for affected parties to comply with the firearm surrender requirement, including storing their guns with licensed firearm dealers, or transferring the guns to a qualified third party. These key alternatives are not contained in this bill.

House Bill 130, sponsored by Representative Linda Trujillo, would make gun owners criminally and civilly liable if a child gains unsupervised access to an unsecured firearm.  New Mexico already has a first-degree felony child abuse statute on the books to hold adults accountable for putting children's lives or health at risk in any manner. The tools exist to charge and prosecute parents or guardians in appropriate cases. Education is the key to protecting gun owners and their kids, not a state mandate on how one stores a firearm in his or her home.

While nobody is more adamant about preventing violent crime than gun owners and sportsmen, we know that the way to accomplish this is not through intrusive, ineffective and unenforceable gun control schemes, as revealed and/or documented in the following recent article and/or report, which states in part:

“Earlier this month, the Department of Justice published updated numbers on how guns used and found at the scenes of state and federal crimes were obtained, and the American people will be shocked to know that criminals still don’t like to follow gun laws.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) survey was conducted in 2016 and reported that an estimated 287,400 prisoners possessed a gun in 2016 while they committed the crimes for which they were imprisoned.

Overall, it turns out that the vast majority of them didn’t obtain their firearms from a retail source, and fewer than one percent of them got them at a gun show. And a lot of them got their weapons illegally…..”

man holding gun at drug deal

New gun crime numbers are bad news for the gun control lobby!-Posted on Conservative Review-By Nate Madden-On January 17, 2019:

Additionally, I am extremely concerned, as should every New Mexico resident, about the disturbing information that was revealed in the following recent article, which states in part:

“The Washington Examiner on Wednesday reported that some ranchers near the southern border in New Mexico say they have discovered Islamic prayer rugs on their property in recent months.

A female rancher, who requested anonymity out of fear of retaliation from criminal cartels, told the Examiner, “There’s a lot of people coming in not just from Mexico.”

“People, the general public, just don’t get the terrorist threats of that,” she added. “That’s what’s really scary. You don’t know what’s coming across. We’ve found prayer rugs out here. It’s unreal. It’s not just Mexican nationals that are coming across.”

The rancher lives in the remote southwestern corner of the state near a tiny town called Animas. The nearest municipality of any size in Hidalgo County is Lordsburg, the county seat where a U.S. Border Patrol station is located, some 95 miles north of the border.

With no local police department in Animas, local residents rely on the County Sheriff’s Office and Border Patrol agents for their law enforcement needs, but given the fact that so few law enforcement resources are available in the area, many residents — including the rancher — have armed themselves and rely on friends and neighbors for support in times of need….”

New Mexico Border Ranchers: We Found Prayer Rugs on Our Property, ‘It’s Unreal’!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Ben Marquis-On January 16, 2019:

I hope that you and our New Mexico’s lawmakers take into account the extremely disturbing information revealed in the above recent article as you consider any additional gun control measures and/or laws as a means of preventing violent crimes knowing that the way to accomplish this is not through intrusive, ineffective and unenforceable gun control schemes, as meticulously documented in the above article and/or report.

Looking forward to hearing from your office regarding this extremely concerning issue.

Please feel free to contact me at my email address.

Thank you for your continued honorable service to our State and Country/Republic, not only as a former NM U.S. Representative, but now as our Governor.

God Bless you and your family.


Jake L. Martinez

Note:  The following recent articles and/or reports relate to my above recent letter to our NM Governor:

House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee Passes Bloomberg Anti-Gun Agenda on a 3-2 Vote!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On January 25, 2019:

On Thursday evening, the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee voted to sail through multiple bills backed by New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg. The following bills were supported by Representatives Liz Thomson (D-Albuquerque) House District 24, Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe) House District 46, and Angelica Rubio ( D-Las Cruces) House District 35. 

House Bill 8: "Universal" Background Checks - Sponsored by Representative Debra Sarinana, would ban all private firearms sales between law-abiding individuals. Gun owners would be forced to pay undetermined fees and obtain government approval before selling firearms to family members, friends, neighbors and co-workers, or fellow hunters, competitive shooters and gun club members. This proposal will have no impact on crime and is unenforceable without gun registration.

House Bill 40: Background Checks at Gun Shows: Sponsored by Representative Miguel Garcia, would require criminal records checks on private firearms sales at gun shows - a perennial target of the gun control crowd, even though studies show that these events are not a source of crime guns.

House Bill 83: Extreme risk protection order or "red flag" legislation sponsored by Representative Daymon Ely, would authorize the seizure of firearms and ammunition from individuals without due process. Unchallenged statements made by a petitioner before a judge, alleging that someone is a danger to themselves or others in an ex parte proceeding -- prior to any formal court hearing at which the respondent can be represented by counsel and present counter evidence -- would be sufficient for law enforcement to enter that person's home and confiscate their private property.

House Bill 87: Domestic Violence & Firearm - by Representative Deborah Armstrong expands the state's "prohibited person" firearm law by purportedly incorporating federal firearm disqualifications. The bill would prohibit individuals convicted of certain domestic violence misdemeanor crimes or who are subject to a domestic violence protective order from purchasing or possessing a firearm, with violations being a criminal offense. However, the bill goes far beyond the categories currently included in federal law, in addition to requiring firearm seizure.  

We would like to thank Representative Gregg Schmedes (R-Tijeras) and Representative Candy Ezzell (R-Roswell) for voting against these bills.

Additionally, The Senate Public Affairs Committee voted to pass Senate Bill 8, so called "universal” background checks Sponsored by Senator Richard Martinez (D) and Peter Wirth (D) on a vote of 4-3. Senators Gerald Ortiz y Pino (D), Liz Stefanics (D), Antoinette Lopez (D), and Jeff Steinborn (D) all voted for the bill.

We want to thank Senators Candace Gould (R), Craig Brandt (R), and Stuart Ingle (R) for voting against this bill.

NEXT STEPS: The next stop for the House bills that passed is the House Judiciary Committee. The next stop for Senate Bill 8 is the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Source Link:


Last night, Bloomberg-backed SB8, "Universal" Background Check Legislation, Passed Senate Judiciary Committee on a Party-line 6-4 Vote!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On January 31, 2019:


New Mexico: Bloomberg-Backed Gun Control to be Heard Tomorrow in Committee!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On February 6, 2019:


New Mexico: House Committee to Consider Gun Control Legislation Tomorrow!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On February 11, 2019:

rifles in a gun store

Don’t impose New York-style gun control laws here!-Posted on The Santa Fe New Mexican-By Barbara Rumpel-On February 4, 2019:

Controversial gun control bill passes House, heads to Senate

New Mexico governor urges action on gun background checks!-Posted on KOB4-By The Associated Press-On February 14, 2019:

New Mexico governor urges action on gun background checks

Controversial gun control bill passes House, heads to Senate!-Posted on KOB4-By Marian Camacho-On February 14, 2019:


New Mexico: Chambers Trade Legislation to Criminalize Private Firearm Transfers!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On February 15, 2019:


New Mexico Action Needed! - House Committee to Consider New York Style Gun Control Legislation on Tuesday!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On February 23, 2019:


New Mexico Action Needed: House Committee Passes New York Style Gun Control Legislation!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On February 27, 2019:


New Mexico Update: Multiple Gun Bill Hearings Scheduled for Saturday!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On March 1, 2019:

New Mexico county becomes ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ in protest of gun control legislation

New Mexico county declares itself 'Second Amendment Sanctuary County' to protest gun law:  Some law enforcement officers thinks the law is a bad idea!-Posted on Stephen Sorace | Fox News-On February 14, 2019:

10,000-Resident County Stands up to Entire State as Lawmakers Push Crippling Gun Control Law!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Kara Pendleton-On February 15, 2019:

San Juan County residents pack out the county commission meeting Tuesday night as commissioners voted 4-1 on a resolution to declare the county a Second Amendment Sanctuary County.

San Juan, Lincoln, Eddy latest to become Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties!-Posted on KOB4-By Marian Camacho-On February 20, 2019:

New Mexico Counties Vote To Become ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties’!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On February 22, 2019:

Gun background check bill headed to governor for signature

Gun background check bill headed to governor for signature!-Posted on KOB4-By The Associated Press-On March 5, 2019:

Second Amendment Sanctuary County Movement Gaining Momentum!-Posted on The New American-By Bob Adelmann-On March 6, 2019:


New Mexico: Senate Concurs on New York-Style Gun Control Legislation, Sends to the Governor’s Desk!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On March 7, 2019:

Democratic New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, sitting right, signs a bill into law that expands background checks to nearly all gun sales in New Mexico in a ceremony in in Santa Fe, N.M., Friday, March 8, 2019.

New Mexico’s Democrat Governor Signs Bill to Criminalize Private Gun Sales!-Posted on AWR Hawkins!-On March 9, 2019:

This February 4, 2013 photo illustration in Manassas, Virginia, shows a Remington 20-gauge semi-automatic shotgun, a Colt AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, a Colt .45 semi-auto handgun, a Walther PK380 semi-auto handgun and various ammunition clips with a copy of the US Constitution on top of the American flag. US President Barack …

25 of New Mexico’s 33 Counties Declare ‘2nd Amendment Sanctuary’ Status!-Posted on AWR Hawkins!-On March 9, 2019:


New Mexico: Senate Committee Scheduled to Consider “Red Flag” Legislation Tomorrow!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On March 8, 2019:


New Mexico: House Passes Gun Control Bill to Governor’s Desk!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On March 15, 2019:


New Mexico: Legislature Adjourns from 2019 Legislative Session – Multiple Anti-Gun Bills Defeated!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On March 16, 2019:

Today, the New Mexico Legislature adjourned from its hectic and busy 2019 Legislative session at noon.  While this session saw the passage of extreme gun control legislation, Senate Bill 8, multiple gun control bills were also defeated as the final gavel dropped, Including:

House Bill 83: Extreme risk firearm protection order or "red flag" legislation sponsored by Representative Daymon Ely, sought to authorize the seizure of firearms and ammunition from individuals without due process. Unchallenged statements made by a petitioner before a judge, alleging that someone is a danger to themselves or others in an ex parte proceeding -- prior to any formal court hearing at which the respondent can be represented by counsel and present counter evidence -- would be sufficient for law enforcement to enter that person's home and confiscate their private property.

House Bill 130, sponsored by Representative Linda Trujillo, sought to make gun owners criminally and civilly liable if a child gains unsupervised access to an unsecured firearm. New Mexico already has a first degree felony child abuse statute on the books to hold adults accountable for putting children's lives or health at risk in any manner. The tools exist to charge and prosecute parents or guardians in appropriate cases. Education is the key to protecting gun owners and their kids, not a state mandate on how one stores a firearm in his or her home.

House Bill 35, by Representative Miguel Garcia, sought to require federal firearm licensed dealers to pay the state $200 annually to establish a system for the Department of Public Safety to run stolen gun checks on any used firearm an FFL purchases.  While FFLs and gun owners support getting stolen firearms off the street, a functional process that allows them to conduct such checks in real time needs to be worked out in advance of any such mandate.  And the state, rather than small business owners, should finance such a public safety initiative.

Senate Bill 201: Firearm Transfer Act - Sponsored by Senator Michael Padilla, sought to ban all private firearms sales between law-abiding individuals, including every gift, loan or a simple handing off of a gun to a friend at the range. Gun owners would be forced to pay undetermined fees and obtain government approval before selling or gifting firearms to family members, friends, neighbors and co-workers, or fellow hunters, competitive shooters and gun club members.

Source Link:

Note: I believe that the information revealed in the following recent article relates to and or further supports my above recent letter to our NM Governor-You Decide:

Senate Judiciary Committee Considers How to Balance Gun Rights With Mental Health Concerns!-Posted on Susan Jones-On March 26, 2019:

Flashback: Video: Black conservative leaders discuss how the NRA was created to protect freed slaves!-Posted on DAFRUSA-On 2014:

Note: I also believe that the disturbing information revealed in my above recent letter to our NM Governor, along with the other recent articles and videos relates to and/or further supports my following blogs from the recent past-You Decide:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 104)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 16, 2019:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 99)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 16, 2019:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 63)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 8, 2018:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 64)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 27, 2018:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 86)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 30, 2018:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 94)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2019:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 95)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 17, 2019:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 96)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 25, 2019:

Image: Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down

The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 97)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 31, 2019:


Billionaire Leftists Attack Your Gun Rights!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 28, 2014:


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez on August 25, 2012:


What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?-Posted on January 12, 2010:


Letter to NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (Re: Border Security)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 14, 2019:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

“Food for Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Against The Deplorable Obstructionists That Are Doing Their Utmost To Take Down Our Democratically Elected President, His Administration and Ultimately Destroy our Country/Republic?-God Bless America!

Please Continue Praying For Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
Read more…

Acts by lunatics must never result in loss of liberty for free men

By Jim Mullen

Predictably, after the last appalling act by an evil lunatic on unarmed citizens, the corrupt media and leftwing politicians are ablaze with emotional fear mongering, anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment rhetoric designed to divert attention from the facts. ​

Every tragic shooting brings the radical left and their media vultures swooping in and circling, laying siege to the latest victims. They never miss an opportunity to gain an advantage by picking the bones of victims and furthering their cause for total disarmament of Americans. Liberals’ knee-jerk response is always to disarm the innocent and make Americans more vulnerable to lunatics.

The New Democrat Party’s inherent belief is that the Second Amendment - like the rest of the Constitution - is an outmoded, living, changing document subject to progressive-liberal interpretation and alteration. Essentially, they believe our foundation was built on shifting sand.

The Founding Fathers intended that government never infringe upon a citizen's natural right to self-defense by bearing arms. Having the ability to defend themselves against all enemies and predators - including their own government - was paramount, and their intentions were unmistakably clear in other writings and letters on the meaning of the Second Amendment.

The very liberals believing in disarming Americans are flooding our streets with scum-of-the-earth, lawless hoodlums and hardened criminals who make life in this country perilous at best, and in some places - nearly all controlled by Democrats - death-defying. If this doesn’t necessitate a populace of heavily armed citizens, what does? Keeping the people poor, uneducated, and unarmed form the foundation on which tyranny is built.

There are very good reasons why the wicked attack, rape, assault, and murder the defenseless. That’s where they find easy victims and encounter the least resistance. Liberal tactics only increase lawlessness by encouraging the criminal element and assuring them that malevolence will have no foe, and innocent people will have no refuge. 

Regardless of what they write, or what they say, liberals do NOT want a debate on guns; they want a monologue! They never win any debate on merits or on facts. They use diffusion, emotions, lies, hyperbole, ridicule, and scorn. Their “commonsense, reasonable solutions” will dissolve American gun rights. The media repeat the same anti-constitutional arguments tirelessly while dismissing Second Amendment rights as antiquated and then threatening gun owners with violence, imprisonment, fines, punishing taxes, and weapon confiscation.

The anti-gun zealots try to make the case for disarming Americans with the ludicrous claim that it’s the job of police to carry guns and defend the people, making private ownership unnecessary. Thousands of Americans and tens of millions of people around the world are dead because they bought into this nonsense. Most of the mental giants ascribing to this theory are wealthy enough to afford armed guards for their own protection, or politicians protected by armed guards at taxpayers’ expense.

We must fight these people at every turn. Every small inroad erodes our constitutionally protected rights to bear arms. This process played out in countries around the world, and they found themselves unarmed and defenseless - cowering in their own homes.

The anti-constitutionalists argue that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans make the country less safe. To the idiots who believe this, let them place signs in their yards announcing their home is undefended by firearms.

Disarming this nation is the goal of most in the new Democrat Party. It has been the goal of the leftwing for decades, and they have admitted it cannot be accomplished all at once. One law, one regulation, and one court ruling at a time will finally shred the most important of our Bill of Rights. Without the Second Amendment, no other constitutional right is secure.

Armchair liberalism works perfectly in the theoretical, immature, progressive mind. They sit safely at their computers or behind their camera lens spewing hatred toward gun owners, but when reality comes knocking at their door with the slightest threat, they reach for the checkbook and hire armed men to protect their sorry butts. Witness the reaction of the (Westchester, N.Y.) Journal News. They’re the brave souls that published and mapped the names and addresses of local citizens who hold legal gun permits, and when they began receiving angry responses, it was a bonanza for groups of armed guards.

Pity, we all can’t afford to hire personal protectors. Perhaps left-wingers will allow us tax deductions for the purchase of our personal security in the form of Smith & Wesson, Colt, or North American Arms.

Peddling fear is the mother’s milk of liberalism. Without promoting fear, liberal-progressives would vanish into rancid, billows of smoke. We must not allow them to reap the fruits of their hatred and fear. The despicable acts of madmen must never result in loss of liberty for free men.

Jim Mullen

Read more…

4064478775?profile=original                   JIMMY KIMMEL LIES ABOUT TRUMP, GUNS AND THE MENTALLY ILL




                                                                       Daniel John Sobieski


There is a delicious sense of irony in gun-control advocate Jimmy Kimmel beefing up his armed security after falsely claiming on his late night talk show after the Las Vegas massacre that President Trump had made it easier for the mentally ill to get guns. Guns are okay to protect the liberal elites but not for the rest of us who can’t be trusted or don’t know any better.   

The same double standard exists for Democratic members of Congress who demand their constituents be disarmed even as they welcome back Rep, Steve Scalise, the victim of a shooting where a bad guy with a gun was stopped by a good guy with a gun. Many members of Congress are alive today only because Scalise, being a member of the House leadership, had his armed security detail with him

Dr. Kimmel has no way of knowing even now that the Las Vegas shooter was mentally unstable. Certainly the meticulous planning and preparation by the shooter over a long period of time would seem to indicate that while the shooter was evil, he was perfectly competent and sane. Certainly Kimmel’s charge against Trump is not true:

Noting that President Trump had offered prayers for the victims’ families, and that Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, had said that this wasn’t the time for political debate, he went on: “We have fifty-nine innocent people dead. It wasn’t their time, either. So I think now is the time for political debate.” He reminded his audience that, in February, Trump had signed a bill that made it easier for people with mental illness to buy guns. “The Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, a number of other lawmakers who won’t do anything about this because the N.R.A. has their balls in a money clip, also sent their thoughts and their prayers today. Which is good. They should be praying. They should be praying for God to forgive them for letting the gun lobby run this country.”

Steve Scalise owes his life to the Second Amendment, which was written, not to shoot dear, but to shoot tyrants. The Second Amendment was written to protect the other nine in the Bill of Rights, including the First Amendment which gives Jimmy Kimmel the right to sound like the blooming idiot he is.

What President Trump signed was a bill overturning an executive order that would tar the innocent with the broad brush of mental illness, people which included the elderly and veterans, in order to pursue the Obama administration’s gun control agenda:

Here's what happened earlier this year: Congress voted to overturn a last-minute Obama-era regulation that would give the Social Security Administration the power to revoke a person's Second Amendment rights based on whether he receives disability for a mental impairment that keeps him from working, or if he "[uses] a representative payee to help manage their benefits."

As my Washington Examiner colleague David Freddoso explained at the time, the repeal of the Obama-era regulation, "doesn't allow people to buy guns who have been properly adjudicated by a court of law as mentally ill or unstable."

The Obama-era rule was designed to take away people's rights without due process of law. It would have flagged the names of people who, for example, have an anxiety disorder or depression which keeps them from working, and who, as the SSA puts it, ‘need help in managing [their] personal money affairs,'" he added. "As the many non-political mental health and autism advocacy groups that supported the House action noted, there is no link between these factors and a propensity for violence."

The Obama administration repeatedly tried to use mental health as a means, not to make us safer, but to deny us our gun rights under the Second Amendment. Consider President’s pick of Dr. Vivek Murthy to be our Surgeon General, someone who firmly believes gun control is a health issue, something that can and should be used to gut out Second Amendment Rights. As Investor’s Business Daily editorialized during his confirmation process:

Murthy's approach to attacking the Second Amendment has been to say private ownership of firearms is a public health issue. The 37-year-old Murthy is president and co-founder of the anti-gun group Doctors for America, which advocates ObamaCare and gun control laws. His group, which has been dubbed Docs vs. Glocks, has pushed Congress to ban "assault" weapons and "high capacity" magazines.

Doctors for America has promoted the invasion of privacy by doctors by advocating they ask patients if they have guns at home, including asking children if their parents own guns. He would have doctors counsel their patients against exercising their Second Amendment rights. One wonders how private that information would remain if entered into the medical records the government would be privy to under ObamaCare.

Back in 2013 a piece of legislation called Toomey-Manchin proposed that doctors be allowed to unilaterally place a patient’s name in the background check system in a way that violated patient doctor confidentially under HIPAA as well as our Second Amendment Rights:

The Toomey-Manchin proposal contains a provision that lets a doctor add a patient to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) without ever telling the patient he or she has been added.

This would seem to violate doctor-patient confidentiality, due process and the presumption of innocence in one fell swoop.

As the Heritage Foundation reports, this "gun control legislation eliminates any (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) privacy protection for mental health records in connection with the NICS system, leaving only what privacy protection the attorney general cares to provide."

The Obama administrations idea of keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill is based on a bizarre and discriminatory definition of who might be mentally unstable. Back in 2013 it was reported that the Veterans Administration was sending letters to vets warning them that they might be declared mentally incompetent and have their Second Amendment rights stripped unless they could prove otherwise:

The contempt by the Obama administration for our Constitution and our rights has reached a new low with news the Veterans Administration has begun sending letters to veterans telling them they will be declared mentally incompetent and stripped of the Second Amendment rights unless they can prove to unnamed bureaucrats to the contrary….

"A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition. If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both pursuant to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, as implemented at 18, United States Code 924(a)(2)," the letter reads….

While mental health is a factor in the current gun control debate and recent mass shootings in Newtown, Conn., and Aurora, Colo., and elsewhere have in common the questionable mental state of the shooters, to single out returning vets from Iraq and Afghanistan this way is unconscionable and unconstitutional.

As the Los Angeles Times has reported, the Obama administration woulf like to make our Social Security records part of the background check system. The move would strip some four million Americans who receive payments though a “representative payee” of their gun rights. It would be the largest gun grab in U.S. history.

A potentially large group within Social Security are people who, in the language of federal gun laws, are unable to manage their own affairs due to "marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease."

There is no simple way to identify that group, but a strategy used by the Department of Veterans Affairs since the creation of the background check system is reporting anyone who has been declared incompetent to manage pension or disability payments and assigned a fiduciary.

Keeping guns out of the hands of the truly mentally unstable is a worthy goal, but it should not be used as a cause for disarming veterans who carried a weapon in defense of their country or senior systems who might need some assistance in paying their bills.

They deserve the presumption of innocence, and sanity, every bit as much as Vester Flanagan. Stripping away their Second Amendment rights in the name of mental health would be a gross injustice that would not make us safer, butwould merely create millions of unarmed victims for the next shooter with an agenda.


          Daniel John Sobieski is a free lance writer whose pieces have appeared in Investor’s Business Daily, Human Events, Reason Magazine and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications.               

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By Jim Mullen

"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good" -- George Washington

The anti-Second Amendment Marxist, Barack Obama, relies upon attacks by terrorists or crazed lunatics to bring cries for bigger, more powerful government to protect us. It’s the same incessant cry always heard from tyrants; give up more freedom in exchange for a promise of security. Every leftist in the country follows Obama’s lead and shamefully exploits tragic events by madmen and terrorists. Consequently, to further their political agendas they do what they do best; attack lawful American gun owners and innocent people by grandstanding and self-aggrandizing.

They use manipulative hyperbole, and emotional rhetoric to push for legislation that has proven repeatedly not only ineffective, but fatally destructive. Like vultures, these zealots immediately circle every despicable shooting by an outlaw, insane person, or terrorist, and use the tragedy and suffering of others to gain an upper hand in implementing their anti-gun tyranny.

These organized attacks are not just on firearms; they are indeed, personal attacks on every American’s freedom who dares defend themselves, their families, and their homes.

It’s obvious to even the densest anti-gun fanatic, that criminals ignore ALL gun-control laws. Therefore, it’s evident that the quest for additional limits on guns remains focused on disarming law-abiding citizens. The facts are irrefutable; restrictive gun legislation disarms or makes criminals of lawful Americans. In other words, gun control only restrains law-abiding Americans! Control of the people is the ultimate aim of all big governments.

Criminals rely on tyrannical government to disarm the public, thus allowing thugs and gangs unrestricted domination of our streets, neighborhoods, and cities. U.S. cities with the strictest gun laws have the highest crime and murder rates. Witness the Democrat-controlled cities of Chicago, Washington, DC, Detroit, Baltimore, and on, and on.

Americans must face reality; it’s apparent that over the last several years, the New Socialist Democrat Party is a mortal enemy of gun owners and the Second Amendment. It’s equally clear that further legislation amounts to placing a bull’s eye on the backs of innocent Americans gathered in gun-free zones, as well as those cowering in fear in their undefended homes.

None of the proposed laws by the fanatical left will reduce gun violence or murder rates in this country. However, under one plan, purchasing or selling a gun from a neighbor, friend, or relative, we would pay for a background check and hope for approval and blessing from the federal government. These extended background checks are another back door, roundabout attempt at registration that allows the government to know who owns guns, what type they are, and where to find them.

Not a word emanates from the mouths of Obama, or any Marxist about the real causes of crime and murder rates in this country. Most violence comes directly from inaction and misguided programs by federal, state, and local governments.

The free exercise of American rights under the Second Amendment does not cause violence.

Here are just a few of the shortcomings, incompetence, and corrupt bureaucracies of government that do result in lawless, senseless mayhem and murder:

• Failure of the liberal courts and the justice system in general to PUNISH criminals
• Failure to build more jails and prisons
• Early release and catch-and-release of criminals; including violent felons, and illegal aliens
• Plea-bargaining and reductions of sentences
• Left-wing lawmakers, state and federal, who consistently and shamefully twist, manipulate, and distort, every societal issue to bestow the victimhood label on criminals, not on real victims; innocent citizens
• Failure to address illegal aliens pouring over our border with drugs, guns, and human cargo
• Overcrowding of prisons, then release of illegals and felons to reduce the overflow
• A corrupt government-controlled educational system that, especially in the inner cities, fails to give young people even a rudimentary education and then dumps them on the streets without sufficient skills to compete in the world
• Gun-free zones that leave unarmed groups of people at the mercy of thugs or armed terrorists

For decades, few talked about long guns of any kind, rather the national discussion was on handguns. Then came the ban on scores of long guns, and Bush let the ban expire because evidence revealed the nation was no safer and there was no increase in mass killings after ten years. To leftists, firearms represent everything that’s evil. The unvarnished truth is that they believe the very existence of the Second Amendment is malevolent.

Concealed permits are under constant attack. By declaring gun-free zones and limiting where one can legally carry a weapon, tyrants hope to make it so restrictive as to make concealed permits worthless. With one such limit, only the most naïve, ignorant, and convoluted of liberal minds could imagine and implement a system of declaring schools as “gun-free zones” to prevent shootings.

Some notable quotes from Obama, the anti self-defense President, should tell everyone where the leftist-in-chief stands:

• “I am consistently on record and will continue on record as opposing concealed carry.”
• “I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities.”
• “It’s a scandal that Bush didn’t renew the ‘assault weapon' ban.”
• “If you need 19 rounds to shoot a deer, you probably shouldn’t be hunting.”

Here are some notable votes by Obama:

• Voted to uphold civil actions and lawsuits against gun manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and importers of guns and ammunition.
• Voted to ban hundreds of common rifles and shotguns.
• Voted to uphold local gun bans in Illinois.
• Voted to uphold prosecution of people using guns in self-defense.

Obama and his Marxist cult know they cannot ban all gun rights at once any more than a boa can instantly kill and devour its prey. They do it slowly, one contraction at a time. It’s one more reason they must destroy our Constitution.

Little-by-little, one step at a time, Obama, and his ilk formulate their “reasonable rules.” Dictates which are, in reality, slow narrowing and constriction designed to squeeze the life from our Second Amendment and devour our guns.

Knowing what Obama said publicly, what’s in his writings, and knowing the history of the anti-gun radicals, does anyone believe them when they say, “Nobody is coming after your guns?” Disarming America is not a solution or answer for violence; rather it is one of the principal determining factors for the violence raging through the streets of this country. An unarmed nation is a nation on its knees, and that is exactly where the leftist tyrants want Americans.

The free exercise of American rights under the Second Amendment does not cause or exacerbate violence; It provides the same protection from evil-doers and dictatorial government envisioned by our Founders!

For one to see the tragic results of liberal politics and gun control that disarms lawful people, one needs to look at cities and states controlled by the New Democrat Socialist Party. Here, despots ban guns outright or restrict them as to make their right to own guns and defend themselves, a cruel joke. These areas throughout the country are microcosms of what liberals want for the rest of the country.

When liberal-progressive government is in control of peoples’ lives, they must keep citizens, disarmed, poor, uneducated, indoctrinated, and dependent. Take a stand against our government, the media, and the entertainment industry. Under no circumstances, allow them to cast their tyrannical, liberal, spell over this great land. Your personal safety is in YOUR hands; trust it to no one else!

Jim Mullen

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Message From The GOA (Gun Owners of America)
They call it “Misstatements”, the rest of us refer to it a lousy pile of lies one on top of another. You really have to read this in detail, remember it, and share it. The GOA pushes his lies right back into his face. Every time we have something called a "mass shooting", this clown comes out of his office before anyone knows any of the details and starts talking "mass gun control laws".
Response to the President
Created: Friday, 02 October 2015
GOA Responds to the President on the Oregon Shooting
-- Top Ten misstatements made by Obama

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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist  -

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.


The wealth inequality in America and the whole world was an agenda of the IMS, the World Bank and the Reserve Banks. “The world’s oligarchs”. They are the architects of free trade, globalization and the making of the one world order. To sale their agenda to the people, they use democracy, human rights and the war on poverty, the war on drugs and now the war on terrorism; but their real goal is the economy control of the world economy and the slavery of the working people of the world.

Here today I will like to expose only one segment of the US foreign policy that made millions of Americans economy slaves. What we need to acknowledge is that, we are to be blame for all of the harm done to us and the country, we are the ones that admire and applauded the criminal’s sycophants that committed the crimes against us the people; they were rewarded and got pay for their crimes.

The ones that deceive us and destroy millions of Americans jobs are the Oligarchs, the US politicians and the US news media; they all work together to deceive the people and pass the free trade agreements by misinformation lies and promising the American people that free trade agreements will create jobs for Americans, but the truth is that do not created jobs but demise millions of jobs, destroy the wealth of millions of working people, cut their wages and made them economy slaves; while the CEOS, The Banks and financial system made millions at the expenses of the American working people.

Americans are in denial of the truth, because they are brainwashed by the news media. The truth is that predator corporatism killed the true American free enterprise through monopolistic tactics supported by our politicians and our supreme court. Corporate American control our government and the NEOCONS are the ones that support their agenda, preaching free enterprise, cut taxes for the corporations and the super-rich of this country; we need to cut taxes for the working people not for the rich CEOS that made millions the CEOS of the big corporations made 450 times more that the average American worker; this is the biggest income inequality in the whole world, we are the biggest exploiters of the working class and it was done by free trade, without any concern or regards for the economy and welfare of the American people. Their greed for money and power, demise the future of millions of Americans. The question is who is worst we the ones that know the truth and do nothing, or the real criminals that commit the crimes and are being rewarded for their crimes.

Americans have the power to change this path of corruption and it is simple; this war is about money and the ill power of the oligarchs. Civil unrest and public demonstrations will not win this war against the oligarchs; the most effective strategy is the use of our money. Our money is what made them rich and powerful and what we must do is; stops the flow of our money, to continue the enrichment of the oligarchs.

A-     Close your accounts on the following Banks and deposit in local Banks or credit unions.

Banks Turning Accounts over to Police for Seizure


B-     Withdraw 80% of your investment and retirement account and form cooperatives to create local jobs, invest in real state, local manufacturing, farming ect.

C-     Support your local own business.

D-     Be an activist to stop the privatization of agencies that serve the community and the state.

E-     Stop the unionization of police, fire Dept. Schools and any government agencies including local own utilities and community services agencies.

F-      Boycott corrupt oil companies.

G-     Promote local own import and export companies register in your state. And boycott the predator US international companies. Do not buy any imports goods from retail store like Wal-Mart.  The Myth of the U.S. “Insourcing Boom”.

H-     Promote family farming and Boycott products from industrial farming.

I-       Be an activist to promote the truth in labeling of products, to inform consumers.

J-      Be an activist to close all pay loans companies, they are predators that feed on the needs of the poor.

K-     Promote the education of personal financing and the danger of debt.

Spread the word. To share this please clicks here       Share

 Bill Moyers on Plutonomy

This is the truth that was concealed from us the American people.

Wal-Mart leads the world in labor exploitation

Economic Inequality and Political Representation

The Myth of American Meritocracy

The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics

His dream was for all poor and working people to live lives of decency and dignity”

Slavery and elite education in the US

Theories of Justice

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In the North New Jersey /New York City area, to assist and further his next years campaign in the 37th District of New Jersey. You may contact me at my e mail or directly by phone 201-242-9425.....We are attempting to build a coalition of members  that are very technical and able to assist members obtain election thru aggressive campaigning next Nov 2015.

Thank you all kindly for your consideration.

James J.Gencarelli


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Are we as Americans entering a period in our history where the US Government is the source of every crisis? Yes we are because the powers that be want to dominate the population by fraud or conquest. The oligarchs who control the puppet President Obama wants America taken down. They want to play God over our existance and every aspect of our lives. These super rich people cannot coexist with the middle class and a free people because everyone is a threat to them in their own minds.

We are seeing the whole house including the kitchen sick thrown at us using fear and trying to impart learned helplessness. It is the agenda of the tyrants can gain control of the people hoping the citizens will cave into their demands, saying” we can stop the crisis if we just submit”. These elites are like the school yard bully telling us to cry” Uncle, here is my lunch money” so they will let go of our arm they twisted behind our backs. The pain stops, but now we are hungry because people will give their lunch money every time instead of taking a stand saying no. They use fear to get their way in a crisis they started instead of the people pushing back against the bully exposing them.

The only real threat to the American people is the US Government who facilitates the crisis because they stand to gain from it if they can get away with it. It is time to expose the US government as the problem and not the solution. Every time they say “ I am from the government. I am here to help”. It comes with tyranny and a loss of freedoms in the name of security at the end of the day. History shows people get neither freedom or security when they surrender their liberties.  Does anyone remember what happened after Hurricane Katrina? Instead of going after the gang remember shooting at first responders trying to rescue people. The government went to the high and dry areas where people were not affected by the storm confiscating the guns.

Right now they are allowing illegal aliens from Mexico, Central and South America with contagious diseases and flying in people infected from Africa with the deadly Ebola virus on US soil putting every American at risk. This is all being perpetrated by the US Government. This is an attack on the American people as a way to attempt to break our will and submit to the dictatorship inside the White House.

So where is the agenda behind this all? First, President Obama wants our guns out of our hands to bring in the red terror like it was during the red terror in the old Soviet Union since 1917 to 1991 in Russia were millions of innocent people were executed that had no means of self defense.

Do not forget when President George W. Bush singed Presidential Directive-51. This document is declared classified where congress can not see the document that allows the President on his own whim with broad dictatorial powers outside of Congress. The President can declare anything to be a national emergency. Using Ebola or one of these or many of these epidemics brought in by these illegal aliens coming across the border as a justification for a declared national emergency under PD-51. The President might try to go after the guns using a national crisis under the guise of a medical emergency caused by the US government on purpose to disarm the American people.

This can be done under the  Model State Emergency Health Powers Act

Under the recently signed Executive Order 13295. Now American citizens with a perceived respiratory  illness who may not be sick can now be detained. No mention of detaining Illegal aliens with real respiratory illnesses that are contagious and a public health threat to the population. Under Obamacare, Doctors can refuse treatment if people do not tell the authorities where are the guns. If they do not turn in their guns, they will not get any treatment.

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A series of emails disclosed this week indicate that officials at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) don't particularly like conservative reporters and in at least one case told a scientist to lie in order to avoid answering questions.

The Daily Caller discovered this after being subject to one of the federal agency's "freeze-outs." The right-wing website was skeptical of a CDC study that purported to show obesity rates in 2- to 5-year-olds dropping by 43 percent, and of subsequent claims that First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! campaign played a role in the decline.

POLL: Where do you get your news?

Having emails and phone calls go unanswered, the Caller made a Freedom of Information request:

"Karen gets very worked up whenever conservative outlets want to do interviews," wrote Jeffrey Lancashire, a spokesman for the National Center of Health Statistics, a part of the CDC, in an email to Cynthia Ogden, the lead scientist on the study.

Lancashire was referring to Karen Hunter, a senior press officer at the federal agency.

"But that has caused us trouble in the past," Lancashire continued, "because it raises unnecessary flags as to why we're doing some interviews but not others."...

"Tell him you can't do an interview because you're on leave and unavailable due to a family activity/event (or just say you're on leave)," Lancashire wrote Ogden.

Ogden did not take Lancashire's advice. She did not respond at all to the interview request.

However, the CDC did respond to requests from other media outlets, prompting the Callerto conclude that Ogden wasn't actually on leave. 

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Dear Fellow Patriots:

Could It Be True That Our Government Is Aggressively Engaged In Gun Confiscation In The US?

The following articles and/or blogs seem to give us the thought provoking answer to this question-You Decide:

It’s True: Government is Aggressively Engaged in Gun Confiscation In the US!-Posted on Fredom Outpost-By Joshua Cook-On November 30, 2013:

A report from is claiming that New York gun owners are being sent letters from the N.Y.P.D. demanding them to surrender their guns which have feeding capacities that violate the 5-round rule.

Below is an excerpt from the New York Ammunition and Firearms:


According to Kit Daniels, “The New York Police Department is now sending out notices to registered gun owners demanding that they give up their firearms, clear proof that gun registration leads to outright confiscations.”

Earlier this year, Canadian journalist Brian Lilley from Sun News warned Americans during his broadcast that gun “registration will lead to confiscation.”

Lilley described how the Canadian government systematically confiscated firearms from law abiding citizens: (1) create a national gun registry to track the sales of firearms, (2) pass laws that ban certain firearms, (3) notify gun owners that they have 30 days to surrender their registered firearms to local police.

New York lawmakers have been lobbying for gun confiscation both locally and nationally. Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin ® exposed N.Y. lawmakers’ plans to confiscate firearms earlier this year, see video below.

Video: Proof..Democrats want to register and then CONFISCATE our guns!

In an interview, N.Y. Governor Andrew Cuomo stated that gun “confiscation could be an option,” regarding new gun control laws. Now gun owners are seeing his promise of gun confiscation unfolding before their eyes.

In April, the California state legislature passed a bill approving $24 million in order to confiscate an estimated 40,000 handguns and semi-automatic firearms from felons and those who the state deems emotionally unfit to own firearms.

California uses paramilitary teams called Armed & Prohibited Persons System (APPS) to inspect homes and confiscate firearms.

Former DOJ Special Agent, Greg Cameron told Ginny Simone that the majority of those people targeted in these raids should not have been targeted.

Cameron said, “95% to 98% of the firearms we confiscated, I really questioned why we were confiscating them. This whole freakin’ APPS thing is not doing anyone any good. This has amounted to nothing less than “gun confiscation under the guise of safety.”

Cameron described what they would do in a typical raid in order to enter a home without a warrant.

“We would show up with way too many agents for the circumstance, and it didn’t make any sense; there was no need for it. And yeah, the whole place would be surrounded, and absolutely, there’s an intimidation factor there that makes people allow — or think that they need to allow — law enforcement into their house. And if we found out there were guns in the house, then we would confiscate them.  I think it is, overbroad, overreaching.  I think it’s confiscation under the guise of safety.  That’s absolutely what I think it is.  And I think this is the crux of the whole issue.  You need to know what you can and can’t do when confronted with law enforcement, especially in your own home.  I mean, that’s the premise of the Fourth Amendment,” Cameron said.

Source Link:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:



New York City has reportedly started sending out confiscation notices ordering gun owners to “immediately surrender” rifles and/or shotguns capable of holding more than five rounds of ammunition. It is illegal to possess a rifle or shotgun with the capacity to hold more than five rounds in the city, according to NYC Administrative Code 10-306 (b).

An alleged notice sent to an NYC resident, dated Nov. 18, offers the gun owner the following options:

1. Immediately surrender your Rifle and/or Shotgun to your local police precinct, and notify this office of the invoice number. The firearm may be sold or permanently removed from the City of New York thereafter.

2. Permanently remove your Rifle and/or Shotgun from New York City…


3. You may call to discuss the matter if you believe your firearm is in compliance, or you may request the option to bring your firearm to a licensed gunsmith for a permanent modification and certification proving that it is permanently modified and in compliance.


While the confiscation notice, reported by the Truth About Guns, very well may be a normal occurrence in New York City, gun owners in firearm-friendly states like Texas or Arizona will probably have a hard time even imagining receiving such a letter from authorities over a rifle or shotgun that could potentially hold more than five rounds.

The notice above deals directly with New York City gun regulations, but there are also concerns of a potential state-wide gun confiscation effort in New York following the passage of the SAFE Act.

In addition to outlawing an array of semi-automatic rifles, the SAFE Act restricted ammunition magazines to seven rounds, down from 10. The law was later changed to allow gun owners to purchase magazines with the capacity to hold 10 rounds, however, only seven rounds can be loaded unless the firearm is being used at a gun range or shooting competition.

The SAFE Act also creates a more comprehensive database of people barred from owning guns, and makes New York the first state to require background checks to buy bullets. The system was also said to help flag customers who buy large amounts of ammo. In another provision, therapists, doctors and other mental health professionals will be required to tell state authorities if a patient threatens to use a gun illegally. The patient’s weapon could then be taken away.

It wasn’t immediately clear how aggressively the state of New York is enforcing the new magazine restrictions or if law enforcement planned to send out similar notices to the one above to gun owners across the state. Phone calls made late Wednesday night to the Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office, the NY State Police and the NYPD were not returned.

-   The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Source Link:



Although much of the gun control push under President Obama has failed to result in new laws, it has succeeded in creating a new tradition where shoppers scoop up guns on Black Friday so they can place them under the tree on Christmas Day.

Consider the numbers: in 2008, ABC News reported 97,848 background checks on Black Friday. In 2009, the numbers remained somewhat static but then began to grow exponentially as the Obama administration and Congressional Democrats began to flex their muscles.  By 2011, there were 129,166 background checks on Black Friday alone. 

As the National Shooting Sports Foundation reported, the jump in 2011 marked “a 32.01 percent increase over” the sales on 2008 Black Friday—the year Obama was first elected.

In 2012, the number of Black Friday background checks rose to 154,873. Remember that because numerous guns can be purchased with each background check, these figures don’t even begin to indicate how many firearms may actually have been sold. 

This information is not lost on retailers like Cabela’s, Bass Pro Shops, and Wal-Mart. Cabela’s literally gave away shotguns to early bird customers in some cities on Black Friday—those receiving the guns went through a background check—and Huffington Post reported that Bass Pro Shops was running hot deals on Bushmaster AR-15 rifles. 

Wal-Mart ran a “Manager’s Special Sale” that translated into “20 percent off select rifles and shotguns.”

Buying a firearm on Black Friday has fast become an American tradition under President Obama. 

-   Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter @AWRHawkins.

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U.N. Disarmament of U.S.!-Posted on Before It’s News-By LynnTantrum-On October 18, 2013:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


Americans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 15)!


What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?


What was the true intent of Operation Closed Campus?


Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?


Threat of the Mexican drug cartel, illegal border-crossers and“sanctuary cities”!“sanctuary-cities”/


How Much Longer Will We Be “Allowed” To Keep Our Guns?“allowed”-to-keep-our-guns/


Is Being An Empathetic Liberal Minority The New Prerequisite for Being a Supreme Court Justice?


It has begun: Our current financial situation was not bred out of incompetence, but by design!


U.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 26, 2013:


Will Obama’s name live in infamy?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 29, 2013:


Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall (Re: Orchestrated collapse of the U.S. Dollar)!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Have Americans Stopped Having Confidence In Their Government?


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


Where Is America Today?


Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


The Fightin Side of Me!


Freedom Isn’t Free:


Declaration to Restore the Republic!


Video: Madison Rising - The Star Spangled Banner!


Hank Williams Jr New Song Dedicated to Obama: "Takin' Back the Country"!


When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”


God Bless America!

Semper Fi!


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Recent articles floating around the Internet suggest that there is a conspiracy to prevent you from buying ammunition.  Not only do I not believe it to be true, it seems as though that by perpetuating these rumors, they become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The facts are that the ammunition industry is working overtime to try and meet demand.  The "hoarding" mentality brought on by fear has created a demand that cannot be met with normal production efforts.  This has caused shortages, which have fed the frenzy of irrational buyers, which has created a greater and greater demand.  Naturally, with a huge demand and supplies limited by total production capability, there will be price increases, availability shortages, and some "profiteering" among opportunists.
Everyone, please take a deep breath, give the manufacturers a chance to catch up with their inventories, and prices/availability will normalize.  Our economy is still driven by the free market.  There is a market for ammunition.  There will be ammunition either produced here or imported as long as there's a profit to be made.  
I'm not saying you shouldn't be vigilant.  You should stay active with all of the 2nd Amendment groups and continue to hold elected people accountable for their actions.  What I am saying is don't focus on several negative issues to a point of paranoia and "herd mentality".
Hang in there.  We are making a difference.  We are winning; otherwise the politicians and the media wouldn't be trying so hard to discredit and destroy us.
God Bless You All! God Bless America!

It's the end of the primary lead smelter
in Herculaneum (and I feel fine)


(We ran an earlier article on this subject 
"Back Door Gun Control Moves Forward", on 11/2/13).

By Bob Owens, November 8th, 2013
Article Source

In recent days various news outlets, blogs, and forums have gotten very worked up over the closure of the nation's last primary lead smelter in Herculaneum, Missouri. Many are claiming that this is an attempt of the Obama Administration to implement "backdoor gun control" by destroying the lead used as the primary metal in most bullets and shot used by the ammunition industry.

This is simply untrue.

Despite the hysteria to the contrary, the primary smelter in Herculaneum has almost no direct impact on the U.S. ammunition market. Pure lead, in fact, is not desirable for the creation of ammunition as it is too soft. Pure lead is primarily used in the creation of low-contamination specialty products.

Where does all the lead in the U.S. go? The eggheads at the US. Geological Survey state:

By the early 2000s, the total demand for lead in all types of lead-acid storage batteries represented 88% of apparent U.S. lead consumption. Other significant uses included ammunition (3%), oxides in glass and ceramics (3%), casting metals (2%), and sheet lead (1%). The remainder was consumed in solders, bearing metals, brass and bronze billets, covering for cable, caulking lead, and extruded products.

According to Daniel Hill, Operations Manager at Mayco Industries—"the largest fabricator of lead based products, other than batteries, in the United States" including lead shot and the lead wire used by many bullet manufacturers— roughly validates these numbers. Hill said that least 80% of lead used in the United States secondary market comes from recycled batteries and another 7%-9% of lead on the market comes from other scrap sources. Only 10% of the lead in the U.S. comes from mining.

Translated into plain English, ammunition isn't a primary lead consumer (3%) in the United States, and the majority of the lead used by ammunition manufacturers comes from secondary smelters that recycle lead from car batteries.

Sierra Bullets confirmed earlier this week that they have never used lead from a primary smelter.

Tim Brandt of ATK (Federal Premium, CCI, and Speer ammunition), noted that they had just added this to the top of their frequently asked questions (FAQ).

Q: Does the recent news regarding a major U.S. lead smelter shutting down mean you'll have trouble obtaining lead for manufacturing conventional ammunition?
A: At this time we do not anticipate any additional strain on our ability to obtain lead.

Brad Alpert, President and Operations Manager ofMissouri Bullet Company, was even more blunt, calling fears of a shortage a "tempest in a teapot," stating that the closure of the primary smelter have "no impact" on their production.

David Hargett, CEO of new North Carolina-based ammunition manufacturer Cape Fear Arsenalconsiders the closure of the primary smelter a "non-issue."

In summary, the closure of the Doe Run primary smelter will have little to no impact on the ability of ammunition companies to produce bullets, because they have no direct interest in the consumption of "pure lead" produced by a primary smelter.

The ammunition companies we were able to speak with obtain the lead wire they use in the creation of bullets from secondary smelters and foundries that create lead alloys made from recycled lead from batteries and other scrap sources.

It's the end of the nation's last operating primary lead smelter, but not close to seeing the end of lead ammunition manufactured in the United States, nor are we seeing an attempt at backdoor gun control.

Author: Bob Owens:
Bob Owens is the Editor of A long-time shooting enthusiast, he began blogging as a North Carolina native in New York at the politics-focused Confederate Yankee in 2004. In 2007 Bob began writing about firearms, gun rights, and crime at Pajamas Media, and added gun and gear reviews for Shooting Illustrated in 2010. He is a volunteer in the Appleseed Project, where he shares stories of our shared American heritage and teaches traditional rifle marksmanship. His personal blog is, and he can be found on Twitter at bob_owens.

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Anger, I am told is right below the surface; with lots of it.

Not, that I am wrong but a bit, “Way over the top!” By a long time doctor and sister.

Ground into my gut; while stuck in my throat.

Everyone’s got a say; a right to get my goat.

Right wasn’t how I was treated!.  Heck missed fractures, screwed with my professional life and all while I was either over or under medicated most of the time.

Fracked up I was. Locked into the extremely bad Doc’s  care ‘n’ of OKC Trauma Center; is my opinion.

Least I have a right to my opinion. Not fair these got to others to choose where my medicare was given to me.

Arranged were long IQ tests by yet a stupid intern; because I made a super lab test rat.

Really had no caring for sharing how to do it right! What it was all about!  Or, look up the drugs that given would surely drive all IQ’s to the gutter from any cluster!

Erase their mistakes or state them right; they were mistaken.

Sir, No sir! Not fair for me.  Never cared for my career. 

Supposedly, the public I would treat.

After all it is their duty to the public; asses forgot I was their patient and public too.

Fair is what I care.  Right I understand. Take care of the public with my interests at hand!

Tell the world about my secrets.

All the need to know is judgement by another pharmacist.

Ecclesiastics tells of a time for everything. 

Right will get you when God demands. Saying this to you and myself.

Mild brain injury! Sure if screwed with anger, that is mild.

Traumatic to me doesn’t describe the personal revelations of blank I must come to terms with and face.

Brain, I know I have the ability to achieve; heck work is the one place I still excel.

Injury, Imangine how you would feel actually having injuries; feeling crazy, turned around living here and there.

And, what else have I missed?

When is key in my career. A major incidental developmental occurred in a jump for my profession. Due to delay, I missed a chance.

Rounding which base now? Always I feel like I can never go home for me the old Sandra does not exist.

Exchange these years to go back to a different future. No that isn’t what I’m saying. Would have been nice to treated with some respect.

Calling this all what? I have to be compelled to answer; collections of my outbursts.

Klinging to the past? I am not either!

Amplify this

Now by

Going on Empty

Revolving in a door is surreal.

Now is the time to

Open the

Window and breathe to expel

as much anger as I can.

God please let me do so I can understand!


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American People Oppose "Video Game Control"

A simple truth about politicians is they can’t leave well enough alone.  When incidents of tragedy happen, they look for “solutions” even when none exist.  That’s what happened when President Obama and a handful of members of both political parties suggested that government study the impact of video games and violence.
The president directed the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to spend 10 million taxpayer dollars on a study.  That study will pile on top of dozens of other existing studies when it is completed — the vast majority showing no link between video games and real life violence.  While the politicos look for something or someone to blame, the commonsense of the people already seems to know the answer.
New research and polling by Dr. Dr. Andrew Przybylski of Oxford University and asked Americans to discuss three critical questions regarding video games and violence:
1) Do video games contribute to mass shootings;

2) Are video games a useful outlet for frustrations and aggression; and

3) Should Congress enact new legislation to restrict the availability of games.

Not surprisingly, Americans distrust and opposition to big government "easy" answers came through loud and clear.

When asked whether video games contribute to incidents of mass violence, by a 59-41% margin, Americans  said NO.

When asked whether games are a useful outlet for anger and frustration, by a 71% to 29% margin, Americans said YES.

And when asked whether the government should intervene and restrict video games, Americans responded with a resounding NO — again by a 71 to 29% margin.

This data flies on the face of the politicians whose knee jerk reactions late last year was more government; more regulations and less freedom.  Even some conservatives like Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) said ”Put guns on the table, also put video games on the table, put mental health on the table" in response to invidents of violence.

Dick Heller, the famous plaintiff in the District of Columbia vs. Heller case that liberalized gun laws in Washington, DC and confirmed the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms has recently spoken out against efforts to get the government involved in what he called “virtual gun control.”

For generations, a growing number of Americans have pledged that the government can get their guns only from their “cold dead hands.”  Now it seems clear that a growing number of Americans feel the same way about their video game controllers.

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