conservative (475)

Tea Party or CP ?

New Party or What?

Have you heard of the

Conservative Party USA?


I have mixed emotions

  • CP –USA reminds me of …. Communist Party USA
  • Even their image looks like a knockoff of the hammer & cycle
  • Crudely their Eagle is not far from the Hammer & Cycle
  • But….
  • They present themselves as a PARTY…. With a PLATFORM
  • ….something I’ve NOT heard from the TeaParty


I’m concerned and confused………TeaParty or Conservatice Party……….or

………purge the RINOs from GOP and make good use of the leftovers.


What do you think?


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Don't Freak. Its Just The “R” Word.

4063664045?profile=originalWhen you mention the “R” word, some folks on our side (Republicans/Conservatives) feel uncomfortable. I guess in their minds it feeds into the left branding the Tea Party as ignorant racists clinging to their God and guns, as President Obama described us. I have long since stopped caring about what characterless media and liberals think of me.

Candidly, when I first appeared on national TV I was a bit nervous. Oh the humiliation of coming across like an idiot. I was selected to be on a major cable news program as a spokesperson for Tea Party Express. My goal was to set the record straight about the Tea Party.

But, when the host began her interview proclaiming that the Tea Party is racist, no-ifs-ands-or-buts-about-it, I realized that the truth was irrelevant. This woman knew nothing about the Tea Party nor had she attended one rally. I am a black man who has been warmly embraced by fellow patriots at over 400 Tea Party rallies. And yet, I had to listen to this liberal media hack attempting to demonize decent folks and racially divide Americans for her political agenda. Thus, I believe that the liberal media is evil. Though contained during the interview, I was furious.

These people are unworthy of my respect or fear. As for the media's despicable claim that the Tea Party is racist, I have ceased dignifying it with a response. However, I will state that the Tea Party is the last hope for America, salt of the earth good people who simply love their country and reject socialism.

Regarding the “R” word, I must tell you about my new original song titled, “We Are Americans”. Its message is divinely inspired and required to restore America. I was extremely excited about performing the song in my repertoire at tea parties. Surprisingly, “We Are Americans” was not instantly embraced because it contained the “R” word one time towards the end of the song.

The word I am referring to is “Repent”. Some folks are uncomfortable when you add religious faith into the mix. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.” John Adams

Perhaps this explains why the left despises and is so hellbent on getting rid of the Constitution.

For the bible-phobic, let's ponder the “R” word from a non-religious historical point of view. Can you say Roman Empire, boys and girls? The mightiest empire on the planet collapsed from within due to immorality.

Can anyone deny that America is racing to the same end? Homosexuality is aggressively promoted everywhere – in elementary schools, kid's TV programming, sitcoms, dramas, movies, pro-sports and even cooking and home improvement TV shows.

Due to the left's if-you-disagree-you-are-a-hater tactic, absurdly, I must make the following disclaimer. Neither I or true Christians, hate gays or seek their harm. We simply refuse to be forced to embrace a sexual behavior which goes against God's Word. Pressure increases daily to succumb to the “gay is normal” politically correct mandated mindset.

The Bible says the fruit of hard work is wealth and the reward of slothfulness is poverty. American voters have embraced a completely opposite philosophy. Obama defines “fairness”as punishing the rich and rewarding the slothful. In his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, Dr Ben Carson stated it brilliantly, Why should a man who pays a billion dollars in taxes be punished?

The assault on the traditional American family. Have you noticed the attack on dads? Long gone are the days of “Father Knows Best”. On modern TV dads are idiots and the butt of jokes. Twenty years ago while working as a graphic designer at a TV station, I was reprimanded for using an illustration of a traditional family (man, woman and two kids) on the cover of a brochure. Management said the illustration was offensive because families come in all configurations – single moms, same sex parents and etc.

Could you imagine a day when an image of a traditional family would be deemed offensive? Families are the bedrock of our society. Most black kids grow up fatherless.

Hollywood and the media typically portray kids as being wiser and smarter than their parents. Apparently, public schools agree because children may acquire abortion services without parental knowledge or consent.

An irresponsible rapper who produced eleven babies out-of-wedlock by ten women was offered his own reality TV show showcasing how he copes with all his babies mommas. Meanwhile the media treats pro football star Tim Tebow with disdain for publicly displaying a moral compass.

Another symptom of the cancerous deterioration and racial polarization of our culture is that the “I Support Chris Dorner”(black cop killer) Facebook page received 3000 “likes”. Liberals believe blacks are eternal victims and should be allowed to have “issues”.

Is America headed the way of the Roman Empire? You bet cha!

The non religious definition of “repent” is to change one's mind – to make a 180 degree change of direction. Clearly, it is time for America to “repent”.

Please listen and enjoy my song, We Are Americans.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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Some thoughts on how we got here

Benjamin Franklin opined after the continental congress met to sign the Constitution: “those ‘who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

While that is VERY true there is a problem with it in today’s society.  That problem begins with our education system.  The liberal element in this country, abetted by the National Education Association, has been moving for a complete take over for years.  They don’t teach History in our schools these days.  Not the history I learned.  The history that teaches of our struggle to become and remain free.  The history thaat teaches how we fought to stay free of communism, socialism and naziism and gave so many good men and women to that struggle.  The history they teach today is their edited and annotated version.  They throw in their opinions on all of it while simply eliminating any of our history that is counter to their agenda. .  In other words they blatantly brain wash your children.  You see to them, the federal government is everything.  It is the provider of mana from heaven.  NOT your own abilities.

They train our future citizens that the only important function of federal government is to provide them with life and happiness.  They have no idea what it cost us to obtain LIBERTY and they don’t care.  The opening paragraph of the Declaration of Independence argues that we each have the right to the PURSUIT of happiness.  We have the right to seek and earn our happiness.  I say that it is the one thing no government can grant.  It can only be taken away by that government.

Whether a man who has been adjudicated a pathological narcissist, as Obama has, even realises that or gives a damn is, shall we say ‘problematical’ since a pathological narcissist is absolutely convinced that he is always right and doesn’t need anybody telling him anything.  Look it up.

The last couple of generations have been conditioned to believe just the opposite of Mr. Franklin’s statement. It is my strongly held belief that until we can return to teaching our children to think for themselves, formerly the goal of all education, we will suffer the tyranny of a Nazi style government.  The definition of a Nazi style government?  An economic system where the producers are privately owned with STRONG governmental controls on how they operate. Sound familiar?

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4063662240?profile=originalObama is the ultimate bully armed with the ultimate bully pulpit. He is an extremely smooth vindictive instigator. Obama speeches are thinly veiled “hit lists” targeting the rich, Republicans and Conservatives for destruction, retribution and revenge by his low-info minions. Obama is the movie cliché loudmouth guy in westerns who stands on the jailhouse steps and works town folks into a frenzied mob. The rabble-rouser yells, “If I were you guys, I would not allow them to get away with it!”

In response, the angry mob breaks into the jail, overtakes the sheriff, drags out the terrified prisoner and hangs him without a trial as they are too enraged to wait for the judge to arrive on the morning train.

Obama uses his jailhouse-steps-instigator tactic to destroy his opposition, thus, winning him every policy debate. Beginning with his 2008 presidential campaign, the message of every Obama speech and supportive marketing is Republicans are selfish racists who want you poor and/or dead. If I were you guys, I would not allow them to get away with it!

A prime example is team Obama's irresponsible blatantly lying Medicare ad showing Republican Paul Ryan murdering granny by pushing her over a cliff. The truth is Ryan's Medicare reform proposal did not affect people over 55 years old and simply gave citizens more options and control of their health care.

Republicans/Conservatives misjudged the effectiveness of team Obama's over-the-top crazy absurd lying rhetoric. Little did we know that low info voters (TMZ, late night talk show and Two and a Half Men viewers) were perceiving it as the gospel truth.

Occupy Wall Street was nothing more than an instigator Obama and company's created mob. OWS so-called 99 percenters politically dragged out the one percenters and politically lynched them in the public square without a fair trial or anyone speaking the truth about how prosperity is achieved.

A wise man said there is nothing worse than a small person in a powerful position. Tragically, America has elected a lying deceitful small man who viciously targets achievers; a bully armed with the ultimate bully pulpit committed to destroying any opposition to him transforming America into his fantasy socialistic utopia.

My analysis of Obama's State of the Union Address – shameless lies, more lies and propaganda designed to woo low info voters.

My fellow Americans, here is the link to a one minute video exposing the real State of the Union.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Yes Rush, There IS Resistance to Obama!

4063661072?profile=originalRush Limbaugh said something extremely profound at the end of his depressing monologue in which he declared that there is no resistance to Obama. Rush said sooner or later something will turn it around. It always does.

Well, the time is now and that something is us! We The People in the form of the tea party are still here. Though severely wounded, extremely discouraged, brutally battered, devastatingly betrayed and soundly rejected, we the resistance survived and are poised for battle. What's that line from the pop song? “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.”

We cried, moped and many in a moment of frustration and hopelessness, temporarily gave up. We are human. Our pain is great. But when the dust cleared, and upon stabilizing our emotions, patriots defaulted back to what motivated them to join the resistance four years ago – love – love for the greatest nation on the planet and a burning desire not to allow it to be transformed into an abomination of the vision of our Founding Fathers. No Mr President, not on our watch!

As a Christian, I believe that as long as we stay faithful to Godly principles and values (Conservatism) we can expect a miracle at any moment. The Bible tells how one day Joseph was hopeless in prison with no release in sight. The next day Joseph was summoned to the King which led to him becoming a ruler, the King's right hand man. With God any and all things are possible.

Also, history confirms that no one knows enough to be fatalistic. From the ashes of the Goldwater campaign came the beginning of the legacy of Ronald Reagan.

After Bill Clinton beat George HW Bush in 1992 there was a sense that Clinton and the New Democrat Party were unstoppable, but it was the 1994 Midterms that saw the emergence of Newt Gingrich and the Republican Revolution that resulted in one of the largest shifts in political power in Congress in our nation's history.

Someone wisely said, “Pray for help, but swim for home!” In other words, along with praying for our nation, the resistance/patriots are organizing, and preparing, everyone doing their part to restore America to the constitutional principles of individual liberty and freedom on which our country was founded.

We at Conservative Campaign Committee have launched our first national TV ad, The Imperial President, which exposes Obama's unlawful tyranny.

Tea has organized Day of Resistance rallies across America protesting Obama's agenda, Feb 23rd.

God, Guns and the Constitution national town hall meetings are happening across America.

Strategically ignored by the liberal media, a huge Pro-Life rally took place a few weeks ago.

Resistance to Obama is out there folks. Karl Rove coming out of the closet announcing that the GOP is at war with the Tea Party could be a gift from God – serving to fire up demoralized patriots. Mr Rove, if you think the Tea Party was a force to be reckoned with in the past - you “ain't” seen nothing yet.

So yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus (Barack Obama). And yes Rush Limbaugh, there is resistance to Obama/Santa Claus – The Tea Party!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063627637?profile=originalElectoral College Reform would have given America a Better Election Day Result For the Nation

Presidents Day is nearing and conservatives will have something to celebrate that day four years from now when the Electoral College is returned to the voters. Currently, there is a movement in motion in several key presidential electoral battle ground states to return constitutional selection of the president to the voters by using congressional district selection of Electoral College electors. This move would even the playing field in presidential campaigns, to be more reflective of the true will of the people of a state, instead of voters being held hostage by the large urban population centers.

Large urban centers typically out vote the majority of congressional district by stealing votes in cities like Detroit, Cleveland, Philadelphia and Chicago. This results in state winner-take all electoral votes swinging unfairly and even illegally to a candidate like Barack Obama. In 2008 and 2012, Obama’s Chicago-style thuggish election machine worked to intimidate, manipulate and otherwise steal a presidential election in dozens of precincts in urban areas with impunity.

This process has created a false narrative that America has chosen a left-leaning socialist agenda that gives permission for citizens to be stripped of their Second Amendment gun rights, or states being forced to stand down against illegal aliens taking their health care, jobs and now their rights.

The solution has been clear for many years, and states like Nevada and Maine have already set the pathway toward a more balanced true representation of a state. They have initiated congressional district selection of presidential electors. In these states citizens can select their presidential candidate of choice, without being held hostage to the will of another congressional district or districts.

Currently, there are several states that have launched efforts to create a more fair and balanced Electoral College initiative. Michigan, Virginia, Ohio and Florida are some that are entertaining the idea. Yet their governors are showing timidity in fully embracing this patriotic concept.

Michigan’s governor, Rick Snyder who is up for re-election in 2014, had previously suggested his consideration for the move for voting fairness. Now, according to TPM, he is backing away.

If Snyder and a few other Republican governors are appearing weak in the knees about restoring electoral power to the state voters, this is probably the best time to know this. It gives the conservatives, the Tea Party and other like-minded voters the opportunity to put them on notice: No support for voter rights – No re-election!

Why is this crucial? Think about how the presidential election would have been turned on its head. Obama would have been shown the White House door, if the will of the people had been truly expressed by each congressional district!

(Click to read more)

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Dear David: Conservatism For The Masses

4063658949?profile=originalMy middle child brother David is a great guy and a thinker. He has worked full-time in a factory for years, but coached little league football for several years growing to become Commissioner of the County Youth Football League. David has noticed America's cultural decline reflected in the attitudes of kids in his football programs – no fear or respect for authority. David is non political – does not listen to talk radio or watch Fox News. Thus, he does not connect the cultural decline to politics.

While my brother is extremely bright, I view David as being representative of the masses, so-called low-info-voters who reelected Obama despite his horrific record and crimes against freedom/the Constitution. Ironically, despite being ignorant of the term, David is very Conservative in his personal life.

So, this is my challenge. How do I help David (the masses) to understand that Liberalism is at the root of America's decline and that Conservatism is the solution?

Admittedly, my task is Herculean given that liberals control the media and are fully on board with Obama's plan to transform America into a country ruled by a socialist dictator. When David hears Obama's plans to take care of everyone, it all sounds fair, Christian and just. How do I get David to realize Obama is a pied piper playing a seductive tune leading us to hell?

Identify the dominant philosophy of a society and you can predict its future.” Ayn Rand

Obama and company are swiftly making socialism the dominant philosophy leading to the end of America's role as the Land of the Free. Far too many Americans believe individual rights and pursuits are evil. They hate the rich and believe it is morally correct for government to confiscate and redistribute their money.

Every major gift to the world was the outgrowth of someone trying to make a buck and/or a better life for themselves and their family. There is nothing evil about that. As a matter of fact, the Bible says, A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children... ” (Proverbs 13:22) This biblical goal will be impossible if Obama and his supporters have their way. They seek to take most of your kid's inheritance while you are alive and show up at your funeral to collect even more – death tax. Inheritance? Forget about it! This is yet another example of how liberal philosophy is incompatible with the Human Spirit and God.

4063659064?profile=originalWhen I worked for Westinghouse Broadcasting years ago, a fellow employee said the company should not earn a profit. He believed the business's sole purpose for existing should be to provide jobs. I was stunned. This is the crazy way liberals think. Interestingly, while this employee hated the rich, he was intrigued and envious of the trappings of the rich -- a trait which I have observed in many liberals.

While claiming to have superior compassion for the common man, liberals display a condescending superiority when dealing with common folks.

Another truth that liberals reject is when you pursue your dreams, you inevitably enrich the lives of others via jobs and opportunities. Capitalism is a good thing and it works.

Years ago, my buddy Jean Claude purchased an old house to transform into his family's dream home. I needed a job. Jean Claude hired me to work with his contractor. Thus, Jean Claude's pursuit of his dream blessed me with income.

Most Americans who are fortunate enough to have jobs are employed by small businesses - millions of Jean Claudes pursuing their dreams; blessing people with income and opportunities. And yet, somehow Obama and company have successfully demonized dreamers/entrepreneurs, portraying them as selfish SOBs who are not paying their fair share. “If you have a business, you didn't build it.” President Barack Obama

Truth is, the top ten percent of income earners in the United States pay almost half of the country’s total taxes. Half the country does not pay Federal income taxes. And yet, Obama relentlessly campaigns to inspire hatred for the rich, convincing the masses that the rich are screwing them.

One article will not educate my brother David to the virtues of Conservatism and the evils of Liberalism. I must stay diligent in my quest for the perfect approach that will cause David/the Masses to “see the light”.

On a positive note, for the first time, while watching a Christian TV network, David recently heard about Obama's attacks on Christianity. He was shocked. I thought, “Cool, David does not listen to Rush or watch Fox News however, he does watch Christian Broadcasting. Though his recent education is only a crack into his psyche, I am grateful.”

STOP THE PRESSES! Keep in mind folks, my black family almost worships Obama and traditionally votes democrat. I just received this AMAZING text from my brother, David.

I am done. I will never vote democrat again. I get it. I am buying a book by Star Parker called Uncle Sam's Plantation. U are right. Keep it up!”

Praise God!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063658583?profile=originalPaul Harvey touting traditional values declared best Superbowl ad confirms we have not lost America!

It's time to rally opposition to Barack Obama's radical, leftist agenda. This new TV ad campaign seeks to do just that and to begin the erosion in Obama's poll numbers so we can DEFEAT his radical policies and put a stop to the damage he is doing to this nation.

Check out the ad here:

If you like it, please share it with others and help us purchase airtime to get this on more TV stations by making a contribution to our TV ad campaign here:

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Its High Noon: We The People vs Obama

4063657358?profile=originalDear Brother and Sister patriots,

With so many folks seeming to water down their full-bodied Conservative values into Liberal-Lite - sadly seeking to get along with Obama and win over his low-info-voters, I feel a little like Gary Cooper in the movie western, "High Noon".

As sheriff, Cooper unsuccessfully sought help to tackle bad guys scheduled to arrive on the noon train. While cowardly town folks peaked from behind drawn curtains, Cooper stood and confronted evil alone.

Cooper had no one. Thank God, I have you guys...We The People.

As Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee, I am proud to announce the release of our first national TV ad pushing back against Obama's socialist agenda and imperialistic modus operandi.

Please watch our ad, share it and make it go viral! You can also help us get it seen on TV sets across America by making a donation to our TV ad campaign.

God bless, Lloyd

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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As a teen in the 1960s, I idolized Jim, my slightly older street smart cousin who lived in a tough area of Baltimore. Murders were common at the bar on the corner from his home. I was Jim's nerdy naïve preacher's kid cousin who visited from suburbia. Sleepovers at Jim's home in the city were exciting. “Downtown, where all the lights are bright...” You know the song.

Walking from the Yakamee joint, “Casanova” Jim coached, “Just say you love them”. While I wanted my experience to go beyond the stimulation of excessively close slow dancing to Marvin Gaye songs at unchaperoned dark basement parties, lying to a girl to have my way with her did not set well. Doggone home training! I was nagged by the truth that it is wrong to use someone solely for my pleasure, not caring about how it affected her.

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) In college, I tried to muzzle my conscience with drugs and alcohol. Fortunately, I did not produce any children out of wedlock.

Tom, another cousin of mine, had babies all over town which destroyed his life. He was incarcerated numerous times for non payment of child support. In those days, serial impregnaters were considered dishonorable men.

Today in 2013, the liberal Oxygen channel planned to celebrate dishonorable behavior as representative of the “hip” modern black experience with a new reality show titled, “All My Babies' Mamas”. Canceled due to public outcry, the star of the show was a rapper whose serial sperm donating produced eleven babies by ten women.

4063656573?profile=original“All My Babies' Mamas” is characteristic of liberals' typical bigotry of lowered expectations regarding minorities. Liberals accuse black conservatives who reject liberal racist stereotypes of being traitors to their race, trying to be white and “sellouts”.

Long suffering courageous black conservatives offer blacks “real” empowerment; liberation from crippling victim-hood and entitlement mindsets. Due to liberals' resentment/hatred for America and traditional values, they are repulsed when black conservatives encourage blacks to get an education, work hard, revive traditional black community morality and go for their dreams.

In the 1950s, most black kids grew up in two parent households. Today, most black kids grow up fatherless as a result of liberal policies that destroyed the black family.Only half of black males graduate high school. Clearly, something is wrong in the black community and it “ain't” the white man's fault.

For decades, liberals (Democrats, Hollywood and the media) have been and continue serving blacks excrement while calling it filet mignon. For example: In the name of compassion, liberals routinely demean and even undermine the intellect and character of blacks. Liberals insist standards must be lowered for blacks to get the job or pass the test. Americans are required to show a photo-ID to board an airplane, cash a check and countless other situations. And yet, liberals say showing a photo-ID to vote is racist and disenfranchises blacks.

Will someone please tell me what the heck is so challenging about us blacks finding our way to acquire a photo-ID? By the way, I am black and I have one – a photo-ID. I guess liberals think I am remarkable; similar to the apes in “Planet of The Apes” discovering that Charlton Heston, a human, could speak.

Any suggestion of blacks performing on an equal playing field with whites or blacks assuming personal responsibility for their lives and behavior is deemed racist by liberals.

I suspect Oxygen was shocked by the public outcry against, “All My Babies' Mamas”. Liberals think: What's up with that? Oxygen is cool showing that they “be” down with the hood and in-tune with authentic blackness in America. Oxygen probably considers “All My Babies' Mamas” to be the modern urban version of “Ozzie and Harriet”. Okay, so the show promotes lax-ed morals and husband-less households which breed crime, school dropouts, gangs and poverty. Only out-of-touch fuddy duddy Uncle Tom black Conservatives and racist white Conservatives would find the show objectionable.

Liberals (Democrats and the media) have been peddling crap and pimping government programs that cripple blacks for years. And yet, liberals are thought of as heroes to blacks while they beat up on black conservatives for spreading the truth that blacks are diverse, self-reliant, bright and capable of much more.

By the way, political consultants say to win elections, Republicans/Conservatives must get with the program. They say we must embrace the new “amoral” culture and liberal thinking that produces shows like, “All My Babies' Mamas”. I say, “Balderdash!”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Wake Up America

I grew up in the 60's and 70's and remember America as a pretty

happy place...What happened,It was okay to have a few hippies

talking about peace and love and it was kind of funny when they

talked about the Man.We always knew there where good people that

made sensible decisions and would keep the country headed in the right

direction...What happen to these people,here it is 2013 and the hippies

are running the country,anything they complain about we change so they

are happy (For about 2 seconds)Our country is no longer the America we once knew,no more

pledge of allegiance,we take  God out of our Schools and then wonder

why kids are growing up without a sense of value for Human life.How are you

to raise kids any more,you cannot scold them or spank them,they have no

fear or respect for adults and grow up feeling everyone owes them something.

I am sick and tired of this New America...I'm sick and tired of this lying

President,I'm sick and tired of hearing about Gay rights,I'm sick and

tired of hearing about paying your fair share...I would like to see this country

split,Left and right...2 countries,one east of the Mississippi and one west.

Conservatives all living together working hard and being successful while

the Liberals all march on their little capital demanding Free Stuff....Which side

would you want to live on?.Conservative Children would say the Pledge of allegance

every morning and dress properly in school,they would learn respect and manners,

they would grow up with a sense of values and morals that would last them throughout

their life.They would learn how to work for what they want  without complaining.

Liberal children would only go to school if the felt like it,they would dress like bums,

and prostitutes,they would always demand free things and place the blame on

someone else...I'm serious,I would love to see a civil war between Conservatives and

Liberals..I'm hoping it happens and soon.America is to great a country to let a bunch

of whining liberals tear apart everything we worked so hard for and many died for

just so they are happy which in fact is funny because there is no such thing as a happy

liberal.Liberalism is a disease and it's spreading like the Black Plague....Wake up

America before it's to late.

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The Lesson in the Betrayal of Sarah Palin

4063654016?profile=originalRush Limbaugh on his radio show discussed an article which stated that there is no respected voice in the national arena articulating Conservatism. Such an advocate for Conservatism is crucial to reversing the direction of America as Obama drives us toward socialism while low-info voters gleefully sing Kumbaya in the backseat.

Well excuse me for pointing out the obvious, but we had an extraordinary advocate for Conservatism and look what happened to her. Judas on our side betrayed her – sold her reputation for 30 seconds of fame and favor with the media.

Even now, folks on our side are still beating up on Sarah Palin saying – Palin has lost her appeal – Palin is unelectable – Palin wasn't smart enough – Palin wasn't prepared and etc. So, this is how we treat our heroes.

Many Democrat Party politicians/advocates are immoral, liars and cheats. And yet, they are treated like super-stars by the media. Democrats have the backs of their associates, no matter what. For example: Democrats never rebuked Clinton for receiving oral sex from an intern in the Oval Office. They simply launched a campaign claiming that any man in Clinton’s position would have reacted like him. Think about that folks, Democrats and the media lowered the standard of national leadership behavior to cover their guy.

We Conservatives act as if our representatives must be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ – perfect in every way. At a Conservative's slightest misstep, Republicans/Conservatives trip over one another backing away from the individual in an effort to get out of the media and Democrat's line of fire.

Clearly, advocates of Conservatism are expected to walk on water by both political parties.

Word on the political street is we need a respected advocate for Conservatism to reach low-info voters. While I do believe a new voice will emerge, I wonder who could be better than Sarah Palin? Will we betray our new Conservative hero?

Inevitably, Palin's humanity was revealed; she was not perfect. But still, Palin is extraordinary and will be a tough act to follow.

Allow me to recap. Immediately following her amazing VP nomination acceptance speech, the media/the left went crazy consumed with hatred and a desperate desire to destroy her. Why? Palin was a beautiful, smart, articulate and strong woman who boldly touted traditional values and a love for God, family and country – all of which are anathemas to the left.

No tactic was too low to discredit Palin. Thus, the left even attacked Trig, Palin's Down Syndrome child.

Women in my family parroted the media talking point that Palin was bad for women. I thought, “You idiots, Palin is the epitome of everything the left/Democrats claim to desire for women – successful inside and outside of the home.”

While governor of Alaska, the left tried to drown Palin in lawsuits. Palin resigned to save her state from the cost and aggravation. The left's mantra was Palin is a quit-er and republicans/conservatives joined their chorus.

Another thing the left successfully did to discredit Palin was to brand her “stupid”. Who among us could survive every word out of our mouth being judged from a point of view that you are stupid? Meanwhile, Obama ran around saying America has 57 states and the media completely ignored this faux pas, along with several others by Obama.

Despite relentless attacks by hostel interviewers, in every TV interview, Palin always stood strong, boldly touting Conservatism. Man, you got to love this remarkable woman.

Also, completely ignored is Palin's tremendous charisma which I witnessed first hand on numerous occasions. We launched one of our Tea Party Express national bus tours in Searchlight Nevada - a huge dust bowl. Palin was our keynote speaker. Twenty-five thousand patriots attended with many camping out the night before to reserve their spot. Through the windows of our Tea Party Express bus as we arrived, I watched seniors who parked a mile away using walkers to make their way to the event.

The admiration for Palin felt a little like the scene in the Bible in which a woman said if I can just touch the hem of His garment, I will be made whole. In all of my 400 tea parties and 9 tours across America, no one, I repeat, no one affected audiences like Sarah Palin.

When this new conservative voice emerges on the scene, will we stand behind our hero no matter what, barring something immoral or criminal? Or, will we expect our guy or gal to be the second coming of Jesus. Have we learned something from the Republican/Conservative betrayal of Palin and their passivity and culpability in the media's viscous vile destruction of her image?

Sarah Palin, on behalf of We The People, I wish to thank you for your profile in courage, trumpeting Conservatism (God, family and country).

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063396503?profile=originalObama brings kids to the White House as props for photo-op and emotional appeal to unveil his illegal gun control plans. Obama despicably using kids to undermine the Second Amendment via executive order is a perfect example of why the Tea Party can not go away.

Due to extensive media coverage of Obama's Disarmament Show, low info voters will cry hearing stories of how guns make kids fearful and give Obama carte blanche to do whatever he deems necessary regardless of the Constitution. Predicting from their pattern of spineless behavior, Republicans will probably simply go along with Obama's illegal dictates. So, who will stand and be the voice of our Founding Fathers and We The People? Answer: The Tea Party.

Despite the Tea Party being falsely branded as a bunch f racist extremists by Obama's supportive media, we are the lone voice and last hope for America as intended by our Founding Fathers. If we quit, America becomes paradise lost.

As I child, my cousins said I was stubborn. If I became annoyed or they refused to play my way, I would pick up my toys and go home. Unfortunately, some on our side have reacted the same way since the reelection of Obama. Frustrated and angry, they have taken their toys and gone home to play golf, work in their garden or take up basket weaving.

Paul, in the Bible said, “When I was a child, I spake and acted like a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” (I Corinthians 13:11)

Brother and sister patriots, America can not afford the luxury of us behaving like frustrated, angry and stubborn children. If we do not continue fighting, Obama and company will usurp every freedom we have been granted to us by God, our Founding Fathers and fought for by our military.

I have been reading Proverbs lately which speaks a lot about “diligence”. Victory and prosperity are the fruits of diligence. We must stay diligent in our efforts to stop Obama, no matter how hopeless or fruitless our opposition may appear.

No, the Tea Party is NOT done. We must stand even more closely united, stand up for our own and boldly speak truth to power.

Quite frankly patriots, there “ain't” no body else but us. Go with God!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Government: America's New God

4063652206?profile=originalI was around nine years old when dad took me to see the movie, “The Ten Commandments” starring Charlton Heston at the Town Theater in downtown Baltimore. It was a big deal for us because the theater had just begun admitting blacks.

Etched in my brain is the scene when Moses came down from the mountain to witness the Israelites engrossed in an orgy of self-indulgence celebrating the new god they created, a golden calf. They had abandoned God to worship a man-made false god.

I chastised fellow black Christians for worshiping a false god of skin-color, monolithic voting to give Obama a second term despite their awareness of his anti-biblical agenda. However, I have come to realize that the insidious spirit of anti-Christ emanating from the Obama Administration has spread far and wide.

All historical rules for winning and losing elections do not apply to Obama. His political bullying power and irrational status as a cult hero are unprecedented.

But here is the kicker and most scariest truth about America's zombie-like loyalty to Obama. November 6, 2012, half the country, which includes millions of Christians, chose a Democrat and media man-made “golden man” idol as their “new” Lord and Savior. Amazingly, actor and Obama disciple Jamie Foxx admitted it.

While Obama appears to be the “golden” idol and focus of worship, America's real new false god is Government, hidden inside behind Obama's well-crafted shiny gold exterior.

The Israelites surrendered the gold items (their inheritance) brought with them from Egypt to build their new golden calf idol. In like fashion, Democrats and the media convinced millions of Americans to surrender their biblical principles, freedom and liberty (their birthright) to build a golden idol of government. Many Americans have abandoned God to worship Government, a new supposed all-powerful and all-giving man-made false god. Dear Lord, help us!

The Bible warns that false prophets will arise and deceive many. (Matthew 24:4-5)

Obama is a false prophet. He persuaded millions to vote their vested interest, sacrificing biblical principles, law, freedom and liberty. I am hearing of more black Christian pastors in worship of their new god Obama/Government, coming out in favor of gay marriage. While Jesus praised investors and rebuked the coward afraid to invest in the parable of the talents, Obama has demonized investors – branding them reckless and greedy.

God's word says prosperity is achieved via hard work.“You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.” – Psalms 128:2

Proverbs 10: 4 “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.”

Obama, in essence, calls God a liar by declaring that prosperity is achieved via government redistribution.

Rest assured, Democrats and the media will pull out all the stops to make Obama's second inauguration just short of the second coming – an All-Hail-to-Our-King/Messiah spectacular. I wouldn't put it pass Obama's special effects buddies in Hollywood to arrange for his entrance to feature him descending from the heavens on a cloud as Beyonce and a mass choir sings “Hosanna to Our King”.

As in the movie, “The Ten Commandments”, Obama's inauguration will be an orgy of idolatry in worship of the Left's golden man who is really fronting for their god, Government. Millions will offer up tears of admiration.

The American Left (Socialists/Progressives) are elated. Finally, there is a new god in town and it “ain't” the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob nor our Founding Fathers. Is the Left's jubilation justified? Do a majority of Americans now look to Obama/Government to supply ALL their needs, including deciding who lives and who dies (death panels buried in Obamacare), rather than the God on which our country was founded?

Unquestionably, Obama's reelection has emboldened his disciples to politically bludgeon us into submission to their Godless agenda. For example: Obama-ites are attempting to bully/punish the Pope and the Catholic Church for not embracing homosexuality.

Using typical Democrat tactics of lies and misdirection, Obama-ites claimed conservatives had a “War on Women”, while hiding their real horrific War on Babies. Planned Parenthood's annual report showed record profits and a record number of abortions, 333,964 in 2011. I wonder if the geniuses who could have cured Cancer and AIDS were among the murdered?

Taxpayers, against their will, funded PP with $542 million. Further usurping divine authority and sticking his finger in the eye of God, Obama has decreed (mandated in Obamacare) that Christians will fund abortion and contraceptive services against their faith.

My fellow Americans, we are in the midst of a cultural and spiritual war for the heart, mind and soul of America. Moses asked, “Who is on the Lord's side, let him come unto me.” I ask the same.

Join us at

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Lincoln vs Obama's Born-Again America

4063649612?profile=originalIn his Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln acknowledged that America was “conceived in Liberty.” Lincoln could never imagine voters supporting a president aborting Liberty to rebirth America conceived in Government. Obamacare is the equivalent of America born-again conceived in government.

In the classic movie, “Planet of the Apes”, Charleston Heston crash landed his spacecraft on a strange planet where apes were superior to humans. Shocked to realize that the strange planet was really earth several years into the future, Heston cried out in devastation, pain and anger at man, “Damn you! Damn you all to hell! You blew it up!”

I believe President Lincoln would have a similar reaction, returning to America today. Devastated and disbelieving, Lincoln would ask, how did this happen?

The Left began copulating the minds of voters many years ago to impregnate voters with their seed of Socialism to birth a new America conceived in Government. Democrat President Roosevelt was a Founding Seducer in the Left's scheme to have voters seek security in Government.

Decades ago, the Left successfully banned prayer in public schools which taught children that God and traditional morality were no longer welcome. Seizing the moment, like locust, socialist/progressives swarmed into schools indoctrinating our kids with their “new morality” – anti-Christian, anti-parent, anti-American and pro-homosexuality. These Leftist's agenda included branding Christianity fanatical while teaching respect and sympathy for Islam. Patriotism was redefined as rude to foreigners – Capitalism is immoral and selfish – opposing gay marriage is prejudice, equal to the black civil rights movement.

While sipping our coffees at Starbucks (President Lincoln unbelieving the price of our Javas), I continue explaining to the stunned former U.S. president how we got to where we are in America today.

Mr President, you won't believe this, but individual liberty and achievement are attacked at every turn on TV, in movies and the media. It is a box on the wall projecting images - never mind, I'll explain later.

The Oprah Winfrey TV show along with a media dominated by liberals and the Democratic Party contributed to creating the mindset in voters that everyone is a victim of someone or something. Their usual imaginary villains are rich racist male Caucasians.

The Left has created a touchy-feely culture, in which self-esteem and hurt feelings now trump common sense and individual responsibility.

Thanks to your efforts, Mr Lincoln, America elected its first black president. The bad news is he trashes the Constitution, whenever, which is often, it interferes with implementing his Socialistic agenda. Sadly, dumb-down public-school-educated feelings-trump-law voters see no problem with government usurping un-Constitutional power.

Ben Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”.

No Sir, Mr. Lincoln, voters did not learn of Franklin's quote in school. Public schools ceased teaching true U.S. History many years ago.

Because feelings now trump law, in the name of safety and compassion, government control/regulations have been allowed to become tyrannical. Federal regulations have quadrupled under Obama, stifling business. A tsunami of new Obama regulations are on the horizon. Meanwhile, idiot Obama voters believe the lack of jobs is President Bush's fault. I guess you're right sir (President Lincoln), calling voters idiots is probably not the best thing. But, the catastrophic consequences of their stupidity is breathtaking.

Mr Lincoln, government continues to usurp more and more control over every aspect of our lives including the calories we consume. The First Lady decided that she knows better than parents what to feed their children. As a result, federal agents confiscated a preschooler’s lunch prepared by her mom and forced her to eat government approved Chicken Nuggets.

The mayor of New York banned the sale of sugary drinks over 16oz. As a nation, we laughed and thought it absurd. But, there was no real opposition which resulted in a ban on super-sized drinks in the Big Apple.

Here's a biggy Mr. Lincoln, the Second Amendment is soon to go the way of the dinosaur. Government, remarkably with voter approval, is in the progress of disarming Americans. Thus, leaving citizens at the mercy of criminals and government to do with us as they please.

Where is our country headed when you consider that Adolf Hitler also disarmed the people and used give-a-ways to seduce supporters?

Sir, I could go on and on with examples of Americans foolishly and stupidly surrendering liberties to government for the fairy-tale promise of safety, security and a free-lunch. I know what you are thinking sir, there is no such thing as a free-lunch. Somebody has to pay the bill. Unbelievably, the Left's new morality has redefined “fairness” to mean government confiscating from achievers and redistributing to entitlement junkies.

Mr President (Lincoln), it has been awesome hanging out with you. Sir, I know it looks really really bad right now. I share your tears for our country. I promise to keep fighting for the values and principles we both know are right and best for all Americans. I am chairman of a new organization called the Conservative Campaign Committee. Our ultimate goal is to convince a majority to reject Obama's born-again America and return back to your America – conceived in Liberty.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063563496?profile=originalMy late Mama instructed, “Never put your business in the street”. Due to the extremely serious situation in which we find our country today, I must share my personal testimony (put my business in the street) to save America.

In 1993, I quit my 15 year position at an ABC affiliate TV station in Baltimore to pursue a new career in music. At that time, callers on the Rush Limbaugh show were losing their jobs to down-sizing. Rush encouraged them to view it as an opportunity to pursue their dreams. Inspired and with Mary's blessings, I quit my position, despite being in line for department head.

In short, Mary and I lost everything – home, cars and savings. On numerous occasions, we were financially down-for-the-count with no hope in sight. Every time, God came to our rescue with just enough to keep us going. During our several years “wilderness experience”, Mary and I grew in character, wisdom and gratitude. But most of all, we learned to trust God.

So while I am in solidarity with the frustration of fellow patriots across America regarding the reelection of Obama, the surrender of the Republicans, the transformation of what it means to be an American and the deterioration of our culture, I MUST continue fighting to restore/take back America!

I can not and will not join in your hopelessness and surrender.

My firm resolve and optimism are rooted in the Word of God. Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

I can not tune out the news and allow an evil Godless liberal Administration and mainstream media to treat the Constitution like toilet paper and ravish our culture. Edmund Burke said, “The only thing needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.”

Patriots, along with myself, you are good men and women whom God has prepared for such a time as this – to save America. You fought valiantly over the past four years. I totally understand and share your disappointment, anger and sadness for our country.

However, sticking your heads in the sand, is not the answer. For me to do so would feel like me telling God, “I no longer trust You. Thus, I will not continue the mission you called me to fulfill.” For me, such a decision is impossible.

I am Chairman of a new PAC, Conservative Campaign Committee, to fight back with TV ads and etc.

Brother and sister patriots, come back – get back into the battle. America is too extraordinarily precious to do otherwise. We can not simply allow them to “have it”!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Conservative Action Plan

First, I wish to thank everyone for all that you have done to aid our country in its time of greatest need since the Revolution itself. 

Following is a conservative action plan that I first developed in 2009.  It was rejected by all of the tea party leaders that I could find at that time as too drastic.  Perhaps it is, but it could be incredibly effective.  The bottom line is that since the beginning of time, power = control of resources.

This nasty nation, the USA, created a new paradigm enshrining private property where individuals control their own resources, producing untold prosperity to the point where our poorest people now have a standard of living that would be the envy of kings of yore.  In fact, it has a built-in method of wealth redistribution that until recently prevented a handful of people getting control of most of the resources. 

At present, the single largest pool of money is the private retirement accounts of the baby boomers, totaling around $17 trillion.  I am sure this is the next target of the government.  Prior to the Obama administration, the pool of wealthiest people in the nation was very fluid, with most people only staying there briefly.  We saw that our greatest financial successes, from the infamous robber barons to today’s wealthiest, eventually tire of making money, and promote themselves to positions of philanthropy. 

From the Carnegies and Mellons to today’s Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, they reach the pinnacle of power and CHOOSE to redistribute their wealth.  That is the end result of unleashing the liberty of self interest, people get tired of “themselves” and seek deliberately to aid others.  There has never been a more benevolent system of economics in history.  It is only opposed by those who cannot create and crave control over others' resources.  This conflict dates to the dawn of history.  Our free market system defeats that conflict, and therefore, must be destroyed by those who thrive on conflict.   


Since 1776, the Royalists and their descendants have been trying to put the genie of liberty back in the bottle.  The only reason that “social” issues have any relevance at all is that they are used to cajole us out of our resources.  That’s it, power mongers don’t care about health care, the environment, children, gay people, religion, God or gun crime; they only care about getting their grubby hands on our accumulated wealth.  They use all of the social issues and often create social issues to use as emotional levers to expand their control, not to improve our lives.


The only hammer we have to control our out-of-control government is our cumulative wealth.  It is the only tool we have refused to use to date.  For the past 3 years, conservatives have spent untold dollars and hours in a futile effort to get our government to respond to our demands.  We tried the election method, only to be subverted by a combination of a deceitful media and election fraud.  I am presenting this very simple and very doable action plan because I hope you will take it seriously and help to promote it.


Another aspect of conservative activism that we have been ignoring is that we don’t have the manpower to reach all of our possible voters.  We have fewer foot soldiers because most of us have jobs, families and commitments to churches and civic groups.  Liberals don’t have most of that, or don’t invest much time and energy in them.  Additionally, approximately 40% of the population self-identifies as conservative – we have twice as many people to contact door-to-door.  It’s a logistical nightmare, and as we saw in 2012, it didn’t work.  The reason my proposed plan can work is because it is a 2-stage spending freeze program for individuals.  They don’t have to do anything, they just have to not do something.  It is a very passive protest not requiring any particular time or energy.  But it directly targets government revenues to the degree that we can disseminate this program.


We want the government to stop spending.  They won’t.  The obvious solution is to give them an object lesson in “not spending”.  The following action plan focuses on a short term plan to bring this government to its knees and submit to our demands, then a long term plan to restore our Constitution to actual use, not just rhetoric.  If it shocks you too much after first reading, please save it, mull it over and read it again in a week or so.  It’s really incredibly simple and would be 100% effective if we can get it promoted broadly.  If we can get it to enough people through back-channels, it can work:


One of the major premises of a representative republic is that collectively, we are wiser than competent statesmen. I believe that is correct and look forward to hearing from all of you as I believe this plan can be improved.


Restore the Republic

Since I first drafted this Conservative Action Plan in 2009, we have seen our nation deteriorate on many levels.  It appears that our government is on the verge of yet another destabilizing spending binge.  In the past 3 years I have yet to see a bold plan that will enable us to rein in our government to constitutional limits.  In the absence of a successful plan of action, I am proposing this Conservative Action Plan again.

We the People of the United States of America hereby demand our nation and our government back. We demand all egregious spending, including the Stimulus Package, Omnibus Spending bill and the Budget be rescinded immediately.  All socialist legislation, including Health Care Reform, Cap and Trade and any other wealth redistribution legislation must be rescinded immediately.  All restrictions to energy exploration and development must be revoked.

As an object lesson for our government, We the People, are about to embark on an object lesson in how to "not spend money".


We have concluded that our government no longer represents us.  After calls and letters to the government were between 100 to 1 against the TARP program and all subsequent spending, Congress passed all of that legislation in open defiance of the American people.  Indeed, our government has demonstrated such contempt for us, for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that we have difficulty recognizing it as a government of the United States of America.

These actions constitute gross betrayal and abuse of our trust and shall not stand.

Emergency Demands

     1.  Repeal the Stimulus Package.
     2.  Repeal the Omnibus Spending Bill
     3.  Recall the Budget, eliminate all unnecessary spending and pork and resubmit for a vote
     4.  Rescind health care reform
     5.  Reject Cap and Trade legislation
     6.  Revoke all restrictions to domestic energy exploration, development and production
     7.  Engage in immediate and serious reform of all entitlement spending to relegate most safety net
          activities to private charities where they belong.

Phase 1 Protest

     1.  Weekly 24-hour spending freezes on Mondays beginning immediately
     2.  When the media can no longer ignore the spending freezes and begins to report on it, Phase 1 is

During Phase 1, no one will reduce spending, and may increase it while stocking up on non-perishable consumables.  Businesses can participate in and support this freeze by not transacting business on Mondays.  Retailers can close on Mondays, or stay open with a skeleton crew for emergencies.  They can also prepare for the long-term spending freeze by saving cash to sustain their businesses during that period or supplement their services and products to include consumable necessities.

Phase 2 Protest

Halt the 24-hour spending freezes and engage in a long-term discretionary spending freeze.  During this long-term freeze we will refrain from making any purchases or investments which are not absolutely necessary to hold our jobs and feed our children.

This spending freeze will continue until all of the above terms are met.

While engaging in the spending freeze, we will further research and debate the following initial recommendation for a long term strategy to fully restore our republic and self government:


     1.  Restructure the House of Representatives to equal either the 1 Representative per 30,000 citizens as
          stated in the Constitution, or at a level at which citizens can successfully run for House seats.

          1. Split all Congressional districts during each succeeding census, increasing the number of
              Representatives until the target ratio is met. (Recommend 1 representative for every 100,000
              citizens as I believe modern technology can support such a ratio.)
          2. As the House becomes better populated, more and more Representatives can reside in their
              districts most of the year and participate in debates and votes electronically from their home
          3. Offices in Washington, D. C. can be shared and rotate to allow all Representatives some time in
              Washington, and most of their time in their home offices where they are available to their

     2.  Repeal the 17th Amendment allowing general elections to select State Senators. Restore to the State
          Legislatures the right of selecting the Senators to hold office in the Federal Senate as this
          amendment has diminished the sovereignty of the States.

     3.   Repeal the 16th Amendment allowing the Federal government to tax income.  This will reduce federal
           revenues by about 50%.

     4.   Dismantle all Federal agencies, bureaus and departments not specifically authorized by the
           Constitution, delegating those deemed necessary to the States.

           Where desired by the States, they can assume authority over those federal bureaus, departments and
           agencies as are hosted within state borders and continue their operation at the individual state


Recipe for Tyranny

In 1911 the number of Representatives in the House was limited to 435. Two years later, the 16th Amendment granted the Federal Government the right to tax “income” (though the exact definition of “income” remains in some dispute).

These two events created two corresponding statistics, one going up and one going down, that have reached critical mass in their relationship.

The two statistics are:

     1.  Per capita representation in Congress which is going down. At present, with a population of over
          306,000,000 and approximately 435 members of the House of Representatives, we have
          Representative for every 703,000 people. When the Constitution was written, it stated “The Number
          of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least
          one Representative;”
     2.  Federal revenues from income tax are going steadily up. The liberal desire to “spread the wealth” may
          have some merit. We currently have, by one revenue chart, as much as 40% of the GDP of our entire
          nation under the incontestable and un-monitored control of 535 people who are more answerable to
          campaign contributors and lobbyists than to their constituents.

This is a recipe for tyranny. Whether it results in an oligarchy that engages in socialism, communism or any other ism is immaterial. Losing our right to control our individual and national destiny is a problem that warrants some attention, even some action.

The Citizen Statesman and Self-Government

The purpose of the lower house, the House of Representatives, is to ensure self government by the Citizens of the United States of America. The House was to be composed of citizen statesmen, not professional or career politicians. The term is only for 2 years for multiple reasons, to prevent too long of an interruption in the citizen statesman’s career, and also to prevent complacency and self indulgence to take root.

This body of citizen statesmen is the only arm of the government empowered to introduce new legislation to raise revenues. Yet, our President repeatedly demanded such of them, and they have complied against the will of the people they represent.

The upper house, the Senate was to be composed of longer term, career statesmen who can provide balance and guidance to the members of the House. Neither the executive branch nor the judicial branch is empowered to introduce new legislation, only Congress. And that lower house was to be composed, not of politicians, but of citizens.

With each Representative representing a constituency of over 700,000, it is no longer possible for a common citizen to communicate effectively with enough of these people to acquire a majority of votes.  Only the independently wealthy are able to run for office.  People who need to work fulltime jobs are prohibited by logistics from office.  This is the greatest tragedy and the single greatest reason for the deterioration of our republic to an oligarchy.  We must, reduce the ratio of citizens to representatives to a level which will enable an average working citizen to campaign and fund-raise on a part-time basis and be able to win.  If it means enlarging the House of Representatives to a full 10,000 members, to the level of 30,000 citizens per representative, then so be it.


The Constitution of the United States of America was so designed that all laws are to originate with the people, via Congress, not the government.  It was designed to prevent the tyranny of an elite minority over the majority, to prevent a cabal from seizing the reins of government.  Yet, over the past century, this is exactly what has transpired.  Per our Declaration of Independence, it is not only our prerogative to take action, but our duty.

This proposal is submitted to the people of the United States of America for consideration, debate, and comment. It is a starting point; please feel free to add comments and refinements to help us Restore the Republic.

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What Next? A Personal Manifesto....

Last Tuesday’s election results came as a bitter shock to the half or more of Americans who have suffered through the last 4 years of juvenile, humiliating, and severely damaging rule by President Obama, Harry Reid, and the rest of the radical left elite of today’s Democratic party.  As the reality of another 4 years of “more of the same but much worse” sinks in, there’s no shortage of accusations of gross incompetence, voter fraud by the left, and deliberate sabotage of the Republican party from within.

Some of these accusations appear to be founded in fact; for example, three appears to have been a very deliberate effort to misdirect or waylay the delivery and return of military absentee ballots; hundreds of thousands of them vanished from the final count due to deliberate failure of the Obama Defense Department to implement recommended changes to ensure that the votes of those who most deserve to have their choices heard—those who lay their lives on the line to protect our freedom—are fully and fairly counted.  There are also many reports of massive voter fraud involving the left “stuffing” voter rolls in some counties with ineligible, illegal alien, or deceased voters in virtually all of the “swing” states.  These accusations take on an even more sinister stench when it is recalled that the left has devoted enormous resources to defeat or gut Voter ID laws in every state in the nation that has tried to implement them.

These accusations cast a shameful pall of illegitimacy over the 2012 elections and the second term of this administration.  They must be pursued to the fullest extent possible.  But this is just one of the causes which fair-minded Americans—led in part by action-minded members of the Tea Party movement—must devote themselves over the next 2 to 4 years.

In addition to the accusations there are a variety of angry and desperate reactions being discussed and weighed by those of us who went all out to support a less-than-ideal candidate because the alternative—today’s reality—was too awful to contemplate.  Some are so devastated that they feel compelled to abandon everything this once proud nation stood for and move to another country.  Others talk of revolution or prepare for total economic collapse and social chaos.  The likelihood of any one of these becoming a viable alternative depends on just how bad things get in the coming years; but in the meantime, it is absolutely vital that we set our emotions aside and focus on a rational assessment of exactly what we as a free people can and must do to make such extreme measures unnecessary.

Toward that end, here are a few possible avenues that this author believes must be pursued (and one that should not) to try to take America back from the dangerous demagogues who have gained power through division and deception.  By no stretch of the imagination is it a complete list.

1)  Secession.  This is one which needs to be put in perspective immediately before too much energy or credibility are lost.  It is very tempting to leap into citizen petitions and angry demonstrations calling for heavily Red states to secede from the United States, and in fact the idea sounds very appealing to me as well.  Unfortunately the reality is that in the current geopolitical and economic environment, nothing useful can or will come from this effort except to make us look ridiculous to the rest of the nation.

It must be remembered that the United States is not, nor was ever intended to be, a democracy where the people directly vote on any issue.  It is a republic, in which we elect representatives to make decisions for us, with the hope and expectation that (a) they will make more level-headed decisions in difficult situations than the masses they represent, and (b) we who elect them will monitor their performance and get rid of any representative who through incompetence or corruption fails to work for our best interests.  For that reason, the citizen petitions for secession that are springing up in various states are laboring under the delusion that they will carry some weight in Washington aside from venting our frustration and providing the Obama administration with fodder for ridicule and further suppression.  Without the support of our ELECTED representatives in the House and Senate—along with the buy-in and commitment of the relevant state legislatures and governors—our petitions are powerless.  Without their support, it will be business as usual in Congress with our representatives calmly engaging in business as usual.

If the people of any state seriously wish to pursue secession, their petitions should be directed first at their state legislatures and federal representatives, because only they can carry that message formally to Washington.  But that simply isn’t going to happen unless things get unimaginably worse than they are now.  It seems far easier to rally enough of the population of the 50 states—through education and through other measures mentioned below—to elect representatives who will support true conservative principles in Washington and help restore the entire nation to its founding principles.  In other words, fight not to abandon America, but to TAKE IT BACK from the socialists and statists who have stolen it from us.

2)  Pursue investigation of voter fraud nationwide.  The fraud in the 2012 election was, evidence suggests, massive and undisguised.  From electronic machines switching votes from Romney to Obama, to voter turnouts exceeding 100% in some heavily Democratic precincts, to lost absentee ballots, to virtual cattle drives of voters of questionable eligibility into polling places by Democratic operatives, to Democratic precincts illegally conducting vote tallies behind closed doors, all the signs are there that fraud has been committed on a scale never before seen at the national level.

It is highly unlikely that the results of any race will be overturned even if fraud allegations are proven through investigation.  However, a thorough investigation and publication of these fraudulent practices could potentially make the strongest case ever made for voter ID laws.  If done in a professional and investigative manner that appeals to the prevailing sense of “fairness” and avoids the appearance of simple partisan sour grapes, it could gain enough support from the public to force legislative action.

3)  Voter ID laws.  Once a strengthened case has been made for voter ID laws, legislation must be crafted on a state by state basis which establishes strong defenses against fraud while addressing all possible concerns about possible voter suppression.  While most evidence says these concerns are little more than demagoguing by those with a vested interest in continued fraud, they have succeeded in convincing enough of their followers that voter ID is an effort by the “Evil Right” to rob them of their vote to make it difficult or impossible to implement the few bills that do make it into law.

One of the biggest “concerns” raised is that “millions” who do not currently have picture ID’s will be disenfranchised.  While patently false, there are surely enough 98 year old voters born out on the wheat fields in Nebraska or in a knot-holed shack in Alabama, or younger adults born to societal dropouts in inner city drug houses, to provide the left with an endless media parade of bureaucratic nightmare stories.  To combat these, generous provision must be made in Voter ID legislation to provide for the protection of such individuals.

For example, much has been made of the bureaucratic nightmare of obtaining valid ID for an adult who does not have a valid U.S. birth certificate or immigration documentation.  (Never mind that the identical issue exists for those same people when it comes to buying cigarettes or alcohol, obtaining and using a credit card, buying an airline ticket, driving a car, getting married, or receiving government benefits, but for some reason in those cases the issue is a non-issue.)  Since it will be the states who pass these ID requirements for voting, it is entirely appropriate that state tax dollars pay for programs to reach these supposedly “forgotten” individuals and help them obtain the necessary ID at no cost to them before the next major election in 2014.  These programs must be subject to oversight by independent reviewers to ensure that the fraud does not simply shift from the voting booth to the voter ID dispensary.

4)  Other measures to combat fraud.  It is important to note that numerous other measures will be needed to combat the kind of fraud already evident in the last elections.  For example, in California the government is attempting to further integrate fraud into the system by simply issuing valid driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.  This means a simple driver’s license is insufficient.  State voter ID cards may be necessary instead.  More thorough purging of voter rolls is needed in every state to remove deceased or ineligible voters.  Election observers need to maintain a stronger presence to report on incidents of possible fraud as they occur, and election commissions need to be held more accountable for failure to correct such situations.

Even something as simple as “inking” would eliminate a lot of fraud.  Many countries simply put an ink mark on the thumb of someone who has voted.  The ink wears off on its own, but is difficult enough to remove that an individual casting multiple votes in the same day would be much more difficult.  The much maligned UN “election observers” were shocked that the US makes essentially no effort to verify the ID of voters, making us the only free-elections nation in the world not to do so.  If the UN—of all organizations—is shocked at our cavalier attitude toward election fraud, what does that say about the situation?

5)  Pressure state governors and legislatures to adopt Nullification procedures.  It was the intent and understanding of the Founding Fathers that the federal court system—right up to the Supreme Court—was NOT the final word on the constitutionality of a federal law.  They understood that in spite of their efforts to guarantee a 3-branch system of checks and balances, it was still possible for a single party to become so powerful that it would dominate all 3.  Such is set to become the case with a second Obama term, as the President will likely enjoy the opportunity to replace several retiring Supreme Court Justices, thus stacking the court in favor of progressive and statist philosophy for a generation, regardless of who controls the Legislative and Executive branches.

In the eyes of the Founding Fathers, the states themselves should and must be the final arbiters of the constitutionality of federal laws and—given this President’s predilection for issuing legislation by fiat via the Executive Order—other edicts originating outside of Congress.  This was to be done through the Nullification process; if the legislature of a state were to determine that a duly passed federal law was unconstitutional, it would simply not be implemented.  (This was made much more difficult by the 17th Amendment to the Constitution, which took the power of electing US Senators away from the state legislatures and redefined the Senate as a publicly elected body.)

This concept has been publicly discussed in a number of states over the past few years, but it needs to be pushed more strongly as the states’ primary defense against the abuses of an out-of-control federal government.  The governors of the states—particularly the Republican governors who still represent the majority of states—must be encouraged to band together on the Nullification process, and should understand that while that power should be used sparingly, they should not be afraid to use it when it is justified.

6)  Fight to oust liberal and progressive GOP leadership.  One of the biggest reasons the Republican Party has failed so badly in the last 8 years is its utter failure to stand for conservative principles.  The party power brokers are predominantly statists, globalists, progressives, and liberals who one way or another, wittingly or due to their ignorance, have been working against the will of the majority of Americans and dragging the Republican Party inexorably toward the socialist ideals that they see bringing success to the Democratic Party.  Recent comments by John Boehner’s and other “experts” in the GOP make it clear that they no longer (if they ever did) have the stomach or the conviction to pursue conservative principles.

Not only has the current GOP leadership failed to support conservative principles, but they have actually fought to weaken and destroy true conservative leaders, including “Tea Party” favorites who at best have been ignored and left to fight their way into office through sheer public referendum.  At worst they have resorted to sabotage and political trickery; such is the case with Colonel Allen West in Florida, whose district was gerrymandered by his own “Republican” party to try to prevent his re-election.

These people must be removed from positions of power in the Republican Party if it is ever to represent American conservatives fairly and honestly.  The mantra of conservatives and Romney supporters leading up to the election held that Obama’s clear record of failure compelled us to change the nation’s leadership.  Now in the wake of the election we must have the clarity to make the same demands of ourselves.  Given the clear record of failure by the Republican leadership to nominate and support strong conservatives and get them into office, do we have the conviction of our principles to sweep that leadership out of power and replace it with new blood and a new formula for success?  This cleansing must be pursued at both national and state levels, and perhaps at the local level as well.

7)  Push Republican leadership to reaffirm and vigorously support conservative principles.  Many pundits and so-called conservative leaders are pointing to the last two elections as clear signs that the Republican Party needs to abandon its traditional conservative principles and “move with the times”.  First of all, such suggestions are nothing less than complete capitulation to the left.  So-called leaders who suggest such surrender are either cowards with no concept of what principle means, or they are in reality progressives, liberals who wish to simply turn the Republican Party more and more into a lite version of the Democratic Party.

Second, the Republican Party has been trying to play catch-up with the Democratic Party for years already, and where has it brought us?  Quite possibly to the brink of extinction.   Is the popular definition of insanity not “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result”?  The left, the liberal GOP establishment, and the extreme left-wing “mainstream media” would love for us to surrender our conservative principles and adopt theirs.  To them, that would be total victory.

We did not lose the 2012 elections because we were too conservative.  We lost the 2012 election, from a philosophical standpoint, because our party and our candidates no longer stand for what their constituents believe.  They have failed to distinguish themselves from the other party enough to drive conservatives to the polls in the overwhelming numbers polls indicate are out there.  They have inspired such disinterest in fact that our party can no longer overcome the “free candy” and relentless demonization of the left.  This demonization includes horrific portents of right wing fanatics banning everything the left defines as “basic human rights” and establishing a police state in which every American will be forced to burn every book but the Bible and submit to daily prayer sessions in school.

The Establishment candidates do nothing to dispel these fantasy horror flicks.  Indeed, many Republicans are unapologetic statists, and might very well try to compel Americans to conform to their personal beliefs as adamantly as the left demands we adhere to theirs.  Where is the difference between the two?

This brings us to the question of what conservative principles mean and how they should be upheld.  Any study of the colonial history of America and the Constitution make it clear what the Founders intended:  that the Constitution be revered as the supreme law of the land, and that chief among the principles of that document is the idea of personal freedom—that the government should never be allowed to interfere in the personal lives of American citizens, nor in the affairs of the individual states.  Conservative principles then must be understood by the people to mean liberation of the people, not enslaving them to the beliefs of those who hold office.

The message to the public should not be “No, I do not believe in abortion”, or “We need more teachers”, or “Yes, we need this or that regulation”.  The message should be “The federal government has no business telling you how to live your lives. The government’s job is to protect the nation and facilitate free commerce between states.  Everything else is handled infinitely better at the state and local level.”  Romney actually espoused this philosophy early on in the debate season, but abandoned it in favor of a “me too” approach based apparently on the suicidal advice of those liberal GOP advisors.

Going forward, the conservative message of limited federal government, fiscal responsibility, and personal freedom have to be among the top sellers of the Republican brand.  In addition to the wholesale gutting of GOP leadership needed at the highest levels, we must support candidates who truly stand on conservative principles.  There’s a reason why in the 2012 elections, so-called “Tea Party favorites” won many of their races while the establishment GOP picks lost so many of theirs.

8)  Educate the public about the importance of primary elections.  Typically the turnout at primary elections is dismal at best; yet it is precisely here that we wield the greatest power.  It is the primaries where we truly have a choice of who is to be the standard bearer for our party.  The establishment has its own idea who those standard bearers should be—as we clearly saw with the selections of Bob Dole, George Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney in the last five Presidential campaigns—and those selections were made based not on conservative ideals, but on political patronage and progressive agendas.

We the people make it very easy for the establishment to force its selections on us when we don’t bother to show up to vote in the primaries.  A large part of our effort to support conservative candidates must be to educate people about the differences between the candidates and to work tirelessly to get people out to vote in the primaries—and force our will on the Republican party, whether the good-old-boy bosses like it or not.

9)  Educate the public, particularly the young.  We’ve known for a long time that our public schools are little more than leftist progressive indoctrination camps, and that the brainwashing they receive there is reinforced continuously by the leftist news and entertainment industries.  This brainwashing has been so thorough and so successful that many today are saying that from a political point of view, we conservatives may have lost an entire generation that we will never recover.

This may be true, but that should not stop us from trying.  If we want to have a fighting chance with today’s and tomorrow’s young, we must ourselves infiltrate the schools and their minds, by education at home, challenging the political messages fed to our children in school, and partnering with other organizations that can help reach children and young adults.  We must preserve and communicate our own history the way it really was, not the way it is taught by those who despise our history.


Some of the above are clearly immediate needs; some will take much longer.  All will likely lead us through a torturous minefield of liberal backlash, disappointment, and short-term failures, but with perseverance and the conviction of our principles, we just might succeed in restoring America to the pillar of freedom and prosperity she once was.

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4063631375?profile=originalVoting Rights is an essential element of the foundational rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. It appears the way that is currently applied and enforced in states that voted for Obama, that this basic citizen right’s train only goes one way. Election officials in Cleveland, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and certain Florida counties are just a few of the areas where voting irregularities and voter suppression of conservative, republicans and many white voters, have left their rights stranded at the station.

2012 is the line in the sand and this time. Voters who value the rule of law should soundly reject the false sense of unearned republican guilt, conservative guilt or white guilt that liberals and mainstream media would like to heap onto them. This is the time for republican leaders and campaign officials to demonstrate steel in their backbone and challenge this election fraud as Congressman Allen West is doing in Florida!

It is not racist to confront Election Day irregularities in urban areas, because those urban areas happen to be administrated and controlled by black officials. After all what is the worst that can possibly happen?

Legitimate elections could spring forth and, accurate legitimate vote totals could be the result. In addition, possibly dozens of Election Day and city or county officials could begin taking up residence on the business side of a jail or prison cell!

Instead of repeating the oft used phrase, “I guess we’ll get them next time!” Voters, conservatives, republicans, and Tea Party members should ditch that nonsensical notion and fight for electoral justice. Voter theft and voter suppression is not right when it is used against any voter, whether he is black, white, brown, conservative or Tea Party supporter.

Grand juries should be impaneled in every single city or county where voter theft occurred or even if there was the whiff of voter impropriety. Civil rights which is guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution must be used if it is to have any true meaning or power.

Voter justice is sacred and it must be protected as well as insured, and its application must be color blind. Forget the guilt that liberals and civil rights Obama action teams would attempt to hang around your neck.    ( read more )

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4063624708?profile=originalWhat happened? What happened in America on November 6th in reelecting Barack Obama to a second term was indicative of how wrong conservative America is in standing up for principles. Instead, the result displayed how far left the mainstream media and the nation’s achievement challenged liberal president has performed.

Obama convinced the country to accept the notion that the America values was based on how much it could give away to targeted groups with welfare checks without work requirements. He increased food stamps to 47 million Americans and handed out education and housing vouchers to illegal immigrants, as well as gay marriage protection against federal laws that prohibit it.

The liberal pundits and mainstream media gotcha specialists have been pontificating about the Romney loss to the hate and revenge president. There are plenty of liberals and even some republican moderates in the media who have been wagging their fingers at conservatives and the Tea Party for not being more moderate in their views about abortion, illegal immigration and adding more crushing debt to the nation’s families.

In fact, conservatives did not lose this election, because in the end, they demonstrated to the nation that America does have a truly bona fide conservative movement in this country. This conservative movement is made up of the 57,588,360 plus voters who on November 6th did not compromise its values to meet the president’s liberal agenda. It will not support a president who engages in solutions which strip the nation of its sovereignty and diminish the founding conservative values and biblical principles.

What occurred in America on November 6th was the drawing of a true line in the sand. This line’s firmness is based upon conservatives and Tea Party supporters who categorically refuse to let themselves be swept away in a tidal wave of false security. These are patriots who will not accept deception from a president who believes that it is better to place a lie before the truth, and embrace character assassination instead of displaying presidential integrity.

What the nation and the world witnessed is quite clear. A community organizer from Chicago armed with the street tools he perfected from socialist Saul Alinsky’s teachings could manipulate the media and obscure the truth. This same president could even cover up the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya and lie with the full cooperation of CBS’s 60 Minutes. Worse yet, the media let him get away with it until Election Day.

So did Obama and the millions of Americans who believe that fictional accomplishments will somehow magically prevent the crushing debt from destroying their lives and their children’s future really not happen? Will the soul wrenching unemployment rate of 15 percent and more for black Americans and close to 50 percent among black teens suddenly disappear?

What about the Hispanic voters, who decided that a supporting more jobs and legal immigration was less important than supporting illegal aliens who are breaking the immigration laws of this nation. Did they embrace sticking their hands out for government handouts is an acceptable path to becoming an American?

The truth is simple. Liberals Americans believe that hope and change means that they hope that conservatives will change to adopt and embrace their failed presidential candidate’s principles. Liberal media pundits and reporters believe that conservatives should just morph into valueless citizens who are willing to embrace incompetence in Obama’s governance as the best Americans should expect. ( read more )

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